QueenslandTransportPlanningandCoordinationAct1994Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates all proposedamendments to the Act included in the Police
and Other Legislation (Identity andBiometricCapability)AmendmentBill2018.Thisindicativereprinthasbeenprepared for
information only—it is not an authorised reprint of the
Act.Some enacted but uncommenced amendments
included in theTransport andOther Legislation
Amendment Act 2017No. 25 have also been incorporated in
thisindicative reprint.Amendments to this
Act are also included in the Heavy Vehicle National Law andOther
Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. These proposed amendments are
notincluded in this indicative reprint.Detailed information about indicative
reprints is available on theInformationpage of this
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Contents36H36I36J36K36L36M3738Part 7Division 139Division 2404142Division 3434445Division 446Schedule 1Service of
document by post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .59Giving information to approved
agencies to enable use of information forparticular
purposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .59Use of
information permitted despite other provisions. . . . . . .
.60Misuse of particular information given
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60Extra-territorial application of offence
provision. . . . . . . . . . . . .60Protection from liability. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Delegation
by the
Minister or
the chief
executive. . . . . . . . . . . .61Regulation-making power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Transitional provisionsProvision for
Transport and
Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2014Easement for support registered
before commencement .
. . . . .62Provisions for
Holidays and
Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2015Extension of shelf life of a digital photo
or digitised
signature underanother Act. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.63Retention period for a digital photo
or digitised signature taken underanother Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Access to digital photos under other Transport
Acts to
be included
inannual report .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64Provisions for
Transport and
Other Legislation Amendment
Act2017Definition for division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Existing road works on local government roads. . . . . . . . . . . . .65Existing applications for approval of management
change .
. . . .65Transitional provision for Police and Other
Legislation (Identity andBiometric
Capability) Amendment Act 2018Transitional regulation-making power . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Dictionary. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.67Page 4
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994An Act about the planning and coordination of
transport, andother matters for which the Minister is
titleThisActmaybecitedastheTransportPlanningandCoordination Act 1994.2ObjectivesThe objectives
of this Act are, within the government’s overallpolicy agenda, to improve—(a)theeconomic,tradeandregionaldevelopmentperformance of
Queensland; and(b)the quality of life of
Queenslanders;byachievingoveralltransporteffectivenessandefficiencythroughstrategicplanningandmanagementoftransportresources.3DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 1 defines particular words used inthis Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2 Transport coordination plan[s
4]Part 2Transport
coordination planNotauthorised—indicativeonly4Development of
transport coordination plan(1)The
chief executive must from time to time develop for theMinister’s approval a transport coordination
plan to provide aframeworkforstrategicplanningandmanagementoftransportresourcesinQueenslandinaccordancewiththeobjectives of this Act.(2)Indevelopingatransportcoordinationplan,thechiefexecutivemusttakereasonablestepstoengageinpublicconsultation.(3)A
transport coordination plan applies for the period specifiedin
the plan, but the chief executive may, if it is appropriate
inthe circumstances, develop a new transport
coordination planfortheMinister’sapprovaleventhoughtheperiodhasnotended.(4)The
Minister may, at any time, direct the chief executive toprepare a new transport coordination plan
for the Minister’sapproval or to amend the current transport
coordination planin the way the Minister directs.(5)The Minister may approve a transport
coordination plan thatissubmittedforapprovalorrequirethechiefexecutivetoamend the plan in the way the Minister
directs.5Contents of transport coordination
plan(1)A transport coordination plan must
include—(a)astatementofthespecificobjectivessoughttobeachieved by the
plan; and(b)criteria for deciding priorities for
spending on transport;and(c)appropriateperformanceindicatorsfordecidingwhether, and to
what extent, the objectives of the planhave been
achieved.Page 6Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2 Transport coordination plan[s
6](2)A transport coordination plan must
also provide—(a)an adequate framework for the
coordinated planning fortransport; and(b)a
way of achieving effective and efficient use of land fortransport purposes.Notauthorised—indicativeonly6Transport coordination plan to be
consistent with overallstrategic planning for government
etc.Each transport coordination plan
must—(a)beconsistentwiththegovernment’soverallstrategicplanning for
Queensland; and(b)take into account—(i)national transport strategies; and(ii)regionaltransportandotherdevelopmentstrategies;
and(iii)local government
interests; and(iv)the government’s
land use planning; and(v)the government’s
environmental policies.7Tabling of
transport coordination planThe Minister
must cause a copy of each transport coordinationplan, and of each amendment of a transport
coordination plan,approvedbytheMinister,tobetabledintheLegislativeAssembly.8Effect of failure to comply with pt
2(1)It is Parliament’s intention that this
part be complied with.(2)However—(a)this part is directory only and does
not create rights orimposelegallyenforceableobligationsontheState,Minister, chief
executive or anyone else; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 7
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8A](b)failuretocomplywiththispartdoesnotaffectthevalidity of anything done or not done under
this Act oranother Act.(3)In
addition, a decision made, or appearing to be made, underthis
part—(a)is final and conclusive; and(b)cannotbechallenged,appealedagainst,reviewed,quashed, set aside, or called in question in
another way,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991(whetherbytheSupremeCourt,anothercourt,atribunaloranotherentity);
and(c)is not subject to any writ or order of
the Supreme Court,another court, a tribunal or another entity
on any ground.(4)In this section—decisionincludes—(a)conduct engaged in to make a decision;
and(b)conduct related to making a decision;
and(c)failure to make a decision.Part
2ALand use and transportcoordination8AObject of pt 2A(1)Theobjectofthispartistoenablethechiefexecutivetoencourageincreasedintegrationbetweenlanduseandtransport.(2)The
way the object is to be achieved includes—(a)ensuring,asfaraspracticable,developmentdoesnothaveasignificantadverseimpactonanyofthefollowing—(i)existing or future public passenger
transport;Page 8Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8A](ii)existingorfuturepublicpassengertransportinfrastructure; and(b)ensuringdevelopmentaddressesanyimpactsonthedevelopmentfromenvironmentalemissionsgeneratedby any of the
following—(i)existing or future public passenger
transport;(ii)existingorfuturepublicpassengertransportinfrastructure; andExamples of
environmental emissions—air particles, fumes, light,
noise(c)ensuring,asfaraspracticable,publicpassengertransportoffersanattractivealternativetoprivatetransportinawaythatreducestheoveralleconomic,environmental and social costs of transport;
and(d)promoting urban development that
maximises the use ofpublic passenger transport; and(e)increasingopportunitiesforpeopletoaccesspublicpassengertransport,includingaccessbycyclingandwalking; and(f)ensuring, as far as practicable, the
provision of publicpassengertransportinfrastructuretosupportpublicpassenger transport; and(g)ensuring development supports active
transport; and(h)ensuring,asfaraspracticable,theprovisionofactivetransport
infrastructure to support active transport.(3)In
this section—activetransportmeansphysicalactivityundertakenasameansoftransportfrom1placetoanother,includingthefollowing—(a)cycling;(b)walking;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 9
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8B](c)cycling or walking to a place to access
public passengertransport,orfromaplaceafterpublicpassengertransport has been used.active transport
infrastructuremeans infrastructure for use inconnection with active transport, including,
for example, thefollowing—(a)a
path or walkway for use by pedestrians;(b)a
path, lane or other infrastructure for use by cyclists;(c)a device or facility designed and
constructed for parkingbicycles;(d)an
end of trip facility.end of trip facilitymeans a facility or service at a
potentialdestinationforapersonengaginginactivetransportthatisdesignedtomakeactivetransportamoreattractive,convenientandpracticalmeansoftransport,including,forexample, any of the following—(a)showers, toilets or wash
basins;(b)areas for changing clothes;(c)facilitiesusedforgroomingpurposes,including,forexample,mirrors,hairdryers,ironingequipmentoroutlets for hair dryers and other
electrical equipment;(d)facilities for
washing or drying clothes;(e)service for the
provision of towels;(f)storage
facilities for clothing or equipment;(g)drinking facilities;(h)servicesforobtainingequipmentthatmaybeusedtomaintain or repair bicycles, including, for
example, airpumps, puncture repair kits, tyre levers and
tyre tubes.8BImpact of particular development on
public passengertransport or active transport(1)This section applies if the chief
executive is—Page 10Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8C](a)areferralagencyunderthePlanningActforadevelopment
application under that Act; or(b)theresponsibleentityorareferralagencyunderthePlanning Act for a change application
under that Act.(2)For performing the chief executive’s
functions as responsibleentity or referral agency, the chief
executive must consider theextenttowhichtheproposeddevelopmentsatisfiestheobjectives of this part.(3)Subsection (2)isinadditionto,anddoesnotlimit,thePlanning Act, sections 55, 81 and 82.8CImpact of road works on identified
local governmentroadsEditor’s
note—Replacement of this section is an
uncommenced amendment—see 2017Act No. 25, s
85.(1)This section applies in relation to
road works to be carried outon a local
government road if—(a)theroadformspartofarouteusedforapublicpassengerserviceandisidentifiedinaroadworksguideline; or(b)the
road forms part of a route identified in a passengertransport implementation strategy or program
under theTransport Operations (Passenger Transport)
Act 1994;or(c)the works will
do either of the following while they arecarried out or
when they are finished—(i)restrictorlimitaccesstopublicpassengertransport infrastructure;Example for subparagraph (i)—the
temporary diversion of a bus route(ii)result in the removal of public passenger
transportinfrastructure.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 11
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8D]Example for
subparagraph (ii)—the temporary removal of a bus stop(2)A person undertaking road works for
the local government forthe local government area in which the
road is situated mustcomply with the road works
guideline.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.(3)If,beforetheroadworksareundertaken,thelocalgovernment knows
the works will restrict or limit access to apublicpassengerserviceorpublicpassengertransportinfrastructurewhiletheyareundertaken,thelocalgovernment must
notify the chief executive about the works—(a)in
writing; and(b)at least 21 days before the works
start.(4)In this section—road works
guidelinemeans a guideline made under section8E
for this section.8DImpact of change of management of
