QueenslandActsInterpretationAct1954Current as at 8 November 2013—revised
versionReprint note—This reprint has
been reformatted to reflect current drafting styles.This
version was updated on 12 February 2014.
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised bythe Parliamentary Counsel.AnewreprintofthelegislationwillbepreparedbytheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change maybe because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences orbecause a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed.When a new reprint
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if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
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endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
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table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, givesdetails of any discretionary editorial powers under theReprints Act 1992used by theOffice of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it.•Thelistoflegislationendnotegiveshistoricalinformationabouttheoriginallegislationandthelegislationwhichamendedit.Italsogivesdetailsofuncommencedamendmentstothislegislation.Forinformationaboutpossibleamendments to the
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list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
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authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. Theprevious numbering
system and distinctions between printed and electronic reprints
arenot continued.
Interpretation Act 1954ContentsPart 11245Part 267Part 399A10111212A1313A13B1414A14B14C14DPart 414E14FPagePreliminaryShort title . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .7Act applies to all Acts . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Displacement of Act by contrary
intention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Act
binds Crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .7Meaning
of ActReferences
to Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Act includes statutory
instruments under Act etc. . . . . . . . . . . . .8General provisions applying
to ActsInterpretation
of Act in relation to Parliament’s legislative power .8Declaration
of validity
of certain
laws .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Section has effect as substantive
enactment .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Acts to be public Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Private Acts not to affect rights of others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Private Acts amended by public Acts do not become public Acts10Future Acts when binding on the Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Acts not to affect native
title except
by express
provision. .
. . . . .11Acts not to affect powers,
rights or
immunities of
LegislativeAssembly except
by express provision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.11Material that is, and is not, part of
an Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Interpretation best achieving Act’s purpose
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Use
of extrinsic material in interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .12Changes of drafting practice not to
affect meaning . . . . . . . . . . .14Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Reference
to and
citation of
ActsReferences to
Acts generally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15References
to particular
Acts .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Interpretation Act 1954Contents14G14H14I14JPart
51515A15B15C15D15DA15E17Part 617A181919A2020A20B20C212222A22B22CPart 72323A24AA24AReferences to enactments . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References taken
to be included in reference to law . . . . . . . . . .References to changed short titles and
citations . . . . . . . . . . . . .References to
repealed or expired laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.Commencement of ActsReferences to
enactment etc. of Acts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commencement
of Acts
on date
of assent
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Time
of commencement of
Acts .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commencement of
citation and
commencement provisions ondate
of assent etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Commencement by proclamation etc. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Automatic
commencement of postponed law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commencement of paragraphs etc. in amending
Act . . . . . . . . .Exercise of powers between enactment
and commencement . . .Amendment
and repeal
of ActsAct
may be
amended or
repealed in
same parliamentarysession......................................Time
of expiry of Act etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .Repealed and amended Acts not revived on
repeal of repealingand amending Acts.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Commencement not
undone if
omitted .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saving
of operation
of repealed
Act etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Repeal does not end saving,
transitional or validating effect etc..Continuance of
appointments etc. made under amendedprovisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Creation of offences and changes in
penalties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Continuance of
repealed provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.Act and amending Acts to be read as one . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Insertion of
provisions by amending Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
to be
made wherever
possible in
provision .
. . . . . .Automatic
repeal of
amending Act
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Functions
and powers
conferred by
ActsPerformance of
statutory functions etc.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Conferral
of statutory
power on
another entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Power to make instrument or
decision includes power
to amendor repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appointments may be made by name or office .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .1617171818181819192021212323232424252728282828293031323232Page
Interpretation Act 1954ContentsActing
appointments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .Acting person nominated by Act etc. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Powers of
appointment imply certain incidental powers . . . . . . . .Appointment not affected by defect etc. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Power to hear
and determine includes power to administer oath.Delegation
of functions
or powers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Content of statement of reasons for decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Legislative
resolutions to be interpreted not
toexceed authority
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .Working out number of sitting days . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Terms and
references in ActsDefined terms—other parts of speech and
grammatical forms . .Definitions to be read in context . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Definitions generally
apply to
entire Act
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Terms defined both in this Act and another Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Number.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Meaning of may and must etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Words and expressions
used in
amending Acts. . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to persons
generally .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Meaning of de facto partner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Production
of records
kept in
computers etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to commencement. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to Ministers,
departments and chief executives . . . .References
to States
include Territories. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to officers
and holders
of offices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to Queensland
to be
implied .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to person
with interest
in land
includes personalrepresentative
etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .References to provisions designated by
number withoutmentioning
another Act
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Headings part of provision etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References
to items
at the
end of
a provision
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reference
to provisions
of a law is inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Instrument made under the Act . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Meaning of commonly used
words and
expressions .
. . . . . . . . .3336363738384141424243434343434444444546474750505151515556565657Page 3
Interpretation Act 1954Acts Interpretation Act 1954Part
1 Preliminary[s 1][as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 8 November 2013]AnActtoassistintheshorteningandinterpretationofQueensland ActsPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theActs
Interpretation Act 1954.2Act
applies to all ActsThis Act applies to all Acts (including this
Act).Note—For the
application of this Act to statutory instruments, see theStatutoryInstruments Act
1992, part 4, divisions 1 and 2.4Displacement of
Act by contrary intentionThe application of this Act may be
displaced, wholly or partly,by a contrary
intention appearing in any Act.5Act
binds CrownThis Act binds the Crown.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 7
Interpretation Act 1954Part 2 Meaning of Act[s
6]Part 2Meaning of
Act6References toAct(1)In an Act—ActmeansanActoftheQueenslandParliament,andincludes—(a)aBritishorNewSouthWalesActthatisinforceinQueensland; and(b)an
enactment of an earlier authority empowered to passlaws
in Queensland that has received assent.(2)In
an Act, a reference to ‘an Act’ includes the Act in whichthe
reference is.7Act includes statutory instruments
under Act etc.(1)In an Act, a reference (either
generally or specifically) to alaw (including
the Act), or a provision of a law (including theAct), includes a reference to the statutory
instruments made orin force under the law or provision.(2)In subsection (1)—lawincludes a law of the Commonwealth, another
State or aTerritory.Part 3General provisions applying toActs9Interpretation of
Act in relation to Parliament’s legislativepower(1)An Act is to be interpreted as
operating—Page 8Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 9A](a)tothefullextentof,butnottoexceed,Parliament’slegislative
power; and(b)distributively.(1A)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1)(a),itisdeclaredthatsubsectionapplies(andalwaysapplied)tothelegislativepowerconferredonParliamentundertheCoastalWaters(StatePowers)Act1980(Cwlth), section
5 and theCoastalWaters (State
Title) Act 1980(Cwlth), section 4.(1B)Subsection (1A)
does not apply in relation to the substantivecriminal law,
and the law of criminal investigation, procedureand
evidence, under the cooperative scheme as defined undertheCrimes at Sea Act 2001,
section 3.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),ifaprovisionofanActwould,apartfromthissection,beinterpretedasexceedingpower—(a)the provision is valid to the extent
to which it does notexceed power; and(b)the
remainder of the Act is not affected.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),iftheapplicationofaprovision of an Act to a person,
matter or circumstance would,apart from this
section, be interpreted as exceeding power, theprovision’sapplicationtootherpersons,mattersorcircumstances is not affected.(4)ThissectionappliestoanActinadditionto,andwithoutlimiting, any
provision of the Act.9ADeclaration of
validity of certain lawsEach provision of an Act enacted, or
purporting to have beenenacted, before the commencement of
the Australia Acts has(and always has had) the same effect
as it would have had, andis (and always has been) as valid as
it would have been, if theAustraliaActshadbeeninoperationatthetimeofitsenactment or purported
enactment.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 9
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 10]10Section has effect as substantive
enactmentEvery section of an Act has effect as a
substantive enactmentwithout introductory words.11Acts to be public ActsEvery Act passed after 26 July 1852 is a
public Act unless theAct otherwise expressly
provides.12Private Acts not to affect rights of
others(1)A private Act does not—(a)affectpre-existingrightsinawayprejudicialtotheCrown or another person; or(b)imposeliabilitiesontheCrownoranotherpersoninrelation to previous acts or
omissions;except so far as the Act otherwise expressly
provides.(2)Subsection (1) does not affect rights
conferred, or liabilitiesimposed, on—(a)a
person at whose instance, or for whose special benefit,the
Act is passed; or(b)anotherpersonclaimingby,throughorundersuchaperson.12APrivate Acts amended by public Acts do not
becomepublic ActsA private Act
does not become a public Act merely because ithas been amended
by or under a public Act.13Future Acts when
binding on the CrownNo Act passed after the commencement
of this Act shall bebinding on the Crown or derogate from
any prerogative rightof the Crown unless express words are
included in the Act forthat purpose.Page 10Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 13A]13AActs
not to affect native title except by express provision(1)AnActenactedafterthecommencementofthissectionaffects native title only so far as the Act
expressly provides.(2)For the purposes of subsection (1), an
Act affects native title ifitextinguishesthenativetitlerightsandinterestsoritisotherwise wholly
or partly inconsistent with their continuedexistence,
enjoyment or exercise.13BActs not to
affect powers, rights or immunities ofLegislative
Assembly except by express provision(1)AnActenactedafterthecommencementofthissectionaffectsthepowers,rightsorimmunitiesoftheLegislativeAssembly or of
its members or committees only so far as theAct expressly
provides.(2)Forsubsection(1),anActaffectsthepowers,rightsorimmunities mentioned in the subsection
if it abolishes any ofthepowers,rightsorimmunitiesorisotherwisewhollyorpartly inconsistent with their
continued existence, enjoymentor
exercise.(3)In this section—rightsincludes privileges.14Material that is, and is not, part of an
Act(1)A heading to a chapter, part, division
or subdivision of an Actis part of the Act.(2)A heading to a section, subsection or
another provision of anAct is part of the Act if—(a)the Act is enacted after 30 June 1991;
or(b)the heading is amended or inserted
after 30 June 1991.(3)An example in an Act of the operation
of a provision of theAct is part of the Act.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 11
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 14A](4)A
note in an Act to the Act or to a provision of the Act, asopposedtoafootnote,aneditor’snoteoranendnotementioned in subsection (7), is part of the
Act.Example of a note—See
the note to section 2.Example of a footnote—See the footnote to schedule 1,
definitionActing Governor.(5)A schedule or appendix of an Act is
part of the Act.(6)Punctuation in an Act is part of the
Act.(7)A footnote or editor’s note to an Act
or to a provision of anAct, and an endnote to an Act, are not
part of the Act.14AInterpretation best achieving Act’s
purpose(1)IntheinterpretationofaprovisionofanAct,theinterpretation that will best achieve the
purpose of the Act isto be preferred to any other
interpretation.(2)Subsection (1) does not create or
extend criminal liability, butapplies whether
or not the Act’s purpose is expressly stated inthe Act.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that this section applies toan Act passed
after 30 June 1991 despite any presumption orrule of
interpretation.Example—Thereisjudicialauthorityforaruleofinterpretationthattaxinglegislation is to
be interpreted strictly and in a taxpayer’s favour (forexample, see Partington v AG (1869) LR 4 HL
100 at 122). Despitesuch a possible rule, this section requires
a provision imposing taxationtobeinterpretedinthewaythatbestachievestheAct’spurpose,whether or not to do so would be in a
taxpayer’s favour.14BUse of extrinsic material in
interpretation(1)Subject to subsection (2), in the
interpretation of a provisionofanAct,considerationmaybegiventoextrinsicmaterialcapable of assisting in the
interpretation—Page 12Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 14B](a)if
the provision is ambiguous or obscure—to provide aninterpretation of it; or(b)if
the ordinary meaning of the provision leads to a resultthat
is manifestly absurd or is unreasonable—to providean
interpretation that avoids such a result; or(c)inanyothercase—toconfirmtheinterpretationconveyed by the
ordinary meaning of the provision.(2)Indeterminingwhetherconsiderationshouldbegiventoextrinsic material, and in determining the
weight to be givento extrinsic material, regard is to be had
to—(a)thedesirabilityofaprovisionbeinginterpretedashaving its ordinary meaning; and(b)theundesirabilityofprolongingproceedingswithoutcompensating advantage; and(c)other relevant matters.(3)In this section—extrinsic
materialmeans relevant material not forming part
ofthe Act concerned, including, for
example—(a)material set out in an official copy
of the Act; and(b)a report of a royal commission, law
reform commission,commission or committee of inquiry, or a
similar body,that was laid before the Legislative
Assembly before theprovision concerned was enacted; and(c)a report of a committee of the
Legislative Assembly thatwasmadetotheLegislativeAssemblybeforetheprovision was enacted; and(d)atreatyorotherinternationalagreementthatismentioned in the Act; and(e)an explanatory note or memorandum
relating to the Billthatcontainedtheprovision,oranyotherrelevantdocument, that was laid before, or given to
the membersof, the Legislative Assembly by the member
bringing inthe Bill before the provision was enacted;
andCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 13
Interpretation Act 1954Part 3 General provisions applying to
Acts[s 14C](f)thespeechmadetotheLegislativeAssemblybythemember when
introducing the Bill; andNote—Seesection53inrelationtoBillsintroducedbeforethecommencement of that section.(g)materialinanofficialrecordofproceedingsintheLegislative Assembly; and(h)a document that is declared by an Act
to be a relevantdocument for the purposes of this
section.ordinary meaningmeans the
ordinary meaning conveyed bya provision
having regard to its context in the Act and to thepurpose of the Act.14CChanges of drafting practice not to affect
and(b)aprovisionenactedlaterappearstoexpressthesameidea in
different words for the purpose of implementingadifferentlegislativedraftingpractice,including,forexample—(i)the
use of a clearer or simpler style; or(ii)the
use of gender-neutral language;theideasmustnotbetakentobedifferentmerelybecausedifferent words are used.14DExamplesIfanActincludesanexampleoftheoperationofaprovision—(a)the
example is not exhaustive; and(b)the
example does not limit, but may extend, the meaningof
the provision; andPage 14Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 4 Reference to and citation of
Acts[s 14E](c)theexampleandtheprovisionaretobereadinthecontextofeachotherandtheotherprovisionsoftheAct, but, if the example and the
provision so read areinconsistent, the provision
prevails.Part 4Reference to and
citation ofActs14EReferences to
Acts generallyAnActpassedbyParliament,oranyearlierlegislatureempowered to
pass laws for Queensland, may be referred toby the
wordActalone.14FReferences to particular Acts(1)An Act may be cited—(a)by its short title; or(b)by reference to the year in which it
was passed and itsnumber.Examples of
Instruments Act 19922Statutory Instruments Act 1992, No.
