QueenslandPoliceServiceAdministrationAct1990Current as at [Not applicable]Indicative reprint noteThis is anunofficialversion of a
reprint of this Act that incorporates allproposedamendmentstotheActincludedinthePoliceandOtherLegislation
(Identity and Biometric Capability) Amendment Bill 2018.
Thisindicativereprinthasbeenpreparedforinformationonly—it is
not anauthorised reprint of the Act.SomeenactedbutuncommencedamendmentsincludedintheHealthPractitioner
Regulation National Law and Other Legislation AmendmentAct
2017No. 32 have also been incorporated in this
indicative reprint.The point-in-time date for this indicative
reprint is the introduction date forthePoliceandOtherLegislation(IdentityandBiometricCapability)Amendment Bill
2018—15 February 2018.DetailedinformationaboutindicativereprintsisavailableontheInformationpage of the
Queensland legislation website.
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990ContentsDivision 411.8Division 511.911.11Division 611.1211.1311.14Division 711.15Division 811.16Division 911.17ScheduleTransitional and declaratory provisions for
the Criminal Code andOther Legislation (Misconduct,
Breaches of Discipline and PublicSector Ethics)
Amendment Act 2009Former officer. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.137Transitional provisions for the State
Penalties Enforcement andOther Legislation Amendment Act
2009Definition for
div 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138Exchange
of criminal
history for
child-related employment
screening138Transitional provisions for
Public Service and
Other Legislation(Civil Liability)
Amendment Act 2014Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138Application of
ss 10.5 and 10.6 to acts and omissions beforecommencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139Relationship
of s
if civil
liability dealt with by another Act or provisionof this Act .
. .
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. .
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. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
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. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .139Transitional
provision for Public Safety Business
Agency Act
of pt
5AA to
particular current employees
. .
. .
. .
. .
.140Transitional provision for
Counter-Terrorism and
Other LegislationAmendment Act
2015Approved agency
and law
enforcement agency during
interim period141Transitional
provision for Police and Other Legislation (Identity andBiometric Capability) Amendment Act
2018Transitional regulation-making
power .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .141Relevant
information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143Page
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
1 Preliminary[s 1.1]Police Service
Administration Act 1990AnActtoprovidefortheQueenslandPoliceServiceanditsadministrationNotauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
titleThis Act may be cited as thePoliceServiceAdministrationAct 1990.1.2Commencement(1)Section 1.1 and this section commence on the
day this Act isassented to for and on behalf of Her
Majesty.(2)Exceptasprovidedinsubsection (1),theprovisionsofthisAct,orsuchofthemasarespecifiedintheproclamation,commence on the
day or days appointed by proclamation forcommencement of
those provisions.1.3ObjectsThe objects of
this Act are to provide for the following—(a)the
maintenance of the Queensland Police Service;(b)the
membership of the service;(c)the development
and administration of the service.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 9
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 1 Preliminary[s 1.4]1.4DefinitionsIn this
Act—ACCmeanstheAustralianCrimeCommissionestablishedundertheAustralianCrimeCommissionAct2002(Cwlth),section 7.alcohol
test, for part 5A, see section 5A.2.approved agency—(a)for part 10, division 1A—see section
10.2G; or(b)for part 10, division 1B—see section
10.2S.approved formmeans a form
approved by the commissionerfor use under
this Act.approvedinformation,forpart10,division1A,seesection 10.2G.assistant
commissionermeans the executive officer holdingthe
rank of assistant commissioner.authorised
person, for part 5A, see section 5A.2.breach of disciplinemeans a breach
of this Act, thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000oradirectionofthecommissionergivenunderthisAct,butdoesnotincludemisconduct.child-related
employment screening, for part 10, division 1B,see
section 10.2S.commissioned officermeans a person
who holds a position inthe police service as a commissioned
officer.commissionermeans the
commissioner of the police service.commissionerforpoliceservicereviewsmeansacommissioner for police service
reviews under section 9.2A.condition,
for part 10, division 1A, see section 10.2G.constablemeans a person who holds a position in the
policeservice as a constable.Page 10Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
1 Preliminary[s 1.4]conviction, for a
provision of part 5AA or part 10, division1B, means a
finding of guilt, or the acceptance of a plea ofguilty, by a court for an offence—(a)whether or not a conviction is
recorded; and(b)whether in Queensland or elsewhere;
and(c)whetherbeforeorafterthecommencementoftheprovision.corruptconductseetheCrimeandCorruptionAct2001,section 15.criminal
history, of a person—(a)for
part 5AA and the schedule—see section 5AA.1A; or(b)forpart10,division1,subdivision2—seesection 10.2AA; or(c)for
part 10, division 1A—see section 10.2G; or(d)for
part 10, division 1B—see section 10.2S.critical
area, for part 5A, see section 5A.2.critical incident, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.dangerous drug, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.declared agencysee thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct 2000,
schedule 6.deputy commissioner, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.disciplinaryactionmeansactiontakenformisconduct,corrupt conduct
or a breach of discipline.disciplinary declaration—(a)for a
disciplinary declaration made under a public sectordisciplinary law, means—(i)a
disciplinary declaration made under—(A)section 7A.2(2); or(B)thePublicServiceAct2008,section 188A(6); orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 11
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 1 Preliminary[s 1.4](C)theMisconduct
Tribunals Act 1997or QCATAct; or(ii)adeclarationunderanotherpublicsectordisciplinary law
that states the disciplinary actionthatwouldhavebeentakenagainstthepersonifthe
person’s employment had not ended; or(b)otherwise, means a disciplinary declaration
made undersection 7A.2(2).disciplinaryfindingmeansafindingthatadisciplinaryground
exists.disciplinarygroundmeansagroundfordisciplinaryactionprescribed under a regulation.end
user, for part 10, division 1A, see section
10.2G.engaged by the servicesee section
5AA.3.evidence, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.executive officermeans a person
who holds a position in thepolice service
as an executive officer.externalserviceprovider,forpart5AA,meansapublicservice
employee, or class of public service employee—(a)who
is employed or engaged in an entity other than theservice; and(b)whosefunctionsinclude,ormayinclude,performingdirectcorporateservicesupportfortheservicethatallowsthepersonaccesstocorporateoroperationalinformation in
the possession of the commissioner; and(c)who
is declared by regulation to be an external serviceprovider for this part.face matching
services, for part 10, division 1AA, see
officer, for part 7A and any reference to a
disciplinarydeclaration, see section 7A.1(1)(b).general alcohol limit, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.Page 12Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
1 Preliminary[s 1.4]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyhandler,ofapolicedog,meansanofficerwhosedutiesinclude handling
a police dog.head, for part 10,
division 1A, see section10.2G.hostagency,foranidentitymatchingservice,forpart10,division 1AA, see section 10.2FA.identitydocument,forpart10,division1AA,seesection10.2FA.identityinformation,forpart10,division1AA,seesection10.2FA.identitymatchingservices,forpart10,division1AA,seesection 10.2FA.industrialauthoritymeanstheindustrialcommissionorIndustrial Court.industrialinstrumentmeansanindustrialinstrumentundertheIndustrial Relations Act 2016.information, for part 10,
division 1AA, see section 10.2FA.interstatescreeningunit,forpart10,division1B,seesection 10.2S.IPSP,
for part 10, division 1A, see section 10.2G.lawenforcementagency,forpart10,division1A,seesection 10.2G.lawenforcementpurpose,forpart10,division1A,seesection 10.2G.low alcohol
limit, for part 5A, see section 5A.2.marked printmeans a print of
a photograph, marked in a waythat
highlights—(a)features or aspects of the subject of
the print; or(b)points of similarity between the
subject of the print andthe subject of another print.medical examination, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.member, for part 10,
division 1A, see section10.2G.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 13
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 1 Preliminary[s 1.4]member of the servicesee section
2.2.MINDA, for part 10,
division 1A, see section 10.2G.misconductmeans conduct
that—(a)is disgraceful, improper or unbecoming
an officer; or(b)shows unfitness to be or continue as
an officer; or(c)does not meet the standard of conduct
the communityreasonably expects of a police
officer.no alcohol limit, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.noncommissionedofficermeansapersonwhoholdsaposition in the police service as a
noncommissioned officer.officermeans a police
officer.operativesee section
5A.2.over the limit, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.participatingentity,inrelationtoanidentitymatchingservice, for
part 10, division 1AA, see section 10.2FA.placemeansany,oranypartofany,land,water,building,structure, vehicle, vessel, aircraft or
carriage.police dogmeans a dog kept
by the commissioner for helpingpolice officers
perform the duties of police officers.Example—a
dog trained as a sniffer dog to help find illegal drugspolice horsemeans a horse
kept by the commissioner for useby officers when
performing the duties of police officers.police
officermeans a person declared under section 2.2(2)
tobe a police officer.policerecruitmeansapersonwhoholdsapositioninthepolice service as a police
recruit.policing purpose, for part 10,
division 1A, see section 10.2G.prescribedresponsibilitymeanstheresponsibilityofthecommissioner under section
4.8(1).Page 14Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
1 Preliminary[s 1.4]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyprintmeans a print of
a photograph or part of a photograph,andincludesamarkedprintandanaudiorecordingofaninterview.PSBAmeans the Public Safety Business Agency
establishedunder thePublic Safety
Business Agency Act 2014.PSBAchiefoperatingofficermeansthechiefoperatingofficer of the PSBA.PSBA
employee—(a)means a person
employed in the PSBA; but(b)does not include
a seconded officer.public sector disciplinary lawmeans—(a)this
Act or any repealed Act regulating police; or(b)thePublicServiceAct2008oranyrepealedActregulating the public service; or(c)theMisconduct
Tribunals Act 1997or QCAT Act; or(d)adisciplinaryprovisionofanindustrialinstrumentunder theIndustrial Relations Act 2016;
or(e)another Act prescribed under a
regulation.publicserviceemployeeseethePublicServiceAct2008,schedule 4.QPS
databasemeans any of the following—(a)the database known as QPRIME;(b)theregisterofenforcementactskeptunderthePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000;(c)anotherdatabasekeptbyoronbehalfofthecommissioner.QueenslandTransportmeansthedepartmentinwhichtheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995isadministered.random alcohol
test, for part 5A, see section 5A.2.recruitmeans a police
recruit.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 1 Preliminary[s 1.5]relevantinformation,aboutaperson,forpart5AA,meansinformationaboutthepersonofakindmentionedintheschedule for the
person.relevant person, for part 5A,
see section 5A.3.relevant PSBA employee, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.seconded officermeans an
officer—(a)onasecondmentfromtheservicetothePSBAundersection 5.13C(1)(a); or(b)performingworkforthePSBAunderaworkperformance
arrangement under section 5.13C(1)(b).servicemeans the police service.special constablemeans a person
who holds a position as aspecial constable.staff
membermeans a person who is a staff member of
thepolice service under section 2.5(1).targeted substance, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.targeted substance test, for part 5A,
see section 5A.2.transferof a police
officer to a position has the meaning givenby section
5.2(1).use, for part 10, division 1A, see
section10.2G.watch-house officersee section
4.9(6).1.5Meaning oftenure not
limited by timeA person is appointed to a position on
atenure not limited bytimeiftheappointmentdoesnotspecifyanappointmentperiod.1.6Notes in textA note in the
text of this Act is part of the Act.Page 16Current as at [Not applicable]
2Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
2 Queensland Police Service[s 2.1]Queensland Police ServiceNotauthorised—indicativeonly2.1Maintenance of serviceThere is to be maintained at all times in
the State a body ofpersonsunderthenameandstyle‘QueenslandPoliceService’.2.2Membership of service(1)TheQueenslandPoliceServiceconsistsofpoliceofficers,police recruits and staff members.(2)Police officers are—(a)the commissioner of the police
service;(b)the persons holding appointment as an
executive policeofficer;(c)thepersonsholdingappointmentasacommissionedpolice
officer;(d)the persons holding appointment as a
noncommissionedpolice officer;(e)the
persons holding appointment as a constable.2.3Functions of serviceThe functions of
the police service are the following—(a)the
preservation of peace and good order—(i)in
all areas of the State; and(ii)in
all areas outside the State where the laws of theStatemaylawfullybeapplied,whenoccasiondemands;(b)theprotectionofallcommunitiesintheStateandallmembers thereof—(i)from
unlawful disruption of peace and good orderthat results, or
is likely to result, from—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 2 Queensland Police Service[s
2.3A](A)actions of criminal offenders;(B)actions or omissions of other
prevention of crime;(d)the detection of
offenders and bringing of offenders tojustice;(e)the upholding of the law
generally;(f)theadministration,inaresponsible,fairandefficientmanner and
subject to due process of law and directionsof the
commissioner, of—(i)the provisions of the Criminal
Code;(ii)the provisions
of all other Acts or laws for the timebeingcommittedtotheresponsibilityoftheservice;(iii)thepowers,dutiesanddiscretionsprescribedforofficers by any Act;(g)the
provision of the services, and the rendering of helpreasonablysought,inanemergencyorotherwise,asare—(i)requiredofofficersunderanyActorlaworthereasonable expectations of the community;
or(ii)reasonablysoughtofofficersbymembersofthecommunity.2.3APresence of police officers at fire or
chemical incident(1)Onreceivinginformationoftheoccurrenceofanincidentrequiringtheattendanceoffireauthorityofficers,thecommissioner or the police officer in
charge, at the time, ofthe police station nearest to the
location of the incident mustimmediately send
as many police officers as are considerednecessary to
preserve order and to help at the incident.(2)In
this section—Page 18Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
2 Queensland Police Service[s 2.4]fire
authority officermeans a fire service officer under
theFire and Emergency Services Act 1990.incidentmeans—(a)a fire; or(b)achemicalincidentundertheFireandEmergencyServices Act
responsibility preserved(1)The prescription
of any function as one of the functions of thepoliceservicedoesnotrelieveorderogatefromtheresponsibilityandfunctionsappropriatelyhadbythecommunity at
large and the members thereof in relation to—(a)the
preservation of peace and good order; and(b)the
prevention, detection and punishment of breaches ofthe
law.(2)Inperformanceofthefunctionsofthepoliceservice,membersoftheservicearetoactinpartnershipwiththecommunity at large to the extent
compatible with efficient andproper
performance of those functions.2.5Administration of staff members(1)Staff members are—(a)officers of the public service assigned to
perform dutiesin the police service; and(b)personsappointedasstaffmembersbythecommissioner
under—(i)section 8.3(5); or(ii)thePublic Service Act 2008,
chapter 5, part 5.(2)Whileperformingdutiesintheservice,astaffmemberissubject to the commissioner’s
directions.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 3 Police officers’ powers and duties
related to those of constable[s 2.5A]2.5AOfficers etc. employed under this
ActThe following persons are to be employed
under this Act, andnot under thePublic Service
Act 2008—(a)a police
officer, police recruit or special constable; or(b)a staff member mentioned in section
8.3(5).Part 3Police officers’
powers andduties related to those ofconstable3.1Meaning ofofficerin
partIn this part—officerincludes a special constable.3.2Relation to office of constable(1)Subject to section 7.1 where it
applies, in performance of thedutiesofoffice,anofficerissubjecttothedirectionsandorders of the commissioner and to the orders
of any superiorofficer.(2)Anoncommissionedofficeroraconstablehasandmayexercise the powers, and has and is to
perform the duties of aconstable at common law or under any
other Act or law.(3)An officer other than one referred to
in subsection (2) has andmayexercisethepowersofaconstableatcommonlaworunder any other Act or law.(4)Except as prescribed by this section
and section 6.4, this Actdoes not, in relation to any officer,
derogate from the powers,obligationsandliabilitiesofaconstableatcommonlaworunder any other Act or law.Page
20Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service[s 3.3]3.3Oath of officeBeforeapersonbeginstoperformdutyasanofficer,thepersonistotake,ormake,andsubscribetheoathoraffirmation prescribed by regulation.Notauthorised—indicativeonly3.4Proof of officeIf a question
arises as to a person’s identity as an officer, or toa
person’s entitlement to exercise the powers or to perform
theduties of an officer—(a)the
general reputation of a person, who is an officer, asbeinganofficerisevidenceofthatidentityandentitlement; and(b)theabsenceof,orfailuretoproduce,anywrittenappointmentorotherdocumentaryprooftoestablishthatidentityorentitlementdoesnotprejudiceorotherwiseaffecttheexerciseofthepowersortheperformance of the duties by a person
who is an officer.3.7Termination of powersPowers had by a person as an officer
terminate immediatelyon the person ceasing, by whatever
means, to be an officer.Part 4Commissioner of
theQueensland Police Service4.1Establishment of officeThere is hereby established the office of
the commissioner ofthe police service.4.2Appointment(1)The
Governor in Council may, on a recommendation agreedtobythechairpersonoftheCrimeandCorruptionCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 21
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police
Service[s 4.3]Commission,
appoint an appropriate person as commissionerof the police
service.(2)The appointment is to be made by
gazette notice.4.3Conditions of appointment(1)The conditions on which an appointment
as commissioner isheld—(a)are
such as are for the time being agreed by the MinisterandthechairpersonoftheCrimeandCorruptionCommission,
approved by the Governor in Council, andacceptedbythepersonwhoistobe,oris,thecommissioner; and(b)are
to be governed by a contract of employment made,ortakentobemade,betweentheCrownandthecommissioner; and(c)arenotsubjecttoanyindustrialinstrumentoranydetermination or rule of an industrial
authority.(2)If an offer of a contract of
employment as commissioner onconditionsinwritingagreedtobythechairpersonoftheCrimeandCorruptionCommissionandapprovedbytheGovernor in Council in relation to the
appointment, is made toa person before that person’s
appointment as commissioner,theperson,onacceptingappointmentascommissioner,istaken to have made with the Crown (and the
Crown is taken tohave made with the appointee) a contract of
employment thataccords with the contract last offered to
the person before theappointment was made.4.4Term of appointmentThe
commissioner is to be appointed for a term not less than 3years or more than 5 years.Page
22Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service[s 4.5]4.5Removal and suspension of
commissioner(1)Theofficeofthecommissionerbecomesvacantifthecommissioner—(a)dies; or(b)resigns the office by writing signed by the
commissionerand accepted by the Governor in Council;
or(c)is removed from office in accordance
with this section.(2)The commissioner may be removed from
office pursuant tothe contract that governs the commissioner’s
employment or ifthe commissioner has breached the contract
of employment.(3)Additionalgroundsonwhichthecommissionermayberemoved from office are the
following—(a)incapacity, because of physical or
mental infirmity, toproperly perform the duties of office,
or other unfitnessto hold office;(b)incompetence in performing, or neglect of
the duties ofoffice;(c)afindingbyQCATofcorruptconductbeingprovedagainstthecommissionerifQCATordersthecommissioner’s dismissal;(d)conviction in the State of an
indictable offence (whetheron indictment or
summarily);(e)imprisonment for any offence.(4)If1ormoreofthegroundsprescribedbysubsection (3)exists, the
commissioner may be removed from office by—(a)the
Governor in Council, on a recommendation in whichthechairpersonoftheCrimeandCorruptionCommission
concurs; or(b)indefaultofexerciseoftheauthorityconferredbyparagraph(a),theGovernor,onanaddressfromtheLegislativeAssemblyprayingforthecommissioner’sremoval from
office.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police
Service[s 4.6](5)Ifsatisfiedthat1ormoreofthegroundsprescribedbysubsection (3) exists, or that the
commissioner is charged withcorrupt conduct
or an offence referred to in subsection (3)(d),the Governor in
Council may suspend the commissioner fromoffice.(6)Ifthecommissionerissuspendedfromoffice,thecommissionerisentitledtobereinstatedinoffice,unless,uponactiontakenforthwithfollowingthesuspensionandpursueddiligentlytoitsconclusion,thecommissionerisremoved from office in accordance with
subsection (4).4.6Communications between Minister and
commissioner(1)The commissioner—(a)istofurnishtotheMinisterreportsandrecommendationsinrelationtotheadministrationandfunctioning of the police service, when
required by theMinister to do so; and(b)may
at any time furnish to the Minister such reports andrecommendations as the commissioner thinks
fit with aviewtotheefficientandproperadministration,management and
functioning of the police service.(2)TheMinister,havingregardtoadviceofthecommissionerfirstobtained,maygive,inwriting,directionstothecommissioner concerning—(a)theoveralladministration,management,andsuperintendence of, or in the police
service; and(b)policyandprioritiestobepursuedinperformingthefunctions of the police service; and(c)thenumberanddeploymentofofficersandstaffmembersandthenumberandlocationofpoliceestablishments
and police stations.(3)The commissioner
is to comply with all directions duly givenunder subsection
(2).Page 24Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service[s 4.7]4.7Recording and publication of
communications(1)Thecommissioneristokeeparegisterinwhicharetoberecorded—(a)all reports and recommendations made
to the Ministerunder section 4.6(1)(a); and(b)all directions given in writing to the
commissioner undersection 4.6(2); and(c)all
reasons tabled by the Minister under theCrime andCorruption Act 2001, section
64.(2)Within28daysfollowing31Decemberineachyear,thecommissioner is to have prepared a
copy of the register, whichcopy, being
certified by the commissioner as a true copy of theregister, is to be furnished forthwith to
the chairperson of theCrime and Corruption Commission, with
or without commentof the commissioner.(3)Within 28 days following receipt of the
certified copy of theregister,thechairpersonistogivethecopytogetherwithcomments of the
commissioner relating thereto, and with orwithoutfurthercommentofthechairperson,tothechairpersonoftheParliamentaryCrimeandCorruptionCommittee of the
Legislative Assembly.(4)The chairperson
of the Parliamentary Crime and CorruptionCommitteeoftheLegislativeAssemblyistotableintheLegislative
Assembly—(a)the certified copy of the register;
and(b)all comment relating thereto;within 14 sitting days after the
chairperson’s receipt thereof.4.8Commissioner’s responsibility(1)The commissioner is responsible for
the efficient and properadministration,managementandfunctioningofthepoliceservice in
accordance with law.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), a regulation may prescribe—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 25
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police
Service[s 4.9](a)particularmatterswithinthescopeoftheprescribedresponsibility;
or(b)additional responsibilities of the
commissioner.(3)The commissioner is authorised to do,
or cause to be done, allsuch lawful acts and things as the
commissioner considers tobenecessaryorconvenientfortheefficientandproperdischarge of the
prescribed responsibility.(4)Indischargingtheprescribedresponsibility,thecommissioner—(a)is
to comply with all relevant industrial instruments anddeterminationsandrulesmadebyanindustrialauthority;
and(b)subjecttothisAct,istoensurecompliancewiththerequirements of all Acts and laws
binding on membersofthepoliceservice,anddirectionsofthecommissioner; and(c)is
to have regard to section 4.6 and ministerial directionsduly
given thereunder; and(d)istodischargetheresponsibilityinrelationtosuchmatters as are
prescribed for the time being.4.9Commissioner’s directions(1)In discharging the prescribed
responsibility, the commissionermay give, and
cause to be issued, to officers, staff members orpolicerecruits,suchdirections,writtenororal,generalorparticularasthecommissionerconsidersnecessaryorconvenientfortheefficientandproperfunctioningofthepolice service.(2)A
direction of the commissioner is of no effect to the extentthat
