Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008
QueenslandAirportAssets(RestructuringandDisposal)Act2008Current as at 23 September
Information about this reprintThis
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Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 1 PreliminaryPart 1
Introduction[s 1]Airport Assets
(Restructuring and Disposal)Act 2008[as
amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 23
September2013]An Act to facilitate disposal of
particular airport businesses,including by
facilitating the restructure or disposal of airportentities, and to make provision about land
use planning for, andcontrol of, particular airports after
the disposalChapter 1PreliminaryPart 1Introduction1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheAirportAssets(Restructuringand Disposal)
Act 2008.2CommencementThe following
provisions commence on a day to be fixed byproclamation—(a)section 130;(b)chapter 7, part 7, division 3.3Main purposes of Act(1)The main purposes of this Act
are—Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 1
PreliminaryPart 2 Interpretation[s 4](a)to facilitate the carrying out of a
project relating to thedisposal of interests in airports at
Cairns, Mackay andBrisbane; and(b)to
establish a planning regime for airport land at Cairnsand
Mackay; and(c)toprovideforparticularmattersaboutthecontinuingoperation of
airports at Cairns and Mackay.(2)ItistheintentionoftheParliamentthatthefundsrealisedfrom
the divestment of airport assets under this Act be appliedtowards health and other regional
infrastructure and that anysurplus be
retained in the Queensland future growth fund forinvestment in future regional
infrastructure.Part 2Interpretation4DictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 3 defines particular words used inthis Act.5The projectTheprojectis—(a)disposingofparticularairportbusinesses,assetsandliabilities of Cairns Ports and Mackay
Ports; and(b)takingstepstofacilitatethedisposalmentionedinparagraph (a), including by—(i)restructuringbusinesses,assetsandliabilitiesofCairns Ports and Mackay Ports, their
subsidiariesand other airport entities; and(ii)disposing of
airport entities: andPage 8Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 1 PreliminaryPart 2
Interpretation[s 6](c)disposing of shares in BAC Holdings held by
Gateway;and(d)taking other
steps relating to the disposal of Gateway’sinterest in BAC
Holdings, including—(i)restructuringGatewayanditsassetsforthepurpose of the
disposal; and(ii)facilitatingagreementaboutthetermsofashareholdersdeedofcovenantandfacilitatingexecution of the
deed; and(e)disposingofsharesinGatewayheldbyPOBC,andtaking steps to facilitate that
disposal.6Airport entitiesEach of the
following is anairport entity—(a)Cairns Ports;(b)Mackay Ports;(c)POBC;(d)Gateway;(e)QIC;(f)QICInfrastructureManagementastrusteeforQICBrisbane Airport Infrastructure
company of which Cairns Ports, Mackay Ports, POBCor
QIC is the ultimate holding company;(i)a
government company established for the project;(j)acompanythatwasanairportentityunderparagraph(h),allofwhoseshareshavebeentransferredtotheState, to QTH or to a government
company mentionedin paragraph (i).Current as at 23
September 2013Page 9
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 1
PreliminaryPart 2 Interpretation[s 7]7Airport landAirportlandislandthatisCairnsairportlandorMackayairport
land.8Cairns airport land(1)The following land isCairns airport land—(a)land that, on the completion day for
Cairns InternationalAirport,hasapropertydescriptionmentionedinschedule 1, part 1;(b)landprescribedtobeCairnsairportlandunderaregulation for this section.(2)However,landisnotCairnsairportlandifitisprescribedunderaregulationforthissectionnottobeCairnsairportland.(3)The
Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Councilthe
making of a regulation under subsection (1)(b) unless theMinister is satisfied the land is or will be
used in connectionwith Cairns International Airport.(4)Subject to subsection (2), land
mentioned in subsection (1)(a)continuestobeCairnsairportlandevenif,afterthecompletion day, it has a different property
description.(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthereisnoCairnsairport land
until the completion day for Cairns InternationalAirport.9Mackay airport land(1)The
following land isMackay airport land—(a)landthat,onthecompletiondayforMackayAirport,has
a property description mentioned in schedule 1, part2;(b)landprescribedtobeMackayairportlandunderaregulation for this section.Page
10Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 1 PreliminaryPart 2
Interpretation[s 10](2)However, land is not Mackay airport land if
it is prescribedunder a regulation for this section not to
be Mackay airportland.(3)The
Minister must not recommend to the Governor in Councilthe
making of a regulation under subsection (1)(b) unless theMinister is satisfied the land is or will be
used in connectionwith Mackay Airport.(4)Subject to subsection (2), land mentioned in
subsection (1)(a)continuestobeMackayairportlandevenif,afterthecompletion day, it has a different property
description.(5)To remove any doubt, it is declared
that there is no Mackayairport land until the completion day
for Mackay Airport.10References to functionsIn
this Act—(a)a reference to a function includes a
power; and(b)a reference to performing a function
includes exercisinga power.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 11
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 1 Particular Ministerial powers and
activities relating to the project[s 11]Chapter 2Restructure and
disposal ofairport entities and relatedmattersPart 1Particular Ministerial powersand
activities relating to theproject11Associated activitiesFor the purpose
of the project, the Minister may do any of thefollowing—(a)examine a business, asset or liability of an
airport entity,includingarecordrelatingtoabusiness,assetorliability;(b)decidethemostappropriatewayofrestructuringabusiness, asset or liability of an airport
entity, includingby deciding whether or not a business, asset
or liabilityof an airport entity is to be transferred to
another airportentity;(c)decidethemostappropriatewayofdisposingofanairportentityorofabusiness,assetorliabilityofanairport entity;(d)anythingelsenecessaryorincidentaltofacilitatethedisposalofanairportentityorofabusiness,assetorliability of an airport entity or the
continuing operationof an airport entity.12Transfer notice(1)For
the purpose of the project, the Minister may, by gazettenotice (atransfer
notice), do any of the following—Page
12Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 1 Particular
Ministerial powers and activities relating to the project[s
12](a)transfersharesinanairportentitytoanotherairportentity or the State;(b)transfer a business, asset or liability of
an airport entityto another airport entity or the
State;(c)make provision about the consideration
for shares or abusiness,assetorliabilitytransferredunderparagraph(a) or
(b);(d)grant a lease, easement or other right
to an airport entity;(e)vary or
extinguish a lease, easement or other right heldby
an airport entity;(f)in relation to a lease held under
theLand Act 1994—(i)transfer the lease; or(ii)change a purpose
for which the lease is issued; or(iii)change a condition imposed on the lease;
or(iv)grant a
sublease;(g)in relation to a reserve under
theLand Act 1994—(i)change a community purpose for which
the reserveis dedicated; or(ii)remove a trustee of the reserve; or(iii)appointatrusteeofthereserve,subjecttoconditions or without
conditions;(h)provide whether and, if so, the extent
to which an airportentity is the successor in law of another
airport entity orthe State is the successor in law of an
airport entity;(i)make provision for a legal proceeding
that is being, ormaybe,takenbyoragainstanairportentitytobecontinued or
taken by or against another airport entity orthe
State;(j)make provision about the application
of instruments toan airport entity, including—Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 1 Particular Ministerial powers and
activities relating to the project[s 12](i)whetheranairportentityisapartytoaninstrument;
and(ii)whetheraninstrument,orabenefitorrightprovided by an
instrument, is taken to have beengiven to, by or
in favour of an airport entity; and(iii)whether a reference to an entity in an
instrument isa reference to an airport entity; and(iv)whether, under
an instrument, an amount is or maybecome payable
to or by an airport entity or otherpropertyis,ormaybe,transferredtoorbyanairport entity; and(v)whether a right or entitlement under an
instrumentis held by an airport entity;(k)provide that—(i)an
instrument is a shareholders deed of covenant;and(ii)a party to the
BACH Shareholders Agreement or aholder of shares
in BAC Holdings is a party to theinstrument;(l)makeprovisionforthetransferorsecondmentofanemployee of an airport entity to
another airport entity;(m)make provision
about the employees of an airport entityand their
rights;(n)make provision about the records of an
airport entity;(o)makeprovisionaboutanincidental,consequentialorsupplemental matter the Minister considers
necessary orconvenient for effectively carrying out the
project.(2)Atransfernoticemayincludeconditionsapplyingtosomething done or to be done under the
notice.(3)IftheMinisterissatisfieditwouldbeinappropriateforaparticular matter to be stated in a
transfer notice (for example,because of the
size or nature of the matter), the Minister mayPage 14Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 1 Particular
Ministerial powers and activities relating to the project[s
12]provide for the matter by including a
reference in the transfernotice to another document that
is—(a)signed by the Minister; and(b)kept available, at a place stated in
the transfer notice, forinspection by the persons to whom the
matter relates.(4)The transfer of a liability of an
airport entity under a transfernoticedischargestheentityfromtheliability,excepttotheextent stated in
the notice.(5)Atransfernoticehaseffectdespiteanyotherlaworinstrument.Example—A transfer notice removing a trustee
of a reserve under theLand Act1994has
effect despite the requirements that would otherwise apply
tothe removal if it were done by the land
Minister under section 51(1) ofthat Act.(6)A transfer notice has effect on the
day it is published in thegazette or a later day stated in
(1)(j) in relation to an instrument, the responsibleentityfortheinstrumentmusttaketheactionnecessarytoregister or record the effect of the
transfer notice, including—(a)updating a register or other record;
and(b)amending, cancelling or issuing an
instrument.(8)In this section—authorityincludesaccreditation,allocation,approval,certificate,entitlement,exemption,licence,manual,notice,permit and plan.employee, of
an airport entity, does not include a director ofthe
entity.instrumentincludes an
application or authority under an
Ministermeans the Minister administering theLand
Act1994.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 1 Particular Ministerial powers and
activities relating to the project[s 13]leaseincludes
sublease.responsibleentity,foraninstrument,meanstheentityrequired or
authorised by law to register or record matters inrelation to the instrument.13Limitation on power to second
employees of an airportentity(1)The
secondment of an employee under a transfer notice mustnot,
without the employee’s consent, involve—(a)a
reduction in the employee’s status; or(b)anychangeintheemployee’sdutiesthatwouldbeunreasonablehavingregardtotheemployee’sskills,abilities and experience.(2)Anemployee’sstatusisnotreducedforthepurposesofsubsection (1)(a) by—(a)a reduction in the scope of the
business operations forwhich the employee is responsible;
or(b)areductioninthenumberofemployeesundertheemployee’s supervision or
management;if the employee’s functions in their general
nature remain thesameas,orsimilarto,theemployee’sfunctionsbeforesecondment.14Project direction(1)The
Minister may give a direction (aproject
direction) to anairport entity
or its board requiring the entity or board to dosomething the Minister considers necessary
or convenient foreffectively carrying out the project.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),aprojectdirectionmaybeabout—(a)formingacompanyforthepurposeoftransferringabusiness, asset or liability to the company;
orPage 16Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 1 Particular
Ministerial powers and activities relating to the project[s
14](b)winding up or deregistering a company;
or(c)making or executing an instrument;
or(d)makingaparticulardecisionaboutdisposingofaninterest held in
an airport entity or a business, asset orliability;
or(e)making a particular decision for the
purpose of returningthe proceeds of a disposal mentioned
in paragraph (d) tothe State; orExample—a decision about a dividend or return
of capital(f)disclosing information.(3)A project direction must be in
writing, signed by the Minister.(4)An
airport entity must comply with a project direction givento
it.(5)An airport entity’s board must—(a)if a project direction is given to the
