Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation
Chemicals Distribution Control Act 1966AgriculturalChemicalsDistributionControlRegulation1998Current as at 1 July 2013
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised bythe Parliamentary Counsel.AnewreprintofthelegislationwillbepreparedbytheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change maybe because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences orbecause a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed.When a new reprint
is prepared, this reprint will become a historical reprint. Also,
if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
new reprint is prepared, for example, to includeamendments with a retrospective commencement,
an appropriate note would be
endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
legislation and reprint.For example—•The
table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, givesdetails of any discretionary editorial powers under theReprints Act 1992used by theOffice of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it.•Thelistoflegislationendnotegiveshistoricalinformationabouttheoriginallegislationandthelegislationwhichamendedit.Italsogivesdetailsofuncommencedamendmentstothislegislation.Forinformationaboutpossibleamendments to the
legislation by Bills introduced in Parliament, see the
QueenslandLegislation Current Annotations at•The
list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
level.All Queensland reprints
Theprevious numbering system and distinctions
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]Agricultural Chemicals Distribution
ControlRegulation 1998[as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 1 July 2013]Part
titleThisregulationmaybecitedastheAgriculturalChemicalsDistribution Control Regulation 1998.2DefinitionsIn this
regulation—apply,foralicence,includesanapplicationtorenewthelicence by a person who holds the
licence.approved accreditationmeans an
accreditation the holding ofwhich is
approved under section 13.examination,foralicence,meansanexaminationforthelicence conducted under part 2,
division 3, subdivision 1.hazardous area No. 1see
section 33(1)(a).hazardous area No. 2see section
33(1)(b).hazardous area No. 3see section
33(1)(c).3Parts of State excluded—Act, s
3(1)For section 3 of the Act, the parts of
the State to which the Actdoes not apply are shown on the map in
schedule 1.(2)The exact location of the boundary of
the parts of the State towhich the Act does not apply is held
in digital electronic formby the department.Current as at 1
July 2013Page 5
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 4](3)A map showing the exact location of
the boundary of the partsof the State to which the Act does not
apply can be accessed,free of charge, on the department’s
website.Editor’s note—The
department’s website address is <>.(4)The information held in digital
electronic form can be reducedor enlarged to
show the details of the boundaries.4Exclusion from definitionground equipment(1)ForthedefinitiongroundequipmentinthescheduleoftheAct, the equipment described in
subsection (2) is, other thanin a hazardous
area, prescribed not to be ground equipmentfor the
Act.(2)Subsection(1)appliestoequipmentusedtodistributeanagricultural chemical that is—(a)powered by hand or by compressed air
or gas applieddirectly to the spray liquid for
distribution without theuse of air blast techniques; or(b)a hose proportioning device.Part
2LicencesDivision 1General5Form
of licenceA licence or a renewal of a licence must be
in the approvedform.Page 6Current as at 1 July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 6]6Classes of commercial operator’s
licence—Act, s 16(1)Forsection16(1)oftheAct,theprescribedclassesofcommercial operator’s licences
are—(a)an unrestricted commercial operator’s
licence; and(b)a commercial operator’s licence,
restricted to herbicidesor equipment stated in the
licence.Division 2Licence
qualifications7Pilot chemical rating licence—Act, s
12(2)(b)For section 12(2)(b) of the Act, the
prescribed qualificationfor a person to apply for or hold a
pilot chemical rating licenceis that the
person must—(a)have passed the examination for the
licence; or(b)hold an approved accreditation for the
licence.8Commercial operator’s licence—Act, s
16(2)For section 16(2) of the Act, the prescribed
qualification for aperson to apply for or hold a commercial
operator’s licence isthat the person must—(a)have passed the examination for the
licence; or(b)hold an approved accreditation for the
licence.8ACommercial operator’s licence—relevant
pestmanagement qualification for pest
managementtechnician—Act, s 16A(1)Forsection16A(1)oftheAct,arelevantpestmanagementqualificationisastatementofattainmentissuedbyaregistered
training organisation stating that an individual hassuccessfully completed each of the following