it is inconsistent with this Act.(3)Subjecttosubsection (2),everyofficerorstaffmembertowhomadirectionofthecommissionerisaddressedistocomply in all respects with the
direction.Page 26Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service[s 4.10](4)Adirectionissuedundersubsection (1)toofficersaboutfunctions,powersorresponsibilitiesthatarealsofunctions,powers or
responsibilities of watch-house officers is taken tobe
also issued to watch-house officers.(5)In
all proceedings—(a)adocumentpurportingtobecertifiedbythecommissionertobeatruecopyofadirectionundersubsection (1) is admissible as evidence of
the direction;and(b)adirectionundersubsection (1)istobetakenaseffectual until the contrary is
proved.(6)In this section—watch-house
officermeans a staff member who is appointedby
the commissioner to be a watch-house officer.4.10Delegation(1)The
commissioner may delegate powers of the commissionerunder this Act or any other Act to any of
the following—(a)a police officer;(b)a
staff member;(c)the PSBA chief operating
officer;(d)the Inspector-General of Emergency
Management undertheDisaster Management Act 2003;(e)thecommissioneroftheQueenslandFireandEmergency Service;(f)an
appropriately qualified person employed in—(i)the
PSBA; or(ii)the Office of
the Inspector-General of EmergencyManagement under
theDisaster Management Act2003;
or(iii)the Queensland
Fire and Emergency Service.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 27
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 4 Commissioner of the Queensland Police
Service[s 4.11](2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
commissioner may also,under subsection (1), delegate powers
of the commissioner todischarge the prescribed
responsibility.(3)A delegation of a power of the
commissioner may permit thesubdelegationofthepowertoanotherpersonmentionedinsubsection (1).4.11Acting as commissioner(1)TheMinistermayappointanappropriatepersontoactascommissioner—(a)wheneverthereisavacancyintheofficeofcommissioner; or(b)duringaperiodwhenthecommissionerissuspendedfromofficeorcannotperformthedutiesofofficebecause of
physical or mental incapacity.(2)The
commissioner may appoint an appropriate person to actascommissionerduringanotherperiodwhenthecommissionerisabsentfromdutyorcannotperformtheduties of the office.(3)Theremunerationpayabletoapersonwhoactsascommissionermustnotbemorethantheremunerationpayable to the
commissioner.4.12Commissioner’s official seal(1)The commissioner has an official
seal.(2)Allcourtsandpersonsactingjudiciallyaretotakejudicialnotice of the following—(a)the
signature of the commissioner or any person who atany
time was the commissioner;(b)the fact that
the commissioner has, or any such personhad, an official
seal;(c)the official seal of the commissioner
or any such person;Page 28Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.1]if the signature
or seal appears on a document made for thepurposes of
judicial proceedings or on a document purporting,or
seeming, to have been made for the purposes of this Act.Part
5Appointment of personnelDivision 1Officers and other police personnel5.1RanksThe ranks of
officers are those declared for the time being bythe
regulations.5.2Appointment to be on merit on
impartial procedures(1)In this
section—transferofapoliceofficertoapositionmeanstheappointmentofapoliceofficertoapositioninwhichthepoliceofficerwillholdthesamerankandbeentitledtoatleast the same
level of salary.(2)A decision to appoint a person as a
police recruit or to a policeofficer position
must be made by fair and equitable proceduresthat—(a)include inviting applications and
selection on the basisof the merit of applicants; and(b)preventunjustdiscrimination,whetherinfavouroforagainst a person.(3)However, if a decision is made to transfer a
police officer on abasis prescribed by regulation, the decision
need not involvethe procedures mentioned in subsection
(2)(a).(4)Written notice to a police officer of
a transfer because of adecisionundersubsection (3)mustspecifytheprescribedbasis used for
the transfer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
integrity, diligence and good conduct of the officer;and(b)the potential of
the officer to discharge the duties of theposition in
question; and(c)the industry shown by the officer in
performance of theduties of office in the course of the
officer’s career; and(d)the physical and
mental fitness of the officer to performthe duties of
the position in question.(6)For the purpose
of determining the potential of an officer todischarge the
duties of a position the following factors mustbe taken into
account—(a)the performance of duties of office in
the course of theofficer’s career;(b)therangeofpracticalexperienceoftheofficerintheservice or outside the service;(c)theability,aptitude,skill,knowledgeandexperiencedetermined by
the commissioner to be necessary for theproperperformanceofthedutiesofthepositioninquestion;(d)anyrelevantacademic,professionalortradequalifications
of the officer.5.3Executive officers(1)The
Governor in Council may appoint as executive officerssuchpersonsasarerecommendedbythecommissionerforappointment.(2)The
number of positions as executive officer is to be such asis,forthetimebeing,necessaryfortheeffectualadministrationofthisActandtheefficientandproperdischargeoftheprescribedresponsibilityandisrecommended by the
commissioner.Page 30Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.4]5.4Conditions of employment(1)An
appointment to a position as executive officer, includingbywayofpromotion,istobeonthebasisoffull-timeemployment.(2)The
conditions on which an appointment as executive officeris
held—(a)aresuchasareforthetimebeingapprovedbythecommissioner and accepted by the
person who is, or isto be, the executive officer;
and(b)are to be governed by a contract of
employment made,ortakentobemade,betweentheCrownandtheexecutive officer; and(c)arenotsubjecttoanyindustrialinstrumentoranydetermination or rule of an industrial
authority.(3)If an offer of a contract of
employment as an executive officer,onconditionsinwritingapprovedbythecommissionerinrelation to the appointment, is made to a
person before thatperson’sappointmentasexecutiveofficer,theperson,onaccepting appointment as executive officer,
is taken to havemade with the Crown (and the Crown is taken
to have madewiththeappointee)acontractofemploymentthataccordswiththecontractlastofferedtothepersonbeforetheappointment was made.5.5Acting as executive officer(1)The commissioner may appoint an
appropriate person to actas executive officer during—(a)any vacancy, or all vacancies, in the
office of executiveofficer; or(b)any
period, or all periods, when the executive officer isabsent from duty or, for another reason, can
not performthe duties of the office.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5 Appointment
of personnel[s 5.6](2)Theremunerationpayabletoapersonwhoactsasanexecutiveofficermustnotbemorethantheremunerationpayable to the
executive officer.Notauthorised—indicativeonly5.6Other
appointmentsThe commissioner may appoint such number of
persons to becommissioned officers, noncommissioned
officers, constablesorpolicerecruitsasisnecessaryfortheeffectualadministrationofthisActandtheefficientandproperdischarge of the
prescribed responsibility.5.7Conditions of
employment of commissioned officers(1)Appointmenttoapositionasacommissionedofficer,including by way of promotion—(a)if the position is prescribed as one
open to appointmenton a part-time basis—may be on the basis of
part-timeemployment; or(b)in
the case of any other position—is to be on the basis offull-time employment.(2)A
person—(a)is to be appointed to, and employed
in, a position as acommissioned officer on salary upon a tenure
that is notlimited by time, if the position is not one
referred to inparagraph (b) or (c);(b)ifapositionofcommissionedofficerisprescribedasoneopentoappointmentuponalimiteddurationoftenure—maybeappointedtoandemployedintheposition upon a limited duration of
open to appointment on a contract basis—may beappointed to and
employed in the position on a contractbasis—(i)upon a tenure that is not limited by
time; or(ii)for a limited
duration of tenure.Page 32Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.8](3)Theconditionsofemploymentfromtimetotimeofacommissioned officer duly appointed on
a contract basis—(a)aresuchasareforthetimebeingapprovedbythecommissioner and accepted by the
person who is, or isto be, the commissioned officer;
and(b)are to be governed by a contract of
employment made,ortakentobemade,betweentheCrownandthecommissioned officer; and(c)arenotsubjecttoanyindustrialinstrumentoranydetermination or rule of an industrial
authority.(4)If an offer of a contract of
employment as a commissionedofficer,onconditionsinwritingapprovedbythecommissionerinrelationtotheappointment,ismadetoapersonbeforethatperson’sappointmentascommissionedofficer,theperson,onacceptingappointmentascommissioned officer, is taken to have made
with the Crown(and the Crown is taken to have made with
the appointee) acontractofemploymentthataccordswiththecontractlastoffered to the person before the appointment
was made.5.8Acting as commissioned officer(1)The commissioner may appoint an
appropriate person to actas a commissioned officer
during—(a)anyvacancy,orallvacancies,intheofficeofcommissioned officer; or(b)any
period, or all periods, when a commissioned officerisabsentfromdutyor,foranotherreason,cannotperform the
duties of the office.(2)Theremunerationpayabletoapersonwhoactsasacommissioned officer must not be more
than the remunerationpayable to a person appointed to the
office.(3)While a person acts as a commissioned
officer, the person isrelieved of the duties of a constable
at common law or underany Act or law.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 33
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
5.9]5.9Conditions of employment of
noncommissioned officersand constables(1)Appointment to a position as a
noncommissioned officer orconstable, including by way of
promotion—(a)istobeonthebasisoffull-timeemployment,iftheposition is not one referred to in
paragraph (b);(b)ifthepositionisprescribedasone,oroneofaclass,open to
appointment on a part-time basis—may be onthe basis of
part-time employment.(2)A person—(a)istobeappointedtoandemployedinapositionasanoncommissionedofficerorconstableuponatenurethatisnotlimitedbytime,ifthepositionisnotonereferred to in
paragraph (b);(b)ifthepositionisprescribedasone,oroneofaclass,open to
appointment upon a limited duration of tenure—maybeappointedandemployedinapositionasanoncommissionedofficerorconstableuponalimitedduration of
tenure.5.10Officer’s election on termination of
certain appointments(1)If an officer
who holds a position in the service on a contractbasisorforalimiteddurationoftenureceasestoholdtheposition because—(a)thecontractortenurehasexpiredandhasnotbeenrenewed; or(b)thecontractortenureisterminatedotherwisethanbyreason of—(i)theofficer’sresignationfromtheserviceorretirement from the service; or(ii)disciplinary
action against the officer;and before
accepting the position that person was an officer inemployment that satisfies the requirements
of subsection (2)Page 34Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.10]Notauthorised—indicativeonlythatpersonisentitledtoelecttocontinueasanofficerinaccordance with this section.(2)The requirements referred to in
subsection (1) are—(a)the employment in the service before
acceptance of theposition referred to in subsection (1) must
have been ona tenure not limited by time;(b)the employment in the service before
acceptance of theposition referred to in subsection (1) must
have been, orbe taken to have been, continuous.(3)Ifapersonmakesanelectionundersubsection (1),thecommissioner may appoint the person at a
rank determined bythe commissioner—being a rank not lower than
that at whichthe person was employed in the service
immediately beforethe person first accepted employment in the
position referredto in subsection (1), or a rank prescribed
for the time being tobe equivalent to that rank.(4)If a person makes an election under
subsection (1), the persontherebyrenouncesallentitlementssecuredtothepersonbythe contract of employment in the
event of its termination asreferred to in
subsection (1).(5)An election made under subsection
(1)—(a)must be made in writing signed by the
elector and givento the commissioner within 14 days
following—(i)expiry of the contract or tenure in
question; or(ii)noticeofterminationofthecontractortenurebeinggiventotheholderofthepositioninquestion; and(b)when
duly made, has the effect that the elector’s serviceas
an officer is taken not to have been terminated by theexpiryorterminationofthecontractortenureinquestion, but to have continued in
accordance with theforegoing provisions of this section.(6)If the regulations prescribe
requirements to be met, if serviceas an officer is
to be taken as continuous, service of an officerreferred to in this section is not
continuous unless it accordsCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 35
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
5.11]with the requirements of the regulations,
and subsection (5)(b)has operation subject to this
subsection.5.11Conditions of employment of police
recruits(1)The conditions of employment of a
police recruit—(a)are as approved by the commissioner
and accepted bythe person who is, or is to be, the recruit;
and(b)are to be governed by a contract of
employment made,or taken to be made, between the Crown and
the recruit;and(c)arenotsubjecttoanyindustrialinstrumentoranydetermination or rule of an industrial
authority.(2)If an offer of a contract of
employment as a police recruit onconditionsinwritingapprovedbythecommissionerinrelation to the appointment, including the
grounds on whichthe employment may be continued and
discontinued, is madeto a person before that person’s
appointment as a recruit, theperson, on
accepting appointment as a recruit, is taken to havemade
with the Crown (and the Crown is taken to have madewiththeappointee)acontractofemploymentthataccordswiththecontractlastofferedtothepersonbeforetheappointment was made.5.12Appointment on probation(1)This section does not apply in
relation to an appointment as anofficer made on
a contract basis.(2)Anappointmentasanofficerofapersonwhowasnotanofficer immediately before the appointment
is an appointmenton probation—(a)for
a period not less than 12 months determined by thecommissioner; or(b)in
the absence of such a determination, for a period of12
months.Page 36Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.12]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)UnlessthepositionasanofficerisadvertisedintheQueensland Police Gazette as one to
which appointment is tobe made without a period of probation,
an appointment of anofficertoapositiononpromotionisanappointmentonprobation—(a)for
a period not less than 6 months determined by thecommissioner; or(b)in
the absence of such a determination—for a period of6
months.(4)The commissioner may—(a)in respect of an appointee referred to
in subsection (2)—(i)at any time during the initial period
of probation orduringanyextensionofaperiodofprobation,terminate the
employment of the appointee; or(ii)at
the end of any period of probation, confirm theappointment,
extend or further extend the period ofprobationorterminatetheemploymentoftheappointee; or(b)in
respect of an appointee referred to in subsection (3)whose appointment is on probation—(i)at any time during the initial period
of probation orduringanyextensionofaperiodofprobation,terminate that
appointment; or(ii)at the end of
any period of probation, confirm theappointment,
extend or further extend the period ofprobation or
terminate that appointment.(5)If
an appointment is terminated under subsection (4)(b), theperson who was the appointee is to be
retained in employmentas an officer at a level of salary not
less than the level of salaryofthepersonimmediatelybeforetheappointmentthatisterminated until—(a)thepersonisappointedtoanotherpositionintheservice;
or(b)the person is otherwise dealt with
under this Act.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
5.13]5.13Officer not to refuse transfer, but
may object(1)A police officer who is transferred to
a position must acceptthe transfer, even if the officer has
not applied for it.(2)However,iftheofficerdidnotapplyforthetransfer,theofficer may—(a)object to the transfer under section 5.13A;
or(b)apply for a review of the transfer
under section to transfer(1)If a police officer is transferred to
a position without applyingfor the
transfer, the officer may object to the transfer by givingthe
commissioner written reasons for the objection within 14days
of receiving written notice of the transfer.(2)The
commissioner may allow or reject the objection.(3)Ifthecommissionerallowstheobjection,thetransferstopshaving effect.(4)If
the commissioner rejects the objection, the commissionermust
give the officer written reasons for the rejection.(5)This section—(a)doesnotlimittherightofanofficertoapplytoacommissioner for police service
reviews for a review ofthe transfer (atransfer
review); but(b)does
limit the right of an officer to object to a transferunderthissectiononcetheofficerhasappliedforatransfer review.(6)If
an officer objects to a transfer under this section, the
timeallowed by regulation for an application for
a transfer reviewdoes not start to be counted until the day
the commissionergives the officer written reasons under
subsection (4).(7)If an officer applies for a transfer
review, the officer can notstart or proceed
further with an objection under this section.Page 38Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.13B]5.13BDelay
in attendance for duty on directed transfer to allowfor
objection and review(1)Ifapoliceofficeristransferredtoaposition,thecommissioner can not direct the officer to
attend for duty inthe position until—(a)afterthetimeallowedforanobjectionundersection 5.13A(1)
has ended; and(b)if the officer objects to the
transfer—the commissionerdecides the objection.(2)If—(a)the
officer objects to the transfer under section 5.13; and(b)the commissioner rejects the
objection;the commissioner can not direct the police
officer to attend fordutyuntilafterthetimeallowedbyregulationforanapplication to a commissioner for
police service reviews for areview of the
transfer has ended.(3)Despite section 9.2, if the officer
applies to a commissionerforpoliceservicereviewsforareviewofthetransfer,thecommissioner can not direct the
officer to attend for duty—(a)iftheofficerthenwithdrawstheapplication—untilatleast 14 days after the withdrawal;
or(b)if the officer does not withdraw the
application and thecommissioner decides under section 9.5 to
proceed withthetransfer—untilatleast14daysafterthedaytheofficerreceiveswrittennoticeofthecommissioner’sdecision.(4)Thissectiondoesnotlimitthecommissioner’spowerstodirectanofficertoattendfordutyinapositionincircumstances the commissioner considers are
urgent.5.13CSecondment etc. of officers to
PSBA(1)ThecommissionermayenterintoanarrangementwiththePSBA chief operating officer—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
5.14](a)for the services of an officer to be
made available to thePSBA (asecondment); or(b)under which an officer performs work
for the PSBA (awork performance arrangement).Note—For a secondment
of, or work performance arrangement for, a personappointed to a position under section
8.3(5), see section 8.3(6A).(2)An
officer on secondment to the PSBA, or providing servicesor
performing work for the PSBA under a work performancearrangement—(a)is
subject to the direction and control of the PSBA chiefoperatingofficertotheextenttheofficerisprovidingservices or
performing work for the PSBA; but(b)otherwise continues to be a officer for all
purposes andto have the functions, powers and
responsibilities of anofficer.5.14Calculation of continuous service as
continuous service had by a person—(a)as
an officer; and(b)as the holder of any prescribed
office, offices or class ofoffice under the
Crown in any of its capacities;where the
service had as an officer and the service had as suchholder are themselves continuous, are to be
taken to constitutecontinuous service as an officer.(2)A person who has continuous service as
an officer pursuant tosubsection (1),whilethepersoncontinuesasanofficer,retains and may claim against the Crown in
right of the Statein respect of all benefits and entitlements
that have accrued tothe person throughout the continuous
service.(3)If the regulations prescribe
requirements to be met, if serviceof an officer is
to be taken as continuous, service or servicesreferred to in
this section is, or are, not continuous unless itPage
40Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.15]accords,ortheyaccord,withtheregulations,andsubsection (1) has operation subject to this
subsection.5.15Officer as employee of CrownAnofficer,otherthanonewhoholdsappointmentonacontract basis, is taken—(a)to be an employee of the Crown;
and(b)to be within the application of
theIndustrial RelationsAct 2016to
employees of the Crown as provided by thatAct.5.16Special constables(1)The
commissioner may, in writing, appoint on such terms andconditionsasthecommissionerthinksfitsuchnumberofpersonstobespecialconstablesas,inthecommissioner’sopinion, is
necessary for the effectual administration of thisAct
and the efficient and proper discharge of the prescribedresponsibility.(2)A
special constable—(a)is not an employee of the Crown in
right of the State orof the commissioner;(b)isnotentitledtosalary,allowancesorotherremuneration,exceptasprovidedforinthespecialconstable’s instrument of
appointment;(c)has, during the continuance of the
appointment as such,the powers and duties of an officer as
specified in thespecialconstable’sinstrumentofappointment,andnoother.(3)Subject to subsection (2), such of the
provisions of this Actrelatingtoofficersasmaybereasonablyappliedtospecialconstables so
apply, as if a special constable were an officer.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5 Appointment
of personnel[s 5.17]Notauthorised—indicativeonly5.17Authorisation of
non-State police officers(1)Thissectionappliesifthecommissionerreasonablybelieves—(a)aterroristacthasbeencommittedorthereisanimminent threat of a terrorist act;
and(b)the help of a non-State police officer
is urgently neededto enable the Queensland Police Service to
continue toperform its functions effectively while
responding to theterrorist act or threat; and(c)itisimpracticableinthecircumstancestoappointtheofficer as a special constable.(2)The commissioner may authorise the
non-State police officertoexercisethepowersofapoliceofficerunderthePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000(thePolice
authorisation must name the non-State police officer.(4)The authorisation—(a)may
be limited to stated powers; and(b)may
be limited to a stated time; and(c)may
be given on conditions.(5)Theauthorisationmaybegivenorallyorinwritingbut,ifgivenorally,mustbeputinwritingassoonasreasonablypracticable.(6)A
failure to put the authorisation in writing does not
invalidatethe authorisation or anything done under the
authorisation.(7)While the authorisation is in force,
the non-State police officermay exercise the
powers only—(a)in accordance with the authorisation;
and(b)subject to the directions of the
commissioner or anotherState police officer.(8)ThePoliceActappliestothenon-Statepoliceofficer,inrelation to the exercise of the powers, as
if the officer were aState police officer.Page
42Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5 Appointment of personnel[s 5.17]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(9)Thecommissionermustensurethat,assoonaspracticableafter the
authorisation is given, the non-State police officer isgiven an appropriate explanation of the
officer’s powers andresponsibilities under the Police
Act.(10)Part 10 applies
to the non-State police officer as if the officerwere
a State police officer.(11)The commissioner
must revoke the authorisation as soon asthecommissionerissatisfiedthenon-Statepoliceofficer’shelp is no
longer needed.(12)The revocation
may be made orally or in writing but, if madeorally,mustbeputinwritingassoonasreasonablypracticable.(13)A
failure to put the revocation in writing does not invalidatethe
power to a State police officer of the rank of atleast assistant commissioner.(15)Thecommissionermustinclude,intheannualreportforafinancialyear,thefollowinginformationaboutanyauthorisationsmadeunderthissectionduringthefinancialyear relating to
a terrorist act or threat—(a)the nature of
the act or threat;(b)the number of non-State police
officers authorised andthe police force or service of which
they were members;(c)when the authorisations started and
ended;(d)the functions performed by the
officers;(e)the results of the authorisations,
including benefits andproblems.(16)Thissectiondoesnotpurporttoconferadutyonafederalpolice officer
to perform a function, or to exercise a power, iftheconferralofthedutywouldbebeyondthelegislativepower of the
Parliament of the State.(17)In this
section—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5 Appointment of personnel[s
5.18]authorisation powermeans the power
to give or revoke anauthorisation under this
Police.non-Statepoliceofficermeansapoliceofficerofapoliceforce or service of another State or a
federal police officer.State police officermeans a police officer of the
QueenslandPolice Service.terrorist
actsee thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000, section
211.Division 2Watch-house
officers5.18Appointment of watch-house
officers(1)This section applies if the
commissioner proposes to appoint apersonwhoisoristobecomeastaffmembertobeawatch-house officer.(2)Thecommissionermayappointthepersononlyifthecommissionerissatisfiedthepersonhasappropriatequalifications
and experience for performing the functions ofa watch-house
officer.(3)Apersonhasappropriatequalitiesandexperienceforappointmentasawatch-houseofficeronlyifthecommissioner is satisfied the
person—(a)hascompletedacourseoftrainingapprovedbythecommissioner for
the purpose; or(b)possessesappropriatequalifications,standingandexperienceforperformingthefunctionsofawatch-house officer.Note—Staff members
are appointed under thePublicServiceAct2008orsection 8.3(5) and are not police officers.