223Act No. 22 of 199241992
Act No. 22(2)A Commonwealth Act may be
cited—(a)by its short title; or(b)inanotherwaysufficient inaCommonwealthActforthe citation of such an Act;together with a reference to the
Commonwealth.(3)An Act of another State or a Territory
may be cited—Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 15
Interpretation Act 1954Part 4 Reference to and citation of
Acts[s 14G](a)by
its short title; or(b)inanotherwaysufficientinanActoftheStateorTerritory for the citation of such an
Act;together with a reference to the State or
Territory.(4)A British Act may be cited—(a)by its short title; or(b)in another way sufficient in a British
Act for the citationof such an Act;together with a
reference to the United Kingdom or the term‘UK’, ‘Imperial
Act’ or ‘Imp’.14GReferences to enactments(1)An enactment may be cited by reference
to the provision ofthe Act in which it is contained.(2)The reference is to be made according
to an official copy of—(a)the Act;
or(b)the Act as amended.(3)In this section—ActincludesCommonwealthAct,ActofanotherState,Territory Act or
British Act.enactmentincludes any
portion of an Act.official copy—(a)ofanActofQueenslandoranActofQueenslandasamended—see schedule 1, definitionofficial copy; or(b)of an Act of another jurisdiction or
an Act of anotherjurisdictionasamended—meansacopy,includingareproduction in electronic form, of
the Act or the Act asamendedthat,underalawofthejurisdiction,ispresumed to be a correct copy of the Act or
the Act asamended, in the absence of evidence to the
contrary.Page 16Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 4 Reference to and citation of
Acts[s 14H]14HReferences taken to be included in reference
to law(1)In an Act, a reference to a law
(including the Act) includes areference to the
following—(a)the law as originally made, and as
amended from time totime since it was originally
made;(b)if the law has been repealed and
remade (with or withoutmodification) since the reference was
made—the law asremade, and as amended from time to time
since it wasremade;(c)if a
relevant provision of the law has been omitted andremade(withorwithoutmodification)inanotherlawsince the reference was made—the other law
as in forcewhen the provision was remade, and as
amended fromtime to time since the provision was
remade.(2)In an Act, a reference to a provision
of a law (including theAct) includes a reference to the
following—(a)the provision as originally made, and
as amended fromtime to time since it was originally
made;(b)if the provision has been omitted and
remade (with orwithout modification and whether in the law
or anotherlaw)sincethereferencewasmade—theprovisionasremade, and as amended from time to
time since it wasremade.(3)In
this section—lawincludes a law of the Commonwealth,
another State or aTerritory.makeincludes enact.14IReferences to changed short titles and
citations(1)If the short title or citation of a
law is amended, a reference inan Act to the
short title or citation includes a reference to theshort title or citation as amended.(2)In this section—Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 5 Commencement of Acts[s
14J]lawincludes a law of the Commonwealth,
another State or aTerritory.14JReferences to repealed or expired
laws(1)IfanActreferstoanotherlawasrepealedorexpired,thereference is to the other law as in force
immediately before itwas repealed or expired.Example—The
‘repealedABC Act 1950’ is a reference
to theABC Act 1950as inforce
immediately before it was repealed.(2)In
this section—lawincludes a law of the Commonwealth,
another State or aTerritory.Part 5Commencement of Acts15References to enactment etc. of ActsInanAct,areferencetotheenactmentofanActorthepassing of an Act is a reference to
the fact of the Act’s havingreceived the
royal assent.15ACommencement of Acts on date of
assentAn Act commences on the date of assent
except so far as theAct otherwise expressly
provides.15BTime of commencement of ActsIfanActoraprovisionofanActcommencesonaday,itcommences at the beginning of the
day.Page 18Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 5 Commencement of Acts[s
15C]15CCommencement of citation and
commencementprovisions on date of assent etc.(1)TheprovisionsofanActprovidingforitscitationandcommencement commence on the date of
assent by force ofthis subsection.(2)A
referenceinanActtothecommencementoftheAct,oranother Act, (theAct
concerned), is a reference to—(a)if
the provisions of the Act concerned (other than thoseprovidingforitscitationandcommencement)commence,orarerequiredtocommence,onasingledayoratasingletime—thecommencementoftheremaining provisions; or(b)if paragraph (a) does not apply and
the reference is in aprovision of the Act concerned—the
commencement ofthe provision; or(c)inanyothercase—thecommencementoftherelevantprovision of the
Act concerned.(3)Subsection (1) applies to an Act
despite anything in the Actunless the Act
expressly provides that it does not apply.15DCommencement by proclamation etc.(1)IfanActorprovisionsofanActisorareexpressedtocommenceonadaytobefixedbyproclamationorotherinstrument—(a)a
single day or time may be fixed; or(b)differentdaysortimesmaybefixedfordifferentprovisions.(2)Ifthedayortimefixedbyaproclamationforthecommencement of an Act or a provision
of an Act happensbeforethedayonwhichtheproclamationisnotified(thenotification day)—(a)the proclamation is valid; but(b)the Act or provision commences on the
notification day.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 19
Interpretation Act 1954Part 5 Commencement of Acts[s
15DA]15DAAutomatic commencement of postponed
law(1)In this section—assent
daymeans the date of assent of—(a)if the postponed law is an Act—the
Act; or(b)if the postponed law is a provision of
an Act—the Actthat enacts the provision.postponed lawmeans an Act or
provision of an Act that doesnot commence on
the assent day because a provision of an Actpostponesitscommencementuntiladayfixedunderaninstrument.(2)If a
postponed law has not commenced within 1 year of theassent day, it automatically commences on
the next day.(3)However, within 1 year of the assent
day, a regulation mayextend the period before commencement
under subsection (2)to not more than 2 years of the assent
Act that is the postponed law; or(b)the
Act of which the postponed law is a provision; or(c)an Act that the postponed law
amends;as if the Act mentioned in paragraph (a),
(b) or (c) included aprovision that had commenced and
authorised the regulationto be made.(5)This
section—(a)onlyappliestoapostponedlawenactedafter31December 1994; and(b)applies to a postponed law unless an Act
expressly statesit does not apply.Example—TheHypothetical Act
1995was assented to on 5 April 1995 and
wasexpressed to commence on a day to be fixed
by proclamation. If the Actwas not commenced by 5 April 1996, it
would commence on 6 AprilPage 20Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 5 Commencement of Acts[s
15E]1996 under subsection (2) unless a
regulation had been made undersubsection (3)
extending time for commencement.15ECommencement of paragraphs etc. in amending
ActIf an Act amends another Act and the
amendment is in theform of—(a)a
paragraph, or subparagraph, of a section or subsectionof
the amending Act; or(b)any other
provision that is not self-contained;the amendment
may be given a separate commencement.17Exercise of powers between enactment
andcommencement(1)If a
provision of an Act (theempowering provision)
that doesnot commence on its enactment would, had it
commenced—(a)confer a power—(i)to
make an appointment; or(ii)to make a
statutory instrument of a legislative oradministrative
character; or(iii)to do any other
thing; or(b)amend a provision of another Act so
that the other Actwould confer such a power;then—(c)the
power may be exercised; and(d)anything may be done for the purpose
of—(i)enabling the exercise of the power;
or(ii)bringingtheappointment,instrumentorotherthing into
effect;before the empowering provision
commences.(2)If—Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 5 Commencement of Acts[s
17](a)an Act that has commenced confers a
power to make astatutoryinstrument(thebasicinstrument-makingpower);
and(b)aprovisionofanActthatdoesnotcommenceonitsenactmentwould,haditcommenced,amendtheActmentionedinparagraph(a)soastoconferadditionalpowertomakeastatutoryinstrument(theadditionalinstrument-making power);then—(c)thebasicinstrument-makingpowerandtheadditionalinstrument-making power may be exercised by
makinga single instrument; and(d)any
provision of the instrument that required an exerciseoftheadditionalinstrument-makingpoweristobetreated as made under subsection (1).(3)Ifaninstrument,oraprovisionofaninstrument,ismadeunder subsection
(1) that is necessary for the purpose of—(a)enablingtheexerciseofapowermentionedinsubsection (1)(a); or(b)bringinganappointment,instrumentorotherthingmade
or done under such a power into effect;the instrument
or provision takes effect—(c)on the making of
the instrument; or(d)if the instrument or provision is
expressed to take effectat a later time—the later time.(4)If—(a)an
appointment is made under subsection (1); or(b)aninstrument,orprovisionofaninstrument,madeundersubsection(1)isnotnecessaryforapurposementioned in subsection (3);the
appointment, instrument or provision takes effect—(c)onthecommencementoftherelevantempoweringprovision;
orPage 22Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 17A](d)if
the appointment, instrument or provision is expressedto
take effect at a later time—the later time.(5)Anything done under subsection (1) does not
confer a right, orimposealiability,onapersonbeforetherelevantempowering
provision commences.(6)After the
enactment of a provision mentioned in subsection(1)(b) but before the provision’s
commencement, this sectionapplies as if the references in
subsections (1) and (4) to thecommencement of
the empowering provision were referencestothecommencementoftheprovisionmentionedinsubsection (1)(b) as amended by the
empowering provision.Part 6Amendment and
repeal of Acts17AAct may be amended or repealed in same
parliamentarysessionAnActmaybeamendedorrepealedinthesessionofParliament in which it is passed.18Time of expiry of Act etc.If
an Act or a provision of an Act—(a)expires on a day; or(b)is
expressed to remain or continue in force, or otherwisehave
effect, until a day;the Act or provision has effect until
the end of the day.19Repealed and amended Acts not revived
on repeal ofrepealing and amending Acts(1)In this section—Actincludes a provision of an Act.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 23
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 19A]repealincludes expiry.(2)If
an Act (thefirst Act) is repealed by
another Act (theotherAct),
the first Act is not revived merely because the other Actis
repealed.Examples—1Act A repeals Act B. Act A is
repealed. The repeal of Act A doesnot revive Act
B.2Act A repeals Act B. Act A is
automatically repealed under section22C. The repeal
of Act A does not revive Act B.(3)If
an Act (thefirst Act) is amended by
another Act (theotherAct),
the continuing operation of the amendments made by theotherActisnotaffectedmerelybecausetheotherActisrepealed and, in particular, the first
Act is not revived in theform that it was in before the
amendments took effect merelybecause of the
repeal.Examples—1Act A amends Act B. Act A is repealed
after it has commenced by alater Act C. The amendments made by
Act A continue to operate,even though Act A has been
repealed.2Act A amends Act B. Act A is
automatically repealed under section22C. The
amendments made by Act A continue to operate, eventhough Act A has been repealed.(4)This section is in addition to, and
does not limit, sections 20and 20A, or any
provision of the law by which the repeal ismade.19ACommencement not undone if
omittedIf a provision of an Act provides for the
commencement of alawandthelawhascommenced,thelateromissionoftheprovision does
not affect the continuing operation of the law.20Saving of operation of repealed Act
etc.(1)In this section—Actincludes a provision of an Act.Page
24Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 20A]repealincludes expiry.(2)The
repeal or amendment of an Act does not—(a)revive anything not in force or existing at
the time therepeal or amendment takes effect; or(b)affectthepreviousoperationoftheActoranythingsuffered, done
or begun under the Act; or(c)affect a right,
privilege or liability acquired, accrued orincurred under
the Act; or(d)affect a penalty incurred in relation
to an offence arisingunder the Act; or(e)affect an investigation, proceeding or
remedy in relationtoaright,privilege,liabilityorpenaltymentionedinparagraph (c) or (d).(3)Theinvestigation,proceedingorremedymaybestarted,continuedorcompleted,andtheright,privilegeorliabilitymay be enforced
and the penalty imposed, as if the repeal oramendment had
not happened.(4)Withoutlimitingsubsections(2)and(3),therepealoramendment of an Act does not affect—(a)the proof of anything that has
happened; or(b)any right, privilege or liability
saved by the operation ofthe Act; or(c)any
repeal or amendment made by the Act; or(d)any
savings, transitional or validating effect of the Act.(5)This section is in addition to, and
does not limit, sections 19and 20A, or any
provision of the law by which the repeal oramendment is
made.20ARepeal does not end saving,
transitional or validatingeffect etc.(1)In
this section—Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 25
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 20A]Actincludes a provision of an Act.repealincludes
expiry.(2)If an Act—(a)declaresathingforasavingortransitionalpurpose(whether or not the Act is expressed to be
made for apurpose of that type); or(b)validates a thing that may otherwise
be invalid; or(c)declares a thing for a purpose that is
consequential on adeclaration mentioned in paragraph (a) or a
validationmentioned in paragraph (b) (whether or not
the Act isexpressed to be made for a purpose of that
type);thedeclaratoryorvalidatingeffectoftheActdoesnotendmerely because of the repeal of the
Act.Example of paragraph (a)—a
provision stating that an existing licence under a repealed
lawis taken to be a licence of a particular
kind under another law andauthorising the imposition of
conditions under the other lawExample of
paragraph (b)—a provision declaring an instrument to
have been validly madeand acts done in reliance on the
instrument to have been validlydoneExamples of paragraph (c)—1a provision
stating that a matter that is declared valid is notjusticiable2a
provision stating that an instrument that is declared validis
taken to have been amended in a particular way(3)If
an Act (thesavings law) declares an
Act (thedeclared law)to
be a law to which this section applies—(a)theeffectofthedeclaredlawdoesnotendmerelybecause of its
repeal; and(b)theeffectofthesavingslawdoesnotendmerelybecause of its
repeal.Page 26Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 20B](4)A
declaration may be made for subsection (3) about an ActwhetherornottheActisalawtowhichsubsection(2)applies.(5)A
declaration made for subsection (3) about an Act does notimply that, in the absence of a declaration
about it, anotherAct is not a law to which this section
applies.(6)This section is in addition to, and
does not limit, sections 19and20,oranyprovisionofthelawbywhichtherepealismade.20BContinuance of appointments etc. made under
section applies if—(a)a provision of a law expressly or
impliedly authorises orrequires—(i)the
making of an appointment; or(ii)the
delegation of a function or power; or(iii)the
doing of anything else (other than the makingof a statutory
instrument); and(b)the provision is amended by an Act;
and(c)under the amended provision—(i)the appointment may be made; or(ii)the function or
power may be delegated; or(iii)the thing may be
done.(2)Anappointment,delegationorotherthingmentionedinsubsection(1)thatwasinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencementoftheamendmentcontinuestohaveeffectafterthecommencementasifithadbeendoneundertheamended provision.(3)In
this section—Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 27
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 20C]amendincludes omit and re-enact in the same law
(with orwithout modification), but does not include
omit and re-enactin another law.20CCreation of offences and changes in
penalties(1)In this section—Actincludes a provision of an Act.(2)IfanActmakesanactoromissionanoffence,theactoromissionisonlyanoffenceifcommittedaftertheActcommences.(3)If
an Act increases the maximum or minimum penalty, or thepenalty, for an offence, the increase
applies only to an offencecommitted after the Act
commences.21Continuance of repealed
provisionsIf an Act repeals some or all of the
provisions of an Act andenactsnewprovisionsinsubstitutionfortherepealedprovisions, the
repealed provisions continue in force until thenew provisions
commence.22Act and amending Acts to be read as
oneAn Act and all Acts amending the Act are to
be read as one.22AInsertion of provisions by amending
Act(1)IfanActamendsaprovisionofalawbyinsertingasubsection that is to form part of a series
of subsections, anddoes not specify the position in the
provision where it is to beinserted,thesubsectionistobeinsertedintheappropriatenumerical or
alphanumerical position.(2)If an Act amends
a provision of a law by inserting a paragraphthatistoformpartofaseriesofparagraphs,anddoesnotspecify the position in the provision where
it is to be inserted,Page 28Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 22B]the paragraph is
to be inserted in the appropriate alphabeticalposition.(3)IfanActamendsaprovisionofalawbyinsertingasubparagraph that is to form part of a
series of subparagraphs,and does not specify the position in
the provision where it is tobeinserted,thesubparagraphistobeinsertedintheappropriate
numerical or alphanumerical position.(4)IfanActamendsaprovisionofalawbyinsertingasub-subparagraphthatistoformpartofaseriesofsub-subparagraphs,anddoesnotspecifythepositionintheprovision where it is to be inserted,
the sub-subparagraph is tobe inserted in the appropriate
alphabetical position.(5)If an Act amends
a provision of a law by inserting a definitionthatistoformpartofaseriesofdefinitions,anddoesnotspecify the position in the provision where
it is to be inserted,the definition is to be inserted in
the appropriate alphabeticalposition,
determined on a letter-by-letter basis.(6)If
an Act otherwise amends a provision of a law by inserting aprovisionthatistoformpartofaseriesofprovisions,anddoes
not specify the position in the first provision where it istobeinserted,thesecondprovisionistobeinsertedintheappropriate numerical or
alphanumerical position.(7)If an Act amends
a provision of a law by inserting an example,noteorpenalty,anddoesnotspecifythepositionintheprovisionwhereitistobeinserted,theexample,noteorpenalty is to be inserted at the end
of the provision.(8)In determining the appropriate
position in which a provision istobeinserted,regardmaybehadtocurrentQueenslandlegislative
drafting practice.22BAmendment to be made wherever possible
in provisionIf an Act amends a provision of a
law—(a)by omitting a word; or(b)by omitting a word and inserting
another word; orCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 29
Interpretation Act 1954Part 6 Amendment and repeal of
Acts[s 22C](c)by
inserting a word before or after a particular word;theamendmentistobemadewhereverpossibleintheprovision.22CAutomatic repeal of amending Act(1)An amending Act enacted after 30 June
1994 is automaticallyrepealed at the beginning of the day
after all of its provisionshave
commenced.(2)Arepealundersubsection(1)haseffectforallpurposes,including, for
example, sections 19 to 20A.(3)This
section is in addition to, and does not limit the operationof,
any other provision of this Act about repeals.(4)In
this section—amending Actmeans an Act
that consists only of provisionsof the following
types—(a)the Act’s long title;(b)the Act’s preamble (if any);(c)a provision about the Act’s
citation;(d)a provision (if any) about the Act’s
commencement;(e)a provision providing for the
amendment or repeal of anActorotherinstrument(includingaprovisionidentifying the
amended or repealed instrument);(f)aprovisionprovidingfortheextensionoftheperiodbeforecommencement,undersection15DA(2),ofanAct or a
provision of an Act that has not commencedwithin 1 year of
the assent day;(g)a provision declaring an Act or a
provision of an Act tobe a law to which section 20A
applies.Example 1—TheHypothetical Amending Act 1995amends theABC Actand
theLMNAct. It also repeals
a list of Acts set out in a schedule. Apart from—•a long titlePage 30Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 23]•a
provision about the Act’s citation (that is, the Act’s short
title)•a provision about the Act’s
commencement•amending provisions (that is,
provisions stating that theABC Actand theLMN
Actare amended and the provisions amending
theActs)•repealing provisions (that is, a provision
stating that the Acts set outin the schedule
are repealed and a schedule)•a
provision about the application of section 20A to a
provisionbeing repealed;theHypothetical Amending Act 1995contains no other provisions. Itsrepealing provisions commence on assent, 21
March 1995. Its amendingprovisionscommenceonproclamation,12April1995.Undersubsection (1),
theHypothetical Amending Act 1995is
automaticallyrepealed at the beginning of 13 April
1995.Example 2—TheExample Act 1995contains
provisions establishing a new scheme.It also amends
several Acts and repeals others. Because it contains thescheme provisions, it is not an amending Act
covered by subsection (1).assent daymeans the date
of assent of—(a)if the provision provides for the
extension of the periodbeforecommencement,undersection15DA(2),ofanAct—the Act;
or(b)if the provision provides for the
extension of the periodbeforecommencement,undersection15DA(2),ofaprovision of an
Act—the Act that enacts the provision.Part 7Functions and powersconferred by
Acts23Performance of statutory functions
etc.(1)If an Act confers a function or power
on a person or body, thefunction may be performed, or the
power may be exercised, asoccasion requires.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred by
Acts[s 23A](2)If
an Act confers a function or power on a specified officer ortheholderofaspecifiedoffice,thefunctionmaybeperformed, or the power may be
exercised, by the person forthe time being
occupying or acting in the office concerned.(3)If
an Act confers a function or power on a body (whether ornotincorporated),theperformanceofthefunction,ortheexerciseofthepower,isnotaffectedmerelybecauseofvacancies in the membership of the
body.23AConferral of statutory power on
another entity(1)If a provision of an Act, whether
expressly or by implication,confers a power
(thefirst power) on an entity
to authorise orrequire another entity to exercise a power
(thesecond power),then, if the first power is exercised, the
provision is taken toconfer the second power on the other
entity.(2)In this section—powerincludesdoinganactormakingadecisionforthepurpose of performing a