local governmentroad on scheduled passenger servicesEditor’s note—Amendment of
this section heading is an uncommenced amendment—see
2017 Act No. 25, s 86(1).(1)This section
applies if—(a)alocalgovernmentproposestomakeachangetothemanagement of a local government road;
and(b)the change would have a significant
adverse impact onthe provision of a scheduled passenger
service.(2)Thelocalgovernmentmustapplytothechiefexecutiveforwritten approval to make the
change.(2A)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1)(b),achangetothemanagement of a local government road
that, if made, wouldadversely affect any of the following
things is a change thatPage 12Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8D]Notauthorised—indicativeonlywould have a significant adverse impact on
the provision of ascheduled passenger service—(a)the route that may be taken for, or
the number of stopsthatmaybemadeduring,thescheduledpassengerservice;(b)the
frequency of a scheduled journey for the scheduledpassenger service;(c)the
time taken to complete a scheduled journey for thescheduled passenger service.Examplesofchangesthatmayadverselyaffectathingmentionedinparagraph (a), (b) or (c)—•the closure of a road or lane•the removal or alteration of a bus
lane or transit lane•a change in the
direction of traffic flow along a road•a
change in priority settings on a road•changing a roundabout to a signalised
intersectionEditor’s note—Section 8D(1),
(2) and (2A) are uncommenced amendments—see 2017Act
No. 25, s 86(2).(3)Theapplicationmustbemadeatleast21daysbeforetheproposed change is to take
effect.(4)The chief executive—(a)must consider the application
within—(i)21 days after receiving it; or(ii)the longer time
notified to the local government bythechiefexecutive,inwriting,beforetheendofthe
21 days; and(b)may—(i)approvetheproposedchange,withorwithoutconditions;
or(ii)refuse to
approve the proposed change.(5)The
chief executive must give the local government writtennotice of the chief executive’s decision on
the application.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 2A Land use and transport
coordination[s 8E](6)If
the chief executive does not do any of the following withinthe
21 days, the chief executive is taken to have approved theproposed change—(a)approve the proposed change;(b)refuse to approve the proposed
change;(c)givethelocalgovernmentanoticeundersubsection (4)(a)(ii).(7)Part5appliestoadecisionofthechiefexecutiveundersubsection
(4)(b).(8)This section does not apply if—(a)thechiefexecutiveorplanningchiefexecutivehasconsideredthechangeofmanagementofthelocalgovernment road
as part of considering an applicationforadevelopmentapproval,orachangeapplication,under the
Planning Act; or(b)itisreasonablynecessaryforthechangetobemadewithoutdelayincluding,forexample,becauseofanemergency
affecting the safety of the road network.(9)In
this section—planningchiefexecutivemeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which the Planning Act is administered.8EGuidelines for pt 2A(1)The
chief executive may make guidelines—(a)about a matter mentioned in section 8A;
or(b)for the purposes of sections 8B to
8D.(2)The guidelines may also—(a)identify a particular transport
facility, transport corridoror parcel of
land; and(b)include other matters relevant to
subsection (1)(a) or (b).(3)A person must
have regard to relevant guidelines when—Page 14Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
22](a)planningorcarryingoutdevelopmentunderthePlanning Act; or(b)makingchangestothemanagementofalocalgovernment road;
or(c)making proposals in relation to the
provision of publicpassenger transport.(4)The
chief executive must—(a)give a copy of
the guidelines, and any amendment of theguidelines,toeverylocalgovernmentaffectedbytheguidelines;
and(b)foraguidelinemadeforthepurposesofsection8C—publish the guideline on the department’s
website.(5)This section does not limit section
8C(2).(6)In this section—transport
corridorincludes a future transport corridor.transport facilityincludes a
future transport facility.Editor’s note—Section 8E(4) to
(6) are uncommenced amendments—see 2017 Act No.25, s 87.Part
4Functions, powers andpropertyDivision 1General22Chief executive’s coordination and
strategic planningfunctions(1)Thechiefexecutive’sfunctionsunderthetransportActsinclude—(a)coordinatingthestrategicplanningandoperationofintegrated transport systems in the State;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
23](b)managingtheallocationoffundstoachievethisoutcome.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),thechiefexecutiveistoachieve the
functions mentioned in subsection (1) by—(a)ensuringmoreeffectiveintegrationoflanduseandtransport planning by—(i)evaluatingtheeffectivenessofproposedandexisting transport systems in the State;
and(ii)developingandimplementingintegratedregionaltransport plans that complement the
objectives ofregional and land use plans in the State;
and(b)ensuringtheeffectiveplanninganddevelopmentoftransport infrastructure; and(c)developingandimplementingtraveldemandmanagementinitiatives,includingmarketingandpromotioninitiatives,tomoreefficientlyuseroadcapacity.23Functions of chief executive not
limited by implication(1)No transport Act
limits, by implication, the chief executive’sfunctions under
another Act or law.Note—This Act (and
the chief executive’s functions under it) does not limit, byimplication, the following functions under
other Acts or laws—•the chief executive’s responsibilities
as chief executive under thePublic Service
Act 2008, especially section 98•the
chief executive’s functions as accountable officer under theFinancial Accountability Act 2009,
especially section 61•the chief
executive’s functions, whether at common law or understatute,asthepersonincontrol,undertheMinister,ofadepartment of government of the
State•the chief executive’s functions under
theTransport InfrastructureAct 1994,
including, for example, the chief executive’s functionsfor
road transport infrastructure, busway transport
infrastructureand light rail transport infrastructure
under that Act.Page 16Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
24](2)This section is enacted to remove any
doubt about the chiefexecutive’s functions.(3)In this section—functionincludes responsibility.lawincludes any common law rule.Notauthorised—indicativeonly24General powers of chief
executive(1)The chief executive has, under the
Minister and as agent of theState,allthepowersoftheStatethatarenecessaryordesirable for performing the chief
executive’s functions.(2)Anything done in
the name of, or for, the State by the chiefexecutiveinperformingthechiefexecutive’sfunctionsistaken to have been done for, and
binds, the State.(3)Without limiting subsection (1), the
chief executive may, forexample, in performing the chief
executive’s functions—(a)enterintoarrangements,agreements,contractsanddeeds; and(b)acquire, hold, deal with and dispose of
property; and(c)appoint agents and attorneys;
and(d)charge, and fix terms, for goods,
services, facilities andinformation supplied; and(e)seal any document; and(f)do other things necessary or
convenient to be done for,or in connection with, the chief
executive’s functions.(4)Withoutlimitingsubsection
(1),thechiefexecutivehasthepowers given to
the chief executive under this or another Actor at common
law.(5)No transport Act limits, by
implication, the powers that thechiefexecutivehasunderanotherActorlaw,and,inparticular, no transport Act prevents, by
implication—(a)thechiefexecutivedoinganythingintradeorcommerce; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 17
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
25](b)the chief executive doing anything
outside Queensland,including outside Australia.(6)However,thechiefexecutive’spowersaresubjecttoanyrestriction expressly imposed on the
chief executive under thisor another Act.(7)This
section is enacted to remove any doubt about the chiefexecutive’s powers.(8)In
this section—functionincludes
responsibility.lawincludes any common law rule.powerincludes legal
prohibition.trade or commerceincludes—(a)a business or professional activity;
and(b)anything else done for gain or
reward.25General powers regarding
property(1)The chief executive may, for the
State, acquire, hold, disposeoforotherwisedealwithpropertyforthepurposesoftransport,foranincidentalpurpose,forthepurposeofatransportassociateddevelopmentorforacombinationofthese purposes.Note—See
subsections (2) and (2A) if land is to be acquired by
resumption.(2)Thepowerconferredbysubsection (1)includespowertoacquire land by resumption in accordance
with this part if thelandis,inthechiefexecutive’sopinion,requiredforthepurposesoftransport,foranincidentalpurpose,forthepurposeofatransportassociateddevelopmentorforacombination of
these purposes.(2A)Iflandisacquiredbyresumptionforthepurposeofatransportassociateddevelopmentasmentionedinsubsection (1) or (2), at the time of
acquisition the land mustPage 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
purpose.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1)or(2),thechiefexecutivemay,
for the State, acquire property for any of the followingpurposes—(a)the
facilitation of transport infrastructure;(b)thesupplyorimprovementoffacilitiesforusersoftransport infrastructure;(c)theameliorationofnegativeenvironmentaleffectsassociated with transport
infrastructure;(d)theconstructionorrelocationofancillaryworksandencroachmentsandpublicutilityplantwithinthemeaningoftheTransportInfrastructureAct1994,chapter 6.(4)Inacquiringlandunderthispart,thechiefexecutivemusthave regard to
any relevant provisions of—(a)the
transport coordination plan; and(b)transportinfrastructurestrategiesinforceundertheTransport Infrastructure Act
1994.(5)The chief
executive may have regard to any other matters thechief executive considers relevant.(6)The power to acquire land under this
part includes power toacquire land or an easement, including
a transport easementforsupport,orotherinterestinlandaboveorbeneaththesurface without acquiring rights in the
surface.(7)Subsection (6) applies to the
acquisition of an easement eventhough the
easement—(a)is not attached to, or used and
enjoyed with, a dominanttenement; or(b)must
not be used and enjoyed in common with any otherperson.(8)For
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
26](a)the chief executive is a constructing
authority within themeaning of that Act; and(b)withoutlimitingthechiefexecutive’spowerstotakelandunderthatAct,thechiefexecutive,asaconstructing authority under that Act,
may take land forpurposes mentioned in subsections (1), (2)
and (3).(9)The chief executive may, as a
constructing authority under theAcquisitionofLandAct1967,obtainorresumealeaseofState land or some other interest in State
land that is less thanfreehold.(10)If
the chief executive issues a notice of intention to resume alease of State land, or some other interest
in State land that isless than freehold, the chief
executive must file a copy of thenotice in the
appropriate land register kept under theLand Act1994.(11)Ifthechiefexecutiveamendsordiscontinuesaresumptionmentionedinsubsection (10),thechiefexecutivemustimmediately file
a notice of the amendment or discontinuancein the
register.(12)If an
acquisition of land by the chief executive would severlandoftheownerfromotherlandoftheowner,thechiefexecutivemay,withtheMinister’sapproval,acquirebyagreement or resumption the whole or a part
of the severedarea.(13)Landacquiredunderthispartmaybedescribedintheinstrument acquiring the land in any
way sufficient to identifythe land.26Taking of land by the chief executive for
future transportpurposesAnacquisitionoflandthatwillberequiredatsomefuturetime
for a purpose for which land may be taken under this Actbythechiefexecutiveisanacquisitionoflandforthepurposes of this Act even if the time
when the land will berequired is indefinite or presently
can not be worked out.Page 20Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
26A]26AChanging requirement for transport
Minister may, by gazette notice under this Act, declarethat
the land is required for another stated transport purpose.(3)The land is taken to have been
acquired for the other transportpurposefromthedaythedeclarationispublishedinthegazette.(4)TheAcquisition of Land Act 1967,
section 41 does not applyto the land because of the change of
purpose.(5)Thissectiondoesnotaffectanyrightofapersontocompensation because of the
