QueenslandPowersofAttorneyAct1998Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates all proposedamendments to the Act included in the
Guardianship and Administration and OtherLegislation
Amendment Bill 2018. This indicative reprint has been prepared
forinformation only—it is not an
authorised reprint of the Act.The
point-in-time date for this indicative reprint is the introduction
date for theGuardianship and Administration and Other
Legislation Amendment Bill 2018—15February
2018.Detailed information about indicative
reprints is available on theInformationpageof the
Queensland legislation website.
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 1]An Act
consolidating, amending and reforming the law aboutgeneralpowersofattorneyandenduringpowersofattorneyandprovidingforadvancehealthdirectives,andforotherpurposesChapter 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as thePowers of Attorney Act 1998.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3DictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.4Act binds all personsThis
Act binds all persons, including the State, and, so far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 5]5General overview(1)Anattorneyis a person who
is authorised to make particulardecisionsanddoparticularotherthingsforanotherperson(theprincipal).(2)After the
commencement of this Act, principals may authoriseattorneys by—(a)general powers of attorney, enduring powers
of attorneyor advance health directives; or(b)powers of attorney under the common
law.(3)In addition to replacing the statutory
provisions for powers ofattorney and enduring powers of
attorney, this Act introducesadvance health
directives and statutory health attorneys.Note—TheProperty Law Act 1974,
part 9 (Powers of attorney) was repealedby section
182.However, see section 163 (Powers of attorney
under Property Law Act1974) for a transitional
provision.(4)Anadvancehealthdirectiveisadocumentcontainingdirectionsforaprincipal’sfuturehealthcareandspecialhealthcareandmayauthoriseanattorneytodoparticularthings for the
principal in relation to health care.Note—Advance health directives are dealt with in
chapter 3.(5)A statutory health attorney is the
person authorised by this Acttodoparticularthingsforaprincipalinparticularcircumstances in
relation to health care.Note—See section 62
(Statutory health attorney).Also, see
theGuardianship and Administration Act
2000, section 66(5)(Adult with
impaired capacity—order of priority in dealing with healthmatter).Page 10Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1 Preliminary[s 6]6Scope of ActExceptwhereotherwiseprovided,thisActappliesonlytodocuments made, whether under this Act
or otherwise, afterthe commencement of this Act.Note—A general power
of attorney, or enduring power of attorney, made underthePropertyLawAct1974andofforceandeffectbeforethecommencementofsection 163istakentobeageneralpowerofattorney,orenduringpowerofattorney,madeunderthisAct—section
163.6ARelationship with Guardianship and
Administration Act2000(1)This
Act is to be read in conjunction with theGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000whichprovidesaschemebywhich—(a)thetribunalmayappointaguardianforanadultwithimpairedcapacityforpersonalmatterstomakeparticulardecisionsanddoparticularotherthingsforthe
adult in relation to the matters; andNote—Personalmattersdonotincludespecialpersonalmattersorspecial health matters—schedule 2, section
2.(b)the tribunal may appoint an
administrator for an adultwithimpairedcapacityforfinancialmatterstomakeparticulardecisionsanddoparticularotherthingsforthe
adult in relation to the matters; and(c)thetribunalmayconsenttothewithholdingorwithdrawal of a life-sustaining measure and
to particularspecial health care.Note—However,thetribunalmaynotconsenttoelectroconvulsivetherapyoranon-ablativeneurosurgicalprocedure—Guardianship and
Administration Act 2000, section 68(1).(2)TheGuardianship and Administration Act
2000also providesaschemeforhealthcareandspecialhealthcareforadultsCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 11
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s 6B]with
impaired capacity for the matter concerned, including anorderofpriorityfordealingwithhealthcareandspecialhealth
care.Note—See theGuardianship and Administration Act
2000, sections 65 and 66.(3)TheGuardianship and Administration Act
2000also providesfor the public
advocate.(4)IfthereisaninconsistencybetweenthisActandtheGuardianship and
Administration Act 2000, theGuardianshipand
Administration Act 2000prevails.6BRelationship with Public Guardian Act
2014This Act is to be read in conjunction with
thePublic GuardianAct2014whichprovidesforthepublicguardianandthecommunity
visitor (adult) program.Chapter 1APrinciples6CGeneral principlesThe principles
(thegeneral principles) set out below
must beapplied by a person or other entity that
performs a function orexercises a power under this Act or an
enduring document—General principles1Presumption of capacityAn adult is
presumed to have capacity for a matter.2Same
human rights and fundamental freedoms(1)Anadult’sinherentdignityandworth,andequalandinalienablerights,mustberecognisedandtaken into account.Page 12Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s 6C](2)The rights of all adults to the same
human rightsandfundamentalfreedoms,regardlessofaparticular adult’s capacity, must be
recognised andtaken into account.(3)Theprinciplesonwhichanadult’shumanrightsandfundamentalfreedomsarebased,andthatshouldinformthewaythoserightsandfreedomsare taken into
account, include—(a)respectforinherentdignityandworth,individual
autonomy (including the freedomtomakeone’sownchoices)andindependence of persons; and(b)non-discrimination; and(c)full and effective participation and
inclusionin society, including performing roles
valuedby society; and(d)respectfordifferenceandacceptanceofpersonswithimpairedcapacityaspartofhuman diversity and humanity; and(e)equality of opportunity; and(f)accessibility; and(g)equalitybetweenallpersonsregardlessofgender.3Empoweringadulttoexercisehumanrightsandfundamental freedomsThe importance
of the following matters must be takeninto
account—(a)empowering an adult to exercise the
adult’s humanrights and fundamental freedoms;(b)encouraging and supporting an
adult—(i)to perform social roles valued in
society; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s
6C]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 14(ii)to
live a life in the general community and totakepartinactivitiesenjoyedbythecommunity;
and(iii)toachievemaximumphysical,social,emotionalandintellectualpotentialandtobecome as
self-reliant as practicable;(c)an
adult’s right to participate to the greatest extentpracticableinthedevelopmentofpolicies,programsandservicesforpeoplewithimpairedcapacity for a
importance of maintaining an adult’s existingsupportiverelationshipsmustbetakenintoaccount.(2)Maintaininganadult’sexistingsupportiverelationshipsmay,forexample,involveconsultation with—(a)the
adult, to find out who are the members ofthe adult’s
support network; and(b)any persons who
have an existing supportiverelationship
with the adult; and(c)any members of the adult’s support
networkwho are making decisions for the adult on
aninformal basis.(3)Theroleoffamilies,carersandothersignificantpersonsinanadult’slifetosupporttheadulttomakedecisionsshouldbeacknowledgedandrespected.5Maintenanceofadult’sculturalandlinguisticenvironment and
values(1)The importance of maintaining an
adult’s culturalandlinguisticenvironmentandsetofvalues,includingreligiousbeliefs,mustbetakenintoaccount.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s 6C]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(2)Without limiting subsection (1), for
an adult who isan Aboriginal person or a Torres Strait
Islander,theimportanceofmaintainingtheadult’sAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderculturalandlinguistic environment and set of
values, includingAboriginaltraditionorIslandcustom,mustbetaken into account.6Respect for privacy(1)An
adult’s privacy must be taken into account andrespected.(2)An
adult’s personal information, including healthinformation,
must be protected on the same basisasotherpeople’spersonalinformationisprotected.7Liberty and security(1)An
adult’s right to liberty and security on an equalbasis with others must be taken into
account.(2)Anadultshouldnotbedeprivedoftheadult’sliberty except
in accordance with the law.8Maximisinganadult’sparticipationindecision-making(1)Anadult’srighttoparticipate,tothegreatestextentpracticable,indecisionsaffectingtheadult’slifemustberecognisedandtakenintoaccount.(2)An
adult must be given the support and access toinformation
necessary to enable the adult to makeor participate
in decisions affecting the adult’s life.(3)Anadultmustbegiventhesupportnecessarytoenabletheadulttocommunicatetheadult’sdecisions.(4)Tothegreatestextentpracticable,apersonorother entity, in exercising power for a
matter for anadult,mustseektheadult’sviews,wishesandpreferences.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 15
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s
6C]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 16(5)Anadult’sviews,wishesandpreferencesmaybeexpressedorally,inwritingorinanotherway,including, for example, by conduct.(6)An adult is not to be treated as
unable to make adecision about a matter unless all
practicable stepshavebeentakentoprovidetheadultwiththesupportandaccesstoinformationnecessarytomake and communicate a
decision.9Performance of functions and exercise
of powersApersonorotherentityinperformingafunctionorexercising a power under this Act in
relation to an adult,orunderanenduringdocumentforanadult,mustdoso—(a)in a way that
promotes and safeguards the adult’srights,
interests and opportunities; and(b)inthewaythatisleastrestrictiveoftheadult’srights,
interests and opportunities.10Structured decision-making(1)In applying general principle 9, a
person or otherentityinperformingafunctionorexercisingapowerunderthisActinrelationtoanadult,orunderanenduringdocumentforanadult,mustadopttheapproachsetoutinsubsections(2)to(5).(2)First, the person or other entity
must—(a)recognise and preserve, to the
greatest extentpracticable,theadult’srighttomaketheadult’s own decision; and(b)ifpossible,supporttheadulttomakeadecision.(3)Second, the person or other entity must
recogniseandtakeintoaccountanyviews,wishesandpreferencesexpressedordemonstratedbytheadult.Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s 6D](4)Third, if the adult’s views, wishes
and preferencescan not be determined, the person or other
entitymust use the principle of substituted
judgement sothatif,fromtheadult’sviews,wishesandpreferences,expressedordemonstratedwhentheadult had capacity, it is reasonably
practicable toworkoutwhattheadult’sviews,wishesandpreferenceswouldbe,thepersonorotherentitymustrecogniseandtakeintoaccountwhattheperson or other entity considers the
adult’s views,wishes and preferences would be.(5)Fourth,oncethepersonorotherentityhasrecognisedandtakenintoaccountthemattersmentioned in
subsections (2) to (4), the person orother entity may
perform the function or exercisethe
power.6DHealth care principlesThe
principles (thehealth care principles) set out below
mustbe applied by a person or other entity that
performs a functionor exercises a power under this Act or an
enduring documentfor a health matter—Health care
principles1Application of general
principlesApersonorotherentitythatperformsafunctionorexercisesapowerunderthisAct,oranenduringdocument,forahealthmatterinrelationtoanadult,must also apply
the general principles.2Same human
rights and fundamental freedomsIn applying
general principle 2 to a health matter—(a)theprincipleofnon-discriminationrequiresthatalladultsbeofferedappropriatehealthcare,includingpreventativecare,withoutregardtoaparticular
adult’s capacity; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 1A Principles[s
6D]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 18(b)anyconsentto,orrefusalof,healthcareforanadultmusttakeintoaccounttheprinciplesofrespect for inherent dignity and worth,
choices) and independence of persons.3Performance of functions and exercise of
powersInapplyinggeneralprinciples9and10toahealthmatter, a person
or other entity, in performing a functionorexercisingapowerunderthisActinrelationtoanadult, or under an enduring document
for an adult, musttake into account—(a)informationgivenbytheadult’shealthprovider;and(b)if the adult has
a medical condition—(i)the nature of
the adult’s medical condition;and(ii)the adult’s
prognosis; and(c)ifparticularhealthcareisproposed,anyalternative health care that is available;
and(d)thenatureanddegreeofanysignificantrisksassociatedwiththeproposedhealthcareoranyalternative health care; and(e)whethertheproposedhealthcarecanbepostponed because a better health care
option maybecome available within a reasonable time or
theadultislikelytobecomecapableofmakingtheadult’s own decision about the health care;
and(f)theconsequencesfortheadultiftheproposedhealth care is
not carried out; and(g)a consideration
of the benefits versus the burdensof the proposed
health care; and(h)the effect of the proposed health care
on the adult’sdignity and autonomy.4Substituted judgementCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 7]For
applying general principle 10(4) to a health matter,theviewsandwishesofanadultexpressedwhentheadult had capacity may also be
expressed—(a)in an advance health directive;
or(b)by a consent to, or refusal of, health
care given at atime when the adult had capacity to make
decisionsabout the health care.Chapter 2Powers of attorney otherthan enduring
powers ofattorneyPart 1Introduction7Application of ch 2(1)This
chapter does not apply to enduring powers of attorney.(2)Except where otherwise provided, this
chapter applies to allotherpowersofattorneymade,whetherunderthisActorotherwise, after the commencement of
this Act.Note—A general power
of attorney made under theProperty Law Act 1974and
of force and effect before the commencement of section 163
163.For provisions applying to attorneys, see
chapter 5 (Exercising powerfor a
principal), part 1 (Provisions applying to attorneys).8Powers of attorneyBy ageneral power of attorney made under this
Act, a person(principal) may—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 9](a)authorise 1 or more other persons
(attorneys) to do
forthe principal anything (other than exercise
power for apersonal matter) that the principal can
lawfully do by anattorney; andNote—Onlyanattorneyunderanenduringpowerofattorneymayexercise power for a personal matter for a
attorney’s power exercisable(1)A
principal may specify in a power of attorney a time when,circumstanceinwhich,oroccasiononwhich,thepowerisexercisable.(2)However,ifthepowerofattorneydoesnotspecifyatimewhen,circumstanceinwhich,oroccasiononwhich,thepower is exercisable, the power becomes
exercisable once thepower of attorney is made.10Powers of attorney given as
security(1)Apower of
attorney given as securityis a power of attorney(other than an enduring power of
attorney)—(a)whether made under this Act or
otherwise and whethermade before or after the commencement
of this Act; and(b)given by a principal as security for a
proprietary interestof the attorney or the performance of
an obligation owedto the attorney; and(c)that
states it is irrevocable.(2)Despite chapter