function.24AAPower to make instrument or decision
includes power toamend or repealIf an Act
authorises or requires the making of an instrument ordecision—(a)thepowerincludespowertoamendorrepealtheinstrument or decision; and(b)the power to amend or repeal the
instrument or decisionis exercisable in the same way, and
subject to the sameconditions,asthepowertomaketheinstrumentordecision.24AAppointments may be made by name or
office(1)If an Act authorises or requires a
person or body—(a)to appoint a person to an office;
orPage 32Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 24B](b)to
appoint a person or body to exercise a power; or(c)to appoint a person or body to do
another thing;the person or body may make the appointment
by—(d)appointing a person or body by name;
office, is taken to be the appointment of the personfor
the time being occupying or acting in the office concerned.24BActing appointments(1)If an Act authorises a person or body
to appoint a person to actin an office, the person or body may,
in accordance with theAct, appoint—(a)a
person by name; or(b)a specified officer, or the holder of
a specified office, byreference to the title of the office
concerned;to act in the office.(2)The
appointment may be expressed to have effect only in thecircumstances specified in the instrument of
appointment.(3)The appointer may—(a)determine the terms and conditions of the
appointment,including remuneration and allowances;
and(b)end the appointment at any
time.(3A)If the appointer
is a body, the appointment may be made orended by a
resolution of the body.(4)Theappointment,ortheendingoftheappointmentundersubsection (3)(b), must be in, or evidenced
by, writing, signedby the appointer or, if the appointer is a
body, by a personauthorised by the body for the
purpose.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 33
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred by
Acts[s 24B](5)Theappointeemustnotactformorethan1yearduringavacancy in the office.(6)If the appointee is acting in the
office otherwise than becauseof a vacancy in
the office and the office becomes vacant, then,subject to
subsection (2), the appointee may continue to actuntil—(a)the
appointer otherwise directs; or(b)the
vacancy ends; or(c)the end of a year from the day of the
vacancy;whichever happens first.(7)Theappointmentendsiftheappointeeresignsbywritingsigned and
delivered to the appointer.(7A)If
the vacancy in the office in which a person is acting ends,the
person’s appointment to act in the office because of thevacancy also ends.(7B)If
the holder of the office in which a person is acting resumestheoffice,theperson’sappointmenttoactintheofficebecause of the
absence of the holder of the office ends.(7C)Subsections (7A) and (7B) apply even if a
contrary intentionappears in the instrument of, or evidencing
the, appointmentto act.(7D)A
person’s substantive appointment to an office does not endmerely because the person acts in another
office.(7E)Toavoidanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatsubsections(7A)to(7D) do not change the law of
Queensland.(8)While the appointee is acting in the
office—(a)theappointeehasallthefunctionsandpowersoftheholder of the office; and(b)lawsapplytotheappointee,andtootherpersonsinrelationshiptotheappointee,asiftheappointeewerethe holder of
the office.(9)Anything done by or in relation to a
person purporting to actin the office is not invalid merely
because—Page 34Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 24B](a)the
occasion for the appointment had not arisen; or(b)the
appointment had ended; or(c)the occasion for
the person to act had not arisen or hadended.(10)If the Act
authorises the appointer to appoint a person to actduring a vacancy in the office, an
appointment to act in theofficemaybemadebytheappointerwhetherornotanappointment has previously been made to the
office.(11)If—(a)theappointerisaspecifiedofficerortheholderofaspecified office; and(b)the person who was the specified
officer or holder of thespecified office when the appointment
was made ceasesto be the officer or holder of the
appointment continues in force; and(d)the
person for the time being occupying or acting in theofficeconcernedistakentobetheappointerforthepurposes of this
section.(12)If—(a)the appointer is a body; and(b)there is a change in the membership of
the body;then—(c)the
appointment continues in force; and(d)the
body as constituted for the time being is taken to bethe
appointer for the purposes of this section.(13)Writing purporting to be, or to contain, an
appointment, or theending of an appointment under subsection
(3)(b), is evidenceof the appointment or the ending of the
appointment.(14)A certificate
signed by the appointer (or, if the appointer is abody,byapersonauthorisedbythebodyforthepurpose)Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred by
Acts[s 24C]stating anything
in relation to an appointment is evidence ofthe
thing.(15)Adocumentpurportingtobeacertificatementionedinsubsection (14) is taken to be the
certificate, and to have beenproperly given,
unless the contrary is established.24CActing person nominated by Act etc.(1)This section applies if an Act
provides that a specified officer,ortheholderofaspecifiedoffice,(thenominatedperson)acts
as another specified officer or in another specified officeon a
specified occasion.(2)While the nominated person is acting
as the other officer or inthe other office—(a)the
nominated person has all the functions and powersof
the officer or holder of the office; and(b)lawsapplytothenominatedperson,andtootherpersons in
relationship to the nominated person, as if thenominatedpersonweretheofficerorholderoftheoffice.(3)Anything done by or in relation to the
nominated person whilethe nominated person is purporting to
act as the other officerorintheotherofficeisnotinvalidmerelybecausetheoccasion for the nominated person to
act had not happened orhad ceased.25Powers of appointment imply certain
incidental powers(1)If an Act authorises or requires a
person or body to appoint aperson to an
office—(a)the power may be exercised as occasion
requires; and(b)the power includes—(i)power to remove or suspend, at any
time, a personappointed to the office; andPage
36Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 26](ii)power to appoint another person to act in
the officeif a person appointed to the office is
removed orsuspended; and(iii)power to reinstate or reappoint a person
removedor suspended; and(iv)power to appoint a person to act in the
office if it isvacant(whetherornottheofficehaseverbeenfilled); and(v)power to appoint a person to act in the
office if theperson appointed to the office is absent or
is unabletodischargethefunctionsoftheoffice(whetherbecause of illness or otherwise); and(c)the power also includes power to
reappoint a person tothe office if the person is eligible
to be appointed to theoffice.(2)The
power to remove or suspend a person under subsection(1)(b)maybeexercisedeveniftheActunderwhichtheperson was appointed provides that the
holder of the office towhichthepersonwasappointedistoholdofficeforaspecified
period.(3)The power to make an appointment under
subsection (1)(b)may be exercised as occasion
requires.(4)An appointment under subsection (1)(b)
may be expressed tohaveeffectonlyinthecircumstancesspecifiedintheinstrument of
appointment.26Appointment not affected by defect
etc.The appointment of a person to an office, to
act in an office, toexercise a power or to do anything
else is not invalid merelybecauseofadefectorirregularityinrelationtotheappointment.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred by
Acts[s 27]27Power
to hear and determine includes power toadminister
oathA person or body authorised by law, or by
consent of parties,to conduct a hearing for the purpose of the
determination (bythat or another person or body) of any
matter has authority—(a)to receive
evidence; and(b)toexaminewitnesses,andtoadministeroathstowitnesses,whohavebeenlawfullycalledbeforetheperson or body.27ADelegation of functions or powers(1)If an Act authorises a person or body
to delegate a function orpower, the person or body may, in
accordance with the Actand any other applicable law, delegate
the function or powerto—(a)a
person or body by name; or(b)a specified
officer, or the holder of a specified office, byreference to the title of the office
concerned.(2)The delegation may be—(a)general or limited; and(b)made from time to time; and(c)revoked, wholly or partly, by the
delegator.(3)The delegation, or a revocation of the
delegation, must be in,orevidencedby,writingsignedbythedelegatoror,ifthedelegator is a body, by a person authorised
by the body for thepurpose.(3A)Ifthedelegatorisabody,thedelegationmaybemadeorrevoked by a resolution of the body.(3B)All conditions
and preliminary steps required for the exerciseofadelegationarepresumedtohavebeensatisfiedandperformed unless the contrary is
established.(3C)Lawsapplytothedelegate,andtootherpersonsinrelationshiptothedelegate,intheperformanceofthePage 38Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 27A]delegated
function or in the exercise of a delegated power as ifthe
delegate were the delegator.(3D)Anything done by or in relation to the
delegate in relation tothe delegation is taken to have been
done by or in relation tothe delegator.Example—Under an Act an evidentiary
certificate purporting to be signed by anofficeholderisevidenceofthecontentinanyproceeding(thefacilitation provision). The Act
confers a general power of delegationon the office
holder. The office holder uses the power to delegate thefunction of issuing the certificate to
someone else. Under subsections(3C) and (3D)
(and (6) and (7)), the facilitation provision is taken toprovide for the certificate purporting to be
signed by the delegate ashaving been signed by the
delegate may, in the performance of a delegated functionorintheexerciseofadelegatedpower,doanythingthatisincidental to the delegated function
or power.(6)Adelegatedfunctionorpowerthatpurportstohavebeenperformed or exercised by the delegate is
taken to have beenproperlyperformedorexercisedbythedelegateunlessthecontrary is proved.(7)A delegated function or power that is
properly performed orexercised by the delegate is taken to
have been performed orexercised by the delegator.(8)If, when performed or exercised by the
delegator, a functionorpowerisdependentonthedelegator’sopinion,belieforstateofmind,then,whenperformedorexercisedbythedelegate, the function or power is
dependent on the delegate’sopinion, belief
or state of mind.(8A)If—(a)thedelegatorisaspecifiedofficerortheholderofaspecified office; andCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 39
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred by
Acts[s 27A](b)the
person who was the specified officer or holder of thespecified office when the delegation was
made ceases tobe the officer or holder of the
delegation continues in force; and(d)the
person for the time being occupying or acting in theofficeconcernedistakentobethedelegatorforthepurposes of this
section.(8B)If—(a)the delegator is a body; and(b)there is a change in the membership of
the body;then—(c)the
delegation continues in force; and(d)the
body as constituted for the time being is taken to bethe
delegator for the purposes of this section.(9)If a
function or power is delegated to a specified officer or theholder of a specified office—(a)thedelegationdoesnotceasetohaveeffectmerelybecause the
person who was the specified officer or theholderofthespecifiedofficewhenthefunctionorpowerwasdelegatedceasestobetheofficerortheholder of the office; and(b)the function or power may be performed
or exercised bythe person for the time being occupying or
acting in theoffice concerned.(10)A
function or power that has been delegated may, despite thedelegation, be performed or exercised by the
delegator.(10A)Thedelegationofafunctionorpowerdoesnotrelievethedelegatorofthedelegator’sobligationtoensurethatthefunction or power is properly
performed or exercised.(11)Subjecttosubsection(12),thissectionappliestoasubdelegation of a function or power
in the same way as itapplies to a delegation of a function
or power.Page 40Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 7 Functions and powers conferred
by Acts[s 27B](12)If
an Act authorises the delegation of a function or power, thefunctionorpowermaybesubdelegatedonlyiftheActexpressly authorises the function or power
to be subdelegated.(13)Writing
purporting to be, or to contain, a delegation, or therevocationofadelegation,isevidenceofthedelegationorrevocation.(14)A
certificate signed by the delegator (or, if the delegator is
abody,byapersonauthorisedbythebodyforthepurpose)stating anything
in relation to a delegation is evidence of thething.(15)Adocumentpurportingtobeacertificatementionedinsubsection (14) is taken to be the
certificate, and to have beenproperly given,
unless the contrary is established.(15A)Authoritytodelegateaperson’sorbody’spowersincludesauthoritytodelegate doinganactormakingadecisionforperforming a function of the person or
body.(16)In this
section—powerincludesdoinganactormakingadecisionforthepurpose of performing a
function.27BContent of statement of reasons for
decisionIf an Act requires a tribunal, authority,
body or person makinga decision to give written reasons for
the decision (whethertheexpression‘reasons’,‘grounds’oranotherexpressionisused), the instrument giving the reasons
must also—(a)set out the findings on material
questions of fact; and(b)refer to the
evidence or other material on which thosefindings were
based.29Legislative Assembly’s resolutions to
be interpreted notto exceed authority(1)A
resolution of the Legislative Assembly, or a committee oftheLegislativeAssembly,madeunderanActistobeinterpreted as
operating—Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 41
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 29B](a)to
the full extent of, but not to exceed, the LegislativeAssembly’s constitutional powers; and(b)subject to the Act; and(c)distributively.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), if part of
a resolution would,apartfromthissection,beinterpretedasexceedingauthority—(a)the
resolution is valid to the extent to which it does notexceed authority; and(b)the
remainder of the resolution is not affected.(3)Without limiting subsection (1), if the
application of part of aresolutiontoaperson,matterorcircumstancewould,apartfrom this
section, be interpreted as exceeding authority, thepart’s application to other persons, matters
or circumstances isnot affected.(4)ThissectionappliestoanActinadditionto,andwithoutlimiting, any
provision of the Act.29BWorking out
number of sitting daysInworkingoutaparticularnumberofsittingdaysoftheLegislative
Assembly, it does not matter whether the days arewithinthesameordifferentParliamentsorwithindifferentsessions of Parliament.Part 8Terms and references in Acts32Defined terms—other parts of speech
and grammaticalformsIf an Act
defines a word or expression, other parts of speechandgrammaticalformsofthewordorexpressionhavecorresponding meanings.Page 42Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 32A]32ADefinitions to be read in contextDefinitions in or applicable to an Act apply
except so far asthe context or subject matter otherwise
indicates or requires.32AADefinitions
generally apply to entire ActA definition in
or applying to an Act applies to the entire Act.32ABTerms defined both in this Act and
another ActIf—(a)a word or
expression is defined non-exhaustively for thepurposesofanActotherthanthisAct(thenon-exhaustive
definition); and(b)the
word or expression is also defined in this Act (theInterpretation Act definition);then, for the purposes of the first
Act—(c)the non-exhaustive definition does not
exclude or limit,but may extend, the meaning of the word or
expressiongiven by the Interpretation Act definition;
and(d)the non-exhaustive and Interpretation
Act definitions aretobereadinthecontextofeachotherandtheotherprovisions of the first Act, but, if the
definitions so readareinconsistent,theInterpretationActdefinitionisdisplaced.32BGenderInanAct,wordsindicatingagenderincludeeachothergender.32CNumberIn an
Act—(a)words in the singular include the
plural; and(b)words in the plural include the
singular.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 43
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 32CA]32CAMeaning ofmayandmustetc.(1)In an Act, the wordmay, or a similar word or expression,
usedinrelationtoapowerindicatesthatthepowermaybeexercised or not exercised, at
discretion.(2)InanAct,thewordmust,orasimilarwordorexpression,used in relation
to a power indicates that the power is requiredto be
exercised.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that this section applies toan Act passed
after 1 January 1992 despite any presumptionor rule of
interpretation.32CBWords and expressions used in amending
Acts(1)Words and expressions used in an Act
that amends anotherlaw have the same meanings as they have in
the other law.(2)Subsection (1) does not limit section
22 (Act and amendingActs to be read as one).32DReferences to persons generally(1)InanAct,areferencetoapersongenerallyincludesareference to a corporation as well as an
individual.(2)Subsection(1)isnotdisplacedmerelybecausethereisanexpressreferencetoeitheranindividualoracorporationelsewhere in the
Act.Examples of references to a person
generally—•another•anyone•no-one•one•party•person•someone•whoeverPage 44Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 32DA]Examples of
express references to a corporation—•body corporate•company•corporation soleExamples of
express references to an individual—•adult•child•spouse32DAMeaning ofde facto
partner(1)In an Act, a reference to ade
facto partneris a reference toeither 1 of 2
persons who are living together as a couple on agenuine domestic basis but who are not
married to each otheror related by family.(2)In deciding whether 2 persons are
living together as a coupleon a genuine
domestic basis, any of their circumstances maybetakenintoaccount,including,forexample,anyofthefollowing
circumstances—(a)the nature and extent of their common
residence;(b)the length of their
relationship;(c)whether or not a sexual relationship
exists or existed;(d)the degree of financial dependence or
interdependence,and any arrangement for financial
support;(e)their ownership, use and acquisition
of property;(f)thedegreeofmutualcommitmenttoasharedlife,including the care and support of each
other;(g)the care and support of
children;(h)the performance of household
tasks;(i)the reputation and public aspects of
their relationship.(3)No particular finding in relation to
any circumstance is to beregarded as necessary in deciding
whether 2 persons are livingtogether as a
couple on a genuine domestic basis.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 32E](4)Twopersonsarenottoberegardedaslivingtogetherasacouple on a
genuine domestic basis only because they have acommon
residence.(5)For subsection (1)—(a)the gender of the persons is not
relevant; and(b)apersonisrelatedbyfamilytoanotherpersonifthepersonandtheotherpersonwouldbewithinaprohibitedrelationshipwithinthemeaningoftheMarriageAct1961(Cwlth), section
23B, if they wereparties to a marriage to which that section
applies.(6)In an Act enacted before the
commencement of this section, areference to a
spouse includes a reference to a de facto partneras
defined in this section unless the Act expressly provides tothe
contrary.32EProduction of records kept in
computers etc.If a person who keeps a record of
information by way of amechanical, electronic or other device
is required by or underan Act—(a)to
produce the information or a document containing theinformation to a court, tribunal or person;
or(b)tomakeadocumentcontainingtheinformationavailable for
inspection by a court, tribunal or person;then, unless the
court, tribunal or person otherwise directs—(c)the
requirement obliges the person to produce or makeavailable for inspection, as the case may
be, a documentthatreproducestheinformationinaformcapableofbeing understood by the court,
tribunal or person; and(d)theproductiontothecourt,tribunalorpersonofthedocument in that form complies with
the requirement.Page 46Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 32F]32FReferences to commencement(1)InanAct,areferencetocommencementforanActoraprovisionofanActisareferencetothetimetheActorprovision comes
into operation.(2)In a provision of an Act, a reference
tothe commencementwithout
indicating a particular Act or provision is a referenceto
the commencement of the provision in which the referenceoccurs.Example of
subsection (2)—If section 24(3) of an Act stated
‘This section expires 1 month after thecommencement’,‘thecommencement’referredtoisthecommencement of section 24(3).33References to Ministers, departments
and chiefexecutives(1)In
an Act—(a)a reference to a Minister is a
reference to a Minister ofthe State; and(b)areferencetoaparticularMinisterbytitle,ortotheMinisterwithoutspecifyingaparticularMinisterbytitle,includesareferencetoanotherMinister,ormember of the Executive Council, who
is acting for theMinister.(2)In a
provision of an Act, a reference tothe
Ministerwithoutspecifying a
particular Minister by title is a reference to—(a)the
Minister administering the provision; or(b)if,
for the time being, different Ministers administer theprovision in relation to different
matters—(i)ifonly1Ministeradministerstheprovisioninrelation to the relevant matter—the
Minister; or(ii)if 2 or more
Ministers administer the provision inrelationtotherelevantmatter—any1oftheMinisters;
orCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 47
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 33](c)if
paragraph (b) does not apply and, for the time being, 2ormoreMinistersadministertheprovision—any1ofthe Ministers.(3)If a
provision of an Act refers to a Minister and specifies theMinistermerelybyreferencetothefactthattheMinisteradministersaspecifiedActorenactment,subsection(2)applies as if references in paragraphs (a)
to (c) to the provisionwere references to the specified Act
or enactment.(4)If an Act defines the expression
‘Minister’ or ‘the Minister’for the purposes
of the Act or a provision of the Act in a waythat does not
specify a particular Minister by title, subsections(2)
and (3) apply to the provision despite that definition of
an Act, a reference to a specified Minister who no longerexists—(a)is a
reference to the Minister specified by notification bythe
Governor in Council; and(b)includes another
Minister, or a member of the ExecutiveCouncil, who is
acting for the specified Minister.(6)InanAct,areferencetoadepartmentisareferencetoanentitythatisadepartmentofgovernmentunderthePublicService Act
specifying a particular department of government byname
is a reference to—(a)if, for the time being, different
Ministers administer theprovisioninrelationtodifferentmatters—thedepartment of
government that—(i)deals with the relevant matter;
and(ii)isadministeredbytheMinisterorMinistersadministeringtheprovisioninrelationtothematter; or(b)in
