QueenslandAboriginalLandAct1991Current as at 7 November 2013
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Aboriginal Land Act 1991Aboriginal Land
Act 1991[as amended by all amendments that commenced
on or before 7 November 2013]An Act providing
for the grant, and the claim and grant, of landas Aboriginal
land, and for other purposesWhereas—1Before European settlement land in
what is now the State ofQueensland had been occupied, used and
enjoyed since timeimmemorialbyAboriginalpeopleinaccordancewithAboriginal tradition.2Land
is of spiritual, social, historical, cultural and economicimportance to Aboriginal people.3AfterEuropeansettlementmanyAboriginalpeopleweredispossessed and
affiliation with particular areas of land.5SomeAboriginalpeoplehaveahistoricalassociationwithparticularareasoflandbasedonthemortheirancestorshaving lived on or used the land or
neighbouring land.6Some Aboriginal people have a
requirement for land to ensuretheir economic
or cultural viability.7Some land has
been set aside for Aboriginal reserves or forthe benefit of
Aboriginal people and deeds of grant in trust areheld
on behalf of certain Aboriginal people.8TheParliamentissatisfiedthatAboriginalinterestsandresponsibilities in relation to land
have not been adequatelyandappropriatelyrecognisedbythelawandthatthishascontributed to a general failure of
previous policies in relationto Aboriginal
people.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 1
Preliminary[s 1]9The
Parliament is further satisfied that special measures needtobeenactedforthepurposeofsecuringadequateadvancementoftheinterestsandresponsibilitiesofAboriginalpeopleinQueenslandandtorectifytheconsequences of past injustices.10Itis,therefore,theintentionoftheParliamenttomakeprovision, by
the special measures enacted by this Act, for theadequateandappropriaterecognitionoftheinterestsandresponsibilitiesofAboriginalpeopleinrelationtolandandtherebytofosterthecapacityforself-development,andtheself-reliance and cultural integrity,
of the Aboriginal people ofQueensland.Part 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theAboriginal Land Act 1991.2DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 1 defines particular words used inthis Act.3Aborigines particularly concerned with
land etc.(1)ForthepurposesofthisAct,anAborigineisparticularlyconcerned with
land if the Aborigine—(a)hasaparticularconnectionwiththelandunderAboriginal tradition; or(b)lives on or uses the land or neighbouring
land.(2)ForthepurposesofthisAct,Aboriginalpeopleareparticularly concerned with land
if—Page 16Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 4](a)theyaremembersofagroupthathasaparticularconnection with
the land under Aboriginal tradition; or(b)they
live on or use the land or neighbouring land.4Act
binds all personsThis Act binds all persons, including the
State, and, as far asthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth and the other
States.Part 2Basic
conceptsDivision 1Aboriginal
people and theirtraditions5Meaning of Aboriginal peopleAboriginalpeoplearepeopleoftheAboriginalraceofAustralia.6Meaning of AborigineAn Aborigine is
a person of the Aboriginal race of Australia.7Meaning of Aboriginal traditionAboriginaltraditionisthebodyoftraditions,observances,customsandbeliefsofAboriginalpeoplegenerallyorofaparticular group
of Aboriginal people, and includes any suchtraditions,observances,customsandbeliefsrelatingtoparticular persons, areas, objects or
relationships.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 8]Division 2Aboriginal land8Meaning of Aboriginal land(1)Aboriginal land is transferred land or
granted land.(2)Aboriginallandincludeslandthatwastransferredlandandhas subsequently become granted
land.Division 3Transferable and
transferred land9Meaning of transferable and
transferred land(1)Transferablelandislandthatistobegrantedunderpart4without a claim being made under this Act
for the land.(2)Transferred land is land that is
granted under part 4 without aclaim being made
under this Act for the land.10Lands
that are transferable lands(1)The
following lands are transferable lands—(a)DOGIT land;(b)Aboriginal reserve land;(c)Aurukun Shire lease land;(d)Mornington Shire lease land;(e)availableStatelanddeclaredbyregulationtobetransferable land;(f)land
that is transferable land under section 174, 176 or177;(g)land
that becomes transferable land under section 230;(h)land in the following lots—(i)Lot 1 on SP228365;(ii)Lot
5 on SP228365;Page 18Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 11](iii)Lot
129 on SP228365;(iv)Lot 130 on
SP228365;(v)Lot 113 on SP228365;(vi)Lot 119 on
SP228365;(vii) Lot 1 on SP228366;(viii) Lot 2 on
SP228367;(ix)Lot 1951 on
SP228368;(x)Lot 90 on CP816530;(xi)Lot 147 on
SL7542;(xii) Lot 300 on SP104019.(2)However, land mentioned in subsection
(1)—(a)ceasestobetransferablelandifitistaken,undertheAcquisition Act, by a constructing
authority; and(b)if the land is Aboriginal trust
land—is not transferablelandifitissubjecttoaleaseformorethan30yearsgranted under
this Act for a commercial purpose; and(c)is
not transferable land if it is the subject of a declarationin
force under section 16.11DOGIT land(1)DOGIT land is land that, at the
beginning of the enactmentday, was—(a)prescribed DOGITlandorlandgranted
intrustundertheLandAct1962forthebenefitofAboriginalinhabitants or
for the purpose of an Aboriginal reserve;or(b)within the external boundaries of an
area of such landand—(i)reserved and set apart for, or dedicated to,
a publicpurpose under theLand Act
1962; orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 12](ii)landthathasbecomeunallocatedStatelandbyway
of resumption for a public purpose within themeaning of
theLand Act 1962; or(iii)subject to a
lease granted under the Land HoldingAct; or(iv)subject to a
special lease granted under theLandAct
1962; or(v)thesubjectofanapplicationundertheLandHolding Act,
section 5, that had been approved bythe trustee
council, or approved on appeal by theappealtribunal,underthatAct,butforwhichalease under that Act has not been
granted;other than—(vi)a
road; or(vii) a stock route or associated
reserve.(2)DOGIT land includes land within the
external boundaries oflandmentionedinsubsection(1)(a)thathas,sincetheenactment day, ceased to be a road.(3)Also,DOGITlandincludeslandwithintheexternalboundaries of
land mentioned in subsection (1)(a) if—(a)thelandwasthesubjectofanapplicationundertheLand Holding Act, section 5, that was
approved by thetrusteecouncil,orapprovedonappealbytheappealtribunal, under
that Act after the enactment day; and(b)a
lease under that Act has not been granted for the land.(4)DOGITlanddoesnotincludelandwithintheexternalboundaries of
land mentioned in subsection (1)(a) if the landhas, since the
enactment day, become a road.12Aboriginal reserve land(1)Aboriginal reserve land is land that, at the
beginning of theenactment day, is—Page 20Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 12](a)reserved and set apart under theLand
Act 1962for anAboriginalreserveorforthebenefitofAboriginalinhabitants;
or(b)within the external boundaries of an
area of such landand—(i)subject to a lease granted under the Land
HoldingAct; or(ii)thesubjectofanapplicationundertheLandHolding Act,
section 5, that had been approved bythe trustee
council, or approved on appeal by theappealtribunal,underthatAct,butforwhichalease under that Act has not been
granted;and includes land reserved and set apart
under theLand Act1962for
any other public purpose if the land is declared byregulation to be land that was, or is
included in land that was,atthebeginningoftheenactmentday,beingusedasanAboriginal
reserve or for the benefit of Aboriginal people.(2)Also,Aboriginalreservelandincludeslandwithintheexternalboundariesoflandmentionedinsubsection(1)(a)if—(a)thelandwasthesubjectofanapplicationundertheLand Holding Act, section 5, that was
approved by thetrusteecouncil,orapprovedonappealbytheappealtribunal, under
that Act after the enactment day; and(b)a
lease under that Act has not been granted for the land.(3)Further,Aboriginalreservelandincludeslandwithintheexternal boundaries of land mentioned
in subsection (1)(a) ifthe land has, since the enactment day,
ceased to be a road.(4)Aboriginalreservelanddoesnotincludelandwithintheexternal boundaries of land mentioned in
subsection (1)(a) ifthe land has, since the enactment day,
become a road.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 13]13Aurukun Shire lease land(1)Aurukun Shire lease land is land that, at
the beginning of theenactment day, is—(a)demised to the council of the Shire of
Aurukun undertheLocal Government (Aboriginal Lands)
Act 1978; orNote—For
the Act mentioned in paragraph (a), see theAurukun
andMornington Shire Leases Act 1978.(b)within the
external boundaries of that land and reservedand set apart
for, or dedicated to, a public purpose undertheLand
Act 1962, other than—(i)a
road; or(ii)a stock route or
associated reserve;and includes land within those external
boundaries that has,sincetheenactmentday,ceasedtobearoadifthelandisdeclared by regulation to be
transferable land.(2)AurukunShireleaselanddoesnotincludelandwithintheexternal boundaries of land mentioned in
subsection (1)(a) ifthe land—(a)is a
road that became a road after the enactment day andbefore the commencement of this subsection;
or(b)becomes a road after the
commencement.(3)In this section—roadincludesaroadmentionedintheAurukunandMornington Shire Leases Act
1978, section 4A(1).14Mornington Shire lease land(1)Mornington Shire lease land is land
that, at the beginning ofthe enactment day, is—(a)demised to the council of the Shire of
Mornington undertheLocal Government (Aboriginal Lands)
Act 1978; orPage 22Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 15]Note—For the Act mentioned in paragraph
(a), see theAurukun andMornington Shire
Leases Act 1978.(b)within the
external boundaries of that land and reservedand set apart
for, or dedicated to, a public purpose undertheLand
Act 1962, other than—(i)a
road; or(ii)a stock route or
associated reserve;and includes land within those external
boundaries that has,sincetheenactmentday,ceasedtobearoadifthelandisdeclared by regulation to be
transferable land.(2)Mornington Shire lease land does not
include land within theexternal boundaries of land mentioned
in subsection (1)(a) ifthe land—(a)is a
road that became a road after the enactment day andbefore the commencement of this subsection;
or(b)becomes a road after the
commencement.(3)In this section—roadincludesaroadmentionedintheAurukunandMornington Shire Leases Act
1978, section 4A(1).Division 4Declarations about particulartransferable land15Definition for div 4In this
division—relevantlandmeansthefollowingland,orapartoftheland—(a)DOGIT land;(b)Aboriginal reserve land, other than land
declared undera regulation for section 12;Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 16](c)Aurukun Shire lease land;(d)Mornington Shire lease land.16Particular land may be declared to be
not transferableland(1)The
Minister may, by gazette notice, make a declaration thatrelevant land is not transferable land if
the Minister is satisfiedthat—(a)housing or essential or other infrastructure
is situated onthe land; or(b)the
land is being used as a town site or part of a townsite; or(c)the
land is being used as if it were a road; or(d)having regard to the nature or use of the
land, it is notappropriate or practicable in the
circumstances for theland to be granted in fee simple under
this Act.(2)Inconsideringwhethertomakeadeclarationundersubsection(1)(d),theMinistermayhaveregardtomattersrelating to the
nature or use of the relevant land the Ministerconsiders
appropriate, including, for example—(a)whether the land is likely to be used as a
town site orpart of a town site; and(b)whether the land is in a condition suitable
to be grantedunder this Act.(3)The
Minister must not make a declaration under subsection(1)(d) before—(a)ifnoappealismadetotheLandCourtagainstthedecision to make the declaration—the period
for makingan appeal ends; or(b)ifanappealismadetotheLandCourtagainstthedecision to make the declaration—the day the
appeal isfinally decided.Page 24Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 17]17Notice of intention to make
declaration(1)If the Minister intends to make a
declaration under section 16,the Minister
must—(a)givenoticeoftheMinister’sintentiontomakethedeclaration to the trustee of the relevant
land; and(b)assoonaspracticableaftergivingthenoticeunderparagraph (a), publish notice of the
Minister’s intentiontomakethedeclarationinanewspaperorotherpublication
circulating generally in the area where therelevant land is
situated; and(c)consider all representations made
under subsection (4).(2)The notice
must—(a)include a description of the relevant
land; and(b)state the following—(i)the reasons for the proposed
declaration;(ii)that a person
may make written representations tothe Minister
about the proposed declaration;(iii)the
place where the representations may be made;(iv)theperiodinwhichtherepresentationsmustbemade.(3)The
stated period must end at least 28 days after the notice ispublished.(4)Apersonmaymakewrittenrepresentationsabouttheproposed declaration to the Minister
within the stated period.18Minister to
consider representations and give notice ofdecision(1)Afterconsideringallrepresentationsmadeundersection17(4) about the proposed declaration, the
Minister must—(a)decide whether to make the
declaration; and(b)give notice of the decision to—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 19](i)each
person who made the representations; and(ii)the
trustee of the relevant land, if the trustee did notmake
any representations.(2)TheMinistermay,afterconsideringtherepresentations,decide to make
the declaration for all or a part of the relevantland
described in the notice under section 17.(3)IftheMinisterdecidestomakethedeclaration,thenoticemust—(a)include a description of the relevant
land to be declarednot transferable under this division;
and(b)state all of the following—(i)the provision under which the
declaration is to bemade;(ii)the
reasons for the decision;(iii)iftheMinisteristomakethedeclarationundersection16(1)(d)—thatapersonwhomaderepresentationsabouttheproposeddeclarationmay appeal
against the decision to the Land Courtwithin 28 days
after receiving the notice, and howthe person may
appeal.19Notice about
declarations—trusteeAs soon as practicable after a
declaration that relevant land isnot transferable
land is made, the chief executive must givethe trustee of
the land notice of the declaration.20Notice about declarations—registrar(1)As soon as practicable after a
declaration that relevant land isnot transferable
land is made, the chief executive must givethe registrar
notice of the declaration.(2)The notice must
include particulars of the land the subject ofthe
declaration.Page 26Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 21](3)Theregistrarmustkeeprecordsthatshowthelandisnottransferable land.(4)The
registrar must keep the records in a way that a search oftheappropriateregisterkeptbytheregistrarwillshowtheland
is not transferable land.(5)As soon as
practicable after a declaration is repealed—(a)the
chief executive must give the registrar notice of thefact; and(b)the
registrar must amend the registrar’s records to showthelandthesubjectoftherepealeddeclarationistransferable land.21Requirements about plans of subdivision for
declarations(1)This section applies if—(a)undersection16,theMinisterdeclareslandisnottransferable
land; and(b)aplanofsubdivisionislodgedforthelandundertheLandTitleActorLandActforthepurposeofidentifying the land; and(c)theplanofsubdivisionhasbeenconsentedtobytheMinister.(2)The
registrar must register the plan of subdivision without theconsent of anyone whose consent would
otherwise have beenrequiredundertherelevantsectioniftheplanotherwisecomplies with
the relevant section.(3)In this
section—relevant sectionmeans—(a)for freehold land—the Land Title Act,
section 50; or(b)for other land—the Land Act, section
290J.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 22]Division 5Claimable and granted land22Meaning of claimable and granted
land(1)Claimable land is land that may be
claimed by, and grantedunder this Act to, a group of
Aboriginal people.(2)Granted land is claimable land that
has been claimed by, andgranted under this Act to, a group of
Aboriginal people.23Land that is claimable land(1)Subject to subsection (3), claimable
land is—(a)availableStatelanddeclaredbyregulationtobeclaimable land for this Act; or(b)Aboriginal land that—(i)is transferred land; and(ii)became
transferred land before 22 December 2006.(2)Adeclarationundersubsection(1)(a)maydescribetheavailableStatelandconcernedinanyway,including,forexample, describing the land as land
included in a stated areaof the State.(3)A
regulation may declare that an area of transferred land is
notclaimable land.(4)A
declaration under subsection (3) may be made only if—(a)thelandisprimarilyusedoroccupiedbyAboriginalpeople for
residential or community purposes; or(b)theMinisterhasconsultedwithAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandandasubstantialmajorityoftheAboriginalpeopleareopposedtotheland being claimable land.Page
28Current as at 7 November 2013
Division 6Aboriginal Land
Act 1991Part 2 Basic concepts[s 24]Available State land24Land
that is available State land—general(1)Land
is available State land if it is—(a)land, other than excluded land, in which no
person otherthan the State has an interest; or(b)land,otherthanexcludedland,thatissubjecttoaninterest granted by the State, if an
available State landagreement is in force for the land;
or(c)land inside the Torres Strait area
that is land—(i)inwhichnopersonotherthantheStatehasaninterest; and(ii)declaredunderaregulationtobeavailableStateland.(2)Subsection (1) is subject to sections 26 and
27.(3)In this section—interestmeans a legal or equitable interest in the
land but doesnot include native title, a mining interest
or an easement.25Agreement about particular land(1)The Minister may enter into a written
agreement (anavailableState land
agreement) about land, other than excluded
land—(a)with a person who has an interest in
the land granted bythe State; and(b)under which the State and the person agree
that the landmay be available State land.(2)The Minister may enter into an
available State land agreementforparticularlandonlyifsatisfiedthatenteringintotheagreement is appropriate in the
circumstances having regardto an evaluation
of the land under the Land Act, section 16.(3)An
available State land agreement must provide that on thegrant of the land under part 4 the person’s
interest in the landCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 26]is to cease and
a new interest granted by the trustee of the landis
to have effect in substitution for the person’s interest.(4)However, if the interest is a lease
granted under the Land Acttheagreementmayprovidethattheleaseistocontinueinforce under section 45.(5)Subsection(6)appliesifaproposedavailableStatelandagreement is to state that a person’s
interest in land is to ceaseand a new
interest granted by the proposed trustee of the landis
to have effect in substitution for the person’s interest.(6)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the Minister need notenter into the available State land
agreement unless satisfied anew interest
granted by the proposed trustee of the land is tohave
effect in substitution for the person’s interest in the
land.26Watercourses and lakesAvailable State land includes a watercourse
or lake only to theextent the watercourse or lake is—(a)within the external boundaries of land
that is otherwiseavailable State land; and(b)capable of being owned in fee simple
by a person otherthan the State.27Tidal
land(1)Available State land includes tidal
land only if the particulartidal land is
declared by regulation to be available State land.(2)Subject to subsection (1), this Act
applies to tidal land as if itwere not tidal
land.28Meaning of city or town land(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),cityortownlandislandthatiswithin the boundaries of a city or
town constituted under theLocal Government Act 2009or
theCity of Brisbane Act 2010.Page 30Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 2 Basic
concepts[s 29](2)A
regulation may change the boundaries of a city or town.(3)A regulation under subsection (2) has
effect only for this Act.29Meaning of
township landA regulation may declare that land is
township land for thisAct.30National parksToallayanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatavailableStatelandincludes any
national park.31Land that is not available State
land(1)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that the following land isnot available State land—(a)thewatersofthesea,andtheseabed,otherthantidallanddeclaredtobeavailableStatelandundersection27(1);(b)freehold land;(c)an
associated reserve;(d)land subject to a lease, licence or
permit under the LandAct.(2)Despite subsection (1)(d), land subject to a
lease, licence orpermitundertheLandActisavailableStatelandifanavailable State land agreement is in
force for the land.Division 7Application of
laws to Aboriginalland32Application of
laws(1)To allay any doubt, it is declared
that, except as provided bythisActoranyotherAct,thelawsoftheStateapplytoCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 3 Formal
expression of interest about land[s 33]Aboriginal land, persons and things on
Aboriginal land, andacts and things done on Aboriginal
land, to the same extent,and in the same way, as if the land
were not Aboriginal land.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),toallayanydoubtitisdeclared that this Act has effect
subject to theFisheriesAct1994.Part
3Formal expression of interestabout land33Purpose of pt 3Thepurposeofthispartistoprovideforaprocessunderwhich Aboriginal
people may formally express an interest tothe chief
executive in having particular land made transferableland.34Land
to which pt 3 appliesThis part applies to the following
land—(a)available State land;(b)land dedicated as a reserve under the
Land Act;(c)a stock route;(d)land
subject to an occupation licence;(e)landheldunderaleaseundertheLandActbyorforAboriginal people.35Expression of interest in having land made
transferableland(1)Aboriginal people particularly concerned
with land mentionedin section 34 may, by notice given to the
chief executive (anPage 32Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 36]expression of interest), express an
interest in having the landmade
transferable land.(2)The expression of interest
must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)includethedetailsrequiredintheapprovedformtoenablethechiefexecutivetoproperlyconsidertheexpression of interest.36Chief executive to consider expression
of interest(1)The chief executive must consider each
expression of interest.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),thechiefexecutivemayconsideranexpressionofinterestbyevaluatingthelandtowhich it relates under the Land Act, section
16.37Consideration of expression of
interest does not imposeobligation on StateThechiefexecutive’sconsiderationofanexpressionofinterest does not impose an obligation on
the State under thisAct to make the land to which it
relates transferable land.Part 4Grant of
transferable land asAboriginal landDivision 1Grant of land38Deeds
of grant to be prepared(1)The chief
executive must prepare such deeds of grant in feesimpleastheMinisterconsidersnecessaryanddirectsovertransferable lands.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 33
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 39](2)Transferable land need not be surveyed
but may be describedin a deed of grant in such manner as
the Minister directs.(3)Thedeedofgrantmustshowthatthelandisheldbythegrantee—(a)if
the grantee is a registered native title body corporateappointedasthegranteeundersection39—forthenative title holders of the land;
or(b)otherwise—(i)forthebenefitofAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandandtheirancestorsanddescendants; or(ii)if
the land is prescribed DOGIT land that is to beheldforthebenefitofAboriginalpeopleandTorres Strait Islanders particularly
concerned withthe land—for the benefit of Aboriginal
people andTorres Strait Islanders particularly
concerned withthe land, and their ancestors and
information to identify the native title holders of theland.(5)Subsections (2), (3) and (4) have effect
despite any other Actor any rule of law or practice.39Appointment of registered native title
body corporate asgrantee to hold land for native title
holders(1)This section applies to transferable
land if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)there is a registered native title
body corporate for thedetermination.(2)TheMinistermay,withthe
34Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 40]granteeofthelandunderadeedofgrantpreparedundersection
38.(3)IftheMinisterappointstheregisterednativetitlebodycorporate to be the grantee of the land
under this section, thebody corporate holds the land for the
native title holders of theland the subject
of the determination mentioned in subsection(1)(a).(4)Inconsideringwhethertoappointaregisterednativetitlebodycorporateunderthissection,theMinistermayhaveregardtoanymattertheMinisterconsidersrelevanttotheproposed appointment, including, for
example—(a)whether the making of the proposed
appointment was amatterrelevanttothenativetitleclaimundertheCommonwealthNativeTitleActthatresultedinthedetermination
that native title existed in relation to all ora part of the
land; and(b)whetheranyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwith
the land, other than the native title holders of theland,maybeadverselyaffectedbytheproposedappointment; and(c)if
the Minister is satisfied Aboriginal people particularlyconcernedwiththelandwillbeadverselyaffectedbytheproposedappointment—anyactiontheregisterednative title
body corporate intends to take to address theconcerns of the
Aboriginal people.40Appointment of grantee to hold land
for benefit ofAboriginal people(1)ThissectionappliesiftheMinister does not appoint,
undersection39,aregisterednativetitlebodycorporateasthegrantee of land.(2)The
Minister may appoint as grantee of the land—(a)a
CATSI corporation that is qualified to hold the land; or(b)a land trust; orCurrent as at 7
November 2013Page 35
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 40](c)the Aurukun Shire Council, if the land
is Aurukun Shirelease land; or(d)the
Mornington Shire Council, if the land is MorningtonShire lease land.(3)However, the Minister may appoint a CATSI
corporation thatis a registered native title body corporate
as a grantee of landunder subsection (2) only if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.(4)Beforemakingtheappointment,theMinistermustconsultwith,andconsidertheviewsof,Aboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with the land.(5)Subsection (4) does not apply if an
ILUA has been enteredinto for the land and the entity is
nominated in the ILUA asthe proposed grantee for the land
under this Act.(6)However,inconsideringwhethertoappointanentitynominated in an
ILUA as the proposed grantee for the land,theMinistermayhaveregardtoanymattertheMinisterconsiders
relevant to the proposed appointment, including, forexample—(a)whetheranyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandmaybeadverselyaffectedbytheappointment;
and(b)iftheMinisterissatisfiedanyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandwillbeadverselyaffectedbytheappointment—anyactiontheentityintends to take
to address the concerns of the Aboriginalpeople.(7)Also,inconsideringwhethertoappointaregisterednativetitle body corporate as the proposed grantee
for the land, theMinister may have regard to any matter the
Minister considersPage 36Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 41]relevant to the proposed appointment,
including, for example,the matters mentioned in section
39(4)(b) and (c).(8)In appointing a grantee of land under
this section, the Ministermust have regard to any Aboriginal
tradition applicable to theland.(9)Despite subsection (8), the Minister
may appoint the AurukunShire Council or Mornington Shire
Council to be a grantee iftheMinisterconsidersthatinallthecircumstancesitisappropriate to do so.41Procedure for appointing particular
grantee(1)Before appointing a grantee of land
under this part, other thanan entity
nominated in an ILUA as the proposed grantee forthe
land, the Minister must—(a)publish notice
of the Minister’s intention to appoint thegrantee in a
newspaper or other publication circulatinggenerally in the
area in which the land the subject of thedeed of grant is
situated; and(b)consider all representations made to
the Minister undersubsection (4).(2)The
notice must—(a)include a description of the land;
and(b)state the following—(i)the name of the proposed
the land may make written representations tothe Minister
about the proposed appointment;(iii)the
place where the representations may be made;(iv)theperiodinwhichtherepresentationsmustbemade.(3)The
stated period must end at least 28 days after the notice ispublished.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 37
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 42](4)AnAboriginalpersonparticularlyconcernedwiththelandmaymakewrittenrepresentationsabouttheproposedappointment to
the Minister within the stated period.42Minister to act as soon as possible(1)TheMinistermust,assoonaspracticableafterthecommencementofsections38and40,giveallnecessarydirectionsundersection38,andmakeallnecessaryappointments
under section 39 or 40, in relation to land that istransferable land on the enactment
day.(2)If,undersection10(1)(e)or12,landbecomestransferablelandaftertheenactmentday, theMinistermust,assoonaspracticable after the land becomes
transferable land, give allnecessary
directions under section 38, and make all necessaryappointments under section 39 or 40, in
relation to the land.(3)However,theMinisterneednotactasmentionedinsubsections (1) and (2) in relation to land
until the Minister isreasonably satisfied—(a)arrangements are in place to
ensure—(i)the Commonwealth and the State can
continue toprovide services to communities on the land
after itis granted; and(ii)the
local government for the area in which the landissituatedcancontinuetoprovidelocalgovernmentservicestocommunitiesonthelandafter it is
granted; andExample of an arrangement for paragraph
(a)—a lease(b)if
the land is proposed to be granted to an entity otherthanaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate,arrangements
that the Minister considers necessary—(i)tosupportuseofthelandbyAboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with it; andPage
38Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 43](ii)toensureappropriateservices,including,forexample,socialhousing,publicworksandcommunityinfrastructure,canbeprovidedforcommunities on the land;are in place to
deal with matters relevant to the use ofthe land after
it is granted; andExample of an arrangement for paragraph
(b)—an ILUA(c)ifthelandisorincludestownshipland,arrangementsare in place to
provide for—(i)the land to continue to be used as
township land;and(ii)residents of the
township land to continue to liveon and access
the land, and obtain tenure over theland under this
Act.Examples of an arrangement for paragraph
(c)—an ILUA, a townsite lease or another
lease(4)In this section—localgovernmentservicesincludesanyservicesalocalgovernment might
ordinarily provide for the community in itslocal government
area.43Authority to grant fee simple in
transferable landThe Governor in Council may, under this Act
and the LandAct, grant transferable land in fee
simple.44Deed of grant takes effect on
delivery(1)A deed of grant prepared under this
division takes effect onthe delivery of the deed of grant to
the grantee.(2)On delivery of the deed of grant to
the grantee, the land thesubjectofthedeedbecomesAboriginallandthatistransferred land.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 39
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 45](3)Subsection (1) has effect despite any
other Act or any rule oflaw or practice.45Existing interests(1)Iftransferablelandwas,immediatelybeforebecomingAboriginal land
under this division, subject to an interest orbenefited by an
easement, the interest continues in force or theland
continues to be benefited by the easement.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),iftransferablelandwas,immediatelybeforebecomingAboriginallandunderthisdivision, the subject of—(a)a lease granted under the Land Holding
Act; or(b)a lease under the Land Act; or(c)a trustee (Aboriginal) lease;
or(d)a lease, if it is a sublease of the
Aurukun Shire lease or asublease of the Mornington Shire
lease;thetrusteeofthelandis,byoperationofthissection,substituted for the lessor as a party to the
lease.(3)Thetermsofaleasementionedinsubsection(2)arenotaffectedbytheoperationofthissection,section46oranyotherprovisionofthisActand,forthepurposesofthoseterms, the Land
Act continues to apply to a lease under thatAct, with all
necessary modifications and such modificationsas are
prescribed, as if the lease continued to be such a leaseand
the trustee of the land were the lessor.(4)However, subsection (5) applies to an
interest in transferableland (theprevious
interest) that, under an available State landagreement, is to cease on the grant of the
land under this partand a new interest granted by the
trustee of the land is to haveeffect in
substitution for the previous interest on the grant ofthe
land.(5)Despitesubsections(1)to(3),onthegrantofthelandtheprevious interest ceases.(6)Subsection (5) applies despite any
other Act.Page 40Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 45A](7)In this section—AurukunShireleasemeanstheleasementionedinsection48(1) granted to
the Aurukun Shire Council.interestincludes—(a)native title; and(b)a
right of a local government to access, occupy, use ormaintain a facility on the land; and(c)aninterestinfavouroftheStateorCommonwealthother than an
interest that is not registered.Mornington Shire
leasemeans the lease mentioned in section48(1) granted to the Mornington Shire
Council.45AExisting interests held by local
government(1)Thissectionappliesifalocalgovernmenthasanexistinginterest under
section 45 to access, occupy, use or maintain afacility on
Aboriginal land.(2)If the local government does not
intend to continue to access,occupy,useormaintainthefacility,thelocalgovernmentmust give the
trustee of the land notice of that fact.(3)If
subsection (2) does not apply, the local government and thetrustee of the land must use their best
endeavours to providefor the continued access, occupation,
use or maintenance ofthe facility under a registered
interest in the land given by thetrustee of the
land.46Interests to be endorsed on
deed(1)If land the subject of a deed of grant
prepared under section 38is,atthebeginningoftheenactmentday,subjectto,orsubsequentlybecomessubjectto,aninterest(otherthananinterest in favour of the State or
Commonwealth that is notregistered) and the interest is
created under theAurukun andMornington Shire
Leases Act 1978, the council of the relevantshire must, as soon as practicable after
being requested so todobythechiefexecutive,givetothechiefexecutivetheCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 47]original or an office copy of the instrument
under which theinterest arose.(2)The
chief executive must endorse on the deed, in the properorder of priority—(a)the
instruments—(i)given to the chief executive under
subsection (1);or(ii)created or
registered under the Land Act and heldby the chief
executive;before the issue of the deed; and(b)if the land was previously held under
a deed of grant intrust—anyexistinginstrumentsthatwereendorsedonthe deed of grant in trust.(3)An instrument endorsed on the deed of
grant under subsection(2) has effect as a registered
instrument on the deed under theLand Title
Act.(4)If the registrar of titles is given
notice of the creation of aninterestaftertheissueofthedeedofgrant,theregistraroftitles must make an appropriate note in the
register.47Cancellation of deed of grant in
trust(1)This section applies if a deed of
grant (thenew deed) over
allor part of the land comprised in a deed of
grant in trust takeseffect under section 44.(2)The deed of grant in trust is
cancelled to the extent of the newdeed.48Cancellation of leases over Aurukun
and MorningtonShire lease lands(1)When
a deed of grant over the whole or a part of AurukunShire lease land or Mornington Shire lease
land takes effectundersection44,theleasegrantedtotherelevantcouncilPage
42Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 49]under theAurukun and
Mornington Shire Leases Act 1978iscancelled to the extent of the deed of
grant.(2)To allay any doubt, if a lease is
cancelled only in relation topart of the
land, a reference in theAurukun and MorningtonShire Leases Act 1978to the demised
land is a reference to theremaining part of the land.(3)Despite the cancellation of a lease
under this section, a leasein the form of a
sublease, as mentioned in section 45(2)(d),continues in
force as a lease under section 45, with the trusteeof
the Aboriginal land as the lessor.49Land
Court may resolve difficulties(1)If a
difficulty arises in—(a)the application
of this division to a particular matter; or(b)the
application, to a particular matter, of a provision ofanother Act because of the operation of this
division;the Land Court may, on the application of
the chief executiveor an interested person, make such order as
it considers properto resolve the difficulty.(2)Anordermadeundersubsection(1)haseffectdespiteanythingcontainedinthisdivisionorinanActinforceimmediately before the commencement of this
section.Division 2Approvals to
change how land isheld50Application to
hold Aboriginal land for native title holders(1)This
section applies if—(a)aCATSIcorporationthatisthetrusteeofAboriginallandbecomesaregisterednativetitlebodycorporateafter it became
the trustee of the land; andCurrent as at 7
November 2013Page 43
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 51](b)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(c)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.(2)TheregisterednativetitlebodycorporatemayapplytotheMinister in the approved form for an
approval to hold the landunder this Act for the native title
holders of the land.51Decision on application(1)The Minister must consider an
application made under section50 and
decide—(a)to give the approval; or(b)to refuse the application.(2)In considering the application, the
Minister must have regardto—(a)whetheranyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwith
the land, other than native title holders of the land,may
be adversely affected by the approval; and(b)if
