QueenslandAuditor-GeneralAct2009Current as at 23 September
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Auditor-General Act 2009Auditor-General
Act 2009Part 1 Preliminary[s 1][as
amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 23
September2013]An Act to provide for the Queensland
Auditor-General and theQueenslandAuditOfficeandtheauditoftheState’spublicfinances and all public sector
entitiesPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theAuditor-General Act 2009.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3Main
objects of ActThe main objects of this Act are as
and the Queensland Audit Office;(b)toconferontheQueenslandAuditor-GeneralandtheQueenslandAuditOfficethefunctionsandpowersnecessarytocarryoutindependentauditsoftheQueensland
public sector and related entities;(c)toprovideforthestrategicreviewoftheQueenslandAudit
Office;(d)to provide for the independent audit
of the QueenslandAudit Office.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 5
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 4]4DictionaryThe dictionary
in the schedule defines particular words usedin this
Act.5What is acontrolledentity(1)An entity is acontrolled
entityif it is subject to the control of1 or
more of the following (thecontrolling entity)—(a)a department;(b)a
local government;(c)a statutory body;(d)a
GOC;(e)another entity subject to the control
of 1 or more of theentities mentioned in paragraphs (a) to
(d).(2)In this section—controlmeansthecapacityofanentitytodominatedecision-making,directlyorindirectly,inrelationtothefinancialandoperatingpoliciesofanotherentitysoastoenabletheotherentitytooperatewithitinpursuingtheobjectives of the controlling
entity.Part 2Queensland
Auditor-Generaland Queensland Audit OfficeDivision 1General6Auditor-general and audit
office(1)There is to be a Queensland
Auditor-General.(2)Also, there is to be a Queensland
Deputy Auditor-General.(3)An office called
the Queensland Audit Office is established.Page 6Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 7](4)Theofficeconsistsoftheauditor-general,thedeputyauditor-general
and the staff of the audit office.7Control of audit officeThe
auditor-general is to control the audit office.8Auditor-general not subject to
direction(1)The auditor-general is not subject to
direction by any personabout—(a)thewayinwhichtheauditor-general’spowersinrelation to audit are to be exercised;
or(b)the priority to be given to audit
matters.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite
thePublic Service Act 2008.Division 2Provisions
relating toauditor-general9Appointment of auditor-general(1)Theauditor-generalistobeappointedbytheGovernorinCouncil.(2)A
person may be appointed as the auditor-general only if—(a)press advertisements have been placed
nationally callingforapplicationsfromsuitablyqualifiedpersonstobeconsidered for appointment; and(b)theMinisterhasconsultedwiththeparliamentarycommittee
about—(i)the process of selection for
appointment; and(ii)theappointmentofthepersonastheauditor-general.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 7
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 10]10Duration of appointmentTheappointmentoftheauditor-generalisforafixed,non-renewable term of 7 years.11Terms of appointment(1)The auditor-general holds office on a
full-time basis.(2)The auditor-general is to be paid a
salary at a rate decided bythe Governor in
Council.(3)Theauditor-generalisentitledtotheallowancesandholdsoffice, to the
extent the terms are not provided for by this Act,on
the terms decided by the Governor in Council.(4)AdvicetotheGovernorinCouncilregardingthesalary,allowancesandothertermsisonlytobegivenafterconsultation with the parliamentary
committee.(5)The salary and allowances of the
auditor-general are payableoutoftheconsolidatedfund,whichisappropriatedaccordingly.(6)The
rate of remuneration of the auditor-general must not bereduced during the term of office without
the auditor-general’swritten consent.12Declaration of interests(1)This
section applies to the auditor-general on appointment.(2)The auditor-general must, within 1
month, give the Speaker astatement setting out the information
mentioned in subsection(3) in relation to—(a)the interests of the auditor-general;
and(b)the interests of each person who is a
related person inrelation to the auditor-general.(3)Theinformationtobesetoutinthestatementistheinformation that
would be required to be disclosed under theParliamentofQueenslandAct2001,section69Biftheauditor-general
were a member of the Legislative Assembly.Page 8Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 12](4)Subsections(5)and(6)applyif,afterthegivingofthestatement—(a)thereisachangeintheinterestsmentionedinsubsection (2); and(b)the change is of a type that would
have been required tobedisclosedundertheParliamentofQueenslandAct2001, section 69B if
the auditor-general were a memberof the
Legislative Assembly.(5)Theauditor-generalmustgivetheSpeakerarevisedstatement.(6)The
revised statement must—(a)begivenassoonaspossibleaftertherelevantfactsaboutthechangecometotheauditor-general’sknowledge;
and(b)comply with subsection (3).(7)The Speaker must, if asked, give a
copy of the latest statementto—(a)the Premier; or(b)theleaderofapoliticalpartyrepresentedintheLegislative Assembly; or(c)the Crime and Misconduct Commission;
or(d)a member of the parliamentary
committee; or(e)the integrity commissioner.(8)TheSpeakermust,ifasked,giveacopyofthepartofthelateststatementthatrelatesonlytotheauditor-generaltoanother member of the Legislative
Assembly.(9)A member of the Legislative Assembly
may, by writing giventotheSpeaker,allegethattheauditor-generalhasnotcomplied with the requirements of this
section.(10)A reference in
this section to an interest is a reference to thematter within its ordinary meaning under the
general law andthe definition in theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, schedule 1does not
apply.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 12A](11)In this
section—integritycommissionermeanstheQueenslandIntegrityCommissioner under theIntegrity Act
2009.related person, in relation to
the auditor-general, means—(a)the
auditor-general’s spouse; or(b)a
person who is totally or substantially dependent on theauditor-general and—(i)the
person is the auditor-general’s child; or(ii)the
person’s affairs are so closely connected withtheaffairsoftheauditor-generalthatabenefitderivedbytheperson,orasubstantialpartofit,could pass to
the auditor-general.12AConflicts of interest(1)Iftheauditor-generalhasaninterestthatconflictsormayconflictwiththedischargeoftheauditor-general’sresponsibilities, the
auditor-general—(a)must disclose the nature of the
interest and conflict totheSpeakerandparliamentarycommitteeassoonaspracticableaftertherelevantfactscometotheauditor-general’s knowledge;
and(b)mustnottakeactionorfurtheractionconcerningamatter that is, or may be, affected by the
conflict untilthe conflict or possible conflict is
resolved.(2)If the conflict or possible conflict
between an interest of theauditor-generalandtheauditor-general’sresponsibilitiesisresolved,theauditor-generalmustgivetotheSpeakerandparliamentarycommitteeastatementadvisingoftheactiontheauditor-generaltooktoresolvetheconflictorpossibleconflict.(3)Areferenceinthissectiontoaninterestortoaconflictofinterest is a reference to those matters
within their ordinarymeaning under the general law and, in
relation to an interest,Page 10Current as at 23
September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 13]the
definition in theActs Interpretation Act 1954,
schedule 1does not apply.13Restriction on outside employment(1)The auditor-general must not—(a)holdanyofficeofprofitotherthanthatofauditor-general; or(b)engage in any remunerative employment
or undertakingoutside the functions of the office.(2)Contravention of subsection (1) is
misconduct under section17.14Preservation of rights(1)This
section applies if a person who is an officer of the publicservice is appointed as the
auditor-general.(2)The person is entitled to, and
retains, all existing and accruingrights as if
service as auditor-general were a continuation ofservice as an officer of the public
service.(3)If the person stops being
auditor-general and again becomesanofficerofthepublicservice,theperson’sserviceasauditor-general is to be regarded as
service of a similar kind inthe public
service for the purpose of working out the person’srights as an officer of the public
service.15Leave of absenceTheMinistermaygrantleaveofabsencetotheauditor-generalinaccordancewiththetermsonwhichtheauditor-general holds office.16ResignationThe
auditor-general may resign by signed notice given to theGovernorandtheSpeakeror,ifthereisnoSpeakerortheSpeaker is unavailable, the clerk of
the Parliament.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 17]17Grounds for removal or suspension from
officeThe following are grounds for removal or
suspension of theauditor-general from office—(a)proved incapacity, incompetence or
misconduct;(b)conviction of an indictable
offence;(c)being an insolvent under
administration as defined in theCorporations
Act, section 9.18Removal or suspension of
auditor-general on address(1)TheGovernormay,onanaddressoftheLegislativeAssembly, remove
or suspend the auditor-general from officeon any of the
grounds listed in section 17.(2)ThemotionfortheaddressmayonlybemovedbythePremier.(3)The
Premier may move the motion only if—(a)thePremierhasgiventheauditor-generalastatementsetting out the
reasons for the motion; and(b)thestatementandanywrittenresponsebytheauditor-generalhavebeenlaidbeforetheLegislativeAssembly;