any other case—the department of government that—Page
48Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 33](i)dealswiththematterstowhichtheprovisionrelates;
and(ii)is administered
by the Minister or Ministers for thetime being
administering the provision.(8)InanAct,areferencetoaspecifieddepartmentofgovernmentthatnolongerexistsisareferencetothedepartmentspecifiedbynotificationbytheGovernorinCouncil.(9)If a
provision of an Act refers to a department of governmentandspecifiesthedepartmentbyreferencetotheadministration(howeverdescribed)ofaspecifiedActorenactment,subsection(7)appliesasifreferencesinparagraphs (a) and (b) to the provision were
references to thespecified Act or enactment.(10)In an Act, a
reference to a chief executive is a reference to achief executive of a public sector
unit.(11)In a provision
of an Act, a reference to thechief
executivewithout specifying a particular public
sector unit by name is areference to the chief executive
of—(a)if, for the time being, different
Ministers administer theprovisioninrelationtodifferentmatters—thepublicsector unit that—(i)deals with the relevant matter; and(ii)isadministeredbytheMinisterorMinistersadministeringtheprovisioninrelationtothematter; or(b)in
any other case—the public sector unit that—(i)dealswiththematterstowhichtheprovisionrelates;
and(ii)is administered
by the Minister or Ministers for thetime being
administering the provision.(12)IfaprovisionofanActreferstoachiefexecutivebyreferencetotheadministration(howeverdescribed)ofaspecifiedActorenactment,subsection(11)appliesasifCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 49
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 33A]referencesinparagraph(a)or(b)totheprovisionwerereferences to the specified Act or
enactment.(13)To remove any
doubt, it is declared that if—(a)aprovisionofanActisadministeredby2ormoreMinisters; and(b)under this section, the provision authorises
or requiresanythingtobedonebyorinrelationtoany1oftheMinisters;the provision
does not authorise or require it to be done in aparticularcasebyorinrelationtomorethan1oftheMinisters.33AReferences to States include
Territories(1)InanAct,areferencetoaState(otherthanareferencetoQueenslandoraparticularStatebyname)includesareference to the Australian Capital
Territory and the NorthernTerritory.Examples—1‘A law of a
State’ includes a law of the Australian Capital Territoryand a
law of the Northern Territory.2‘A
law of the Commonwealth or another State’ includes a law of
theAustralian Capital Territory and a law of
the Northern Territory.(2)Subsection(1)isnotdisplacedmerelybecausethereisanexpress reference to a Territory
elsewhere in the Act.(3)This section
applies to an Act (other than this Act) enactedbefore 1 July
1994 only if the Act includes a definition to theeffectthatareferencetoaStateincludesareferencetoaTerritory.34References to officers and holders of
officesIn an Act, a reference to a particular
officer, or to the holder ofa particular
office, includes a reference to the person for thetime
being occupying or acting in the office concerned.Page
50Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35]35References to Queensland to be
implied(1)In an Act—(a)a
reference to an officer, office or entity is a reference tosuch
an officer, office or entity in and for Queensland;and(b)a reference to a
locality, jurisdiction or other thing is areference to
such a locality, jurisdiction or other thing inand of
Queensland.(2)In an Act, a reference to an office or
entity established by orunder an Act need not include the
words ‘Queensland’ or ‘ofQueensland’ merely because the words
form part of its nameor title.35AReferences to person with interest in land
includespersonal representative etc.InanAct,areferencetoapersonasproprietor,transferor,transferee,
mortgagor, mortgagee, lessor, lessee, trustee or ashaving an interest in land includes a
reference to the person’spersonal representatives, successors
and assigns.35BReferences to provisions designated by
number withoutmentioning another ActDefinitions(1)In
this section—bodyoftheActmeanstheActapartfromanypreamble,schedule or
appendix of the Act.provision unitmeans—(a)thebodyoftheActorthepreamble,ascheduleorappendix of the Act; or(b)achapter,part,division,subdivision,section,subsection,paragraph,subparagraph,orsub-subparagraph, of the body of the Act or
a scheduleor appendix of the Act; orCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 51
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35B](c)another provision of the body of the Act or
a schedule orappendix of the Act; or(d)a
provision of a preamble of the Act.Purpose of
section(2)This section explains the meaning of a
reference in an Act (theAct concerned) to a
provision, designated by a number, thatdoes not mention
another Act.Examples of references to which section
10’2‘part 5, division 4’3‘section 10 of this Act’4‘paragraph (a) of this
subsection’References in a provision unit of an Act
mentioningthe Act or larger provision unit of
Act(3)If a reference in an Act to a
provision also mentions the Act ora larger
provision unit of the Act, the reference itself indicatesthe
provision of the Act to which it refers.Examples—1A reference in
the body of the Act to ‘section 10 of this Act’ is areference to section 10 of the body of the
Act concerned.2A reference in a schedule of an Act to
‘section 10 of this schedule’is a reference to
section 10 of the schedule where the referenceoccurs.3A reference to ‘paragraph (a) of this
subsection’ is a reference toparagraph (a) of
the subsection where the reference occurs.(4)For
subsection (3), a reference in a schedule or appendix of anAct
to a provision, designated by a number, together with thewords ‘of the Act’ is a reference to the
provision, designatedby the number, of the body of the Act
reference in a schedule of an Act to ‘section 10 of the Act’ is
areference to section 10 of the body of the
Act.Other references in body of Act(5)If—Page 52Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35B](a)the
reference is in the body of an Act; and(b)subsection (4) does not apply to the
reference;the reference is a reference to the
provision, designated by thenumber,ofthebodyoftheActor,ifthereare2suchprovisions,theprovision,designatedbythenumber,ofthenextlarger,appropriateprovisionunitwherethereferenceoccurs.Examples in the body of an Act—1A reference in
the body of an Act to ‘chapter 10’ is a reference tochapter 10 of the body of the Act.2A reference to ‘part 1’ is a reference
to—(a)if the body of the Act is divided into
chapters (that is, at least 2of the chapters
are further divided into parts)—part 1 of thechapter where the
reference occurs; or(b)if the body of the Act is not divided
into chapters (that is, thereis only 1 part
1)—part 1 of the body of the Act.3A
reference in the body of an Act to ‘division 2’ is a reference
todivision 2 of the part of the Act where the
reference occurs.4A reference in the body of an Act to
‘subdivision 3’ is a reference tosubdivision 3 of
the division of the Act where the reference occurs.5A reference in the body of an Act to
‘section 10’ is a reference tosection 10 of the
body of the Act.6A reference in the body of an Act to
‘subsection (1)’ is a referenceto subsection (1)
of the section of the Act where the referenceoccurs.7A reference in the body of an Act to
‘paragraph (a)’ is a referenceto—(a)ifthesectionwherethereferenceoccursisdividedintosubsections—paragraph(a)ofthesubsectionwherethereference occurs; or(b)if
the section where the reference occurs is not divided intosubsections—paragraph (a) of the section of
the Act where thereference occurs.8A
reference to ‘subparagraph (i)’ is a reference to subparagraph
(i)of the paragraph where the reference
occurs.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 53
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35B]Other references
in preamble, schedule or appendix(6)If—(a)thereferenceisinthepreambleorascheduleorappendix of an Act; and(b)subsection (4) does not apply to the
reference; and(c)the reference is a reference to a
provision that does notoccur in the preamble, schedule or
appendix;the reference is a reference to the
provision, designated by thenumber, of the
body of the Act.Examples—1Areferenceinaschedulethatisnotdividedintochaptersto‘chapter 10’ is a reference to chapter 10 in
the body of the Act.2A reference in a dictionary schedule
to ‘section 30’ is a reference tosection 30 in the
body of the Act.(7)If—(a)thereferenceisinthepreambleorascheduleorappendix of an Act; and(b)subsection (4) does not apply to the
reference; and(c)thereferenceisareferencetoaprovisionthatdoesoccur in the preamble, schedule or
appendix;the reference is a reference to the
provision designated by thenumber, of the
schedule, appendix or preamble or, if there are2 such
provisions, the provision, designated by the number, ofthe
next larger, appropriate provision unit where the referenceoccurs.Examples—1A reference in a
schedule divided into parts to ‘part 1’ is a referenceto—(a)if the schedule
is divided into chapters (that is, at least 2 of thechapters are further divided into
parts)—part 1 of the chapterwhere the
reference occurs; or(b)if the schedule is not divided into
chapters (that is, there is only1 part 1)—part 1
of the schedule.Page 54Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35C]2A
reference in a schedule divided into sections to ‘section 10’ is
areference to section 10 of the
schedule.3A reference in a schedule divided into
a single series of items to‘item 5’ is a reference to item 5 of
the schedule.4A reference in a schedule divided into
2 or more series of items to‘item 5’ is a
reference to item 5 of the series in which the referenceoccurs.35CHeadings part of provision etc.(1)The heading to a chapter, part,
division, subdivision, section,subsection,
schedule or another provision of an Act forms partof
the provision to which it is a heading.(2)An
example of the operation of a provision of an Act at theendoftheprovisionispartoftheprovisionunlesstheexample relates to a different
provision.Example of subsection (2)—This example forms part of subsection
(2) and an amendment omittingsubsection (2)
would omit this example.(3)A note to a
provision of an Act at the end of the provision ispartoftheprovisionunlessthenoterelatestoadifferentprovision.(4)A
penalty at the end of a subsection of an Act—(a)ispartofthesubsectionunlessthepenaltyrelatestoother subsections of the section;
or(b)in any other case—is part of the
section.(5)A penalty at the end of a section of
an Act that is not dividedinto subsections is part of the
section.(6)The word ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘but’, or a
similar word, at the end of aparagraph,subparagraph,sub-subparagraphoranotherprovision of an
Act forms part of the provision concerned.(7)Theword‘and’,‘or’or‘but’,orasimilarword,betweenparagraphs,subparagraphs,sub-subparagraphsorotherprovisions of an
Act forms part of the first of the provisions.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 8 Terms and references in
Acts[s 35CA](8)A
provision reference associated with a heading to a scheduleis
part of the heading.Note—Theprovisionreferredtoistheauthorisingprovisionoranotherprovision
relevant to the schedule.35CAReferences to
items at the end of a provisionIn an Act, a
penalty, example or note (end item) is taken to
beat the end of a provision even if there is
another end item alsoat the end of the provision.35DReference to provisions of a law is
inclusiveIn an Act, a reference to a part of a law
(including the Act) is areference to the following—(a)the provision of the law that forms
the beginning of thepart;(b)the
provision of the law that forms the end of the part;(c)any provision of the law between the
beginning and endof the part.Example 1—A reference to ‘sections 5 to 9’
includes both section 5 and section 9. Itis not necessary
to refer to ‘sections 5 to 9 (both inclusive)’ to ensurethat
the reference is given an inclusive interpretation.Example 2—A
reference to ‘sections 260 to 264’ includes a provision such as a
partheading between sections 260 and 261.35EInstrument made under the ActIn
an Act, a reference to a type of statutory instrument is areference to an instrument of that type made
or in force underthe Act in which the reference is
used.Page 56Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 9 Distance, time and age[s
word ‘by-law’ means a by-law made under the Act in which theword
is used.36Meaning of commonly used words and
expressions(1)In an Act, a term defined in schedule
1 has the meaning statedin that schedule.(2)In
an Act, a reference to schedule 1 of this Act includes, if
thecontext permits, a reference to this
section.Part 9Distance, time
and age37Measurement of distanceInapplyinganAct,distanceistobemeasuredalongtheshortestroadordinarilyusedfortravellingunlessthereisacontrary intention that distance is to
be measured in a straightline on a horizontal plane or in
another way.38Reckoning of time(1)If a
period beginning on a given day, act or event is providedorallowedforapurposebyanAct,theperiodistobecalculated by
excluding the day, or the day of the act or event,and—(a)iftheperiodisexpressed to be a specified number
and(b)in any other case—by including the day
on which thepurpose is to be fulfilled.(2)If the time, or last day of a period,
calculated forwards that isprovided or
allowed by an Act for doing anything falls on anCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 57
Interpretation Act 1954Part 10 Service of documents[s
38A]excluded day, the time, or last day, is
taken to fall on the nextday later that is not an excluded
day.(3)If the time, or earliest day of a
period, calculated backwardsthat is provided
or allowed by an Act for doing anything fallson an excluded
day, the time, or earliest day, is taken to fall onthe
next day earlier that is not an excluded day.(4)If
no time is provided or allowed for doing anything, the thingis
to be done as soon as possible, and as often as the relevantoccasion happens.(5)In
this section—excluded day—(a)forfilingorregisteringadocument—meansadayonwhich the office
is closed where the filing or registrationmust or may be
done; or(b)otherwise—means a day that is not a
business day in theplace in which the thing must or may be
done.38AAgeFor the purposes
of an Act, a person is an age in years at thebeginning of the
person’s birthday for the age.Part 10Service of documents39Service of documents(1)If
an Act requires or permits a document to be served on aperson, the document may be served—(a)on an individual—(i)by
delivering it to the person personally; or(ii)byleavingitat,orbysendingitbypost,telex,facsimile or similar facility to, the
address of thePage 58Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 10 Service of documents[s
39A]placeofresidenceorbusinessofthepersonlastknown to the person serving the document;
or(b)on a body corporate—by leaving it at,
or sending it bypost,telex,facsimileorsimilarfacilityto,theheadoffice,aregisteredofficeoraprincipalofficeofthebody corporate.(2)Subsection(1)applieswhethertheexpression‘deliver’,‘give’,‘notify’,‘send’or‘serve’oranotherexpressionisused.(3)Nothing in subsection (1)—(a)affects the operation of another law
that authorises theservice of a document otherwise than as
provided in thesubsection; or(b)affectsthepowerofacourtortribunaltoauthoriseservice of a
document otherwise than as provided in thesubsection.39AMeaning of service by post etc.(1)If an Act requires or permits a
document to be served by post,service—(a)may be effected by properly
addressing, prepaying andposting the document as a letter;
and(b)is taken to have been effected at the
time at which theletter would be delivered in the ordinary
course of post,unless the contrary is proved.(2)If an Act requires or permits a
document to be served by aparticularpostalmethod,therequirementorpermissionistaken to be satisfied if the document is
posted by that methodor, if that method is not available,
by the equivalent, or nearestequivalent,
method provided for the time being by AustraliaPost.(3)Subsections(1)and(2)applywhethertheexpression‘deliver’,‘give’,‘notify’,‘send’or‘serve’oranotherexpression is
used.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 59
Interpretation Act 1954Part 11 Offences and criminal
proceedings[s 41](4)Withoutlimitingsubsection(2),therequirementorpermissionmentionedinthesubsectionistakentobesatisfied, and is taken always to have
been satisfied, for theservice of a document if the document
is, or was, posted bycertified mail provided by Australia
Post.Part 11Offences and
criminalproceedings41Penalty at end of provisionIn
an Act, a penalty specified at the end of—(a)asection(whetherornotthesectionisdividedintosubsections); or(b)a
subsection (but not at the end of a section); or(c)a section or subsection and expressed
in such a way as toindicatethatitappliesonlytopartofthesectionorsubsection;indicates that
an offence mentioned in the section, subsectionorpartispunishableonconviction(whetherornotaconvictionisrecorded)or,ifnooffenceismentioned,acontravention of the section, subsection or
part constitutes anoffence against the provision that is
punishable on conviction(whether or not a conviction is
recorded)—(d)ifaminimumaswellasamaximumpenaltyisspecified—by a penalty not less than
the minimum andnot more than the maximum; or(e)inanyothercase—byapenaltynotmorethanthespecified penalty.Page 60Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 11 Offences and criminal
proceedings[s 41A]41APenalty other than at end of
provision(1)InanAct,apenaltyspecifiedforanoffence,oracontraventionofaprovision,indicatesthattheoffenceispunishableonconviction(whetherornotaconvictionisrecorded), or the contravention constitutes
an offence againstthe provision that is punishable on
conviction (whether or nota conviction is recorded)—(a)ifaminimumaswellasamaximumpenaltyisspecified—by a penalty not less than
the minimum andnot more than the maximum; or(b)inanyothercase—byapenaltynotmorethanthespecified penalty.(2)This
section does not apply to a penalty to which section 41applies.42Any
person may prosecute etc.Anypersonmaytakeaproceedingfortheimpositionorenforcement of a penalty, or the making of a
forfeiture order,under an Act.43Appropriation of penalties(1)The following rules apply to an amount
recovered because oftheimpositionofapenaltyorthemakingofaforfeitureorder—(a)any part of the amount that is ordered
under subsection(2) to be paid to the party prosecuting must
first be paidto the party;(b)the
remaining part of the amount must then be paid tothe
consolidated fund.(2)Thecourtthatimposesthepenalty,ormakestheforfeitureorder,mayorderthatnotmorethanhalfoftheamountrecovered be
paid to the party prosecuting.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 11 Offences and criminal
proceedings[s 44](3)Subsection(2)doesnotapplyifthepartyprosecutingisprosecuting as an officer or employee of the
State or an officerof the public service.44Summary proceedings(1)In
an Act, a provision of the type mentioned in subsection (2)means that a proceeding for an offence, or a
specified offence,against the Act is a summary proceeding
under theJusticesAct 1886.(2)Subsection (1)
applies to provisions of the following type—(a)a
provision to the effect that a proceeding for the offenceis
to be heard and decided summarily;(b)a
provision to the effect that a proceeding for the offenceistobeheardanddecidedbyorbeforejusticesoramagistrate;(c)a
provision to the effect that the offence is a summaryoffenceorispunishableonsummaryconvictionorsummarily;(d)aprovisionforanoffencethatdoesnotexpresslyorimpliedly make the offence an indictable
offence.(3)InanAct,aprovisionthatprovidesthatanothertypeofproceeding is to be heard and decided
summarily, or beforejusticesoramagistrate,meansthattheproceedingisasummary proceeding under theJustices Act 1886.(4)A provision providing for the
imposition of a penalty or themakingofaforfeitureorder,withoutprovidinghowthepenalty is to be
recovered or the order made, is taken to meanthat the penalty
may be recovered, or the order made, undertheJustices Act 1886.45Offence punishable only once(1)If an act or omission is an offence
under each of 2 or morelaws, the offender may be prosecuted
and punished under anyPage 62Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 12 Application of particular State
laws to coastal waters[s 46]of the laws, but
the offender may not be punished more thanonce for the
same offence.(2)Subsection(1)appliestoalawunlessanActotherwiseexpressly provides.(3)In
this section—lawincludes the common law.46Bodies corporateAprovisionofanActrelatingtooffencespunishableonindictment or summary conviction applies to
bodies corporateas well as individuals.Part 12Application of particular Statelaws
to coastal waters47Definitions for pt 12In
this part—cooperative schememeans the
cooperative scheme as definedunder theCrimes at Sea Act 2001, section
3.criminal lawsmeans the
substantive criminal law, and the lawof criminal
investigation, procedure and evidence, within themeaning of the cooperative scheme.lawsoftheStatemeansthelaws,whetherwrittenorunwritten and whether substantive or
procedural, that are fromtime to time in force in the State,
but does not include—(a)laws of the
Commonwealth; or(b)criminal laws.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 12 Application of particular State
laws to coastal waters[s 47A]47AApplication of laws of the State to coastal
watersThe laws of the State apply in and in
relation to—(a)the coastal waters of the State;
and(b)the seabed and subsoil beneath, and
the airspace above,the coastal waters of the State;as
if the coastal waters of the State, as extending from time
totime, were within the limits of the
State.47BLaws with specific application not to
apply(1)Nothing in this part makes a provision
of the laws of the Stateapplicable in or in relation to a
particular place—(a)to the extent the provision is
incapable of applying in orin relation to
that place; or(b)if those laws expressly provide that
the provision doesnot extend or apply in or in relation to
that place; or(c)if those laws expressly provide that
the provision appliesonly in a stated locality in the State
that does not includethat place.(2)A
provision of the laws of the State is not to be taken to be
aprovision to which subsection (1) applies
merely because it islimitedinitsapplicationtoacts,mattersandthingswithinQueenslandwaters,coastalwatersortheadjacentarea,however
described, of the State.47CExtent of
jurisdiction in relation to coastal waters(1)A
person who has a function or power conferred on the personunderalawforthepurposesoforinconnectionwithaprovision of the laws of the State has
and may perform thefunctionforthepurposesoforinconnectionwiththatprovision, as
applying because of this part, as if the coastalwatersoftheState,asextendingfromtimetotime,werewithin the limits of the State.Page
64Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 12A Forms[s 47D](2)AllcourtsoftheStateareinvestedwithjurisdictioninallmatters arising under the provisions
