Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice,
Land and Other Matters) Act 1984
QueenslandAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunities(Justice,LandandOtherMatters)Act1984Current as at 21 September 2012—revised
versionReprint notePowers under
theReprintsAct1992have been used in this reprint to
bringthe legislation into line with current
drafting practice.
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
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Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
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if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
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list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
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arenot continued.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderCommunities (Justice, Land and Other
Matters)Act 1984[as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 21 September2012]AnActtoprovideforlawandorderin,theestablishmentofcommunityjusticegroupsfor,andtheregulationofalcoholpossession and
consumption in, community areas, and entryon trust areas,
and for other purposesPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheAboriginalandTorresStraitIslander Communities (Justice, Land and
Other Matters) Act1984.2Commencement(1)Section 1 and this section shall commence on
the day this Actis assented to for and on behalf of Her
Majesty.(2)Exceptasisprovidedbysubsection(1),thisActshallcommenceon31May1984oronsuchearlierdateasisappointed by proclamation.(3)ThedateonwhichthisAct,otherthansections1and2commencesasprescribedisinthisActreferredtoasthecommencement of
this Act.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 7
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 1 Preliminary[s 3]3Savings(1)A
management of property of a person that was undertakenwhenthepersonwasanassistedAboriginewithinthemeaningoftheAborigines’andTorresStraitIslanders’Affairs Act
1965and that is maintained at the
commencementof this Act shall be deemed to be a
management of propertyunder this Act and, unless it is
terminated in accordance withthis Act, shall
be maintained in accordance with this Act.(2)A
management of property of an Aborigine that is maintainedatthecommencementofthisActshallcontinuetobemaintained in
accordance with this Act unless it is terminatedin
accordance with this Act.4DefinitionsIn this
Act—Aboriginal landmeans Aboriginal
land under theAboriginalLand Act
1991.ACC, for part 9,
division 3, see section 74.alcoholhasthesamemeaningasliquorintheLiquorAct1992.Note—See theLiquor Act 1992, section
4B.appropriatelyqualified,inrelationtoapower,includeshaving the
qualifications, experience or standing appropriateto
exercise the power.Example of standing—a
person’s classification level in the public serviceapproved formmeans a form
approved under section 70.clerk of the court, for a
community area, means the clerk ofthe court of the
Magistrates Court having jurisdiction for thearea.commencement—(a)for part 9—see section 72; andPage
8Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 1 Preliminary[s 4](b)for part 11—see section 86.community areameans—(a)a community government area; or(b)the Shire of Aurukun or Mornington;
or(c)an IRC area, a part of an IRC area, or
an IRC divisionarea; or(d)another area prescribed under a
regulation.communitygovernmentisanindigenouslocalgovernment,thatisnotanindigenousregionalcouncil,undertheLocalGovernment Act
2009.community government areais
the local government area ofa community
government.community justice groupmeans a
community justice groupestablished under part 4 for a
community area.communitypoliceofficermeansapersonappointedundersection12asacommunitypoliceofficerforacommunitygovernment area,
IRC area or IRC division area.coordinator, for a
community justice group, means the personappointedundersection22bythegrouptoperformthefunctions of coordinator for the
group.corporationmeans the
corporation sole preserved, continuedin existence and
constituted under this Act by the name andstyle Aboriginal
and Islander Affairs Corporation.dry place,
for part 5, see section 27.fermenter,
for part 5, see section 27.home-brew
concentrate, for part 5, see section 27.home-brew kit, for part 5,
see section 27.homemade alcohol, for part 5,
see section 27.IIBmeans the Island Industries
Board.indigenouslocalgovernment,forpart3,division1,seesection 8A.Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 1 Preliminary[s 4]indigenous regional councilmeans TSIRC or NPARC.IRC areameans the local government area of an
indigenousregional council.IRC division
areameans a part of an IRC area that, under
theLocal Government Act 2009, is
one of the divisions into whichthe IRC area is
divided for electoral purposes.liquor
provisionsmeans—(a)section 34; and(b)theLiquor Act 1992, sections 168B,
169 and 171.local lawhas the meaning
given in theLocal Government Act2009.membermeans a member
of a community justice group.native title
holder, for part 6, see section 48.native title rights and interests,
for part 6, see section 48.NPARCmeanstheNorthernPeninsulaAreaRegionalCouncil.police officer
in charge, for a community government area,IRCareaorIRCdivisionarea,meansthepoliceofficerincharge of the police station in the
area or, if there is no policestation in the
area, the police officer in charge of the nearestpolice station.possess,
for part 5, see section 27.post-amended
Act, for part 11, see section 86.pre-amended Act, for part 11,
see section 86.prescribed community area,
for part 5, see section 27.relevantBamagaareameanstheareathat,immediatelybefore the day
that, under theLocal Government Act 1993,
isthe changeover day for NPARC, was the Bamaga
council areaunder the repealed Torres Strait Act.relevant Seisia areameans the area
that, immediately beforethedaythat,undertheLocalGovernmentAct1993,isthePage 10Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 2 Administration[s
5]changeover day for NPARC, was the Seisia
council area underthe repealed Torres Strait Act.repealed part 8, for part 9,
division 3, see section 74.repealedTorresStraitActmeanstheCommunityServices(Torres Strait) Act 1984as in force
before its repeal under theLocalGovernmentandOtherLegislation(IndigenousRegional
Councils) Amendment Act 2007.residential premises, for part 5,
see section 27.tenant, for part 5,
see section 27.Torres Strait Islander landmeans Torres Strait Islander landunder theTorres Strait
Islander Land Act 1991.trust
area, for part 6, see section 48.TSCmeans the Torres Shire Council.TSIRCmeans the Torres
Strait Island Regional Council.Part 2Administration5Corporation(1)Thecorporationsolepreserved,continuedinexistenceandconstitutedundertheCommunityServices(Aborigines)Act1984under the name
and style ‘The Corporation of the UnderSecretaryforCommunityServices’isherebyfurtherpreserved,continuedinexistenceandconstitutedunderthename and style ‘Aboriginal and
Islander Affairs Corporation’.(2)Thecorporationisconstitutedbythepersonwhoatthematerialtimeholdstheappointment,chiefexecutive,andunder the name and style assigned to it by
subsection (1)—(a)has perpetual succession and an
official seal; and(b)iscapableinlawofsuingandbeingsued,ofcompoundingorprovinginacourtofcompetentjurisdiction all