acquisition.(6)Toremovedoubt,itisdeclaredthatadeclarationundersubsection (2)—(a)is
not an acquisition of the land; and(b)does
not give a right to compensation.27Power
of chief executive to lease, sell or otherwisedispose of land
for transport purpose(1)The chief
executive may, for the State, lease, sell or otherwisedispose of transport land—(a)if the land is for busway transport
infrastructure or buspassenger services—to any person for
busway transportinfrastructure or bus passenger services;
or(aa)if the land is
for franchised road or toll road purposes—to any person
for franchised road or toll road purposes;or(b)if the land is for light rail
transport infrastructure or lightrailpassengerservices—toanypersonforlightrailtransport infrastructure or light rail
passenger services;orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
27A](ba)if the land is
for a combination of purposes (combinedpurposes)includingthepurposeofatransportassociateddevelopment(relevantpurpose)—toanyperson for a relevant purpose, whether or
not the personisgoingtodealwiththelandforanyotherpurposeincluded in the combined purposes; or(c)if the land is for a transport purpose
other than a purposementionedinparagraph(a),(aa),(b)or(ba)—toatransportgovernmententityorrailwaymanagerundertheTransport Infrastructure Act 1994.(2)Subsection
(1)appliesdespitetheAcquisitionofLandAct1967.Note—Subsection (1)
would operate, for example, despite any implication intheAcquisition of Land Act 1967that
the chief executive must carry outthedevelopmentforwhichlandisacquiredanddespitetherequirements of section 41 of that
Act.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the power of the chiefexecutive to
acquire land by resumption or otherwise underthis part
applies even if the acquisition is carried out with theintention of disposing of land—(a)under subsection (1); or(b)as mentioned in subsection (1)(aa),
(b) or (c) under theTransport Infrastructure Act
1994, section 84C, 240 or355.(4)Subsection (3) does not limit the
power to acquire land underthis
part.27APower of chief executive to dispose of
land(1)This section applies if—(a)land has been acquired under this
part, and is no longerrequiredbythechiefexecutiveastheconstructingauthority, under
theAcquisition of Land Act 1967;
and(b)the chief executive intends to offer
the land to the formerowner.Page 22Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
27A](2)Also, this section applies despite
theAcquisition of Land Act1967,
section 41.(3)The chief executive may take an
easement over all or part ofthe land to
ensure the structural and operational integrity oftransport infrastructure.(5)Thechiefexecutivemust,within7yearsafterthedateofacquisition, give notice of the chief
executive’s intention (thechief executive’s notice) to
offer the land to the former owner.(6)The
chief executive’s notice must—(a)be
in writing; and(b)state that—(i)the
chief executive intends to sell the land; and(ii)if
the chief executive has registered an easement—theeasementhasbeenregisteredandthenatureand terms of the
easement; and(iii)theformerownermust,within28daysafterthenoticeisgiven(therelevanttime),givewrittennotice to the chief executive (theformer owner’snotice)aboutwhethertheformerownerisinterested in buying the land;
and(iv)if the chief
executive does not receive the formerowner’s notice
within the relevant time, the formaloffer lapses and
the chief executive may dispose ofthe land subject
to any easement.(7)Subsection (8) applies if the chief
executive—(a)receives,withintherelevanttime,theformerowner’snoticestatingtheformerownerisnotinterestedinbuying the land; or(b)doesnotreceivetheformerowner’snoticewithintherelevant time.(8)Thechiefexecutivemay,fortheState,disposeofthelandsubject to any easement in favour of the
chief executive.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28](9)Subsection (10) applies if the chief
executive receives, withinthe relevant time, the former owner’s
notice stating the formerowner is interested in buying the
land.(10)Thechiefexecutivemustoffer(theformaloffer)theland,subject to any
easement, for sale to the former owner at a price(thesale
price) decided by the chief executive.(11)The formal offer
must be in writing.(12)In deciding the
price at the which the land may be sold undersubsection (8)
or the sale price, the chief executive must takeinto
account—(a)a valuation by a registered valuer;
and(b)the policies and systems relating to
the management ofgovernment assets; and(c)the
existence of any easement.(13)Apersoncontractingorotherwisedealingwiththechiefexecutiveisnotconcernedtoinquirewhethertherequirements of this section have been
complied with, and thetitle of the person to land acquired
from the chief executive isnot affected by
a failure to comply with the requirements.(14)In
this section—formerownerseetheAcquisitionofLandAct1967,section 41(2).registered
valuermeans a valuer registered under theValuersRegistration Act
1992.28Value of
particular works does not affect compensationpayable(1)This section applies—(a)for deciding the amount of
compensation payable to aperson for land resumed under this
part; and(b)despite theAcquisition of
Land Act 1967, section 20(2).(2)The
value of works carried out on the land after a notice ofintention to resume the land has been sent
to a person entitledPage 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28AB]tocompensationfortheland,orafteragreementtoacquirehas been
reached, must be disregarded.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Transport
easement for support28ABDefinitions for div 2In
this division—benefited landsee section
28AE(1).burdened landsee section
easement for support, means the owner of the landwhen
the easement was created.owner, of land,
means—(a)for freehold land—the registered owner
or lessee of theland; or(b)for
non-freehold land—(i)the lessee or licensee of the land;
or(ii)if the land is a
reserve or unallocated State land—the
State.registeredmeans registered
under theLand Act 1994orLandTitle Act
1994.transport easement for supportsee
section 28AC.transportinfrastructurehasthemeaninggivenintheTransport
Infrastructure Act 1994, schedule 6.unallocatedStatelandmeansunallocatedStatelandundertheLand Act 1994.28ACMeaning oftransport
easement for support(1)Atransport easement for supportis
an easement created forthe purpose of support.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28AD](2)A transport easement for support may
be created only—(a)in relation to adjoining lots;
and(b)if the benefited land is transport
land.(3)Adocumentorinstrumentofeasementforatransporteasement for
support must state that the easement is createdfor the purpose
of support.(4)The approval of the Minister
administering theLand Act 1994is not required
for—(a)the creation of a transport easement
for support undersection 362(1) of that Act; or(b)theregistrationofadocumentcreatingatransporteasement for
support under section 363(1) of that Act.(5)In
this section—adjoining lot, for a
transport easement for support, includes alot(contiguouslot)adjoiningtheadjoininglotfortheeasement, if the
contiguous lot is needed for support.transport
landincludes land—(a)proposed to be acquired for transport
purposes or for anincidental purpose; and(b)used, or proposed to be used, for transport
purposes orfor an incidental purpose.28ADApplication of div 2(1)Thisdivisionappliestoaregisteredeasementthatisatransport easement for support.(2)A provision of an Act that provides
for the creation, recordingor taking of an
easement applies to a transport easement forsupporttotheextenttheprovisionisnotvariedunderthisdivision.(3)In this section—Actincludes theAcquisition of
Land Act 1967,Land Act 1994andLand
Title Act 1994.Page 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
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1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28AE]Notauthorised—indicativeonly28AERights and liabilities relating to
benefited land andburdened land(1)Aneasementforlateral,subadjacentorsuperjacentsupportexists in favour of land (thebenefited land) against other
land.(2)The easement entitles the owner of the
benefited land to enterthe burdened land, other than a part
of the land where a personresides, for the easement—(a)toinspecttheburdenedlandforthepurposeofpreventing or rectifying any
infringement of the rightsof the owner of the benefited land;
and(b)to maintain, change or replace all or
part of a structureproviding support.(3)An
owner of the burdened land—(a)must
do all things necessary to ensure that support forthe
benefited land by the burdened land is maintained;and(b)must not,
without the written consent of the owner of thebenefited
land—(i)remove,orallowanotherpersontoremove,supportforthebenefitedland,otherthanasrequired under paragraph (a); or(ii)change, or allow
another person to change, supportfor the
benefited land, other than as required underparagraph (a);
or(iii)do,orallowanotherpersontodo,anythingthatinterferes with, or otherwise compromises,
supportfor or the structural integrity of the
benefited land,other than as required under paragraph
(a).(4)Iftheowneroftheburdenedlanddoesnotcomplywithsubsection (3)(a) or (b), the owner of the
benefited land mayrecover the cost of maintaining or replacing
any support fromCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28AF]the owner of the benefited land as a debt
payable to the ownerof the benefited land.(5)In a proceeding, subsection (3) is to
be read in favour of theowner of the benefited land.Notauthorised—indicativeonly28AFNotice of
entry(1)This section applies if the owner of
benefited land is entitledto enter the burdened land under
section 28AE.(2)Before exercising the right of entry,
the owner of the benefitedlandmustgivetheowneroftheburdenedlandreasonablenotice in
writing of—(a)the owner’s intention to enter the
burdened land; and(b)details of the inspection or the
maintenance, change orreplacement to be carried out.(3)However, if in the circumstances,
urgent maintenance, changeorreplacementisrequired(becausethestructurehasbeendestroyed, for
example) and it is impractical to give a noticeunder subsection
(2)—(a)the owner of the benefited land may
exercise the right ofentry without giving the notice to
carry out the urgentmaintenance or replacement; and(b)as soon as practicable after the
entry, the owner of thebenefited land must give the owner of
the burdened landwrittennoticeoftheentryanddetailsofthemaintenance or replacement carried
out.28AGContinuation of transport easement for
support(1)A transport easement for support
continues over affected land.(2)Affectedlandislandthatisbenefited,orburdened,byatransport easement for support
and—(a)is dealt with under theLand
Act 1994orLand Title Act1994;
or(b)becomes unallocated State land.Page
28Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4 Functions, powers and property[s
28AH](3)The owner of the affected land is
taken to be the successor intitle of the
original owner of the land.(4)The
benefit of a transport easement for support passes withthe
benefited land.(5)The burden of a transport easement for
support passes withthe burdened land.(6)This
section applies to affected land that becomes unallocatedState land despite the following—(a)section 28AC(2)(b);(b)theLand Act
1994, section 372;(c)theLand Title Act 1994,
section 85(3).(7)In this section—dealt
land under theLand Act 1994—(i)granted in fee simple or in fee simple
in trust; or(ii)leased;
or(iii)dedicated as a
reserve under an Act; or(iv)surrendered as a
lease; or(b)forlandundertheLandTitleAct1994—reconfiguredunder that
Act.28AHTerms bind successors in title(1)Eachterm,whetherpositiveornegative,foratransporteasement for
support—(a)isforthebenefitofanysuccessorsintitleofthebenefited land; and(b)isbindingonanysuccessorsintitleoftheburdenedland.(2)However, subsection (1) does not apply
to a term expressed toapplyonlytotheoriginalownerofthebenefitedlandorburdened land.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 29
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4A Special provisions for busways[s
28A](3)In this section—term,
for a transport easement for support, means—(a)acovenantorothertermstatedinthedocumentorinstrument of easement; and(b)a requirement under section
28E(3).Part 4ASpecial
provisions for busways28ADefinitions for