of the laws of the State, asapplying because
of this part, as if the coastal waters of theState, as
extending from time to time, were within the limitsof
the State.47DConstitutional basisIn
addition to any other power under which the provisions ofthispartmaybeenacted,theprovisionsofthispartareenacted under the legislative power of
Parliament as extendedbytheCoastalWaters(StatePowers)Act1980(Cwlth),section5andtheCoastalWaters(StateTitle)Act1980(Cwlth), section
4.47ESavingNothing in this
part limits any law, other than this part, thatprovides for the
application of the laws of the State, or anypart of those
laws, beyond the limits of the State.Note—SomeActshavespecialapplicationprovisions,forexample,thefollowing—•Fisheries Act 1994, section
11•Offshore Minerals Act 1998,
section 16•Petroleum Act 1923, section
7A•Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act
1982, section 14.Part 12AForms48Forms—notification and availability(1)ThissectionappliesifunderanAct(theauthorisinglaw)forms are to be approved or made
available by an entity.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 65
Interpretation Act 1954Part 12A Forms[s 48A](2)A form under the authorising law must
have a heading statingthenameoftheauthorisinglawandbrieflyindicatingtheform’s purpose.(3)All
forms under the authorising law must be numbered using asystem that gives each form a unique
number.Examples—1Forms may be numbered consecutively
starting with the number 1.2Forms may be
numbered to reflect the provisions of the Act towhich
they relate.(4)Allversionsofaformundertheauthorisinglawmustbenumberedconsecutivelyusingasystemthatgiveseachversion of the form a unique number.(5)Theapprovaloravailabilityundertheauthorisinglawofaform,oranewversionofaform,mustbenotifiedinthegazette.(6)Subsection (5) may be complied with—(a)by publication in the gazette of a
notice of—(i)the approval or availability of the
form; and(ii)theform’sheading,numberandversionnumber;and(iii)a place or
places where copies are available; or(b)by
publication in the gazette of the form.(7)On
the day the approval or availability of the form is notifiedor
as soon as practicable after the day, copies of the form
mustbe available (for purchase or free of
charge) at the place, oreach of the places, stated in the
notice.(8)Failure to comply with this section
does not affect a form’svalidity.48ACompliance with forms(1)IfaformisprescribedorapprovedunderanAct,strictcompliancewiththeformisnotnecessaryandsubstantialcompliance is
sufficient.Page 66Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Part 12A Forms[s 48A](2)If a form prescribed or approved under
an Act requires—(a)the form to be completed in a
specified way; or(b)specifiedinformationordocumentstobeincludedin,attached to or given with the form;
or(c)theform,orinformationordocumentsincludedin,attached to or given with the form, to
be verified in aspecified way;the form is not
properly completed unless the requirement iscomplied
form (form 1) may be
prescribed or approved under anAct for a
purpose or 2 or more purposes; and(b)another form (form 2)
may be prescribed or approvedundertheActoranotherActforthesameoranotherpurpose or
purposes;then, if separate forms 1 and 2 are
prescribed or approved, acombined form 1 and 2 may be
prescribed or approved andused for the purpose or all the
purposes.(4)If a form may be prescribed or
approved under an Act for apurposeor2ormorepurposes,theformmayonlyrequireinformationordocumentstobeincludedin,attachedtoorgivenwiththeformthatarereasonablynecessaryforthepurpose or 1 or
more of the purposes.Example 1—Aprescribedorapprovedformmaynotrequiretheprovisionofpersonalinformationirrelevanttoapurposeforwhichtheformisrequired.Example 2—Aprescribedorapprovedformmaynotrequiretheprovisionofpersonal information that has some relevance
to a purpose for which theform is required, but is excessively
intrusive to personal privacy.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 13 Miscellaneous[s
49]Part 13Miscellaneous49Verification of documentsIf
an Act requires that, for a purpose of the Act or another
law,adocument,orinformationoradocumentincludedin,attachedtoorgivenwithadocument,beverifiedinaspecifiedway,thepurposeisnotfulfilledunlesstherequirement is satisfied.Example—If an
Act requires a document accompanying an application form to
beverified by statutory declaration and the
document is lodged withoutbeing verified in this way, the
document has not been properly lodgedfor the purposes
of the Act.49AJurisdiction of courts and
tribunalsIf a provision of an Act, whether expressly
or by implication,authorises a proceeding to be instituted in
a particular court ortribunal in relation to a matter, the
provision is taken to conferjurisdiction in
the matter on the court or tribunal.50Making or amendment of subordinate
legislation by anAct(1)ThemakingoramendmentofsubordinatelegislationbyanAct does not affect—(a)the power of the empowered entity for
the subordinatelegislationtoamendorfurtheramendthesubordinatelegislation or
to repeal it; or(b)forsubordinatelegislationrequiredunderalawtobeapprovedbyanotherentity—thepoweroftheotherentitytoapprove,ortodisapprove,anamendmentorfurther amendment of the subordinate
legislation or therepeal of it.(2)In
this section—approvemeans approve,
confirm or otherwise consent to.Page 68Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 13 Miscellaneous[s
51A]disapprovemeans disapprove
or otherwise disallow.empoweredentity,forsubordinatelegislation,meanstheentityempoweredunderalawtomakethesubordinatelegislation.51AReferences to Acts Shortening Act
1867In an Act or document, a reference to the
Acts Shortening ActorActsShorteningAct1867may, if the
context permits, betaken to be a reference to this Act.52References to the Crown etc.In
every Act—(a)referencetotheSovereignreigningatthetimeofthepassing of such
Act, or to ‘Her Majesty’, ‘His Majesty’,‘theQueen’,‘theKing’,or‘theCrown’,shallbeconstruedasreferencestotheSovereignforthetimebeing, and,
where necessary, shall include the heirs andsuccessors of
such Queen or King; and(b)referencestoanystyleortitlesappertainingtotheCrown at the time of the passing of
such Act, shall beconstruedasreferencestothestyleandtitlesappertaining to
the Crown for the time being adopted,with the assent
of the Parliament of the Commonwealthof Australia, by
the Sovereign for the time being for useinrelationtotheCommonwealthofAustraliaanditsTerritories.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Part 14 Transitional provisions[s
53]Part 14Transitional
provisionsDivision 1Transitional
provision forParliamentary Service and OtherActs
Amendment Act 201153Transitional—extrinsic material—speech
in LegislativeAssembly(1)ThissectionappliesinrelationtoaBillintroducedintheLegislativeAssemblybeforethecommencementofthissection.(2)Areferenceinsection14B(3),
definitionextrinsicmaterial,paragraph (f) to a speech made to the
Legislative Assembly bythememberwhenintroducingtheBillistakentobeareference to a
speech made to the Legislative Assembly by thememberinmovingamotionthattheBillbereadasecondtime.Division 2Transitional
provisions for Treasuryand Trade and Other LegislationAmendment Act 201354Definitions for div 2In this
division—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.subordinate
legislationdoes not include exempt subordinatelegislation.55References to s 36, 48A or 49(1)Thissectionappliestoreferencesmadebeforethecommencement in an instrument.Page
70Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Part 14 Transitional provisions[s
56](2)If the context permits, from the
commencement—(a)a reference to section 36 of this Act
is taken to include areference to schedule 1 of this Act;
and(b)a reference to section 48A of this Act
is taken to be areference to section 49 of this Act;
and(c)areferencetosection49ofthisActistakentobeareference to
section 48A of this Act.56References to
gazettedInaninstrument,areferencetogazettedinrelationtosubordinate legislation is taken to be a
reference to—(a)forsubordinatelegislation
notified or published in thegazettebeforethecommencement—notifiedorpublished in the gazette; or(b)otherwise—notified under theStatutory Instruments Act1992, section
47.57References to notified in the
gazetteInaninstrument,areferencetonotifiedinthegazetteinrelation to subordinate legislation is taken
to be a referenceto—(a)for subordinate
legislation notified in the gazette beforethecommencement—notifiedinthegazetteundertheStatutoryInstrumentsAct1992, section 47 as
in forcebefore the commencement; or(b)otherwise—notified under theStatutory Instruments Act1992, section
47.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 71
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Schedule 1Meaning of commonly usedwords and
expressionssection 36Page 72AboriginalpeoplemeanspeopleoftheAboriginalraceofAustralia.Aboriginaltraditionmeansthebodyoftraditions,observances,customsandbeliefsofAboriginalpeoplegenerally or of a particular community or
group of Aboriginalpeople,andincludesanysuchtraditions,observances,customsandbeliefsrelatingtoparticularpersons,areas,objects or
relationships.Aboriginemeans a person
of the Aboriginal race of Australia.Acthas
the meaning given by sections 6 and 7.ActingGovernormeansapersonadministeringtheGovernmentoftheStateundertheConstitutionofQueensland 2001, section
41.adjacentareainrespectoftheStatemeanstheareatheboundary of which is described in thePetroleum (SubmergedLands) Act
1967(Cwlth), schedule 2, as in force
immediatelybeforethecommencementoftheCoastalWaters(StatePowers) Act
1980(Cwlth).AdministrativeArrangementsmeanstheadministrativearrangementsmadebytheGovernorinCouncilbyorderunder theConstitution of Queensland 2001,
section 44.adultmeans an
individual who is 18 or more.affidavit,inrelationtoapersonallowedbylawtoaffirm,declareorpromise,includesaffirmation,declarationandpromise.amendincludes—(a)foranAct,instrumentorprovisionofanActorinstrument—omit, insert, and omit and
insert; andCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1(b)foranActorprovisionofanAct—amendbyimplication; and(c)for
an instrument or provision of an instrument—alter orvary.appointincludes reappoint.appropriately
qualified—(a)forafunctionorpower—meanshavingthequalifications,experienceorstandingappropriatetoperform the function or exercise the power;
or(b)forappointmenttoanoffice—meanshavingthequalifications,experienceorstandingappropriatetoperform the functions of the office.Example of standing—a
person’s classification level in the public serviceASmeansAustralianStandardmadeorpublishedbyStandards Australia.ASC Lawhas
the same meaning asASIC Law.ASC
Regulationshas the same meaning asASIC
Regulationshas when ASIC Regulations is used in
relation to the ASICLaw.ASICmeanstheAustralianSecuritiesandInvestmentsCommission.ASICActmeanstheAustralianSecuritiesandInvestmentsCommission Act
2001(Cwlth).ASICLawhasthemeaninggivenbytheCorporations(Queensland) Act
1990, part 11.ASIC
Regulations—(a)when used in
relation to the ASIC Law, has the meaninggiven by
theCorporations (Queensland) Act 1990,
part11; and(b)whenusedinrelationtotheASICAct,meansregulationsmade,orthathaveeffectasiftheyweremade, under the ASIC Act.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 73
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1assetincludes property of any type.Australiameans the
Commonwealth of Australia but, whenusedinageographicalsense,doesnotincludeanexternalTerritory.Australia
Actsmeans theAustralia Act
1986(Cwlth) and theAustralia Act
Standardmeans a standard made or published byStandards Australia.bankmeans a financial institution that has a
consent under theBanking Act 1959(Cwlth), section
66, to assume or use—(a)the word ‘bank’,
‘banker’ or ‘banking’; or(b)any other word
(whether or not in English) that is of likeimport to a word
covered by paragraph (a).breachincludes fail to
comply with.British Actmeans an Act of
the British Parliament.British Parliamentmeans—(a)the Parliament of England; or(b)the Parliament of Great Britain;
or(c)the Parliament of the United Kingdom
of Great Britainand Ireland; or(d)the
Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britainand
Northern Ireland;as the case requires.burialincludes cremation.business
daymeans a day that is not—(a)a
Saturday or Sunday; or(b)a public
holiday, special holiday or bank holiday in theplace in which
any relevant act is to be or may be done.calendar
monthmeans a period starting at the beginning
ofany day of 1 of the 12 named months and
ending—Page 74Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1(a)immediately before the beginning of the
correspondingday of the next named month; or(b)if there is no such corresponding
day—at the end of thenext named month.calendar
yearmeans a period of 12 months beginning on
1January.changeincludes change by addition, exception,
omission orsubstitution.charge, of
an offence, means a charge in any form, including,for
example, the following—(a)a charge on an
arrest;(b)a complaint under theJustices Act 1886;(c)a charge by a court under theJustices Act 1886, section42(1A) or another provision of an
Act;(d)an indictment.chequeincludes payment order.chief
executive—(a)foradepartmentspecifiedbyname—meansthechiefexecutive of the
department; or(b)forapublicserviceofficespecifiedbyname—meansthe head of the
office under thePublic Service Act 2008;or(c)for the police
service—the commissioner of the policeservice;
or(d)for another public sector unit
specified by name—meansthe chief executive (however
described) in charge of theunit; or(e)in any other case—see section
33.chiefexecutive(correctiveservices)meansthechiefexecutive of the
department in which theCorrective ServicesAct
2006is administered.chiefexecutiveofficerofalocalgovernmentincludesthetown clerk of the Brisbane City
Council.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 75
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Page 76child,ifageratherthandescendancyisrelevant,meansanindividual who is under 18.Childrens Court judgemeans—(a)aDistrictCourtjudgeappointedasaChildrensCourtjudge; or(b)aDistrictCourtjudgewhenconstitutingaChildrensCourtundertheChildrensCourtAct1992,section5(2)(b).Childrens Court magistratemeans—(a)a
magistrate appointed as a Childrens Court magistrate;or(b)a magistrate or
2 justices of the peace when constitutinga Childrens
Court under theChildrens Court Act 1992,section 5(3)(b) or (c).citationof
an Act includes the Act’s short title.coastal waters
of the Statemeans—(a)the
parts of the territorial sea of Australia that are withinthe
adjacent area in respect of the State, other than anypart
mentioned in theCoastal Waters (State Powers) Act1980(Cwlth), section
4(2); or(b)any sea that is on the landward side
of any part of theterritorial sea of Australia and within the
adjacent areain respect of the State, but is not within
the limits of theState.commencementsee section
32F.committalproceedingmeansanexaminationofwitnessesunder theJustices Act 1886about an
indictable offence.Commonwealthmeans the
Commonwealth of Australia but,whenusedinageographicalsense,doesnotincludeanexternal Territory.CommonwealthConstitutionmeanstheConstitutionoftheCommonwealth.Commonwealth
Ministermeans a Minister of the Crown inright of the Commonwealth.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1community or
group of Aboriginal peopleincludes—(a)the
descendants of the community or group; and(b)if
there is only 1 surviving member of a community orgroup of Aboriginal people—that
person.community or group of Torres Strait
descendants of the community or group; and(b)if
there is only 1 surviving member of a community orgroup of Torres Strait Islanders—that
person.complaintandsummonsmeansacomplaintandsummonsunder theJustices Act 1886.Note—See also
thePolice Powers and Responsibilities Act
2000, section 388.confer, in
relation to a function, includes impose.consolidatedfundmeanstheconsolidatedfundestablishedunder theFinancial Accountability Act 2009,
section 16.Constitution of Queenslandmeans the following—(a)Constitution of Queensland 2001;(b)Constitution Act
1867;(c)Constitution Act
Amendment Act 1890;(d)Constitution Act
Amendment Act 1934.contraveneincludes fail to
comply with.corporationincludes a body
politic or corporate.Corporations Actmeans theCorporations Act 2001(Cwlth).Corporations Lawhas the meaning
given by theCorporations(Queensland) Act
1990, part 3.Corporations
legislationmeans the Corporations legislationto
which the Corporations Act, part 1.1A applies.Corporations
Regulations—(a)when used in
relation to the Corporations Law, has themeaninggivenbytheCorporations(Queensland)Act1990, part 3;
andCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 77
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Page 78(b)whenusedinrelationtotheCorporationsAct,meansregulationsmade,orthathaveeffectasiftheyweremade, under the Corporations Act.CSIROmeanstheCommonwealthScientificandIndustrialResearch
Organisation.date of assent, in relation to
an Act, means the day on whichthe Act receives
the royal assent.de facto partnersee section
32DA.de facto relationshipmeans the
relationship existing between2 persons as a
couple because each is the de facto partner ofthe
other.definitionmeans a
provision of an Act (however expressed)that—(a)gives a meaning to a word or
expression; or(b)limits or extends the meaning of a
word or expression.Examples of definitions—1Xmeans Y.2A reference to X is a reference to
Y.3WordsandexpressionsusedintheXYZActhavethesamerespective meanings in this
Act.4Xsee section
Act, schedule 3.departmentsee section
33.Deputy Governormeans a person
exercising a power of theGovernorunderadelegationundertheConstitutionofQueensland 2001, section
40.descendantincludes—(a)inrelationtoAboriginalpeople—adescendantunderAboriginal tradition; and(b)inrelationtoTorresStraitIslanders—adescendantunder Island
custom.District Court judgemeans a judge of
the District Court ofQueensland.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1doctormeans medical practitioner.documentincludes—(a)any paper or other material on which
there is writing;and(b)any paper or
other material on which there are marks,figures, symbols
or perforations having a meaning for aperson qualified
to interpret them; and(c)anydisc,tapeorotherarticleoranymaterialfromwhich sounds,
images, writings or messages are capableofbeingproducedorreproduced(withorwithouttheaid
of another article or device).enactment, in
relation to an Act, has the meaning given bysection
15.entityincludes a
person and an unincorporated body.establishincludes constitute and continue in
easement, charge, right, title, claim, demand,lien and
encumbrance, whether at law or in equity.exempt
subordinate legislationhas the same meaning as intheLegislative Standards Act 1992.expireincludes lapse
or otherwise cease to have effect.externalTerritorymeansaTerritory,otherthananinternalTerritory,forthegovernmentofwhichasaTerritoryprovision is
made by a Commonwealth Act.failincludes refuse.Federal
Courtmeans the Federal Court of Australia.federal industrial instrumentsee
theIndustrial Relations Act1999,
schedule 5.fileincludes
lodge.financialinstitutionmeansanauthoriseddeposit-takinginstitutionwithinthemeaningoftheBankingAct1959(Cwlth), section
5.financial yearmeans a period
of 1 year beginning on 1 July.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1finding,inrelationtoanindictment,includestaking,exhibiting or
making.fixincludes determine and appoint.foreigncountrymeansacountry(whetherornotanindependentsovereignstate)outsideAustraliaandtheexternal Territories.freeholdlandregistermeansthefreeholdlandregisterestablished
under theLand Title Act 1994.functionincludes
duty.fundamental legislative principleshas
the meaning given bytheLegislative
Standards Act 1992.gazettemeans the
Queensland Government Gazette.gazettedmeans published in the gazette.gazette noticemeans notice
published in the gazette.GOC(orgovernmentownedcorporation)hasthesamemeaningasintheGovernmentOwnedCorporationsAct1993.GovernmentGazettemeanstheQueenslandGovernmentGazette.governmentprintermeanstheGovernmentPrinterofQueensland, and includes any other
person authorised by theGovernment to print an Act or
instrument.Governor—(a)forQueensland—hasthemeaninggivenbytheConstitution Act
1867, section 11A(3); or(b)foranotherState(otherthantheAustralianCapitalTerritory or the Northern Territory)—means
the State’sGovernor,andincludesapersonadministeringtheState’s Government; or(c)fortheNorthernTerritory—meanstheTerritory’sAdministrator,
and includes a person administering theTerritory’s
Government.Page 80Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Governor-GeneralmeanstheGovernor-GeneraloftheCommonwealth,andincludesapersonforthetimebeingadministering the Government of the
Commonwealth.Governor in Councilmeans—(a)for Queensland—the Governor acting
with the advice ofExecutive Council; or(b)foranotherState(otherthantheAustralianCapitalTerritory)—the State’s Governor acting with
the adviceof the State’s Executive Council.grant of representation, for a deceased
person, means a grantofprobateofthewillorlettersofadministrationofthedeceased person’s estate, and includes
the grant of an order toadministerandthefilingofanelectiontoadministerthedeceased person’s estate.GSThas the same meaning as it has in
theA New Tax System(GoodsandServicesTax)Act1999(Cwlth)andincludesnotionalGSTofthekindfor whichpaymentmaybemadeunder theGST
and Related Matters Act 2000, section
5.Health Practitioner Regulation National
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law—(i)asinforcefromtimetotime,setoutinthescheduleoftheHealthPractitionerRegulationNational Law Act
2009; and(ii)asitappliesasalawofQueenslandoranotherState, with or
without modification; or(b)the law of a
State that substantially corresponds to thelaw mentioned in
paragraph (a).High Courtmeans the High
Court of Australia.Imperial Actmeans a British
Act.Imperial Parliamentmeans the
British Parliament.indictableoffenceincludesanactoromissioncommittedoutside
Queensland that would be an indictable offence if itwere
committed in Queensland.indictmentincludes
information, inquisition and presentment.Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1individualmeans a natural
person.industrialcommissionmeanstheIndustrialRelationsCommission.industrialcommissionerseetheIndustrialRelationsAct1999.industrial courtsee theIndustrial Relations Act 1999.industrial magistratesee
theIndustrial Relations Act 1999.Industrial Magistrates Courtsee
theIndustrial Relations Act1999.industrial relations commissionsee
theIndustrial RelationsAct 1999.insert, in relation to
a provision of an Act, includes substitute.instrumentmeans any
document.interest, in relation to
land or other property, means—(a)a
legal or equitable estate in the land or other property;or(b)a right, power
or privilege over, or in relation to, the landor other
property.internal Territorymeans the
Australian Capital Territory, theJervis Bay
Territory or the Northern Territory.Island
custom, known in the Torres Strait as Ailan
Kastom,meansthebodyofcustoms,traditions,observancesandbeliefs of Torres Strait Islanders generally
or of a particularcommunity or group of Torres Strait