2, part 3, a power of attorney given as securityisincapableofrevocationexceptwiththeconsentoftheattorney while—(a)theattorneyhastheproprietaryinterest,orpersonsderiving title
to the interest under the attorney have theproprietary
interest, secured by the power of attorney; orPage 20Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 11](b)the obligation, the performance of
which is secured bythe power of attorney, remains
undischarged.Note—Also, revocation
by attorney provisions dealing with revocationbecause of
impaired capacity, bankruptcy or insolvency or deathof
an attorney (sections 22 to 24) do not apply to powers ofattorney given as security.(3)A power of attorney given as security
for a proprietary interestmay be given to—(a)thepersonentitledtotheinterestandthepersonsderiving title under the person to the
interest; or(b)a representative of a person mentioned
in paragraph (a)whomaybeaspecifiedofficer,ortheholderofaspecifiedoffice,byreferencetothetitleoftheofficeconcerned.Note—officeincludes
position—see theActs Interpretation Act 1954,schedule 1.(4)Thepersonsderivingtitlearetakentobeattorneysofthepower of attorney for all
purposes.(5)Subsection (4) does not affect a right
in the power of attorneyto appoint substitute
attorneys.(6)The power of a registered proprietor
under theLand Title Act1994to
revoke a power of attorney is subject to this section.Part
2Making a power of attorneyother than an enduring powerof
attorney11Form of general power of attorney made
under ActA general power of attorney made under this
Act must be inthe approved form.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 21
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 12]Note—An approved form
is a form approved by the chief executive undersection
161—schedule 3 (Dictionary). Strict compliance with the formisnotnecessaryandsubstantialcomplianceissufficient—ActsInterpretation Act 1954, section 48A
(Compliance with forms).12Execution of
powers of attorney(1)This section does not apply to a power
of attorney created byand contained in another instrument,
for example, a mortgageor lease, that is signed by, or by
direction of, the principal.(2)An
instrument creating a power of attorney must be signed by,or
by direction and in the presence of, the principal.(3)This section does not affect—(a)arequirementinorhavingeffectunderanotherActaboutwitnessingofinstrumentscreatingpowersofattorney; or(b)therulesabouttheexecutionofinstrumentsbycorporations.13Appointment of 1 or more attorneys(1)ByageneralpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct,aprincipal may—(a)appoint 1 attorney, or more than 1 attorney,
being jointor several, or joint and several, attorneys;
and(b)appoint as attorney—(i)a person by name; or(ii)aspecifiedofficer,ortheholderofaspecifiedoffice,byreferencetothetitleoftheofficeconcerned.Note—officeincludes
position—see theActs Interpretation Act1954,
schedule 1.Page 22Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 14](2)Ifaspecifiedofficerortheholderofaspecifiedofficeisappointed as an attorney—(a)theappointmentdoesnotceasetohaveeffectmerelybecause the
person who was the specified officer or theholder of the
specified office when the appointment wasmade ceases to
be the officer or the holder of the office;and(b)the power may be exercised by the
person for the timebeing occupying or acting in the office
concerned.14Proof of power of attorney(1)A power of attorney may be proved by a
copy of the power ofattorney certified under this
section.(2)Eachpage,otherthanthelastpage,ofthecopymustbecertified to the effect that the copy is a
true and complete copyof the corresponding page of the
original.(3)The last page of the copy must be
certified to the effect thatthe copy is a
true and complete copy of the original.(4)Certification must be by 1 of the following
persons—(a)the principal;(b)a
justice;Note—justicemeans a justice of the peace—see theActs
InterpretationAct 1954, schedule
1.(c)a commissioner for
declarations;(d)a notary public;(e)a
lawyer;Note—lawyermeans an Australian lawyer within the
meaning of theLegalProfessionAct2007—seetheActsInterpretationAct1954, schedule
1.(f)atrusteecompanyundertheTrusteeCompaniesAct1968;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 15](g)a stockbroker.(5)If a
copy of a power of attorney has been certified under thissection, the power of attorney may also be
proved by a copy,certified under this section, of the
certified copy.(6)Thissectiondoesnotpreventapowerofattorneybeingproved in another way.(7)This
section also applies to a power of attorney made beforethe
commencement of this Act.Note—See also section
7 (Application of ch 2).Part 3Revoking a power
of attorneyother than an enduring powerof
attorneyDivision 1Introduction15Relationship with other lawThis
part does not limit the events by which, or circumstancesin
which, a power of attorney is revoked orally or in anotherway
or terminated by implication or operation of law.Division 2Revocation by
principal16Advice of revocationIfapowerofattorneyisrevokedunderthisdivision,theprincipal must take reasonable
steps—(a)to advise all attorneys affected by
the revocation; and(b)forapowerofattorneyregisteredinthepowerofattorney register—to deregister it.Page
24Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 17]17Written revocation(1)Ifapowerofattorneyisorbecomesrevocable,itmayberevoked by an
instrument in the approved form executed in thesame way as the
power of attorney.(2)Subsection (1) does not affect the
rules about the execution ofinstruments by
corporations.(3)This section also applies to a power
of attorney made beforethe commencement of this Act.Note—See also section
7 (Application of ch 2).18Impaired
capacity(1)If a principal becomes a person who
has impaired capacity,the power of attorney is
revoked.Note—However, for a
power of attorney given as security, see section 10.(2)However,ifaprincipalbecomesincommunicate,thecourtmay by order
confirm that, from the date of the order, all orpart
of the power of attorney remains in full force and effect ifthe
court is satisfied that the confirmation is for the benefit
ofthe principal.(3)Forthissection,apersonbecomesincommunicateiftheperson becomes incapable of
communicating decisions aboutthe person’s
financial, property or legal affairs in some way.19DeathWhen a principal
dies, the power of attorney is revoked.Division 3Revocation according to terms20According to termsA power of
attorney is revoked according to its terms.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 25
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 21]Examples—1Ifapowerofattorneyisexpressedtooperatefororduringaspecified period, it is revoked at the end
of the period.2Ifapowerofattorneyisexpressedtooperateforaspecificpurpose, it is
revoked when the purpose is achieved.Division 4Revocation by attorney21ResignationIf an attorney
resigns, the power of attorney is revoked to theextent it gives power to the
72(1).22Impaired capacityIf an attorney
becomes a person who has impaired capacity,the power of
attorney is revoked to the extent it gives power tothe
attorney.Note—However, for a
power of attorney given as security, see section 10.23Bankruptcy or insolvency(1)Ifanindividualattorneybecomesbankruptorinsolventortakes advantage of the laws of bankruptcy as
a debtor undertheBankruptcy Act 1966(Cwlth) or a similar law of a foreignjurisdiction, the power of attorney is
revoked to the extent itgives power to the attorney.Note—However, for a
power of attorney given as security, see section 10.(2)If a corporate attorney is wound up or
dissolved or a receiver(other than a receiver for a limited
purpose) or administrator isPage 26Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 2 Powers of attorney other than
enduring powers of attorney[s 24]appointed of the attorney, the power of
attorney is revoked tothe extent it gives power to the
attorney.Example—X is an attorney
under a power of attorney that is not given as security.X
becomes bankrupt. Therefore, the power of attorney is revoked to
theextent it gives power to X.If X
was a joint and several attorney with Y, the power of attorney
isonly revoked to the extent it gives power to
X. Y can continue toexercise the power.ThesameappliesifXwasajointattorneywithYbecauseofsection 59A.If X was not a
joint and several attorney and the power of attorney givespower to an alternative or successive
attorney, the alternative or nextattorney may
then exercise power.If none of these apply, no-one is able
to exercise power under the powerof
attorney.24DeathWhen an attorney
dies, the power of attorney is revoked to theextent it gives
power to the attorney.Note—See section 59A
(Effect of power ending).Part 4Other
provisions25Registration of powers of attorney and
instrumentsrevoking powers(1)A
power of attorney may be registered.(2)Aninstrumentrevokingapowerofattorneymayberegistered.(3)Subject to another Act or a contrary
intention in the power ofattorney, if the power of attorney has
been registered under anAct, it does not cease to authorise
the attorney to do for theprincipalanythingrelevanttothepurposeforwhichitwasCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
26]registered until an instrument revoking the
power of attorneyhas been registered.(4)This
section also applies to a power of attorney made beforethe
commencement of this Act.Note—See also section
7 (Application of ch 2).26Offence to
dishonestly induce the making or revocationof power of
attorney(1)Apersonmustnotdishonestlyinduceapersontomakeorrevoke a power of attorney.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)This section also applies to a power
of attorney made beforethe commencement of this Act.Note—See also section
7 (Application of ch 2).Chapter 3Enduring
documentsPart 1Application and
interpretation27Application of ch 3Except where otherwise provided, this
chapter applies only toenduring documents.28Meaning ofenduring
documentAnenduring documentis an enduring
power of attorney oran advance health directive.Page
28Current as at [Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
29]Note—An enduring
power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.Notauthorised—indicativeonly29Meaning ofeligible
attorney, for a matter under an enduring power
ofattorney, means—(a)a
person who—(i)has capacity for the matter and is at
least 18 years;and(ii)isnot,andhasnotbeenwithintheprevious3years, a paid carer for the principal;
andNote—See schedule 3
for the definition paid carer.(iii)is
not a health provider for the principal; andNote—See
schedule 3 for the definition health provider.(iv)isnotaserviceproviderforaresidentialservicewhere the principal is a resident;
and(v)if the person would be given power for
a financialmatter—is not bankrupt or taking advantage
of thelawsofbankruptcyasadebtorundertheBankruptcy Act 1966 (Cwlth) or a
similar law of aforeign jurisdiction; or(b)for
a financial matter only—(i)the public
trustee; or(ii)atrusteecompanyundertheTrusteeCompaniesAct
1968; or(c)for a personal matter only—the public
guardian.(2)Aneligibleattorney,foramatterunderanadvancehealthdirective, means—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
30](a)a person who has capacity for the
matter who is—(i)at least 18 years; and(ii)notapaidcarer,orhealthprovider,fortheprincipal;
andNote—See schedule 3
for the definitions paid carer and healthprovider.(iii)notaserviceproviderforaresidentialservicewhere the principal is a resident; or(b)the public guardian.30Meaning ofeligible
signer(1)Aneligiblesigner,tosignadocumentforaprincipal,isaperson who—(a)is
at least 18 years; and(b)is not the
witness for the document; and(c)is
not an attorney of the principal.(2)To
avoid any doubt, it is declared that a person is not
excludedfrom being an eligible signer merely because
the person is anattorney’s employee who signs the document
while acting inthe ordinary course of employment.(3)In this section—attorney,
for a document, means—(a)apersonwhoisanattorneyoftheprincipalwhetherunder the
document or otherwise; or(b)if the document
is all or part of an enduring document—a person who
will be an attorney of the principal underthe enduring
document.31Meaning ofeligible
witness, for a document, is a person who—Page
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
31](a)exceptforadocumentrevokinganadvancehealthdirective—isajustice,commissionerfordeclarations,notary public or
lawyer; andNote—justicemeans a justice of the peace—see theActs
InterpretationAct 1954, schedule
1.lawyermeans an
Australian lawyer within the meaning of theLegalProfessionAct2007—seetheActsInterpretationAct1954, schedule
1.(b)is not the person signing the document
for the principal;and(c)is not an
attorney of the principal; and(d)isnotarelationoftheprincipalorarelationofanattorney of the principal; and(e)if the document gives power for a
personal matter—isnot a paid carer or health provider of the
principal; and(f)foranadvancehealthdirective—isnotabeneficiaryunder the
principal’s will.(2)To avoid any doubt, it is declared
that a person is not excludedfrom being an
eligible witness merely because the person is anattorney’semployeewhoisthewitnessforthedocumentwhile acting in
the ordinary course of employment.(3)In
this section—attorney, for a
document, means—(a)apersonwhoisanattorneyoftheprincipalwhetherunder the document or otherwise; or(b)if the document is all or part of an
enduring document—a person who will be an attorney of the
principal underthe enduring document.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 31
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
32]Part 2Enduring power
of attorneyprovisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly32Enduring powers
of attorney(1)Byanenduringpowerofattorney,anadult(principal)may—(a)authorise1ormoreotherpersonswhoareeligibleattorneys
(attorneys) to do anything
in relation to 1 ormorefinancialmattersorpersonalmattersfortheprincipalthattheprincipalcouldlawfullydobyanattorney if the
adult had capacity for the matter when thepower is
exercised; andNote—personal
mattersincludes health matters but does not
includespecial personal matters or special health
matters—schedule 2,section 2.(b)providetermsorinformationaboutexercisingthepower.(2)An
enduring power of attorney giving power for a matter isnot
revoked by the principal becoming a person with impairedcapacity for the matter.Note—An
enduring power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that an enduring power ofattorney may be made by an adult
principal who is outside theState.33When attorney’s power
exercisable(1)A principal may specify in an enduring
power of attorney atime when, circumstance in which, or
occasion on which, apower for a financial matter is
exercisable.Page 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
34](2)However, if the enduring power of
attorney does not specify atimewhen,circumstanceinwhich,oroccasiononwhich,power for a
financial matter becomes exercisable, the powerbecomes
exercisable once the enduring power of attorney ismade.(3)Also, if—(a)atimewhen,circumstanceinwhich,oroccasiononwhich,powerforafinancialmatterisexercisableisspecified; and(b)before the specified time, circumstance or
occasion, theprincipal has impaired capacity for the
matter;power for the matter is exercisable during
any or every periodthe principal has the impaired
capacity.(4)Powerforapersonalmatterundertheenduringpowerofattorney is exercisable during any or