and(c)thePremierhasconsultedwiththeparliamentarycommittee about
the motion; and(d)agreement to the motion has been
obtained from—(i)all members of the parliamentary
committee; or(ii)amajorityofmembersoftheparliamentarycommittee, other
than a majority consisting only ofthemembersofthepoliticalpartyorpartiesingovernment in the Legislative
Assembly.(4)Theauditor-generalisentitledtobepaidremunerationandallowances for the period of a suspension
only if—(a)the Legislative Assembly resolves that
remuneration andallowances be paid for the period; orPage
12Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 19](b)theGovernorinCouncilapprovesthepaymentofremuneration and allowances for the
period.19Suspension of auditor-general when
LegislativeAssembly not sitting(1)WhentheLegislativeAssemblyisnotinsession,theGovernor in Council may suspend the
auditor-general on anyof the grounds listed in section
17.(2)Howevertheauditor-generalmaybesuspendedundersubsection (1) only if—(a)thePremierhasgiventheauditor-generalastatementsetting out the
reasons for the suspension; and(b)thePremierhasconsideredanyresponsebytheauditor-general to the
statement.(3)ThePremiermusttablethestatementandanywrittenresponse by the
auditor-general in the Legislative Assemblywithin3sitting daysafter the day on
which the suspensionbegins.(4)A
suspension made when the Legislative Assembly is not insession stops having effect—(a)subjecttoparagraph(b)—attheendof7sittingdaysafter the day on which the suspension
begins; or(b)iftheauditor-generalisearliersuspendedorremovedfromofficeonanaddressoftheLegislativeAssembly—at the
earlier time.(5)If the suspension stops having effect
under subsection (4)(a),theauditor-generalisentitledtobepaidremunerationandallowances for the period of the
suspension.(6)Other than as provided in subsection
(5), the auditor-generalisentitledtobepaidremunerationandallowancesfortheperiod of a suspension only if—(a)the Legislative Assembly resolves that
remuneration andallowances be paid for the period; orCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 20](b)theGovernorinCouncilapprovesthepaymentofremuneration and allowances for the
period.20Delegation of powers(1)The auditor-general may delegate
powers under any Act to anauthorised auditor.(2)However,theauditor-generalmustnotdelegateapowertoreport to the Legislative Assembly.21Estimates(1)Theauditor-generalmustprepare,foreachfinancialyear,estimates of
proposed receipts and expenditure relating to theaudit office.(2)The
auditor-general must give the estimates to the Treasurer.(3)The Treasurer must consult with the
parliamentary committeein developing the proposed budget of
the audit office for eachfinancial year.Division 3Provisions relating to deputyauditor-general22Deputy auditor-general employed under Public
ServiceActThedeputyauditor-generalistobeemployedunderthePublic Service Act 2008.23Duties of deputy
auditor-general(1)The deputy auditor-general is to
perform the duties directedby the
auditor-general.(2)The deputy auditor-general is to act
as auditor-general—(a)during vacancies in the office of
auditor-general; andPage 14Current as at 23
September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 24](b)during periods when the
auditor-general is absent fromdutyorAustraliaoris,foranotherreason,unabletoperform the functions of the
office.(3)Whilethedeputyauditor-generalisactingasauditor-general—(a)thedeputyauditor-generalhasallthepowersandfunctions of the auditor-general;
as if the deputy auditor-general were theauditor-general.(4)Anything done by or in relation to the
deputy auditor-generalwhilethedeputyauditor-generalispurportingtoactasauditor-general
is not invalid merely because the occasion forthe deputy
auditor-general to act had not arisen or had ceased.24Deputy auditor-general subject only to
direction ofauditor-general(1)The
deputy auditor-general is not subject to direction by anyperson, other than the auditor-general,
about—(a)thewayinwhichtheauditor-general’spowersinrelation to audit are to be exercised;
or(b)the priority to be given to audit
matters.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite
thePublic Service Act 2008.25Declaration of interests and conflicts
of interest(1)Section 12 applies to the deputy
auditor-general in the sameway as it
applies to the auditor-general.(2)Ifthedeputyauditor-generalisactingasauditor-general,section 12A
applies to the deputy auditor-general in the sameway
as it applies to the auditor-general.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 15
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 2 Queensland
Auditor-General and Queensland Audit Office[s 26]Division 4Staff of audit
office26Staff employed under Public Service
ActThestaffoftheauditofficearetobeemployedunderthePublic Service Act 2008.27Staff subject
only to direction of auditor-general(1)The
staff of the audit office are not subject to direction by
or a person authorised by the auditor-general,about—(a)thewayinwhichtheauditor-general’spowersinrelation to audit are to be exercised;
or(b)the priority to be given to audit
matters.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite
thePublic Service Act 2008.Division 5Other
matters28Rulings under Public Service
Act(1)The industrial relations Minister or
the chief executive of thePublicServiceCommissionmaymakearulingunderthePublic Service Act 2008that
applies specifically to the auditoffice,whetherornotitalsoappliestootherpublicsectorunits, only with
the auditor-general’s approval.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a directive
or guideline thatapplies generally to all public sector
units.29Reviews under Public Service
Act(1)AmanagementreviewmaybeconductedunderthePublicServiceAct2008inrelationtotheauditofficeonlyattheauditor-general’s request.(2)Subsection (1) applies despite
thePublic Service Act 2008.Page
16Current as at 23 September 2013
3Audit mandateAuditor-General
Act 2009Part 3 Audit mandate[s 30]Division 1Scope of
auditor-general’s mandate30Auditor-general
to audit consolidated fund and publicsector entities
unless exempted(1)The auditor-general must, for each
financial year, audit—(a)the consolidated
fund; and(b)all public sector entities.(2)However, the auditor-general must not
audit the audit office.(3)Subsection (1)
does not apply to—(a)apublicsectorentityexemptedfromauditbytheauditor-general—(i)under section 30A; or(ii)under a regulation made under section 31;
or(b)a controlled entity that is audited by
an auditor approvedby the auditor-general under section
32.30AExemption of public sector entities
from audit byauditor-general under s 30(1)The auditor-general may, by written
notice given to a publicsector entity, exempt the public
sector entity from audit by theauditor-general
for a financial year under section 30.(2)Theauditor-generalmaygranttheexemptiononlyiftheauditor-generalisreasonablysatisfiedthattheauditofthepublic sector entity for the financial
year is small in size andof low risk having regard to a general
standard mentioned insection 58(1)(a)(iii).(3)If the auditor-general grants the
exemption, the public sectorentity must
engage an appropriately qualified person to auditthe
public sector entity for the financial year.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 17
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 30A](4)For
the purposes of auditing the public sector entity—(a)the person engaged to audit the public
sector entity (theengagedauditor)hasallthepowersofanauthorisedauditor;
and(b)this Act and other Acts apply to the
engaged auditor asif the engaged auditor were an authorised
auditor.(5)The engaged auditor must give the
certified annual financialstatements and a report on the audit
officer of the department; or(b)otherwise—the chief executive officer or
chairperson ofthe public sector entity.(6)Thepublicsectorentitymustgivetheauditor-generalanydocument about the audit of the public
sector entity requestedby the auditor-general.(7)Anoticeundersubsection(1)mayexemptapublicsectorentity for a maximum of 3 financial
years.(8)However, more than 1 notice may be
made under subsection(1) for a public sector entity.(9)Theauditor-generalmayrepealanexemptiongrantedtoapublicsectorentityundersubsection(1)bywrittennoticegiven to the public sector entity.(10)A valid exercise
of a function or power under an exemptioncontinues to be
valid despite the exemption being revoked.(11)Alistofpublicsectorentitiesgrantedanexemptionundersubsection (1) must be published by the
auditor-general on thewebsite of the audit office.(12)Thissectiondoesnotpreventtheauditor-generalfromperforminganyofthefunctionsorexercisinganyofthepowers of the
auditor-general under this Act for the audit of apublicsectorentitygrantedanexemptionundersubsection(1).(13)In this
section—Page 18Current as at 23
September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 31]appropriately
qualified person, to audit a public sector entity,means—(a)a
member of CPA Australia who is entitled to use theletters‘CPA’or‘FCPA’andholdsacurrentpublicpractice certificate issued by CPA
Australia; or(b)a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants inAustralia who is entitled to use the letters
‘CA’ or ‘FCA’and holds a current certificate of public
practice issuedby the institute; or(c)a
member of the Institute of Public Accountants who isentitled to use the letters ‘MIPA’ or ‘FIPA’
and holds aprofessional practice certificate issued by
the institute.31Exemption of certain public sector
entities from audit byauditor-general(1)A
regulation may—(a)exemptapublicsectorentityfromauditbytheauditor-general; and(b)provide that a person appointed under,
or in a way statedin, the regulation must audit the public
