National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Amendment Regulation 2024

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Amendment Regulation 2024.


This regulation commences on 1 July 2024.

3Regulation amended

This regulation amends the National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Regulation 2014.

4Replacement of sch 5, s 7 (Rule 25)

Schedule 5, section 7—
omit, insert—

7New rule 25AA

(1)After rule 25—

25AA Particular requirements for bills issued to Queensland customers

(1)This rule applies, despite rule 25, in relation to a bill issued to a customer in Queensland for the sale or supply of electricity during the financial year starting 1 July 2024.
(2)Subrules (3) and (4) apply in relation to a bill issued to a residential customer.
(3)The retailer must use its best endeavours to include the following statement at the beginning of the bill, before any other information in relation to a government-funded rebate, concession or relief scheme—

‘The Queensland Government is providing a cost of living rebate to your household, funded by coal royalties.’.

(a)for a bill issued by Origin Energy to a residential customer in an area described in the schedule to special approval no. SA01/11—Origin Energy must use its best endeavours to include the following statement at the beginning of the bill—

‘Your electricity is also further subsidised by the Queensland Government.’; and


The holder of special approval no. SA01/11 is Essential Energy ABN 37 428 185 226.

(b)for a bill issued by Ergon Energy Retail to a residential customer in the distribution area described in distribution authority no. D01/99, schedule 1—Ergon Energy Retail must use its best endeavours to include the following statement at the beginning of the bill—

‘Households in regional Queensland pay around 20% less on average than the cost of electricity supply, thanks to the Queensland Government’s regional subsidy.’.


The holder of distribution authority no. D01/99 is Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ACN 087 646 062.

(5)Subrule (6) applies in relation to a bill issued to a small business customer.
(6)The retailer must use its best endeavours to include the following statement at the beginning of the bill, before any other information in relation to a government-funded rebate, concession or relief scheme—

‘The Queensland Government is providing a rebate to reduce the cost of doing business in Queensland, funded by coal royalties.’.

(7)In this rule—
Ergon Energy Retail means Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ACN 121 177 802.
Origin Energy means Origin Energy Electricity Limited ACN 071 052 287.
small business customer means a customer who is a business customer who consumes energy at business premises below the upper consumption threshold.
(2)This section expires on 1 July 2025.