Islanders, and includesany such customs, traditions,
observances and beliefs relatingto particular
persons, areas, objects or relationships.JervisBayTerritorymeanstheTerritoryreferredtointheJervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act
1915(Cwlth).justicemeans a justice of the peace.landincludesmessuages,tenementsandhereditaments,corporealorincorporeal,ofanytenureordescription,andwhatever may be the interest in the
land.Page 82Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Land and
Resources Tribunalmeans the Land and ResourcesTribunal established under theLand
and Resources TribunalAct 1999.Land
Appeal Courtmeans the Land Appeal Court
establishedunder theLand Court Act
2000.Land Courtmeans the Land
Court established under theLandCourt Act 2000.landregistrymeansthelandregistryestablishedundertheLand Title Act 1994.lawof a State
includes—(a)a law of the State; and(b)a law in force in the State as part of
the law of the State.lawyermeans an
Australian lawyer within the meaning of theLegal Profession
Act 2007.leaseincludesdemise,tenancyandsublease,whetherforaterm, for a
period or at will.lesseeincludes
landlord.liabilitymeans any
liability or obligation (whether liquidatedor unliquidated,
certain or contingent, or accrued or accruing).LieutenantGovernormeansthepersonforthetimebeingappointed as Lieutenant Governor.local governmentmeans—(a)the Brisbane City Council; or(b)alocalgovernmentundertheLocalGovernmentAct2009.local government areameans a local
government area undertheLocal Government
Act 2009.local lawmeans a local
law made by a local government, andincludes a
by-law or ordinance made by a local government.magistratemeansamagistrateappointedundertheMagistrates Act 1991.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 83
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1MagistratesCourtmeansaMagistratesCourtestablishedunder theJustices Act 1886.makeincludes issue
and grant.medicalpractitionermeansapersonregisteredundertheHealth Practitioner Regulation
National Law to practise in themedical
profession,other than as a student.midnight, in relation to
a particular day, means the point oftime at which
the day ends.Ministerhas the meaning
given by section 33.minormeans an
individual who is under 18.modificationincludesaddition,exception,omissionandsubstitution.monthmeans a calendar month.mortgageincludes a charge on a property for securing
moneyor money’s worth.mortgagee in
possessionmeans a mortgagee who in right of amortgagehasenteredintoandisinpossessionofthemortgaged property.named monthmeans 1 of the
12 months of the year.NationalGas(Queensland)Lawmeanstheprovisionsapplying because
of theNational Gas Law (Queensland) Act2008, section 7, and
includes theNational Gas (Queensland)Regulations.NationalGas(Queensland)RegulationsmeanstheprovisionsapplyingbecauseoftheNationalGasLaw(Queensland) Act 2008,
section 8.native titlemeans the
communal, group or individual rightsand interests of
Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders inland or waters
Islanders; andPage 84Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1(b)the
Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders, by thelaws
and customs, have a connection with the land orwaters;
and(c)the rights and interests are
recognised by the commonlaw of Australia.Examples of
rights and interests—hunting, gathering and fishing rights
and interestsNorthern Territorymeans the
Northern Territory of Australia.notice to
appear, in relation to a proceeding for an
offence,see thePolice Powers
and Responsibilities Act 2000, section382(2).notified,
for subordinate legislation, means notified under theStatutory Instruments Act 1992,
section 47.numbermeans—(a)a number expressed in figures or
words; or(b)a letter; or(c)a
combination of a number so expressed and a letter.oath, in relation to
a person allowed by law to affirm, declareor promise,
includes affirmation, declaration and promise.officeincludes position.officer,inrelationtothepublicservice,seepublicserviceofficer.official copy, in relation to
Queensland legislation, means acopy of the
or(b)authorised by the parliamentary
counsel and publishedon the Queensland legislation
website.of this Act, when used in a
schedule or appendix of an Act,means the Act
apart from a schedule or appendix of the Act.ombudsmanmeanstheombudsmanundertheOmbudsmanAct 2001.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 85
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1omit, in
relation to a provision of an Act, includes repeal.orderincouncilhasthemeaninggivenbytheStatutoryInstruments Act 1992.Parliamentmeans—(a)forQueensland—theSovereignandtheLegislativeAssembly;
or(b)for another State—the State’s
legislature.parliamentary counselmeans the
Queensland ParliamentaryCounsel under theLegislative
Standards Act 1992.partyincludes an
individual and a corporation.passing,inrelationtoanAct,hasthemeaninggivenbysection 15.payable, in
relation to GST, includes capable of being paidunder theGST
and Related Matters Act 2000, section
forfeiture and punishment.penalty unithas the meaning
given under thePenalties andSentences Act
1992, section 5.personincludes an individual and a
corporation.personalrepresentativeofadeceasedindividualmeanstheexecutor(whetheroriginalorbyrepresentation)oradministrator of the individual’s
estate.police officermeans a police
officer within the meaning of thePolice Service
Administration Act 1990.possessionoflandincludesthereceiptofincomefromtheland.powerincludes authority.prescribedmeans prescribed
by, or by a statutory rule madeor in force
under, the Act in which the word is used.printedincludestypewritten,lithographedorproducedorreproduced by any mechanical or electronic
means.proceedingmeans a legal or
other action or proceeding.Page 86Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1proceedings in
the Legislative Assemblymeans proceedingsintheAssemblywithinthemeaningoftheParliamentofQueensland Act 2001.proclamationhasthemeaninggivenbytheStatutoryInstruments Act 1992.propertymeansanylegalorequitableestateorinterest(whether present
or future, vested or contingent, or tangible orintangible)inrealorpersonalpropertyofanydescription(including
money), and includes things in action.provision, in
relation to an Act, means words or other matterthat form or
forms part of the Act, and includes—(a)achapter,part,division,subdivision,section,subsection, paragraph, subparagraph,
sub-subparagraph,of the Act apart from a schedule or appendix
of the Act;and(b)ascheduleorappendixoftheActorasection,subsection,
paragraph, subparagraph, sub-subparagraph,item,column,tableorformoforinascheduleorappendix of the Act; and(c)the
long title and any preamble to the Act.public
holidaymeans a day appointed under theHolidays Act1983or
another Act as a public holiday.public sector
department or part of a department; or(b)a
public service office or part of a public service office.public servicemeans the
Queensland public service under thePublic Service
Act 2008, section 5.publicserviceemployeeseethePublicServiceAct2008,section 9(1).public service
officesee thePublic Service
Act 2008, section21(1).public service officersee thePublic Service Act 2008, section8.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 87
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Page 88published, in relation to
the QIRC website, means publishedas provided
under theIndustrial Relations Act 1999,
for an Act, includes policy objective.QCATmeanstheQueenslandCivilandAdministrativeTribunal
established under the QCAT Act.QCATActmeanstheQueenslandCivilandAdministrativeTribunal Act
2009.QIRC websitesee theIndustrial Relations Act 1999,
section304A.QueenslandlawyermeansabarristerorsolicitoroftheSupreme Court.Queensland
Act, including an agreement or other instrument in orattached to the Act; or(b)subordinate legislation, including an
agreement or otherinstrument in or attached to the subordinate
legislation;or(c)anagreementorotherinstrumentnotmentionedinparagraph (a) or (b) that has the same force
of law as anAct or subordinate legislation; or(d)a reprint.QueenslandlegislationwebsitemeansthewebsitewiththeURL<www.legislation.qld.gov.au>oranotherwebsiteauthorised by the parliamentary counsel to
provide access toQueensland legislation.Queensland
watersmeans all waters that are—(a)within the limits of the State;
or(b)coastal waters of the State.recordincludes
information stored or recorded by means of acomputer.registeredpartnermeansapersonwhoisapartytoaregistered
relationship.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1registeredrelationshipmeansaregisteredrelationshipregistered under
theRelationships Act 2011.repealincludes—(a)foraprovisionofanActorinstrument—repealtheprovision by omitting it; and(b)foranAct,instrumentorprovisionofanActorinstrument—abrogate or limit its effect or
exclude fromits application any person, matter or
circumstance; and(c)foraninstrumentoraprovisionofaninstrument—revoke or rescind
it.reprintmeans—(a)a reprint authorised under theLegislative Standards Act1992, section 10A;
or(b)apre-1992reprintwithinthemeaning oftheReprintsAct 1992.rulesofcourthasthemeaninggivenbytheStatutoryInstruments Act 1992.see, followed by a reference to, or to a
provision of, any Act,law or document, when used to define a
word, entity, thing ormatter, means the word, entity, thing
or matter has the samemeaning as it has in the provision,
Act, law or document.seniorexecutive,inrelationtothepublicservice,meansapublic service officer employed under
thePublic Service Act2008as a
senior executive.servehas the meaning
given by section 39.serve by posthas the meaning
given by section 39A.signincludes the
attaching of a seal and the making of a mark.sitting
day, in relation to the Legislative Assembly,
means aday on which the Legislative Assembly
actually sits.Speakermeans the
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.spouseincludes de facto partner and registered
partner.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 89
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1Standards
Association of Australia, for anything done or tobedoneonorafter1July1999,includesareferencetoStandards Australia Limited ACN 087 326
690.Standards Australiameans Standards
Australia Limited ACN087326690,andincludesareferencetotheStandardsAssociation of
Australia as constituted before 1 July 1999.Statemeans a State of the Commonwealth, and
includes theAustralian Capital Territory and the
Northern Territory.statutory declarationmeans—(a)a declaration made under theOaths Act 1867; or(b)adeclarationmadeunderanotherAct,orunderaCommonwealthActoranActofanotherStateoraTerritory,thatauthorisesadeclarationtobemadeotherwise than
in the course of a judicial proceeding.statutory
instrumenthas the meaning given by theStatutoryInstruments Act
1992.statutoryrulehasthemeaninggivenbytheStatutoryInstruments Act
Instruments Act 1992.subordinate
local lawmeans a subordinate local law made bya
local government.summary,foranoffenceorproceeding,hasthemeaninggiven by section
44.supply, in relation to
GST, has the same meaning as it has intheANewTaxSystem(GoodsandServicesTax)Act1999(Cwlth).Supreme Court judgeorjudgemeans a judge of
the SupremeCourt.swear,inrelationtoapersonallowedbylawtoaffirm,declare or promise, includes affirm, declare
and promise.tableintheLegislativeAssemblymeanslaybeforetheAssembly.Page 90Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Schedule 1territorialseaofAustraliameanstheterritorialseaofAustralia within the limits mentioned
in theCoastalWaters(State Powers) Act 1980(Cwlth), section
4(1).Territorymeans a
Territory of the Commonwealth.the Statemeans the State of Queensland.Torres Strait Islanderis a person who
is a descendant of anIndigenous inhabitant of the Torres
Strait Islands.transferof an interest
in land means the passing of the interestother than by
transmission.transmissionof an interest
in land means the passing of theinterestbecauseofdeathorunderalawaboutbankruptcy,insolvency or
the liquidation of corporations.under,
for an Act or a provision of an Act, includes—(a)by;
and(b)for the purposes of; and(c)in accordance with; and(d)within the meaning of.United Kingdommeans the United
Kingdom of Great Britainand Northern Ireland.valuer-generalmeans the
Valuer-General appointed under theLand Valuation
Act 2010.willincludes
codicil.wordincludes any
drawing, expression, figure and symbol.writingincludesanymodeofrepresentingorreproducingwords in a
visible form.year,withoutspecifyingthetypeofyear,meanscalendaryear.Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 91
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesEndnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .923Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .924List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .945List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .1032KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered3Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryPage 92Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 30039061 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.123456788A8B99A9B1010A10B1111A11B11C1212A12B12CAmendments to1992 Act No.
271992 Act No. 681993 Act No.
321993 Act No. 761994 Act No.
151994 Act No. 871995 Act No.
371995 Act No. 581996 Act No.
761997 Act No. 11997 Act No.
11997 Act No. 351997 Act No.
821998 Act No. 281999 Act No.
331999 Act No. 332000 Act No.
202000 Act No. 462000 Act No.
632001 Act No. 72001 Act No.
452001 Act No. 812001 Act No.
812001 Act No. 81Effective1
July 19927 December 19923 June
199314 December 199310 May
19941 December 199416 June
199528 November 199512 December
199627 March 199727 March
19971 October 19975 December
19975 December 19971 July
19991 January 200023 June
200025 October 200017 November
200021 April 200115 July
20013 December 20011 March
20026 June 2002Reprint
date1 July 19929 December
199224 June 199323 December
199325 May 199415 December
19947 July 199512 December
199511 February 199711 April
199720 June 199714 November
19979 December 199726 June
19989 July 199918 February
20007 July 20003 November
20001 December 200018 May
20015 October 200114 December
20018 March 20027 June
included2002 Act No. 342002 Act No.
742002 Act No. 39—2004
Act No. 112004 Act No. 372005 Act No.
702006 Act No. 29Effective16
August 20021 April 20031 July
20031 July 20031 July
20041 January 20058 December
200528 August 2006NotesR12F
withdrawn, seeR13R13D withdrawn, seeR14Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 93
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesReprintNo.1414A14B14C14D14E14FAmendments
included—2007 Act No. 362007 Act No.
392007 Act No. 372007 Act No.
592008 Act No. 272008 Act No.
382007 Act No. 10Effective28
August 200629 August 200721 September
200728 September 200715 March
20081 July 20081 October
Act No. 915B2009 Act No. 3815C2009
Act No. 2415D2009 Act No. 4915E2010
Act No. 1315F2009 Act No. 172010 Act No.
1415G2010 Act No. 3915H2010
Act No. 421 October 20081 July
200926 October 20091 December
200910 December 20091 April
20101 July 201020 September
201014 October 201016—16A2011 Act No.
2416B2011 Act No. 4616C2012
Act No. 1214 October 201018 August
201123 February 201227 June
2012Current as at23 September
20138 November 2013 rvAmendments
included2013 Act No. 392013 Act No.
35NotesR14F withdrawn,
seeR15R15H withdrawn, seeR16NotesRA s 354List of legislationActs
Interpretation Act 1954 3 Eliz 2 No. 3date of assent 27
April 1954commenced on date of assentNote—
s 58 was relocated from theStatutory Instruments Act 1992to
theActsInterpretation Act 1954into
pt 12A and renumbered as s 48 (2013 No. 39 s105)amending legislation—Acts
Interpretation Act Amendment Act 1957 6 Eliz 2 No. 18date
of assent 11 November 1957commenced 12 August 1957 (see s
1(4))Acts Interpretation Acts Amendment Act 1960 9
Eliz 2 No. 14date of assent 31 October 1960Page
94Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotescommenced on date
of assentActs Interpretation Acts Amendment Act 1962
No. 2date of assent 17 September 1962commenced on date of assentBritish Subject (Interpretation) Act 1970 No.
10 s 3date of assent 13 April 1970commenced 20 February 1973 (proc pubd gaz 17
February 1973 p 682)Acts Interpretation Act Amendment Act
1971 No. 43date of assent 1 November 1971commenced on date of assentActs
Interpretation Act Amendment Act 1977 No. 37date of assent 23
September 1977commenced 1 January 1978 (proc pubd gaz 17
December 1977 p 1598)Evidence Act 1977 No. 47 s 3(6) sch 1
pt Fdate of assent 3 October 1977commenced 1 January 1978 (see s 1(2))Penalty Units Act 1985 No. 73 s 13date
of assent 23 October 1985commenced 1 May 1986 (proc pubd gaz 12
April 1986 p 1571)Corrective Services (Consequential
Amendments) Act 1988 No. 88 s 3 sch 1date of assent 1
December 1988commenced 15 December 1988 (see s 2(2) and
order pubd gaz 10 December 1988 p1675)Acts
Interpretation Act and Another Act Amendment Act 1989 No. 28 pt
1date of assent 28 April 1989commenced on date of assentCorporations (Consequential Amendments) Act
1990 No. 99 s 3.1 schdate of assent 12 December 1990commenced 1 January 1991 (proc pubd gaz 22
December 1990 p 2270)Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 1991
No. 30date of assent 12 June 1991commenced 1 July 1991 (proc pubd gaz 22 June
1991 p 975)Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 No. 68
ss 1–2, 111 sch 2date of assent 24 October 1991ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 14 December 1991 (1991 SL No. 173)Stipendiary Magistrates Act 1991 No. 75 ss
1–2, 26 sch 3date of assent 21 November 1991ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 1992 (1991 SL No. 211)Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 95
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesStatute Law
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1991 No. 97 ss 1–3 sch 1date
of assent 17 December 1991s 3 sch 1 amdts 21 and 22 commenced 1
January 1992remaining provisions commenced on date of
assentJudicial Review Act 1991 No. 100 ss 1–2,
61date of assent 17 December 1991ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provision commenced 1 June 1992 (1992 SL No. 110)Queensland Office of Financial Supervision
Act 1992 No. 12 ss 1–2, 66 schdate of assent 6
May 1992ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 29 May 1992
(1992 SL No. 109)Nature Conservation Act 1992 No. 20 ss 1–2,
159 sch 2date of assent 22 May 1992ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 1992 (1992 SL No. 159)Statutory Instruments Act 1992 No. 22 ss 1,
48 sch 3date of assent 1 June 1992commenced on date of assentLegislative Standards Act 1992 No. 26 s 1, pt
5date of assent 1 June 1992commenced on date of assentReprints Act 1992 No. 27 s 1, pt 9date
of assent 1 June 1992commenced on date of assentPenalties and Sentences Act 1992 No. 48 ss
1–2, 207 schdate of assent 24 November 1992ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 27 November 1992 (1992 SL No. 377)Nursing Act 1992 No. 55 ss 1–2, 163 sch
2date of assent 30 November 1992commenced on date of assent (see s 2)Lands
Legislation Amendment Act 1992 No. 64 ss 1–3 sch 1date
of assent 7 December 1992ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 18 December
1992 (1992 SL No. 448)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Act (No. 2) 1992 No. 68 ss 1–3 sch 1date of assent 7
December 1992commenced on date of assent (see s 2)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1993 No. 32 ss 1–3 sch 1 (this Act isamended, see
amending legislation below)date of assent 3 June 1993Page
96Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotess 3 sch 1 amdt 12
commenced 1 July 1990 (see s 3 sch 1 as amd 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch1)remaining provisions commenced on date
of assentamending legislation—StatuteLaw(MiscellaneousProvisions)Act1993No.76ss1–3sch1(amends 1993 No.
32 above)date of assent 14 December 1993commenced on date of assent (see s 2)Local
Government Act 1993 No. 70 ss 1–2, 804 schdate of assent 7
December 1993ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 26 March 1994
(see s 2(5))Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
(No. 2) 1993 No. 76 ss 1–3 sch 1date of assent 14
December 1993commenced on date of assent (see s 2)Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 No. 85 ss
1–2(2), pt 13 div 4 (this Act is amended,see amending
legislation below)date of assent 17 December 1993ss
1–2(2) commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 28 November 1994 (1994 SL No. 408)amending legislation—Native Title
(Queensland) Amendment Act 1994 No. 61 ss 1–2 sch 1 (amends1993
No. 85 above)date of assent 24 November 1994commenced on date of assentLand
Title Act 1994 No. 11 ss 1–2, 194 sch 2date of assent 7
March 1994ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 24 April 1994
(1994 SL No. 132)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
(No. 1) 1994 No. 15 ss 1–3 sch 1date of assent 10
May 1994commenced on date of assentFire
Service Legislation Amendment Act 1994 No. 71 pts 1, 4date
of assent 1 December 1994commenced on date of assentActs
Interpretation (State Commercial Activities) Amendment Act 1994 No.
73date of assent 1 December 1994commenced on date of assentStatutory Instruments and Legislative
Standards Amendment Act 1994 No. 83 pts 1,4date
of assent 1 December 1994commenced on date of assentCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 97
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesStatute Law
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1994 No. 87 ss 1–3 sch
1date of assent 1 December 1994commenced on date of assentJustice and Attorney-General (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1995 No. 24 pts 1–2date of assent 11
April 1995commenced on date of assentCriminal Code No. 37 of 1995 ss 1–2, 458 sch
2 pts 1–2 (this Act is amended, seeamending
legislation below)date of assent 16 June 1995ss
1–2, 458 sch 2 pt 1 commenced on date of assent (see s 2(1))remaining provisions never proclaimed into
force and om 1997 No. 3 s 121amending
legislation—Statute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1995 No. 58
ss 1–2, 4 sch 1 (amends 1995No. 37
above)date of assent 28 November 1995amdts
1, 3–6 commenced 16 June 1995 (see s 2(1))remaining amdt
commenced 28 November 1995 (see s 2(1))Statute Law
(Minor Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1995 No. 51 ss 1, 4 schdate
of assent 22 November 1995commenced on date of assentStatute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1995 No. 58
ss 1–2, 4 sch 1date of assent 28 November 1995commenced on date of assentPublic Service Act 1996 No. 37 ss 1–2, 147
sch 2date of assent 22 October 1996ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 1996 (1996 SL No. 361)Acts
Interpretation Amendment Act 1996 No. 76date of assent 12
December 1996commenced on date of assentWorkplace Relations Act 1997 No. 1 ss 1–2,
495 sch 4date of assent 14 February 1997ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 27 March 1997 (1997 SL No. 77)Friendly Societies (Queensland) Act 1997 No.
