QueenslandSustainablePlanningAct2009SustainablePlanningRegulation2009Current as at 28 May 2014
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Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
1 Preliminary[s 1]Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009[as amended by all amendments that
commenced on or before 28 May 2014]Part 1Preliminary1Short
titleThisregulationmaybecitedastheSustainablePlanningRegulation 2009.2CommencementThis regulation
commences on 18 December 2009.3DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 26 defines particular words used inthis
regulation.Part 2Prescribed
matters for Act,chapters 2 to 54Designated regions—Act, s 22(1)The local government areas, or parts
of the local governmentareas, of each group of local
governments mentioned in a partof schedule 1
are prescribed as a designated region for section22(1)(a) of the Act.(2)Each
designated region has the name given in schedule 1.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 3
Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 5]5Guideline for making or amending
planning scheme orplanning scheme policy—Act, s 117(1)The
guideline for making or amending a planning scheme orplanning scheme policy is contained in the
document called‘Statutoryguideline01/14Makingandamendinglocalplanning instruments’, dated 17 April 2014
and published bythe department.6Guideline for making temporary local
planninginstrument—Act, s 117(2)Theguidelineformakingatemporarylocalplanninginstrumentiscontainedinthedocumentcalled‘Statutoryguideline01/14Makingandamendinglocalplanninginstruments’,dated17April2014andpublishedbythedepartment.8Community infrastructure—Act, s 200Community infrastructure stated in schedule
2 is prescribedfor section 200 of the Act.Part
3Prescribed matters for IDASDivision 1General9Assessable development,
self-assessable developmentand type of assessment—Act, s
232(1)For section 232(1) of the Act—(a)developmentstatedinschedule3,part1,column2isassessable development; and(b)developmentstatedinschedule3,part2,isself-assessable development.Page
6Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
3 Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 9A](2)For section 232(3) of the Act,
schedule 3, part 1, column 3identifies the
type of assessment for the development statedopposite in
column 2.9AParticular development not assessable
development orself-assessable development(1)Thissectionappliesfordevelopment,otherthanrelevantbuilding work, carried out on or before 30
June 2015 for theconstruction, installation, use,
maintenance, repair, alteration,decommissioning,demolitionorremovalofG20radiocommunications works.(2)Thedevelopmentisnotassessabledevelopmentorself-assessable development for section
232(1) of the Act.(3)This section applies despite section
9.(4)In this section—relevant
building workmeans development—(a)requiringcodeassessmentunderschedule3,part1,table 1, item 1; or(b)thatisself-assessabledevelopmentunderschedule3,part
2, table 1, item 1 or 2.10Development that
can not be declared to be developmentof a particular
type—Act, s 232Developmentmentionedinschedule4isprescribedforsection 232(2) of the Act.10APrescribed matters for particular
applications—Act, ss255A, 255B and 255C(1)For
each of sections 255A(2)(b), 255B(2)(b) and 255C(2)(b)of
the Act, subsection (2) provides for the prescribed mattersfor
assessing, as relevant—(a)a part of an
application to which section 255A(1)(b) or255B(1)(b) of
the Act applies; orCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 3
Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 11](b)anapplicationtowhichsection255C(1)oftheActapplies.(2)The prescribed matters are the
relevant provisions of the Statedevelopment
assessment provisions that were in effect whenthe application
was properly made.11Applicable codes, laws, policies and
prescribed mattersfor developmentSchedule 5,
parts 1 and 2, column 2 identifies the codes, laws,policies and prescribed matters that may
apply for assessingthe aspect of development mentioned opposite
in column 1.12Assessment manager for
developmentapplications—Act, s 246For section
246(1) of the Act, schedule 6, column 2 states theassessmentmanagerforthedevelopmentapplicationmentioned
opposite the assessment manager in column 1.13Referral agencies and their
jurisdictions—Act, ss 250,251 and 254For sections
250(a), 251(a) and 254(1) of the Act—(a)schedule7,column2statesthereferralagency,andwhether it is an advice agency or a
concurrence agency,for the development application mentioned in
column 1;and(b)schedule7,column3statesthejurisdictionofthereferral agency mentioned in column
2.15Referral agency assessment period—Act,
s 283For section 283(1)(a) of the Act, schedule
15, column 2 statesthe number of business days for the referral
agency mentionedopposite the number in column 1.Page
8Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
3 Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 16]16Requirements for placing public
notices on land—Act, s297(1)Thissectionprescribes,forsection297(1)(b)oftheAct,requirements for placing a notice on
land.(2)The notice must be—(a)placed on, or within 1500mm of, the
road frontage forthe land; and(b)mounted at least 300mm above ground level;
and(c)positioned so that it is visible from
the road; and(d)made of weatherproof material;
and(e)at least 900mm in height and 1200mm in
width.(3)The lettering on the notice must be as
stated on the approvedform of the notice.(4)If the land has more than 1 road
frontage, a notice must beplaced on each road frontage for the
land.(5)Theapplicantmustmaintainthenoticefromthedayitisplaced on the land until the end of
the notification period.(6)In this
section—road frontage, for land,
means—(a)the boundary between the land and any
road adjoiningthe land; or(b)if
the only access to the land is across other land—theboundary between the other land and any road
adjoiningthe other land at the point of
access.Division 2Compliance
assessment18Compliance assessment of particular
development—Act,ss 232 and 397Forsections232(1)(b)and397(3)oftheAct,schedule18prescribes—Current as at 28
May 2014Page 9
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 3
Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 19](a)particulardevelopmentthatrequirescomplianceassessment;
and(b)themattersorthingsagainstwhichthedevelopmentmust be
assessed; and(c)theentitytowhomtherequestforcomplianceassessment must
be made.19Compliance assessment of plans for
reconfiguring alot—Act, ss 397 and 415(1)Forsection397(1)and(3)oftheAct,schedule19prescribes—(a)aparticulardocumentthatrequirescomplianceassessment;
and(b)the matters or things against which
the document mustbe assessed; and(c)theentitytowhomtherequestforcomplianceassessment must
be made; and(d)whentherequestforcomplianceassessmentmustbemade.(2)For
section 415 of the Act—(a)schedule 19 also
prescribes additional actions that mustbe taken by the
compliance assessor in relation to theassessment of
the document; and(b)acompliancecertificatemustbeintheformrequiredunder theLand Title Act
1994for registration of a planof
subdivision.20When notice of decision about
compliance assessmentmust be given—Act, s 408For
section 408(1) of the Act, the prescribed period is—(a)forcomplianceassessmentofdevelopmentorasubdivision plan requiring compliance
assessment underschedule18or19—20businessdaysafterthelocalPage 10Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
3 Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 21]governmentreceivestherequestforcomplianceassessment;
or(b)if the compliance assessor is a public
sector entity or alocal government and paragraph (a) does not
apply—15business days after receiving the request
for complianceassessment; or(c)ifthecomplianceassessorisanominatedentityofalocalgovernmentandacopyoftherequestforcompliance assessment is given to the local
governmentunder section 402 of the Act—the period of
at least 20business days agreed between the entity and
the personmaking the request for compliance
assessment; or(d)ifthecomplianceassessorisanominatedentityofalocal government and paragraph (c)
does not apply—theperiod agreed between the entity and the
person makingthe request for compliance
assessment.21Prescribed period—Act, s 409For
section 409(2)(b) of the Act, the prescribed period for acompliance permit is—(a)ifthepermitisforamaterialchangeofuseorreconfiguring a lot requiring operational
works—4 yearsafter the day it takes effect; or(b)otherwise—2 years after the day it
takes effect.Division 3Fees21AAssessment manager application
fee—Act, s 260(1)Forsection260(1)(d)(ii)oftheAct,theprescribedfee(theassessmentmanagerapplicationfee)foradevelopmentapplication for
an aspect (therelevant aspect) of
developmentmentioned in schedule 7A, part 2, column 2,
is the fee statedin schedule 7A, part 2, column 3,
opposite—(a)the relevant aspect; andCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 3
Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 21B](b)the symbol ‘A’ stated in schedule 7A,
part 2, column 4.(2)However,ifthedevelopmentapplicationisfor2ormorerelevantaspectsofdevelopment,theassessmentmanagerapplication fee for the application is each
fee payable undersubsection (1) for each relevant aspect of
the development.21BConcurrence agency application
fee—Act, s 272(1)Forsection272(1)(c)(i)oftheAct,theprescribedfee(theconcurrenceagencyapplicationfee)foradevelopmentapplication for
an aspect (therelevant aspect) of
developmentmentioned in schedule 7A, part 2, column 2,
is the fee statedin schedule 7A, part 2, column 3,
opposite—(a)the relevant aspect; and(b)the symbol ‘C’ stated in schedule 7A,
part 2, column 4.(2)However,ifthedevelopmentapplicationisfor2ormorerelevantaspectsofdevelopment,theconcurrenceagencyapplication fee for the application is each
fee under subsection(1) for each relevant aspect of
development.Note—Under section
249(a) of the Act, if an entity is the assessment managerand
has 1 or more jurisdictions as a concurrence agency, the entity is
nota concurrence agency.(3)Subsection (4) applies if a relevant aspect
of the developmentapplication is—(a)buildingworktowhichtheQueenslandDevelopmentCode, part 1.4
applies; and(b)theworkisinrelationtoasewer,watermainorstormwater drain; and(c)the work—(i)does
not comply with an acceptable solution for arelevant
performance criteria stated in the part; or(ii)is
for a class of building or structure for which thepart
does not state an acceptable solution.Page 12Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
3 Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 21C](4)Despitesubsection(1),theconcurrenceagencyapplicationfee for the
relevant aspect is an amount—(a)the
concurrence agency considers to be reasonable; and(b)thatisnotmorethanthereasonablecostoftheconcurrence
agency performing its functions under theAct for the
relevant aspect.21CFee for request to change particular
developmentapprovals—Act, s 370(1)This
section applies to a request, under section 369(1)(c) oftheAct,tothechiefexecutiveasaconcurrenceagencytochange a condition of a development
approval imposed by thechief executive.(2)For
section 370(2)(a)(ii) of the Act, the prescribed fee for therequest is—(a)$285.65, if the development approval is only
for—(i)developmentforanenvironmentallyrelevantactivity; or(ii)operational work that is high impact
earthworks ina wetland protection area; or(b)$506.60, if the development approval
is only for—(i)amaterialchangeofuseofpremisesforaquaculture; or(ii)operational work for fisheries development,
otherthan for aquaculture; or(c)$792.25, if the development approval is
for—(i)development mentioned in 1 of
paragraph (a)(i) or(ii); and(ii)development mentioned in 1 of paragraph
(b)(i) or(ii).(3)In
this section—Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 3
Prescribed matters for IDAS[s 21D]fisheries developmentmeans building
work in a declared fishhabitat area or operational work that
is for—(a)1 or more of the following—(i)constructing or raising waterway
barrier works;(ii)workcarriedoutcompletelyorpartlywithinadeclared fish habitat area;(iii)removal,
destruction or damage of a marine plant;and(b)no other assessable
development.21DFee for extension request notice for
particulardevelopment approvals—Act, s 383(1)Thissectionappliestoanextensionrequestnoticeforadevelopment approval if—(a)thenoticeisgiventothechiefexecutiveastheassessment
manager for the development application towhich the
approval relates; and(b)theapprovalisfordevelopmentmentionedinsection21C(2)(a) or
(b).(2)Forsection383(3)(c)(ii)oftheAct,theprescribedfeethatmust accompany
the notice is $285.65.(3)In this
section—extension request notice, for a
development approval, meansanotice,undersection383(1)(b)oftheAct,askingtheassessment manager to extend a period
mentioned in section341 of the Act for the
approval.Page 14Current as at 28
May 2014
4Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
4 Prescribed matters for Act, chapter 7[s 22]Prescribed matters for Act,chapter 722Court
feesThe fees payable for a proceeding in the
court are stated inschedule 20.23Building and development committee fees—Act,
ss 514and 536For sections
514(2) and 536(2) of the Act, the fees payable forproceedings before a building and
development committee fora declaration or an appeal are stated
in schedule 21.24Building and development committee
fast-track fee—Act,ss 515 and 537(1)This
section prescribes the fee to accompany a request undersection 515(2) or 537(2) of the Act to the
chief executive toappointabuildinganddevelopmentcommitteetostarthearing
proceedings for a declaration or an appeal within 2business days after starting the proceedings
or appeal.(2)Thefeepayableunderthissectionis50%of,andisinadditionto,thefeepayablefortheproceedingsorappealunder section
23.(3)However,ifthechiefexecutiverefusestherequest,thefeemust be refunded.25Jurisdiction of building and
developmentcommittees—Act, s 526A decision about
a part of a building development applicationfor which part
the local government is the concurrence agencyis prescribed
for section 526(c) of the Act.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 15
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 4
Prescribed matters for Act, chapter 7[s 26]26Qualifications of general referee—Act,
s 571(1)Forsection571oftheAct,eachofthefollowingqualifications or experience for a member of
a building anddevelopment committee that is to hear and
decide a matter isprescribed for the matter—(a)a demonstrated ability—(i)to negotiate and mediate outcomes
between partiesto an appeal; and(ii)to
apply the principles of natural justice; and(iii)to
analyse complex technical issues; and(iv)tocommunicateeffectively,including,forexample,towriteinformed,succinct,andwell-organisedreports,submissions,decisionsorother documents;(b)demonstrated knowledge of at least 1 of the
followingthe Minister considers is sufficient to
enable the persontoperformthefunctionsofamemberofthebuildingand development
committee in relation to the matter—(i)building design and construction;(ii)siting of
residential buildings;(iii)neighbourhood
amenity issues;(iv)relevant health
or fire safety issues;(v)theAct,theBuildingActorthePlumbingandDrainage Act 2002;(vi)theBCA,QueenslandDevelopmentCode,orAustralian Standards relating to
building work;(vii) the National Plumbing and Drainage
Code, or theAustralianStandardsrelatingtoplumbinganddrainage work.(2)Subsection (3) applies if the matter is
about an infrastructurechargesnotice,regulatedinfrastructurechargesnotice,adoptedinfrastructurechargesnoticeorregulatedStateinfrastructure charges notice.Page
16Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
4 Prescribed matters for Act, chapter 7[s 26](3)A member of the building and
development committee neednothavethequalificationsorexperiencementionedinsubsection (1)(b) if the Minister
considers the member has aqualificationorexperienceinengineeringoraccountingsufficient to
enable the person to perform the functions of amember of the
committee in relation to the matter.(4)Ifthematterisaboutapartofabuildingdevelopmentapplicationforwhichpartthelocalgovernmentistheconcurrenceagency,andthepartisassessedagainsttheplanningscheme,atleast1memberofthebuildinganddevelopment committee must also have—(a)a university qualification in town
planning; and(b)substantialexperienceininterpretingandapplyingprovisions of a
planning scheme.(5)If the matter is about a development
application for a materialchange of use of premises that
involves the use of a class 1,class 2 or class
10 building, at least 1 member of the buildingand development
committee must also have—(a)a university
qualification in town planning or law; and(b)substantialexperienceininterpretingandapplyingprovisions of a
planning scheme.(6)Ifthematterisaboutdevelopment,adocumentorworkrequiringcomplianceassessment,atleast1 memberofthebuildinganddevelopmentcommitteemustalsohaveauniversityorprofessionalqualificationrelevantforhearingand deciding the
matter.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 5
Prescribed matters for Act, chapter 8[s 27]Part
5Prescribed matters for Act,chapter 827Guidelines for priority infrastructure
plans—Act, s 627(1)Theguidelineforpreparingpriorityinfrastructureplansiscontainedinthedocumentcalled‘Statutoryguideline01/11—Priority infrastructure plans’, dated
7 November 2011and published by the department.(2)The guideline for making or amending
priority infrastructureplans is contained in the document
called ‘Statutory guideline01/14Makingandamendinglocalplanninginstruments’,dated 17 April
2014 and published by the department.28Local
governments that must review priorityinfrastructure
plans—Act, s 628Thelocalgovernmentsmentionedinschedule22areprescribed for section 628(1) of the
Act.30Trunk infrastructure charge rates—Act,
s 640(1)For section 640 of the Act—(a)the development for which a charge may
be levied is—(i)reconfiguring a lot; or(ii)amaterialchangeofuseofpremisesthatisassessable development or development
requiringcompliance assessment under a planning
scheme,temporary local planninginstrument,
master planor preliminary approval to which section 242
of theAct applies; or(iii)carryingoutbuildingworkthatisassessabledevelopment or
development requiring complianceassessment;
and(b)the charges are the amounts calculated
under schedule23.Page 18Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
6 Prescribed matters for environmental impact statements[s
31](2)For calculating an amount under
schedule 23, a charge unit isthe amount
decided by the relevant local government that isapplying schedule 23.(3)However, a charge unit must not be more than
$2000.(4)A charge under subsection (1) applies
only for developmentthat could reasonably be expected to
create or add to demandon the infrastructure network for
which the charge is taken.(5)If in relation
to infrastructure for which a charge is levied aprevious regulated infrastructure charge,
infrastructure chargeorcontributionhasbeenmade,thechargeleviedmustbereduced by an amount that fairly represents
the current valueof the amount previously paid.Part
6Prescribed matters forenvironmental
impactstatements31Definitions for pt 6In this
part—CommonwealthMinistermeanstheMinisteroftheCommonwealthresponsibleforadministeringtheCommonwealth Environment Act.designatedproponent,fordevelopment,meansthepersondesignatedasaproponentforthedevelopmentundertheCommonwealth Environment Act, section
75(3).relevantimpactshasthemeaninggivenbytheCommonwealth Environment Act, section
82.32Development for which EIS process
applies—Act, s 688(1)Development is prescribed for section
688 of the Act if—Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 6
Prescribed matters for environmental impact statements[s
33](a)theCommonwealthMinisterhas,undertheCommonwealth Environment Act—(i)decidedtheapproachforassessingtherelevantimpactsofthedevelopmentisassessmentbyanaccredited assessment process;
and(ii)given notice of
the decision; orNote—SeetheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct,chapter4,part8,division 3
(Decision on assessment approach).(b)therelevantimpactsofthedevelopmentaretobeassessed under a
bilateral agreement.(2)However, the
development must be development for which thechief executive
decides an EIS is required.(3)Any
steps or actions taken in the EIS process before the actionmentionedinsubsection(1)(a)happensaretakentohavecomplied with
this part.(4)In this section—bilateralagreementseetheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct, section
45(2).33Criteria for making decision about
requirement for EISIn making a decision under section 32(2),
the chief executivemust consider—(a)the
importance of the development to the State or part ofthe
State; and(b)the complexity of the development
including—(i)the size or nature of the development;
and(ii)thenumberofentitiesorlocalgovernmentareaspotentially affected by the development;
and(c)thesignificanceofthepotentialenvironmental,economic and
social impacts of the development.Page 20Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
6 Prescribed matters for environmental impact statements[s
34]34Criteria for public notification of
draft terms of referencefor EIS—Act, s 691Forsection691(1)(b)oftheAct,thecriteriaforpublicnotification of
draft terms of reference for an EIS are—(a)thecomplexityofthemattersmentionedintheapplication for
terms of reference for the EIS; and(b)thelikelylevelofpublic interest in the draft terms
ofreference.35Content of draft terms of reference for EIS
and draftEIS—Act, ss 691 and 694(1)For
sections 691(3)(f) and 694(1)(a)(v) of the Act, each of thefollowing matters must be stated in a
notice—(a)the development’s name;(b)the proponent’s name;(c)iftheproponentanddesignatedproponentforthedevelopmentarenotthesameentity—thedesignatedproponent’s
name;(d)the development’s location;(e)anymattermentionedintheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct,section34,andprotectedbyacontrolling provision for the
development.(2)In this section—controlling
provision, for development, means a provision
oftheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct,chapter2,part3,decidedbytheCommonwealthMinisterasacontrollingprovision for
the development under chapter 4, part 7, division2 of
that Act.36Public notification of draft terms of
reference for EIS anddraft EIS—Act, ss 691 and 694For
sections 691(4) and 694(2) of the Act, a notice must bepublished—Current as at 28
May 2014Page 21
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 6
Prescribed matters for environmental impact statements[s
37](a)in a newspaper circulating throughout
Australia; and(b)in a newspaper circulating generally
in the State.37Matters for inclusion in draft
EIS—Act, s 693For section 693(2) of the Act, the draft EIS
must include themattersmentionedintheEnvironmentProtectionandBiodiversityConservationRegulations2000(Cwlth),schedule
4.38Content of EIS assessment report—Act,
s 699(1)For section 699(e) of the Act, an EIS
assessment report aboutan EIS for development must contain
each of the following—(a)the
development’s name;(b)thenameofthedesignatedproponentforthedevelopment;(c)the
development’s location;(d)a description of
any matters of national environmentalsignificance;(e)a
summary of the relevant impacts of the development;(f)adescriptionoffeasiblemitigationmeasures,orchanges to the development or
procedures, to prevent orminimise the development’s relevant
impacts, proposedby the proponent or suggested in relevant
submissions;(g)totheextentpracticable,adescriptionoffeasiblealternativestothedevelopmentidentifiedintheEISprocess,andthelikelyimpactofthealternativesonmatters of national environmental
significance;(h)astatementofconditionsofapprovalforthedevelopment that may be imposed to
address impacts,identifiedintheEISprocess,onmattersofnationalenvironmental
significance.(2)In this section—Page 22Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
7 Miscellaneous provisions[s 39]mattersofnationalenvironmentalsignificancemeansmatters of national environmental
significance mentioned intheCommonwealthEnvironmentAct,chapter2,part3,division 1.relevantsubmissionsmeansproperlymadesubmissions,orothersubmissionsacceptedbythechiefexecutiveundersection 695 of the Act.39To
whom EIS and other material must be given—Act,s 700For
section 700(d) of the Act, the entity is the CommonwealthMinister.Part 7Miscellaneous provisions40When
structure plan arrangements apply to premises(1)Forthisregulation,structureplanarrangementsapplytopremises if—(a)the
premises is completely or partly in a declared masterplanned area; and(b)a
structure plan is in effect for the area; and(c)an
entity that would have been a referral agency or theassessmentmanagerforadevelopmentapplicationrelatingtothepremisesisstatedasacoordinatingagency or a
participating agency in the master plannedarea declaration
or structure plan for the area.(2)In
this section—amendingActmeanstheSustainablePlanningandOtherLegislation
Amendment Act (No. 2) 2012.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 23
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 7
Miscellaneous provisions[s 40A]coordinating
agencymeans a coordinating agency as
definedundertheActasinforcebeforetheenactmentoftheamending Act.declaredmasterplannedareameansadeclaredmasterplanned area continued in existence under
chapter 10, part 6of the Act.master planned
area declarationmeans a declaration madeunder section
133 of the Act, as in force before the enactmentoftheamendingAct,thatidentifiedanareaasadeclaredmaster planned
area.participating agencymeans a
participating agency as definedundertheActasinforcebeforetheenactmentoftheamending Act.structure
plan, for a declared master planned area, means
thestructureplanfortheareacontinuedinexistenceunderchapter 10, part 6 of the Act.40APrescribed information and documents
for developmentapplications—Act, s 736For section
736(2)(a) of the Act—(a)theprescribedinformationismentionedinschedule25A, part 1;
and(b)theprescribeddocumentsarementionedinschedule25A, part
2.41Prescribed activities for particular
definitions under Act,sch 3(1)Each
of subsections (2) to (5) prescribes an environmentallyrelevant activity, or an aspect of an
environmentally relevantactivity, for the definition under the
Act, schedule 3, stated inthe subsection.(2)ForthedefinitioncrudeoilorpetroleumproductstorageERA, the environmentally relevant
activity is chemical storagePage 24Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part
8 Repeal provision[s 41A]undertheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation2008,schedule 2, section 8(1)(c).(3)For the definitiondredging
ERA, the environmentally relevantactivityisextractiveandscreeningactivitiesundertheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation2008,schedule2,section 16(1)(a).(4)ForthedefinitionextractionERA,theenvironmentallyrelevantactivityisextractiveandscreeningactivitiesundertheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation2008,schedule2,section 16(1)(b) or (c).(5)ForthedefinitionscreeningERA,theenvironmentallyrelevantactivityisextractiveandscreeningactivitiesundertheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation2008,schedule2,section 16(1)(d).41AReferences to maintenance coversFor
this regulation, a reference to a sewer, stormwater drain orwater main includes a maintenance cover for
the sewer, watermain or stormwater drain.Part
8Repeal provision42RepealTheIntegratedPlanningRegulation1998,SLNo.57isrepealed.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 25
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Part 9
Transitional provisions[s 43]Part 9Transitional provisionsDivision 1Transitional provision for Buildingand
Other Legislation AmendmentRegulation (No.
