Minister: Premier and Minister for Trade
Agency: Public Service Commission

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

Queensland Crest
Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

An Act about public sector ethics and conduct

Long title amd 1999 No. 55s 3; 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

Part 1 Preliminary

1Short title

This Act may be cited as the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994.


The dictionary in the schedule defines particular words used in this Act.

s 2 Note—s 2 contained definitions for this Act. Definitions are now located in the schedule (Dictionary). Annotations for definitions contained in s 2 are located in annotations for the schedule.

amd 1999 No. 55s 4(1)

3Act binds all persons

This Act binds all persons, including the State.

Part 2 Ethics principles

pt 2 hdg sub 2010 No. 37s 81

4Declaration of ethics principles

(1)The ethics principles mentioned in subsection (2) are declared to be fundamental to good public administration.
(2)The ethics principles are—
integrity and impartiality
promoting the public good
commitment to the system of government
accountability and transparency.

s 4 amd 2010 No. 37s 82

Part 3 Ethics values

pt 3 hdg sub 2010 No. 37s 83

Division 1 Nature, purpose and application of ethics values

pt 3 div 1 hdg sub 2010 No. 37s 83

5Nature, purpose and application of values

(1)In recognition of the ethics principles, ethics values are to apply to public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials.
(2)The values mentioned in division 2 are the ethics values for public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials.
(3)The ethics values are intended to provide the basis for codes of conduct for public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials and are not of themselves legally enforceable.

s 5 sub 2010 No. 37s 83

Division 2 The ethics values

pt 3 div 2 hdg sub 2010 No. 37s 83

6Integrity and impartiality

In recognition that public office involves a public trust, public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials seek to promote public confidence in the integrity of the public sector and—
(a)are committed to the highest ethical standards; and
(b)accept and value their duty to provide advice which is objective, independent, apolitical and impartial; and
(c)show respect towards all persons, including employees, clients and the general public; and
(d)acknowledge the primacy of the public interest and undertake that any conflict of interest issue will be resolved or appropriately managed in favour of the public interest; and
(e)are committed to honest, fair and respectful engagement with the community.

s 6 sub 2010 No. 37s 83

7Promoting the public good

In recognition that the public sector is the mechanism through which the elected representatives deliver programs and services for the benefit of the people of Queensland, public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials—
(a)accept and value their duty to be responsive to both the requirements of government and to the public interest; and
(b)accept and value their duty to engage the community in developing and effecting official public sector priorities, policies and decisions; and
(c)accept and value their duty to manage public resources effectively, efficiently and economically; and
(d)value and seek to achieve excellence in service delivery; and
(e)value and seek to achieve enhanced integration of services to better service clients.

s 7 sub 2010 No. 37s 83

8Commitment to the system of government

(1)In recognition that the public sector has a duty to uphold the system of government and the laws of the State, Commonwealth and local government, public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials—
(a)accept and value their duty to uphold the system of government and the laws of the State, the Commonwealth and local government; and
(b)are committed to effecting official public sector priorities, policies and decisions professionally and impartially; and
(c)accept and value their duty to operate within the framework of Ministerial responsibility to government, the Parliament and the community.
(2)Subsection (1) does not limit the responsibility of a public service agency, public sector entity or public official to act independently of government if the independence of the agency, entity or official is required by legislation or government policy, or is a customary feature of the work of the agency, entity or official.

s 8 sub 2010 No. 37s 83

9Accountability and transparency

In recognition that public trust in public office requires high standards of public administration, public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials—
(a)are committed to exercising proper diligence, care and attention; and
(b)are committed to using public resources in an effective and accountable way; and
(c)are committed to managing information as openly as practicable within the legal framework; and
(d)value and seek to achieve high standards of public administration; and
(e)value and seek to innovate and continuously improve performance; and
(f)value and seek to operate within a framework of mutual obligation and shared responsibility between public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials.

