\QueenslandArchitectsAct2002ArchitectsRegulation2003Current as at 1 July 2013
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised bythe Parliamentary Counsel.AnewreprintofthelegislationwillbepreparedbytheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change maybe because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences orbecause a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed.When a new reprint
is prepared, this reprint will become a historical reprint. Also,
if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
new reprint is prepared, for example, to includeamendments with a retrospective commencement,
an appropriate note would be includedonthecoverofthereplacementreprintandonthecopyofthisreprintatwww.legislation.qld.gov.au.The
endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
legislation and reprint.For example—•The
table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, givesdetails of any discretionary editorial powers under theReprintsAct1992used by theOffice of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it.•Thelistoflegislationendnotegiveshistoricalinformationabouttheoriginallegislationandthelegislationwhichamendedit.Italsogivesdetailsofuncommencedamendmentstothislegislation.Forinformationaboutpossibleamendments to the
legislation by Bills introduced in Parliament, see the
list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
level.All Queensland reprints are dated and
authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. Theprevious numbering
system and distinctions between printed and electronic reprints
arenot continued.
Architects Regulation 2003Architects Regulation 2003Part
1 Preliminary[s 1][as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 1 July 2013]Part
titleThisregulationmaybecitedastheArchitectsRegulation2003.2DictionaryThedictionaryinschedule2defineswordsusedinthisregulation.Part 2Election of an architect to theboardDivision 1Preliminary3Purpose of pt 2Thispartstatestheproceduresforelecting,forsection82(2)(c) of the
Act, an architect for appointment as a memberof the
board.Editor’snote—Section 82 (Membership of board) of
the Act—(1)The board consists of 7 members
appointed by the Governor inCouncil.Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Architects Regulation 2003Part 2 Election of
an architect to the board[s 4](2)The
members must include—…(c) 1 architect
elected under this Act.Division 2Notice of
election and nominationprocedure4Notice of election(1)The
registrar must publish a notice of the election day for theelection of an architect for appointment as
a member of theboard.(2)Thenoticemustbepublishedatleast2monthsbeforetheelection day.5Notice calling for nominations(1)The registrar must publish a notice
inviting nomination of acandidate for election.(2)The notice must—(a)statethedayandtimebywhichanominationofacandidate must be received by the
registrar; and(b)be published at least 28 days before
the day by whichnominations must be received.6Requirements for nominations(1)A nomination of a candidate for
election must—(a)be in the approved form; and(b)be received by the registrar before
the nomination dayand time.(2)A
nomination may be accompanied by the candidate’s writtenstatement.Page 4Current as at 1 July 2013
Architects Regulation 2003Part
2 Election of an architect to the board[s 7](3)Astatementmentionedinsubsection(2)mustnotbemorethan 200
words.Division 3Procedure if
only 1 candidatenominated7Candidate taken to be elected
unopposedIf only 1 candidate is nominated by the
nomination day andtime—(a)the
registrar is not required to conduct a ballot for theelection; and(b)the
candidate is taken to be elected unopposed.8Registrar to give notice of elected
candidate(1)Theregistrarmustgivethecandidatewrittennoticeofthecandidate’s election.(2)Also,theregistrarmustpublishanoticeofthecandidate’selectionassoonaspracticableafterthecandidate’sappointment to
the board.Division 4Procedure if
more than 1 candidatenominated9Registrar to conduct ballotIf
more than 1 candidate is nominated by the nomination dayand
time, the registrar must conduct a ballot for the electionunder this division.10Voting material(1)The
registrar must send the following things to each eligiblearchitect at least 28 days before the
election day—Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Architects Regulation 2003Part 2 Election of
an architect to the board[s 11](a)a
ballot paper;(b)anunsealedenvelopefortheballotpaper(theballotenvelope);(c)anunsealedenvelopeaddressedtotheregistrar(thereturn
envelope).(2)The ballot paper
must—(a)state the election day and election
time; and(b)list, in alphabetical order, the name
of each candidate;and(c)provideinstructionsonhowanarchitectmaycastavote; and(d)beaccompaniedbyanystatementssubmittedbythecandidates.(3)In
this section—eligible architectmeans a person
who was an architect on thedaythenoticeoftheelectionwaspublishedundersection4(1).11How votes are castAn architect may