competencies—(a)PRMPM05—Modify environment to manage
pests;Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 9](b)PRMPM06—Apply pesticide to manage
area.(2)In this section—registeredtrainingorganisationseetheVocationalEducation,
Training and Employment Act 2000, schedule
3.Division 3Examinations and
may sit for examinationApersonmaysitforanexaminationforapilotchemicalrating licence or a commercial operator’s
licence if—(a)the person has not failed—(i)an examination for the licence within
7 days; or(ii)3 consecutive
examinations for the licence and thelast failure was
within 3 months; and(b)the person gives
written notice to the standards officerthat the person
wishes to sit for an examination for thelicence.10Conduct of examination(1)Thissectionappliesifapersonmentionedinsection9hasgiven notice to the standards officer
under section 9(b).(2)The standards officer must conduct the
examination as soonas practicable.(3)The
standards officer may—(a)appointanotherpersonwhohasappropriatequalifications,
experience or standing to help the officerPage 8Current as at 1 July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 11]conduct the examination; or(b)fix conditions for the conduct of the
examination; or(c)fix the standard to pass the
examination.(4)An appointment must be by signed
writing.11Notice of examination(1)The standards officer must give each
applicant to sit for anexamination notice of its time and
place as soon as practicableafter the
officer receives the application.(2)Notice under subsection (1) may be given
orally.(3)The officer must also give each
applicant written notice of thefollowing before
the examination starts—(a)any conditions
fixed for the conduct of the examination;(c)the
standard for a pass.12Cancellation of result and
re-examination(1)This section applies if the board
considers that—(a)cheating or an irregularity happened
in the conduct of anexamination; and(b)theexaminationresultforapersonwhosatfortheexamination(thecandidate)wouldnothavebeenthesame if the cheating or irregularity
had not happened.(2)The board may cancel the candidate’s
result.(3)If the result is cancelled, the
candidate—(a)is taken not to have sat for the
examination; and(b)subjecttosection9(a),mayapplytositfortheexamination again.(4)Theboardmustgiveaninformationnoticeforthecancellationassoonaspracticableaftermakingthecancellation.Current as at 1
July 2013Page 9
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 13](5)The candidate may apply, as provided
under the QCAT Act, toQCAT for a review of the
decision.(6)ThissectiondoesnotapplytoadecisionthatQCATsubstitutes for
the cancellation.Subdivision 2Approved
accreditations13Board may approve(1)The
board may, by gazette notice, approve the holding of anaccreditation as an alternative
qualification to the passing oftheexaminationforapilotchemicalratingorcommercialoperator’s
licence.(2)The board may approve an accreditation
only if satisfied theholding of the accreditation is an
appropriate qualification forthe
licence.Division 4Refusal of
licences14When board may refuse(1)TheboardmayrefuseanapplicationforalicenceiftheapplicanthascommittedanoffenceagainsttheActortheHealth (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation
1996, section 290.(2)Theboardmayalsorefuseanapplicationforanaerialdistributioncontractorlicenceorgrounddistributioncontractor’s
licence if the applicant has contravened a requestby
the standards officer under section 26(2) of the Act.15Notice of refusalIf the board
decides to refuse an application for a licence, thestandardsofficermustgivetheapplicantaninformationnotice for the
decision as soon as practicable after the makingof
the decision.Page 10Current as at 1
July 2013
Division 5Agricultural
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998Part 2
Licences[s 16]Suspension and
cancellation16Notice of suspension by standards
officerIfthestandardsofficerdecidestosuspendalicenceundersection20oftheAct,thestandardsofficermustgivetheholder of the licence an information
notice for the decision assoon as practicable after the making
of the decision.17Right of review(1)This
section applies if the standards officer gives the holder ofasuspendedlicenceaninformationnoticefortheofficer’sdecision to suspend the licence.(2)The holder may apply, as provided
under the QCAT Act, toQCAT for a review of the
decision.18Substituted decision on reviewSections16and17donotapplytoadecisionthatQCATsubstitutes for
the decision that was reviewed.19Surrender of licence suspended by standards
officer(1)An information notice given to a
holder of a licence by thestandards officer under section 16(1)
may state a day by whichthe holder must surrender the licence
to the standards officer.(2)The holder must
comply with the information notice unlessthe holder has a
reasonable excuse for not complying with it.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(3)The standards