Also, this section does notaffectthepowersofthecommissionertoappointwatch-housePage 44Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.1]managers.Forthedefinitionwatch-housemanager,seethePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000, schedule 6.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPart
5AAlcohol and drug testsDivision 1General5A.1Object of pt 5AThe objects of
this part are—(a)to ensure appropriate steps are taken
in the interests ofthe health and welfare of relevant persons;
and(b)to enhance the public’s confidence in
the service and theintegrityoftheserviceinwhichrelevantpersons,including
persons who are not members of the service,performfunctionsassociatedwith,orancillaryto,thefunctions of the service.5A.2Definitions for pt 5AIn
this part—alcoholtestmeansatestfordecidingwhetherarelevantperson is over
the limit applying to the person when the test isconducted.analystmeansapersonwho,undersection
5A.4A,isappointed as an analyst.authorised personmeans—(a)inallcases—thecommissionerordeputycommissioner;
or(b)for an alcohol test or a random
alcohol test—(i)if the person to be tested is a police
recruit, staffmemberorrelevantPSBAemployee—acommissioned
officer; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5A Alcohol
and drug tests[s 5A.2]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 46(ii)otherwise—theassistantcommissioneroracommissionedofficerwhoholdsrankabovetherank
of the person to be tested; or(c)for
periodic testing of an operative—(i)the
assistant commissioner; or(ii)a commissioned
officer who—(A)is responsible for supervising
operatives; and(B)isabovetherankoftheoperativetobetested; or(d)for
a test to be conducted because of section 5A.8(c)—(i)if the person to be tested is a police
recruit, staffmemberorrelevantPSBAemployee—acommissioned
officer; or(ii)otherwise—theassistantcommissioneroracommissionedofficerwhoholdsrankabovetherank
of the person to be tested; or(e)for
section 5A.10 or section 5A.14—(i)if
the person to be tested is a police recruit, staffmemberorrelevantPSBAemployee—acommissioned
officer; or(ii)otherwise—theassistantcommissioneroracommissionedofficerwhoholdsrankabovetherank
of the person to be tested.criticalareameansanyofthefollowinginwhichapolicerecruit,staffmemberorrelevantPSBAemployeeperformsfunctions for the police service—(a)a communications centre;(b)a driver training facility;(c)afacilityusedforstoringdangerousdrugsunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,chapter21, part
4;(d)a magazine used for storing
explosives;Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.2](e)a
police armoury or weapons collection facility;(f)a
property point as defined under thePolice Powers
andResponsibilities Act 2000;(g)a
watch-house;(h)a weapons training facility;(i)the unit known as the police air
wing;(j)a place prescribed under a regulation
as a critical area.critical incidentmeans—(a)an incident in which it was necessary
for an officer onduty to discharge a firearm in circumstances
that causedor could have caused injury to a person;
or(b)a death of a person in custody;
or(c)either of the following in which a
person dies or becauseof which a person is admitted to
hospital for treatmentof injuries—(i)a
vehicle pursuit;(ii)a workplace
incident at a police station or policeestablishment.dangerousdrugmeansadangerousdrugundertheDrugsMisuse Act
1986.deputycommissionermeanstheexecutiveofficerholdingrank as deputy
commissioner.evidence, of a targeted
substance in a person’s urine, includesevidenceofthepresenceofthefollowingintheperson’surine—(a)a
targeted substance;(b)a substance that is used in a targeted
substance;(c)a metabolite of a targeted
substance.general alcohol limitmeans the
general alcohol limit undersection
5A.6(1)(c).Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5A Alcohol and drug tests[s
5A.6(1)(b).medicalexaminationincludesmedicalassessmentandtest,whether physical
or mental.noalcohollimitmeansthenoalcohollimitundersection
5A.6(1)(a).operativemeans a police
officer who is—(a)a participant in an authorised
operation under thePolicePowers and
Responsibilities Act 2000, chapter 11; or(b)a
covert operative for a controlled operation under theCrime and Corruption Act 2001,
chapter 3, part 6A.overthelimit,inrelationtoarelevantperson,meanstheperson is over the general alcohol limit,
the low alcohol limitor the no alcohol limit applying to
the person.random alcohol testmeans an alcohol
test conducted undersection 5A.9.relevant
personsee section 5A.3.relevantPSBAemployeemeansaPSBAemployeewhoseduties include
performing functions—(a)in a critical
area; or(b)prescribed by regulation.targeted substancemeans—(a)a dangerous drug; or(b)another substance mentioned in section
5A.4(c) or (d).targeted substance testmeans a test for
deciding whether arelevantpersonhasevidenceofatargetedsubstanceintheperson’s
urine.5A.3Persons to whom pt 5A applies(1)This part, other than to the extent
specified in section 5A.21A,applies only to
a person (relevant person) who is—Page
48Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.4](a)anofficer,whetherornottheofficerisasecondedofficer;
or(b)astaffmemberwhosedutiesincludeperformingfunctions in a
critical area; or(c)a watch-house officer; or(d)a police radio and electronics
technician; or(e)a recruit; or(f)a
relevant PSBA employee.(2)However, for
subsection (1)(b) and (f), if the critical area inwhich the functions are performed is a
driver training facility,thispartappliestothestaffmemberorrelevantPSBAemployeeonlyifthememberoremployeeisadriver,instructor or
mechanic at the facility.5A.4Substances to
which pt 5A appliesThispartappliesonlyinrelationtothefollowingsubstances—(a)alcohol;(b)a
dangerous drug;(c)a substance that is a controlled drug,
a restricted drug ora poison under theHealth Act
1937that may impair aperson’s
physical or mental capacity;(d)another substance that may impair a person’s
physical ormental capacity.5A.4AAnalystsThe Minister
may, by gazette notice, appoint as an analyst forthispart,apersontheMinisterissatisfiedhasappropriatequalifications,standingandexperiencetobeananalystforthis part.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 49
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5A Alcohol
and drug tests[s 5A.5]5A.5Part
does not affect other powersThispartdoesnotaffectthecommissioner’spowersundersection
8.3.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Provisions about
alcohol testing5A.6When is a person over the limit(1)For this part—(a)a
person is over theno alcohol limitif the
concentrationofalcoholintheperson’sbreathismorethan0gofalcohol in 210L
of breath;(b)apersonisoverthelowalcohollimitiftheconcentration of
alcohol in the person’s breath is, or ismore than, 0.02g
of alcohol in 210L of breath;(c)apersonisoverthegeneralalcohollimitiftheconcentration of alcohol in the
person’s breath is, or ismore than, 0.05g of alcohol in 210L of
breath.(2)For this Act, the concentration of
alcohol in a person’s breathmay be expressed
as—(a)aspecifiednumberofgramsofalcoholin210Lofbreath; or(b)a
specified number of grams in 210L.Example for
subsection (2)—The concentration of alcohol in a person’s
breath may be expressed as0.063g of alcohol in 210L of breath or
as 0.063g/210L.5A.7Alcohol limits(1)A
relevant person must be under the low alcohol limit—(a)when reporting for duty for a rostered
shift; or(b)while on duty for a rostered shift;
or(c)while on call on a rotational basis
for duty.Page 50Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.8](2)Also,arelevantpersonmustbeunderthegeneralalcohollimit when not rostered for duty but
permanently on call fordutyinaplacewherethereisapolicestationatwhichnomore
than 1 or 2 officers are permanently stationed.(3)However,iftherelevantpersonisamemberofthespecialemergency response team, the person must not
be over the noalcohol limit when reporting for duty, while
on duty, or whileon call on a rotational basis.(4)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoarelevantpersonwhoisapolice officer to the extent it prevents the
person consumingalcoholwhileperformingdutiesunderanexemptionundersection 5A.9(4).5A.8Circumstances for alcohol testingAn
authorised person may require a relevant person to submitto
an alcohol test if—(a)the person has been involved in a
critical incident; or(b)the test is
authorised under section 5A.9; or(c)an
authorised person reasonably suspects the person iscontravening or has contravened section
5A.7; or(d)foranofficerwhoisanapplicanttobecomeanoperative, the person is required to undergo
a medicalexamination for deciding the person’s
suitability to bean operative.5A.9Random alcohol testing(1)An
authorised person may require a relevant person to submitto a
random alcohol test.(2)However, an
authorised person other than the commissionerordeputycommissionermayrequiretherelevantpersontosubmit to the test—(a)only with the written approval of the
commissioner ordeputy commissioner; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 51
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5A Alcohol and drug tests[s
5A.10](b)only if the test is conducted in
accordance with criteriaprescribedunderaregulationforconductingrandomalcohol tests without the approval of the
commissioneror deputy commissioner.(3)For
subsection (2)(b), a regulation may prescribe the criteriafor
deciding—(a)whenandwherearandomalcoholtestmaybeconducted; and(b)when
a random alcohol test may be conducted withouttheapprovalofthecommissionerordeputycommissioner.(4)Also,thecommissionerordeputycommissionermay,inwriting, exempt a relevant person or
class of relevant personfrom random alcohol testing, either
generally or in particularcircumstances.Examples—1The relevant person may be an
operative.2The relevant person may be required to
consume alcohol at a hotelwhen keeping a person suspected of
engaging in criminal activitiesunder
surveillance.(5)Thepowertoapproverandomalcoholtestingunderthissection can not be delegated.5A.10Providing specimen of breath for
alcohol test or randomalcohol test(1)If a
relevant person is required to submit to an alcohol test or
arandom alcohol test under this part, an
authorised person mayrequire the relevant person to provide
a specimen of breath forthe test.(2)Theauthorisedpersonmayrequiretherelevantpersontoprovide the specimen to the authorised
person’s satisfaction.(3)The relevant
person must comply with a requirement undersubsection
(2).(4)The authorised person must perform the
test—Page 52Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.11](a)using an instrument approved by the
commissioner forthe purpose; and(b)inaccordancewith themanufacturer’sinstructionsforuse
of the instrument.Notauthorised—indicativeonly5A.11Failure to provide specimen of
breathA relevant person who fails to provide a
specimen of breath asrequired is taken to have been tested
for alcohol and to havebeen over the limit for alcohol
applying to the person whenthe failure
happened.Division 3Provisions about
drug testing5A.12Targeted substance levels(1)A relevant person must not have
evidence of a dangerous drugpresent in the
person’s urine at any time.(2)A
relevant person, who is lawfully taking a targeted substancementioned in section 5A.4(c) or (d), must
not perform dutiesin or involving an operational capacity or
critical area if thesubstance impairs the person’s
capacity to perform the dutieswithout danger
to the person or someone else.(3)Arelevantpersonmustnothavepresentintheperson’surine—(a)evidenceofatargetedsubstancementionedinsection 5A.4(c) that the person may not
lawfully take; or(b)evidenceofhavingtakenatargetedsubstancementioned in section 5A.4(c) or (d) in a way
contrary toadirectionofadoctororarecommendationofthemanufacturer of the substance.5A.13Circumstances for targeted substance
testing(1)An authorised person may require a
relevant person to submitto a targeted substance test
if—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5A Alcohol and drug tests[s
5A.14](a)the relevant person—(i)has been involved in a critical
incident; or(ii)is an operative;
or(iii)isanofficerwhoisanapplicanttobecomeanoperativeandisrequiredtoundergoamedicalexaminationortestfordecidingtheperson’ssuitability to
be a covert operative; or(b)anauthorisedpersonreasonablysuspectstherelevantpersoniscontraveningorhascontravenedsection
5A.12.(2)Also, an authorised person may require
a person who has beennotified of the person’s appointment
as a recruit to submit to atargetedsubstancetestbeforethepersonstartsthetrainingnecessary to
become an officer.5A.14Providing specimen for targeted
substance test(1)An authorised person may require a
relevant person to provideaspecimenofurinetoadoctororregisterednurseforatargetedsubstancetestataplaceandtimespecifiedbytheauthorised
person.(2)If the specimen is required because of
section 5A.13(1)(a)(i),the requirement must be made, and the
specimen provided, assoonasreasonablypracticableafterthecriticalincidenthappened.(3)A
doctor or registered nurse may give reasonably necessarydirections to the relevant person about how
the specimen is tobe provided and providing a sufficient
specimen for testing.(4)However, a
direction given under subsection (3) must not beinconsistentwithanyrequirementsaboutthecollectionofurine specimens prescribed under a
regulation for this section.(5)Subject to subsection (4), the relevant
person must provide thespecimen in accordance with the
directions of a doctor or aregistered
nurse.Page 54Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.15](6)If
the relevant person acts in accordance with the directions
ofthedoctororregisterednursebuthasareasonableexcuse,because of a medical condition, for being
unable to provide aspecimen of urine—(a)the
person does not contravene subsection (5); and(b)the
failure to provide the specimen is not to be taken as apositive test for this part.(7)Assoonaspracticableafteraspecimenofurinehasbeenobtained under
this section, the specimen must be dealt within the way
prescribed under a regulation for this section.(8)In
this section—registered nursemeans a person
registered under the HealthPractitioner
Regulation National Law—(a)topractiseinthenursingprofession,otherthanasastudent; andEditor's
note—Paragraph (a) is an uncommenced
amendment—see 2017 Act No. 32 s87(2) sch 1 pt
2.(b)in the registered nurses division of
that profession.5A.15Effect of failure to provide specimen
of urineA relevant person who fails to provide a
specimen of urine istaken, unless section 5A.14(6) applies
to the person, to havebeen tested for a targeted substance
and to have been found tohavehadevidenceofatargetedsubstanceintheperson’surine.Division 4What
happens if a test result ispositive5A.16If alcohol or targeted substance test
positive(1)This section applies if a test
conducted under this part shows arelevant person,
when tested—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5A Alcohol and drug tests[s
5A.16](a)was over the limit applying to the
person when the testwas conducted; or(b)hadevidenceofatargetedsubstanceintheperson’surine.(2)The
commissioner may do any 1 or more of the following—(a)suspend the relevant person from duty
until the person isno longer over the relevant alcohol limit or
no longer hasevidence of a targeted substance in the
person’s urine;(b)correct the relevant person by way of
guidance;(c)requiretherelevantpersontoundergocounsellingorrehabilitation approved by the
duties;(e)afterconsideringareportofagovernmentmedicalofficeraboutamedicalexaminationunderparagraph(d), direct the
relevant person to perform other duties forthe time the
commissioner considers necessary;(f)takedisciplinaryorotheractionagainsttherelevantperson under
whichever of the following is relevant—(i)this
Act;(ii)thePublic Service Act 2008;(g)require the relevant person to submit
to further testingfrom time to time until the commissioner is
satisfied thereason for making the requirement no longer
exists.Example of other action for paragraph
(f)—action that may be taken under section
6.1(3)Subsection (2)(a), (b), (c) and (f) do
not apply to a targetedsubstance mentioned in section
5A.12(2).(4)Arelevantpersondirectedtoperformotherdutiesundersubsection (2)(e) is entitled to be paid
salary and allowancesPage 56Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.17]at the rate at
which the person would have been paid had theperson not been
directed to perform the other duties.(5)A
government medical officer who prepares a report about amedical examination of a relevant person may
give the reportto the commissioner.Notauthorised—indicativeonly5A.17Effect of failure to comply(1)This section applies if a relevant
person—(a)fails to attend or complete
counselling or rehabilitationunder a
requirement under section 5A.16(2)(c); or(b)fails to attend a government medical officer
for medicalexaminationunderarequirementundersection 5A.16(2)(d).(2)Thecommissionermaytakedisciplinaryactionagainsttheperson under whichever of the following is
relevant—(a)this Act;(b)thePublic Service Act 2008.Division 5General5A.18Giving requirementsArequirementunderthispartmaybegivenorallyorinwriting or by any form of electronic
communication.5A.19Interfering with specimensApersonmustnotunlawfullyinterferewithaspecimenofbreath or urine provided under this
part.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.5A.20Test result evidence generally
inadmissible(1)Evidence of—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 57
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5A Alcohol and drug tests[s
5A.20](a)anything done under this part;
and(b)the result of any test conducted under
this part;isinadmissibleinacivilorcriminalproceedingbeforeacourt.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),evidenceofanyofthefollowingisinadmissibleinacivilorcriminalproceedingbefore a
court—(a)an approval given to conduct a random
alcohol test;(b)a requirement made under division 2, 3
or 4;(c)a direction given by a person under
division 3;(d)adisclosuremadeoranagreemententeredintoundersection
5A.21A.(3)Also, the commissioner and anyone else
involved in any wayinanythingdoneunderthispartcannotbecompelledtoproduce to a court any document kept
or to disclose to a courtany information obtained because of
the doing of the thing.(4)This section
does not apply to—(a)a proceeding for a charge of an
offence arising from acritical incident; or(b)an inquest in a Coroners Court into
the death of a personin a critical incident; or(c)aproceedingonanapplicationundertheIndustrialRelationsAct2016,section 317forreinstatementbecause of
unfair dismissal.(5)Also, this section does not prevent
the commissioner giving awitness identity protection
certificate under theEvidence Act1977,section 21Fthatincludesmattersmentionedinsection 21G(1)(h) of that Act in relation to
a person who hasbeenfoundguiltyofmisconductorabreachofdisciplinebecause of the
testing of the person under this part.Page 58Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5A Alcohol and drug tests[s 5A.21]5A.21Evidentiary provision(1)A
certificate apparently signed by an analyst and stating thefollowing is evidence of what it
states—(a)aspecimenofurineprovidedbyastatedpersononastateddayandatastatedplacewasreceivedfromastated authorised person at the
analyst’s laboratory on astated day and time;(b)the analyst made a laboratory test of
the specimen on astated day and at the stated place;(c)astatedtargetedsubstanceorametaboliteofastatedtargeted
substance was indicated by the laboratory testto be present in
the person’s urine.(2)Acertificateapparentlysignedbyagovernmentmedicalofficerandstatingthatthepresenceofastatedtargetedsubstanceinapersonimpairsormayimpairtheperson’scapacity to
perform the person’s duties without danger to theperson or others is evidence of what it
states.(3)Acertificateapparentlysignedbythecommissionerandstating either of the following is evidence
of what it states—(a)at a stated time a stated officer
performed duties in anoperational capacity in a critical
area;(b)at a stated time a stated staff member
performed dutiesinvolving a critical area.5A.21A
Agreements about counselling and rehabilitation(1)Any
member of the service, whether or not the member is arelevant person or a seconded officer, and
any relevant PSBAemployee may make a written request to the
prescribed personfortheprovisionofcounsellingorrehabilitationaboutthemember’s or employee’s personal use of
alcohol or a drug.(2)If a prescribed person receives a
request under subsection (1),the prescribed
person must forward the written request to thememberoremployeewhomayenterintoanagreementforproviding counselling or
rehabilitation.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5A Alcohol
and drug tests[s 5A.21A]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(3)Iftherequestisfromamemberoftheservice,thecommissioner may enter into an agreement to
provide to thememberthecounsellingorrehabilitationapprovedbythecommissioner.(4)If
the request is from a relevant PSBA employee, the PSBAchief operating officer may enter into an
agreement to provideto the employee the counselling or
rehabilitation approved bythe PSBA chief operating
officer.(5)The commissioner or the PSBA chief
operating officer mustnot use information disclosed by a
member or employee underthissectionforthepurposesofdisciplinaryorotheractionagainst the member or employee under this
Act or thePublicService Act
2008.(6)Also, the
commissioner or the PSBA chief operating officermustnotdiscloseinformationinthepossessionofthecommissioner or PSBA chief operating
officer because of arequest or agreement made under this
section other than—(a)for the purposes of the agreement;
or(b)to the extent the commissioner or PSBA
chief operatingofficerconsidersreasonablynecessarytopreventorlessen a serious threat to the public or to
health or safetyofthememberoremployeewhodisclosedtheinformation; or(c)for
the purposes of a claim for compensation under theWorkers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act
2003; or(d)iftheinformationrelatestoamemberwhoisanofficer—for the purposes of section
6.1(1)(c) or 8.3.(7)A regulation may prescribe the matters
that must be includedin an agreement under this
section.(8)In this section—prescribedpersonmeansapersontowhom,underaregulation,amemberoftheserviceorrelevantPSBAemployee may make a request for the
provision of counsellingor rehabilitation about the member’s
or employee’s personaluse of alcohol or a drug.Page
60Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s 5A.23]5A.23Limitation on disciplinary
proceedingsIf 2 or more contraventions of this part by
a particular relevantpersonariseoutofthesamefactsorcircumstances,adisciplinaryproceedingagainsttherelevantpersonmaybestarted for 1
disciplinary offence only.Part 5AAAssessment of
suitability ofpersons seeking to beengaged, or
engaged, by theserviceDivision 1Preliminary5AA.1Purpose of pt 5AAThe purpose of
this part is to ensure the commissioner—(a)maygatheralltherelevantinformationthecommissioner needs about a person engaged or
seekingto be engaged by the service; and(b)mayusetheinformationtoassesstheperson’ssuitabilitytobe,orcontinuetobe,engagedbytheservice.5AA.1A
Definition for pt 5AAIn this part—criminal
history, of a person—(a)meanstheperson’sconvictionsinrelationtooffencescommitted in
Queensland or elsewhere; and(b)includes information about offences of any
kind allegedto have been committed, in Queensland or
elsewhere, bythe person.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 61
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.2]5AA.2Parliament’s intention(1)It is Parliament’s intention that
relevant information about aperson that is
obtained by the commissioner under this part isto be used only
for assessing the person’s suitability to be, orcontinue to be, engaged by the
service.(2)However,itisnotParliament’sintentiontopreventthecommissioner using information obtained