s 9 amd 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

sub 2010 No. 37s 83

Part 4 Codes of conduct for public officials

Division 1 Codes of conduct generally

pt 4 div 1 hdg sub 2010 No. 37s 84

10Nature and purpose of codes

(1)In recognition of the ethics principles and values for public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials, codes of conduct are to apply to those agencies, entities and officials in performing their official functions.
(2)The purpose of a code is to provide standards of conduct for public service agencies, public sector entities and public officials consistent with the ethics principles and values.

s 10 prev s 10 om 2010 No. 37s 83

pres s 10 ins 2010 No. 37s 85

Division 2 Public service agencies

pt 4 div 2 hdg prev div 2 hdg om 2010 No. 37s 87

pres div 2 hdg (prev div 1A hdg) ins 2010 No. 37s 85

renum 2010 No. 37s 98

Subdivision 1 Code of conduct for public service agencies

pt 4 div 2 sdiv 1 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 85

11Application of code

(1)The code of conduct for public service agencies—
(a)must relate to all public service agencies; and
(b)applies to all public officials of a public service agency; and
(c)may apply to other persons who are not public officials of a public service agency who have a contract or other agreement with the public service agency.

Examples for paragraph (c)—

contractors with the agency and their employees
volunteers with the agency
students on work experience with the agency
(2)The code may make different provision, consistent with the ethics values, for different types of—
(a)public officials; or
(b)persons mentioned in subsection (1)(c).

s 11 prev s 11 om 2010 No. 37s 83

pres s 11 ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12Contents of code

(1)The code of conduct for public service agencies may contain anything the commission chief executive considers necessary or useful for achieving the purpose of a code of conduct.
(2)In particular, the code may provide conduct obligations public officials must comply with.
(3)The code also may contain—
(a)information explaining the purpose of—
(i)the ethics principles and values generally or a particular ethics principle or value; or
(ii)standards of conduct generally or a particular standard of conduct; and
(b)information explaining the object intended to be achieved by the application of—
(i)the ethics principles and values generally or a particular ethics principle or value; or
(ii)standards of conduct generally or a particular standard of conduct; and
(c)guidelines about the application of an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(d)examples of the operation of an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(e)explanatory notes about an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(f)references to Acts applying to public officials in performing their official functions.

s 12 sub 2010 No. 37s 85

12APreparation of code

(1)The commission chief executive must ensure that a code of conduct is prepared for public service agencies.
(2)The commission chief executive must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to consult about the code with—
(a)public service agencies; and
(b)public officials to whom the code is to apply; and
(c)industrial organisations representing the interests of a public official mentioned in paragraph (b); and
(d)other appropriate entities representing the interests of a public official mentioned in paragraph (b).

s 12A ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12BApproval of code

(1)The Premier may approve a code of conduct for public service agencies prepared under section 12A.
(2)The Premier may approve the code only if it is accompanied by a written statement by the commission chief executive outlining—
(a)the nature and extent of the consultations that took place during the preparation of the code; and
(b)the outcome of the consultations.
(3)In deciding whether to approve the code, the Premier must have regard to the statement mentioned in subsection (2).
(4)The code can not apply to a public service agency or a public official of the agency until it is approved by the Premier.

s 12B ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12CReview of code

(1)The commission chief executive must review the code of conduct for public service agencies within 1 year after it is approved under section 12B.
(2)The commission chief executive must subsequently review the code no later than 2 years after the previous review.

s 12C ins 2010 No. 37s 85

Subdivision 2 Standards of practice for public service agencies

pt 4 div 2 sdiv 2 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12DNature and application of a standard of practice

(1)A standard of practice applies additional standards of conduct and behaviour to public officials of a particular public service agency.
(2)A standard of practice must—
(a)have regard to the ethics principles and values; and
(b)support the standards of conduct in the code of conduct for public service agencies.
(3)A standard of practice—
(a)applies to all public officials of the public service agency; and
(b)may apply to other persons who are not public officials of the agency who have a contract or other agreement with the agency.