officer must return the licence to the holder assoonaspracticableif,becauseofareview,thesuspensionmentioned in the
notice ends.Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 2 Licences[s 19A]19ASurrender of licence suspended or
cancelled by chiefexecutive(1)An
information notice given to a licensee or former licenseeby
the chief executive under section 21(5) of the Act may statea
day by which the person must surrender the licence to thechief executive.(2)The
person must comply with a requirement under subsection(1)
unless the person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(3)The chief
executive must return the licence to the person assoon
as practicable if, because of a review, the cancellation orsuspension mentioned in the notice
ends.Division 7Miscellaneous24Production of licences(1)This
section applies if the standards officer or an inspector—(a)findsalicenseecommitting,orreasonablysuspectsalicensee has committed, an offence
against the Act; or(b)is exercising a power under section 32
or 34 of the Actand the exercise of the power relates to a
licensee.(2)The officer may require the licensee
to produce to the officerat a stated reasonable time and place
any licence held by theperson that relates to the offence or
the exercise of the power.(3)Thepersonmustcomplywiththerequirementunlesstheperson has a reasonable excuse for not
complying with it.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(4)If the person is required to produce a
commercial operator’slicence,therequirementmayalsobecompliedwithbytheproduction of
the licence within 2 days to—(a)the
person in charge of any police station nominated bythe
officer; orPage 12Current as at 1
July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
27](b)a public service employee employed by
the departmentwho is nominated by the officer.Part
3Aerial and ground distributionDivision 1General27Notice of damage by agricultural
chemicals—Act, s 30(1)Forsection30(1)oftheAct,theprescribedparticularsandinformationforanoticetothestandardsofficeraretheparticularsandinformationrequiredtobegivenintheapproved
form.28Regulation of distribution if damage
or injury to crop orstock(1)This
section applies to—(a)the pilot in command in charge of
aerial distribution; or(b)alicensedcommercialoperatorinchargeofgrounddistribution.(2)The
pilot or operator must not carry out the distribution withequipmentorundermeteorologicalconditionsthatmightreasonably be
expected to cause damage or injury to—(a)a
crop that the pilot or operator did not intend to treat bythe
distribution; or(b)stock.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.29Regulation of
aerial distributionApilotincommandmustnotcarryoutaerialdistributionunless each
spray nozzle used to carry out the distribution isCurrent as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
30]fitted with a positive and effective
leak-proof cut-off system.Maximum penalty—20 penalty
units.30Restriction on opening containers of
volatile chemicals(1)This section applies if a container
holds a volatile formulationof 2,4-D, MCPA
or picloram (avolatile chemical).(2)A person must not open the container
within 25m of a crop orof stock that is susceptible to damage
from a volatile chemicalunlessthepersonhasareasonableexcuseforopeningthecontainer.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(3)It is a
reasonable excuse for the person to open the container ifthe
person was not reasonably aware that—(a)the
container held a volatile chemical; and(b)thestockorcropwassusceptibletodamagefromavolatile chemical.31Prescribed matters for register—Act, s
24(1)(1)For section 24(1) of the Act, the
register must be kept in anelectronic
form.(2)For section 24(1) of the Act, the
following are the prescribedparticulars for
licensees to be entered in the register—(a)the
licensee’s address;(b)thenumberofthelicensee’slicenceorrenewaloflicence;(c)the
date the licence or renewal was granted.(3)The
standards officer may also enter other particulars in theregister that the standards officer thinks
are appropriate.Page 14Current as at 1
July 2013
Division 2Agricultural
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and
ground distribution[s 32]Hazardous
areasSubdivision 1Preliminary32Definitions for div 2In this
division—authorised technique, for ground
distribution, means—(a)a stem
injection; or(b)cut stump treatment, frill ringing or
basal bark treatmentcarried out no less than 100m of a
crop that—(i)is not on a property owned by the
person for whomthe treatment is carried out; and(ii)is susceptible
to damage from the treatment.distribution
permitmeans a distribution permit issued by
theboard under section 40.permitconditionmeansaconditionimposedundersection41.33Hazardous
areas—Act, s 28(1)(1)For section 28 of the Act, each of the
following is declared tobe a hazardous area—(a)the area shown on the map in schedule
1A (hazardousarea No.