board—comply withthe direction; or(b)ifaprojectdirectionisgiventotheentity—taketheaction necessary to ensure the entity
complies with thedirection.(6)An
airport entity’s employees must help the entity or board tocomply with a project direction given to the
entity or board.(7)ThissectiondoesnotapplytoQIC,QICInfrastructureManagement or
their boards.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 2 Application of other laws and
instruments[s 15]Part 2Application of other laws andinstruments15Chapter applies despite other laws and
instrumentsA thing may be done under this chapter
despite any other lawor instrument.Example—In accordance with a project direction
given to its board, a GOC mayform a company
that will become a subsidiary without obtaining theapprovalthatwouldotherwiseberequiredundertheGovernmentOwned
Corporations Act 1993, section 163.16Excluded matter for Corporations ActAnythingdonebytheMinisterunderthischapterisanexcludedmatterfortheCorporationsAct,section5F,inrelation to the Corporations Act,
chapter 2D.Editor’s notes—•CorporationsAct,section5F(CorporationslegislationdoesnotapplytomattersdeclaredbyStateorTerritorylawtobeanexcluded matter)•Corporations Act, chapter 2D (Officers and
employees)17Non-liability for dutyNo
duty under theDutiesAct2001is payable in
relation toanything done under a transfer
notice.18Non-application of Property Law Act
1974, s 121TheProperty Law Act 1974,
section 121, does not apply to alease of airport
land granted by an airport lessor.19Disposal of public records(1)This section applies if—Page
18Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 2 Application
of other laws and instruments[s 20](a)athingisdoneunderatransfernoticeorprojectdirection;
and(b)the thing is, or involves, a disposal
of a public recordunder thePublic Records
Act 2002.(2)To remove any
doubt, it is declared that, for the purpose ofsection 13 of
that Act, the public record is disposed of underlegal authority, justification or
excuse.20Decisions not reviewable(1)A decision under this chapter—(a)is final and conclusive; and(b)cannotbechallenged,appealedagainst,reviewed,quashed, set aside or called in question in
any other way,undertheJudicialReviewAct1991orotherwise(whether by the
Supreme Court, another court, a tribunalor another
entity); and(c)is not subject to any writ or order of
the Supreme Court,another court, a tribunal or another entity
on any ground.(2)In this section—decisionincludes—(a)a
decision to give a transfer notice or project direction;and(b)a decision or
conduct leading up to or forming part ofthe process of
making a decision.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 3 Miscellaneous[s 21]Part
within which Minister may actThe Minister may
not perform a function under this chapteron or after 1
July 2009.22Registering authority to note transfer
or other dealing(1)The registrar of titles or other
person required or authorised bylawtoregisterorrecordtransactionsaffectingassetsorliabilities—(a)may,
without formal application, register or record in theappropriate way a transfer or other dealing
affecting anasset or liability under a transfer notice;
and(b)must,onwrittenapplicationbyatransfereeentity,register or record in the appropriate way
the transfer ofanassetorliabilityunderatransfernoticetothetransferee
entity.(2)A transaction, related to an asset or
liability transferred to atransferee entity, entered into by the
transferee entity in therelevant transferor entity’s name or
the name of a predecessorintitletotherelevanttransferorentity,ifeffectedbyaninstrument otherwise in registrable
form, must be registeredeven though the transferee entity has
not been registered asproprietor of the asset or
liability.(3)If an asset or liability is registered
in the name of a transferorentity, the
registrar of titles or other registering authority mayregister a dealing for a transaction about
the asset or liabilitywithout being concerned to enquire
whether it is, or is not, anasset or
liability transferred under a transfer notice.(4)In
this section—transferee entitymeans the entity
to which an asset or liabilityis transferred
under a transfer notice.Page 20Current as at 23
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Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 3
Miscellaneous[s 23]transferorentitymeanstheentityfromwhichanassetorliability is transferred under a transfer
notice.23Confidentiality agreement with
prospective purchasers(1)Aprospectivepurchasermayenterintoaconfidentialityagreement with
the State for the purpose of obtaining accessto information
in the possession or control of an airport entity.(2)The agreement must state—(a)the information to which access may be
given; and(b)the employees or agents of the
prospective purchaser towhom the access may be given;
and(c)any conditions of the
agreement.(3)Information mentioned in subsection
(2)(a) may be identifiedby description including by a stated
category.(4)The persons mentioned in subsection
(2)(b) may be identifiedby name, by a stated class, or by
being a person approved bythe State.(5)In
this section—(a)a reference to an agreement includes a
deed; and(b)a reference to entering into an
agreement with the Stateincludes executing a deed in favour of
the State.(6)In this section—prospective
purchasermeans a person who has expressed tothe
State an interest in purchasing an airport entity, shares inan
airport entity or part or all of a business of an airport
entity.24Disclosure and use of information for
the project(1)Apersonmaydiscloseinformationinthepossessionorcontrol of an airport entity, for the
purpose of the project, to—(a)a
person involved in the project; orCurrent as at 23
September 2013Page 21
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 3 Miscellaneous[s 25](b)a person to whom the information may
be given under aconfidentiality agreement; or(c)anairportentity,oremployeeoragentofanairportentity.(2)An airport entity or its board must
comply with a request bytheMinisterforthedisclosureofinformationundersubsection (1) to a person.(3)A person may use information in the
possession or control ofan airport entity for the purpose of
the project.(4)Also, to remove any doubt, it is
declared that a person maydiscloseoruseinformationincompliancewithatransfernotice or
project direction.(5)A person who, acting honestly,
discloses or uses informationunder this
section is not liable, civilly, criminally or under anadministrative process, for the disclosure
or use.(6)In this section—confidentiality
agreementmeans an agreement mentioned insection 23, whether entered into or executed
before or afterthe commencement of this section.25Effect on legal relationships(1)Nothing done under this
confidence or duty; or(b)makesarelevantentityinbreachofanyinstrument,includinganinstrumentprohibiting,restrictingorregulating the assignment, novation or
transfer of a rightor liability or the disclosure of
information; or(c)except as expressly provided under a
transfer notice, istaken to fulfil a condition that—(i)terminates,orallowsapersontoterminate,aninstrument or obligation; orPage
22Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 3
Miscellaneous[s 25](ii)modifies,orallowsapersontomodify,theoperation or effect of an instrument or
obligation;or(iii)allows a person
to avoid or enforce an obligation orliabilitycontainedinaninstrumentorrequiresapersontoperformanobligationcontainedinaninstrument;
or(d)releases a surety or other obligee,
wholly or partly, froman obligation.(2)If,
apart from this subsection, the advice, consent or approvalof a
person would be necessary to do something under thischapter,theadviceistakentohavebeenobtainedortheconsentorapprovalistakentohavebeengivenunconditionally.Example—A contract entered into by an airport
entity provides that the entityagrees not to
transfer a particular asset without a particular person’sconsent and that, if the consent is given,
it may be subject to particularconditions. If
the asset is transferred to another airport entity under atransfer notice, the consent required under
the contract is taken to havebeen given
unconditionally.(3)If, apart from this subsection, giving
notice to a person wouldbe necessary to do something under
this chapter, the notice istaken to have
been given.(4)In this section—relevant
State or an employee or agent of the State; or(b)an
airport entity or an employee or agent of an airportentity.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 23
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 3 Miscellaneous[s 26]26Things done under this chapterTo
remove any doubt, it is declared that a thing is taken to bedone
under this chapter if it is done by, or in compliance with,a
transfer notice or project direction, even if the thing
includestaking steps under another Act.Example—AnairportentityisalesseeoflandundertheLandAct1994.Incompliance with a project direction, the
airport entity grants a subleaseof the land. The
grant of the sublease is taken to be done under thischapter. So, under section 25(2), any
approval to the sublease that wouldotherwise be
required under theLand Act 1994, section 332, is
taken tohave been given unconditionally.27Preservation of rights of seconded
employees(1)This section applies if an employee of
an airport entity (theemployer)issecondedtoanotherairportentityunderatransfer notice.(2)Theemployeeistakentocontinuetobeemployedbytheemployer on the same terms and
conditions as applied beforethe secondment,
subject to any subsequent variation of thoseterms and
conditions under any applicable law or contract.(3)The secondment does not—(a)affecttheemployee’sbenefits,entitlementsorremuneration; or(b)prejudice the employee’s existing or
accruing rights tosuperannuation or recreation, sick, long
service or otherleave; or(c)interrupt continuity of service, except that
the employeeisnotentitledtoclaimthebenefitofarightorentitlementmorethanonceinrelationtothesameperiod of
service; or(d)constituteaterminationofemploymentbytheemployer, retrenchment or
redundancy.Page 24Current as at 23
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Act 2008Chapter 2 Restructure and disposal of airport
entities and related mattersPart 3
Miscellaneous[s 28](4)Thesecondmentcontinues,eveniftheotherairportentitystops being an airport entity, until the
secondment is ended bytheemployerortheemployee’semploymentwiththeemployer ends.(5)In
this section—employee, of an airport
entity, does not include a director ofthe
entity.28Preservation of rights of transferred
employees(1)Thissectionappliestothetransferofanemployeeofanairport entity (theformer employer) to another
airport entityas part of the project.(2)The
transfer does not—(a)affecttheemployee’sbenefits,entitlementsorremuneration; or(b)prejudice the employee’s existing or
accruing rights tosuperannuation or recreation, sick, long
service or otherleave; or(c)interrupt continuity of service, except that
the employeeisnotentitledtoclaimthebenefitofarightorentitlementmorethanonceinrelationtothesameperiod of
service; or(d)constituteaterminationofemploymentbytheformeremployer,
retrenchment or redundancy; or(e)entitletheemployeetoapaymentorotherbenefitbecause he or she is no longer employed by
the formeremployer; or(f)requiretheformeremployertomakeanypaymentinrelation to the employee’s accrued rights to
recreation,sick,longserviceorotherleaveirrespectiveofanyarrangementbetweentheformeremployerandtheemployee.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 2
Restructure and disposal of airport entities and related
mattersPart 3 Miscellaneous[s 29](3)In this section—employee, of
an airport entity, does not include a director ofthe
entity.29Evidentiary aids(1)This
section applies to a proceeding under this chapter.(2)AcertificatesignedbytheMinisterstatinganyofthefollowing
matters is conclusive evidence of the matter—(a)that
a stated thing was, or is being, done for the purposeof
the project;(b)that a stated person is, or was at a
stated time, involvedin the project;(c)that
a stated company was established for the project;(d)that a stated direction given by the
Minister related tothe project.(3)A
document certified by the Minister to be a copy of a projectdirection is conclusive evidence of the
direction.Page 26Current as at 23
September 2013
Chapter 3Airport Assets
(Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use
plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 30]Land use plans
anddevelopment on airportlandPart
1Land use plans for airport landDivision 1Preliminary30Definitions for pt 1In this
part—corematters,inrelationtoalanduseplan(includingitspreparation), means each of the following
matters—(a)land use and development;(b)core airport infrastructure;(c)valuable use and
development, for an area, includes each of thefollowing—(a)the
location of, and the relationships between, the landuses
in the area;(b)the current effects of land use in the
area;(c)thelikelyeffectsofanyproposeddevelopmentoftheairport land;(d)the
accessibility to, and within, the airport land.valuablefeaturesincludeseachofthefollowing,whetherterrestrial or aquatic—(a)resourcesorareasthatareofecologicalsignificance(such as
