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Finding your way around this website—how-to videos




How do I find Bills?



How do I find explanatory notes for Bills?



Are there proposed amendments to a reprint in an introduced Bill?





How can I find Acts by year of passage?



How can I find Acts alphabetically?



How do I find the legislative history and creation history information about a principal Bill or Act?


How do I find the legislative history and creation history information about an amendment Bill or Act?



Subordinate Legislation


How do I find subordinate legislation by year of notification?

How do I find subordinate legislation alphabetically?

How do I find the legislative history and creation history information for principal subordinate legislation?

How do I find the legislative history and creation history information for amendment subordinate legislation, proclamations and postponement regulations?

How do I find explanatory notes and regulatory impact statements for subordinate legislation?



How do I find the current reprint alphabetically?

How do I find the legislative history and creation history information for reprints?

How do I find the history notes for a reprint?

How can I identify changes to a reprint that will commence on a future date?

How do I use the timeline to find a historical reprint as in force on a specific date?

How do I use the legislative history to find a historical reprint as in force on a specific date?


Last updated 1 July 2022 at 18:41