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Feedback and contacting us
How can I give feedback about this website?
You can email us with your feedback by clicking the Feedback link on the right-hand side of the website banner.
Who should I contact if I discover an error in a reprint?
We always appreciate errors being brought to our attention so they can be fixed! Please contact us by phone or email with details of the error.
Who should I contact if I need more information about the interpretation or operation of legislation?
Legal research and advice is not part of our role but we can suggest a range of other organisations that may be able to help.
Who should I contact if I have a technical question about the website?
Before contacting us, please check to see if your question is covered by any of our technical FAQs.
If not, the webmaster may be able to help you with questions of a technical nature only, such as accessibility, broken links or corrupt files. Please email
Please note, however, that we do not provide support for the configuration of browsers or the installation of software associated with reading files from this site.
Last updated 1 July 2022 at 18:26