debts and sums of money due to it; andCurrent as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 2 Administration[s
6](c)is capable in law of acquiring and
holding (absolutely orsubjecttotrusts),letting,leasing,hiring,disposingofandotherwisedealingwithpropertyrealandpersonalsituatedwithinoroutsidetheStateandofdoingandsufferingallsuchactsandthingsasbodiescorporatemay
in law do and suffer.(3)All courts,
judges, justices and persons acting judicially shalltake
judicial notice of the seal of the corporation affixed toany
writing and, until the contrary is proved, shall presumethat
it was duly affixed thereto.(4)Withrespecttotheexerciseofanyofitspowersandwithrespecttoanymatterarisinginconnectiontherewiththecorporation has all the privileges,
rights and remedies of theCrown.6Corporation of chief executive is statutory
body(1)UndertheStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangementsAct1982, the
corporation is a statutory body.(2)TheStatutory Bodies Financial
Arrangements Act 1982, part2B sets out the
way in which the corporation’s powers underthisActareaffectedbytheStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangements Act 1982.7Consequences of constitution of
corporation(1)A reference in any—(a)Act; or(b)proclamation,orderincouncil,regulation,by-laworother instrument made under any Act;
or(c)agreement, contract, deed or other
document, instrumentor writing of any kind;to
the Corporation of the Director of Aboriginal and IslandersAdvancementconstitutedundertheAboriginesAct1971ortheCorporationoftheUnderSecretaryforCommunityServicesconstitutedundertheCommunityServicesPage
12Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 8](Aborigines)Act1984shallbereadandconstruedasareference to the corporation.(2)Anyproceedingwhichpriortothecommencementofthissection was
commenced by or against the Corporation of theDirectorofAboriginalandIslandersAdvancementortheCorporation of the Under Secretary for
Community Servicesand which is not concluded at such
commencement may becontinued by or against the
corporation.(3)The registrar of titles and any other
person charged with thekeeping of a register of dealings
concerning land vested in orheldbytheCorporationoftheDirectorofAboriginalandIslandersAdvancementortheCorporationoftheUnderSecretaryforCommunityServicesshallwithoutfurtherauthoritythanthissectionalterthenameasshowninsuchregister of the
registered proprietor, registered lessee, owneror occupier of
land referred to in such register to ‘Aboriginaland
Islander Affairs Corporation’.8Delegation by Minister or chief
executiveTheMinisterorchiefexecutivemaydelegatehisorherpowers under
this Act to an appropriately qualified officer ofthe
department.Part 3Law and order in
communitygovernment and IRC areasDivision 1Law
and order in communitygovernment and IRC areas8ADefinitions for div 1In
this division—Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 13
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 9]indigenouslocalgovernmentmeansanyofthefollowinglocal
governments—(a)the Aurukun Shire Council;(b)the Mornington Shire Council;(c)a community government;(d)an indigenous regional council.indigenous local government areameans—(a)the
local government area for—(i)Aurukun Shire
Council; or(ii)Mornington Shire
Council; or(b)a community government area; or(c)an IRC area, including an IRC division
area.9Jurisdiction and powers of
police(1)Police officers have and may exercise
in an indigenous localgovernmentareaandinrespectofpersonsthereinthefunctions, duties and powers imposed
or conferred on them bylawthattheyhaveandmayexerciseinanyotherpartofQueensland.(2)In
respect of the discharge or exercise in an indigenous localgovernmentareaofanyfunction,dutyorpowerapoliceofficer has the
protection accorded by law to a police officerin the discharge
or exercise ofthat function, duty or powerelsewhere in Queensland.(3)Policeofficersareauthorisedtoperformsuchactsanddosuch things in an indigenous local
government area as may beauthorisedorrequiredtobedonebycommunitypoliceofficersunderthelocallawsoftheindigenouslocalgovernment for that area.(4)Inrespectintheperformanceinanindigenouslocalgovernment area of any act or thing referred
to in subsection(3) a police officer has the protection
accorded by law to apolice officer in the discharge or
exercise by the officer of thePage 14Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 10]officer’sfunctions,dutiesandpowerselsewhereinQueensland.10Entry
upon indigenous local government areas etc.Apoliceofficerisentitledtoenteronandtobeinanindigenous local
government area—(a)for the purpose of discharging or
exercising a function,dutyorpowerimposedorconferredontheofficerbylaw;
or(b)for the purpose of performing any act
or thing that theofficer is by this Act authorised to perform
pursuant toanauthorityorrequirementofalocallawofanindigenous local
government;and, in the case referred to in paragraph
(b), the officer shallbe deemed to be acting in the
discharge of the officer’s duty asa police
officer.11Application to indigenous local
government areas of lawsrelating to public places(1)ForthepurposeonlyofapplyingtheprovisionsoflawsinforceinrespectofanypublicplaceinQueenslandtoindigenous local government areas—(a)therightofaccesstooruseofanyplaceinanindigenous local government area by
the general bodyofpersonsresidentintheareaistobetakentohaveeffect in law as
if it were a right of access or use by thepublic;
and(b)whereanyplacewould,butforitsbeinginanindigenous local government area, be
taken in law to beapublicplace,road,parkorplaceofanyotherdescription it
is to be taken so to be notwithstanding thatit is in the
area in question.(2)This section is not to be construed as
conferring on any persona right of entry to indigenous local
government areas.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 15
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 12]12Community police officers(1)The function of maintaining peace and
good order in all partsof an indigenous local government area
is that of persons whoholdappointmentsforthetimebeingascommunitypoliceofficers for the area.(2)An
indigenous local government may appoint such number ofpersons as it considers necessary for the
peace and good orderof its area and the indigenous local
government shall equip thepersonsappointedwithauniformandsuchothermarksofauthorityasitthinksfittoenablethemtodischargetheirfunction.(3)Apersonappointedundersubsection(2)musthavethequalifications prescribed under a
regulation.(4)Subsection (3) does not limit the
issues the indigenous localgovernment may
consider when deciding whether to appointsomeone under
subsection (2).(5)In this section—qualificationsincludes
knowledge, skills and experience.13Discharge of community police officers’
functions etc.(1)Community police officers appointed
for an indigenous localgovernment area shall have and may
exercise within that areathe functions, duties and powers
conferred on them by a locallaw of the
indigenous local government for the area.(2)Also,fortheadministrationandenforcementoftheliquorprovisions in an
indigenous local government area, the policeofficerinchargefortheareamayauthoriseacommunitypolice officer
to exercise in the area the powers of—(a)an