4) 201143Applications for building development
approval tocontinue under pre-amended regulation(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforethecommencement,anapplication for a building development
approval was made butnot decided.(2)Thepre-amendedregulationcontinuestoapplytotheapplication.(3)In
this section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.pre-amendedregulationmeansthisregulationasinforceimmediately
before the commencement.Editor’s Note—Sections 10 and 11 of theBuilding and Other Legislation
AmendmentRegulation (No. 3) 2013SL No. 257 insert
pt 9 div 1 hdg and div 2 (s44) on commencement of those
provisions.Division 2Transitional
provision for Buildingand Other Legislation AmendmentRegulation (No. 3) 201344Development applications involving child
care centresSchedule 7, table 1, item 10, as in force
immediately beforethecommencementofthissection,continuestoapplytodevelopmentapplicationsmentionedinthatitemthatweremade
before the commencement.Page 26Current as at 28
May 2014
Division 3Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Part 9 Transitional provisions[s
45]Transitional Provision forSustainable Planning AmendmentRegulation (No. 7) 201345Clearing of particular vegetation not
section applies if a development approval for a materialchangeofuseorreconfiguringalotisgivenforadevelopment
application—(a)made after 4 October 2004 and before 1
July 2013 forwhich the chief executive administering the
VegetationManagement Act is a concurrence agency for
clearingvegetation; or(b)made
from 1 July 2013 for which the chief executive is aconcurrence agency for clearing
vegetation.(2)Clearingofvegetationundertheapprovalistakentobeclearing under schedule 24, part 1,
section 1(1).Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 1Schedule 1Designated regionssection 4Part
1SEQ regionBrisbaneGold
Coastthe part of the local government area of
Toowoomba RegionalCouncil delineated in black on maps SEQ RP
16 and SEQ RP21 mentioned in schedule 1 of the State
planning regulatoryprovisionsincludedinthedocumentcalled‘SouthEastQueenslandRegionalPlan2009–2031’publishedbythedepartmentEditor’s
note—Maps SEQ RP 16 and SEQ RP 21 are held
by the department and areavailable for inspection by members of
the public at the department’shead
office.Page 28Current as at 28
May 2014
2Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 1Far North
Queensland regionCairnsCassowary
WujalYarrabahPart 3North West regionCloncurryFlindersMcKinlayMount IsaRichmondPart
4Central West regionBarcaldineBarcooBlackall TamboBouliaDiamantinaLongreachWintonCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 29
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 1Part 5South West regionBullooMurwehParooQuilpiePart 6Maranoa—Balonne regionBalonneMaranoaPart 7Wide
Bay Burnett regionBundabergCherbourgFraser CoastGympieNorth BurnettSouth
BurnettPage 30Current as at 28
May 2014
8Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 1Mackay, Isaac
and WhitsundayregionIsaacMackayWhitsundayPart 9Central Queensland regionBananaCentral
HighlandsGladstoneRockhamptonWoorabindaPart 10Darling Downs regionBalonneGoondiwindiMaranoaSouthern DownsToowoombaWestern DownsCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 31
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 1Part 11Cape
York regionAurukunCookHope
RiverMapoonNapranumNorthern Peninsula AreaPormpuraawWeipa Town
AuthorityWujal WujalPage 32Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 2Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 2Community
infrastructuresection 8Part 1Community infrastructure fortransport1active transport infrastructure2air transport infrastructure3ancillary works and
encroachments4busway transport infrastructure5light rail transport
infrastructure6miscellaneous transport
infrastructure7public marine transport
infrastructure8rail transport infrastructure9roads on State toll road corridor
land10State-controlled roads11transportinfrastructure
infrastructure12wharves,publicjetties,portfacilitiesandnavigationalfacilities13storageandworksdepotsandsimilarfacilities,includingadministrativefacilitiesassociatedwiththeprovisionormaintenanceofthecommunityinfrastructurementionedinthis part14any
other facility for transport not mentioned in this part thatis
intended primarily to accommodate government functionsCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 2Part 2Other community infrastructure1aged-care facilities2cemeteries and crematoriums3communication network
education and care service under the Education and CareServicesNationalLaw(Queensland)isoperatedoraQECapproved service
under theEducation and Care Services Act2013is operated,
community centres, meeting halls, galleriesand
libraries5correctional facilities6educational facilities7emergency services facilities8facilities for parks and
recreation9hospitals and associated
institutions10oil and gas pipelines11operating works under theElectricity Act 199412sporting facilities13waste management facilities14water cycle management
infrastructure15storageandworksdepotsandsimilarfacilities,includingadministrativefacilitiesassociatedwiththeprovisionormaintenanceofthecommunityinfrastructurementionedinthis part16any
other facility not mentioned in this part that is intendedprimarily to accommodate government
functionsPage 34Current as at 28
May 2014
Schedule 3Part 1Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Assessable development,self-assessable
developmentand type of assessmentsection 9Assessable developmentTable 1—Building
workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For the Building
Act1For assessing building work under the
BuildingCode assessmentAct, building
work that is not—(a)self-assessable development under part
2;and(b)declared under
the Building Act to beexempt developmentFor declared fish
habitat area2Building work in a declared fish
habitat area if itCode assessment, ifis not
self-assessable development under part 2the chief
executive isthe assessmentmanagerCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
2—Material change of use of premisesColumn 1Column 2Column 3For
an environmentally relevant activity1Making a material change of use of premises
forFor a concurrencean
environmentally relevant activity that, underERA that is
devolvedtheEnvironmental Protection Regulation
2008,to a local governmentsection 16, is identified as a concurrence
ERAunder the(therelevant ERA), unless—Environmental(a)an
environmental authority to carry out aconcurrence ERA
has been approved forthe premises; andProtectionRegulation 2008,code
assessment ifthe local government(b)the
relevant ERA and concurrence ERAis the
assessmentmentioned in paragraph (a) are to be
carriedmanagerout under the
environmental authority; andFor all
other(c)under theEnvironmental
2008, section 14(1), the relevantrelevant activities,ERA has a lower
aggregate environmentalcode assessment ifscore than the
concurrence ERA mentionedthe chief executive isin
paragraph (a)the assessmentmanagerFor a
brothel2Making a material change of use of
premises forCode assessment, ifa brothelpremises in anindustrial area
or onstrategic port landImpact
assessment, ifpremises in an areaother than
anindustrial area or onstrategic port
landunless a localplanning
instrument,or amendment of alocal
planninginstrument madeafter 1 July
2000,requires codeassessmentPage
36Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
2—Material change of use of premisesColumn 1Column 2Column 3On
strategic port land3Making a material change of use of
premises onCode assessmentstrategic port
land that is inconsistent with theland use plan
approved under the TransportInfrastructure
Act, section 286On airport land4Making a material change of use of premises
onCode assessment,airport land that
is inconsistent with the land useunless the land
useplan approved under theAirport
Assetsplan requires impact(Restructuring
and Disposal) Act 2008, chapterassessment3,
part 1Impact assessment, ifthe land use
planrequires impactassessmentFor a
major hazard facility5Making a material
change of use of premises forCode assessment,
ifa major hazard facility or proposed major
hazardthe chief executive isfacilitythe
assessmentmanagerCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 37
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
2—Material change of use of premisesColumn 1Column 2Column 3Contaminated land management6Making a material change of use of a
potentiallyCode assessment, ifaffected premises
unless—the chief executive is(a)all
of the following apply—the assessmentmanager(i)a suitability statement has been
givenfor the premises;(ii)a
site management plan has beenapproved in
relation to the proposeduse;(iii) the
material change of use onlyinvolves—(A)the
fit-out of a building; or(B)minor site
excavation, including,for example, post holes foropen-sided non-habitablestructures;
or(b)the proposed use is industrial and
onlyinvolves minor site excavation,
including,for example, post holes for
open-sidednon-habitable structures7Making a potentially sensitive material
change ofCode assessment, ifuse of premises
if all or part of the premises is—the chief
executive is(a)ulassetdufsoerd,
oforri,fatnheinreduisstnroialexaicsttiivnigtyu(soet,hwerasmtheanaasgseerssmentthan a mining
activity or a chapter 5Aactivity); or(b)in an
area for which an area managementadvice has been
given for naturalmineralisation or industrial activity
(otherthan for a mining activity or a chapter
5Aactivity)Page 38Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
2—Material change of use of premisesColumn 1Column 2Column 3For
aquaculture10Making a material change of use of
premises forCode assessment, ifaquaculture if it
is not self-assessablethe chief executive isdevelopment under part 2the
assessmentmanagerFor a wild river
area11Making a material change of use of
premises toCode assessment, ifthe extent the
premises is in a wild river area andthe chief
executive isthe proposed use is for agricultural
activities orthe assessmentanimal husbandry
activities, as defined under themanagerWild
Rivers Act 2005Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
3—Reconfiguring a lotColumn 1Column 2Column 3Under theLandTitleAct19941Reconfiguring a lot under theLand
Title ActCode assessment,1994,
unless the reconfiguration requiresunless a
planningcompliance assessment under schedule 18,
thescheme, temporaryreconfiguration
is under a relevant instrument oflocal
planninglease or the plan of subdivision necessary
for theinstrument, masterreconfiguration—plan or
sourbbdeilvoiwsiothnethatsAiamepccppttriaaoocpvntpaa2llsi4etso2seswrosefmhqtiuehcinhertes(b)is for the amalgamation of 2 or more
lots;or(c)is for the
incorporation, under theBodyCorporate and
Community ManagementAct 1997, section 41, of
a lot with commonproperty for a community titles scheme;
or(d)is for the conversion, under
theBodyCorporate and Community
ManagementAct 1997, section 43, of
lessee commonproperty within the meaning of that Act to
alot in a community titles scheme; or(e)is in relation to the acquisition,
includingby agreement, under the Acquisition Act
orotherwise, of land by—(i)a
constructing authority, as definedunder that Act,
for a purpose set out inparts 1 to 13 (other than part
10,second dot point) of the schedule tothat
Act; or(ii)an authorised electricity entity;
or(f)is for land held by the State, or a
statutorybody representing the State, and the land
isbeing subdivided for a purpose set out
inthe Acquisition Act, schedule, parts 1 to
13(other than part 10, second dot
point)whether or not the land relates to anacquisition; orPage 40Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
3—Reconfiguring a lotColumn 1Column 2Column 3(g)is
for reconfiguring a lot comprisingstrategic port
land; or(h)is for reconfiguring a South Bank lot
withinthe corporation area under theSouth
BankCorporation Act 1989; or(i)is for the Transport Infrastructure
Act,section 240; or(j)is in
relation to the acquisition of land for awater
infrastructure facility; or(k)is for land in a
priority development area;or(l)is
for implementing theAboriginal andTorres Strait
Islander Land Holding Act2013Current as at 28
May 2014Page 41
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For clearing
native vegetation1Operational work that is the clearing
of nativeCode assessment, ifvegetation
on—the chief executive is(a)freehold land; orthe
assessmentmanager(b)indigenous land; or(c)any
of the following under theLand Act1994—(i)land subject to a
lease;(ii)a road;(iii) trust land,
other than indigenous land;(iv)unallocated State
land;(v)land subject to a licence or
permit;unless the clearing is—(d)on
premises to which structure planarrangements
apply; or(e)clearing, or for another activity or
matter,mentioned in schedule 24, part 1; or(f)clearing mentioned in schedule 24,
part 2for the particular landPage 42Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3Associated with
reconfiguration2Operational work for reconfiguring a
lot, otherIf the operationalthan a lot in a
priority development area, if thework is
forreconfiguration is also assessable
orindustrial purposes ina wild
unless aplanning scheme,temporary
localplanning instrument,master plan
orpreliminary approvalto which section
242of the Act appliesrequires
impactassessmentOtherwise—codeassessmentCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For taking or
interfering with water3Operational work
(other than work carried out inCode assessment,
ifa priority development area or on premises
tothe chief executive iswhich structure
plan arrangements apply) thatthe
assessmentinvolves—manager(a)taking or interfering with water from
awatercourse, lake or spring or from a
damconstructed on a watercourse or lake,unless—(i)the
taking or interfering is permittedunder theWater
Act 2000, chapter 2,part 2, division
1A; or(ii)the work is self-assessabledevelopment under part 2; or(iii)
the work involves the replacement of apump if the
capacity of the new pumpto take water is no greater than
thecapacity of the existing pump; or(iv)the work involves the installation of
apump to take water under a waterentitlement if the water entitlement—(A)ismanagedunderaresourceoperationslicence,aninterimresource
operations licence or adistributionoperationslicencegrantedundertheWaterAct2000; or(B)statestherateatwhichwatermay be taken;
or(v)the interfering is authorised under
awater licence and the work complieswith
the conditions of the licence; or(b)taking, or interfering with, artesian water
asdefined under theWater Act
2000, schedule4, other than
through a monitoring bore; or(c)taking, or interfering with—(i)overland flow water, if the
operationsare mentioned as assessabledevelopment in a wild riverdeclaration; orPage 44Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3(ii)subartesian water—(A)if
the operations are mentionedasassessabledevelopmentinawaterresourceplanorawildriverdeclaration,orprescribedas assessable
development undera regulation under theWater Act2000; and(B)otherthanthroughanexemptbore; or(d)interfering with overland flow water
in anarea declared under theWater Act
2000tobe a drainage and embankment area if
theoperations are declared under that Act to
beassessable development; or(e)interfering with overland flow water
in awild river floodplain management area
ifthe operations are specified works or
statedin the wild river declaration for the area
tobe assessable development; or(f)taking overland flow water, if
theoperations are mentioned as
assessabledevelopment in a water resource plan,
orprescribed as assessable development
undera regulation under theWater Act
2000For particular dams4Operational work that is the construction of
aCode assessment, ifdam or is carried
out in relation to a dam if,the chief
executive isbecause of the work, the dam must be
failurethe assessmentimpact
assessedmanagerCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 45
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For tidal works,
or work within a coastal management district5Operational work (other than excluded
work,Code assessment, ifwork
that is self-assessable development underin a local
governmentpart 2, table 4, item 8, work carried out in
atidal area and a localpriority
development area and work carried outgovernment is
theon premises to which structure plan
arrangementsassessment managerapply) that
is—Code assessment, if(a)tidal
works; orin a coastalmanagement
district(b)any of the following carried out
completelyand the chiefor partly within
a coastal managementexecutive is thedistrict—assessment manager(i)interfering with quarry material asdefined under the Coastal Protectionand
Management Act on State coastalland above
high-water mark;(ii)disposing of dredge spoil or
othersolid waste material in tidal water;(iii)
constructing an artificial waterway;(iv)removing or interfering with coastaldunes
on land, other than State coastalland, that is in
an erosion prone area asdefined in the Coastal Protection
andManagement Act and abovehigh-water
markFor constructing or raising waterway barrier
works6Operational work that is the
constructing orCode assessment, ifraising of
waterway barrier works, other thanthe chief
executive isoperational work that is
self-assessablethe assessmentdevelopment under
part 2 or carried out onmanagerpremises to which
structure plan arrangementsapplyFor works in a
declared fish habitat area7Operational work
completely or partly within aCode assessment,
ifdeclared fish habitat area, other than
operationalthe chief executive iswork that is
self-assessable development underthe
assessmentpart 2managerPage
46Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For removal,
destruction or damage of marine plants8Operational work that is the removal,
destructionCode assessment, ifor damage of a
marine plant, other thanthe chief executive isoperational work that is—the
assessment(a)for reconfiguring a lot that is
assessablemanagerdevelopment under
table 3, item 1, if thereis a development permit in effect for
thereconfiguration; or(b)for a
material change of use that isassessable
development, if there is adevelopment permit in effect for the
changeof use; or(c)self-assessable development under part
2;or(d)carried out in a
priority development area;or(e)carried out on premises to which
structureplan arrangements applyFor a wild river
area9Operational work for agricultural
activities orCode assessment, ifanimal husbandry
activities (as defined under thethe chief
executive isWild Rivers Act 2005) in a wild river
area if thethe assessmentoperational work
is declared to be assessablemanagerdevelopment under the wild river declaration
forthe areaCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 47
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
4—Operational workColumn 1Column 2Column 3For a wetland
protection area10Operational work that is high impact
earthworksCode assessment, ifin a wetland
protection area, other thanthe chief executive isoperational work—the
assessment(a)for a domestic housing activity;
is the natural and ordinaryconsequence of development
involving—(i)a material change of use for which
thechief executive or the chief
executive(environment) was a concurrenceagency under schedule 7, table 3,
item21A; or(ii)reconfiguring a lot for which the
chiefexecutive or the chief executive(environment) was a concurrenceagency under schedule 7, table 2,
item43A; or(c)associated with government supportedtransport infrastructure or
electricityinfrastructureFor construction
of new levees or modification of existing levees11Operational work that is—Code
assessment(a)construction of a new category 2
levee; or(b)modification of an existing levee if,
afterthe modification, the levee will fulfil
therequirements for a category 2 levee12Operational work that is—Impact assessment(a)construction of a new category 3 levee;
or(b)modification of an existing levee if,
afterthe modification, the levee will fulfil
therequirements for a category 3 leveePage
48Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 1Table
5—Various aspects of developmentColumn 1Column 2Column 3For
removal of quarry material1All aspects of
development for removing quarryCode assessment,
ifmaterial from a watercourse or lake if
anthe chief executive isallocation notice
is required under theWater Actthe
assessment2000for the removal, other than
developmentmanagerthat is—(a)in a priority development area;
or(b)carried out on premises to which
structureplan arrangements applyDevelopment on
Queensland heritage place2All aspects of
development on a QueenslandCode assessment, ifheritage place, other than
development—the chief executive is(a)fthoer wQhuiecehnsalnanedxeHmeprtiitaognecAercttif1ic9a9t2ehuansdbeerenmtheanaasgseerssmentissued; or(b)that, under section 78 of that Act,
isliturgical development; or(c)carried out by the State; or(d)in a priority development areaDevelopment on local heritage place3All aspects of development on a local
heritageCode assessment,place, other
than—unless a planning(a)development that is self-assessabledevelopment under part 2, table 1, item
1;orscheme, temporarylocal
planninginstrument, masterplan or
preliminary(b)development to which chapter 9, part 5
ofapproval to whichthe Act applies;
orsection 242 of the(c)development carried out by the State
ondesignated land; orAct applies
requiresimpact assessment(d)development mentioned in schedule 4Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
5—Various aspects of developmentColumn 1Column 2Column 3Development on strategic port land6All aspects of development on
strategic port land,Code assessmentother than
development mentioned in table 2,item 3, if the
land use plan for the strategic portland approved
under the Transport InfrastructureAct, section 286,
states the development isassessable developmentDevelopment on airport land7All aspects of development on airport
land, otherCode assessment,than development
mentioned in table 2, item 4, ifunless the land
usethe land use plan for the airport port
landplan requires impactapproved under
theAirport Assets (RestructuringassessmentathneddDeviseploopsaml)enAtcits2a0s0s8es,scahbalpetderev3e,lpoaprmt1e,nsttatestIhmeplaacntdasusseesspmlaennt,ifrequires impactassessmentPart
2Self-assessable developmentTable
1—Building workBy the State, a public sector entity or a
local government1Building work carried out by or on
behalf of the State, a public sector entity ora local
government, other than building work declared under the Building
Actto be exempt developmentFor theBuildingAct19752For assessing
building work against the Building Act, building work
declaredunder that Act to be self-assessable
developmentPage 50Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
1—Building workFor declared fish habitat area3For assessing building work against
the Fisheries Act, building work in adeclared fish
habitat area if the work is reasonably necessary for—(a)the maintenance of existing
structures, including, for example, thefollowing
structures, if the structures were constructed in compliancewith
all the requirements, under any Act, relating to a structure of
ramps, boardwalks, drains, fences, jetties, roads, safety
signs,swimming enclosures and weirs;(ii)powerlines or associated powerline
infrastructure; or(b)educational or research purposes
relating to the declared fish habitatarea; or(c)monitoring the impact of development
on the declared fish habitat area;or(d)the construction of structures,
including, for example, safety signs,swimming
enclosures and aids to navigation, if—(i)the
impact on the area is minor; and(ii)the
structures are constructed in compliance with all therequirements, under any Act, relating to a
structure of that typeCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
2—Material change of use of premisesFor
aquaculture1For assessing a material change of use
of premises against the Fisheries Act,making a material
change of use of premises for aquaculture if the change ofuse
of premises does not cause the discharge of waste into Queensland
watersand the aquaculture—(a)is—(i)of indigenous
freshwater fish species mentioned in theFisheriesRegulation 2008, schedule 10C;
and(ii)in a catchment listed in that schedule
for that species for aquariumdisplay or human
consumption only; and(iii) carried out in ponds, or using
above-ground tanks, that have a totalwater surface
area of no more than 5ha; or(b)is of
indigenous freshwater fish for aquarium display or humanconsumption only, or non-indigenous
freshwater fish for aquariumdisplay only, and
is carried out using only above-ground tanks thathave—(i)a
floor area, excluding water storage area, of no more than
50m2;and(ii)a roof impervious to rainwater;
or(c)is of indigenous marine fish for
aquarium display only and is carried outusing only
above-ground tanks that have a total floor area, excludingwater
storage areas, of no more than 50m2Table
3—Reconfiguring a lot1Table not
usedPage 52Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
4—Operational workFor taking or interfering with water1For assessing operational work against
theWater Act 2000, operational
work(other than work carried out in a priority
development area or on premises towhich structure
plan arrangements apply) that involves—(a)taking or interfering with water in a
watercourse, lake or spring if theoperations are
mentioned as self-assessable development in a waterresource plan or a wild river declaration,
unless—(i)the taking or interfering is permitted
under theWater Act 2000,chapter 2, part 2, division 1A; or(ii)the work involves the replacement of a
pump if the capacity of thenew pump to take water is no greater
than the capacity of theexisting pump; or(iii) the work
involves the installation of a pump to take water under awater
entitlement if the water entitlement—(A)is
managed under a resource operations licence, an interimresource operations licence or a
distribution operations licencegranted under
theWater Act 2000; or(B)states the rate at which water may be
taken; or(iv)the interfering is authorised under a
water licence and the workcomplies with the conditions of the
licence; or(b)taking or interfering with—(i)overland flow water, if the operations
are mentioned asself-assessable development in a wild river
declaration; or(ii)subartesian water—(A)if
the operations are mentioned as self-assessable developmentin a
water resource plan or a wild river declaration; and(B)other than through an exempt bore;
or(c)interfering with overland flow water
in an area declared under theWaterAct
2000to be a drainage and embankment area if the
operations aredeclared under that Act to be
self-assessable development; or(d)interfering with overland flow water in a
wild river floodplainmanagement area if the operations are
declared under the wild riverdeclaration for
the area to be self-assessable development; or(e)taking overland flow water, if the
operations are mentioned asself-assessable development in a water
resource plan, or prescribed asself-assessable
development under a regulation under theWater Act
2000Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
4—Operational workFor waterway barrier works2For assessing operational work against
the Fisheries Act, operational work forconstructing or
raising waterway barrier works (other than work carried out
ina wild river area or on premises to which
structure plan arrangements apply), ifthe waterway
barrier works are—(a)temporary; or(b)minor; or(c)rebuilt on a regular basis2AFor assessing operational work against
the Fisheries Act, operational work in awild river area
that is the construction or raising of waterway barrier works,
ifthe waterway barrier works are—(a)temporary; and(b)necessary for the maintenance of—(i)existing specified works; or(ii)existing waterway barrier worksFor
works in a declared fish habitat area3For
assessing operational work against the Fisheries Act, operational
workcompletely or partly within a declared fish
habitat area if the works arereasonably
necessary for—(a)the maintenance of existing
structures, including, for example, thefollowing
structures, if the structures were constructed in compliancewith
all the requirements, under any Act, relating to a structure of
ramps, boardwalks, drains, fences, jetties, roads, safety
signs,swimming enclosures and weirs;(ii)powerlines or associated powerline
infrastructure; or(b)educational or research purposes
relating to the declared fish habitat area;or(c)monitoring the impact of development
on the declared fish habitat area;or(d)the construction or placement of
structures, including, for example,safety signs,
swimming enclosures and aids to navigation, if—(i)the
impact on the area is minor; and(ii)the
structures are constructed in compliance with all therequirements, under any Act, relating to a
structure of that type; or(e)public benefit
works, including, for example, the construction of runnelsfor
mosquito control, the removal of Lyngbya and seed collection for
siterehabilitation, if the impact on the area is
minorPage 54Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
4—Operational workFor the removal, destruction or damage of
marine plants4For assessing operational work against
the Fisheries Act, operational work(other than work
on premises to which structure plan arrangements apply) thatis
the removal, destruction or damage of a marine plant if the
removal,destruction or damage—(a)is of
dead marine wood on unallocated State land, other than in a
wildriver area, for trade or commerce; or(b)is reasonably necessary for the
maintenance of existing structures,including, for
example, the following structures, if the structures wereconstructed in compliance with all the
requirements, under any Act,relating to a
structure of that type—(i)boat ramps,
boardwalks, drains, fences, jetties, roads, safety signs,swimming enclosures and weirs;(ii)drainage structures;(iii)
powerlines or associated powerline infrastructure; or(c)is reasonably necessary for
educational or research purposes or formonitoring the
impact of development on marine plants; or(d)is
reasonably necessary for the construction or placement of
structures,including, for example, swimming enclosures,
safety signs, aids tonavigation, fences, pontoons, public
boat ramps and pipelines, if—(i)the
extent of the removal, destruction or damage is minor; and(ii)the structures were constructed in
compliance with all therequirements, under any Act, relating
to a structure of that type; or(e)is
reasonably necessary for the construction of runnels for
mosquitocontrol, removal of Lyngbya, seed collection
for site rehabilitation or thecollection of
marine plants for fishing bait or handicraftFor local
government roads5For assessing road works on a local
government road, other than in a prioritydevelopment area,
under theTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994,section 8C, operational works that are
road works on a local government roadFor wetland
protection areas6Operational work that is high impact
earth works carried out for governmentsupported
transport infrastructure in a wetland protection area7Operational work that is high impact
earth works carried out for electricityinfrastructure in
a wetland protection areaCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 3Part 2Table
4—Operational workFor tidal works, or works within a coastal
management district8Operational work mentioned in part 1,
table 4, item 5(a) or (b)(i) if—(a)the
work is undertaken by a local government or the Gold CoastWaterways Authority under theGold
Coast Waterways Authority Act2012, or
undertaken by or on behalf of the department administering
theTransport Infrastructure Act or theTransport Planning and CoordinationAct
1994; and(b)the
work is mentioned in a code for the self-assessable operational
workdeclared under theCoastal
Protection and Management Regulation 2003to be a code for
IDASFor construction of new levees or
modification of existing levees9Operational work that is—(a)construction of a new category 1
levee; or(b)modification of an existing levee if,
after the modification, the levee willfulfil the
requirements for a category 1 leveePage 56Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 4Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Development that
can not bedeclared to be development ofa
particular type—Act, section232(2)section 10Table 1—Building
work1Table not usedTable 2—Material
change of use of premisesFor a class 1 or 2 building1Making a material change of use of
premises for a class 1 or 2 buildingunder the BCA,
part A3 if the use is for providing support services andshort-term accommodation for persons
escaping domestic violenceCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 2—Material
change of use of premisesFor particular class 1 building or
class 10 building or structure2Making a material change of use of premises
for a class 1(a)(i) building,class 1(a)(ii)
building comprising not more than 2 attached dwellings or aclass
10 building or structure under the BCA if—(a)the
use is for a residential purpose in a residential zone; and(b)for an existing class 1(a)(i) building
or class 1(a)(ii) buildingcomprising not more than 2 attached
dwellings—the material changeof use involves
the repair, renovation, alteration or addition to thebuilding; and(c)for a
class 1(a) building not mentioned in paragraph (b)—there is
noexisting dwelling house on the premises;
and(d)the development is not self-assessable
development under a planningscheme, temporary
local planning instrument, master plan or apreliminary
approval to which section 242 of the Act applies; and(e)either—(i)no
overlay, as identified in the planning scheme and relevant
toassessment of the material change of use,
applies to thepremises for the material change of use;
or(ii)only an overlay about bush fire
hazards applies to the premisesand the premises
are less than 2000m2; and(f)for a
class 1(a)(ii) building comprising not more than 2 attacheddwellings—the local government for the
planning scheme area has,by resolution, decided to apply this
item to that class of buildingTable
3—Reconfiguring a lotOther than a lot within the meaning of
theLandTitleAct19941Reconfiguring a lot other than a lot within
the meaning of theLand TitleAct 1994Page
58Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table
3—Reconfiguring a lotUnder theLandTitleAct19942Reconfiguring a
lot under theLand Title Act 1994, if the
reconfiguration isunder a relevant instrument of lease or the
plan of subdivision necessaryfor the
reconfiguration—(a)is a building format plan of
subdivision that does not subdivide landon or below the
surface of the land; or(b)is for the
amalgamation of 2 or more lots; or(c)is
for the incorporation, under theBody Corporate
and CommunityManagement Act 1997, section 41, of
a lot with common property fora community
titles scheme; or(d)is for the conversion, under
theBody Corporate and CommunityManagement Act 1997, section 43, of
lessee common propertywithin the meaning of that Act to a
lot in a community titles scheme;or(e)is in relation to the acquisition,
including by agreement, under theAcquisition Act
or otherwise, of land by—(i)a constructing
authority, as defined under that Act, for a purposeset
out in parts 1 to 13 (other than part 10, second dot point)
ofthe schedule to that Act; or(ii)an authorised electricity entity;
or(f)is for land held by the State, or a
statutory body representing theState, and the
land is being subdivided for a purpose set out in theAcquisition Act, schedule, parts 1 to 13
(other than part 10, seconddot point), whether or not the land
relates to an acquisition; or(g)is
for reconfiguring a lot comprising strategic port land; or(h)is for the Transport Infrastructure
Act, section 240; or(i)is in relation to the acquisition of
land for a water infrastructurefacility;
or(j)is for implementing theAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
LandHolding Act 2013Table
4—Operational workBy or on behalf of a public sector
entity1Operational work or plumbing or
drainage work (including maintenanceand repair work)
if the work is carried out by or on behalf of a public
sectorentity authorised under a State law to carry
out the workCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table
4—Operational workFor ancillary works and encroachments2Operational work that is ancillary
works and encroachments that are—(a)carried out in compliance with requirements
specified by gazettenotice by the chief executive administering
the TransportInfrastructure Act; or(b)done
as required by a contract entered into under the TransportInfrastructure Act, section 50, with the
chief executive administeringthat ActFor
substitute railway crossing3Operational work
for the construction of a substitute railway crossing by arailway manager in response to an emergency
under the TransportInfrastructure Act, section 169Performed by railway manager4Operational work performed by a
railway manager, within the meaning ofthe Transport
Infrastructure Act, under section 260 of that ActUnder
a rail feasibility investigator’s authority5Operational work carried out under a rail
feasibility investigator’s authoritygranted under the
Transport Infrastructure ActUnder the Coastal
Protection and Management Act6Operational work that is the digging or
boring into land by an authorisedperson under the
Coastal Protection and Management Act, section 1347Operational work for an aid to
navigation or sign for maritime navigationFor subscriber
connections8Operational work for a subscriber
connectionPage 60Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table
4—Operational workFor agriculture9Operational work associated with—(a)management practices for the conduct
of an agricultural use, otherthan—(i)the clearing of native vegetation;
or(ii)operations of any kind and all things
constructed or installed fortaking or
interfering with water (other than using a water truckto
pump water) if the operations are for taking or interferingwith
water under theWater Act 2000; or(b)weed or pest control, unless it
involves the clearing of nativevegetation;
or(c)the use of fire under theFire
and Emergency Services Act 1990; or(d)the conservation or restoration of
natural areas; or(e)the use of premises for forest
practicesFor removing quarry material10Operational work for removing quarry
material from a State forest, timberreserve, forest
entitlement area or Crown land as defined under theForestryAct 1959For
the removal, destruction or damage of marine plants11Operational work that is the removal,
destruction or damage of a marineplantCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of developmentMining and petroleum activities1Development for an activity authorised
under—(a)theMineral Resources
Act 1989, including an activity for the
purposeof 1 or more of the following Acts—•Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited
Agreement Act 1965•Central Queensland Coal Associates
Agreement Act 1968•Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation
Pty. Limited AgreementAct 1957•Mount
Isa Mines Limited Agreement Act 1985•Queensland Nickel Agreement Act 1970•Thiess Peabody Coal Pty. Ltd.
