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Matched provisions

Note: This provision is in an Act as passed or an SL as made.

Fragment No Year First Valid Date
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008 - 106 Penalties payable to consolidated fund 46 2008 2017-07-03
Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 - 106 Certain persons liable for offences by unincorporated bodies 90 1991 2024-02-01
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 - 106 Cancellation of permit etc. not affected by other provisions 22 1982 2012-01-30
Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995 - 106 False or misleading documents 2 1995 2019-09-12
Trusts Act 1973 - 106 Proceedings in case of charitable trust 24 1973 2017-11-24
National Gas (Queensland) Law - 106 Revocation by consent ngql 2008 2024-05-08
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 - 106 Mediation 79 2003 2018-11-09
Offshore Minerals Act 1998 - 106 Payment of fee 10 1998 2013-11-01
Financial Intermediaries Act 1996 - 106 Vacation of office 23 1996 2012-01-30
Fossicking Act 1994 - 106 Protection against liability 63 1994 2019-03-29
Partnership Act 1891 - 106 Assumptions that can be made under s 105 7 1891 2012-05-28
Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 - 106 Suspension—grounds 240 2004 2021-01-01
Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 - 106 [Repealed] 85 1993 2014-05-28
Private Health Facilities Act 1999 - 106 Tampering with seized things 60 1999 2021-01-01
Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011 - 106 Nominal entitlement for a water licence 283 2011 2022-09-02
Associations Incorporation Act 1981 - 106 Financial year 74 1981 2022-11-03
Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 - 106 Cheating 26 1999 2022-10-21
Property Law Act 1974 - 106 Obligations in short leases 76 1974 2022-04-30
Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 - 106 Orders QCAT may make on claim hearing 18 2014 2023-03-01
Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006 - 106 Disputes not referred before 1 July 2012 61 2006 2023-03-01
Forensic Disability Act 2011 - 106 Appointment of authorised officers 13 2011 2023-03-01
Justices Act 1886 - 106 Saving 17 1886 2023-03-01
Information Privacy Act 2009 - 106 Applications where decision delayed 14 2009 2023-03-01
Maintenance Act 1965 - 106 Evidentiary 44 1965 2023-03-01
Marine Parks Act 2004 - 106 Dealing with proceeds of sale 31 2004 2023-03-01
Land Valuation Act 2010 - 106 New owners 39 2010 2023-03-01
State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 - 106 Liability for costs of work to remedy default 55 1971 2023-03-01
Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 - 106 Unlawful interference with an aid to navigation 14 1994 2023-03-01
Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 - 106 Transfer of rights under access agreement 25 1997 2023-03-01
Biodiscovery Act 2004 - 106 [Repealed] 19 2004 2023-03-01
Co-operatives National Law (Queensland) - 106 Co-operative protected cnl 2020 2020-12-01
Taxation Administration Act 2001 - 106 Compensation 72 2001 2023-06-23
Stock Route Management Act 2002 - 106 Preparing draft plan—matters local government must have regard to 12 2002 2023-07-01
Industrial Relations Regulation 2018 - 106 How ballot manager must deal with voting material 19 2018 2023-07-28
Biosecurity Regulation 2016 - 106 Animal with microchip moved from saleyard—Act, s 187(b) 75 2016 2023-08-25
Human Rights Act 2019 - 106 Act does not affect laws about termination of pregnancy 5 2019 2023-09-20
Radiation Safety Act 1999 - 106 Appointments 20 1999 2023-11-15
Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 - 106 Appeal against order of referee 42 1980 2023-11-22
Local Government Electoral Act 2011 - 106 Definitions for part 27 2011 2023-11-22
Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) - 106 Application for approval in principle ecsnlq 2013 2023-11-22
Transport Infrastructure (Dangerous Goods by Rail) Regulation 2018 - 106 Approval of methods of segregation 105 2018 2023-12-01
Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 - 106 Act does not limit Assembly’s powers 81 2001 2023-12-04
Fair Trading Act 1989 - 106 Savings of rights and remedies 84 1989 2023-03-01
Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 - 106 Additional matters may be included in statement of corporate intent 28 1993 2023-03-01
Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019 - 106 Carrying forward of unused entitlement 178 2019 2024-01-01
Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 - 106 [Repealed] 47 1994 2023-03-01
Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 - 106 Chairperson 24 2017 2024-02-01
Building Boost Grant Act 2011 - 106 Valuation or evidence of value of property 36 2011 2024-02-01
Education and Care Services Act 2013 - 106 Effect of temporary waiver 44 2013 2024-02-01
Education (Overseas Students) Act 2018 - 106 Definition for part 1 2018 2024-02-01