investigator under theLiquor Act 1992, part 7;
orNote—For exercise of
powers by community police officers under theLiquor Act
1992, part 7, see section 174A of that
Act.(b)apoliceofficerunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000,
sections 60 to 62.Page 16Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 14](3)For
subsection (2)(b), thePolice Powers and
ResponsibilitiesAct2000,sections60to62,applyasifareferenceinthesections to a police officer were a
reference to a communitypolice officer.(4)If
at any time a police officer is, in execution of the
officer’sduty,stationedinorpresentinanindigenouslocalgovernmentareaforwhichcommunitypoliceofficersareappointed, the community police
officers must discharge andexercisetheirfunctions,dutiesandpowerssubjecttothedirection and
control of that police officer.(5)It
is lawful for a community police officer to use reasonableforce in the discharge of the officer’s
function of maintainingpeaceandgoodorderintheareaforwhichtheofficerisappointed.14Other
functions of community police officersAnindigenouslocalgovernmentmaybyitslocallawsorotherwiseasitthinksfitchargecommunitypoliceofficersappointedforitsindigenouslocalgovernmentareawithresponsibilityforambulanceservices,firefightingservices,emergencyservicesandsuchotherservicesassociatedwiththe
local government of the area as it thinks fit.15Indemnification of community police officer
for liabilityfor tort(1)If—(a)acommunitypoliceofficerincurslegalliabilityforcommitting a tort while acting, or
purporting to act, inthe execution of duty as an officer;
and(b)the officer acted honestly and without
gross negligence;the State may indemnify the officer for the
liability.(2)If—(a)acommunitypoliceofficerincurslegalliabilityforhelping,directlyorindirectly,apersonsuffering,orCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 17
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 16]apparentlysuffering,fromillnessorinjuryincircumstances that the officer reasonably
considers to bean emergency; and(b)the
officer acted honestly and without gross negligence;the
State must indemnify the officer for the liability.Division 2Authorised
officers16Authorised officers(1)A community government or indigenous
regional council mayappointanypersontobeanauthorisedofficerforitslocalgovernmentareaforsuchperiodasthecommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilspecifies,toprotect the natural and cultural resources
of the area.(2)Subjecttosubsection(3),anauthorisedofficerappointedunder subsection
(1) is to perform such functions and dutiesand may exercise
such powers as are prescribed in the locallawsforthelocalgovernmentareainwhichtheauthorisedofficerisappointed,whichlocallawsmayhaveregardtoAboriginal tradition or Island
custom.(3)An authorised officer may only perform
a function or exercisea power, in respect of Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander landin the local
government area for which the authorised officerisappointed,underanagreementbetweenthecommunitygovernment or
indigenous regional council and the grantees ofthe land.17General powers of authorised
officers(1)An authorised officer, in addition to
such other powers andduties as from time to time devolve
upon that officer underthis Act or the local laws for the
local government area forwhich the officer is appointed may do
the following—(a)call to his or her aid a community
police officer for thearea where he or she has reasonable
cause to apprehendPage 18Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 3 Law and order in community
government and IRC areas[s 17]any obstruction
in the exercise of his or her powers or inthe execution of
his or her duties;(b)beaccompaniedandaidedbyanypersontheofficermay think
competent to assist him or her in making anyinspection or
examination for the purposes of the locallaws for the
area;(c)make such examination and inquiry as
may be necessarytoascertainwhethertheprovisionsofthisActortherelevant local
laws have been or are being complied withby any person or
in respect of the area concerned;(d)atanytime,stopanyvehicleorvesselthatheorshesuspectsonreasonablegroundstobeusedinthecommission of a
breach of the local laws for the areaandsearchandexaminethatvehicleorvesselandallcontainers or other receptacles for
any evidence of sucha breach, and for that purpose may
require the owner orpersoninchargethereoftoopenanysuchvehicle,vessel,containerorotherreceptacleandexposeitscontents to view;(e)performsuchotherfunctionsanddutiesandexercisesuch other
powers and authorities as may be prescribedin the local
laws for the area concerned.(2)An
authorised officer who—(a)finds any person
committing or believes on reasonablegroundsthatanypersonhascommittedanoffenceagainst this Act
or the relevant local laws; or(b)ismakinginquiriesorinvestigationswithaviewtoestablishing whether or not an offence
against this Actor those local laws has been committed by
any person;or(c)is of the
opinion that the name, age and address or placeof residence of
any person is required for the purpose ofgiving effect to
any provision of this Act or the relevantlocal laws, or
for the purpose of enabling the authorisedofficer to carry
out his or her powers and duties underthis Act or the
relevant local laws;Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 19
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 4 Community justice groups[s
18]mayrequiresuchpersontostatehisorhername,ageandaddressorplaceofresidence,and,iftheauthorisedofficerbelieves on reasonable grounds that any
information given inthis regard is false, may require
evidence of the correctnessthereof.(3)A person who fails to comply with a
request of an authorisedofficer under subsection (2) commits
an offence against thisAct.Maximum
penalty—4 penalty units.Part 4Community
justice groupsDivision 1Establishment,
functions andpowers18Establishment(1)Acommunityjusticegroupforacommunityareamaybeestablished
under a regulation.(2)The regulation must state the group’s
name.19Functions and powers(1)The community justice group for a
community area has thefollowing functions—(a)takingpartincourthearingsandsentencingandbailprocesses as
provided for in theBail Act 1980, theYouthJusticeAct1992andthePenaltiesandSentencesAct1992;(b)developingnetworkswithrelevantagenciestoensurecrimeprevention,justice,communitycorrectionsandrelated issues impacting on indigenous
communities areaddressed;Page 20Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 4 Community justice groups[s
20](c)supportingindigenousvictimsandoffendersatallstages of the legal process;(d)making recommendations to the Minister
administeringtheLiquor Act 1992, part 6A, about
declarations underthat part;(e)carryingoutotherfunctionsgiventoitunderthisoranother Act.(2)The
group has power to do all things reasonably necessary tobe
done for performing its functions.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(2),thegrouphasthepowersconferred on it
by this or another Act.Division 2Provisions about
membership ofgroups and group coordinators20Membership(1)The
community justice group for a community area comprisesthe
number of members prescribed under a regulation.(1A)Themembersofeachcommunityjusticegrouparetobeappointed by the Minister by gazette
notice.(2)A regulation may make provision about