Agreement Act 1962; or(b)thePetroleum Act 1923or thePetroleum and Gas (Production andSafety) Act 2004(other than an
activity relating to the constructionand operation of
an oil refinery); or(c)thePetroleum
(Submerged Lands) Act 1982; or(d)theOffshore Minerals Act 19982All aspects of development for a
mining activity to which an environmentalauthority under
the Environmental Protection Act applies3All
aspects of development for petroleum activitiesGeothermal
exploration4Any aspect of development for
geothermal exploration carried out under ageothermal
exploration permit under theGeothermal Energy
Act 2010GHG storage activities5Any
aspect of development for a GHG storage activity carried out under
aGHG authority under theGreenhouse Gas
Storage Act 2009Directed under a notice, order or direction
under a State law6All aspects of development a person is
directed to carry out under a notice,order or
direction made under a State lawPage 62Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of developmentCommunity infrastructure
activities7All aspects of development—(a)for the maintenance, repair,
augmentation, upgrading, duplication orwidening of
State-controlled road infrastructure; or(b)for
ancillary works and encroachments carried out by the State;
or(c)adjacent to a State-controlled road
and ancillary to the construction,maintenance,
repair, augmentation, upgrading, duplication orwidening of the
road, such as excavating, crushing, screening,cutting, filling,
preparing road construction material (includingconcrete),
storing materials, removing vegetation, dam building, siteoffices and worker accommodation8All aspects of development for the
maintenance, repair, upgrading,augmentation or
duplication of—(a)rail transport infrastructure;
or(b)other rail infrastructure; or(c)miscellaneous transport
infrastructure; or(d)busway transport infrastructure;
or(e)light rail transport
infrastructure9All aspects of development for a
supply network for electricity, as definedunder theElectricity Act 1994, or for private
electricity works that form anextension of or
provide service connections to properties from the network,if
the network operates at standard voltages up to and including 66kV,
otherthan any aspect of development for—(a)the construction of a new zone
substation or bulk supply substation;or(b)the augmentation of an existing zone
or bulk supply substation if theinput or output
standard voltage is significantly increased10All
aspects of development for the construction of—(a)the
busway project known as Northern Busway (Windsor to Kedron)described in the document called ‘Northern
Busway (Windsor toKedron) Project Change Report’ of May 2008;
and(b)the toll road project known as Airport
Link described in theCoordinator-General’s report for the
EIS, and change report, for theproject under
theState Development and Public Works
OrganisationAct 1971Editor’s
note—The documents mentioned in this item
are held by, and are available forinspection on
the website of, City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd ACN 123
249874.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 63
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development10AAll aspects of
development carried out before 1 July 2015 for theconstruction of the light rail project known
as the Gold Coast Rapid Transitproject, to
provide light rail transport infrastructure along the route
shownon the map included in the document called
‘Gold Coast rapid transitinteractive map features’ dated 10
March 2011Editor’s note—The
document called ‘Gold Coast rapid transit interactive map features’
dated10 March 2011 is available at
aspects of development for the construction of the rail project
known asMoreton Bay Rail Link described in the
document called ‘Moreton BayRail Link, Figure
01, Rev A’Editor’s note—The
document called ‘Moreton Bay Rail Link, Figure 01, Rev A’ is
availablefor inspection at the offices of the
Department of Transport and Main Roadsduring business
hours and on the department’s website at<www.tmr.qld.gov.au>.10CAll aspects of development for the
construction of the underground buswayand railway
infrastructure project known as BaT to provide busway and
railtransport infrastructure along the route
shown on the map called ‘DraftReference Design
for Consultation Purposes’ dated March 2014Editor’s
note—The map is available for inspection at
the offices of the Department ofTransport and
Main Roads during business hours and on the department’swebsite at
<www.tmr.qld.gov.au>.Page 64Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development11(1)All
aspects of development for an educational facility or
communityand cultural facility funded under the
relevant program, if all of thefollowing apply
in relation to the development—(a)at
least 50% of the total funding for the development is
providedunder the relevant program;(b)at least 10 business days before the
development is started, anentity representing the school at
which the development is to becarried out gives
the local government for the area in which theschool is located
written notice of the proposed development;(c)the
height of any building or covered outdoor area for thefacility is not more than the higher
of—(i)the height of the tallest building on
the existing schoolcampus on which the facility is located;
or(ii)15m above ground level;(d)for development on land that shares a
boundary with residentialland—(i)any
single storey classroom or library is located at least 3mfrom
the boundary; and(ii)any multistorey classroom or library
is located at least 6mfrom the boundary; and(iii)
any multipurpose hall or covered outdoor area is located atleast
10m from the boundary; and(iv) any trade training centre is
located at least 20m from theboundary;(e)all buildings for the facility are
located—(i)at least 6m from a road frontage;
or(ii)if any existing building on the land
on which the facility isto be located is less than 6m from a
road frontage—at leastthe same distance from the road
frontage as the buildingclosest to it;(f)for a
facility that involves the installation of external
floodlights,the installation of the floodlights complies
with each of thefollowing—(i)AS
4282 ‘Control of the Obtrusive Effects of OutdoorLighting’;(ii)AS
2560.1-2002 ‘Sports Lighting—General Principles’;(g)for a facility that includes a
classroom, library, multipurpose hallor trade training
centre, the facility is completely within anexisting school
campus;Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development(ga) for a facility that is a trade
training centre, the facility isdesigned and
constructed using appropriate measures to ensurenoise
associated with the use of the facility does not exceed5db(A) above the background level of noise
measured—(i)between 7a.m. and 7p.m.; and(ii)at the boundary of the campus nearest
to the facility;Examples of appropriate measures—construction materials designed to
reduce noise, buildingorientation, noise barriers(h)the development does not involve the
construction or extensionof any vehicular access to the
premises, other than a vehicularaccess for
persons with a disability, emergency service vehiclesor
other service vehicles;(i)the development
does not reduce the number of dedicatedvehicle parking
spaces on the land on which the facility islocated.(2)However, development to which
subsection (1) would otherwiseapply is not
prescribed for section 232(2) of the Act to the extent thedevelopment—(a)is in
a coastal management district; or(b)is in
an area for which an area management advice has beengiven
for unexploded ordnance; or(c)for development
at a non-State school—(i)is in an area to
which the SEQ koala State planningregulatory
provisions apply; or(ii)involves the clearing of native
vegetation—(A)in a category A area or category B
area shown on aPMAV; or(B)if
there is no PMAV for the lot on which thedevelopment is
carried out—shown on the regionalecosystem map or
remnant map as remnant vegetation.Page 66Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development(3)Also, development
to which subsection (1) would otherwise apply isnot
prescribed for section 232(2) of the Act if—(a)any
of the following apply to the development—(i)the
development is on a place in a planning scheme areathat
on or before 24 April 2009 was a local heritage place,or a
place identified under the local government’s planningscheme as a place of cultural heritage
significance;(ii)the development interferes with
vegetation identified underthe local government’s planning scheme
on or before 24April 2009 as vegetation that is
protected;(iii) the land on which the development is
to be carried out isidentified under the local government’s
planning scheme asaffected or potentially affected by
subsidence caused byunderground mining; and(b)within 10 business days after receiving
notice of thedevelopment under subsection (1)(b), the
local governmentadvises the school by written notice that
the local governmentdoes not agree to the exemption.12All aspects of development, for an
educational facility or community andcultural
facility, that is—(a)completely or partly funded under the
relevant program; and(b)described in the
document called ‘Exempt development for particulareducational or community and cultural
facilities’ published by thedepartment and
dated 22 November 2010; and(c)carried out at
the school stated for the development in the documentmentioned in paragraph (b)Editor’s note—The
document called ‘Exempt development for particular educational
orcommunity and cultural facilities’ dated 22
November 2010 is available forinspection at
the department’s offices during business hours and on thedepartment’s website at
<www.dsdip.qld.gov.au>.12A(1)All aspects of development for an
educational facility funded underthe relevant
program, if all of the following apply in relation to thedevelopment—(a)50%
or more of the gross floor area of all buildings of thedevelopment is under the relevant
program;(b)at least 10 business days before the
development is started, anentity representing the school at
which the development is to becarried out gives
the local government for the area in which theschool is located
written notice of the proposed development;Current as at 28
May 2014Page 67
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development(c)the height of any
building or covered outdoor area for thefacility is not
more than the higher of—(i)the height of the
tallest building on the existing schoolcampus on which
the facility is located; or(ii)15m above ground
level;(d)for development on land that shares a
boundary with residentialland—(i)if
any existing building on the land on which the facility isto be
located is less than 6m from the boundary—any newbuilding is at least the same distance from
the boundary asthe building closest to it; or(ii)otherwise—(A)any
single storey building for the facility is located atleast
3m from the boundary; and(B)any multistorey
building for the facility is located atleast 6m from the
boundary;(e)all buildings for the facility are
located—(i)if any existing building on the land
on which the facility isto be located is less than 6m from a
road frontage—at leastthe same distance from the road
frontage as the buildingclosest to it; or(ii)otherwise—at least 6m from a road
frontage;(f)for a facility that involves the
installation of external floodlights,the installation
of the floodlights complies with each of thefollowing—(i)AS 4282-1997 ‘Control of the obtrusive
effects of outdoorlighting’;(ii)AS
2560.1-2002 ‘Sports lighting—general principles’;(g)the facility is completely within an
existing school campus;(h)the development
does not involve the construction or extensionof any vehicular
access to the premises, other than a vehicularaccess for
persons with a disability, emergency service vehiclesor
other service vehicles;Page 68Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development(i)the development
does not reduce the number of dedicatedvehicle parking
spaces on the land on which the facility islocated.(2)However, development to which
subsection (1) would otherwiseapply is not
prescribed for section 232(2) of the Act to the extent thedevelopment—(a)is in
a coastal management district; or(b)is in
an area for which an area management advice has beengiven
for unexploded ordnance; or(c)for development
at a non-State school—(i)if the
development is located outside an existingdevelopment
footprint under the SEQ Koala ConservationState Planning
Regulatory Provisions (theSPRP)—is in anassessable development area or identified
koalabroad-hectare area under the SPRP; or(ii)involves the clearing of native
vegetation—(A)in a category A area or category B
area shown on aPMAV; or(B)if
there is no PMAV for the lot on which thedevelopment is
carried out—shown on the regionalecosystem map or
remnant map as remnant vegetation.(3)Also,
development to which subsection (1) would otherwise apply isnot
prescribed for section 232(2) of the Act if—(a)any
of the following matters apply to the development—(i)the development is on a place in a
planning scheme areathat on or before 9 June 2011 was a local
heritage place, ora place identified under the local
government’s planningscheme as a place of cultural heritage
significance;(ii)the development interferes with
vegetation identified underthe local government’s planning scheme
on or before 9 June2011 as vegetation that is protected;(iii)
the land on which the development is to be carried out isidentified under the local government’s
planning scheme asaffected or potentially affected by
subsidence caused byunderground mining; andCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 69
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of development(b)within 10
business days after receiving notice of thedevelopment under
subsection (1)(b), the local governmentadvises the
school by written notice that—(i)a
matter mentioned in paragraph (a) applies to thedevelopment; and(ii)the
local government is satisfied that the developmentmay—(A)affect the local
heritage place, place of cultural heritagesignificance or
protected vegetation; or(B)be affected by
subsidence.South Bank13Development within the meaning of theSouth
Bank Corporation Act 1989,but only until
the development completion date under that ActPriority
development areas14All aspects of development for a
priority development areaFor G20 radiocommunications
works15All aspects of development carried out
on or before 30 June 2015 for theconstruction,
installation, use, maintenance, repair, alteration,decommissioning, demolition or removal of
G20 radiocommunicationsworksPage 70Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 4Table 5—All
aspects of developmentBoot camp centres17All
aspects of development for a boot camp centre, if all of the
followingapply in relation to the development—(a)at least 10 business days before the
development is started, theboot camp centre provider gives the
local government for thearea in which the boot camp centre is
located written notice ofthe proposed development;(b)for a facility that involves the
installation of external floodlights,the installation
complies with each of the following—(i)AS
4282-1997 ‘Control of the Obtrusive Effects of OutdoorLighting’;(ii)AS
2560.1-2002 ‘Sports Lighting—General Principles’;(c)the development does not involve the
construction or extensionof any vehicular access to the
premises, other than a vehicularaccess for the
following—(i)persons with a disability;(ii)emergency service and other service
vehicles;(iii) vehicles used for transporting
children who are participatingin a boot camp
program or persons involved in theoperation of a
boot camp centre;(d)the development does not reduce the
number of dedicatedvehicle parking spaces on the land on which
the facility islocated;(e)for
development on land that shares a boundary with residentialland—(i)any
single storey building is located at least 3m from theboundary; and(ii)any
multistorey building or covered outdoor area is locatedat
least 10m from the boundary;(f)all
new buildings for the facility are located—(i)at
least 6m from a road frontage; or(ii)if
any existing building on the land on which the facility isto be
located is less than 6m from a road frontage—at leastthe
same distance from the road frontage as the buildingclosest to itCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 71
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Schedule 5Applicable
codes, laws,policies and prescribed mattersfor
particular developmentsection 11Part 1Assessable developmentTable 1—Building
workColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentFor the Building Act1Building work requiring codeThe
relevant provisions of the following,assessment under
schedule 3, part 1,as they apply under the Building Act,table
1, item 1chapter 4, part 1, division 1—(a)the Building Act, chapters 3 and
4;(b)any local law or local planninginstrument that the division allowsto
apply to the assessment;(c)the Queensland
BCADeclared fish habitat area2Building work requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
1, item 2agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrence agencyand
the development is in a wildriver area—any
applicable code forthe development mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaPage
72Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
2—Material change of useColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentEnvironmentally relevant activities1Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
2, item 1agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrenceagency—(i)the provisions of chapter 3,part
1, division 3A of theEnvironmental ProtectionRegulation 2008; and(ii)for a wild river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned inthe wild river declaration forthe
wild river areaCertain brothels2Development requiring codeThe
IDAS code mentioned in theassessment under schedule 3, table
2,Prostitution Regulation 2000,
schedule 3item 23Development requiring impactThe
following—aitsesmes2sment under schedule 3, table
3;(b)the relevant provision of any
localplanning instrumentCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 73
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
2—Material change of useColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentStrategic port land4Development requiring code(a)for the port authority as theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager—the currenttable
2, item 3land use plan approved under theTransport Infrastructure Act,section 286; and(b)for
the Minister under theTransport Infrastructure Act, as
theconcurrence agency, section 287Aof
the ActAirport land5Development requiring code or impactThe
current land use plan for the airportassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,land approved under theAirport
Assetstable 2, item 4(Restructuring
and Disposal) Act 2008,chapter 3, part
1Major hazard facilities6Development requiring codeThe
relevant provisions of the Stateassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,development assessment provisionstable
2, item 5Contaminated land7Development requiring code or impactThe
relevant provisions of the Stateassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,development assessment provisionstable
2, item 6 or 7Certain aquaculture8Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
2, item 10agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrence agencyand
the development is in a wildriver area—any
applicable code forthe development mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaPage
74Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
2—Material change of useColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentCertain agricultural or animal husbandry
activities in a wild riverarea9Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
2, item 11agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrence agencyand
the development is in a wildriver area—any
applicable code forthe development mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaTable
3—Reconfiguring a lotColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentUnder theLandTitleAct19941Reconfiguring a
lot requiring impactThe relevant provisions of any
planningassessment under schedule 3, table 3,scheme, temporary local planningitem
1instrument, master plan or
preliminaryapproval to which section 242 of the
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentClearing native vegetation1Development requiring codeif
the chief executive is the assessmentassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,manager or a referral agency—thetable
4, item 1relevant provisions of the Statedevelopment assessment provisionsCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentOperational works associated with
reconfiguring2Development requiring codeThe
relevant provisions of any applicableassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,planning scheme, temporary localtable
4, item 2planning instrument, master plan orpreliminary approval to which section242
of the Act appliesTaking or interfering with
water—generally3Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
4, item 3, other than item 3(d) oragency—the
relevant provisions of(e)the State
development assessmentprovisions; and(b)if an
entity other than the chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a referral agency—(i)the relevant provisions of theWater
Act 2000; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaInterfering with overland flow water in a
declared drainage andembankment area or wild river
floodplain management area4Development
requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
4, item 3(d) or (e)agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a referral agency—(i)the relevant provisions of theWater
Act 2000; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaPage 76Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentParticular dams5Development requiring codeThe
relevant provisions of the Stateassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,development assessment provisionstable
4, item 4Tidal works in local government tidal
area6Tidal works—(a)the
relevant provisions of the(a)in a local
government tidal area;following—and(i)the IDAS code in theCoastal(b)requiring code assessment underschedule 3, part 1, table 4, item 5;Protection and ManagementRegulation 2003, schedule
4A;and(ii) any applicable planning
scheme,(c)for which a local government isthe
assessment managertemporary local planninginstrument,
master plan orpreliminary approval to whichsection 242 of the Act applies;and(b)for a wild river
area—(i)the Coastal Protection andManagement Act, section 104A;and(ii) any applicable code for
thedevelopment mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaTidal
works, or work in a coastal management district7Tidal
works or work in a coastal(a)if the chief
executive is themanagement district—assessment
manager or a referral(a)requiring code
assessment underschedule 3, part 1, table 4, item5;
andagency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)for which the chief executive
isthe assessment manager(b)if an
entity other than the chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrence agencyand
the development is in a wildriver area—any
applicable code forthe development mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentWaterway barrier works8Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
4, item 6agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrenceagency—(i)the relevant provisions of theFisheries Act; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaWorks in a declared fish habitat area9Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
4, item 7agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrenceagency—(i)the relevant provisions of theFisheries Act; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaPage 78Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentRemoval, destruction or damage of marine
plants10Development requiring codeassessment under schedule 3, part 1,table
4, item 8(a)if the chief executive is theassessment manager or a referralagency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrenceagency—(i)the relevant provisions of theFisheries Act; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaCertain agricultural or animal husbandry
activities in a wild riverarea11Development requiring codeassessment under schedule 3, part 1,table
4, item 9(a)if the chief executive is theassessment manager or a referralagency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a concurrence agencyand
the development is in a wildriver area—any
applicable code forthe development mentioned in thewild
river declaration for the wildriver areaConstruction of new levees or modification
of existing levees12Construction of a new category 2
leveethe IDAS code in theWater
Regulation2002, schedule 15B13Modification of an existing levee if,the
IDAS code in theWater Regulationafter the
modification, the levee will2002,
schedule 15Bfulfil the requirements for a category
2leveeCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 79
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
4—Operational worksColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessment14Construction of a new category 3
levee(a)the IDAS code in theWaterRegulation
2002, schedule 15B;and(b)if the chief executive is a
referralagency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions15Modification of an existing levee
if,(a)the IDAS code in theWaterafter the
modification, the levee willRegulation
2002, schedule 15B;fulfil the
requirements for a category 3andlevee(b)if
the chief executive is a referralagency—the
relevant provisions ofthe State development
assessmentprovisionsTable 5—Various
aspects of developmentColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentStrategic port land1On
strategic port land other thanThe current land
use plan approved underdevelopment requiring codethe
Transport Infrastructure Act, sectionassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,286table 2, item 3Airport
land2On airport land other than
developmentThe current land use plan for the
airportrequiring code or impact assessmentland
approved under theAirport Assetsunder schedule 3,
part 1, table 2, item(Restructuring and Disposal) Act
2008,4, if the land use plan for the
airportchapter 3, part 1land approved
under theAirport Assets(Restructuring
and Disposal) Act2008, chapter 3, part 1 states thedevelopment is assessabledevelopmentPage 80Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 1Table
5—Various aspects of developmentColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentRemoving quarry material3Development requiring code(a)if the chief executive is theassessment under schedule 3, part 1,assessment manager or a referraltable
5, item 1agency—the relevant provisions ofthe
State development assessmentprovisions;
and(b)if an entity other than the
chiefexecutive is the assessmentmanager or a referral agency—(i)the relevant provisions of theWater
Act 2000; and(ii) for a wild
river area, anyapplicable code for thedevelopment
mentioned in thewild river declaration for the wildriver
areaQueensland heritage place4Development requiring codeThe
relevant provisions of the Stateassessment under
schedule 3, part 1,development assessment provisionstable
5, item 2Local heritage place5Development requiring codeThe
following—assessment under schedule 3, part 1,table
5, item 3(a)the IDAS code in theQueenslandHeritage
Regulation 2003,schedule 2;(b)the
relevant provision of anyplanning scheme, temporary
localplanning instrument, master plan orpreliminary approval to whichsection 242 of the Act appliesCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 2Part
2Self-assessable developmentTable
1—Building workColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that mayapply for assessmentBy the State, a
public sector entity or a local government1Building work made self-assessableThe
relevant provisions of the following,under schedule 3,
part 2, table 1, item 1as they apply under the Building
Act,chapter 4, part 1, division 1—(a)the Building Act, chapters 3 and
4;(b)any local law or local planninginstrument that the division allowsto
apply to the assessment;(c)the Queensland
BCAFor the Building Act2Building work made self-assessableThe
relevant provisions of the following,under schedule 3,
part 2, table 1, item 2as they apply under the Building
Act,chapter 4, part 1, division 1—(a)the Building Act, chapters 3 and
4;(b)any local law or local planninginstrument that the division allowsto
apply to the assessment;(c)the Queensland
BCADeclared fish habitat area3Building work made
self-assessable(a)the IDAS codes mentioned in theunder
schedule 3, part 2, table 1, item 3Fisheries
Regulation 2008, section702; and(b)for a wild river area, any
applicablecode for the developmentmentioned in the
wild riverdeclaration for the wild river areaPage
82Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 2Table
2—Material change of useColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentCertain aquaculture1Aquaculture made self-assessable(a)the IDAS codes mentioned in theunder
schedule 3, part 2, table 2, item 1Fisheries
Regulation 2008, section703; and(b)for a wild river area, any
applicablecode for the developmentmentioned in the
wild riverdeclaration for the wild river areaTable
3—Reconfiguring a lot1Table not
usedTable 4—Operational workColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentTaking or interfering with water1Taking or interfering with water
under(a)the codes mentioned in theWatertheWater
Act 2000madeRegulation 2002, section 62;
ands2e,ltfa-baslese4s,siatbelme u1nder schedule 3, part(b)cfoordaewfoirldthreivdeervaerleoap,maneyntapplicablementioned in the
wild riverdeclaration for the wild river areaWaterway barrier works2Constructing or raising waterwayThe
IDAS codes mentioned in thebarrier works made
self-assessableFisheries Regulation 2008,
section 704under schedule 3, part 2, table 4, item
2Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Part 2Table
4—Operational workColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentWorks in a declared fish habitat area3Completely or partly within a
declared(a)the IDAS codes mentioned in thefish
habitat area made self-assessableFisheries
Regulation 2008, sectionunder schedule 3,
part 2, table 4, item 3705; and(b)for a
wild river area, any applicablecode for the
developmentmentioned in the wild riverdeclaration for the wild river areaRemoval, destruction or damage of marine
plants4The removal, destruction or damage
of(a)the IDAS codes mentioned in thea
marine plant made self-assessableFisheries
Regulation 2008, sectionunder schedule 3,
part 2, table 4, item 4706; and(b)for a
wild river area, any applicablecode for the
developmentmentioned in the wild riverdeclaration for the wild river areaLocal
government roads5Works on local government roadsThe
code mentioned in theTransportmade
self-assessable under schedule 3,Planning and
Coordination Regulationpart 2, table 4, item 52005, section 3High impact
earthworks in a wetland protection area6High
impact earthworks forThe code called
‘Self-assessablegovernment supported transportcode—Wetland protection areas in
Greatinfrastructure in a wetland
protectionBarrier Reef catchments’ under the
Statearea made self-assessable underPlanning Policy 2013schedule 3, part
2, table 4, item 67High impact earthworks for
electricityThe code called ‘Self-assessableinfrastructure in a wetland
protectioncode—Wetland protection areas in
Greatarea made self-assessable underBarrier Reef catchments’ under the
Stateschedule 3, part 2, table 4, item 7Planning Policy 2013For tidal works,
or works within a coastal management district8Operational work made self-assessableThe
code for the self-assessableunder schedule 3,
part 2, table 4, item 8operational work declared under
theCoastal Protection and ManagementRegulation 2003to be a code for
IDASPage 84Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 5Table
4—Operational workColumn 1DevelopmentColumn 2Codes, laws, policies andprescribed matters that may applyfor
assessmentConstruction of new levees or modification
of existing levees9Construction of a new category 1
leveethe code mentioned in theWaterRegulation
2002, section 62(e)10Modification of an existing levee if,the
code mentioned in theWaterafter the
modification, the levee willRegulation
2002, section 62(e)fulfil the
requirements for a category 1leveeCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Schedule 6Assessment manager fordevelopment
applicationssection 12Table 1Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerLocal
government planning schemes and local government tidalareas1If
the application is for—Local government(a)development completely in a single
localgovernment area and—(i)any
aspect of the development is assessableagainst the
planning scheme, a temporary localplanning
instrument, master plan or preliminaryapproval to which
section 242 of the Actapplies; or(ii)is
for building work, that, under the BuildingAct, is
assessable against the buildingassessment
provisions; or(iii) is for reconfiguring a lot; or(iv)
is for a brothel; or(v)is operational works associated
withreconfiguring a lot; or(b)prescribed tidal work completely in a single
localgovernment tidal area; or(c)prescribed tidal work partly in a
single localgovernment tidal area and in no other
localgovernment tidal area or port authority’s
strategicport land tidal area; or(d)prescribed tidal work starting in a local
governmenttidal area and extending into another
localgovernment’s tidal area but in no port
authority’sstrategic port land tidal area; or(e)operational work mentioned in schedule
3, part 1,table 4, item 5(b)(iii) and the work is
associated withreconfiguring a lotPage 86Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 2Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerStrategic port land and strategic port land
tidal areas1If table 1 does not apply and the
application is for—Port authority(a)development completely in a single port
authority’sstrategic port land; or(b)tidal
works completely in a single port authority’sstrategic port
land tidal area; or(c)tidal works partly in a single port
authority’sstrategic port land tidal area and in no
localgovernment tidal area or another port
authority’sstrategic port land tidal areaAirport land2If
table 1 does not apply and the application is fordevelopment completely or partly on airport
land,whether or not the development includes
tidal worksThe chief executiveTable 3Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerEnvironmentally relevant activities1If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—for an(a)development for an environmentally
relevantactivity; andenvironmentallyrelevant activity
thatis devolved to a local(b)no
other assessable developmentgovernment
undertheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation 2008,thelocal
governmentfor all otherenvironmentallyrelevant
activitiesmentioned in column1, the chief
executiveCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 3Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerVegetation clearing2If
tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the application is for—The
chief executive(a)operational work for the clearing of
nativevegetation; and(b)no
other assessable developmentTaking or
interfering with water3If tables 1 and 2
do not apply and the application is for—The chief
executive(a)operational work for the taking or
interfering withwater under theWater Act
2000; and(b)no
other assessable development3AIf
tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the application is for—The
chief executive(a)operational work for the construction
of a dam, orthat is carried out in relation to a dam,
if, because ofthe work, the dam must be failure impact
assessed;and(b)no other
assessable developmentMajor hazard facilities4If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)material change of use for a major hazard
facility orproposed major hazard facility; and(b)no other assessable developmentQuarrying in a watercourse or lake5If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)removing quarry material from a watercourse
or lakeif an allocation notice is required under
theWaterAct 2000;
and(b)no other assessable developmentPage
88Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 3Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerTidal
works or work within a coastal management district6If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)operational work that is—(i)tidal works not in a port authority’s
strategicport land tidal area or in local
government’stidal area; or(ii)work
carried out completely or partly within acoastal
management district; and(b)no other
assessable developmentDevelopment on Queensland heritage
place7If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)assessable development on a Queensland
heritageplace; and(b)no
other assessable developmentDevelopment on
local heritage place8If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The local(a)assessable development on a local heritage
place;andgovernment for theplace(b)no other assessable developmentContaminated land management9If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)assessable development under schedule 3,
part 1,table 2, item 6 or 7; and(b)no other assessable developmentAquaculture10If
tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the application is for—The
chief executive(a)material change of use for aquaculture
under theFisheries Act; and(b)no
other assessable developmentCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 89
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 3Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerFisheries development other than
aquaculture11If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)building work in a declared fish habitat
area oroperational work that is 1 or more of the
following—(i)constructing or raising waterway
barrier works;(ii)work carried out completely or partly
within adeclared fish habitat area;(iii)
removal, destruction or damage of a marineplant; and(b)no other assessable developmentFor a
wild river area12If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)assessable development under—(i)schedule 3, part 1, table 2, item 11;
or(ii)schedule 3, part 1, table 4, item 9;
and(b)no other assessable developmentDevelopment in wetland protection
area13If tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the
application is for—The chief executive(a)assessable development under schedule 3,
part 1,table 4, item 10; and(b)no
other assessable developmentConstruction of
new levees or modification of existing levees14If
tables 1 and 2 do not apply and the application is foroperational work that is—(a)construction of a new category 2 levee
or a newcategory 3 levee; or(b)modification of an existing levee if, after
themodification, the levee will fulfil the
requirementsfor a category 2 levee or a category 3
leveeThe localgovernment for
thelocal governmentarea where the
newlevee is proposed tobe constructed or
theexisting levee islocatedPage
90Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 4Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerApplications involving multiple
jurisdictions1If tables 1, 2 and 3 do not apply and
the application isfor—The chief executive(a)2 or more aspects of development
mentioned in table3, item 1(a), 2(a), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a), 6(a),
7(a), 9(a),10(a), 11(a), 12(a) or 13(a); and(b)no other assessable developmentTable
5Column 1Application
typeDecided by the Minister1Development not stated in tables 1 to
4Column 2AssessmentmanagerThe
entity decidedby the Ministeradministering
theActCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 6Table 6Column 1Application
typeColumn 2AssessmentmanagerConcurrence agency assessment manager1An application—The entity that
be a preliminary approval only; and(b)if
the preliminary approval states that the assessmentmanager does not require any further
assessment ofthe proposal in relation to the development
permit;and(c)if the
application is for the development permit onlyfor the aspect of
development for which thepreliminary approval was givenPage
92Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 7Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Referral
agencies and theirjurisdictionssection 13Table
1—For building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionFire safety