sector entity.(2)Before a regulation is made under
subsection (1), the Ministermustconsultwiththeauditor-generalabouttheproposedregulation.(3)Forthepurposeofconductinganauditunderaregulationmade under
subsection (1)(b)—(a)thepersonappointedundertheregulationhasallthepowers of an
authorised auditor; and(b)thisActandotherActsapplytothepersonasiftheperson were an authorised auditor.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 32]32Exemption of foreign-based controlled
entities and othercontrolled entities from audit by
auditor-general(1)A controlled entity may be audited by
an auditor approved bythe auditor-general if 1 or more of
the following apply—(a)thecontrolledentityisbasedinorhassignificantoperations in a
country other than Australia;(b)thecontrolledentityislegallyobligedtobeauditedunder a law of a country other than
Australia;(c)the controlled entity operates in
cooperation with, or in acorporate group with—(i)otherpublicsectorentitiesthathavebeenexemptedfrombeingauditedbytheauditor-general under section 30A;
or(ii)otherpublicsectorentitiesthathavebeenexemptedfrombeingauditedbytheauditor-generalunderaregulationmadeundersection 31;
or(iii)other controlled
entities that have been exemptedfrombeingauditedbytheauditor-generalunderparagraph (a), (b) or (d);(d)preparation of the audit for the
controlled entity wouldrequire specialist skills.(2)Thecontrolledentityexemptedundersubsection(1)mustgive any audit
report in relation to the controlled entity to theauditor-generalassoonasreasonablypracticableaftertheaudit report has been received by the
controlled entity.33Appropriate Minister or authority to
give Treasurer andauditor-general information about public
sector entities(1)This section applies if—(a)apublicsectorentityisestablishedorabolished(anotifiable event); or(b)an entity becomes a public sector
entity or stops being apublic sector entity (also anotifiable event).Page
20Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 34](2)If
the public sector entity is a GOC or a prescribed subsidiaryof a
GOC, the board of the GOC or the subsidiary must givethe
auditor-general a written notice about the notifiable event.(3)For other public sector entities, the
appropriate Minister forthepublicsectorentitymustgivetheTreasurerandtheauditor-general a written notice about
the notifiable event.(4)Forallpublicsectorentitiesiftheauditor-generalaskstheMinister,orforaGOC,theshareholdingMinistersofthecorporation, for
information about the public sector entity, theMinisterorshareholdingMinistersmustgivetheauditor-general the
information.(5)This section does not apply to a
public sector entity that is, oris a part of, a
department.(6)In this section—prescribed
subsidiarymeans a subsidiary prescribed under aregulation.34Auditor-general to be appointed auditor of
everycompany public sector entity(1)The shareholders of a company that is
a public sector entitymust—(a)appointtheauditor-generaltobetheauditorofthecompany;
and(b)ensure that the auditor-general
remains, at all times, theauditorofthecompanywhilethecompanyremainsapublic sector entity.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply
to—(a)acompanygrantedanexemptionfromauditbytheauditor-general under section 30A;
or(b)acompanyexemptfromauditbytheauditor-generalunder a
regulation made under section 31; or(c)acontrolledentitythatmaybeauditedbyanauditorapproved by the
auditor-general under section 32.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 21
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 35]35Audits at request of Legislative
Assembly(1)IftheLegislativeAssembly,byresolution,requeststheauditor-general to conduct an audit of
a matter relating to thefinancialadministrationofapublicsectorentity,theauditor-general must conduct the
audit.(2)This section does not apply to the
financial administration ofthe audit
office.36By-arrangement audits(1)The auditor-general may audit an
entity that is not a publicsector entity if
asked by the Minister or a public sector entity.(2)Theauditor-generalmayaudittheentityonlyiftheentityagrees to the audit.36AAuditor-general may conduct audit of
matters(1)The auditor-general may conduct an
audit of a matter relatingto property that is, or was, held or
received by a public sectorentity and given
to a non-public sector entity.(2)The
object of conducting the audit includes deciding whetherthepropertyhasbeenappliedeconomically,efficientlyandeffectivelyforthepurposesforwhichitwasgiventothenon-public sector entity.Note—Property includes
money. See theActs Interpretation Act 1954,
schedule1.(3)If the
auditor-general conducts an audit under subsection (1),the
auditor-general must apply the general standards set out inthe
auditor-general’s report mentioned in section 58.Page
22Current as at 23 September 2013
Division 2Auditor-General
Act 2009Part 3 Audit mandate[s 37]Conduct of audits37Way
in which audit is to be conducted(1)Theauditor-generalmayconductanauditinthewaytheauditor-general considers
appropriate.(2)Indecidingtheappropriatewaytoconductanaudit,theauditor-general may have regard to—(a)the character of the internal control
system of the entityto be audited, including internal
audit; and(b)recognised standards and
practices.(3)Subsection(2)doesnotlimitthematterstowhichtheauditor-general may have regard.(4)For the audit of a company, the
auditor-general is not limitedto conducting
the audit under the Corporations Act, and maydo anything else
the auditor-general considers appropriate.37APerformance audit of public sector
performance audit may be conducted as a separate auditoraspartofanotheraudit,includinganauditofanotherpublic sector
entity under this section.(3)Theobjectoftheperformanceauditincludesdecidingwhethertheobjectivesofthepublicsectorentityarebeingachievedeconomically,efficientlyandeffectivelyandincompliance with all relevant
laws.(4)When conducting the performance audit,
the auditor-generalmust have regard to the prescribed
requirements that apply tothe entity.(5)Theauditor-generalmustnotquestionthemeritsofpolicyobjectives of
the State or a local government, including—(a)a
decision of Cabinet; andCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 38](b)a
direction of a Minister; and(c)a
policy statement in the budget papers of the State or alocal government; and(d)a
document evidencing a policy decision of Cabinet or aMinister; and(e)adocumentevidencingapolicydecisionofalocalgovernment.(6)The
auditor-general may conduct a performance audit of theactivities of a public sector entity that is
a GOC or controlledentity of a GOC only if—(a)theLegislativeAssemblyrequestedtheauditbyresolution; or(b)theparliamentarycommittee,theTreasureroranappropriate Minister requested the
audit in writing.(7)This section does not prevent the
auditor-general from askingthe
parliamentary committee, the Treasurer or an appropriateMinister to make a particular request under
subsection (6).(8)In this section—annualappropriationActseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct 2009,
section 6.budget papersmeans the budget
papers of the State tabled inParliament with
an annual appropriation Act.38Audit
of performance management systems(1)Theauditor-generalmayconductanauditofperformancemanagementsystemsofaGOCoracontrolledentityofaGOC.(2)The audit may be conducted as a
separate audit or as part ofanotheraudit,includinganauditofanotherGOCoracontrolled
entity of a GOC under this section.(3)TheobjectoftheauditincludesdecidingwhethertheperformancemanagementsystemsenabletheGOCorthePage
24Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 3 Audit
mandate[s 38A]controlledentitytoassesswhetheritsobjectivesarebeingachieved
economically, efficiently and effectively.(4)In
conducting the audit, the auditor-general must have regardto
any prescribed requirements relating to the establishmentandmaintenanceofperformancemanagementsystemsthatapply to the GOC
or the controlled entity.(5)The audit may
include a review of the performance measuresof the GOC or
the controlled entity.(6)Inareportpreparedfortheaudit,theauditor-generalmaystatewhether,intheauditor-general’sopinion,theperformance measures—(a)are relevant and otherwise
appropriate, having regard totheir purpose;
and(b)fairlyrepresenttheperformanceoftheGOCorthecontrolled entity.38APreparation of strategic audit plans for
performanceaudits(1)Theauditor-generalmustprepareaplan(astrategicauditplan)forauditsundersections37Aand38thattheauditor-general proposes to conduct in
the next 3 years.(2)When preparing the strategicaudit plan, the auditor-generalmustconsultwiththeparliamentarycommitteeandanyrelevant entity
and prepare a draft of the strategic audit plan.(3)The auditor-general must give the
draft of the strategic auditplan to the
parliamentary committee.(4)Theparliamentarycommitteemustreturnthedraftofthestrategic audit plan with any comments
to the auditor-generalwithin 42 days of receiving the
draft.(5)The auditor-general must consider any
comments made by theparliamentarycommitteewhenfinalisingthestrategicauditplan.(6)The
strategic audit plan must be finalised before the end ofeach
financial year.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 39](7)Thestrategicauditplanmustbepublishedbytheauditor-general on the website of the
audit office.(8)Nopersonistodirecttheauditor-generalinrelationtothecontent of the strategic audit
plan.(9)In this section—relevant
public sector entity that the auditor-general proposesto
include in a draft of the strategic audit plan; or(b)aportfoliocommitteeforapublicsectorentitymentioned in
paragraph (a).39Audit of consolidated fund