the Minister is satisfied Aboriginal people particularlyconcernedwiththelandwillbeadverselyaffectedbythe approval—any action the registered
native title bodycorporate intends to take to address the
concerns of theAboriginal people.(3)The
Minister may give the approval only if, having regard tothemattersmentionedinsubsection(2),theMinisterissatisfieditisappropriateinthecircumstancestogivetheapproval.52Notices about decision(1)TheMinistermustgivetheregisterednativetitlebodycorporate notice of the Minister’s decision
under section 51.Page 44Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 53](2)IftheMinistergivestheapproval,thechiefexecutivemustnotify the
approval by gazette notice.(3)The
gazette notice must—(a)statethenameoftheregisterednativetitlebodycorporate; and(b)include a description of the Aboriginal land
held by itthat relates to the approval.(4)As soon as practicable after the
gazette notice is published,the chief
executive must give the registrar of titles notice ofthe
approval.(5)The notice must include a description
of the Aboriginal landheld by the registered native title
body corporate for the nativetitle holders of
the land.(6)Onreceivingthenotice,theregistrarmustrecordinthefreehold land register that the land
is held under this Act bytheregisterednativetitlebodycorporateforthenativetitleholders of the land.(7)In
this section—description, in relation to
land, means the description of theland as shown in
the freehold land register.53Effect of gazette
noticeOn publication of the gazette notice, the
registered native titlebody corporate is taken to hold the
land under this Act for thenative title
holders of the land.Division 3Reservations54Resource reservations under resource
ActsAdeedofgrantoftransferredlandmustcontainthereservationstotheStatetakentobecontainedinthegrantunder the following—Current as at 7
November 2013Page 45
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 4 Grant of
transferable land as Aboriginal land[s 55]•theGeothermal
Energy Act 2010, section 29•theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009,
section 28•theMineral
Resources Act 1989, section 8•thePetroleum Act 1923, section
10•thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004, section
27.55Reservations of forest products and
quarry material etc.(1)A deed of grant
of transferred land may contain a reservationto the State of
forest products or quarry material above, on orbelowthesurfaceofthelandonlyifitisdeclaredbyregulation that—(a)theforestproductsorquarrymaterialisofvitalStateinterest;
and(b)the rights in the forest products or
quarry material arereserved to the State.(2)Ifadeedofgrantoftransferredlanddoesnotcontainareservationofparticularforestproductsorquarrymaterialabove, on or below the land, a regulation
may declare that—(a)the forest products or quarry material
are of vital Stateinterest; and(b)rightsintheforestproductsorquarrymaterialareacquired by the State.(3)If a regulation is made under
subsection (1) or (2), the trusteeof the land is
entitled to be paid by the State such reasonablecompensation because of the reservation or
acquisition as isagreed between the State and the trustee or,
failing agreement,as is determined by the Land Court.(4)Despite subsection (1), a permit,
lease, licence, agreement orcontract granted
or made under theForestry Act 1959, beforethe
day on which land became transferred land, in relation tothe
getting and selling of forest products or quarry materialabove, on or below the surface of the land,
continues in forceas if this section had not been
enacted.Page 46Current as at 7
November 2013
5Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 56]Claims for
claimable landDivision 1Requirements for
claims56Duly made claimsA claim for
claimable land must comply with the followingprovisions in
order to be duly made—(a)section
57;(b)section 58;(c)section 59;(d)section 60.57Who
may make a claim(1)A group of Aboriginal people may make
a claim for an area ofclaimable land.(2)The
claim may be made by members of a group of AboriginalpeopleonbehalfofthoseAboriginalpeopleandotherAboriginal
people who are members of the group.58Grounds on which claim may be madeA
claim under this Act may only be made on 1 or more of thefollowing grounds—(a)traditional affiliation;(b)historical association.59How
claim is to be madeA claim under this Act must—(a)be made by written application to the
chief executive;andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 60](b)be
in the appropriate form made available by the chiefexecutive; and(c)include—(i)adescriptionofthelandclaimedandamapshowing clearly the location of the land;
and(ii)astatementofthegroundonwhichtheclaimismade; and(iii)adescriptionofthegroupofAboriginalpeoplemaking the claim; and(iv)a
statement of the responsibilities in relation to theland
that the claimants agree to assume if the landis granted
because of the claim.60Time limit for
making of claimsA claim under this Act must be made not
later than 15 yearsafter the commencement of section 57.Note—The time for
making a claim ended on 22 December 2006.Division 2Determination of claims61Deciding whether claim duly made(1)If a claim is made to the chief
executive, the chief executivemust decide
whether the claim appears to be duly made.(2)If
the chief executive is satisfied that the claim appears to
beduly made, the chief executive must accept
the application andrefer the claim to the Land Tribunal.(3)If the chief executive is not
satisfied, the chief executive mustrefuse to accept
the application.(4)The chief executive must notify the
claimants, in writing, ofhis or her decision.Page
48Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 62](5)Ifthechiefexecutiverefusestoaccepttheapplication,thechief executive must also notify the
claimants, in writing, ofhis or her reasons for refusing to
accept the application.(6)Ifthechiefexecutiverefusestoaccepttheapplication,theclaimantsmayaskthechairpersonoftheLandTribunaltodecide whether the claim is duly
made.(7)Ifthechairpersondecidesthattheclaimisdulymade,thechairpersonmustdirectthechiefexecutivetoaccepttheapplication under subsection (2).(8)If the chairperson decides that a
claim is not duly made, thechairperson must
notify the claimants, in writing, of his or herreasons for
refusing to accept the application.(9)Despite subsection (1), if a recommendation
has been made tothe Minister under section 71 for a grant in
fee simple, anotherclaim may not be duly made over the same
land.(10)Nothinginthissectionpreventsthechiefexecutivefromaccepting an
application if—(a)a claim (therepeat
claim) has been made to the chiefexecutiveundersection59anditappearstothechiefexecutivethatthelandtowhichtheclaimrelatesiscompletely or partly the same as land
that has previouslybeen claimed (theprevious
claim); and(b)norecommendationwasmadetotheMinisterundersection 71 about the previous claim.62Tribunal to notify making of
claims(1)As soon as practicable after a claim
is referred to the LandTribunal, the tribunal must comply
with this section.(2)The tribunal must cause copies of the
application to be madeavailable for public inspection at
offices of the tribunal duringordinaryworkinghoursandatsuchotherplacesasitconsiders
appropriate.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 63](3)The
tribunal must publish notice of the claim in the gazette, anewspaper circulating throughout the State
and such regionalnewspapers as the tribunal considers
appropriate.(4)The tribunal must give notice of the
claim, by letter or suchother means as it considers more
effective, to each person thatit is aware is
or may be an interested person.(5)A
notice under subsection (3) or (4) must include a statementto
the effect that—(a)copiesoftheapplicationareavailableforpublicinspection at
places, and during times, specified in thenotice;
and(b)interestedpersonsmay,withintheperiodspecifiedinthe notice, apply to the tribunal to
be made a party to theproceeding for the hearing of the
claim; and(c)any other group of Aboriginal people
may, within thatperiod, make a claim for the whole or part
of the landthesubjectoftheclaimorforsuchanareaandadditional area of claimable land.(6)The period specified in a notice for
the purposes of subsection(5)(b)mustbeaperiodofnotlessthan60daysafterthepublication of notice of the claim in
the gazette.63Joint hearing of claimsIf—(a)a claim
(thefirst claim) is duly made
under this Act by agroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimableland; and(b)a claim (thesubsequent
claim) is duly made under thisAct
by another group of Aboriginal people for the wholeor a
part of the area of claimable land (whether or not anadditional area of claimable land is also
claimed); and(c)thesubsequentclaimisreferredtotheLandTribunalwithin the period specified in the notice
published underPage 50Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 64]section62inrelationtothefirstclaimorbeforethehearing of the first claim has
first claim and the subsequent claim are to be heardand
determined together; and(e)if the
subsequent claim does not include an additionalarea of
claimable land—section 62 does not apply to thesubsequent
claim.64Repeat claimsIfarepeatclaimmentionedinsection61(10)hasbeenreferred to the
Land Tribunal, the tribunal may hear the repeatclaim only if a
presiding member is satisfied that the repeatclaim could be
established on 1 or more grounds mentioned insection 65 or 66
because—(a)thebasisonwhichtherepeatclaimismadeissubstantially different to the basis on
which the previousclaim was made; or(b)informationhasbecomeavailabletothetribunalthatwas not
previously available and, if the information hadpreviouslybeenavailabletothetribunal,itmayhaveaffectedthedecisionofthetribunalonthepreviousclaim.65Establishment of claim on ground of
traditional affiliation(1)AclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimablelandonthegroundoftraditionalaffiliationisestablished if the Land Tribunal is
satisfied that the membersof the group have a common connection
with the land basedon spiritual and other associations with,
rights in relation to,and responsibilities for, the land
under Aboriginal tradition.(2)In
determining the claim, the tribunal must consult with, andconsidertheviewsof,thepersonsrecognisedunderAboriginal tradition as the elders of the
group of Aboriginalpeople.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 51
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 66]66Establishment of claim on ground of
historicalassociation(1)AclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimablelandonthegroundofhistoricalassociationisestablished if the Land Tribunal is
satisfied that the group hasan association
with the land based on them or their ancestorshaving, for a
substantial period, lived on or used—(a)the
land; or(b)land in the district or region in
which the land is located.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), the claim may be establishedwhether or not
all or a majority of the members of the grouphave themselves
lived on or used such land.(3)In
determining the claim, the tribunal must consult with, andconsidertheviewsof,thepersonsrecognisedunderAboriginal tradition as the elders of the
group of Aboriginalpeople.67Claim
may be established for only part of land claimedAclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimable land may be established for
a part only of the land.68Claim may be
established on more than 1 groundAclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimable land may be established on
more than 1 ground.69Time at which it is to be decided
whether land isclaimable landThe question
whether land claimed under this Act is claimableland
is to be decided as at the beginning of the day on whichthe
relevant claim for the land was made under this part.Page
52Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 70]70Amendment of claim(1)A
claim under this Act may be amended with the leave of theLand
Tribunal.(2)If a claim is amended to include land
that was not claimed inthe original claim, section 62 applies
as if a separate claim hadbeen made for that land and the claim
had been referred to thetribunal.71Recommendation to Minister(1)Subjecttosection72,ifaclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeople for an
area of claimable land is established, the LandTribunalmustrecommendtotheMinisterthatthelandbegranted in fee simple to the group.(2)When the tribunal makes a
recommendation under subsection(1),thetribunalmustalsomakerecommendationstotheMinisterastotheentity,orthepersonswhoaretoberepresented by an entity, that should
be appointed to be thegrantee of the land as trustee for the
benefit of the group ofAboriginal people concerned.(3)In making recommendations under
subsection (2), the tribunalmust, unless it
is satisfied that exceptional circumstances existthatrequireittodootherwise,actinamannerthatisconsistent with—(a)any
Aboriginal tradition applicable to the land; and(b)the views of the group of Aboriginal
people concernedsofarastheyarenotinconsistentwithanysuchAboriginal
tradition.(4)When the tribunal makes a
recommendation under subsection(1),thetribunalmustadvisetheMinister,inwriting,inrelation to each of the following
matters—(a)the number of Aborigines who will be
advantaged by agrantoftheland,andthenatureandextentoftheadvantage that will accrue to
them;(b)the responsibilities in relation to
the land that the groupof Aboriginal people concerned agree
to assume if theCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 5 Claims for
claimable land[s 72]landisgrantedbecauseoftheclaim,andhowthoseresponsibilities should be expressed in any
deed of grantfor the land;(c)thedetrimenttopersonsorcommunities(includingother Aboriginal
groups and Torres Strait Islanders) thatmight result
from a grant of the land;(d)the effect (if
any) that a grant of the land is likely to haveon the existing
and proposed patterns of land usage inthe region of
the land.(5)In this section—Ministermeans the Minister administering the Land
Act.72Resolution of conflicting
claims(1)Subject to subsection (2), if claims
by 2 or more groups ofAboriginalpeopleforthesameareaofclaimablelandareestablishedonthesameground,theLandTribunalmustrecommend to the
Minister that the land be granted jointly tothe
than 1 claim is established; and(b)each
of the competing claims is established on 1 or moregrounds; and(c)1 or
more of the claims is established on the ground oftraditional affiliation;a recommendation
must not be made in favour of any othergroup on the
ground of historical association.(3)In
this section—Ministermeans the
Minister administering the Land Act.73Notification of parties(1)IfaclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimable land is established on 1 or
more grounds, the LandPage 54Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 74]Tribunalmustnotifyeachpartytotheproceeding,inwriting—(a)that
the claim has been so established; and(b)of
the recommendations (if any) made to the Minister inrelation to the claim.(2)IfaclaimbyagroupofAboriginalpeopleforanareaofclaimable land is not established on 1
or more grounds, theLandTribunalmustnotifyeachpartytotheproceeding,inwriting, that the claim has not been so
established.(3)In this section—Ministermeans the Minister administering the Land
Act.Part 6Grant of
claimable land asAboriginal landDivision 1Grant of land74Deeds
of grant to be prepared(1)If—(a)the Land Tribunal recommends to the
Minister that anareaoflandbegrantedinfeesimpletoagroupofAboriginal people; and(b)theMinisterissatisfiedthattheland,orapartoftheland, should be so granted to the
group;the Minister must direct the chief executive
to prepare a deedof grant in fee simple over the land or that
part of the land.(2)The land need not be surveyed but may
be described in thedeed of grant in such manner as the Minister
directs.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 75](3)Thedeedofgrantmustshowthatthelandisheldbythegrantees for the benefit of the group
of Aboriginal people andtheir ancestors and
descendants.(4)The deed of grant must specify—(a)the ground on which the Land Tribunal
recommendedthat the land be granted; and(b)the responsibilities that the group of
Aboriginal peoplehave agreed to assume in relation to the
land.(5)Subsections (2), (3) and (4) have
effect despite any other Actor any rule of
law or practice.75Appointment of grantee(1)The Minister may appoint the following
entities as grantee oflandthesubjectofadeedofgrantpreparedundersection74—(a)a CATSI
corporation that is qualified to hold the land; or(b)a land trust.(2)However, the Minister may appoint a CATSI
corporation thatis a registered native title body corporate
as a grantee of landunder subsection (1) only if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.(3)Before making the appointment, the
Minister—(a)must consult with, and consider the
views of, the groupof Aboriginal people concerned; and(b)unlesstheMinisterissatisfiedthatexceptionalcircumstancesexistthatrequiretheMinistertodootherwise, must have regard to—(i)any Aboriginal tradition applicable to
the land; andPage 56Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 76](ii)the views of the
group to the extent the views arenotinconsistentwithanyAboriginaltraditionapplicable to the land.(4)Also,inconsideringwhethertoappointaregisterednativetitle body corporate as the proposed grantee
for the land, theMinister may have regard to any matter the
Minister considersrelevanttotheproposedappointment,including,forexample—(a)whetheranyofthegroupofAboriginalpeopleconcerned, other than the native title
holders of the land,may be adversely affected by the
proposed appointment;and(b)if
the Minister is satisfied any of the group of Aboriginalpeopleconcernedwillbeadverselyaffectedbytheproposed
appointment—any action the registered nativetitlebodycorporateintendstotaketoaddresstheconcerns of the Aboriginal people.76Authority to grant fee simple in
claimable landThe Governor in Council may, under this Act
and the LandAct, grant claimable land in fee
simple.77Deed of grant takes effect on
delivery(1)A deed of grant prepared under this
division takes effect onthe delivery of the deed of grant to
the grantee.(2)On delivery of the deed of grant to
the grantee, the land thesubject of the deed becomes granted
land and, if the land isnot already Aboriginal land, becomes
Aboriginal land.(3)Subsection (1) has effect despite any
other Act or any rule oflaw or practice.78Existing interests(1)If
granted land was, immediately before becoming Aboriginalland
under this division, subject to an interest or benefited byCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 79]aneasement,theinterestcontinuesinforceorthelandcontinues to be
benefited by the easement.(2)In this
section—interestincludes native
title, but does not include an interestin favour of the
State or Commonwealth that is not registered.79Cancellation of existing deed of
is the subject of a deed of grant issued under part 4(theexisting
deed); and(b)a
deed of grant (thenew deed) over the whole
or a partof the land takes effect under section
77;the existing deed is cancelled, to the
extent of the new deed,by operation of this section.(2)The Minister must cause notice to be
given to the registrar oftitles of the day of delivery of the
new deed to the grantees andthe registrar
must note the cancellation of the existing deed inthe
register accordingly.(3)Thetrusteethatholdsthe
existingdeedmust,onreceiptofnotice by the Minister so to do, deliver the
existing deed to thechief executive within such reasonable
period, as is specifiedin the notice.(4)If
the existing deed is cancelled only in relation to part of
theland, the chief executive must prepare and
issue to the trusteethat holds the deed a deed of grant
under the Land Act (thereplacement deed) over the
remaining part of the land.(5)The
replacement deed is, for the purposes of this Act, taken tobe a
deed of grant prepared and issued under part 4.(6)The
chief executive must endorse on the replacement deed, intheproperorderofpriority,theinstrumentsunderwhichexisting
relevant interests arose.Page 58Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 80]80Land Court may resolve
difficulties(1)If a difficulty arises in—(a)the application of this division to a
particular matter; or(b)the application,
to a particular matter, of a provision ofanother Act
because of the operation of this division;the Land Court
may, on the application of the chief executiveor an interested
person, make such order as it considers properto resolve the
difficulty.(2)Anordermadeundersubsection(1)haseffectdespiteanythingcontainedinthispartorinanActinforceimmediately before the commencement of this
section.Division 2Reservations81Resource reservations under other
ActsA deed of grant of granted land and an
Aboriginal lease mustcontain the reservations to the State
taken to be contained inthe grant under the following—•theGeothermal
Energy Act 2010, section 29•theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009,
section 28•theMineral
Resources Act 1989, section 8•thePetroleum Act 1923, section
10•thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004, section
27.82Reservations of forest products and
quarry material etc.(1)A deed of grant
of granted land that was transferred land maycontain a
reservation to the State of forest products or quarrymaterial above, on or below the surface of
the land only if it isdeclared by regulation that—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 6 Grant of
claimable land as Aboriginal land[s 83](a)theforestproductsorquarrymaterialisofvitalStateinterest;
and(b)the rights in the forest products or
quarry material arereserved to the State.(2)A
deed of grant of granted land that was not transferred landmust
contain a reservation to the State of—(a)all
forest products; and(b)all quarry
material;above, on and below the surface of the
land.(3)Despite subsection (1), a permit,
lease, licence, agreement orcontract granted
or made under theForestry Act 1959, beforethedayonwhichtransferredlandbecamegrantedland,inrelation to the getting and selling of
forest products or quarrymaterial above, on or below the
surface of the land, continuesin force as if
this section had not been enacted.(4)If a
deed of grant of granted land that was transferred landdoes
not contain a reservation of particular forest products orquarry material above, on or below the land,
a regulation maydeclare that—(a)theforestproductsorquarrymaterialisofvitalStateinterest;
and(b)the rights in the forest products or
quarry material areacquired by the State.(5)If a
regulation is made under subsection (1) or (4), the trusteeof
the land is entitled to be paid by the State such reasonablecompensation because of the reservation or
acquisition as isagreedonbetweentheStateandthetrusteeor,failingagreement, as is
determined by the Land Court.Division 3Access to coastal land83Rights of access preserved(1)If—Page 60Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 7 Register of
entities holding Aboriginal land[s 84](a)landthatisanareaofcoastbecomesAboriginallandbecause of a claim under this Act;
before the land became claimable land;the right of
access continues in force as if the land had notbecome Aboriginal land.(2)In
this section—coastmeans all land,
including the bed and banks of any river,stream,
watercourse, lake or other body of water, that is—(a)abovethehighestastronomicaltidemarkandwithin400m, measured
by the shortest distance, of that mark;or(b)below the highest astronomical tide
mark.highest astronomical tidemeans the highest level of the tidesthat
can be predicted to occur under average meteorologicalconditionsandunderanycombinationofastronomicalconditions.Part 7Register of entities holdingAboriginal land84Keeping register of entities holding
Aboriginal land(1)The chief executive must keep a
register of entities that holdAboriginal land
(theAboriginal land holding entity
register).(2)The register
must contain the following information for eachentity—(a)the entity’s name, address for the
service of documentsand contact telephone number;(b)a description of the Aboriginal land
held by the entity.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 7 Register of
entities holding Aboriginal land[s 85](3)If the entity is a land trust, the
register must also contain allthe following
information about the land trust—(a)the
names and addresses of all the current members ofthe
land trust;(b)the name of each member of the land
trust’s executivecommittee, and the position held by the
member;(c)acontacttelephonenumberforthechairpersonandsecretary of the land trust;(d)a copy of the land trust’s adopted
rules;(e)copies of annual financial statements
and audit reportsthechiefexecutivereceivesfromthelandtrustunderthis Act;(f)a statement about whether or not the
land trust has, foreachfinancialyear,operatedincompliancewiththeAct.Note—Under section 258, the chief executive
must record in the registerwhether or not a land trust has
operated in compliance with theAct.(4)The chief executive may keep the
register in the form the chiefexecutiveconsidersappropriate,including,forexample,inelectronic form.85Giving information for register to the chief
executive(1)Each entity, other than a land trust,
that holds Aboriginal landmust—(a)assoonaspracticableaftertheendofeachfinancialyear,givetothechiefexecutivetheinformationmentioned in
section 84(2) for the entity; and(b)assoonaspracticableafteranyoftheinformationchanges—givethechiefexecutiveanoticeofthechange.Page 62Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 7 Register of
entities holding Aboriginal land[s 86](2)Alandtrustmustgivetothechiefexecutivealltheinformation the
chief executive reasonably requires to ensurethe information
in the register about the land trust is accurate.86Obtaining information in
register(1)A person may, in the approved form,
ask the chief executive togive the person information included
in the Aboriginal landholding entity register.(2)The chief executive must, if asked
under subsection (1), givethe person the information included in
the publicly availablepart of the register.(3)The chief executive may, if asked
under subsection (1), givethe person the additional information
for a land trust only ifthechairpersonofthelandtrustconsentsinwritingtothegiving of the information.(4)In this section—additionalinformation,foralandtrust,meansthefollowing—(a)the
names of all the current members of the land trust;(b)theinformationmentionedinsection84(3)(b),(d)or(e).publicly available part, of the
Aboriginal land holding entityregister,meansthepartoftheregistercontainingallthefollowing information—(a)the information mentioned in section
84(2);(b)for a land trust—(i)the
names of the chairperson and secretary of theland trust;
and(ii)the information
mentioned in section 84(3)(f).Current as at 7
November 2013Page 63
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 8 Transfer of
Aboriginal land by Minister[s 87]Part 8Transfer of Aboriginal land byMinisterDivision 1Preliminary87Purpose of pt 8The purpose of
this part is to provide for—(a)particular Aboriginal land to vest in the
State; and(b)the transfer of Aboriginal land that
vests in the State toanother entity to hold as Aboriginal
land.88Application of pt 8This
part applies to Aboriginal land that is or was held by aCATSIcorporationforthebenefitofAboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with the land and
their ancestors anddescendants, if—(a)undertheCorporations(AboriginalandTorresStraitIslander) Act 2006(Cwlth)—(i)the corporation stops being
registered; and(ii)the land is
vested in the State; or(b)the corporation
is no longer qualified to hold the land.Division 2Vesting and transfer of land89Vesting of land in the State(1)IftheCATSIcorporationisnolongerqualifiedtoholdtheland, the Minister may, by gazette notice,
declare that the landvests in the State.(2)The gazette notice must—(a)include a description of the land;
andPage 64Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 8 Transfer of
Aboriginal land by Minister[s 90](b)state the reason that the CATSI corporation
is no longerqualified to hold the land.90How land is held by the State(1)This section applies if—(a)thelandvestsintheStateundertheCorporations(AboriginalandTorresStraitIslander)Act2006(Cwlth);
or(b)the land vests in the State under
section 89.(2)The land—(a)vests in the State in fee simple; and(b)the State holds the land for the
benefit of the persons forwhose benefit the land was held
immediately before itvested in the State.91Minister to transfer land as soon as
practicable(1)The Minister must, by gazette notice
as soon as practicableafter the land vests in the State,
transfer the land under thispart.(2)The gazette notice must
include—(a)a description of the land being
transferred; and(b)the name of the entity to whom the
land is transferred.92Transfer to registered native title
body corporate to holdfor native title holders(1)This section applies if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)there is a registered native title
body corporate for thedetermination.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 65
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 8 Transfer of
Aboriginal land by Minister[s 93](2)TheMinistermay,withthe
consentoftheregisterednativetitle body corporate, transfer the land to
it.(3)IftheMinistertransfersthelandunderthissectiontoaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate,thebodycorporateholdsthelandforthenativetitleholdersofthelandthesubject of the determination mentioned in
subsection (1)(a).(4)Inconsideringwhethertotransferthelandtoaregisterednative title
body corporate, the Minister may have regard toanymattertheMinisterconsidersrelevanttotheproposedtransfer,
including, for example—(a)whetheranyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwith
the land, other than the native title holders of theland,maybeadverselyaffectedbytheproposedtransfer; and(b)iftheMinisterissatisfiedanyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandwillbeadverselyaffectedbytheproposedtransfer—anyactiontheregistered native title body corporate
intends to take toaddress the concerns of the Aboriginal
people.93Transfer to entity to hold for benefit
of Aboriginal people(1)This section
applies if the Minister does not transfer the landunder section 92 to a registered native
title body corporate.(2)The Minister may
transfer the land to—(a)a CATSI
corporation that is qualified to hold the land; or(b)a land trust.(3)However,theMinistermaytransferthelandtoaCATSIcorporationthatisaregisterednativetitlebodycorporateunder subsection
(2) only if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.Page 66Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 8 Transfer of
Aboriginal land by Minister[s 94](4)Before transferring the land, the Minister
must consult with,and consider the views of—(a)ifthelandistransferredland—Aboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with the land;
or(b)ifthelandisgrantedland—thegroupofAboriginalpeople for whom
the land is held.(5)Also,inconsideringwhethertotransferthelandtoaregistered native title body
corporate, the Minister may haveregardtoanymattertheMinisterconsidersrelevanttotheproposed transfer, including, for
the land may be adversely affected by the proposedtransfer; and(b)iftheMinisterissatisfiedanyAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandwillbeadverselyaffectedbytheproposedtransfer—anyactiontheregistered native title body corporate
intends to take toaddress the concerns of the Aboriginal
people.(6)Indecidingtotransferlandunderthissection,theMinistermust have regard
to any Aboriginal tradition applicable to theland.(7)If the land is transferred under this
section, the entity to whomthelandistransferredholdsthelandforthebenefitofthepersonsforwhosebenefitthelandwasheldimmediatelybefore it was
transferred.94Procedure for transferring land(1)Before transferring the land, the
Minister must—(a)publish notice of the Minister’s
intention to transfer thelandinanewspaperorotherpublicationcirculatinggenerally in the
area in which the land is situated; and(b)consider all representations made to the
Minister undersubsection (4).(2)The
notice must—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 8 Transfer of
Aboriginal land by Minister[s 95](a)include a description of the land;
and(b)state the following—(i)the name of the proposed
transferee;(ii)if the land is
transferred land—that an Aboriginalpersonparticularlyconcernedwiththelandmaymake
written representations to the Minister aboutthe proposed
transfer;(iii)ifthelandisgrantedland—thatthegroupofAboriginal people for whom the land is held
maymake written representations to the Minister
aboutthe proposed transfer;(iv)the
place where the representations may be made;(v)theperiodinwhichtherepresentationsmustbemade.(3)The
stated period must end at least 28 days after the notice ispublished.(4)A
person, or the group, mentioned in subsection (2)(b)(ii) or(iii)maymakewrittenrepresentationsabouttheproposedtransfer to the
Minister within the stated period.95Effect of gazette notice about
transferThetransferofthelandunderthisparthaseffectonpublicationofthegazettenoticeaboutthetransferundersection 91.Division 3Notices to registrar96Notice about land(1)If
land vests in the State or is transferred under this part,
thechief executive must give the registrar
notice of the vesting ortransfer.Page 68Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 97](2)The notice must include particulars of
the land the subject ofthe vesting or transfer.(3)Onreceivingthenotice,theregistrarmustrecordinthefreehold land register the vesting or
transfer.Part 9General
provisions for dealingwith Aboriginal landDivision 1Trustee’s power
to deal withAboriginal land and Ministerialconsent97Power
to deal with Aboriginal landSubject to this
part and part 10, the trustee of Aboriginal landmay—(a)grant,transferorotherwisecreatean
interestin,orinrelationto,thelandinthewaythetrusteeconsidersappropriate, including, for example,
by—(i)granting a lease or licence over all
or a part of theland; or(ii)consenting to the creation of a mining
interest inthe land; or(iii)granting an easement over the land;
or(iv)enteringintoaconservationagreementundertheNature Conservation Act 1992,
section 45, for theland; or(v)enteringintoanagreementwiththeStateortheCommonwealth in relation to the
getting and saleof forest products or quarry material above,
on orbelow the land; orCurrent as at 7
November 2013Page 69
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 98](b)dedicate a part of the land to public
use by registering aplanofsubdivisionundertheLandTitleAct,part4,division 3; or(c)surrender all or a part of the land to the
State.Note—ForrestrictionsondealingwithparticularlandintheCapeYorkPeninsula Region, see section
114.98Requirement for consultation(1)ThetrusteeofAboriginallandmustnotdealwiththelandunless—(a)thetrusteehasexplainedtotheAboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with the land the
nature, purposeand effect of the dealing; and(b)the Aboriginal people are given a
suitable opportunity toexpress their views on, and are
generally in agreementwith, the dealing.(2)Despitesection116,dealingwithlandincontraventionofsubsection (1) is not void under that
section.(3)In this section—deal,
with land, means—(a)grant a lease, other than under
section 119(1)(a)(i) forprivate residential purposes, for more
than 10 years overthe land; or(b)grant a licence for the use of the land for
more than 10years; or(c)grant or otherwise create an interest in, or
in relation to,the land, other than—(i)a
residential tenancy; or(ii)aleaseorlicencefortheuseofthelandfornotmore than 10 years; or(iii)aleaseundersection119(1)(a)(i)forprivateresidential
purposes; orPage 70Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 99](d)dedicate a part of the land to public
use; or(e)surrender any of the land to the
State.trustee,ofAboriginalland,doesnotincludearegisterednative title
body corporate.99Provision about Minister’s
consent(1)Subsection (2) applies if the
Minister’s prior written consent isrequired for the
grant of a lease or licence by the trustee ofAboriginal land,
or for the creation of an interest under a leaseor
licence.(2)The Minister’s consent may be given
for—(a)the grant of a particular lease or
licence, or a particulartype of lease or licence; or(b)thecreationofaparticularinterestunderaleaseorlicence, or a particular type of interest;
or(c)if the Minister considers it
appropriate—(i)all leases or licences, or all leases
or licences of aparticular type, that may be granted by the
trustee;or(ii)thecreationofallinterests,orallinterestsofaparticular type, that may be created
under a leaseor licence.(3)Subsection (4) applies if the Minister’s
prior written consent isrequired for the grant of a townsite
sublease or licence by thelesseeofatownsitelease,orforthecreationofaninterestunder a townsite
sublease or licence.(4)The Minister’s
consent may be given for—(a)the grant of a
particular townsite sublease or licence, ora particular
type of townsite sublease or licence; or(b)thecreationofaparticularinterestunderatownsitesublease or
licence, or a particular type of interest; or(c)if
the Minister considers it appropriate—Current as at 7
November 2013Page 71
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 100](i)alltownsitesubleasesorlicences,oralltownsitesubleases or
licences of a particular type, that maybe granted by
the lessee; or(ii)thecreationofallinterests,orallinterestsofaparticulartype,thatmaybecreatedunderatownsite sublease or licence.Division 2Sale or mortgage
prohibited100Prohibition on sale or mortgage of
Aboriginal landThe trustee of Aboriginal land must not sell
or mortgage theland.Division 3Grant of licences101Grant
of licence for Aboriginal land(1)The
trustee of Aboriginal land may grant a licence for the useof
all or a part of the land only—(a)to
an Aborigine for not more than 30 years; or(b)to
the State for not more than 30 years; or(c)to
another person—(i)for not more than 10 years; or(ii)with the
Minister’s prior written consent, for morethan 10 years
but not more than 30 years.(2)The
lessee of the townsite lease may grant a licence for theuse
of all or a part of the lease land only—(a)to
an Aborigine for not more than 30 years; or(b)to
the State for not more than 30 years; or(c)to
another person—(i)for not more than 10 years; orPage
72Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 102](ii)with the
Minister’s prior written consent, for morethan 10 years
but not more than 30 years.102Conditions of
licences(1)A licence granted under section
101(1)(a) or (2)(a) is subjecttotheconditionthataninterestmaybecreatedunderthelicence in favour of a person who is
not an Aborigine onlyif—(a)the
interest is in favour of the spouse, or former spouse,of
an Aborigine or of an Aborigine who is deceased; or(b)the interest is—(i)for
not more than 10 years; or(ii)created with the