1);(b)the area shown
on the map in schedule 1B (hazardousarea
No. 2);(c)the area shown
on the map in schedule 1C (hazardousarea
No. 3).(2)The exact
location of the boundary of each of the hazardousareas is held in digital electronic form by
the department.(3)Maps showing the exact location of the
boundary of each ofthehazardousareascanbeaccessed,freeofcharge,ontheCurrent as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
34]department’s website.Editor’s
note—The department’s website address is
information held in digital electronic form can be reducedor
enlarged to show the details of the boundaries.Subdivision
2Distribution conditions34Prescribed conditions for
distributionThissubdivisionprescribes,forsection29oftheAct,theconditionsforapersontocarryoutaerialorgrounddistribution in
a hazardous area.Editor’s note—Under
section 29 (Carrying out of distributions in hazardous areas)
ofthe Act, a person must not carry out aerial
or ground distribution in ahazardous area unless the distribution
is carried out under the conditionsprescribedbyregulationforthearea.Themaximumpenaltyforcontraventionofsection29is100penaltyunitsor6monthsimprisonment.35No
distribution if damage or injury to crop or stockAerialorgrounddistributionmustnotbecarriedoutinahazardousareawithequipmentorundermeteorologicalconditions that
might reasonably be expected to cause damageor injury
to—(a)acropthatthepersondidnotintendtotreatbythedistribution; or(b)stock.36Smoke
generation for aerial distributionAerial
distribution must not be carried out in a hazardous areaunless—Page 16Current as at 1 July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
37](a)the aircraft used to carry out the
distribution has a smokegenerating device installed or
attached; and(b)the device is used to showair
movement immediatelybefore and during the
distribution.37Conditions for hazardous area No.
1(1)This section applies to hazardous area
No. 1.(2)Aerial distribution of picloram or
ester formulations of MCPAor2,4-D(achemical)mustnotbecarriedoutunlesstheperson carrying out the distribution holds a
distribution permitthat allows the person to carry out the
distribution; or(b)the distribution is by an authorised
technique.38Conditions for hazardous area No.
2(1)This section applies to hazardous area
No. 2.(2)Aerial or ground distribution of ester
formulations of 2,4-Dmust not be carried out.(3)Aerial distribution of an ester
formulation of picloram mustnotbecarriedoutunlessthepersoncarryingoutthedistribution
holds a distribution permit that allows the personto
carry out the distribution.(4)Ground distribution of an ester formulation
of picloram mustnot be carried out unless—(a)thepersoncarryingoutthedistributionholdsadistributionpermitthatallowsthepersontocarryoutthe
distribution; or(b)the distribution is by an authorised
technique.Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
38A]38AConditions for hazardous area No.
3(1)This section applies to hazardous area
No. 3.(2)Aerial distribution of an ester
formulation of 2,4-D must notbe carried out
unless the person carrying out the distributionholds a
distribution permit that allows the person to carry outthe
distribution.(3)Ground distribution of an ester
formulation of 2,4-D must notbe carried out
distribution; or(b)the distribution is by an authorised
technique.Subdivision 3Distribution
permits39Application for a distribution
permit(1)A person who holds an aerial
distribution contractor licencemay apply to the
board for a distribution permit for a statedindividual to
carry out aerial distribution in a stated hazardousarea
if the individual—(a)is a pilot in command who holds a
pilot chemical ratinglicence; and(b)either—(i)is
the applicant; or(ii)will carry out
the aerial distribution—(A)in the course of
the applicant’s business; or(B)at
the direction, or under the authority, of theapplicant.(2)A
person who holds an aerial distribution contractor licence
orgrounddistributioncontractor’slicencemayapplytotheboard for a distribution permit for a
stated individual to carryPage 18Current as at 1
July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 3 Aerial and ground distribution[s
40]outgrounddistributioninastatedhazardousareaiftheindividual—(a)holds a commercial operator’s licence;
the applicant; or(ii)will carry out
the ground distribution—(A)in the course of
the applicant’s business; or(B)at
the direction, or under the authority, of theapplicant.(3)An