partIn this part—Acquisition
Actmeans theAcquisition of
Land Act 1967.agreementmeansaresumptionagreementundertheAcquisition Act, section 15(1).buswaymeans—(a)arouteespeciallydesignedandconstructedfor,anddedicatedto,theprioritymovementofbusesforpassenger transport purposes; and(b)places for the taking on and letting
off of bus passengersusing the route.commencementmeans the
commencement of section 28B.constructingauthority,foralandacquisition,meanstheconstructingauthorityforthelandacquisitionundertheAcquisition Act.land
acquisitionmeans the taking of land under the
authorityofthisActandtheAcquisitionActif,regardlessoftheparticular purpose for the taking of
the land, the taking of landis concerned
with the construction or proposed construction ofa
busway.notice of intention to resumemeans a notice of intention toresume under the Acquisition Act.Page
30Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4A Special provisions for busways[s
notice under the Acquisition Act.28BBusway land acquisition(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply to a land
acquisition that—(a)happened before the commencement;
or(b)happens after the commencement
if—(i)thenoticeofintentiontoresumeforthelandacquisition was
served before the commencement;or(ii)the date of the
agreement for the land acquisitionwas earlier than
the commencement.(2)Itisdeclaredthatthevalidityandeffectivenessofthelandacquisition was
not, and is not, affected by—(a)whethertheconstructingauthoritywasoris,orpurported or purports to be—(i)thechiefexecutivewithadministrativeresponsibilities
concerning matters connected withtransport
infrastructure; or(ii)thechiefexecutivewithadministrativeresponsibilities
concerning matters connected withroads; or(b)fortheapplicationoftheAcquisitionAct,part2,whetherthepersonassumingtheroleofrelevantMinisterwasoristheMinistermentionedintheAcquisition Act,
section 2, definitionrelevant Minister,paragraph (b) or another Minister.(3)Itisdeclaredthat,despiteanythingdoneforthelandacquisition,theconstructingauthorityfortheacquisitionistaken to be, and always to have been, the
chief executive withadministrativeresponsibilitiesconcerningmattersconnectedwith
roads.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4A Special provisions for busways[s
28BA]28BAFurther provisions relating to land
acquisitions forbusways on or after 13 October 2000(1)This section applies to a land
acquisition that—(a)happenedonorafter13October2000andbeforetherelevant date; or(b)happens after the relevant date if—(i)thenoticeofintentiontoresumeforthelandacquisition was
served on or after 13 October 2000and before the
relevant date; or(ii)the date of the
agreement for the land acquisitionwas on or after
13 October 2000 and earlier thanthe relevant
date.(2)Itisdeclaredthatthevalidityandeffectivenessofthelandacquisition was
not, and is not, affected by—(a)whethertheconstructingauthoritywasoris,orpurported or purports to be—(i)thechiefexecutivewithadministrativeresponsibilities
concerning matters connected withtransport
infrastructure; or(ii)thechiefexecutivewithadministrativeresponsibilities
concerning matters connected withroads; or(b)for the application of the Acquisition
Act, section 9 or15—whether the person assuming the role of
Ministerwas or is the Minister mentioned in the
Acquisition Act,section 9(1),definitionMinister,paragraph(b)oranother Minister.(3)Itisdeclaredthat,despiteanythingdoneforthelandacquisition,theconstructingauthorityfortheacquisitionistaken to be, and always to have been, the
chief executive withadministrativeresponsibilitiesconcerningmattersconnectedwith
roads.(4)In this section—Page 32Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4B Special provision for local
government tollways[s 28C]relevantdatemeansthedateofthecommencementofthissection.28CConstruction contracts(1)Itisdeclaredthatthevalidityandeffectivenessofaconstructioncontractenteredintobeforeorafterthecommencement was not, and is not, affected
by whether theentity entering into the contract for the
State was or is—(a)the chief executive with
administrative responsibilitiesconcerningmattersconnectedwithtransportinfrastructure;
or(b)the chief executive with
administrative responsibilitiesconcerning
matters connected with roads.(2)In
this section—constructioncontractmeansacontractconcerningtheconstruction of a busway.Part
4BSpecial provision for localgovernment tollways28DPowers regarding property(1)Alocalgovernmentmayacquire,hold,disposeoforotherwise deal with land for—(a)anapprovedtollwayprojectundertheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994; or(b)alocalgovernmenttollwayundertheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), a local government may—(a)acquirelandforanapprovedtollwayprojectorlocalgovernment
tollway with the intention of disposing of itto another
person to operate as a tollway; andCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
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1994Part 4B Special provision for local government
tollways[s 28DA](b)dispose of land acquired by the local
government for anapproved tollway project or local government
tollway toanother person.(3)Thepowerconferredbysubsection (1)includespowertoacquire land by taking it under theAcquisitionofLandAct1967if the land is,
in the local government’s opinion, requiredfor an approved
tollway project or local government tollway,or for an
incidental purpose.(4)The power to acquire land under this
section includes powerto acquire land or an easement or
other interest in land aboveor beneath the
surface without acquiring rights in the surface.(5)Subsection (4) applies to the
acquisition of an easement eventhough the
easement—(a)is not attached to, or used and
enjoyed with, a dominanttenement; or(b)must
not be used and enjoyed in common with any otherperson.(6)Alocalgovernmentacquiringlandunderthissectionisaconstructing
authority within the meaning of theAcquisitionof Land Act
1967.(7)If an
acquisition of land by a local government would severlandoftheownerfromotherlandoftheowner,thelocalgovernment may
acquire the whole or a part of the severedarea by
agreement or by taking the land under theAcquisitionof Land Act
acquiring the land in any way sufficient to identifythe
land.28DAApproved tollway project becomes local
section applies if—Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28E](a)alocalgovernmenthasstartedacquiringlandforanapproved tollway project as mentioned
in section 28D;and(b)before the
acquisition is complete, a local governmenttollway is
declared for the approved tollway project.(2)The
acquisition is not affected by the declaration of the localgovernment tollway and the local government
may continuethe acquisition as if the declaration had
not been made.Part 4CBiometric data
and otherinformation for prescribedauthoritiesDivision 1Preliminary28EDefinitions for pt 4CIn this
part—administratormeans—(a)fortheTransportOperations(MarineSafety)Act1994—the general
manager under theMaritimeSafetyQueensland Act 2002or the chief
executive; or(b)for a transport Act (other than
theTransport Operations(Marine Safety)
Act 1994)—the chief executive; or(c)for a prescribed authorisation Act
(other than a transportAct)—theofficeholder(howeverdescribed)whosefunction it is, under the Act, to decide
whether to grant aprescribed authority.grantincludes issue and give.most recent
digital photo, of a person, means the most recentdigital photo of the person kept under this
Act by the chiefexecutive.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EA]most recent
digitised signature, of a person, means the mostrecent digitised signature of the person
kept under this Act bythe chief executive.prescribedauthorisationdocumentmeansaprescribedauthority on
which a person’s digital photo is reproduced.retentionperiod,foraperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignature, see
section 28EH(2).shelflife,ofaperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignature,means10yearsaftertheperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignatureistakenunderthisActor,iftakenbeforethecommencement under another Act, under that
Act.take,adigitalphotoanddigitisedsignatureofaperson,includes obtain.Division 2Taking, keeping and using biometricdata
and other information28EATaking a digital
photo and digitised signature for useunder this or
another Act(1)A person (applicant)
must allow the chief executive to takeand keep for use
under this Act, or for use as provided underanotherAct,adigitalphotoanddigitisedsignatureoftheapplicant(asrequiredbythechiefexecutive)iftheapplicant—(a)appliestotheadministratorforaprescribedauthorisation
Act for the grant, renewal, amendment orreplacementofaprescribedauthority(theauthorityapplied for); or(b)applies to, or asks, the administrator
for a transport Actabout something else relevant to the
administration of atransportActand,todealwiththeapplicationorrequest,theadministratorconsidersitreasonablynecessarytousefacialrecognitiontechnologytoestablish the applicant’s connection to the
most recentPage 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EA]Notauthorised—indicativeonlydigital photo of the person the applicant is
claiming tobe.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply if the applicant withdraws theapplication or
request.(3)Subsection (1)(a) does not apply
if—(a)as allowed under this Act, the chief
executive is keepingthe applicant’s most recent digital
photo and most recentdigitised signature; and(b)the chief executive has no evidence to
suggest that theapplicant’smostrecentdigitalphotoisnotatruelikeness of the applicant; and(c)the shelf life of the applicant’s most
recent digital photoand most recent digitised signature,
or the most recentextension of the shelf life under section
28EB, has notendedandwillnotendbeforetheexpiryofanyprescribed authorisation document that
is granted on theapproval of the authority applied
for.(4)If an applicant makes an application
mentioned in subsection(1)(a) to the administrator for a
prescribed authorisation Actthat is not a
transport Act, the chief executive must advise theadministrator if—(a)the
applicant has not complied with subsection (1)(a); or(b)the chief executive is not satisfied
there is a sufficientconnectionbetweenthedigitalphototakenundersubsection (1)(a) and the most recent
digital photo of theperson the applicant is claiming to
be; or(c)thechiefexecutiveissatisfiedthereisasufficientconnectionbetweenthedigitalphototakenundersubsection(1)(a)andthemostrecentdigitalphotoofsomeone other than the person the applicant
is claimingto be.(5)The
administrator for a transport Act must refuse to considerany
application or request mentioned in subsection (1) if—(a)the applicant has not complied with
subsection (1); orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
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1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EB](b)theadministratorisnotsatisfiedthereisasufficientconnectionbetweenthedigitalphototakenundersubsection (1) and the most recent digital
photo of theperson the applicant is claiming to be;
or(c)theadministratorissatisfiedthatthereisasufficientconnectionbetweenthedigitalphototakenundersubsection(1)andthemostrecentdigitalphotoofsomeone other than the person the applicant
is claimingto be.(6)Subsection(5)haseffectdespiteanyotherprovisionofatransport
Act.28EBExtending shelf life of a digital
photo and digitisedsignature(1)Thechiefexecutivemayextendtheshelflifeofthemostrecent digital photo and most recent
digitised signature of aperson.(2)Theperiodforwhichtheshelflifemaybeextendedundersubsection (1)
must not result in the shelf life being extendedunder the subsection for periods totalling
more than 6 months.Example—If the shelf
life has been extended previously under subsection (1) for 2months, the next extension under the
subsection must not be for morethan 4
months.28ECUsing a digital photo and digitised
signature(1)Thechiefexecutivemayuseaperson’smostrecentdigitalphotoandmostrecentdigitisedsignatureforeitherofthefollowing purposes—(a)tohelpidentifythepersonforthepurposeofanyapplication or request under section
28EA(1);(b)toreproducetheperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignature on a
prescribed authorisation document.Page 38Current as at [Not applicable]