accountsInauditingtheconsolidatedfundaccounts,theauditor-generalmustdecidewhetherornot,intheauditor-general’s opinion—(a)proper accounts were properly kept as
required by law;and(b)proceduresappliedwereinaccordancewiththeprescribed requirements and were
adequate to ensure—(i)proper control and safeguards were
exercised overthecollection,custody,banking,withdrawal,paymentof,andaccountingfor,publicmoneys;and(ii)publicmoneyswereappropriatelyenteredintheconsolidated
fund accounts as received in, or paidoutof,theTreasurer’sconsolidatedfundbankaccount;
and(iii)withdrawalsfromtheTreasurer’sconsolidatedfundbankaccountweremadeforlawfulandappropriate purposes; and(iv)proper
safeguards were followed to prevent fraudand mistake;
andPage 26Current as at 23
September 2013
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mandate[s 40](v)therequirementsofthelawrelatingtopublicmoneyswerecompliedwithinallmaterialrespects;
and(c)theconsolidatedfundfinancialreportforafinancialyearundertheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,section 23—(i)isinagreementwiththeconsolidatedfundaccounts for the financial year; and(ii)has been
properly drawn up to give a true and fairviewofthetransactionsinrelationtotheconsolidatedfundaccountsforthefinancialyearand
the position of the consolidated fund at the endof
the financial year.40Audit of public sector entities(1)The auditor-general must—(a)audit the annual financial statements
of a public sectorentity; and(b)prepareanauditor’sreportaboutthefinancialstatements.(2)For
subsection (1), the auditor-general must apply the generalstandards set out in the auditor-general’s
report mentioned insection 58.(3)Also, the auditor’s report about the
financial statements of apublicsectorentitythatisadepartment,statutorybodyorlocal government must state whether—(a)the auditor-general has received all
the information andexplanations required by the
auditor-general; and(b)theauditor-generalconsiderstheprescribedrequirementsinrelationtotheestablishmentandkeepingofaccountshavebeencompliedwithinallmaterial respects.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 27
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mandate[s 40](4)Assoonaspracticableaftertheofficershavecertifiedthestatements and the auditor-general has
prepared the auditor’sreport about the statements, the
auditor-general must give—(a)if the public
sector entity is a department—(i)the
certified statements and the auditor’s report tothe
accountable officer of the department; and(ii)a
copy of the certified statements and the report tothe
appropriate Minister and the Treasurer; and(b)if
the public sector entity is a GOC—(i)the
certified statements and the auditor’s report tothe
chief executive officer of the GOC; and(ii)a
copy of the certified statements and the report tothe
appropriate Minister and the Treasurer; and(c)if
the public sector entity is a local government—(i)the
certified statements and the auditor’s report tothe
chief executive officer of the local government;and(ii)a copy of the
certified statements and the report tothemayorofthelocalgovernmentandtheappropriate Minister; and(d)if the public sector entity is a
statutory body—(i)the certified statements and the
auditor’s report tothechiefexecutiveofficerofthestatutorybody;and(ii)a copy of the
certified statements and the report tothe appropriate
Minister; and(e)if the public sector entity is a
controlled entity—(i)the certified statements and the
auditor’s report tothe chief executive officer of the
controlled entity;and(ii)a copy of the
certified statements and the report tothe public
sector entity that exercises control overthe controlled
entity and the appropriate Minister.Page 28Current as at 23 September 2013
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mandate[s 41](5)If
the public sector entity is a GOC, or a controlled entity of
aGOC,itisenoughforsubsection(1)iftheauditor-generalaudits the
financial statementsof the GOC that the GOC isrequired to provide under the Corporations
Act.(6)In this section—annualfinancialstatementsincludesfinalfinancialstatements for abolished public sector
entities.41Audit of expenditure for ministerial
offices(1)Theauditor-generalmustauditthefullyearreportofexpenditure of ministerial offices and
prepare a report aboutit.(2)The
auditor-general’s report must state whether—(a)the
auditor-general has received all the information andexplanations required by the
auditor-general; and(b)the
auditor-general considers the full year report is anaccurate report, in the required form, of
expenditure forministerial offices for the year
Minister.42Audit of consolidated
whole-of-government financialstatements(1)Theauditor-generalmustaudittheconsolidatedwhole-of-governmentfinancialstatementsandprepareareport about them.(2)The
report must state the following—(a)whethertheauditor-generalhasreceivedalltheinformationandexplanationsrequiredbytheauditor-general;Current as at 23
September 2013Page 29
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mandate[s 42A](b)whethertheauditor-generalconsidersthestatementshavebeenproperlydrawnup,underprescribedrequirements, to
give a true and fair view of—(i)the
financial operations and cash flows of the Statefor
the financial year; and(ii)thefinancialpositionattheendofthatfinancialyear.(3)Assoonasreasonablypracticableaftertheauditor-generalpreparesthereport,theauditor-generalmustgivethestatements and report to the
Treasurer.42AAuditor-general may conduct joint
with the auditor-general of the Commonwealthor another State
if the auditor-general reasonably believes theCommonwealth or
other State has an interest in the audit.43Appointment of contract auditors(1)Theauditor-generalmayappointanappropriatelyqualifiedindividual who is not a member of the staff
of the audit officeto be a contract auditor.(2)The appointment of a person to be a
contract auditor may begeneral or limited to a particular
audit.(3)The contract auditor—(a)isappointedonthetermsstatedintheinstrumentofappointment; and(b)mayresigntheappointment by signed notice given tothe
auditor-general.44Identity cards for authorised
auditor.(2)The identity card must—Page
30Current as at 23 September 2013
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mandate[s 45](a)containarecentphotographoftheauthorisedauditor;and(b)besignedbytheauthorisedauditorandtheauditor-general.(3)A
person who stops being an authorised auditor must returntheperson’sidentitycardtotheauditor-generalassoonaspracticable after the person stops being an
authorised auditor,unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (3)—10
penalty units.45Proof of authority as authorised
auditorAn authorised auditor may exercise a power
in relation to apersononlyiftheauthorisedauditorproduceshisorheridentity card
for inspection by the person.46Access to documents and property(1)Forthepurposeofconductinganauditoftheconsolidatedfundaccounts,anauthorisedauditormustbegiven,atallreasonabletimes,fullandfreeaccesstoalldocumentsandproperty relevant to the audit.(2)Subjecttosubsection(5),forthepurposeofconductinganaudit of an entity under this Act, an
authorised auditor must begiven,atallreasonabletimes,fullandfreeaccesstoalldocumentsandpropertybelongingto,inthecustodyof,orunder the control of, the
entity.(3)Subjecttosubsection(5),forthepurposeofconductinganaudit under this Act, an authorised auditor
may—(a)enter, at any reasonable time—(i)aplaceoccupiedbyapublicsectorentityoranother entity subject to audit; or(ii)aplaceoccupiedbyafinancialinstitutionwithwhichapublicsectorentity,oranotherentitysubject to audit, maintains an account;
orCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 46](iii)another place if the occupier of the place
consentsto the entry; and(b)inspect,examine,photographorfilmanythingintheplace;
and(c)take extracts from, and make copies
of, any documentsin the place; and(d)take
into the place persons, equipment and materials thatthe
authorised auditor reasonably requires; and(e)require any person in the place to give to
the authorisedauditor reasonable assistance in relation to
the exerciseof the powers mentioned in paragraphs (a) to
(3)(e), unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(5)Forthepurposeofconductinganauditundersection36A,subsections(2)and(3)(a)(i)and(ii)donotapplytoanon-public sector entity subject to
audit.(6)It is not a reasonable excuse for a
person who is an individualto fail to
comply with a requirement made under subsection(3)(e)thatcomplyingwiththerequirementmighttendtoincriminate the person.Note—Inthisandsimilarprovisionsthereferencetoapersonwhoisanindividual is
made because an individual may claim the privilege againstself-incrimination.(7)Ananswerbyapersonwhoisanindividualunderarequirementmadeundersubsection(3)(e),oranyinformation,
document or other thing obtained as a direct orindirect
consequence of the person giving the answer, is notadmissible against the person in a criminal
proceeding, otherthan a proceeding relating to the falsity of
the answer, if theanswer might in fact tend to incriminate the
person.(8)The fact that a document was produced
by a person who is anindividual under a requirement made
under subsection (3)(e)is not admissible in evidence against
the person in a criminalPage 32Current as at 23
September 2013
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mandate[s 47]proceeding,
other than a proceeding relating to the falsity ofthe
document, if producing the document might in fact tend toincriminate the person.47Obtaining information(1)If
it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of an audit
underthis Act, an authorised auditor may, by
written notice given toa person, require the person to give