the following—(a)eligibility of persons to be
members;(b)nomination of persons as
members;(c)terms on which, and period, a member
holds office.(3)However,membersmust,tothegreatestpracticableextent,includeatleast1representativeofeachofthemainindigenous
social groupings in the area.(4)Members must be of good standing in the
community.(4A)The Minister
must, by gazette notice, revoke the appointmentofamemberofacommunityjusticegroupiftheMinisterdecidesthememberisnolongereligibleorsuitableforCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 21
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 4 Community justice groups[s
this section—indigenoussocialgroupingmeansagroupofindigenouspersonssharingacommonbasisofsocialaffiliation,includingfamilyrelationship,language,traditionallandownership and historical association.21Investigations about suitability of
community justicegroup members(1)The
chief executive may make inquiries to decide whether apersonissuitableforappointmentas,ortocontinueas,amember of a
community justice group.(2)Without limiting
subsection (1), the chief executive may askthecommissionerofthepoliceserviceforthefollowinginformation—(a)a
written report about the person’s criminal history;(b)abriefdescriptionofthecircumstancesofanyconviction mentioned in the criminal
history.(3)The commissioner of the police service
must comply with arequest under subsection (2).(4)However,thechiefexecutivemaymakearequestaboutaperson under subsection (2) only if
the person has given thechief executive written consent for
the request.(5)Ifthepersondoesnotgivethewrittenconsenttothechiefexecutive,itistakenthatthepersonisnotsuitableforappointment as, or to continue as, a member
of a communityjustice group.(6)The
duty imposed on the commissioner of the police serviceto
comply with the request applies only to information in thecommissioner’s possession or to which the
commissioner hasaccess.(7)The
chief executive must ensure information given to the chiefexecutiveundersubsection(3)isdestroyedassoonasPage
22Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 4 Community justice groups[s
21A]practicableafteritisnolongerneededforthepurposeforwhich it was requested.(8)Thechiefexecutivemustgivethepersonacopyofinformation given to the chief executive
under subsection (3).(9)The chief
executive may delegate the chief executive’s powersunder this section to an appropriately
qualified public serviceofficer.(10)In
this section—criminalhistory,ofaperson,meanstheperson’scriminalhistory as defined under theCriminal Law (Rehabilitation ofOffenders) Act 1986, other than for
a spent conviction.spent convictionmeans a
conviction—(a)for which the rehabilitation period
under theCriminalLaw
(Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986has
expiredunder that Act; and(b)thatisnotrevivedasprescribedbysection11ofthatAct.21AGuidelines for dealing with
suitability information(1)The chief
executive must make guidelines, consistent with thisAct,fordealingwithinformationobtainedbythechiefexecutive under section 21.(2)The purpose of the guidelines is to
ensure—(a)natural justice is afforded to a
person about whom theinformation is obtained; and(b)onlyrelevantinformationisusedinmakingdecisionsaboutaperson’smembershipofacommunityjusticegroup (membership
decisions); and(c)membershipdecisions,basedontheinformation,aremade
consistently.(3)The chief executive must give a copy
of the guidelines to aperson on request.Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 4 Community justice groups[s
22]22Coordinator(1)Thecommunityjusticegroupforacommunityareamustappoint a
coordinator for the community justice group for thearea.(1A)However, if an incorporated entity has
responsibility for thefunding arrangements of the community
justice group for thecommunityarea,theincorporatedentitymustappointacoordinator for the community justice
group for the area.(1B)Beforeappointingacoordinatorforthecommunityjusticegroupfortheareaundersubsection(1A),theincorporatedentity must
consult with the community justice group aboutthe proposed
appointment.(2)Aregulationmaymakeprovisionabouttheeligibilityofaperson to be appointed as
coordinator.(3)The coordinator’s functions are
to—(a)provide administrative support to the
group; and(b)attend meetings of the group to advise
it on any issuebefore it; and(c)ensure minutes of the group’s meetings are
kept; and(d)ensure the reporting requirements
under section 25 arecomplied with.Division 3Miscellaneous provisions23Authentication of documentsAdocumentmadebythecommunityjusticegroupforacommunityareaissufficientlymadeifitissignedbythecoordinator for the group and a member
of the group.25Reporting requirements(1)Within90daysaftertheendofeachreportingperiod,acommunityjusticegroupmustprepareareportonitsPage 24Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 26]activitiesfortheperiodandgivethereporttothechiefexecutive.(2)The
report must be in the approved form.(3)In
this section—reporting periodmeans—(a)the period prescribed under a
regulation; or(b)if a period is not prescribed under
paragraph (a)—eachquarter of a financial year.Part
5Control of possession andconsumption of alcohol incommunity areasDivision 1Preliminary26Purpose of pt 5(1)Thepurposeofthispartistopreventharmincommunityareascausedbyalcoholabuseandmisuseandassociatedviolence.(2)The purpose is to be achieved
by—(a)prohibiting in certain community areas
the possession orsupplyofhomemadealcoholandthepossessionofcertain substances and things used to make
homemadealcohol; and(b)providingforthedeclarationofplacesincommunityareasinwhichthepossessionandconsumptionofallalcohol is prohibited.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 25
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 27]27Definitions for pt 5In
this part—dry placemeans
residential premises declared under division2 as a dry
place.fermentermeansacontainerthatcouldbeusedforthepurpose of fermentation.home-brew concentratemeans—(a)a substance, that includes malt and
hops, ordinarily usedfor brewing beer; or(b)wort; or(c)grape concentrate ordinarily used for making
wine.home-brew kitmeans a kit that
includes all the following—(a)a
fermenter;(b)an airlock;(c)a
thermometer.homemadealcoholmeans alcohol made other than under alicence under—(a)theExcise Act 1901(Cwlth);
or(b)theDistillation Act
1901(Cwlth).possessalcohol includes—(a)have
custody or control of the alcohol; and(b)have
an ability or right to obtain custody or control ofthe
alcohol.prescribedcommunityareameansacommunityareaprescribed under a regulation for section
38(3).residentialpremisesseetheResidentialTenanciesandRooming Accommodation Act 2008,
section 10.tenant, of residential
premises, means—(a)if the premises are let under
Rooming Accommodation Act 2008—the tenant,
ofPage 26Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 28]the
premises, within the meaning of that term in section13(1) of that Act; or(b)ifthepremisesareletundertheAboriginalLandAct1991, or theTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991, forprivateresidentialpurposes,andareoccupiedbythelessee of the
premises—the lessee of the premises; or(c)ifthepremisesarenotlet,andareoccupiedbytheowner of the
premises—the owner of the premises.Division 2Dry