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1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28ED](2)Thechiefexecutivemayalsouseaperson’smostrecentdigitalphotoandmostrecentdigitisedsignatureinaninvestigation
of, or a proceeding for, an offence that—(a)happens—(i)in
making an application or request mentioned insection28EA(1)forwhichthedigitalphotoanddigitised signature are taken;
or(ii)during the
retention period for the digital photo anddigitised
signature; and(b)involves a person obtaining or
attempting to obtain, by afalsestatementormisrepresentationorinanyotherdishonest way—(i)the
grant, renewal, amendment or replacement of aprescribed
authority; or(ii)something else
under a transport Act.28EDRestricted access
to a digital photo and digitisedsignature(1)The chief executive may allow a person
to access the person’sdigital photo kept under this Act
satisfaction, it is the person’s digital photo;andExamplesofhowapersonmayestablishadigitalphotoistheperson’s digital
photo—•allowing the use of facial recognition
technology•presenting a valid Australian
passport(b)the person applies to the chief
executive, in the approvedform, for the access.(2)ThechiefexecutivemayallowanentitythatgrantsdriverlicencesunderacorrespondinglawtotheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995toaccessaperson’s digital photo kept under this Act
if the access is forgranting a driver licence under the
corresponding law.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
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1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28ED]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)An application
mentioned in subsection (1)(b) may be madeby electronic
communication.(4)Thechiefexecutivemustallowapoliceofficertoaccessaperson’s digital photo kept under a
prescribed authorisationAct if the access is for a permitted
purpose within the meaningof section 28EP(2).(4A)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthataccesstoadigitalphoto under
subsection (4) is not subject to any requirementunder part 4D.(5)ThechiefexecutivemustallowtheadministratorofaprescribedauthorisationAct,otherthanatransportAct,toaccessaperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignaturekeptunderthisAct(asrequiredbytheadministrator)iftheadministratorconsidersitreasonablynecessarytousethephoto or signature in an investigation of,
or proceeding for, anoffence that—(a)happens—(i)inmakingtheapplicationundertheprescribedauthorisationActforwhichtheperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignaturearetakenundersection 28EA(1)(a); or(ii)during the retention period for the digital
photo anddigitised signature; and(b)involves a person obtaining or attempting to
obtain, by afalsestatementormisrepresentationorinanyotherdishonestway,thegrant,renewal,amendmentorreplacementofaprescribedauthorityundertheprescribed authorisation Act.(6)In this section—access, a
digital photo or digitised signature, means obtain acopy
of the digital photo or digitised signature.corresponding
law, to theTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement) Act 1995,
means a law of the Commonwealthor another State
that provides for the same matter as that Act.Page 40Current as at [Not applicable]
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1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EE]28EEDeleting a digital photo or digitised
signature fromregister or similar recordWhentheretentionperiodforaperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignaturekeptunderthisActends,thechiefexecutive must
delete the person’s digital photo or digitisedsignature from
any register or similar record kept under thisAct by the chief
executive.28EFDestruction of a digital photo or
digitised signature(1)This section applies to a copy of a
person’s digital photo ordigitised signature—(a)accessedunderthispartbytheadministratorofaprescribed authorisation Act that is
not a transport Act;and(b)inthepossessionofthatadministrator,includingbyelectronic communication.(2)Theadministratormayretainthecopyfortheperiodnecessarytoconductaninvestigationof,orforuseinaproceeding for,
an offence mentioned in section 28ED(5).(3)However,theadministratormusttakereasonablestepstodestroyeachcopyofaperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignature
accessed for the investigation or prosecution of anoffence if a proceeding for the offence has
not started within 1year after the day the photo or
signature was first accessed.(4)Thedestructionofacopyofadigitalphotoordigitisedsignature must
be carried out within a reasonable period—(a)after the administrator stops having a
reason to retain thephoto or signature under subsection
(2); or(b)if subsection (3) applies.(5)In this section—destroy, a
digital photo or digitised signature, includes—(a)delete an electronic copy of the photo or
signature; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EG](b)endthewayinwhichthephotoorsignaturemaybeaccessed electronically.Notauthorised—indicativeonly28EGRestricted access
to information stored electronically ona smartcard
identification authority(1)A person may
access information stored electronically on asmartcard
identification authority only if—(a)the
person is the holder of the smartcard identificationauthority; or(b)thepersonhastheholder’sconsenttoaccesstheinformation; or(c)thepersonisanauthorisedofficerforthesmartcardidentification authority and the access to
the informationis for exercising a power under the Act
under which thesmartcard identification authority is
granted;(d)the person is a police officer who is
authorised under thePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000to accessthe
information.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(2)In this section—access,inrelationtoinformationstoredelectronicallyonasmartcard identification authority,
means view or take a copyof the information.authorisedofficer,forasmartcardidentificationauthority,means a
authority; and(b)prescribed under a regulation for this
definition.smartcardidentificationauthoritymeansaprescribedauthority in the
form of a card, or something similar, that isapproved by the
administrator of the prescribed authorisationActunderwhichtheauthorityisissuedandonwhichinformation may
be stored electronically.Page 42Current as at
[Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4C Biometric data and other information
for prescribed authorities[s 28EH]Notauthorised—indicativeonly28EHRetention period for a digital photo
or digitised signature(1)This section
sets out the retention period for a person’s digitalphoto or digitised signature taken under
this Act.(2)Unlesssubsection(3)applies,theretentionperiodforaperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignaturetakenundersection 28EA(1) is—(a)ifanapplicationmentionedinsection28EA(1)(a)isgrantedortheperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignature taken
under section 28EA(1)(b) is to be usedundersection28EC(1)(b)—30yearsaftertherelevantday; or(b)if an application mentioned in section
28EA(1)(a) is notgranted—the shorter of the following
periods—(i)6 months after the relevant
day;(ii)the period
decided by the chief executive; or(c)if
paragraph (a) or (b) does not apply—24 hours afterthe
relevant day.(3)Despite subsection (2), if—(a)aninvestigationasmentionedinsection28EC(2)isstartedwithintheretentionperiodworkedoutundersubsection(2)(b)or(c)ofthissectionforaperson’sdigital photo or digitised signature;
and(b)the chief executive reasonably
requires a person’s digitalphotoordigitisedsignaturetobekeptforalongerperiodfortheinvestigationoraproceedingresultingfrom
the investigation;the retention period for the digital photo
or digitised signatureisthelongerperiodmentionedinparagraph(b)ofthissubsection.(4)In
this section—relevant day, in relation to
a person’s digital photo or digitisedsignature,meansthedayonwhichthedigitalphotoordigitised signature is taken.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4D National identity matching
services[s 28EI]Part 4DNational identity matchingservicesDivision 1Preliminary28EIDefinitions for partIn this
part—documentverificationservicemeanstheserviceenablingbiographical information on identity
documents to be verifiedagainst corresponding records held by
a participating entityfor the service.facematchingservicesmeansthefollowingservicesinvolving facial biometric matching—(a)theservice(knownasthefaceverificationservice)enablingthecomparisonofafacialimageassociatedwithanindividualagainstafacialimageheldonaspecificgovernmentrecordassociatedwiththeindividual to verify the individual’s
identity;(b)theservice(knownasthefaceidentificationservice)enablingthecomparisonofafacialimageagainstmultipleimagesheldonadatabaseofgovernmentrecords to
establish an individual’s identity;(c)theservice(knownastheonepersononelicenceservice)enablingthecomparisonofanindividual’sfacial image
against other facial images used on driverlicencesandotheridentitydocumentstoidentifywhethertheindividualholdsmultiplelicences,inthesame or a
different identity, in 1 or more jurisdictions;(d)theservice(knownasthefacialrecognitionanalysisutilityservice)enablingaparticipatingentityfortheservice that has
responsibility for driver licensing in aStatetoundertakebiometricmatchingusingitsowndata.Page
44Current as at [Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4D National identity matching
services[s 28EI]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyhostagency,foranidentitymatchingservice,meanstheCommonwealthagencyresponsibleformaintainingtheservice under an agreement between the
Commonwealth andthe States.identity
documentmeans a document that—(a)contains or incorporates identity
information; and(b)is capable of being used as evidence
of identity.identityinformationmeansinformationrelatingtoanindividual,whetherliving,dead,realorfictitious,thatiscapableofbeingused,aloneorinconjunctionwithotherinformation, to
identify or purportedly identify the individual.Examples—•a
photo of, or other information about, an individual on a
driverslicence, passport or other identity
document•otherinformationaboutanindividualsubmittedtoverifytheindividual’s identityidentitymatchingservicesmeansthefollowingservicesadministeredbytheCommonwealthinaccordancewithanagreemententeredintobytheCommonwealthandtheStates—(a)the
document verification service;(b)the
service (known as the identity data sharing service)enabling the sharing of identity information
between theCommonwealthandtheStatestoensuretheaccuracyand integrity of
identity-based records;(c)the face
matching services;(d)any other service prescribed by
regulation, to the extentthe operation of the service relates
only to a permittedpurpose within the meaning of section
28EP(2).informationincludes a
document.participatingentity,inrelationtoanidentitymatchingservice, means
an entity—(a)participating in the service;
andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4D National identity matching
services[s 28EJ](b)withwhomthechiefexecutivehasenteredintoanagreement in relation to the use of
the service.28EJPart binds all persons(1)Thispartbindsallpersons,includingtheStateand,totheextentthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.(2)However, the State, the Commonwealth
or another State cannot be prosecuted for an offence
against this part.Division 2Document
verification service28EKDisclosure of
information about prescribed authorities(1)Forapurposerelatedtotheoperationofthedocumentverificationservice,thechiefexecutivemaydisclose,inwritingorelectronically,informationkeptbythechiefexecutive under an Act about a person’s
prescribed authorityto an entity that, under an agreement
between the State andotherAustralianjurisdictions,maintainsadatabasecontaining
information about identity documents.(2)Before disclosing information under
subsection (1), the chiefexecutive must be satisfied any
disclosure of the informationbytheentitywillbeonlyfortheoperationofthedocumentverification
service.Division 3Other identity
matching services28ELApplication of divisionThisdivisionappliesinrelationtoanidentitymatchingservice other than the document verification
service.Page 46Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4D National identity matching
services[s 28EM]28EMDisclosure of identity information by chief
executiveFor a purpose related to the operation of an
identity matchingservice, the chief executive may disclose