under this part thatdiscloses the commission of an
offence, or is, or leads to, thediscovery of
evidence of the commission of an offence, for aninvestigation into the offence and any
proceeding started orfacilitated because of the
investigation.5AA.3Meaning ofengaged by the
serviceA person isengaged by the
servicefor this part if the person is1 of
the following—(a)a police officer;(b)a
staff member;(c)a recruit;(d)a
special constable;(e)a PSBA employee;(f)an
external service provider;(g)apersonperformingfunctionsatapolicestationorpolice establishment under a contract for
services;(h)a person working in the service as a
volunteer or as astudent on work experience.5AA.4This part applies despite the Criminal
Law (Rehabilitationof Offenders) Act 1986This part
applies to a person despite anything in theCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986.Page
62Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s 5AA.5]5AA.5Person to be advised of duties of
disclosure etc.(1)Before a person, other than a PSBA
employee or an externalservice provider, is engaged by the
service, the commissionermust,ifthecommissionerconsidersthetermsoftheengagement require it—(a)tell the person—(i)oftheperson’sdutytodiscloserelevantinformation under division 2; and(ii)thatthecommissionermayobtainandconsiderrelevantinformationaboutthepersonunderdivisions 3 and 4; and(b)give
the person a copy of the guidelines for dealing withrelevantinformationobtainedbythecommissionerunder this
part.(2)Subsections (3) and (4) apply
if—(a)thePSBAchiefoperatingofficer(arelevantCEO)isintending to
employ a person in the PSBA; or(b)thechiefexecutiveofficer(alsoarelevantCEO)ofanotherentitybecomesawareapersonemployedorengaged by the entity is an external
service provider.(3)The relevant CEO must—(a)tell the person—(i)the
person is or, if employed, will be engaged bythe service for
this part; and(ii)oftheperson’sdutytodiscloserelevantinformation under division 2; and(iii)that the
commissioner may—(A)obtainandconsiderrelevantinformationabout the person
under divisions 3 and 4; and(B)disclose relevant information to the
relevantCEO under division 4; andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.6](b)give the person a copy of the
guidelines issued by thecommissionerfordealingwithrelevantinformationobtained by the
commissioner under this part.(4)Theinformationrequiredtobegiventothepersonundersubsection (3)
must be given—(a)if the relevant CEO is the PSBA chief
executive—beforethe person is employed by the PSBA;
or(b)otherwise—assoonaspracticableaftertherelevantCEO becomes
aware the person is an external serviceprovider.Division 2Disclosure of
relevant information5AA.6Persons engaged or seeking to be
engaged by theservice must disclose relevant
information(1)Each of the following must, if
required by the commissioner,disclose to the
commissioner any relevant information knowntothepersonthatmayaffecttheperson’ssuitabilitytobeengaged by the service—(a)a person engaged by the
service;(b)a person seeking to be engaged by the
service.(2)Apersonrequiredtodiscloseinformationundersubsection (1)(b) must disclose the
information before beingengaged by the service.5AA.7Persons engaged by the service must
disclose changesin relevant informationIfapersonengagedbytheserviceisawarethatthereisachange in relevant information about
the person, the personmust immediately disclose to the
commissioner the details ofthe
change.Page 64Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s 5AA.8]Note—For some persons
engaged by the service, a failure to disclose a changein
relevant information of which the person is aware may become
thesubject of disciplinary proceedings.5AA.8Requirements for disclosure(1)To comply with section 5AA.6 or 5AA.7,
a person must givethe commissioner a disclosure in the
approved form.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection (1),theapprovedformmustmakeprovisionforthedisclosureofthefollowingrelevantinformation—(a)the
existence of a conviction or charge;(b)when
an offence was committed or alleged to have beencommitted;(c)details of an offence or alleged
offence;(d)foraconviction—whetherornotaconvictionwasrecorded and other details of the
sentence;(e)disciplinary action under a public
sector disciplinary lawinvolving—(i)termination of employment; or(ii)reduction of
classification level or rank; or(iii)transfer or redeployment to other
employment; or(iv)reduction of
remuneration level; or(v)a disciplinary
declaration that states a disciplinaryaction mentioned
in subparagraph (i) or (ii) as thedisciplinaryactionthatwouldhavebeentakenagainst the
person if the person’s employment hadnot
ended.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.9]Division 3Commissioner may
obtain relevantinformation from other entities5AA.9Commissioner may request information
from otherauthorities(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)is
engaged by the service; or(b)seekstobeengagedbytheserviceandhasgiventhecommissioner a disclosure for the
purposes of division2.(2)Also, this section applies even though the
disclosure does notstate any relevant information about the
person.(3)The commissioner may ask another law
enforcement agency,whether a declared agency, or a law
enforcement agency ofanother country that has an obligation
under the law of thatcountrytoassesstheintegrityofpersonsemployedorengagedbythegovernmentofthatcountry,togivethecommissionerareportthatincludesrelevantinformationabout the
person.5AA.10 Prosecuting authority to notify
commissioner aboutcommittal, conviction etc.(1)This section applies if a person is
charged with an indictableoffence and the director of public
prosecutions is aware thatthe person is engaged by the
particulars within 7 days after the director of publicprosecutions becomes aware of the
particulars—(a)ifthepersoniscommittedbyacourtfortrialforanindictable offence—(i)the court committing the person for
trial; andPage 66Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.10](ii)particulars of
the offence with which the person ischarged;
and(iii)the date of the
committal; and(iv)the court to
which the person was committed;(b)if
the person is convicted before the Supreme Court orthe
District Court of an indictable offence—(i)the
court convicting the person; and(ii)particulars of the offence; and(iii)the date of the
conviction; and(iv)the sentence
imposed by the court;(c)if the person is
convicted of an indictable offence, andhasappealedtheconviction,andtheappealisfinallydecided or has
otherwise ended—(i)particularsoftheoffenceofwhichthepersonisconvicted; and(ii)thedatetheappealwasdecidedorotherwiseended;
and(iii)if the appeal
was decided—(A)the court in which it was decided;
and(B)particulars of the decision;(d)if the prosecution process ends
without the person beingconvicted of an indictable
offence—(i)ifrelevant—thecourtinwhichtheprosecutionprocess ended;
and(ii)particularsoftheoffencewithwhichthepersonwas charged;
and(iii)the date the
prosecution process ended.(3)For subsection
(2)(d), a prosecution process ends if—(a)an
indictment is presented against the person and—(i)a
nolle prosequi is entered on the indictment; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 67
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.10A](ii)the person is
acquitted; or(b)the prosecution process has otherwise
ended.(4)Areferenceinthissectiontoaconvictionofanindictableoffenceincludesasummaryconvictionofanindictableoffence.(5)Subsection (1)doesnotapply if the person is charged by
apolice officer.(6)Subsection (2)(a) does not apply if the
prosecutor appearing isa police officer.(7)Subsection (2)(d)doesnotapplyiftheprosecutionprocessends
while a police officer is in charge of the prosecution.5AA.10A Information about disciplinary action
to be given bychief executive(1)This
section applies if—(a)thecommissionerasksthechiefexecutiveofanotherdepartment(thechiefexecutive)fordisciplinaryinformation the
chief executive has about a person whois or was a
public service employee; and(b)theinformationisreasonablynecessaryforthecommissioner to
make a decision about the suitability ofthe person to be
engaged, or continue to be engaged, asa member of the
service.(2)Theotherchiefexecutivemustgivethedisciplinaryinformationtothecommissionerunlesstheotherchiefexecutive is reasonably satisfied that
giving the informationmay prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law in a
particular case.(3)In this section—disciplinary
information, in relation to a request made of achief executive about a person, means
information about thefollowingmadeortakenagainstthepersonunderapublicsectordisciplinarylawbythechiefexecutiveoranotherentity—Page
68Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.11](a)a current investigation into whether
the person should bedisciplined;(b)a
finding that the person should be disciplined;(c)possible disciplinary action under
consideration;(d)disciplinary action, including a
disciplinary declaration.Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 4Controls on use
of relevantinformation and information aboutparticular investigations5AA.11
Assessment of suitability(1)Thissectionappliestothecommissionerinconsideringrelevant
information about a person under this part.(2)Whenmakingtheassessment,thecommissionermayhaveregardtoallrelevantinformationavailabletothecommissioner,
including, but not limited to—(a)information that is disclosed to the
commissioner underthis part; and(b)information that is made available by a
declared agencyor a law enforcement agency of another
country becauseof a request made under this part;
information given to the commissioner by achiefexecutiveofanotherdepartmentundersection 5AA.10A; and(c)information that is stored on—(i)a database kept by the commissioner;
or(ii)adatabasekeptbyanotherlawenforcementagency to which
the commissioner has access; and(d)informationthatisotherwiseavailabletothecommissioner.Examples for
subsection (2)—1information obtained from previous
employment checksCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.12]2fingerprint checks3DNA
tests(3)In addition, information obtained
under this part may be takenintoaccountindecidingaquestionofmeritunderameritprovision.(4)Subsection (3)isinadditiontoanddoesnotlimitameritprovision.(5)In
this section—merit provisionmeans—(a)section 5.2; or(b)thePublic Service Act 2008,
chapter 1, part 4.5AA.12 Particular persons to be advised if
person unsuitable(1)If,becauseofinformationreliedonbythecommissionerunderthispart,thecommissionerconsidersaperson,otherthan
a PSBA employee or an external service provider, maynotbesuitabletobe,orcontinuetobe,engagedbytheservice, the commissioner must, before
deciding the person isnot suitable—(a)disclose the information to the person;
commissioner must give reasons why the commissionerconsiders the person may not be suitable to
be, or continue tobe, engaged by the service unless the
commissioner considersthe disclosure of the information
may—(a)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law; or(b)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained; or(c)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety; orPage 70Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.13](d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law; or(e)prejudicethemaintenanceorenforcementofalawfulmethod or
procedure for protecting public safety; or(f)prejudice national security; or(g)be prohibited under a law of this or
any other State orthe Commonwealth.(3)If,afterconsideringanyrepresentationsmadeundersubsection
(1)(b), the commissioner decides the person is notsuitable to be, or continue to be, engaged
by the service, thecommissionermustgivethepersonawrittennoticestatingthat the person
is not suitable to be, or continue to be, engagedby
the service.(4)Informationreliedonunderthissectiontodecidethataperson is not suitable to be engaged
by the service can not beused for any other purpose, unless its
disclosure is authorisedunder section 5AA.14(3).5AA.13
PSBA employee or external service provider to beadvised if person unsuitable(1)If,becauseofinformationreliedonbythecommissionerunder this part,
the commissioner considers a person who is aPSBA employee or
an external service provider may not besuitable to be,
or continue to be, engaged by the service, thecommissionermust,beforedecidingthepersonisnotsuitable—(a)disclosetheinformationtothepersonandthechiefexecutive
officer of the relevant entity; and(b)allowthepersonandthechiefexecutiveofficerareasonableopportunitytomakerepresentationstothecommissioner about the information;
and(c)allowthepersonareasonableopportunitytomakerepresentationstothecommissioneraboutanyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 5AA Assessment of suitability of persons
seeking to be engaged, or engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.13]representations made to the commissioner by
the chiefexecutive officer.(2)The
commissioner must give reasons why the commissionerconsiders the person may not be suitable to
be, or continue tobe, engaged by the service unless the
commissioner considersthe disclosure of the information
may—(a)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law; or(b)enable the existence or identity of a
confidential sourceofinformation,inrelationtotheenforcementoradministration of the law, to be
ascertained; or(c)endanger a person’s life or physical
safety; or(d)prejudicetheeffectivenessofalawfulmethodorprocedureforpreventing,detecting,investigatingordealing with a contravention or possible
contraventionof the law; or(e)prejudicethemaintenanceorenforcementofalawfulmethod or
procedure for protecting public safety; or(f)prejudice national security; or(g)be prohibited under a law of this or
any other State orthe Commonwealth.(3)If,afterconsideringanyrepresentationsmadeundersubsection
(1)(b) or (c), the commissioner decides the personis
not suitable to be, or continue to be, engaged by the
service,the commissioner must give the person and
the chief executiveofficer of the relevant entity a written
notice stating that theperson is not suitable to be, or
continue to be, engaged by theservice.(4)If the person is already employed or
engaged by the entity, thechief executive officer must—(a)haveregardtothecommissioner’sdecisionthatthepersonisnotsuitabletobeengagedbythepoliceservice and the
reasons for the decision; andPage 72Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s
potential adverse effects of the assessment; and(ii)theperson’saccesstoinformationinthepossession of the commissioner;
and(c)advise the commissioner of the chief
executive officer’sdecision.(5)Ifthecommissionerconsidersthestepstakendonotadequately
minimise the person’s access to information in thepossessionofthecommissioner,thecommissionermayaskthe chairperson of the Crime and
Corruption Commission toreview the chief executive officer’s
decision.(6)A review conducted under this
section—(a)must be conducted in private;
and(c)ifthechairpersonconsidersitappropriate,maybeconductedonthepapers,withouthearingsubmissionsfrom any person;
and(d)isnotahearingorinvestigationofakindthechairperson may hold under theCrime and CorruptionAct 2001.(7)The
chairperson’s decision on the review—(a)is
final and conclusive; and(b)cannotbechallenged,appealedagainst,reviewed,quashed, set aside, or called in question in
another way,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991(whetherbytheSupremeCourt,anothercourt,atribunaloranotherentity);
and(c)is not subject to any writ or order of
the Supreme Court,another court, a tribunal or another entity
on any ground.(8)Informationdisclosedtothechiefexecutiveofficeroftheentity under
subsection (3) must not be disclosed to a memberCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 5AA
Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s 5AA.14]of a
selection panel or to anyone else, unless this or anotherAct
permits or requires the disclosure.Notauthorised—indicativeonly5AA.14 Secrecy(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)is,
or has been—(i)a person engaged by the service;
or(ii)a selection
panel member; and(b)inthatcapacityacquiredrelevantinformationaboutsomeone else.(2)The
person must not disclose the information to anyone else.Maximumpenalty—100penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to the
disclosure of informationabout a person, if—(a)the disclosure—(i)is
to a police officer, a public service employee intheservice,oraselectionpanelmember,forthepurpose of assessing the person’s
suitability to be,or continue to be, engaged by the service;
or(ii)is with the
person’s consent; or(iii)isofinformationthatisrelevanttoanexistinginvestigation of
an offence; or(iv)isforaproceedingstartedbecauseofaninvestigation mentioned in
subparagraph (iii); or(v)is information
the person may disclose to a personwho is entitled
to ask for it under another Act; orExample for
subparagraph (v)—Public Service Act 2008, section
188B(b)the information discloses evidence of
the commission orsuspectedcommissionofanoffenceandanPage 74Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
5AA Assessment of suitability of persons seeking to be engaged, or
engaged, by theservice[s
5AA.15]investigationisstartedorfacilitatedbecauseoftheinformation.(4)Also, a person involved in any way in
anything done underthispartcannotbecompelledtoproducetoacourtanydocumentkept,ortodisclosetoacourtanyinformationobtained,
because of the doing of the thing.(5)OtherthantotheextentthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section 803appliestothedocumentorinformation,subsection
(4)doesnotaffecttheoperation of theJudicial Review
Act 1991.(6)In this
section—disclose, in relation to
information about a person, includesgive access to
information about a person.selection panel
membermeans a member of a panel formedtomakearecommendationtothecommissioneraboutaperson’s engagement by the
service.5AA.15 Guidelines for dealing with relevant
information(1)The commissioner must make guidelines,
consistent with thispart,fordealingwithrelevantinformationobtainedbythecommissioner
under this part.(2)The purpose of the guidelines is to
ensure—(a)natural justice is afforded to the
persons about whom theinformation is obtained; and(b)onlyrelevantinformationisusedinassessingthepersons’ suitability to be, or continue to
be, engaged bythe service; and(c)decisions about the suitability of persons,
based on theinformation, are made in a consistent
way.(3)Thecommissionermustgiveacopyoftheguidelines,onrequest, to a person seeking to be engaged,
or engaged, by theservice.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 75
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 6 Standing down and suspension[s
6.1]Part 6Standing down
and suspension6.1Power to stand down and suspend(1)If—(a)it
appears to the commissioner, on reasonable groundsthat—(i)anofficerisliabletobedealtwithforcorruptconduct;
or(ii)anofficerisliabletodisciplinaryactionundersection 7.4;
or(iii)the efficient
and proper discharge of the prescribedresponsibility
might be prejudiced, if the officer’semployment is
continued; or(b)an officer is charged with an
indictable offence; or(c)an officer is
unfit for reasons of health to such an extentthat the officer
should not be subject to the duties of aconstable;the commissioner
may—(d)stand down the officer from duty as an
officer and directthepersonstooddowntoperformsuchdutiesasthecommissioner thinks fit; or(e)suspend the officer from duty.(2)The commissioner may at any time
revoke a standing down orsuspension imposed under subsection
(1).6.2Salary entitlement if stood
downAn officer who is stood down from duty under
section 6.1 isentitled to be paid salary and allowances at
the rate at whichthe officer would have received salary and
allowances had thestanding down not occurred.Page
76Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
6 Standing down and suspensionNotauthorised—indicativeonly[s
6.3]6.3Salary entitlement if suspended(1)An officer suspended from duty under
section 6.1 is entitled tobe paid salary and allowances at the
rate at which the officerwould have received salary and
allowances had the suspensionnot occurred,
unless the commissioner otherwise determinesin a particular
case.(1A)Except that an
officer suspended under section 6.1(1)(c) is tobe entitled to
the salary and allowances to which that officerwas previously
entitled.(2)An officer suspended from duty who is
not entitled to be paidsalary during the suspension—(a)mayreceiveandretainsalary,wages,feesorotherremunerationfromanylawfulsourceduringthesuspension,unlessthecommissionerotherwisedetermines in a particular case; and(b)iftheofficerresumesdutyasanofficerontherevocationofthesuspension—isentitledtoreceiveasum
equivalent to the amount of salary and allowancesthe
officer would have received had the suspension notoccurred, reduced by a sum equivalent to the
amount ofsalary, wages, fees and other remuneration
to which theofficer became entitled from any other
source during thesuspension,unlessthecommissionerotherwisedetermines in a particular case.(3)Anofficersuspendedfromdutywithoutsalarywhoentersinto employment
whereby the officer will become entitled tosalary,wages,feesorotherremunerationistoinformthecommissionerimmediatelyoftheparticularsoftheemployment.(4)An
officer suspended from duty who during the suspensionbecomes entitled to salary, wages, fees or
other remunerationfrom a source incompatible with assessment
of the officer as afit and proper person to be an officer and
who fails to satisfythecommissionerthattherearereasonablegroundsfornotdismissing the
officer, may be dismissed from the service.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 77
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 7 Internal command and discipline[s
6.4]6.4Officer relieved of powers and duties
while stood down orsuspendedWhileanofficerremainsstooddownorsuspendedundersection 6.1—(a)theofficerisrelievedofthepowersanddutiesofaconstable at common law or under any
Act or law; and(b)the officer is not bound by the oath
or affirmation takenor made by the officer as prescribed
by section 3.3; and(c)the officer is not to be taken to have
breached such oathor affirmation, or provisions of any Act or
law relatingthereto,ortobeliabletodisciplinaryactionundersection 7.4, by
reason of the officer’s failure to exerciseor perform the
powers or duties required of the officerby such oath or
affirmation.Part 7Internal command
anddiscipline7.1Responsibility for command(1)At any incident—(a)that
calls for action by police; and(b)at
which officers are present;the officer who
is responsible for taking such action, and foraction taken
is—(c)theofficerdesignatedforthepurposeinaccordancewith established
administrative arrangements; or(d)if
there is no officer such as is referred to in paragraph(c)—the officer present who is most senior
by rank; or(e)if there is no officer such as is
referred to in paragraph(c)or(d)—theofficerpresentwhoismostseniorbylength of continuous service as an
officer.Page 78Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
7 Internal command and discipline[s 7.2](2)Forsubsection
(1)(e),anylengthofserviceotherthanasapoliceofficerthatiscountedascontinuousserviceundersection 5.14
must be disregarded.7.2Duty concerning misconduct or breaches
of discipline(1)In this section—conductmeans conduct of an officer, wherever and
wheneveroccurring, whether the officer whose conduct
is in question ison or off duty at the time the conduct
occurs.officerincludes a
police recruit.(2)If any officer or staff member—(a)knows or reasonably suspects that
conduct to which thissection refers has occurred; or(b)isoneinrespectofwhomitcanbereasonablyconcludedthattheofficerorstaffmemberkneworreasonably suspected that conduct to which
this sectionrefers has occurred;it is the
duty—(c)of the officer or staff member, in the
case of conduct thatis misconduct, to report the