tenant of residential premises in a community area mayapply to the clerk of the court for the area
for a declarationthat the premises are a dry place.(2)The application must—(a)be in writing; and(b)beaccompaniedbydocumentaryevidencethattheapplicant is the tenant of the
premises.(3)If the premises have 2 or more
tenants, the application must bejointly made by
both or all the tenants.(4)The clerk must
as soon as practicable consider the application,and
make the declaration if the clerk is satisfied—(a)the
applicant is the tenant of the premises; and(b)if
the premises have 2 or more tenants—the applicationis
jointly made by both or all the tenants.(5)If
the clerk makes the declaration, the clerk must give writtennotice of the declaration to each of the
following—(a)the applicant;(b)the
Queensland Police Service.(6)The declaration
takes effect once notice of the declaration isfirst displayed
under section 29.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 27
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 29](7)Subjecttosections31and32,thedeclarationremainsinforce—(a)iftheapplicationismadebyapersonmentionedinparagraph(a)ofthedefinitiontenantinsection27—indefinitelyandregardlessofachangeinthetenant, of the premises, within the
meaning of that termintheResidentialTenanciesandRoomingAccommodation
Act 2008, section 13(1); or(b)iftheapplicationismadebyapersonmentionedinparagraph(b)ofthedefinitiontenantinsection27,while the premises continue to be—(i)letundertheAboriginalLandAct1991,ortheTorresStraitIslanderLandAct1991,forprivateresidential
purposes; and(ii)occupied by the
applicant; or(c)iftheapplicationismadebyapersonmentionedinparagraph(c)ofthedefinitiontenantinsection27,while the premises continue—(i)not to be let; and(ii)to
be occupied by the applicant.(8)Iftheclerkrefusestomakethedeclaration,theclerkmustgive
the applicant written notice of the refusal and the reasonfor
the refusal.29Notice about declaration at
premises(1)If residential premises in a community
area are declared as adry place, the tenant of the premises
must display a notice ofthe declaration at or near each
entrance to the premises whilethe declaration
is in force.(2)The notice must—(a)sufficiently identify the premises;
and(b)state that the declaration takes
effect once notice of thedeclaration is first displayed under
this section; andPage 28Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 30](c)stateingeneraltermstheeffectofsection34andthepenalty for a
contravention of the section.(3)Afailuretocontinuetodisplayanoticeofthedeclarationunderthissectiondoesnotaffectaperson’sliabilitytobeconvicted of an
offence against section 34.30Notice about
declaration at police station or oncommunity
noticeboard(1)If residential premises in a community
area are declared as adry place and there is a police
station in the area, the policeofficer in
charge of the station must display a notice of thedeclaration in a publicly accessible part of
the station whilethe declaration is in force.(2)If residential premises in a community
area are declared as adry place and there is no police
station in the area, the policeofficer in
charge of the police station servicing the area mustdisplayanoticeofthedeclarationonacommunitynoticeboard in
the area while the declaration is in force.(3)The
notice mentioned in subsection (1) or (2) must—(a)sufficiently identify the premises;
and(b)stateingeneraltermstheeffectofsection34andthepenalty for a
contravention of the section.(4)Afailuretodisplayanoticeofthedeclarationunderthissection does not
affect a person’s liability to be convicted ofan offence
against section 34.31Suspension of declaration(1)The tenant of residential premises in
a community area mayapplytotheclerkofthecourtfortheareatosuspendthedeclarationofthepremisesasadryplaceforaperiod(thesuspension
period) of not more than 7 days.(2)The application must—(a)state the suspension period;
andCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 29
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 32](b)be made at least 3 days before the
start of the suspensionperiod.(3)Section 28(2) to (5) and (8) apply, with all
necessary changes,totheapplicationasifitwereanapplicationtodeclareresidential
premises in a community area as a dry place.(4)If
the declaration of residential premises in a community areaas a
dry place is suspended under this section, the tenant of thepremises must display a notice detailing the
suspension at ornear each entrance to the premises while the
suspension is inforce.(5)Thesuspensiontakeseffectoncenoticesdetailingthesuspension are first displayed under
subsection (4).(6)Ifthereisapolicestationinthearea,thepoliceofficerinchargeofthestationmustdisplayanoticedetailingthesuspension in a publicly accessible
part of the station whilethe suspension is in force.(7)If there is no police station in the
area, the police officer incharge of the
police station servicing the area must display anotice detailing the suspension on a
community noticeboardin the area while the suspension is in
force.32Revocation of declaration(1)The tenant of residential premises in
a community area mayapplytotheclerkofthecourtfortheareatorevokethedeclaration of the premises as a dry
place.(2)Section 28(2) to (5) and (8) apply,
with all necessary changes,totheapplicationasifitwereanapplicationtodeclareresidential
premises in a community area as a dry place.(3)If
the declaration of residential premises in a community areaas a
dry place is revoked under this section, the tenant of thepremises must remove all notices of the
declaration displayedunder section 29.(4)Therevocationtakeseffectoncethenoticesareremovedunder subsection
(3).Page 30Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 33](5)Once the revocation takes effect, the
police officer in chargeoftherelevantpolicestationfortheareamustremovethenotice of the declaration displayed under
section 30.33Effect of declaration of premises as a
dry place(1)This section applies if—(a)under this division, residential
premises are declared asa dry place (thedry place
declaration); and(b)the
premises are in a restricted area under theLiquor
Act1992to which section
168B of that Act applies becauseofadeclarationundersection173HofthatAct(therestricted area
declaration).(2)The dry place
declaration applies to the premises despite therestricted area
declaration.34Possession or consumption of alcohol
in or on dry placeA person must not in, or on, a dry place
possess or consumealcohol.Maximum
penalty—19 penalty units.35False or
misleading statements(1)Apersonmustnotstateanything,underthisdivision,toaclerk of the court that the person
knows is false or misleadingin a material
particular.Maximum penalty—8 penalty units.(2)Inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstsubsection(1),itisenoughtostatethatthestatementmadewas,withoutspecifying which, false or
misleading.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 31
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 36]36False or misleading documents(1)A person must not give, under this
division, to a clerk of thecourt a document
containing information the person knows isfalse or
misleading in a material particular.Maximum
penalty—8 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1)
does not apply to a person if the person, whengiving the