habitats, wildlife corridors, buffer zones, placessupportingbiologicaldiversityorresilience,andCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use
plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 31]featurescontributingtothequalityofair,water(including catchments or recharge areas) and
soil);(b)areascontributingsignificantlytoamenity(suchasareas of high scenic value, physical
features that formsignificantvisualbackdropsorthatframeordefineplaces or
localities, and attractive built environments);(c)areas or places of cultural heritage
significance (such asareasorplacesofindigenousculturalsignificance,oraesthetic,architectural,historical,scientific,socialortechnological significance, to the
present generation orpast or future generations);(d)resources or areas of economic value
(such as extractivedeposits,fisheryresources,forestryresources,waterresources,sourcesofrenewableandnon-renewableenergy and good
quality agricultural land).Division 2Airport lessee’s first land use plan31Notice of first land use plan(1)The Minister must, as soon as
practicable after the completionday for each
airport, publish notice in the gazette of the landuseplan(thefirstlanduseplan)fortheairportlessee’sairport
land.(2)Section 35, other than section
35(1)(e) and (f), applies to thefirst land use
plan.(3)The Minister may act under subsection
(1) in relation to a landuse plan only if satisfied—(a)theplansatisfactorilydealswiththecoremattersrelevant to the plan; and(b)State interests will not be adversely
affected by the plan.(4)The Minister
must give a copy of the gazette notice and thefirst land use
plan to—Page 28Current as at 23
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Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use plans and development on
airport landPart 1 Land use plans for airport land[s
32](a)the airport lessee; and(b)the local government.(5)The local government must make a note
on each relevant mapin the local government’s planning
scheme that—(a)identifies the airport land to which
the first land use planapplies; and(b)states that interested persons may obtain
details of theland use plan from the airport lessee for
the airport land.32Status of first land use planThe
first land use plan for an airport lessee’s airport land—(a)becomes the land use plan for the
airport land on andfromthedaynoticeoftheplanispublishedinthegazette; and(b)istakentobethelanduseplanfortheairportlandapproved under this part until it is
replaced or amendedunder the part.Division 3Initial requirement to make new planor
amend first land use plan33Requirement to
replace or amend first land use plan(1)Within2yearsafterthecompletiondayforitsairport,theairport lessee must, under division 4,
prepare a statement ofproposal and a draft plan in relation
to—(a)replacing the lessee’s first land use
plan; or(b)amending the lessee’s first land use
plan to include thematters mentioned in section 35(1)(e) and
(f).(2)Subsection(1)(b)doesnotlimitthemattersthatmaybeincluded in the
first land use plan.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 34](3)Divisions4and5,otherthansection34,applytothepreparation and approval of the
replacement land use plan oramendment.Division 4Land
use plans—generally34Requirement to prepare land use
planAtleastevery8yearsafterthedayanairportlessee’sfirstlanduseplanisreplacedoramendedincompliancewithsection33,thelesseemustpreparealanduseplanforthelessee’s airport land for approval
under this division.35Content of land use plan(1)A land use plan for an airport
lessee’s airport land must—(a)state details of—(i)the
airport land; and(ii)the current and
intended uses of the airport land;and(b)coordinate and integrate the core
matters relevant to theland use plan; and(c)identify desired environmental outcomes for
the airportland; and(d)includemeasuresthatwillhelpachievethedesiredenvironmental
outcomes; and(e)include a schedule of charges
(acharges schedule) thelocal government may levy for infrastructure
providedbythelocalgovernmentinrelationtodevelopmentthat—(i)is on the airport land; and(ii)is consistent
with the land use plan; andPage 30Current as at 23
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Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use plans and development on
airport landPart 1 Land use plans for airport land[s
36](f)includeapriorityinfrastructureinterfaceplanfortheairport land.Editor’s
note—For requirements about preparing a
charges schedule, see section 43.(2)Forsubsection(1)(d),measuresthatwillhelpachievethedesiredenvironmentaloutcomesmayincludetheidentification of relevant—(a)exemptorself-assessabledevelopmentunderthelanduse plan;
or(b)assessabledevelopmentunderthelanduseplanrequiring code
or impact assessment.(3)Without limiting
subsection (1), a land use plan may—(a)statethatparticulardevelopmentisconsistentorinconsistent with the plan; or(b)statethatanypartoftheairportlandisintendedtoremain undeveloped land or part of a buffer
zone; or(c)statethatparticulardevelopmentinconsistentwiththeplanisassessabledevelopmentrequiringimpactassessment under
the Planning Act; or(d)include details
of any land proposed to become part ofthe airport
land.(4)This section does not limit the
matters that may be included ina land use plan
under part 2.36Statement of proposal for preparation
of land use plan oramendment of plan(1)Anairportlesseemustprepareastatement(statementofproposal) about—(a)the preparation of a land use plan;
to remove land from the land use plan; orCurrent as at 23
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plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 36](ii)relates to land that is already airport land
and theamendment does not change any use—(A)fromdevelopmentthatisinconsistentwiththeplantodevelopmentthatisconsistentwith the plan;
or(B)fromassessabledevelopmenttoeitherexempt or
self-assessable development underthe Planning
Act; or(iii)is a minor
amendment of the land use plan.(2)The
statement of proposal must—(a)identifymatterstheairportlesseeanticipatesthelanduse plan will
address; and(b)statehowtheairportlesseeintendstoaddresseachrelevant aspect of the core matters in the
land use plan.(3)Theairportlesseemustgiveacopyofthestatementofproposal to—(a)the
local government; and(b)the planning
Minister.(4)In this section—minor
amendment, of a land use plan, means an
amendmentcorrecting or changing any of the
following—(a)an explanatory matter about the
plan;(b)the format or presentation of the
plan;(c)a grammatical or mapping error in the
plan;(d)a factual matter incorrectly stated in
the plan;(e)a redundant or outdated term;(f)a matter in the land use plan that is
inconsistent with aState planning regulatory provision, a
regional plan or aState planning policy under the Planning
Act.Page 32Current as at 23
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airport landPart 1 Land use plans for airport land[s
37]37Draft plan for preparation or
amendment of land use planAfter complying with section 36, and
section 38 to the extentthe section relates to a statement of
proposal, an airport lesseemust—(a)take appropriate account of issues
raised as a result ofconsultation under section 38 in
relation to the statementof proposal; and(b)prepare a draft (draft
plan) of—(i)if
the statement of proposal is for the preparation ofa
land use plan—the land use plan; or(ii)if
the statement of proposal is for an amendment ofalanduseplan—theamendmentofthelanduseplan; and(c)give
a copy of the draft plan to—(i)the
local government; and(ii)the planning
Minister.38Consultation on statement of proposal
or draft plan(1)This section applies if an airport
lessee prepares a statement ofproposal under
section 36 or a draft plan under section 37.(2)The
airport lessee must publish, at least once in a newspapercirculatinggenerallyintheareatowhichthestatementofproposalorthedraftplanrelates,anoticestatingthefollowing—(a)the
name of the airport lessee;(b)thenameoftheairporttowhichthestatementofproposal or draft plan relates;(c)thattheairportlesseehaspreparedastatementofproposaloradraftplan,andthatitisavailableforinspection and purchase;(d)acontacttelephonenumberforinformationaboutthestatement of proposal or draft
plan;Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 39](e)that
any person may make written submissions about thestatement of proposal or draft plan to the
airport lessee;(f)thatthelocalgovernmentmaymakewrittensubmissionsaboutthestatementofproposalordraftplan to the
planning Minister;(g)theperiod(theconsultationperiod)duringwhichsubmissions mentioned in paragraph (e) or
(f) may bemade;(h)the
requirements for properly making a submission.(3)The
consultation period must be—(a)for
a statement of proposal—at least 20 business daysafter the notice is first published under
subsection (2); or(b)foradraftplan—atleast40businessdaysafterthenotice is first published under subsection
(2).39Consideration of draft plan and local
receiving a draft plan, the planning Minister must considerwhether or not any State interests would be
adversely affectedby the proposed draft plan.(2)Also,beforeapprovingadraftplanorrecommendingapproval of a
draft plan to the Governor in Council under thisdivision, the planning Minister must—(a)consider any submissions given to the
planning Ministerby a local government under section 38(2);
and(b)givethelocalgovernmentawrittennoticeabouttheplanning Minister’s considerations under
paragraph (a).40Directions for amendment of draft
plan(1)The planning Minister may return a
draft plan prepared by theairportlesseeforamendmentinthewaydirectedbytheplanning
Minister.Page 34Current as at 23
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airport landPart 1 Land use plans for airport land[s
41](2)Acopyofthedirectionmustbepublishedinthegazettewithin 21 days
after it is given.41Approval of land use plans(1)The planning Minister may approve a
draft plan if satisfiedthat—(a)the
draft plan, or land use plan as amended by the draftplan, satisfactorily deals with the core
matters relevantto the land use plan; and(b)the airport lessee has taken
appropriate account of issuesraised in
written submissions made to it under section38(2);
and(c)thelocalgovernmentdoesnothaveasubstantialobjection to the
draft plan; and(d)State interests will not be adversely
affected by the draftplan.(2)If
the planning Minister is satisfied about subsection (1)(a),(b)and(d)butissatisfiedthatthelocalgovernmenthasasubstantial objection to the draft
plan, the draft plan may onlybe approved by
the Governor in Council.(3)Approval of a
land use plan, or an amendment of a land useplan, must be
notified in the gazette within 21 days after it isgiven.(4)The
approval takes effect when it is notified in the gazette.42Airport lessee to publish approved
planEachairportlesseemustensuretheairportlessee’scurrentlanduseplanapprovedunderthispartispublishedontheairport lessee’s website.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use
plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 43]Division 5Local government charges forinfrastructure43Charges for particular infrastructure(1)In preparing a charges schedule for a
land use plan, the airportlessee must consult with—(a)the local government; and(b)the planning Minister.(2)A charge under the charges schedule
may only be levied forthefollowinginfrastructureprovidedbythelocalgovernment—(a)drainage;(b)public transport;(c)roads;(d)sewerage and water supply headworks.(3)A charge included under the charges
schedule must be workedoutonthebasisoftherelevanceoftheinfrastructureforwhichthechargeistobemadetotheactualproposeddevelopment.Division 6Other matters44Notification about airport land and land use
plans onplanning schemes(1)Ifalanduseplanforairportlandisapprovedoramendedunder division
4, the planning chief executive must—(a)givewrittennoticeofthedetailsoftheplanoramendment to the local government;
and(b)makeanoteoneachrelevantmapinthelocalgovernment’splanningschemeheldbytheplanningchief executive.Page 36Current as at 23 September 2013
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airport landPart 1 Land use plans for airport land[s
45](2)Onreceivingthenoticeundersubsection(1),thelocalgovernmentmustmakeanoteoneachrelevantmapinthelocal government’s planning scheme.(3)The note must—(a)identifytheairportlandtowhichthelanduseplanapplies;
and(b)statethatinterestedpersonsmayobtaindetailsoftheland use plan
from the airport lessee for the airport land.45Effect of land ceasing to be airport
land(1)This section applies if land (former airport land) ceases to
beairport land.(2)The
airport lessee for the airport land must give written noticeof
the particulars of the former airport land to—(a)thelocalgovernmentforthelocalgovernmentareawithin which the former airport land is
situated; and(b)the planning chief executive.(3)Anentitygivenanoticeundersubsection(2)mustmakeanote on each relevant map in the local
government’s planningscheme held by the entity.(4)Thenotemustindicatethattheformerairportlandisnolonger subject to the land use
plan.(5)On and from the day land ceases to be
airport land, the landuse plan that, other than for this
section, would apply to theland is taken
not to apply to the land.(6)Subsection (5)