every period the principalhas impaired capacity for the matter
and not otherwise.Note—However, the
priority of an attorney’s power for a health matter isdecided by theGuardianship and
Administration Act 2000, section 66(Adult with
impaired capacity—order of priority in dealing with healthmatter). See, in particular, section
66(4).(5)If an attorney’s power for a matter
depends on the principalhaving impaired capacity for a matter,
a person dealing withtheattorneymayaskforevidence,forexample,amedicalcertificate,toestablishthattheprincipalhastheimpairedcapacity.34Recognition of enduring power of
attorney made in otherjurisdictionsIfanenduringpowerofattorneyismadeinanotherjurisdiction and
complies with the requirements in the otherjurisdiction,then,totheextentthepowersitgivescouldvalidlyhavebeengivenbyanenduringpowerofattorneymade under this
Act, the enduring power of attorney must betreatedasifitwereanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunder, and in compliance with, this
Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
35]Part 3Advance health
directiveprovisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly35Advance health
directives(1)By anadvance health
directive, an adult principal may—(a)give directions, about health matters
and special healthmatters, for his or her future health care;
and(b)give information about his or her
directions; and(c)appoint 1 or more persons who are
eligible attorneys toexercise power for a health matter for
the principal inthe event the directions prove inadequate;
andNote—Note this does
not include a special health matter.(d)providetermsorinformationaboutexercisingthepower.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),byanadvancehealthdirective the principal may give a
direction—(a)consenting, in the circumstances
specified, to particularfuture health care of the principal
when necessary anddespite objection by the principal when the
health careis provided; and(b)requiring,inthecircumstancesspecified,alife-sustainingmeasuretobewithheldorwithdrawn;and(c)authorising an attorney to physically
restrain, move ormanagetheprincipal,orhavetheprincipalphysicallyrestrained,
moved or managed, for the purpose of healthcarewhennecessaryanddespiteobjectionbytheprincipal when
the restraint, movement or managementis
provided.(3)A direction in an advance health
directive has priority over ageneralorspecificpowerforhealthmattersgiventoanyattorney.Page 34Current as at [Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
36](4)An advance health directive is not
revoked by the principalbecoming a person with impaired
State.Notauthorised—indicativeonly36Operation of advance health
directive(1)A direction in an advance health
directive—(a)operates only while the principal has
impaired capacityfor the matter covered by the direction;
and(b)is as effective as if—(i)theprincipalgavethedirectionwhendecisionsabout the matter
needed to be made; and(ii)the principal
then had capacity for the matter.Note—See
also section 101 (No less protection than if adult gavehealth consent).(2)A
direction to withhold or withdraw a life-sustaining measurecan
not operate unless—(a)1 of the following applies—(i)the principal has a terminal illness
or condition thatis incurable or irreversible and as a result
of which,in the opinion of a doctor treating the
principal andanotherdoctor,theprincipalmayreasonablybeexpected to die within 1 year;(ii)the principal is
in a persistent vegetative state, thatis,theprincipalhasaconditioninvolvingsevereandirreversiblebraindamagewhich,however,allowssomeoralloftheprincipal’svitalbodilyfunctions to
continue, including, for example, heartbeat or
breathing;(iii)theprincipalispermanentlyunconscious,thatis,theprincipalhasaconditioninvolvingbrainCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
36]damagesoseverethatthereisnoreasonableprospect of the
principal regaining consciousness;Note—This
is sometimes referred to as ‘a coma’.(iv)theprincipalhasanillnessorinjuryofsuchseveritythatthereisnoreasonableprospectthattheprincipalwillrecovertotheextentthattheprincipal’slifecanbesustainedwithoutthecontinued application of life-sustaining
measures;and(b)foradirectiontowithholdorwithdrawartificialnutrition or
artificial hydration—the commencement orcontinuation of
the measure would be inconsistent withgood medical
practice; and(c)theprincipalhasnoreasonableprospectofregainingcapacity for
health matters.Note—life-sustaining
measureis defined in schedule 2, section 5A.(3)Anattorney’spowerforahealthmatterunderanadvancehealth directive
is exercisable during any or every period theprincipalhasimpairedcapacityforthematterandnototherwise.Note—However, the priority of an attorney’s power
for a health matter isdecided by theGuardianship and
Administration Act 2000, section 66(Adult with
impaired capacity—order of priority in dealing with healthmatter). See, in particular, section
66(4).(4)Whilepowerforahealthmatterisexercisableunderanadvance health directive, the
directive gives the attorney forthe matter power
to do, for the principal, anything in relationto the matter
the principal could lawfully do if the principalhad
capacity for the matter.(5)However,thepowergivenissubjecttothetermsoftheadvance health directive and this
Act.Page 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
37](6)A person dealing with the attorney may
ask for evidence, forexample, a medical certificate, to
establish that the principalhas impaired
capacity for the matter.Notauthorised—indicativeonly37Act does not authorise euthanasia or
affect particularprovisions of Criminal CodeTo
avoid any doubt, it is declared that nothing in this Act—(a)authorises, justifies or excuses
killing a person; or(b)affects the
Criminal Code, section 284 or chapter 28.Note—Criminal Code—284 Consent to
death immaterialConsent by a person to the causing of the
person’s owndeath does not affect the criminal
responsibility of anyperson by whom such death is
caused.Chapter28(Homicide—suicide—concealmentofbirth),including—296 Acceleration
of deathApersonwhodoesanyactor makesanyomissionwhich hastens
the death of another person who, whenthe act is done
or the omission is made, is labouringunder some
disorder or disease arising from anothercause, is deemed
to have killed that other person.311 Aiding
suicideAny person who—(a)procures another to kill himself or herself;
or(b)counselsanothertokillhimselforherselfandthereby induces the other person to do so;
or(c)aids another in killing himself or
herself;is guilty of a crime, and is liable to
imprisonment forlife.37AAct’s
relationship with Forensic Disability Act(1)For
a forensic disability client under theForensic
DisabilityAct 2011who has given a
direction about the person’s healthCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 37
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
38]care or special health care, whether by
giving a direction in anadvance health directive or otherwise,
an interpretation of thatAct that is consistent with this Act
and the direction is to bepreferred to any other meaning.(2)However, theForensic
Disability Act 2011prevails in the caseof
inconsistency.38Act’s relationship with Mental Health
Act(1)For an involuntary patient under
theMental Health Act 2016who has given a
direction about the person’s health care orspecialhealthcare,whetherbygivingadirectioninanadvance health directive or otherwise,
an interpretation of thatAct that is consistent with this Act
and the direction is to bepreferred to any other meaning.(2)However, theMental Health
Act 2016prevails in the case ofinconsistency.39Common law not affectedThisActdoesnotaffectcommonlawrecognitionofinstructions about health care given by an
adult that are notgiven in an advance health directive.40Recognition of enduring health care
document made inother StatesIfadocumentprescribedbyregulationismadeinanotherState and
complies with the requirements for the document inthe
other State, then, to the extent the document’s provisionscouldhavebeenvalidlyincludedinanadvancehealthdirective made under this Act, the document
must be treatedas if it were an advance health directive
made under, and incompliance with, this Act.Page
38Current as at [Not applicable]
4Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
41]Making an enduring document41Principal’s capacity to make an
enduring power ofattorney(1)Aprincipalhascapacitytomakeanenduringpowerofattorney only if the principal—(a)iscapableofmakingtheenduringpowerofattorneyfreely and
voluntarily; and(b)understands the nature and effect of
the enduring powerof attorney.Note—Under the general principles, an adult is
presumed to have capacity.See section 6C, general principle
1.(2)Understanding the nature and effect of
the enduring power ofattorney includes understanding the
following matters—(a)the principal may, in the power of
attorney, specify orlimit the power to be given to an
attorney and instruct anattorney about the exercise of the
power;(b)when the power begins;(c)oncethepowerforamatterbegins,theattorneyhaspowertomake,andwillhavefullcontrolover,thematter subject to terms or information about
exercisingthe power included in the enduring power of
attorney;(d)the principal may revoke the enduring
power of attorneyatanytimetheprincipaliscapableofmakinganenduring power of attorney giving the same
power;(e)the power the principal has given
continues even if theprincipal becomes a person who has
impaired capacity;(f)at any time the principal is not
capable of revoking theenduringpowerofattorney,theprincipalisunabletoeffectively oversee the use of the
power.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
42]Note—Ifthereisareasonablelikelihoodofdoubt,itisadvisableforthewitness to make a written record of
the evidence as a result of which thewitness
considered that the principal understood these matters.(3)Forthissection,schedule3,definitioncapacitydoesnotapply.Notauthorised—indicativeonly42Principal’s
capacity to make an advance health directive(1)A
principal has capacity to make an advance health directive,to
the extent it does not give power to an attorney, only if
theprincipal—(a)understands the nature and effect of the
advance healthdirective; and(b)is
capable of making the advance health directive freelyand
voluntarily.Note—Under the
general principles, an adult is presumed to have capacity.See
section 6C, general principle 1.(2)Understandingthenatureandeffectoftheadvancehealthdirective includes understanding the
following matters—(a)thenatureandlikelyeffectsofeachdirectionintheadvance health
directive;(b)adirectionoperatesonlywhiletheprincipalhasimpairedcapacityforthemattercoveredbythedirection;(c)theprincipalmayrevokeadirectionatanytimetheprincipalhascapacityforthemattercoveredbythedirection;(d)atanytimetheprincipalisnotcapableofrevokingadirection, the principal is unable to
effectively overseethe implementation of the direction.Note—Ifthereisareasonablelikelihoodofdoubt,itisadvisableforthewitness to make a written record of
the evidence as a result of which thewitness
considered the principal understood these matters.Page
40Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
43](3)A principal has capacity to make an
advance health directive,to the extent it gives power to an
attorney, only if the principalhasthecapacitynecessarytomakeanenduringpowerofattorney giving the same power.Note—See section 41
in relation to the capacity of a principal to make anenduring power of attorney.(4)Forthissection,schedule3,definitioncapacitydoesnotapply.43Appointment of 1 or more eligible
attorneys(1)Only a person who is an eligible
attorney may be appointed asan attorney by
an enduring document.Note—See section 29
(Meaning ofeligible attorney).(2)A principal may appoint 1 or more of
the following—(a)a single attorney for a matter or all
matters;(b)different attorneys for different
matters;(c)a person to act as an attorney for a
matter or all mattersin a circumstance stated in the
enduring document;(d)alternative attorneys for a matter or
all matters so poweris given to a particular attorney only
in a circumstancestated in the enduring document;(e)successive attorneys for a matter or
all matters so poweris given to a particular attorney only
when power givento a previous attorney ends;(f)jointorseveral,orjointandseveral,attorneysforamatter or all
matters;(g)2ormorejointattorneysforamatterorallmatters,being a number
less than the total number of attorneysfor the matter
or all matters.(3)However,aprincipalmaynotappointmorethan4jointattorneys for a
matter under an enduring power of attorney.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 41
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
44]44Formal requirements(1)An enduring power of attorney must be
in an approved form.Note—An approved form
is a form approved by the chief executive undersection
161—schedule 3 (Dictionary).(2)An
advance health directive must be written and may be in theapproved form.(3)An
enduring document must—(a)be
signed—(i)by the principal; or(ii)if the principal
instructs—for the principal and inthe principal’s
presence, by an eligible signer; andNote—See
section 30 (Meaning ofeligible signer).(b)be signed and dated by an eligible
witness.Note—See section 31
(Meaning ofeligible witness).It
is advisable for the witness to make a written record of theevidence as a result of which the witness
considered that theprincipalunderstoodthenecessarymatters.Forapowerofattorney—see section 41 and for an
advance health directive—see section 42.(4)Ifanenduringdocumentissigned by the principal, it mustincludeacertificatesignedbythewitnessstatingtheprincipal—(a)signed the enduring document in the
witness’s presence;and(b)at the time,
appeared to the witness to have the capacitynecessary to
make the enduring document.(5)Ifanenduringdocumentissignedbyapersonfortheprincipal, it must include a
certificate signed by the witnessstating—Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
45](a)theprincipal,inthewitness’spresence,instructedtheperson to sign the enduring document for the
principal;and(b)the person
signed it in the presence of the principal andwitness;
and(c)the principal, at the time, appeared
to the witness to havethe capacity necessary to make the
enduring document.(6)Anadvancehealthdirectivemustalsoincludeacertificatesignedanddatedbyadoctormentionedinsubsection (7)stating the
principal, at the time of making the advance healthdirective,appearedtothedoctortohavethecapacitynecessary to
make it.(7)The doctor must not be—(a)the person witnessing the advance
health directive; or(b)the person
signing the advance health directive for theprincipal;
or(c)an attorney of the principal;
or(d)a relation of the principal or a
relation of an attorney ofthe principal; or(e)a
beneficiary under the principal’s will.(8)An
enduring document is effective in relation to an attorneyonly
if the attorney has accepted the appointment by signingthe
enduring document.45Proof of enduring document(1)Anenduringdocumentmaybeprovedbyacopyoftheenduring document certified under this
section.Note—An enduring
power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
45](2)Thecopymustbecertifiedto theeffectthatit
isatrue andcomplete copy of
the original.(3)Certification must be by 1 of the
following persons—(a)the principal;(b)a
justice;Note—justicemeans a justice of the peace—see theActs
InterpretationAct 1954, schedule
1.(c)a commissioner for