Examples for paragraph (b)—

contractors with the agency and their employees
volunteers with the agency
students on work experience with the agency
(4)A standard of practice for a public service agency may make different provision, consistent with the ethics values, for different types of—
(a)public officials of the agency; or
(b)persons mentioned in subsection (3)(b).

s 12D ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12EPreparation of standard

(1)A public service agency may prepare its own standard of practice.
(2)The commission chief executive may issue guidelines for the preparation of a standard of practice by a public service agency.
(3)If a public service agency prepares a standard of practice, the chief executive officer of the agency must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to consult about the standard of practice with—
(a)public officials to whom the standard is to apply; and
(b)industrial organisations representing the interests of a public official mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(c)other appropriate entities representing the interests of a public official mentioned in paragraph (a).

s 12E ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12FApproval of standard

(1)The commission chief executive may approve a standard of practice for a public service agency.
(2)The commission chief executive may approve the standard of practice only if it is accompanied by a written statement by the chief executive officer of the public service agency outlining—
(a)the nature and extent of the consultations that took place during the preparation of the standard of practice; and
(b)the outcome of the consultations.
(3)In deciding whether to approve the standard of practice, the commission chief executive must have regard to the statement mentioned in subsection (2).
(4)A standard of practice can not apply to a public service agency or to a public official of an agency until it is approved by the commission chief executive.

s 12F ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12GReview of standard

(1)The chief executive of the public service agency must review a standard of practice for an agency within 1 year after it is approved.
(2)The chief executive of the public service agency must subsequently review the standard of practice no later than 2 years after the previous review.

s 12G ins 2010 No. 37s 85

Subdivision 3 Public officials to comply with code of conduct and standard of practice

pt 4 div 2 sdiv 3 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12HCompliance with code and standard of practice

A public official of a public service agency must comply with the code of conduct for public service agencies and any standard of practice that applies to the official.

s 12H ins 2010 No. 37s 85

Subdivision 4 Additional responsibilities of chief executive officers

pt 4 div 2 sdiv 4 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12IAccess to ethics principles and values, and code of conduct

The chief executive officer of a public service agency must ensure that each public official of the agency and each person mentioned in section 11(1)(c) has reasonable access to a copy of the following—
(a)the ethics principles and values;
(b)the standards of conduct stated in the code of conduct for public service agencies that apply to the official or person;
(c)any standard of practice that applies to the official or person.

s 12I ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12JPublication of code of conduct and standards of practice

(1)The chief executive officer of a public service agency must publish and keep available for inspection by any person copies of the approved code of conduct for public service agencies and any standard of practice applying to the agency.
(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared that a reference in this section to a person includes a reference to a member of the public.

s 12J ins 2010 No. 37s 85

12KEducation and training

(1)The chief executive officer of a public service agency must ensure that public officials of the agency are given access to appropriate education and training about public sector ethics—
(a)as part of an induction program; and
(b)at regular intervals during the officials’ employment.
(2)The education and training must include education and training about the following—
(a)the operation of this Act;
(b)the application of ethics principles and obligations to the public officials;
(c)the contents of the approved code of conduct for public service agencies;
(d)the rights and obligations of the officials in relation to contravention of—
(i)the approved code of conduct for public service agencies; and
(ii)any approved standard of practice.

s 12K ins 2010 No. 37s 85

sub 2012 No. 22s 21

12LProcedures and practices of public service agencies

The chief executive officer of a public service agency must ensure that the administrative procedures and management practices of the agency have proper regard to—
(a)this Act and, in particular, the ethics principles and values; and
(b)the approved code of conduct for public service agencies; and
(c)any standard of practice applying to the agency.

s 12L ins 2010 No. 37s 85


(1)The commission chief executive must ensure that each report of the commission under the Public Service Act 2008, section 46(1)(fa) includes a statement about the following—
(a)the implementation during the reporting period of the code of conduct for public service agencies;
(b)details of the action taken during the reporting period to comply with section 12A.
(2)The chief executive officer of a public service agency must ensure that each annual report of the agency includes a statement about the following—
(a)the implementation during the reporting period of the code of conduct for public service agencies and any standard of practice applying to the agency;
(b)details of the action taken during the reporting period to comply with sections 12K and 12L.

s 12M ins 2010 No. 37s 85

Division 3 Public sector entities

pt 4 div 3 hdg (prev div 1B hdg) ins 2010 No. 37s 85

renum 2010 No. 37s 98

Subdivision 1 Codes of conduct for public sector entities

pt 4 div 3 sdiv 1 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 85

13Application of codes

(1)A code of conduct for a public sector entity—
(a)must relate to the particular public sector entity; and
(b)applies to all public officials of the entity; and
(c)may apply to other persons who are not public officials of the entity who have a contract or other agreement with the entity.