application must be made—(a)in the approved
form; and(b)at least 10 days before the day on
which the applicantproposes to start the distribution applied
for.(4)The board must grant or refuse the
application.(5)If the board does not grant or refuse
the application within 3months of the making of the
application, it is taken to have—(a)refused the application; and(b)given the applicant an information
notice for the refusalat the end of the 3 months.40Issue of distribution permitIf
the board grants the application, it must issue a
distributionpermit in the approved form within 14
days.41Distribution permit conditions(1)The board may impose reasonable
conditions for the issuingof the distribution permit.(2)Iftheboardimposesapermitcondition,itmustgivetheapplicantaninformationnoticeforthedecisionwithin14days
after the imposition of the condition.Current as at 1
July 2013Page 19
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 4 Miscellaneous[s 42]42Notice of refusalIf the board
decides to refuse the application, it must give theapplicantaninformationnoticewithin14daysafterthemaking of the decision.43Right of review(1)This
section applies if the board—(a)givestheapplicantforadistributionpermitaninformation notice for the board’s
decision to refuse theapplication; or(b)decides to grant the application, but to
impose a permitcondition for the issuing of the
distribution permit.(2)The applicant
may apply, as provided under the QCAT Act, toQCAT for a
review of the decision to refuse the application orimpose the permit condition.(3)ThissectiondoesnotapplytoadecisionthatQCATsubstitutes for
the decision.Part 4Miscellaneous44False
or misleading statements or documents(1)A
person must not—(a)stateanythingtothestandardsofficerorboardthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterialparticular;
penalty—20 penalty units.Page 20Current as at 1
July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Part 4 Miscellaneous[s 45](2)Subsection(1)(b)doesnotapplytoapersonwho,whengiving the
document—(a)tellsthestandardsofficerorboard,tothebestoftheperson’s ability, how it is false or
misleading; and(b)ifthepersonhas,orcanreasonablyget,thecorrectinformation—givesthecorrectinformationtothestandards officer or board.(3)It is enough for a complaint against a
person for an offenceagainstsubsection(1)tostatethestatementmadeorthedocumentgivenwasfalseormisleadingtotheperson’sknowledge
without stating which.45FeesThe
fees payable under the Act are in schedule 2.Current as at 1
July 2013Page 21
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Schedule 1Schedule 1Areas excluded from Actsection 3Page
22Current as at 1 July 2013
Schedule 1AAgricultural
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998Schedule
1AHazardous area No. 1section
33(1)(a)Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Schedule 1BSchedule
1BHazardous area No. 2section
33(1)(b)Page 24Current as at 1
July 2013
Schedule 1CAgricultural
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998Schedule
1CHazardous area No. 3section
33(1)(c)Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.273Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .274Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .312Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in
theReprints Act 1992, section 5(c).
Accordingly, thisreprint includes all amendments that
commenced operation on or before 1 July 2013.Future amendments
of theAgricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998may be made in accordance with this reprint
under theReprints Act 1992, section
49.3KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousCurrent as at 1
July 2013Key(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedPage
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Endnotes4Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 32370466 or email,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1C2Amendments tonone1999
SL No. 1842000 SL No. 1692000 SL No.
2832001 SL No. 177Effective15
May 19986 August 19991 July
200010 November 200028 September
2001Reprint date3 July
19986 September 19994 July
200013 November 20002 November
2001ReprintNo.2A2B2C2D2E2F33A3B3C3D44A4B4C4D4E rv4FAmendments included2002 SL No.
3512003 SL No. 2392003 SL No.
3352004 SL No. 2312005 SL No.
2682006 SL No. 267—2007
SL No. 772007 SL No. 2322008 SL No.
382008 SL No. 314—2009
SL No. 1762009 Act No. 242010 SL No.