vote only by—(a)marking a ballot paper with a cross
opposite the name of1 candidate; and(b)puttingtheballotpaperintheballotenvelopeandsealing the ballot envelope; and(c)puttingtheballotenvelopeinthereturnenvelopeandsealing the return envelope; and(d)returningthereturnenvelopetotheregistrarbytheelection
time.12Registrar must keep ballot box(1)The registrar must keep a ballot box
for the election.Page 6Current as at 1
July 2013
Architects Regulation 2003Part
2 Election of an architect to the board[s 13](2)The registrar must place each sealed
ballot envelope receivedby the registrar in the ballot
box.(3)Theballotboxmustbesealedinawaypreventingballotenvelopes from being taken from it until the
election time.13Candidate may appoint
candidate must give written notice of the appointment tothe
registrar at least 5 days before the election day.14Registrar must count votes(1)At,orassoonaspracticableafter,theelectiontime,theregistrar must, in the presence of any
scrutineer who wishes toattend and at least 2 other
witnesses—(a)open each ballot envelope in the
ballot box kept for theelection; and(b)accept each formal ballot paper and reject
each informalballot paper; and(c)count and record the number of votes for
each candidateon the accepted ballot papers.(2)Despitesubsection(1)(b),theregistrarmayacceptaninformalballotpaperif,intheopinionoftheregistrar,theintention of the voter is clear.(3)In this section—formal ballot
papermeans a ballot paper marked as
requiredunder section 11(a).informalballotpapermeansaballotpapernotmarkedasrequired under section 11(a).Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Architects Regulation 2003Part 2 Election of
an architect to the board[s 15]15Candidate with the highest number of votes
is elected(1)Subjecttosubsections(2)to(4),thecandidatewiththehighest number of votes is
elected.(2)Subsections (3) and (4) apply if 2 or
more candidates receivethe same number of votes so that the
candidate entitled to beelected under subsection (1) can not
be decided.(3)Theregistrarmustconductadrawbycompletingthefollowing steps in the presence of any
scrutineer who wishesto attend and at least 2 other
witnesses—(a)writingthenamesofthecandidateswiththesamenumber of votes
on separate pieces of paper that are thesame kind,
shape, size and colour;(b)folding the
pieces of paper in the same way to be thesame size and
thickness;(c)putting the pieces of paper in a
container and shufflingthem;(d)drawing out 1 of the pieces of paper.(4)Thecandidatewhosenameisdrawnoutundersubsection(3)(d) is
elected.16Registrar to give notice to
candidates(1)The registrar must give each candidate
written notice of thecandidate elected.(2)Also,theregistrarmustpublishanoticeofthecandidateelectedassoonaspracticableafterthecandidate’sappointment to
the board.17Ballot papers to be kept(1)The registrar must keep the ballot
papers placed in the ballotbox under
section 12(2) for 3 months from the election day.Page
8Current as at 1 July 2013
Architects Regulation 2003Part
3 Miscellaneous[s 18](2)At
the end of the 3 month period the registrar must destroy theballot papers in the presence of a member of
the board.Part 3Miscellaneous18Prescribed school of architecture—Act, s
82For section 82(2)(a)(i) of the Act, each of
the following is aprescribed school of architecture—•SchoolofDesignandBuiltEnvironment,QueenslandUniversity of
Technology•SchoolofGeography,Planning&Architecture,TheUniversity of Queensland.18ACode of practice approved—Act, s
108Forsection108(3)oftheAct,thecodeofpracticecalled‘Board of Architects of Queensland Code of
Practice’ madeby the board on 23 November 2004 is
approved.Editor’snote—Copies of the code of practice are
available for inspection at the board’sofficeat40GeorgeStreet,Brisbane.Thecodeofpracticeisalsoavailableforinspectionontheboard’swebsiteat<www.boaq.qld.gov.au>.19FeesThe fees payable
under the Act are stated in schedule 1.20RepealThe Architects
Regulation 2002 SL No. 348 is repealed.Current as at 1
July 2013Page 9
Architects Regulation 2003Schedule 1Schedule 1Feessection 19$1Application fee—Act, ss 8(2)(b)(iii)
and 23(2)(b)(ii) . . . . .216.102Registration fee (practising architect)—Act,
a period of registration of more than 1 month butnot
more than 6 months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a period of registration of more than 6 months . . .166.803Registration fee (non-practising
architect)—Act, s8(2)(b)(iii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83.204Annual registration fee (practising
architect)—Act, ss18(3)(b)(ii) and 23(2)(b)(iii) . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166.805Annual registration fee
(non-practising architect)—Act, ss18(3)(b)(ii) and
23(2)(b)(iii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.83.206Processing refused application—Act, s 14(b)
. . . . . . . . . . .146.407Processing lapsed application—Act, s 27(7) .