applies to former airport land even if the landuseplanhasnotbeenamendedtoshowtheformerairportland
is not included in the plan.46Ministerial direction to airport
lessee(1)This section applies if the planning
Minister is satisfied—Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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plans and development on airport landPart 1 Land use
plans for airport land[s 46](a)a
minor amendment of a land use plan for airport land isrequired; or(b)anairportlesseehasnotcompliedwitharequirementunder division 3
or 4 to make or amend a land use plan.(2)TheplanningMinistermay,bywrittennotice,directtheairport lessee—(a)tomaketheminoramendmenttothelanduseplanwithin a stated
reasonable period; or(b)complywiththerequirementunderdivision3or4within a stated
reasonable period.(3)Thenoticemuststatethereasonsfordecidingtogivethedirection.(4)Before giving a direction to an airport
lessee under subsection(2), the planning Minister must
consult with the lessee.(5)The airport
lessee must comply with the direction.(6)In
this section—minor amendment, of a land use
plan, means an amendmentcorrecting or changing any of the
following—(a)an explanatory matter about the
plan;(b)the format or presentation of the
plan;(c)a grammatical or mapping error in the
plan;(d)a factual matter incorrectly stated in
the plan;(e)a redundant or outdated term;(f)a matter in the land use plan that is
inconsistent with aState planning regulatory provision, a
regional plan or aState planning policy under the Planning
Act.Page 38Current as at 23
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airport landPart 2 Relationship with Planning Act and
particular matters about development on airportland[s
47]Part 2Relationship
with Planning Actand particular matters aboutdevelopment on airport landDivision 1Preliminary47Application of Planning Act(1)Subject to this part, the Planning Act
applies for developmenton airport land.(2)If
there is an inconsistency between this part and the PlanningAct,
this part prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.Division 2Particular
provisions aboutdevelopment on airport land48Airport land not subject to local
planning instrument(1)Airportlandisnotsubjecttoalocalplanninginstrumentunder the
Planning Act.(2)Subsection (1) has effect despite the
Planning Act, chapter 3.49Development under
land use plan(1)A land use plan may state that
development on airport landthatisconsistentwiththeplanisexemptdevelopment,self-assessabledevelopment,developmentrequiringcompliance assessment or assessable
development under thePlanning Act.(2)However,thelanduseplancannotstatethatanyofthefollowingdevelopmentisassessabledevelopmentunderthePlanning Act—(a)development that—Current as at 23
September 2013Page 39
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plans and development on airport landPart 2 Relationship
with Planning Act and particular matters about development on
airportland[s 50](i)isamaterialchangeofuseforcoreairportinfrastructure;
and(ii)is consistent
with the plan;(b)self-assessabledevelopmentprescribedunderthePlanning Act, section 232(1).(3)Also,thelanduseplancannotstatethatprescribeddevelopmentisself-assessabledevelopment,developmentrequiringcomplianceassessmentorassessabledevelopmentunder the
Planning Act.(4)Prescribed development is exempt from
assessment, under thePlanning Act, against a land use
plan.(5)Self-assessabledevelopmentprescribedunderthePlanningAct, section
232(1) is self-assessable development for the landuse
plan.(6)In this section—prescribeddevelopmentmeansdevelopmentthat,underaregulation under the Planning Act, section
232(2), is exemptfrom assessment against a planning
scheme.50Local government is advice agency for
particulardevelopmentIf the planning
chief executive is the assessment manager for adevelopment
application for development on airport land—(a)thelocalgovernmentisanadviceagencyunderthePlanning Act for the application; and(b)the local government’s jurisdiction as
an advice agencyisinrelationtoanymaterialimpactsoftheproposeddevelopment,identifiedbythelocalgovernment,onland,otherthanairportland,initslocalgovernmentarea.Page
40Current as at 23 September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use plans and development on
airport landPart 2 Relationship with Planning Act and
particular matters about development on airportland[s
51]51Restriction on conditions of
development approvals(1)Theassessmentmanagerforadevelopmentapplicationfordevelopmentonairportlandmayimposeacontributionconditiononthedevelopmentapprovalfortheapplicationonly in relation
to the following infrastructure provided by alocal
government—(a)drainage;(b)public transport;(c)roads;(d)sewerage and water supply headworks.(2)A condition can not be imposed on a
development approvalfor reconfiguring a lot on airport
land if the condition requiresa monetary
payment to anyone for the reconfiguration.(3)In
this section—contribution condition, for a
development approval, means acondition of the
approval requiring the payment of an amountto a local
government for infrastructure provided by the localgovernment in relation to the
development.52Particular provisions of Planning Act
do not apply inrelation to airport land(1)The
Planning Act, section 714 does not apply in relation toairport land.(2)ApersonisnotentitledtoclaimcompensationunderthePlanning Act, chapter 9, part 3, or
any other law in relation toa change to a
land use plan affecting the person’s interest inany
airport land.53Modified application of Planning Act,
ch 9, pt 6, div 4(1)Apersonmayapplytotheplanningchiefexecutiveforaplanning and development certificate
under the Planning Act,chapter 9, part 6, division 4, for
premises on airport land.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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plans and development on airport landPart 2 Relationship
with Planning Act and particular matters about development on
airportland[s 54](2)The
application must be accompanied by the fee prescribedunder a regulation.(3)Forsubsection(1),thePlanningAct,sections738to742apply—(a)as if a reference in the sections to a
local governmentwere a reference to the planning chief
executive; and(b)asifthereferenceinsection738(a)toanyplanningscheme were a reference to any land use
plan; and(c)as if the reference in section 738(a)
to any infrastructurechargesscheduleorregulatedinfrastructurechargesschedule were a reference to any charges
schedule undera land use plan; and(d)as
if the reference in section 739(g) to ‘for the planningscheme area’ were omitted; and(e)as if section 739(h) were omitted;
and(f)asifsection739(n)providedthattheplanninganddevelopmentcertificatemustbeaccompaniedbyanystatement of proposal or draft plan
for the airport landthat is—(i)published under section 38(2) of this Act;
and(ii)not yet approved
under section 42 of this Act; and(g)as
if section 739(m) included a reference to a copy of aninfrastructure agreement received under
section 57(2) ofthis Act.54Development on local heritage place not
assessabledevelopment(1)Developmentonalocalheritageplacethatisonanairportlessee’s airport
land is not assessable development under thePlanning Act,
section 232(1).(2)Subsection(1)appliestodevelopmentonthelocalheritageplace whether or not it became a local
heritage place before orafter the completion day for the
airport lessee’s airport.Page 42Current as at 23
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airport landPart 2 Relationship with Planning Act and
particular matters about development on airportland[s
55](3)In this section—local heritage
placemeans a local heritage place under
theQueensland Heritage Act 1992.55Restriction on
designation for community infrastructure(1)DespitethePlanningAct,chapter5,onlyaMinistermay,underthatpart,designateairportlandforcommunityinfrastructure.(2)DevelopmentunderadesignationbyaMinisterunderthePlanning Act, chapter 5 is exempt
development to the extentthedevelopmentwould,otherthanforthissection,beself-assessable development or
assessable development undera land use
plan.(3)Subsection (2) does not limit the
Planning Act, section 203.Editor’s note—Planning Act, section 203 (How IDAS applies
to designated land)(4)In this section—community
infrastructuresee the Planning Act, schedule 3.56Restriction on application of master
planTotheextentamasterplanunderthePlanningActforamaster planned
area identified by a local government underthat Act relates
to airport land, the master plan is of no effect.Note—SeethePlanningAct,chapter10,part6,division2,subdivision4(Master plans).Current as at 23
September 2013Page 43
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plans and development on airport landPart 2 Relationship
with Planning Act and particular matters about development on
airportland[s 57]Division 3Notice of development approval57Requirement to give notice of
development approval andinfrastructure agreement(1)If the planning chief executive gives
a development approvalfor development on airport land, the
planning chief executivemust, within 5 business days after
giving the approval, give acopy of the
approval to the local government.(2)If
an applicant for a development approval for development onairport land enters into an infrastructure
agreement under thePlanningActinrelationtothedevelopment,theapplicantmust give a copy
of the agreement to—(a)the local
government; and(b)iftheplanningchiefexecutiveisnotapartytotheagreement—the
planning chief executive.Division 4Protection of
existing uses andrights58Land
use plan or amendment of plan does not affectexisting
development approval(1)This section
applies if—(a)adevelopmentapprovalisineffectforpremisesonairport land; and(b)aftertheapprovalisgiven,thelanduseplanfortheairport land is replaced or
amended.(2)Totheextentthedevelopmentapprovalhasnotlapsed,thereplacement or amended land use plan
does not stop or furtherregulatethedevelopmenttowhichtheapprovalrelates,orotherwise affect the approval.Page
44Current as at 23 September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 3 Land use plans and development on
airport landPart 2 Relationship with Planning Act and
particular matters about development on airportland[s
59]59Planning scheme can not affect
existing developmentapproval(1)This
section applies if—(a)adevelopmentapprovalisineffectforpremisesonairport land; and(b)the
land the subject of the approval ceases to be airportland.(2)The
carrying out of development or the use of premises underthe
approval can not be stopped or further regulated under anyplanning scheme that would otherwise apply
to the land when,or after, it ceases to be airport
land.Division 5Other
matters60Delegation of particular functions of
planning chiefexecutive(1)Theplanningchiefexecutivemay,inrelationtoadevelopmentapplicationforairportland,delegatetheplanning chief executive’s relevant
administrative functions tothe local
functions to the local government, the planningchief executive
must—(a)give written notice of the delegation
to the airport lesseefor the airport land; and(b)publish the notice on the website of
the department inwhich the Planning Act is
administered.(3)In this section—relevantadministrativefunctions,inrelationtoadevelopmentapplication,meanstheplanningchiefexecutive’sfunctionsunderthePlanningActformattersrelating to the
administration and enforcement, under that Act,of a development
approval given for the application.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 45
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 1 Airport notices[s
61]61Amendment of planning schemes(1)Thissectionappliestotheplanningschemeofalocalgovernmentforthelocalgovernmentareawithinwhichairport land is situated.(2)Thelocalgovernmentmustamenditsplanningschemetoreflect consequential changes to the
scheme required becauseof the application of this
chapter.(3)A requirement of a guideline made
under the Planning Act,section117(1)aboutanyofthefollowingmattersdoesnotapply in relation to a change
mentioned in subsection (2)—(a)arequirementforpublicnotificationoftheproposedchange;(b)a requirement to carry out public
consultation in relationto the proposed change;(c)a requirement for approval of the
proposed change bythe Minister administering the Planning
Act.Chapter 4Control of
activities atairportsPart 1Airport notices62Airport lessor may control activities by
airport noticeAn airport lessor may display or publish a
notice (anairportnotice) to
control any of the following activities or conduct onits
airport land or a part of its airport land—(a)movement of persons including, for example,
where themovementofmembersofthepublic,oranotheridentified
group, is restricted or prohibited;Page 46Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 1 Airport notices[s 63](b)entry, movement, standing or parking
of vehicles;(c)movement, standing or parking of
aircraft;(d)movement, handling or storage of
baggage or goods;(e)otheractivitiesorconducttotheextentnecessarytoensure the security or safety of
persons or property.63Display or publication of airport
notices(1)To have effect, an airport notice
must—(a)be displayed on or near the thing to
which it relates; or(b)be published on