occurrence of the conduct,as soon as is practicable, to the
commissioner and to thechairperson of the Crime and
Corruption Commission;and(d)of
the officer, in the case of conduct that is misconductor a
breach of discipline, to take all action prescribed bythe
regulations as action—(i)to be taken in
the circumstances of the case; and(ii)to
be within the authority of an officer of the rankor
description to which that officer belongs.(3)The
commissioner may, by written instrument, exempt statedofficersorstaffmemberswhohaveorarelikelytohaveknowledge of
conduct that is an alleged contravention of theCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 79
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 7 Internal command and discipline[s
7.3]Anti-DiscriminationAct1991fromcompliancewithsubsection (2), generally or on stated
conditions.(4)Thecommissionermaygiveanexemptionundersubsection (3) only if the commissioner is
reasonably satisfiedgiving the exemption will not
adversely affect the welfare ofthe officers or
staff members affected by or involved in theconduct.(5)However, if a person is given an
exemption generally becausethepersonislikelytohaveknowledgeofanallegedcontraventionoftheAnti-DiscriminationAct1991andthepersonisthepersonagainstwhomthecomplaintforthecontraventionismade,theexemptiondoesnotoperateinrelation to the complaint against the
person.(6)Also, the commissioner may, by written
instrument, exemptanofficerorstaffmemberfromcompliancewithsubsection (2), generally or on stated
conditions, if the officeror staff member—(a)is
appointed to provide confidential counselling servicesto
officers and staff members; or(b)is a
prescribed person under section 5A.21A.(7)Anexemptionundersubsection (6)onlyoperateswhiletheofficer or staff member is providing
professional counsellingservices in an official
capacity.(8)Ifapersonisnotrequiredtoreportmisconductundersubsection (2) because of an exemption under
subsection (3),thecommissioneralsoisnotrequiredtoreportthemisconduct.7.3Offence of victimisationA person
who—(a)prejudices, or threatens to prejudice,
the safety or careerof any person;(b)intimidatesorharasses,orthreatenstointimidateorharass any person;Page 80Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
7 Internal command and discipline[s 7.4](c)does any action that is, or is likely
to be, to the detrimentof any person;because the
person referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), oranyotherperson,hascompliedwithsection 7.2byperformingthedutythereinprescribedcommitsanoffenceagainst this
Act.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.7.4Disciplinary action(1)In this section—officer,inrelationtoapersonliabletodisciplinaryaction,includes a police recruit.prescribedofficermeansanofficerauthorisedbytheregulations to take disciplinary
action in the circumstances ofany case in
question.QCAT information noticemeans a notice
complying with theQCAT Act, section 157(2).(2)Anofficerisliabletodisciplinaryactioninrespectoftheofficer’s conduct, which the
prescribed officer considers to bemisconduct or a
breach of discipline on such grounds as areprescribed by
the regulations.(2A)If the
prescribed officer—(a)decides an allegation of misconduct
brought against theofficer; or(b)whendecidinganallegationofbreachofdisciplinebroughtagainsttheofficer,findsthatmisconductisproved against the officer;the
commissioner must give a QCAT information notice to theofficerandtheCrimeandCorruptionCommissionforthedecisionorfindingwithin14daysafterthemakingofthedecision or finding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 7A Disciplinary declarations against
former officers[s 7A.1](3)Without limiting the range of disciplines
that may be imposedby the prescribed officer by way of
disciplinary action, suchdisciplines may consist of the
following—(a)dismissal;(b)demotion in rank;(c)reprimand;(d)reduction in an officer’s level of
salary;(e)forfeitureordefermentofasalaryincrementorincrease;(f)deductionfromanofficer’ssalarypaymentofasumequivalent to a
fine of 2 penalty units.(4)Every order made
by way of disciplinary action takes effect inlaw and is to be
given effect.(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatareferenceintheQCAT Act, section 157(2) to a decision
includes a referenceto a finding.Part 7ADisciplinary declarationsagainst former officers7A.1Power
to conduct disciplinary investigation against aformer
officer(1)This section applies if—(a)adisciplinarygroundarisesinrelationtoapoliceofficer;
and(b)after the disciplinary ground arises
the employment ofthe person (theformer
officer) as a police officer endsfor
any reason.(2)Adisciplinarygroundariseswhentheconductconstitutingthe ground
happens.Page 82Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
7A Disciplinary declarations against former officers[s
7A.2](3)The commissioner may continue or start
an investigation todecidewhethertheformerofficerisliabletodisciplinaryaction in
relation to the former officer’s conduct at any timewhen
he or she was a police officer.Note—Under section 4.10 the commissioner may
delegate powers under thispart.(4)The
investigation and disciplinary action must be taken withinaperiodof2yearsaftertheendoftheformerofficer’semployment mentioned in subsection
(4)doesnotstopdisciplinaryactionbeing taken following an appeal or
review.(6)Subsection (4) does not affect—(a)an investigation of a suspected
criminal offence; or(b)an investigation
of a matter for the purpose of notifyingtheCrimeandCorruptionCommissionofsuspectedcorruptconductundertheCrimeandCorruptionAct2001.(7)Indecidingwhethertocontinueorstartadisciplinaryinvestigation
the commissioner may have regard to the mattersthecommissionerreasonablyconsiderstoberelevantincluding matters prescribed under a
regulation.7A.2Disciplinary action that may be taken
against a formerofficer(1)The
commissioner may make a disciplinary finding and takedisciplinary action against the former
a disciplinary declaration and may not take any otherdisciplinary action.(3)The
commissioner may only make a disciplinary declarationif
the disciplinary action that would have been taken againstthe
former officer if the former officer’s employment had notended would have been—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 83
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 7A Disciplinary declarations against
former officers[s 7A.3](a)termination of employment; or(b)reduction of rank.(4)Themakingofadisciplinarydeclarationagainstaformerofficer does not
affect the way in which the former officer’semployment ends,
or any benefits, rights or liabilities arisingbecause the
employment ends.(5)In this section—disciplinary
declarationmeans a declaration of—(a)a
disciplinary finding against the former officer; and(b)thedisciplinaryactionthatwouldhavebeentakenagainsttheofficerundersection 7.4(3)iftheformerofficer’s
employment had not ended.7A.3Procedure(1)Beforemakingadisciplinarydeclarationagainstaformerofficer,thecommissionermustdo1orbothofthefollowing—(a)givetheformerofficeranoticeinrelationtothedisciplinary ground asking the former
officer to respondin writing within 28 days;(b)hold a disciplinary hearing in
relation to the disciplinaryground after
giving the former officer a notice asking theformer officer
to attend the hearing.(2)A notice under
subsection (1) must be in the form approvedbythecommissionerandincludeastatementofthedisciplinary ground alleged.(3)Anoticeundersubsection
before the hearing.(4)Thecommissionermaytakedisciplinaryactionagainsttheformer officer after complying with
subsection (1) whether ornottheformerofficerrespondsinwritingtothecommissioner’s notice or attends the
disciplinary hearing.Page 84Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
7A Disciplinary declarations against former officers[s
7A.4]7A.4Commissioner to notify former officer
of decision(1)This section applies if—(a)thecommissionermakesadisciplinarydeclarationagainst a former
officer; or(b)otherwisemakesadecisioninrelationtothedisciplinarymatteraftergivingnoticeundersection 7A.3.(2)The
commissioner must give written notice of the disciplinarydeclaration or decision to the former
officer.(3)The notice must be—(a)if the allegation is of misconduct or
there is a finding ofmisconduct—a QCAT information notice;
or(b)otherwise—in a form approved by the
commissioner.7A.5Notice of misconduct finding to Crime
and CorruptionCommission(1)This
section applies if the commissioner—(a)decidesanallegationofmisconductbroughtagainstaformer officer; or(b)whendecidinganallegationofabreachofdisciplinebrought against
a former officer, finds the former officeris guilty of
misconduct.(2)The commissioner must give a QCAT
information notice forthedecision,includinganydisciplinarydeclarationmadeagainst the officer, to the Crime and
Corruption Commissionwithin 14 days after making the
decision.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 8 Resignation, retirement and change in
status[s 8.1]Part 8Resignation, retirement andchange in status8.1Resignation(1)Resignationfromtheserviceofanofficerwhoholdsaposition on the basis of a contract that
provides for the manneroftheofficer’sresignationmustbeeffectedinaccordancewith the
contract.(2)An officer, other than one referred to
in subsection (1), mayresign from the service at any time in
the manner prescribedby the regulations.8.2RetirementAn officer,
other than one who holds a position on a contractbasis—(a)may
retire from employment in the service upon, or atanytimeafter,attainingtheageprescribedbytheregulations in relation to officers of
the class to whichthat officer belongs;(b)may
retire from employment in the service when calledupon
under section 8.3 to retire from the service;(c)istoretirefromemploymentintheserviceuponattaining the age of 60 years.8.3Unfitness for duty on medical
grounds(1)If the commissioner suspects on
reasonable grounds that anofficer—(a)by
reason of physical or mental infirmity is incapable of;or(b)for any other
reason pertaining to the officer’s health orcondition, is
unfit for the purpose of;Page 86Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
8 Resignation, retirement and change in statusNotauthorised—indicativeonly[s
8.3]performingthedutiesofoffice,oranyotherdutiesasanofficerthatthecommissionermightreasonablydirecttheofficer to perform, the commissioner
is to advise the officer, inwriting, of the
suspicion and if upon receipt of such advice theofficerdoesnotacceptthetruthofthecommissioner’ssuspicion, the
commissioner is to obtain medical opinion onthe
matter.(2)For the purposes of subsection (1),
the commissioner—(a)maynominateanymedicalpractitionerormedicalpractitioners to
examine the officer concerned and reportto the
commissioner on the physical or mental health orother relevant condition of the officer, as
the case mayrequire; and(b)maydirecttheofficerconcernedtosubmittoexaminationbythenominatedmedicalpractitionerormedical practitioners.(2A)Iftheofficerconcernedfailswithoutreasonablecausetocomplyinallrespectswithadirectiongivenbythecommissioner,itistobeconclusivelypresumedthatthecommissioner’s suspicion is true.(3)If,havingregardtoanymedicalopinionsexpressedbymedical practitioners (including any such
opinions furnishedbytheofficer)onthehealthorconditionoftheofficerconcerned,orbecauseofthepresumptionprescribedbysubsection (2A), the prescribed authority is
satisfied that theofficershouldnotcontinuetoberequiredtoperformthedutiesofoffice,then,unlessthecommissionertakesactionauthorised by
subsection (5), the prescribed authority may callupontheofficertoretirefromtheservicewithinatimespecified by the
prescribed authority.(4)If the officer
called upon to retire does not retire within thetimespecified,theprescribedauthoritymaydismisstheofficer from the service.(5)Ifthecommissionerbelievestheofficerreferredtoinsubsection
(3)issufficientlyfittoperformdutiesasastaffmember,theninlieuoftheactionauthorisedbyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 8 Resignation, retirement and change in
status[s 8.3]subsections
(3)and(4)andwithoutlimitingthecommissioner’spowersinrelationtotheofficer,thecommissioner may—(a)inwriting,appointtheofficertoapositionasastaffmember,atarateofsalarynotlessthanthatoftheofficer immediately before such
appointment; and(b)direct the officer to report for and
perform duty in theposition to which the officer is so
appointed.(6)Thepersonappointedtoapositionundersubsection (5)thereby ceases
to be an officer and is relieved of all powersand duties of a
constable at common law or under any Act orlaw.(6A)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthefollowingarrangements
between the commissioner and the PSBA chiefoperating
officer must be made under thePublic Service
Act2008and not under
this Act—(a)an arrangement for the services of a
person appointed toa position under subsection (5) to be made
available tothe PSBA;(b)anarrangementunderwhichapersonappointedtoapositionundersubsection
(5)performsworkforthePSBA.(7)In subsections (3) and (4)—prescribed authoritymeans—(a)theGovernorinCouncil,inrespectofanofficerappointed to
office by the Governor in Council;(b)the
commissioner, in respect of an officer appointed tooffice by the commissioner.Page
88Current as at [Not applicable]
9Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
9 Review of decisionsReview of decisions[s
9.1]9.1Operation of partThispartdoesnotconferanentitlementtoseekareviewunder this part,
of a decision of a description referred to insection 9.3 on a
person who has a right to seek a review of thedecisioninquestionundertheCrimeandCorruptionAct2001, section
219G.9.1ARelationship with Industrial Relations
Act 2016The Industrial Court and the Industrial
Relations Commissiondo not have jurisdiction in relation
to a matter that has been, isbeing, or may be
reviewed under this part even though it maybe, or be about,
or arise out of, an industrial matter within themeaning of theIndustrial
Relations Act 2016.9.2Review does not
stay decisionAn application for review of a decision
under this part—(a)does not affect the operation and
effect of the decisionpending disposal of the application;
and(b)does not have the effect of deferring
the liability of theapplicant to implementation of the
decision.9.2ACommissioner for police service
reviews(1)A person is a commissioner for police
service reviews—(a)ifthepersonisnominatedundersubsection(2)(a)—without further appointment; or(b)ifthepersonisnominatedundersubsection(2)(b)to(d)—on appointment by the Governor in
Council undersubsection (3).Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 89
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 9 Review of decisions[s 9.3](2)ThechairpersonoftheCrimeandCorruptionCommissionmaynominateanyofthefollowingpersonstobeacommissioner for
police service reviews—(a)acommissionerorformer commissioneroftheCrimeand Corruption
Commission;(b)a former member of the Criminal
Justice Commission;(c)a person qualified for appointment as
chairperson of theCrime and Corruption Commission;(d)apersonwhohascommunityserviceexperience,orexperienceofcommunitystandardsandexpectations,relatingtopublicsectorofficialsandpublicsectoradministration.(3)The
Governor in Council may appoint as a commissioner forpolice service reviews a person who—(a)is nominated for appointment under
subsection (2)(b) to(d); and(b)isnotanineligiblepersonundertheCrimeandCorruption Act 2001.(4)The person’s appointment must be
notified by gazette notice.(5)The
appointment is for the term, not longer than 3 years, andontheconditions,includingconditionsofremuneration,stated in the
instrument of appointment.(6)More than 1
person may hold office as a commissioner forpolice service
reviews at any time.9.3Application for review(1)A police officer who is aggrieved by a
decision about—(a)the selection of an officer for
appointment to a policeofficer position, whether on promotion
or transfer, if theselectionproceduresmentionedinsection 5.2(2)(a)were required to
be complied with; or(b)the selection of
an officer for transfer to a police officerposition,iftheselectionproceduresmentionedinPage 90Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
9 Review of decisions[s 9.3]section
5.2(2)(a) were not required to be complied with;or(c)action against
the officer for breach of discipline; or(d)suspension or standing down of the officer;
or(e)anotherdecisionprescribedbyregulationasopentoreview under this part;may apply to
have the decision reviewed by a commissionerfor police
service reviews.(1A)Anapplicationforthereviewofadecisionmentionedinsubsection (1)(a) may only be made by
a person who properlyappliedforappointmenttothepositionconcernedandwasunsuccessful.(1B)Anapplicationforthereviewofadecisionmentionedinsubsection (1)(b) may only be made by
a police officer whowas transferred to the position
concerned without applying forthe
transfer.(1C)Also,aformerofficerwhoisaggrievedbyadisciplinarydeclarationmadeagainsttheformerofficerundersection 7A.2(2)
for a breach of discipline may apply to havethedisciplinarydecisionreviewedbyacommissionerforpolice service reviews.(2)An
application for review of a decision that relates to actionfor
breach of discipline may seek the review in respect of—(a)the decision that such action should
be taken; or(b)the nature of the discipline
imposed;or both, and a review may be conducted
accordingly.(3)Authority is hereby conferred on a
commissioner for policeservice reviews—(a)tohearandconsiderallapplicationsforreviewunderthis
part duly made;(b)tomakerecommendationsrelatingtoanymattersrelevant to a review under this part.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 9 Review of decisions[s 9.4]9.4Procedures(1)Anapplicationforreviewunderthispartmustbemadeasprescribed by the regulations or, where the
regulations do notmakeanyorsufficientprovision,inaccordancewithdirections of a commissioner for police
service reviews.(2)A review under this part is to be
conducted as prescribed bythe regulations or, where the
regulations do not make any orsufficientprovision,asdeterminedbyacommissionerforpoliceservicereviews,havingregardtothefollowingprinciples—(a)areviewisanadministrativeproceedingofanon-adversarial nature;(b)proceedings on a review should be
informal and simple;(c)legalrepresentationisnotpermittedtoanypersonconcerned in a
review.9.5Result of review(1)Upon
conclusion of a review under this part, a commissionerfor
police service reviews is to make such recommendationsasthatcommissionerconsidersappropriatetothematterunder review to
the commissioner of the police service.(2)The
commissioner of the police service, upon consideration ofthematterreviewedandhavingregardtotherecommendations
made, is to take such action as appears tothe commissioner
of the police service to be just and fair.9.6Effect of rescission of decisionIf,followingareviewofadecisionunderthispart,thedecision is rescinded, it is to be
taken that the decision wasnever made or
implemented, whether or not any decision issubstituted in
its stead.Page 92Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
9 Review of decisions[s 9.7]9.7Protection from liability of commissioners
for policeservice reviews(1)Thissectionappliestoeachofthefollowing(aprotectedperson)—(a)a commissioner
for police service reviews;(b)a
person acting at the direction of a commissioner forpolice service reviews.(2)Aprotectedpersonisnotliabletoanaction,suitorproceeding for an act done or omitted to be
done by the personingoodfaithandwithoutnegligenceintheexerciseorpurported exercise of a function or power
conferred by thispart.9.8Other
protection from liability for a review(1)A
person does not incur civil liability for engaging, or for
theresult of engaging, in any of the following
conduct in goodfaith and without negligence—(a)applying for or otherwise being
involved in a review of adecision under this part;(b)giving oral, written or other matter
to a commissionerforpoliceservicereviews,orapersonactingatthedirection of a
commissioner for police service reviews,for a review of
a decision under this part.(2)In
this section—civil claim, in relation to
conduct or the result of engaging inconduct—(a)means a claim based in tort, contract
or another form ofaction in relation to the conduct or result,
including, forexample, breach of statutory duty or
defamation; and(b)forafatalinjury,includesaclaimforthedeceased’sdependants or
estate.civil liability, in relation to
a person, means liability of anytype for the
payment of an amount by the person because of acivil
claim.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 9A Police
prints[s 9A.1]Part 9APolice printsNotauthorised—indicativeonly9A.1Payment for
prints(1)A person for whom a print is made by
or at the request of apolice officer in the performance of
the police officer’s dutyunder this Act or otherwise, must pay
to the commissioner areasonable amount for printing and
supplying the print.(2)If the person
requires a marked print, the person must also paytothecommissionerareasonableamountformarkingtheprint.(3)However, the commissioner may, in a
particular case, decidenot to charge an amount under
subsection (1) or (2).(4)In this
section—reasonable amount, for printing
and supplying or marking aprint, means a reasonable amount fixed
by the commissioner,not more than the actual cost of
producing and supplying, ormarking, the
print.9A.2Entitlement to prints(1)This section applies if the State or a
police officer performingthepoliceofficer’sdutiestendersaprintasanexhibitinaproceeding before a court or
tribunal.(2)A person who satisfies the person who
has custody of the printthat the person requires a print
identical to the print tenderedfor a prescribed
purpose is entitled to a print identical to theprint
tendered.Note—See section
9A.4.(3)Thissectiondoesnotentitleapersontoaprintthepersonrequires for a
proceeding started in a court or tribunal becauseofsomethingallegedtohavebeendoneornotdonebyapolice officer or a State employee in
the performance of his orherduties,unlessaprintidenticaltotheprintrequiredhasbeen
tendered as an exhibit in the proceeding.Page 94Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
9A Police prints[s 9A.3]9A.3Procedure to obtain print for prescribed
purpose(1)A person who requires a print
mentioned in section 9A.2 (thetendered
print) for a prescribed purpose may, in writing,
askthepersonwhohascustodyoftheprintor,ifitisaphotograph, the negative of the print,
to give to the person aprint identical to the tendered
print.(2)The request must indicate the purpose
for which the personrequires the print.(3)However,itisnotnecessarytosupplytheprintunlesstheperson asking for it pays any amount
fixed for the print undersection 9A.1.(4)If
the person who has custody of the negative is satisfied thatthe
person making the request is entitled to the print and haspaid
any amount fixed for supplying the print, the person mustcause the print to be made and
supplied.(5)A person does not incur any liability
at law merely because ofthe printing, marking or supply of a
print under this part.9A.4What is aprescribed purposeFor this part,
each of the following is a prescribed purpose—(a)to
answer a charge of an offence, the subject matter of orarising out of a proceeding in which a print
identical tothe print required is an exhibit;(b)for a proceeding started in a court or
tribunal, whether itis the proceeding in which a print
identical to the printrequired is an exhibit or another
proceeding;(c)for deciding whether to start a
proceeding in a court ortribunal or to make a particular claim
in the proceeding;(d)for deciding whether to defend a
proceeding that may bestartedinacourtortribunalortomakeorresistaparticular claim in the proceeding.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.1]Part 10Miscellaneous
provisionsDivision 1Provisions about
1Information disclosure generally10.1Improper disclosure of
information(1)Any officer or staff member or person