declarations;(d)a notary public;(e)a
lawyer;Note—lawyermeans an Australian lawyer within the
meaning of theLegalProfessionAct2007—seetheActsInterpretationAct1954, schedule
1.(f)atrusteecompanyundertheTrusteeCompaniesAct1968;(g)a stockbroker.(4)If a
copy of an enduring document has been certified underthis
section, the enduring document may also be proved by acopy, certified under this section, of the
certified copy.(5)Thissectiondoesnotpreventanenduringdocumentbeingproved in
another way.Page 44Current as at
[Not applicable]
5Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
46]Revoking an enduringdocumentDivision 1Revocation by
principal46Advice of revocationIf
an enduring document is revoked under this division, theprincipal must take reasonable steps—(a)to advise all attorneys under the
enduring document ofits revocation; and(b)for an enduring power of attorney
registered under theLand Title Act 1994—to
deregister it.Note—An enduring
power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.47Principal’s capacity for written
revocation of power ofattorney(1)Aprincipalmayrevokeanenduringpowerofattorneyinwritingonlyiftheprincipalhasthecapacitynecessarytomake
an enduring power of attorney giving the same power.Note—Seesection 41(Principal’scapacitytomakeanenduringpowerofattorney).(2)However,aprincipalmayrevokeanenduringpowerofattorney in writing, to the extent it
gives power for a healthmatter, if the principal has the
capacity necessary to make anenduringpowerofattorneygivingthesamepowerforthehealth
matter.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
48]48Principal’s capacity for written
revocation of advancehealth directive(1)A
principal may revoke an advance health directive in writing,to
the extent it includes a direction about a health matter orspecial health matter, only if the principal
has capacity for thematter.(2)A
principal may revoke an advance health directive in writing,to
the extent it gives power to an attorney, only if the
principalhasthecapacitynecessarytomakeanadvancehealthdirective giving the same power.49Formal requirements for written
revocation of enduringdocument(1)A
written revocation of an enduring power of attorney must bein
the approved form.(2)However,awrittenrevocationofanenduringpowerofattorney, to the extent it gives power
for a health matter, or awritten revocation of an advance
health directive need not bein the approved
form.(3)The revocation of an enduring power of
attorney must—(a)be signed—(i)by
the principal; or(ii)iftheprincipalrevokingitinstructs—fortheprincipalandintheprincipal’spresence,byaneligible signer;
andNote—See section 30
(Meaning ofeligible signer).(b)be signed and dated by an eligible
witness.Note—See section 31
(Meaning ofeligible witness).It
is advisable for the witness to make a written record of theevidence as a result of which the witness
considered that theprincipalunderstoodthenecessarymatters.Forapowerofattorney—see section 47 and for an
advance health directive—see section 48.Page 46Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
50](4)If the revocation is signed by the
principal, it may include acertificate
signed by the witness stating the principal—(a)signed the revocation in the witness’s
presence; and(b)at the time, appeared to the witness
to have the capacitynecessary for the revocation.(5)Iftherevocationissignedbyapersonfortheprincipal,itmust
include a certificate signed by the witness stating—(a)theprincipal,inthewitness’spresence,instructedtheperson to sign the revocation on the
principal’s behalf;and(b)the person
signed it in the presence of the principal andwitness;
and(c)the principal, at the time, appeared
to the witness to havethe capacity necessary for the
revocation.50Later enduring document(1)A principal’senduringpower ofattorneyisrevoked,totheextent of an inconsistency, by a later
enduring document ofthe principal.Example—If a
principal gives—(a)power for a matter to an attorney by
an enduring power of attorney;and(b)either—(i)power for the matter to a different attorney
by a later enduringpower of attorney; or(ii)a
direction about the matter in a later advance health
directive;the earlier enduring power of attorney is
revoked to the extent it givespower for the
matter.(2)A principal’s advance health directive
is revoked, to the extentof an inconsistency, by a later
advance health directive.Note—Ifthereisadirectionaboutahealthmatterinanadvancehealthdirective and a
later enduring power of attorney giving an attorneyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
51]powerforthehealthmatter,thedirectionprevails.SeetheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000,section 66(Adultwithimpaired
capacity—order of priority in dealing with health matter).51DeathWhen a principal
dies, the enduring document is revoked.52MarriageUnless there is
a contrary intention expressed in the enduringdocument,ifaprincipalmarriesaftermakinganenduringdocument, the
enduring document is revoked to the extent itgives power to
someone other than the principal’s husband orwife.52ACivil partnershipUnless there is
a contrary intention expressed in the enduringdocument,ifaprincipalentersintoacivilpartnershipaftermakinganenduringdocument,theenduringdocumentisrevoked to the extent it gives power
to someone other than theprincipal’s civil partner.53DivorceIf a principal
divorces after making an enduring document, theenduring
document is revoked to the extent it gives power tothe
divorced spouse.53ATermination of civil
partnership(1)This section applies if—(a)a principal makes an enduring
document; and(b)aftermakingtheenduringdocument,theprincipal’scivilpartnershipisterminatedundertheCivilPartnerships Act
2011, section 18.Page 48Current as at [Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
54](2)The enduring document is revoked to
the extent it gives powerto the principal’s previous civil
partner.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Revocation
according to terms54According to termsAn enduring
document is revoked according to its terms.Examples—1If an enduring power of attorney is
expressed to operate for orduring a
specified period, it is revoked at the end of the period.2If an enduring power of attorney is
expressed to operate for aspecific purpose, it is revoked when
the purpose is achieved.Division 3Revocation by
attorney55ResignationIf an attorney
resigns as attorney for a matter, the enduringdocumentisrevokedtotheextentitgivespowertotheattorney for the
matter.Note—An attorney may
resign by signed notice to the principal if the principalhas
capacity for the matter (section 72 (Resignation of attorney))
orotherwise with the court’s leave (section 82
(Resignation of attorneywhile principal has impaired
capacity)).56Impaired capacityIf an attorney
for a matter becomes a person who has impairedcapacity for the
matter, the enduring document is revoked tothe extent it
gives power to the attorney for the matter.57Bankruptcy or insolvency(1)This
section applies only to enduring powers of attorney.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
58](2)IfanindividualattorneyforafinancialmatterbecomesbankruptorinsolventortakesadvantageofthelawsofbankruptcyasadebtorundertheBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth) or a
similar law of a foreign jurisdiction, the power ofattorney is revoked to the extent it gives
power for financialmatters to the attorney.(3)If a
corporate attorney is wound up or dissolved or a receiver(other than a receiver for a limited
purpose) or administrator isappointed of the
attorney, the power of attorney is revoked tothe extent it
gives power to the attorney.Example—Under an enduring power of attorney, X, an
individual, exercises powerfor financial
matters generally. X becomes bankrupt. Therefore, theenduring power of attorney is revoked to the
extent it gives power forfinancial matters to X.If X
was a joint and several attorney with Y, the enduring power
ofattorneyisonlyrevokedtotheextentitgivespowertoX.Ycancontinue to exercise the power.ThesameappliesifXwasajointattorneywithYbecauseofsection 59A.If X was not a
joint and several attorney and the enduring power ofattorney gives an alternative or successive
attorney power for financialmatters, the
alternative or next attorney then has power for financialmatters.If none of these
apply, no-one is able to exercise power for financialmatters under the enduring power of
59A(Effectofpowerending)allowstheremainingjointattorney to exercise a power another joint
attorney is unable to exercise.58DeathWhen an attorney
dies, the enduring document is revoked tothe extent it
gives power to the attorney.Page 50Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
59]59Paid carer or health providerIf
an attorney becomes a paid carer, or health provider, for
theprincipal, the enduring document is revoked
to the extent itgives power for a personal matter to the
attorney.59AAService providerIf the attorney
becomes the service provider for a residentialservicewheretheprincipalisaresident,theenduringdocumentisrevokedtotheextentitgivespowertotheattorney.59AEffect of power endingIf
an attorney’s power for a matter ends and the attorney was ajoint attorney for the matter—(a)if, of the joint attorneys, there is 1
remaining attorney,theremainingattorneymayexercisepowerforthematter;
and(b)if, of the joint attorneys, there are
2 or more remainingattorneys, the remaining attorneys may
exercise powerforthematterand,ifexercisingpower,mustexercisepower jointly.Part 6Other provisions60Registration of powers of attorney and
instrumentsrevoking powers(1)An
enduring power of attorney may be registered.Note—An
enduring power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
61](2)An instrument revoking an enduring
power of attorney may beregistered.(3)Subject to another Act, if an enduring power
of attorney hasbeenregistered,itmaynot,unlessadifferentintentionappearsfromtheenduringpowerofattorney,ceasetoauthorise the attorney to deal with
land for the principal untilaninstrumentrevokingtheenduringpowerofattorneyhasbeen
registered.61Offence to dishonestly induce the
making or revocationof enduring documentApersonmustnotdishonestlyinduceapersontomakeorrevoke an enduring document.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.61AApplication of ss 61B–61DSections61Bto61Dapplyonlyinrelationtoanenduringpower of
attorney.61BEffect on beneficiary’s interest if
property dealt with byattorney(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonwhoisabeneficiary(thebeneficiary) under a
deceased principal’s will.(2)The beneficiary
has the same interest in any surplus money orother property
(the proceeds) arising from a
sale, mortgage,charge, disposition of, or other dealing
with, property underthe powers given to an attorney under
an enduring power ofattorneyasthebeneficiarywouldhavehadinthepropertysold, mortgaged, charged, disposed of or
otherwise dealt with,if the sale, mortgage, charge,
disposition or other dealing hadnot
happened.(3)The beneficiary is also entitled
to—(a)any money or other property that is
able to be traced asincome generated by the proceeds;
andPage 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 3 Enduring documents[s
61C](b)any capital gain that is generated
from the proceeds.(4)This section applies even if the
beneficiary is the attorney whosold, mortgaged,
charged, disposed of or otherwise dealt withthe
property.(5)Thissectionappliessubjecttoanyordermadebythecourtunder section
61D(1).61CAttorney not required to keep proceeds
and propertyseparateSection 61B does
not require an attorney for a principal whohas sold,
mortgaged, charged, disposed of, or otherwise dealtwith, the principal’s property under the
powers given to theattorney, to keep any surplus money or other
property arisingfrom the sale, mortgage, charge, disposition
or other dealingseparate from other property of the
principal.61DApplication to court to confirm or
vary operation of s 61B(1)An application
may be made to the court for—(a)anorder,includinganordertodirectaconveyance,deed or other
thing to be executed or done, to give effectto section 61B;
or(b)anordertoensureabeneficiaryundertheprincipal’swilldoesnotgainanunjustanddisproportionateadvantageorsufferanunjustanddisproportionatedisadvantageofakindnotcontemplatedbythewillbecause of the
operation of section 61B.(2)An application
may be made by—(a)a beneficiary under the principal’s
will; or(b)thepersonalrepresentativeofadeceasedbeneficiaryunder the
principal’s will; or(c)the personal
representative of the principal.(3)An
order made under subsection (1)(b)—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 4 Statutory health attorneys[s
62](a)haseffectasifithadbeenmadeasacodiciltotheprincipal’swillexecutedimmediatelybeforetheprincipal’s death; and(b)applies despite any contrary operation
of section 61B.(4)An application under this section must
be made to the courtwithin 6 months after the principal’s
death.(5)The court may extend the application
time.(6)TheSuccessionAct1981,section44(1)to(4)appliestoanapplication and an order made on it as
if the application werean application under part 4 of that
Act by a person entitled tomake an
application.(7)Despite section 109A, a reference in
this section to the courtdoes not include a reference to the
tribunal.Chapter 4Statutory health
attorneys62Statutory health attorney(1)This Act authorises a statutory health
attorney for an adult’shealthmattertomakeanydecisionaboutthehealthmatterthat
the adult could lawfully make if the adult had capacity forthe
matter.Note—Note this does
not include a special health matter.(2)Astatutoryhealthattorney’spowerforahealthmatterisexercisable during any or every period the
adult has impairedcapacity for the matter.Note—However,thepriorityofanattorney’spowerisdecidedbytheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000,section 66(Adultwithimpaired
capacity—order of priority in dealing with health matter).See,
in particular, section 66(5).Page 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 4 Statutory health attorneys[s
63]63Who is the statutory health
attorney(1)For a health matter, an adult’sstatutory health attorneyis
thefirst, in listed order, of the following
people who is readilyavailable and culturally appropriate
to exercise power for thematter—(a)a
person who is 18 years or more and who is a spouse oftheadultiftherelationshipbetweentheadultandthespouse is close and continuing;Note—SeetheActsInterpretationAct1954,schedule1forthedefinition spouse.(b)a
person who is 18 years or more and who has the careof
the adult and is not—(i)a paid carer for
the adult; or(ii)a health
provider for the adult; or(iii)a service
provider for a residential service wherethe adult is a
resident;(c)apersonwhois18yearsormoreandwhoisaclosefriend or
relation of the adult and is not—(i)a
paid carer for the adult; or(ii)a
health provider for the adult; or(iii)a
service provider for a residential service wherethe
adult is a resident.Note—If there is a
disagreement about which of 2 or more eligiblepeople should be
the statutory health attorney or how the powershould be
exercised, see theGuardianship and AdministrationAct
2000, section 42 (Disagreement about health
matter).(2)Ifno-onelistedinsubsection (1)isreadilyavailableandculturallyappropriatetoexercisepowerforamatter,thepublic guardian is the adult’sstatutory health attorneyfor
thematter.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 4 Statutory health attorneys[s