the airport lessor’s website.(2)Beforeanairportnoticementionedinsubsection(1)(b)haseffect, the airport lessor issuing the
airport notice must publishit on at least 2
occasions in a newspaper circulated in the areato which the
airport notice relates.(3)A copy of an
airport notice must be available during normalbusiness hours
for inspection, or for purchase at a reasonablecost, at the
office of the airport lessor that is in, or nearest to,the
area to which the notice relates.64Airport notice may refer to documents held
by airportlessor(1)An
airport notice may require a person to comply, in whole orin
part, with a requirement of a stated document held by theairport lessor.(2)However,therequirementmustbeabletobemadebyanairport notice under this part.(3)If the document is a standard, the
airport notice must state thatacopyofthestandardisavailableduringnormalbusinesshours for inspection, or for purchase at a
reasonable cost, at astated office of the airport lessor
that is in, or nearest to, thearea to which
the notice relates.(4)If the document is not a standard, the
airport notice must—Current as at 23 September 2013Page
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of activities at airportsPart 1 Airport notices[s
65](a)include a copy of the document;
or(b)do both of the following—(i)include a summary of the
requirement;(ii)statethatacopyofthedocumentisavailableduring normal
business hours, free of charge, at astatedofficeoftheairportlessorthatisin,ornearest to, the
area to which the notice relates.(5)In
this section—standardmeans a code,
guide, rule, specification, standard orotherdocumentadopted,madeorpublishedbyanyofthefollowing entities—(a)the
Civil Aviation Safety Authority;(b)the
International Civil Aviation Organisation;(c)the
Office of Transport Security;(d)thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheTransport Infrastructure Act 1994is
administered.65Airport notices generally(1)An airport notice—(a)mustindicatetheareatowhichtheairportnoticeapplies; and(b)if
contravention of a requirement of the airport notice isan
offence against this chapter—must state that fact andthe
maximum penalty for the offence.(2)Evidencethatasignwasdisplayedonornearthethingtowhich it relates is evidence that the notice
was displayed bythe airport lessor.(3)An
airport notice displayed on or near the thing to which itrelates must be clearly visible to
passers-by.Page 48Current as at 23
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Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 1 Airport notices[s 66]66Notices at entrances(1)This section applies if—(a)anairportlessorerectsordisplaysanoticeateachentrance
commonly used by persons to gain access to itsairport land;
and(b)the notice contains information about
the airport land;and(c)in a case where
use of its airport land or facilities givesrise to a
liability for charges—the notice states this andindicates generally the nature of the
charges; and(d)in a case where a contravention of a
requirement of thenotice is an offence—the notice states this
and indicatesgenerally the penalties that apply;
entrance.(2)Thepersonistakentobeawareoftheinformationinthenotice.67Offence of not complying with an airport
noticeApersonmustcomplywitheachrequirementofanairportnotice,unlessthepersonhasareasonableexcusefornotcomplying with
it.Maximum penalty—(a)for
a contravention of a requirement about the parkingof
an aircraft—50 penalty units; or(b)foracontraventionofarequirementaboutthemovement,handlingorstorageofgoods—50penaltyunits; or(c)foracontraventionofarequirementaboutanyothermatter—25
penalty units.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 2 Authorised officers[s
68]Part 2Authorised
officers68Appointment and qualifications of
authorised officers(1)Anairportlessormayappointapersonasanauthorisedofficer for the
airport.(2)However,theairportlessormayappointapersonasanauthorised officer for the airport
only if the airport lessor issatisfied the
person is qualified for appointment because theperson has the
necessary expertise or experience.(3)A
regulationmaymakeprovisionabouttheappointmentofauthorisedofficers,includingqualificationsrequiredforappointment.69Appointment conditions and limit on
powers(1)Anauthorisedofficerholdsofficeonanyconditionsstatedin—(a)the authorised
officer’s instrument of appointment; or(b)a
signed notice given to the authorised officer; or(c)a regulation.(2)The
instrument of appointment, a signed notice given to theauthorisedofficeroraregulationmaylimittheauthorisedofficer’s powers
under this Act.(3)In this section—signed
noticemeans a notice signed by the airport lessor
or anofficeroftheairportlessorwhoisauthorisedbyittosignnotices.70Issue
of identity card(1)Theairportlessormustissueanidentitycardtoeachauthorised
officer.(2)The identity card must—Page
50Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 2 Authorised officers[s
71](a)contain a recent photo of the
authorised officer; and(b)contain a copy
of the authorised officer’s signature; and(c)identifythepersonasanauthorisedofficerfortheairport under
this Act; and(d)state an expiry date for the
card.71Production or display of identity
card(1)In exercising a power under this Act
in relation to a person, anauthorised
officer must—(a)producetheauthorisedofficer’sidentitycardfortheperson’s
inspection before exercising the power; or(b)have
the identity card displayed so it is clearly visible tothe
person when exercising the power.(2)However, if it is not practicable to comply
with subsection (1),the authorised officer must produce
the identity card for theperson’s inspection at the first
reasonable opportunity.72When authorised
officer ceases to hold office(1)An
authorised officer ceases to hold office if—(a)the
term of office stated in a condition of office ends; or(b)under another condition of office, the
authorised officerceases to hold office.(2)Subsection (1) does not limit the ways an
authorised officermay stop holding office.(3)In
this section—condition of officemeans a
condition on which the authorisedofficer holds
office.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 3 Directions[s 73]73Return of identity cardA
person who ceases to be an authorised officer for an airportmustreturntheperson’sidentitycardtotheairportlessorwithin 14 days after ceasing to be an
authorised officer unlessthe person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Part
3Directions74Authorised officer may give
directions(1)Anauthorisedofficerforanairportmaygiveaverbaldirection to a
person on the airport land if giving the directionis
reasonably necessary to—(a)ensure the
safety or security of the airport land, its usersor
the airport lessor’s employees or invitees; or(b)prevent the person’s activities or conduct
from affectingthe airport’s operation.Examples of
directions that may be given for subsection (1)—•a direction to control the parking of
an aircraft or the movement,stopping or
parking of a vehicle•a direction to control the movement,
handling or storage of goodsthat are loaded,
waiting to be loaded, unloaded or being transhipped•a direction to control the movement of
persons(2)Subsection (3) applies if an
authorised officer—(a)findsapersoncommittinganoffence,orreasonablysuspectsthatapersonhasjustcommittedanoffence,against section
85; or(b)reasonablybelievesthataperson’spresenceattheairportfacilitiesmayposeathreattothesafetyorsecurity of the airport facilities, its
users or the airportlessor’s employees or invitees;
orPage 52Current as at 23
September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 3 Directions[s 75](c)reasonablybelievesthatapersonisinanareaoftheairport
facilities without lawful justification or excuse.(3)Anauthorisedofficermaygiveaverbaldirectiontotheperson
to—(a)immediately leave the airport
facilities, or an area of theairport
facilities; or(b)immediately leave the airport
facilities, or an area of theairport
facilities, and not return for at least 24 hours.(4)An authorised officer must identify
himself or herself as anauthorisedofficeriftheauthorisedofficergivesaverbaldirectionbyradio,megaphoneoranotherformofdistancecommunication.75If a
person does not comply with a direction(1)If
the person does not comply with a verbal direction given byan
authorised officer under section 74, the authorised officermay
give the person a written notice stating—(a)the
authorised officer’s name; and(b)the
direction; and(c)abriefstatementabouttheauthorisedofficer’sreasonfor giving the
direction; and(d)a further reasonable time within which
the person mustcomply with the direction; and(e)when the direction was given.(2)If it is not possible or reasonable
for the authorised officer togive the person
a written notice at the time the person does notcomply with a verbal direction given by an
authorised officerunder section 74, the authorised
officer—(a)may give the person a further verbal
direction stating theinformation mentioned in subsection
(1)(a) to (d); and(b)must give the person the written
notice the person wouldhave received at the time the person
did not comply withCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 3 Directions[s 76]the
verbal direction as soon as practicable after givingthe
further verbal direction.(3)At the time the
authorised officer gives the person a writtennotice under
subsection (1), or a further verbal direction undersubsection (2)(a), the authorised officer
must warn the personthatthepersonmaycommitanoffenceunlessthepersoncomplies with
the direction within the stated time.76Offence of not complying with a
directionUnlessapersonhasareasonableexcuse,apersonmustcomply with a direction given to the person
by an authorisedofficer under section 75, within the
reasonable time stated in awritten notice
under section 75(1) or as part of a further verbaldirection under 75(2)(a).Maximum penalty—(a)ifthecontraventionresultsinasignificantdelaytoairport operations—200 penalty units;
or(b)otherwise—(i)foracontraventionofadirectiontoleavetheairport facilities or an area of the airport
facilities,orleavetheairportfacilitiesoranareaoftheairport facilities and not return for
24 hours—100penalty units; or(ii)for
a contravention of a direction about the parkingof
an aircraft—50 penalty units; or(iii)foracontraventionofadirectionaboutthemovement,handlingorstorageofgoods—50penalty units;
units.Page 54Current as at 23
September 2013
4Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 4 Moving contravening property[s
77]Moving contravening property77Moving contravening property(1)This section applies if—(a)an authorised officer for an airport
reasonably believesthat an aircraft, vehicle or goods in an
airport or at anairport facility is contravening property;
to—(i)the efficient operation of the
airport; or(ii)the safety or
security of the airport, its users or theairport lessor’s
employees or invitees; and(c)the authorised
officer—(i)can not immediately find the person in
charge ofthe contravening property; or(ii)reasonablybelievesthepersoninchargeofthecontraveningpropertycannot,orwillnot,movethe contravening
property immediately.(2)The authorised
officer may—(a)takestepsnecessaryandreasonabletohavethecontravening property moved; and(b)if the contravening property is
property in the form ofgoods that are perishable, or of
little or no value, treatthe goods as abandoned property under
part 6.(3)In this section—contraveningpropertymeansanaircraft,vehicleorgoodsthat is parked
or left in an airport or at an airport facility incontravention of—(a)a
requirement of an airport notice; or(b)a
direction of an authorised officer under part 3.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 5 Other powers and offences[s
78]person in charge, of
contravening property, means—(a)forcontraveningpropertythatisanaircraft—theaircraft’spilotoranotherpersoninchargeoftheaircraft; or(b)for
contravening property that is a vehicle—the driver ofthe
vehicle or another person in charge of the vehicle; or(c)for contravening property that is
property in the form ofgoods—theownerofthegoodsoranotherpersonincharge of the goods.Part
5Other powers and offences78Power to require name and
address(1)An authorised officer for an airport
may require a person onthe airport land to state the person’s
name and address if theauthorised officer—(a)findsthepersoncommittinganoffenceagainstthischapter;
or(b)reasonablysuspectsthepersonhasjustcommittedanoffence against this chapter.(2)Whenmakingtherequirement,theauthorisedofficermustwarn the person
that it is an offence to fail to state the person’sname
and address unless the person has a reasonable excuse.(3)Theauthorisedofficermayrequirethepersontogiveevidence of the
correctness of the person’s stated name andaddress if the
authorised officer reasonably suspects the statedname
or address is false.(4)Apersonmustcomplywiththeauthorisedofficer’srequirement under subsection (1) or (3),
unless the person hasa reasonable excuse for not complying
with it.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.Page
56Current as at 23 September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 5 Other powers and offences[s
79](5)The person does not commit an offence