document—(a)tells the clerk, to the best of the
person’s ability, how it isfalse or
misleading; and(b)if the person has, or can reasonably
obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.(3)Inaproceedingforanoffenceagainstsubsection(1),itisenoughtostatethatthedocumentwas,withoutspecifyingwhich, false or
misleading.37Fee not payable for applicationA
fee is not payable for an application under this division—(a)tohaveresidentialpremisesinacommunityareadeclared as a
dry place; or(b)tohavethedeclarationofresidentialpremisesinacommunity area
as a dry place suspended or revoked.Division 3Provisions relating to homemadealcohol38Offences relating to homemade alcohol(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)a community area or part of a
community area (thepartcommunity
area) is, or is in, a restricted area under
theLiquorAct1992towhichsection168BofthatActapplies because of a declaration under
section 173H ofthat Act; andPage 32Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 5 Control of possession and
consumption of alcohol in community areas[s 39](b)theprescribedquantityof
liquorofanytypeapersonmay under that
Act possess for the restricted area, otherthan under the
authority of a restricted area permit underthat Act, is
zero.(2)A person must not in the community
area or part communityarea—(a)possess a home-brew kit or component of a
home-brewkit; or(b)possess equipment, or a component of
equipment, that isbeing used, or has been used, to brew
alcohol; or(c)possess home-brew concentrate;
or(d)supply homemade alcohol to another
person.Maximum penalty—190 penalty units.(3)A person must not in a prescribed
community area—(a)possess a home-brew kit or component
of a home-brewkit; or(b)possess equipment, or a component of
equipment, that isbeing used, or has been used, to brew
alcohol; or(c)possess home-brew concentrate;
or(d)possess homemade alcohol; or(e)supply homemade alcohol to another
person.Maximum penalty—190 penalty units.(4)In this section—component,ofahome-brewkit,meansadevicethatisapparently intended to be part of a
home-brew kit.39Relationship with restricted
areas(1)This section applies if a prescribed
community area or part ofaprescribedcommunityareais,orisin,arestrictedareaunder theLiquor Act
1992to which section 168B of that Actapplies because of a declaration under
section 173H of thatAct (therestricted area
declaration).Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 33
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 6 Entry on trust areas[s
48](2)Section38(3)(d)appliestothewholeoftheprescribedcommunity area
despite the restricted area declaration.Part 6Entry on trust areas48Definitions for pt 6In this
part—nativetitleholderseetheNativeTitleAct1993(Cwlth),section 224.native title
rights and interestssee theNative Title Act
1993(Cwlth), section 223.trustareameanslandwithinacommunitygovernmentorIRC
area that is—(a)granted in trust under theLand
Act 1994for the benefitof Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander inhabitants or forAboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander purposes; or(b)areserveforAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderpurposes under
theLand Act 1994; or(c)land mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b)
that has becomeAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
land.49Entry on trust area only in certain
circumstancesA person must not enter, or be in, a trust
area other than aspermitted under this part.Maximum penalty—35 penalty units.50Entry on trust area etc. by
non-residents(1)A person may, for a lawful purpose,
enter and be in a placewithin a trust area if—(a)the place is an accessible place;
orPage 34Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 6 Entry on trust areas[s
50](b)theplaceisanotherplacethatthecommunitygovernment or
indigenous regional council for the trustareahasdecided,byresolution,isaplacetowhichpersons who are
not residents of the trust area may haveaccess.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
person may enter and be ina place within a trust area that a
resident of the trust area mayenter and be in
if the person enters or is in the place as a guest,or
at the request of, a resident of the trust area.(3)Despitesubsection(1)(a),ifimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section, a native
title holder could haveentered and been in a place within a
trust area in the exerciseof the holder’s native title rights
and interests in relation to theplace, the
holder may continue to enter and be in the place inthe
exercise of the rights and interests.(4)A
resolution may be made under subsection (1)(b) for a placethat
is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander land only with thewritten consent of the grantee of the
land.(5)Subsection (6) applies to a person
if—(a)the person—(i)is
not a resident of a trust area; and(ii)is
permitted under theAboriginal Land Act 1991toenterandbeonAboriginalland(theAboriginalland area),
or is permitted under theTorres StraitIslander Land
Act 1991to enter and be on TorresStraitIslanderland(theTorresStraitIslanderland area);
and(b)theAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderlandareaissituated within the trust area.(6)The person may enter and be in another
part of the trust areaforthepurposeofenteringtheAboriginalorTorresStraitIslander land area.(7)In
this section—accessible placemeans—Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 35
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 6 Entry on trust areas[s
51](a)a road; or(b)a
park; or(c)a boat ramp or landing; or(d)an airport; or(e)a
building open to the public, whether or not on paymentof
money.airportincludes—(a)an aerodrome, airfield and landing
strip; and(b)another place used for the landing or
parking of aircraft;and(c)a
tarmac.landingincludes jetty,
pontoon and wharf.roadincludesaState-controlledroadundertheTransportInfrastructure
Act 1994.51Notice about
resolution(1)Acommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilmust, as soon as
practicable after passing a resolution undersection
50(1)(b), display written notice of the resolution in atleast1prominentplaceinitstrustareaforaslongastheresolution is in force.(2)The notice must—(a)sufficientlyidentifytheplacethesubjectoftheresolution; and(b)state the provisions of section 50.52Community government or indigenous
regional councilmay impose restrictions on entry etc.(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),acommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilforatrustareamay,byresolution—Page 36Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 6 Entry on trust areas[s
53](a)restrict the number of persons who may
enter and be in aplace within the trust area under section
50(1)(b) or (2);or(b)restrict the
time for which a person may live at a placewithin the trust
area under section 50(1)(b) or (2).(2)A
community government or indigenous regional council maymake
a resolution under subsection (1) only if the presence ofthepersonshasresulted,orislikelytoresult,inanunsustainableuseofresourcesorservicesintheareaincluding, for
example, the water supply or garbage service.53General authority to enter etc. trust
area(1)The following persons are authorised