for this section, a person has the care of an adult if theperson—(a)provides domestic services and support to
the adult; or(b)arrangesfortheadulttobeprovidedwithdomesticservices and
support.(4)If an adult resides in an institution
(for example, a hospital,nursinghome,grouphome,boarding-houseorhostel)atwhich the adult is cared for by another
person, the adult—(a)isnot,merelybecauseofthisfact,toberegardedasbeing in the care of the other person;
and(b)remains in the care of the person in
whose care the adultwas immediately before residing in the
institution.(5)For subsection (1)(c), arelationof the adult is
a person, otherthan a person mentioned in subsection (1)(a)
or (b)—(a)who has a close personal relationship
with the adult anda personal interest in the adult’s welfare;
and(b)who—(i)isrelatedtotheadultbyblood,spousalrelationship, adoption or a foster
relationship; or(ii)for an
Aboriginal person—is a person who, underAboriginaltradition,isregardedasarelativeofthe
adult; or(iii)foraTorresStraitIslander—isapersonwho,underIslandcustom,isregardedasarelativeofthe
adult.Page 56Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 5Powers of
Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 65]Exercising power
for aprincipalPart 1Provisions applying toattorneys65Application of pt 1Exceptwhereotherwiseprovided,thispartappliestoanattorney under—(a)a
general power of attorney made under this Act; orNote—A general power
of attorney, or enduring power of attorney,made under
theProperty Law Act 1974and of force and
effectbefore the commencement of section 163 is
taken to be a generalpower of attorney, or enduring power
of attorney, made underthis Act—section 163.(b)an enduring document; or(c)a power of attorney made otherwise
than under this Act,whether before or after its
commencement.66Act honestly and with reasonable
diligence to protect the principal’s interests.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.(2)In addition to
any other liability the attorney may incur, thecourt may order
the attorney to compensate the principal for alosscausedbytheattorney’sfailuretocomplywithsubsection (1).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 57
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 67]67Subject to terms of documentAnattorneywhomayexerciseapowerunderadocumentmust,whenexercisingthepower,exerciseitsubjecttotheterms of the document.Notauthorised—indicativeonly69Execution of
instrument etc.(1)If necessary or convenient for the
exercise of power given toan attorney, the attorney may—(a)execute an instrument with the
attorney’s own signatureand, despite the fact that the power
of attorney was givenunderhand,ifsealingisrequiredorused,withtheattorney’s own seal; and(b)do any other thing in the attorney’s
own name.(2)An instrument executed by an attorney
must be executed in away showing that the attorney executes
it as attorney for theprincipal.(3)An
instrument executed, or thing done, in the way specified inthissectionisaseffectiveasifexecutedordonebytheprincipal—(a)with
the principal’s signature; or(b)with
the principal’s signature and seal; or(c)in
the principal’s name.(4)ThissectionappliessubjecttothePropertyLawAct1974,section 46.Note—This
section deals with the execution of documents by
corporations.70Subject to guardian or
to the extent authorised by the tribunal.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 71](2)In
this section—attorneyincludes a
statutory health attorney.71Not exercise
revoked powerAnattorney,whoknowsapowergiventotheattorneyhasbeen revoked, must not exercise, or
purport to exercise, thepower.Maximum
penalty—200 penalty units.72Resignation of
attorney(1)Anattorneymayresignasattorneyforamatterbysignednotice given to
the principal.Note—However, for an
enduring document, see also section 82 (Resignationof
attorney while principal has impaired capacity).(2)Thissectiondoesnotaffectanotherwayanattorneymayresign allowed by law.Note—For example, an
attorney under a power of attorney made under thecommon law or theProperty Law Act
1974, may resign orally.73Avoid conflict transaction(1)Anattorneyforafinancialmattermayenterintoaconflicttransactiononlyiftheprincipal,orthecourtundersection118(2),hasauthorisedthetransaction,conflicttransactionsof that type or
conflict transactions generally.Note—However, see section 105 (Relief from
personal liability).(2)Despitesubsection(1),ifanattorneyentersintoaconflicttransaction
without obtaining an authorisation mentioned insubsection(1)forthetransaction,aconflicttransactionofthat
type or conflict transactions generally, the principal mayCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 73]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyretrospectively authorise the
transaction if the principal hascapacity to do
so.(3)A conflict transaction authorised
under subsection (2) is takentobe,andtohavealwaysbeen,asvalidasifithadbeenenteredintounderanauthorisationgivenbytheprincipalbefore the attorney entered into the
transaction.Note—See also section
118(3) in relation to the retrospective authorisation ofparticular transactions by the court.(4)Subsection(5)appliesifanattorneyentersintoaconflicttransaction
without obtaining an authorisation mentioned insubsection
(1).(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthat,untiltheconflicttransactionisauthorisedundersubsection(2)orsection118(3), the
attorney has acted contrary to subsection (1).(6)Aconflict transactionis a
transaction in which there may beconflict, or
which results in conflict, between—(a)the
duty of an attorney towards the principal; and(b)either—(i)the
interests of the attorney, or a relation, businessassociate or close friend of the attorney;
or(ii)another duty of
the attorney.Examples—1A
conflict transaction happens if an attorney for a financial
matterbuys the principal’s car.2A conflict transaction happens if an
attorney for a financial matterlends the
principal’s money to a close friend of the attorney.3A conflict transaction happens if an
attorney for a financial matterrentstheprincipal’sresidentialpropertytotheattorneyorarelative of the
attorney.4A conflict transaction happens if an
attorney for a financial matteruses the
principal’s money topaythe personal
expenses oftheattorney,including,forexample,theattorney’spersonaltravelexpenses.5A conflict transaction happens if an
attorney for a financial matterbuys the
principal’s house.Page 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 74]6A
conflict transaction does not happen if an attorney for a
financialmatterisactingundersection 89tomaintaintheprincipal’sdependants.(7)However,atransactionisnotaconflicttransactionmerelybecause—(a)the
attorney is related to the principal; or(b)theattorneymaybeabeneficiaryoftheprincipal’sestate on the
principal’s death; or(c)bythetransactiontheattorney,intheattorney’sownright and on behalf of the principal—(i)deals with an interest in property
jointly held; or(ii)acquires a joint
interest in property; or(iii)obtains a loan
or gives a guarantee or indemnity inrelationtoatransactionmentionedinsubparagraph (i) or (ii).(8)Also, to remove any doubt, it is
declared that the making of agift or donation
under section 88 is not a conflict transaction.(9)A
conflict transaction between an attorney and a person whodoes
not know, or have reason to believe, the transaction is aconflict transaction is, in favour of the
person, as valid as ifthe transaction were not a conflict
transaction.(10)In this
section—joint interestincludes an
interest as a joint tenant or tenant incommon.74Protected use of confidential
information(1)Despite section 74A, an attorney,
including a statutory healthattorney,maydiscloseconfidentialinformationthatrelatesonly to a
particular person to the particular person.(2)Ifanattorney,includingastatutoryhealthattorney,gainsconfidentialinformationbecauseofbeinganattorney,orbecauseofanopportunitygivenbybeinganattorney,theCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 74]person may use
the information for the purposes of this Act oras provided
under subsection (3).(3)Confidential
information may be used—(a)if authorised or
required under a regulation or anotherlaw; or(b)for a proceeding arising out of or in
connection with thisAct; or(c)ifauthorisedbythepersontowhomtheinformationrelates;
or(d)if authorised by the court or the
tribunal in the interestsof justice; or(e)if
necessary to prevent a serious risk to a person’s life,health or safety; or(f)for
the purpose of obtaining legal or financial advice; or(g)if reasonably necessary to obtain
counselling, advice orother treatment; or(h)inreportingasuspectedoffencetoapoliceofficerorassistingapoliceofficerintheinvestigationofasuspected offence; or(i)in assisting the public guardian, the
public advocate or apublicserviceofficerintheperformanceoffunctionsunderthisAct,theGuardianshipandAdministrationAct 2000or
thePublic Guardian Act 2014.(4)In this section—confidentialinformationincludesinformationaboutaperson’s affairs but does not
include—(a)informationwithinthepublicdomainunlessfurtherdisclosure of the information is prohibited
by law; or(b)statistical or other information that
could not reasonablybe expected to result in the
identification of the personto whom the
information relates; or(c)information
about a guardianship proceeding.Page 62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 74A]guardianshipproceedingseeGuardianshipandAdministration Act 2000, schedule
4.use, confidential information, includes
disclose or publish.74AProhibited use of confidential
information(1)Anattorney,includingastatutoryhealthattorney,mustnotuseconfidentialinformationgainedbecauseofbeinganattorney,orbecauseofanopportunitygivenbybeinganattorney, other than as provided under
section 74, unless theperson has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)In this section—confidential
informationsee section 74.use,
confidential information, see section 74.Part 2Provisions applying toattorneys under
enduringdocuments and statutoryhealth
attorneys75Application of pt 2Except where otherwise provided, this part
applies to—(a)an attorney under an enduring
document; and(b)a statutory health attorney.77Attorney has maximum power if not
otherwise statedTo the extent an enduring document does not
state otherwise,an attorney is taken to have the maximum
power that could begiven to the attorney by the enduring
document.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 78]Example—If
an adult’s enduring power of attorney merely states that ‘I
appoint[full name] as my attorney’, the appointee
is taken to have power for allfinancial
matters and all personal matters for the adult.78Multiple attorneys are joint if not
otherwise statedTwoormoreattorneysforamatterareappointedasjointattorneysforthematteriftheenduringdocumentdoesnotstate how they are to share the power
given to them.79Consult with principal’s other
appointees or attorneys(1)If there are 2
or more persons who are guardian, administratoror attorney for
a principal, the persons must consult with oneanother on a
regular basis to ensure the principal’s interestsare
not prejudiced by a breakdown in communication betweenthem.Note—NotetheGuardianshipandAdministrationAct2000,sections
41(Disagreementaboutmatterotherthanhealthmatter),42(Disagreement about health matter) and 43
(Acting contrary to generalprinciples or
health care principles).(2)However, failure
to comply with subsection (1) does not affectthevalidityofanexerciseofpowerbyaguardian,administrator or
attorney.80Act together with joint
attorneys(1)Attorneys for a principal who may
exercise power for a matterjointlymustexercisethepowerunanimouslyunlesstheenduring document concerned provides
otherwise.(2)Ifitisimpracticableorimpossibletoexercisethepowerunanimously, 1
or more of the attorneys, or another interestedperson for the
adult, may apply for directions to the court.Page 64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 81]81Right
of attorney to information(1)An attorney has
a right to all the information that the principalwould have been entitled to if the principal
had capacity andthatisnecessarytomake,fortheprincipal,informeddecisions about anything the attorney is
authorised to do.(2)A person who has custody or control of
the information mustdisclose the information to the
attorney on request.(3)This section
overrides—(a)any restriction, in an Act or the
common law, about thedisclosure or confidentiality of
information; and(b)for an attorney under an enduring
power of attorney—anyclaimofconfidentialityorprivilege,includingaclaim based on legal professional
privilege; and(c)foranotherattorney—anyclaimofconfidentialityorprivilege, excluding a claim based on legal
professionalprivilege.82Resignation of attorney while principal has
impairedcapacity(1)Despite section 72, while a principal has
impaired capacity fora matter, an attorney under an
enduring document may onlyresign as attorney for the matter with
the court’s leave.(2)If the court gives leave for an
attorney to resign for a matter,the court may
appoint a new attorney to replace the attorneyfor the
matter.Note—The court is not
limited to appointing aneligible attorney(defined
insection 29) as the new attorney.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 83]Part 3Provisions about financialmatters83ApplicationExceptwhereotherwiseprovided,thispartappliesonlytoenduring powers of attorney.Note—An enduring
power of attorney made under theProperty Law Act
1974and of force and effect before the
commencement of section 163 istakentobeanenduringpowerofattorneymadeunderthisAct—section
163.84Power to invest(1)This
section does not apply to an enduring power of attorneymade
under theProperty Law Act 1974.(2)Anattorneyforfinancialmattersmayinvestonlyinauthorised investments.(3)However,if,whenthepowerbecameexercisable,theprincipalhadinvestmentsthatwerenotauthorisedinvestments,anattorneyforfinancialmattersmaycontinuethe investments,
including by taking rights to issues of newshares,oroptionsfornewshares,towhichtheprincipalbecomes entitled
by the principal’s existing shareholding.(4)In
this section—authorised investmentmeans—(a)aninvestmentwhich,iftheinvestmentwereoftrustfunds by a
trustee, would be an investment by the trusteeexercising a
power of investment under theTrustsAct1973, part 3;
or(b)an investment approved by the
tribunal.Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 85]85Keep
recordsAnattorneyforafinancialmattermustkeepandpreserveaccurate records
and accounts of all dealings and transactionsmade under the
power.Note—Under thePublic Guardian Act 2014, section 21,
the public guardianmay have the accounts audited.86Keep property separate(1)Anattorneyforafinancialmattermustkeeptheattorney’sproperty
separate from the principal’s property.Maximum
penalty—300 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply to—(a)property owned jointly by the
principal and attorney; or(b)property
acquired jointly by the principal and attorney inplaceofpropertyownedjointlybytheprincipalandattorney.(3)Subsection (1) does not affect another
obligation imposed bylaw.87Presumption of undue influenceThefactthatatransactionisbetweenaprincipaland1ormore of the
following—(a)anattorneyunderanenduringpowerofattorneyoradvance health directive;(b)arelation,businessassociateorclosefriendoftheattorney;gives rise to a presumption in the