system—generally1A fire safety system for a
buildingQueensland Fireor structure,
other than a temporaryand Emergencystructure or
special structure asService—as andefined in the
Building Act,advice agencyschedule 2, if
the building work—(a)requires special fire servicesmentioned in schedule 8, part1;
or(b)includes an alternative
solutionassessed against theperformance
requirements ofthe BCA, volume 1, or theQueensland DevelopmentCode, part 2.2,
for the firesafety system; orFor the special
fireservices mentioned inschedule 8,
part1—the mattersmentioned
inschedule 8, part 2For item 1(b)
and(c)—the BuildingAct, chapters 3
and 4(c)includes an alternative
solutionassessed against the relevantperformance requirements ofthe
BCA or the performancecriteria stated in theQueensland DevelopmentCode, part 2.3,
for the firesafety systemCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 93
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionFire safety
system—budget accommodation buildings2A
fire safety system for a budgetQueensland
Fireaccommodation building as definedand
Emergencyin the Building Act, section 216, ifService—as anthe work involves
a solution—advice agency(a)assessed against—The fire
safetymanagementprocedures under
theFire and EmergencyServices Act
1990(i)the performance criteriastated in the QueenslandDevelopment Code,
part2.1; or(ii)the
performancerequirements of the BCA,volumes 1 and 2,
for thefire safety system; and(b)that
includes fire safetymanagement procedures as acondition of the use andoccupation of the
buildingWater-based fire safety installations2AA water-based fire safetyinstallation for a building orstructure, if the building workincludes—(a)the
installation of thewater-based fire safetyinstallation;
andQueensland Fireand
EmergencyService—as aconcurrence
agencyCompliance with theperformance
criteria3, 4 and 5 of theQueenslandDevelopment Code,part 6.1.(b)an alternative solution
assessedagainst the performancecriteria 3, 4 and
5 of theQueensland DevelopmentCode, part
6.1Page 94Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionResidential care
buildings3A residential care building
underQueensland Firethe Queensland
Development Code,and Emergencypart 2.2Service—as anadvice
agencyFor item A2 of theacceptable
solutionsstated in theQueenslandDevelopment Code,part
2.2—compliancewith the QueenslandDevelopment
Code,part 2.2, schedule 2For item P2 of
theperformance criteriastated in
Code,part 2.2—the fire andevacuation plan
forthe building undertheFire
andEmergency ServicesAct 1990Workplace involving spray painting4A workplace involving sprayThe
regulator underThe performancepainting
if—theWork Healthcriteria stated
in the(a)the Queensland DevelopmentCode,
part 5.8, applies to thework; andand Safety
aDevelopment Code,concurrence
agencypart 5.8(b)the
work is required to complywith performance criteria forthe
work (other than by anacceptable solution)Retail meat premises5A
retail meat premises if—Safe FoodThe
performance(a)the Queensland DevelopmentCode,
part 5.3, applies to thework; andQueensland—as
acriteria stated in theconcurrence
Code,part 5.3(b)the
work is required to complywith performance criteria forthe
work (other than by anacceptable solution)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionPrivate health
facilities6A private health facility if—The
chief healthThe performance(a)the
Queensland DevelopmentCode, part 5.5, applies to thework;
andofficer under thecriteria stated
in theHealth ActQueensland1937—as aDevelopment
Code,concurrence agencypart 5.5(b)the work is required to complywith
performance criteria forthe work (other than by anacceptable solution)Workplace area
less than 2.3m27A workplace area
less than 2.3m2The regulator underThe
Healthcriteria stated in the(a)the
Queensland DevelopmentCode, part 5.1, applies to thework;
andand Safety ActQueensland2011—as an adviceDevelopment
Code,agencypart 5.1(b)the work is required to complywith
the performance criteriafor work areas, other than bythe
acceptable solution forwork areasPage 96Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
road8Building work if—The chiefThe
purpose of the(a)any part of the land is—executive—as aActconcurrence agency(i)within 25m of aState-controlled
road; or(ii)future State-controlledroad;
and(b)the building work is notassociated with—(i)a
material change of usementioned in table 3, item1;
or(ii)reconfiguring a lotmentioned in table 2, item2;
or(iii) government supportedtransport infrastructure;and(c)the building work
is for anon-residential purpose; and(d)the building work involves theredirection or intensification ofsite
stormwater from the land,through a pipe with across-sectional area greaterthan
625cm2, to aState-controlled
road or futureState-controlled roadPastoral workers’
accommodation9Pastoral worker’s accommodationThe
chief executiveThe performanceif—administering thecriteria stated
in the(a)the Queensland DevelopmentCode,
part 5.6, applies to thework; andPastoral
ActDevelopment Code,1980—as
apart 5.6concurrence
agency(b)the work is required to complywith
the performance criteriafor accommodation stated inthe
part (other than by anacceptable solution)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
management districts11Building work on land
completelyThe chiefThe purpose of
theor partly seaward of a coastalexecutive—as aActbuilding line under the Coastalconcurrence agencyProtection and
Management ActQueensland heritage place12Building work on a Queenslandheritage placeThe chiefThe
purpose of theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agencyLocal heritage
place13Building work on a local
heritageplaceThe localgovernment—as aconcurrence
agencyThe following—(a)IDAS
code intheQueenslandHeritageRegulation2003,
relevantprovision ofany
planningschemePublic passenger
transport14Building work on future publicThe
chiefThe purpose of thepassenger
transport corridor, if theexecutive—as aActbuilding work is not associatedconcurrence agencywith—(a)reconfiguring a lot mentionedin
table 2, item 33; or(b)a material change of usementioned in table 3, item 14;or(c)government
supportedtransport infrastructurePage 98Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionRailways16Building work on future railwayland,
if the building work is notassociated with—The chiefThe
purpose of theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(a)reconfiguring a lot mentionedin
table 2, item 34; or(b)a material change of usementioned in table 3, item15A;
or(c)government supportedtransport infrastructureAmenity and
aesthetic impact of particular building work17Building work for a building orThe
localThe amenity andstructure if it
is—government—as aaesthetic impact
of(a)a single detached class 1(a)(i)building, class 1(a)(ii) buildingcomprising not more than 2attached dwellings or a classconcurrence agencythe building
orstructure if thebuilding work
iscarried out10 building or
structure; and(b)in a locality and of a form forwhich
the local governmenthas, by resolution or in itsplanning scheme, declared thatthe
form may—(i)have an extremely adverseeffect on the amenity, orlikely amenity, of thelocality;
or(ii)be in extreme conflict withthe
character of thelocalityWhether
particular buildings may be occupied for residentialpurposes18Building work for a building, otherThe
localApproval to use thethan a class 1,
2, 3 or 4 building, forgovernment—as abuilding
forresidential purposesconcurrence
agencyresidential purposesCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 99
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionDesign and
siting19If—The localWhether the(a)the
Queensland DevelopmentCode, part 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3applies for building work; andgovernment—as aproposed building
orconcurrence agencystructure
complieswith the performancecriteria(b)under the part, the proposedbuilding or structure does notinclude an acceptable solutionfor a
relevant performancecriteria under the part20If—The localWhether
the(a)under the Building Act, section33,
an alternative provisionapplies for the building work;andgovernment—as aconcurrence
agencyproposed building orstructure
complieswith the qualitativestatement(b)under the provision, theproposed building or structureis
not of the quantifiablestandard for a relevantqualitative statement under theprovision21If—The localWhether
the(a)under theBuilding
Regulation2006, section 10, a localplanning instrument makes aprovision about a mattergovernment—as
aproposed building orconcurrence
agencystructure complieswith the
qualitativestatementprovided for
underperformance criteria 4, 5, 7, 8or 9
of the QueenslandDevelopment Code, part 1.1 or1.2;
and(b)the provision applies forbuilding work; and(c)under
the provision, theproposed building or structureis
not of the quantifiablestandard for a relevantqualitative statement under theprovisionPage 100Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionFire safety in
particular budget accommodation buildings22Building work required to ensure aThe
localWhether, after thebuilding
complies, under thegovernment—as abuilding work
isBuilding Act, section 220, with theconcurrence agencycompleted,
thefire safety standard under that Actbuilding will complywith the fire
safetystandard under theBuilding
ActHigher risk personal appearance
services23Building work if—The localWhether the building(a)the
Queensland DevelopmentCode, part 5.2, applies to thework;
andgovernment—as awork complies
withconcurrence agencythe
performancecriteria mentioned inthe part that
are(b)the work does not comply withrelevant to thean acceptable
solution stated inacceptable solutionthe partBuilding work for residential service24Building work for premises inThe
localWhether, if thewhich a
residential service undergovernment—as abuilding work
istheResidential Servicesconcurrence agencycarried out,
the(Accreditation) Act 2002, section
4,premises wouldis conducted, or
is proposed to becomply with theconductedrequirements statedin the
QueenslandDevelopment Code,part 5.7Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionBuilding work for
removal or rebuilding25Building work
relating to any of theThe localDeciding—following—(a)the
removal of a building orcgoonvceurnrrmenencet—agaesnacy(a)lwohcaelthertheother
structure, whether forgovernmentrebuilding at
another site orshould requirenot;security, of no(b)the
rebuilding of a building orother structure removed fromanother sitemore than
thevalue of thebuilding
work,for theperformance
ofthe work; and(b)if
security isrequired—itsamount andformBuilding work for particular class 1
buildings26Building work for a class
1(a)(i)The localThe provisions of
thebuilding, or a class 1(a)(ii)
buildinggovernment—as aplanning scheme
thatcomprising not more than 2concurrence agencywould apply for
theattached dwellings, if any materialdevelopmentchange of use
associated with theapplication ifbuilding
work—schedule 4, table 2,(a)is
for a residential purpose in aresidential zone;
anditem 2 did not applyfor the
use(b)would have required adevelopment permit ifschedule 4, table
2, item 2 didnot apply for the useTemporary
accommodation buildings27Building work for
a temporaryThe localPerformance
criteriaaccommodation building as definedgovernment—as a1 of the
Queenslandunder theBuilding
Regulationconcurrence agencyDevelopment
Code,2006, section 54A if—part 3.3(a)the Queensland DevelopmentCode,
part 3.3 applies to thework; and(b)the
requirements ofacceptable solution A1 statedin
the part are not compliedwithPage 102Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionBuilding work for
Queensland Development Code, part 1.427ABuilding work if—(a)the
Queensland Development Code,part 1.4 applies
to the work inrelation to a sewer, water main orstormwater drain; and(b)either—The relevant
serviceprovider—as aconcurrence
agencyWhether theproposed building
orstructure complieswith the
performancecriteria in relation tothe sewer, water
mainor stormwater drain.(i)the
work does not comply withan acceptable solution for arelevant performance criteriastated in the part; or(ii)the
work is for a class ofbuilding or structure for whichthe
part does not state anacceptable solution; and(c)the relevant service provider is
notthe applicantBuilding work for
Queensland Development Code, part 4.128Building work for development toThe
localWhether thewhich item P13 of
the performancegovernment—as aproposedcriteria stated in the Queenslandconcurrence agencydevelopmentDevelopment Code,
part 4.1,complies with itemapplies if the
building developmentP13 of theapplication does
not cover end ofperformance criteriatrip facilities
under that itemstated in theQueenslandDevelopment Code,part 4.1Building work for class 1 buildings on
premises with on-sitewastewater management system29Building work for a class 1
buildingThe localCompliance with
theif—government—as aQPW code, part
apsrteemwiasteesrthatconcurrence agencyPpe2rformancecriteriamanagement system, asdefined under the
QPW code,installed; and(b)the
work involves adding oneor more bedrooms to thebuildingCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 103
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdictionFlood hazard
area30Building work for a lot if—The
localWhether the defined(a)athnedlotis in a flood
hazard area;gcoonvceurnrrmenencet—agaesnacydtfhleoevoebdluolipeldvmienelgnsttatedin(b)the local
government hasapplication isdeclared under
havingRegulation 2006, section 13
aregard to all or any ofdefined flood
level for the partthe following—of the flood
hazard area withinwhich the lot is located; and(a)any floodmodelling(c)the defined flood level stated
incarried out forthe building
developmentthe lot or all orapplication is
lower than thepart of thedefined flood
level declared byflood hazardthe local
governmentarea withinwhich the lot
recordedflood levels forall or part of
theflood hazardarea
withinwhich the lot islocated;(c)any othermatter the
localgovernmentconsidersrelevantPage 104Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 1—For
building work assessable against the Building ActColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Column 3Referral agencyReferraland
typejurisdiction31Building work for a lot if—The
localWhether the(a)athnedlotis in a flood
hazard area;gcoonvceurnrrmenencet—agaesnacymvsteaaltoxecidmitiyunmothffewlobawuteilrding(b)the local government hasdevelopmentdeclared under
isRegulation 2006, section 13
aappropriate havingmaximum flow
velocity ofregard to all or any ofwater for the
part of the floodthe following—hazard area
within which thelot is located; and(a) any
floodmodelling carried(c)the
maximum flow velocity ofout for the lot orwater stated in
the buildingall or part of thedevelopment
application isflood hazard arealower than the
maximum flowwithin which thevelocity of water
declared bylot is located;the local
government(b) any flow velocityof water that
hasbeen recorded fora flood
for—(i)all or part ofthe floodhazard areawithin
whichthe lot islocated;
or(ii) the part of thelot on
whichthe buildingwork is to
becarried out;(c) any other
matterthe localgovernmentconsiders relevantCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 105
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionEnvironmentally
relevant activities1 A material change of use for anenvironmentally relevant activity
madeassessable under schedule 3, part 1,table
2, item 1(a) for anenvironmentallyrelevant
activitythat is devolvedto a localgovernmentunder theEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation 2008,the
concurrenceagency(b) for all
activitiesmentioned incolumn 1,
activitymentioned oppositein column
2,paragraph (a), thepurposes of
theEnvironmentalProtection Act
tothe extent it appliesto eachenvironmentalobjective
mentionedin theEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation 2008,schedule 5, part 3,table 2For
activitymentioned oppositein column
2,paragraph (b), thepurpose of the
ActPage 106Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionState-controlled
road2Reconfiguring a lot if—(a)any part of the land—(i)is within 25m of aState-controlled
road; orThe chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(ii)is
future State-controlledroad; or(iii) abuts a
road that intersectswith a State-controlledroad that is
within 100m ofthe land; and(b)1 or
more of the followingapply—(i)the
total number of lots isincreased;(ii)the
total number of lotsabutting theState-controlled
road isincreased;(iii) there is a
new or changedaccess between the landand the
State-controlledroadCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 107
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction3Operational work, other than workThe
chiefThe purpose of theassociated with a
material change ofexecutive—as aActuse
mentioned in table 3, item 1,concurrence
agencyoperational work associated withreconfiguring a lot mentioned initem
2 of this table, or work forgovernment
supported transportinfrastructure, if—(a)any
part of the land—(i)is within 25m of aState-controlled
road; or(ii)is future State-controlledroad;
and(b)the work—(i)is
associated with access tothe State-controlled road orfuture State-controlledroad; or(ii)is for filling or excavation;or(iii) involves the redirection
orintensification of sitestormwater from
the land,through a pipe with across-sectional
area greaterthan 625cm2, to
aState-controlled road orfuture
State-controlledroadPage 108Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionClearing
vegetation4Reconfiguringalotthatis5haorThe chieflarger, if—executive—as
a(a)the size of any lot created is
25ha,concurrence agencyor smaller;
andThe purpose of theAct(b)either—(i)the
reconfiguring involvesoperational work madeassessable under schedule 3,part
1, table 4, item 1, otherthan operational work that isonly
the clearing of regulatedregrowth vegetation; or(ii)on any lot created, additionalexempt operational work,other than
operational workthat is only the clearing ofregulated regrowthvegetation, could
be carriedout5Operational work,
not associated withreconfiguring a lot mentioned in item
4or a material change of use mentionedin
table 3, item 10, for clearing nativevegetation made
assessable underschedule 3, part 1, table 4, item 1The
chiefexecutive—as aconcurrence
agencyThe purpose of theActStrategic port land6A
material change of use on strategicport land made
assessable underschedule 3, part 1, table 2, item 3The
Minister underthe TransportInfrastructureAct—as aconcurrence agencyThe purposes of
ActMajor hazard facilities8Material change of use of premisesThe
chiefThe purpose of thefor a major
hazard facility orexecutive—as aActproposed major hazard facilityconcurrence agencyCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 109
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionTaking or
interfering with water9Operational work
for taking orThe chiefThe purpose of
theinterfering with water under theexecutive—as aActWater
Act 2000made assessableconcurrence
agencyunder schedule 3, part 1, table 4,item
3, other than paragraphs (d) or(e)Interfering with water in drainage and
embankment areas or wildriver floodplain management
areas10Operational work for taking orinterfering with water under theWater
Act 2000—The chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(a)made
assessable under schedule3, part 1, table 4, item 3(d)
or(e); and(b)either—(i)in a
wild river floodplainmanagement area; or(ii)in a drainage andembankment area
underthat Act controlling theflow of water
into or out ofa watercourse, lake orspringParticular dams11Operational work for theconstruction of a
dam, or that iscarried out in relation to a dam,made
assessable under schedule 3,part 1, table 4,
item 4The chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agencyRemoval of quarry
material12Development, for the removal ofquarry material, made assessableunder
schedule 3, part 1, table 5,item 1The
chiefThe purpose of theexecutive—as
aActconcurrence agencyPage 110Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionTidal works, or
development in a coastal management district13Operational work made assessableunder
schedule 3, part 1, table 4,item 5, other
than—The chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(a)prescribed tidal work in a canal;or(b)work that is for
the installation,maintenance or repair ofoverhead cables
or lines thatextend over tidal water; or(c)work that is for theconstruction, installation,maintenance or repair ofpipelines, cables
or lines undertidal water14Reconfiguring a lot made assessableThe
chiefThe purpose of theunder schedule 3,
part 1, table 3,executive—as aActitem
1 if—concurrence agency(a)the
land is situated completelyor partly within a coastalmanagement district; or(b)the
reconfiguration is inconnection with theconstruction of a canal15Operational work made assessableunder
schedule 3, part 1, table 4,item 5, that
is—The chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(a)tidal
works; or(b)disposing of dredge spoil orother
solid waste material intidal water; or(c)reclaiming land under tidalwater; or(d)constructing a canal, if the canalis
associated with reconfiguringa lotCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction15BOperational work made assessableunder
schedule 3, part 1, table 4,item 5, carried
out in Gold Coastwaters that is—(a)tidal
works; or(b)disposing of dredge spoil orother
solid waste material intidal water; orThe Gold
CoastWaterwaysAuthorityestablished undertheGold
CoastWaterways AuthorityAct 2012—as
aconcurrence agencyThe purposes of
theGold CoastWaterwaysAuthority Act 2012(c)reclaiming land under tidalwater; or(d)constructing a canal, if the canalis
associated with reconfiguringa lot16Development on land belowhigh-water mark and within thelimits of a port under the TransportInfrastructure Act if thedevelopment is—The chief
executiveof the port authorityfor the land—as
aconcurrence agencyPort
authorityfunctions under theTransportInfrastructure Act,chapter 8, part
3(a)within 200m of a shippingchannel or an entry and exitshipping corridor for the port;or(b)within 100m of a
swing basin, acommercial shipping wharf, amooring, anchorage or spoilgrounds; or(c)within 1000m of a planned portfacility identified in a land useplan17Development on
land belowThe chief executivePort
authorityhigh-water mark and within theof
the port authorityfunctions under thelimits of a port
under the Transportfor the land—as anTransportInfrastructure Act, other thanadvice agencyInfrastructure
Act,development in an area mentioned inchapter 8, part 3item 16Page
112Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction18Operational work made assessableQueensland Fire andThe fire
safetyunder schedule 3, part 1, table 4,Emergencymanagementitem
5, that—Service—as anprocedures
under(a)is tidal works; andadvice agencytheFire
andEmergency Services(b)involves a marina, as definedActunder theTransport
Operations(Marine Pollution) Act 1995,with more than 6 vessel berthsQueensland heritage place19Development on a Queenslandheritage place made assessableunder
schedule 3, part 1, table 5,item 2The
chiefThe purpose of theexecutive—as
aActconcurrence agencyElectricity
infrastructure21Reconfiguring a lot if—(a)any part of the lot is subject
toan easement in favour of adistribution entity ortransmission
entity under theElectricity Act 1994and theeasement is for a transmissiongrid
or supply network underthat Act; orThe chief
executiveof the entity—as anadvice
agencyThe purposes of theElectricity Act
1994and theElectricalSafety Act 2002(b)any
part of the lot is situatedwithin 100m of a substation
siteContaminated land22Reconfiguring a lot if all or part ofThe
chiefThe purpose of thethe premises
are—executive—as aAct(a)potentially affected premises;
orconcurrence agency(b)in an
area for which an areamanagement advice has beengiven
for unexploded ordnance23A material change
of use madeThe chiefThe purpose of
theassessable under schedule 3, part 1,executive—as aActtable
2, item 6 or 7concurrence agencyCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 113
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionWorks or other
development in or adjoining a fish habitat area25Building work in a declared fishhabitat area made assessable underschedule 3, part 1, table 1, item 2The
chiefThe purpose of theexecutive—as
aActconcurrence agency26Operational work, completely orThe
chiefThe purpose of thepartly within a
declared fish habitatexecutive—as aActarea,
made assessable underconcurrence agencyschedule 3, part
1, table 4, item 727Development on land that adjoins
aThe chiefThe purpose of
thedeclared fish habitat area madeexecutive—as aActassessable under schedule 3, part 1concurrence agencyCertain
aquaculture28A material change of use ofThe
chiefThe purpose of thepremises for
aquaculture madeexecutive—as aActassessable under schedule 3, part 1,concurrence agencytable 2, item
10Constructing or raising waterway barrier
works29Operational work that is theThe
chiefThe purpose of theconstructing or
raising of aexecutive—as aActwaterway barrier works madeconcurrence agencyassessable under
schedule 3, part 1,table 4, item 6Removal,
destruction or damage of marine plants30Operational work that is theThe
chiefThe purpose of theremoval,
destruction or damage of aexecutive—as aActmarine plant made assessable underconcurrence agencyschedule 3, part
1, table 4, item 831Reconfiguring a lot, if theThe
chiefThe purpose of thereconfiguration
involves operationalexecutive—as aActwork
that is the removal, destructionconcurrence
agencyor damage of a marine plant andthere
is no development permit forthe operational
workPage 114Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction32A
material change of use ofThe chiefThe purpose of
thepremises, if the material change ofexecutive—as aActuse
involves operational work that isconcurrence
agencythe removal, destruction or damageof a
marine plant and there is nodevelopment
permit for theoperational workPublic passenger
transport33Reconfiguring a lot if any part of
theThe chiefThe purpose of
theland is—executive—as
aAct(a)within 25m of a
publicconcurrence agencypassenger
transport corridorand 1 or both of the followingapply—(i)the
total number of lots isincreased;(ii)an
easement abutting thecorridor is created; or(b)future public passengertransport corridorRailways34Reconfiguring a lot if any part of
theThe chiefThe purpose of
theland is—executive—as
aAct(a)within 25m of a
railway orconcurrence agencyfuture railway
land and 1 orboth of the following apply—(i)the total number of lots isincreased;(ii)an
easement abutting therailway or future railwayland
is created; or(b)future railway landCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionState-controlled
transport tunnels34AReconfiguring a lot if any part of
theland is, or is within 50m of—(a)a State-controlled transporttunnel; orThe chiefexecutive—as aconcurrence
agencyThe purpose of theAct(b)a future State-controlledtransport tunnelOil and gas
infrastructure35Reconfiguring a lot if any part of
theIf the holder of theThe purposes of
thelot is subject to an easement inlicence is not anPetroleum Act
1923favour of the holder of pipelineindividual, the chiefand thePetroleumlicence number 1
issued under theexecutive of theand GasPetroleum Act 1923and theholder—as an(Production
andeasement is for the construction oradvice agencySafety) Act
2004ostpraetreagtiiocnpoipfetlhieneMuonodneirethtoatBAricstbanelIifctehnecehoisldaenrof theindividual, theholder—as
anadvice agencyRegional
plans39Reconfiguring a lot to whichdivision 3 of the State planningregulatory provisions for the SEQregion appliesThe chief
executive—as a concurrenceagencyThe
State planningregulatoryprovisions for
theSEQ regionCertain
agricultural or animal husbandry activities in a wild riverarea41A material change
of use ofpremises, for agricultural activitiesor
animal husbandry activities in awild river area,
made assessableunder schedule 3, part 1, table 2,item
11The chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency42Operational work, for agriculturalThe
chiefThe purpose of theactivities or
animal husbandryexecutive—as aActactivities in a wild river area, madeconcurrence agencyassessable under
schedule 3, part 1,table 4, item 9Page 116Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionLand in or near a
wetland43AReconfiguring a lot if—(a)any part of the land is
situatedin a wetland protection area;andThe chiefThe purpose of
theexecutive—as aActconcurrence agency(b)the
reconfiguration results inmore than 6 lots, or any lotcreated is less than 5ha; and(c)the reconfiguration involvesoperational work that is highimpact earthworks in a wetlandprotection area, other than for adomestic housing activity43B
Operational work made assessableunder schedule 3,
part 1, table 4, item10 if the chief executive is not
theassessment managerThe chief
executive—as a concurrenceagencyThe
purpose of theActLand in distributor-retailer’s
geographic area47Reconfiguring a lot made
assessableTheThe effects of theunder schedule 3,
part 1, table 3,distributor-retailerdevelopment on
aitem 1, or operational work forfor
which the localwater service orreconfiguring a
lot made assessablegovernment is awastewater
serviceunder schedule 3, part 1, table 4,participating localof aitem
2, if—government—as adistributor-retailer(a)the
land is in the area of a localconcurrence
agencygovernment that, under theNote—SEQ
Water Act, is aUnder the SEQparticipating
local governmentWater Act, thisfor a
distributor-retailer; andjurisdiction is(b)the
participating localgovernment is the assessmentdelegated to thelocal
government.manager; and(c)the
development application ismade before 1 July 2014Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table 2—Other
development made assessable under schedule 3 (whetheror
not the development is also assessable under a planning
scheme,temporary local planning instrument or
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies)Column 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionConstruction of
new levees or modification of existing levees48Operational work that is—The
chiefThe purpose of the(a)3colnesvtereu;cotiron of a new
categorycexoenccuutrirveen—ceaasgaencyAct(b)modification of
an existinglevee if, after the modification,the
levee will fulfil therequirements for a category 3leveeTable
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionState-controlled
road1Making a material change of useThe
chiefThe purpose of theof premises if
any part of theexecutive—as aActland—concurrence
agency(a)is within 25m of aState-controlled
road; or(b)is future State-controlledroad;
or(c)abuts a road that intersectswith
a State-controlled roadwithin 100m of the landPage
118Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction1AOperational work, other than workThe
chiefassociated with a material changeexecutive—as aof use mentioned
in item 1 of thisconcurrence agencytable,
operational work associatedwith reconfiguring a lot
mentionedin table 2, item 2, or work forgovernment supported transportinfrastructure, if—The purpose of
theAct(a)any part of the
land—(i)is within 25m of aState-controlled
road; or(ii)is future State-controlledroad;
and(b)the work—(i)is
associated with accessto the State-controlledroad
or futureState-controlled road; or(ii)is for filling orexcavation;
or(iii) involves the redirectionor
intensification of sitestormwater from theland,
through a pipe witha cross-sectional areagreater than
625cm2, to aState-controlled
road orfuture State-controlledroadCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionDevelopment
impacting on State transport infrastructure2An
aspect of developmentThe chiefThe purpose of
theidentified in schedule 9 that—executive—as aAct(a)is for a purpose mentioned inconcurrence agencyschedule 9,
column 1; and(b)meets or exceeds thethreshold—(i)for
development in LGApopulation 1—mentionedin schedule 9,
column 2for the purpose; or(ii)for
development in LGApopulation 2—mentionedin schedule 9,
column 3for the purpose.However, if the
development is fora combination of purposesmentioned in the same item ofschedule 9, the threshold is for thecombination of purposes and notfor
each purpose individually.Page 120Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionCoastal
management districts5Material change of use, if
carryingThe chiefThe purpose of
theout the change of use willexecutive—as aActinvolve—concurrence
agency(a)operational work, other thanexcluded work, carried outcompletely or partly in acoastal management district;or(b)building work,
carried outcompletely or partly in acoastal management district,that
is—(i)the construction of newpremises with a GFA ofat least
1000m2; or(ii)the
enlargement of theGFA of existingpremises by more
designated for community infrastructure6Development on land designatedThe
chiefThe purpose of thefor community
infrastructure—executive—as aAct(a)intended to be supplied by aconcurrence agencypublic sector
entity; and(b)on land not owned by or onbehalf of the State; and(c)other
than development—(i)for the designatedpurpose;
or(ii)carried out by, or onbehalf of, the designatorCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionElectricity
infrastructure7A material change of use notThe
chief executiveThe purposes underassociated with
reconfiguring a lotof the entity—as antheElectricity Actif—advice agency1994and
the(a)any part of the premises issubject to an easement inElectrical Safety Act2002favour of a distribution entityor
transmission entity undertheElectricity Act
1994andthe easement is for atransmission grid or supplynetwork under that Act; and(b)any structure or work that isthe
natural and ordinaryconsequence of the use is, orwill
be, located completely orpartly in the easement8A material change of use notThe
chief executiveThe purposes underassociated with
reconfiguring a lotof the entity—as antheElectricity Actif any part of
the premises isadvice agency1994and
thesituated within 100m of aElectrical Safety Actsubstation
site20029Operational work
that is filling orThe chief executiveThe purposes
underexcavation, not associated withof
the entity—as antheElectricity Actreconfiguring a
lot, if—advice agency1994and
the(a)any part of the premises issubject to an easement inElectrical Safety Act2002favour of a distribution entityor
transmission entity undertheElectricity Act
1994andthe work is locatedcompletely or partly in theeasement; or(b)the
work is locatedcompletely or partly within10m
of a substation sitePage 122Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionClearing
vegetation10Material change of use of a lot that
is5ha or larger, if—(a)for
development for which apreliminary approval is soughtunder
the Act, section 242, thelot contains native vegetationshown
on the regulatedvegetation management map asa
category A area or category Barea; orThe
chiefexecutive—as aconcurrence
agencyThe purpose of theAct(b)for other development that isnot
sole or communityresidence clearing—(i)additional exemptoperational work
could becarried out because of thematerial change of use orthe
development involvesoperational work madeassessable under
schedule3, part 1, table 4, item 1;and(ii)the additional
exemptoperational work orassessable
operationalwork includesdevelopment other
thanthe clearing of regulatedregrowth vegetation onfreehold land,
indigenousland or land the subject ofa
lease issued under theLand Act 1994foragriculture or grazingpurposesCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionContaminated
land11A material change of use if all
orThe chiefpart of the
premises is in an areaexecutive—as afor which an area
managementconcurrence agencyadvice has been
given forunexploded ordnanceThe purpose of
theActRegional plans12A
material change of use to whichThe chief
executivedivision 2 of the State planningadministering theregulatory
provisions for the SEQAct—as aregion
appliesconcurrence agencyThe State
planningregulatory provisionsfor the SEQ
regionPublic passenger transport14Development—The chief(a)that is either—executive—as
aconcurrence agency(i)a
material change of useof premises; orThe purpose of
theAct(ii)operational work
notassociated with—(A)a
material change ofuse of premises; or(B)reconfiguring a lot asmentioned in
table 2,item 33; or(C)governmentsupported
transportinfrastructure; and(b)if
any part of the land is—(i)within 25m of a
publicpassenger transportcorridor;
or(ii)future public passengertransport corridorPage 124Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionRailways15AA material change of use ofpremises if any part of the landis—The chiefexecutive—as
aconcurrence agencyThe purpose of
theAct(a)within 25m of a
railway orfuture railway land; or(b)future railway land15BOperational work involvingextracting, excavating or fillingmore
than 50m3, other than workassociated with a
material changeof use mentioned in item 15A(a)of
this table, reconfiguring a lotmentioned in
table 2, item 34, orgovernment supported transportinfrastructure, if the land is—The
chiefexecutive—as aconcurrence
agencyThe purpose of theAct(a)within 25m of a railway orfuture railway land; or(b)future railway landCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 125
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionState-controlled
transport tunnels15CA material change of use ofpremises, or operational workother
than work associated with amaterial change of use of
premisesor reconfiguring a lot asmentioned in table 2, item 34A, ifthe
land is—The chiefexecutive—as
aconcurrence agencyThe purpose of
State-controlled transporttunnel; or(b)a
future State-controlledtransport tunnel; or(c)within 50m of aState-controlled
transporttunnel or future State-controlled
transport tunnelOil and gas infrastructure16A material change of use notIf
the holder of theThe purposes of theassociated with
reconfiguring a lotlicence is not anPetroleum Act
1923if—individual, the chiefand
SGaafset(yP)rAocdtu2ct0i0o4nnumber 1 issued
under theIf the holder of thePetroleum Act
1923and thelicence is
aneasement is for theindividual,
theconstruction or operation ofholder—as an advicethe Moonie to
pipeline under thatAct; and(b)any
structure or work that isthe natural and ordinaryconsequence of the use is, orwill
be, located completely orpartly in the easementPage
126Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction17Operational work that is filling,If
the holder of theThe purposes of theexcavation,
compaction, drilling,licence is not anPetroleum Act
1923boring or piling not associatedindividual, the chiefand thePetroleumwith
reconfiguring a lot, if anyexecutive of theand Gas
(Productionpart of the premises is subject toholder—as an adviceand Safety) Act
2004an easement in favour of theagencyholder of
pipeline licence number1 issued under thePetroleum
Act1923and the work is locatedcompletely or partly in theeasementIf the holder of
thelicence is anindividual,
theholder—as an adviceagencyLand
in or near a wetland21AMaterial change of use, other
thana material change of use relatingto a
domestic housing activity,government supported transportinfrastructure or electricityinfrastructure, if—The chiefexecutive—as aconcurrence
agencyThe purpose of theAct(a)any part of the land is
situatedin a wetland protection area;and(b)the material
change of useinvolves operational workthat
is high impactearthworks in a wetlandprotection
areaRemoval, destruction or damage of marine
plants25A material change of use ofThe
chiefpremises if the material change ofexecutive—as ause involves
operational work thatconcurrence agencyis the removal,
destruction ordamage of marine plants, andthere
is no development permit ineffect for the operational workThe
purpose of theActCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3ReferraljurisdictionDevelopment in
distributor-retailer’s geographic area26Development in the area of a localTheThe effects of thegovernment that,
under the SEQdistributor-retailer fordevelopment on
aWater Act, is a participating localwhich
the localwater service orgovernment for
agovernment is awastewater
service ofdistributor-retailer, if theparticipating locala
distributor-retailerdevelopment application is madegovernment—as abefore 1 July
2014concurrence agencyNote—Under the SEQ WaterAct,
this jurisdictionis delegated to thelocal
government.Particular development on SCL or potential
SCL27Material change of use, other
thanThe chiefa use or in an
area mentioned inexecutive—as aschedule 13A, of
a lot of 5ha orconcurrence agencylarger if the
footprint for thechange of use is—The purpose of
theAct(a)wholly or partly
on SCL orpotential SCL; and(b)more
than 750m2Page 128Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7Table