to the authorised auditorstatedinformation,withinareasonableperiodandinareasonable way stated in the notice.(2)Apersonmustcomplywitharequirementmadeundersubsection (1),
unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)It is not a
reasonable excuse for a person who is an individualto
fail to comply with a requirement under subsection (1) thatcomplying with the requirement might tend to
incriminate theperson.(4)Information given by a person who is an
individual under arequirement under subsection (1), or any
other information oradocumentorotherthingobtainedasadirectorindirectconsequenceofthepersongivingtheinformation,isnotadmissible against the person in a
criminal proceeding, otherthan a proceeding relating to the
falsity of the information, ifgiving the
information might in fact tend to incriminate theperson.48Obtaining evidence(1)If
it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of an audit
underthis Act, an authorised auditor may, by
written notice given toa person, require the person—(a)toattendbeforeanauthorisedauditor,atareasonabletime and place
stated in the notice, to answer questions;andCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 48](b)to
produce to an authorised auditor, at a reasonable timeand
place stated in the notice, documents belonging to,in
the custody of, or under the control of, the person.(2)The authorised auditor before whom the
person attends mayrequire answers to be verified or given on
oath, either orallyor in writing, and for that purpose the
authorised auditor mayadminister an oath.(3)The oath to be taken by a person for
this section is an oath thatthe answers the
person will give will be true.(4)An
authorised auditor to whom a document is produced undera
notice under subsection (1)—(a)may
keep the document for a reasonable period for thepurposes of conducting the relevant audit;
and(b)maytakeextractsfromandmakecopiesofthedocument.(5)While the authorised auditor has
possession of the document,theauthorisedauditormustallowthedocumenttobeinspected at any reasonable time by a
person who would beentitled to inspect it if it were not in the
authorised auditor’spossession.(6)Theregulationsmustprescribescalesofallowancesandexpensestobeallowedtopersonsrequiredtoattendunderthis
section.(7)Apersonmustcomplywithanoticeundersubsection(1),unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(8)It is not a reasonable excuse for a
person who is an individualtofailtocomplywithanoticeundersubsection(1)thatcomplyingwiththenoticemighttendtoincriminatetheperson.Page 34Current as at 23 September 2013
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mandate[s 49](9)An
answer given by a person who is an individual under thissection, or any information, document or
other thing obtainedas a direct or indirect consequence of
the person giving theanswer,isnotadmissibleagainstthepersoninacriminalproceeding,
other than a proceeding relating to the falsity ofthe
answer if the answer might in fact tend to incriminate theperson.(10)The
fact that a document was produced by a person who is anindividualunderthissectionisnotadmissibleinevidenceagainstthepersoninacriminalproceeding,otherthanaproceedingrelatingtothefalsityofthedocument,ifproducing the document might in fact
tend to incriminate theperson.49Compensation(1)Aperson,otherthanapublicsectorentity,oranyoneelsesubject to audit, who incurs any loss or
expense—(a)because of the exercise or purported
exercise of a powerunder this division; or(b)incomplyingwitharequirementmadeofthepersonunder this division;may claim
compensation from the State.(2)A
payment of compensation may be claimed and ordered—(a)inaproceedingforcompensationbroughtinacourthaving jurisdiction in relation to the
recovery of a debtin the amount of the compensation claimed;
or(b)duringaproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisActbrought against the person by whom the claim
is made.(3)A court may order the payment of
compensation for the lossor expense only if it is satisfied
that it is just to do so in thecircumstances of
the particular case.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 50]50False
or misleading informationA person must not state anything to an
authorised auditor thatthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterialparticular.Maximum
penalty—80 penalty units.51Obstruction of
authorised auditor(1)Apersonmustnotobstructanauthorisedauditorintheexercise of a
power under this Act, unless the person has areasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—80 penalty units.(2)In this section—obstructincludes hinder and resist, and attempt to
obstruct.52Impersonation of authorised
auditorA person must not pretend to be an
authorised auditor.Maximum penalty—80 penalty units.53Confidentiality and related
matters(1)This section applies to a person who
is or has been any of thefollowing,includingbeforethecommencementofthissubsection—(a)an
authorised auditor;(b)a person engaged by the
auditor-general;(c)a person engaged or employed by a
contract auditor;(d)apersonreceivingproposedreports,orextractsofproposed reports, under section 64.(2)The person must not—(a)make a record of protected
information; orPage 36Current as at 23
September 2013
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mandate[s 53](b)whether directly or indirectly, divulge or
communicateprotected information;unlesstherecordismade,ortheprotectedinformationisdivulgedorcommunicated,underthisActorintheperformanceofduties,asapersontowhomthissectionapplies, under
this Act.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or
imprisonment for 1year.(3)Subsection(2)doesnotpreventthedisclosureofprotectedinformation
to—(a)the parliamentary committee or a
portfolio committee;or(b)the
Crime and Misconduct Commission; or(c)apoliceofficer,oranentity,responsiblefortheinvestigationorprosecutionofoffencesinanyjurisdiction; or(d)a
court for the purposes of the prosecution of a personfor
an offence in any jurisdiction; or(e)iftheauditor-generalconductsanauditjointly,orincollaboration,withtheauditor-generaloftheCommonwealthoranotherStateundersection42A—theauditor-generaloftheCommonwealthorother State.(4)Compliancebyapersonmentionedinsubsection(1)inrelation to the Corporations Act,
section 311 or theAustralianSecurities and
Investments Commission Act 2001, section
30Ais declared to be an excluded matter for the
Corporations Act,section 5F.(5)Nothing in subsection (4) is intended to
affect the power of aperson mentioned in subsection (1) to
disclose information tothe Australian Securities and
Investments Commission undersubsection
(3)(c).(6)In this section—Current as at 23
September 2013Page 37
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mandate[s 54]protectedinformationmeansinformation,observations,comments,
suggestions or notations that—(a)are
not publicly available; and(b)aredisclosedto,obtainedbyormadebyapersontowhom
this section applies in relation to an audit that hasbeen, is being or will be conducted under
this Act; and(c)are relevant to the audit.54Report on audit(1)Theauditor-generalmayprepareareportonanyauditconducted under
this Act.(2)Anauthorisedauditor,otherthantheauditor-general,mustgive
the auditor-general a report on every audit conducted bythe
authorised auditor.(3)A report under subsection (1) or (2)
may contain observationsand suggestions about anything arising
out of the audit.(4)Iftheauditor-generalconsidersthatobservationsorsuggestionsmadeundersubsection(3)requireattentionorfurther consideration, the
auditor-general must give them, andany comments on
them—(a)iftheyaroseoutofanauditoftheconsolidatedfundaccounts—to the Treasurer and any other
person whomthe auditor-general considers to have a
special interest inthe report; or(b)iftheyaroseoutofanauditofadepartment—totheaccountableofficerofthedepartmentandanyotherpersonwhomtheauditor-generalconsiderstohaveaspecial interest in the report; or(c)if they arose out of an audit of a
matter under section36A—(i)forareportrelatingtoapublicsectorentity—totheaccountableofficer,chiefexecutiveofficerorchairperson of the public sector entity;
andPage 38Current as at 23
September 2013
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mandate[s 55](ii)toanyotherpersonwhomtheauditor-generalconsiders to
have a special interest in the report; or(d)iftheyotherwisearoseoutofanauditofanotherentity—to the
chief executive officer or chairperson oftheentityandthepersonresponsibleforthefinancialadministration
of the entity, and any other person whomthe
auditor-general considers to have a special interest inthe
report.(5)Iftheauditor-generalconsidersthattheobservationsorsuggestions made under subsection (3) are of
significance, theauditor-generalmustalsogivethem,andanycommentsonthem, to the appropriate Minister and the
Treasurer.55Protection from liability(1)An authorised auditor does not incur
civil liability for an actor omission done or omitted to be done
honestly and withoutnegligence under or for this
Act.(2)A liability that would, apart from
subsection (1), attach to anauthorised
auditor attaches instead to the State.56Audit
fees(1)The auditor-general may charge fees
for an audit conductedby the auditor-general.(2)Theauditor-generalmayalsochargereasonablecostsandexpenses incurred by or for the
auditor-general in conductingthe
audit.(3)Theauditor-generalmay,undertheTreasurer’sapproval,decide the basic rates of fees.(4)The auditor-general must assess the
fees for an audit havingregard to the basic rates of fees
decided under subsection (3).(5)Unpaid fees may be recovered by the
auditor-general as a debtdue to the auditor-general.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 57]57Act