Minister’s prior written consent.(2)A
licence granted under section 101(1)(b) or (c), or (2)(b) or(c),issubjecttotheconditionthataninterestcannotbecreated under
the licence.(3)Alicencegrantedundersection101(1)or(2)cannotberenewed or
transferred.Division 4Transfer of
Aboriginal land bytrusteeSubdivision
1Land held other than by CATSIcorporation103Application of sdiv 1This subdivision
applies to Aboriginal land held by—(a)a
land trust; or(b)Aurukun Shire Council; or(c)Mornington Shire Council.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 104]104Transfer of Aboriginal land(1)ThetrusteeoftheAboriginalland(thetransferor)maytransfer all or a part of the land
only—(a)with the Minister’s written approval;
and(b)if the trustee is a land trust—to a
following entity (thetransferee)—(i)another land trust;(ii)a CATSI
corporation that is qualified to hold theland;(iii)Aurukun Shire
Council;(iv)Mornington Shire
Council; and(c)if the trustee is Aurukun Shire
Council or MorningtonShire Council—to a CATSI corporation
that is qualifiedto hold the land (also thetransferee).(2)However, the trustee may transfer all
or a part of the land to aCATSIcorporationthatisaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate only if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.(3)If a trustee transfers land under this
subdivision—(a)all improvements on the land must be
transferred withthe land; and(b)foratransfereethatisaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate—the transferee holds the land
for—(i)the native title holders of the land
if the transferorandthetransfereeagreeitistobeheldforthenative title holders; or(ii)thebenefitoftheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandandtheirancestorsandPage 74Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 105]descendantsifthelandistransferredlandandsubparagraph (i) does not apply to the
transfer; or(iii)the benefit of
the group of Aboriginal people andtheirancestorsanddescendantsifthelandisgranted land and subparagraph (i) does not
apply tothe transfer; and(c)for
a transferee that is not a registered native title bodycorporate—the transferee holds the land
for—(i)thebenefitoftheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandandtheirancestorsanddescendants if the land is transferred
land; or(ii)the benefit of
the group of Aboriginal people andtheirancestorsanddescendantsifthelandisgranted land; and(d)if
the trustee is a land trust and all the Aboriginal landheld
by the trustee is transferred to the transferee—(i)thelandtrustforthelandthatistransferredisdissolved; and(ii)all
the assets and liabilities of the trustee becomethe
assets and liabilities of the transferee; and(e)if
the trustee is a land trust and paragraph (d) does notapply—the assets and liabilities of the
trustee mentionedin section 106(1)(a)(ii) become the assets
and liabilitiesof the transferee.105Application for approval to transfer(1)The trustee of the Aboriginal land may
apply to the Ministerfor an approval to transfer all or a
part of the land.(2)The application must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)ifthetransferorortransfereeisalandtrust—beaccompanied by evidence satisfactory to the
Minister ofeachmattermentionedinsection106(1)(a),(b)or(c)that applies to
the transfer; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 106](c)ifthetransfereeisaCATSIcorporation—beaccompanied by
evidence satisfactory to the Minister ofthe matters
mentioned in section 106(1)(c).106Minister’s approval to transfer(1)The Minister may give an approval to
transfer the land only ifsatisfied—(a)ifthetransferorisalandtrust—atleast75%ofthetransferor’s
members present at a general meeting of thetransferor,
agree to the transfer of—(i)the land;
and(ii)the assets and
liabilities of the transferor that willbecome the
assets and liabilities of the transferee;and(b)ifthetransfereeisalandtrust—atleast75%ofthetransferee’s
members present at a general meeting of thetransferee,
agree to the transfer of—(i)the land;
and(ii)the assets and
liabilities of the transferor that willbecome the
assets and liabilities of the transferee;and(c)if the transferee is a CATSI
corporation—(i)the transferee agrees to the transfer;
and(ii)the transferee
is qualified to hold the land; and(d)it
is appropriate in the circumstances to transfer the land.(2)If the Minister gives an approval to
transfer the land, the chiefexecutive must
notify the approval by gazette notice.(3)The
gazette notice must—(a)include all of
the following—(i)the name of the transferor;(ii)a description of
the land being transferred;Page 76Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 107](iii)details of each
registered interest in the land beingtransferred;(iv)a
description of all Aboriginal land, if any, that willbe
held by the transferor after the transfer;(v)the
name of the transferee;(vi)adescriptionofallAboriginallandthatwillbeheld by the transferee after the
transfer; and(b)ifthetransferorisalandtrustthatisdissolvedundersection104(3)(d)(i)becauseofthetransfer—statetheland
trust will be dissolved.(4)In this
section—description, in relation to
land, means the description of theland as shown in
the freehold land register.registeredinterestmeansaninterestregisteredundertheLand Title Act.107Effect of gazette notice about
2Land held by CATSI corporation108Application of sdiv 2(1)This subdivision applies to Aboriginal
land held by a CATSIcorporation.(2)However,thissubdivisiondoesnotapplytoatransferofAboriginal land from a registered native
title body corporate(theoriginal body
corporate) to another registered native titlebodycorporatethat,undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct, replaces
the original body corporate.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 77
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 109]109Transfer of Aboriginal land(1)ThetrusteeoftheAboriginalland(thetransferor)maytransfer all or a part of the land
only—(a)with the Minister’s written approval;
and(b)to another CATSI corporation that is
qualified to holdthe land (thetransferee).(2)However, the trustee may transfer all
or a part of the land to aCATSIcorporationthatisaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate only if—(a)undertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,adetermination has been made that
native title exists inrelation to all or a part of the land;
and(b)the registered native title body
corporate is registered onthe National Native Title Register for
the determination.(3)The transferee holds the land
for—(a)the native title holders of the land,
if—(i)thetransfereeisaregisterednativetitlebodycorporate; and(ii)thetransferorandthetransfereeagreeitistobeheld for the native title holders;
or(b)otherwise—(i)thebenefitoftheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandandtheirancestorsanddescendants if the land is transferred
land; or(ii)the benefit of
the group of Aboriginal people andtheirancestorsanddescendantsifthelandisgranted land.110Application for approval to transfer(1)The trustee of the Aboriginal land may
apply to the Ministerfor an approval to transfer all or a
part of the land.(2)The application must be in the
approved form.Page 78Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 111]111Minister’s approval to transfer(1)The Minister may give an approval to
transfer the land only ifsatisfied—(a)the
transferee agrees to the transfer; and(b)the
transferee is qualified to hold the land; and(c)it
is appropriate in the circumstances to transfer the land.(2)If the Minister gives an approval to
transfer the land, the chiefexecutive must
notify the approval by gazette notice.(3)The
gazette notice must include all of the following—(a)the name of the transferor;(b)a description of the land being
transferred;(c)the name of the transferee.(4)In this section—description, in relation to
land, means the description of theland as shown in
the freehold land register.112Effect of gazette
notice about transferOnpublicationofthegazettenoticetheAboriginallandproposedtobetransferredmaybetransferredtothetransferee.Subdivision
3Exemption from fees and charges113ExemptionIf a trustee of
Aboriginal land transfers all or a part of the landunder this division, no fee or charge is
payable by the trusteeortheentitytowhomthelandistransferredinrelationtolodgementandregistrationofanyinstrumentinthelandregistry to give
effect to the transfer.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 114]Division 5Land in Cape
York PeninsulaRegion114Dealing with Aboriginal land in Cape York
PeninsulaRegion(1)Subsection(2)appliestoAboriginallandintheCapeYorkPeninsula Region
if the State and the trustee of the land agreethelandorapartofthelandistobecomeanationalpark(Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal
land).(2)The trustee must, before the land or
part becomes a nationalpark(CapeYorkPeninsulaAboriginalland),enterintoanindigenous management agreement with
the State about themanagement of the land or part.(3)Thetrusteeoflandthatisanationalpark(CapeYorkPeninsula
Aboriginal land)—(a)may surrender all or any part of the
land to the State;and(b)must not, other
than under theNature Conservation Act1992,sections42ADand42AE,transfer,grantorotherwise create, or consent to the creation
of, any otherinterest in the land.(4)Subsection (3)(b) applies despite any other
provision of this oranother Act.Division 6Other matters115Trustee to advise chief executive of change
to descriptionof landIf a trustee
deals with Aboriginal land held by the trustee in away
that changes the description of the land as shown in thefreehold land register, the trustee must as
soon as practicableafter the dealing happens give the chief
executive notice of thechange.Page 80Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 9 General
provisions for dealing with Aboriginal land[s 116]116Particular dealings in Aboriginal land
void(1)A grant, transfer or other creation of
an interest in Aboriginalland in contravention of this part or
part 10 is void.Note—See also section
98.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
registered interest.117Provision about resumption of
Aboriginal land etc.(1)An interest in
Aboriginal land can not be resumed, taken orotherwise
compulsorily acquired, sold or dealt with other thanunder the Acquisition Act by a constructing
authority.(2)However, an interest in Aboriginal
land may be taken underthe Acquisition Act only for a
relevant purpose.(3)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that, for taking an interestin Aboriginal
land under the Acquisition Act, the Aboriginalland is land as
defined in that Act.(4)Subsection(1)haseffectdespiteanyotherAct,whetherenacted before
or after the commencement of this section.(5)In
this section—relevant purposemeans any
purpose for which land may betaken under the
Acquisition Act by a constructing authority,other than a
purpose under—(a)theGeothermal
Energy Act 2010; or(b)theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009;
or(c)thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004; or(d)theState
Development and Public Works OrganisationAct 1971.118Devolution of
granted land(1)This section applies if—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 119](a)a
trustee holds granted land for the benefit of a singlegroup of Aboriginal people; and(b)thelastsurvivingmemberofthegroupdieswithoutleaving a descendant.(2)The
trustee holds the land for the benefit of Aboriginal peopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandunlesstheMinisterdecides, in
writing, that the trustee holds the land for a statedgroup of Aboriginal people.(3)The chief executive must give notice
to the registrar of titlesabout how the land is vested in the
trustee.(4)On receiving the notice, the registrar
of titles must record inthe freehold land register how the
land is vested in the trustee.(5)Before making a decision under subsection
(2), the MinistermustconsultwiththeAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcerned with
the land and, unless the Minister is satisfiedthat exceptional
circumstances exist that require the Ministerto do otherwise,
must have regard to—(a)any Aboriginal
tradition applicable to the land; and(b)the
views of the Aboriginal people to the extent they arenot
inconsistent with the Aboriginal tradition.(6)Subsection (2) applies despite any other
Act.Part 10Leasing of
Aboriginal LandDivision 1Grant of leases
for Aboriginal land119Grant of lease for Aboriginal
land(1)The trustee of Aboriginal land may
grant a lease over all or apart of the land
only if—Page 82Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 120](a)the
lease is for not more than 99 years and is grantedto—(i)an Aborigine;
or(ii)the State;
or(iii)another person;
or(b)theleaseisaperpetualleasegrantedtoalocalgovernment over land that is township
land.(2)A lease mentioned in subsection (1)(a)
is astandard lease.(3)A lease mentioned in subsection (1)(b)
is atownsite lease.(4)Despite subsection (1)(a)(i)—(a)a person who is not an Aborigine may
be a party to alease granted under the subsection
if—(i)the lease is for private residential
purposes; and(ii)the person is
the spouse of an Aborigine; and(b)a
lease may be granted under the subsection for privateresidential purposes to a person who is not
an Aborigineifthepersonisthespouse,orformerspouse,ofanAborigine or of
an Aborigine who is deceased.Division 2Standard leasesSubdivision
1Restrictions on grant of standardleases120Restrictions on grant of standard lease to
an Aborigine(1)Thissectionappliestoastandardleaseundersection119(1)(a)(i).(2)If
the lease is for more than 30 years it may be granted only—(a)for private residential purposes;
orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 121](b)withtheMinister’spriorwrittenconsent,foranotherpurpose.Examples of another purpose for paragraph
(b)—a commercial purpose or providing
public infrastructure(3)The Minister may
consent to the grant of the lease for anotherpurpose under
subsection (2)(b) only if—(a)having regard to
the nature of the lease, the Minister issatisfiedthegrantoftheleaseisforthebenefitofpersons for whom the trustee holds the
land; and(b)foraleaseforacommercialpurpose—theleaseisgrantedoveranentirelotasshownintheappropriateregister.Note—For a lease for
more than 30 years and for a commercial purpose, alsosee
section 124.121Restrictions on grant of standard
lease to State(1)Thissectionappliestoastandardleaseundersection119(1)(a)(ii).(2)If
the lease is for more than 30 years it may be granted only—(a)for a following purpose—(i)a purpose under theHousing Act 2003;(ii)providing public
employees or police officers; or(b)withtheMinister’spriorwrittenconsent,foranotherpurpose.Example of another purpose for paragraph
(b)—a commercial purpose(3)The Minister may consent to the grant
of the lease for anotherpurpose under subsection (2)(b) only
if—Page 84Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 122](a)having regard to the nature of the lease,
the Minister issatisfiedthegrantoftheleaseisforthebenefitofpersons for whom the trustee holds the
land; and(b)foraleaseforacommercialpurpose—theleaseisgrantedoveranentirelotasshownintheappropriateregister.122Restrictions on grant of standard
lease to another person(1)Thissectionappliestoastandardleaseundersection119(1)(a)(iii).(2)Theleasemaybegrantedforaprivateresidentialpurposeonlyiftheleasesupportsastandardleasegrantedtotheperson for a commercial
purpose.(3)If the lease is for more than 10 years
it may be granted onlywiththeMinister’spriorwrittenconsentunlesstheleaseisfor—(a)a
commercial purpose and for not more than 30 years; or(b)aprivateresidentialpurposetosupportaleaseforacommercial purpose.(4)The Minister may consent to the grant
of the lease only if—(a)having regard to
the nature of the lease, the Minister issatisfiedthegrantoftheleaseisforthebenefitofpersons for whom the trustee holds the
land; and(b)for a lease for more than 30 years and
for a commercialpurpose—theleaseisgrantedoveranentirelotasshown in the appropriate
register.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 123]Subdivision
2Requirements for Minister’sconsent123General requirements for Minister’s
consent(1)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsenttothegrantofastandardleasemustgivetheMinistertheinformationordocuments reasonably required by the
Minister to show—(a)the purpose of the lease; and(b)that the grant of the lease is for the
benefit of persons forwhom the trustee holds the land;
and(c)if the lease is for more than 30
years—that the grant ofthe lease is appropriate in the
circumstances.(2)Also, a person seeking the Minister’s
consent to the grant of astandardleaseformorethan30yearsforacommercialpurpose must
give the Minister—(a)a business plan outlining the details
of the commercialpurposeofthelease,including,forexample,financialdetails about any proposed development under
the lease;and(b)evidencetoshowthatanappropriatereturnontheinvestmentforthecommercialpurposecannotbeobtained under a lease for not more than 30
years; and(c)other information or documents
reasonably required bythe Minister to show the purpose of
the lease.(3)Inconsideringwhethertogiveconsenttothegrantofastandard lease,
the Minister—(a)must have regard to the information or
documents givento the Minister under subsection (1) or (2);
relevant to the proposed lease.(4)Before giving consent to the grant of a
standard lease for morethan 30 years, the Minister must be
satisfied—Page 86Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 124](a)thetrusteehascompliedwithsection98(1)(a)forthelease;
and(b)theAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelease land are generally in agreement with
the grant ofthe lease.124Requirement for Minister’s consent for
standard lease forcommercial purpose(1)Before the Minister consents to the grant of
a standard leasefor more than 30 years for a commercial
purpose, the Ministermust—(a)obtain an independent assessment of—(i)thebusinessplanandevidencegiventotheMinister under
section 123(2)(a) and (b); and(ii)theproposedlessee’sfinancialandmanagerialcapabilities;
that—(i)any proposed development under the
lease will becommercially viable; and(ii)theevidencegivenundersection123(2)(b)satisfactorilyshowsthatanappropriatereturnonthe investment for the purpose of the
lease can notbeobtainedunderaleasefornotmorethan30years; and(iii)theproposedlessee’sfinancialandmanagerialcapabilitiesareappropriateforcarryingoutanyproposed development under the
cost is not refundable.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 125]125Requirement for Minister’s consent for
creation ofinterest under a standard lease(1)This section applies if, under section
141, an interest under astandard lease may be created only
with the Minister’s writtenconsent.(2)The Minister may consent to the
creation of the interest onlyif—(a)having regard to the nature of the
interest, the Minister issatisfied the creation of the interest
is for the benefit ofpersons for whom the trustee holds the
lease land; and(b)if the lease is for more than 30
years—(i)the interest is consistent with the
purpose for whichthe lease was granted; or(ii)theinterestwouldnotdiminishthepurposeforwhich the lease was granted.(3)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsentmustgivetheMinistertheinformationordocumentsrelevanttotheproposedinterestreasonablyrequiredbytheMinister,including,forexample,informationordocumentstoshowthat the
creation of the interest is for the benefit of persons forwhom
the trustee holds the lease land.Division 3Townsite leasesSubdivision
1Restriction on grant of townsiteleases126Minister’s consent for grant of townsite
lease(1)A townsite lease may be granted only
with the Minister’s priorwritten consent.(2)The
Minister may consent to the grant of a townsite lease onlyif—Page 88Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 127](a)the
lease is over an entire lot as shown in the appropriateregister; and(b)the
Minister is satisfied that any existing interests in thelease land that is to be a town site under
the lease are notinconsistent with the lease.Subdivision 2Requirements for
Minister’sconsent127General requirements for Minister’s
consent(1)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsenttothegrantofatownsiteleasemustgivetheMinistertheinformationordocuments reasonably required by the
Minister to show—(a)the purpose of the lease; and(b)thegrantoftheleaseisforthebenefitofpersonsforwhom
the trustee holds the lease land; and(c)the
grant of the lease—(i)willfacilitatethecontinuedoperationofatownship on the
lease land; and(ii)willnotpreventresidentsofthetownshiplandfrom continuing
to live on and access the land, orfrom obtaining
tenure over the land under this Act.(2)Inconsideringwhethertogiveconsenttothegrantofatownsite lease,
the Minister—(a)must have regard to the information or
documents givento the Minister under subsection (1);
relevant to the proposed lease.(3)Beforegivingconsenttothegrantofatownsitelease,theMinister must be satisfied—(a)thetrusteehascompliedwithsection98(1)(a)forthelease;
andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 128](b)theAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelease land are generally in agreement with
the grant ofthe lease; and(c)the
grant of the lease—(i)willfacilitatethecontinuedoperationofatownship on the
lease land; and(ii)willnotpreventresidentsofthetownshiplandfrom continuing
to live on and access the land, orfrom obtaining
tenure over the land under this Act.Subdivision
3Provisions about dealing withtownsite leases128Transfer or amendment of townsite
lease(1)Atownsiteleasemustnotbetransferredoramendedwithout—(a)the agreement of both the trustee and
the lessee of thelease land; and(b)the
Minister’s prior written consent.(2)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsenttothetransferoramendmentofatownsiteleasemustgivetheMinistertheinformation or documents relevant to the
proposed transfer oramendment reasonably required by the
Minister.(3)In considering whether to consent to
the transfer of a townsitelease,theMinistermustconsiderwhethertheproposedtransferee can
comply with the conditions of the lease.(4)TheMinistermayconsenttotheamendmentofatownsitelease only if
satisfied—(a)theamendmentdoesnotsignificantlychangetheconditions of the townsite lease;
and(b)theamendmentwillnotdiminishthepurposeofthelease.Page 90Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 129](5)Atownsiteleasemustnotbetransferredtoapersonwho,under this Act, would not be entitled to a
grant of the lease.129Townsite lease and transfer, amendment
or surrender oflease to be registered(1)A
townsite lease, and any transfer, amendment or surrender ofa
townsite lease, must be registered.(2)Despite the Land Title Act, section 65(2),
the instrument ofleaseforatownsiteleasemustincludeaplanofsurveyidentifying the
lease land.130Surrender of townsite leaseAtownsiteleasemustnotbesurrenderedwithouttheMinister’s prior written
consent.131No forfeiture of townsite leaseA
townsite lease can not be forfeited.Subdivision
4Effect of townsite lease on existinginterests132Lessee of townsite lease taken to be lessor
of existingleases(1)Subsection(2)appliesifatownsiteleaseisgrantedoverAboriginal land that is, immediately before
the grant of thetownsitelease,thesubjectofafollowinglease(eachacontinued lease)—(a)a lease granted under the Land Holding
Act;(b)a lease under the Land Act;(c)a trustee (Aboriginal) lease.(2)On the grant of the townsite
lease—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 133](a)the
continued lease continues in force and is taken to bea
townsite sublease; and(b)thelesseeforthetownsiteleaseissubstitutedforthelessor as a party to the continued
lease.Note—Under section
45(2) the trustee of the Aboriginal land is the lessor of
thecontinued lease.(3)Section45(3)appliesforthecontinuedleaseasifthereference in that subsection to the trustee
of the land were areference to the lessee of the townsite
lease.(4)Subsection (5) applies if lease land
for a townsite lease—(a)is Aboriginal
land that was Aurukun Shire lease land orMornington Shire
lease land; and(b)is the subject of a sublease under a
lease granted undertheAurukun and Mornington Shire Leases
Act 1978.(5)On the grant of
the townsite lease—(a)a sublease mentioned in subsection
(4)(b) continues inforce and is taken to be a townsite
sublease; and(b)thelesseeforthetownsiteleaseissubstitutedforthelessor as a party to the townsite
sublease.Division 4Townsite
subleasesSubdivision 1Grant of
subleases under townsitelease133Grant
of sublease(1)The lessee of a townsite lease may
grant a sublease (atownsitesublease)
over all or a part of the lease land.(2)Atownsitesubleasemaynotbegrantedformorethan99years and may be granted only
to—Page 92Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 134](a)an
Aborigine; or(b)the State; or(c)another person.(3)Despite subsection (2)(a)—(a)a person who is not an Aborigine may
be a party to asublease granted under the subsection
if—(i)the sublease is for private
residential purposes; and(ii)the person is
the spouse of an Aborigine; and(b)asubleasemaybegrantedunderthesubsectionforprivateresidentialpurposestoapersonwhoisnotanAborigine if the person is the spouse,
or former spouse,of an Aborigine or of an Aborigine who is
deceased.Subdivision 2Requirements
about grants ofsubleases under townsite leases134Restrictions on grant of townsite
sublease to anAborigine(1)Thissectionappliestoatownsitesubleaseundersection133(2)(a).(2)If
the sublease is for more than 30 years, it may be grantedonly—(a)for
private residential purposes; or(b)withtheMinister’spriorwrittenconsent,foranotherpurpose.Examples of another purpose for paragraph
(b)—a commercial purpose or providing
public infrastructure(3)TheMinistermayconsenttothegrantofthesubleaseforanother purpose under subsection (2)(b) only
if—(a)having regard to the nature of the
sublease, the Ministeris satisfied the grant of the sublease
would not diminishCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 135]the purpose for
which the townsite lease was granted;and(b)for a townsite sublease for more than
30 years and for acommercialpurpose—thesubleaseisgrantedoveranentire lot as shown in the appropriate
register.Note—For a lease for
more than 30 years and for a commercial purpose, alsosee
section 138.135Restrictions on grant of townsite
sublease to State(1)Thissectionappliestoatownsitesubleaseundersection133(2)(b).(2)If
the sublease is for more than 30 years it may be grantedonly—(a)for
a following purpose—(i)a purpose under
theHousing Act 2003;(ii)providing public
employees or police officers; or(b)withtheMinister’spriorwrittenconsent,foranotherpurpose.Example of another purpose for paragraph
(b)—a commercial purpose(3)TheMinistermayconsenttothegrantofthesubleaseforanother purpose under subsection (2)(b) only
if—(a)having regard to the nature of the
sublease, the Ministeris satisfied the grant of the sublease
would not diminishthe purpose for which the townsite lease was
granted;and(b)for a townsite
sublease for a commercial purpose and formorethan30years—thesubleaseisgrantedoveranentire lot as shown in the appropriate
register.Page 94Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 136]136Restrictions on grant of townsite sublease
to anotherperson(1)Thissectionappliestoatownsitesubleaseundersection133(2)(c).(2)The
sublease may be granted for a private residential purposeonly
if the sublease supports a sublease granted to the personfor
a commercial purpose.(3)If the sublease
is for more than 10 years it may be grantedonlywiththeMinister’spriorwrittenconsentunlessthesublease is for—(a)a
commercial purpose and for not more than 30 years; or(b)a private residential purpose to
support a sublease for acommercial purpose.(4)TheMinistermayconsenttothegrantofthetownsitesublease only
if—(a)having regard to the nature of the
sublease, the Ministeris satisfied the grant of the sublease
would not diminishthe purpose for which the townsite lease was
granted;and(b)for a townsite
sublease for more than 30 years and for acommercialpurpose—thesubleaseisgrantedoveranentire lot as shown in the appropriate
register.Subdivision 3Requirements for
Minister’sconsent137General requirements for Minister’s
sublease must give the Minister the information ordocuments reasonably required by the
Minister to show—(a)the purpose of the sublease;
and(b)the sublease will not diminish the
purpose for which thetownsite lease was granted; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 138](c)if
the sublease is for more than 30 years—the grant ofthe
sublease is appropriate in the circumstances.(2)Also, a person seeking the Minister’s
consent to the grant of atownsitesubleaseformorethan30yearsforacommercialpurpose must
give the Minister—(a)a business plan outlining the details
of the commercialpurposeofthesublease,including,forexample,financial
details about any proposed development underthe sublease;
and(b)evidencetoshowthatanappropriatereturnontheinvestmentforthecommercialpurposecannotbeobtained under a sublease for not more than
30 years;and(c)other
information or documents reasonably required bythe Minister to
show the purpose of the sublease.(3)Inconsideringwhethertogiveconsenttothegrantofatownsite
sublease, the Minister—(a)must have regard
to the information or documents givento the Minister
under subsection (1) or (2); and(b)mayhaveregardtootherinformationtheMinisterconsiders
relevant to the proposed sublease.(4)Before giving consent to the grant of a
townsite sublease formore than 30 years, the Minister must
be satisfied the grant ofthesubleasewillnotdiminishthepurposeforwhichthetownsite lease was granted.138Requirement for Minister’s consent for
townsite subleasefor commercial purpose(1)BeforetheMinisterconsentstothegrantofatownsitesublease for more than 30 years for a
commercial purpose, theMinister must—(a)obtain an independent assessment of—(i)thebusinessplanandevidencegiventotheMinister under
section 137(2)(a) and (b); andPage 96Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 139](ii)the
proposed sublessee’s financial and managerialcapabilities;
that—(i)any proposed development under the
sublease willbe commercially viable; and(ii)theevidencegivenundersection137(2)(b)satisfactorilyshowsthatanappropriatereturnonthe investment for the purpose of the
sublease cannot be obtained under a sublease for not
more than30 years; and(iii)the
proposed sublessee’s financial and managerialcapabilitiesareappropriateforcarryingoutanyproposed development under the
lease.(2)The proposed sublessee must pay the
cost of the independentassessment.(3)The
cost is not refundable.139Requirement for
Minister’s consent for creation ofinterest under a
townsite sublease(1)This section applies if, under section
141, an interest under atownsitesubleasemaybecreatedonlywiththeMinister’swritten
consent.(2)The Minister may consent to the
creation of the interest onlyif—(a)the interest is consistent with the
purpose for which thetownsite lease was granted; or(b)the interest would not diminish the
purpose for whichthe townsite lease was granted.(3)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsentmustgivetheMinistertheinformationordocumentsrelevanttotheproposedinterestreasonablyrequiredbytheMinister,including,forexample,informationordocumentstoshowCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 140]thatthecreationoftheinterestwouldnotdiminishthepurpose for which the townsite lease was
granted.Division 5Common
provisions for standardleases and townsite subleasesSubdivision 1Preliminary140Definitions for div 5In this
division—leasemeans—(a)a standard lease; or(b)a townsite sublease.lessormeans—(a)for a standard lease—the trustee of
the lease land; or(b)for a townsite sublease—the lessee of
the townsite leaseunder which the townsite sublease is
granted.Subdivision 2Conditions of
leases141Conditions of leases—general(1)A lease is subject to a condition that
an interest, other than amortgage of the lease, for a term of
more than 10 years maybecreatedundertheleaseonlywiththeMinister’spriorwritten consent.Note—For requirements for the Minister’s
consent, see sections 125 and 139.(2)Despite subsection (1)—(a)aninterestunderaleasegrantedundersection119(1)(a)(i)or133(2)(a)maybecreatedwithoutthePage 98Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 142]Minister’spriorwrittenconsentiftheinterestisinfavour
of—(i)an Aborigine; or(ii)anotherpersonwhoisnotanAborigineifthepersonisthespouse,orformerspouse,ofanAborigine or of
an Aborigine who is deceased; and(b)an
interest under another lease may be created withoutthe
Minister’s prior written consent if, under this part,the
grant of the lease did not require the consent of theMinister.(3)A
lease may include a condition that—(a)a
stated standard terms document under the Land TitleAct
forms part of the lease; or(b)theleasemustnotbetransferredwithoutthelessor’sprior written
consent; or(c)an interest under the lease, other
than a mortgage of thelease,mustnotbecreatedwithoutthelessor’spriorwritten consent.(4)If a
lease includes a condition mentioned in subsection (3)(b)or
(c), the lessor must not unreasonably withhold consent tothe
transfer or creation of an interest under the lease.(5)A lease may be mortgaged without the
consent of the Ministeror the lessor.(6)Subjecttosubsection(5),thissectiondoesnotlimittheconditions that may be imposed on a
lease.142Leases for private residential
purposes—generalconditions and requirements(1)A lease granted for private
residential purposes is subject toall of the
following conditions—(a)iftheleaseisgrantedundersection119(1)(a)(i)or133(2)(a)—(i)it
must be for 99 years; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 143](ii)the
annual rental under the lease is the amount, ofnot more than
$1, decided by the lessor; and(iii)theconsiderationpayablefortheleasemustinclude, as a
lump sum payment, an amount equaltothevalueoftheleaselandasdecidedbythelessor using at least 1 of the
executive;(B)the benchmark purchase price, as
prescribedunder a regulation, for land in the part of
theState in which the lease land is situated;
and(iv)theleaseland mustbeusedprimarilyforprivateresidential
use;(b)ifaprivateresidentialpremisesisnotsituatedontheleaselandwhentheleaseisgranted—thelesseemustensure a private
residential premises is built on the landwithin 8 years
after the lease is granted;(c)aninterestmaybecreatedundertheleaseonlyiftheinterestisaresidentialtenancyoramortgageofthelease.(2)Alessormaygrantaleaseundersection119(1)(a)(i)or133(2)(a) for private residential purposes
only if the amountmentioned in subsection (1)(a)(iii) has been
paid to the lessor.(3)The chief executive—(a)must, if requested, give a person a
copy of the valuationmethodology mentioned in subsection
(1)(a)(iii); and(b)maymakethevaluationmethodologyavailableforinspection on the department’s
website.143Leases for private residential
purposes—particularrequirements if dwelling situated on
land(1)This section applies if—(a)a lessor proposes to grant a lease for
private residentialpurposes; andPage 100Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 143](b)adwellingissituatedonthelandthesubjectoftheproposed lease.(2)The
lessor must give the housing chief executive notice of thelessor’s intention to grant the
lease.(3)Within 28 days after receiving the
notice, the housing chiefexecutivemustgivethelessoranoticestatingwhetherthehousing chief executive considers the
dwelling has been usedto provide subsidised housing for
residential use.(4)Thelessormustnotgranttheleasebeforereceivingthehousing chief executive’s notice under
subsection (3).(5)Subsections (6) to (10) apply if the
notice states the housingchiefexecutiveconsidersthedwellinghasbeenusedtoprovide subsidised housing for
residential use.(6)The lessor must, before the lease is
granted, decide the valueofthedwellingbyusingavaluationmethodologyagreedbetween the lessor and the housing chief
executive.(7)Theconsiderationpayablefortheleasemustinclude,asalumpsumpayment,anamountequaltothevalueofthedwelling decided
under subsection (6).(8)The lessor may
grant the lease only—(a)with the written
approval of the housing chief executive;and(b)if the amount mentioned in subsection
(7) has been paidto the lessor.(9)In
considering whether to give an approval, the housing chiefexecutivemusthaveregardtowhetheritwouldbemoreappropriate in
the circumstances for the dwelling to continueto be used to
provide subsidised housing for residential use.(10)If
the lessor grants the lease, the lessor must, within 28 daysafter the lease is registered, give the
housing chief executive—(a)a notice
stating—(i)the day the lease was registered;
and(ii)the names of the
parties to the lease; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 144](b)evidence showing the amount mentioned in
subsection(7) for the dwelling was paid to the lessor;
and(c)evidenceshowingtheamountdecidedbythelessorunder section 142(1)(a)(iii) for the lease
land was paidto the lessor.Note—The amount mentioned in subsection (7)
must be used by the lessor asrequired under
section 288.(11)This section
does not limit section 142.(12)In
this section—housingchiefexecutivemeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which theHousing Act 2003is
administered.144Option to renew particular lease or
sublease(1)A lease or a sublease of a lease,
other than a lease for privateresidential
purposes, may include an option to renew the leaseor
the initial term of the lease or sublease.Subdivision
3Provisions about transfer,amendment or surrender of leases145Transfer or amendment of lease or
sublease(1)Aleaseorasubleaseofaleasemustnotbetransferredoramended without—(a)if,underaconditionofthelease,thetransferoramendment of the lease or sublease requires
the consentof the lessor—the lessor’s prior written
consent; and(b)if,underthispart,thegrantoftheleaseorsubleaserequirestheconsentoftheMinister—theMinister’sprior written
consent.Page 102Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 145](2)ApersonseekingtheMinister’sconsenttothetransferoramendment of a lease or sublease must
give the Minister theinformation or documents relevant to
the proposed transfer oramendment reasonably required by the
Minister.(3)In considering whether to consent to
the transfer of a lease orsublease,theMinistermustconsiderwhethertheproposedtransferee can
comply with the conditions of the lease.(4)TheMinistermayconsenttotheamendmentofaleaseorsublease only if the Minister is
satisfied—(a)theamendmentdoesnotsignificantlychangetheconditions of the lease or sublease;
and(b)the amended lease or sublease—(i)for a standard lease—is for the
benefit of personsfor whom the trustee holds the land;
or(ii)foratownsitesublease—willnotdiminishthepurpose of the relevant townsite
lease.(5)Before the Minister consents to the
transfer of a lease for morethan 30 years
for a commercial purpose, the Minister must—(a)obtainanindependentassessmentoftheproposedtransferee’s