3—Development made assessable under a planning scheme,temporary local planning instrument,
preliminary approval to whichsection 242 of
the Act applies or State planning regulatory provisionsColumn 1Application
involvingColumn 2Referral
agencyand typeColumn 3Referraljurisdiction28Reconfiguring a lot, other than inThe
chiefan area mentioned in scheduleexecutive—as a13A, if, under
the reconfiguration,concurrence agencyany lot with SCL
or potential SCLin it is less than 15haThe purpose of
theAct29A material change
of use (notThe Ministerrelating to a
significant project) inadministering thea protection
area—SCL Act—as a(a)for
which the chief executiveconcurrence agencyis a concurrence
agencyunder item 27; andThe SCL Act,
chapter4(b)the carrying out
of whichwill have a permanentimpact on SCL or
potentialSCL; and(c)the
footprint of which ismore than 3000m2Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7ASchedule
7AParticular assessment managerand
concurrence agencyapplication feessections 21A and
21BPart 1Preliminary1Meaning of symbols used in sch 7AIncolumn4,foranentryforanaspectofdevelopmentmentioned in
column 2—Ameans the fee stated opposite in
column 3 is the assessmentmanager application fee for a
development application for thataspect of
development; andCmeansthefeestatedoppositeincolumn3istheconcurrenceagencyapplicationfeeforadevelopmentapplication for
that aspect of development.Part 2Application fees1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfeeBrisbane core port land1Development on Brisbane core port land that
isassessable development under the Brisbane
port LUP—(a)if the development is consistent with
the Brisbaneport LUP and requires code assessment(b)if the development is inconsistent
with theBrisbane port LUP and requires—5
126.85APage 130Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(i)code assessment; or(ii)impact assessment7 690.5517
relevant activities2A material change of use of premises
for anenvironmentally relevant activity570.30A, CClearing vegetation3Operational work that is the clearing of
vegetation, forreconfiguring a lot—(a)if
the reconfiguration is the reconfiguration of 1 lotto
create 2 lots(b)otherwise378.40A,
C5 714.25A, C4A material change of use of a lot
mentioned in schedule7, table 3, item 105Operationalworkthatistheclearingofnativevegetation, other
than for reconfiguring a lot or for amaterial change
of use of premises—(a)for a project declared to be a
coordinated projectundertheStateDevelopmentandPublicWorksOrganisation Act 1971, section 26;
or(b)for establishing a necessary fence,
firebreak, road,vehicular track or necessary built
infrastructure—(i)if the total area to be cleared is
less than 5ha;or(ii)otherwise5
714.25A, C5 714.25A, C378.40A, C1
370.35A, C(c)thatisassociatedwithdevelopmentforanextractive industry—(i)if the industry is in a key resource
area; or3 428.95A, C(ii)otherwise1 370.35A,
CCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(d)that is a natural and ordinary
consequence of otherassessable development for which—(i)a development approval was given under
therepealed IPA; or(ii)anapplicationwasmadeunderthatAct,before 16 May 2003(e)for
fodder harvesting378.40A, C378.40A, C(f)for thinning378.40A,
C(g)for clearing of encroachment378.40A, C(h)for high value agriculture clearing or
irrigated highvalue agriculture clearing—(i)if the total area to be cleared is
30ha or less—(A)for an area that includes an
endangeredregionalecosystemorofconcernregional ecosystem; or(B)otherwise; or1 370.35A,
C378.40A, C(ii)if the total area to be cleared is
more than30ha but 250ha or less; or(iii)if the total area
to be cleared is more than250ha; or(i)for
necessary environmental clearing—3 428.95A,
C5 714.25A, C(i)iftheclearingisnecessarytorestoretheecologicalandenvironmentalconditionofland; or(ii)if
the clearing is necessary to divert existingnatural channels
in a way that replicates theexisting form of
the natural channels—(A)if the total area
to be cleared is 5ha orless; or(B)otherwise; ornil3
428.95A, C5 714.25A, CPage
132Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(iii)if the clearing
is necessary to prepare for thelikelihood of a
natural disaster; or(iv)iftheclearingisnecessarytoremovecontaminants from
land; or(j)iftheclearingisnecessaryforcontrollingnon-native
vegetation or declared pests(k)iftheclearingisnecessaryforensuringpublicsafetyTaking or
interfering with water6Operational work
for taking or interfering with waterunder theWater
Act 2000, other than operational workfor
the construction of a dam or that is carried out inrelation to a dam—(a)if the application is made with an
application for awater licence under theWater Act
2000(b)otherwisenilnilnilnilnil109.80A, CQuarrying in a watercourse or lake8Operational work for removing quarry
material from awatercourse or lake if an allocation notice
is requiredunder theWater Act
2000109.80A, CTidal
works or work within a coastal management district9Amaterialchangeofuseofpremisescompletelyorpartly within a coastal management
district—(a)if the material change of use is
associated with theconstruction of an artificial
waterway20 123.50C(b)otherwise2 007.90C10Reconfiguringalotcompletelyorpartlywithinacoastal management district—(a)ifthereconfigurationisassociatedwiththeconstruction of an artificial
waterway(b)otherwise, for reconfiguring the lot
to create—20 123.50C(i)1 or 2 lots666.55CCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(ii)3 lots1 001.90C(iii)4 lots1
338.25C(iv)5 lots1
673.60C(v)more than 5
lots2 007.90C11Operationalworkthatisundertakingtidalworks,orworkscompletelyorpartlywithinacoastalmanagement
district—(a)for tidal works that are to include
works within theboundariesofanartificialwaterway—foreachmetre,orpartofametre,oflandfrontingtheworks; or(b)for
works for a private purpose, other than works towhich
paragraph (a) applies—(i)relating to only
1 residence;13.90A, C267.95A, C(ii)relating to 2 or more residences, but
not to astructure used for used for berthing a
vessel(iii)relating to 2 or
more residences and 1 or morestructuresusedforberthingavessel—foreach structure;
or(c)for works for another purpose for
which the valueof the completed works is—(i)$10000 or less; or267.95A,
C267.95A, C693.45A, C(ii)more than $10000 but no more than
$25000;or(iii)more than $25000
but no more than $50000;or(iv)more
than $50000 but no more than $100000;or(v)morethan$100000butnomorethan$250000; or(vi)morethan$250000butnomorethan$500000; or1 229.60A,
C1 470.75A, C2
451.90A, C2 947.70A, C3
888.50A, CPage 134Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(vii)morethan$500000butnomorethan$1million; or(viii) more than
$1 million but no more than $2.5million;
or(ix)more than $2.5 million but no more
than $5million; or(x)more
than $5 million but no more than $10million;
or(xi)more than $10 million but no more than
$25million; or(xii)more
than $25 million6 837.20A, C8
314.15A, C13 950.75A, C16
097.35A, C22 805.20A, C26
831.35A, C(d)forworksforcoastalmanagementpurposesthatinvolve beach nourishment, stinger net
enclosures,fencing of coastal dunes or re-vegetation of
coastaldunes with endemic native vegetation;
or(e)forworksdirectlyrelatedtotheprovisionoflifesavingorrescueservicesbyavolunteercommunity organisationAquaculture12A
material change of use of premises for aquaculture—nilnil(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application—(i)if the premises is in the area
mentioned ina resource allocation authorityforthedevelopment(ii)if
the aquaculture is carried out in a tank,pond or hatchery
on land and the materialchange of use is not expected to cause
thedischarge of waste into Queensland
waters(iii)if the
aquaculture is carried out in a tank,pond or hatchery
on land and the materialchangeofuseisexpectedtocausethedischarge of waste into Queensland
waters(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application—2 218.85658.553 588.702
028.40ACAC5 448.203 887.90ACCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 135
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(i)if paragraph (a)(i) applies; or3
649.25658.55AC(ii)if paragraph
(a)(ii) applies; or5 109.102 028.40AC(iii)if
paragraph (a)(iii) applies6 878.553 887.90ACFisheries
development other than aquaculture13Operational work for constructing or raising
waterwaybarrier works—(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application and 1 or more of the followingapply—2
218.85658.55AC(i)theapplicanthasafishmovementexemption notice for the application that
isin force;(ii)the
waterway barrier works—(A)aretobeconstructedorraisedinanon-tidal waterway; and(B)are to be in place for more than 1
the temporary waterway barrierworks code
applies;(iii)the waterway
barrier works are a bridge tobe
constructed—(A)inthebankfullwidthofawaterway;and(B)without a scour
protection component;(b)for which there
are 2 or more referral agencies forthe application
and 1 or more of paragraphs (a)(i) to(iii)
apply3 649.25658.55AC14Operational work for constructing or raising
waterwaybarrier works—Page 136Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(a)for which there is not more than 1
referral agencyfor the application and 1 or more of the
followingapply—3 588.702
084.40(i)the waterway barrier works are
expected tobe capable of impounding a maximum of1000
megalitres;(ii)thewaterwaybarrierworksaretobeconstructed or raised—(A)inthebankfullwidthofawaterway;and(B)with a scour protection
component;(iii)the waterway
barrier works—(A)areexpectedtocrossanon-tidalwaterway;
and(B)arenotwaterwaybarrierworkstowhichtheminorwaterwaybarrierworks code
applies;(iv)the waterway barrier works—(A)are to be in place for more than 1
the temporary waterway barrierworks code
applies;(v)items15and16donotapplytothewaterway barrier works;(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application and 1 or more of paragraphs
(a)(i)to (v) apply5 019.102
084.4015Operational work for constructing or
raising waterwaybarrier works—(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application and 1 or more of the followingapply—5
448.203 887.904ACACACCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(i)the waterway barrier works are
expected tobe capable of impounding a maximum ofmore
than 1000 megalitres, but no morethan 30000
megalitres;(ii)the waterway barrier works are to be
inplace for less than 1 year;(iii)thewaterwaybarrierworksaretobeconstructed or
raised—(A)inthebankfullwidthofawaterway;and(B)with a scour
protection component;(iv)the waterway
barrier works—(A)are to be in a tidal area; and(B)arenotwaterwaybarrierworkstowhichtheminorwaterwaybarrierworks code
applies;(v)the waterway barrier works—(A)are to be in a tidal area; and(B)are to be in place for less than 1
year;(vi)thewaterwaybarrierworksaretobeconstructed or raised in—(A)a mainstream waterway; or(B)a major tributary;(b)for
which there are 2 or more referral agencies forthe application
and 1 or more of paragraphs (a)(i)to (vi)
apply6 878.603 887.9016Operational work for constructing or
raising waterwaybarrierworksthatareexpectedtobecapableofimpounding a maximum of more than
30000 megalitresand require construction of a
138Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(a)for which there is not more than 1
referral agencyfor the application21 335.5019
775.20(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application22 765.9019
775.204ACAC17Operational work completely or partly within
a declaredfish habitat area—(a)forwhichthereisnotmorethan1referralagency for the application—(i)if the resource allocation authority
for theoperationalworkauthorisesalltheoperational work(ii)otherwise(b)for
which there are 2 or more referral agencies forthe application
and paragraph (a)(i) applies(c)for
which there are 2 or more referral agencies forthe application
and paragraph (a)(ii) applies18Operationalworkthatistheremoval,destructionordamage of marine plants—(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application and 1 or more of the followingapply—(i)theoperationalworkistheremoval,destructionordamageofmarineplantscovering an area of less than 5m2;(ii)the
operational work is for the restorationof a declared
fish habitat area;(iii)theoperationalworkistheremovalofdead marine wood, from land other
thanunallocatedStateland,fortradeorcommerce;2 218.85658.553 588.702
028.403 649.25658.555
019.10658.55ACACACAC2 218.85658.55ACCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 139
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(iv)before the operational work is to
start, themarine plants cover an area of less
is above the level of the highestastronomical
tide;(v)the operationalwork is for
education orresearch or for monitoring the impact
ofdevelopment on marine plants;(vi)theoperationalworkrelatestoworksdescribedaspublic(communitybenefit)works under the
fish habitat managementoperational policy;(vii)theoperationalworkisforbeachreplenishmentfortheprotectionofinfrastructure; or(b)for
which there are 2 or more referral agencies forthe application
and 1 or more of paragraphs (a)(i)to (vii)
apply3 649.25658.5519Operationalworkthatistheremoval,destructionordamage of marine plants—(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application and 1 or more of the followingapply—3
588.702 028.40(i)the
operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of at
least5m2, but less than
50m2; and(B)is
expected to cause a loss of capacityof tidal
land;(ii)the operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of less
and(B)isnotexpectedtocausealossofcapacity of tidal
land;4ACACPage 140Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(iii)theplantscoveranareaofmorethan500m2that is above the level of the
highestastronomical tide;(iv)the
plants cover an area up to 50 per centgreater than the
area described under themaintenanceworksdeclaredfishhabitatareacodeasthemaximumallowabledisturbanceforremoving,destroyingordamaging marine plants and for works
in adeclaredfishhabitatareaaroundanexisting lawful structure;(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application and 1 or more of paragraphs
(a)(i)to (iv) apply5 019.102
028.4020Operationalworkthatistheremoval,destructionordamage of marine plants—(a)for
which there is not more than 1 referral agencyfor the
application and 1 or more of the followingapply—5
448.203 887.90(i)the
operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of at
least50m2, but less than
250m2; and(B)is
expected to cause a loss of capacityof tidal
land;(ii)the operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of at
least100m2, but
less than 500m2; and(B)isnotexpectedtocausealossofcapacity of tidal
land; or(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application and paragraph (a)(i) or (ii)
applies6 878.602 028.404ACACAC21Operationalworkthatistheremoval,destructionordamage of a marine plant—Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A123Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(a)for which there is not more than 1
referral agencyfor the application and 1 or more of the
followingapply—9 503.757
943.40(i)the operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of at
least250m2, but
less than 500m2; and(B)is
expected to cause a loss of capacityof tidal
land;(ii)the operational work—(A)is the removal, destruction or
damageof plants covering an area of at
and(B)isnotexpectedtocausealossofcapacity of tidal
land(b)for which there are 2 or more referral
agencies forthe application and paragraph (a)(i) or (ii)
applies10 934.107 943.404ACAC22Operationalworkthatistheremoval,destructionordamage of marine plants covering an area of
at least500m2and
is expected to cause a loss of capacity oftidal
land—(a)for which there is not more than 1
referral agencyfor the application21 335.5019
which there are 2 or more referral agencies forthe
application22 765.9019 775.20ACWetland
protection areas23High impact earthworks in a wetland
protection areaassociated with a material change of use of
premises—(a)for urban purposes(b)for
any other purpose—5 548.65A, CPage
142Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(i)if the premises is at least 200m from
theclosest point on any boundary of a
wetland(ii)if the premises is less than 200m from
theclosest point on any boundary of a
wetland24High impact earthworks in a wetland
protection areaassociated with reconfiguring a lot—(a)for urban purposes554.75A,
C2 219.05A, C5
548.65C(b)for any other
purpose—(i)if the lot is at least 200m from the
closestpoint on any boundary of a wetland(ii)if the lot is less than 200m from the
closestpoint on any boundary of a wetland25High impact earthworks in a wetland
protection areaother than high impact earthworks mentioned
in item 23or 24—(a)for
urban purposes554.752 219.05CC5 548.65A,
C(b)for any other purpose—(i)if the high impact earthworks are
carriedout at least 200m from the closest point
onany boundary of a wetland(ii)if the high impact earthworks are
carriedout less than 200m from the closest
pointon any boundary of a wetlandSCL
or potential SCL26ReconfiguringalotcompletelyorpartlyonSCLorpotential
SCL27Amaterialchangeofuseofpremisescompletelyorpartly on SCL or potential SCL—(a)if the footprint of the material
change of use of thepremises is no more than 3000m2554.75A, C2
219.05A, C535.10A, C535.10A, CCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 7A1234Development to which application
relatesApplicationfee(b)if the footprint of the material
change of use of thepremises is more than 3000m2butnomorethan10000m2(c)if the footprint
of the material change of use of thepremises is more
than 10000m29 678.30A, C29
194.25A, CPage 144Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 8Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 8Special fire
services andreferral jurisdiction ofQueensland Fire
andEmergency Service for themschedule 7, table 1, item 1Part
1Special fire services1air-handling systems used for smoke
control2emergency lifts3emergency sound systems and intercom
systems4fire control centres5firedetectionandalarmsystems(otherthanstand-alonesmoke alarms not
required to be interconnected or connectedto a fire
indicator panel)6fire hydrants7fire
mains (other than fire mains that connect only fire hosereels)8servicesprovidedunderconditionsimposedundertheBuilding Act, section 79Editor’s
note—Building Act, section 79 (Hazardous
buildings)9services required under the BCA,
clause E1.1010smoke and heat venting systems11smoke exhaust systems12specialautomaticfiresuppressionsystems(includingfoam,deluge and gas flooding systems)13sprinklers (including wall-wetting
sprinklers)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 814stairwell pressurisation systems15vehicular access for large isolated
buildingsPart 2Referral
jurisdictionSmoke control systems•achievement of specified performance of
systems•suitability of operational controls
and indicatorsEmergency lifts•operation of fire service controls in
liftsEmergency sound systems and intercom
systems•achievement of specified performance
of sound systems andintercom systems•operation of interface of sound systems and
intercom systems•locationofmainemergencycontrolpanelandwardenintercom
points•suitabilityofwarningtoneandsoundpressurelevelsundertestFire control centres•location of control centre•suitability of contents, ventilation,
signage, lighting and soundlevels of
control centrePage 146Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 8Fire detection and
alarm systems (other than stand-alone smokealarms not
required to be interconnected or connected to a fireindicator panel)•achievement of specified performance of
detection and alarmsystems•locationandoperationofmainfireindicatorpanel,sub-indicatorpanels,mimicpanels,repeaterpanels,strobelights and
directional signs•operation of direct fire service
alarm•suitability of nominated types of
detection in all areas, and thelocation of
manual call points•suitability of weather protection,
accessibility and lighting ofequipment•ifthesensitivityofafiredetectionoralarmsystemcanbevaried—suitability of the sensitivity
setting having regard tothe location of the system and the
Australian Standard for thatsystemFirefighting equipment•achievement of specified performance•location and suitability of booster
connections and enclosures•locationandsuitabilityofinternalandroofhydrantsandexternalhydrantsincludingfireseparationfromadjacentbuildings•operation of fixed pump-set controls
and status indication•provision of
additional hydrant services as mentioned in AS2419•provision of suitable facilities for
testing internal hydrants•provisionsforconnectionoffireauthorityportablerelaybooster pump•provisions for hard standing for fire
appliancesCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 8Hazardous
buildings•suitabilityofspecialfireservicesandsiterequirementsforhazardous buildings mentioned in the
Building Act, section 79Provision for special hazards•suitability of special fire services
for the protection of specialhazards as
mentioned in the BCA, clause E1.10Special automatic
fire suppression systems•achievement of
specified performance•location of
control valves•provision of access for fire service
vehicles•provisionofinterfacewithothersystemsanddirectfireservice alarm•suitability of extinguishment mediaSprinklers•operationofdirectfireservicealarmandlocationofdirectional signs•operation of pump-set controls and status
indications•provisionofsuitablefireprotectionforspecialhazardsasmentioned in AS 2118•thelocationofvalveroom,pump-sets,wateralarmandbooster pointWall-wetting
sprinklers•location of isolating valves•provision of suitable signsPage
148Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 8Large isolated
buildings•suitabilityofsiteprovisionsforaccessbyfireauthorityvehiclesCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 149
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 9Schedule 9Development impacting onState transport
infrastructureand thresholdsschedule 7, table
3, item 2Column 1PurposeColumn 2Thresholdfor
LGApopulation 1Column 3Thresholdfor LGApopulation 2Material change
of use made assessable under a planningscheme, temporary
local planning instrument or preliminaryapproval to which
section 242 of the Act applies1Accommodation activities, other200
dwellings or50 dwellings orthan a hotel or
residential carepremises designed topremises designed
300accommodate 75peoplepeople2Club3Hotel4Function facility8000m2GFA orseating capacity
for1500 people4000m2GFA orseating capacity
for1500 people5Theatre6Shop8000m2GFA4000m2GFA7Showroom8Shopping centre (includingtheatres, food and drink outletsand
offices)10Office5000m2TSA5000m2TSA12Hospital100 beds50
beds13Residential care facility14Mixed use—any combination of16000m2GFAaccommodation activities,(combined total)business
activities, entertainmentactivities or recreation
activities8000m2GFA(combined total)Page 150Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 9Column 1Purpose15Educational establishment that is1, or
a combination, of thefollowing—(a)a
primary school;(b)a secondary school;(c)a college;(d)a
university;(e)a technical institute16Tourist attraction17Major
sport, recreation andentertainment facility18Extractive industry19High impact industry20Noxious and hazardousindustries (other than anabattoir)21Intensive animal industries22Noxious and hazardous industrythat
is an abattoir23One, or a combination, of thefollowing—(a)warehouse;(b)medium impact industry;(c)low
impact industry24Car park (including heavyvehicle parking)25Airport, bus or ferry terminalColumn 2Thresholdfor
LGApopulation 1All newestablishments andextensions to
existingestablishments likelyto accommodate
anadditional 100students or
4classrooms5000m2TSAor if totally
indoor8000m2GFAUsing machineryhaving an
annualthroughput ofproduct of
10000tTotal facility capacityof—(a)for cattle—2000head; or(b)for pigs—3000head; or(c)for sheep—10000 head;
or(d)for poultry—200000
birds16000m2GFA(combined total)5000m2TSAAllColumn 3Thresholdfor
LGApopulation 2All newestablishments andextensions to
existingestablishments likelyto accommodate
anadditional 100students or
4classrooms5000m2TSAor if totally
indoor4000m2GFAUsing machineryhaving an
annualthroughput ofproduct of
10000tTotal facility capacityof—(a)for cattle—2000head; or(b)for pigs—3000head; or(c)for sheep—10000 head;
or(d)for poultry—200000
birds8000m2GFA(combined total)5000m2TSAAllCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 9Column 1PurposeColumn 2Thresholdfor LGApopulation 1Reconfiguring a
lot27Accommodation activities200
dwellings28Business activities12000m2TSA(combined total)29Industry activities32000m2TSA(combined
total)Operational works30Filling or excavation not10000tassociated with a
materialchange of use or reconfiguring alotColumn 3Thresholdfor
LGApopulation 250
dwellings3000m2TSA(combined total)16000m2TSA(combined
total)10000tPage 152Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 13ASchedule
13AExcluded matters for SCL orpotential SCL concurrenceagency jurisdictionschedule 7, table
3, items 27 and 281any of the following as defined under
the standard planningscheme provisions—•animal husbandry•animal keeping•aquaculture•cropping•a
home based business•intensive animal industries•intensive horticulture•landing•outdoor lighting•roadside stalls•a
winery2a domestic housing activity3a building, structure or activity
supporting cropping on SCLor potential SCL4an
urban area5an area zoned under a planning scheme
for rural residential orfuture rural residential
purposes6an area described as urban footprint
under a regional plan orState planning regulatory
provision7a key resource areaCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 13A8community infrastructure mentioned in
schedule 29a saleyardPage 154Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 15Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 15Referral agency
assessmentperiodssection 15Column 1Column 2Name
of referral agencyReferral agency’sassessment
period (inbusiness days)1The
local government, as the concurrenceagency
for—(a)building work to demolish or remove
anybuilding or structure or rebuild,
afterremoval, any building or structure;
assessment work, as defined in theBuilding Act,
section 7, for a singledetached class 1(a)(i) building, class
1(a)(ii)building comprising not more than 2attached dwellings or a class 10 building;
or10(c)other building
assessment work152Chief executive
of the department in which thePastoral Workers’
Accommodation Act 1980isadministered203Queensland Fire and Emergency
Service154The relevant
service provider as the concurrence20agency for building work on a lot that
contains,or is adjacent to a lot that contains, a
sewer,water main or stormwater drain operated by
orfor the relevant service provider.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 18Schedule
18Compliance assessment ofparticular
developmentsection 18Table
1—Reconfiguring a lotPreliminary matters1Development for whichReconfiguring a lot if—icsormeqpuliiarnecdeassessment(a)itnhteore2cloontsfiognurlaatniodninisatnheinsduubsdtirviaislizoonnoefo1rlotresidential zone (other than a park
residentialzone or rural residential zone); and(b)the size of any lot created is at
least theminimum lot size for the zone stated in
theplanning scheme, a temporary local
planninginstrument, a master plan or
preliminaryapproval to which section 242 of the
Actapplies; and(c)the
reconfiguration can comply with theguideline called
‘Statutory Guideline 02/13Accelerating compliance
assessment—Codefor reconfiguring a lot (subdividing one lot
intotwo) and associated operational works
requiringcompliance assessment’ dated 22
November2013, made by the chief executive under
theAct, section 760 and published on thedepartment’s website;unless—(d)the plan of subdivision necessary for
thereconfiguration—(i)is a
building format plan of subdivisionthat does not
subdivide land on or belowthe surface of the land; or(ii)is for the incorporation, under
theBodyCorporate and Community
ManagementAct 1997, section 41, of
a lot with commonproperty for a community titles scheme;
or(iii) is for the conversion, under
theBodyCorporate and Community
ManagementAct 1997, section 43, of
lessee commonproperty within the meaning of that Act
toa lot in a community titles scheme;
orPage 156Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 18Table
1—Reconfiguring a lot(iv)is in relation to
the acquisition, includingby agreement, under the Acquisition
Actor otherwise, of land by—(A)a constructing authority, as
definedunder that Act, for a purpose set out
inparts 1 to 13 (other than part 10,second dot point) of the schedule tothat
Act; or(B)an authorised electricity entity;
or(v)is for land held by the State, or a
statutorybody representing the State, and the land
isbeing subdivided for a purpose set out
inthe Acquisition Act, schedule, parts 1 to
13(other than part 10, second dot
point)whether or not the land relates to anacquisition; or(vi)is
for reconfiguring a lot comprisingstrategic port
land; or(vii) is for reconfiguring a South Bank
lotwithin the corporation area under theSouth
Bank Corporation Act 1989; or(viii)is for the
Transport Infrastructure Act,section 240;
or(ix)is in relation to the acquisition of
land for awater infrastructure facility; or(x)is for land in a priority development
reconfiguration is on any of the followingland and the
total number of lots abutting theState-controlled
road is increased—(i)land that is within 25m of aState-controlled road;(ii)land
that abuts a road that intersects with aState-controlled
road within 100m of theland; or(f)the
reconfiguration is of a lot that is 2ha orlarger,
if—(i)the size of any lot created is 25ha,
orsmaller; and(ii)either—Current as at 28
May 2014Page 157
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 18Table
1—Reconfiguring a lot(A)the reconfiguring
involves operationalwork made assessable under schedule3,
part 1, table 4, item 1, other thanoperational work
that is only theclearing of regulated regrowthvegetation; or(B)on
any lot created, additional exemptoperational work,
other thanoperational work that is only theclearing of regulated regrowthvegetation, could be carried out; or(g)the land is situated completely or
partly withina coastal management district; or(h)the reconfiguration is in connection
with theconstruction of a canal; or(i)the land is in an area declared to be
a catchmentarea under theWater Act
2000and the size ofany lot created
is less than 16ha; or(j)all or part of
the land is on the contaminatedland register or
the environmental managementregister;
or(k)the reconfiguration is for a purpose
or on landmentioned in schedule 9, column 1 that
meetsthe threshold in schedule 9, column 2 for
thepurpose or land; or(l)the
reconfiguration is for a purpose or on landmentioned in
schedule 10, column 1 that meetsthe threshold in
schedule 10, column 2 for thepurpose or land;
or(m)division 3 of the State planning
regulatoryprovisions for the SEQ region, the Far
NorthQueensland region, the Wide Bay
Burnettregion or the Mackay, Isaac and
Whitsundayregion applies to the land; or(n)the land is on or partly on airport
land; or(o)the land is in or partly in a wild
river area; or(p)an overlay in the planning scheme for
the localgovernment area in which the land is
locatedapplies to the land; or(q)all
or part of the land comprises or contains aQueensland
heritage place or a local heritageplace; orPage
158Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 18Table
1—Reconfiguring a lot(r)the
reconfiguration is—(i)in connection with the
construction,installation, use, maintenance,
repair,alteration, decommissioning,
demolitionor removal of G20 radiocommunicationsworks; and(ii)to be
carried out on or before 30 June20152Matters or thingsagainst which
thedevelopment isassessedThe
guideline called ‘Statutory Guideline 02/13Accelerating
compliance assessment—Code forreconfiguring a
lot (subdividing one lot into two) andassociated
operational works requiring complianceassessment’ dated
22 November 2013, made by thechief executive
under the Act, section 760 andpublished on the
department’s website.Process for assessment3Compliance assessorThe
local government for the area in which the lot issituatedTable
2—Operational works for reconfiguring a lotPreliminary
matters1Development for whichOperational works for reconfiguring a lot,
other thancompliance assessmenta lot in a
priority development area, if theis
requiredreconfiguration is also development
requiringcompliance assessment2Matters or thingsagainst which
thedevelopment isassessedThe
guideline called ‘Statutory Guideline 02/13Accelerating
compliance assessment—Code forreconfiguring a
lot (subdividing one lot into two) andassociated
operational works requiring complianceassessment’ dated
22 November 2013, made by thechief executive
under the Act, section 760 andpublished on the
department’s website.Process for assessment3Compliance assessorThe
local government for the area in which the lot issituatedCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 159
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 19Schedule
19Compliance assessment ofsubdivision
planssection 19Table
1—Subdivision plansPreliminary matters1Document for whichA subdivision
plancompliance assessment isrequired2Matters or things againstwhich
the document isassessed1If
the reconfiguration proposed to beeffected by the
subdivision plan is authorisedunder a
development permit or a compliancepermit for the
reconfiguration—(a)all of the following—(i)the conditions of the
developmentpermit or compliance permit aboutthe
reconfiguration have beencomplied with;(ii)for a
reconfiguration requiringoperational works—the
conditionsof the development permit orcompliance permit for theoperational works have beencomplied with;(iii) there are
no outstanding rates orcharges levied by the localgovernment or expenses that are acharge over the land under any Act;(iv)
the plan has been prepared incompliance with
the developmentpermit or compliance permit;(v)there are no outstanding
chargeslevied by a distributor-retailerunder
the Act or the SEQ WaterAct; orPage 160Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 19Table
1—Subdivision plans23(b)both
of the following—(i)satisfactory security has been
givento the local government to ensurecompliance with the requirementsof
paragraph (a)(i) to (iii);(ii)the plan is in
accordance with thedevelopment permit or compliancepermitIf the plan is
required to be submitted to thelocal government
under a condition of adevelopment permit or a
of the following—(i)the conditions of the
developmentpermit or compliance permit aboutthe
reconfiguration have beencomplied with;(ii)there
are no outstanding rates orcharges levied by the localgovernment or expenses that are acharge over the land under any Act;(iii)
the plan is in accordance with thedevelopment
permit or compliancepermit;(iv) there are no
outstanding chargeslevied by a distributor-retailerunder
the Act or the SEQ WaterAct; or(b)both
of the following—(i)satisfactory security is given to
thelocal government to ensurecompliance with the requirementsof
paragraph (a)(i) and (ii);(ii)the plan is in
accordance with thedevelopment permit or compliancepermitIf the
reconfiguration proposed to beeffected by the
plan is not assessabledevelopment or development
requiringcompliance assessment—(a)the
plan is consistent with anydevelopment permit or
compliancepermit relevant to the plan; andCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 19Table
1—Subdivision plans(b)there are no outstanding rates or
chargeslevied by the local government orexpenses that are a charge over the
landunder any Act; and(c)there
are no outstanding charges leviedby a
distributor-retailer under the Act orthe SEQ Water
ActProcess for assessment3Compliance assessorThe local
government for the area the subject ofthe subdivision
plan4When request forcompliance
assessmentmust be made1If
the reconfiguration proposed to beeffected by the
subdivision plan is authorisedunder a
development permit or compliancepermit—at any
time while the permit haseffect2If
the subdivision plan is required to besubmitted to the
local government under acondition of a development permit
orcompliance permit—(a)within the period stated in thecondition; or(b)if a
period has not been stated in thecondition—within
2 years after the daythe permit was givenAdditional requirements5Requirements under otherAny requirements
of the Act under which theActssubdivision plan
is to be registered or otherwiserecorded,
including, for example, notation of thecompliance
assessor’s approval on the subdivisionplan in a way
required under the other ActPage 162Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 20Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 20Court
feessection 22$1Filing notice of appeal—(a)if there is only 1 party initiating
the appeal and thepartyisanindividual,orifthereismorethan1partyinitiatingtheappealandtheyareallindividuals. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .532.40(b)otherwise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 054.002Filinganoriginatingapplication—PlanningandEnvironment Court Rules 2010,
rule 6—(a)if there is only 1 applicant and the
applicant is anindividual, or if there is more than 1
applicant andall applicants are individuals. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .532.40(b)otherwise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 054.003Issuing a certificate on a final
judgment, order, findingor decision. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56.204Filing a document (thefirst
document), other than anysubsequent
document relating to the first document, forwhich no other
fee is provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80.805Issuing a copy of a record of the court, a
document orexhibit filed in the registry or reasons for
judgment—(a)first copy—each page . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.15(b)maximum fee for first copy. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60.00(c)additional copy—each page . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .0.55(d)maximum fee for additional copy. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .23.606Opening or keeping open the registry after
hours. . . . .438.107Searchingtherecordinanappealorotherproceeding—for
each name or file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.908Attending a view—(a)for
each hour or part of an hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.15(b)but
not more than, for each day. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .465.95Current as at 28
May 2014Page 163
Schedule 21Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 21Building and
developmentcommittee feessection 23$1Declarationunderchapter7,part2,division3,subdivision 1 of the Act . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227.702Appeal under section 519, 520, 521,
522, 523, 524 or 525of the Act—(a)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee without a site
inspection bythe committee or a member of the committee .
. . . . .335.30(b)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee after a site
inspection by thecommittee or a member of the committee . . .
. . . . . .557.853Appeal under section 527, 528, 529, 530,
531, 532 or 533of the Act about a class 1 building or a
class 10 buildingor structure—(a)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee without a site
inspection bythe committee or a member of the committee .
. . . . .335.30(b)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee after a site
inspection by thecommittee or a member of the committee . . .
. . . . . .557.854Appeal under section 527, 528, 529, 530,
531, 532 or 533of the Act about a class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
or 9 buildingwith a floor area of 500m2or less—(a)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee without a site
inspection bythe committee or a member of the committee .
. . . . .488.50(b)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee after a site
inspection by thecommittee or a member of the committee . . .
. . . . . .704.80Current as at 28
May 2014Page 165
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 21$5Appeal under section 527, 528, 529,
530, 531, 532 or 533of the Act about a class 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8 or 9 buildingwith a floor area more than
500m2—(a)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee without a site
inspection bythe committee or a member of the committee .
. . . . .704.80(b)iftheappealistobedecidedbyabuildinganddevelopment committee after a site
inspection by thecommittee or a member of the committee . . .
. . . . . .1 047.406Appeal under section 535 or 849 of the Act .