identity informationkept under a prescribed authorisation
Act to—(a)the host agency for the service;
or(b)a participating entity for the
service.28ENCollection and use of identity
information by chiefexecutiveThe chief
executive may collect and use identity information,by
the operation of an identity matching service, from—(a)the host agency for the service;
or(b)a participating entity for the
service.28EOCollection, use and disclosure by host
agencyThe host agency may, for a purpose related
to the operation ofan identity matching service—(a)collect or use identity information
disclosed to it underthis division; or(b)disclosetheidentityinformationtothechiefexecutiveor a
participating entity for the service.28EPDisclosure, use or collection must be for
permittedpurpose(1)Despite sections 28EM, 28EN and 28EO,
identity informationmay be disclosed, collected or used
under this division onlyfor a permitted purpose.(2)Each of the following purposes is
apermitted purpose—(a)preventing,detecting,investigatingorprosecutingcrimesinvolvingfabricated,manipulated,stolenorotherwise assumed identities;Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 4D National identity matching
services[s 28EQ](b)preventing, detecting, investigating or
prosecuting otheroffences against Commonwealth or State
laws;(c)conductinginvestigationsorgatheringintelligenceforpurposes related to national security within
the meaningoftheNationalSecurityInformation(CriminalandCivil Proceedings) Act 2004
(Cwlth);(d)promotingthesecurityoftheassets,facilitiesorpersonnel of a participating entity that is
a governmententity;Examples—•protecting and managing legally
assumed identities•security or background checking(e)identifyingindividualswhoareatriskof,orhaveexperienced, physical harm;Examples—•investigating individuals reported
remains•identifying individuals when
addressing significant risks topublic health or
safety•identifyingindividualsinrelationtodisastereventsormajor events(f)improvingroadsafety,includingthedetectionofunlicensed and disqualified drivers and
individuals whohold multiple licences;(g)verifyinganindividual’sidentitywiththeindividual’sconsent or as
authorised or required by law.28EQMisuse of identity information(1)Apersonmustnotcollect,useordiscloserelevantidentityinformationforapurposeotherthanapermittedpurposewithin the meaning of section
28EP(2).Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)In this section—Page 48Current as at [Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 5 Review of and appeals against
decisions[s 28ER]relevant
identity informationmeans identity information—(a)disclosed by the chief executive under
this division; and(b)obtained by operation of an identity
matching service.Notauthorised—indicativeonly28ERInconsistency with other lawsTotheextentthisdivisionisinconsistentwithpart4Coranotherlaw,thisdivisionprevailstotheextentoftheinconsistency.Part 5Review of and appeals againstdecisionsDivision 1General29What
part applies toThis part applies if a transport Act states
that this part appliesto—(a)areview,bythechiefexecutive,ofadecision(theoriginal decision) under the
transport Act; or(b)anappealtoacourtstatedinthetransportAct(theappeal
court) against a reviewed decision.30DefinitionsIn this
part—appeal courtsee section
29(b).chief executivemeans, if the
original decision is made by thecommissionerofthepoliceserviceundertheTransportOperations (Road
Use Management) Act 1995, section 43—the
commissioner.original decisionsee section
29(a).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 5 Review of and appeals against
decisions[s 31]reviewed
decisionsee section 34.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Review of
original decisions31Applying for review(1)A person may apply for a review of an
original decision onlywithin 28 days after notice of the
original decision was givento the person
under the transport Act.(2)However,
and(b)the person asked for a statement of
the reasons withinthe 28 days mentioned in subsection
(1);the person may apply within 28 days after
the person is giventhe statement of the reasons.(3)Inaddition,thechiefexecutivemayextendtheperiodforapplying.(4)An
application must be written and state in detail the groundsonwhichthepersonwantstheoriginaldecisiontobereviewed.32Stay of operation of original
decision(1)Ifapersonappliesforreviewofanoriginaldecision,theperson may immediately apply for a
stay of the decision to therelevant
entity.(2)The relevant entity may stay the
original decision to secure theeffectiveness of
the review and any later appeal to or reviewby the relevant
entity.(3)Insettingthetimeforhearingtheapplication,therelevantentity must
allow at least 3 business days between the day theapplication is filed with it and the hearing
day.(4)The chief executive is a party to the
application.Page 50Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 5 Review of and appeals against
decisions[s 33](5)The
person must serve a copy of the application showing thetime
and place of the hearing and any document filed in therelevant entity with it on the chief
executive at least 2 businessdays before the
hearing.(6)The stay—(a)may
be given on conditions the relevant entity considersappropriate; and(b)operates for the period specified by the
relevant entity;and(c)may be revoked
or amended by the relevant entity.(7)The
period of a stay under this section must not extend pastthetimewhenthechiefexecutivereviewstheoriginaldecisionandanylaterperiodtherelevantentityallowstheapplicant to enable the applicant to appeal
against the decisionor apply for a review of the decision
as provided under theQCAT Act.(8)Themakingofanapplicationdoesnotaffecttheoriginaldecision, or the
carrying out of the original decision, unless itis
stayed.(9)In this section—relevant
the reviewed decision may be reviewed by QCAT—QCAT; or(b)if the reviewed decision may be
appealed to the appealcourt—the appeal court.33Review panels(1)The
chief executive may establish review panels for this part.(2)Subject to subsection (5), a review
panel consists of personsnominated by the chief
executive.(3)Amemberofareviewpanelmaybepaidthefeesandallowances decided by the Governor in
Council.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 5 Review of and appeals against
decisions[s 34](4)The
chief executive may refer an application for a review ofan
original decision to a review panel for advice.(5)Thepersonwhomadetheoriginaldecisioncannotbeamember of a review panel reviewing the
decision.Notauthorised—indicativeonly34Decision on
review(1)A decision on an application for
review of an original decisionmust be made
within 28 days after the application is made.(2)If
the chief executive was not the original decision maker, thechiefexecutive,inreviewingthedecision,hasthesamepowers as the
original decision maker.(3)If within the 28
days, the chief executive confirms or amendsthe original
decision or substitutes another decision, the chiefexecutive must give the applicant written
notice (thedecisionnotice) of
the confirmed, amended or substituted decision (thereviewed decision).(4)Iftherevieweddecisionisnotthedecisionsoughtbytheapplicant for
the review, the decision notice—(a)forarevieweddecisionthatmaybereviewedbyQCAT—mustcomplywiththeQCATAct,section 157(2); or(b)forarevieweddecisionthatmaybeappealedtotheappeal
court—must state—(i)the reasons for the reviewed decision;
and(ii)thattheapplicantmay,within28days,appealagainst the reviewed decision to the appeal
court.(5)However, if a decision is not made on
the application withinthe28days,thechiefexecutiveistakentohavemadeadecision (also thereviewed
decision) at the end of the 28 daysconfirming the original decision and the
reasons given for it.(6)In applying to
QCAT for a review or appealing to the appealcourt, the
decision subject to review or appeal is the revieweddecision and not the original
decision.Page 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 3Transport
Planning and Coordination Act 1994Part 5 Review of
and appeals against decisions[s 34A]Appeals against reviewed decisions34AApplication of div 3This
division does not apply to a reviewed decision if, underthe
transport Act providing for the review, a person may applyto
QCAT for a review of the reviewed decision.35Time
for making appeals(1)Apersonmayappealagainstarevieweddecisiononlywithin—(a)if a decision notice is given to the
person—28 days afterthe notice was given to the person;
or(b)ifthechiefexecutiveistakentohaveconfirmedthedecisionundersection 34(5)—56daysaftertheapplication was made.(2)However, if—(a)thedecisionnoticedidnotstatethereasonsforthedecision; and(b)the
person asked for a statement of the reasons withinthe
28 days mentioned in subsection (1)(a);the person may
apply within 28 days after the person is givena statement of
the reasons.(3)Also, the appeal court may extend the
period for appealing.36Starting
appeals(1)An appeal must be started by—(a)filing a written notice of appeal with
the appeal court;and(b)serving a copy
of the notice on the chief executive.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 53
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 5 Review of and appeals against
decisions[s 36A](2)AnappealtoaMagistratesCourtorDistrictCourtmaybemadetotheMagistratesCourtorDistrictCourtnearesttheplace where the applicant resides or carries
on business.Notauthorised—indicativeonly36AStay of operation
of reviewed decision(1)If a person
appeals against a reviewed decision to the appealcourt, the person may immediately apply to
the appeal courtfor a stay of the decision.(2)The appeal court may stay the reviewed
decision to secure theeffectiveness of the appeal.(3)In setting the time for hearing the
stay application, the appealcourt must allow
at least 3 business days between the day theapplication is
filed with it and the hearing day.(4)The
chief executive is a party to the application.(5)The
person must serve a copy of the application showing thetime
and place of the hearing and any document filed in theappeal court with it on the chief executive
at least 2 businessdays before the hearing.(6)The
stay—(a)maybegivenonconditionsthattheappealcourtconsiders appropriate; and(b)operates for the period specified by
the appeal court, butnot extending past the time when the
court decides theappeal; and(c)may
be revoked or amended by the appeal court.(7)Apartfromastayoftheoperationofadecision,anappealdoes not affect
the operation or carrying out of the decision.36BPowers of appeal court on appeal(1)In deciding an appeal against a
reviewed decision, the appealcourt—(a)hasthesamepowersasthepersonwhomadetheoriginal decision; andPage 54Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36C](b)is not bound by the rules of evidence;
and(c)must comply with natural justice;
and(d)may hear the appeal in court or in
chambers.(2)An appeal is by way of
rehearing.(3)The appeal court may—(a)confirm the reviewed decision;
or(b)setasidetherevieweddecisionandsubstituteanotherdecision that it considers appropriate;
or(c)set aside the reviewed decision and
return the issue tothepersonwhomadetheoriginaldecisionwiththedirections that it considers
appropriate.36CEffect of decision of appeal court on
appealIftheappealcourtsubstitutesanotherdecisionforthereviewed decision, the substituted
decision is, for the relevantprovision of the
transport Act, taken to be that of the personwho made the
original decision.36DAssessorsIfthejudgehearinganappealinaDistrictCourtisoftheopinion that the appeal against a reviewed
decision involves aquestionofspecialknowledgeandskill,thejudgemayappoint 1 or more assessors to help the
judge in deciding theappeal.Part 6General36EAdvisory committees(1)The
Minister may establish as many advisory committees asthe
Minister considers appropriate for the administration of atransport Act.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 55
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36F](2)AnadvisorycommitteehasthefunctionstheMinisterdecides.(3)A member of an advisory committee may
be paid the fees andallowances decided by the Governor in
Council.Notauthorised—indicativeonly36FKeeping and
using information obtained or kept underparticular
transport Acts or Photo Identification Card Act2008Editor’s note—The references
to ‘Photo Identification Card Act 2008’ in
this sectionare uncommenced amendments—see 2017 Act No.