against this sectionif—(a)theauthorisedofficerrequiredthepersontostatetheperson’snameandaddressinthecircumstancesmentioned in
subsection (1)(a) or (b); and(b)the
person is not proved to have committed the offence.(6)In this section—offenceagainstthischapterincludesanoffenceagainstsection 105 for an attempt to commit an
offence against thischapter.79Inspection of documents(1)An
authorised officer for an airport may require a person, whois
or may be liable to pay a charge to the airport operator, toproducefortheauthorisedofficer’sinspection,documentsthat
are—(a)under the person’s control; and(b)relevant to deciding—(i)whether the person is liable to pay
the charge; or(ii)the amount of
the charge.(2)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirement,unlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty for subsection (2)—50
penalty units.80Inspection of aircraft, vehicles and
goods(1)This section applies only to the
extent necessary to allow anauthorised
officer for an airport to decide—(a)whether a charge is payable in relation to
an aircraft orgoods; and(b)the
amount of the charge.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 5 Other powers and offences[s
81](2)A person in charge of a conveyance on
the airport land mustallowtheauthorisedofficertoenterandinspecttheconveyance,orinspectgoodsonorintheconveyance,ifasked by the authorised officer.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(3)In this section—conveyancemeans an
aircraft or vehicle.81Obstructing authorised officer(1)Apersononairportlandmustnotobstructanauthorisedofficerfortheairportintheexerciseofapowerunderthispart, unless the person has a reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(2)In this section—obstructincludes hinder, resist, insult, attempt to
obstruct andthreaten to obstruct.\82False or misleading statement(1)A person must not state anything to an
authorised officer thatthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterialparticular.Maximum
penalty—50 penalty units.(2)It is enough for
a complaint for an offence against subsection(1) to state the
statement made was ‘false or misleading’ to theperson’s
knowledge, without specifying which.83False
or misleading document(1)Apersonmustnotgiveanauthorisedofficeradocumentcontaininginformationthepersonknowsisfalseormisleading in a material particular.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.Page
58Current as at 23 September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 5 Other powers and offences[s
84](2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
person if the person whengiving the document—(a)tellstheauthorisedofficer,tothebestoftheperson’sability, how it is false or misleading;
and(b)if the person has, or can reasonably
obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.(3)It is enough for a complaint for an
offence against subsection(1)tostatethedocumentwas‘falseormisleading’totheperson’s knowledge, without specifying
which.84Impersonating an authorised
officerA person must not pretend to be an
authorised officer.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.85Conduct causing public nuisanceA
person at an airport operator’s airport facilities must not
bedisorderly or create a disturbance.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.86Interfering with airport
notices(1)This section applies to an airport
notice other than an airportnotice published
on an airport lessor’s website.(2)A
person must not unlawfully interfere with the airport
notice.Maximum penalty—25 penalty units.(3)In this section—interfere,
with an airport notice, includes removing, defacingor
damaging the airport notice.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 59
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 6 Disposal of abandoned
property[s 87]Part 6Disposal of abandonedproperty87Definitions for pt 6In
this part—abandoned propertymeans property
that an airport operatorreasonablybelieveshasbeenabandonedontheairportoperator’sairportlandincluding,forexample,goods,anaircraft, a vehicle or a thing
attached to, or contained in, anaircraft or a
vehicle.insufficient value propertymeans abandoned property that—(a)is of no value; or(b)ifsoldbyanairportoperator,wouldnotbelikelytoreturn sufficient proceeds of sale to cover
the total of thefollowing amounts—(i)theexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheairportoperator in selling the property;(ii)theexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheairportoperatorindealingwiththepropertyunderthispart;(iii)the charges,
interest and other expenses owing tothe airport
operator in relation to the property.88Reasonable steps must be taken to find
owner(1)Thissectionappliestoabandonedpropertyfoundontheairport operator’s airport land,
unless—(a)it is insufficient value property;
airport operator—Page 60Current as at 23
September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 6 Disposal of abandoned property[s
89](a)musttakereasonablestepstolocatetheowneroftheproperty; and(b)mayhavethepropertymovedtoaplaceitconsidersappropriate.(3)If
the airport operator has located the owner of the propertywithin28daysafterthepropertywasfound,theairportoperator must
give the owner a written notice—(a)describing the property; and(b)stating the property has been found;
and(c)explaining how it may be recovered;
and(d)stating the property may be sold or
disposed of if it isnot recovered.(4)Iftheairportoperatorhasnotlocatedtheowneroftheproperty within 28 days after finding
the property, the airportoperatormustpublishanoticeinanewspapercirculatinggenerally in the
State that includes the matters mentioned insubsection
(3)(a) to (d).89A person may claim propertyTheairportoperatormustreturnabandonedpropertytoaperson if the
person, within 28 days after the notice is given orpublished under section 88—(a)satisfies the airport operator that
the person is the ownerof the property; and(b)paystheexpensesreasonablyincurredbytheairportoperator in dealing with the property under
this part.90If property not claimedIf a
person does not claim the abandoned property within 28days
after an airport operator has given or published a noticeundersection88aboutit,theairportoperatormayselltheproperty.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 61
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 4 Control
of activities at airportsPart 6 Disposal of abandoned
property[s 91]91Sale
of perishable propertyTheairportoperatormaysellabandonedpropertyifitisperishable and
it is impracticable for the airport operator tokeep it having
regard to its nature and condition.92Proceeds from the sale of abandoned
property(1)Ifabandonedpropertyissoldbyanairportoperator,theproceeds of the sale must be applied
in the following order—(a)in payment of
the expenses reasonably incurred by theairport operator
in selling the property;(b)in payment of
the expenses reasonably incurred by theairport operator
in dealing with the property under thispart;(c)inpaymentofcharges,interestandotherexpensesowing to the airport operator in relation to
the property;(d)in payment of any balance to the
owner.(2)Iftheproceedsofthesalearelessthanthetotaloftheexpensesmentionedinsubsection(1)(a),(b)and(c),thedifferenceisadebtowingtotheairportoperatorbytheowner.(3)Iftheproceedsofthesalearemorethanthetotaloftheexpenses mentioned in subsection
(1)(a), (b) and (c), and theairport operator
can not locate the owner, the airport operatormust pay the
amount of the difference to the public trustee.(4)Thepublictrusteemustpaytheamountintotheunclaimedmoneys fund kept
under thePublic Trustee Act 1978.(5)Compensationmaynotberecoveredagainsttheairportoperator in
relation to a payment made honestly and withoutnegligence under
this section.Page 62Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 4 Control of activities at
airportsPart 7 General[s 93]93Abandoned property of no valueAn
airport operator may dispose of abandoned property that isinsufficientvaluepropertyinthewaytheairportoperatorconsiders appropriate.Part 7General94Delegation(1)An
airport lessor may delegate a function under this chapter toan
airport operator.(2)It is a condition of a lease of
airport land that the airport lesseemustcomplywith,orensuretheairportmanagercomplieswith, the lawful
directions of the airport lessor in relation tothe performance
of any delegated functions.(3)A
regulation or the conditions of a delegation may require anairportoperatortoestablishasystemformonitoring,andreceiving and dealing with complaints about,
the performanceof delegated functions.(4)In
this section—delegatedfunctionmeansafunctionofanairportlessordelegated to an airport operator.95Appointment of airport manager(1)Theairportlessorforanairportmayappointapersonasairport manager of the airport.(2)An airport lessee for an airport may,
with the written approvalof the airport lessor, appoint a
person as airport manager ofthe
airport.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 5 Local
government matters and land tax[s 96]96Liability for acts of authorised
officers, and relatedmatters(1)If a
person is appointed as an authorised officer by a delegateof
an airport lessor—(a)thepersonisnotanofficer,employeeoragentoftheairport lessor only because of that
appointment; and(b)the airport lessor is not civilly
liable for an act done, oromission made, by the person as an
authorised officer.(2)Ifsubsection(1)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanairport lessor, the liability attaches
instead to the delegate.(3)An authorised
officer is not civilly liable for an act done, oromission made, by the officer for an airport
operator honestlyand without negligence.(4)Ifsubsection(3)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtoanauthorised officer, the liability
attaches instead to the airportoperator that
appointed the officer.Chapter 5Local government
mattersand land tax97Application of particular local laws to
airport land(1)Aregulationmayprovidethatastatedlocallawdoesnotapply,ordoesnotapplytoastatedextent,orapplieswithstated changes, to stated airport
land.(2)The regulation may fix, as the time of
effect, the day fixed foranothermatterunderagazettenoticemadeunderanotherprovision of
this Act.Example—The
regulation may fix, as the time of effect, the day on which notice
ispublished of the first land use plan for
airport land under section 31.(3)In
this section—Page 64Current as at 23
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Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 5 Local government matters and land
tax[s 98]time of
effectmeans the day on which a stated local law
stopsapplying,orstopsapplyingtoastatedextent,orstartsapplying with
stated changes, to stated airport land.98Delayed application of new local laws to
airport land(1)This section applies to a local law
made after the completionday for Cairns International Airport
or Mackay Airport.(2)Subject to subsection (3), the local
law does not apply to therelevant airport land until whichever
of the following days islater—(a)the
day that is 3 months after the day the local law ismade;(b)the
day the local law commences.(3)Subsection(2)stopsapplyingtothelocallawonthecommencementofaregulationundersection97abouttheapplication or non-application of the local
law to the airportland.99Owner
of land for rating or land tax purposes(1)This
section applies in relation to airport land if there is anairport lessee for the land.(2)This section applies for the purposes
of—(a)a provision of theCity of Brisbane
Act 2010or theLocalGovernmentAct2009aboutlevyingorpaymentofrates; and(b)theLandTaxAct2010ortherepealedLandTaxAct1915.(3)The airport
lessee is taken to be the owner of the land.(4)The
airport lessor for the land is taken not to be the owner ofthe
land.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 6 Other
mattersPart 1 Miscellaneous[s 100]Chapter 6Other
mattersPart 1Miscellaneous100Declaration of airport lessors and
lessees(1)The Minister may, by gazette
Airport; or(b)declareanentitytobetheairportlessorforMackayAirport;
or(c)if an entity holds any Cairns airport
land under a lease,subleaseorlicencefromtheairportlessorforCairnsInternational
Airport—declare the entity to be an airportlessee for
Cairns International Airport; or(d)if
an entity holds any Mackay airport land under a lease,sublease or licence from the airport lessor
for MackayAirport—declaretheentitytobeanairportlesseeforMackay Airport.(2)Forsubsection(1)(c)or(d),itdoesnotmatterwhethertheentity enters into the lease, sublease
or licence with the airportlessor or is an
assignee of that instrument.101Airport lessor may substitute for airport
lessee(1)This section applies if, at any time
after the commencement ofthe section—(a)an
entity ceases to be an airport lessee for airport land;and(b)another entity
has not become the airport lessee for theairport
land.Page 66Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 6 Other mattersPart 1
Miscellaneous[s 102](2)If
chapter 3 requires or permits something to be done by anairport lessee in relation to the airport
land, the thing may bedone by the airport lessor for the
airport land.102DelegationsThe Minister may
delegate the Minister’s functions under thisAct, except