who has been an officeror a staff member who, except for the
purposes of the policeservice, discloses information
that—(a)has come to the knowledge of, or has
been confirmedby,theofficerorstaffmemberorpersonthroughexercise,performanceoruseofanypower,authority,dutyoraccesshadbytheofficerorstaffmemberorperson because of employment in the
service; or(b)hascometotheknowledgeoftheofficerorstaffmemberorpersonbecauseofemploymentintheservice;commits an
offence against this Act, unless—(c)thedisclosureisauthorisedorpermittedunderthisoranother Act; or(d)the
information is about a person offered an opportunityto
attend a drug diversion assessment program under thePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000,section379 and the
disclosure is made to the chief executive ofthedepartmentwithinwhichtheHealthAct1937isadministered; or(e)the
disclosure is made under due process of law; or(f)theinformationisnotofaconfidentialorprivilegednature;
orPage 96Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2](g)theinformationwouldnormallybemadeavailabletoany member of the public on
request.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Inprosecutionproceedingsforanoffencedefinedinsubsection (1), it is irrelevant that
information of the nature ofthatdisclosedhadalsocometothedefendant’sknowledgeotherwise than in a manner prescribed by
subsection (1).10.2Authorisation of disclosure(1)Thecommissionermay,inwriting,authorisedisclosureofinformation that is in the possession of the
police service.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if
section 5A.20(4), 5A.21A(5),5AA.14(3),
10.2A, 10.2B, 10.2C or 10.2D, or a provision ofdivision 1AA,
applies to the information.(3)Authorisationundersubsection(1)mustaccordwithanyregulations made in relation to disclosure
of such information,andanysuchauthorisationistobetakenasauthorisingdisclosure in
accordance with any such regulations.(4)Also, subject to any regulation made under
subsection (3), thecommissionermayimposeconditionsonthedisclosureofinformation under this section.(5)Apersontowhomtheinformationisdisclosedmustnotcontravene a condition imposed under
subsection (4).Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(6)Neither the Crown nor any person
incurs any liability in lawon account of a
disclosure of information made under and inaccordance with
the commissioner’s authorisation.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 97
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2AA]Subdivision
2Criminal history disclosureprovisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly10.2AA Definitions for sdiv 2In
this subdivision—criminal historyhas the meaning
given by theCriminal Law(Rehabilitation
of Offenders) Act 1986, section 3.relevant
agencymeans the ACC or the police force or
serviceof another jurisdiction.10.2ADisclosure of criminal history for
employment screeningunder commercial or other arrangement(1)Thissectionappliesinrelationtothedisclosureofthecriminal history of a person (relevant person) if—(a)the disclosure is to be made to a
relevant agency; and(b)the purpose of
the disclosure is to facilitate the releaseof the relevant
person’s criminal history by the relevantagencytosomeoneelse(thethirdparty)underanarrangement; and(c)thearrangementprovidesfortheuseoftherelevantperson’scriminalhistoryonlyforemploymentscreening
purposes.(2)The commissioner may disclose the
relevant person’s criminalhistory to the relevant agency as a
function of the service.(3)However,thecommissionermaydisclosetherelevantperson’s
criminal history to the relevant agency for disclosureto
the third party only with the person’s written consent andonly
if the commissioner is satisfied the disclosure—(a)is for a national criminal history
check for employmentscreeningpurposesunderaserviceprovidedbytherelevant agency;
and(b)is, or is likely to be, of benefit to
the community or asection of the community.Page
98Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2BA](4)In this section—arrangementincludes an
intergovernmental arrangement anda commercial
engagement on a voluntary basis.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.2BA
Disclosure of criminal history to assess suitability ofrecords for s 10.2A purposes(1)For the purpose of enabling disclosure
under section 10.2A,the commissioner may disclose a
person’s criminal history toa relevant
agency if—(a)the criminal history has been given to
the ACC undersection 10.2I; and(b)thedisclosureisforthepurposeofassessingthesuitability of records for release under
section 10.2A.(2)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthereisnorequirementtocomplywithsection 10.2A(3)beforethecommissioner can disclose a person’s
criminal history undersubsection (1).(3)In
this section—criminal historyhas the meaning
given by section 10.2G.10.2BDisclosure of
criminal history for assessing suitability fordiversion
program(1)This section applies for helping a
person (thedecision-maker)decidewhetheranotherpersonissuitabletotakepartinadiversion
program.(2)Thecommissionermay,forthepurposeofassessingtheperson’ssuitabilityfortheprogramandwiththeperson’swritten consent,
disclose the person’s criminal history to thechief executive
officer of the entity responsible for assessingthe person’s
suitability.(3)The commissioner may disclose the
person’s criminal historyas a function of the service and the
relevant chief executiveCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
on the person’s suitability.(4)In
this section—diversion programmeans a
government-sponsored programfor diverting
alleged offenders from court proceedings that isprescribed under a regulation under this Act
or a regulationunder theBail Act
1980, section 11(9).government-sponsoredprogrammeansaprogramthatisfunded,orpartlyfunded,bytheStateorCommonwealthgovernment or is
otherwise endorsed by the State government.10.2CMisuse of information obtained under ss
10.2A–10.2B(1)Subsection(2)appliesinrelationtoadisclosureofinformation made to a person under section
10.2A or 10.2B (arelevant disclosure).(2)A person to whom a relevant disclosure
is made must not—(a)use the information for a purpose
other than the purposefor which the information is
disclosed; or(b)disclosetheinformationtosomeoneotherthanthepersontowhomtheinformationrelateswithoutthatperson’s written consent.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Subsection(4)appliesinrelationtoadisclosureofinformation made to a relevant agency under
section 10.2BA.(4)Therelevantagencymustnotusetheinformationforapurpose other than the purpose for
which the information isdisclosed.Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Page 100Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2CA]Subdivision 2ADisclosure
provisions aboutdisciplinary information10.2CA Information
about disciplinary action to be given bycommissioner(1)This
section applies if—(a)thechiefexecutiveofadepartmentasksthecommissionerfordisciplinaryinformationthecommissionerhasaboutapersonwhoisorwasamember of the service; and(b)theinformationisreasonablynecessaryforthechiefexecutive to make a decision about an
appointment orcontinuedemploymentofthepersontothechiefexecutive’s
department.(2)The commissioner must give the
disciplinary information tothechiefexecutiveunlessthecommissionerisreasonablysatisfiedthatgivingtheinformationmayprejudicetheinvestigationofasuspectedcontraventionofthelawinaparticular case.(3)In
this section—disciplinary information, in relation to
a request made of thecommissioner about a person who is or
was a member of theservice,includesthefollowingmadeortakenagainsttheperson—(a)a
disciplinary finding;(b)disciplinary
action, including a disciplinary declaration.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 101
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2D]Subdivision 3Information
disclosure by directdata feed10.2DDisclosure of information to the media by
direct data feed(1)This section applies in relation to
information about particularincidents
involving a response by an officer or officers as partof
operational activities of the service.(2)However, this section applies to the
information only if—(a)the commissioner
is satisfied disclosing the informationwhileofficersarerespondingtotheincidentorsoonafter the
response will not adversely affect operationalactivities
undertaken as part of the response; and(b)the
commissioner considers it is appropriate to disclosetheinformationtoelectronicorprintmediaorganisations (themedia) or
a section of the media bydirect data feed.(3)The
commissioner may, as a function of the service, disclosetheinformationtothemediabydirectdatafeed,ontheconditionsandsubjecttotherestrictionsthecommissionerconsiders
appropriate.(4)Withoutlimitingsubsection (3),therestrictionsthecommissionermayimposeonthedisclosureoftheinformationincluderestrictionsaboutthenatureoftheinformationthatistobedisclosedandwhenitistobedisclosed.(5)Thecommissionerdisclosestheinformationbydirectdatafeedbygivingthemediaorganisationelectronicaccesstooperational information about the
police service.Page 102Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlySubdivision 4Police Service
Administration Act 1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2E]Other provisions about informationdisclosure10.2ERelationship to other laws(1)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that this division is subjectto any other Act
that—(a)requiresorpermitsthecommissionertodiscloseinformationinthepossessionoftheserviceaboutaperson; or(b)prevents or restricts the commissioner from
(1)(b)doesnotapplytoadisclosuremade to a
relevant agency under section 10.2BA.10.2FDeclarations about particular information
disclosures(1)Thissectionappliestoadisclosure,madebythecommissionerbeforethecommencementofthissection,ofinformationofakindmentionedinsection 10.2,10.2Aor10.2D in the circumstances mentioned
in the section.(2)The disclosure is and always was
lawfully made.Division 1AANational
identity matching services10.2FADefinitions for divisionIn
this division—facematchingservicesmeansthefollowingservicesinvolving facial biometric matching—(a)theservice(knownasthefaceverificationservice)enablingthecomparisonofafacialimageassociatedwithanindividualagainstafacialimageheldonaCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2FA]Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPage 104specificgovernmentrecordassociatedwiththeindividual to verify the individual’s
identity;(b)theservice(knownasthefaceidentificationservice)enablingthecomparisonofafacialimageagainstmultipleimagesheldonadatabaseofgovernmentrecords to
establish an individual’s identity;(c)theservice(knownastheonepersononelicenceservice)enablingthecomparisonofanindividual’sfacial image
against other facial images used on driverlicencesandotheridentitydocumentstoidentifywhethertheindividualholdsmultiplelicences,inthesame or a
different identity, in 1 or more jurisdictions.hostagency,foranidentitymatchingservice,meanstheCommonwealthagencyresponsibleformaintainingtheservice under an agreement between the
Commonwealth andthe States.identity
documentmeans a document that—(a)contains or incorporates identity
information; and(b)is capable of being used as evidence
of identity.identityinformationmeansinformationrelatingtoanindividual,whetherliving,dead,realorfictitious,thatiscapableofbeingused,aloneorinconjunctionwithotherinformation, to
identify or purportedly identify the individual.Examples—•a
photo of, or other information about, an individual on a
driverslicence, passport or other identity
document•otherinformationaboutanindividualsubmittedtoverifytheindividual’s identityidentitymatchingservicesmeansthefollowingservicesadministeredbytheCommonwealthunderanagreemententered into by
the Commonwealth and the States—(a)the
service (known as the document verification service)enablingbiographicalinformationonidentitydocuments to be
verified against corresponding recordsheld by a
participating entity for the service;Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2FB](b)the service (known as the identity
data sharing service)enabling the sharing of identity
information between theCommonwealthandtheStatestoensuretheaccuracyand integrity of
identity-based records;(c)the face
matching services;(d)any other service prescribed by
regulation, to the extentthe operation of the service relates
only to a permittedpurpose within the meaning of section
10.2FF(2).informationincludes a
document.participatingentity,inrelationtoanidentitymatchingservice, means
an entity—(a)participating in the service;
and(b)withwhomthecommissionerhasenteredintoanagreement in relation to the use of
the service.10.2FBDivision binds all personsThis
division binds all persons, including the State and, to theextentthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.10.2FCDisclosure of identity information by
commissionerFor a purpose related to the operation of an
identity matchingservice,thecommissionermaydiscloseidentityinformationlawfully in the
commissioner’s possession to—(a)the
host agency for the service; or(b)a
participating entity for the service.10.2FDCollection
and use of identity information bycommissionerThecommissionermaycollectanduseidentityinformation,by the operation
of an identity matching service, from—(a)the
host agency for the service; orCurrent as at
[Not applicable]Page 105
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2FE](b)a participating entity for the
service.10.2FECollection, use and disclosure by host
agencyThe host agency may, for a purpose related
to the operation ofan identity matching service—(a)collect or use identity information
disclosed to it underthis division; or(b)disclose the identity information to the
commissioner ora participating entity for the
service.10.2FF Disclosure, use or collection must be
for permittedpurpose(1)Despitesections10.2FC,10.2FDand10.2FE,identityinformationmaybedisclosed,collectedorusedunderthisdivision only
for a permitted purpose.(2)Each of the
following purposes is apermitted purpose—(a)preventing,detecting,investigatingorprosecutingcrimesinvolvingfabricated,manipulated,stolenorotherwise assumed identities;(b)preventing, detecting, investigating
or prosecuting otheroffences against Commonwealth or State
laws;(c)conductinginvestigationsorgatheringintelligenceforpurposes related to national security within
the meaningoftheNationalSecurityInformation(CriminalandCivil Proceedings) Act 2004
(Cwlth);(d)promoting the security of a
participating entity’s assets,facilities or
personnel;Examples—•protecting and managing legally assumed
identities•security or background checking(e)identifyingindividualswhoareatriskof,orhaveexperienced, physical harm;Page
106Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2FG]Examples—•investigating individuals reported as
remains•identifying individuals when
addressing significant risks topublic health or
safety•identifyingindividualsinrelationtodisastereventsormajor events(f)improvingroadsafety,includingthedetectionofunlicensed and disqualified drivers and
individuals whohold multiple licences;(g)verifyinganindividual’sidentitywiththeindividual’sconsent or as
authorised or required by law.10.2FGInconsistency with other lawsTo
the extent this division is inconsistent with another law,
thisdivision prevails to the extent of the
inconsistency.Division 1AProvisions about
exchange ofpolicing informationSubdivision
1Preliminary10.2GDefinitions for div 1AIn this
division—approved agencymeans an entity
established under the law ofthe Commonwealth
or a State prescribed under a regulation asan approved
agency.approved informationmeans
information in a QPS databaseof a kind that
is prescribed under a regulation.conditionincludes prohibition or restriction.criminal history, of a
person—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2G](a)meanstheperson’sconvictionsinrelationtooffencescommitted in
Queensland or elsewhere; and(b)includes information about—(i)offencesofanykindallegedtohavebeencommitted,inQueenslandorelsewhere,bytheperson; and(ii)cautionsadministeredtothepersonundertheYouth Justice Act 1992,
part 2, division 2; and(iii)referrals of
offences to the chief executive of thedepartment in
which theYouth Justice Act 1992isadministered for restorative justice
processes underthat Act.end usermeans the following entities—(a)an approved agency;(b)a law enforcement agency;(c)apoliceforceorserviceoftheCommonwealthoranother State.head, of
an entity, means—(a)for an approved agency or a law
enforcement agency—the chief executive officer of the agency;
or(b)for an IPSP—the chief executive
officer of the IPSP; or(c)for a police
force or service of the Commonwealth oranother
State—the commissioner of the police force orservice;
or(d)forQueenslandTransport—thechiefexecutiveofQueensland Transport; or(e)foranyotherentityestablishedunderthelawoftheCommonwealth or a State—the chief
executive officerof the entity.IPSPmeans—(a)the
ACC; orPage 108Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2G](b)anentityestablishedunderthelawoftheCommonwealth or a State prescribed
under a regulationas an information processing service
law of the Commonwealth or a State prescribed under aregulation as a law enforcement
agency.lawenforcementpurpose,inrelationtotheuseofinformationbyanapprovedagencyorlawenforcementagency, means a
purpose for which the agency is authorised touse the
information under a law of the Commonwealth or aState.member, of
an entity, includes a person employed or engagedby
the entity.MINDAmeansthesystemadministeredbyQueenslandTransportthatisknownastheMobileIntegratedNetworkData
Access system.policing purpose, in relation to
the use of information by apolice force or
service of the Commonwealth or another State,means a purpose
substantially similar to a purpose for whichtheQueenslandPoliceServiceisauthorisedtousetheinformation
under an Act.use, in relation to information, includes
the following—(a)disclose;(b)give;(c)give
access to;(d)make available;(e)publish;(f)record.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 109
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2I]Subdivision
2Giving of policing informationNotauthorised—indicativeonly10.2IGiving
information to an IPSP to enable use of approvedinformation by police services and law
enforcementagencies for particular purposes(1)The commissioner may give to the head
of an IPSP all or anyinformationinaQPSdatabaseforinclusioninadatabaseadministered by
the IPSP for the purpose of the IPSP givingapproved
information to—(a)theheadofapoliceforceorserviceoftheCommonwealthoranotherStatetoenablethepoliceforce or service
to use the approved information for apolicing
purpose; or(b)the head of a law enforcement agency
to enable the lawenforcement agency to use the approved
information fora law enforcement purpose.(1A)Thecommissionermayuseinformationgivenunderthissectiontotheheadofan
IPSPforapurposeforwhichtheinformationmaybeusedunderanActwhetherornotthepurpose is the same purpose for which the
information wasgiven under this section to the head of the
IPSP.(1B)TheheadofanIPSPmaytransferinformationfromthedatabasementionedinsubsection (1)administeredbythehead of the IPSP to another database
administered by the headof the IPSP for a purpose permitted
under an Act.(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that this section does notlimit section 10.2J.10.2JGiving approved information to police
services and lawenforcement agencies to enable use of
approvedinformation for particular purposesThe
commissioner may give approved information in a QPSdatabase to—(a)theheadofapoliceforceorserviceoftheCommonwealthoranotherStatetoenablethepolicePage 110Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2K]force or service to use the approved
information for apolicing purpose; or(b)the
head of a law enforcement agency to enable the lawenforcement agency to use the approved
information fora law enforcement purpose.10.2KGiving information to Queensland
Transport to enableQueensland Transport to administer
MINDAThecommissionermaygivetheheadofQueenslandTransport all or
any information in a QPS database to enableQueenslandTransporttoadministerMINDAfortheQueensland
Police Service.10.2LGiving information to approved
agencies to enable use ofinformation for particular
purposes(1)The commissioner may give the head of
an approved agencyalloranyinformationinaQPSdatabasetoenabletheapproved agency to use the information for a
law enforcementpurpose.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
commissioner may givetheinformationtotheheadoftheapprovedagencybyallowinganauthorisedmemberoftheapprovedagencytohave
direct access to a QPS database.(3)In
this section—authorised member, of an approved
agency, means a memberoftheapprovedagencyauthorisedinwritingbythecommissioner to have direct access to
a QPS database.10.2MCommissioner may impose
conditionsThecommissionermaygiveinformationtotheheadofanentityunderthissubdivisionontheconditionsthecommissioner considers appropriate.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2N]Subdivision
3Relationship with other provisionsNotauthorised—indicativeonly10.2NUse of
information permitted despite other provisions(1)InformationmaybegiventotheheadofanentitybythecommissioneroranIPSPasmentionedinsubdivision2despite a prescribed provision.(2)Despite a prescribed provision—(a)thepoliceforceorserviceoftheCommonwealthoranotherStatemayuse,forapolicingpurpose,informationgiventothecommissionerofthepoliceforceorservicebythecommissioneroranIPSPasmentioned in subdivision 2; and(b)the law enforcement agency or an
approved agency mayuse, for a law enforcement purpose,
information giventothechiefexecutiveofficeroftheagencybythecommissioner or
an IPSP as mentioned in subdivision 2.(3)In
this section—prescribed provisionmeans—(a)part 5A; or(b)part
5AA; or(c)part 10, division 1; or(d)anyotherActimposingaconditionontheuseofinformation.10.2OCondition imposed under another Act may
apply(1)This section applies in relation to
information a member of anend user has because it has been given
to the head of the enduserbythecommissioneroranIPSPasmentionedinsubdivision 2.(2)Iftheinformationissubjecttoaconditiononuseimposedunder another
Act when in the possession of the QueenslandPolice Service,
the same condition or a condition of the samePage 112Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2P]kind
applies to the information when in the possession of themember.Examples of
conditions on use imposed under another Act—•Youth Justice Act 1992, section 289
(Recording, use or disclosurefor authorised
purpose)•YouthJusticeAct1992,section295(Disclosurebypoliceofinformation about cautions and restorative
justice processes andrestorative justice agreements)•CriminalLaw(RehabilitationofOffenders)Act1986, section
6(Non-disclosure of convictions upon
expiration of rehabilitationperiod)•CriminalLaw(RehabilitationofOffenders)Act1986, section
7(Section 6 not applicable in certain
cases)Subdivision 4General10.2PMisuse of information given under this
division(1)This section applies in relation to
information a member of anentity has because it has been given
to the head of the entityby the commissioner or an IPSP as
mentioned in subdivision2.(2)The
member must not use the information—(a)for
a purpose other than—(i)the purpose
mentioned in subdivision 2 for whichthe information
has been given to the head of theentity by the
commissioner or the IPSP; or(ii)a
purpose that is authorised or permitted under anAct;
orNote—SeetheActsInterpretationAct1954,section 6(References
contravention of a condition, if any, imposed by thecommissioner under section 10.2M.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2Q](3)Also, if the member has the information
because it has beengiven to the head of an end user by the
commissioner or anIPSP as mentioned in subdivision 2, the
member must not usethe information in contravention of a