does not limit other powers of auditor-generalThisActdoesnotlimitanypowertheauditor-generalhasapart from this Act.Division 3Reports to the Legislative Assembly58Reports on auditing standards(1)The auditor-general must prepare a
report to the LegislativeAssembly—(a)settingoutthegeneralstandardstheauditor-generalapplies, or
proposes to apply, to—(i)the conduct of
audits; and(ii)theselection,engagement,andqualitycontrolofthe work of contract auditors;
and(iii)a decision
whether an audit of a public sector entityfor a financial
year is small in size and of low risk;and(b)statingtheextenttowhichthestandardsareinaccordancewithauditingstandardsmadebyrelevantprofessional or
statutory bodies.(2)If the auditor-general later makes a
significant change to, orreplaces,thegeneralstandards,theauditor-generalmust,assoon as practicable after making the
change or replacement,prepare a report to the Legislative
Assembly stating—(a)the nature of the change or
replacement; and(b)the extent to which the changed or
replaced standardsareinaccordancewithauditingstandardsmadebyrelevant professional or statutory
bodies.(3)AreporttotheLegislativeAssemblypreparedbytheauditor-general on the conduct of an
audit must refer to anyoccasion of significance on which the
general standards werenot applied.Page 40Current as at 23 September 2013
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mandate[s 59](4)Theauditor-generalmustarrangeforcopiesofthereportunder subsection
(1), and each report under subsection (2), tobemadeaccessibletothepublicfreeofchargeontheQueensland Audit Office
website.59Annual report on consolidated fund
accounts(1)The auditor-general must prepare a
report to the LegislativeAssembly on each audit conducted of
the consolidated fundaccounts.(2)The
report must—(a)deal with the matters mentioned in
section 39; and(b)deal with the action, if any, taken to
remedy significantdeficienciesreportedinpreviousreportsonauditsconducted of the
consolidated fund accounts.60Annual reports on
audits of public sector entities(1)Thissectiondoesnotapplytoanauditofamatterundersection 36A.(2)The
auditor-general must prepare a report to the LegislativeAssembly on each audit conducted of a public
sector entity byan authorised auditor.(3)The
report must—(a)state whether or not—(i)theauditofthepublicsectorentityhasbeenfinished;
and(ii)the annual
financial statements of the public sectorentity have been
audited; and(b)ifthepublicsectorentitywasgrantedanexemptionunder section
30A for the relevant financial year—statethat the public
sector entity was granted an exemptionundersection30Aandthereasonsfortheexemption;andCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 61](c)drawattentiontoanycaseinwhichthefunctionsrelating to the
financial management of the public sectorentity were not
adequately and properly performed if theauditor-generalconsidersthemattertobesignificantenough to
require inclusion in the report; and(d)set
out—(i)theresultsofauditsconducted,inrelationtotherelevant financial year, of controlled
entities of thepublic sector entity by an authorised
auditor; and(ii)ifauditswerenotconductedinrelationtoparticularcontrolledentities—thereasonswhythey were not conducted; and(e)deal with the action, if any, taken to
remedy significantdeficiencies reported in previous reports on
audits of thepublic sector entity.61Reports on audits requested by the
Legislative AssemblyThe auditor-general must prepare a
report to the LegislativeAssemblyoneachauditconductedattherequestoftheLegislative Assembly.61AReports on audit of matters(1)Iftheauditor-generalconductsanauditofamatterundersection 36A, the auditor-general must
prepare a report to theLegislative Assembly setting out the
reasons for conductingthe audit and the results of the
audit.(2)If the auditor-general proposes to
make an adverse commentaboutanon-publicsectorentityinthereport,theauditor-general must not make the proposed
adverse commentunless, before the report is prepared, the
auditor-general givesthenon-publicsectorentityanopportunitytomakesubmissions
about the proposed adverse comment.Note—See also section 65.Page
42Current as at 23 September 2013
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mandate[s 62](3)Ifthenon-publicsectorentitymakessubmissionsandtheauditor-general still proposes to make
the adverse comment,the auditor-general must ensure the
non-public sector entity’ssubmissions, or a fair statement of
them, are included in thereport.62Interim, supplementary and combined
reports(1)The auditor-general may prepare
interim and supplementaryreports to the Legislative Assembly on
any matter on whichthe auditor-general is to report or has
reported.(2)The auditor-general may combine
reports on any 2 or moreaudits.63Other
reportsThe auditor-general may prepare any of the
following reportsto the Legislative Assembly—(a)if the auditor-general considers it
desirable to do so atany particular time for reasons of
urgency—a report onany significant matter arising out of an
audit;(b)iftheauditor-generalconsidersittobeinthepublicinteresttodoso—afullreporton,orareportonanyspecific matters
arising out of, a particular audit;(c)if
the auditor-general considers it otherwise appropriateto
do so at any time—a report on any matter arising outof
an audit to which attention should be drawn;(d)if a
regulation has been made for the purposes of section31
that the auditor-general advised should not have beenmadeorshouldhavebeenmadedifferently—areportsetting out the advice and the reasons for
it.64Comments on proposed audit
reports(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply if the
auditor-general proposesto include in a report to the
Legislative Assembly under thisCurrent as at 23
September 2013Page 43
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mandate[s 64]divisionamatterthattheauditor-generalconsiderstobeamatter of significance.(2)Theauditor-generalmustgivewrittenadviceofthematterthat is proposed
to be included to—(a)ifthematterrelatestoadepartment—theaccountableofficerofthedepartmentandanyotherpersonwhomthe
auditor-general considers to have a special interest inthe
report; or(b)if the matter relates to a controlled
entity that is subjecttothecontrolofadepartment—thechiefexecutiveofficerorchairpersonoftheentity,thepersonresponsible for
the financial administration of the entityand the
accountable officer of the department and anyotherpersonwhomtheauditor-generalconsiderstohave a special interest in the report;
or(c)if the matter relates to another
public sector entity—thechief executive officer or chairperson
of the entity andthe person responsible for the financial
administration oftheentityandanyotherpersonwhomtheauditor-general considers to have a special
interest in thereport.(3)Also,theauditor-generalmustgivewrittenadviceofthematter that is proposed to be included
to—(a)ifthematterraisesissuesconcerningthepowersorfunctionsoftheTreasurerundertheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009—theTreasurerandanyotherpersonwhomtheauditor-generalconsiderstohaveaspecial interest in the report; or(b)if the matter does not raise issues
concerning the powersorfunctionsoftheTreasurerundertheFinancialAccountability
Act 2009—the appropriate Minister andany
other person whom the auditor-general considers tohave
a special interest in the report.(4)If
the auditor-general gives written advice of the matter undersubsection(2)or(3),theauditor-generalmustassoonaspracticable give a copy of the written
advice to the Premier.Page 44Current as at 23
September 2013
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mandate[s 65](5)Theadvicementionedinsubsection(3)mustincludeastatement that comments on the
proposed matter may be madein writing given
to the auditor-general by a person mentionedin subsection
(3)—(a)within 21 days after the advice is
received; or(b)within the longer period that is
stated in the advice.(6)If comments are
received within the 21 days or longer period,the
auditor-general must include them, or a fair summary ofthem, in the report.(7)In
this section—controlsee section
5(2).65Proposed reports to remain
confidentialA person who receives a proposed audit
report, or part of aproposed audit report, of the
auditor-general under section 64,oraproposedreport,orpartofaproposedreport,oftheauditor-generalundersection61A,mustnotdiscloseanyinformation contained in the report
unless—(a)disclosure is required for the purpose
of—(i)makingsubmissionsorcommentstotheauditor-general in relation to the
proposed report;or(ii)obtaining legal
advice in relation to matters raisedby the proposed
report; or(b)theinformationhasbeenmadepublicbytheauditor-general.Maximumpenalty—200penaltyunitsor1year’simprisonment.66Procedure for reporting certain sensitive
information(1)Iftheauditor-generalconsidersittobeagainstthepublicinterest to
disclose in a report under this division informationthat
could—Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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mandate[s 67](a)have
a serious adverse effect on the commercial interestsof
an entity; or(b)reveal trade secrets of an entity;
or(c)prejudice the investigation of a
contravention or possiblecontravention of the law; or(d)prejudice the fair trial of a person;
or(e)cause damage to the relations between
the Governmentof the State and another Government;theauditor-generalmustnotdisclosetheinformationinthereportbutmustinsteadincludeitinareportpreparedandgiven to the parliamentary committee.(2)This section applies despite anything
in this or any other Act.67Tabling of
reports(1)AreportpreparedunderthisdivisionmustbegiventotheSpeakeror,ifthereisnoSpeakerortheSpeakerisunavailable, to the clerk of the