principal’s favour that theprincipalwasinducedtoenterthetransactionbytheattorney’s undue influence.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 88]88Gifts and donations(1)Unless otherwise authorised under this Act,
an attorney for aprincipalmaygiveawayordonatetheprincipal’spropertyonly
if—(a)the gift or donation is—(i)ofthenaturetheprincipalmadewhentheprincipal had capacity; or(ii)ofthenaturetheprincipalmightreasonablybeexpected to make; and(b)the
value of the gift or donation is not more than what isreasonable having regard to all the
circumstances and,in particular, the principal’s financial
circumstances.(2)Theattorney,oracharitywithwhichtheattorneyhasaconnection, is not precluded from
receiving a gift or donationunder subsection
(1).89Maintain principal’s dependants(1)Anattorneyforfinancialmattersforanindividualmayprovidefromtheprincipal’sestatefortheneedsofadependant of the
principal.(2)However, unless there is a contrary
intention expressed in theenduringpowerofattorney,whatisprovidedmustnotbemorethanwhatisreasonablehavingregardtoallthecircumstancesand,inparticular,theprincipal’sfinancialcircumstances.Part 5Protection and relief fromliability96Definitions for partIn this
68Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 97](a)inrelationtoanadvancehealthdirective,meansinvalidity because—(i)the
advance health directive was made in anotherStateinpurportedcompliancewiththerequirements of the law of that other
State but doesnot comply with that State’s requirements;
or(ii)the advance
health directive has been revoked; or(b)inrelationtoapowerunderadocument,meansinvalidity because—(i)the
document was made in another jurisdiction inpurported
compliance with the requirements of thelaw of that
other jurisdiction but does not complywith that
jurisdiction’s requirements; or(ii)thedocumenthasbeenrevokedwhollyortotheextent it gives
the power; or(iii)thepowerisnotexercisableatthetimeitispurportedly exercised.know—(a)inrelationtotheinvalidityofanadvancehealthdirective, includes—(i)know
of the happening of an event that invalidatesthe directive;
or(ii)have reason to
believe the directive is invalid; or(b)inrelationtotheinvalidityofapowerunderadocument, includes—(i)know of the happening of an event that
invalidatesthe power; or(ii)have
reason to believe the power is invalid.97Protection if court advice, directions
orrecommendationsAn attorney who
acts in compliance with the court’s advice,directions or
recommendations is taken to have complied withCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 98]this Act unless
the attorney knowingly gave the court false ormisleadinginformationrelevanttothecourt’sadvice,directions or
recommendations.98Protection for attorney if unaware of
invalidity(1)This section applies to an attorney
under—(a)a general power of attorney made under
this Act; or(b)an enduring document; or(c)a power of attorney made otherwise
than under this Act,whether before or after its
commencement.(2)Anattorneywho,withoutknowingapowerisinvalid,purportstoexercisethepowerdoesnotincuranyliability,either to the
principal or anyone else, because of the invalidity.Note—See section 113
(Declaration about validity).99Protection for person dealing with attorney
and nextperson if unaware of invalidity(1)A person who—(a)deals with an attorney under a general power
of attorneymadeunderthisAct,oranenduringdocument,(thedocument); andNote—A general power
of attorney, or enduring power of attorney,made under
theProperty Law Act 1974and of force and
effectbefore the commencement of section 163 is
taken to be a generalpower of attorney, or enduring power
of attorney, made underthis Act—section 163.(b)does not know, or have reason to
believe, the principaldid not have capacity to make the
document;isentitledtorelyonthecertificateofthewitnesstothedocument as evidence of the
principal’s capacity to make thedocument.Page
70Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 100](2)A
transaction between—(a)an attorney
purporting to use a power that is invalid; and(b)someone else (thethird
person) who does not know ofthe
invalidity;is, in favour of the third person, as valid
as if the power werenot invalid.(3)If
the interest of a purchaser depends on whether a transactionbetween an attorney and a third person was
valid because ofsubsection (2),itisconclusivelypresumedinfavourofthepurchaserthatthethirdpersondidnotatthematerialtimeknow
of the invalidity of the attorney’s power if—(a)the
third person makes a statutory declaration before orwithin3monthsafterthecompletionofthepurchasethat the third
person did not at the material time know ofthe invalidity
of the attorney’s power; or(b)the
transaction between the attorney and the third personwas
completed within 1 year after the power of attorneywas
made.(4)In subsections (2) and (3)—attorneymeans an
attorney under—(a)a general power of attorney made under
this Act; or(b)an enduring document; or(c)a power of attorney made otherwise
than under this Act,whether before or after its
commencement.100Additional protection if unaware of
invalidity in healthcontext(1)Thissectionappliesifaperson,otherthananattorney,ingoodfaithandwithoutknowingthatanadvancehealthdirectiveorapowerforahealthmatterunderanenduringdocumentisinvalidoradirectioninanadvancehealthdirectivedoesnotoperate,actsinrelianceontheadvancehealth
directive, power or direction.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 101]Note—See
section 36 in relation to the operation of a direction in an
advancehealth directive.(2)The
person does not incur any liability, either to the adult oranyoneelse,becauseoftheinvalidityoftheadvancehealthdirective or power or the inoperative
direction.Notauthorised—indicativeonly101No less
protection than if adult gave health consentA person, other
than an attorney, acting in accordance with adirection in an
advance health directive, or a decision of anattorney for a
health matter, is not liable for an act or omissionto
any greater extent than if the act or omission happened withtheprincipal’sconsentandtheprincipalhadcapacitytoconsent.102Protection of health provider unaware of
advance healthdirectiveA health
provider is not affected by an adult’s advance healthdirective to the extent the health provider,
acting in good faith,does not know the adult has an advance
health directive.103Protection of health provider for
non-compliance withadvance health directive(1)Thissectionappliesifahealthproviderhasreasonablegroundstobelievethatadirectioninanadvancehealthdirectiveisuncertainorinconsistentwithgoodmedicalpractice or that circumstances, including
advances in medicalscience,havechangedtotheextentthatthetermsofthedirection are inappropriate.(2)The health provider does not incur any
liability, either to theadultoranyoneelse,ifthehealthproviderdoesnotactinaccordance with the direction.(3)However, if an attorney is appointed
under the advance healthdirective,thehealthproviderhasreasonablegroundstobelievethatadirectionintheadvancehealthdirectiveisPage
72Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 104]uncertain only
if, among other things, the health provider hasconsulted the
attorney about the direction.104Protection for person carrying out forensic
examinationwith consent(1)A
person carrying out a forensic examination of a principal towhich an attorney for the principal has
consented is not liablefor an act or omission to any greater
extent than if the act oromissionhappenedwiththeprincipal’sconsentandtheprincipal had
capacity to consent.(2)A forensic
examination, to which the attorney has consented,is
not unlawful.105Relief from personal liability(1)If the court considers—(a)an attorney is, or may be, personally
liable for a breachof this Act; and(b)theattorneyhasactedhonestlyandreasonablyandought fairly to be excused for the
personal liability for the breach.(2)In
this section—attorneymeans—(a)anattorneyunderageneralpowerofattorneymadeunder this Act; or(b)an
attorney under an enduring document; or(c)an
attorney under a power of attorney made otherwisethanunderthisAct,whetherbeforeorafteritscommencement; or(d)a
statutory health attorney.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 106]Part 6CompensationNotauthorised—indicativeonly106Compensation and
accounting for profits for failure tocomply(1)The court or tribunal may order an
attorney for a principal topay an amount to
the principal or, if the principal has died,the principal’s
estate—(a)to compensate for a loss caused by the
attorney’s failureto comply with this Act in the exercise of a
power; or(b)to account for any profits the
attorney has accrued as aresult of the attorney’s failure to
comply with this Act inthe exercise of a power.(2)However, the court or tribunal may not
order the attorney tomakeapaymentunderbothsubsection(1)(a)and(b)inrelation to the same exercise of
power.(3)Subsection (1) applies even if the
attorney is convicted of anoffence in
relation to the attorney’s failure.(4)Also, subsection (1) applies even if the
attorney’s appointmenthas ended.(5)Iftheprincipalorattorneyhasdied,anapplicationforanorderundersubsection(1)mustbemadetothecourtortribunal within 6 months after the
death.(6)If the principal and attorney have
died, an application for anorderundersubsection(1)mustbemadetothecourtortribunal within 6 months after the first
death.(7)The court or tribunal may extend the
application time.(8)An amount paid under an order under
subsection (1) must betakenintoaccountinassessingdamagesinalatercivilproceeding in
relation to the attorney’s exercise of the power.(9)In this section—attorneymeans an attorney under—(a)a
general power of attorney made under this Act; orPage
74Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 5 Exercising power for a
principal[s 107](b)an
enduring document; or(c)a power of
attorney made otherwise than under this Act,whether before
or after its commencement.courtmeans any
court.107Power to apply to court for
compensation for loss ofbenefit in estate(1)This
section applies if a person’s benefit in a principal’s
estateundertheprincipal’swill,onintestacy,orbyanotherdispositiontakingeffectontheprincipal’sdeath,islostbecause of a
sale or other dealing with the principal’s propertyby
an attorney of the principal.(1A)This
section applies even if the person whose benefit is lost isthe
attorney by whose dealing the benefit is lost.(2)The
person, or the person’s personal representative, may applyto
the Supreme Court for compensation out of the principal’sestate.(3)The
court may order that the person, or the person’s estate, becompensatedoutoftheprincipal’sestateasthecourtconsiders appropriate but the compensation
must not exceedthe value of the lost benefit.(4)TheSuccession Act
1981, sections 41(2) to (8), (10) and
(11)and 44 apply to an application and an order
made on it as ifthe application was an application under
part 4 of that Act bya person entitled to make an
application.(5)In this section—attorneymeans an attorney under—(a)a
general power of attorney made under this Act; or(b)an enduring document; or(c)a power of attorney made otherwise
than under this Act,whether before or after its
commencement.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 108]Chapter 6Supreme
CourtPart 1General108Powers extend to powers of attorney
made otherwisethan under this Act(1)The
court’s powers under this Act are not limited to generalpowersofattorneymadeunderthisActandenduringdocuments.(2)Thecourt’spowersunderthisActextendtopowersofattorney made otherwise than under this Act,
whether madebefore or after its commencement.109Inherent jurisdiction and litigation
guardian process notaffected(1)ThisActdoesnotaffectthecourt’sinherentjurisdiction,includingitsparenspatriaejurisdiction,orthepowersthecourt has other than under this Act.Note—This
jurisdiction is based on the need to protect those who lack
thecapacity to protect themselves. It allows
the Supreme Court to appointattorneysforpeoplewho,becauseofmentalillness,intellectualdisability,illness,accidentoroldage,areunabletoadequatelysafeguard their
own interests.(2)This Act does not affect rules of
court of the Supreme Court,DistrictCourtorMagistratesCourtsaboutalitigationguardian for a
person under a legal incapacity.109AQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
also hasjurisdiction and powers about enduring
documents(1)Thetribunalisgiventhesamejurisdictionandpowersforenduring documents as the Supreme
Court.Page 76Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 110](2)For subsection (1), this Act applies,
with necessary changes,as if references to the Supreme Court
were references to thetribunal.Part 2Court’s powers110Application and participation(1)Anapplicationmaybemadetothecourtforadeclaration,order,
direction, recommendation or advice about somethingin,
or related to, this Act.(2)The application
may be by the principal concerned or anotherinterested
person unless this Act states otherwise.(3)Each
of the following persons may apply to the court for it todo
something under this chapter about a power of attorney,enduring power of attorney or advance health
directive, or theexercise of an attorney’s power—(a)the principal;(b)a
member of the principal’s family;(c)an
attorney;(d)the public guardian or public
trustee;(e)ifthedocumentisanadvancehealthdirectiveortheapplicationinvolvespowerforahealthmatter—thepublic guardian
or a health provider of the principal;(f)an
interested person.(4)A person joined as a party to a
proceeding under this Act or apersonthecourtconsidersaninterestedpersonmayparticipate in the proceeding.(5)In this section—family, of
a principal, consists of the following members—(a)the
principal’s spouse;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 111](b)each of the principal’s children who
is 18 years or more(includingastepchild,anadoptedchild,andapersonforwhomtheprincipalwasfoster-parentorguardianwhen the person
was a child);(c)each of the principal’s parents
(including a step-parent,adoptive parent, foster-parent and
guardian);(d)if there is no person mentioned in
paragraph (a), (b) or(c) who is reasonably available—each
of the principal’ssiblingswhois18yearsormore(includingastep-sibling, adopted sibling, and
foster-sibling).111Determination of capacityThe
court may make a declaration about a person’s capacity.111AApplication of presumption of
capacity(1)If, in performing a function or
exercising a power under thisAct, the court
or tribunal is required to make a decision aboutanadult’scapacityforamatter,thecourtortribunalistopresumetheadulthascapacityforthematteruntilthecontrary is proven.(2)Ifadeclarationbythecourtortribunalthatanadulthasimpaired capacity for a matter is in force,
a person or otherentity that performs a function or exercises
a power under thisAct is entitled to rely on the declaration
to presume that theadult does not have capacity for the
matter.112Effect of declaration about capacity
to enter contractA declaration about whether a person had
capacity to enter acontract is binding in a subsequent
proceeding in which thevalidity of the contract is in
issue.Page 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 113]113Declaration about validity(1)Thecourtmaydecidethevalidityofapowerofattorney,enduring power
of attorney or advance health directive.(2)Thecourtmaydeclareadocumentmentionedinsubsection (1) invalid if the court is
satisfied—(a)theprincipaldidnothavethecapacitynecessarytomake it; orNote—See
sections 41 (Principal’s capacity to make an enduring powerof