financial and managerial capabilities; and(b)besatisfied,havingregardtotheindependentassessment, that
the proposed transferee’s financial andmanagerialcapabilitiesareappropriateforcomplyingwith the
conditions of the lease.(6)The proposed
transferee must pay the cost of the independentassessment.(7)The
cost is not refundable.(8)Aleaseorsubleaseofaleasemustnotbetransferredtoaperson who, under this Act, would not
be entitled to a grant ofthe lease.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 103
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 146]146Lease, sublease and particular dealings to
be registered(1)All leases, and any sublease of a
lease or transfer, amendmentor surrender of
a lease or sublease, must be registered.(2)DespitetheLandTitleAct,section65(2),aninstrumentofleaseforAboriginallandmustincludeaplanofsurveyidentifying the
lease land.(3)Subsection (2) does not apply to a
lease entered into only inrelation to an area completely within
a building.Division 6Forfeiture and
renewal of residentialleasesSubdivision
1Preliminary147Definitions for div 6In this
division—lesseemeans—(a)for a residential lease that is a
standard lease—the lesseeunder the lease; or(b)foraresidentialleasethatisatownsitesublease—thesublessee under
the sublease.lessormeans—(a)foraresidentialleasethatisastandardlease—thetrustee of the lease land; or(b)foraresidentialleasethatisatownsitesublease—thelesseeofthetownsiteleaseunderwhichthetownsitesublease is
created.residential leasemeans—(a)a standard lease granted under section
119(1)(a)(i) forprivate residential purposes; orPage
104Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 148](b)a
townsite sublease granted under section 133(2)(a) forprivate residential purposes.148Application of div 6This
division applies to all residential leases.Subdivision
2Forfeiture149Grounds for forfeiture(1)A
residential lease may be forfeited only if—(a)the
lessee breaches a relevant condition of the lease andfailstoremedythebreachwithin6monthsafterreceiving notice of the breach from the
lessor; or(b)the lessee acquired the lease by
fraud.(2)In this section—relevant
condition, of a residential lease, means—(a)a condition of the lease mentioned in
section 142(1)(b);or(b)anothercondition,ifthelessorreasonablyconsidersabreachoftheconditionisofaseriousnatureandwarrants forfeiture of the lease.150Referral to Land Court for
forfeiture(1)Before the residential lease is
forfeited, the lessor must referthe matter to
the Land Court to decide whether the lease maybe
forfeited.(2)Thelessormustgivethelessee,andanymortgageeofthelease, at least 28 days notice of the
lessor’s intention to referthe matter to
the Land Court.(3)Thenoticemuststatethegroundsonwhichthelessorconsiders the
lease may be forfeited.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 151](4)Indecidingwhethertheleasemaybeforfeited,theLandCourt must have
regard to—(a)the stated grounds; and(b)iftheleaseisproposedtobeforfeitedbecauseofabreachofaconditionofthelease—whetherthecourtconsiders the
breach is of a serious nature and warrantsforfeiture of
the lease.(5)The lessor must file a copy of the
notice in the Land Courtwhen the lessor refers the matter to
the court.151Lessor’s options if Land Court decides
residential leasemay be forfeitedIftheLandCourtdecidestheresidentialleasemaybeforfeited, the
lessor may—(a)forfeit the lease under this
subdivision; or(b)iftheproposedforfeitureisbecauseofabreachofacondition of the lease—decide not to
forfeit the lease,but instead to allow the lease to continue
subject to theleasebeingamendedtoincludeconditionsagreedbetween the lessor and the lessee.152Notice and effect of forfeiture(1)Ifthelessorforfeitstheresidentiallease,thelessormust,within60daysafterreceivingnoticeoftheLandCourt’sdecision about
forfeiture of the lease, give notice that the leaseis
forfeited to—(a)the lessee and any mortgagee of the
lease; and(b)the registrar of titles.(2)Onreceivingthenotice,theregistrarmustrecordtheforfeiture of the lease in the appropriate
register.(3)The forfeiture of the lease takes
effect on the day the registraracts under
subsection (2).(4)On forfeiture of the lease—Page
106Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 153](a)the
lease ends; and(b)the lessee is divested of any interest
in the lease; and(c)any person occupying the lease land
must immediatelyvacate the land.153Extension of term of lease—referral for
forfeiture(1)This section applies to the
residential lease if—(a)amatterhasbeenreferredtotheLandCourtforforfeiture of the lease; and(b)afterthereferralbutbeforetheLandCourtmakesitsdecision on the matter, the term of the
lease would, butfor subsection (2), end.(2)The
term of the lease is taken to continue until—(a)if
the lease is forfeited—notice of its forfeiture is givento
the registrar of titles under this subdivision; or(b)otherwise—the end of 60 days after the
lessor receivesnotice of the Land Court’s decision.(3)Subsection (2) applies to the lease
despite the provisions ofthe lease and any other provision of
this Act.Subdivision 3Renewal154Notice of expiry of lease(1)This section applies if the lessee
under a residential lease hasnot, under
section 155, applied for renewal of the lease at least1
year before the term of the lease ends.(2)The
lessor must, as soon as practicable, give the lessee noticestating—(a)the
day the term of the lease ends; and(b)thatthelesseemayapplyunderthissubdivisionforrenewal of the lease and how the lessee may
apply.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 155]155Application to renew lease(1)The lessee under a residential lease
may apply in writing tothe lessor to renew the lease.(2)The application must be made not more
than 2 years beforethe term of the lease ends.(3)The application must—(a)state the name of the lessee;
and(b)include information to identify the
lease.156Lessor to consider and decide
applicationThe lessor must, within 6 months after an
application is madeundersection155,considertheapplicationanddecidetorenew or not to renew the residential
lease.157Decision to renew lease(1)If the lessor decides to renew the
residential lease, the lessormust give the
lessee—(a)notice of the decision; and(b)a copy of the renewed lease.(2)The renewed lease—(a)must
be for the same term as the lease it replaces (thereplaced lease); and(b)has effect immediately after the
replaced lease ends; and(c)issubjecttoalltheconditionstowhichthereplacedlease was
subject immediately before it ended.(3)Noamountispayableundersection142(1)(a)(iii)fortherenewed lease.(4)Also, section 143 does not apply for the
renewal of the lease.Page 108Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 158]158Lessor may decide not to renew leaseThe
lessor may decide not to renew the residential lease onlyif
the lessor is satisfied the lease land is not being used forprivate residential purposes.159Notice to lessee about decision not to
renew leaseIfthelessordecidesnottorenewtheresidentiallease,thelessor must give the lessee a notice
stating the following—(a)that the lessor
has decided not to renew the lease;(b)the
reasons for the decision;(c)that the person
to whom the notice is given may appealto the Land
Court against the decision within 28 daysafter receiving
the notice;(d)how the person may appeal.160Extension of term of lease—application
for renewal(1)This section applies to the
residential lease if—(a)thelesseehasappliedtorenewtheleaseunderthissubdivision;
and(b)before the lessor makes its decision
on the application,the term of the lease would, but for
subsection (2), end.(2)The term of the
lease is taken to continue until notice of thelessor’s
decision is given to the lessee under this subdivision.(3)Subsection (2) applies to the lease
despite the provisions ofthe lease and any other provision of
this Act.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 161]Subdivision
4General matters about forfeiture ornon-renewal of residential leases161Right to remove improvements if
residential leaseforfeited or not renewed(1)Ifthelessorforfeitsordecidesnottorenewtheresidentiallease, the
lessor must allow the lessee to remove the lessee’simprovementsontheleaselandwithinareasonableperioddecided by the lessor.(2)If
the improvements are not removed within the period, theybecome the property of the lessor.162Payment by lessor for forfeited or
non-renewedresidential lease(1)Ifthelessorforfeitsordecidesnottorenewtheresidentiallease, the
lessor must pay to the person who was the lessee theamountworkedoutundersubsection(2)(therequiredamount).(2)Therequiredamountistheamountequaltothecombinedvalueofthefollowing(themaximumamount)lessanyamounts deducted from the maximum amount
under section164—(a)thevalueoftheleaselandonthedaytheleaseisforfeited or ends;(b)the
value of the lessee’s improvements on the land thatbecome the property of the lessor.(3)The value of the lease land is the
amount as decided by thelessor using the valuation methodology
mentioned in section142(1)(a)(iii).(4)Thevalueofanyimprovementsontheleaselandmustbeassessed as the market value of the
improvements in a sale ofaleaseofthesametermandtenureastheforfeitedornon-renewed lease.Page 110Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 163](5)Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the
lessor must decide therequired amount.(6)Thelessormustdecidetherequiredamountassoonaspracticableaftergivingthepersonnoticethattheleaseisforfeited or not renewed.(7)Ondecidingtherequiredamount,thelessormustgivetheperson notice of the decision.(8)The notice must state—(a)the required amount; and(b)that the person may appeal to the Land
Court against thedecision within 28 days after receiving the
notice; and(c)how the person may appeal.(9)This section is subject to section
163.163Unclaimed amountsIfthelessorcannotfindthepersonentitledtoreceivetherequiredamount,orthepersondoesnotcollecttheamountfromthelessorwithin9yearsafterthedaytheleaseisforfeited or not renewed, the required
amount is forfeited tothe lessor.164Amounts owing to lessor or mortgagee to be
deductedIfthelessorforfeitsordecidesnottorenewthelease,thelessor may deduct the following amounts from
the maximumamount—(a)an
amount in payment of all costs properly incurred bythe
lessor in forfeiting or not renewing the lease;(b)an
amount in payment of expenses incurred by the lessorto
rectify damage caused to the lease land by the personwho
was the lessee;(c)any amount owing to the lessor by the
person under thelease;Current as at 7
November 2013Page 111
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of
Aboriginal Land[s 165](d)any
amount owing to a mortgagee of the lease by theperson under a
mortgage of the lease.165Payment of amount
to mortgagee in discharge ofmortgage(1)Thissectionappliesifthelessorforfeitsordecidesnottorenew the lease and, under a mortgage
of the lease, an amountis owing to a mortgagee of the lease
by the person who wasthe lessee.(2)The
lessor must pay to the mortgagee—(a)if
the amount that may be deducted from the maximumamount under section 164(d) is less than the
differencebetweenthemaximumamountandtheamountsdeducted under section 164(a), (b) or
(c)—the amountthat may be deducted from the maximum amount
undersection 164(d); or(b)otherwise—the amount equal to the difference
betweenthe maximum amount and the amounts deducted
undersection 164(a), (b) or (c).(3)The lessor must pay the amount payable
under subsection (2)to the mortgagee—(a)ifnoappealismadetotheLandCourtabouttherequiredamountpayabletothepersonwhowasthelessee—within28daysafterthetimeformakinganappeal ends; or(b)ifanappealismadetotheLandCourtabouttherequiredamount—within28daysaftertheappealisfinally decided.(4)If
the lessor pays an amount to the mortgagee in relation to amortgage of the lease, the mortgagee must
use the amount indischarge of the mortgage.Page
112Current as at 7 November 2013
Division 7Aboriginal Land
Act 1991Part 10 Leasing of Aboriginal Land[s
166]Miscellaneous166Effect of option to renew or extend on
calculation of termof leases(1)This
section applies to a lease granted for an initial term of—(a)not more than 10 years; or(b)at least 10 years but not more than 30
years.(2)For the purposes of section 98 and
this part, the lease is takento be a lease
for more than 10 years or more than 30 years ifthe lease
includes an option to renew or extend the lease that,if
exercised, would extend the term of the lease for more than10
years or more than 30 years.(3)In
this section—leasemeans a standard
lease or a townsite sublease.167Exemption from fees and charges(1)This section applies to an instrument
of lease for a residentiallease.(2)No
fee or charge is payable for—(a)the
lodgement and registration of the instrument in theland
registry; or(b)the provision by the registrar of
titles of other servicesfor the lodgement and registration of
the instrument.168Leases for private residential
purposes—beneficiary(1)Apersonwhoisbeneficiallyentitledunderawilltoaresidential lease may ask the
lessor—(a)togivethepersonanoticestatingwhetherornottheperson is
entitled to a grant of the lease under this Act;andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 11 Indigenous
management agreements and land in Cape York Peninsula Region
andNorth Stradbroke Island Region[s
169](b)if, under a condition of the lease,
the lease can not betransferredwithoutthelessor’swrittenconsent—fornotice of the
lessor’s consent to the transfer of the lease.Note—Under section 141, the lease may
include a condition that it mustnot be
transferred without the lessor’s prior written consent.(2)The lessor must comply with a request
under subsection (1) assoon as practicable after receiving
the request.Part 11Indigenous
managementagreements and land in CapeYork
Peninsula Region andNorth Stradbroke Island RegionDivision 1Indigenous
managementagreements169Entering into indigenous management
agreement(1)This section applies if—(a)it is proposed that an entity holds
land in the Cape YorkPeninsula Region or the North
Stradbroke Island Regionas Aboriginal land; and(b)the State and the entity agree that
the land, or part of theland, is to become—(i)forlandintheCapeYorkPeninsulaRegion—anationalpark(CapeYorkPeninsulaAboriginalland); or(ii)forlandintheNorthStradbrokeIslandRegion—an indigenous joint management
area.Page 114Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 11 Indigenous
management agreements and land in Cape York Peninsula Region
andNorth Stradbroke Island Region[s
170](2)Beforethelandisgranted,theentitymustenterintoanindigenous managementagreement with the State about theproposed management of the land, or the part
of the land, thatis to become a national park (Cape York
Peninsula Aboriginalland) or an indigenous joint
management area.170Requirements for indigenous management
agreement(1)An indigenous management agreement
about the managementof land must—(a)include a lot on plan description of the
land; and(b)state the land will be managed in
perpetuity as—(i)forlandintheCapeYorkPeninsulaRegion—anationalpark(CapeYorkPeninsulaAboriginalland); or(ii)forlandintheNorthStradbrokeIslandRegion—anindigenousjointmanagementarea;and(c)state how the
land is proposed to be managed; and(d)includedetailsofanyinterimarrangementsforitsmanagementbeforetheapprovalofamanagementstatement or
management plan for the land; and(e)statetheresponsibilitiesoftheenvironmentMinister,and
the chief executive under theNature
ConservationAct 1992, in relation to
the management of the land; and(f)state the responsibilities of the trustee in
relation to itsmanagement; and(g)includedetailsoftheprocessfordevelopingamanagementstatementormanagementplanfortheland; and(h)includedetailsofareasofthelandtowhichgeneralpublic access may be restricted; and(i)includeinformationaboutthemanagementofanyinfrastructure on the land; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 11 Indigenous
management agreements and land in Cape York Peninsula Region
andNorth Stradbroke Island Region[s
171](j)state how existing interests in the
land will be managedand how future interests in the land
will be created andmanaged.(2)An
indigenous management agreement about the managementof
land that is a national park that is to become a national
park(Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land) or an
indigenous jointmanagementareamustnotresultinadecrease,intheaggregate, in the public rights of
access that existed in relationto the national
park immediately before it becomes a nationalpark (Cape York
Peninsula Aboriginal land) or an indigenousjoint management
area.(3)An indigenous management agreement
about the managementof land may include other matters
relevant to the managementof the land that the trustee, or
proposed trustee, for the landand the
environment Minister consider appropriate.(4)An
indigenous management agreement about the managementoflandcannotbeenteredintowithouttheconsentoftheenvironment Minister.(5)In this section—managementplanmeansamanagementplanundertheNature Conservation Act 1992.managementstatementmeansamanagementstatementunder theNature
Conservation Act 1992.171Amending indigenous management
agreementAn indigenous management agreement about the
managementof land may be amended with the agreement of
the trustee, orproposed trustee, for the land and the
environment Minister.172Recording of
indigenous management agreement(1)The
chief executive must give the registrar of titles notice ofeachindigenousmanagementagreemententeredintounderthis Act.(2)The chief executive must give the
notice—Page 116Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 11 Indigenous
management agreements and land in Cape York Peninsula Region
andNorth Stradbroke Island Region[s
173](a)ifthelandthesubjectoftheagreementbecomesAboriginal land after the agreement is
entered into—assoonaspracticableafterthelandbecomesAboriginalland; or(b)ifthelandthesubjectoftheagreementisAboriginallandwhentheagreementisenteredinto—assoonaspracticable after the agreement is entered
into.(3)The notice must include particulars of
the land.(4)Theregistrarmustkeeprecordsthatshowthelandisthesubject of an indigenous management
agreement.(5)The registrar must keep the records in
a way that a search ofthe register kept by the registrar
under any Act relating to titleto the land will
show the existence of the agreement.(6)Whiletheindigenousmanagementagreementhaseffectforthe
land, and is recorded by the registrar under this section,the
agreement is binding on—(a)each entity that
is from time to time the trustee for theland,whetherornottheentityenteredintotheagreementoragreedtoanyamendmentoftheagreement; and(b)each
person who has an interest in the land.Division 2National parks in Cape YorkPeninsula Region173Requirements about grant of national parks
in Cape YorkPeninsula Region(1)Thissectionappliestothefollowinglandifthelandis,orincludes part
of, a national park in the Cape York PeninsulaRegion
(thenational park land)—(a)transferable land;Current as at 7
November 2013Page 117
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 11 Indigenous
management agreements and land in Cape York Peninsula Region
andNorth Stradbroke Island Region[s
174](b)land for which the Land Tribunal has,
under section 71,madearecommendationtotheMinisterbeforethecommencement of this section.(2)Before the national park land is
granted under this Act, thetrusteeorproposedtrusteeforthelandmustenterintoanindigenous management agreement with the
State about themanagement of the national park land.(3)A grant of the national park land
under this Act is subject totheconditionthatthenationalparklandmustbecomeanational park (Cape York Peninsula
Aboriginal land).174Particular national parks taken to be
transferable land(1)ThissectionappliestoallnationalparksintheCapeYorkPeninsula
Region, other than a national park that is claimableland.(2)The
national parks are transferable land for the purposes ofthis
Act.Division 3Protected areas
in North StradbrokeIsland Region175Requirement about grant of prescribed
protected areasin North Stradbroke Island Region(1)Thissectionappliestotransferablelandifthelandis,orincludespartof,aprescribedprotectedareaintheNorthStradbroke
Island Region.(2)BeforethelandisgrantedunderthisAct,thetrustee,orproposed trustee, for the land must enter
into an indigenousmanagement agreement with the State about
the managementof the land.(3)A
grant of the land under this Act is subject to the conditionthat
the land must become an indigenous joint managementarea.(4)In
this section—Page 118Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 12 Provisions
about particular claimable land[s 176]prescribedprotectedareameanslandthatisanyofthefollowing under theNature Conservation Act 1992—(a)a national park
(scientific);(b)a national park;(c)a
national park (recovery);(d)a conservation
park;(e)a resources reserve.Part
12Provisions about particularclaimable land176Particular claimable land taken to be
transferable land(1)This section applies to claimable land
that is in the Cape YorkPeninsula Region, other than—(a)claimable land that is transferred
land; or(b)claimable land for which the Land
Tribunal has, undersection71,madearecommendationtotheMinisterbefore the
commencement of this section.(2)On
the commencement of this section—(a)the
land is transferable land for the purposes of this Act;and(b)the land stops
being claimable land; and(c)any proceeding
before the Land Tribunal in relation to aclaim for the
land ends; and(d)part 5, and part 6, division 1, stop
applying to the claimfor the land.(3)Subsection (2) applies despite any other
provision of this Act.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 12 Provisions
about particular claimable land[s 177]177Claimable land recommended for grant
taken to betransferable land(1)This
section applies to the following land for which the LandTribunal has, under section 71, made a
recommendation to theMinister—(a)land
shown as national park 4 on plan NPW42;(b)land
shown as national park 8 on plan NPW118;(c)landshownasnationalpark10onplanNPW452,including the
area shown and described on the plan asclosed
road;(d)land shown as national park 16 on plan
NPW359;(e)lot 44 on plan NPW472;(f)landdeclaredtobenationalparkbyproclamationpublished in the
gazette on 2 December 1939 at pages1845 and 1846
and described as the Flinders Group ofislands,comprisingFlindersIsland—exclusiveofSpecialLeaseNo.8544—andStanley,Blackwood,Maclear, and
Denham Islands;(g)lots 1 and 2 on CP887589, lots 1 and 2
on CP887590, lot3 on CP887717, lot 4 on CP887719, lot 5 on
CP887718and lot 285 on plan C157365;(h)lot 215 on plan NPW46.(2)On the commencement of this
section—(a)the land is transferable land for the
purposes of this Act;and(b)the
land stops being claimable land; and(c)any
proceeding before the Land Tribunal in relation to aclaim for the land ends; and(d)part 5, and part 6, division 1, stop
applying to the claimfor the land.(3)Subsection (2) applies despite any other
provision of this Act.Page 120Current as at 7
November 2013
13Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 13
Decision-making process[s 178]Decision-making
process178When agreement of Aboriginal people is
givenIfthisActprovidesthatAboriginalpeoplebegenerallyinagreementwithagrant,consentoragreementaboutAboriginalland,theagreementoftheAboriginalpeopleistaken to have been given when—(a)if there is a particular process of
decision-making that,under the Aboriginal tradition of the
Aboriginal people,must be complied with for decisions of that
kind—thedecision was made under the process;
or(b)otherwise—the decision was made under
the process ofdecision-makingagreedtoandadoptedbytheAboriginalpeopleforthedecisionorfordecisionsofthat kind.179Decision-making by trustee(1)ThissectionappliesifthisActprovidesthatthetrusteeofAboriginal land is required to make a
decision about the land,including, for example, a decision
about whether to grant aninterest in the land, consent to the
creation of a mining interestin the land or
enter into an agreement about the land.(2)The
trustee must—(a)have regard to—(i)if
the Aboriginal people for whom the trustee holdsthe
land have agreed on a decision-making processfor decisions of
that kind—the process; or(ii)if subparagraph
(i) does not apply—any Aboriginaltradition,fordecisionsofthatkind,oftheAboriginal
people for whom the trustee holds theland; or(b)ifthereisnodecision-makingprocessmentionedinparagraph (a)(i) or relevant Aboriginal
tradition—makethe decision under a process of
decision-making agreedCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 14 Provisions
about mortgages of leases over Aboriginal land[s 180]toandadoptedbythetrusteeforthedecisionorfordecisions of
that kind.Part 14Provisions about
mortgages ofleases over Aboriginal landDivision 1Preliminary180Definitions for pt 14In this
part—leasemeans—(a)a standard lease; or(b)a townsite sublease.lessormeans—(a)for a standard lease—the trustee of
the lease land; or(b)for a townsite sublease—the lessee of
the townsite leaseunder which the townsite sublease is
granted.181Application of pt 14If,inrelationtothemortgagingofaleaseoverAboriginalland, there is
an inconsistency between a provision of this partand
the Land Title Act, part 6, division 3, or theProperty
LawAct 1974, the provision
of this part prevails to the extent of theinconsistency.Page 122Current as at 7 November 2013
Division 2Aboriginal Land
Act 1991Part 14 Provisions about mortgages of leases
over Aboriginal land[s 182]Mortgages of
leases over Aboriginalland182Provision about entering into possession of,
and selling,lease(1)This
section applies if a mortgagee enters into possession of alease granted over Aboriginal land.(2)The mortgagee must give the lessor for
the lease notice of thefact within 28 days after entering
into possession.(3)The mortgagee must arrange to sell the
lease within—(a)4 years after entering into possession
of the lease; or(b)thelongerperiodagreedinwritingbetweenthemortgagee and lessor.(4)For subsection (3)(b)—(a)theperiodmentionedinsubsection(3)(a)maybeextended or
further extended for not more than 2 yearsat a time;
and(b)an extension or further extension of
the period must beagreed in writing before the period or
further extendedperiod would otherwise have ended.(5)Inconsideringwhethertoagreetoanextensionorfurtherextension,thelessormusthaveregardtothemeasuresthemortgagee has already taken to sell
the lease.(6)Ifthemortgageedoesnotselltheleasewithintheperiodmentioned in
subsection (3), the lessor may sell the lease.(7)The
mortgagee or lessor may sell the lease only to a personwho,
under this Act, would be entitled to a grant of the lease.(8)The lessor must not sell the lease for
less than—(a)the amount owing to the mortgagee by
the lessee underthe mortgage on the day the lease is sold;
orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 15 Leasing of
Aboriginal trust land[s 183](b)if
the lessor and the mortgagee agree the lease may besold
for an amount less than the amount mentioned inparagraph
(a)—the agreed amount.(9)In this
section—lesseemeans—(a)for a standard lease—the lessee under
the lease; or(b)foratownsitesublease—thesublesseeunderthesublease.183How
lessor deals with proceeds of sale(1)Thissectionappliesif,undersection182,alessorsellsamortgaged lease.(2)Thelessormustapplytheproceedsofthesale,underthePropertyLawAct1974,asiftheleaseweresoldbythemortgagee and the amount of the sale
were received by themortgagee.(3)However, in applying the proceeds of the
sale, the lessor mustfirstly apply the proceeds to the
payment of all costs, chargesand expenses
properly incurred by the lessor for the sale orany attempted
sale.Part 15Leasing of
Aboriginal trust landDivision 1Preliminary184Definitions for pt 15In this
part—Aboriginal trust landmeans—Page
124Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 15 Leasing of
Aboriginal trust land[s 185](a)land
subject to a deed of grant in trust granted for thebenefit of Aboriginal inhabitants or for the
purpose of anAboriginal reserve under the repealedLand
Act 1962; or(b)land
reserved and set apart under the repealedLand Act1962foranAboriginalreserveorforthebenefitofAboriginal inhabitants; or(c)land subject to a deed of grant in
trust granted for thebenefit of Aboriginal inhabitants
under the Land Act; or(d)landdedicatedundertheLandActasareserveforAboriginalpurposesortheprovisionofservicesbeneficialtoAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwith
the land.trustee, of Aboriginal
trust land, means the trustee of the landunder the Land
Act.trustee (Aboriginal) leasemeans a lease of Aboriginal trustland
granted under—(a)part 10 as applied under section
186(2); or(b)the Land Act, section 57 before the
commencement ofthis part.185Relationship with Land Act(1)The following provisions of the Land
Act, chapter 3, part 1,division 7 do not apply to Aboriginal
trust land—(a)sections 57 to 59;(b)section 61, to the extent it relates to a
lease or subleaseof the land;(c)section 63, to the extent it relates to a
lease of the land;(d)section 64;(e)sections 65 and 66, to the extent the
provisions relate toa lease of the land.(2)For the purposes of the Land Act,
other than the provisionsmentionedinsubsection(1),atrustee(Aboriginal)leaseistaken to be a trustee lease under that
Act.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 15 Leasing of
Aboriginal trust land[s 186]Division 2Leases186Trustee (Aboriginal) leases(1)A trustee of Aboriginal trust land may
lease all or a part of theland under part 10.(2)For subsection (1), the relevant
provisions apply in relation tothe leasing of
Aboriginal trust land—(a)asifareferenceintheprovisionstoAboriginallandwere
a reference to Aboriginal trust land; and(b)as
if a reference in the provisions to the Minister were areference to—(i)iftheAboriginaltrustlandistransferableland—the
Minister administering this Act; and(ii)iftheAboriginaltrustlandisnottransferableland—theMinisteradministeringtheLandAct;and(c)asifthereferenceinsection123(4)(a)tosection98(1)(a) were a
reference to section 186(4)(a); and(d)asifthereferenceinsection141(3)(a)toastatedstandard terms document under the Land Title
Act wereareferencetoastatedmandatorystandardtermsdocument under the Land Act.(3)If the consent of the Minister is
required in relation to a leaseof Aboriginal
trust land that is transferable land, the Ministermust
not give the consent unless satisfied the lease is for thebenefit of Aboriginal people particularly
concerned with theland.(4)The
trustee of Aboriginal trust land that is transferable landmust
not grant a lease over the land for more than 30 yearsunless—(a)thetrusteehasexplainedtotheAboriginalpeopleparticularly concerned with the land the
nature, purposeand effect of the lease; andPage
126Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 15 Leasing of
Aboriginal trust land[s 187](b)the
Aboriginal people are given a suitable opportunity toexpress their views on, and are generally in
agreementwith, the grant of the lease.(5)ThegrantofaleaseoverAboriginaltrustlandincontravention of part 10 is void, unless the
lease is registered.(6)Subsection (5)
applies despite any other Act.(7)In
this section—relevant provisionsmeans section 99
and part 10, divisions 1to 6.187Amending trustee (Aboriginal) lease(1)Adocumentofamendmentofaregisteredtrustee(Aboriginal) lease must not—(a)increase or decrease the area leased;
or(b)add or remove a party to the lease;
or(c)be lodged after the lease’s term has
ended.(2)In this section—term,ofatrustee(Aboriginal)lease,includesaperiodofpossession under the lease because
of—(a)the renewal of the lease; or(b)a registered document of amendment
extending the termof the lease.188Mortgage of trustee (Aboriginal)
lease(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),alesseeofAboriginaltrustlandmay,undertheLandAct,chapter6,part4,division4,mortgage a trustee (Aboriginal)
lease.(2)For mortgaging a trustee (Aboriginal)
lease—(a)the Land Act, chapter 6, part 4,
division 4, applies—(i)as if the
reference in section 345(2) to the Ministerwere a reference
to the trustee; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 15 Leasing of
Aboriginal trust land[s 189](ii)asifsection346(1)providedthatthemortgageemayoffertheleaseforsalebypublicauctionormay sell the lease by private
contract; and(iii)asifthereferenceinsection346(3)toapersonqualified under the Land Act to hold the
lease werea reference to a person entitled under this
Act to agrant of the lease; and(iv)as
if section 347 were omitted; and(b)section 182 applies as if the reference in
section 182(1)to Aboriginal land were a reference to
Aboriginal trustland.189Surrender of trustee (Aboriginal)
leaseAll or part of a trustee (Aboriginal) lease
or a sublease of atrustee(Aboriginal)leasemaybesurrenderedonlyifeachregistered
mortgagee and registered sublessee of the interestbeingsurrenderedhasgivenwrittenagreementtothesurrender.Division 3Other matters190Trustee to advise about ending of particular
lease forcommercial purpose(1)This
section applies if a trustee (Aboriginal) lease granted bya
trustee over transferable land for more than 30 years for acommercial purpose ends.(2)The
trustee must give the registrar notice of the ending.(3)The notice must include particulars of
the land that was thesubject of the trustee (Aboriginal)
lease.191Recording information about
128Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 16 Special
provisions about prescribed DOGIT land and prescribed reserve
land[s 192]registrarmustkeeprecordsthatshowthelandisnottransferable land.(2)The
registrar must keep the records in a way that a search oftheappropriateregisterkeptbytheregistrarwillshowtheland
is not transferable land.(3)If a trustee
gives the registrar a notice under section 190(2)aboutparticularland,theregistrarmustkeeprecordsthatshow the land is
transferable land.(4)The registrar must keep the records in
a way that a search oftheappropriateregisterkeptbytheregistrarwillshowtheland
is transferable land.Part 16Special
provisions aboutprescribed DOGIT land andprescribed reserve landDivision 1Prescribed DOGIT land192Application of div 1This division
applies to prescribed DOGIT land.193Prescribed DOGIT land may be granted under
this Act(1)DespiteanyotherprovisionofthisAct,prescribedDOGITland
may be—(a)granted under part 4; and(b)held by a trustee for the benefit of
Aboriginal people andTorresStraitIslandersparticularlyconcernedwiththeland, and their ancestors and
descendants.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 16 Special
provisions about prescribed DOGIT land and prescribed reserve
land[s 194](2)If
the land is held as mentioned in subsection (1)(b), the landmay,
for any dealing with the land under this Act or anotherAct,
be called Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land.194Minister to consult before grant of
landBefore the land is granted under part 4, the
Minister must—(a)consultwithAboriginalpeopleandTorresStraitIslanders particularly concerned with the
land—(i)to identify how the continued use of,
and access to,the land by the Aboriginal people and Torres
StraitIslanders can be achieved; and(ii)about how the
Aboriginal people and Torres StraitIslanders want
the land to be held under this Act;and(b)consider the views of the Aboriginal
people and TorresStrait Islanders mentioned in paragraph
(a).195Application of general
provisions(1)The following provisions apply in
relation to the land as if areferenceintheprovisionstoAboriginalpeopleincludesareference to Torres Strait Islanders—(a)section 202(6) and (7);(b)section 282(2).(2)However,subsection(1)(a)appliesforprescribedDOGITlandthatistransferredlandonlyifthelandisheldforthebenefitofAboriginalpeopleandTorresStraitIslandersparticularly
concerned with the land, and their ancestors anddescendants.196Application of provisions for grant of
land(1)This section applies if the land is to
be or is—(a)granted under part 4; andPage
130Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 16 Special
provisions about prescribed DOGIT land and prescribed reserve
land[s 196](b)heldforthebenefitofAboriginalpeopleandTorresStrait Islanders
particularly concerned with the land, andtheir ancestors
and descendants.(2)The following provisions apply in
relation to the land as if areferenceintheprovisionstoAboriginalpeopleincludesareference to Torres Strait Islanders—(a)sections 39 and 40;(b)section 42;(c)section 98;(d)section 104;(e)section 109;(f)section 123;(g)section 127;(h)sections 178 and 179;(i)section 201;(j)section 203;(k)section 283;(l)section 288.(3)Schedule 1, definitionqualified,
applies in relation to the landas
follows—qualified, for a CATSI
corporation that holds, or proposes tohold, Aboriginal
land under this Act that is prescribed DOGITland,
means—(a)membership of the CATSI corporation is
restricted to—(i)Aboriginal people particularly
concerned with theland; or(ii)AboriginalpeopleandTorresStraitIslandersparticularly
concerned with the land; or(b)theCATSIcorporationisatrusteeofatrustthebeneficiaries of which are restricted
to—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 16 Special
provisions about prescribed DOGIT land and prescribed reserve
land[s 197](i)Aboriginal people particularly concerned
with theland; or(ii)AboriginalpeopleandTorresStraitIslandersparticularly
concerned with the land.(4)Section 41
applies in relation to the land as if a reference inthe
section to an Aboriginal person includes a reference to aTorres Strait Islander.(5)The
following provisions apply in relation to the land as if areferenceintheprovisionstoanAborigineincludesareference to a Torres Strait
Islander—(a)sections 101 and 102;(b)section 119;(c)section 141.(6)Sections178and179applyinrelationtothelandasifareferenceinthesectionstoAboriginaltraditionincludedareference to Island custom.(7)In this section—Island
customsee theTorres Strait
Islander Land Act 1991,section
6.Division 2Prescribed
reserve land197Meaning ofprescribedreservelandPrescribed
reserve landmeans any of the following land thatissituatedonThursdayIslandandprescribedunderaregulation for this section—(a)land reserved and set apart under the
repealedLand Act1962foranAboriginalreserveorforthebenefitofAboriginal inhabitants;(b)landdedicatedundertheLandActasareserveforAboriginalpurposesortheprovisionofservicesPage 132Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 17 Occupation
and use of Aboriginal land by the State or Commonwealth[s
the land.198Application of particular
provisionsSections 119 and 141 apply in relation to
prescribed reservelandasifareferenceintheprovisionstoanAborigineincludes a
reference to a Torres Strait Islander.Part 17Occupation and use ofAboriginal land
by the State orCommonwealth199Use
of Aboriginal land preserved(1)If,
on the day land becomes Aboriginal land, the land or anypart
of the land is being occupied or used by the State or theCommonwealth,theStateorCommonwealthisentitledtocontinue to occupy or use it for such period
as the land, or thatpart of the land, is required by the
State or Commonwealth.(2)WhiletheStateorCommonwealthisentitledtotheoccupationoruseoflandundersubsection(1),theimprovementsonthelandarethepropertyoftheStateorCommonwealth.(3)If