condition mentioned insection 10.2O(2).Maximum
penalty—100 penalty units.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.2QExtra-territorial application of
offence provisionA person commits an offence against section
10.2P(2) or (3)even if the person uses the information
mentioned in section10.2P(1) outside the State.10.2RProtection from liability(1)This section applies if a person,
acting honestly and withoutnegligence,
gives information under this division.(2)Thepersonisnotliable,civilly,criminallyorunderanadministrative process, for giving the
information.(3)Also,merelybecausethepersongivestheinformation,theperson can not be held to have—(a)breached any code of professional
etiquette or ethics; or(b)departedfromacceptedstandardsofprofessionalconduct.(4)Without limiting subsections (2) and
(3)—(a)in a proceeding for defamation, the
person has a defenceof absolute privilege for publishing
the information; and(b)if the person
would otherwise be required to maintainconfidentiality
about the information under an Act, oathor rule of law
or practice, the person—(i)does not
contravene the Act, oath or rule of law orpractice by
giving the information; and(ii)isnotliabletodisciplinaryactionforgivingtheinformation.Page 114Current as at [Not applicable]
Division 1BPolice Service
Administration Act 1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.2S]Provisions about exchange ofcriminal history for child-relatedemployment screeningNotauthorised—indicativeonly10.2SDefinitions for div 1BIn
this division—approved agencymeans—(a)the ACC; or(b)apoliceforceorserviceoftheCommonwealthoranother State.child-related
employment screeningmeans using informationabout a person in a way that is authorised
or required under alawofanotherStateortheCommonwealththatrelatestoassessing whether a person poses a risk of
harm to children.criminal history, of a person,
means—(a)theperson’sconvictionsforoffencescommittedinQueensland or elsewhere; and(b)charges against the person for
offences alleged to havebeen committed in Queensland or
elsewhere; and(c)information about a conviction
mentioned in paragraph(a) or a charge mentioned in paragraph
(b), including,for example, a brief description of the
circumstances ofthe conviction or charge.interstate screening unitmeans an entity, established under alaw
of another State or the Commonwealth, that is—(a)prescribed under a regulation; or(b)prescribed under theCrimes Act 1914(Cwlth),
section85ZZGB, 85ZZGC or 85ZZGD.10.2TGiving criminal history to interstate
screening unit orapproved agency for child-related employment
screeningThe commissioner may give a person’s
criminal history to—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.2U](a)an
interstate screening unit to enable the unit to use thehistory for child-related employment
screening; or(b)anapprovedagencyforthepurposeoftheapprovedagency giving
the history to an interstate screening unittoenabletheunittousethehistoryforchild-relatedemployment
screening.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.2UUse of criminal
history permitted despite otherprovisions(1)The commissioner may give a person’s
criminal history to aninterstate screening unit or an
approved agency as mentionedin section 10.2T
despite a prescribed provision.(2)In
this section—prescribed provisionmeans—(a)part 5A; or(b)part
5AA; or(c)part 10, division 1 or 1A; or(d)theCriminalLaw(RehabilitationofOffenders)Act1986; or(e)theYouth Justice
Act 1992, part 9.10.2VProtection from liability(1)This section applies if a person,
acting honestly and withoutnegligence,usesaperson’scriminalhistoryunderthisdivision.(2)Thepersonisnotliable,civilly,criminallyorunderanadministrative process, for using the
history.(3)Also, merely because the person uses
the history, the personcan not be held to have—(a)breached any code of professional
etiquette or ethics; or(b)departedfromacceptedstandardsofprofessionalconduct.Page
116Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.3](4)Without limiting subsections (2) and
(3)—(a)in a proceeding for defamation, the
person has a defenceof absolute privilege for publishing
the history; and(b)if the person would otherwise be
required to maintainconfidentiality about the history
under an Act, oath orrule of law or practice, the
person—(i)does not contravene the Act, oath or
rule of law orpractice by using the history; and(ii)isnotliabletodisciplinaryactionforusingthehistory.Division 2Other miscellaneous provisions10.3Protection from liability for
reports(1)Itislawfulforanyofficerorstaffmembertoexpressinareport made in good faith in the
execution of duty, matters ofopinion,
judgment or recommendation (of the person makingthe
report or other person) in addition to matters of fact.(2)A report is one made in the execution
of duty if the personmaking the report reasonably believes
the person to whom itis made to have the duty or authority
to receive the report.(3)Neither the
Crown nor any person incurs liability in law onaccount of a
report made in good faith in the execution of dutyconcerning efficiency, conduct or character
of any officer orstaff member.(4)Areport,suchasisreferred
toinsubsection (3)containingmatterthatisfalse,orgrosslymisleadinginamaterialparticular is
not one made in good faith unless the defendantprovesthatthepersonwhomadethereportreasonablybelieved the
report to be true, and could not have discoveredby
exercise of reasonable diligence, the falsity or misleadingnature of the matter.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 117
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.4](5)Except as prescribed by subsection (4), the
burden of provingabsenceofgoodfaithisuponthepersonwhoallegessuchabsence.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.4Rejection of
frivolous complaints(1)This section
relates only to a report, complaint or informationconcerningconductofanofficerthatdoesnotamounttomisconduct.(2)Thecommissionermayreject,anddirectthatnoactionbetakeninrelationto,areportorcomplaintmade,orinformationfurnished,thatappearstothecommissionertohave
been made, or furnished, frivolously or vexatiously.(3)A person who has been notified in
writing by or on behalf ofthecommissionerthatareportorcomplaintmade,orinformation furnished, by the
person—(a)appears to concern frivolous matter;
or(b)appears to have been made or furnished
Act.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(4)Itisadefencetoachargeofanoffencedefinedinsubsection (3) to prove—(a)thatthereport,complaintorinformationdoesnotconcern frivolous matter; or(b)that the report, complaint or
information was not madeor furnished vexatiously.10.5Civil liability of police officers and
others for engaging inconduct in official capacity(1)This section applies to each of the
following—(a)an officer;Page 118Current as at [Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.5]Notauthorised—indicativeonly(b)a staff member;(c)a
recruit;(d)a volunteer;(e)a
person who, at the time the person engaged in conductin
an official capacity, was a person mentioned in any ofparagraphs (a) to (d).(2)Apersontowhomthissectionappliesdoesnotincurcivilliability for engaging, or the result of
engaging, in conduct inan official capacity.(3)If subsection (2) prevents liability
attaching to a person, theliability attaches instead to the
Crown.(4)IfliabilityattachestotheCrownundersubsection (3),theCrownmayrecovercontributionfromtheofficer,staffmember or recruit or former officer, staff
member or recruitwhoengagedintheconduct,butonlyiftheconductwasengaged in—(a)other than in good faith; and(b)with gross negligence.Note
for subsection (4)—There is to be no contribution from a
volunteer or former volunteer.(5)In a
proceeding under subsection (4) to recover contribution,the
amount of contribution recoverable is the amount found bythe
court to be just and equitable in the circumstances.(6)In this section—civilliability,ofapersontowhomthissectionappliesforengaging,orfortheresultofengaging,inconductinanofficial capacity, means liability of
any type for the paymentof an amount by the person because
of—(a)a claim based in tort, contract or
another form of actioninrelationtotheconductorresult,including,forexample, breach of statutory duty or
defamation and, forafatalinjury,includesaclaimforthedeceased’sdependants or
estate; orCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.7](b)acomplaintmadeunderalawthatprovidesapersonmay complain
about the conduct or result to an entityestablished
under the law, other than a complaint to startcriminalproceedings,including,forexample,acomplaint under theJustices Act
1886; or(c)an
order of a court to pay costs relating to a proceedingfor
an offence against a law in relation to the conduct orresult, unless the proceeding was for an
offence by theperson.Examples of
types of liability—•aliabilitybecauseofanagreementoranorderundertheAnti-DiscriminationAct1991ortheAustralianHumanRightsCommission Act
1986(Cwlth) requiring payment of an amount to
acomplainant (however described) under the
Act•a liability because of an obligation
under an agreement to settle aproceeding, or
an order of a court or tribunal, to do something thatinvolves paying an amount, including an
obligation to publish anapology in a newspaperconductmeans an act or
an omission to perform an act.engageinconductinanofficialcapacity,byapersontowhom
this section applies, means engage in conduct as partof,
or otherwise in connection with, the person’s role as anofficer,astaffmember,arecruitoravolunteer(asisapplicable),including,forexample,engaginginconductunder or
purportedly under an Act.volunteermeans a person
appointed by the commissioner toperform duties
for the service on an unpaid voluntary basis onconditions
decided by the commissioner.10.7Provision of legal representation(1)The commissioner may provide legal
representation on behalfofanyofficer,staffmemberorrecruitagainstwhomanyaction, claim or demand or proceeding in
respect of an offenceisbroughtormadeotherwisethanbyoronbehalfoftheCrown in any of
its capacities on account of any action doneoromissionmadebytheofficer,staffmemberorrecruitacting, or
purporting to act, in the execution of duty.Page 120Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.8](2)Ifitisfound,orconceded,inrelationtoanysuchaction,claim, demand or proceeding that the
officer, staff member orrecruit, was not acting in the
execution of duty in doing theactionormakingtheomissiononwhichtheaction,claim,demandorproceedingisbased,thecommissionermayrecover from the officer, staff member or
recruit the amount ofcosts and expenses incurred by the
commissioner in providinglegalrepresentationundersubsection (1)inanycourtofcompetentjurisdictionasadebtdueandpayablebytheofficer,staffmemberorrecruittothecommissionerandunpaid.10.8Compensation for injury or deathIf
an officer or recruit suffers injury or death in
circumstancessuchthat,hadtheinjuryordeathoccurredtoaworkeremployed elsewhere than in the police
service, compensationorexpenseswouldhavebeenpayableundertheWorkers’Compensation and
Rehabilitation Act 2003to or on accountoftheworkerortheworker’sdependants,theCrownistoindemnify the officer or recruit and,
if the case requires, thedependants of the officer or recruit
as if the officer or recruitwere a worker
covered by a policy under that Act.10.9Service and production of documents(1)Any document that an Act requires or
authorises to be given toor served on the commissioner is taken
to have been duly sogiven or served if it is given
to—(a)the holder of an office nominated by
the commissionerfor this section; or(b)the
holder of a position within the PSBA nominated bythe
commissioner for this section.(1A)Thecommissionermust,fromtimetotime,notifyinthegazette the
offices and positions so nominated.(2)Anymemberoftheservice,oraPSBAemployeewhoseduties include
performing a function for the service, may, withCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.10]theleaveofthecourtortribunalconcerned,representthecommissioner in that court or tribunal
to produce to that courtor tribunal any document or thing
required to be produced inresponsetothedocumentreferredtoinsubsection
(1)andgiven or served as prescribed.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.10Police
establishments(1)The commissioner may, by gazette
notice—(a)declare any place to be a police
establishment or policestation;(b)declare any place to be part of a police
establishment orpolice station;(c)declarethecessationofanyplaceasapoliceestablishment or
police station or as a part thereof;(d)assign a name to a police establishment or
police stationand change a name so assigned;(e)definethelimitsofapoliceestablishmentorpolicestation as the
commissioner thinks fit.(2)In subsection
(1)—placemeans a place
appropriated to the use of, or used by, thepolice service
for the purpose of performing functions of theservice.10.11Ownership of official propertyFor
the purpose of any legal proceedings—(a)every police establishment or police
station; or(b)anything (animate or inanimate), which
is not the privateproperty of any person, that is appropriated
to the use of,or is used by, the police service or any
officer or staffmember in the capacity as such;is
taken to be the property of the commissioner for the timebeing, and may be sufficiently described as
the property of thecommissioner of the police service.Page
122Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.12]10.12Legal proceedings(1)Any
proceedings or any action, claim or demand to which thecommissioner for the time being is a party
does not abate orterminatebyreasonthatsuchpartyhasceasedtobethecommissioner,
but may continue in the name of the successorin
office.(2)In a proceeding, an allegation or
statement, in a complaint oranother
initiating process, or in a pleading or affidavit, of anyofthefollowingthingsisevidenceofthethingallegedorstated—(a)a
stated place is a police establishment or police station;(b)a stated thing is appropriated to the
use of, or is used by,the police service or any officer or
staff member in theofficer’s or member’s official
capacity;(c)a stated act, omission, conduct or
breach of duty has notbeen authorised or consented to by the
commissioner inrelation to anything mentioned in paragraph
(a) or (b);(d)statedpropertyisthepropertyofthecommissionerunder this
Act.(3)In a proceeding, a document signed by
the commissioner andstating either of the following is
evidence of the thing stated—(a)at a
stated time or during a stated period a stated personwas
a police dog handler or mounted police officer;(b)at a
stated time or during a stated period a dog or horseidentifiedinthedocumentwasapolicedogorpolicehorse.(4)If, in a proceeding, a person intends
to question the power ofan officer to act under a delegation
given under this Act, theperson must give to the commissioner
notice of the intentionatleast7daysbeforethepowerisquestionedintheproceeding.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 123
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.13]10.13Surrender of equipment(1)Uponapersonceasingtobean
officer,itislawfulfortheperson to retain
all items of equipment, gear or accoutrementsissuedtothepersonasanofficer,exceptsuchitemsasthepersonisdirectedinwritingbythecommissionertosurrender.(1A)If
the commissioner gives such a direction, the commissionermayspecifythereinadatebywhichtheitemsaretobesurrendered and
the person to whom the direction is given isto comply with
the direction.(2)The person must comply with a
direction given to the personunder subsection
(1).Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(3)Uponacomplaintofacommissionedofficerajusticemayissue a warrant authorising the commissioned
officer—(a)to search for and seize on behalf of
the commissioneranythingthat,pursuanttoadirectionofthecommissioner is required to be
surrendered and has notbeen surrendered; and(b)for that purpose to enter any place in
which the thingsoughtisbelievedbythecommissionedofficertobe,and to break
open any receptacle capable of containingthe thing
sought.(4)Beforeexecutingawarrantinrespectofanyplace,thecommissioned officer is to show the warrant
to the occupier(if any) of the place, if the occupier is
present at the place, andseek the occupier’s permission to
enter and search the placeand to seize anything that is sought
and is found therein, but iftheoccupierisnotpresentorrefusesconsent,thecommissionedofficer,andallpersonsactinginaidofthecommissionedofficer,mayproceedtoexecutethewarrantusingsuchreasonableforceasisnecessary,anddoingallother things reasonably required, to execute
the warrant.Page 124Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.14]10.14Vacating of premises(1)If a person who is in possession of
premises—(a)that are the property of the
commissioner; or(b)of which the commissioner is entitled
to possession;having been notified in writing, by the
commissioner to vacatethepremises,failstovacatethepremiseswithin28daysfollowing the
giving of notification to vacate in the approvedform, a magistrate, upon a complaint of the
commissioner, orapersonauthorisedinwritingbythecommissionerinthatbehalf, may
issue a warrant authorising any officer—(c)to
enter the premises and remove therefrom all persons(andtheirproperty)whoarenotauthorisedbythecommissioner to be in or on the
premises; and(d)todelivervacant,orother,possession(asthecommissioner requires) to the
commissioner.(1A)Notification to
vacate premises may be given for the purposesofsubsection (1)byanymeanscalculatedtobringthenotification to the notice of the person to
whom it is directed,including by advertisement in an
appropriate newspaper.(2)Anofficerexecutingawarrantissuedundersubsection
required, to execute the warrant.10.16Charges for police services(1)A person for whom prescribed police
services are provided isliable for payment to the commissioner
of charges for thoseservices in an amount determined by
the commissioner.(2)Chargesforprovisionofprescribedpoliceservicesmaybedeclared by regulation in which event
the commissioner is notentitled to payment for the provision
of particular services ofany amount in excess of the charge so
declared for the timebeing in relation to services of that
description.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.17](3)In a proceeding for the recovery of a
service charge for theprovisionofaprescribedpoliceservice,acertificatepurporting to be
signed by the commissioner and stating that aspecifiedamountispayabletothecommissionerbyaspecified person for a specified
police service is evidence ofthe matter
stated.10.17Exemption from tolls(1)Officers who are engaged in the actual
performance of duty asofficers are exempt from liability for
payment of any toll, levyor other charge whatsoever
upon—(a)passing through or over any tollgate,
turnpike or road;(b)crossing any bridge;(c)using any ferry;notwithstanding
any other Act or law.(2)The exemption
prescribed by subsection (1) extends to—(a)all
prisoners under the officers’ charge;(b)allvehicles,vessels,carriagesorhorsesusedontheoccasioninquestionsolelyforcarryingofficers,theirprisoners and
such base.(3)Apersonengagedinthecollectionoftolls,leviesorotherchargeswhohasreasonablegroundsforbelievingthatanexemption from payment thereof exists
under subsection (1)or(2)andwhoreceivespaymentindisregardofsuchexemption
commits an offence against this Act.Maximum
penalty—4 penalty units.Page 126Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.18]10.18Prohibited use of words suggesting
association withpolice(1)Except with the commissioner’s consent
thereto first obtained,a body or association of persons
(whether incorporated or not)must not—(a)have a prescribed expression as, or as
part of, its name;(b)useaprescribedexpressioninconjunctionwithitsname, in any context.(2)Except with the commissioner’s consent
thereto first obtained,a person must not—(a)have
a prescribed expression as, or as part of, a nameunder which the person conducts
business;(b)use a prescribed expression in
conjunction with a nameunderwhichthepersonconductsbusiness,inanycontext.(3)Inthissectionaprescribedexpressionisanyofthefollowing—(a)commissioner of police;(b)commissioner of the police service;(c)member of the police service;(d)police;(e)police force;(f)police officer;(g)anyexpressionthatresemblesanyoftheexpressionsmentionedinparagraphs(a)to(f),orthatincludeswords taken from 2 or more of the
expressions.(4)A person who contravenes, or is taken
to have contravenedsubsection (1) or (2) commits an offence
against this Act.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(5)Ifacontraventionofsubsection (1)occurseachmemberofthe governing body of the body or
association concerned isCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990Part 10
Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.19]taken to have
committed the contravention and is liable to theprescribed penalty for an offence against
this Act.Notauthorised—indicativeonly10.19OffencesA
person—(a)who knowingly—(i)harbours or entertains an officer in any
place; or(ii)permits an
officer to abide or linger in any placeoverwhichthepersonhasandmayexercisecontrol;at any time when
the officer is on duty, except whereactualperformanceofdutybytheofficerrequirestheofficer’s presence in that place;
or(b)who has in possession—(i)adocumentofaconfidentialnaturebroughtintoexistence for the purposes of the police
service; or(ii)anything(animateorinanimate)appropriatedtothe
use of the police service; or(iii)anything(animateorinanimate)onissuetoanofficer or to a person who was an
or(c)whoassumesthenameofanofficerwithintenttomislead; or(d)who,
being other than an officer lawfully entitled to doso—(i)assumesthedesignationordescriptionofanofficer or of a class of officer;
thereof;except in either such case—(iii)with the consent
of the commissioner; orPage 128Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.20](iv)forthepurposesofatheatrical,circusorsimilarentertainment;
or(v)forthepurposesofaball,carnivalorsimilaroccasion for
wearing fancy dress; or(e)who, being other
than an officer lawfully entitled to doso,forthepurposesof,orinconnectionwith,anybusiness, occupation or
rank or descriptionofanyofficerorany class of officer; or(ii)being a person
who was an officer, or a member ofthepoliceforce,usesthedesignation,rankordescription that was the person’s
while an officeror such a member; or(f)whoisfoundon,orhavingjustleft,anyplaceappropriated to
the use of, or used for the time being by,the police
service, unless the person has a lawful excusefor being or
having been in or on that place;commits an
offence against this Act.Maximum penalty—100 penalty
units.10.20Bribery or corruption of officers or
staff members(1)A person who corruptly gives to,
confers on, or procures forany officer or
staff member property or a benefit of any kind,or offers,
promises or agrees to do so with a view to—(a)theofficerorstaffmemberneglectingtheofficer’sormember’s duty; or(b)influencing the officer or staff member in
performanceoftheofficer’sormember’sdutyorexerciseoftheofficer’s powers; or(c)the officer or staff member using or
taking advantage ofthe officer’s or member’s position in the
police serviceCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.21]to facilitate commission of an offence, or
to provide thepersonwithanyinformation,serviceoradvantagewhether or not
the person would otherwise be entitledthereto;commits an offence against this Act.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)Liabilityofapersontobedealtwithforanoffenceundersubsection (1)
does not affect the person’s liability to be dealtwith
under the Criminal Code for an offence defined therein,which is constituted by the person’s
conduct.(3)However,thepersonisnottobedealtwithunderbothsubsection (1) and the Criminal Code in
respect of the sameconduct.10.21False
representation causing police investigations(1)A
person who by conduct, by statements (oral or written), orby