Parliament.(2)The Speaker or clerk must table a copy
of the report in theLegislative Assembly on its next
sitting day.(3)Forthepurposesofitspublication,areportgiventotheSpeaker or the
clerk under subsection (1) is taken to have beentabled in the Legislative Assembly, and to
have been orderedto be published by the Legislative Assembly,
when it is givento the Speaker or the clerk.Page
46Current as at 23 September 2013
4Auditor-General Act 2009Part 4 Strategic
review of the audit office[s 68]Strategic review
of the auditoffice68Conduct of strategic review of audit
office(1)Strategic reviews of the audit office
must be conducted underthis part.(2)A
strategic review must be conducted at least every 5 years,countingfromwhentheMinistermakesaresponsetotheparliamentary committee report in the
Legislative Assemblyforthemostrecentearlierstrategicreview,uptowhenthereviewerisappointedundersubsection(3)toconductthelatest strategic review.(3)Each
strategic review is to be conducted by an appropriatelyqualifiedperson(reviewer),appointedbytheGovernorinCouncil, who is to give a report on the
review.(4)The terms of reference for a strategic
review are to be decidedby the Governor in Council.(5)Before a reviewer is appointed to
conduct a strategic review,the Minister
must consult with the parliamentary committeeand the
auditor-general about—(a)the appointment
of the reviewer; and(b)the terms of
reference for the review.(6)Theremunerationandothertermsofappointmentofthereviewer are as decided by the
Governor in Council.(7)In this
section—strategic reviewincludes—(a)a review of the auditor-general’s
functions; and(b)areviewoftheauditor-general’sperformanceofthefunctionstoassesswhethertheyarebeingperformedeconomically, effectively and
efficiently.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 4 Strategic
review of the audit office[s 69]69Powers of strategic reviewIn
conducting a strategic review—(a)thereviewerhasthepowersanauthorisedauditorhasfor an audit of an entity; and(b)this Act and other Acts apply to the
reviewer as if thereviewer were an authorised auditor
conducting an auditof an entity.70Report of strategic review(1)The reviewer for a strategic review
must give the copy of aproposed report on the strategic
review to the Minister and theauditor-general.(2)TheMinisterandtheauditor-generalmay,within21daysafter receiving
the proposed report, give the reviewer writtencomments on
anything in the proposed report.(3)If
the auditor-general or the Minister provide comments undersubsection (2), the reviewer must—(a)if the reviewer and the person
providing the commentscanagreeabouthowtodisposeofacomment—incorporateintothereportanyagreedamendment
necessary to dispose of the comment; or(b)if
the reviewer and the person providing the commentscannotagreeabouthowtodisposeofacomment—include the comment, in full,
in the report.(4)Aftercomplyingwithsubsections(1)and(3),thereviewermust give the
report (review report) to the
Minister and theauditor-general.(5)Thereviewreportmustbethesameastheproposedreportgiventothemundersubsection(1),apartfromthechangesmade under
subsection (3).(6)The Minister must table the review
report in the LegislativeAssembly within 3 sitting days after
the Minister receives thereport.Page 48Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 5 Independent
audit of Queensland Audit Office[s 71](7)For theParliament of
Queensland Act 2001, section 92(2) thereport is
referred to the parliamentary committee.Part 5Independent audit ofQueensland Audit
Office71Audit of audit office(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmustappointapersonwhoisaregisteredcompanyauditorundertheCorporationsActtoconduct an audit of the audit office
for each financial year forwhich the person
is appointed.(2)A person may not be appointed under
subsection (1) for morethan 5 consecutive financial
years.(3)ThepersonisentitledtobepaidthefeedecidedbytheGovernorinCouncilforeachfinancialyearforwhichtheperson is appointed.72Conduct of independent audit(1)For conducting an audit under section
71(1)—(a)the person has all the powers of an
authorised auditor;and(b)thisActandotherActsapplytothepersonasiftheperson were an authorised auditor.(2)After an audit, the person must
give—(a)a report about the audit to the
Premier; and(b)acopyofthereporttotheauditor-generalandtheTreasurer.(3)Theauditor-generalmustincludetheperson’sreportintheannual report of
the audit office.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 6 General
provisions[s 73]Part 6General provisions73Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may create offences and
prescribe penalties forthe offences of not more than 5
penalty units.Part 7Transitional
provisionsDivision 1Provisions for
Act No. 8 of 200974Definitions for div 1In
this part—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.repealed
Actmeans theFinancialAdministrationandAuditAct 1977.75Person holding
appointment to conduct audit of auditoffice(1)On the commencement, a person who has
been appointed bythe Governor in Council under section 69 of
the repealed Actis taken to have been appointed under
section 71.(2)However, the person’s term of
appointment is taken to havecommenced on
appointment under the repealed Act.76Auditor-general continues to hold
office(1)On the commencement, the person who,
immediately beforethe commencement, held appointment as the
auditor-generalPage 50Current as at 23
September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 7
Transitional provisions[s 77]under the
repealed Act continues to hold appointment as theauditor-general under this Act.(2)However, the person’s term of
appointment is taken to havecommenced on
appointment under the repealed Act.77Deputy auditor-general continues to hold
officeOn the commencement, the person who,
immediately beforethecommencement,heldappointmentasthedeputyauditor-generalundertherepealedActcontinuestoholdappointment as
the deputy auditor-general under this Act.78Delegations continue(1)Onthecommencement,adelegation of power made by theauditor-general under the repealed Act,
section 66, continuestohaveeffectaccordingtoitstermsasadelegationmadeunder section 20.(2)However, if the delegation is made—(a)under a particular section of the
repealed Act; and(b)a section under this Act is
substantially the same as thesection under
the repealed Act;the delegation has effect as if it were made
under the sectionof this Act.79Rulings under Public Service Act 2008On
the commencement, a ruling made under the repealed Act,section70,andinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement,continuestohaveeffectaccordingtoitsterms.80Requests for reviews under Public Service
Act 2008On the commencement, a request for a review
under section71 of the repealed Act is taken to be a
request for a reviewunder section 29.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 51
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 7 Transitional
provisions[s 81]81Strategic review of audit office under the
repealed Act(1)Onthecommencement,anystrategicreviewoftheauditofficethathasstartedbuthasnotbeenfinishedundertherepealed Act,part
5, division 6 is taken to have been startedunder part
4.(2)On the commencement, the most recent
finished report of astrategic review under the repealed
Act, section 72B is takento be report of a strategic review
prepared under section 68.82References to
documents under the repealed ActA reference to
the repealed Act, part 5 or 6 in any documentmay, if the
context permits, be taken to be a reference to thisAct.83Appointment of
contract auditorsOnthecommencement,contractauditorsappointedundersection 82 of
the repealed Act are taken to be appointed undersection 43.84Reports on auditing standards to
continueOn the commencement, the most recent reports
for section 97oftherepealedActaretakentohavebeenpreparedundersection 58.85Continuation of audit reviewsOnthecommencement,anyaudit reviews which havebeenstarted but have not been finished under the
repealed Act aretaken to have started under this Act.Page
52Current as at 23 September 2013
Division 2Auditor-General
Act 2009Part 7 Transitional provisions[s
86]Provision for Integrity Reform(Miscellaneous Amendments) Act201086Declarations of
interests by auditor-general and deputyauditor-general(1)The
auditor-general is taken to have complied with section 12asamendedbytheIntegrityReform(MiscellaneousAmendments)Act2010if,atthecommencementofthissection, the
auditor-general is not in breach of section 12 as inforce before the commencement.(2)Thedeputyauditor-generalistakentohavecompliedwithsection 12 as
amended by theIntegrity Reform (MiscellaneousAmendments)Act2010if,atthecommencementofthissection, the
deputy auditor-general is not in breach of section12
as in force before the commencement.Division 3Transitional provisions for theParliamentary Service and OtherActs
Amendment Act 201187First strategic audit plan to be
preparedThe first strategic audit plan to be
prepared under section 38Amustbefinalisedbeforeeither1July2012oranotherdateagreedbetweentheauditor-generalandtheparliamentarycommittee.88Existing audits of performance management
systems(1)This section applies if, before the
systems of a public sector entity other thana GOC or
controlled entity of a GOC under section 38;andCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009Part 7 Transitional
provisions[s 89](b)the
audit has not been finished.(2)Onthecommencement,theauditor-generalmayfinishtheauditasifsection38hadnotbeenamendedbytheParliamentary Service and Other Acts
Amendment Act 2011.(3)In this
section—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.89Duration of appointment of auditor-general