attorney) and 42 (Principal’s capacity to make an advancehealth directive).(b)it
does not comply with the other requirements of thisAct;
orNote—See chapter 2,
part 2 (Making a power of attorney other than anenduring power of attorney) and chapter 3,
part 4 (Making anenduringdocument),particularlysection
44(Formalrequirements).(c)itisinvalidforanotherreason,forexample,theprincipal was induced to make it by
dishonesty or undueinfluence.(3)If
the court declares the document invalid, the court may, atthe
same time, appoint 1 or more attorneys for the principal.Note—The court is not
limited to appointing aneligible attorney(defined
insection 29).114Effect of invalidityIf the court
declares a document invalid under section 113, thedocument is void from the start.115Declaration about commencement of
powerThe court may make a declaration
that—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s
116](a)a power, under a power of attorney,
enduring power ofattorney or advance health directive, has
begun; or(b)theprincipalhasimpaired capacity foramatterorallmatters.Notauthorised—indicativeonly116Order removing
attorney or changing or revokingdocumentThe
court may, by order—(a)removeanattorneyandappointanewattorneytoreplace the removed attorney; orNote—Thecourtisnotlimitedtoappointinganeligibleattorney(defined in section 29).(b)remove a power from an attorney and give the
removedpower to another attorney or to a new
attorney; or(c)change the terms of a power of
attorney, enduring powerof attorney or advance health
directive; or(d)revoke all or part of a document
mentioned in paragraph(c).117Changed circumstances as basis for change
orrevocationWithout limiting
the grounds on which the court may make anorderchangingthetermsofapowerofattorney,enduringpower of attorney or advance health
directive, or revoking allor part of 1 of these documents, the
court may make the orderif the court considers the principal’s
circumstances or othercircumstances(including,forahealthpower,advancesinmedical science) have changed to the extent
that 1 or moreterms of the document are
inappropriate.118Advice, directions and recommendations
etc.(1)Onanapplicationaboutamatter,thecourtmaygivedirectionsoradviceormakearecommendation,orderorPage 80Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 120]declaration about the matter or another
matter related to thisAct, including about—(a)theinterpretationofthetermsof,oranotherissueinvolving,apowerofattorney,enduringpowerofattorney or advance health directive;
or(b)theexerciseofanattorney’spoweroranotherissueinvolving an attorney’s power.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
court may, by order andsubject to the terms the court
considers appropriate, authoriseanattorney,eithergenerallyorinaspecificcase,toundertakeatransactionthattheattorneyisnototherwiseauthorised to
undertake or may not otherwise be authorised toundertake, if
the court is satisfied the transaction would be inaccordance with the general
transaction authorised under subsection (3) is taken to be,and
to have always been, as valid as if it had been undertakenunder an authorisation given by the court
before the attorneyundertook the transaction.120Court may proceed without all relevant
material(1)If the court considers urgent or
special circumstances justify itdoingso,thecourtmayproceedtodecideamatterontheinformation before it without
receiving all relevant material.(2)If
all the participants in a proceeding agree, the court may
receiving all relevant material.(3)Before the participants agree, the court
must ensure they areaware of the material on which the
matter will be decided.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 121]121Report by public guardian or public
trustee(1)The court may—(a)receive in evidence in a proceeding a
written report bythe public guardian or public trustee on a
matter in theproceeding; and(b)have
regard to the matter contained in the report.(2)If
the court receives a report in evidence in a proceeding, theprincipal concerned in the proceeding and
each participant inthe proceeding must be given a copy of the
report unless thecourt directs otherwise.122Records and audit(1)Foranattorneyforafinancialmatterunderanenduringpowerofattorney,thecourtorthetribunalmaymakeanorder that—(a)the
attorney files in the court or the tribunal, and serveson
the applicant, a summary of receipts and expenditureunder the power for a specified period;
or(b)the attorney files in the court or the
tribunal, and serveson the applicant, more detailed
accounts of dealings andtransactions under the power for a
specified period; or(c)the accounts be
audited by an auditor appointed by theor the tribunal
and that a copy of the auditor’s report begiven to the
court or the tribunal and the applicant; or(d)the
attorney present a plan of management for approval.(2)Thecourtorthetribunalmaymaketheorderonitsowninitiativeorontheapplicationoftheprincipaloranotherinterested
person.(3)The court or the tribunal may make an
order about payment ofthe auditor’s costs, including
security for the costs.(4)This section
applies even if—(a)the enduring power of attorney has
been revoked; or(b)the principal has died.Page
82Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 6 Supreme Court[s 123]123Court may dismiss frivolous etc.
applications(1)The court may dismiss an application
if the court is satisfiedthe application is—(a)frivolous, trivial or vexatious;
or(b)misconceived or lacking in
substance.(2)If the court considers it appropriate,
the court may also—(a)orderthattheapplicantpaythecostsofanotherparticipant in
the proceeding; and(b)directthattheapplicantmustnot,withoutthecourt’sleave, make a
subsequent application to the court of atype stated in
the direction.(3)Thecourtmaydischargeorchangeadirectionundersubsection (2).124Written reasons for decisionOn
application by a person the court considers has a sufficientinterest in obtaining reasons for its
decision, the court mustgive written reasons for the decision
within 28 days after theapplication.125Costs(1)The
costs of a proceeding are within the court’s discretion.(2)However, unless the court otherwise
orders, costs follow theevent.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 83
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 8 Other[s 160]Chapter 8OtherNotauthorised—indicativeonly160Delegation of
public trustee’s powers under this Act(1)If
the public trustee has power under this Act for a financialmatter for an adult, the public trustee may
delegate the powerto—(a)anappropriatelyqualifiedmemberofthepublictrustee’s staff;
or(b)for day-to-day decisions about the
matter—(i)an appropriately qualified carer of
the adult; or(ii)an attorney
under an enduring document; or(iii)apersonwhowouldbeeligibletobetheadult’sstatutory health attorney; or(iv)anotherpersonthepublictrusteeconsidersappropriately
qualified to exercise the power.(2)However,thepublictrusteemaynotdelegatethepublictrustee’s powers
mentioned in subsection (1)(b) to—(a)the
public guardian; or(b)a paid carer for the adult.(3)In this section—day-to-daydecisions,forafinancialmatterforanadult,meansminor,uncontroversialdecisionsaboutday-to-dayissues that
involve no more than a low risk to the adult.161Chief
executive may approve formsThe chief
executive may approve forms for use under this Act.162Regulation-making powerTheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.Page
84Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyChapter 9Powers of
Attorney Act 1998Chapter 9 Transitional provisions[s
163]Transitional provisionsPart 1Transitional provision for ActNo.
22 of 1998163Powers of attorney under Property Law
Act 1974ExceptwherethisActexpresslyprovidesotherwise,onthecommencement of this section, a
general power of attorney, orenduring power
of attorney, made under theProperty Law
Act1974andofforceandeffectimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section is taken
to be a general powerof attorney, or enduring power of
attorney, made under thisAct.Part 2Transitional provision forGuardianship andAdministration
Act 2000164Subject to committee or manager(1)If a person, other than an attorney,
is committee or manager ofa principal, or all or part of a
principal’s estate, the attorneymayexercisepowerfortheprincipalonlytotheextentauthorised by
the committee or manager.(2)In this
section—attorneyincludes a
statutory health attorney.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 9 Transitional provisions[s
165]Part 3Transitional
provisions forGuardianship andAdministration
and Other ActsAmendment Act 2001Notauthorised—indicativeonly165References to
special life-sustaining measuresAreferenceinanenduringdocumentofforceandeffectimmediatelybeforethecommencementofthissectiontospeciallife-sustainingmeasuresoraspeciallife-sustainingmeasure, however
described, is, from the commencement ofthissection,takentobeareferencetolife-sustainingmeasures or a
life-sustaining measure.166Power for health
matters excludes power for withholdingor withdrawal of
life-sustaining measureAn enduring document of force and
effect immediately beforethe commencement of this section that
authorises an attorneytoexercisepowerforhealthmattersdoesnot,fromthecommencementofthissection,authorisetheattorneytoexercisepowerforthewithholdingorwithdrawalofalife-sustaining measure.Part
4Transitional and validationprovisions for Guardianshipand
Administration and OtherLegislation Amendment Act2018167Definitions for partIn this
part—amended, for a
provision of this Act, means the provision asamended by the
amendment Act.Page 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 9 Transitional provisions[s
168]amendment Actmeans the
Guardianship and Administrationand Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2018.Notauthorised—indicativeonly168Existing appointment—eligible attorney
(enduring powerof attorney)(1)This
section applies in relation to a person who, immediatelybeforethecommencement,heldanappointmentasanattorney for a matter under an
enduring power of attorney if—(a)the
person was an eligible attorney for the matter undersection29(1)asinforcewhenthepersonwasappointed; but(b)thepersonwouldnotbeaneligibleattorneyforthematter under
amended section 29(1).(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatamendedsection29(1) does not affect the person’s
appointment.169Existing appointment—eligible attorney
(advance healthdirective)(1)This
section applies in relation to a person who, immediatelybeforethecommencement,heldanappointmentasanattorney for a matter under an advance
health directive if—(a)the person was
an eligible attorney for the matter undersection29(2)asinforcewhenthepersonwasappointed; but(b)thepersonwouldnotbeaneligibleattorneyforthematter under
amended section 29(2).(2)Onthecommencement,theadvancehealthdirectiveisrevoked to the extent it gives power to the
attorney.170Existing appointment—more than 4 joint
attorneys(enduring power of attorney)(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, more than 4 persons were
joint attorneys fora matter under an enduring power of
attorney.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 9 Transitional provisions[s
certified copy of enduring document(1)Thissectionappliestoacopyofanenduringdocumentcertified under section 45 before the
commencement as a copyof the enduring document.(2)Section 45 as in force immediately
before the commencementcontinues to apply to the copy.172Application of ss 61A–61DSections 61A to 61D apply—(a)in relation to the will of a principal
who dies after thecommencement; and(b)regardlessofwhetherthesale,mortgage,charge,dispositionof,orotherdealingwith,propertybytheattorney
happened before or after the commencement.173Validation of delegation(1)This
section applies to a delegation of a power by the publictrustee of a type described in, and to a
person mentioned in,section 160 before the
commencement.(2)Thedelegationistakentobe,andalwaystohavebeen,asvalid and effective as it would have
been if it were made afterthe commencement of section
160.174Enduring documents started(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, the preparation of an
enduring document hadbeen started but not finished.(2)ThisAct,asamendedbytheamendmentAct,appliestothepreparation of the enduring
document.Page 88Current as at
[Not applicable]
Powers of Attorney Act 1998Chapter 9 Transitional provisions[s
175]175Existing proceedings(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a proceeding under this
Act had been startedbut not finished.(2)The
proceeding is to continue as if the amendment Act had notbeen
enacted.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2Schedule 2Types of mattersschedule 3Part
1Financial matter1Financial matterAfinancial matter, for a
principal, is a matter relating to theprincipal’sfinancialorpropertymatters,including,forexample, a matter relating to 1 or more of
the following—(a)payingmaintenanceandaccommodationexpensesforthe principal and the principal’s
dependants, including,forexample,purchasinganinterestin,ormakinganothercontributionto,anestablishmentthatwillmaintain or
accommodate the principal or a dependantof the
principal;(b)payingtheprincipal’sdebts,includinganyfeesandexpenses to which an administrator is
entitled under adocument made by the principal or under a
law;(c)receivingandrecoveringmoneypayabletotheprincipal;(d)carrying on a trade or business of the
principal;(e)performing contracts entered into by
the principal;(f)discharging a mortgage over the
principal’s property;(g)payingrates,taxes,insurancepremiumsorotheroutgoings for
the principal’s property;(h)insuring the
principal or the principal’s property;(i)otherwise preserving or improving the
principal’s estate;(j)investing for the principal in
authorised investments;(k)continuing
investments of the principal, including takinguprightstoissuesofnewshares,oroptionsfornewPage 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2shares, to which
the principal becomes entitled by theprincipal’s
existing shareholding;(l)undertaking a
real estate transaction for the principal;(m)dealing with land for the principal under
theLand Act1994orLand Title Act 1994;(n)undertaking a
transaction for the principal involving theuse of the
principal’s property as security (for example,for a loan or by
way of a guarantee) for an obligation theperformance of
which is beneficial to the principal;(o)alegalmatterrelatingtotheprincipal’sfinancialorproperty matters;(p)withdrawing money from, or depositing money
into, theprincipal’s account with a financial
institution.Part 2Personal
matter2Personal matterApersonal matter, for a
principal, is a matter, other than aspecial personal
matter or special health matter, relating to theprincipal’scare,includingtheprincipal’shealthcare,orwelfare, including, for example, a matter
relating to 1 or moreof the following—(a)where the principal lives;(b)with whom the principal lives;(ba)services
provided to the principal;(c)whethertheprincipalworksand,ifso,thekindandplace of work and the employer;(d)what education or training the
principal undertakes;(e)whether the
principal applies for a licence or permit;(f)day-to-dayissues,including,forexample,dietanddress;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 91
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2(g)whethertoconsenttoaforensicexaminationoftheprincipal;Note—See
also section 104 (Protection for person carrying out
