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Matched provisions

Note: This provision is in an Act as passed or an SL as made.

Fragment No Year First Valid Date
Marine Parks Regulation 2017 - 81 Procedure for non-immediate cancellation or suspension 154 2017 2018-07-01
Superannuation (State Public Sector) Deed 1990 - 81 Application to be made for benefits sspsd 1990 2017-06-30
Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2005 - 81 [Repealed] 329 2005 2018-07-01
Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Regulation 2014 - 81 Appointment of officials for examination or test 126 2014 2018-01-01
Industrial Relations Regulation 2018 - 81 Notifying refusal of ballot application 19 2018 2018-03-01
Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Regulation 2017 - 81 Labelling generally 15 2017 2018-01-01
Industrial Relations (Tribunals) Rules 2011 - 81 Application for injunction—Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 237 2011 2018-03-01
Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2017 - 81 Go slow area—existing transit lane notices published under expired zoning plan, s 28 155 2017 2017-09-01
City of Brisbane Regulation 2012 - 81 Notice to owner of categorisation 235 2012 2017-05-05
Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 - 81 Oral prescription 414 1996 2018-03-09
Health Regulation 1996 - 81 [Repealed] 121 1996 2018-01-01
Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 - 81 Additional restriction for licence for reptiles 205 2006 2018-07-01
Explosives Regulation 2017 - 81 Prohibited conduct 150 2017 2018-07-01
Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 - 81 Records kept by importer 370 2008 2018-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Commercial Module) Regulation 2008 - 81 Form of engagement [SM, s 116] 271 2008 2018-07-01
Traffic Regulation 1962 - 81 [Repealed] tr 1962 2018-07-01
Transport Infrastructure (Public Marine Facilities) Regulation 2011 - 81 Arrangement for paying approval fees 161 2011 2018-07-01
Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 2010 - 81 Particular notice is evidence of unused entitlement 357 2010 2017-03-01
Childrens Court Rules 2016 - 81 Particular children may be asked to make affidavit only with court’s leave 92 2016 2016-07-01
Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011 - 81 Interference with water to satisfy the requirements of an environmental authority 283 2011 2017-09-02
Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 2009 - 81 Giving way at a pedestrian crossing 194 2009 2018-06-18
Electricity Regulation 2006 - 81 [Repealed] 200 2006 2018-07-01
Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 - 81 Action to be taken if certified equipment does not meet certification requirements or is likely to create an unacceptable level of risk 165 2017 2018-07-01
Water Plan (Gulf) 2007 - 81 [Repealed] 268 2007 2017-09-02
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 - 81 Licence required to carry out high risk work 240 2011 2018-07-01
Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2010 - 81 Definition for div 3 191 2010 2018-07-01
Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 2008 - 81 Taking samples of any pollutant, substance or thing in or on the ship or place 254 2008 2018-07-01
Fisheries Regulation 2008 - 81 Prohibited activities 83 2008 2018-07-01
Local Government Regulation 2012 - 81 Categorisation of land for differential general rates 236 2012 2018-02-18
Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Regulation 2017 - 81 Protecting survey data against loss, damage or unauthorised access 166 2017 2018-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Specified Two-lot Schemes Module) Regulation 2011 - 81 Recovery by body corporate of debts under previous regulation 305 2011 2018-07-01
Water Plan (Moreton) 2007 - 81 Boundaries of watercourse buffer zone 31 2007 2017-09-29
Criminal Practice Rules 1999 - 81 Starting appeal 112 1999 2017-03-05
Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 2008 - 81 Power of person chairing meeting to rule motion out of order 273 2008 2018-07-01
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014 - 81 Payment of amount 189 2014 2018-07-01
Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2017 - 81 Surrendering relevant authority 156 2017 2018-07-01
Youth Justice (Transitional) Regulation 2018 - 81 Admissibility of particular matters 3 2018 2018-02-12
Body Corporate and Community Management (Accommodation Module) Regulation 2008 - 81 Meaning of voter for general meeting [SM, s 83] 270 2008 2018-07-01
Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 - 81 Special management provision 240 2004 2017-09-01
Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 - 81 Definitions for div 4 213 2013 2018-07-01
Geothermal Energy Regulation 2012 - 81 [Repealed] 6 2012 2018-07-01
Weapons Regulation 2016 - 81 Ceiling 131 2016 2018-07-01
Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2017 - 81 Declarations for Aboriginal land protected areas 157 2017 2018-07-01
Mineral Resources Regulation 2013 - 81 Working out unpaid royalty interest on royalty payable for quarterly return period—Act, s 332 170 2013 2018-07-01
Water Plan (Burdekin Basin) 2007 - 81 Definition for subdivision 189 2007 2017-09-02
Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008 - 81 Relevant former instructions may be given instead of first-response evacuation instructions 160 2008 2018-07-01
Water Resource (Whitsunday) Plan 2010 - 81 [Repealed] 17 2010 2016-12-06
Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 - 81 Amendment, suspension or cancellation—procedure 343 2008 2017-09-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Small Schemes Module) Regulation 2008 - 81 Administration of administrative or sinking fund by body corporate manager [SM, s 147] 272 2008 2018-07-01
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules 2009 - 81 Limited disclosure for minor debt claim 253 2009 2017-03-05