not affected(1)This section applies to the
appointment of the auditor-generalthatwasinforceimmediatelybeforethereplacementofsection10bytheParliamentaryServiceandOtherActsAmendment Act 2011.(2)The appointment continues in force
until the end of the termstatedintheauditor-general’sinstrumentofappointmentorthe
appointment otherwise ends under this Act.(3)The
person holding the appointment can not be reappointedunder section 10.Page 54Current as at 23 September 2013
Act 2009Schedulesection 4accountable officer, of a
department, means the person whois,orisappointedas,theaccountableofficerofthedepartment under
theFinancial Accountability Act 2009.appropriate Ministermeans—(a)forthedepartmentcomprisedoftheLegislativeAssembly and
parliamentary service—the Premier; or(b)for
the office of the Governor—the Premier; or(c)foradepartment—theMinisteradministeringthedepartment; or(d)for
the Town Commission established under theAlcanQueenslandPty.LimitedAgreementAct1965—theMinister administering matters connected
with the TownCommission; or(e)foracouncilestablishedundertheAurukunandMorningtonShireLeasesAct1978—theMinisteradministering
matters connected with the council; or(f)foranotherlocalgovernment—theMinisteradministering theLocal Government
Act 1993; or(g)for
a statutory body—the Minister administering the Actunder which the statutory body is
established; or(h)for GOCs—the shareholding Ministers as
defined undertheGovernment Owned Corporations Act
1993; or(i)foranotherpublicsectorentity—theMinisteradministering matters connected with the
entity.audit officemeans the
Queensland Audit Office establishedunder section
6(3).Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009SchedulePage
56audit report, for a
controlled entity, means a report given inrelation to the
financial operations of the controlled entity tothe
auditor-general.authorised auditormeans—(a)the auditor-general or deputy
auditor-general; or(b)a member of the staff of the audit
office; or(c)a contract auditor.chairperson, of a public
sector entity, means—(a)ifthepublicsectorentityisacorporationsole—theperson who constitutes the corporation sole;
person appointed as chairperson of the publicsector entity;
or(ii)if no-one is
appointed as chairperson—the personwho presides at
meetings of the public sector entityor of the
governing body of the public sector entity.consolidated
fundmeans the consolidated fund continued
inexistenceundertheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,section 16.consolidated
fund accountsee theFinancialAccountabilityAct 2009,
section 17(1).consolidated whole-of-government financial
Accountability Act 2009, section 25(1).contract
auditormeans a person who is appointed under
thisAct as a contract auditor.controlled entitysee section
5.corporategroupmeans a group consisting of the
controlled entity;(b)1ormoreofthefollowingthatcontrolthecontrolledentity—(i)a department;Current as at 23
September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Schedule(ii)a local
government;(iii)a statutory
body;(iv)a GOC;(v)anentitythatiscontrolledby1ormoreoftheentities
mentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (iv).departmentseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,section 8.expenditureseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,schedule 3.financialyearseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,schedule 3.fullyearreportseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,schedule 3.GOCmeans a government owned corporation.internalcontrolseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,schedule 3.ministerial
officesmeans the offices maintained for
Ministersand their staff.non-public
sector entitymeans an entity that is not a publicsector entity.parliamentary
committeemeans—(a)iftheLegislativeAssemblyresolvesthataparticularcommittee of the
Assembly is to be the parliamentarycommittee under
this Act—that committee; or(b)if
paragraph (a) does not apply and the standing rulesandordersstatethattheportfolioareaofaportfoliocommitteeincludestheauditor-general—thatcommittee; or(c)otherwise—theportfoliocommitteewhoseportfolioareaincludesthedepartment,orthepartofadepartment, in which this Act is
administered.portfolioareaseetheParliamentofQueenslandAct2001,schedule.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 57
Auditor-General Act 2009ScheduleportfoliocommitteeseetheParliamentofQueenslandAct2001,
schedule.prescribed requirementssee theFinancial Accountability Act2009, schedule
relating to an auditofapublicsectorentityand distributed
to relevant entities under section 64.publicmoneysseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,schedule 3.public sector
department; or(b)a local government; or(c)a statutory body; or(d)a GOC; or(e)a
controlled entity.standing rules and orderssee
theParliament of QueenslandAct 2001,
schedule.statutorybodyseetheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009,section 9.Treasurer’sconsolidatedfundbankaccountseetheFinancial
Accountability Act 2009, section 18(1).Page 58Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009Endnotes3KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1C1DAmendments includednone2010
Act No. 372011 Act No. 152011 Act No.
242011 Act No. 26Effective1
July 20091 November 201013 June
201118 August 20119 September
2011NotesPage 60Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009EndnotesCurrent as at23 September
2013Amendments included2013 Act No.
of legislationAuditor-General Act 2009 No. 8date
of assent 28 May 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2009
(2009 SL No. 105)amending legislation—Integrity Reform
(Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2010 No. 37 pts 1, 3date
of assent 20 September 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 November
2010 (2010 SL No. 303)Parliament of Queensland (Reform and
Modernisation) Amendment Act 2011 No. 15ss 1, 2(3), pt
4, div 1date of assent 19 May 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 13 June 2011 (2011 SL No. 76)Parliamentary Service and Other Acts
Amendment Act 2011 No. 24 pts 1, 3date of assent 9
August 2011ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 18 August
2011 (2011 SL No. 154)Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait
Islander Land and Other Legislation AmendmentAct 2011 No. 26
pt 1, s 189 schdate of assent 29 August 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 9 September 2011 (2011 SL No. 173)Treasury and Trade and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 ss 1, 110 sch3 pt 1date
of assent 23 September 2013commenced on date of assent6List of annotationsAppointment of auditor-generals
9amd 2011 No. 24 s 7Duration of
appointments 10sub 2011 No. 24 s 8Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Auditor-General Act 2009EndnotesDeclaration of interestss 12sub
2010 No. 37 s 12amd 2011 No. 24 s 9; 2013 No. 39 s 110 sch 3
pt 1Conflicts of interests 12Ains
2010 No. 37 s 12amd 2013 No. 39 s 110 sch 3 pt 1Suspension of auditor-general when
Legislative Assembly not sittings 19amd
2011 No. 24 s 10Declaration of interests and conflicts of
interestprov hdgsub 2010 No. 37 s
13(1)s 25amd 2010 No. 37 s 13(2)PART
3—AUDIT MANDATEpt hdgamd 2011 No. 24 s
11Auditor-general to audit consolidated fund
and public sector entities unlessexempteds
30amd 2011 No. 24 s 12Exemption of
public sector entities from audit by auditor-general under s
30s 30Ains 2011 No. 24 s 13Exemption of foreign-based controlled
entities and other controlled entities fromaudit by
auditor-generals 32amd 2011 No. 24 s 14Auditor-general to be appointed auditor of
every company public sector entitys 34amd
2011 No. 24 s 15Auditor-general may conduct audit of
matterss 36Ains 2011 No. 24 s 16amd
2013 No. 39 s 110 sch 3 pt 1Performance audit
of public sector entitiess 37Ains 2011 No. 24 s
17Audit of performance management
systemss 38amd 2011 No. 24 s 18Preparation of strategic audit plans for
performance auditss 38Ains 2011 No. 24 s 19Audit
of public sector entitiess 40amd 2011 No. 24 s
20Auditor-general may conduct joint
audits 42Ains 2011 No. 24 s 21Access to documents and propertys
46amd 2011 No. 24 s 22Page 62Current as at 23 September 2013
Auditor-General Act 2009EndnotesConfidentiality and related matterss
53amd 2011 No. 24 s 23Report on
audits 54amd 2011 No. 24 s 24Reports on auditing standardss
58amd 2011 No. 24 s 25Annual reports on
audits of public sector entitiess 60amd
2011 No. 24 s 26Reports on audit of matterss
61Ains 2011 No. 24 s 27Comments on
proposed audit reportss 64amd 2011 No. 24 s
28Proposed reports to remain
confidentialprov hdgamd 2011 No. 24 s
29(1)s 65amd 2011 No. 24 s 29(2)Procedure for reporting certain sensitive
informations 66amd 2011 No. 24 s 30Report of strategic reviews
70amd 2011 No. 15 s 47PART
7—TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSDivision 1—Provisions for Act No. 8 of
2009div hdgins 2010 No. 37 s
14Definitions for div 1s 74 prov
hdgamd 2010 No. 37 s 15Division
2—Provision for Integrity Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act
2010div 2 (s 86)ins 2010 No. 37 s
16Division 3—Transitional provisions for the
Parliamentary Service and Other ActsAmendment Act
2011div 3 (ss 87–89)ins 2011 No. 24 s
31SCHEDULE—DICTIONARYdefappropriate Ministeramd 2011 No. 26 s
189 schdefauditor-general’s reportom
2011 No. 24 s 32(1)defnon-public sector entityins
2011 No. 24 s 32(2)defparliamentary committeesub
2011 No. 15 s 48defportfolio areains 2011 No. 15 s
48(2)defportfolio committeeins
2011 No. 15 s 48(2)defportfolio committee, 2nd
mention, ins 2011 No. 24 s 32(2)defstanding rules and ordersins
2011 No. 15 s 48(2)Current as at 23 September 2013Page