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Using legislative tables on this website
Our website enables users to generate point-in-time tables of current and cumulative information about Queensland legislation. The tables are automatically generated on demand from the data available on the website at the time a user runs a request.
For most of the tables, users can select a relevant date range if they wish and, most importantly, results are generated very quickly.
What tables are available?
The tables currently available are:
Current and point-in-time information
Acts in force
Subordinate legislation in force
Uncommenced Acts
Cumulative information
Bills introduced
Acts assented to
Subordinate legislation made
Repealed Acts
Repealed subordinate legislation.
How do the tables work?
- Tables for current and point-in-time information:
Click the Legislative tables link.
From the dot point list, select the table you want to run and click the link for that table.
If necessary, use the calendar to adjust the end-date for your data.
The default end-date is today’s date.
The start date for all generated data is 1 January 1963.
This functionality is not available for the uncommenced Acts table.
For some tables, you can choose to change the way the results will be sorted—alphabetically or chronologically.
Click the Generate table button.
Tables for cumulative information
Click the Legislative tables link.
From the dot point list, select the table you want to run and click the link for that table.
If necessary, use the calendars to adjust the start-date and end-date for your data.
The default end-date is today’s date.
The earliest start-date for all the tables except ‘Bills introduced’ is 1 January 1963; for ‘Bills introduced’, the earliest start-date is 3 November 1992.
For all cumulative tables except ‘Bills introduced’, you can choose to change the way the results will be sorted—alphabetically or chronologically.
Click the Generate table button.
Last updated 1 July 2022 at 18:26