the chief executive becomes aware the occupation or use ofland
under subsection (1) is no longer required by the State orCommonwealth, the chief executive must give
the trustee ofthe land notice of that fact.(4)Despite subsection (1), if the State
or Commonwealth intendstocontinuetooccupyorusetheland,theStateorCommonwealth and the trustee of the land are
to use their bestendeavours to provide for the continued
occupation and use ofthe land under an interest in, or in
relation to, the land givenby the trustee
of the land.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 17 Occupation
and use of Aboriginal land by the State or Commonwealth[s
200](5)Subsection (1) ceases to apply to land
if—(a)it is leased to a person for a private
residential purposeunder part 10; or(b)the
State or Commonwealth has a right to occupy or usethe
land under an interest in, or in relation to, the landgiven by the trustee of the land; or(c)the trustee of the land receives a
notice under subsection(3) for the land.(6)Subsection (7) applies if the Aboriginal
land being occupiedor used by the State or the Commonwealth is
land that is thesubject of a townsite lease.(7)Subsections (3) to (5) apply as if a
reference to the trustee ofthe land were a
reference to the lessee for the townsite lease.(8)Forsubsection(1)butwithoutotherwiselimitingthesubsection,landisbeingoccupiedorusedbytheStateorCommonwealth if, immediately before becoming
Aboriginalland,itwasareserveundertheLandActandtheStateorCommonwealth was the trustee of the
reserve.200No rent payableThe State or
Commonwealth is not liable to pay any amountin the nature of
rent in relation to its occupation or use of landunder section 199(1).201Access to land(1)WhiletheStateorCommonwealthisentitledtotheoccupation or use of land under
section 199(1), the officers,employees,agentsandservantsoftheStateorCommonwealth and their licensees and
invitees are entitled,with or without vehicles, machinery,
plant and equipment (ofanydescription),toenterandcrossAboriginallandforthepurpose of
gaining access to the land.(2)Apersonmentionedinsubsection(1)mustonlycrossAboriginal land
by—Page 134Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 17 Occupation
and use of Aboriginal land by the State or Commonwealth[s
Aboriginal land; or(b)other routes agreed on from time to
time by the State orCommonwealth and the trustee of the
land.(3)The trustee of Aboriginal land, other
than a registered nativetitle body corporate, must not agree
on a route for subsection(2)(b) unless—(a)thetrusteehasexplainedtotheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandthepurposeandeffect of the proposed route; and(b)the Aboriginal people are given
adequate opportunity toexpress their views on, and are
generally in agreementwith, the proposed route.(4)Contraventionofsubsection(3)doesnotinvalidateanagreement made for the purposes of
subsection (2)(b).(5)If the Aboriginal land being occupied
or used by the State ortheCommonwealthundersection199(1)islandthatisthesubjectofatownsiteleaseorotherregisteredinterest(relevant land)—(a)subsection(2)appliestotherelevantlandasifthereference to the trustee of the land were a
reference tothe lessee of the townsite lease or the
person registeredintheappropriateregisterastheholderoftheotherinterest; and(b)subsection (3) does not apply.(6)Subsection (5) does not affect the
operation of subsections (2)and (3) in
relation to Aboriginal land that is not relevant land.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 18
Mining[s 202]Part 18Mining202Application of Mineral Resources Act
1989(1)To allay any doubt, it is declared
that theMineral ResourcesAct1989applies to
transferable land as if it were a reservewithin the
meaning of that Act.(2)Subjecttosubsection(5),theMineralResourcesAct1989applies to the
following land as if it were a reserve, and thetrusteeofthelandweretheowneroftheland,withinthemeaning of that Act—(a)Aboriginal land that is or was
transferred land;(b)Aboriginalland(otherthanlandthatwastransferredland) that was
claimable land, but was not subject to amining interest
at the beginning of the day on which therelevantclaimforthelandwasmadeunderthisAct,other than—(i)landthatwasacquiredbyoronbehalfofAboriginal people if all interests in
the land (otherthaninterestsinfavouroftheState)weresurrendered to or acquired by the State
before theland became claimable land; or(ii)any national
park.(3)To allay any doubt, it is declared
that theMineral ResourcesAct 1989applies to Aboriginal land (other than land
that wastransferred land) that—(a)was
claimable land; and(b)was acquired by or on behalf of
Aboriginal people if allinterests in the land (other than
interests in favour of theState)weresurrenderedtooracquiredbytheStatebefore the land
became claimable land;as if that land were not Aboriginal
land.(4)If Aboriginal land (other than land
that was transferred land)was claimable land and was subject to
a mining interest at thePage 136Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 18
Mining[s 202]beginning of the
day on which the relevant claim for the landwas made under
this Act, then—(a)inrelationtothemininginterestandanyassociatedinterest—toallayanydoubt,itisdeclaredthattheMineral Resources Act 1989applies to the land as if theland
were not Aboriginal land; and(b)inrelationtoanyothermininginterest—subjecttosubsection (5), theMineral
Resources Act 1989appliesto the land as
if it were a reserve, and the trustee of theland were the
owner of the land, within the meaning ofthat Act.(5)Subsections(2)and(4)(b)donotapplyinrelationtotheMineral Resources Act 1989,
sections 316 and 317.(6)The holder of a
mining lease must, before making applicationforaminingleaseundertheMineralResourcesAct1989,section 316 or a variation of a mining lease
under section 317of that Act, consult and endeavour to reach
agreement withthe Aboriginal people particularly concerned
with the land inrelation to which the application is to be
made about the routeof the proposed access over the
land.(7)Subsection (6) applies in relation to
Aboriginal land held by aregistered native title body corporate
as if the reference in thesubsection to Aboriginal people
particularly concerned withthe land were a
reference to the registered native title bodycorporate that
holds the land.(8)In this section—associated
interest, in relation to a mining interest,
means—(a)any renewal or other continuance in
force of the interest;or(b)any
other mining interest derived through, or as a resultof,
the interest.relevant claim, in relation to
Aboriginal land, means the claimbecause of which
the land became Aboriginal land.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 137
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 203]203Royalties in relation to mining on
Aboriginal land(1)ThissectionappliesiftheStatereceivesanamount(theroyaltyamount),bywayofroyaltyundertheMineralResources Act
1989, thePetroleum and
Gas (Production andSafety)Act2004ortheGeothermalEnergyAct2010,inrelation to land that is Aboriginal
land.(2)Thetrusteeofthelandisentitledtoreceive,outofmoneyappropriated by
the Parliament, the percentage prescribed forthepurposesofthissubsectionofthetotalroyaltyamountreceivedinafinancialyearandmustapplytheamountreceivedforthebenefitoftheAboriginalpeopleforwhosebenefit the
trustee holds the land, particularly those that areaffected by the activities to which the
royalty amount relates.Part 19The Land
TribunalDivision 1Establishment
and membership204Land Tribunal(1)AtribunalcalledtheLandTribunalisestablishedforthepurposes of this Act.(2)TheLandTribunalconsistsofthechairpersonandsuchnumberofdeputychairpersonsandothermembersasareappointed under
this Act.205Appointment of members(1)ThemembersofthetribunalaretobeappointedbytheGovernor in Council.(2)The chairperson is to be appointed on
a part-time or full-timebasis, and the deputy chairpersons and
other members are tobe appointed on a part-time
basis.Page 138Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 206](3)A
member of the tribunal is to be appointed under this Act,and
not under thePublic Service Act 2008.(4)NothinginthisActpreventsthechairpersonalsoholdingofficeasthechairpersonorothermemberoftheLandTribunalestablishedforthepurposesoftheTorresStraitIslander Land Act 1991.206Qualifications for appointment(1)Apersonisnoteligibleforappointmentaschairpersonordeputy chairperson of the Land Tribunal
unless the person is abarrister, solicitor, barrister and
solicitor or legal practitionerof the High
Court or the Supreme Court of the State, anotherState or a Territory of not less than 5
years standing.(2)A person is not eligible for
appointment asa non-presidingmember of the
Land Tribunal unless the person—(a)has,
in the opinion of the Governor in Council, suitableknowledge of Aboriginal people or Aboriginal
tradition;or(b)has had
experience, for not less than 5 years, at a highlevelinindustry,commerce,publicadministration,industrialrelations,thepracticeofaprofessionortheserviceofagovernmentoranauthorityofagovernment.207Term
of appointmentA member of the Land Tribunal is appointed
for such term(notexceeding7years)asisspecifiedintheinstrumentofappointment, but is eligible for
reappointment.208Terms and conditions of
appointment(1)AmemberoftheLandTribunalistobepaidsuchremunerationandallowancesasaredeterminedbytheGovernor in Council.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 209](2)A
member of the Land Tribunal holds office on such termsand
conditions not provided for by this Act as are determinedby
the Governor in Council.209Preservation of
rights(1)Thissectionappliesifanofficerofthepublicserviceisappointed as the chairperson of the
Land Tribunal.(2)Thepersonretainsandisentitledtoallrightsthathaveaccrued to the
person because of employment as an officer ofthe public
service, or that would accrue in the future to thepersonbecauseofthatemployment,asifserviceaschairperson were a continuation of service
as an officer of thepublic service.(3)If
the person has not attained 65 years of age at the time of
theexpiry of the person’s term of office or
resignation—(a)the person is entitled to be appointed
to an office in thepublic service at a salary level not less
than the salarylevel, at that time, of an office equivalent
to the one theperson held before being appointed as
chairperson; and(b)the person’s service as chairperson is
to be regarded asserviceinthepublicserviceforthepurposeofdeterminingtheperson’srightsasanofficerofthepublic
service.210Leave of absenceThe Minister may
grant leave of absence to the chairperson oftheLandTribunalonsuchtermsandconditionsastheMinister considers appropriate.211ResignationA member of the
Land Tribunal may resign by writing signedand delivered to
the Governor.Page 140Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 212]212Disclosure of interests(1)If a
member of the Land Tribunal is, or is to be, a member ofthetribunalasconstitutedforthepurposesofaproceedingandthememberhasoracquiresaninterest(whetherpecuniaryorotherwise)thatcouldconflictwiththeproperperformanceofthemember’sfunctionsinrelationtotheproceeding—(a)the
member must disclose the interest to the parties tothe
proceeding; and(b)exceptwiththeconsentofallpartiestotheproceeding—themembermustnottakepartintheproceedingorexerciseanypowersinrelationtotheproceeding.(2)Where the chairperson of the Land Tribunal
becomes awarethat a member of the tribunal, who is, or is
to be, a member ofthe tribunal as constituted for the purposes
of a proceeding,hasinrelationtotheproceedinganinterestofthekindmentioned in
subsection (1)—(a)if the chairperson considers that the
member should nottakepart,orcontinuetotakepart,intheproceeding—thechairpersonmustdirectthememberaccordingly;
or(b)inanyothercase—thechairpersonmustcausetheinterest of the member to be disclosed to
the parties totheproceedingiftheinteresthasnotalreadybeendisclosed to them.213Termination of appointment(1)The Governor in Council may terminate
the appointment of amember of the Land Tribunal if the
member—(a)becomesmentallyorphysicallyincapableofsatisfactorily performing the member’s
duties; or(b)isconvictedofanindictableoffence(whetherinQueensland or elsewhere); orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 214](c)isguiltyofmisconductofakindthatcouldwarrantdismissal from the public service if the
member were anofficer of the public service; or(d)contravenes section 212 or a direction
given under thatsection; or(e)inthecaseofthechairperson—isabsent,withouttheMinister’s leave and without reasonable
excuse, for 14consecutive days or 28 days in any 12
months.(2)Subsection (1)(c) applies only to a
non-presiding member.214Acting
chairpersonTheGovernorinCouncilmayappointapersontoactaschairperson of
the Land Tribunal—(a)during a vacancy in the office;
or(b)duringanyperiod,orduringallperiods,whenthechairperson is absent from duty or
from the State or is,for any other reason, unable to
perform the duties of theoffice.Division 2Organisation of tribunal215Arrangement of business(1)Subject to section 216, the chairperson of
the Land Tribunalmay give directions as to the arrangement of
the business ofthe tribunal and as to the members who are
to constitute thetribunal for the purposes of particular
proceedings.(2)If the chairperson gives a direction
as to the members who aretoconstitutethetribunalforthepurposesofaparticularproceeding, the
chairperson may—(a)at any time after giving the direction
and before the startof the hearing of the proceeding;
or(b)if,inthecaseofaproceedingbeforethetribunalconstituted by 3
members, 1 of those members ceases toPage 142Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 216]be a member, or
ceases to be available for the purposesof the
proceeding, during the hearing of the proceedingorafterthecompletionofthehearingbutbeforethemattertowhichtheproceedingrelatesisdetermined—at any time after the
member ceases to be amember or to be available;revokethedirectionandgiveafurtherdirectionundersubsection(1)astothepersonswhoaretoconstitutethetribunal for the purposes of the
proceeding.(3)In giving a direction under this
section as to the members whoare to
constitute the tribunal for the purposes of a particularproceeding, the chairperson must have regard
to—(a)thedegreeofpublicimportanceorcomplexityofthematters to which the proceeding
relates; and(b)theneedforthetribunal’saffairstobeconductedexpeditiously and efficiently; and(c)thenatureoftheissueslikelytobeinvolvedintheproceeding.216Constitution of tribunal(1)Subject to section 218, the tribunal is to
be constituted for thepurposesofthehearinganddeterminationofaproceedingby—(a)a presiding member; or(b)subjecttosubsection(2),apresidingmemberand2non-presiding
members.(2)If the tribunal is to be constituted
as mentioned in subsection(1)(b)—(a)1 of
the non-presiding members must be a person who,intheopinionofthechairpersonofthetribunal,hassuitable knowledge of Aboriginal people or
Aboriginaltradition; and(b)theothernon-presidingmembermusthavehadexperience, for not less than 5 years,
at a high level inCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 217]industry,commerce,publicadministration,industrialrelations, the
practice of a profession or the service of agovernment or an
authority of a government.(3)The tribunal may
be constituted for the exercise of powers inrelationtothehearingofaproceeding,orforthepurposesother than the hearing and determination of
a proceeding, by apresiding member.217Member presidingAt the hearing
of a proceeding before the tribunal at which thetribunal is constituted for the purposes of
the proceeding bymorethan1member,thepresidingmemberistopresideunlessanothermemberisdirectedundersection218topreside.218Member of tribunal ceasing to be
available(1)IfthehearingofaproceedinghasbeencommencedorcompletedbytheLandTribunalconstitutedby3membersbut, before the
matter to which the proceeding relates has beendetermined, 1 of
the members constituting the tribunal ceasesto be a member,
or ceases to be available for the purposes ofthe
proceeding—(a)if the parties agree and the
chairperson does not give adirectionundersection215—thehearinganddetermination,orthedetermination,oftheproceedingmaybecompletedbythetribunalconstitutedbytheremaining members or member; or(b)in any other case—the proceeding is to
be reheard by thetribunal as reconstituted under section
216.(2)If the member who ceases to be a
member, or ceases to beavailable for the purposes of the
proceeding, is the memberwhois,butforthissubsection,topreside,thechairpersonmay, in writing,
appoint 1 of the remaining members, or theremaining
member, to preside.Page 144Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 219](3)If a
proceeding is reheard by the tribunal, the tribunal may, forthe
purposes of the proceeding, have regard to any record ofthe
proceeding before the tribunal as previously constituted,including any evidence taken in the
proceeding.219Sitting placesSittings of the
Land Tribunal may be held from time to time asrequired at any
place in the State.Division 3Conduct of
proceedings beforetribunal220Parties to proceeding before tribunal(1)Subjecttosection229,thepartiestoaproceedingforthehearing of a claim under this Act
are—(a)the claimants; and(b)the
claimants of any other claim under this Act that is tobe
heard and determined with that claim; and(c)anyotherpersonwhohasbeenmadeapartytotheproceeding by the tribunal on
application by the personunder subsection (2).(2)An interested person may, within the
period specified in thenotice published under section 62 in
relation to the claim orwithinsuchfurtherperiodasthetribunalallows,apply,inwriting, to the tribunal to be made a
party to the proceedingand the tribunal may, by order, make
the person a party to theproceeding.221Tribunal to determine who are interested
persons(1)If it is necessary for the purposes of
this Act to decide whethera person is an interested person in
relation to a claim underthis Act, the matter is to be decided
by the Land Tribunal.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 222](2)If
the tribunal decides that a person is not an interested
personin relation to a claim under this Act, the
tribunal must give theperson written reasons for its
decision.222Representation before tribunalAt
the hearing of a proceeding before the tribunal, a party tothe
proceeding may appear in person or be represented by anagent duly appointed in writing for the
purpose but, unless thetribunal otherwise orders, can not be
represented by counselor a solicitor (enrolled in Queensland
or elsewhere) engagedas counsel or solicitor for the
proceeding.223Procedure of tribunal(1)In a proceeding before the Land
Tribunal—(a)theprocedureofthetribunalis,subjecttothisAct,within the discretion of the tribunal;
and(b)the tribunal must pursue the objective
of performing itsfunctionsinafair,just,economical,informalandprompt way; and(c)the
tribunal must take account of relevant cultural andcustomary concerns of Aboriginal people;
and(d)the tribunal is not bound by
technicalities, legal forms orrules of
evidence but may inform itself on anything inany way that it
considers appropriate.(2)Forthepurposesofsubsection(1),directionsastotheprocedure to be
followed at or in connection with the hearingof a proceeding
before the tribunal may be given—(a)if
the hearing of the proceeding has not started—by thechairperson or by a presiding member
authorised by thechairpersontogivedirectionsforthepurposesofthisparagraph;
and(b)ifthehearingoftheproceedinghasstarted—bythemember presiding at the hearing or by
another memberPage 146Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 224]authorisedbythememberpresidingtogivesuchdirections.(3)Adirectionmaybevariedorrevokedbyamemberempowered to
give the direction.(4)Anauthorisationbythechairpersonmaybeofgeneralapplicationormayrelatetothehearingofaparticularproceeding or
class of proceedings.(5)The chairperson
may vary or revoke an authorisation.224Conferences(1)IfaclaimisreferredtotheLandTribunal,thechairpersonmay direct the
holding of a conference of the parties presidedover by a
presiding member if the chairperson considers theholding of the conference may help to
resolve the claim.(2)A party to a proceeding to which the
conference relates maybe represented at the conference by a
person who, under thisAct, may represent the party at the
hearing of the proceeding.(3)If a conference
is held under subsection (1) and—(a)at
or after the conference, agreement is reached betweenthe
parties as to the terms of a decision of the tribunal inthe
proceeding that would be acceptable to the parties;and(b)thetermsoftheagreementarereducedtowriting,signed by the
parties and given to the tribunal; and(c)the
tribunal is satisfied that—(i)adecisioninthosetermswouldbewithinthepowers of the tribunal; and(ii)that it would be
appropriate to make a decision inthose
terms;thetribunalmay,withoutholdingahearing,makearecommendation to the Minister in
accordance with or basedon those terms.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 147
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 225](4)At
the hearing of a proceeding before the tribunal, unless thepartiesotherwiseagree,evidencemustnotbegiven,andstatements must not be made, about anything
that happens at aconferenceheldundersubsection(1)inrelationtotheproceeding.(5)If—(a)a conference
held under subsection (1) in relation to aproceeding is
presided over by a member of the tribunal;and(b)apartytotheproceedingwhowaspresentattheconference notifies the tribunal
before, or at the start of,thehearingthatthepartyobjectstothememberparticipating in the hearing;the
member is not entitled to be a member of the tribunal asconstituted for the purposes of the
proceeding.(6)In this section—Ministermeans the Minister administering the Land
Act.225Hearings to be in public except in
special circumstances(1)Subject to this
section, the hearing of a proceeding before theLand Tribunal is
to be in public.(2)If the tribunal is satisfied that it
is desirable to do so becauseof the
confidential nature of any evidence or matter or for anyother reason, the tribunal may, by
order—(a)direct that a hearing or part of a
hearing is to take placein private and give directions as to
the persons who maybe present; or(b)give
directions prohibiting or restricting the publicationof
evidence given before the tribunal, whether in publicorinprivate,orofmatterscontainedindocumentslodged with the
tribunal or received in evidence by thetribunal;
or(c)give directions prohibiting or
restricting the disclosureto some or all of the parties to a
proceeding of evidencePage 148Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 226]givenbeforethetribunal,orofmatterscontainedindocumentslodgedwiththetribunalorreceivedinevidence by the tribunal.(3)In considering—(a)whether the hearing of a proceeding should
be held inprivate; or(b)whetherpublication,ordisclosuretoaparty,ofevidence,orofamattercontainedinadocumentorreceived in evidence, should be prohibited
or restricted;thetribunalistotakeasthebasisofitsconsiderationtheprinciple that it is desirable that the
hearing of a proceedingbefore the tribunal should be held in
public and that evidencegivenbeforethetribunalandthecontentsofdocumentslodgedwiththetribunalorreceivedinevidencebythetribunal should be made available to
the public and to all theparties, but must pay due regard to
any reasons given to thetribunalwhythehearingshouldbeheldinprivateorwhypublication or disclosure of the
evidence or matter should beprohibited or
restricted, particularly if those reasons are basedon
any applicable Aboriginal tradition.226Opportunity to make submissionsSubjecttosection225,theLandTribunalmustensurethateverypartytoaproceedingbeforethetribunalisgivenareasonableopportunitytopresenttheparty’scaseand,inparticular,toinspectanydocumentstowhichthetribunalproposestohaveregardinreachingadecisionintheproceedingandtomakesubmissionsinrelationtothedocuments.227Particular powers of tribunal(1)For the purpose of a proceeding, the
Land Tribunal may—(a)take evidence on oath or affirmation;
notice of the proceeding; orCurrent as at 7
November 2013Page 149
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 228](c)adjourn the proceeding from time to
time.(2)Forthepurposesofthehearingofaproceeding,thechairperson, a presiding member, or an
officer of the tribunalauthorisedinwritingbythechairpersonorapresidingmember, may
summon a person to appear before the tribunalto give evidence
and to produce such documents (if any) asare specified in
the summons.(3)The member who presides at the hearing
of a proceeding—(a)mayrequireapersonappearingbeforethetribunaltogiveevidenceeithertotakeanoathortomakeanaffirmation; and(b)mayadministeranoathoraffirmationtoapersonsoappearing before the tribunal.(4)The oath or affirmation to be taken or
made by a person forthe purposes of this section is an
oath or affirmation that theanswers the
person will give to questions asked of the personwill
be true.228Manner in which questions to be
decided(1)AquestionoflawarisinginaproceedingbeforetheLandTribunal at
which a presiding member is presiding (includingthe
question whether a particular question is one of law) is tobedecidedinaccordancewiththeopinionofthememberpresiding.(2)Subject to subsection (1), when the members
constituting thetribunal for the purposes of a particular
proceeding are dividedin opinion as to the decision to be
made on any question—(a)if there is a
majority of the one opinion—the question isto be decided
according to the opinion of the majority;or(b)inanyothercase—thequestionistobedecidedaccording to the opinion of the member
presiding.Page 150Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 229]229Power
of tribunal to dismiss claim or strike out partyIf a
party to a proceeding before the Land Tribunal fails eitherto
appear at a preliminary conference or at the hearing of theproceeding, the tribunal may—(a)if the party has made a claim under
this Act to which theproceeding relates—dismiss the claim
concerned; or(b)in any other case—direct that the
person who failed toappear is to cease to be a party to
the proceeding.230Tribunal may order that particular
claimable land istransferable land(1)Thissectionappliesif,beforetheLandTribunalmakesadecisionaboutwhetherornotaclaimunderthisActforclaimable land,
other than transferred land, is established—(a)each
party to the proceeding that made a claim agrees inwritingthattheclaimablelandbecometransferableland; and(b)the tribunal is given notice of the
agreement.(2)IftheLandTribunalissatisfieditisappropriateinthecircumstancesthatthelandbecometransferableland,thetribunal may make an order that it is
transferable land.(3)BeforetheLandTribunalmakesanorderundersubsection(2), the
tribunal must have regard to the interests of any otherparty to the proceeding and how the
interests are likely to beaffected by the order.(4)If the Land Tribunal makes an order
under subsection (2)—(a)thelandbecomestransferablelandwhentheorderismade; and(b)all
claims for the land are taken to have been dismissedby
the tribunal.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 231]231General powersForthepurposeofaproceedinginrelationtoaclaim,theLand
Tribunal may do all other things necessary or convenienttobedonefororinconnectionwiththehearinganddetermination of the claim.232Reasons to be given by tribunal(1)Subject to this section and to section
225, the Land Tribunalmust give written reasons for—(a)itsrecommendationstotheMinisterinrelationtoaclaim; and(b)aclaimbeingornotbeingestablishedon1ormoregrounds.(2)The
reasons must include its findings on material questions offact
and a reference to the evidence or other material on whichthose findings were based.(3)Subsection(2)doesnotapplyifthetribunal’srecommendations
to the Minister are made without holding ahearing.(4)The tribunal must cause a copy of its
reasons to be given (inwriting) to the Minister and each
party to the proceeding.(5)In this
section—Ministermeans the
Minister administering the Land Act.233Appeals to Land Appeal Court from decisions
of tribunal(1)A party to a proceeding before the
Land Tribunal may—(a)appeal to the Land Appeal Court
against a decision ofthe tribunal—(i)that
an area of land is or is not claimable land; or(ii)that
a claim for an area of claimable land is or isnot established
on a particular ground; orPage 152Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 233](iii)tomakeornottomakeaparticularrecommendationtotheMinisterinrelationtoaclaim; or(iv)as
to the terms of a particular recommendation tothe Minister;
and(b)appeal to the Land Appeal Court, with
the leave of thatcourt, against any other decision of the
tribunal made inor in relation to the proceeding.(2)If—(a)a
person has applied to be made a party to a proceedingbefore the Land Tribunal; and(b)the tribunal decides that the person
is not an interestedperson;the person may
appeal to the Land Appeal Court against thedecision.(3)An interested person who is
dissatisfied with a determinationof the Land
Tribunal under section 283(2)(b) may appeal tothe Land Appeal
Court.(4)If the chairperson of the tribunal
decides under section 61 thataclaimisnotdulymade,theclaimantsmayappealtotheLand Appeal Court.(5)Anappeal,orapplicationforleavetoappeal,underthissection must be
made in accordance with any applicable rulesofcourtandanyregulationsmadeforthepurposeofthissection.(6)The Land Appeal Court must hear and
determine the appeal,or application for leave to appeal,
and may make such order asit considers appropriate.(7)Without limiting subsection (6), the
orders that may be madeby the Land Appeal Court on an appeal
include—(a)an order affirming a decision of the
Land Tribunal; or(b)an order varying a decision of the
Land Tribunal; orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 234](c)an
order setting aside a decision of the Land Tribunaland—(i)making a decision in substitution for the
decisionset aside; or(ii)remittingthematterforreconsiderationinaccordancewithanydirectionsorrecommendations of the Land Appeal
Court.(8)For the purposes of an appeal, the
Land Appeal Court mayexercise all the powers and
discretions conferred on the LandTribunal.(9)In this section—Ministermeans the Minister administering the Land
Act.234Reference of questions of law to Land
Appeal Court(1)The Land Tribunal may, of its own
motion or at the request ofa party, refer a
question of law arising in a proceeding beforethetribunaltotheLandAppealCourtfordecision,butaquestionisnottobereferredwithouttheagreementofthepresiding member (if any) who is
presiding or the chairpersonof the
tribunal.(2)If a question of law arising in a
proceeding before the LandTribunalhasbeenreferredtotheLandAppealCourt,thetribunal must not, in the
proceeding—(a)give a decision to which the question
is relevant whilethe reference is pending; or(b)proceedinamanner,ormakeadecision,thatisinconsistent with the decision of the
Land Appeal Courton the question.235Evidence and other findings in other
proceedingsIn a proceeding, the Land Tribunal
may—(a)receiveintoevidencethetranscriptofevidenceinanother proceeding before—Page
154Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 236](i)a
court; or(ii)the Land
Tribunal; or(iii)the National
Native Title Tribunal; or(iv)arecognisedState/Territorybodywithinthemeaning of theNative Title Act
1993(Cwlth); or(v)another entity;and draw
conclusions of fact from the transcript; and(b)receiveintoevidenceadocumentorotherthingintroduced into evidence in another
proceeding before acourt,tribunal,bodyorotherentityanddrawconclusions from
the document or thing; and(c)adoptfindings,reports,recommendations,decisions,determinations
or judgments of a court, tribunal, body orother
entity.236Protection of members etc.(1)A member of the Land Tribunal has, in
the performance of themember’sdutiesasamember,thesameprotectionandimmunity as a judge of the Supreme
Court.(2)A person representing a party before
the Land Tribunal hasthesameprotectionandimmunityasabarristerhasinappearing for a party in a proceeding
in the Supreme Court.(3)A person
summoned to attend or appearing before the LandTribunal as a
witness has the same protection as a witness in aproceeding in the Supreme Court.237Continuing authority of memberIf a
member’s appointment expires, the appointment continuesuntil the member finishes performing any
function started, butnot finished, before the expiry of the
appointment.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 238]238Failure of witness to attendA
person served, as prescribed, with a summons to appear as awitnessbeforetheLandTribunalmustnot,withoutreasonable
excuse—(a)fail to attend as required by the
summons; or(b)failtoappearfromtimetotimeinthecourseoftheproceeding as required by the
presiding member.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.239Refusal of witness to be sworn or to
answer questions(1)ApersonappearingasawitnessatahearingoftheLandTribunal must
not, without reasonable excuse—(a)fail
to be sworn or to make an affirmation; or(b)fail
to answer a question that the person is required toanswer by the presiding member; or(c)fail to produce a document that the
person was requiredto produce by a summons under this Act
served on theperson as prescribed.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(2)Itisareasonableexcuseforapersontofailtoansweraquestion if answering the question may tend
to incriminate theperson.(3)Itisareasonableexcuseforapersontofailtoproduceadocument if producing the document may tend
to incriminatethe person.240Obstructing tribunal etc.(1)Apersonmustnotobstructorimproperlyinfluencetheconduct of a hearing of the Land
Tribunal or attempt to do so.(2)A
person must not contravene an order under section 225.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.Page
156Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 19 The Land
Tribunal[s 241]241Allowances for witnessesAwitnesssummonedtoappearatahearingoftheLandTribunal is
entitled to be paid such allowances and expenses—(a)as are prescribed; or(b)asthechairpersonofthetribunaldeterminesintheabsence of regulations.Division 4Miscellaneous242Management of administrative affairs of
tribunalThechairpersonoftheLandTribunalisresponsibleformanaging the administrative affairs of the
tribunal.243Staff of tribunal employed under
Public Service Act 2008The staff of the Land Tribunal are to
be employed under thePublic Service Act 2008.244Consultants to
tribunalTheLandTribunalmay,onbehalfoftheState,engagepersonshavingsuitablequalificationsandexperienceasconsultants to the tribunal.245Annual report(1)The
chairperson of the Land Tribunal must, not later than 4months after the end of each financial year,
prepare and givetotheMinisterareportontheoperationsofthetribunalduring the
year.(2)The Minister must cause a copy of the
report to be laid beforethe Legislative Assembly within 14
days after its receipt bythe Minister.(3)If,
at the time the Minister would otherwise be required to layacopyofthereportbeforetheLegislativeAssembly,theCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 246]Legislative
Assembly is not in session or not actually sitting,the
Minister must give a copy of the report to the clerk of theParliament.(4)The
clerk must cause a copy of the report to be laid before theLegislative Assembly on its next sitting
day.(5)For the purposes of its publication,
the report is taken to havebeen laid before
the Legislative Assembly, and to have beenordered to be
published by the Legislative Assembly, when itis given to the
clerk.246Delegation of powers by
chairpersonThe chairperson of the Land Tribunal may
delegate his or herpowersunderthisoranyotherActtoanotherpresidingmember of the tribunal.Part 20Provisions about land trustsDivision 1Preliminary247Composition of land trustA
land trust for an area of Aboriginal land consists of all
themembers for the time being of the land
trust.248Nature of land trust(1)A land trust—(a)is a
body corporate with perpetual succession; and(b)has
a seal; and(c)may sue and be sued in its corporate
name.Page 158Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 249](2)A
land trust has all the powers of an individual and may, forexample—(a)acquire, hold and dispose of property;
and(b)borrow, receive and spend money;
and(c)employ staff, and engage consultants,
necessary for theperformance of its function.(3)The land trust’s seal—(a)is effective only if the land trust’s
name is inscribed onthe seal in legible characters, but
the seal may includeother words; and(b)is
to be kept by a person who is authorised by the landtrust for that purpose; and(c)maybeattachedtoadocumentonlywiththewrittenauthority signed
or(ii)ifthelandtrustconsistsofnomorethan3members—the chairperson of the land
trust and atleast 1 other member; or(iii)in
any other case—(A)the chairperson and at least 2 other
members;or(B)at least 3
members.(4)Judicial notice must be taken of the
seal on a document.(5)A document marked with the seal must
be presumed to havebeen properly sealed, unless the contrary is
proved.249Function and powers of land
trust(1)Thefunctionofalandtrustistoprovidealegalentitybywhich the members of the land trust
may perform functionsunder this Act.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 159
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 250](2)A
land trust may exercise all powers necessary or convenientto
perform its function.Note—Also
see section 267.Division 2Appointment,
removal andsuspension of members of landtrustsSubdivision
1Appointment of members250Minister may appoint member(1)The Minister may, by notice given to a
land trust, appoint aperson to be a member of the land
trust if—(a)because of any circumstances affecting
the operation ofthe land trust, the land trust can not
appoint a memberand a majority of members of the land trust
have askedtheMinisterinwritingtoappointthepersonasamember; orExample of
circumstances affecting the operation of a land trust—A land trust can not form a quorum for
a meeting of the landtrust to appoint a member.(b)theMinisterconsidersitappropriatetoappointthemembertoensurethelandtrustcancarryoutitsfunctions under this Act.Example—TheMinistermightappointamembertoreplaceamemberremoved by the
Minister under this division.(2)Before acting under subsection (1), the
Minister must—(a)consult with the land trust;
and(b)iftheMinisterconsidersitappropriateinthecircumstances—consult with, and
consider the views of,Page 160Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 250A]AboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththeAboriginal land held by the land
trust.(3)The Minister must not appoint a person
under subsection (1)without the person’s consent.(4)TheMinistermustgivethepersonacopyofthenoticementioned in
subsection (1) when the notice is given to theland
trust.(5)Apersonappointedasamemberofalandtrustunderthissection becomes a member on the day stated
in the notice.(6)In acting under this section, the