to enter, be in and live ina trust
area—(a)anAboriginalpersonorTorresStraitIslander,oranotherperson,whoisamemberofthecommunityresiding in the
trust area;(b)a person who is performing a function,
or exercising apower, under this Act or another Act that
requires theperson to be in the trust area;(c)a person authorised, for the purpose
of this paragraph,underalocallawbythecommunitygovernmentorindigenous regional council for the trust
area.(2)A local law may be made under
subsection (1)(c) for a part ofthe trust area
that is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander landonly
with the written consent of the grantee of the land.(3)A local law made under subsection
(1)(c) must state the partsof the trust
area to which the local law applies.54Entry
on and temporary stay in trust areaWithoutlimitingsection53,thefollowingpersonsareauthorisedtoenter,beinandliveinatrustareauntilthepurpose of their entry to the area is
fulfilled—(a)the Governor-General and the Governor
for Queensland;Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 6 Entry on trust areas[s
55](b)a person whose purpose in the trust
area is to bring toresidents of the trust area medical
aid;(c)a person whose purpose in the trust
area is to instructhimselforherselfonaffairswithinthe
trustareaasamember of the Legislative Assembly of
Queensland orofeitherHouseoftheParliamentoftheCommonwealth;(d)a
person whose purpose in the trust area is to campaignas a
candidate for election to the Legislative Assemblyof
Queensland or either House of the Parliament of theCommonwealthatanelectionforwhichawritthatrequires its holding has been issued;(e)a person who is assisting, or is
acting under the directionor control of, a person mentioned in
paragraphs (a) to(d), while the person mentioned in the
paragraph is inthe trust area.55Removal from trust area(1)Apoliceofficerorcommunitypoliceofficermayremovefrom a trust
area a person who is not permitted under this partto
be in the trust area.(2)Itislawfulforacommunitypoliceofficerexercisingorattempting to exercise a power under
subsection (1) against aperson, and anyone helping the
community police officer, touse reasonably
necessary force to exercise the power.Note—See also thePolice Powers and
Responsibilities Act 2000, section 615.(3)Theforceacommunitypoliceofficermayuseunderthissection does not include force likely to
cause grievous bodilyharm to a person or the person’s
death.Page 38Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7 Assistance sought by Aborigines
or Torres Strait Islanders[s 56]Part 7Assistance sought byAborigines or Torres StraitIslanders56Grant
of aid(1)Subjecttoandinaccordancewiththeregulations(ifany)applicable to
the grant in question, the chief executive maygrantaidtoanyAborigineorTorresStraitIslanderwhoapplies to the chief executive therefor and,
where necessary,may apply therein money appropriated by
Parliament for thepurpose or money held for the benefit of
Aborigines or TorresStrait Islanders generally.(2)Subject as prescribed by subsection
(1), aid granted under thatsubsection may
be of such a type (in money, in kind, or byway of services)
and may be granted in such circumstances,on such terms
and conditions and, where granted by way ofsecured loan, on
such security as the chief executive thinks fit.57Deposit of savings with banker(1)Thechiefexecutiveisauthorisedtocontinuethefacilitiesestablished as
at the commencement of this Act in areas forthe acceptance
by the chief executive of money deposited byAborigines or
Torres Strait Islanders by way of their savings.(1A)Both the chief
executive and IIB are separately authorised toestablishnewfacilitiessimilartothosementionedinsubsection (1).(2)In
this part the person providing such facilities is calledthebanker.(3)The banker must deposit money received
by the banker undersubsection (1) in—(a)thetrustfundestablishedasatthecommencementofthisActwiththeCommonwealthSavingsBankofAustralia; orCurrent as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7 Assistance sought by Aborigines
or Torres Strait Islanders[s 58](b)anothertrustfundestablishedbythebankerfordepositing the money.(4)The
banker shall cause to be properly kept a separate recordand
account of all moneys deposited with the banker by eachAborigineorTorresStraitIslanderbywayofhisorhersavings and each
such account shall be credited at least oncein each year
with an amount as interest earned by the amountstanding to the
credit of that account at a rate not less than therate
of interest payable by the Commonwealth Savings Bankof
Australia in respect of its ordinary savings accounts.(5)MoneydepositedwiththebankerbyAboriginesorTorresStraitIslandersbywayoftheirsavingstogetherwithallinterest accrued thereon shall be repayable
at call and uponreceiptofanauthoritysignedorotherwiseattestedbytheAborigine or
Torres Strait Islander on whose behalf money issoheldorbyanotherpersonauthorisedinwritingbytheAborigine or Torres Strait Islander
the chief executive shallarrangethewithdrawaloftheamountsoughtfromtheappropriatetrustfundandthepaymentthereoftotheAborigine or
Torres Strait Islander or as otherwise requestedby
the Aborigine or Torres Strait Islander.58Continuation of management of money(1)WhereatthecommencementofthisActproperty,beingmoney,ofanAborigineisbeingmanagedundertheAboriginesAct1971thechiefexecutiveisauthorisedtocontinue that management.(2)MoneysofanAborigineor TorresStraitIslanderunderthemanagement of the chief executive under
subsection (1), orunder the repealed Torres Strait Act,
section 181(1), is takentobemoneysdepositedwiththechiefexecutivebytheAborigineorTorresStraitIslanderbywayofhisorhersavingsandtheprovisionsofsection57shallapplyaccordingly.Page 40Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7 Assistance sought by Aborigines
or Torres Strait Islanders[s 59]59Banker is a statutory body(1)ThebankerisastatutorybodyfortheStatutoryBodiesFinancial Arrangements Act 1982.(2)TheStatutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act
1982, part2B sets out the
way in which the banker’s powers under thisActareaffectedbytheStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangements Act
1982.60Administration of
estates of Aborigines and Torres StraitIslanders(1)In the absence of a testamentary
instrument duly made by anAborigine or Torres Strait Islander
who has died or is to bepresumed to have died and if it should
prove impracticable toascertain the person or persons
entitled in law to succeed tothe estate of
the Aborigine or Torres Strait Islander or any partofit,thechiefexecutivemaydeterminewhichpersonorpersons shall be entitled to so succeed or
whether any personis so entitled.(2)The
person or persons determined by the chief executive to beentitled to succeed to an estate or to any
part of it shall be theonly person or persons entitled in law
to succeed to the estateor, as the case may be, part and, if
more than 1 person is sodetermined,tosucceedintheorderandproportionsdetermined by
the chief executive.(3)A certificate
purporting to be signed by the chief executivethat the person
or persons named therein is or are entitled tosucceed to the
estate or any part of the estate of the personnamed therein
(being a person to whose estate subsections (1)and (2) apply),