2682011 SL No. 1102012 SL No.
922012 SL No. 103Effective13
December 20024 November 200314 December
200329 November 200411 December
20054 December 20064 December
20064 May 200729 October
200715 March 200819 September
200819 September 200828 August
20091 December 20091 October
20101 July 20111 July
201220 July 2012NotesR2F
withdrawn, see R3R3D withdrawn, see R4Current as
at1 July 2013Amendments
included2013 SL No. 102NotesPage
28Current as at 1 July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Endnotes5List
of legislationRegulatory impact statementsFor
subordinate legislation that has a regulatory impact statement,
specific reference to thestatement is included in this
list.Explanatory notesAll subordinate
legislation made on or after 1 January 2011 has an explanatory
note. Forsubordinate legislation made before 1 January
2011 that has an explanatory note, specificreference to the
note is included in this list.Agricultural
Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 1998 SL No. 135made
by the Governor in Council on 14 May 1998notfd gaz 15 May
1998 pp 311–16commenced on date of notificationexp
31 August 2013 (see SIA s 56A(2) and SIR s 4 sch 2 pt 2)Note—The expiry date may have changed since
this reprint was published. See thelatest reprint of
the SIR for any change.amending legislation—Primary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 1999 SL No. 184 ss 1,15 schnotfd
gaz 6 August 1999 pp 1983–4commenced on date of
notificationPrimary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 1) 2000 SL No. 169 pts1–2notfd
gaz 30 June 2000 pp 736–48ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2000
(see s 2)Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2000SL No.
283notfd gaz 10 November 2000 pp 1016–17commenced on date of notificationNote—A regulatory impact statement and
explanatory note were preparedPrimary
Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2001 SL No. 177
pts1–2notfd gaz 28 September 2001 pp
328–30commenced on date of notificationPrimary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2002 SL No. 351 pts1–2notfd
gaz 13 December 2002 pp 1266–9commenced on date
of notificationCurrent as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998EndnotesPrimary
Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2003 SL No. 239
pts1–2notfd gaz 3 October 2003 pp
382–5ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 4 November
2003 (see s 2)Primary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2003 SL No. 335 pts1–2, s 3
schnotfd gaz 12 December 2003 pp 1203–7ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 14 December 2003 (see s 2)Primary
Industries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2004 SL No. 231
pts1–2notfd gaz 29 October 2004 pp
734–7ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 29 November
2004 (see s 2)Primary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 1) 2005 SL No. 268 pts1–2notfd
gaz 11 November 2005 pp 955–7ss 1–2 commenced
on date of notificationremaining provisions commenced 11
December 2005 (see s 2)Primary Industries Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2006 SL No. 267 pts1–2notfd gaz 3 November 2006 pp
1103–4ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 4 December
2006 (see s 2)Primary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 1) 2007 SL No. 77 pts 1–2notfd
gaz 4 May 2007 pp 116–17commenced on date of
notificationPrimary Industries Legislation Amendment
Regulation (No. 2) 2007 SL No. 232 ss 1–2(1), pt
2notfd gaz 21 September 2007 pp 447–9ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 29 October 2007 (see s 2(1))Primary Industries and Other Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008 SLNo. 38 pts
1–2notfd gaz 29 February 2008 pp 1012–14ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 15 March 2008 (see s 2)Primary
Industries and Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)
2008SL No. 314 s 1, pt 2notfd gaz 19
September 2008 pp 407–9commenced on date of
notificationPage 30Current as at 1
July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998EndnotesQueensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal (Jurisdiction Provisions)
AmendmentAct 2009 No. 24 ss 1–2, ch 5 pt 2date
of assent 26 June 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 December
2009 (2009 SL No. 252)Primary Industries and Fisheries
Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2009SL No. 176 pts
1–2notfd gaz 28 August 2009 pp 1491–6commenced on date of notificationPrimary Industries and Fisheries Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010SL No. 268 pts
1–2notfd gaz 1 October 2010 pp 294–7commenced on date of notificationEmployment,EconomicDevelopmentandInnovationLegislationAmendmentRegulation (No. 1) 2011 SL No. 110 pts
1–2notfd gaz 24 June 2011 pp 534–8ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2011 (see s 2)Agriculture and
Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 SL No.
92pts 1–2notfd gaz 29 June
2012 pp 704–10ss 1–2 commenced on date of
notificationremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2012
(see s 2)Vocational Education, Training and Employment
and Other Legislation AmendmentRegulation (No.