25, s 92.(1)The chief executive may, for a
particular transport Act, keepor use
information obtained or kept under another particulartransport Act or the Photo Identification
Card Act 2008 if theinformation—(a)relates to any matter under the particular
transport Act;or(b)concernstheadministrationoftheparticulartransportAct.(2)The
general manager under the Maritime Safety QueenslandAct
2002 may, for the Transport Operations (Marine Safety)Act1994,keeporuseinformationobtainedorkeptunderanotherparticulartransportActorthePhotoIdentificationCard Act 2008 if
the information—(a)relatestoanymatterundertheTransportOperations(Marine Safety)
Act 1994; or(b)concerns the administration of theTransport Operations(Marine Safety)
Act 1994.(3)Information that
may be kept or used under subsection (1) or(2) does not
include a digital photo and digitised signature.(4)This section applies despite a
provision of another Act.(5)In this
section—particular transport Actmeans—Page
56Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36G](a)theTow Truck Act
1973; or(b)theTransport Infrastructure Act
1994; or(c)theTransport Operations (Marine Safety)
Act 1994; or(d)theTransportOperations(PassengerTransport)Act1994; or(e)theTransport
Operations (Road Use Management) Act1995;
Security (Counter-Terrorism) Act 2008.36GSmartcard transport authority(1)Thechiefexecutivemayissuetoapersonasmartcard(smartcardtransportauthority)evidencing1ormoretransportauthoritiesheldbythepersonandcontaininginformation
about the authorities.(2)A regulation may
provide for the following—(a)information that
may be included on the smartcard;(b)aPINtobeusedbytheholderofthesmartcardasasecuritymeasuretoprotectinformationstoredelectronically on it;(c)verificationofaperson’sconnectiontotheperson’smostrecentdigitalphotorelatingtoasmartcardtransport authority.(3)In
this section—smartcardmeansadocumentintheformofacardorsomethingsimilarapprovedbythechiefexecutive,andonwhich information may be stored
electronically.transport authoritymeans a
certificate, licence, appointmentorotherauthorityprescribedunderaregulationforthisdefinition.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 57
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36GA]36GAConfidentiality(1)Apersonmustnotdisclose,recordoruseinformationtheperson gained—(a)through involvement in the administration of
this Act; or(b)because of an opportunity provided by
the involvement.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)However,apersonmaydisclose,recordorusetheinformation—(a)in
the discharge of a function under this Act; or(b)if
it is authorised—(i)under another Act or a regulation;
or(ii)by the person to
whom the information relates; or(c)in a
proceeding before a court or tribunal in which theinformation is relevant.(3)Also, a person may disclose information,
other than a person’sdigital photo or digitised signature,
to the administrator of aprescribed authorisation Act that is
not a transport Act—(a)to the extent it
is relevant to an application mentioned insection
28EA(1)(a); or(b)ifthepersonreasonablysuspectstheinformationisrelevanttothepossiblecommissionofanoffenceagainst the
prescribed authorisation Act.(4)Subsection (3) does not limit section
28ED(5).(5)In this section—discloseinformation means—(a)intentionally or recklessly disclose the
information; or(b)allow access to the
information.informationincludesaperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignature.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36H]36HService of document by post(1)This section applies if a transport
Act requires or permits adocument to be served on a
Interpretation Act 1954, section 39 applies as if thereferencetoaperson’saddressincludedareferencetothepostal address that the person last
notified to the department.(3)In
this section—person’s addressmeans the
address of the place of residenceor business of
the person, or the head office, a registered officeor a
principal office of the body corporate.36IGiving information to approved agencies to
enable use ofinformation for particular purposes(1)The chief executive may, in accordance
with an MoU, give thechiefexecutiveofficerofanapprovedagencyalloranyinformation in a transport information
database to enable theapproved agency to use the information
for a law enforcementpurpose.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the chief
executive may givethe information to the chief executive
officer of the approvedagencybyallowinganauthorisedmemberoftheapprovedagencytohavedirectaccesstothetransportinformationdatabase.(3)Thechiefexecutivemaygivetheinformationtothechiefexecutive
officer of an approved agency under subsection (1)on
the conditions the chief executive considers appropriate.(4)This section applies despite any other
Act.(5)In this section—authorised
member, of an approved agency, means a
member,or a member of a class of members, of the
approved agencyauthorisedinwritingbythechiefexecutivetohavedirectaccess to a transport information
database.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36J]36JUse of information permitted despite
other provisions(1)This section applies if information is
given, under section 36I,bythechiefexecutivetothechiefexecutiveofficerofanapproved
agency.(2)DespiteanyotherAct,theapprovedagencymayusetheinformation for a law enforcement
purpose.36KMisuse of particular information
given(1)This section applies to a member of an
approved agency whohas information because it has been given,
under section 36I,bythechiefexecutivetothechiefexecutiveofficeroftheagency.(2)The
member must not use the information—(a)for
a purpose other than a law enforcement purpose; or(b)in contravention of—(i)a condition, if any, imposed by the
chief executiveunder section 36I(3); or(ii)the
terms of the MoU about the information.Maximum penalty
for subsection (2)—100 penalty units.36LExtra-territorial application of offence
provisionA person commits an offence against section
36K(2) if—(a)thepersonisamemberofanapprovedagencywho,outsidetheState,usesinformationgiven,undersection 36I, by
the chief executive to the chief executiveofficer of the
agency; and(b)the use of the information would
constitute an offenceagainstsection
36K(2)ifitwereusedbythepersonwithin the
State.Page 60Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 6 General[s 36M]36MProtection from liability(1)This section applies if a person,
acting honestly and withoutnegligence,
gives information under section 36I.(2)Thepersonisnotliable,civilly,criminallyorunderanadministrative process, for giving the
information.(3)If subsection (2) prevents a civil
liability attaching to a person,the liability
attaches instead to the State.(4)Also,merelybecausethepersongivestheinformation,theperson can not be held to have—(a)breached any code of professional
etiquette or ethics; or(b)departedfromacceptedstandardsofprofessionalconduct.(5)Without limiting subsections (2) and
(4)—(a)in a proceeding for defamation, the
person has a defenceof absolute privilege for publishing
the information; and(b)if the person
would otherwise be required to maintainconfidentiality
about the information under an Act, oathor rule of law
or practice, the person—(i)does not
contravene the Act, oath or rule of law orpractice by
giving the information; and(ii)isnotliabletodisciplinaryactionforgivingtheinformation.37Delegation by the Minister or the chief
executive(1)TheMinisterorthechiefexecutive(thedelegator)maydelegate to a person a function or
power of the delegator underthis or another
subdelegatedifthedelegationallows the
subdelegation of the function or power.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 61
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
38]38Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsforthepurposes of this Act.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),aregulationmaybemadeabout—(a)a code for proposed activities
mentioned in part 2A; or(b)consideration,whethermonetaryorotherwise,tobegiven to compensate the chief
executive in taking actionto rectify the impact a proposed
activity mentioned inpart 2A will have; or(c)actiontobetakentorectifytheimpactaproposedactivity
mentioned in part 2A will have.Part 7Transitional provisionsDivision 1Provision for Transport and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 201439Easement for support registered before
commencement(1)This section applies if an easement
for support is registeredover State land before the
commencement of this section.(2)The
easement for support is taken to be a transport easementfor
support under section 28AC.(3)Part
4, division 2 applies to the easement for support as if thatdivisionwasinforcewhentheeasementforsupportwasregistered.(4)In
this section—easementforsupportmeansadocumentorinstrumentofeasementthat,whenregistered,compliedwithsection
28AC(1),(2)and(3)asifthoseprovisionswereinforce before the commencement.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
Act 1994.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Provisions for
Holidays and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 201540Extension of shelf life of a digital
photo or digitisedsignature under another Act(1)Thissectionappliestoanextensionoftheshelflifeofaperson’sdigitalphotoordigitisedsignaturebythechiefexecutive under another Act before the
commencement.(2)Forsection28EB(2),theshelflifeistakentohavebeenextended under section 28EB(1).41Retention period for a digital photo
or digitised signaturetaken under another Act(1)This section applies to a digital
photo or digitised signaturetaken or kept,
under an Act, other than this Act, by the generalmanagerwithinthemeaningoftheMaritimeSafetyQueenslandAct2002orthechiefexecutivebeforethecommencement.(2)Onthecommencement,theretentionperiodforaperson’sdigital photo or digitised signature for
this Act is—(a)if the photo or signature was taken
under theAdult Proofof Age Card Act
2008—the retention period that appliedto
the photo or signature under repealed section 37 ofthat
Act; or(b)if the photo or signature was taken
under theTow TruckAct 1973—the
retention period that applied to the photoor signature
under repealed section 19F of that Act; or(c)if
the photo or signature was taken under theTransportOperations(MarineSafety)Act1994—theretentionperiodthatappliedtothephotoorsignatureunderrepealed section 63G of that Act; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
42](d)if the photo or signature was taken
under theTransportOperations(PassengerTransport)Act1994—theretentionperiodthatappliedtothephotoorsignatureunder repealed