forensicexamination with consent).(h)health care of the principal;(i)a legal matter not relating to the
principal’s financial orproperty matters;(j)who
may have access visits to, or other contact with, theprincipal;(k)advocacyrelatingtothecareandwelfareoftheprincipal.3Special personal matterAspecial personal matter, for a
principal, is a matter relatingto 1 or more of
the following—(a)making or revoking the principal’s
will;(b)making or revoking a power of
attorney, enduring powerof attorney or advance health
directive of the principal;(c)exercisingtheprincipal’srighttovoteinaCommonwealth, State or local
government election orreferendum;(d)consenting to adoption of a child of the
principal under18 years;(e)consenting to marriage of the
under theSurrogacy Act 2010;(i)consentingtothemakingordischargeofaparentageorder under
theSurrogacy Act 2010;Page 92Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2(j)entering a plea on a criminal charge for the
principal.4Health matterAhealth matter, for a
principal, is a matter relating to healthcare, other than
special health care, of the principal.5Health care(1)Health care, of a
principal, is care or treatment of, or a serviceor a
procedure for, the principal—(a)to
diagnose, maintain, or treat the principal’s physical ormental condition; and(b)carried out by, or under the direction or
supervision of, ahealth provider.(2)Healthcare,ofaprincipal,includeswithholdingorwithdrawal of a life-sustaining measure for
the principal if thecommencementorcontinuationofthemeasurefortheprincipal would be inconsistent with
good medical practice.(3)Health
care, of a principal, does not include—(a)first aid treatment; or(b)anon-intrusiveexaminationmadefordiagnosticpurposes;
or(c)the administration of a pharmaceutical
drug if—(i)a prescription is not needed to obtain
the drug; and(ii)the drug is
normally self-administered; and(iii)the
administration is for a recommended purposeand at a
recommended dosage level; or(d)psychosurgery for the principal.Example of paragraph (b)—a
visual examination of a principal’s mouth, throat, nasal cavity,
eyes orearsCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 93
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 25ALife-sustaining measure(1)Alife-sustaining measureis
health care intended to sustain orprolong life and
that supplants or maintains the operation ofvitalbodilyfunctionsthataretemporarilyorpermanentlyincapable of
independent operation.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection
(1),eachofthefollowingisalife-sustaining measure—(a)cardiopulmonary
resuscitation;(b)assisted ventilation;(c)artificial nutrition and
hydration.(3)A blood transfusion is not alife-sustaining measure.5BGood medical practiceGoodmedicalpracticeisgoodmedicalpracticeforthemedical profession in Australia having
regard to—(a)therecognisedmedicalstandards,practicesandprocedures of the medical profession
in Australia; and(b)therecognisedethicalstandardsofthemedicalprofession in
Australia.6Special health matterAspecial health matter,
for a principal, is a matter relating tospecial health
care of the principal.Note—An attorney or
guardian may not be given power for a special healthmatter.However, a
principal may give a direction about a special health matterinanadvancehealthdirective.Alternatively,inparticularcircumstances
the tribunal may consent to special health care. See theGuardianship and Administration Act
2000, section 68 (Special healthcare).Page 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 27Special health careSpecialhealthcare,ofaprincipal,ishealthcareofthefollowing
types—(a)removaloftissuefromtheprincipalwhilealivefordonation to someone else;Note—Forthesituationaftertheprincipalhasdied,seetheTransplantation and Anatomy Act
1979, particularly section 22.(b)sterilisation of the principal;(c)termination of a pregnancy of the
principal;(d)participation by the principal in
special medical researchor experimental health care;(e)electroconvulsivetherapyoranon-ablativeneurosurgical
procedure for the principal;(f)prescribed special health care of the
principal.8Removal of tissue for donation(1)For an adult,removal of
tissue for donationto someone elseincludesremovaloftissuefromtheprincipalsolaboratoryreagents,orreferenceandcontrolmaterials,derivedcompletely or partly from pooled human
plasma may be givento the other person.(2)Tissueis—(a)an organ, blood or part of a human
body; or(b)a substance that may be extracted from
an organ, bloodor part of a human body.9Sterilisation(1)Sterilisationishealthcareofaprincipalwhois,orisreasonably likely to be, fertile that
is intended, or reasonablylikely,tomaketheprincipal,orensuretheprincipalis,permanently infertile.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 95
of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2Examples of
sterilisation—endometrial oblation, hysterectomy, tubal
ligation and vasectomy(2)Sterilisationdoesnotincludehealthcareprimarilytotreatorganic
malfunction or disease of the principal.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10TerminationTermination, of a pregnancy
of a principal, does not includehealth care
primarily to treat organic malfunction or disease ofthe
principal.11Primary reason for treatmentHealthcareprimarilytotreatorganicmalfunctionordisease, of a
principal, is health care without which an organicmalfunctionordiseaseoftheprincipalislikelytocauseseriousorirreversibledamagetotheprincipal’sphysicalhealth.Examples—1Health care involving sterilisation
may be primarily to treat organicmalfunction or
disease if the principal has cancer affecting thereproductive system or
cryptorchidism.2Aprocedureinvolvingterminationofapregnancymaybeprimarily to treat organic malfunction
if the principal is a pregnantwoman requiring
abdominal surgery for injuries sustained in anaccident.12Special medical research or
experimental health care(1)Special medical
research or experimental health care, for aprincipal, means—(a)medical research or experimental health care
relating toa condition the principal has or to which
the principalhas a significant risk of being exposed;
or(b)medical research or experimental
health care intended togainknowledgethatcanbeusedinthediagnosis,maintenanceortreatmentofaconditiontheprincipalhas or has
had.Page 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 2(2)Special medical research or experimental
health caredoesnot
include—(a)psychological research; or(b)an approved clinical research.13Approved clinical research(1)Clinical researchis—(a)medical research intended to diagnose,
maintain or treata condition affecting the participants in
the research; or(b)atrialofdrugs,devices,biologicalsortechniquesinvolvingthecarryingoutofhealthcarethatmayincludethegivingofplacebostosomeoftheparticipants in the trial.(1A)However,acomparativeassessmentofhealthcarealreadyproven to be
beneficial is not medical research.Examples—•acomparativeassessmentoftheeffectsofdifferentformsofadministration of a drug proven to be
beneficial in the treatment ofa condition, for
example, a continuous infusion, as opposed to aonce-a-day
administration, of the drug•a
comparative assessment of the angle at which to set a tilt-bed
tobest assist a principal’s breathing.(2)Approved clinical researchis
clinical research approved bythe tribunal
under the Guardianship and Administration Act2000, section
74C.14Electroconvulsive therapyElectroconvulsivetherapyistheapplicationofelectriccurrent to
specific areas of the head to produce a generalisedseizurethatismodifiedbygeneralanaesthesiaandtheadministration of a muscle relaxing
agent.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 215PsychosurgeryPsychosurgeryisaprocedureonthebrain,thatinvolvesdeliberatedamagetoorremovalofbraintissue,forthetreatment of a
mental illness.Notauthorised—indicativeonly15ANon-ablative
neurosurgical procedureAnon-ablativeneurosurgicalprocedureisaprocedureonthebrain,thatdoesnotinvolvedeliberatedamagetoorremoval of brain
tissue, for the treatment of a mental illness.17Prescribed special health carePrescribed special health caremeans health care prescribedunder theGuardianship and
Administration Act 2000.Part 3Legal matter18Legal
matterAlegal matter, for a
principal, includes a matter relating to—(a)useoflegalservicestoobtaininformationabouttheprincipal’s legal rights; and(b)use of legal services to undertake a
transaction; and(c)useoflegalservicestobringordefendaproceedingbeforeacourt,tribunalorotherentity,includinganapplication under theSuccession Act
1981, part 4 or anapplication for
compensation arising from a compulsoryacquisition;
andNote—ThisenablestheSupremeCourttomakeprovisionforadependantofadeceasedpersonfromthedeceasedperson’sestate if adequate provision is not made
from the estate for thedependant’s proper maintenance and
support.(d)bringing or defending a proceeding,
including settling aclaim, whether before or after the
start of a proceeding.Page 98Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySchedule 3DictionaryPowers of
Attorney Act 1998Schedule 3section 3administratormeansanadministratorappointedundertheGuardianship and Administration Act
2000.advance health directivesee
section 35.approved clinical researchsee
schedule 2, section 13.approved formmeans a form
approved by the chief executiveunder section
161.attorneymeans—(a)an attorney under a power of attorney,
enduring powerof attorney or advance health directive;
or(b)a statutory health attorney.capacity,forapersonforamatter,meansthepersoniscapable of—(a)understanding the nature and effect of
decisions aboutthe matter; and(b)freelyandvoluntarilymakingdecisionsaboutthematter; and(c)communicating the decisions in some
way.Note—Under the
Guardianship and Administration Act 2000, section 146(3),indecidingwhetheranindividualiscapableofcommunicatingdecisionsinsomeway,thetribunalmustinvestigatetheuseofallreasonablewaysoffacilitatingcommunication,whichmayincludesymbol boards or
signing.clinical researchsee schedule 2,
section 13(1).closefriend,ofaperson,meansanotherpersonwhohasaclose personal relationship with the first
person and a personalinterest in the first person’s
welfare.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 100commissioner for
declarationssee theJustices of the
Peaceand Commissioners for Declarations Act
1991.conflict transactionsee
section 73.courtmeans the
Supreme Court.dependant, of a
principal, means a person who is completelyor mainly
dependent on the principal.electroconvulsive therapysee
schedule 2, section 14.eligible attorneysee section
29.eligible signersee section
30.eligible witnesssee section
31.enduring documentsee section
28.enduring power of attorneysee
section 32.financial mattersee schedule 2,
section 1.forensic examinationof a principal
means a medical or dentalprocedurefortheprincipalthatiscarriedoutforforensicpurposes,otherthanbecausetheprincipalissuspectedofhaving committed a criminal offence.general power of attorney made under this
Actsee section 8.general
principlessee section 6C.good medical
practicesee schedule 2, section 5B.guardianmeansaguardianappointedundertheGuardianship and Administration Act
2000.health caresee schedule 2,
section 5.health care primarily to treat organic
malfunction or diseasesee schedule 2, section 11.health care principlessee section
6D.health mattersee schedule 2,
section 4.health providermeans a person
who provides health care inthe practice of
a profession or the ordinary course of business.Example—dentistCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 3impaired
capacity, for a person for a matter, means the
persondoes not have capacity for the
matter.insolventincludesexternaladministration(forexample,liquidation,receivershiporcompromiseenteredintowithcreditors)undertheCorporationsActorasimilarlawofaforeign jurisdiction.interested
person,foranotherperson,meansapersonwhohasasufficientandgenuineconcernfortherightsandinterests of the other person.jurisdictionmeans—(a)another State; or(b)New
Zealand.legal mattersee schedule 2,
section 18.life-sustaining measuresee schedule 2,
section 5A.matterincludes a type
of matter.Example—A reference in
section 10(1)(a) to a person appointing an attorney toexercise power for a matter includes a
reference to a person appointinganattorneytoexercisepowerforatypeofmatter(forexample,particular, but
not all, financial matters).non-ablative
neurosurgical proceduresee schedule 2, section15A.paid
carer, for a principal, means someone who—(a)performs services for the principal’s
care; and(b)receives remuneration from any source
for the services,other than—(i)a
carer payment or other benefit received from theCommonwealth or a State for providing home
carefor the principal; or(ii)remunerationattributabletotheprinciplethatdamages may be awarded by a court for
voluntaryservices performed for the principal’s
care.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 102Note—This
principle was established in Griffiths v Kerkemeyer(1977)139CLR161—seeQueenslandLawReformCommission
Report No. 45, ‘The assessment of damagesin personal
injury and wrongful death litigation, Griffithsv Kerkemeyer,
Section 15C Common Law Practice Act1867’, October
1993.personal mattersee schedule 2,
section 2.power, for a matter,
means power to make all decisions aboutthe matter and
otherwise exercise the power.power of
attorney given as securitysee section 10(1).prescribed
special health caresee schedule 2, section 17.principalmeans—(a)in the context of a power of attorney,
enduring power ofattorney or advance health directive or an
attorney under1ofthesedocuments—thepersonwhomadethedocument or appointed the attorney;
or(b)in the context of a statutory health
attorney—the personfor whom the statutory health attorney is
statutory healthattorney.psychosurgerysee schedule 2,
section 15.public guardianmeans the public
guardian under thePublicGuardian Act
2014.relation, of a person,
means—(a)a spouse of the first person;
or(b)apersonwhoisrelatedtothefirstpersonbyblood,marriageoradoptionorbecauseofadefactorelationship, foster relationship or a
relationship arisingbecause of a legal arrangement;
orExample of legal arrangement—1court order for custody2trust arrangement between trustee and
beneficiary(c)apersononwhomthefirstpersoniscompletelyormainly dependent; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPowers of Attorney Act 1998Schedule 3(d)a
person who is completely or mainly dependent on thefirst person; or(e)a
person who is a member of the same household as thefirst person.removal of
tissue for donationsee schedule 2, section 8(1).residenthasthemeaninggivenbytheResidentialServices(Accreditation) Act 2002.residential servicehas the meaning
given by theResidentialServices
(Accreditation) Act 2002.serviceproviderhasthemeaninggivenbytheResidentialServices
(Accreditation) Act 2002.special health
caresee schedule 2, section 7.special health mattersee schedule 2,
section 6.specialmedicalresearchorexperimentalhealthcareseeschedule 2, section 12.special personal
mattersee schedule 2, section 3.statutory health attorneysee
section 63.sterilisationsee schedule 2,
section 9.supportnetwork,foranadult,consistsofthefollowingpeople—(a)members of the adult’s family;(b)close friends of the adult;(c)other people the tribunal decides
provide support to theadult.termincludes condition, limitation and
instruction.terminationsee schedule 2,
section 10.tissuesee schedule 2,
section 8(2).tribunalmeans
QCAT.Current as at [Not applicable]Page