Examples for paragraph (c)—

contractors with the entity and their employees
volunteers with the entity
students on work experience with the entity
(2)A code of conduct for a public sector entity may make different provision, consistent with the ethics values, for different types of—
(a)public officials; or
(b)persons mentioned in subsection (1)(c).

s 13 sub 2010 No. 37s 85

14Contents of codes

(1)A code of conduct for a public sector entity may contain anything the responsible authority for the entity considers necessary or useful for achieving the purpose of a code of conduct.
(2)In particular, a code may provide conduct obligations public officials must comply with.
(3)A code also may contain—
(a)information explaining the purpose of—
(i)the ethics values generally or a particular ethics value; or
(ii)standards of conduct generally or a particular standard of conduct; and
(b)information explaining the object intended to be achieved by the application of—
(i)the ethics values generally or a particular ethics value; or
(ii)standards of conduct generally or a particular standard of conduct; and
(c)guidelines about the application of an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(d)examples of the operation of an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(e)explanatory notes about an ethics principle, value or standard of conduct; and
(f)references to Acts applying to public officials in performing their official functions.

s 14 amd 2010 No. 37s 86

15Preparation of codes of conduct

The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must ensure that a code of conduct is prepared for the entity.

16Consultations in preparation of codes

(1)This section applies to the preparation of a code of conduct for a public sector entity.
(2)The public sector entity’s chief executive officer must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to consult about the code with—
(a)the public officials to whom the code is to apply; and
(b)industrial organisations representing the interests of any of the officials; and
(c)other appropriate entities representing the interests of any of the officials.

s 16 amd 2010 No. 37s 88

17Approval of codes

(1)The responsible authority for a public sector entity may approve a code of conduct prepared under section 15.
(2)The responsible authority may approve the code of conduct only if it is accompanied by a written statement by the chief executive officer outlining—
(a)the nature and extent of the consultations that took place during the preparation of the code; and
(b)the outcome of the consultations.
(3)In deciding whether to approve the code of conduct, the responsible authority must have regard to the statement mentioned in subsection (2).
(4)The code of conduct can not apply to the public sector entity or to a public official of the entity until it is approved by the responsible authority for the entity.

s 17 amd 2010 No. 37s 89

Subdivision 2 Public officials to comply with codes

pt 4 div 3 sdiv 2 hdg (prev div 3 hdg) renum 2010 No. 37s 90

18Compliance with codes

A public official of a public sector entity must comply with the standards of conduct stated in the entity’s code of conduct that apply to the official.

s 18 amd 2010 No. 37s 91

Subdivision 3 Additional responsibilities of chief executive officers

pt 4 div 3 sdiv 3 hdg (prev pt 5 hdg) renum 2010 No. 37s 92

19Access to ethics values and codes of conduct

The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must ensure that each public official of the entity and each person mentioned in section 13(1)(c) has reasonable access to a copy of the following—
(a)the ethics principles and values;
(b)the standards of conduct stated in the entity’s code of conduct that apply to the official or person.

s 19 sub 2010 No. 37s 93

20Publication of codes of conduct

(1)The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must publish and keep available for inspection by any person an appropriate number of copies of the entity’s approved code of conduct.
(2)To remove any doubt, it is declared that a reference in this section to a person includes a reference to a member of the public.

s 20 amd 2010 No. 37s 94

21Education and training

(1)The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must ensure that public officials of the entity are given access to appropriate education and training about public sector ethics.
(2)In particular, the education and training must relate to—
(a)the operation of this Act; and
(b)the application of ethics principles and obligations to the public officials; and
(c)the contents of the entity’s approved code of conduct; and
(d)the rights and obligations of the officials in relation to contraventions of the approved code of conduct.