Minister must have regard toanyAboriginaltraditionapplicabletotheAboriginallandheld
by the land trust.250ALand trust may appoint member(1)Alandtrustmay,byresolution,appointapersontobeamember of the
land trust.(2)A land trust can not appoint a person
under subsection (1)—(a)without the
person’s consent; or(b)if the person
has been removed as a member of any landtrust by the
Minister under this division.(3)Apersonappointedasamemberofalandtrustunderthissection becomes
a member on the later of the following—(a)thedaytheresolutionappointingthepersonasamember is made;(b)any
later day stated in the resolution.(4)A
land trust must record its decision to appoint a person as amemberofthelandtrustintheminutesofthemeetingatwhich the person was appointed.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 251]Subdivision
2Grounds for removal or suspensionof
members251Grounds for removal or suspension of
member(1)Each of the following is a ground for
removing or suspendinga member—(a)if
the member is a member of the executive committeeof
the land trust, the member—(i)in
performing the member’s functions as a memberofthecommittee,hascontravenedoriscontravening a provision of this Act;
or(ii)is carrying on,
or has carried on, the business of theland trust in a
fraudulent or improper way;(b)the
member has stolen, misappropriated or improperlyapplied trust property;(c)the
member is acting, or has acted, towards the land trustor
another member in a way that is fraudulent, improperor
contrary to the best interests of the land trust.(2)Also, it is a ground for the Minister
to remove or suspend amemberthat,becauseofanycircumstancesaffectingtheoperation of the land trust—(a)the land trust can not remove or
suspend a member and amajorityofmembersofthelandtrusthaveaskedtheMinister in writing to remove or
suspend the member;and(b)a ground
mentioned in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) existsfor
the member.Example of circumstances affecting the
operation of a land trust—A land trust can
not form a quorum for a general meeting of the landtrust
to remove or suspend a member.Page 162Current as at 7 November 2013
Subdivision 3Aboriginal Land
Act 1991Part 20 Provisions about land trusts[s
252]Removal or suspension of membersby
Minister252Show cause notice(1)This
section applies if the Minister believes a ground exists toremove or suspend a member of a land
trust.(2)The Minister must give the member and
the land trust a notice(ashow cause
notice).(3)The show cause
notice must state the following—(a)theactiontheMinisterproposestotakeunderthissubdivision
(theproposed action);(b)the ground for the proposed
action;(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the ground;(d)if the proposed action is suspension
of the member—theproposed suspension period;(e)that the member and the land trust
may, within a statedperiod(theshowcauseperiod),makewrittenrepresentationstotheMinistertoshowwhytheproposed action should not be
taken;(f)that, if the member is removed as a
member of the landtrust, the member is also removed as a
member of anyother land trust.(4)Theshowcauseperiodmustendatleast1monthaftertheshow cause notice is given.253Representations about show cause
notice(1)The member or land trust may make
written representations totheMinisterabouttheshowcausenoticeduringtheshowcause
period.(2)The Minister must consider all
representations (theacceptedrepresentations) made under
subsection (1).Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 254]254Ending show cause process without further
actionIf, after considering the accepted
representations for the showcause notice,
the Minister no longer believes a ground existsto remove or
suspend the member, the Minister must—(a)take
no further action about the show cause notice; and(b)givethememberandthelandtrustanoticethatnofurther action is to be taken about
the show cause notice.255Removing or
suspending member(1)This section applies if—(a)therearenoacceptedrepresentationsabouttheshowcause notice;
or(b)after considering the accepted
representations about theshow cause notice, the
Minister—(i)still believes a ground exists to
remove or suspendthe member; and(ii)believes removal or suspension of the member
Minister may—(a)iftheproposedactionwastoremovethemember—remove the member; or(b)iftheproposedactionwastosuspendthemember—suspend the member for not
longer than theproposed suspension period.(3)Before acting under subsection (2),
the Minister must, if theMinister considers it appropriate in
the circumstances, consultwith and consider the views of
Aboriginal people particularlyconcerned with
the Aboriginal land held by the land trust.(4)In
acting under this section, the Minister must have regard toanyAboriginaltraditionapplicabletotheAboriginallandheld
by the land trust.(5)If the Minister decides to take action
under subsection (2), theMinister must as soon as practicable
give—Page 164Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 255A](a)the
person an information notice for the decision; and(b)the land trust notice of the
decision.(6)The decision takes effect on the later
of the following—(a)the day the information notice is
given to the person;(b)the day stated
in the information notice for that purpose.255AEffect of removing member on other land
section applies if the Minister removes a member from alandtrustundersection255(2)andthememberisalsoamember of another land trust.(2)The member is also removed as a member
of the other landtrust.256Immediate suspension of member(1)TheMinistermaysuspendamemberofalandtrustimmediately if the Minister believes—(a)either—(i)a
ground exists to remove or suspend the member;or(ii)thememberisamemberoftheexecutivecommittee of the
land trust and, in performing themember’s
functions as a member of the committee,is likely to
contravene this Act; and(b)itisnecessarytosuspendthememberimmediatelybecausethereisanimmediaterisktotheproperoperation of the land trust or proper
dealing with trustproperty.(2)However, the Minister may immediately
suspend the memberonly if the Minister also gives the member
and the land trust ashowcausenoticeforactiontoremoveorsuspendthemember under this subdivision.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257](3)If
the Minister decides to immediately suspend the member,theMinistermust,whentheMinistergivestheshowcausenotice—(a)givethememberaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision; and(b)give
the land trust a copy of the information notice.(4)The suspension—(a)operatesimmediatelythememberisgiventheinformation notice; and(b)ifthememberisalsoamemberofanotherlandtrust—suspends the member as a member of the
otherland trust; and(c)continuestooperateuntiltheearlierofthefollowinghappens—(i)the show cause notice is finally dealt
4Removal or suspension of membersby
land trust257Proposed removal or suspension
approved byresolution and show cause notice(1)A land trust may, by resolution,
decide to take action underthis subdivision
(theproposed action) to remove or
suspend amemberofthelandtrustbecauseagroundexistsfortheremoval or
suspension.(2)However, members of the land trust
must be given at least 14days notice of the general meeting of
the land trust at whichthe resolution is intended to be
proposed.(3)Ifthelandtrustmakesadecisionundersubsection(1),theland trust must—Page 166Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257A](a)refer the matter of the proposed action to
the executivecommittee of the land trust to decide;
and(b)give the member a notice (ashow
cause notice).(4)The show cause
notice must state all of the following—(a)detailsoftheresolutionmentionedinsubsection(1),including the date the resolution was
made;(b)the proposed action;(c)the ground for the proposed
action;(d)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the ground;(e)if the proposed action is suspension
of the member—theproposed suspension period;(f)that the member may, within a stated
period (theshowcause
period), make written representations to the
landtrusttoshowwhytheproposedactionshouldnotbetaken.(5)Theshowcauseperiodmustendatleast1monthaftertheshow cause notice is given.257ARepresentations about show cause
notice(1)Themembermaymakewrittenrepresentationstothelandtrustabouttheshowcausenoticeduringtheshowcauseperiod.(2)Acopyofanyrepresentationsmadebythememberundersubsection (1)
must be given to each member of the executivecommittee of the
land trust.257BLand trust decisions about removal or
suspension ofmember(1)This
section provides for how, by a resolution of the executivecommittee of the land trust, the land trust
decides the action tobe taken about a show cause notice
given to a member of theland trust.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 167
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257B](2)Theresolutionmaybemadeonlyiftheshowcauseperiodstated in the show cause notice has
ended.(3)The executive committee must—(a)consider all representations about the
show cause noticereceived under section 257A(1); and(b)decide—(i)whether a ground exists to remove or suspend
themember; and(ii)iftheexecutivecommitteedecidesagroundexists—whetherremovalorsuspensionofthemember is warranted.(4)Thelandtrustmusttakenofurtheractionabouttheshowcause notice if
the executive committee decides—(a)no
ground exists to remove or suspend the member; or(b)agroundexistsbuttheremovalorsuspensionofthemember is not warranted.(5)Subsections(6)to(8)applyiftheexecutivecommitteedecides a ground
exists to remove or suspend the member andthat the removal
or suspension of the member is warranted.(6)The
executive committee may decide to—(a)iftheproposedactionwastoremovethemember—remove or suspend the member;
or(b)iftheproposedactionwastosuspendthemember—suspend the member for not
longer than theproposed suspension period.(7)If a motion proposing removal or
suspension fails to pass byresolution,theexecutivecommitteeofthelandtrustmaydecide to—(a)adjourn the matter of the proposed action;
or(b)referthematteroftheproposedactiontoageneralmeeting of the land trust to decide;
or(c)take no further action about the show
cause notice.Page 168Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257C](8)A
decision to remove or suspend takes effect on the later ofthe
following—(a)the day an information notice about
the decision is givento the member under section
257D;(b)any later day stated in the
notice.(9)Theexecutivecommitteeofthelandtrustmustrecorditsdecisions under this section—(a)ifadecisionwasmadeatameetingoftheexecutivecommittee—in the
minutes of the meeting at which thedecision was
made; or(b)otherwise—in writing.257CDecisions about removal or suspension
of memberreferred to land trust general
meeting(1)This section applies if the executive
committee of a land trustrefers, to a general meeting of the
land trust, the matter of theactiontobetakenaboutashowcausenoticegiventoamember of the
land trust.(2)The land trust may, by resolution at a
general meeting of theland trust, decide the action to be
taken about the show causenotice.(3)For
subsection (2), section 257B applies with a reference totheexecutivecommitteeofthelandtrusttakentobeareference to the land trust.(4)However, if a motion proposing removal
or suspension fails topass by resolution, the land trust
must take no further actionabout the show
cause notice.257DAction after decision about removal or
suspension ofmember(1)This
section applies if a decision about a show cause noticegiven to a member of a land trust is made
under section 257Bor 257C.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 169
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257E](2)Assoonaspracticableafterthedecisionismade,thelandtrust must give
the member notice of the following—(a)if,becauseofthedecision,thelandtrustis,orisrequired, to take no further action about
the show causenotice—notice that no further action will be
taken;(b)if the decision is to remove or
suspend the member—aninformation notice for the
decision;(c)if the decision is to adjourn the
matter of the removal orsuspensionofthemember—noticeofthedecisiontoadjourn the matter;(d)if
the decision is to refer the matter of the removal orsuspension of a member of the land trust to
a generalmeeting of the land trust—notice of the
decision to referthematterandofthedayandtimeofthegeneralmeetingofthelandtrustatwhichthematterwillbeconsidered.257EImmediate suspension of member(1)A land trust may, by a resolution of
the executive committeeofthelandtrust,suspendamemberofalandtrustimmediately if the executive committee
ground exists to remove or suspend the member;or(ii)thememberisamemberoftheexecutivecommitteeand,inperformingthemember’sfunctions as a
member of the executive committee,is likely to
contravene this Act; and(b)itisnecessarytosuspendthememberimmediatelybecausethereisanimmediaterisktotheproperoperation of the land trust or proper
dealing with trustproperty.(2)Iftheexecutivecommitteedecidestoimmediatelysuspendthe
member, it must—Page 170Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257F](a)givethememberaninformationnoticeaboutthedecision; and(b)ensure a motion proposing disciplinary
action be takenagainst the member is considered at a
general meetingof the land trust within 60 days after the
giving of theinformation notice.(3)The
suspension—(a)operatesimmediatelytheinformationnoticeisgiven;and(b)continues to operate until the
earliestof the followinghappens—(i)amotionproposingdisciplinaryactionbetakenagainst the
member fails to pass by resolution at ageneral meeting
of the land trust;(ii)60dayshavepassedsincethegivingoftheinformationnoticeandthememberhasnotbeengivenashowcausenoticeforproposeddisciplinary
action against the member;(iii)ashowcausenoticeforproposeddisciplinaryaction against
the member is finally dealt with;(iv)60dayshavepassedsincethesuspensiontookeffect.(4)In
this section—disciplinary action, against a
member of a land trust, meansactiontoremoveorsuspendthememberunderthissubdivision.257FLimitation on land trust’s power about
suspension ofmemberAlandtrustcannotendthesuspensionofapersonfrommembership of the land trust if the
suspension is imposed bythe Minister under this
division.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 257G]Subdivision
5Information about appointment,removal or resignation of members257GInformation about appointment, removal
or resignationof members(1)This
section applies to a land trust if—(a)the
land trust appoints a person as a member of the landtrust or removes a member from the land
trust; or(b)a member of the land trust
resigns.(2)Assoonaspracticableaftertheappointment,removalorresignationhaseffect,thelandtrustmustgivethechiefexecutive notice
of the appointment, removal or resignation.Division 3Recording information aboutcompliance with Act258Particular information to be recorded in
register(1)Thechiefexecutivemust,foreachlandtrustandeachfinancialyear,recordintheAboriginallandholdingentityregisterwhetherornotthelandtrusthas,forthefinancialyear, operated
in compliance with the Act.(2)Indecidingwhetherornotalandtrusthasoperatedincompliance with the Act, the chief executive
must have regardto any minimum requirements, prescribed
under a regulation,that a land trust must meet to be
compliant.Division 4Land trusts to
give information tochief executive259Definition for div 4In this
division—Page 172Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 260]informationincludes a
document.260Power to require particular
information(1)The chief executive may, by notice,
require a land trust to givethechiefexecutivestatedinformation,orstatedtypesofinformation, in its possession or
control that is, or are, relevantto the operation
of the land trust or the conduct of its business.Examples of information—•information about how a land trust
made a particular decision•accounts, bank
statements and other financial information•minutes of meetings(2)The
notice must state a reasonable period to comply with therequirement.(3)Thelandtrustmustcomplywiththerequirementunlesscomplyingwiththenoticewouldplacethelandtrustincontravention of a law.Division 5Freezing
accounts of land trusts261Definitions for
div 5In this division—account, of
a land trust, means—(a)an account, with
a financial institution, in the land trust’sname or in which
the land trust has an interest; or(b)another account to which trust money is
deposited.holder, of a land
trust’s account, means the land trust or otherperson
authorised to operate the account.trust
moneymeans any amount that is trust
property.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 262]262Freezing land trust’s accounts(1)The chief executive may give a
direction under subsection (2)if,onconsideringareportonanauditofalandtrust’saccounts, it appears to the chief executive
that—(a)thelandtrust,amemberofthelandtrustoranotherpersonhas,ormayhave,stolen,misappropriatedormisapplied trust money; or(b)theaccountsofthelandtrustarenotbeingkeptappropriately.(2)The
chief executive may direct, by a notice, that—(a)anamountmustnotbedrawnfromastatedaccountother than with the chief executive’s
approval; or(b)astatedaccountmaybeoperatedonlyunderstatedconditions.(3)The
direction must—(a)be given to the holder of the account
and the financialinstitution where the account is kept;
and(b)state the account to which it relates;
and(c)if it includes a direction under
subsection (2)(b), statetheconditionsunderwhichtheaccountmaybeoperated.263Financial institution must comply with
direction(1)After the direction is given to a
financial institution, and untilit is withdrawn,
the financial institution must not—(a)pay
a cheque or other instrument drawn on the accountstated in the direction unless the cheque or
instrument isalso signed by the chief executive;
or(b)give effect to another transaction on
the account that isnot authorised because of the
direction.Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.Page
174Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 20 Provisions
about land trusts[s 264](2)For
section 262(2)(a), the chief executive’s signature on thechequeorinstrumentissufficientevidenceofthechiefexecutive’s approval to draw an amount from
the account tohonour the cheque or instrument.264Withdrawal of direction(1)Thechiefexecutivemaywithdrawadirectiongivenundersection 262 at
any time.(2)Ifthedirectioniswithdrawn,thechiefexecutivemustimmediately give
all persons who were given the direction anotice,signedbythechiefexecutive,thatthedirectionhasbeen
withdrawn.(3)A direction stops having effect when
it is withdrawn.Division 6Miscellaneous265Chief
executive may prepare model rules(1)The
chief executive may prepare model rules for land trusts.(2)In adopting changes to its rules, or
adopting new rules, a landtrustmusthaveregardtothemodelrulespreparedundersubsection
(1).(3)If the chief executive prepares model
rules under subsection(1), the chief executive must give a
copy of the model rules toeach land trust.265AResolution of executive committee without
meetingAresolutionoftheexecutivecommitteeofalandtrustisvalidly made by the committee, even if it is
not passed at ameeting of the committee, if—(a)noticeoftheproposedresolutionisgiven,underprocedures approved by the committee, to all
membersof the committee entitled to vote on the
resolution (thevoting members); andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 21 Application
of Trusts Act 1973[s 266](b)amajorityofthevotingmembersgivewrittenagreement to the resolution.266Provision about vesting of Aboriginal
land(1)If Aboriginal land is held by a land
trust, the land is taken tohave been vested
in the land trust.(2)Subsection (1) applies to Aboriginal
land whether or not theland was first held by the land trust
before the commencementof this section.Part 21Application of Trusts Act 1973Division 1Preliminary267Application of Trusts Act 1973(1)TheTrusts Act
1973applies to a land trust and its members
inrelationtodealingswithAboriginallandonlytotheextentprescribed under
this part.(2)To the extent that theTrustsAct1973does apply to a
landtrust and its members in relation to
dealings with Aboriginalland, it applies with the changes
prescribed under this part.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that theTrusts Act
1973applies, without changes, to a land trust
and its members inrelation to dealings with trust property
that is not Aboriginalland.268Functions and powers of land trust under
Trusts Act 1973(1)A land trust may perform all the
functions and exercise all thepowers of a
trustee under theTrusts Act 1973.(2)Subsection (1)—Page 176Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 21
Application of Trusts Act 1973[s 269](a)applies subject to any other provision
of this Act; and(b)does not limit section 249(2).Division 2Powers of
Supreme Court269Jurisdiction of Supreme Court(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),thejurisdictionoftheSupremeCourtundertheTrustsAct1973includesmattersarisingunder this Act.(2)The
powers of the Supreme Court under theTrusts Act
1973are to be exercised—(a)ifprovisionismadeinthispartforamatter—inaccordance with this part; or(b)otherwise—inawaythatisconsistentwith,andbestachieves, the
purposes of this Act.270Power of court to
relieve member of land trust frompersonal
liability(1)This section applies if it appears to
the Supreme Court that amember of a land trust is or may be
personally liable for abreach of trust by the member, another
member or the landtrust.(2)If
it appears to the court that the member—(a)has
acted honestly and reasonably; and(b)ought fairly to be excused for the breach of
trust or foromittingtoobtainthedirectionsofthecourtinthematter in which the member, the other
member or theland trust committed the breach;thecourtmayrelievethememberwhollyorpartlyfrompersonal liability for the breach.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 21 Application
of Trusts Act 1973[s 271]271Court
may order beneficiary to indemnify for certainbreaches(1)This section applies if a land trust
or a member of a land trustcommits a breach
of trust at the instigation or request of, orwith the written
consent of, a beneficiary.(2)The Supreme
Court may, as it considers just, order that all orpart
of the interest of the beneficiary in the trust property isimpounded to indemnify the land trust, the
member or personsclaiming through the land trust or
member.272Right of land trust or member to apply
to court fordirections(1)AlandtrustormemberofalandtrustmayapplytotheSupreme Court for directions in
relation to—(a)the trust property of the land trust
or its management oradministration; or(b)the
exercise of a power of the land trust or a member ofthe
land trust.(2)Theapplicationmustbeservedon,andthehearingoftheapplication may
be attended by—(a)all persons interested in the
application; or(b)thepersonsinterestedintheapplication,ortheirrepresentatives,
that the court considers appropriate.273Court’s jurisdiction to make orders
conferring power onland trust or members(1)Thissectionappliesif,intheSupremeCourt’sopinion,adisposition or transaction—(a)isexpedientforthemanagementoradministrationoftrust property by a land trust or members of
a land trust;or(b)would be in the
best interest of the Aboriginal people, ora majority of
the Aboriginal people, for whose benefitthe property is
held;Page 178Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 21
Application of Trusts Act 1973[s 273]but—(c)itisinexpedient,difficultorimpracticaltoeffectthedisposition or transaction without the
assistance of theSupreme Court; or(d)the
land trust or members do not have power under theAct
to effect the disposition or transaction.(2)The
Supreme Court may—(a)confer on the land trust or members
the necessary powerforthepurposeofeffectingthedispositionortransaction(otherthanapowertosellormortgageAboriginalland),onsuchtermsandsubjecttoanyconditions, as the court considers
appropriate; and(b)direct the way that—(i)any amount authorised to be spent, and
the costs ofthedispositionortransaction,aretobepaidorborne from trust property; and(ii)the amount is to
be apportioned between the capitaland income of
the trust property.(3)The Supreme Court may—(a)rescind or vary an order under this
section; or(b)make a new or further order.(4)Therescissionorvariationofanorderdoesnotaffectanythingdonebyapersonrelyingontheorderbeforetheperson became aware of the application to
the court to rescindor vary the order.(5)An
application to the court under this section may be madeby—(a)a land trust;
or(b)a member of a land trust; or(c)a person for whose benefit the trust
property is held.(6)In this section—Current as at 7
November 2013Page 179
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 21 Application
of Trusts Act 1973[s 274]dispositionmeans a sale,
lease, mortgage, surrender, releaseor another type
of disposition.transactionmeansapurchase,investment,acquisition,retention,
expenditure or another type of transaction.274Protection of land trust or member while
acting underdirection of court(1)If a
land trust or member of a land trust acts under direction ofthe
Supreme Court, the land trust or member is to be taken tohave
discharged the duty as trustee in the subject matter of thedirection.(2)Subsection(1)appliesevenifthedirectionissubsequentlydeclared
invalid, overruled, set aside or otherwise rendered ofno
effect or varied.(3)This section does not indemnify a land
trust or member of alandtrustinrelationtoanactdoneinaccordancewithadirection of the court obtained by the
land trust or member byfraud,wilfulconcealmentormisrepresentationorinacquiescenceinthefraud,wilfulconcealmentormisrepresentation.275Power
of Supreme Court to make orders in absence ofmember(1)If,inaproceedingunderthisAct,theSupremeCourtissatisfied that—(a)a
diligent search has been made for a member of a landtrust who is named as a party in an action;
and(b)the member can not be found to serve
the member with aprocess of the court;thecourtmayhearanddecidetheproceedingandgivejudgmentagainstthememberasifthememberhadbeenservedorhadenteredanappearanceintheaction,andhadalso appeared by counsel or solicitor
at the hearing.Page 180Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 22
Appeals[s 276](2)Subsection(1)applieswithoutprejudicetoanyinterestthemember may have in the matter in question in
the proceedingin any other capacity.(3)If a
member, at the time of the proceeding—(a)is
not within the jurisdiction; or(b)is
under a disability; or(c)can not be
found;the court may appoint a person to represent
the member andmayproceedintheabsenceofthemember,andallordersmade in the
proceeding are binding on the member as if themember had been
present and of full capacity.276Power
of Supreme Court to charge costs on trustpropertyThe
Supreme Court may order the cost and expenses of, andincidentalto,anapplicationforanorderordirectionunderthis
part to be—(a)paidorraisedoutofthetrustproperty(otherthanAboriginal land)
as the court considers appropriate; or(b)borneandpaidinthewayandbythepersonsasthecourt considers
just.Part 22Appeals277Who may appeal(1)A
person who made representations to the Minister under part2,division4aboutaproposeddeclarationundersection16(1)(d) may
appeal to the Land Court against the decision tomake
the declaration.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 22
Appeals[s 278](2)A
lessee of a residential lease the subject of a decision
undersection156tonotrenewtheleasemayappealtotheLandCourt against
the decision.(3)A person the subject of a decision
under section 162 about anamount payable to the person for
forfeiture or non-renewal ofa residential
lease may appeal to the Land Court against thedecision.(4)A member of a land trust who is given,
or is entitled to begiven, an information notice under
part 20, division 2 about adecision to
remove or suspend the member from the land trustmay
appeal to the Land Court against the decision.278Starting appeal(1)Anappealisstartedbyfilingnoticeofappealwiththeregistrar of the Land Court.(2)The notice of appeal must be filed
within 28 days after thepersonreceivesthenoticeofthedecisionorinformationnotice about the
decision.(3)However, the Land Court may, at any
time within the 28 days,extend the period for making the
appeal.279Nature of appealThe appeal is by
way of rehearing, unaffected by the decision,onthematerialbeforethedecision-makerandanyfurtherevidence allowed
by the Land Court.280Notice of appealA person who
appeals against a decision under this part mustgive a copy of
the notice of appeal to—(a)foradecisionmentionedinsection277(1),(2)or(3)—the
decision-maker; or(b)foradecisionmentionedinsection277(4)—thedecision-maker
and the land trust.Page 182Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 281]281Powers of Land Court on appeal(1)In deciding the appeal, the Land Court
has the same powers asthe decision-maker.(2)The Land Court may—(a)confirm the decision; or(b)set aside the decision and substitute
another decision; or(c)setasidethedecisionandreturntheissuetothedecision-makerwithdirectionsthecourtconsidersappropriate.(3)If
the Land Court substitutes another decision, the substituteddecision is, other than for the purpose of
an appeal under thispart, taken to be the decision of the
decision-maker.Part 23Miscellaneous282Creation of interests in transferable and
claimable land(1)NothinginthisActpreventsthecreationofaninterestintransferable land if—(a)the
interest is a—(i)mining interest; or(ii)geothermaltenureundertheGeothermalEnergyAct
2010; or(iii)GHG
authority under theGreenhouse Gas StorageAct 2009;
or(b)the interest is a residential tenancy;
or(c)theinterestisaleaseorpermitgrantedinrelationtotransferable land that is Aboriginal trust
land; or(d)theinterestisthetransfer,mortgageorsubleaseofatrustee (Aboriginal) lease; orCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 282](e)for
another interest—the Minister, subject to subsection(2),
consents to the creation of the interest.(2)The
Minister must not consent under subsection (1)(e) to thecreation of the interest unless the Minister
is satisfied that thecreation of the interest is for the
benefit of Aboriginal peopleparticularly
concerned with the land.(3)TheMinistermaygivearelevantentityawrittenauthoritydispensing with the need to obtain the
Minister’s consent tothe creation of a particular type of
interest in transferable landiftheMinisterconsidersitisappropriateinallthecircumstances to
give the authority.(4)NothinginthisActpreventsthecreationofaninterestinclaimable land that is not transferred land
(whether or not aclaim has been made under this Act for the
land) if—(a)the interest is a—(i)mining interest; or(ii)geothermaltenureundertheGeothermalEnergyAct
2010; or(iii)GHG
authority under theGreenhouse Gas StorageAct 2009;
or(b)for another interest—the Minister,
subject to subsection(5), consents to the creation of the
interest.(5)The Minister must not consent under
subsection (4)(b) to thecreation of the interest unless the
Minister is satisfied that—(a)thecreationoftheinterestisforthebenefitofAboriginal people particularly
concerned with the land;or(b)theinterestwillceasetohaveeffectbefore,orifandwhen, the land
becomes Aboriginal land.(6)This section has
effect despite anything in any other Act.(7)In
this section—relevant entitymeans—Page
184Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 283](a)a
trustee, under the Land Act, of Aboriginal trust land;or(b)the Council of
the Shire of Aurukun or the Council ofthe Shire of
Mornington.283Rights of access to interests
preserved(1)This section applies if—(a)a person has an interest in land
(theperson’s land); and(b)the person’s land is—(i)surrounded by Aboriginal land;
or(ii)inthevicinityofAboriginallandandtheonlypracticable way of gaining access to the
person’sland is across the Aboriginal land.(2)Thepersonandtheperson’sofficers,employees,agents,servants, licensees and invitees are
entitled, with or withoutvehicles, machinery, plant and
equipment (of any description),to enter and
cross Aboriginal land for the purpose of gainingaccess to the person’s land by a
route—(a)that is agreed on from time to time by
the trustee of theAboriginal land and the person; or(b)ifthetrusteeandthepersonfailtoagreewithinareasonable time—that is determined by
the Land Courton application by the person.(3)The trustee of Aboriginal land, other
than a registered nativetitlebodycorporate,mustnotagreeonarouteforthepurposes of subsection (2)(a)
unless—(a)thetrusteehasexplainedtotheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththelandthepurposeandeffect of the proposed route; and(b)thoseAboriginalpeoplearegivenanadequateopportunity to
express their views on, and are generallyin agreement
with, the proposed route.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 284](4)Contraventionofsubsection(3)doesnotinvalidateanagreement made for the purposes of
subsection (2)(a).(5)If the only practicable way of gaining
access to the person’sland is across Aboriginal land that is
the subject of a townsitelease or other registered interest
(relevant land)—(a)subsection(2)appliestotherelevantlandasifthereferencetothetrusteeoftheAboriginalland,orthetrustee,wereareferencetothelesseeofthetownsitelease or the
person registered in the appropriate registeras the holder of
the other interest; and(b)subsection (3)
does not apply.(6)Subsection (5) does not affect the
operation of subsections (2)and (3) in
relation to Aboriginal land that is not relevant land.284National park subject to lease to
State etc.(1)Iftransferredlandorgrantedlandis,orincludespartof,anationalpark(thenationalparkland),thegrantofthenational park
land—(a)issubjecttotheconditionthatthegranteeleasesthenationalparkland,inperpetuity,totheStateforthepurposes of the management of the
national park landunder theNature
Conservation Act 1992; and(b)is
subject to the conditions prescribed under a regulationfor
the national park land or national parks generally.(2)There is to be a board of management
for the national parkland.(3)Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the
board of management isto be composed in the way approved by
the Minister.(4)TheAboriginalpeopleparticularlyconcernedwiththenationalparklandaretoberepresentedontheboardofmanagement if the land is granted other than
to a registerednative title body corporate.Page
186Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 284](5)If
the national park land is granted to a registered native
titlebody corporate, the registered native title
body corporate is tobe represented on the board of
management.(6)TheMinistermust,incooperationwiththeboardofmanagementandbeforethegrantoftheland,prepareamanagement plan for the national park
land.(7)TheNatureConservationAct1992,part7appliestothemanagement plan as if it were a
management plan preparedunder section 112 of that Act.(8)In the preparation of a management
plan, the Minister must—(a)ifthenationalparklandisgrantedotherthantoaregistered native title body
corporate—consult with, andconsider the
views of, the Aboriginal people particularlyconcerned with
the national park land; and(b)subject to this section and theNature Conservation Act1992,
have regard to any Aboriginal tradition applicableto
the national park land (including any tradition relatingto
activities on the national park land).(9)Theleaseofthenationalparklandmustbesubjecttothefollowing conditions—(a)thatthenationalparkistobemanagedinaccordancewith the
management plan as in force from time to time;(b)that
the management plan is to be implemented by theboard of
management.(10)The grantee of
the transferred land or granted land must—(a)sign
a lease of the national park land in registrable formcontaining the required conditions and such
other termsand conditions as are agreed; and(b)give the signed lease to the Minister
before or at the timeof delivery of the deed of grant
issued under section 38or 74 in relation to the land.(11)Nothing in this
Act or a management plan or lease under thissection is to
result in a decrease, in the aggregate, in the publicrightsofaccessthatexistedinrelationtothenationalparkCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 285]land immediately
before the land became transferable land orclaimable
land.(12)In this
section—management plan, for national
park land, means a statementofspecificobjectivesandpoliciesrelatingtotheplanning,use,
development and management of the national park land.MinistermeanstheMinisteradministeringtheNatureConservation Act
Peninsula Region.285Persons and bodies representing State
orCommonwealthTheregulationsmaydeclarethatapersonorbodyistobetreated for the
purposes of this Act, or a particular provisionof this Act, as
representing, or as not representing, the State ortheCommonwealth(whethergenerallyorinrelationtoaparticular area or class of
land).286Delegation by MinisterThe
Minister may, by signed writing, delegate to an officer ofthe
public service all or any of the Minister’s powers under orin
relation to this Act.287Amendment of
description of land(1)If, at any time after a deed of grant
under this Act takes effect,greater
certainty, by survey or otherwise, is obtained as to theboundaries of the land, the trustee must, on
receipt of a writtennotice to do so by the chief
executive, surrender to the Statethedeedtothelandwithinsuchreasonableperiodasisspecified in the
notice.(2)On surrender of the deed, a new deed
of grant delineating theamended boundaries is to be issued to
the trustee.Page 188Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 288](3)The
new deed of grant is to be issued on the same ground (ifany)
as the surrendered deed of grant.(4)The
registrar of titles must endorse on the new deed of grant,in
the proper order or priority, the instruments under whichexisting relevant interests arose.288Dealing with particular trust
property(1)Subsection (2) applies to a trustee,
other than the State, if thetrusteereceivesanamountpaidundersection143forthevalue of a dwelling.(2)ThetrusteemustensureanamountequaltotheamountreceivedisusedbythetrusteeforhousingservicesforAboriginal people concerned with the
land held by the trustee.(3)Subsection (4)
applies to the lessee of a townsite lease if thelessee receives an amount paid under section
143 for the valueof a dwelling.(4)ThelesseemustensureanamountequaltotheamountreceivedisusedbythelesseeforhousingservicesforAboriginal people concerned with the
land the subject of thetownsite lease.(5)In
this section—housing servicemeans—(a)providing housing to an individual for
residential use; or(b)any of the following kinds of
service—(i)tenant advisory services;(ii)tenant advocacy
services;(iii)home maintenance
modification services;(v)housing-related
referral and information services.trusteeincludes a trustee, under the Land Act, of
Aboriginaltrust land.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 189
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 289]289Application of Residential Tenancies and
RoomingAccommodation Act 2008TheResidential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act2008doesnotapplytoaleasegrantedunderthisActforprivate
residential purposes.290Survey costs etc.