. . . . . . . . . .587.85Page 166Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 22Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 22Local
governments required toreview priorityinfrastructure
planssection 28Brisbane City
CouncilBundaberg Regional CouncilCairns Regional CouncilFraser Coast
Regional CouncilGladstone Regional CouncilGold
Coast City CouncilGympie Regional CouncilIpswich City
CouncilLogan City CouncilMackay Regional
CouncilMoreton Bay Regional CouncilRedland City CouncilRockhampton
Regional CouncilScenic Rim Regional CouncilSunshine Coast Regional CouncilToowoomba Regional CouncilTownsville City CouncilWhitsunday
Regional CouncilCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 23Schedule
23Trunk infrastructure chargeratessection 30Purposes forwhich acahpaprlyge mayWsuaptperlyTrunk
infrastructure networksSewerageStormwaterTransportmanagementPublic parksandcommunitylandReconfiguringa
residential,commercial,retail, orindustrial lot1 charge
unitfor eachadditional
lot1 charge unitfor eachadditional lot1 charge
unitfor eachadditional
lotMaterialchange of
useor buildingwork forsingledwelling
unit1 charge unitfor eachdwelling1 charge
unitfor eachdwelling1
charge unitfor eachdwellingMaterialchange of
useor buildingwork formultipledwelling
units0.75 chargeunit for
chargeunit for eachdwelling1
charge unittimes (0.7 ofsite areadivided by400m2)Materialchange of useor
buildingwork forcommercialuses10 chargeunits for
eachhectare of sitearea10
chargeunits for eachhectare of
sitearea1 charge
unitfor each400m2of siteareaMaterialchange of
useor buildingwork for
retailuses10 chargeunits for
eachhectare of sitearea10
chargeunits for eachhectare of
sitearea1 charge
unitfor each400m2of siteareaMaterialchange of
useor buildingwork forindustrial uses10 chargeunits for eachhectare of
sitearea10 chargeunits for eachhectare of
sitearea1 charge
unittimes (0.9 ofsite areadivided by400m2)1 charge
unitfor eachadditional
lot1 charge unitfor eachdwelling0.8
chargeunit for eachdwelling1
charge unitfor each100m2ofGFA0.4
chargeunit for each100m2ofGFA1
charge unitfor each100m2ofGFA1
charge unitfor eachadditional
lot1 charge unitfor eachdwelling0.5
chargeunit for eachdwelling0.3
chargeunit for each100m2ofGFA0.3
chargeunit for each100m2ofGFA1
charge unitfor eachhectare of
siteareaPage 168Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 24Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24Clearing of
nativevegetation—not assessabledevelopment under schedule 3,part
1, table 4, item 1schedule 3, part 1, table 4, item 1(e) and
(f)Part 1Clearing and
other activities ormatters—general1Clearing and other activities or matters for
land generally(1)Clearing under a development approval
for a material changeofuseorreconfiguringalot,iftheapprovalisgivenforadevelopment application—(a)forwhichthechiefexecutive is a
concurrence agencyfor clearing vegetation; or(b)ifalottowhichtheapplicationrelatesislessthan5ha—forwhichalocalgovernmentistheassessmentmanager.(2)Clearing an area of vegetation within
a watercourse or lake foran activity (other than an activity
relating to a material changeof use of
premises or the reconfiguring of a lot) if—(a)the
clearing is—(i)subjecttoanapprovalprocessandisapprovedunder the Act or another Act; or(ii)anecessaryandunavoidableconsequenceofanactivityauthorisedbyapermitissuedundertheWater Act 2000, section 269;
approved by the chief executive ofCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 169
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24the department
that administers theWater Act 2000and published on
that department’s website; and(b)either—(i)theclearingisunderaself-assessablevegetationclearing code
other than if the vegetation is in anareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area;or(ii)theareaislessthan0.5haofaleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulatedvegetationmanagementmaporPMAVasacategory B area; or(iii)the area is less
than 0.5ha shown on the regulatedvegetationmanagementmaporPMAVasacategory C, R or X area.(3)Clearing vegetation in an area
declared under the VegetationManagement Act,
section 19F if the clearing is carried out—(a)under the management plan for the area;
and(b)for 1 or both of the following
purposes—(i)apurposementionedintheVegetationManagement Act,
or (j);(ii)thepurposeofestablishinganecessaryfence,firebreak, road or vehicular track and the
clearingcan not reasonably be avoided or
minimised.(4)Clearing vegetation—(a)under a land management agreement for
a lease undertheLand Act 1994; and(b)for1ormoreofthepurposesmentionedintheVegetation
Management Act, section 22A(2)(b), (c), (d),(f), (g), (h) or
(j).(5)AtraditionalAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderculturalactivity, other than a commercial
activity.(6)A resource activity.Page
170Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(7)Any
aspect of development for geothermal exploration carriedoutunderageothermalexplorationpermitundertheGeothermal Energy Act 2010.(8)Clearing vegetation, for an
airport-related purpose, on airportpremises.(9)An activity under theFire
and Emergency Services Act 1990,section 53, 68 or 69.(10)An
activity under—(a)theElectricity Act
1994, section 101 or 112A; or(b)theElectricity
Regulation 2006, section 17.(11)For
a State-controlled road or future State-controlled road—(a)road works carried out on the
State-controlled road orfuture State-controlled road;
or(b)ancillary works and encroachments
carried out under theTransport Infrastructure Act, section
50.(12)Clearing,forroutinetransportcorridormanagementandsafety purposes, on rail corridor land,
non-rail corridor land orcommercialcorridorland(withinthemeaningoftheTransportInfrastructureAct)thatisnotsubjecttoacommercial lease.(13)Any
activity authorised under theForestry Act
1959.(14)ClearingvegetationonlandinanareaforwhichanareamanagementplanundertheVegetationManagementAct,section 20J is in force at the time of the
clearing if—(a)the clearing is done by the owner of
the land, within themeaning of the Vegetation Management
Act, or a personauthorised by the owner; and(b)theclearingisdoneinaccordancewiththeareamanagement plan;
and(c)theownerhasgiventhechiefexecutivenoticeoftheclearing under the Vegetation
Management Act, section20W.(15)ClearingvegetationonlandmentionedintheForestryAct1959, section
55(1)(b), (c) or (d) to the extent the clearing isCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24foraccessingandextractingquarrymaterialforroad
worksunder theTransport
Infrastructure Act 1994.(16)Clearing vegetation for community
infrastructure mentionedin schedule 2.(17)Clearing vegetation in an area for which a
disaster situationdeclaration has been made if the
clearing—(a)is necessary to prevent or
minimise—(i)loss of human life, or illness or
injury to humans;or(ii)property loss or
damage; or(iii)damage to the
environment; and(b)happens during the period that started
when the disastersituation declaration was made and ends on
the later ofthe following days—(i)the
day that is 1 year after the day on which thedisaster
situation declaration was made; or(ii)anotherdaydecidedbythechiefexecutivebywritten notice.(18)Clearing vegetation that is necessary to
carry out a cadastralsurveyofanexistingpropertyboundary,ageotechnicalsurvey or a
geological survey, if the area cleared is—(a)for
an area in which a survey is conducted—a maximumarea
of 10m by 10m; and(b)for an area necessary for reasonable
access to an areamentioned in paragraph (a)—a maximum of 10m
land recorded in the environmental managementregister or
contaminated land register.(20)Clearingvegetationthatisnecessarytocarryoutactivitiesauthorised to be
carried out at land on which an abandonedmineexistsundertheMineralResourcesAct1989,section344A.(21)Clearing
vegetation to which the Vegetation Management Actdoes
not apply.Page 172Current as at 28
May 2014
2Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24Clearing for
particular land2Freehold landFor freehold
land, clearing vegetation that is—(a)for
a forest practice; or(b)residential
clearing; or(c)necessary for essential management;
or(d)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category X area; or(e)for
urban purposes in an urban area and the vegetationis—(i)regulated
regrowth vegetation; or(ii)anofconcernregionalecosystemoraleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVfor the area as a category B area; or(f)necessary for routine management in an
area of the landand the vegetation is—(i)regulated regrowth vegetation; or(ii)aleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVas a category B area; or(g)in a
priority development area; or(h)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthanifthevegetationisinanareashownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAV as acategory A area; or(i)for
development—(i)thatisforanextractiveindustryundertheVegetation Management Act, section 22A(3) in
akey resource area; andCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 173
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation,otherthaninanareashownontheregulated
vegetation management map or a PMAVas a category A
area; or(j)for development—(i)that
is a significant community project; and(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation,otherthaninanareashownontheregulated
vegetation management map or a PMAVas a category A
area.3Indigenous landFor indigenous
land, clearing vegetation that is—(a)foraforestpractice,otherthanonlandonwhichtheState owns the trees; or(b)residential clearing; or(c)necessary for essential management;
or(d)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category X area; or(e)for
urban purposes in an urban area and the vegetationis—(i)regulated
regrowth vegetation; or(ii)anofconcernregionalecosystemoraleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVfor the area as a category B area; or(f)necessary for routine management in an
area of the landand the vegetation is—(i)regulated regrowth vegetation; or(ii)aleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVas a category B area; or(g)gathering, digging or removing forest
products—Page 174Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(i)forthepurposeofimprovingthelandorforuseundertheAurukunandMorningtonShireLeasesAct 1978,
section 28; or(ii)foruseundertheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunities(Justice,LandandOtherMatters) Act
1984, section 62; or(h)in a
priority development area; or(i)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagementmaporaPMAVasacategory A area;
or(j)for development—(i)thatisforanextractiveindustryundertheVegetation Management Act, section 22A(3) in
akey resource area;(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation, other in an area shown on the
regulatedvegetationmanagementmaporaPMAVasacategory A area;
or(k)for development—(i)that
is a significant community project; and(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation,otherthaninanareashowntheregulatedvegetationmanagementmaporonaPMAV
as a category A area.4Land subject to a
lease under theLandAct1994(1)ForlandsubjecttoaleaseundertheLandAct1994foragriculture or grazing purposes, clearing
vegetation that is—(a)residential clearing; or(b)necessary for essential management;
or(c)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category X area; orCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 175
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(d)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area; or(e)necessary for routine management in an area
of the landand the vegetation is—(i)regulated regrowth vegetation; or(ii)aleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVas a category B area; or(f)for
development—(i)thatisforanextractiveindustryundertheVegetation Management Act, section 22A(3) in
akey resource area;(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation,otherthaninanareashownontheregulated
vegetation management map or a PMAVas a category A
area; or(g)for development—(i)that
is a significant community project; and(ii)to
the extent it involves clearing regulated regrowthvegetation,otherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagementmaporonaPMAV
as a category A area.(2)For land subject
to a lease under theLand Act 1994other
thanfor agriculture or grazing purposes,
clearing vegetation that isconsistent with
the purposes of the lease and is—(a)residential clearing; or(b)necessary for essential management;
or(c)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category R area orcategory X area;
or(d)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area; orPage 176Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(e)for
urban purposes in an urban area and the vegetationis—(i)regulated
regrowth vegetation; or(ii)anofconcernregionalecosystemoraleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVfor the area as a category B area; or(f)necessary for routine management in an
area of the landand the vegetation is—(i)regulated regrowth vegetation; or(ii)aleastconcernregionalecosystemshownontheregulated vegetation management map or
a PMAVas a category B area.5Land
that is a road under theLandAct1994ForlandthatisaroadundertheLandAct1994,clearingvegetation that
is—(a)carried out by a local government, or
by or for the chiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheTransportInfrastructure
Act is administered, and is—(i)isnecessarytoconstructormaintainroadinfrastructure or to source construction
material forroads; or(ii)isinanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category R areaor category X
area; or(b)carried out by a local government to
remove—(i)declaredpestsincompliancewiththelocalgovernment’spestmanagementplanundertheLandProtection(PestandStockRouteManagement) Act 2002; or(ii)vegetation that
is not native vegetation; orCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 177
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(c)necessary to remove or reduce the imminent
risk that thevegetation poses of serious personal injury
or damage toinfrastructure; or(d)by
fire under theFire and Emergency Services Act 1990to
reduce hazardous fuel load; or(e)necessary to maintain infrastructure located
on the road,other than fences; or(f)necessary to maintain an existing boundary
fence to themaximum width of 3m; or(g)necessary for reasonable access to adjoining
land fromthe existing formed road for a maximum width
of 10m;or(h)necessarytomaintainanexistingfirebreakorgardenlocated on the
road; or(i)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area.6Particular trust land under theLandAct1994(1)This section applies to land that is
trust land under theLandAct 1994,
other than indigenous land.(2)Clearingvegetationthatiscarriedout,orauthorisedtobecarriedout,bythetrustee,isconsistentwithachievingthepurpose of the trust, and is—(a)necessary for essential management;
or(b)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category R area orcategory X area;
or(c)to remove—(i)declared pests in compliance with the
relevant pestmanagement plan under theLand
Protection (Pestand Stock Route Management) Act 2002;
or(ii)vegetation that
is not native vegetation; orPage 178Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 24(d)for
urban purposes in an urban area and the vegetation iseitherofthefollowingshownontheregulatedvegetation management map or a PMAV for the
area asa category B area—(i)an
of concern regional ecosystem;(ii)a
least concern regional ecosystem; or(e)necessary for routine management in an area
of the landand the vegetation is a least concern
regional ecosystemshown on the regulated vegetation management
map ora PMAV for the area as a category B area;
or(f)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area.7Unallocated State land under theLandAct1994ForlandthatisunallocatedStatelandundertheLandAct1994, clearing
vegetation that is carried out, or authorised tobe
carried out, by the chief executive administering that Actand
is—(a)necessary for essential management;
or(b)to control declared pests or
vegetation that is not nativevegetation;
or(c)in a priority development area;
or(d)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category R area orcategory X area;
or(e)necessary for routine management in an
area of the landand the vegetation is a least concern
regional ecosystemshown on the regulated vegetation management
map aPMAV for the area as a category B area;
or(f)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 179
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 248Land
subject to a licence or permit under theLandAct1994For land that is
subject to a licence or permit under theLandAct1994,clearingvegetationthatiscarriedoutbythelicensee or
permittee and is—(a)necessary for essential management;
or(b)in a priority development area;
or(c)inanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category R area orcategory X area;
or(d)for urban purposes in an urban area
and the vegetation iseitherofthefollowingshownontheregulatedvegetation management map or a PMAV for the
area asa category B area—(i)an
of concern regional ecosystem;(ii)a
least concern regional ecosystem; or(e)necessary for routine management in an area
of the landand the vegetation is a least concern
regional ecosystemshown on the regulated vegetation management
map aPMAV for the area as a category B area;
or(f)underaself-assessablevegetationclearingcodeotherthaninanareashownontheregulatedvegetationmanagement map
or a PMAV as a category A area.Page 180Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 25Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25LGA population 1
areasschedule 26, definitionLGApopulation1Brisbane City CouncilBundaberg
Regional CouncilCairns Regional CouncilFraser Coast
Regional CouncilGold Coast City CouncilIpswich City
CouncilLogan City CouncilMoreton Bay
Regional CouncilRedland City CouncilScenic Rim
Regional CouncilSunshine Coast Regional CouncilTownsville City CouncilCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 181
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25ASchedule
25APrescribed information anddocuments for developmentapplications—Act, s 736section
40APart 1Information1the
name of a referral agency for the development application2whether the development application
was withdrawn, lapsedor decided3if
the development application was decided—(a)the
day the decision was made; and(b)whetherthedevelopmentapplicationwasapproved,approved subject
to conditions or refused; and(c)whether the development application was
taken to havebeen approved under section 331 of the Act;
conditions; and(ii)if so, the name
of the concurrence agency for eachconcurrence
agency condition; and(e)whether a
negotiated decision notice was given for thedevelopment
application; and(f)foradevelopmentapplicationthatwasapproved,whetherapermissiblechangehassubsequentlybeenmade
to the development approval4if
there was an appeal about the decision on the developmentapplication,whetherthedecisionontheapplicationwaschanged because of the decision on the
appealPage 182Current as at 28
May 2014
2Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25ADocuments1the development application and
supporting material for theapplication,
including, for example, an elevation, report or siteplan2arequestbythelocalgovernmentoraconcurrenceagencyseeking advice or comment about the
development applicationfrom a person under section 256 of the
Act3adocumentincludinganyadviceorcommentgivenbyaperson in
response to a request mentioned in item 24a
notice under section 266(1) of the Act that the developmentapplication is not a properly made
application5an acknowledgement notice under
section 267(2) of the Act6a notice to
revive the development application under section274(1), 280(1) or 303(1) of the Act7anoticeundersection275(1)oftheActadvisingthelocalgovernment of
the day the applicant gave each referral agencythe referral
agency material8an information request under section
276(1) of the Act9anoticeextendingtheinformationrequestperiodundersection 277(1) of the Act10an agreement extending the information
request period undersection 277(3) of the Act11adocumentrelatingtoinformationgivenundersection278(1)(a)or(b)oftheActinresponsetoaninformationrequest,including,forexample,anelevation,reportorsiteplan12a notice under section 278(1)(b) or
(c) of the Act in responseto an information request13a request to the local government or a
concurrence agency toextend the response period under
section 279(3)(a) of the Act14aresponsegivenbythelocalgovernmentoraconcurrenceagency to a
request mentioned in item 13Current as at 28
May 2014Page 183
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25A15anagreementrelatingtoarequestmentionedinitem13betweentheapplicantandthelocalgovernmentorconcurrence agency to whom the request was
made16an advice given to the local
government by a referral agencyunder section
281 of the Act about the applicant’s response toan
information request17a notice extending a referral agency’s
assessment period undersection 284(1) of the Act18an agreement extending a referral
agency’s assessment periodunder section 284(3) of the Act19an advice about extension of a
referral agency’s assessmentperiod under
section 284(4) of the Act20aconcurrenceagency’sresponseundersection285(2)or290(1) of the Act21aconcurrenceagency’samendedresponseundersection290(2) of the Act22an
advice agency’s response under section 291(2) of the Act23a notice of the development
application under section 297(1)of the
under section 297(1) of the Act25a
notice given to the local government under section 300 oftheActaboutthelastdayanactionmentionedinsection297(1)oftheActiscarriedoutfornotificationofthedevelopment application26a notice given to the local government
under section 301 ofthe Act about compliance with chapter
6, part 4, division 2 ofthe Act for notification of the
development application27asubmissionmadeundersection305(1)oftheActandaccepted by the local government under
section 305(2) or (3)of the Act28a
notice under section 305(4)(a) or (b) of the Act amending orwithdrawing a submission mentioned in item
27Page 184Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25A29anoticeundersection306(2)oftheActamendingorwithdrawing a submission30a
notice extending the decision-making period under section318(2) of the Act31anagreementextendingthedecision-makingperiodundersection 318(4)
of the Act32a notice given by the applicant under
section 318(5) of the Actthat the applicant does not intend to
take action under section320 or 321 of the Act33anoticegivenundersection320(1)oftheActtostopthedecision-making period34a
notice given under section 320(3) of the Act to withdraw anotice mentioned in item 3335a request given to the chief executive
under section 321(1)(a)of the Act to resolve conflict between
2 or more concurrenceagency’s responses36anoticeundersection321(1)(b)oftheActtostopthedecision-making period37a
notice given under section 321(6) of the Act to withdraw anotice mentioned in item 3638a notice of a change to the
development application given bythe applicant
under section 351(1) of the Act39a
notice given by the local government under section 352 oftheActadvisingareferralagencyoftheeffectofanoticementioned in item 3840a
notice given under section 356(1) of the Act withdrawingthe
development application41a notice given
under section 357(2) of the Act advising thatthe applicant
has not referred the development application asrequired under
section 272 of the Act42correspondenceaboutthedevelopmentapplicationbetweenany
of the following—(a)the applicant;Current as at 28
May 2014Page 185
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 25A(b)the
local government;(c)a referral agency43correspondenceaboutthedevelopmentapplicationbetweenany
of the entities mentioned in item 42 and a submitter44representations made by the applicant
under section 361(1) ofthe Act45a
notice given by the local government under section 363(5)oftheActofadecisionnottoagreewithanyoftherepresentations
mentioned in item 4446anoticeundersection366(1)oftheActsuspendingtheapplicant’s appeal period47anoticeundersection366(4)(a)oftheActwithdrawinganotice mentioned in item 4648a notice given by the Minister to the
local government undersection 418(1) or 419(1) of the
Act49a notice given by the Minister to a
concurrence agency undersection 420(1) of the Act50a notice given by the Minister to the
applicant under section421(1) of the Act51a
notice given by the Minister to the local government undersection425(1)oftheActcallinginthedevelopmentapplication52acopyoftheMinister’sdecisionnoticegiventothelocalgovernment under section 429(1) of the
Act53a notice given by the regional
planning Minister to the localgovernment under
section 430(2) or (3) of the Act54a
notice given by the Minister to the local government undersection431(1)oftheActreferringtheaspectsofthedevelopmentapplicationnotdecidedbacktothelocalgovernmentPage 186Current as at 28 May 2014
Schedule 26Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Dictionarysection 3accommodation activitiesmeans the group
of uses identifiedasaccommodationactivitiesunderthestandardplanningscheme provisions.activetransportinfrastructureseetheTransportPlanningand
Coordination Act 1994, section 8A.additional
exempt operational work, for a lot in relation todevelopment mentioned in schedule 7, table
2, item 4 or table3, item 10, means operational work
that—(a)is either of the following—(i)clearingofvegetationonfreeholdlandorlandsubject to a
lease under theLand Act 1994, to theextentnecessaryforbuildingasingledwellinghouseonalotandanyreasonablyassociatedbuilding or
structure, if the building of the dwellinghouse is—(A)buildingworkforwhichadevelopmentpermitforabuildingdevelopmentapplication,oracompliancepermit,hasbeen given; or(B)building work mentioned in schedule 3,
part2, table 1, item 1; or(C)for
public housing;(ii)clearingforessentialmanagementorroutinemanagement;
and(b)would be assessable development under
schedule 3, part1, table 4, item 1 (therelevant
item) if it were carriedoutonthelotimmediatelybeforethedevelopmenthappened,butbecauseofthedevelopmentisnotassessable development under the
relevant item.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 188Exampleofadditionalexemptoperationalworkfordevelopmentmentioned in
schedule 7, table 3, item 10—development involving a building or
structure associated with a materialchange of use
located within 70m of native vegetationaged-carefacilitymeansafacility,orpartofafacility,atwhichaccommodationandnursingorpersonalcareisprovidedtoolderpersonswho,becauseofincapacityorinfirmity, have a continuing need for
nursing or personal care.agriculturalERAseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,section 75.aidtonavigationseetheTransportOperations(MarineSafety) Act 1994, section
104.airportmeansastrategicairportwithinthemeaningoftheState Planning Policy 2013.airportlandseetheAirportAssets(RestructuringandDisposal) Act 2008, schedule
3.airport premisesmeans premises
used, or intended to be used,completely or
partly for an airport-related purpose.airport-related
purpose, in relation to the use or intended
useof airport premises, means any of the
following—(a)the construction, operation or
maintenance of an airport,including—(i)air
transport infrastructure mentioned in schedule2, part 1;
or(ii)core airport
infrastructure located on airport land;(b)anactivityorfacilitysupportingtheeconomical,efficient and
safe functioning of an airport;Examples for
paragraph (b)—•manufacturing
aircraft or aircraft components•servicing aircraft(c)an
activity or facility supporting the financial viabilityof
an airport;Examples for paragraph (c)—•operating an air
charter business or an air freight depotCurrent as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26•operating a flight training or skydiving
business(d)forpremisesonairportland—developmentconsistentwith a land use
plan approved for the airport land undertheAirportAssets(RestructuringandDisposal)Act2008, chapter 3,
part 1.air transport infrastructuresee
the Transport InfrastructureAct, schedule
Act, schedule 6.ANEFmeans Australian
Noise Exposure Forecast.ANEF contour, for an
airport, means a contour marked with anumberandshownonadocumentknownastheairport’sANEF
chart that has been prepared by the airport’s operatorand
endorsed by Airservices Australia.Example—The 25 ANEF contour means the contour
marked with the number 25and shown on an airport’s ANEF
chart.area management advicemeans a written
notice given by theadministeringauthoritytothelocalgovernmentaboutplanningforormanaginglandcontaminatedbecauseofnaturalmineralisation,industrialactivityorunexplodedordnance.artificialwaterwayseetheCoastalProtectionandManagement Act, section 8.assessment manager application feesee
section 21A(1).Australian Noise Exposure Forecasthas
the same meaningas in the State Planning Policy 2013.authorisedelectricityentitymeansanentityauthorised,ortaken to be authorised, under theElectricity Act 1994, section116(1), to acquire land.backgroundlevel,ofnoiseforschedule4,table5,item11(1)(ga), means
the background level of noise measured byapplying the
relevant procedure under—(a)AS1055-1997‘Acoustics—Descriptionandmeasurement of environmental noise’;
orCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26(b)thedocumentcalled‘Noisemeasurementmanual’,publishedbythedepartmentadministeringtheEnvironmental Protection Act.bankfull width, for schedule
7A, has the meaning given bythe minor
waterway barrier works code.beach
replenishment, for schedule 7A, has the meaning
givenby the fish habitat management operational
policy.bed and banks—1Bedandbanks,ofawatercourseorlake,meanslandoverwhichthewaterofthewatercourseorlakenormally flows
or that is normally covered by the water,whether
permanently or intermittently.2Bedandbanksdoesnotincludelandadjoiningoradjacent to the bed or banks that is from
time to timecovered by floodwater.boot camp
centremeans a boot camp centre under theYouthJustice Act
1992, schedule 4.boot camp centre
providermeans a boot camp centre providerunder theYouth Justice
Act 1992, section 282A.boot camp
programmeans a boot camp program under theYouth Justice Act 1992, section
226E.Brisbane core port landsee the
Transport Infrastructure Act,section
283K.BrisbaneportLUPmeanstheplan,approvedundertheTransport Infrastructure Act, chapter 8,
part 3C, that regulatesdevelopment on Brisbane core port
Act, schedule 6.buswaytransportinfrastructureworksseetheTransportInfrastructure Act, schedule 6.Page
190Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26canalseetheCoastalProtectionandManagementAct,section 9.carparkmeansacarparkasdefinedunderthestandardplanning scheme
provisions.category1leveeseetheWaterRegulation2002,section62C(2).category2leveeseetheWaterRegulation2002,section62C(3).category3leveeseetheWaterRegulation2002,section62C(4).categoryAareameansacategoryAareaundertheVegetation Management Act.category B areameans a category
B area under the VegetationManagement
Act.category C areameans a category
C area under the VegetationManagement
Act.categoryXareameansacategoryXareaundertheVegetation Management Act.class,forabuildingorstructure,meansitsparticularclassification
under the BCA.clubmeansaclubasdefinedunderthestandardplanningscheme provisions.coastaldunemeansaridgeorhillockofsandorothermaterial—(a)on the coast; and(b)built up by the wind.coastalmanagementseetheCoastalProtectionandManagement Act, section 11.Coastal Protection and Management Actmeans theCoastalProtection and Management Act 1995.commercialcorridorlandseetheTransportInfrastructureAct, schedule
6.Commonwealth Minister, for part 6,
see section 31.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26concurrence
agency application feesee section 21B(1).contaminatedlandseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,schedule 4.contaminatedlandregistermeansthecontaminatedlandregister under the Environmental Protection
Act.coreairportinfrastructureseetheAirportAssets(Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008,
schedule 3.culturalheritagesignificance,inrelationtoaplaceforschedule4,table5,items11and12A,meansitsaesthetic,architectural,
historical, scientific, social or other significance,to
the present generation or past or future generations.damsee theWater Act
2000, schedule 4.dead marine
woodmeans a branch or trunk that—(a)is a part of a dead marine plant;
or(b)was a part of a dead marine
plant.declaredpestmeansadeclaredpestundertheLandProtection (Pest
and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.defined flood levelsee theBuilding Regulation 2006, section13.designated proponent,
for part 6, see section 31.disastersituationdeclaration,foranarea,meansadeclarationofadisastersituationfortheareaundertheDisaster Management Act 2003,
section 64 or 69 if—(a)the declaration
relates to an event mentioned in section16(1)(a) or that
Act; and(b)the disaster situation has not ended
under section 71 ofthat Act.distributor-retailermeansadistributor-retailerestablishedunder the SEQ
Water Act, section 8.domestic housing activitymeans the construction or use of asingleresidenceonalotandanyreasonablyassociatedbuilding or
structure.Page 192Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Examples of a
building or structure that could be reasonably associatedwith
a single residence—caretakers’ accommodation, granny
flat, building or structure used for ahome
businessdomestic purposessee the Water
Act 2000, schedule 4.educationalestablishmentmeansaneducationalestablishment as
defined under the standard planning schemeprovisions.education and
care service premisessee the Education andCare
Services National Law (Queensland), section 5(1).electricityinfrastructuremeansoperatingworksundertheElectricity Act 1994, section
12(3).encroachment,forschedule7A,seetheVegetationManagement Act,
ecosystem under the Vegetation Management Act.entertainment
activitiesmeans the group of uses identified asentertainmentactivitiesunderthestandardplanningschemeprovisions.environmentalmanagementregistermeanstheenvironmental management register under the
EnvironmentalProtection Act.essential
managementmeans clearing native vegetation—(a)for establishing or maintaining a
necessary firebreak toprotectinfrastructureotherthanafence,roadorvehicular track, if the maximum width
of the firebreak isequivalentto1.5timestheheightofthetallestvegetationadjacenttotheinfrastructure,or20m,whichever is the
greater; or(b)for establishing a necessary fire
management line if themaximum width of the clearing for the
fire managementline is 10m; or(c)necessary to remove or reduce the imminent
risk that thevegetation poses of serious personal injury
or damage toinfrastructure; orCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 193
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 194(d)by fire under theFire and
Emergency Services Act 1990to reduce
hazardous fuel load; or(e)necessary to
maintain infrastructure including any coreairport
infrastructure, buildings, fences, helipads, roads,stockyards,vehiculartracks,wateringfacilitiesandconstructed drains other than contour banks,
other thanto source construction material; or(f)for maintaining a garden or orchard,
other than clearingpredominantcanopytreestomaintainunderplantingsestablished
within remnant vegetation; or(g)onlandsubjecttoaleaseissuedundertheLandAct1994foragricultureorgrazingpurposestosourceconstruction
timber to repair existing infrastructure onthe land,
if—(i)theinfrastructureisinneedofimmediaterepair;and(ii)theclearingdoesnotcauselanddegradationasdefinedundertheVegetationManagementAct;and(iii)restoration of a
similar type, and to the extent ofthe removed
trees, is ensured; or(h)bytheowneronfreeholdlandtosourceconstructiontimbertomaintaininfrastructureonanylandoftheowner, if—(i)theclearingdoesnotcauselanddegradationasdefinedundertheVegetationManagementAct;and(ii)restoration of a
similar type, and to the extent ofthe removed
trees, is ensured.excluded work—1Excluded work, for schedule
3, part 1, table 4, item 5,means
maintenance work on a lawful work.2Excluded work, for schedule
3, part 1, table 4, item 5(a)alsomeanscarryingoutalterationstoexistinglawfulCurrent as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26boatramps,bridges,pontoons,slipways,wharvesandjetties (theexisting
structures) other than alterations—(a)creatingroofedstructures,includingshedsandgazebos; or(b)that
change the footprint of the existing structures;or(c)tothedimensionsorstructuralcapacityoftheexisting
structures; or(d)thatmayaffectsafenavigableaccesstoorfromtidal water or to or from properties
adjoining tidalwater, including alterations to clearance
heights orlighting.3Excludedwork,forschedule3,part1,table4,item5(b)(i) and (iv)
also means—(a)minor work that—(i)hasaninsignificantimpactoncoastalmanagement;
and(ii)is reversible or
expendable; or(b)work which the chief executive is
satisfied wouldhaveaninsignificantimpactoncoastalmanagement.4Excludedwork,forschedule7,table3,item5alsomeans work which
the chief executive is satisfied wouldhave an
insignificant impact on coastal management.5Excluded workdoes not include
work to which section584 of the Act applies.exempt boremeans—(a)a monitoring bore; or(b)fortakingorinterferingwithwateroutsidetheGreatArtesian Basin
plan area—any of the following—(i)awaterboreforworkingoutthesustainableextraction rate
of water for an aquifer;Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 196(ii)a water bore for
taking water for stock or domesticpurposes;(iii)a replacement
water bore.existing leveesee theWater Act 2000, section
1247(2).existing school campus, for schedule
4, table 5, items 11 and12A,meanspremisesatwhichaschoolisestablished,butdoes
not include separate premises associated with the schooland
used solely—(a)for sporting or recreational purposes;
or(b)for residential purposes, whether or
not any residentialdwellings comprising the premises are
vacant.extractiveindustrymeansanextractiveindustryasdefinedunder the
standard planning scheme provisions.failure impact
assessedmeans failure impact assessed underthe
Water Supply Act, section 343.fire safety
systemmeans a fire safety system as defined
underthe BCA, volume 1, part A1.Fisheries Actmeans theFisheries Act 1994.fisheriesdepartmentmeansthedepartmentinwhichtheFisheries Act is administered.fishhabitatmanagementoperationalpolicy,forschedule7A,
means the document called ‘Management and Protectionofmarineplantsandothertidalfishhabitats–FishhabitatmanagementoperationalpolicyFHMOP001’,datedNovember 2007
and published by the fisheries department.fishmovementexemptionnotice,forschedule7A,seetheFisheries Act
2008, schedule.flood hazard areameans a flood
hazard area designated by alocal government
under theBuilding Regulation 2006, section13(1)(a).fodderharvesting,forschedule7A,seetheVegetationManagement Act,
schedule.foodanddrinkoutletmeansafoodanddrinkoutletasdefined under the standard planning
scheme provisions.Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26footprint—1Footprint,forschedule7,table3,item27or29orschedule 7A, part 2, item 27, see the SCL
Act, section85(2).2Footprint,foraprovisionaboutdevelopment,unlessotherwiseprovided,meanstheportionofthelandtowhich the development relates that is
covered by—(a)buildings or structures measured to
their outermostprojection; and(b)anyofthefollowingrelatingtothebuildingsorstructures or the development—(i)asphalt,concreteoranotherhardbuiltsurface;(ii)a
carpark;(iii)a road or access
area used or that may be used for storage.functionfacilitymeansafunctionfacilityasdefinedunderthe
standard planning scheme provisions.futurepublicpassengertransportcorridormeanslandidentified in a guideline made under the
Transport PlanningandCoordinationAct1994,section8Eforanyofthefollowing—(a)busway transport infrastructure;(b)busway transport infrastructure
works;(c)light rail transport
infrastructure;(d)light rail transport infrastructure
works;(e)rail transport infrastructure;(f)railway works.Current as at 28
May 2014Page 197
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 198future public passenger transport
facilitymeans any of thefollowing
identified in a guideline made under theTransportPlanning and Coordination Act 1994,
section 8E—(a)a future busway station;(b)a future railway passenger
station;(c)a future light rail station;(d)a future passenger transport
interchange facility.futurerailwaylandseetheTransportInfrastructureAct,section 242.futureState-controlledroadmeansaroadorlandthatthechief executive administering the
Transport Infrastructure Acthas,bywrittennoticegiventoalocalgovernmentandpublishedinthegazette,indicatedisintendedtobecomeaState-controlled road under that Act,
section 42.future State-controlled transport
tunnelmeans a tunnel thatforms part
of—(a)future State-controlled road;