35 ss 1–2, 38 schdate of assent 18 July 1997ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 October 1997 (1997 SL No. 307)Justice and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1997 No. 82 ss1–2(1), 3
schdate of assent 5 December 1997commenced on date of assentPage
98Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesGas Pipelines
Access (Queensland) Act 1998 No. 28 ss 1–2 pt 7 div 1date
of assent 18 May 1998ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 19 May 2000
(automatic commencement underAIA s 15DA(2))
(1999 SL No. 86 s 2)Land and Resources Tribunal Act 1999
No. 7 ss 1–2, 87 sch 3date of assent 18 March 1999ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 30 April 1999 (1999 SL No. 71)Financial Sector Reform (Queensland) Act 1999
No. 27 ss 1–2(1), (4), 76 sch 1 pt 3date of assent 16
June 1999ss 1–2, 76 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 1999
(see s 2(1) and proc pubd Cwlth ofAustralia gaz 29
June 1999, No. S283)Financial Administration Legislation
Amendment Act 1999 No. 29 ss 1–2, 50 schdate of assent 16
June 1999ss 1–2, 50 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 1999
(1999 SL No. 122 and see 1999 SLNo. 119, 1999 SL
No. 70 s 2(3))Local Government and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 1999 No. 30 ss 1, 2(2), (4),98 sch 3 pt
2date of assent 16 June 1999sch 3
pt 2 commenced 1 January 2000 (see s 2(2))remaining
provisions commenced on date of assent (see s 2(4))Industrial Relations Act 1999 No. 33 ss 1,
2(2), 747 sch 3date of assent 18 June 1999ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 1999 (1999 SL No. 159)Corporations (Queensland) Amendment Act 2000
No. 12 pts 1, 3date of assent 20 April 2000ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 21 April 2001 (automatic commencement
underAIA s 15DA(2))GST and Related
Matters Act 2000 No. 20 ss 1–2(1), 29 sch 3date of assent 23
June 2000commenced on date of assent (see s
2(1))Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
2000 No. 46 ss 1, 3 schdate of assent 25 October 2000commenced on date of assentJustice and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 2000 No. 58 ss 1–2 schdate of assent 17
November 2000commenced on date of assentCurrent as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 99
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesCorrective
Services Act 2000 No. 63 ss 1, 2(2), 276 sch 2date of assent 24
November 2000ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2001
(2001 SL No. 88)Medical Practitioners Registration Act 2001
No. 7 ss 1–2, 302 sch 2date of assent 11 May 2001ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 March 2002 (2002 SL No. 30)Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001
No. 45 ss 1–2, 29 sch 3date of assent 28 June 2001ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentsch3commenced15July2001(sees2(2)ofAct2001No.45(Qld)andCorporations Act 2001 No. 50 (Cwlth) and
proc pubd Cwlth of Australia gaz 13July 2001, No.
S285)remaining provision commenced immediately
before 15 July 2001 (see s 2(1) of Act2001 No. 45 (Qld)
and Corporations Act 2001 No. 50 (Cwlth) and proc pubdCwlth
of Australia gaz 13 July 2001, No. S285)Ombudsman Act
2001 No. 73 ss 1–2, 96 sch 1date of assent 13
November 2001ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 3 December
2001 (2001 SL No. 224)Constitution of Queensland 2001 No. 80
ss 1–2, 94 sch 2date of assent 3 December 2001ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 6 June 2002 (see s 2)Parliament of
Queensland Act 2001 No. 81 ss 1–2, ch 9 pt 2date of assent 3
December 2001ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 6 June 2002
(see s 2)Justice and Other Legislation (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 2002 No. 34 ss 1, 74 sch6date
of assent 16 August 2002commenced on date of assentJuvenile Justice Amendment Act 2002 No. 39
pts 1, 3date of assent 29 August 2002ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2003 (2002 SL No. 350)Discrimination Law Amendment Act 2002 No. 74
pts 1–2date of assent 13 December 2002ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 April 2003 (2003 SL No. 51)Legal
Profession Act 2003 No. 97 ss 1, 2(2), 380 sch 1date
of assent 3 December 2003Page 100Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesss 1–2 commenced
on date of assentremaining provisions never proclaimed into
force and rep 2004 No. 11 s 642Legal Profession
Act 2004 No. 11 ss 1, 2(2), 596 sch 1date of assent 31
May 2004ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2004
(2004 SL No. 106)Local Government (Community Government Areas)
Act 2004 No. 37 ss 1–2, 86 sch 1date of assent 27
October 2004ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 January
2005 (2004 SL No. 266)Justice and Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2005 No. 70 s 1, pt 2date of assent 8 December 2005commenced on date of assentCorrective Services Act 2006 No. 29 ss 1,
2(2), 518 sch 3date of assent 1 June 2006ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commence 28 August 2006 (2006 SL No. 213)Government Owned Corporations Amendment Act
2007 No. 10 ss 1–2, 62 schdate of assent 20 March 2007ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 October 2008 (2008 SL No. 316)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
2007 No. 36date of assent 29 August 2007commenced on date of assentJustice and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2007 No. 37 pts 1–2date of assent 29 August 2007ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 28 September 2007 (2007 SL No. 241)Land
Court and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007 No. 39 ss 1–2, 41
schdate of assent 29 August 2007ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 21 September 2007 (2007 SL No. 236)LocalGovernmentandOtherLegislation(IndigenousRegionalAmendment Act 2007 No. 59 ss 1–2, 152
schdate of assent 22 November 2007ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 15 March 2008 (2007 SL No. 336)Councils)National Gas
(Queensland) Act 2008 No. 27 ss 1–2(1), 23–24date of assent 9
May 2008ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2008
(2008 SL No. 195 see alsoNationalGas (South
Australia) Act 2008No. 19 (S.A.) and proc pubd South
Australiangaz 26 June 2008 p 2561)Current as at 8
November 2013 revised versionPage
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesPublic Service
Act 2008 No. 38 ss 1–2, 252 sch 3date of assent 11
June 2008ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2008
(2008 SL No. 208)Financial Accountability Act 2009 No. 9 ss 1,
2(2), 136 sch 1date of assent 28 May 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (2009 SL No. 80)Local
Government Act 2009 No. 17 ss 1, 2(4), 331 sch 1date
of assent 12 June 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010
(2010 SL No. 122)Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
(Jurisdiction Provisions) AmendmentAct 2009 No. 24
ss 1–2, ch 9 pt 1date of assent 26 June 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 2009 (2009 SL No. 252)Electrical Safety and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2009 No. 38 ss 1, 2(2), pt 4date of assent 22
September 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 26 October
2009 (2009 SL No. 233)Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and
Other Provisions Act 2009 No. 49 ss 1–2, pt3 div 1date
of assent 19 November 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 10 December
2009 (2009 SL No. 289)Note—AIA s 15DA does not apply (see s
2(2)).Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2010 No. 13 ss 1, 2(2)(d), 138 schpt 1date
of assent 1 April 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced on date of
assent (see s 2(2)(d))Health Legislation (Health Practitioner
Regulation National Law) Amendment Act2010 No. 14 pt
1, s 124 schdate of assent 21 April 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2)Land Valuation
Act 2010 No. 39 s 1, ch 11 pt 2date of assent 20
September 2010commenced on date of assentJustice and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2010 No. 42 s 1, pt 2, s 3 schdate of assent 14
October 2010commenced on date of assentPage
102Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesParliamentary
Service and Other Acts Amendment Act 2011 No. 24 pts 1–2date
of assent 9 August 2011ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 18 August
2011 (2011 SL No. 154)Civil Partnerships Act 2011 No. 46 ss
1–2, pt 6 div 2date of assent 6 December 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 23 February 2012 (2012 SL No. 15)Civil
Partnerships and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 No. 12 ss 1,
s 59 schdate of assent 27 June 2012commenced on date of assentJustice and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2013 No. 35 ss 1, 2(a), pt 3date of assent 29
August 2013ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 8 November
2013 (2013 SL No. 219)Treasury and Trade and Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 s 1, ch 3 pt 1,s
110(1) sch 3 pt 1date of assent 23 September 2013commenced on date of assent5List of annotationsLong
titlesub 1992 No. 68 s 3 sch 1PART
1—PRELIMINARYpt hdgins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Act applies to all Actss 2prev
s 2 om 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2pres s 2 ins 1991
No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd 2005 No. 70 s 4Application of
this Acthdg prec s 3om 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Act applies to statutory instrumentss
3amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 schs 1–2sub
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Construction subject to Legislative Powers of
Statehdg prec s 4om 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Displacement of Act by contrary
intentions 4(prev s 3A) ins 1991 No. 30 s 4renum
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 103
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesMeaning of
Acthdg prec s 5om 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Act binds Crowns 5amd
1991 No. 30 s 3 schs 1–2sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1PART
2—MEANING OF ACTpt hdgins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Reference to and Citation of Actshdg
prec s 6om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1References
toActs 6ins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1992 No. 68 s 3
sch 1; 2005 No. 70 s 5Act includes statutory instruments
under Act etc.s 7ins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3; 1993 No.
32 s 3 sch 1References tothe Actin
statutory instruments 8ins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1om 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3PART
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Interpretation of Act in relation to
Parliament’s legislative powerprov hdgsub
2010 No. 42 s 4(1)s 9ins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd 2010 No. 42 s 4(2)Declaration of validity of certain
lawss 9Ains 1995 No. 51 s 4 schGeneral Provisions as to Legislative
Enactmentshdg prec s 10om 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Section has effect as substantive
enactments 10sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Acts
to be public Actss 11amd 1977 No. 47 s 3(6) sch 1 pt
Fsub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Private Acts not to affect rights of
otherss 12sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Private Acts amended by public Acts do not
become public Actss 12Ains 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Page
104Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesActs not to
affect native title except by express provisions 13Ains
1993 No. 85 s 178 (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 1)Acts not to
affect powers, rights or immunities of Legislative Assembly except
byexpress provisions 13Bins
2000 No. 58 s 2 schMaterial that is, and is not, part of an
Acts 14amd 1962 No. 2 s 3sub 1991 No. 30 s
10amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch 1; 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 2005No. 70 s 6; 2013
No. 39 s 110(1) sch 3 pt 1Interpretation best achieving Act’s
purposes 14Ains 1991 No. 30 s 11(1)amd
1994 No. 71 s 14Use of extrinsic material in
interpretations 14Bins 1991 No. 30 s 11(1)amd
2011 No. 24 s 4; 2013 No. 39 s 45Changes of
drafting practice not to affect meanings 14Cins
1991 No. 30 s 11(2)Exampless 14Dins
ACTSpt hdgins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1References to Acts generallys
14E(prev s 6) sub 1991 No. 30 s 5renum
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1References to particular Actss
14F(prev s 7) amd 1962 No. 2 s 2sub
1991 No. 30 s 6renum 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 2005 No. 70 s 7References to
enactmentss 14G(prev s 7A) ins 1991 No. 30 s 7renum
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 2013 No. 39
s 46References taken to be included in reference
to lawprov hdgamd 2000 No. 46 s
3 schs 14H(prev s 8) sub 1991 No. 30 s 8renum
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 105
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesReferences to
changed short titles and citationss 14I(prev
s 9) sub 1991 No. 30 s 9renum 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1References to repealed or expired
lawss 14Jins 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1PART
5—COMMENCEMENT OF ACTSpt hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1References to enactment etc. of Actss
15sub 1991 No. 30 s 12Commencement of
Acts on date of assentprov hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1s 15Ains 1991 No. 30 s 13Time
of commencement of Actss 15Bins 1991 No. 30 s
13amd 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Commencement of citation and commencement
provisions on date of assent etc.prov hdgsub
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1s 15Cins 1991 No. 30 s
13amd 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Commencement by proclamation etc.s
15Dins 1991 No. 30 s 13amd 1992 No. 68 s
3 sch 1; 2013 No. 39 s 47Automatic commencement of postponed
laws 15DAins 1994 No. 15 s
3 sch 1Commencement of paragraphs etc. in amending
Acts 15Eins 1991 No. 30 s 13Evidence of date of assents
16sub 1991 No. 30 s 14om 2013 No. 39 s
48Exercise of powers between enactment and
commencements 17sub 1977 No. 37 s 3; 1991 No. 30 s
15amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 32 s 3
hdgins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Act
may be amended or repealed in same parliamentary sessions
EFFECThdg prec s 18ins 1991 No. 30 s
3 sch 2om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Page 106Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesTime of expiry of
Act etc.s 18sub 1991 No. 30 s 16; 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch 1Repealed and amended Acts not revived on
repeal of repealing and amending Actss 19sub
1991 No. 30 s 17amd 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1; 1994 No. 87 s 3
sch 1sub 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1amd
2010 No. 42 s 3 schCommencement not undone if omitteds
19Ains 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1Saving of operation of repealed Act
etc.s 20sub 1991 No. 30 s 18amd
1992 No. 48 s 207 sch; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch
1;1995 No. 37 s 458 sch 2 pt 1; 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1; 1996 No. 76 s 2 schRepeal does not
end saving, transitional or validating effect etc.s
20Ains 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1; 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1; 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch
1; 1996No. 76 s 2 schContinuance of
appointments etc. made under amended provisionss 20Bins
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd 2007 No. 36 s 2 schCreation of offences and changes in
penaltiesprov hdgins 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1s 20C(prev s 20(2C)–(4)) renum 1995 No. 58
s 4 sch 1amd 1996 No. 76 s 2 schContinuance of
repealed provisionsprov hdgins 1991 No. 30 s
3 sch 2amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1s
21amd 1991 No. 30 ss 19, 3 sch 2; 1991 No. 97
s 3 sch 1Amending Actshdg prec s
22om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Act and amending
Acts to be read as ones 22amd 1991 No. 30 s
3 sch 1sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Insertion of provisions by amending
Acts 22Ains 1991 No. 30 s 20sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd 2005 No. 70 s 8; 2010 No. 42 s 3
schAmendment to be made wherever possible in
provisions 22Bins 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 107
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesAutomatic repeal
of amending Acts 22Cins 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1amd
1994 No. 83 s 12; 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1; 2005 No. 70 s 9; 2010 No.
1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2; 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Performance of
statutory functions etc.s 23sub 1991 No. 30 s
21amd 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Conferral of statutory power on another
entitys 23Ains 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Power
to make statutory rules for purposes of Acts 24amd
1991 No. 30 s 3 schs 1–2sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Power to make instrument or decision
includes power to amend or repeals 24AAins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Appointments may be made by name or
offices 24Ains 1991 No. 30 s 22amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch
1Acting appointmentss 24Bins
1991 No. 30 s 22amd 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3; 1993 No. 32 s 3
sch 1; 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1;2005 No. 70 s
10Acting person nominated by Act etc.s
24Cins 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd
2005 No. 70 s 11Powers of appointment imply certain
incidental powerss 25amd 1971 No. 43 s 2; 1991 No. 30 s 3
schs 1–2sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1992 No. 55 s 163 sch 2; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Appointment not
affected by defect etc.s 26prev s 26 om 1991
No. 97 s 3 sch 1pres s 26 ins 1992 No. 55 s 163 sch 2Power
to hear and determine includes power to administer oaths
27sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Delegation of functions or powersprov
hdgamd 2005 No. 70 s 12(1)s 27Ains
1971 No. 43 s 3sub 1991 No. 30 s 23Page 108Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesamd 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1; 1992 No. 68 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993No.
76 s 3 sch 1; 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 2005 No. 70 s 12(2)–(7); 2010
No.13 s 138 sch pt 1Content of
statement of reasons for decision27Bins
1991 No. 100 s 61(2)Instruments and Resolutionshdg
prec s 28om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Statutory
instruments to be construed not to exceed powers conferred by Acts
underwhich mades 28amd
1991 No. 30 s 3 schs 1–2sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Matters for which statutory rules may
make provisions 28AAins 1991 No. 30 s
24amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Presumption of validitys
28ABins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Statutory instruments purporting to be
made under a particular powers 28ACins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Regulationss 28Ains
1971 No. 43 s 4amd 1977 No. 37 s 4; 1977 No. 47 s 3(6) sch
1 pt F; 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1;1991 No. 97 s 3
sch 1om 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Legislative Assembly’s resolutions to be
interpreted not to exceed authoritys 29amd
1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Tabling of reports when Legislative Assembly
not sittings 29Ains 1989 No. 28 s 3sub
1995 No. 24 s 3om 2001 No. 81 s 127Working out
number of sitting dayss 29Bins 1992 No. 22 s
48 sch 3sub 1994 No. 83 s 13Private
Actshdg prec s 30om 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1No private Act to affect property of Crown or
persons not nameds 30amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1om
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 109
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesThe Crownhdg
prec s 31om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1PART 8—TERMS AND
REFERENCES IN ACTSpt hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Defined terms—other parts of speech and
grammatical formss 32sub 1991 No. 30 s 25Definitions to be read in contexts
32Ains 1991 No. 30 s 26Definitions
generally apply to entire Acts 32AAins
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Terms defined both in this Act and
another Acts 32AB(prev s 32AA) ins
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1renum
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Genders 32Bins
1991 No. 30 s 26Numbers 32Cins
1991 No. 30 s 26Meaning ofmayandmustetc.s
32CAins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1Words and expressions used in amending
Actss 32CBins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1amd 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Words
and expressions used in statutory instrumentss 32CCins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3References to persons generallys
32Dins 1991 No. 30 s 26amd 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1sub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1amd
1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1Meaning ofde facto
partners 32DAins 2002 No. 74 s
4Production of records kept in computers
etc.s 32Eins 1991 No. 30 s 26amd
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1References to commencements
32Fins 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1Page
110Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesReferences to
Ministers, departments and chief executivesprov hdgsub
1991 No. 30 s 27(1); 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1s 33amd
1957 6 Eliz 2 No. 18 s 2; 1971 No. 43 s 5; 1991 No. 30 ss 27(2), 3
sch 2;1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch
1; 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1; 1994No. 87 s 3 sch 1;
1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2; 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2; 2008No.