to be paid by State(1)Survey costs incurred in relation to
the preparation of a deedofgrantundersection38,74or287aretobepaidbytheState.(2)Nofeesorchargesarepayableforthepreparationandregistration of—(a)a
deed of grant in fee simple under this Act; or(b)a
lease prepared for section 284; or(c)a
surrender, under or for this Act, of a deed of grant orlease mentioned in paragraph (a) or
(b).(3)This section has effect despite any
other Act.291Application of Financial
Accountability Act 2009(1)AlandtrustisnotastatutorybodyfortheFinancialAccountability Act 2009.(2)However, a land trust must, at all
reasonable times—(a)allow a suitably qualified person
appointed by the chiefexecutive to audit the accounts of the
land trust; and(b)give the person appointed to audit the
accounts of thelandtrustthehelpthepersonreasonablyrequiresforconductingtheaudit,includingdisclosingfinancialinstitution account details.292Confirmation of status of particular
land(1)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that—Page 190Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 23
Miscellaneous[s 293](a)the
sales permit does not create, and never has created,for
the purposes of section 24, an interest in land; and(b)the amending regulation was
valid.(2)In this section—amending
regulationmeans theAboriginal Land
AmendmentRegulation (No. 1) 2002.salespermitmeansSalesPermitNo.004490,dated18October 1990, issued under theForestry Act 1959.293Approval of formsThe chief
executive may approve forms for use under this Act.294Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),aregulationmaymakeprovision
for—(a)mattersrelevanttotheoperations,includingthefunctions, of a land trust; and(b)theindemnificationofmembersofalandtrustfrompersonal
liability; and(c)rulesforlandtrusts,including,forexample,theadoption of rules and the matters that must
be includedin the rules; and(d)accountingrequirementsforlandtrusts,including,forexample,keepingaccounts,preparingfinancialstatements,
auditing accounts and giving audit reports tothe chief
executive; and(e)mattersrelatingtothedissolutionofAboriginallandclaim associations; and(f)the
minimum annual rental amount payable by the Stateunder a lease granted to the State under
this Act.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 24 Validation
provisions[s 295](3)In
this section—Aboriginal land claim associationmeans an Aboriginal landclaim
association incorporated under the repealed regulationandinexistenceimmediatelybeforethecommencementoftheAboriginalLandandTorresStraitIslanderLandandOther Legislation Amendment Act
2011, part 3.Part 24Validation provisions295Existing conservation agreements(1)This section applies to a conservation
agreement in relation totransferredlandenteredinto,orpurportedlyenteredinto,under theNatureConservationAct1992, section 45, by
thegrantees of the land before 18 March
2005.(2)The agreement is taken to be, and
always to have been, valid.296Existing interest
in transferable land(1)This section
applies to an interest in transferable land that is aresidential tenancy agreement if, on the
commencement—(a)the agreement is in force; and(b)theMinisterhadnotconsentedtothecreationoftheinterest under
section 282.(2)Onthecommencement,theMinisteristakentohaveconsented to the
creation of the interest under section 282 asin force before
the commencement.(3)In this section—commencementmeans the day
this section commences.Page 192Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 24 Validation
provisions[s 297]297Retrospective validation of dealings with
trustee(Aboriginal) lease(1)Subsection(2)appliestoatrustee(Aboriginal)leaseifthelease—(a)was granted under the Land Act,
section 57 before 18July 2008; and(b)wasamended,transferred,mortgagedorsubleased,during the
relevant period, under the Land Act, chapter3, part 1,
division 7.(2)The amendment, transfer, mortgage or
sublease of the trustee(Aboriginal) lease (thedealing) is taken to
be, and to alwayshave been, as valid as if—(a)thedealingwereadealingcarriedoutunderthisAct;and(b)section184,asinforceimmediatelyafterthecommencement of this section, had been
in force on theday the dealing was carried out.(3)Subsection(4)appliestoatrustee(Aboriginal)leaseifthelease—(a)was granted under the Land Act,
section 57 before 18July 2008; and(b)wasamended,transferred,mortgagedorsubleased,during the
relevant period, under this Act.(4)The
amendment, transfer, mortgage or sublease of the trustee(Aboriginal)lease(alsothedealing)istakentobe,andtoalwayshavebeen,asvalidasifsection184,asinforceimmediatelyafterthecommencementofthissection,hadbeen in force on the day the dealing
was carried out.(5)In this section—relevant
periodmeans the period starting on 18 July 2008
andending immediately before the commencement
of this section.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 25
Transitional provisions[s 299]Part 25Transitional provisionsDivision 2Transitional provisions forAboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderLand
Amendment Act 2008Subdivision 1Preliminary299Definition for div 2In this
division—commencementmeansthedayonwhichtheprovisioninwhich the term is used commences.Subdivision 2Transitional
provisions300Transferred land—change to
the commencement, the trustee of the land is taken to holdit
for the benefit of Aboriginal people particularly concernedwith
the land and their ancestors and descendants.(3)Assoonaspracticableafterthecommencement,thechiefexecutivemustgivenoticetotheregistraroftitlesthattheland vests in the trustee as mentioned
in subsection (2).(4)On receiving the notice, the registrar
of titles must record inthe freehold land register that the
land is vested as mentionedin subsection
(2).301Interests in Aboriginal land
continueIfAboriginallandwas,immediatelybeforethecommencement,subjecttoaninterestgrantedorotherwisePage 194Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 25
Transitional provisions[s 302]createdundersection50or76asinforcebeforethecommencement, the interest continues in
force.Division 3Transitional
provisions forAboriginal Land and Torres StraitIslander Land and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2011302Definition for div 3In this
division—previous, for a
provision of this Act, means the provision as inforce immediately before the commencement of
this division.303Continued operation of provisions for
section applies despite the amendment of this Act by theAboriginalLandandTorresStraitIslanderLandandOtherLegislation
Amendment Act 2011.(2)The Minister
may, on or before 31 December 2011 and underprevioussection40,appointpersonstheMinisterconsidersnecessarytobethegrantees,astrusteesforthebenefitofAboriginal people, of land the subject of a
deed of grant underprevious section 38.(3)The
Minister may, on or before 31 December 2011 and underprevioussection75,appointpersonstheMinisterconsidersnecessary to be the grantees, as trustees
for the benefit of thegroup of Aboriginal people concerned,
of land.(4)If the Minister appoints grantees
under previous section 40 or75, the grantees
are, on appointment, taken to be incorporatedas a land trust
under this Act for the land.(5)As
soon as practicable after the grantees are incorporated, theMinister must, by gazette notice,
state—(a)the name of the land trust; andCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 25
Transitional provisions[s 304](b)the
description of the land as stated in the deed of grantheld
by the grantees; and(c)an address for
service of documents on the land trust.(6)The
last 2 words of the name of the land trust must be thewords ‘Land Trust’.304Continued operation of provisions about land
trusts(1)The Minister may, on or before 31
December 2011, establish alandtrustunderpreviouspart9forthepurposestatedinprevious section 83B.(2)For
subsection (1), previous section 83A applies—(a)as
if the reference in previous section 83A(3)(b) to theAboriginalLandRegulation1991wereareferencetothe
repealed regulation; and(b)as if the
reference in previous section 83A(5) to ‘as faras practicable,
act in a way that is consistent with’ werea reference to
‘have regard to’; and(c)as if the
reference in previous section 83A(6) to ‘act in awaythatisconsistentwith’wereareferenceto‘haveregard
to’.(3)Previous sections 83C to 83E continue
to apply in relation to aland trust established under previous
section 83A.(4)Forsubsection(2)(a),therepealedregulation,asinforceimmediatelybeforeitsrepeal,continuesinforcedespiteitsrepeal.(5)This
section applies despite the amendment of this Act by theAboriginalLandandTorresStraitIslanderLandandOtherLegislation
Amendment Act 2011.305References to
previous provisions after renumbering(1)AreferenceinanotherAct,aregulationordocumenttoaparticular previous provision of this
Act may, if the contextpermits,betakenasareferencetoanyprovisionofthePage 196Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Part 25
Transitional provisions[s 306]renumberedAct,allorpartofwhichcorresponds,orsubstantially corresponds, to the previous
provision.(2)In this section—renumbered
Actmeans this Act as renumbered under
formersection 306.Division 4Transitional provision for Land,Water and Other LegislationAmendment Act 2013306Continuation of Mornington Shire
subleases(1)Thissectionappliestoaleasethat,immediatelybeforethecancellationoftheMorningtonShireleaseundersection48(1), was a
sublease of the Mornington Shire lease.Note—The Mornington Shire lease was
cancelled under section 48(1) on 7December 2012
when deeds of grant for all the Mornington Shire leaseland
took effect under section 44.(2)From
the cancellation, the sublease is taken to have been, andis,
continued in force as a lease under section 45 (as amended)with
the trustee of the Aboriginal land as the lessor.(3)In this section—commencementmeansthecommencementoftheLand,Water and Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2013, section
6.Mornington Shire leasesee section
45(7).section45(asamended)meanssection45,asinforceimmediately after the commencement.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1Schedule 1Dictionarysection 2Aboriginal landsee section
8.Aboriginal land holding entity
registersee section 84(1).Aboriginal
peoplesee section 5.Aboriginal
reserve landsee section 12.Aboriginal
traditionsee section 7.Aboriginal trust
landsee section 184.Aboriginesee
section 6.accepted representationssee section
253(2).account, for part 20,
division 5, see section 261.Acquisition
Actmeans theAcquisition of
Land Act 1967.ancestorincludes an
ancestor under Aboriginal tradition.appropriate
freehold land—the freehold land register; or(b)forotherland—theappropriateregisterforthelandunder the Land Act.approved
formmeans a form approved under section
293.associated reservemeans
land—(a)dedicated as a reserve under the Land
Act for travellingstock requirements or watering-places;
or(b)reservedandsetapartundertheLandAct1962forworks for obtaining, conserving,
distributing or utilisingwater.Aurukun Shire
lease landsee section 13.available State
landmeans land that is available State
landunder section 24.Page 198Current as at 7 November 2013 revised
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1available State land agreementsee
section 25(1).Cape York Peninsula Regionmeans the Cape York PeninsulaRegion under theCape York
Peninsula Heritage Act 2007.CATSI corporationmeans a
corporation registered under theCorporations(AboriginalandTorresStraitIslander)Act2006(Cwlth).city
or town landsee section 28.claimable
landsee section 22.Commonwealth
Native Title Actmeans theNativeTitleAct1993(Cwlth).constructing authoritymeans a
constructing authority underthe Acquisition
Act.decision-maker, for part 22,
means—(a)for a decision mentioned in section
277(1) or (4)—theMinister; or(b)for
a decision mentioned in section 277(2) or (3) aboutforfeiture or non-renewal of a lease—the
lessor of thelease land.descendantincludes a
descendant under Aboriginal tradition.DOGIT
landsee section 11.enactment
daymeans the day on which this Act receives
theRoyal Assent.environment
Ministermeans the Minister administering theNature Conservation Act 1992.excluded landmeans any of the
following—(a)land inside the Torres Strait
area;(b)city or town land or township
land;(c)a reserve under the Land Act;(d)landthatissetapartanddeclaredasaStateforestortimber reserve under theForestry Act 1959;(e)a road;Current as at 7
November 2013Page 199
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(f)a stock route;(g)land
subject to a special mining Act;(h)land
that has become unallocated State land, if a personhas
a right, other than under this Act, against the State tothe
grant of an interest in that land.executive
committee, of a land trust, means the committee
ofthe land trust—(a)primarilyresponsibleforthemanagementofthelandtrust;
and(b)consisting of the following—(i)the chairperson of the land
trust;(ii)the deputy
chairperson and secretary, if any, of theland
trust;(iii)the persons
holding another executive office of theland
trust.expression of interestsee section
35(1).forestproductsmeansallvegetablegrowthandmaterialofvegetable origin (whether living or dead and
whether standingor fallen).generalmeeting,ofalandtrust,meansanannualgeneralmeeting or special general meeting of the
trust.granted landsee section
22.groupincludes a
community.group of Aboriginal peopleincludes—(a)the
descendants of the group; and(b)ifthereisonly1survivingmemberofagroupofAboriginal people—that person.holder, for part 20,
division 5, see section 261.ILUAmeans an indigenous land use agreement noted
in theILUA register.Page 200Current as at 7 November 2013 revised
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1ILUAregistermeanstheRegisterofIndigenousLandUseAgreementsundertheCommonwealthNativeTitleAct,section 253.improvementssee the Land
Act, schedule 6.indigenous joint management areameans an area declaredundertheNatureConservationAct1992asanindigenousjoint management
area.indigenous management agreement,
about the managementof land, means an agreement complying
with the requirementsof section 170 in relation to the
land.information, for part 20,
division 4, see section 259.information
notice, about a decision, means a notice
statingall of the following—(a)the
decision;(b)the reasons for the decision;(c)that the person to whom the notice is
given may appealto the Land Court against the decision
within 28 daysafter receiving the notice;(d)how the person may appeal.interest, in relation to
land, means—(a)a legal or equitable estate or
interest in the land; or(b)aright,powerorprivilegeover,orinrelationto,theland;and
includes—(c)a permit or licence issued in relation
to the land; and(d)a mining interest; and(e)a geothermal tenure under theGeothermalEnergyAct2010; and(f)a GHG authority under theGreenhouse Gas Storage Act2009.interestedperson,inrelationtoaclaimunderthisActforclaimableland,meansapersonwhoseinterests(whetherCurrent as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1pecuniary or otherwise) could be affected by
the grant of theland as Aboriginal land because of the
claim.lakesee theWater Act 2000, schedule
4.Land Actmeans theLand
Act 1994.LandHoldingActmeanstheAboriginesandTorresStraitIslanders (Land Holding) Act 1985.Land Title Actmeans theLand
Title Act 1994.Land Tribunalmeans the Land
Tribunal established for thepurposes of this
Act.land trustmeans—(a)an entity—(i)formedthroughtheincorporation,undertherepealed regulation, of persons as a
land trust; and(ii)either
established under section 304 or in existenceimmediatelybeforethecommencementoftheAboriginalLandandTorresStraitIslanderLandandOtherLegislationAmendmentAct2011, part3;
or(b)an entity taken to be incorporated as
a land trust undersection 303.lease—1Lease—(a)for part 10,
division 5, see section 140; or(b)for
part 14, see section 180.2Aleasedoesnotincludearesidentialtenancyagreement.lease
leaseorproposedlease,means the land subject to the lease or
proposed lease.lessee, for part 10,
division 6, see section 147.lessor—(a)for part 10,
division 5, see section 140; orPage 202Current as at 7 November 2013 revised
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(b)for part 10, division 6, see section
147; or(c)for part 14, see section 180.maximum amountsee section
162(2).member, of a land
trust, means each person who, for the timebeing, is a
member of the land trust, including, for example—(a)aninitialgranteeofAboriginallandheldbythelandtrust;
and(b)another person appointed by the
Minister as trustee ofthe Aboriginal land held by the land
trust; and(c)a person appointed by the Minister or
the land trust as amember of the land trust.mineralsee theMineral Resources Act 1989,
section 6.mining interestmeans a lease,
claim or other interest in, or apermit, licence
or other right in relation to, land that is grantedunder—(a)theMineral Resources Act 1989,
thePetroleum Act 1923or thePetroleumandGas(ProductionandSafety)Act2004; or(b)another Act relating to mining for
minerals, petroleumor natural gas.Mornington Shire
lease landmeans land that is MorningtonShire lease land under section 14.NationalNativeTitleRegistermeanstheNationalNativeTitleRegisterestablishedandmaintainedundertheCommonwealth Native Title Act, part
8.nationalparkmeansanareadedicatedundertheNatureConservation Act
1992as a national park.national park
(Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal land)meansan
area dedicated under theNature Conservation Act 1992asa national park (Cape York Peninsula
Aboriginal land).native title holder, in relation to
land held, or to be held, by aregistered
native title body corporate, means—Current as at 7
November 2013Page 203
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(a)iftheregisterednativetitlebodycorporateholdsthenative title in relation to the land,
or part of the land, ontrust—the persons on whose behalf the
registered nativetitle body corporate holds the native title;
or(b)otherwise—thepersonswhoholdthenativetitleinrelation to the land or part of the
land.natural gassee thePetroleum Act 1923, section
2.non-presidingmember,inrelationtotheLandTribunal,means a member
of the tribunal other than the chairperson ora deputy
Protection and Sustainability Act 2011, section
5.noticemeans a written
notice.petroleummeanspetroleumunderthePetroleumandGas(Production and Safety) Act
2004.prescribed DOGIT landmeans land comprised in any of thefollowingdeedsofgrantintrustheldforthebenefitofIslander inhabitants—(a)deedofgrantintrust(titlereference21328057)forBamaga;(b)deedofgrantintrust(titlereference21296131)forHammond Island;(c)deedofgrantintrust(titlereference21352022)forSeisia.prescribed
reserve landsee section 197.presiding
member, in relation to the Land Tribunal, means
thechairperson or a deputy chairperson of the
tribunal.previous, for part 25,
division 3, see section 302.proposed
action—(a)for a provision
about action to be taken by the Ministerunderpart20,division2,subdivision3,seesection252(3)(a);
orPage 204Current as at 7
November 2013 revised version
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(b)for a provision about action to be
taken by a land trustunderpart20,division2,subdivision4,seesection257(1).public infrastructuremeans
infrastructure that is operated forthe general
public.qualified, for a CATSI
corporation that holds, or is proposedto hold,
Aboriginal land under this Act, means—(a)membershipoftheCATSIcorporationisrestrictedtoAboriginal people particularly concerned
with the land;or(b)theCATSIcorporationisatrusteeofatrustthebeneficiariesofwhicharerestrictedtoAboriginalpeople
particularly concerned with the land.quarry
materialsee theForestry Act
1959, schedule 3.registeredmeans registered
under the Land Act or the LandTitle
Act.registerednativetitlebodycorporatemeansaprescribedbodycorporateundertheCommonwealthNativeTitleActwhose name and address are registered on the
National NativeTitle Register under section 193(2)(e) or
(4) of that Act.registrarmeans—(a)for freehold land—the registrar of
titles; or(b)for other land—the chief executive of
the department inwhich the Land Act is administered.registrar of titlesmeans the
registrar of titles under the LandTitle
Act.relevant land, for part 2,
division 4, see section 15.repealedregulationmeanstherepealedAboriginalLandRegulation 1991.required amountsee section
162(1).residential leasesee section
147.Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1residentialtenancymeansaresidentialtenancyundertheResidentialTenanciesandRoomingAccommodationAct2008.residentialtenancyagreementmeansaresidentialtenancyagreementundertheResidentialTenanciesandRoomingAccommodation
Act 2008.responsibilities, in relation to
land, include—(a)responsibilities under Aboriginal
tradition for the land,including, for example,
responsibilities for areas that areofparticularsignificanceunderAboriginaltradition;and(b)responsibilitiesforthelandthatmayaffectneighbouringland,including,forexample,responsibilities
in relation to fire and vermin control.roadmeans a surveyed or unsurveyed road that is,
under anAct, dedicated, notified or declared to be a
road for public use.seaincludes waters
within the ebb and flow of the tide.show cause
notice—(a)for a notice
given by the Minister, see section 252(2); or(b)for
a notice given by a land trust, see section 257(3).show
cause period—(a)for a provision
about a show cause notice given by theMinister, see
section 252(3)(e); or(b)foraprovisionaboutashowcausenoticegivenbyaland trust, see
section 257(4)(f).special mining Actmeans—(a)Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited
Agreement Act 1965; or(b)CentralQueenslandCoalAssociatesAgreementAct1968; or(c)CommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreement Act
1957; or(d)Mount Isa Mines Limited Agreement Act
1985; orPage 206Current as at 7
November 2013 revised version
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(e)Queensland Nickel Agreement Act
1970; or(f)Thiess Peabody Coal Pty. Ltd. Agreement Act
1962; or(g)ThiessPeabodyMitsuiCoalPty.Ltd.AgreementsAct1965.standard leasesee section
119(2).stock routesee the Land
Act, schedule 6.tidal landmeans land that
is ordinarily covered and uncoveredby the flow and
ebb of the tide at spring tides.TorresStraitareameanstheTorresStraitareaundertheTorres Strait Islander Land Act
1991.Torres Strait Islandermeans a person who is a descendant ofan
indigenous inhabitant of the Torres Strait Islands.Torres Strait Islander particularly
concerned with the land,for land that is
or was prescribed DOGIT land, means a TorresStrait Islander
who lives on the land.townshiplandmeanslanddeclaredundersection29tobetownship
land.townsite leasesee section
119(3).townsite subleasesee section
133(1).transferable landsee section
9.transferee—(a)for part 9, division 4, subdivision 1,
see section 104(1);and(b)for part 9,
division 4, subdivision 2, see section 109(1).transferor—(a)for part 9, division 4, subdivision 1,
see section 104(1);and(b)for part 9,
division 4, subdivision 2, see section 109(1).transferred
landsee section 9.tribunalmeans the Land Tribunal.trustee—Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Schedule 1(a)in relation to Aboriginal land—means
the land trust orother entity that holds the land under this
Act; and(b)of Aboriginal trust land—for part 15,
see section 184.trustee (Aboriginal) leasesee
section 184.trust money, for part 20,
division 5, see section 261.trust
property, in relation to a land trust or a member of
a landtrust, includes—(a)income derived from Aboriginal land held by
the landtrust; and(b)amounts paid to the land trust in relation
to—(i)the grant of an interest in the land;
or(ii)the creation of
a mining interest in the land; or(iii)an
agreement entered into in relation to the land;and(c)amounts paid by any person or
governmental authority,or any other property, that is
received or acquired by theland trust or
for the land trust by a member of the landtrust.unallocatedStatelandmeansunallocatedStatelandunderthe
Land Act.watercoursemeans a
watercourse under theWater Act 2000.Page
208Current as at 7 November 2013 revised
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotes3KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.1233A3BAmendments to1992 Act No.
361994 Act No. 811994 Act No.
811995 Act No. 571996 Act No.
37Effective2 July
199227 January 19951 July
199528 November 19951 December
1996Reprint date3 July
199224 February 19955 July
199526 July 19964 December
1996Page 210Current as at 7
November 2013
ReprintNo.3C44A4B4C4D5Amendments included1998
Act No. 241998 Act No. 301999 Act No.
192000 Act No. 342001 Act No.
332001 Act No. 162001 Act No.
71Effective1 December
199630 September 199830 April
199913 September 20007 June
200128 February 20021 March
2002Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesReprint date17 July
19982 October 199821 May
199920 September 200020 June
200128 February 20021 March
included2003 Act No. 82002 Act No.
742003 Act No. 202003 Act No.
772004 Act No. 42004 Act No.
52004 Act No. 252004 Act No.
372005 Act No. 82004 Act No.
12—2006 Act No. 92007 Act No.
362007 Act No. 482008 Act No.
29—2009 Act No. 32008 Act No.
732009 Act No. 92009 Act No.
252010 Act No. 122009 Act No.
172010 Act No. 232010 Act No.
392011 Act No. 82011 Act No.
112011 Act No. 26—Effective28 March
20031 April 20039 May 20036
November 20036 May 200413 May
200431 December 20041 January
200518 March 200525 March
200525 March 200515 March
200629 August 20072 November
200718 July 200818 July
200823 February 20091 July
20092 November 20097 May 20101
July 201020 September 20108 April
201114 April 20119 September
201111 September 20118A2010
Act No. 312 March 2012Current as
at19 February 201314 May 2013
rv23 September 20137 November
2013Amendments included2013 Act No.
22013 Act No. 232013 Act No.
392013 Act No. 55NotesR5J
withdrawn, see R6R6D withdrawn, see R7Act
renumberedprovs exp 10 September2011NotesRA s 44Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotes5List of legislationAboriginal Land Act 1991 No. 32date
of assent 12 June 1991ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 21 December
1991 (1991 SL No. 221)amending legislation—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land
(Consequential Amendments) Act 1991No. 76 pts
1–2date of assent 21 November 1991commenced on date of assentNature Conservation Act 1992 No. 20 ss 1–2,
159 sch 2date of assent 22 May 1992ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 19 December 1994 (1994 SL No. 472)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1992 No. 36 ss 1–2 sch 2date of assent 2 July 1992commenced on date of assentLands
Legislation Amendment Act 1992 No. 64 ss 1–3 sch 1date
of assent 7 December 1992ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 18 December
1992 (1992 SL No. 448)Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 No.
85 ss 1–2(1)–(3), pt 13 div 1 (this Act isamended, see
amending legislation below)date of assent 17 December 1993ss
1–2(1) and (2) commenced on date of assentss 2(3),
162A–162E, 163A and 164–164D commenced 28 November 1994
(1994SL No. 408)ss 157–160, 161
and 162 commenced 21 December 1991 (see s 2(1), (3), 1994 SLNo.
408 and 1991 SL No. 221)s 163 never proclaimed into force and
om 1998 No. 30 s 20remaining provisions commenced 5 December
1994 (1994 SL No. 421)amending legislation—Native Title Queensland Amendment Act 1994
No. 61 s 2 sch 2 (amends 1993No. 85
above)date of assent 24 November 1994commenced on date of assentFisheries Act 1994 No. 37 ss 1–2, 244 sch
2date of assent 8 September 1994ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 27 January 1995 (1995 SL No. 9)Page
212Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesTransport Infrastructure Amendment Act (No.
2) 1994 No. 49 ss 1–2, 6 sch 2date of assent 14
September 1994ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 18 November
1994 (1994 SL No. 399)Land Act 1994 No. 81 ss 1–2, 527 sch
5date of assent 1 December 1994ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 1995 (1995 SL No. 185)Statute Law Revision Act 1995 No. 57 ss 1–2,
4 sch 1date of assent 28 November 1995commenced on date of assentPublic Service Act 1996 No. 37 ss 1–2, 147
sch 2date of assent 22 October 1996ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 1996 (1996 SL No. 361)Natural Resources Legislation Amendment Act
1998 No. 24 pts 1–2date of assent 14 May 1998ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 September 1998Native Title
(Queensland) State Provisions Act 1998 No. 30 ss 1–2, 21 schdate
of assent 3 September 1998ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 30 September
1998 (see s 2(1) and 1998 SL No.266)Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1999 No. 19 ss 1–3 schdate of assent 30 April 1999commenced on date of assentMental Health Act 2000 No. 16 ss 1–2, 590 sch
1 pt 2date of assent 8 June 2000ss
1–2, 590 commenced on date of assent (see s 2(1))remaining provisions commenced 28 February
2002 (2002 SL No. 27)Water Act 2000 No. 34 ss 1–2, 1145 sch
3date of assent 13 September 2000commenced on date of assent (see s
2(2))Natural Resources Legislation Amendment Act
2001 No. 33 pts 1–2date of assent 7 June 2001commenced on date of assentDuties Act 2001 No. 71 ss 1–2(1), 551 sch
1date of assent 13 November 2001ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 March 2002 (2002 SL No. 10)Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesDiscrimination Law Amendment Act 2002 No. 74
ss 1–2, 90 schdate of assent 13 December 2002ss
1–2 commenced on date of assents 90 commenced 31
March 2003 (2003 SL No. 51)remaining provisions commenced 1 April
2003 (2003 SL No. 51)Parliament of Queensland Amendment Act
2003 No. 8 ss 1, 17 schdate of assent 28 March 2003commenced on date of assentLand
Legislation Amendment Act 2003 No. 20 s 1, pt 2date of assent 9
May 2003commenced on date of assentJustice and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2003 No. 77 ss 1, 2(2), pt 2date of assent 6
November 2003commenced on date of assent (see s
2(2))Natural Resources and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2004 No. 4 ss 1, 57 schdate of assent 6
May 2004commenced on date of assentAurukun Associates Agreement Repeal Act 2004
No. 5 ss 1, 8 schdate of assent 13 May 2004commenced on date of assentGeothermal Exploration Act 2004 No. 12 ss
1–2, ch 8 pt 1date of assent 31 May 2004ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 25 March 2005 (2005 SL No. 43)Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act
2004 No. 25 ss 1, 2(2), 939–941 (prevss
879–881)date of assent 12 October 2004ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 31 December 2004 (2004 SL No. 308)Local
Government (Community Government Areas) Act 2004 No. 37 ss 1–2, 86
sch 1date of assent 27 October 2004ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2005 (2004 SL No. 266)Mineral Resources and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2005 No. 8 pts 1, 3date of assent 18
March 2005commenced on date of assentAudit
Legislation Amendment Act 2006 No. 9 pt 1, s 53 schdate
of assent 15 March 2006commenced on date of assentStatute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
2007 No. 36date of assent 29 August 2007commenced on date of assentPage
214Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesCape
York Peninsula Heritage Act 2007 No. 48 ss 1–2, pt 7 div 1date
of assent 25 October 2007ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 2 November
2007 (2007 SL No. 270)Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Land Amendment Act 2008 No. 29 pts 1–2, s 3schdate
of assent 21 May 2008ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 18 July 2008
(2008 SL No. 233)Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008 No. 73 ss 1–2, 554 sch1date
of assent 11 December 2008ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2009
(2009 SL No. 40)Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009 No. 3 s 1, ch
9 pt 1date of assent 23 February 2009commenced on date of assentFinancial Accountability Act 2009 No. 9 ss 1,
2(2), 136 sch 1date of assent 28 May 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (2009 SL No. 80)Local
Government Act 2009 No. 17 ss 1, 2(4), 331 sch 1date
of assent 12 June 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010
(2010 SL No. 122)CriminalCodeandOtherLegislation(Misconduct,BreachesofDisciplineandPublic Sector Ethics) Amendment Act 2009 No.
25 pt 1, s 83 schdate of assent 11 August 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 2 November 2009 (2009 SL No. 241)Natural Resources and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2010 No. 12 ss 1, 2(1), pt 3date of assent 26
March 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 7 May 2010
(2010 SL No. 78)City of Brisbane Act 2010 No. 23 ss 1–2(1),
352 sch 1date of assent 17 June 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2(1))Geothermal Energy
Act 2010 No. 31 ss 1–2(1), ch 10 pt 3 div 1, s 493 sch 2 pt
4date of assent 1 September 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentsch 2 pt 4 amdts
1–2 commenced 2 March 2012 (automatic commencement underAIA s
15DA(2) (2011 SL No. 156 s 2)) (amdts could not be given
effect)Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotesremaining provisions commenced 2 March 2012
(automatic commencement underAIA s 15DA(2)
(2011 SL No. 156 s 2))Land Valuation Act 2010 No. 39 s 1, ch
11 pt 1date of assent 20 September 2010commenced on date of assentRevenue and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2011 No. 8 s 1, pt 2date of assent 8 April 2011commenced on date of assentNorth
Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act 2011 No. 11 s
1, pt 4 div 1date of assent 14 April 2011commenced on date of assentAboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander
Land and Other Legislation AmendmentAct 2011 No. 26
pts 1, 3, s 189 schdate of assent 29 August 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 9 September 2011 (2011 SL No. 173)Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land
Holding Act 2013 No. 2 ss 1–2, pt 12 div2date
of assent 19 February 2013ss 1–2, pt 12 div 2 sdivs 1–2
commenced on date of assent (see s 2)remaining
provisions not yet proclaimed into force (see s 2)Land,
Water and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013 No. 23 s 1, pt 2, s
352 sch 1pt 1date of assent 14 May 2013commenced on date of assentTreasury and Trade and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 ss 1, 109 sch2date
of assent 23 September 2013commenced on date of assentNature Conservation and Other Legislation
Amendment Act (No. 2) 2013 No. 55 s 1,pt 2 div 1, 175
sch 1 pt 2date of assent 7 November 2013ss
1–2, pt 2 div 1 commenced on date of assent (see s 2)remaining provisions not yet proclaimed into
force (see s 2)6List of annotationsThis
reprint has been renumbered—see tables of renumbered provisions in
endnote8.Definitionss 2prev
s 2 om R3 (see RA s 37)Page 216Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotespres
s 2 amd 2008 No. 29 s 4(1), (11)Note—s 2
contained definitions for this Act. Definitions are now located
insch 1 (Dictionary). Annotations for
definitions contained in s 2 are locatedin annotations
for sch 1.Act binds all personss 4sub
2008 No. 29 s 6Meaning ofnative title
interestss 5prev s 5 ins 1993 No. 85 s 159
(retro)om 2008 No. 29 s 5Meaning of
Aboriginal lands 8amd 1993 No. 85 s 160 (amd 1994 No. 61
s 2 sch 2) (retro); 2008 No. 29 s 7;2011 No. 26 s
13Meaning of transferable and transferred
lands 9amd 1993 No. 85 s 160A (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 8Lands that are
transferable landss 10amd 1993 No. 85 s 160B (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2007 No. 48 s 32; 2008No. 29 s 9; 2011
No. 8 s 4; 2011 No. 11 s 24DOGIT lands
11amd 1993 No. 85 s 160C (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 10; 2010No. 39 s 304;
2011 No. 26 s 14; 2013 No. 23 s 4Aboriginal
reserve lands 12amd 1993 No. 85 s 160D (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch;2011 No. 26 s 15;
2013 No. 23 s 5Aurukun Shire lease lands 13amd
1993 No. 85 s 160C (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 11;
2011No. 26 s 16Mornington Shire
lease landprov hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s
12(1)s 14amd 1993 No. 85 s 160C (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 12; 2011No. 26 s
17Division 4—Declarations about particular
transferable landdiv hdgins 2008 No. 29 s
13Definition for div 4s 15ins
2008 No. 29 s 13Particular land may be declared to be not
transferable lands 16ins 2008 No. 29 s 13amd
2011 No. 26 s 18Appeal against particular decisions
16Eins 2008 No. 29 s 13om 2011 No. 26 s
21Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesPowers of Land Court on appeals
16Fins 2008 No. 29 s 13om 2011 No. 26 s
21Notice of intention to make
declarations 17ins 2008 No. 29 s 13amd
2011 No. 26 s 19; 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Minister to
consider representations and give notice of decisions
18ins 2008 No. 29 s 13amd 2011 No. 26 s
20; 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Notice about
declarations—trustees 19ins 2008 No. 29 s
13amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Notice about declarations—registrars
20ins 2008 No. 29 s 13amd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Requirements about plans of subdivision for
declarationsprov hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s
22s 21ins 2008 No. 29 s 13Meaning of claimable and granted lands
22amd 1993 No. 85 s 160E (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2); 2011 No. 26 s 23Land that is claimable landprov
hdgsub 2011 No. 26 s 24(1)s 23amd
1991 No. 76 s 4sub 1993 No. 85 s 160F (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2)amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s
24(2)Division 6—Available State landdiv
hdg(prev div 4A hdg) ins 2008 No. 29 s 3
schrenum 2008 No. 29 s 3 schLand
that is available State land—generalprov hdgamd
2008 No. 29 s 14(1)s 24amd 1991 No. 76 s 5; 1993 No. 85 s
160G (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2); 1995No. 57 s 4 sch 1;
2008 No. 29 s 14(2)–(7)sub 2011 No. 26 s 25Agreement about particular lands
25ins 2011 No. 26 s 25Watercourses and
lakesprov hdgamd 2010 No. 12 s
6(1)s 26amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2010 No. 12 s
6(2)Tidal lands 27amd
1993 No. 85 s 160H (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2); 1994 No. 49 s 6 sch
2;1994 No. 81 s 527 sch 5; 2008 No. 29 s 3
schPage 218Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesMeaning of city or town lands
28amd 1993 No. 85 s 160I (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2); 2009 No. 17 s 331sch 1; 2010 No. 23 s 352 sch 1; 2011
No. 26 s 26Application of Trusts Act 1973s
28Bins 2008 No. 29 s 19om 2011 No. 26 s
32Meaning of township lands 29sub
1993 No. 85 s 160J (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)National
Parkss 30amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 schLand
that is not available State landprov hdgamd
2008 No. 29 s 3 schs 31prev s 31 ins 1993 No. 85 s 160M (amd
1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)amd 2008 No. 29 s 21om
2011 No. 26 s 34pres s 31 amd 1994 No. 81 s 527 sch 5; 2008
No. 29 s 3 schsub 2011 No. 26 s 27Division
7—Application of laws to Aboriginal landdiv hdg(prev
div 5 hdg) renum 2008 No. 29 s 3 schApplication of
lawss 32amd 1994 No. 37 s 244 sch 2; 2004 No.
