QueenslandAmbulance Service
Act 1991AmbulanceServiceRegulation2003Current as at 1 July 2013
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised bythe Parliamentary Counsel.AnewreprintofthelegislationwillbepreparedbytheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change maybe because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences orbecause a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed.When a new reprint
is prepared, this reprint will become a historical reprint. Also,
if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
new reprint is prepared, for example, to includeamendments with a retrospective commencement,
an appropriate note would be includedonthecoverofthereplacementreprintandonthecopyofthisreprintatwww.legislation.qld.gov.au.The
endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
legislation and reprint.For example—•The
table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, givesdetails of any discretionary editorial powers under theReprints Act 1992used by theOffice of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it.•Thelistoflegislationendnotegiveshistoricalinformationabouttheoriginallegislationandthelegislationwhichamendedit.Italsogivesdetailsofuncommencedamendmentstothislegislation.Forinformationaboutpossibleamendments to the
legislation by Bills introduced in Parliament, see the
list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
level.All Queensland reprints are dated and
authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. Theprevious numbering
system and distinctions between printed and electronic reprints
arenot continued.
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003[s
1]Ambulance Service Regulation 2003[as
amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 1 July
2013]1Short titleThisregulationmaybecitedastheAmbulanceServiceRegulation 2003.2CommencementThis regulation
commences on 1 July 2003.3DefinitionsThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis
regulation.4Transport by ambulance(1)Ifapersonisinvolvedinanaccidentoremergencyandistransported by ambulance, the person
may be taken to—(a)the nearest public hospital; or(b)anotherpublichospitalthatahealthservicechiefexecutiveofaHospitalandHealthServiceundertheHospitalandHealthBoardsAct2011hasdecidedisappropriate for the treatment of the person;
or(c)if transport to a hospital mentioned
in paragraph (a) or(b) is not practicable—a private hospital;
surgery; or(e)attherequestofthepersonortheperson’sparentorguardian—(i)the
accident and emergency department of a localprivate
hospital; orCurrent as at 1 July 2013Page
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003[s
5](ii)if a local
doctor’s surgery or office has the facilitiestoreceiveandtreattheperson—thesurgeryoroffice.(2)If a
person in need of ambulance transport has been seen by adoctor, the person may be transported to a
place nominated bythe doctor.(3)Ambulance transport of a person from a
hospital or a doctor’ssurgery to another place of medical
care or a private residencemay be provided
only on the written request of a doctor.(4)A
doctor must not make a nomination under subsection (2) orarequestundersubsection(3)unlessthedoctorissatisfiedthatthepersoncannotsafely,orreasonably,travelbyanalternative form
of transport.(5)The commissioner may—(a)divertanambulancetothesceneofanaccidentoremergency; or(b)allowmorethan1persontobetransportedinanambulance; or(c)limit the amount of baggage and the number
of personsaccompanyingapersonbeingtransportedinanambulance.(6)Despite subsections (1), (2) and (5)(a), an
ambulance officermay transport a person to any place where
medical treatmentisprovidediftheofficerbelievesthepersonneedsurgentmedical
treatment.5Fees for ambulance services(1)The fees payable by a non-exempt
person to the QueenslandAmbulanceServiceforambulanceservicesprovidedtotheperson are as follows—(a)for emergency
transport—$1094.95;(b)for non-emergency transport—(i)iftheambulancedoesnottravelmorethan50km—$405.75;
orPage 4Current as at 1
July 2013
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003[s
5](ii)otherwise—$405.75 plus $1.68 for each
kilometreor part of a kilometre over 50km travelled