s 21 amd 2010 No. 37s 95

22Procedures and practices of public sector entities

The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must ensure that the administrative procedures and management practices of the entity have proper regard to—
(a)this Act and, in particular, the ethics principles and values; and
(b)the entity’s approved code of conduct.

s 22 amd 2010 No. 37s 96


The chief executive officer of a public sector entity must ensure that each annual report of the entity includes an implementation statement giving details of the action taken during the reporting period to comply with the following sections—
section 15 (Preparation of codes of conduct)
section 21 (Education and training)
section 22 (Procedures and practices of public sector entities).

s 23 amd 2010 No. 37s 97

Part 5 Disciplinary action

pt 5 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 99

23AApplication of pt 5

This part does not apply to a person mentioned in section 11(1)(c) or 13(1)(c).

s 23A ins 2010 No. 37s 100

24Disciplinary action for contravention of code of conduct or standard of practice

It is the intention of Parliament that any disciplinary action for a contravention of an approved code of conduct or an approved standard of practice by a public official should be dealt with under—
(a)if the official is a public service officer—the Public Service Act 2008; or
(b)if the official is a local government employee—the local government legislation applying to the local government; or
(c)if the official is not a public service officer or a local government employee but there are disciplinary processes applying to the official—the disciplinary processes; or
(d)if there are no disciplinary processes applying to the official—the regulations.

s 24 amd 1996 No. 37s 147sch 2; 2009 No. 25s 83sch; 2010 No. 37s 101

Part 6 Miscellaneous

pt 6 hdg prev pt 6 hdg om 2010 No. 37s 99

pres pt 6 hdg (prev pt 7 hdg (prev pt 8 hdg (orig pt 7 hdg))) renum 1999 No. 55s 5; 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1; 2010 No. 37s 102

pt 6 div 1 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pt 6 div 2 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

25Regulation-making power

The Governor in Council may make regulations under this Act.

s 25 prev s 25 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2007 No. 36s 2sch

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pres s 25 (prev s 44 (orig s 25)) renum 1999 No. 55s 6; 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

Part 7 Transitional provisions for Integrity Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2010

pt 7 hdg prev pt 7 hdg ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pres pt 7 hdg ins 2010 No. 37s 103

pt 7 div 3 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pt 7 div 4 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pt 7 div 5 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pt 7 div 6 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pt 7 div 7 hdg om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

26Codes of conduct for public sector entities

(1)This section applies to a code of conduct that, immediately before the commencement, was an approved code of conduct and in force for a continuing public sector entity.
(2)The code continues in force and is taken to be the approved code of conduct for the continuing public sector entity during the transition period.
(3)In this section—
commencement means the commencement of this section.
continuing public sector entity means an entity, other than a public service agency, that was a public sector entity immediately before the commencement.
transition period means the period—
(a)starting on the commencement; and
(b)ending on 1 July 2011.

s 26 prev s 26 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pres s 26 ins 2010 No. 37s 103

27Codes of conduct for public service agencies

(1)This section applies to a code of conduct that, immediately before the commencement, was an approved code of conduct and in force for an entity that is a public service agency on the commencement.
(2)The code continues in force and is taken to be the approved code of conduct for the public service agency during the transition period.
(3)In this section—
commencement means the commencement of this section.
transition period means the period—
(a)starting on the commencement; and
(b)ending on 1 January 2011.

s 27 prev s 27 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2009 No. 25s 79

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

pres s 27 ins 2010 No. 37s 103


s 28 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2005 No. 28s 72

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 29 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 30 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2009 No. 25s 80

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 31 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 32 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 33 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2005 No. 28s 73

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 33A ins 2005 No. 28s 74

om 2009 No. 13s 213sch 5


s 33B ins 2005 No. 28s 74

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 34 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2005 No. 28s 75; 2009 No. 25s 81

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 35 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 36 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 37 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

amd 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 38 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 39 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 40 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 41 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 42 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1


s 43 ins 1999 No. 55s 7

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

Schedule Dictionary

section 2

agricultural college ...