or(b)future railway land; or(c)a future public passenger transport
corridor.G20meanstheinternationalforumknownastheGroupofTwenty.G20radiocommunicationsworksmeansradiocommunicationsinfrastructureorequipment,tobeconstructed,installedorusedinQueenslandaspartoftheproject known as the Government
Wireless Network, for anyof the following events—(a)themeetingofG20financeministers,deputyfinanceministersandcentralbankgovernorsinCairnson20and 21 September 2014;(b)theG20leaders’summitinBrisbaneon15and16November 2014;(c)a
meeting of G20 sherpas in Queensland relating to anevent mentioned in paragraph (a) or
(b);Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26(d)a
meeting, function or activity of G20 leaders, ministers,sherpas, delegates or invitees in Queensland
relating toan event mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or
(c).GFA,foradevelopmentapplication,meansthegrossfloorarea.Gold Coast
waterssee theGold Coast
Waterways AuthorityAct 2012, section
7(1).governmentsupportedtransportinfrastructuremeanstransport infrastructure that—(a)is funded, wholly or partly, by
appropriations from theconsolidated fund; or(b)is funded, wholly or partly, by
borrowings made by theGovernment(otherthancommercialborrowingsmadebytheQueenslandTreasuryCorporationactingasanagent);
or(c)isfunded,whollyorpartly,byborrowingsguaranteedbytheGovernmentotherthanborrowingsforcommercial investments; or(d)is provided by a person on the basis
of conditions agreedto by the Government that are intended
to support thecommercial viability of the infrastructure;
or(e)is funded, wholly or partly, by the
Commonwealth.Great Artesian Basin plan areameans the plan area under theWater Resource (Great Artesian Basin) Plan
2006, schedule6.gross floor area, for a
building, means the total floor area ofallstoreysofthebuilding,includinganymezzanines,(measuredfromtheoutsideoftheexternalwallsandthecentre of any
common walls of the building), other than areasused for—(a)building services; or(b)a ground floor public lobby; or(c)a public mall in a shopping complex;
or(d)parking, loading or manoeuvring of
vehicles; orCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 200(e)balconies, whether roofed or
not.hazardouscontaminantseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct, schedule
4.healthcareservicesmeanshealthcareservicesasdefinedunder the
standard planning scheme provisions.high impact
earthworks—1Highimpactearthworksmeansoperationalworkthatinvolveschangingtheformofland,orplacingastructure on land, in a way that diverts
water to or from awetland.2However,highimpactearthworksdoesnotincludeoperational work
that is—(a)necessary to maintain infrastructure
including anycore airport infrastructure, buildings,
dams, fences,helipads,roads,stockyards,vehiculartracks,wateringfacilitiesandconstructeddrainsotherthancontourbanks,otherthantosourceconstruction
material; or(b)carried out for a forest practice;
or(c)excavatingnotmorethan100m3ofmaterial,orusing not more than 100m3of
material as fill; or(d)excavatingnotmorethan1000m3ofmaterial,orusing not more than 1000m3of material as fill, ifthe
excavating or filling is more than 200m fromthe wetland in a
wetland protection area; or(e)excavating to establish underground
infrastructure,otherthaninfrastructurefordrainageorstormwaterflows,iftheexcavatedlandistoberestored,asfaraspracticable,toitsoriginalcontours after
the infrastructure is established; or(f)carriedouttorestoreorconservetheecologicalprocessesorhydrologicalfunctionsofawetlandprotection area; or(g)carried out completely or partly in a
declared fishhabitatareaorawildriverarea,iftheworkisCurrent as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26assessabledevelopmentunder schedule
3, part 1;or(h)the constructing
or raising of waterway barrier works, ifthe work is
self-assessable development under schedule3, part 2;
or(i)carried out under—(i)theElectricity Act 1994,
section 101 or 112A; or(ii)theFire
and Emergency Services Act 1990, section53,
68 or 69; or(iii)ageothermalexplorationpermitundertheGeothermal Energy Act 2010;
or(j)the laser levelling of land if the
work does not changethe previously levelled contours or
slope of the land; or(k)carriedoutforgovernmentsupportedtransportinfrastructureforwhichthefundingandconstructionarrangementswereapprovedbytheStateorCommonwealth before 31 October 2011;
including any of the following relating tothe
infrastructure—(i)rehabilitation;(ii)replacement;(iii)repair;(iv)recurrent servicing;(v)preventive and remedial action;(vi)removal;(vii) alteration;(viii)
maintaining systems and services; or(m)carried out within a coastal management
district; or(n)necessary to reinstate earthworks
destroyed by floods orlandslides; or(o)carried out in tidal water.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 202high
impact industrymeans high impact industry as definedunder the standard planning scheme
provisions.highvalueagricultureclearingseetheVegetationManagement Act,
schedule.hospitalmeansahospitalasdefinedunderthestandardplanning scheme
provisions.hotelmeansahotelasdefinedunderthestandardplanningscheme provisions.indigenous
freshwater fishmeans a fish that is—(a)afreshwaterfishasdefinedundertheFisheriesRegulation
2008, schedule 11, part 2; and(b)indigenous,withinthemeaningoftheFisheriesAct,schedule, definitionindigenous
fisheries resources, to—(i)only
Queensland freshwaters; or(ii)both Queensland
freshwaters and Queensland tidalwaters.indigenousmarinefishmeansafishthatisindigenous,within the
meaning of the Fisheries Act, schedule, definitionindigenousfisheriesresources,toonlyQueenslandtidalwaters.industrialareameansland,howeverdescribed,thatisdesignatedinaplanninginstrumentasindustrial,orthatispredominantly industrial in character,
having regard to—(a)dominant land uses in the area;
or(b)therelevantprovisionsofaplanninginstrumentapplying to the
area.Examples of ways of describing industrial
industry•commercial industry•light industry•service industry•general industry•waterfront industryCurrent as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26•extractive industryindustryactivitiesmeansthegroupofusesidentifiedasindustryactivitiesunderthestandardplanningschemeprovisions.intensive animal
industriesmeans intensive animal industriesas
defined under the standard planning scheme provisions.irrigated high value agriculture
clearingsee the VegetationManagement Act,
schedule.keyresourceareahasthesamemeaningasintheStatePlanning Policy 2013.lakesee
theWater Act 2000, schedule
Act, section 286.leastconcernregionalecosystemmeansaleastconcernregional ecosystem under the Vegetation
Management Act.LGA population 1means a local
government area of a localgovernment mentioned in schedule
25.LGA population 2means a local
government area that is notan LGA
population 1.lightrailtransportinfrastructureseetheTransportInfrastructure
Act, schedule 6.lightrailtransportinfrastructureworksseetheTransportInfrastructure Act, schedule 6.livestockmeans alpacas,
buffalo, camels, cattle, deer, emus,goats, horses,
ostriches, pigs, poultry or sheep.loss of
capacity, of tidal land, in relation to operational
work,means the loss of the capacity of the land
to sustain marineplants of the quality or quantity sustained
on the land beforethe operational work is approved.lowimpactindustrymeanslowimpactindustryasdefinedunder the
standard planning scheme provisions.Lyngbyameans a plant of the genusLyngbya.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 204mainstreamwaterway,forschedule7A,meansawaterwaythat is directly
connected to tidal water.maintenancecovermeansacover,whetherabove,at,orbelow ground level, for a chamber
through which a person,machine or device may gain access to a
sewer, water main orstormwater drain for the purpose of
inspecting, maintaining orreplacing the sewer, water main or
stormwater drain.maintenanceworksdeclaredfishhabitatareacode,forschedule7A,meansthedocumentcalled‘Codeforself-assessable development–Maintenance
works on existinglawful structures (other than powerlines and
on-farm drains)inadeclaredFishHabitatAreaorinvolvingtheremoval,destructionordamageofmarineplants,Codenumber:MP02’,datedJanuary2013andpublishedbythefisheriesdepartment.majorhazardfacilityseetheWorkHealthandSafetyRegulation
2011, schedule 19.major sport,
recreation and entertainment facilitymeans amajor sport, recreation and entertainment
facility as definedunder the standard planning scheme
provisions.majortributary,forschedule7A,meansatributarythatisdirectly connected to a mainstream
waterway.master planmeans a master
plan—(a)continued in force under chapter 10,
part 6 of the Act;and(b)that has not
ceased to have effect under section 907 ofthe Act.maximum flow velocity of watersee
theBuilding Regulation2006,
section 13.medium impact industrymeans medium
impact industry asdefined under the standard planning scheme
provisions.minor waterway barrier works code,
for schedule 7A, meansthedocumentcalled‘Codeforself-assessabledevelopment–Minorwaterwaybarrierworks–part3:culvertcrossings, Code
number: WWBW01’, dated April 2013 andpublished by the
fisheries department.Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26miscellaneoustransportinfrastructureseetheTransportInfrastructure
Act, section 416.modify, for an
existing levee, see theWater Regulation 2002,schedule 17.monitoring
boremeans a water bore used for
monitoring—(a)the physical characteristics of an
aquifer; or(b)thephysical,chemicalorbiologicalcharacteristicsofwater in an aquifer.Examples of
physical characteristics of water—standing water level, water discharge rate,
water pressurenecessaryenvironmentalclearingseetheVegetationManagement Act,
schedule.non-State school, for schedule
4, table 5, items 11 and 12A,means a school
that is provisionally accredited, or accredited,under theEducation
(Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act2001,
section 6.notifiableactivityseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,schedule 4.noxiousandhazardousindustriesmeansnoxiousandhazardous industries as defined under the
standard planningscheme provisions.obstaclelimitationsurfacemeansanobstaclelimitationsurfaceestablishedundertheCivilAviationSafetyRegulations
1998(Cwlth).of concern
regional ecosystemmeans an of concern regionalecosystem under the Vegetation Management
Act.officemeans an office
as defined under the standard planningscheme
provisions.operationalairspacehasthesamemeaningasintheStatePlanning Policy 2013.other rail
infrastructuresee the Transport Infrastructure Act,schedule 6.permanentimpact,onSCLorpotentialSCL,seetheSCLAct,
section 14(1).Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26petroleumactivitiesseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,schedule 4.PMAVmeans a property
map of assessable vegetation underthe Vegetation
Management Act.port authoritysee the
Transport Infrastructure Act, schedule6.potentially affected premises—1Potentially
affected premisesmeans premises—(a)allorpartofwhichisontheenvironmentalmanagementregisterorthecontaminatedlandregister; or(b)used
for, or if there is no existing use, last used for,a
notifiable activity or an industrial activity (otherthan
a mining activity or a chapter 5A activity).2However,potentiallyaffectedpremisesdoesnotinclude—(a)premisesusedorpreviouslyusedforanotifiableactivity if all
of the following apply—(i)the land on
which the premises is located hasbeenremovedfromtheenvironmentalmanagement
register;(ii)a suitability
statement has been given for theintended
given;(iv)the land is not
otherwise contaminated by ahazardous
contaminant; or(b)premisesontheenvironmentalmanagementregister or
contaminated land register if there is anotifiableactivityonthepremisesthatiscontinuing; or(c)premises in a priority development
area.Page 206Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26potentially
sensitive material change of use of premises, forschedule 3, part 1, table 2, item 7, means a
material change ofuse of premises for any of the following,
unless the premisesis in a priority development area—(a)child care;(b)education and care service premises;(c)educational,recreationalorresidential(includingcaretakers’accommodationonindustrialland)purposes.potential
SCLsee the SCL Act, section 10.priority development areameans a priority development areaunder theEconomic
Development Act 2012.private
purpose, for schedule 7A, see theCoastal Protectionand Management
Regulation 2003, schedule 4A, section 3.proposedmajorhazardfacilityseetheWorkHealthandSafety Regulation 2011, schedule
19.protection areasee the SCL Act,
section 28(2).publicmarinetransportinfrastructureseetheTransportInfrastructure
Act, schedule 6.publicpassengerserviceseetheTransportOperations(Passenger
Transport) Act 1994, schedule 3.public passenger
transport corridormeans land—(a)on
which any of the following transport infrastructure issituated,iftheinfrastructureis,oristobe,usedforproviding a public passenger service—(i)busway transport
infrastructure;(ii)light rail
transport infrastructure;(iii)rail transport
infrastructure; or(b)onwhichthefollowingworksarebeingdone,iftheworksrelatetotransportinfrastructuretowhichparagraph (a)
applies—(i)busway transport infrastructure
works;Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26(ii)light rail transport infrastructure
works;(iii)railway works;
or(c)onwhichotherservicesareprovidedforthemaintenance or operation of transport
infrastructure towhich paragraph (a) applies.publicpassengertransportfacilitymeansanyofthefollowing—(a)a
busway station;(b)a railway passenger station;(c)a light rail station;(d)a passenger transport interchange
facility identified in aguidelinemadeundertheTransportPlanningandCoordination Act 1994,
section 8E.publicsafetyareahasthesamemeaningasintheStatePlanning Policy
2003, schedule 6.qualitative
statementmeans a qualitative statement or
otherprovisionaboutaperformanceoroutcomesoughttobeachieved when
applicable buildings or structures are finished.quantifiablestandardmeansastandardthatachievesaperformance or outcome sought under a
qualitative statement.railcorridorlandseetheTransportInfrastructureAct,schedule 6.rail transport
infrastructuresee the Transport InfrastructureAct,
schedule 6.railwaymeans land on
which rail transport infrastructure orother rail
infrastructure is situated.railway tunnel
easementsee the Transport Infrastructure Act,schedule 4.railway
workssee the Transport Infrastructure Act,
schedule6.Page 208Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26recreationactivitiesmeansthegroupofusesidentifiedasrecreationactivitiesunderthestandardplanningschemeprovisions.regional
ecosystem mapsee the Vegetation Management Act,section 20A.registered area
of agriculture map, for schedule 7A, see theVegetation Management Act, section
20AD.regrowthclearingauthorisationmeansaregrowthclearingauthorisation under the Vegetation
Management Act, section19ZA(1).regrowthvegetation,forschedule7A,seetheVegetationManagement Act,
schedule.regrowth vegetation codemeans the
regrowth vegetation codeunder the Vegetation Management Act,
section 19S(1).regrowth vegetation mapmeans the
regrowth vegetation mapunder the Vegetation Management Act,
section 20AB.regulatedregrowthvegetationmeansregulatedregrowthvegetation under the Vegetation Management
Act.regulatedvegetationmanagementmapseetheVegetationManagement Act,
section 20A.relevant impacts, for part 6,
see section 31.relevant instrument of leasemeans an instrument of lease fora
grant of a residential lease over a part of a lot that—(a)was previously subject to a social
housing lease; and(b)is the same part of the lot that was
subject to—(i)a partial surrender of the social
housing lease; or(ii)if the part of
the lot is the last remaining part of thesocialhousinglease—awholesurrenderofthelease.relevant program—1Relevant program, for schedule
4, table 5, items 11 and12,meanstheprogramestablishedbytheCommonwealth government in February
2009 that—Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 210(a)providesfundingfornewfacilitiesandrefurbishments in schools, including, for
example,trade training centres; and(b)isknownasthe‘NationBuildingandJobsPlan—Building
the Education Revolution’.2Relevantprogram,forschedule4,table5,item12A,means the program established by the State
in June 2011that—(a)provides funding for new educational
facilities andrefurbishments in schools; and(b)is known as the ‘Transition of Year 7,
from the lastyearofprimaryschoolingtothefirstyearofsecondary schooling, as outlined in the
EducationWhitePaper-AFlyingStartforQueenslandChildren’.relevant service
providermeans any of the following—(a)forasewer—thesewerageserviceproviderforthesewer;(b)forawatermain—thewaterserviceproviderforthewater main;(c)forastormwaterdrain—theownerofthestormwaterdrain.remediate,contaminatedland,seetheEnvironmentalProtection Act,
schedule 4.remnantmapseetheVegetationManagementAct,section20AA.remnantvegetationmeansremnantvegetationasdefinedunder the
Vegetation Management Act.replacement water boremeans a water bore that—(a)is
constructed or installed—(i)to replace a
water bore (theprevious bore) used
forthe taking of, or interfering with,
water—(A)for which a development permit was
held or,undertheWaterAct2000section1048A,Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26was taken to be
held; or(B)which, under section 681(1) of the
Act, wastaken to be a lawful use of the premises
inwhich the previous bore was constructed
orinstalled; and(ii)within10mofthelocationofthepreviousbore;and(b)taps the same aquifer tapped by the
previous bore.residence, for schedule
7A, part 2, item 11, means a buildingor structure, or
a part of a building or structure, that is used, ordesigned to be used, as a dwelling.Examples—1dwelling house2flat
or unitresidentialcarefacilitymeansaresidentialcarefacilityasdefined under the standard planning scheme
provisions.residential clearing—(a)for the clearing of vegetation on
freehold land or landsubjecttoaleaseundertheLandAct1994—meansclearingthevegetationtotheextentnecessaryforbuildingasingledwellinghouseonalot,andanyreasonablyassociatedbuildingorstructure,ifthebuilding of the dwelling house
is—(i)building work for which a development
permit forabuildingdevelopmentapplication,oracompliance permit, has been given;
or(ii)buildingworkmentionedinschedule3,part2,table 1, item 1; or(iii)for
public housing; or(b)fortheclearingofvegetationonindigenousland—meansclearingthevegetationtotheextentnecessaryforbuildingdwellinghouses,andanyreasonablyassociatedbuildingorstructure,forAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderinhabitantsoftheland or persons providing educational,
health, police orCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 212othercommunityservicesfortheinhabitants,ifthebuilding of the dwelling houses
is—(i)building work for which a development
permit forabuildingdevelopmentapplication,oracompliance permit, has been given;
or(ii)buildingworkmentionedinschedule3,part2,table 1, item 1; or(iii)for
public housing.residential land—1Residential land, for schedule
4, table 5, item 11, meansland that—(a)is
being used for residential purposes; or(b)mayorisintendedtobeusedforresidentialpurposes
under—(i)adevelopmentapprovalineffectonorbefore 24 April 2009; or(ii)aplanningschemeasinforceon24April2009.2Residentialland,forschedule4,table5,item12A,means land that—(a)is
being used for residential purposes; or(b)mayorisintendedtobeusedforresidentialpurposes
under—(i)adevelopmentapprovalineffectonorbefore 9 June 2011; or(ii)aplanningschemeasinforceon9June2011.residential
leasemeans a residential lease under—(a)theAboriginal Land
Act 1991, section 147; or(b)theTorres Strait Islander Land Act
1991, section 112.residentialzonemeans land, howeverdescribed,
designatedinaplanningscheme,temporarylocalplanninginstrument,Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26master plan or
preliminary approval to which section 242 ofthe Act applies
as residential.Examples of ways of describing land—•general
residential•park residential•residential living•residential choice•residential low density•residential medium density•residential high densityresourceactivityseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,section 107.resourceallocationauthority,forschedule7A,meansaresourceallocationauthorityissuedundertheFisheriesRegulation
2008, chapter 5, part 3.road
frontage, for land, for schedule 4, table 5, items
11 and12A,meanstheboundarybetweenthelandandanyroadadjoining the
land.routine management, for clearing
native vegetation on land,means the clearing of native
vegetation—(a)to establish a necessary fence, road
or vehicular track ifthe maximum width of clearing for the
fence, road ortrack is 10m; or(b)toconstructnecessarybuiltinfrastructure,includingcoreairportinfrastructure,otherthancontourbanks,fences, roads or
vehicular tracks, if—(i)theclearingisnottosourceconstructiontimber;and(ii)the total extent
of clearing is less than 2ha; and(iii)the
total extent of the infrastructure is on less than2ha;
or(c)bytheowneronfreeholdlandtosourceconstructiontimber for
establishing necessary infrastructure on anyland of the
owner, if—Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26(i)theclearingdoesnotcauselanddegradationasdefinedundertheVegetationManagementAct;and(ii)restoration of a
similar type, and to the extent ofthe removed
trees, is ensured; or(d)by the lessee of
land subject to a lease issued under theLandAct1994foragricultureorgrazingpurposestosourceconstructiontimber,otherthancommercialtimber, for
establishing necessary infrastructure on theland, if—(i)theclearingdoesnotcauselanddegradationasdefinedundertheVegetationManagementAct;and(ii)restoration of a
similar type, and to the extent ofthe removed
trees, is ensured.saleyardmeanspremisesusedforthesale,orofferingforsale,oflivestock,includinganypartofthepremisesusedfor—(a)temporarilyholdinglivestockbeforeorafterthelivestock is sold or offered for sale;
or(b)transporting livestock to or from the
premises; or(c)anotheractivityassociatedwiththesale,offeringforsale, temporary holding or
transportation of livestock.school,
for schedule 4, table 5, items 11 and 12A, means anon-State school or State school.SCLsee the SCL Act, section 9(2).SCL
Actmeans theStrategic
Cropping Land Act 2011.SCLchiefexecutivemeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which the SCL Act is administered.SCL
principlessee the SCL Act, section 11.scourprotectioncomponent,forwaterwaybarrierworks,means the part of the waterway barrier works
that is designedto prevent erosion of the bed or banks of
the waterway wherePage 214Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26the waterway
barrier works are, or are to be, constructed orraised.self-assessablevegetationclearingcodeseetheVegetationManagement Act,
section 19O(1) and (2).SEQKoalaConservationStatePlanningRegulatoryProvisionsmeans the SEQ
Koala Conservation State PlanningRegulatory
Provisions published in May 2010.SEQ koala State
planning regulatory provisionsmeans theSouthEastQueenslandKoalaStateplanningregulatoryprovisions
published by the department.sewermeans a sewer under thePlumbing and
Drainage Act2002.Note—See section 41A
(References to maintenance covers).sewerage service
providersee theWaterSupply(SafetyandReliability) Act 2008,
schedule 3.shopmeansashopasdefinedunderthestandardplanningscheme provisions.shopping
centremeans a shopping centre as defined under
thestandard planning scheme provisions.showroommeans a showroom
as defined under the standardplanning scheme
provisions.significantcommunityprojectmeansasignificantcommunityprojectundertheVegetationManagementAct,section 10(5).significantprojectseetheStateDevelopmentandPublicWorks
Organisation Act 1971, schedule 2.site management
plansee the Environmental Protection Act,schedule 4.social housing
orCurrent as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 216(b)asubleaseundertheAurukunandMorningtonShireLeases Act 1978, section 29(a)
for the purposes of socialhousing.sole or
community residence clearingmeans—(a)for vegetation on freehold land or
land subject to a leaseunder theLand Act
1994—clearing the vegetation to theextent necessary for building a single
dwelling house onalot,andanyreasonablyassociatedbuildingorstructure, if no other dwelling house
exists on the lot; or(b)forvegetationonindigenousland—clearingthevegetation to the extent necessary for
building dwellinghouses,andanyreasonablyassociatedbuildingorstructure,forAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderinhabitants of
the land or persons providing educational,health,policeorothercommunityservicesfortheinhabitants.springsee
theWater Act 2000, schedule
4.StatecoastallandseetheCoastalProtectionandManagement Act, section 17.State-controlled roadmeans—(a)aState-controlledroadwithinthemeaningoftheTransport Infrastructure Act, schedule
6; or(b)State toll road corridor land.State-controlled transport tunnelmeans—(a)a
tunnel that forms part of a—(i)State-controlled road; or(ii)railway;
or(iii)public passenger
transport corridor; or(b)a railway tunnel
easement.Statedevelopmentassessmentprovisionsmeansthedocument called ‘State development
assessment provisions’,dated 9 May 2014 and published by the
department.Editor’s note—Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Thedocumentcanbeinspectedonthedepartment’swebsiteat<www.dsdip.qld.gov.au>State Planning Policy 2013means the State planning policydated December 2013 made by the
Minister.State school, for schedule
4, table 5, items 11 and 12A, meansaschoolestablishedundertheEducation(GeneralProvisions) Act 2006, section
13.State toll road corridor landsee
the Transport InfrastructureAct, schedule
6.stock purposessee theWater Act 2000, schedule
4.storeymeans a space
within a building between 2 floor levels,or a floor level
and a ceiling or roof, other than—(a)a
space containing only—(i)a lift shaft,
stairway or meter room; or(ii)a bathroom,
shower room, laundry, water closet orother sanitary
compartment; or(iii)accommodationfornotmorethan3motorvehicles;
or(iv)acombinationofanythingsmentionedinsubparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii);
or(b)a basement, if the ceiling of the
basement is not morethan 1m above ground level.stormwaterdrainmeansinfrastructureusedforreceiving,storing,
transporting or treating stormwater.Note—See section 41A (References to
maintenance covers).structureplanarrangementsmeansthestructureplanarrangements applying to premises under
section 40.subartesion watersee theWater Act 2000, schedule
4.subdivision plan—1Subdivisionplanmeansaplan,howevercalled,forreconfiguring a lot if, under an Act, the
plan requires theapproval(inwhateverform)ofalocalgovernmentCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 217
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 218before the plan is registered or otherwise
recorded underthat Act.2Subdivisionplanincludesanagreementthatreconfigures a lot by dividing land into
parts renderingdifferentpartsofthelotavailableforseparatedisposition or
separate occupation.3Subdivision
plandoes not include—(a)a
lease for—(i)aterm,includingrenewaloptions,notexceeding 10 years; or(ii)all
or part of a building; or(b)a plan, however
called, for reconfiguring a lot if thereconfiguration
is in relation to—(i)theacquisition,includingbyagreement,undertheAcquisitionAct,oflandbyaconstructing authority, as defined
under thatAct, or an authorised electricity entity,
for apurpose set out in the schedule of that Act;
or(ii)theacquisitionbyagreement,otherthanundertheAcquisitionAct,oflandbyaconstructing authority, as defined
under thatAct, or an authorised electricity entity,
for apurpose set out in the schedule of that Act;
or(iii)landheldbytheState,orastatutorybodyrepresenting the State, for a purpose set
outin the Acquisition Act, schedule, whether
ornot the land relates to an acquisition;
or(iv)a lot comprising
strategic port land; or(v)theacquisitionoflandforawaterinfrastructure
facility; or(c)aplanlodgedundertheAcquisitionAct,section12Aasaresultofareconfigurationofalotmentioned in
paragraph (b)(i).subscriberconnectionmeansaninstallationforthesolepurpose of
connecting a building, structure, caravan or mobileCurrent as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26hometoalinethatformspartofanexistingtelecommunications network.substation site—1Substationsitemeanspremiseslargerthan50m2forming part of
a transmission grid or supply networkunder theElectricity Act 1994, and used
for—(a)converting or transforming electrical
energy fromone voltage to another; or(b)regulating voltage in an electrical
circuit; or(c)controlling electrical circuits;
or(d)switching electrical current between
circuits.2Substation siteincludes
telecommunication facilities forcontrollingworksasdefinedundertheElectricityAct1994, section 12(1),
and for workforce operational andsafety
communications.3Substation sitedoes not
include—(a)pole mounted substations, transformers
or voltageregulators; or(b)pad
mounted substations or transformers.suitabilitystatementseetheEnvironmentalProtectionAct,schedule 4.temporarywaterwaybarrierworkscode,forschedule7A,meansthedocumentcalled‘Codeforself-assessabledevelopment–TemporaryWaterwayBarrierWorks,Codenumber: WWBW02’,
dated April 2013 and published by thefisheries
department.theatremeansatheatreasdefinedunderthestandardplanning scheme
schedule.tidal watersee the Coastal
Protection and Management Act,schedule.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26Page 220totalfootprint,ofabuildingandanyreasonablyassociatedstructure,oranextensionofanexistingbuildingandanyreasonably
associated structure, means the total area of landdevelopedforthebuildingandstructure,ortheextension,including, for
example, the areas covered by the following—(a)thefloorareaofthebuildingandstructureortheextension;(b)landscaping and fencing for the building and
structure orthe extension;(c)a
car park, driveway or other facility associated with thebuilding and structure or the
extension.tourist attractionmeans a tourist
attraction as defined underthe standard
planning scheme provisions.tourist resort
complexmeans an integrated facility for
touriststhatprovidesaccommodationandarangeofrecreationalfacilities for
guests and visitors to the facility.tradetrainingcentremeansafacilityusedfortradeorvocational education and training.trust landmeans land
comprising a reserve or deed of grant intrust under
theLand Act 1994.TSAmeans total site area for a
development application.unallocated State landsee
theLand Act 1994, schedule
6.urban areameans—(a)anareaidentifiedinagazettenoticebythechiefexecutive as an urban area; or(b)ifnogazettenoticehasbeenpublished—anareaidentifiedasanareaintendedspecificallyforurbanpurposes,
including future urban purposes (but not ruralresidential or
future rural residential purposes) on a mapin a planning
scheme that—(i)identifies the areas using cadastral
boundaries; and(ii)isusedexclusivelyorprimarilytoassessdevelopment
applications.Example of a map for paragraph (b)—Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26a zoning
mapurbanpurposesmeanspurposesforwhichlandisusedincitiesortowns,includingresidential,industrial,sporting,recreationandcommercialpurposes,butnotincludingenvironmental, conservation, rural, natural
or wilderness areapurposes.warehousemeans a warehouse as defined under the
standardplanning scheme provisions.water-basedfiresafetyinstallationseetheBuildingFireSafety Regulation 2008, schedule
3.water boresee theWater Act 2000, schedule
4.watercourse—1Generally,watercoursemeans a
watercourse as definedunder theWater Act
2000, schedule 4.2Watercourse, for schedule
24, part 1, section 1(2)—(a)means a river,
creek or stream in which water flowspermanently or
intermittently—(i)inanaturalchannel,whetherartificiallyimproved or not;
or(ii)in an artificial
channel that has changed thecourse of the
watercourse; and(b)includes the bed and banks and any
other elementof a river, creek or stream confining or
entitlementsee theWater Act
2000, schedule 4.water
mainmeans infrastructure used for transporting
waterother than stormwater.Note—See section 41A (References to
maintenance covers).water resource planmeans a water resource plan under theWater Act 2000.waterserviceproviderseetheWaterSupply(SafetyandReliability) Act 2008,
schedule 3.Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Schedule 26WaterSupplyActmeanstheWaterSupply(SafetyandReliability) Act 2008.waterway,foraprovisionaboutconstructingorraisingwaterway barrier
works, see the Fisheries Act, schedule.wetlandseetheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation2008,schedule 12.wetlandprotectionareaseetheEnvironmentalProtectionRegulation
2008, schedule 12.WorldHeritageConventionmeanstheConventionfortheProtection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage that hasbeenadoptedbytheGeneralConferenceoftheUnitedNations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, acopy
of which is set out in theWetTropicsWorldHeritageProtection and Management Act 1993,
schedule 2.Page 222Current as at 28
May 2014
Planning Regulation 2009Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .2233Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2234List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2265List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .2332KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered3Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryCurrent as at 28
May 2014Page 223
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotesrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 30039601 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1C1D1E1F1G1H1I22A2B2C2D2E2F2G2H2I2J2K2L2M2N2O2P2Q33A3BAmendments
included2009 SL No. 3132010 SL No.
352010 SL No. 482010 SL No.
762010 SL No. 842010 SL No.
982010 SL No. 1482010 SL No.
692010 Act No. 202010 SL No.
1482010 SL No. 1762010 SL No.
279—2010 SL No. 3242010 SL No.
3432010 SL No. 3442011 SL No.
72011 SL No. 472011 SL No.
662011 SL No. 742011 SL No.
772011 SL No. 882011 SL No.
1392011 SL No. 2182011 Act No.
402011 SL No. 2462011 SL No.
2522011 SL No. 2652011 SL No.
2662011 Act No. 182011 SL No.
2402011 SL No. 2782012 SL No.
82011 Act No. 47—2012
SL No. 802012 SL No. 100Effective18
December 200912 March 201026 March
201030 April 201014 May
201031 May 201025 June
20101 July 20109 July
20108 October 20108 October
201026 November 20103 December
20104 February 20116 May 201125
May 20113 June 201110 June
20111 July 201122 July
20114 November 201124 November
201125 November 20112 December
20119 December 20111 January
201227 January 201230 January
201230 January 201229 June
201213 July 2012NotesR1I
withdrawn, see R2R2Q withdrawn, see R3Page 224Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesReprintNo.3C3D3E3F3G44AAmendments
included2012 SL No. 1182012 SL No.
1202012 SL No. 1332012 SL No.
1862012 SL No. 1672012 SL No.
1972012 SL No. 1972012 SL No.
2282012 SL No. 232Effective3
August 201224 August 201226 October
20121 November 201216 November
20121 December 201214 December
2012Current as at1 February
201315 March 201325 March
201331 March 201312 April
201314 May 20131 July 20132
August 201330 August 201327 September 2013
rv11 October 201318 October
20131 November 201322 November
20132 December 201320 December
20131 January 201420 February
20144 April 201428 April
201416 May 201421 May 201423 May
201428 May 2014Amendments
included2013 SL No. 22013 SL No.
282013 SL No. 282013 SL No.
252013 SL No. 452013 Act No.
232013 SL No. 1142013 SL No.
1512013 SL No. 1682013 Act No.
232013 SL No. 1902013 SL No.
1972013 SL No. 2042013 SL No.
2172013 SL No. 2362013 SL No.
2582013 SL No. 3042013 SL No.
2572013 SL No. 2652013 Act No.
22014 SL No. 382014 SL No.
472014 SL No. 632014 Act No.
172014 SL No. 662014 Act No.
29NotesNotesRA s
44RA s 44Current as at 28
May 2014Page 225
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotes4List
of legislationRegulatory impact statementsFor
subordinate legislation that has a regulatory impact statement,
specific reference to the statementis included in
this list.Explanatory notesAll subordinate
legislation made on or after 1 January 2011 has an explanatory
note. For subordinatelegislation made before 1 January 2011
that has an explanatory note, specific reference to the note
isincluded in this list.Sustainable
Planning Regulation 2009 SL No. 280made by the
Governor in Council on 26 November 2009notfd gaz 27
November 2009 pp 1001–6ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 18 December
2009 (see s 2)exp 1 September 2020 (see SIA s 54)Note—The expiry date may have changed since
this reprint was published. See thelatest reprint of
the SIR for any change.amending legislation—Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2009 SL No. 313notfd gaz 18 December 2009 pp
1292–3commenced on date of notificationFisheries and Other Legislation Amendment and
Repeal Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SLNo. 35 ss 1, 25
sch 2notfd gaz 12 March 2010 pp 601–2commenced on date of notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 48 pts 1,3notfd
gaz 26 March 2010 pp 722–4commenced on date of
notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2010 SL No. 69 pts 1,3notfd
gaz 23 April 2010 pp 1008–11ss 1–2 commenced
on date of notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July
2010 (see s 2)Note—A regulatory impact statement and
explanatory note were prepared.Environmental
Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No.
1)2010 SL No. 76 pts 1, 3notfd gaz 30
April 2010 pp 1053–4commenced on date of notificationNote—A regulatory impact statement and
explanatory note were prepared.Sustainable
Planning Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 84notfd
gaz 14 May 2010 pp 121–2commenced on date of
notificationPage 226Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesSouth-East
Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and
OtherLegislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 20 ss 1,
2(1)(d), pt 9date of assent 23 May 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2(1)(d))Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 2) 2010 SL No. 98notfd gaz 28 May 2010 pp 290–92ss 1,
3 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 31 May 2010 (see s 3)Building and
Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2010 SL No. 148
pts1, 5notfd gaz 25 June 2010 pp
823–30ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notifications 17 commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2)remaining provisions commenced on date of
notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 3) 2010 SL No. 176notfd gaz 9 July 2010 pp 1101–2commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 4) 2010 SL No. 279notfd gaz 8 October 2010 pp
378–9commenced on date of notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 4) 2010 SL No. 324 pts1, 3notfd
gaz 26 November 2010 pp 810–13commenced on date
of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 5) 2010 SL No. 343notfd gaz 3 December 2010 pp
1003–6commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 6) 2010 SL No. 344notfd gaz 3 December 2010 pp
1003–6commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2011 SL No. 7notfd gaz 4 February 2011 pp
197–8commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 2) 2011 SL No. 47notfd gaz 6 May 2011 pp 39–40commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 3) 2011 SL No. 66notfd gaz 25 May 2011 pp 155–6ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 25 May 2011 (see s 2)Current as at 28
May 2014Page 227
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesWater and Another
Regulation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011 SL No. 74 pts1–2notfd gaz 3 June 2011 pp 268–9commenced on date of notificationWork
Health and Safety Act 2011 No. 18 ss 1–2, 404 sch 4 pt 2 divs
1–2date of assent 6 June 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2012 (2011 SL No. 238)Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 4) 2011 SL No. 77notfd gaz 10 June 2011 pp 380–1commenced on date of notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2011 SL No. 88 pts 1,4notfd
gaz 17 June 2011 pp 430–4ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011
(see s 2)Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 5) 2011 SL No. 139notfd gaz 22 July 2011 pp 735–6commenced on date of notificationVegetation Management and Other Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011SL No. 218 pts
1–2notfd gaz 4 November 2011 pp 438–9commenced on date of notificationWater
and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No. 40 pt 1, s 107
schdate of assent 24 November 2011commenced on date of assentWork
Health and Safety Regulation 2011 SL No. 240 ss 1, 2(4), ch 14 pt
14.11notfd gaz 25 November 2011 pp 603–6ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2012 on the commencement of s 277
ofthe Act (see s 2(4) and 2011 SL No.