conduct and statements (oral or written), falsely and withknowledgeofthefalsityrepresentsthatanactionhasbeendone or
circumstances exist, which action or circumstances,as
represented, is or are such as reasonably calls, or call,
forinvestigationbyanofficercommitsanoffenceagainstthisAct.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.(2)If statements alleged to have been
made by a person relate tothe conduct of an officer the person
can not be convicted inrespect thereof on the uncorroborated
evidence of an officer,or of officers.(3)A
court by which a person has been found guilty, or beforewhich a person has pleaded guilty, of an
offence defined insubsection (1), whether or not it imposes a
penalty in respectthereof,mayorderthepersontopaytotheCrownareasonablesumfortheexpensesoforincidentaltoanyinvestigationmadebyanofficerasaresultofthefalserepresentation.Page 130Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.21A](4)This section does not apply to a
representation relating to anoffence, or the
circumstances of an offence that has actuallybeen
committed.10.21A Unlawful possession of prescribed
articles(1)A person must not unlawfully possess a
prescribed article.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Apersonmustnotunlawfullysupplytosomeoneelseaprescribedarticlethatisevidenceofthecommissionofanoffence.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)Subsection (2)
does not prevent a person supplying a print, anaudio recording,
or a transcript of an audio or video recording,toapersonchargedwithanoffenceofwhichthearticleisevidence or the person’s lawyer, for the
purpose of enablingthe person to defend the charge.(4)A person must not possess a print, an
audio recording, or atranscriptofanaudioorvideorecordingsuppliedundersubsection (3) after the time allowed for
any appeal against aconvictionforanoffenceofwhichtherelevantarticleisevidenceends,unlessthearticleiskeptaspartofcourtrecordsortherecordsofalawyeractingforthepersoncharged with the
offence.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(5)In this section—prescribedarticlemeansanyofthefollowingthatistheproperty of the commissioner—(a)a print;(b)a
video recording;(c)a transcript of an audio or video
recording.Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.21B]10.21B Killing or injuring police dogs and
police horses(1)A person must not, without lawful
excuse—(a)kill, maim, wound or otherwise injure
a police dog orpolice horse; or(b)attempttokill,maim,woundorotherwiseinjureapolice dog or police horse.Maximumpenalty—40penaltyunitsor2yearsimprisonment.(2)Acourtthatfindsapersonguiltyofanoffenceagainstsubsection
(1)may,inadditiontoanypenaltythatmaybeimposed,orderthepersontopaytothecommissionerareasonable amount for—(a)the
treatment, care, rehabilitation and retraining of thepolice dog or police horse concerned;
or(b)ifitisnecessarytoreplacethepolicedogorpolicehorse—buying and
training its replacement.10.21C Local laws do not apply in
relation to police dogs orhorses etc.A local law does
not apply in relation to—(a)a police dog or
police horse; or(b)apolicedoghandlerinconnectionwiththekeeping,maintenance or
use of any police dog for discharging afunction under
this Act; or(c)an officer in connection with the
keeping, maintenanceoruseofanypolicehorsefordischargingafunctionunder this
Act.10.23Proceedings for offences(1)Proceedings for prosecution in respect
of an offence againstthisActaretobetakeninasummarymannerundertheJustices Act 1886—Page
132Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.24](a)in the case of an offence against
section 10.19 or 10.20,on the complaint of any
officer;(b)in the case of any other offence, on
the complaint of anofficer authorised, in writing, by the
commissioner.(2)An allegation or averment in a
complaint that—(a)the complainant is an officer;
the complaint;issufficientproofofthematterallegedoraverredintheabsence of evidence to the
contrary.(3)Proceedings in respect of an offence
against this Act may becommencedwithin1yearfollowingthecommissionoftheoffence or within 1 month after the
commission of the offencefirst comes to the complainant’s
knowledge, whichever periodis the
later.10.24Representation in court(1)Anyofficerorservicelegalofficermayappearforandrepresentanofficerinvolvedinanyofthefollowingproceedings in a
Magistrates Court or a Childrens Court—(a)a
proceeding for an application made by an officer in theperformance of duty under any Act;(b)aproceedinginwhichanofficerisinvolvedintheperformance of duty otherwise than
only as a witness;(c)a proceeding in which the commissioner
is involved orof which the commissioner or another officer
is requiredto be given notice.Example for
subsection (1)(a)—an application for a post-search approval
order under thePolice Powersand
Responsibilities Act 2000(2)Also, any
officer or service legal officer may appear and actfor
the prosecution in a proceeding—Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 133
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 10 Miscellaneous provisions[s
10.26](a)inaMagistratesCourtortheChildrensCourtforacharge of an offence, even though the
officer is not theinformant or complainant; or(b)in a Magistrates Court, brought by a
fire service officerundertheDisasterManagementAct2003ortheFireandEmergencyServicesAct1990,foranoffenceagainst the Act under which the prosecution
is brought.(3)In this section—fire service
officersee theFire and
Emergency Services Act1990, schedule
6.service legal officermeans a
government legal officer, withinthe meaning of
theLegal Profession Act 2007,
who is a staffmember.10.26Annual report(1)Assoonasispracticableafter30Juneineachyearthecommissioner is to furnish to the
Minister a report on—(a)the
administration and operations of the police service;and(b)such other
matters as are directed by the Minister;within the
period of 12 months preceding that date.(2)TheMinisteristolaythereportbeforetheLegislativeAssembly within
14 sitting days after the day on which theMinister
receives the report.10.27Review of Act(1)In
the period of 6 months preceding the termination of the
firsttermofappointmentofthepersonwhoisthefirstcommissioner after the passing of this Act
the Minister is tocarry out, or cause to be carried out, a
review of the operationof this Act and at an appropriate time
in the period of 5 yearsfollowing completion of that review
the Minister is to carryout, or cause to be carried out, a
review of the operation of thisAct as in force
at that time.Page 134Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Part
10 Miscellaneous provisions[s 10.28](2)Inthecarryingoutofareviewundersubsection
(1)theMinister is to consider and have
regard to—(a)the effectiveness of the operation of
this Act and of theoperations of the police service;(b)the views and comments of persons
having an interest inthe operation of this Act and the
operations of the policeservice;(c)suchothermattersastheMinisterconsiderstoberelevant to the
effectiveness of this Act.(3)As soon as is
practicable after completion of a review undersubsection (1)
the Minister is to prepare a report based on thereview,andistolaythereportbeforetheLegislativeAssembly within
14 sitting days after the report is prepared.10.28Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsforthepurposes of this Act.(1A)A regulation may
provide with respect to—(a)managementandcontroloftheaffairsofthepoliceservice;
and(b)the responsibilities of the
commissioner; and(c)powers,duties,entitlements,obligationsandliabilitiesof officers and
recruits; and(d)powers and duties of staff members;
and(e)the institution and conduct of appeals
or reviews aboutappointments,disciplinaryactionorrelatedactionwithin the police service.(2)Theregulationsmayprescribewithrespecttoanymatter,other than
duties, obligations or liabilities of members of thepolice service, by reference to—(a)determinations or rulings to be made
from time to timeby the commissioner;Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 135
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 11 Transitional and declaratory
provisions[s 11.1](b)standards to be set or adopted from time to
time by thecommissioner.(3)Theregulationsmayprovideforoffencesagainsttheregulations and in respect thereof
impose a fine not exceeding100 penalty
units.Part 11Transitional and
declaratoryprovisionsDivision 1Transitional provisions for PoliceService Administration Act 199011.1Interpretation of certain
references(1)A reference in any Act or document
to—(a)the Police Force is taken to be a
reference to the PoliceService; and(b)the
Commissioner of Police is taken to be a reference tothe
Commissioner of the Police Service; and(c)amemberofthepoliceforce,apoliceofficeroraconstable is
taken to be a reference to an officer; and(d)amemberofthepoliceforce,apoliceofficeroraconstable
holding a rank that does not exist in the PoliceService, but did exist in the Police Force,
is taken to be areference to an officer holding a
corresponding rank inthe Police Service.(2)A regulation may prescribe a rank in
the Police Service to be acorresponding rank to a rank in the
Police Force.11.2References to repealed ActA
reference in an Act or document to thePolice Act
1937istaken to be a reference to this
Act.Page 136Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 2Police Service
Administration Act 1990Part 11 Transitional and declaratory
provisions[s 11.3]Transitional
provision to assist ininterpretation11.3Relevant informationThecommissioneristakenalwaystohavehadpowertoinquireintoaperson’scriminalhistoryandtotakeintoaccount relevant information for deciding
whether the personis suitable to be engaged, or to continue to
be engaged, by theservice.11.5Declaration about s 5.17(1)To
remove doubt it is declared that section 5.17 of this Act
is,and always has been, part of part 5 of this
Act.(2)Also, in the first reprint under
theReprints Act 1992of thisActasamendedbythePoliceandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2005, section 5.17 must be relocated to part
5.Division 4Transitional and
declaratoryprovisions for the Criminal Codeand
Other Legislation (Misconduct,Breaches of
Discipline and PublicSector Ethics) Amendment Act
200911.8Former officerFor part 7A, a
person is a former officer only if the person’semployment ends
after the commencement of the part.Current as at
[Not applicable]Page 137
Service Administration Act 1990Part 11
Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 11.9]Division 5Transitional
provisions for the StatePenalties Enforcement and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2009Notauthorised—indicativeonly11.9Definition for
div 5In this division—commencementmeansthecommencementoftheStatePenalties
Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Act2009,
chapter 3.11.11Exchange of criminal history for
child-relatedemployment screeningToremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatforsection 10.2S,definitioncriminal
history, a reference to a charge against aperson for an offence includes a charge for
an offence allegedtohavebeencommittedbythepersonbeforethecommencement.Division 6Transitional provisions for PublicService and Other Legislation (CivilLiability) Amendment Act 201411.12DefinitionsIn this
division—civil liabilitysee new section
10.5(6).commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.conductsee
new section 10.5(6).engageinconductinanofficialcapacityseenewsection
10.5(6).new section 10.5means section
10.5 as in force immediatelyafter the
commencement.Page 138Current as at
[Not applicable]
Police Service Administration Act 1990Part
11 Transitional and declaratory provisions[s 11.13]previous sections 10.5 and 10.6means sections 10.5 and 10.6as
in force immediately before the commencement.volunteersee
new section 10.5(6).Notauthorised—indicativeonly11.13Application of ss 10.5 and 10.6 to
acts and omissionsbefore commencement(1)If,immediatelybeforethecommencement,previoussections 10.5 and 10.6 applied to a tort
committed, act done oromissionmadebyanofficer,staffmember,recruitorvolunteerbeforethecommencement,thoseprovisionsasinforceatthetimethetortwascommitted,actwasdoneoromission was made continue to apply in
relation to the tort,act or omission.(2)Ifanofficer,staffmember,recruitorvolunteerengagedinconduct in an official capacity after
the commencement andthe conduct is part of a course of
conduct that also includestortscommitted,actsdoneoromissionsmadebeforethecommencement,newsection 10.5 appliestoalltheconductforming the course of conduct.(3)Subsection (1) is subject to
subsection (2).11.14Relationship of s 10.5 if civil
liability dealt with by anotherAct or provision
of this Act(1)This section applies if—(a)another Act, or another provision of
this Act other thannewsection 10.5,statesapersondoesnotincurcivilliability for conduct or the result of
conduct (howeverexpressed),including,forexample,ifthepersonactshonestly and without negligence; and(b)theresultoftheapplicationoftheotherActorotherprovision to
conduct, or the result of conduct, engagedinbythepersonafterthecommencementisthattheperson would not be protected from civil
liability underthe other Act or other provision for the
conduct or result;andCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 11 Transitional and declaratory
provisions[s 11.15](c)thepersonwouldnot,undernewsection 10.5,incurcivil liability for the conduct or the
result of the conductbut the Crown would be liable in
relation to the conductor result.(2)Newsection 10.5appliesinrelationtotheconduct,ortheresult of the conduct, despite the
other Act or other provisionbutdoesnotlimittheapplicationoftheotherActorotherprovision in
relation to any other liability of the person.Division 7Transitional provision for PublicSafety Business Agency Act 201411.15Application of pt 5AA to particular
current employees(1)This section applies in relation to a
person who—(a)immediately before the commencement,
was employedas a public service employee by the
department knownas the Public Safety Business Agency;
relevant sections apply to or in relation to the person as
ifarequirementintherelevantsectionsforthepersonortherelevant CEO to
do something before the person is engaged intheservicewereareferenceto thepersonorrelevantCEObeing required to do the thing as soon as
practicable after thecommencement.(3)In
this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.relevant
sectionmeans sections 5AA.5(2) and 5AA.6(2).Page
140Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyDivision 8Police Service
Administration Act 1990Part 11 Transitional and declaratory
provisions[s 11.16]Transitional
provision forCounter-Terrorism and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 201511.16Approved agency and law enforcement
agency duringinterim period(1)The
immigration and border protection department is taken,during the interim period, to have
been—(a)an approved agency under part 10,
division 1A; and(b)a law enforcement agency under part
10, division 1A.(2)In this section—immigrationandborderprotectiondepartmentmeanstheCommonwealth department in which the
following laws areadministered—(a)theAustralian Border Force Act
XVC;(c)theMigration Act
periodmeans the period starting on 1 July 2015
Regulation (No. 1) 2015.Division 9Transitional provision for Police andOther Legislation (Identity andBiometric Capability) AmendmentAct
regulation-making power(1)A regulation
(atransitional regulation) may make
provisionabout a matter for which—Current as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
1990Part 11 Transitional and declaratory
provisions[s 11.17](a)it
is necessary to make provision to allow or facilitatethe
doing of anything to achieve the transition from theoperationofthisActasitwasinforceimmediatelybefore the
commencement to the operation of this Act asamended by the
Police and Other Legislation (Identityand Biometric
Capability) Amendment Act 2018; and(b)this
Act does not make provision or sufficient provision.(2)A transitional regulation may have
retrospective operation toa day not earlier than the day of
commencement.(3)Atransitionalregulationmustdeclareitisatransitionalregulation.(4)Atransitionalregulationmayonlybemadewithin2yearsafter the
commencement.(5)Thisdivisionandanytransitionalregulationexpire3yearsafter the day of
commencement.Page 142Current as at
[Not applicable]
SchedulePolice Service
Administration Act 1990ScheduleRelevant
informationNotauthorised—indicativeonlysection 1.4, definitionrelevant
informationInformation about police officers, recruits
and applicantsto become police officers or recruits1Information in a database kept by the
ACC about—•the person’s criminal history•cautions or warnings administered or
given to the person•the person’s involvement in acts of
domestic violence inQueensland or elsewhere and any orders
made againstthe person•whetherthepersonhashadaweaponslicencesuspended or
cancelled.2Information in a QPS database or other
database kept by thecommissioner about—•the person’s criminal history•the person’s traffic history•warrants issued in relation to the
person•cautions or warnings administered or
given to the person•whether the person is a person of
interest in Queenslandorinterstatebecause,forexample,thepersonisasuspect,anoffender,amissingperson,avictimorawitness•address checks for the person•the person’s driver licence
details•anyincidents,includingtrafficcrashoccurrences,involving the
person•any offences involving the
person•any complaints involving the
person•the person’s domestic violence
historyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Service Administration Act 1990ScheduleNotauthorised—indicativeonly•the person’s
drug history•the person’s arrest history•charges laid against the person•any detention of the person in
custody•any prosecutions started against the
person.3InformationinadatabasekeptbythechiefexecutiveofQueensland Transport about—•the person’s traffic history•the person’s driver licence
details.4Information about the person supplied
to the commissioner byanother police service, whether based
on a request made aftera search of a database kept by the ACC
in relation to a personor because of information given by the
person.5Information about the person supplied
to the commissioner byInterpol.6Ifthepersonisarecommendedappointeetoaposition,information supplied to the commissioner by
a police officerin relation to a person.7Information about the person kept in a
database of criminalintelligence,whetherthedatabaseiskeptbythecommissioner or is one to which the
commissioner has access.8Informationaboutthepersonthatissuppliedtothecommissioner by the Crime and
Corruption Commission.9Informationaboutthepersonthatissuppliedtothecommissioner by the department within
which theCorrectiveServices Act
2006is administered.10Informationaboutthepersoninthepossessionofthecommissionerbecauseofinquiriesmadebytheunitoftheservice known as
the Ethical Standards Command.11InformationaboutthepersonsuppliedbytheAustralianDefenceForce(ADF)aboutthefollowingifthepersonisserving,orhasserved,asamemberofADFandisanapplicant to become a police
officer—Page 144Current as at
[Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Schedule•checks made in relation to the person•the person’s conduct as a member of
the ADF•the person’s medical history.12Information about the person supplied
to the commissioner bya police force or service of another
State, the Commonwealth,oranothercountry,aboutthefollowingifthepersonisserving, or has served, as a police officer
in that jurisdictionand is an applicant to become a police
officer—•checks made in relation to the
person•the person’s conduct as a police
officer•the person’s medical history.13Information about the person supplied
to the commissioner byachiefexecutiveofadepartmentifthepersonisorwasapublic service employee about—•any disciplinary finding made against
the person•disciplinary action taken against the
person, including adisciplinarydeclarationunderthePublicServiceAct2008, section
188A.Information about staff members, applicants
to becomestaff members, PSBA employees, applicants to
becomePSBA employees, volunteers and students on
workexperience1Information in a database kept by the ACC
about—•the person’s criminal history•cautions or warnings administered or
given to the person•the person’s involvement in acts of
domestic violence inQueensland or elsewhere and any orders
made againstthe person•any
known alias of the person.2Information in a
QPS database or other database kept by thecommissioner
about—•the person’s criminal historyCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
the person is nominated for appointment to a positionthatinvolvessignificantdrivingduties—theperson’sQueensland traffic history•warrants issued in relation to the
person•cautions or warnings administered or
given to the person•whether the person is a person of
interest in Queenslandorinterstatebecause,forexample,thepersonisasuspect,anoffender,amissingperson,avictimorawitness•charges laid against the person in
Queensland•whether the person is wanted for
questioning•any known alias of the person.3Information about the person’s
Queensland traffic history in adatabase kept by
the chief executive of Queensland Transportif the person is
nominated for appointment to a position thatinvolves
significant driving duties.4Information about the person supplied to the
commissioner bya declared agency about the following if the
person has livedfor an extensive period outside
dismissed or withdrawn•any known alias
of the person.5Information about the person kept in a
database of criminalintelligence,whetherthedatabaseiskeptbythecommissioner or is one to which the
commissioner has access.6Information
about the person, if the person was employed in aunit
of public administration or a local government within thelast10years,thatissuppliedtothecommissionerbytheCrime and Corruption
Commission.7Forformeremployeesoftheservice,informationinthepossession of the commissioner because
of inquiries made bytheunitoftheserviceknownastheEthicalStandardsCommand.Page 146Current as at [Not applicable]
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act 1990Schedule8Information about the person that is in the
possession of thecommissioner and held in the drug occurrence
records kept aspart of the database known as QPRIME.9Information about the person supplied
to the commissioner byachiefexecutiveofadepartmentifthepersonisorwasapublic service employee about—•any disciplinary finding made in
relation to the person•disciplinary
action taken against the person, including adisciplinary
declaration made under thePublic ServiceAct 2008,
section 188A.Persons performing, or seeking to perform,
functions forthe service under a contract for
services1Information in a database kept by the
ACC about—•the person’s criminal history•any warrants in relation to the
person, in Queensland orinterstate, that are
outstanding•the person’s involvement in acts of
domestic violence inQueensland or elsewhere and any orders
made againstthe person•any
restraining orders made against the person•any
known alias of the person.2Information in a
QPS database or other database kept by thecommissioner
about—•the person’s Queensland criminal
history•the person’s traffic history•warrants issued in relation to the
person•cautions or warnings administered or
given to the person•whether the person is a person of
interest in Queenslandorinterstatebecause,forexample,thepersonisasuspect,anoffender,amissingperson,avictimorawitness•whether the person is wanted for
questioningCurrent as at [Not applicable]Page
Notauthorised—indicativeonlyPolice Service Administration Act
known alias of the person.3Information
about the person’s traffic history kept by the chiefexecutive of Queensland Transport.External service providers1Informationabouttheexternalserviceprovider’scriminalhistory.Page 148Current as at [Not applicable]