1) 2012 SL No. 103 pts 1, 3notfd gaz 20 July 2012 pp 863–7commenced on date of notificationAgriculture and Fisheries Legislation
Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 SL No.102 pts
1–2notfd gaz 21 June 2013 pp 503–7ss
1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2013 (see s 2)6List
of annotationsDefinitionss 2defauthorised techniqueom
2000 SL No. 283 s 3(1)defdistribution
permitom 2000 SL No. 283 s 3(1)defhazardous area No. 1sub
2000 SL No. 283 s 3(1)–(2)amd 2009 SL No. 176 s 3(1)defhazardous area No. 2sub
2000 SL No. 283 s 3(1)–(2)amd 2009 SL No. 176 s 3(2)defhazardous area No. 3ins
2000 SL No. 283 s 3(2)Current as at 1 July 2013Page
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998Endnotesamd 2009 SL No.
176 s 3(3)defpermit conditionom 2000 SL No.
283 s 3(1)Parts of State excluded—Act, s 3s
3amd 2008 SL No. 38 s 4Exclusion from
definitionground equipments 4amd
2007 SL No. 77 s 2Form of licences 5amd
2003 SL No. 335 s 4Commercial operator’s licence—relevant pest
management qualification for pestmanagement
technician—Act, s 16As 8Ains 2003 SL No.
335 s 5amd 2012 SL No. 103 s 22Cancellation of
result and re-examinations 12amd 2003 SL No.
335 s 3 sch; 2009 Act No. 24 s 301Board may
approves 13amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 3 schWhen
board may refuseprov hdgamd 2003 SL No.
335 s 3 schs 14amd 2003 SL No. 335 ss 3 sch, 6Notice of refusals 15amd
2003 SL No. 335 s 3 sch; 2009 Act No. 24 s 302Notice of
suspension by standards officers 16amd
2009 Act No. 24 s 303Right of reviews 17sub
2009 Act No. 24 s 304Substituted decision on reviews
18sub 2009 Act No. 24 s 305Surrender of licence suspended by standards
officerprov hdgamd 2003 SL No.
335 s 7(1)s 19amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 7(2)–(4); 2009
Act No. 24 s 306Surrender of licence suspended or cancelled
by chief executives 19Ains 2003 SL No. 335 s 8amd
2009 Act No. 24 s 307Division 6—Amendment of aerial
distribution contractor licencespt 2 div 6 (ss
20–23)om 2003 SL No. 335 s 9Prescribed
security for ground distribution—Act, s 25(3)(b)s
25om 2003 SL No. 335 s 10Aerial and ground
equipment that may be useds 26om 2003 SL No.
335 s 10Page 32Current as at 1
July 2013
Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control
Regulation 1998EndnotesPrescribed
matters for register—Act, s 24(1)prov hdgamd
2003 SL No. 335 s 11(1)s 31amd 2003 SL No.
335 s 11(2)–(5)Definitions for div 2s 32defdistribution permitamd
2003 SL No. 335 s 3 schdefhazardous area
No. 1om 2000 SL No. 283 s 4defhazardous area No. 2om 2000 SL No.
283 s 4Hazardous areas—Act, s 28(1)s
33amd 2000 SL No. 283 s 5sub 2008 SL No.
38 s 5Smoke generation for aerial
distributions 36amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 12Conditions for hazardous area No. 1s
37amd 2000 SL No. 283 s 6Conditions for
hazardous area No. 2s 38amd 2000 SL No.
283 s 7Conditions for hazardous area No. 3s
38Ains 2000 SL No. 283 s 8Application for a
distribution permits 39amd 2003 SL No. 335 ss 3 sch, 13; 2009
Act No. 24 s 308Issue of distribution permits
40amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 3 schDistribution permit conditionss
41amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 3 sch; 2009 Act No. 24
s 309Notice of refusals 42amd
2003 SL No. 335 s 3 sch; 2009 Act No. 24 s 310Right of
reviewprov hdgamd 2009 Act No.
24 s 311(1)s 43amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 3 sch; 2009 Act
No. 24 s 311(2)–(6)False or misleading statements or
documentss 44amd 2003 SL No. 335 s 14Feess 45amd 1999 SL No.
184 s 15 schPART 5—REPEALpt 5 (ss
46–47)exp 16 May 1998 (see s 47)SCHEDULE 1—AREAS EXCLUDED FROM ACTsub
2000 SL No. 283 s 9; 2008 SL No. 38 s 6SCHEDULE
1A—HAZARDOUS AREA No. 1ins 2008 SL No. 38 s 6Current as at 1 July 2013Page