238)Environmental Protection and Other
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)2011 SL No. 246
pts 1, 3notfd gaz 25 November 2011 pp 603–6commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 6) 2011 SL No. 252notfd gaz 2 December 2011 pp
658–9commenced on date of notificationStrategic Cropping Land Act 2011 No. 47 ch 1
pt 1, ch 10 pt 2date of assent 6 December 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 30 January 2012 (see s 2(b))Page
228Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesBuilding and
Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 4) 2011 SL No. 265 s
1,pt 6notfd gaz 9 December 2011 pp
729–35commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 7) 2011 SL No. 266notfd gaz 9 December 2011 pp
729–35commenced on date of notificationEducation and Care Services National Law
(Queensland) Regulation 2011 SL No.278 pts 1,
11notfd gaz 9 December 2011 pp 729–35ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2012 (see s 2)Sustainable
Planning Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SL No. 8notfd
gaz 27 January 2012 pp 139–40commenced on date
of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 2) 2012 SL No. 42notfd gaz 17 February 2012 pp
340–3commenced on date of notificationNote—This regulation was in force from 17
February 2012 to 11 July 2012 but wasdisallowed by
resolution of the Legislative Assembly passed on 11 July
2012—seeHansard 11 July 2012, pp 1173–6.Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 3) 2012 SL No. 80notfd gaz 29 June 2012 pp
704–10commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 4) 2012 SL No. 100notfd gaz 13 July 2012 pp 820–5commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 5) 2012 SL No. 118notfd gaz 3 August 2012 pp
950–1commenced on date of notificationWater
and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SL No. 120
pts1–2notfd gaz 3 August 2012 pp
950–1commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 6) 2012 SL No. 133notfd gaz 24 August 2012 pp
1065–6commenced on date of notificationPlumbing and Drainage and Other Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012SL No. 167 pts
1, 5notfd gaz 28 September 2012 pp 147–8ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 November 2012 (see s 2)Current as at 28
May 2014Page 229
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesBuilding and
Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SL No. 186
pts1, 4notfd gaz 26 October 2012 pp
264–6commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 7) 2012 SL No. 197notfd gaz 16 November 2012 pp
345–6ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notifications 7 commenced 1 December 2012 (see s
2)remaining provisions commenced on date of
notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 8) 2012 SL No. 228notfd gaz 14 December 2012 pp
548–52commenced on date of notificationGold
Coast Waterways Authority Regulation 2012 SL No. 232 pts 1,
7notfd gaz 14 December 2012 pp 548–52commenced on date of notificationEconomic Development Regulation 2013 SL No. 2
pts 1, 3 div 9notfd gaz 1 February 2013 pp 192–4ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 February 2013 (see s 2)Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act 2013 No. 2 ss 1–2, pt 12
div9date of assent 19 February 2013ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremainingprovisionscommenced20February2014(automaticcommencementunder AIA
s15DA(2))Environmental Protection and Other
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)2013 SL No. 25
pts 1, 4notfd gaz 1 March 2013 pp 331–2ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 31 March 2013 (see s 2)Sustainable
Planning Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 28notfd
gaz 15 March 2013 pp 387–8ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationss 10(1)–(5), (10)–(12), (14), (17)–(18),
11, 14, 15, 16(1) (to the extent it om defsland relating to
a State-controlled roadandState-controlled
road), (2) (otherthan to the
extent it ins defsexcluded work,potentially affected premisesandpotentiallysensitivematerialchangeofuseofpremises),(3)–(5),(7)–(8)commenced 25 March 2013 (see s 2)remaining provisions commenced on date of
notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 2) 2013 SL No. 45notfd gaz 12 April 2013 pp
514–15commenced on date of notificationPage
230Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesLand, Water and
Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 23 ss 1, 2(d), pt 16,
s352 sch 1 pt 2date of assent 14
May 2013ss 1–2 commenced on date of assents 352
sch 1 pt 2 commenced 27 September 2013 (2013 SL No. 189)remaining provisions commenced on date of
assentSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 3) 2013 SL No. 114notfd gaz 28 June 2013 pp
739–47ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2013
(see s 2)Sustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 4) 2013 SL No. 151notfd gaz 2 August 2013 pp
937–8commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 5) 2013 SL No. 168notfd gaz 30 August 2013 pp
1069–70commenced on date of notificationWater
and Another Regulation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 190
pts1, 3notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 27 September 2013commenced on date of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 6) 2013 SL No. 197notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 11 October 2013commenced on date of notificationEnvironment and Heritage Protection
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)2013 SL No. 204
pts 1, 8notfd <www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 18
October 2013commenced on date of notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2013 SL No. 217 pts1, 3notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 1 November 2013commenced on date of notificationSouth-East Queensland Water (Distribution and
Retail Restructuring) and AnotherRegulation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 236 pts 1, 3notfd
<www. legislation.qld.gov.au> 22 November 2013commenced on date of notificationBuilding and Other Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 3) 2013 SL No. 257 pts1, 4notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 29 November 2013ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremainingprovisionscommenced1January2014immediatelyafterthecommencement of the Education and Care
Services Act 2013, section 245 (see s2)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesSustainable
Planning Amendment Regulation (No. 7) 2013 SL No. 258notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 29 November 2013ss
1–2 commenced on date of notifications 9(4) commenced
2 December 2013 (see s 2) (amdt could not be given effect)remaining provisions commenced 2 December
2013 (see s 2)Education and Care Services Regulation 2013
SL No. 265 ss 1–2, 81 sch 5 pt 2notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 6 December 2013ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2014 (see s 2)Building and
Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 4) 2013 SL No. 304
pts1, 3notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 20 December 2013ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 20 December 2013 (see s 2)Sustainable
Planning Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014 SL No. 38notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 4 April 2014commenced on date
of notificationSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 2) 2014 SL No. 47notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 24 April 2014ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 28 April 2014 (see s 2)Water Supply
Services Legislation Amendment Act 2014 No. 16 ss 1–2(1), ch 2 pt
3date of assent 13 May 2014ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commence 1 July 2014 (2014 SL No. 79)Water
and Another Regulation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014 SL No. 63
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 16 May 2014commenced on date
of notificationPublic Safety Business Agency Act 2014 No. 17
ss 1, 184 sch 1 pts 2, 4date of assent 21 May 2014commenced on date of assentSustainable Planning Amendment Regulation
(No. 3) 2014 SL No. 66notfd
<www.legislation.qld.gov.au> 23 May 2014commenced on date
of notificationLand and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014
No. 29 s 1, pt 12 div 1date of assent 28 May 2014commenced on date of assentPage
232Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotes5List
of annotationsPrescribed day for particular State planning
policies to end—Act, s 45s 4Ains 2011 SL No.
252 s 3om 2013 SL No. 258 s 4Guidelineformakingoramendingplanningschemeorplanningschemepolicy—Act, s 117(1)s 5amd
2011 SL No. 139 s 3; 2012 SL No. 8 s 3; 2012 SL No. 197 s 4; 2013
SLNo. 258 s 5; 2014 SL No. 66 s 3Guideline for making temporary local planning
instrument—Act, s 117(2)s 6amd 2011 SL No.
139 s 4; 2012 SL No. 8 s 4; 2012 SL No. 197 s 5; 2013 SLNo.
258 s 6; 2014 SL No. 66 s 3Guideline for
preparing and making structure plan—Act, s 145s 7om
2012 SL No. 228 s 3PART 3—PRESCRIBED MATTERS FOR IDASDivision 1—GeneralParticular
development not assessable development or self-assessable
developments 9Ains 2013 SL No. 168 s 3Prescribed matters for particular
applications—Act, ss 255A, 255B and 255Cs 10Ains
2013 SL No. 114 s 4Applicable codes, laws, policies and
prescribed matters for developmentprov hdgamd
2013 SL No. 114 s 5(1)s 11amd 2013 SL No.
114 s 5(2)State resources—Act, s 264s
14om 2013 SL No. 28 s 4Development for
which particular applications require public notification—Act,
s298s 17om 2013 SL No. 28
s 5Division 3—Feesdiv hdgins
2013 SL No. 114 s 6Assessment manager application fee—Act, s
260s 21Ains 2013 SL No. 114 s 6Concurrence agency application fee—Act, s
272s 21Bins 2013 SL No. 114 s 6amd
2013 SL No. 217 s 8Fee for request to change particular
development approvals—Act, s 370s 21Cins
2013 SL No. 114 s 6Fee for extension request notice for
particular development approvals—Act, s 383s 21Dins
2013 SL No. 114 s 6Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesQualifications of
general referee—Act, s 571s 26amd 2011 SL No.
139 s 5Guidelines for priority infrastructure
plans—Act, s 627s 27sub 2011 SL No. 139 s 6; 2011 SL No.
252 s 4amd 2012 SL No. 8 s 5; 2012 SL No. 197 s 6;
2013 SL No. 258 s 7; 2014 SLNo. 66 s 3Guidelineforpreparing,makingoramendinginfrastructurechargesschedules—Act, s 630s 29om
2011 SL No. 139 s 7To whom EIS and other material must be
given—Act, s 700s 39amd 2013 SL No. 45 s 3When
structure plan arrangements apply to premisess 40amd
2012 SL No. 228 s 4Fee for assessing development application for
Brisbane core port lands 40AAins 2011 SL No. 7
s 3amd 2011 SL No. 88 s 12; 2012 SL No. 100 s
3om 2013 SL No. 114 s 7Prescribed
information and documents for development applications—Act, s
736s 40Ains 2010 No. 279 s 3References to maintenance coverss
41Ains 2013 SL No. 217 s 9PART
9—TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSpt hdgprev pt 9 om R1
(see RA s 7(1)(k))pres pt 9 ins 2011 SL No. 265 s 33sub
2013 SL No. 257 s 9Division 1—Transitional provision for
Building and Other Legislation AmendmentRegulation (No.
4) 2011div hdgprev div 1 hdg om
R1 (see RA s 7(1)(k))pres div 1 hdg ins 2013 SL No. 257 s
10Applicationsforbuildingdevelopmentapprovaltocontinue underpre-amendedregulations 43prev
s 43 om R1 (see RA s 40)pres s 43 ins 2011 SL No. 265 s
33Division 2—Transitional provision for
Building and Other Legislation AmendmentRegulation (No.
3) 2013div hdgins 2013 SL No.
257 s 11Development applications involving child care
centress 44prev s 44 om R1 (see RA s 40)pres
s 44 ins 2013 SL No. 257 s 11Page 234Current as at 28 May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesDivision
3—Transitional Provision for Sustainable Planning Amendment
Regulation(No. 7) 2013div 3 (s
45)ins 2013 SL No. 258 s 8Division2—AmendmentofBodyCorporateandCommunityManagement(Commercial
Module) Regulation 2008div 2 (ss 45–46)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 3—Amendment of Body Corporate and
Community Management (SmallSchemes Module)
Regulation 2008div 3 (ss 47–48)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division4—AmendmentofBodyCorporateandCommunityManagement(Standard
Module) Regulation 2008div 4 (ss 49–50)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 5—Amendment of Building Regulation
2006div 5 (ss 51–60)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 6—Amendment of Coastal Protection
and Management Regulation 2003div 6 (ss
61–64)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 7—Amendment of Electricity
Regulation 2006div 7 (ss 65–66)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 8—Amendment of Environmental
Protection Regulation 2008div 8 (ss 67–72)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 9—Amendment of Environmental
Protection (Water) Policy 2009div 9 (ss
73–74)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 10—Amendment of Fisheries Regulation
2008div 10 (ss 75–85)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 11—Amendment of Iconic Queensland
Places Regulation 2008div 11 (ss 86–87)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 12—Amendment of Liquor Regulation
2002div 12 (ss 88–90)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 13—Amendment of Marine Parks
(Declaration) Regulation 2006div 13 (ss
91–92)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 14—Amendment of Nature Conservation
(Administration) Regulation 2006div 14 (ss
93–99)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 15—Amendment of Nature Conservation
(Koala) Conservation Plan 2006div 15 (ss
100–102)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 16—Amendment of Nature Conservation
(Macropod) Conservation Plan2005div
16 (ss 103–104)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 17—Amendment of Planning and
Environment Court Rules 2008div 17 (ss
105–114)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesDivision
18—Amendment of Prostitution Regulation 2000div 18 (ss
115–117)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 19—Amendment of Queensland Building
Services Authority Regulation2003div
19 (ss 118–119)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 20—Amendment of Rural and Regional
Adjustment Regulation 2000div 20 (ss 120–121)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 21—Amendment of Standard Plumbing
and Drainage Regulation 2003div 21 (ss
122–123)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 22—Amendment of State Development
and Public Works OrganisationRegulation
1999div 22 (ss 124–127)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 23—Amendment of State Development
and Public Works Organisation(State
Development Areas) Regulation 2009div 23 (ss
128–129)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 24—Amendment of Stock (Cattle Tick)
Notice 2005div 24 (ss 130–131)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 25—Amendment of Stock Regulation
1988div 25 (ss 132–133)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division26—AmendmentofTransportInfrastructure(PublicMarineFacilities)Regulation
2000div 26 (ss 134–135)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 27—Amendment of Transport Operations
(Marine Safety) Regulation 2004div 27 (ss
136–137)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 28—Amendment of Transport Planning
and Coordination Regulation 2005div 28 (ss
138–139)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 29—Amendment of Vegetation
Management Regulation 2000div 29 (ss 140–141)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 30—Amendment of Water Regulation
2002div 30 (ss 142–148)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 31—Amendment of Water Resource
(Barron) Plan 2002div 31 (ss 149–150)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 32—Amendment of Water Resource
(Border Rivers) Plan 2003div 32 (ss 151–154)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 33—Amendment of Water Resource
(Burdekin Basin) Plan 2007div 33 (ss 155–158)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 34—Amendment of Water Resource
(Burnett Basin) Plan 2000div 34 (ss 159–160)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Page 236Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009EndnotesDivision
35—Amendment of Water Resource (Calliope River Basin) Plan
2006div 35 (ss 161–163)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 36—Amendment of Water Resource
(Condamine and Balonne) Plan 2004div 36 (ss
164–167)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 37—Amendment of Water Resource
(Fitzroy Basin) Plan 1999div 37 (ss 168–170)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 38—Amendment of Water Resource
(Georgina and Diamantina) Plan 2004div 38 (ss
171–174)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 39—Amendment of Water Resource (Gold
Coast) Plan 2006div 39 (ss 175–176)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 40—Amendment of Water Resource
(Great Artesian Basin) Plan 2006div 40 (ss
177–178)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 41—Amendment of Water Resource
(Gulf) Plan 2007div 41 (ss 179–181)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 42—Amendment of Water Resource
(Logan Basin) Plan 2007div 42 (ss 182–183)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 43—Amendment of Water Resource (Mary
Basin) Plan 2006div 43 (ss 184–186)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 44—Amendment of Water Resource
(Mitchell) Plan 2007div 44 (ss 187–189)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 45—Amendment of Water Resource
(Moonie) Plan 2003div 45 (ss 190–193)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 46—Amendment of Water Resource
(Moreton) Plan 2007div 46 (ss 194–197)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 47—Amendment of Water Resource
(Warrego, Paroo, Bulloo and Nebine)Plan 2003div
47 (ss 198–201)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Division 48—Amendment of Wet Tropics
Management Plan 1998div 48 (ss 202–203)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Division 49—Amendment of Wine Industry
Regulation 2009div 49 (ss 204–205)om R1 (see RA ss
2009 SL No. 313 s 3; 2010 SL No. 176 s 3; 2011 SL No. 66 s 4; 2012
2010 SL No. 343 s 3amd 2011 SL No. 278 s 25;2012
SL No. 42 s 3 (disallowed 11 July 2012);2013
SL No. 265 s 81 sch 5 pt 2Current as at 28 May 2014Page
TYPE OF ASSESSMENTamd 2010 SL No. 35 s 25 sch 2; 2010 SL No.
76 s 9; 2011 SL No. 77 s 3; 2011SL No. 88 s 13;
2011 SL No. 139 s 8; 2011 Act No. 40 s 107 sch; 2011 SLNo.
246 s 8; 2011 Act No. 18 s 404 sch 4 pt 2 div 2; 2011 SL No. 240
s821; 2011 SL No. 278 s 26; 2012 SL No. 118 s
3; 2013 SL No. 2 s 26; 2013SL No. 28 s 6; 2013 SL No. 25 s 80;
2013 SL No. 114 s 8; 2013 No. 23 s352 sch 1 pt 2;
2013 SL No. 258 s 9(1)–(3); 2013 SL No. 258 s 9(4) (amdtcould
not be given effect); 2013 Act No. 2 s 149; 2014 SL No. 63 s 4;
SECTION 232(2)amd 2010 SL No. 48 s 6; 2010 SL No. 76 s 10;
2010 SL No. 84 s 3; 2010 SLNo. 98 s 4; 2010 SL No. 344 s 3; 2011
SL No. 77 s 4; 2011 SL No. 139 s 9;2011 SL No. 266 s
3;2012 SL No. 42 s 4 (disallowed 11 July
2012); 2012SL No. 118 s 4;
2013 SL No. 2 s 27; 2013 SL No. 28 s 7; 2013 SL No. 25 s81;
2013 SL No. 45 s 4; 2013 SL No. 114 s 9; 2013 SL No. 168 s 4;
2013SL No. 197 s 3; 2013 SL No. 258 s 10; 2013
Act No. 2 s 150; 2014 SL No.38 s 3; 2014 SL
No. 47 s 4; 2014 Act No. 17 s 184 sch 1 pt 2SCHEDULE
hdgamd 2013 SL No. 28 s 10(1)sch
5amd 2011 SL No. 77 s 5; 2011 SL No. 246 s 9;
2011 Act No. 18 s 404 sch 4 pt2 div 2; 2013 SL
No. 28 s 8; 2013 SL No. 25 s 82; 2013 SL No. 114 s10(2)–(23); 2013 SL No. 197 s 4; 2013 SL No.
76 s 11; 2011 SL No. 77 s 6; 2011 SL No. 246 s 10; 2011Act
No. 18 s 404 sch 4 pt 2 div 2; 2011 SL No. 240 s 822; 2012 SL No.
120s 3; 2012 SL No. 118 s 5; 2013 SL No. 28 s
9; 2013 SL No. 25 s 83; 2013SL No. 114 s 11;
JURISDICTIONSamd 2009 SL No. 313 s 4; 2010 SL No. 48 s 7;
2010 SL No. 76 s 12; 2010 SLNo. 98 s 5; 2010
SL No. 148 s 16; 2010 SL No. 69 s 7; 2010 Act No. 20 s72;
2010 SL No. 324 s 6; 2011 SL No. 66 s 5; 2011 SL No. 77 s 7; 2011
SLNo. 246 s 11; 2011 SL No. 252 s 5; 2011 SL
No. 265 s 34; 2011 Act No. 18s 404 sch 4 pt 2;
2011 SL No. 240 s 823; 2011 Act No. 47 s 297;2012 SLNo.
42 s 5 (disallowed 11 July 2012); 2012 SL No. 118
s 6; 2012 SL No.186 s 12; 2012 SL No. 167 s 51; 2012 SL No.
232 s 12; 2013 SL No. 28 s10; 2013 SL No. 25 s 84; 2013 Act No.
23 s 205; 2013 SL No. 114 s 12;2013 SL No. 197 s
5; 2013 SL No. 217 s 10; 2013 SL No. 236 s 6; 2013 SLNo.
258 s 12; 2013 SL No. 304 s 10; 2013 SL No. 257 s 12; 2014 SL
No.47 s 5; 2014 SL No. 63 s 7; 2014 Act No. 17
s 184 sch 1 pts 2, 4Page 238Current as at 28
May 2014
AGENCY APPLICATION FEESins 2013 SL No. 114 s 13amd
FOR THEMamd 2011 SL No. 77 s 8; 2014 Act No. 17 s
THRESHOLDSsch hdgsub 2011 SL No.
77 s 9sch 11amd 2011 SL No.
278 s 27; 2012 SL No. 118 s 7om 2013 SL No. 28
2011 Act No. 47 s 298amd 2012 SL No. 228 s 5; 2013 SL No.
2011 SL No. 77 s 10om 2013 SL No. 28 s 12SCHEDULE
217 s 11; 2014 Act No. 17 s 184 sch 1 pt 4SCHEDULE
APPLIES—AREASamd 2010 SL No. 76 s 13; 2011 SL No. 246 s
12om 2013 SL No. 28 s 13Current as at 28
May 2014Page 239
313 s 5; 2010 SL No. 98 s 6; 2010 SL No. 343 s 4; 2011 SLNo.
66 s 6; 2011 SL No. 88 s 14; 2011 SL No. 139 s 10; 2012 SL No. 80
s4; 2013 SL No. 2 s 28; 2013 SL No. 28 s 14;
2013 SL No. 168 s 6; 2013 SLNo. 258 s
FEESsub 2011 SL No. 139 s 11; 2012 SL No. 100 s
COMMITTEE FEESsub 2010 SL No. 148 s 17; 2011 SL No. 88 s
15; 2012 SL No. 197 s 7; 2013SL No. 114 s
4, ITEM 1Clearing and other activities or matters for
land generallys 1amd 2011 SL No. 74 s 3; 2011 SL No.
218 s 3; 2011 SL No. 252 s 6; 2013 SLNo. 28 s 15; 2013
SL No. 45 s 5(1); 2013 SL No. 151 s 4 (1)–(2); 2013 SLNo.
190 s 44; 2013 SL No. 258 s 15; 2014 Act No. 17 s 184 sch 1 pt
hdgsub 2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)Freehold lands 2amd
2013 SL No. 2 s 29; 2013 SL No. 151 s 4(3)sub 2013 SL No.
258 s 15(5)Indigenous lands 3amd
2013 SL No. 2 s 29; 2013 SL No. 45 s 5(2)sub 2013 SL No.
258 s 15(5)Land subject to a lease under the Land Act
1994s 4amd 2010 SL No. 48 s 8(1)sub
2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)Land that is a road under the Land Act
1994s 5sub 2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)amd
2014 Act No. 17 s 184 sch 1 pt 2Particular trust
land under the Land Act 1994s 6amd
2010 SL No. 48 s 8(2)sub 2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)Unallocated State land under the Land Act
1994s 7amd 2013 SL No. 2 s 29sub
2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)Land subject to a licence or permit
under the Land Act 1994s 8amd 2013 SL No. 2
s 29sub 2013 SL No. 258 s 15(5)Page
240Current as at 28 May 2014
2010 SL No. 279 s 4SCHEDULE 26—DICTIONARYdefaccommodation activitiesins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defactive transport infrastructureins
2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)defairportsub
2013 SL No. 258 s 16(1)–(2)defairport
premisesins 2013 SL No. 151 s 5defairport-related purposeins 2013 SL No.
151 s 5defair transport infrastructureins
2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)defANEF
contourins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defassessment manager application
feeins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defAustralian Noise Exposure
Forecastsub 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(1)–(2)defbackground levelins 2010 SL No.
84 s 4(1)defbankfull widthins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)defbeach replenishmentins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defboot camp
centreins 2014 SL No. 38 s 4defboot
camp centre providerins 2014 SL No. 38 s 4defboot
camp programins 2014 SL No. 38 s 4defBrisbane core port landins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)defBrisbane port LUPins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)defbusiness activitiesins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defbusway transport
infrastructure worksins 2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)defcar parkins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defcategory 1 leveeins 2014 SL No.
63 s 8(1)defcategory 2 leveeins 2014 SL No.
63 s 8(1)defcategory 3 leveeins 2014 SL No.
63 s 8(1)defclubins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defcoastal managementins 2013 SL No.
258 s 16(2)defconcurrence agency application
feeins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defcultural heritage significanceamd
2011 SL No. 266 s 4(2);2012 SL No.42 s 6(3)
(disallowed 11 July 2012)defdeclared
catchment areains 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)om
2013 SL No. 258 s 16(1)defdefined flood
levelins 2012 SL No. 186 s 13amd 2013 SL No.
304 s 11(3)defdisaster situation declarationins
2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defdistributor-retailerins 2010 No. 20 s
74defdomestic purposesins 2014 Act No.
29 s 135defeducational establishmentins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defeducation and
care service premisesins 2011 SL No. 278 s 28defelectricity infrastructureins
2011 SL No. 246(2)defencroachmentins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)defendangered regional ecosystemins
2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defentertainment
activitiesins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defessential managementamd
2014 Act No. 17 s 184 sch 1 pt 2defexcluded workamd 2012 SL No.
118 s 8(2); 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(3)–(4);2013 SL No. 28 s
16(3)–(4)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotesdefexempt boreins 2014 Act No.
29 s 135defexisting leveeins 2014 SL No.
63 s 8(1)defexisting school campusamd
2011 SL No. 266 s 4(3);2012 SL No. 42 s6(4) (disallowed
11 July 2012)defextractive industryins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)deffailure impact
assessedins 2011 SL No. 77 s 11(1)deffisheries departmentins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)deffish habitat
management operational policyins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)deffish movement exemption noticeins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defflood hazard
areains 2013 SL No. 304 s 11(2)deffodder harvestingins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)deffood and drink outletins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)deffootprintins
2011 Act No. 47 s 299sub 2013 SL No. 114 s 15deffunction facilityins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)deffuturepublicpassengertransportcorridor(prevdeffuturepublictransport corridor) sub 2010 SL No.
343 s 5amd 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(4)deffuture public passenger transport
facilityamd 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(3)deffuture State-controlled roadamd
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(5)deffuture
State-controlled transport tunnelins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defG20ins 2013 SL No.
168 s 7defG20 radiocommunications worksins
2013 SL No. 168 s 7defGold Coast watersins 2012 SL No.
232 s 13defgovernment supported transport
infrastructureins 2011 SL No. 246 s13(2)defGreat Artesian Basin plan areains
2014 Act No. 29 s 135defGreat Barrier
Reef wetland protection areains 2010 SL No.
76 s 14om 2011 SL No. 246 s 13(1)defhealth care servicesins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defhigh impact
earthworksins 2010 SL No. 76 s 14amd 2011 SL No.
47 s 3; 2011 SL No. 246 s 13(3)–(4); 2013 SL No. 28 s16(6); 2013 SL No. 45 s 6; 2014 Act No. 17 s
184 sch 1 pt 2defhigh impact industryins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defhigh value
agriculture clearingins 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defhospitalins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defhotelins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defindustry activitiesins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defintensive animal
industriesins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)definterim koala habitat protection
areaom 2010 SL No. 98 s 7defirrigated high value agriculture
clearingins 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defkey resource areaamd 2011 SL No.
139 s 12sub 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(1)–(2)defkoala conservation areaom
2010 SL No. 98 s 7defkoala sustainability areaom
2010 SL No. 98 s 7defland relating to a State-controlled
roadom 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(1)deflight rail transport infrastructure
worksins 2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)deflivestockins 2013 SL No.
151 s 5Page 242Current as at 28
May 2014
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotesdefloss
of capacityins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)deflow impact industryins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defmainstream
waterwayins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defmaintenance coverins 2013 SL No.
217 s 12defmaintenance works declared fish
habitat area codeins 2013 SL No. 114s 15(2)defmajor hazard facilitysub
2011 SL No. 240 s 824defmajor sport,
recreation and entertainment facilityins 2013 SL No.
28 s16(2)defmajor tributaryins 2013 SL No.
114 s 15(2)defmaster planins 2012 SL No.
228 s 6defmaximum flow velocity of waterins
2012 SL No. 186 s 13amd 2013 SL No. 304 s 11(3)defmedium impact industryins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defminor waterway
barrier works codeins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defmodifyins 2014 SL No.
63 s 8(1)defmonitoring boreins 2014 Act No.
29 s 135defnatural hazard management area
(flood)ins 2012 SL No. 186 s 13om 2013 SL No.
304 s 11(1)defnecessary environmental
clearingins 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defnon-State schoolamd 2011 SL No.
266 s 4(4);2012 SL No. 42 s 6(5)(disallowed 11
July 2012)defnoxious and hazardous
industriesins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defobstacle limitation surfaceins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defofficeins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defoperational
airspacesub 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(1)–(2)defpermanent impactins 2011 Act No.
47 s 299defpossible major hazard facilityom
2011 SL No. 240 s 824(1)defpotentially
affected premisesins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defpotentially sensitive material change
of use of premisesins 2013 SL No.28 s 16(2)defpotential SCLins 2011 Act No.
47 s 299defpriority development areains
2013 SL No. 2 s 30(2)defprivate
purposeins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)amd
2013 SL No. 204 s 24(3)defproposed major
hazard facilityins 2011 SL No. 240 s 824(2)defprotection areains 2011 Act No.
47 s 299defpublic hospitalins 2012 SL No.
42 s 6(2) (disallowed 11 July 2012)defpublic marine transport
infrastructureins 2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)defpublic passenger serviceins
2010 SL No. 343 s 5(2)defpublic passenger
transport corridor(prev defpublic transport
corridor)sub 2010 SL No. 343 s 5amd
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(8)sub 2013 SL No. 197 s 6defpublic passenger transport
facilityamd 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(7)defpublic safety areasub 2013 SL No.
258 s 16(1)–(2)defQPW codeins 2012 SL No.
167 s 52defrailwayins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)Current as at 28 May 2014Page
Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009Endnotesamd 2014 SL No.
47 s 7(1)defrailway worksins 2010 SL No.
343 s 5(2)defrecreation activitiesins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defregistered area
of agriculture mapins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defregrowth vegetationins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defregulated
vegetation management mapins 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defrelevant instrument of leaseins
2012 SL No. 118 s 8(1)defrelevant
programamd 2010 SL No. 84 s 4(2)sub
2011 SL No. 266 s 4(5);2012 SL No. 42 s 6(1)–(2) (disallowed
11 July2012)defrelevant service providerins
2013 SL No. 217 s 12defremediateins 2013 SL No.
258 s 16(2)defreplacement water boreins
2014 Act No. 29 s 135defresidenceins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)sub 2013 SL No. 204 s 24(1)–(2)defresidential care facilityins
2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defresidential
landsub 2011 SL No. 266 s 4(6);2012
SL No. 42 s 6(1)–(2)(disallowed 11 July 2012)defresidential leaseins 2012 SL No.
118 s 8(1)defresource activityins 2013 SL No.
258 s 16(2)defresource allocation authorityins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defroad
frontageamd 2011 SL No. 266 s 4(7);2012SLNo.42s6(6)(disallowed 11 July 2012)defsaleyardins 2013 SL No.
151 s 5defschoolamd 2011 SL No.
266 s 4(8);2012 SL No. 42 s 6(7) (disallowed 11July
2012)defSCLins 2011 Act No.
47 s 299defSCL Actins 2011 Act No.
47 s 299defSCL chief executiveins
2011 Act No. 47 s 299defSCL
principlesins 2011 Act No. 47 s 299defscour protection componentins
2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)defself-assessable
vegetation clearing codeins 2013 SL No. 258 s 16(2)defSEQ Koala Conservation State Planning
Regulatory Provisionsins 2011SL No. 266 s
4(1)defSEQ urban footprint areaom
2010 SL No. 98 s 7defsewerins 2013 SL No.
217 s 12defsewerage service providerins
2013 SL No. 217 s 12defshopins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defshopping centreins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defshowroomins 2013 SL No.
28 s 16(2)defsignificant projectins
2011 Act No. 47 s 299defsocial housing
leaseins 2012 SL No. 118 s 8(1)defState-controlled roadamd
2011 SL No. 77 s 11(2)sub 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(1)–(2)defState-controlled transport
tunnelins 2013 SL No. 28 s 16(2)defState development assessment
provisionsins 2013 SL No. 114 s 15(2)amd
2013 SL No. 258 s 16(5); 2014 SL No. 47 s 7(2); 2014 SL No. 63
s8(2)Page 244Current as at 28 May 2014