section 12, 31 or 100, to the chief executive.103Conduct of company directors, employees or
agents(1)If,inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct,itisnecessary to
establish the state of mind of a corporation aboutparticular conduct, it is sufficient to
show—(a)the conduct was engaged in by a
representative of thecorporationwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’sactual or
apparent authority; and(b)the
representative had the state of mind.(2)Conductengagedinonbehalfofacorporationbyarepresentativeofthecorporationwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’sactualorapparentauthorityistaken,inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct,tohavebeenengagedinalsobythecorporationunlessthecorporationestablishesittookreasonableprecautionsandexercisedproper diligence
to avoid the conduct.(3)If,inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct,itisnecessary to
establish the state of mind of an individual aboutparticular conduct, it is sufficient to
show—(a)the conduct was engaged in by a
representative of theindividual within the scope of the
representative’s actualor apparent authority; and(b)the representative had the state of
mind.(4)Conductengagedinonbehalfofanindividualbyarepresentativeoftheindividualwithinthescopeoftherepresentative’sactualorapparentauthorityistaken,inaCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 6 Other
mattersPart 1 Miscellaneous[s 104]proceedingforanoffenceagainstthisAct,tohavebeenengagedinalsobytheindividualunlesstheindividualestablishestheindividualtookreasonableprecautionsandexercised proper diligence to avoid the
conduct.(5)In this section—engagingin
conduct includes failing to engage in conduct.representativemeans—(a)inrelationtoacorporation—anexecutiveofficer,employee or
agent of the corporation; or(b)in
relation to an individual—an employee or agent of theindividual.state of
mindof a person includes—(a)theperson’sknowledge,intention,opinion,belieforpurpose; and(b)the
person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief orpurpose.104Proceedings for offences(1)An
offence against this Act is a summary offence.(2)A
proceeding for an offence must start—(a)within 1 year after the commission of the
offence; or(b)within6monthsaftertheoffencecomestothecomplainant’sknowledge,butwithin2yearsafterthecommission of the offence.(3)A statement in a complaint for an
offence against this Act thatthematterofthecomplaintcametotheknowledgeofthecomplainant on a
stated day is evidence of when the mattercame to the
complainant’s knowledge.Page 68Current as at 23
September 2013
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Act 2008Chapter 6 Other mattersPart 2
Transitional provisions[s 105]105Attempts to commit offences(1)A person must not attempt to commit an
offence against thisAct.Maximumpenalty—halfthemaximumpenaltyforcommitting the offence.(2)The Criminal Code, section 4 (Attempts
to commit offences)applies to subsection (1).106Penalties payable to consolidated
fundAll penalties ordered to be paid in relation
to offences againstthis Act must be paid into the consolidated
2Transitional provisionsDivision 1Provisions for Act No. 46 of 2008108Definition for div 1In
this division—TIAmeans theTransport
Infrastructure Act 1994.109Airport notices(1)This
section applies to a notice that—Current as at 23
September 2013Page 69
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 6 Other
mattersPart 2 Transitional provisions[s
110](a)immediatelybeforethecompletiondayforCairnsInternationalAirport,isacurrentportnoticeforlandthat, on the
completion day, is Cairns airport land; or(b)immediatelybeforethecompletiondayforMackayAirport,isacurrentportnoticeforlandthat,onthecompletion day,
is Mackay airport land.(2)The notice is
taken to be an airport notice from the relevantcompletiondayuntilitstopsbeinganairportnoticeunderchapter 4, part
1.(3)In this section—port
noticemeans a port notice under TIA, chapter 8,
part 3B.110Authorised officers(1)This section applies to an appointment
as an authorised officerof a port authority for Cairns
International Airport or MackayAirport in
force, immediately before the completion day forthat
airport, under TIA, chapter 8, part 3B, division 2.(2)The appointment continues in force on
the same conditions,for a period of 3 months starting on
the relevant completionday, as if it were an appointment as
an authorised officer forthe relevant airport made under this
Act.(3)Subsection(2)appliessubjecttoanyearlierendingoftheappointment,orchangeofconditionsoftheappointment,under this
Act.111Abandoned property(1)This
section applies to any property that—(a)immediatelybeforetherelevantcompletionday,isabandonedpropertyunderTIA,chapter8,part4B,inthe possession of a port authority;
and(b)is abandoned on land that—Page
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Act 2008Chapter 6 Other mattersPart 2
Transitional provisions[s 112](i)onthecompletiondayforCairnsInternationalAirport, is
Cairns airport land; or(ii)onthecompletiondayforMackayAirport,isMackay airport land.(2)Ontherelevantcompletionday,thepropertybecomesabandoned property under chapter 4, part
6.(3)AnythingdonebytheportauthorityunderTIA,chapter8,part 4B in relation to the property is
taken to have been doneby the relevant airport operator under
chapter 4, part 6.(4)Theportauthoritymustgivethepropertytotheairportoperator for the
airport land as soon as practicable after thecompletion
day.(5)However, if the property is
insufficient value property underTIA, section
289H, the port authority may dispose of it in away the port
authority considers appropriate.112Proceeds from the sale of abandoned
property(1)This section applies if—(a)property is abandoned on land
that—(i)onthecompletiondayforCairnsInternationalAirport, is
Cairns airport land; or(ii)onthecompletiondayforMackayAirport,isMackay airport land; and(b)immediately before the completion day,
a port authorityis holding an amount that is, under TIA,
section 289M,proceeds of sale of the property.(2)Fromthecompletionday,TIA,section289Mcontinuestoapply to the port authority in
relation to the amount.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 6 Other
mattersPart 2 Transitional provisions[s
114]114Particular development
applications(1)Thissectionappliestoadevelopmentapplicationfordevelopment on strategic port land under TIA
that becomesairport land if—(a)theapplicationwasmadebutnotdecidedunderthePlanning Act before the completion day
for the airportto which the application relates; and(b)the assessment manager under the
Planning Act for theapplication is Cairns Ports or Mackay
Ports.(2)On the completion day—(a)theplanningchiefexecutiveistakentobetheassessmentmanagerunderthePlanningActfortheapplication;
and(b)the IDAS process for the application
stops.(3)As soon as practicable after the
completion day, the formerassessmentmanagerfortheapplicationmustgivetotheplanning chief executive—(a)the application; and(b)anyfurtherinformationormaterialrequestedbytheplanning chief
executive under subsection (4).(4)The
planning chief executive may, in writing, ask the formerassessment manager for the application for
any information ormaterialabouttheapplicationtheplanningchiefexecutivereasonably
requires to process and decide the application.(5)On
receiving the application, and any further information ormaterialrequestedundersubsection(4),theplanningchiefexecutive must—(a)consider the application and the further
information ormaterial; and(b)givetheapplicantwrittennoticestatingthestageofIDAS
the planning chief executive intends to resume orstart the IDAS process for the
application.Page 72Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 6 Other mattersPart 2
Transitional provisions[s 114](6)Thenoticeundersubsection(5)(b)mustbegiventotheapplicant—(a)within10businessdaysaftertheplanningchiefexecutive receives the application;
or(b)iftheplanningchiefexecutiveasksforfurtherinformation or
material under subsection (4)—within 10business days
after the planning chief executive receivesthe information
or material.(7)The planning chief executive may
resume or start the IDASprocess for the application at any
stage of IDAS the planningchief executive considers
appropriate.(8)Subject to this section and chapter 3,
part 2, the Planning Actandthelanduseplanfortheairportlandtowhichtheapplicationrelatesapplyforprocessinganddecidingtheapplication.(9)Despitesubsection(8),inprocessinganddecidingtheapplication,theplanningchiefexecutivemayhaveregardto—(a)the land use
plan under theTransport Infrastructure Act1994thatappliedinrelationtothelandtowhichtheapplicationrelatesimmediatelybeforethecompletionday; and(b)any other matter relevant to the
application the planningchief executive considers
appropriate.(10)In this
section—developmentapplicationmeansadevelopmentapplicationunder the
repealedIntegrated Planning Act 1997.former assessment manager,
for a development application,means the entity
that, immediately before the completion dayfortheairporttowhichtheapplicationrelates,wastheassessmentmanagerunderthePlanningActfortheapplication.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 73
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Chapter 6 Other
mattersPart 2 Transitional provisions[s
115]IDASmeans the system
detailed in the Planning Act, chapter3, for
integrating State and local government assessment andapproval processes for development.IDASprocessmeanstheIDASprocessunderthePlanningAct.PlanningActmeanstherepealedIntegratedPlanningAct1997.Division 2Provisions for
Sustainable PlanningAct 2009115Definitions for div 2In this
division—commencementmeansthedayonwhichtheprovisioninwhich the term is used commences.repealedIPAmeanstherepealedIntegratedPlanningAct1997.116Continuing application of unamended
Act(1)Thissectionappliestoadevelopmentapplicationmadebutnot decided under repealed IPA before
the commencement.(2)This Act as in force before the
commencement continues toapplytothedevelopmentapplicationasiftheSustainablePlanning Act
2009had not commenced.117Minor
amendment of planning scheme under repealedIPA(1)This section applies to an amendment
of a local government’splanning scheme required to be made
under section 61(2) ifbeforethecommencementthelocalgovernmenthasstartedthe process
under repealed IPA for making the amendment buthas not made the
amendment on the commencement.Page 74Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Chapter 6 Other mattersPart 2
Transitional provisions[s 118](2)For
the purposes of repealed IPA, the amendment is taken tocontinue to be a minor amendment of the
planning scheme.118Provision for code assessable
development under landuse plan(1)This
section applies—(a)todevelopmentonairportlandrequiringcodeassessment; and(b)untilthefirstlanduseplanfortheairportlandisreplaced or amended under section
33.(2)For assessing a development
application for the developmentunder the
Planning Act—(a)the Planning Act, section 326 does not
apply; but(b)repealed IPA, section 3.5.13 continues
to apply as if thePlanning Act had not commenced.(3)For applying repealed IPA, section
3.5.13, a code or planninginstrumentmentionedinthatsectionincludesacodeorplanning instrument that takes effect after
the commencement.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 1Schedule 1Airport
landsections 7, 8 and 9Part 1Cairns airport landLot on
planLot 1 on RP 738764Lot 2 on RP
738764Lot 3 on RP 738764Lot 398 on RP
715442Lot 1 on RP 731801Lot 1 on RP
736303Lot 4 on SP146888Lot 1 on RP
747652Lot 1 on RP 748893Lot 1 on RP
748896Lot 2 on RP 748896Lot 3 on RP
710432Lot 1 on RP 736304Lot 5 on SP
146888Lot 748 on CPNR 6651CountyNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresNaresParishCairnsCairnsCairnsCairnsCairnsCairnsCairnsSmithfieldSmithfieldSmithfieldSmithfieldSmithfieldCairnsCairnsCairnsArea0.4708ha1.825ha12.7542ha6.054ha3.521ha19.6177ha123.4ha4.674ha0.2409ha6.484ha60.7518ha0.8094ha517.2473ha5.231ha5.241haPage 76Current as at 23 September 2013
2Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Schedule 1Mackay airport
landLot on planLot 1 on RP
711078Lot 1 on RP 713704Lot 1 on RP
723311Lot 1 on RP 842090Lot 2 on RP
723311Lot 2 on RP 842090Lot 3 on RP
723311Lot 3 on RP 842090Lot 19 on SP
145073Lot 381 on RP 711085Lot 405 on CP
842088Lot 443 on RP 724222CountyCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleCarlisleParishHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardHowardArea0.3541ha1.7637ha56ha0.36445ha0.7249ha15.43ha1.554ha0.6917ha3.142ha0.1416ha167.3ha25.9841haCurrent as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 2Schedule 2Core airport
infrastructureschedule 3, definitioncoreairportinfrastructurePage 78The
following are core airport infrastructure for airport land—(a)facilities on the airport land
directly connected with theoperationofanairportontheland,including,forexample the following—(i)taxiways, runways and air terminal
aprons;(ii)aircraftmovementareas,parkingareasandstanding areas;(iii)aircraft hangars;(iv)aircraftrepairandmaintenancefacilities,andaircraft refuelling and fuel storage
facilities;(v)storageandmaintenancefacilitiesforairlineequipmentandvehicles,including,forexample,ramp handling
and traffic control facilities;(vii) emergency