LANDpt hdgins 2008 No. 29 s
15Purpose of pt 3s 33ins
2008 No. 29 s 15Land to which pt 3 appliess
34ins 2008 No. 29 s 15Expression of
interest in having land made transferable lands 35ins
2008 No. 29 s 15Chief executive to consider expression of
interests 36ins 2008 No. 29 s 15Consideration of expression of interest does
not impose obligation on States 37prev
s 37 om 2011 No. 26 s 38pres s 37 ins 2008 No. 29 s 15PART
be prepareds 38amd 2008 No. 29 s 16; 2010 No. 39 s
305; 2011 No. 26 s 28Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesAppointment of registered native title body
corporate as grantee to hold land fornative title
holdersprov hdgamd 2010 No. 39 s
306(1)s 39ins 2008 No. 29 s 17amd
2010 No. 39 s 306(2)–(4); 2011 No. 26 s 29Appointment of
grantee to hold land for benefit of Aboriginal peopleprov
hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s 18(1)s 40amd
1991 No. 76 s 6; 1993 No. 85 s 160K (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2);
2007No. 48 s 33; 2008 No. 29 s 18(2)–(4); 2010
No. 39 s 307sub 2011 No. 26 s 30Subdivision
1—Generalsdiv 1 (ss 40A–40B)ins 2008 No. 29 s
24 (prev located in orig pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
40Subdivision 2—Sale or mortgage
prohibitedsdiv 2 (s 40C)ins 2008 No. 29 s
24 (prev located in orig pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
40Subdivision 3—Grant of leasessdiv
3 (ss 40D–40N)ins 2008 No. 29 s 24 (prev located in orig
pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 40Subdivision
4—Forfeiture of particular leasessdiv 4 (ss
40O–40Y)ins 2008 No. 29 s 24 (prev located in orig
pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 40Subdivision
5—Grant of licencessdiv 5 (ss 40Z–40ZA)ins 2008 No. 29 s
24 (prev located in orig pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
40Subdivision 6—Transfer of land held by land
trustsdiv 6 (ss 40ZB–40ZF)ins 2008 No. 29 s
24 (prev located in orig pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
40Subdivision 7—Transfer of land held by
registered native title body corporatesdiv 7 (s
40ZG)ins 2008 No. 29 s 24 (prev located in orig
pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 40Subdivision
8—Land in Cape York Peninsula Regionsdiv 8 (s
40ZH)ins 2008 No. 29 s 24 (prev located in orig
pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 40Subdivision
9—Other matterssdiv 9 (ss 40ZI–40ZJ)ins 2008 No. 29 s
24 (prev located in orig pt 3 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
40Procedure for appointing particular
granteeprov hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s
31(1)s 41ins 2008 No. 29 s 19amd
2011 No. 26 s 31(2)–(4)Page 220Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesMinister to act as soon as possibles
42amd 1993 No. 85 s 160L (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 20; 2011No. 26 s
33Authority to grant fee simple in transferable
lands 43amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 schDeed
of grant takes effect on deliverys 44amd
2011 No. 26 s 35Existing interestss 45amd
1991 No. 76 s 7; 1993 No. 85 s 161 (retro); 1994 No. 81 s 527 sch
5;2008 No. 29 s 22; 2011 No. 26 s 36; 2013 No.
2 s 100; 2013 No. 23 s 6Existing interests held by local
governments 45Ains 2013 No. 2 s 101amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Interests to be
endorsed on deeds 46amd 1992 No. 64 s 3 sch 1; 1993 No. 85
s 161A (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)(retro); 2008 No.
29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s 37Cancellation of
deed of grant in trusts 47ins 1991 No. 76 s
8amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2008 No. 29 s
23; 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch 1sub 2013 No. 23 s 7Cancellation of leases over Aurukun and
Mornington Shire lease landsprov hdgamd
2008 No. 29 s 3 schs 48amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s
189 sch; 2013 No. 23 s 8Land Court may resolve
difficultiess 49amd 2011 No. 26 s 39Division 2—Approvals to change how land is
helddiv hdgsub 2011 No. 26 s
40Application to hold Aboriginal land for
native title holderss 50amd 2002 No. 74 s
90 sch; 2005 No. 8 s 47; 2007 No. 48 s 34sub 2008 No. 29 s
24; 2011 No. 26 s 40Decision on applications
51sub 2008 No. 29 s 24; 2011 No. 26 s
40Notices about decisionprov hdgamd
2008 No. 29 s 25(1)s 52amd 2008 No. 29 s 25(2)–(5); 2009 No.
3 s 438sub 2011 No. 26 s 40amd 2010 No. 31 s
493 sch 2 pt 4 (amdt could not be given effect); 2013 No.23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Effect of gazette notices 53ins
2011 No. 26 s 40Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesResource reservations under resource
Actss 54amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 schsub
2010 No. 31 s 494Reservations of forest products and quarry
material etc.s 55prev s 55 om 2011 No. 26 s 45pres
s 55 amd 1991 No. 76 s 9; 1993 No. 85 s 161B (amd 1994 No. 61 s
2sch 2); 2008 No. 29 s 26; 2011 No. 26 s 189
schDuly made claimss 56amd
2004 No. 4 s 57 schGrounds on which claim may be mades
58amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s
41How claim is to be mades 59amd
2011 No. 26 s 42Time limit for making of claimss
60amd 2008 No. 29 s 27Deciding whether
claim duly madeprov hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s
43(1)s 61amd 1993 No. 85 s 161C (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2011 No. 26 s 43(2)–(4)Tribunal to notify making of claimss
62amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Joint
hearing of claimss 63amd 1993 No. 85 s 161D (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2)Repeat claimss 64prev
s 64 amd 2008 No. 29 s 29om 2011 No. 26 s 49pres
s 64 ins 1993 No. 85 s 161E (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)amd
2011 No. 26 s 44Inclusion of additional areas in deed of
grants 67prev s 67 ins 1993 No. 85 s 161G (amd
1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 52Signing of lease etc.s 68prev
s 68 om 2011 No. 26 s 52Time at which it is to be decided
whether land is claimable landprov hdgamd
2011 No. 26 s 46(1)s 69amd 2011 No. 26 s 46Lease
commences on deliverys 70prev s 70 om 2011
No. 26 s 54Recommendation to Ministers
71amd 2003 No. 77 s 4; 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch;
2011 No. 26 s 47Page 222Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesResolution of conflicting claimss
72prev s 72 amd 1992 No. 36 s 1 sch 2om
2008 No. 29 s 31pres s 72 amd 1993 No. 85 s 161F (amd 1994
No. 61 s 2 sch 2); 2003 No. 77s 5; 2008 No. 29
s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s 48Notification of partiess
73amd 2003 No. 77 s 6; 2008 No. 29 s 3
LANDDeeds of grant to be prepareds
74prev s 74 om 2011 No. 26 s 56pres
s 74 amd 2008 No. 29 s 28Appointment of grantees
75amd 2007 No. 48 s 35sub 2011 No. 26 s
50Authority to grant fee simple in claimable
landprov hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s
51(1)s 76prev s 76 amd 2002 No. 74 s 90 sch;
2007 No. 48 s 36sub 2008 No. 29 s 33om 2011 No. 26 s
58pres s 76 amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No.
26 s 51(2)Deed of grant takes effect on deliverys
77prev s 77 sub 2008 No. 29 s 33om
2011 No. 26 s 58pres s 77 amd 2011 No. 26 s 53Division 2—Dealing with granted landdiv
hdgom 2011 No. 26 s 58 (prev located in orig pt
5)Subdivision 1—Generalsdiv 1 (ss
77A–77B)ins 2008 No. 29 s 33 (prev located in orig
pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 58Subdivision
2—Sale or mortgage prohibitedsdiv 2 (s
77C)ins 2008 No. 29 s 33 (prev located in orig
pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 58Subdivision
3—Grant of leasessdiv 3 (ss 77D–77N)ins 2008 No. 29 s
33 (prev located in orig pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
58Subdivision 4—Forfeiture of particular
leasessdiv 4 (ss 77O–77Y)ins 2008 No. 29 s
33 (prev located in orig pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
58Subdivision 5—Grant of licencessdiv
5 (ss 77Z–77ZA)ins 2008 No. 29 s 33 (prev located in orig
pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 58Current as at 7
November 2013Page 223
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesSubdivision 6—Transfer of landsdiv
6 (ss 77ZB–77ZE)ins 2008 No. 29 s 33 (prev located in orig
pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 58Subdivision
7—Land in Cape York Peninsula Regionsdiv 7 (s
77ZF)ins 2008 No. 29 s 33 (prev located in orig
pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s 58Subdivision
8—Other matterssdiv 8 (ss 77ZG–77ZH)ins 2008 No. 29 s
33 (prev located in orig pt 5 div 2)om 2011 No. 26 s
58Existing interestsprov hdgprev
prov hdg amd 2008 No. 29 s 34(1)s 78prev
s 78 amd 2008 No. 29 s 34(2)–(5); 2009 No. 3 s 439om
2011 No. 26 s 58pres s 78 amd 1993 No. 85 s 162 (retro);
2008 No. 29 s 30amd 2010 No. 31 s 493 sch 2 pt 4 (amdt could
not be given effect)Cancellation of existing deed of
grants 79prev s 79 amd 2008 No. 29 s 35om
2011 No. 26 s 58pres s 79 amd 2008 No. 29 s 31; 2011 No. 26
s 55; 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt1Land
Court may resolve difficultiess 80amd
2011 No. 26 s 57Resource reservations under other Actss
81amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s
59sub 2010 No. 31 s 495Reservations of
forest products and quarry material etc.s 82amd
1991 No. 76 s 10; 1993 No. 85 s 162A (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2);
2008No. 29 s 36; 2011 No. 26 s 60Rights of access preserveds
83amd 2008 No. 29 s 37Division
5—National parksdiv hdgsub 1992 No. 20 s
159 sch 2 (prev located in orig pt 5)om 2008 No. 29 s
3 schMinister may establish land trust before
grant of lands 83Ains 2007 No. 48 s 38om
2011 No. 26 s 61Purpose of establishing land trusts
83Bins 2007 No. 48 s 38om 2011 No. 26 s
61Application of particular provisionss
83Cins 2007 No. 48 s 38om 2011 No. 26 s
61Page 224Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesNotice about land trusts 83Dins
2007 No. 48 s 38om 2011 No. 26 s 61Dissolution of
land trusts 83E(prev s 83F) ins 2007 No. 48 s
38renum 2008 No. 29 s 3 schom
ABORIGINAL LANDpt hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Keeping register of entities holding
Aboriginal lands 84ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Giving information for register to the chief
executives 85ins 2011 No. 26 s 61amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Obtaining
information in registers 86ins 2011 No. 26 s
MINISTERpt hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 1—Preliminarydiv 1 (ss
87–88)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division
2—Vesting and transfer of landdiv 2 (ss
89–95)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division
3—Notices to registrardiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Notice about lands 96ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1PART
hdgins 2007 No. 48 s 38sub 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 1—Trustee’s power to deal with
Aboriginal land and Ministerial consentdiv 1 (ss
97–99)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division 2—Sale
or mortgage prohibiteddiv 2 (s 100)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 3—Grant of licencesdiv 3
(ss 101–102)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division
4—Transfer of Aboriginal land by trusteediv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesSubdivision 1—Land held other than by CATSI
corporationsdiv 1 (ss 103–107)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Subdivision 2—Land held by CATSI
corporationsdiv 2 (ss 108–112)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Subdivision 3—Exemption from fees and
chargessdiv 3 (s 113) ins 2011 No. 26
s 61Division 5—Land in Cape York Peninsula
Regiondiv 5 (s 114)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 6—Other mattersdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Trustee to advise chief executive of change
to description of lands 115ins 2011 No. 26 s
61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Particular dealings in Aboriginal land
voids 116ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Provision about resumption of Aboriginal land
etc.s 117ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Devolution of granted lands
118ins 2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division 1—Grant
of leases for Aboriginal landdiv 1 (s
119)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division
2—Standard leasesdiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Subdivision 1—Restrictions on grant of
standard leasessdiv 1 (ss 120–122)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Subdivision 2—Requirements for Minister’s
consentsdiv 2 (ss 123–125)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 3—Townsite leasesdiv
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
1—Restriction on grant of townsite leasessdiv 1 (s
126)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
2—Requirements for Minister’s consentsdiv 2 (s
127)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
3—Provisions about dealing with townsite leasessdiv 3 (ss
128–131)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Page 226Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesSubdivision 4—Effect of townsite lease on
existing interestssdiv 4 (s 132)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 4—Townsite subleasesdiv
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
1—Grant of subleases under townsite leasesdiv 1 (s
133)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
2—Requirements about grants of subleases under townsite
leasessdiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Restrictions on grant of townsite sublease to
an Aborigines 134ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Restrictions on grant of townsite sublease to
States 135prev s 135 om 2011 No. 26 s 83pres
s 135 ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Restrictions on grant of townsite
sublease to another persons 136ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Subdivision 3—Requirements for Minister’s
consentsdiv 3 (ss 137–139)ins 2011 No. 26 s
61Division 5—Common provisions for standard
leases and townsite subleasesdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision 1—Preliminarysdiv 1 (s
140)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision
2—Conditions of leasessdiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
61Conditions of leases—generals
141ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Leases for
private residential purposes—general conditions and
requirementss 142ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Leases for private residential
purposes—particular requirements if dwelling situatedon
lands 143ins 2011 No. 26 s 61amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Option to renew
particular lease or subleases 144ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision 3—Provisions about transfer,
amendment or surrender of leasessdiv 3 (ss
145–146)ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division
6—Forfeiture and renewal of residential leasesdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision 1—Preliminarysdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesDefinitions for div 6s 147ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Application of div 6s 148ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision 2—Forfeituresdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Grounds for forfeitures 149ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Referral to Land Court for forfeitures
150ins 2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Lessor’s options if Land Court decides
residential lease may be forfeiteds 151ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Notice and effect of forfeitures
152ins 2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Extension of term of lease—referral for
forfeitures 153ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Subdivision 3—Renewalsdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Notice of expiry of leases 154ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Application to renew leases
155ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Lessor to
consider and decide applications 156ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Decision to renew leases 157ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Lessor may decide not to renew leases
158ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Notice to lessee
about decision not to renew leases 159ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Extension of term of lease—application for
renewals 160ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Page
228Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesSubdivision 4—General matters about
forfeiture or non-renewal of residential leasessdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Right to remove improvements if residential
lease forfeited or not reneweds 161ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Payment by lessor for forfeited or
non-renewed residential leases 162ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Unclaimed amountss 163ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Amounts owing to lessor or mortgagee to be
deducteds 164ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Payment of amount to mortgagee in discharge
of mortgages 165ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Division 7—Miscellaneousdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 61Effect of option to renew or extend on
calculation of term of leasess 166ins
2011 No. 26 s 61Exemption from fees and chargess
167ins 2011 No. 26 s 61Leases for
private residential purposes—beneficiarys 168ins
2011 No. 26 s 61amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1PART
2007 No. 48 s 38amd 2011 No. 11 s 25Division
1—Indigenous management agreementsdiv hdgins
2007 No. 48 s 38Entering into indigenous management
agreementprov hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s
39(1)s 169(prev s 83FA (orig s 83E)) ins 2007
No. 48 s 38amd 2008 No. 29 s 39(2)renum and reloc
2008 No. 29 s 39(3)renum 2008 No. 29 s 3 schamd
2011 No. 11 s 26; 2011 No. 26 s 62Requirements for
indigenous management agreements 170ins
2007 No. 48 s 38amd 2008 No. 29 s 40; 2011 No. 11 s 27; 2011
No. 26 s 63; 2013 No. 55 s 4Current as at 7
November 2013Page 229
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesAmending indigenous management
agreements 171ins 2007 No. 48 s 38amd
2008 No. 29 s 41Recording of indigenous management
agreements 172ins 2007 No. 48 s 38amd
2008 No. 29 s 42; 2011 No. 26 s 64; 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt
1Division 2—National parks in Cape York
Peninsula Regiondiv hdgins 2007 No. 48 s
38Requirements about grant of national parks in
Cape York Peninsula Regions 173ins 2007 No. 48 s
38amd 2008 No. 29 s 43; 2011 No. 26 s 189
schParticular national parks taken to be
transferable lands 174ins 2007 No. 48 s 38Division 3—Protected areas in North
Stradbroke Island Regiondiv 3 (s 175)ins 2011 No. 11 s
LANDpt hdgins 2007 No. 48 s
38amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Particular claimable land taken to be
transferable lands 176ins 2007 No. 48 s 38Claimable land recommended for grant taken to
be transferable lands 177ins 2011 No. 8 s
5amd 2013 No. 23 s 9PART
13—DECISION-MAKING PROCESSpt hdgins 2008 No. 29 s
44amd 2011 No. 26 s 189 schWhen
agreement of Aboriginal people is givens 178ins
2008 No. 29 s 44Decision-making by trusteeprov
hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s 65(1)s 179ins
2008 No. 29 s 44sub 2011 No. 26 s 66Division
1—Preliminarydiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
66Definitions for pt 14s 180ins
2011 No. 26 s 66Page 230Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesApplication of pt 14s 181ins
2008 No. 29 s 44sub 2011 No. 26 s 66Division
2—Mortgages of leases over Aboriginal landdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 66Provision about entering into possession of,
and selling, leaseprov hdgamd 2011 No. 26 s
189 schs 182ins 2008 No. 29 s 44sub
2011 No. 26 s 66amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1How
lessor deals with proceeds of sales 183ins
2008 No. 29 s 44sub 2011 No. 26 s 66PART 15—PROVISION
2008 No. 29 s 44Division 1—Preliminarydiv hdgins
2008 No. 29 s 44Definitions for pt 15s 184ins
2008 No. 29 s 44defAboriginal trust landamd
2011 No. 26 s 67(1)deftrustee (Aboriginal) leaseamd
2011 No. 26 s 67(2)Relationship with Land Acts
185ins 2008 No. 29 s 44Division
2—Leasesdiv hdgins 2008 No. 29 s
44Trustee (Aboriginal) leasess
186ins 2008 No. 29 s 44amd 2011 No. 26 s
68Amending trustee (Aboriginal) leases
187ins 2008 No. 29 s 44amd 2011 No. 26 s
69Mortgage of trustee (Aboriginal) leases
188ins 2008 No. 29 s 44Surrender of
trustee (Aboriginal) leases 189ins 2008 No. 29 s
44Division 3—Other mattersdiv hdgins
2008 No. 29 s 44Trustee to advise about ending of particular
lease for commercial purposes 190ins
2008 No. 29 s 44amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesRecording information about lands
191ins 2008 No. 29 s 44PART 16—SPECIAL
RESERVE LANDpt hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
70Division 1—Prescribed DOGIT landdiv 1
(ss 192–196)ins 2011 No. 26 s 70Division
2—Prescribed reserve landdiv 2 (ss 197–198)ins 2011 No. 26 s
2008 No. 29 s 3 schUse of Aboriginal land preservedprov
hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s 45(1)s 199amd
2008 No. 29 s 45(2)–(6); 2011 No. 26 s 71; 2013 No. 2 s 102; 2013
No.23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1No rent
payableprov hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s
46(1)s 200amd 2008 No. 29 s 46(2); 2011 No. 26 s
72Access to landprov hdgamd
2008 No. 29 s 47(1)s 201amd 2008 No. 29 s 47(2)–(8); 2011 No.
26 s 73Application of Mineral Resources Act
1989prov hdgamd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1s 202amd 2008 No. 29 s 48; 2011 No. 26 s
74Royalties in relation to mining on Aboriginal
lands 203amd 2004 No. 25 s 941; 2008 No. 29 s
49; 2011 No. 26 s 75; 2010 No. 31 s493 sch 2 pt
4Appointment of memberss 205amd
1991 No. 76 s 11; 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2; 2001 No. 33 s 3; 2009
No. 25s 83 schTermination of
appointments 213amd 1992 No. 36 s 2 sch 2; 1993 No. 85
s 162C (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2);2000 No. 16 s 590
sch 1 pt 2Arrangement of businesss 215amd
1992 No. 36 s 3 sch 2Procedure of tribunals
223amd 1993 No. 85 s 162D (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2)Conferencess 224amd
2003 No. 77 s 7; 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch; 2011 No. 26 s 76Page
232Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesParticular powers of tribunals
227amd 1993 No. 85 s 162E (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2)Tribunal may order that particular claimable
land is transferable lands 230ins 2008 No. 29 s
50amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Reasons to be given by tribunals
232amd 2003 No. 77 s 8; 2008 No. 29 s 3 sch;
2011 No. 26 s 77Appeals to Land Appeal Court from decisions
of tribunals 233amd 1993 No. 85 s 163A (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 2003 No. 77 s 9; 2008No. 29 s 3
schEvidence and other findings in other
proceedingss 235ins 1993 No. 85 s 164 (amd 1994 No. 61
s 2 sch 2)amd 1998 No. 30 s 21 sch; 1999 No. 19 s 3
schContinuing authority of members
237ins 1993 No. 85 s 164A (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2)Staff of tribunal employed under Public
Service Act 2008prov hdgamd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1s 243sub 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2amd
2009 No. 25 s 83 schAnnual reports 245amd
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 78Division
1—Preliminarydiv 1 (ss 247–249)ins 2011 No. 26 s
78Division 2—Appointment, removal and
suspension of members of land trustsdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 78sub 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Subdivision 1—Appointment of memberssdiv
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 78Minister may
appoint members 250ins 2011 No. 26 s 78amd
2013 No. 23 ss 10, 352 sch 1 pt 1Land trust may
appoint members 250Ains 2013 No. 23 s
11Subdivision 2—Grounds for removal or
suspension of memberssdiv hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
78sub 2013 No. 23 s 12Current as at 7
November 2013Page 233
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesGrounds for removal or suspension of
members 251ins 2011 No. 26 s 78amd
2013 No. 23 s 13Division 3—Removal or suspension of members
by Ministerdiv hdgins 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Show cause notices 252ins
2011 No. 26 s 78amd 2013 No. 23 s 14Representations
about show cause notices 253ins 2011 No. 26 s
78Ending show cause process without further
actions 254ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Removing or suspending members
255ins 2011 No. 26 s 78amd 2013 No. 23
ss 15, 352 sch 1Effect of removing member on other land trust
memberships 255Ains 2013 No. 23 s
16Immediate suspension of members
256ins 2011 No. 26 s 78sub 2013 No. 23 s
17Subdivision 3—Other matterssdiv
hdgins 2011 No. 26 s 78om 2013 No. 23 s
18Subdivision 4—Removal or suspension of
members by land trustsdiv hdgins 2013 No. 23 s
18Proposed removal or suspension approved by
resolution and show cause notices 257ins
2011 No. 26 s 78sub 2013 No. 23 s 18Representations
about show cause notices 257Ains 2013 No. 23 s
18Land trust decisions about removal or
suspension of members 257Bins 2013 No. 23 s
18Decisions about removal or suspension of
member referred to land trust generalmeetings
257Cins 2013 No. 23 s 18Action after
decision about removal or suspension of members 257Dins
2013 No. 23 s 18Immediate suspension of members
257Eins 2013 No. 23 s 18Page 234Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesLimitation on land trust’s power about
suspension of members 257Fins 2013 No. 23 s
18Subdivision 5—Information about appointment,
removal or resignation of memberssdiv 5 (s
257G)ins 2013 No. 23 s 18Division
3—Recording information about compliance with Actdiv 3
(s 258)ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Division 4—Land
trusts to give information to chief executivediv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 78Definition for div 4s 259ins
2011 No. 26 s 78Power to require particular
informations 260ins 2011 No. 26 s 78amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Division
5—Freezing accounts of land trustsdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 78Definitions for div 5s 261ins
2011 No. 26 s 78Freezing land trust’s accountss
262ins 2011 No. 26 s 78amd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Financial institution must comply with
directions 263ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Withdrawal of directions 264ins
2011 No. 26 s 78amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Division 6—Miscellaneousdiv hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 78Chief executive may prepare model
ruless 265ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Resolution of executive committee without
meetings 265Ains 2013 No. 23 s
19Provision about vesting of Aboriginal
lands 266ins 2011 No. 26 s 78PART
2011 No. 26 s 78Division 1—Preliminarydiv 1 (ss
267–268)ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Division 2—Powers
of Supreme Courtdiv 2 (ss 269–276)ins 2011 No. 26 s
78Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesPART
22—APPEALSpt hdgins 2011 No. 26 s
78Who may appeals 277ins
2011 No. 26 s 78Starting appeals 278ins
2011 No. 26 s 78amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Nature of appeals 279ins
2011 No. 26 s 78Notice of appeals 280ins
2011 No. 26 s 78Powers of Land Court on appeals
281ins 2011 No. 26 s 78Creation of
interests in transferable and claimable lands 282amd
2004 No. 12 s 142; 2008 No. 29 s 51; 2011 No. 26 s 79; 2010 No. 31
s493 sch 2 pt 4Rights of access
to interests preserveds 283amd 2008 No. 29 s
52; 2011 No. 26 s 80National park subject to lease to State
etc.s 284(prev s 83) sub 1992 No. 20 s 159 sch
2amd 1993 No. 85 s 162B (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2); 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1;2007 No. 48 s 37;
2008 No. 29 s 38(1)–(6)renum and reloc 2008 No. 29 s
38(7)amd 2011 No. 26 ss 81, 189 sch; 2013 No. 55
s 5Persons and bodies representing State and
Commonwealthprov hdgamd 2008 No. 29 s
3 schs 285amd 2008 No. 29 s 3 schDelegation by Ministers 286amd
2008 No. 29 s 53; 2011 No. 26 s 82Amendment of
description of lands 287amd 2008 No. 29 s 54; 2011 No. 26 s
84Dealing with particular trust propertys
288ins 2008 No. 29 s 55sub 2011 No. 26 s
85Application of Residential Tenancies and
Rooming Accommodation Act 2008prov hdgamd
2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1s 289ins 2008 No. 29 s
55amd 2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1Survey costs etc. to be paid by States
290amd 2001 No. 71 s 551 sch 1; 2008 No. 29 s 3
sch; 2011 No. 26 s 86Page 236Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesApplication of Financial Accountability Act
2009prov hdgamd 2009 No. 9 s
136 sch 1s 291ins 1998 No. 24 s 5amd
2008 No. 29 s 56; 2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1Confirmation of
status of particular lands 292ins 2003 No. 20 s
4Approval of formss 293ins
1998 No. 24 s 5Regulation-making powerprov hdgsub
2004 No. 4 s 57 schs 294amd 1993 No. 85 s 164C (amd 1994 No.
61 s 2 sch 2); 1998 No. 24 s 6; 2008No. 29 s 57; 2011
hdgins 2005 No. 8 s 48amd 2008 No. 29 s
3 schExisting conservation agreementss
295ins 2005 No. 8 s 48amd 2008 No. 29 s
3 schExisting interest in transferable lands
296ins 2008 No. 29 s 58amd 2013 No. 23 s
352 sch 1 pt 1Retrospective validation of dealings with
trustee (Aboriginal) leases 297ins 2011 No. 26 s
hdgins 2006 No. 9 s 53 schamd 2008 No. 29 s
3 schDivision 1—Transitional provision for Audit
Legislation Amendment Act 2006div hdgins
2008 No. 29 s 3 schom 2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2Further amendment, or repeal, of Aboriginal
land Regulation 1991s 298ins 2006 No. 9 s
53 schom 2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2Division 2—Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LandAmendment Act
2008div hdgins 2008 No. 29 s
59Subdivision 1—Preliminarysdiv hdgins
2008 No. 29 s 59Definition for div 2s 299ins
2008 No. 29 s 59Subdivision 2—Transitional provisionssdiv
hdgins 2008 No. 29 s 59Current as at 7
November 2013Page 237
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesTransferred land—change to
beneficiariess 300ins 2008 No. 29 s 59amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Interests in
Aboriginal land continues 301ins 2008 No. 29 s
59amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Division 3—Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait IslanderLand and Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2010div hdgins
2011 No. 26 s 89Definition for div 3s 302ins
2011 No. 26 s 89amd 2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Continued operation of provisions for
appointing granteess 303ins 2011 No. 26 s 89Continued operation of provisions about land
trustss 304ins 2011 No. 26 s 89References to previous provisions after
renumberings 305ins 2011 No. 26 s 89amd
2013 No. 23 s 352 sch 1 pt 1Division4—TransitionalprovisionforLand,WaterandOtherLegislationAmendment Act
2013div hdgins 2013 No. 23 s
20Continuation of Mornington Shire
subleasess 306prev s 306 ins 2011 No. 26 s 90exp
10 September 2011 (see s 307)pres s 306 ins
2013 No. 23 s 20PART 26—RENUMBERING OF ACTSpt 26
(s 307)ins 2011 No. 26 s 90exp 10 September
2011 (see s 307)Park remains national parks
5.21om 1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2Delegation by Registrar of Titless
9.05om 1993 No. 85 s 164B (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2
sch 2)Orders in council to be tabled and
disallowables 9.09om 1993 No. 85 s
164B (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)Numbering and
renumbering of Acts 9.11ins 1993 No. 85 s
164D (amd 1994 No. 61 s 2 sch 2)om R2 (see RA s
37)SCHEDULE 1—DICTIONARYNote—definitions
for this Act were originally located in s 2.sch hdgins
2008 No. 29 s 3 schPage 238Current as at 7
November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesdefAboriginal councilom from s 3 2004
No. 37 s 86 sch 1defAboriginal landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defAboriginal land claim
associationins 1998 No. 24 s 4reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)om 2011 No. 26 s 91(1)defAboriginal land holding entity
registerins 2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defAboriginal leasereloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)om 2011 No. 26 s 91(1)defAboriginal (non-transferred land)
leasereloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)om
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)defAboriginal peopleamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defAboriginal reserve landamd
2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defAboriginal traditionamd
2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defAboriginal (transferred land)
leasereloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)om
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)defAboriginal trust landins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defAborigineamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defaccepted representationsins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defaccountins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defAcquisition Actins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defancestorreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defappropriate registerins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defapproved formins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defassociated reservesub 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1amd 2008 No. 29 s 4(4)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defAurukun Shire lease landamd
2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defavailable Crown landom
from s 3 2008 No. 29 s 4(2)defavailable State
landins 2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)amd 2011 No. 26 s 91(3)defavailable State land agreementins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defbed and banksamd 2000 No. 34 s
1145 sch 3; 2008 No. 29 s 4(5)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)om 2010 No. 12 s 7defCape
York Peninsula Regionins 2007 No. 48 s 31(2)reloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defCATSI corporationins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotesdefcity or town landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defclaimable landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defcoastom from s 3 2008
No. 29 s 4(2)defCommonwealth Native Title Actins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defconstructing authorityins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defCrownom from s 3 2008
No. 29 s 4(2)defdecision-makerins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defdescendantreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defdirectorom from s 3 R3
(see RA s 39)defDOGIT landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defenactment dayreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defenvironment Ministerins
2007 No. 48 s 31(2)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defexcluded landins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defexecutive committeeins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defexpression of interestins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defforest productsreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defgeneral meetingins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defgranted landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defgroupreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defgroup of Aboriginal peoplereloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defholderins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defILUAins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defILUA registerins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defimprovementsins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defindigenous joint management
areains 2011 No. 11 s 29defindigenous management agreementins
2007 No. 48 s 31(2)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)definformationins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)definformation noticeins 2013 No. 23 s
21(2)definterestamd 2004 No. 12 s
141reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)amd
2010 No. 31 s 493 sch 2 pt 4definterested personreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deflakeamd 2000 No. 34 s
1145 sch 3; 2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deflandom from s 3 R2
(see RA s 39)defLand Actins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)Page
240Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotesdefland claims registrarreloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)om 2011 No. 26 s 91(1)defLand
Holding Actins 2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defLand
Title Actins 2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defLand Tribunalreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defland trustins 1998 No. 24 s
4sub 2007 No. 48 s 31(1)–(2)reloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub 2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)defleaseins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)deflease
landins 2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deflesseeins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)deflessorins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defmanagement planreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)om 2013 No. 55 s 6defmaximum amountins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)defmemberins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defmineralamd 2007 No. 36 s
2 sch; 2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defmining interestamd 2004 No. 25 s
940(2)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defMornington Island Shire lease
landom from s 3 2008 No. 29 s 4(2)defMornington Shire lease landins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defNational Native Title Registerins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defnational parkamd 1992 No. 20 s
159 sch 2reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defnational park (Cape York Peninsula
Aboriginal land)ins 2007 No. 48 s31(2)reloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defnative title holderins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defnative title interestsins
1993 No. 85 s 158 (retro)om from s 3 2008 No. 29 s 4(2)defnatural gasamd 2007 No. 36 s
2 sch; 2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defnon-presiding memberreloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defNorth Stradbroke Island Regionins
2011 No. 11 s 29defnoticeins 2013 No. 23 s
21(2)defpetroleumsub 2004 No. 25 s
940(1)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)Current as at 7 November 2013Page
Aboriginal Land Act 1991Endnotesdefprescribed DOGIT landins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defprescribed reserve landins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defpresiding memberreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defpreviousins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defproposed actionins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)sub 2013 No. 23 s 21defpublic infrastructureins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defqualifiedins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defquarry materialsub 2008 No. 29 s
4(2)–(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defregisteredins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defregistered native title body
corporateins 2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defregistrarins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)amd
2011 No. 26 s 91(4)defregistrar of titlesins
1994 No. 81 s 527 sch 5amd 2008 No. 29 s 4(6)reloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub 2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)defrelevant landins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defrepealed regulationins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defrequired amountins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defresidential leaseins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defresidential tenancyins
2011 No. 26 s 91(2)defresidential tenancy agreementins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1defresponsibilitiesreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defroadreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defseareloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defshow cause noticeins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)sub 2013 No. 23 s 21defshow
cause periodins 2011 No. 26 s 91(2)sub 2013 No. 23 s
21defspecial mining Actamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(7)–(8)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defstandard leaseins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defstock routesub 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1; 2008 No. 29 s 4(2)–(3)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deftidal landreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)defTorres Strait areaamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(9)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)Page
242Current as at 7 November 2013
Aboriginal Land Act 1991EndnotesdefTorres Strait Islanderins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)defTorres Strait
Islander particularly concerned with the landins 2011
No.26 s 91(2)defTorres Strait Islandersom from s 3 2008
No. 29 s 4(2)deftownship landsub 2008 No. 29 s
4(2)–(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)deftownsite leaseins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)deftownsite subleaseins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)deftransferable landamd 2008 No. 29 s
4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)deftransfereeins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)deftransferorins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)deftransferred
landamd 2008 No. 29 s 4(10)reloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deftribunalreloc 2008 No. 29
s 4(11)deftrusteeins 2008 No. 29 s
4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)amd
2011 No. 26 s 91(5)deftrustee (Aboriginal) leaseins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)sub
2011 No. 26 s 91(1)–(2)deftrust
moneyins 2011 No. 26 s 91(2)deftrust propertyins 2011 No. 26 s
91(2)defunallocated State landins
2008 No. 29 s 4(3)reloc 2008 No. 29 s 4(11)defwatercourseamd 2000 No. 34 s
1145 sch 3sub 2008 No. 29 s 4(2)–(3)reloc
2008 No. 29 s 4(11)7Forms notified or published in the
gazetteLists of forms are no longer included in
reprints. Now see the separate forms documentpublishedonthewebsiteoftheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentaryCounselat<www.legislation.qld.gov.au>
under Information—Current annotations. This document isupdated weekly and the most recent changes
are marked with a change bar.Current as at 7
November 2013Page 243