sch def agricultural college reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2005 No. 20s 60sch 1; 2014 No. 4s 44sch 1

om 2020 No. 3s 136sch 1

agricultural college means the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges under the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 2005.

sch def agricultural college reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2005 No. 20s 60sch 1; 2014 No. 4s 44sch 1

approved code of conduct means—
(a)for public service agencies—the code of conduct approved under section 12B; or
(b)for a public sector entity—a code of conduct approved under section 17.

sch def approved code of conduct reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2010 No. 37s 104(1)–(2)

approved standard of practice means a standard of practice for a public sector agency approved under section 12F.

sch def approved standard of practice ins 2010 No. 37s 104(2)

chief executive officer
The chief executive officer of a public sector entity is—
(a)for the parliamentary service—the clerk of the Parliament; or
(b)for a local government—the local government’s chief executive officer; or
(c)for a university established under an Act—the vice-chancellor of the university; or
(d)for another public sector entity—the person prescribed under a regulation or, if no person is prescribed, the person responsible to the Minister for the management of the entity.
The chief executive officer of a public service agency is—
(a)for the administrative office of a court or tribunal—the chief executive of the department in which is administered the legislation under which the court or tribunal is established; or
(b)for a department—the chief executive of the department; or
(c)for another public service agency—the person prescribed under a regulation or, if no person is prescribed, the person responsible to the Minister for the management of the agency.

sch def chief executive officer ins 2010 No. 37s 104(2)

amd 2014 No. 25s 223 sch 1pt 2

chief executive officer of a local government...

sch def chief executive officer of a local government reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

chief executive officer of a public sector entity...

sch def chief executive officer of a public sector entity reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

commission chief executive means the chief executive of the Public Service Commission under the Public Service Act 2008.

sch def commission chief executive ins 2010 No. 37s 104(2)

commission of inquiry means a commission of inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950, and includes an inquiry under commission mentioned in section 4(2) of that Act.

sch def commission of inquiry reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

conduct obligation means an obligation stated in an approved code of conduct.

sch def conduct obligation reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

amd 2010 No. 37s 104(3)

conflict of interest issue ...

sch def conflict of interest issue ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

corporatised corporation ...

sch def corporatised corporation ins 1997 No. 23s 66(2)

amd 1999 No. 19s 3sch 1

reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

sub 2009 No. 17s 331sch 1 (amdt could not be given effect)

designated person ...

sch def designated person ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

ethics obligations ...

sch def ethics obligations reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

ethics or integrity issue ...

sch def ethics or integrity issue ins 2005 No. 28s 76

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

ethics principles see section 4(2).

sch def ethics principles reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2010 No. 37s 104(1)–(2)

ethics values see section 5(2).

sch def ethics values ins 2010 No. 37s 104(2)

government entity ...

sch def government entity ins 1999 No. 55s 8

amd 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

government member ...

sch def government member ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 25s 82(1)

information ...

sch def information ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

integrity commissioner ...

sch def integrity commissioner ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

judicial officer includes a registrar or deputy registrar of a court or tribunal performing delegated judicial tasks.

sch def judicial officer reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

Leader of the Opposition ...

sch def Leader of the Opposition ins 2009 No. 25s 82(2)

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

local government legislation means—
(a)the following Acts—
(i)the City of Brisbane Act 2010;
(ii)the Local Government Act 2009; or
(b)an Act prescribed under a regulation.

sch def local government legislation reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

amd 2004 No. 37s 86sch 1; 2007 No. 59s 152sch

sub 2009 No. 17s 331sch 1

amd 2010 No. 23s 352sch 1

maladministration ...

sch def maladministration reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

non-government member ...

sch def non-government member ins 2009 No. 25s 82(2)

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

Parliamentary Commissioner ...

sch def Parliamentary Commissioner reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2001 No. 73s 96sch 1

parliamentary committee ...

sch def parliamentary committee ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

Parliamentary Secretary ...