service and meteorological facilities;(viii)
pilotbriefingfacilitiesandassociatedsupportfacilities;(ix)heliports;(x)flighttrainingfacilities,flightcateringfacilities,air freight and
cold storage facilities;(xi)airlinesupportfacilities,including,forexample,lounges,servicedesksandbaggagehandlingfacilities;(xii)
customs,immigrationandquarantinefacilities,includingfacilitiesforunder-bondstorageandhousing animals;(xiii)
airportplantandequipment,including,forexample, stand-by power generation
facilities;Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Schedule 2(xiv)
airportpassengerandgeneralaviationterminals,but not
including any facilities within the terminalsmentioned in
paragraph (b) or (c);(xv)offices for
airport or airline management, or officesassociatedwithanyfacilitiesmentionedinsubparagraphs (i) to (xiv);(xvi) airport signage;(xvii)fill or
excavation works carried out in relation toany matter
mentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (xvi);(b)facilitiesontheairportland,otherthanfacilitiesmentioned in
paragraph (a), related to the operation ofanairportontheland,including,forexamplethefollowing—(i)vehicle parking facilities;(ii)vehicle rental
and valet parking facilities;(iii)facilitiesassociatedwithvehiclerentalandvaletparking
facilities, including, for example, facilitiesforvehiclerefuelling,fuelstorageandvehiclemaintenance and
washing;(c)facilitieswithinanexistingairportterminalbuilding,including, for example, the
following—(i)advertising signage;(ii)retail outlets
appropriate for providing services toairlinepassengers,includingnewsagencies,bookstores,giftorsouvenirstores,toystores,pharmacies or
arts and craft stores;(iii)duty free
facilities, other than for air freight;(v)medical centres;(vi)restaurants, cafes, fast food outlets or
snack foodvending machines;(vii)
offices;(viii) a chapel;Current as at 23
September 2013Page 79
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 2(ix)tourism or
accommodation booking offices;(x)development for water supply, sewerage,
drainagewaste storage and collection, electricity
supply andanyotherfacilityownedoroperatedbyalocalgovernmentorapublicsectorentitywithinthemeaning of the Planning Act.Page 80Current as at 23
September 2013
Schedule 3Airport Assets
(Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 3Dictionarysection 4abandoned property, for chapter 4,
part 6, see section 87.agentincludes a
financier, insurer or advisor.airportmeansCairnsInternationalAirportorMackayAirport.airport entitysee section
6.airport landsee section
7.airport lesseemeans an entity
declared to be an airport lesseeunder section
100.airport lessormeans an entity
declared to be an airport lessorunder section
100.airportmanagermeansapersonappointedasairportmanager under
section 95.airport noticesee section
62.airportoperator,foranairport,meansanairportlesseeorairport manager for the airport or, if
there is no airport lesseeorairportmanagerfortheairport,theairportlessorfortheairport.airport sublesseemeans a person
who leases any airport landfrom an airport
lessee or another airport sublessee.assetincludes a right.BAC
Holdingsmeans BAC Holdings Limited ACN 108
568038.BACHShareholdersAgreementmeanstheagreementbetweenBACHoldingsanditsshareholders,datedonorabout 30 June
2004, as in force from time to time.Cairns airport
landsee section 8.Cairns
Portsmeans Cairns Ports Ltd ACN 131 836
014.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 3charges schedule, for a land use
plan, see section 35(1)(e).completion
Cairns International Airport—the day on which anentityisdeclared,undersection100(1)(c),tobeanairport lessee
for the airport; or(b)forMackayAirport—thedayonwhichanentityisdeclared, under section 100(1)(d), to be an
airport lesseefor the airport.core airport
infrastructure—1Coreairportinfrastructuremeanscoreairportinfrastructure stated in schedule 2.2Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatcoreairportinfrastructuredoes not include
the following—(a)carryingoutmanufacturing,otherthanfoodpreparation;(b)hotels, motels or any type of residential
matters, for chapter 3, part 1, see section
development under the Planning Act.developmentapplicationmeansadevelopmentapplicationfor a
development approval under the Planning Act.development
approvalmeans a development approval underthe
Planning Act.disposalincludes
divestment.draft plansee section
officer.first land use plansee section
31(1).GatewaymeansGatewayInvestmentsCorporationPtyLtdACN 086 967 464.Page 82Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Schedule 3governmentcompanymeansacorporationincorporatedundertheCorporationsActallthestockorsharesinthecapital of which is or are
beneficially owned by the State.informationincludes a
document.instrumentincludes an oral
agreement.insufficient value property,
for chapter 4, part 6, see section87.landmeansanyland,whetheraboveorbelowtheordinaryhigh water mark
at spring use and development, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section30.landuseplan,forairportland,meansthelanduseplan,approved under
chapter 3, part 1, that regulates developmenton the airport
land.localgovernment,foraprovisionofthisActaboutairportland,oralanduseplanforairportland,meansthelocalgovernment for
the local government area within which theairport land is
situated.Mackay airport landsee section
9.Mackay Portsmeans Mackay
Ports Ltd ACN 131 965 707.Office of Transport Securitymeans the office of that namewithintheCommonwealthdepartmentwithinwhichtheAviation Transport Security Act 2004(Cwlth) is administered.officerincludes a director.person involved
in the projectmeans an employee or agent oftheStatewhoisinvolvedincarryingouttheprojectinthecourse of the employment or
agency.Planning Actmeans theSustainable Planning Act 2009.planningchiefexecutivemeansthechiefexecutiveofthedepartment in
which the Planning Act is administered.planningMinistermeanstheMinisteradministeringthePlanning Act.Current as at 23
September 2013Page 83
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Schedule 3planningschememeansaplanningschemeunderthePlanning Act.POBCmeans Port of Brisbane Corporation Limited
ACN 124048 522.priority
infrastructure interface plan, for a land use
plan forairport land, means a document prepared by
or for an airportlessee describing how development that is
consistent with thelanduseplanisintendedtocoordinatewiththepriorityinfrastructure
plan of the local government in relation to thetypes of local
government infrastructure relevant to the airportland.priority
infrastructure plan, of a local government, means thelocalgovernment’spriorityinfrastructureplanunderthePlanning Act.projectsee
section 5.project directionsee section
14(1).QICmeans the Queensland Investment
Corporation.QICInfrastructureManagementmeansQICInfrastructureManagement Pty
Ltd ACN 096 932 188.QTHmeans Queensland
Treasury Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 011027 295.recordincludes any
document.rightincludes power,
privilege and immunity.shareholdersdeedofcovenantmeansadeedofcovenant,complyingwithclause7.1oftheBACHShareholdersAgreement,thatmustbeexecutedbeforeanentitymaybecome an equity holder under that
agreement.State interestsee the Planning
Act, schedule 3.statement of proposalsee section
36(1).TIA, for chapter 6, part 2, see section
108.transfer noticesee section
12(1).Page 84Current as at 23
September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Schedule 3ultimateholdingcompanyhasthemeaninggivenbytheCorporations Act, section 9, as if
section 48(2) and (3) of thatAct did not
apply.valuable features, for chapter 3,
part 1, see section 30.vehicleincludes any
type of transport that moves on wheelsand a hovercraft
but does not include an aircraft, train or tram.Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008Endnotes3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in comorigpparaprecpresprevExplanation=Acts
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1CAmendments
includednonenone2009 Act No.
362010 Act No. 15Effective12
September 20086 February 200918 December
200930 June 2010Notesmajority of provscommencedcertain provs commencedCurrent as at 23
September 2013Page 87
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008EndnotesReprintNo.1D1EAmendments
included2009 Act No. 17 (amd2010 Act No.
23)2010 Act No. 232012 Act No.
34Effective1 July
201022 November 2012NotesCurrent as at23 September
2013Amendments included2013 Act No.
of legislationAirport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008 No. 46date of assent 12 September 2008ss
1–2 commenced on date of assents 130 amdt of the
State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2000, pt 7 div 3 amdts
ofthe Transport Infrastructure Act 1994
commenced 6 February 2009 (2009 SL No.7)remaining provisions commenced on date of
assentamending legislation—Local Government
Act 2009 No. 17 ss 1, 2(4), 331 sch 1 (this Act is amended,
seeamending legislation below)date
of assent 12 June 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010
(2010 SL No. 122)amending legislation—City of Brisbane
Act 2010 No. 23 ss 1–2(1)(a), 344(2) (amends 2009 No. 17above)date of assent 17
June 2010commenced on date of assent (see s
2(1)(a))Sustainable Planning Act 2009 No. 36 ss 1–2,
872 sch 2date of assent 22 September 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 18 December 2009 (2009 SL No. 281)Land
Tax Act 2010 No. 15 ss 1–2, 98 sch 3date of assent 21
April 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 30 June 2010
(see s 2)City of Brisbane Act 2010 No. 23 ss 1–2(1),
352 sch 1date of assent 17 June 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2010 (see s 2(1))Page 88Current as at 23 September 2013
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal)
Act 2008EndnotesSustainable
Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2012 No. 34 s
1,pt 2date of assent 22 November 2012commenced on date of assentTreasury and Trade and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2013 No. 39 ss 1, 109 sch2date
of assent 23 September 2013commenced on date of assent6List of annotationsAirport land not subject to local planning
instruments 48sub 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Development under land use plans
49amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Restriction on conditions of development
approvalss 51amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Particular provisions of Planning Act do not
apply in relation to airport lands 52amd
2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Modified application of Planning Act,
ch 9, pt 6, div 4prov hdgamd 2009 No. 36 s
872 sch 2s 53amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Development on local heritage place not
assessable developments 54amd 2009 No. 36 s
872 sch 2Restriction on designation for community
infrastructures 55amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Restriction on application of master
plans 56amd 2012 No. 34 s 4Amendment of planning schemesprov
hdgamd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2s
61amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Owner
of land for rating or land tax purposess 99amd
2010 No. 15 s 98 sch 3; 2009 No. 17 s 331 sch 1 (amd 2010 No. 23
s344(2)); 2010 No. 23 s 352 sch 1CHAPTER 6—OTHER MATTERSPART
2—TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSDivision 1—Provisions for Act No. 46 of
2008div hdgins 2009 No. 36 s
872 sch 2Definition for div 1prov hdgamd
2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Current as at 23 September 2013Page
Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008Endnotess
108amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Amendment of regulationss 113om
2013 No. 39 s 109 sch 2Particular development
applicationss 114amd 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Division 2—Provisions for Sustainable
Planning Act 2009div hdgins 2009 No. 36 s
872 sch 2Definitions for div 2s 115prev
s 115 om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)pres s 115 ins
2009 No. 36 s 872 sch 2Continuing application of unamended
Acts 116prev s 116 om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k)
and 40)pres s 116 ins 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch
2Minor amendment of planning scheme under
repealed IPAs 117prev s 117 om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k)
and 40)pres s 117 ins 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch
2Provision for code assessable development
under land use plans 118prev s 118 om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k)
and 40)pres s 118 ins 2009 No. 36 s 872 sch
LEGISLATIONch hdgom R1A (see RA s
1997pt hdgom R1 (see RA s
7(1)(k))Amendment of sch 8 (Assessable development
and self-assessable development)s 119om R1
(see RA s 40)Amendment of sch 8A (Assessment manager for
development applications)s 120om R1 (see RA s
40)Amendment of sch 10 (Dictionary)s
121om R1 (see RA s 40)PART 3—AMENDMENT
122–124)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)PART
125–126)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)PART
127–128)om R1 (see RA ss 7(1)(k) and 40)Page
90Current as at 23 September 2013