section 35F of that Act; or(e)if
the photo or signature was taken under theTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995—theretentionperiodthatappliedtothephotoorsignatureunder repealed
section 91G of that Act.42Access to digital
photos under other Transport Acts to beincluded in
annual report(1)Thissectionappliesif,inafinancialyear,accesstodigitalphotos could be
had under this Act, section 28ED and underany of the
following provisions—(a)Adult Proof of
Age Card Act 2008, section 33;(b)Tow
Truck Act 1973, section 19C;(c)Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act
1994, section63C;(d)Transport Operations (Passenger
Transport) Act 1994,section 35C;(e)TransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995, section
91C.(2)The number of occasions during the
financial year on whichaccess to a digital photo was allowed
under section 28ED(4)thatistobeincludedintheannualreportpreparedundersection 37A must
also include the number of occasions duringthefinancialyearonwhichaccesstoadigitalphotowasallowed under the following
provisions—(a)Adult Proof of Age Card Act
2008, section 33(3);(b)Tow
Truck Act 1973, section 19C(3);(c)Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act
1994, section63C(3);(d)Transport Operations (Passenger
Transport) Act 1994,section 35C(3);Page 64Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
43](e)TransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995, section
91C(3).(3)For the annual report prepared under
section 37A, it is enoughtomentionthetotalnumberofoccasionsthataccesswasallowedwithoutmentioningtheparticularprovisionunderwhich the access
was allowed.Division 3Provisions for
Transport and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2017Editor’s note—Insertion of
this division is an uncommenced amendment—see 2017Act
No. 25, s 93.43Definition for divisionIn
this division—pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement.44Existing road works on local
government roads(1)This section applies if road works to
which section 8C of thepre-amendedActappliedhadstartedtobecarriedoutbutwere not finished before the
commencement.(2)Thepre-amendedActcontinuestoapplyinrelationtotheroadworksasiftheTransportandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2017 had not been enacted.45Existing
applications for approval of managementchange(1)This section applies if an application
made under section 8Dofthepre-amendedActhadnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 65
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
46](2)For deciding the application, the
pre-amended Act continuesto apply as if the Transport and Other
Legislation AmendmentAct 2017 had not been enacted.Division 4Transitional
provision for Police andOther Legislation (Identity andBiometric Capability) AmendmentAct
201846Transitional regulation-making
power(1)A regulation (atransitional
regulation) may make provisionabout a matter
for which—(a)it is necessary to make provision to
allow or facilitatethe doing of anything to achieve the
transition from theoperationofthisActasitwasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement to the operation of this Act asamended by the
Police and Other Legislation (Identityand Biometric
Capability) Amendment Act 2018; and(b)this
Act does not make provision or sufficient provision.(2)A transitional regulation may have
retrospective operation toa day not earlier than the day of
commencement.(3)Atransitionalregulationmustdeclareitisatransitionalregulation.(4)Atransitionalregulationmayonlybemadewithin2yearsafter the
commencement.(5)Thisdivisionandanytransitionalregulationexpire3yearsafter the day of
commencement.Page 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Schedule 1Transport
Planning and Coordination Act 1994Schedule 1Dictionarysection 3Notauthorised—indicativeonlyAcquisition Act, for part 4A,
see section 28A.administrator, for part 4C,
see section 28E.agreement, for part 4A,
see section 28A.appeal court, for part 5,
see section 29(b).approved agencymeans an entity
that is—(a)establishedunderalawoftheCommonwealthoraState; and(b)prescribed under a regulation as an approved
agency forthis paragraph.benefited
land, for part 4, division 2, see section
28AE(1).burdened land, for part 4,
division 2, see section 28AE(1).busway,
for part 4A, see section 28A.busway transport
infrastructurehas the meaning given in theTransport Infrastructure Act 1994,
schedule 6.chief executive, for part 5,
see section 30.commencement, for part 4A,
see section 28A.complementary purposes, for the
purposes of transport land,includes
purposes for a transport associated development.constructing authority, for part 4A,
see section 28A.digitalphoto,ofaperson,meanstheperson’sfacialimageencoded in a
digital form.digitised signature, of a person,
means the person’s signatureencoded in a
digital form.document verification service,
for part 4D, see section 28EI.face matching
services, for part 4D, see section 28EI.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Transport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Schedule 1Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 68ferryserviceseetheTransportOperations(PassengerTransport) Act
1994, schedule 3.franchisedroadseetheTransportInfrastructureAct1994,schedule 6.grant,
for part 4C, see section 28E.host
agency, for an identity matching service, for part
4D, seesection 28EI.identity
document, for part 4D, see section 28EI.identity information, for part 4D,
see section 28EI.identity matching services,
for part 4D, see section 28EI.information, for part 4D,
see section 28EI.land acquisition, for part 4A,
see section 28A.lawenforcementpurpose,inrelationtotheuseofinformationbyamemberofanapprovedagency,meansapurpose—(a)forwhichtheagencyisauthorisedtousetheinformationunderalawoftheCommonwealthoraState; or(b)consistent with the agency’s functions under
a law of theCommonwealth or a State.light rail
transport infrastructurehas the meaning given intheTransport Infrastructure Act
1994, schedule 6.local government
roadmeans a road under the control of alocal government.member, of
an approved agency, includes a person employedor engaged by
the agency.most recent digital photo, of
a person, for part 4C, see section28E.most
recent digitised signature, of a person, for part 4C, seesection 28E.MoUmeans an agreement between the chief
executive and thechief executive officer of an approved
agency that generallydescribesthebasisonwhichthechiefexecutivewillgiveCurrent as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Schedule 1informationtothechiefexecutiveofficeroftheapprovedagency.notice of intention to resume,
for part 4A, see section 28A.original
decision, for part 5, see section 29(a).original owner, for part 4,
division 2, see section 28AB.owner,
for part 4, division 2, see section 28AB.participatingentity,inrelationtoanidentitymatchingservice, for
part 4D, see section 28EI.Planning Actmeans thePlanning Act 2016.prescribedauthorisationActmeansanActprescribedbyregulation for this definition.prescribed authorisation document,
for part 4C, see section28E.prescribedauthoritymeansacertificate,licenceorotherauthorityordocumentprescribedbyregulationforthisdefinition.publicpassengerserviceseetheTransportOperations(Passenger
Transport) Act 1994, schedule 3.public passenger
transportmeans the carriage of passengersbyapublicpassengerserviceusingapublicpassengervehicle.publicpassengertransportinfrastructuremeansinfrastructurefororassociatedwiththeprovisionofpublicpassengertransport,including,butnotlimitedto,thefollowing—(a)a
transit terminal for public passenger services;Examples—an
airport terminal, a coach terminal, a cruise ship terminal(b)aferryterminal,jetty,pontoonorlandingforferryservices;(c)a bus stop, bus shelter, bus station
or bus lay-by;(d)a busway station;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 69
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Schedule 1(e)a
light rail station;(f)a taxi rank;(g)a
railway station;(h)vehicle parking and set-down
facilities;(i)pedestrian and bicycle paths and
bicycle facilities;(j)a road on which a public passenger
service operates.publicpassengervehicleseetheTransportOperations(Passenger
Transport) Act 1994, schedule 3.registered, for part 4,
division 2, see section 28AB.retention
period, for part 4C, see section 28E.reviewed decision, for part 5,
see section 34.road, for part 2A,
see theTransport Infrastructure Act 1994,schedule 6, definitionroad, paragraphs (c)
and (d).roadworksseetheTransportInfrastructureAct1994,schedule 6.scheduledpassengerserviceseetheTransportOperations(Passenger
Transport) Act 1994, schedule 3.shelf
life, for part 4C, see section 28E.take,adigitalphotoordigitisedsignature,forpart4C,seesection 28E.taking of
land, for part 4A, see section 28A.tollroadseetheTransportInfrastructureAct1994,section 92.transport
Actmeans an Act prescribed by regulation to be
atransport Act.transportassociateddevelopmentmeansadevelopmentthat—(a)primarily is or, when constructed,
will be a developmentthat supports the object of part 2A;
70Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Schedule 1residential,medical,retailorrecreationalfacilities,places of
worship or open or recreational spaces.transporteasementforsupport,forpart4,division2,seesection 28AC.transport
government entitymeans—(a)a
rail government entity or GOC port authority under theTransport Infrastructure Act 1994;
Act 1994.transportinformationdatabasemeansaregisterorrecordkept or obtained
under a transport Act.transportinfrastructure,forpart4,division2,seesection 28AB.transport
landmeans land that—(a)hasbeenacquiredfortransportpurposesorforanincidental or complementary purpose;
and(b)is required for—(i)the
operations of a transport government entity; or(ii)franchised road or toll road purposes;
or(iii)the operations
of a rail infrastructure manager, asdefinedundertheRailSafetyNationalLaw(Queensland),whoisanaccreditedpersonunderthat Law;
or(v)lightrailtransportinfrastructureorlightrailpassenger services; or(vi)a
transport associated development.transportpurposeincludesanypurposeforwhichtheMinister is responsible.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 71
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994Schedule 1unallocatedStateland,forpart4,division2,seesection 28AB.use, in
relation to information, includes the following—(a)disclose;(b)give;(c)give
access to;(d)make available;(e)publish;(f)record.Page 72Current as at [Not applicable]