sch def Parliamentary Secretary ins 1999 No. 55s 8

amd 2001 No. 80s 94sch 2

om 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

public official
(a)for a public service agency, means—
(i)an officer or employee of the agency; or
(ii)a constituent member of the agency, whether holding office by election or selection;

but does not include a judicial officer; or

(b)for a public sector entity, means—
(i)an officer or employee of the entity; or
(ii)a constituent member of the entity, whether holding office by election or selection;

but does not include a local government councillor.

sch def public official reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2010 No. 37s 104(1)–(2)

public sector entity means any of the following—
(a)the parliamentary service;
(b)a local government;
(c)a university established under an Act or an agricultural college;
(d)an entity established under an Act or under State or local government authorisation for a public, State or local government purpose;
(e)an entity prescribed under a regulation;
but does not include any of the following—
(f)a GOC;
(g)a corporation owned by a local government, or a subsidiary of a corporation owned by a local government;
(h)the following entities under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006
(i)a parents and citizens association;
(ii)a non-State school;
(iii)an advisory committee;
(i)an entity prescribed under a regulation as a public service agency.

sch def public sector entity amd 1997 No. 23s 66(1)

reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

amd 2000 No. 23s 293sch 2; 2006 No. 39s 512(1)sch 1; 2007 No. 53s 30sch; 2009 No. 52s 115sch 1

sub 2010 No. 37s 104(1)–(2)

amd 2012 No. 33s 186; 2014 No. 25s 223 sch 1pt 2; 2014 No. 62s 140sch 1; 2020 No. 3s 136sch 1

public service agency means any of the following—
(a)a department;
(b)TAFE Queensland;
(c)the administrative office of a court or tribunal;
(d)an entity prescribed under a regulation that is not a public service agency.

sch def public service agency ins 2010 No. 37s 104(2)

amd 2013 No. 27s 70 sch 1pt 2; 2014 No. 25s 223 sch 1pt 2

public service office ...

sch def public service office ins 1999 No. 55s 8

amd 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

remuneration ...

sch def remuneration ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

responsible authority, for a public sector entity, means—
(a)for the parliamentary service—the Speaker; or
(b)for a university established under an Act—the council of the university; or
(c)for a local government—the local government’s chief executive officer; or
(d)for another public sector entity established under an Act—the Minister administering the Act; or
(e)for another public sector entity—the Minister administering the entity.

sch def responsible authority amd 1995 No. 38s 35sch 1

reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

sub 2010 No. 37s 104(1)–(2)

amd 2014 No. 25s 223 sch 1pt 2

senior executive equivalent ...

sch def senior executive equivalent ins 1999 No. 55s 8

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

senior executive officer ...

sch def senior executive officer ins 1999 No. 55s 8

sub 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

senior officer ...

sch def senior officer ins 1999 No. 55s 8

sub 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

State college ...

sch def State college reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 2000 No. 23s 293sch 2

State educational institution ...

sch def State educational institution reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

om 1999 No. 81s 46

statutory office ...

sch def statutory office ins 1999 No. 55s 8

amd 2009 No. 25s 83sch

om 2010 No. 37s 104(1)

statutory TAFE institute ...

sch def statutory TAFE institute ins 2007 No. 53s 30sch

om 2013 No. 27s 70 sch 1pt 2

TAFE institute ...

sch def TAFE institute ins 2000 No. 23s 293sch 2

amd 2003 No. 63s 60sch

om 2014 No. 25s 223 sch 1pt 2

TAFE Queensland means TAFE Queensland established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013, section 5(1).

sch def TAFE Queensland ins 2013 No. 27s 70 sch 1pt 2

tribunal means—
(a)QCAT or another tribunal that is constituted by a person acting judicially; or
(b)a body or person performing a function under an Act to hear appeals by employees about dismissal from employment, disciplinary action or other unfair treatment; or
(c)a commission of inquiry.

sch def tribunal amd 1997 No. 59s 48sch 1

reloc 1999 No. 55s 4(2)

amd 2009 No. 24s 1627

sch Note—definitions for this Act were originally located in s 2.

ins 1999 No. 55s 8