by theambulance;(c)forambulanceattendanceifambulancetransportisrefusedornotrequiredandanambulanceofficerexamines the person or provides the person
with first aidor emergency treatment—the greater
of—(i)$111.55; or(ii)$15.40foreachkilometreorpartofakilometretravelledbytheambulance,toamaximumof$1094.95;(d)for
the treatment of the person at an ambulance casualtycentre—$19.00.(2)IftheQueenslandAmbulanceServicereceivesanamountfromtheMotorAccidentInsuranceFundforprovidinganambulance service to the person, a fee is
not payable underthis section by the person for the
service.(3)Forsubsection(1)(b)and(c),thedistancetravelledbytheambulance is
taken—(a)tobeginattheambulancestationnearesttheplaceofattendance on the person; and(b)to finish at that station.(4)Ifmorethan1non-exemptpersonistransportedinanambulance at the one time, the
prescribed fee is payable byeach
person.(5)Despite subsection (4), a fee is not
payable by a non-exemptpersonwhoismerelyaccompanyingapersonbeingtransported in an ambulance.(6)Despite subsection (1), for a person
under a disability, the feeispayablebytheperson’sparentorguardian,managerorlegal representative, as the case may
be.(7)This section does not apply to the
special use of ambulanceservicesandvehiclesforwhichthechiefexecutivehassetfees under
section 54(4) of the Act.Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003[s
5A]5APrescribed agreement between
Queensland and theCommonwealth, another State or an
entity—Act, s50L(1)(a)The agreement
stated in schedule 1, part 1, is prescribed forsection
50L(1)(a) of the Act.5BPrescribed
agreement between the service and anentity—Act, s
50L(1)(b)The agreement stated in schedule 1, part 2,
is prescribed forsection 50L(1)(b) of the Act.6Repeal of Ambulance Service Regulation
1991The Ambulance Service Regulation 1991 is
repealed.Page 6Current as at 1
July 2013
Schedule 1Ambulance Service
Regulation 2003Schedule 1Agreementssections 5A and
5BPart 1Agreement
withCommonwealth, State or entityThe
agreement dated 1 December 2008 called, ‘Deed of StandingOffer between the Commonwealth of Australia
(as represented bythe Department of Veterans’ Affairs), the
Repatriation CommissionandtheMilitaryRehabilitationandCompensationCommission;and the State of
Queensland (as represented by the Department ofEmergency
Services—Queensland Ambulance Service), relating totheprovisionandpaymentofambulanceservicesprovidedtoentitledpersonsintheStateofQueensland’,asamendedbythedeeds of variation dated 16 September
2011 and 12 January 2012.Part 2Agreement with
entity of theStateTheagreementdated8August2011called,‘MemorandumofUnderstandingontheProvisionofTransportandPre-HospitalPatientCarebetweenQ-COMP–theWorkers’CompensationRegulatory
Authority and Queensland Ambulance Service for the2011-12 financial year’.Theagreementdated1June2011called,‘MemorandumofUnderstandinginrelationtoQueenslandHealthAuthorisedTransportsbetweenQueenslandHealthandtheDepartmentofCommunity Safety through Queensland
Ambulance Service’.Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003Schedule 2Schedule 2Dictionarysection 3emergency transportmeans transport
provided by the servicein response to a request for urgent
help.estate under managementsee thePublicTrusteeAct1978,section 64.guardianmeans a person who is recognised in law as
havingall the duties, powers, responsibilities and
authority that, bylaw, parents have in relation to their
children.non-emergencytransportmeanstransportprovidedbytheservice other than emergency
transport.non-exempt personmeans a person
other than a person who,under section 53B(1) of the Act, is
not liable to pay a chargeunder the Act for the use of an
ambulance service.personunderadisabilitymeansanon-exemptpersonwhois—(a)a
dependent minor; or(b)a person whose estate is an estate
under management; or(c)apersonotherwiselegallyincapableofmanagingtheperson’s estate.Page 8Current as at 1 July 2013
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003Endnotes4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1C1D1E22A2B2C2D33A3B3CAmendments includednone2004 SL No. 1052005 SL No.
1052005 SL No. 1052006 SL No.
1692007 SL No. 131—2008
SL No. 2052009 SL No. 602009 SL No.
1132010 SL No. 117—2011
SL No. 1042012 SL No. 302012 SL No.