38 s 252 sch 3References to States include
Territoriess 33Ains 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1amd
1995 No. 24 s 4References to officers and holders of
officess 34sub 1991 No. 30 s 28References to Queensland to be implieds
35sub 1991 No. 30 s 29amd 1992 No. 68 s
3 sch 1; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1References to person with interest in land
includes personal representative etc.s 35Aprev
s 35A ins 1971 No. 43 s 6sub 1977 No. 37 s 5; 1991 No. 30 s
30om 1992 No. 27 s 52pres s 35A ins
1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2References to provisions designated by
number without mentioning another Acts 35Bins
1991 No. 30 s 31amd 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch
1Naming of certain statutory
instrumentss 35BAins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 53Name of provision
units in statutory instrumentss 35BBins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 54Headings part of provision etc.s
35Cins 1991 No. 30 s 31amd 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1; 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 2005 No. 70 s 13; 2010 No.42 s
5References to items at the end of a
provisions 35CAins 2005 No. 70 s
14Reference to provisions of a law is
inclusives 35Dins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Instrument made under the Acts
35Eins 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3Meaning of commonly used words and
expressionss 36amd 2013 No. 39 s 49(3)–(4)Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 111
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesNote—s 36
contained definitions for this Act. Definitions are now located
inschedule 1 (Dictionary). Annotations for
definitions contained in s 36 arelocated in
annotations for sch 1.PART 9—DISTANCE, TIME AND AGEpt
hdgsub 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2; 1991 No. 97 s 3
sch 1Measurement of distances 37sub
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Reckoning of times 38sub
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 2000 No. 58
s 2 schAges 38Ains 1991 No. 30 s
33sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1PART 10—SERVICE OF DOCUMENTSpt
hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Service of documentss 39amd
1960 9 Eliz 2 No. 14 s 2sub 1991 No. 30 s 34amd
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Meaning of
service by post etc.s 39Ains 1991 No. 30 s
35amd 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1; 1996 No. 76 s
3Formshdg prec s
40om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Variation of
formss 40amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1om
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1PART 11—OFFENCES AND CRIMINAL
PROCEEDINGSpt hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Penalty at end of provisions
41amd 1977 No. 37 s 6; 1988 No. 88 s 3 sch 1;
1991 No. 30 s 3 schs 1–2sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Penalty other than at end of
provisions 41Ains 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Any person may prosecute etc.prov
hdgsub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1s
42sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1Page 112Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesAppropriation of
penaltiess 43sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Summary Proceedingshdg prec s
44om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Summary
proceedingss 44amd 1985 No. 73 s 13(1); 1991 No. 30 s
3 sch 1sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1Offences under Two or more Lawshdg
prec s 45om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Offence
punishable only onces 45sub 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1Corporationshdg prec s
46om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Bodies
corporates 46amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1sub
hdgorig pt 12 hdg sub 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2;
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
pt 12 hdg ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om 2001 No. 80 s
94 sch 2pres pt 12 hdg ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Definitions for pt 12s 47orig
s 47 amd 1991 No. 30 s 36; 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 27 s 56prev s 47 ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om
2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres s 47 ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Application of laws of the State to coastal
waterss 47Aorig s 47A ins 1991 No. 30 s 37amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
s 47A ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres
s 47A ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Laws with specific application not to
applys 47Borig s 47B ins 1991 No. 30 s 37amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
s 47B ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres
s 47B ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 113
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesExtent of
jurisdiction in relation to coastal waterss 47Corig
s 47C ins 1991 No. 30 s 37amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
1992 No. 27 s 56prev s 47C ins 1994 No. 73 s 3amd
1999 No. 29 s 50 schom 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres
s 47C ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Constitutional basiss
47Dorig s 47D ins 1991 No. 30 s 37amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
s 47D ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres
s 47D ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Savings 47Eorig
s 47E ins 1991 No. 30 s 37om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
s 47E ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2pres
s 47E ins 2010 No. 42 s 6Regulation making powers
47Forig s 47F ins 1991 No. 30 s 37amd
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om 1992 No. 27 s 56prev
s 47F ins 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1om 2001 No. 80 s
94 sch 2Amendment of Act may be made in accordance
with reprint etc.s 47Gins 1991 No. 30 s 37om
1992 No. 27 s 56PART 12A—FORMSpt hdgins
2013 No. 39 s 50Forms—notification and availabilitys
48prev s 48 reloc to 1867 31 Vic No. 12 s 42
1995 No. 24 s 6pres s 48 (prev 1992 No. 22 s 58) ins 1994
No. 83 s 4amd 2013 No. 39 s 105(1)–(2)renum
and reloc 2013 No. 39 s 105(3)Compliance with
formsprov hdgsub 1992 No. 68 s
3 sch 1amd 2013 No. 39 s 52(1)s 48A(prev
s 49) sub 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd 1992 No. 22 s
48 sch 3; 1992 No. 68 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1;1993
No. 76 s 3 sch 1; 2013 No. 39 s 52(2)–(3)renum and reloc
2013 No. 39 s 52(4)Page 114Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesPART
13—MISCELLANEOUSpt hdgsub 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1Proclamations and Orders in Councilhdg
prec s 49om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Verification of
documentss 49(prev s 48A) ins 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch
1renum 2013 No. 39 s 51JURISDICTION AND
RULES OF COURThdg prec s 49Ains 1991 No. 30 s
38om 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1Jurisdiction of
courts and tribunalss 49Ains 1991 No. 30 s
38Rules of Courthdg prec s
50om 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2Making or
amendment of subordinate legislation by an Acts 50prev
s 50 sub 1991 No. 30 s 39om 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1pres
s 50 ins 2013 No. 39 s 53Judges of Supreme Courts
51amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1; 1991 No. 68 s 111
sch 2om 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1References to
Acts Shortening Act 1867s 51Ains 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1References to the Crown etc.s
52prev s 52 om 1970 No. 10 s 3(1)(b)pres
s 52 (prev s 31) amd 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 1renum 1991 No. 97
s 3 sch 1amd 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3; 1992 No. 27 s
57; 1995 No. 24 s 7(1)(1) and (2) reloc to 1867 31 Vic No.
12 s 5A(1) and (2) 1995 No. 24 s 7(2)PART
14—TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSpt hdgins 2013 No. 39 s
54Division 1—Transitional provision for
Parliamentary Service and Other ActsAmendment Act
2011div hdgins 2013 No. 39 s
54Transitional—extrinsic material—speech in
Legislative Assemblys 53orig s 53 om 1991
No. 97 s 3 sch 1prev s 53 ins 1994 No. 73 s 3om
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1pres s 53 ins 2011 No. 24 s 5Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 115
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesDivision
2—Transitional provisions for Treasury and Trade and Other
LegislationAmendment Act 2013div hdgins
2013 No. 39 s 55Definitions for div 2s 54prev
s 54 om 1991 No. 30 s 3 sch 2pres s 54 ins
2013 No. 39 s 55References to s 36, 48A or 49s
55ins 2013 No. 39 s 55References to
gazetteds 56ins 2013 No. 39 s 55References to notified in the gazettes
57ins 2013 No. 39 s 55SCHEDULEom
2013 No. 39 s 56sch 1Note—definitions for this Act were
originally located in s 36.defAboriginal local
governmentins 1993 No. 70 s 804 schom
from prev s 36 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defAboriginal peopleins 1992 No. 26 s
24reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAboriginal traditionins
1992 No. 26 s 24reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAborigineins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defActins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defActing Governorins 2001 No. 80 s
94 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defadditional territorial unitins
1993 No. 70 s 804 schamd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No.
59 s 152 schom from prev s 36 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch
1defadjacent area in respect of the
Stateins 1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAdministrative arrangementsins
2005 No. 70 s 15reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAdministratorins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch
2defadultins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAFIC (Queensland) Codeins
1992 No. 12 s 66 schom from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt
3Page 116Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesdefAFIC
(Queensland) Regulationsins 1992 No. 12 s 66 schom
from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt 3defaffidavitins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAlienom from prev s 36
1970 No. 10 s 3(a)defamendins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defappointins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defappropriately qualifiedins
2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defareains 1993 No. 70 s
804 schamd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
152 schom from prev s 36 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch
1defASins 2000 No. 58 s
2 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASC Lawins 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASC LawandASC
Regulationsins 1990 No. 99 s 3.1 schsub
1991 No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch
1defASC Regulationsins 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASICins 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASIC Actins 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASIC Lawins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1amd 2000 No. 12 s 10sub 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defASIC Regulationsins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1amd 2000 No. 12 s 10sub 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defassetins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAttorney-Generalom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defAustraliains 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAustralia Actsins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defAustralian citizenom from prev s 36
1970 No. 10 s 3(a)defAustralian Standardins
2000 No. 58 s 2 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defbankins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 117
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotessub 1999 No. 27 s
76 sch 1 pt 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defbasic territorial unitins
1993 No. 70 s 804 schamd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No.
59 s 152 schom from prev s 36 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch
1defbreachins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defBritish Actins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defBritish Parliamentins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defBritish possessionom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defBritish subjectom from prev s 36
1970 No. 10 s 3(a)defbuilding societyins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt
3defburialsub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defbusiness dayins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defby-lawins 1991 No. 30 s
32om from prev s 36 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch
3defby-lawsom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defcalendar monthins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcalendar yearins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchangeins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1sub 2001 No. 45 s 29 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchargeins 1995 No. 37 s
458 sch 2 pt 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchequeins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchief executiveins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch 1; 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch 1;1996 No. 37 s 147
sch 2amd 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchief executive (corrective
services)ins 2000 No. 63 s 276 sch 2amd
2006 No. 29 s 518 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchief executive officerins
1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defchildins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defChildrens Court judgeins
2002 No. 39 s 120reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defChildrens Court magistrateins
2002 No. 39 s 120Page 118Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defcitationins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcoastal waters of the Stateins
1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcommencementsub 1991 No. 30 s
32; 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcommittal proceedingins
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCommonwealthsub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCommonwealth Constitutionins
1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCommonwealth Ministerins
1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCommonwealth Parliamentom
from prev s 36 1991 No. 30 s 32defcommunity or group of Aboriginal
peopleins 1992 No. 26 s 24reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defcommunity or group of Torres Strait
Islandersins 1992 No. 26 s 24reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defcompany GOCins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 2007 No. 10 s 62
schdefcomplaint and summonsins
1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1amd 2007 No. 37 s 4(2)reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defconferins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defconsolidated fundins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1999 No. 29 s 50 sch; 2009 No. 9 s 136
sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defConsolidated RevenueorConsolidated Revenue Fundom
from prev s 361991 No. 30 s 32defConstitution of Queenslandsub
1991 No. 30 s 32; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1;2001 No. 80 s 94
sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcontraveneins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3
sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defcorporationins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCorporations Actins 2001 No. 45 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCorporations Lawins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1sub 2001 No. 45 s 29 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCorporations LawandCorporations Regulationsins 1990 No. 99 s
3.1schsub 1991 No. 30 s 32Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 119
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesom from prev s 36
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1defCorporations
legislationins 2001 No. 45 s 29 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCorporations Regulationsins
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1sub 2001 No. 45 s 29 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defCourt of Criminal Appealsub
1991 No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 1991 No. 68 s 111 sch
2defcredit unionins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt
3defCSIROins 2002 No. 34 s
74 sch 6reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdate of assentins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defde facto partnerins 2002 No. 74 s
5reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defde facto relationshipins
2002 No. 74 s 5reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdefinitionins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1; 2000 No. 58 s 2
schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdepartmentins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defDeputy Governorins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1sub 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdescendantins 1992 No. 26 s
24reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defDistrict Courtins 1971 No. 43 s
7(a)sub 1991 No. 30 s 32; 1997 No. 82 s 3
schom from prev s 36 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch
2defDistrict Court judgeins
1971 No. 43 s 7(a)sub 1991 No. 30 s 32; 1997 No. 82 s 3
schamd 2002 No. 34 s 74 sch 6reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdoctorins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defdocumentins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defenactmentins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defentityins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defestablishins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defestatesub 1991 No. 30 s
32Page 120Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesamd 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defExecutive Councilsub 1991 No. 30 s
32om from prev s 36 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch
1defexempt subordinate legislationins
2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defexpireins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defexternal Territoryins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffailins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defFederal Courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffederal industrial instrumentins
2009 No. 49 s 14reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffileins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffinancial institutionins
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1sub 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defFinancial Institutions (Queensland)
Codeins 1992 No. 12 s 66 schom from prev s 36
1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt 3defFinancial
Institutions (Queensland) Regulationsins 1992 No. 12 s
66schom from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch
1 pt 3deffinancial yearins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffindingins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffixins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defforeign countryins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffreehold land registerins
1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defFriendly Societies (Queensland)
Codeins 1997 No. 35 s 38 schom from prev s 36
1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt 3defFriendly
Societies (Queensland) Regulationsins 1997 No. 35 s
38 schom from prev s 36 1999 No. 27 s 76 sch 1 pt
3deffunctionins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deffundamental legislative
principlesins 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGas Pipelines Access (Queensland)
Lawins 1998 No. 28 s 62om from prev s 36
2008 No. 27 s 24(1)Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 121
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesdefGas
Pipelines Access (Queensland) Regulationsins 1998 No. 28 s
62om from prev s 36 2008 No. 27 s 24(1)defgazetteins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defgazettedsub 1991 No. 30 s
32; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1; 2013 No. 39 s49(1)–(2)reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGazette,Government Gazette, orQueensland Government Gazetteomfrom prev s 36 1991 No. 30 s 32defgazette noticeins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGOCins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGovernmentins 1991 No. 30 s
32om from prev s 36 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch
1defGovernment Gazetteins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defgovernment printersub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGovernorsub 1991 No. 30 s
32; 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 76 s 3sch 1; 2001 No.
80 s 94 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGovernor-Generalins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGovernor in Councilsub
1991 No. 30 s 32; 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defgrant of representationins
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defGSTins 2000 No. 20 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defHealth Practitioner Regulation
National Lawins 2010 No. 14 s 124 schreloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defHigh Courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defImperial Actins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defImperial Parliamentsub
1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindictable offenceins 1992 No. 55 s
163 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindictmentsub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindividualins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindustrial commissionprev
def ins 1971 No. 43 s 7(b)om from prev s 36 1991 No. 30 s
32pres def ins 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)Page 122Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesdefIndustrial CommissionorIndustrial Relations Commissionins
1991 No.30 s 32om from prev s 36
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1defindustrial
commissionerins 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2sub
1999 No. 33 s 747 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindustrial courtsub 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1997 No. 1 s 495 sch 4sub
1999 No. 33 s 747 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindustrial gazetteins 1991 No. 30 s
32om from prev s 36 2009 No. 38 s 13(1)defindustrial gazette noticeins
1991 No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 2009 No. 38 s 13(1)defindustrial magistratesub
1991 No. 30 s 32; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1amd 1997 No. 1 s
495 sch 4sub 1999 No. 33 s 747 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defIndustrial Magistrates Courtins
1999 No. 33 s 747 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defindustrial relations commissionins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1amd 1997 No. 1 s 495 sch 4sub
1999 No. 33 s 747 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)definsertins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)definstrumentins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3; 2002 No. 34 s 74
sch 6reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)definterestins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)definternal Territoryins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defIsland customins 1992 No. 26 s
24reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defJervis Bay Territoryins
1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defjoint local governmentins
1993 No. 70 s 804 schom from prev s 36 2009 No. 17 s 331
sch 1defJudgeom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defjusticesub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflandsub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defLand and Resources Tribunalins
1999 No. 7 s 87 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defLand Appeal Courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 123
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesamd 2007 No. 39 s
41 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defLand Courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 2007 No. 39 s 41 schreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defland registryins 1992 No. 64 s
3 sch 1sub 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflawins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflawyerins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1amd 2004 No. 11 s 596 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)sub 2013 No. 35 s 6defleaseins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1sub 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defLegislative Assemblysub
1991 No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch
1defLegislatureom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32deflesseeins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1sub 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflessorins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1sub 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defliabilityins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defLieutenant Governorins
1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflocal authorityins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1993 No. 70 s 804
schdeflocal governmentins 1993 No. 70 s
804 schamd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
152 sch; 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflocal government areains
2009 No. 17 s 331 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflocal lawins 1993 No. 70 s
804 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deflocal law policyins 1993 No. 70 s
804 schom from prev s 36 1999 No. 30 s 98 sch 3 pt
2defmagistrateins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 2000 No. 58 s 2 schreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defMagistrates Courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmakeins 1991 No. 30 s
32Page 124Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defmedical practitionerins
1992 No. 55 s 163 sch 2amd 2001 No. 7 s 302 sch 2sub
2010 No. 14 s 124 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmidnightins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defMinisterins 1971 No. 43 s
7(c)sub 1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defminorins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmodificationins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 2001 No. 45 s 29 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmonthsub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmortgageins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmortgageeins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch
2defmortgagee in possessionins
1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defmortgagorins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1994 No. 11 s 194 sch
2defnamed monthins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defNational Gas (Queensland) Lawins
2008 No. 27 s 24(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defNational Gas (Queensland)
Regulationsins 2008 No. 27 s 24(2)reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defnative titleins 1993 No. 85 s
179reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defNorthern Territoryins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defnotice to appearins 2007 No. 37 s
4(1)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defnotifiedins 2013 No. 39 s
49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defnumberins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defoathins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defoathandaffidavitom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defofficeins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defofficerins 1996 No. 37 s
147 sch 2Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 125
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defofficer of the public serviceins
1991 No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch
2defofficial copyins 2013 No. 39 s
49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defof this Actins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defombudsmanins 2001 No. 73 s
96 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defomitins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deforder in councilsub 1971 No. 43 s
7(d); 1991 No. 30 s 32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1sub
1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defordinanceins 1991 No. 30 s
32om from prev s 36 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch
3defParliamentprev def sub 1991
No. 30 s 32om from prev s 36 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch
1pres def ins 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defparliamentary counselins
2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpartyins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpassingins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpayableins 2000 No. 20 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpenaltyins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpenalty unitins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpersonins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpersonorpartyom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defpersonal representativeins
1994 No. 11 s 194 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defPetty sessionsom from prev s 36
1971 No. 43 s 7(e)defpolice officerins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpossessionins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpowerins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defprescribedsub 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)Page 126Current as at 8
November 2013 revised version
Interpretation Act 1954Endnotesdefprintedins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defproceedingins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defproceedings in the Legislative
Assemblyins 2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defproclamationsub 1971 No. 43 s
7(f); 1991 No. 30 s 32; 1992 No. 22 s 48sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpropertysub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defprovisionins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1994 No. 87 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic holidaysub 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic sector unitins 1996 No. 37 s
147 sch 2sub 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic serviceins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2; 2008 No. 38 s
252 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic service employeeins
1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2sub 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic service officeins
1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2sub 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublic service officerins
1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2sub 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpublishedins 2009 No. 38 s
13(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defpurposeins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1994 No. 83 s 14reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defQCATins 2009 No. 24 s
1324reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defQCAT Actins 2009 No. 24 s
1324reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defQIRC websiteins 2009 No. 38 s
13(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defQueensland lawyerins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defQueensland legislationins
2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defQueensland legislation websiteins
2013 No. 39 s 49(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
versionPage 127
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesdefQueensland watersins 1992 No. 20 s
159 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defrecordins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defregistered partner(prev defcivil
partner) ins 2011 No. 46 s 40(1)amd
2012 No. 12 s 59 sch pts 2–3reloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defregistered relationship(prev
defcivilpartnership) ins 2011 No. 46
s40(1)amd 2012 No. 12 s
59 sch pts 1–2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defregulationins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
from prev s 36 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3defregulationsom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defrepealins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defreprintins 1991 No. 97 s
3 sch 1sub 1992 No. 27 s 55; 2013 No. 39 s
49(1)–(2)reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defruleins 1991 No. 30 s
32amd 1991 No. 97 s 3 sch 1om
from prev s 36 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3defrulesom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defrules of courtins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defseeins 2000 No. 58 s
2 schreloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsenior executiveins 2007 No. 37 s
4(1)amd 2008 No. 38 s 252 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defserveins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defserve by postins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsignins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsitting dayins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsitting daysom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defSpeakerins 1995 No. 24 s
5reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defspouseins 2002 No. 74 s
5amd 2011 No. 46 s 40(2); 2012 No. 12 s 59
sch pt 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)Page
128Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
Interpretation Act 1954EndnotesdefStandards Association of Australiains
2000 No. 58 s 2 schamd 2010 No. 42 s 3 schreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defStandards Australiains
2000 No. 58 s 2 schamd 2010 No. 42 s 3 schreloc 2013 No. 39
s 49(4)defStatesub 1991 No. 30 s
32; 1993 No. 32 s 3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defstatutory declarationins
1991 No. 30 s 32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defstatutory declarationorsolemn declarationom from prev s 36
1991 No.30 s 32defstatutory GOCins 1994 No. 87 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 2007 No. 10 s 62
schdefstatutory instrumentins
1991 No. 30 s 32sub 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defstatutory ruleins 1991 No. 30 s
32sub 1992 No. 22 s 48 sch 3reloc
2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defstipendiary magistratesub
1991 No. 30 s 32amd 1991 No. 75 s 26 sch 3om
from prev s 36 2000 No. 58 s 2 schdefsubordinate legislationins 1992 No. 22 s
48 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsubordinate local lawins
1999 No. 30 s 98 sch 3 pt 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsummaryins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defsupplyins 2000 No. 20 s
29 sch 3reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defSupreme Courtom from prev s 36
1991 No. 30 s 32defSupreme Court judgeorJudgeins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defswearins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)deftableins 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defterritorial sea of Australiains
1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defterritorial unitins 1993 No. 70 s
804 schamd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
152 schom from prev s 36 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch
1defTerritoryins 1991 No. 30 s
32reloc 2013 No. 39 s 49(4)defthe Actins 1993 No. 32 s
3 sch 1om from prev s 36 1993 No. 76 s 3 sch
1defthe Stateins 1991 No. 30 s
32Current as at 8 November 2013 revised
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