. . . . . . . . . . .146.408Processing withdrawn application—Act, s
35(2)(a) . . . . . .74.109Copy
of the register or part of it—Act, s 103(1)(b). . . . . . .35.80plus
$2.15for eachpage10Copy of approved code of practice or
part of it—Act, s110(1)(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.15plus
$2.15for eachpagePage
10Current as at 1 July 2013
Schedule 2DictionaryArchitects
Regulation 2003Schedule 2section 2ballot envelopesee section
10(1)(b).electionday,foranelectionofanarchitecttotheboard,means the day of
the election, decided by the board.electiontime,foranelectionofanarchitecttotheboard,means the time on the election day, decided
by the board, andstated on the ballot papers for the
election.nomination day and timemeans the day
and time stated in anotice given under section
5(1).publish, in relation to
a notice, means publishing the notice—(a)in a
publication that is likely to be read by architects,including for example, a journal or
newsletter given toarchitects; or(b)inanelectronicform,includingforexample,ontheboard’s web site on the
internet.return envelopesee section
10(1)(c).scrutineermeans a
scrutineer appointed by a candidate undersection
13(1).Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Architects Regulation 2003EndnotesEndnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.123Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .124Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .152Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in
theReprintsAct1992, section 5(c). Accordingly,
thisreprint includes all amendments that
commenced operation on or before 1 July 2013.Future amendments
of theArchitectsRegulation2003may be made in accordance withthis
reprint under theReprintsAct1992, section 49.3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in comorigpparaprecpresprevExplanation=Acts
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousPage 12Key(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedCurrent as at 1
July 2013
Architects Regulation 2003Endnotes4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprintsAct1992used by the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of
the Act are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1C1D1E22A2B2C2D2E2F2G2HAmendments includednone2003 SL No. 2462004 SL No.
902004 SL No. 902005 SL No.
1092005 SL No. 1092006 SL No.
1752007 SL No. 1402008 SL No.
1732009 SL No. 822010 Act No.
182010 SL No. 1362011 SL No.
272011 SL No. 1202012 SL No.
97Effective7 February
200310 October 200325 June
20041 July 200410 June
20051 July 20057 July
20061 July 20071 July
20081 July 200921 April
20101 July 201025 March
20111 July 20116 July
2012NotesCurrent as
at1 July 2013Amendments
included2013 SL No. 128NotesCurrent as at 1 July 2013Page
Architects Regulation 2003Endnotes5List of legislationRegulatory impact statementsFor
subordinate legislation that has a regulatory impact statement,
specific reference to the statementis included in
this list.Explanatory notesAll subordinate
legislation made on or after 1 January 2011 has an explanatory
note. For subordinatelegislation made before 1 January 2011
that has an explanatory note, specific reference to the note
isincluded in this list.Architects
Regulation 2003 SL No. 11made by the Governor in Council on 6
February 2003notfd gaz 7 February 2003 pp 385–6commenced on date of notificationexp 1
September 2013 (see SIA s 54)Notes—(1)The
expiry date may have changed since this reprint was published.
Seethe latest reprint of the SIR for any
change.(2)An explanatory note was
prepared.amending legislation—Architects
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 SL No. 246notfd gaz 10
October 2003 pp 455–6commenced on date of
notificationPublic Works Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2004 SL No. 90 pts 1–2notfd gaz 25 June
2004 pp 573–81ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notifications 5 commenced 1 July 2004 (see s 2)remaining provisions commenced on date of
notificationPublic Works Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2005 SL No. 109 pts 1–2notfd gaz 10 June
2005 pp 502–3s 5 commenced 1 July 2005 (see s 2)remaining provisions commenced on date of
notificationPublic Works Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2006 SL No. 175 pts 1–2notfd gaz 7 July
2006 pp 1167–9commenced on date of notificationArchitects Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2007
SL No. 140notfd gaz 29 June 2007 pp 1157–65ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2007 (see s 2)Public Works
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008 SL No. 173 pts
1–2notfd gaz 27 June 2008 pp 1268–78ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2008 (see s 2)Page 14Current as at 1 July 2013
Architects Regulation 2003EndnotesPublic Works
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2009 SL No. 82 pts
1–2notfd gaz 12 June 2009 pp 619–21ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (see s 2)Architects
Amendment Act 2010 No. 18 ss 1, 45 schdate of assent 21
April 2010commenced on date of assentPublic Works Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2010 SL No. 136 pts 1–2notfd gaz 25 June
2010 pp 823–30ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010
(see s 2)Architects Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2011
SL No. 27notfd gaz 25 March 2011 pp 483–4commenced on date of notificationPublic Works Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2011 SL No. 120 pts 1–2notfd gaz 24 June
2011 pp 534–8ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2011
(see s 2)Housing and Public Works Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SLNo. 97 pts
1–2notfd gaz 6 July 2012 pp 759–60commenced on date of notificationHousing and Public Works Legislation (Fees)
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013SL No. 128 pts
1–2notfd gaz 28 June 2013 pp 739–47ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2013 (see s 2)6List
of annotationsPART 1—PRELIMINARYpt hdgins
2003 SL No. 246 s 3Dictionarys 2ins
BOARDpt 2 (ss 3–17)ins 2003 SL No.
246 s 7PART 3—MISCELLANEOUSpt hdgins
2003 SL No. 246 s 7Prescribed school of architecture—Act, s
82s 18(prev s 2) renum and reloc 2003 SL No.
246 s 4Current as at 1 July 2013Page