902012 SL No. 91Effective1
July 20031 July 20043 June
20051 July 20051 July
20061 July 20071 July
20071 July 200822 May
20091 July 20091 July
20101 July 20101 July
201117 February 20121 July
2012NotesR1E withdrawn,
see R2R2D withdrawn, see R3Current as
at1 July 2013Amendments
included2013 SL No. 110Notes5List of legislationRegulatory impact statementsFor
subordinate legislation that has a regulatory impact statement,
specific reference to the statementis included in
this list.Page 10Current as at 1
July 2013
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003EndnotesExplanatory
notesAll subordinate legislation made on or after
1 January 2011 has an explanatory note. For subordinatelegislation made before 1 January 2011 that
has an explanatory note, specific reference to the note isincluded in this list.Ambulance Service
Regulation 2003 SL No. 148made by the Governor in Council on 26
June 2003notfd gaz 27 June 2003 pp 749–56ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2003 (see s 2)exp 1 September
2013 (see SIA s 54)Note—The expiry date may have changed since
this reprint was published. See thelatest reprint of
the SIR for any change.amending legislation—Ambulance Service Amendment Regulation (No.
1) 2004 SL No. 105notfd gaz 25 June 2004 pp 573–81ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2004 (see s 2)Emergency
Services Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2005 SL No. 105
pts1–2notfd gaz 3 June 2005 pp 415–19s
4(2)–(9) commenced 1 July 2005 (see s 2)remaining
provisions commenced on date of notificationAmbulance Service
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2006 SL No. 169notfd gaz 30 June
2006 pp 1060–7ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2006
(see s 2)Ambulance Service Amendment Regulation (No.
1) 2007 SL No. 131notfd gaz 22 June 2007 pp 1018–20ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2007 (see s 2)Ambulance Service
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008 SL No. 205notfd gaz 27 June
2008 pp 1268–78ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2008
(see s 2)Ambulance Service Amendment Regulation (No.
1) 2009 SL No. 60notfd gaz 22 May 2009 pp 331-3commenced on date of notificationAmbulance Service Amendment Regulation (No.
2) 2009 SL No. 113notfd gaz 26 June 2009 pp 831–7ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (see s 2)Current as at 1
July 2013Page 11
Ambulance Service Regulation 2003EndnotesCommunity Safety
(Fees) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 117 pts 1–2notfd
gaz 18 June 2010 pp 529–35ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commence 1 July 2010
(see s 2)Note—An explanatory note was
prepared.Community Safety (Fees) Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2011 SL No. 104 pts 1–2notfd gaz 24 June
2011 pp 534–8ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011
(see s 2)Ambulance Service Amendment Regulation (No.
1) 2012 SL No. 30notfd gaz 17 February 2012 pp 340–3commenced on date of notificationHealth and Hospitals Network and Other
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)2012 SL No. 90
pt 1, s 41 schnotfd gaz 29 June 2012 pp 704–710ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2012 (see s 2)Community Safety
(Fees and Other Matters) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012SL
No. 91 pts 1–2notfd gaz 29 June 2012 pp 704–710ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2012 (see s 2)Community Safety
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No. 110 ss1–2(1), pt 2notfd gaz 21 June
2013 pp 503–7ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2013
(see s 2(1))6List of annotationsDefinitionss 3amd
2009 SL No. 60 s 3Transport by ambulances 4amd
2012 SL No. 90 s 41 schFees for ambulance servicesprov
hdgamd 2005 SL No. 105 s 4(1)s
5amd 2004 SL No. 105 s 4; 2005 SL No. 105 s
4(2)–(9); 2006 SL No. 169 s 4;2007 SL No. 131 s
4; 2008 SL No. 205 s 4; 2009 SL No. 113 s 4; 2010 SLNo.
117 s 4; 2011 SL No. 104 s 4; 2012 SL No. 91 s 4; 2013 SL No. 110 s
4Prescribed agreement between Queensland and
the Commonwealth, another Stateor an
entity—Act, s 50L(1)(a)s 5Ains 2009 SL No.
60 s 4Page 12Current as at 1
July 2013