or that there is no person so entitled shall beconclusive
evidence of the matters contained therein.(4)If,
so far as can be determined, there is no person entitled tosucceed to the estate or a part of the
estate of an Aborigine orTorres Strait Islander who has died or
is to be presumed tohave died the estate or, as the case
may be, part shall vest inthechiefexecutivewhoshallapplythemoneysortheproceeds of the sale of any property
(less the expenses (if any)Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60A]ofsuchsale)forthebenefitofAboriginesorTorresStraitIslanders generally as provided by section
56.Part 7AIsland
Industries Board60AThe IIB(1)TheIslandIndustriesBoardestablishedundertherepealedTorres Strait
Act, section 149 is continued in existence underthis
Act.(2)IIB—(a)is a
body corporate; and(b)has a seal; and(c)may
sue and be sued in its corporate name.60BFunctions of IIBThe IIB has the
following functions—(a)toactasacommercialenterpriseforthegeneralconvenience or
benefit of the residents of—(i)the
local government area of TSIRC; and(ii)therelevantBamagaareaandtherelevantSeisiaarea; and(iii)the
local government area of TSC;(b)toapplyitsprofitsorassetstopromote,supportandimprove its services and the general
welfare, includingthe knowledge and skills, of the Aboriginal
and TorresStraitIslanderresidentsoftheareasmentionedinparagraph (a);(c)from
time to time, to investigate, and to report and makerecommendations to the chief executive
about—Page 42Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60C](i)any trade, commerce or business
carried on by theresidents mentioned in paragraph (b);
and(ii)markets for the
produce of the residents, trade inthe produce, and
ways of marketing the produce;and(iii)the
encouragement, development and protection ofthetrade,commerceandbusinessesoftheresidents.60CMembership of IIBIIBconsistsofatleast5,butnotmorethan8,membersappointed by the
Governor in Council.60DAppointment to membership of
IIB(1)ApersonisqualifiedtobenominatedbytheMinisterforappointment as a member of IIB only if the
person—(a)has—(i)commercial or management skills and
experience;or(ii)otherskillsandexperiencerelevanttotheperformance of
IIB’s functions; and(b)is not
disqualified under this part from being a member.(2)Subject to subsection (5), IIB must
include 2 members from apanel established as follows—(a)at least 5 qualified persons proposed
by TSIRC;(b)at least 2 qualified persons proposed
by TSC;(c)1qualifiedpersonproposedbythecouncillorforthedivision of NPARC that is the relevant
Bamaga area;(d)1qualifiedpersonproposedbythecouncillorforthedivision of NPARC that is the relevant
Seisia area.(3)Forsubsection(2)(c)or(d),thequalifiedpersonproposedmay be the
councillor.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 43
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60E](4)TheMinistermustgiveeachnominatingentityanoticestating a
reasonable period within which the nominating entitymay
propose a person or persons under subsection (2).(5)Ifthepanelmentionedinsubsection(2)isnotcompletewithin the period stated in the notice under
subsection (4), theMinister,innominatingqualifiedpersonsforappointment,maylimitthenominationofpersonsincludedintheincompletepaneltotheextenttheMinisterconsidersappropriate.(6)In
this section—nominating entitymeans—(a)TSIRC; or(b)TSC;
or(c)the councillor mentioned in subsection
(2)(c); or(d)the councillor mentioned in subsection
(2)(d).60EChairperson of IIB(1)The
Governor in Council may appoint a member of IIB to beits
chairperson.(2)Apersonmaybeappointedasthechairpersonatthesametime the person
is appointed as a member.(3)ThechairpersonholdsofficeforthetermdecidedbytheGovernor in
Council unless the person’s term of office as amemberendssoonerthantheperson’stermofofficeaschairperson ends.(4)A
person may be appointed as the chairperson for not morethan
2 consecutive terms.(5)Avacancyarisesintheofficeofchairpersonifthepersonholding the
office—(a)resigns the office by signed notice of
resignation givento the Minister; or(b)ceases to be a member.Page 44Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60F](6)A person resigning the office of
chairperson may continue tobe a
member.60FDeputy chairperson of IIB(1)IIBmustappointamemberofIIBtobeitsdeputychairperson.(2)A
vacancy arises in the office of deputy chairperson if—(a)the person holding the office resigns
the office by signednotice of resignation given to the
chairperson; or(b)the person’s term of office as an IIB
member ends; or(c)the person otherwise stops being an
IIB member.(3)However,apersonmayresignfromtheofficeofdeputychairperson and
continue to be a member.(4)The deputy
chairperson must act as chairperson—(a)during a vacancy in the office of
chairperson; and(b)during all periods when the
chairperson is absent fromdutyor,foranotherreason,cannotperformthefunctions of the office.60GTerm of appointmentA
member of IIB may be appointed for a term of not morethan
4 years.60HDisqualification from
membershipA person can not become, or continue to be,
a member of IIBif the person—(a)is
or becomes an insolvent under administration underthe
Corporations Act, section 9; or(b)isdisqualifiedfrommanagingcorporationsundertheCorporations Act, part 2D.6; or(c)has been, or is, convicted of an
indictable offence; orCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
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60I](d)has been, or is, convicted of an
offence against this Act.60IVacation of
office(1)A member of IIB is taken to have
vacated office as a memberif the member—(a)resignsbysignednoticeofresignationgiventotheMinister;
or(b)under this part, can not continue to
be a member; or(c)is absent without IIB’s permission
from 3 consecutivemeetings of IIB of which proper notice has
been given;or(d)is absent, in
any period of 6 months, and without IIB’spermission,fromallmeetingsofIIBofwhichpropernotice has been
given.(2)If the member attends for a meeting of
which proper notice isgiven, but for which a quorum is not
present, the meeting isnevertheless taken to be a meeting at
which the member waspresent.60JWhen
notice of resignation takes effectA notice of
resignation given under this part takes effect whenit
is given to the person to whom it is required to be given
or,if a later time is stated in the notice, at
the later time.60KConduct of businessSubject to any other requirement of this
part, IIB may conductitsbusiness,includingitsmeetings,inthewayitconsidersappropriate.60LTimes
and places of meetings(1)IIB’smeetingsaretobeheldatthetimesandplacesthechairperson decides.Page 46Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
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60M](2)However,thechairpersonmustcallameetingifaskedinwriting to do so by the Minister or by at
least the number ofmembers required for a quorum for a meeting
of IIB.60MQuorumA quorum for a
meeting of IIB is the number equal to half ofthe number of
its members or, if that is not a whole number,the next highest
whole number.60NPresiding at meetings(1)The chairperson must preside at all
meetings of IIB at whichthe chairperson is present.(2)If the chairperson is absent from an
IIB meeting or there is avacancy in the office of chairperson,
the deputy chairpersonmust preside.(3)If
the chairperson and the deputy chairperson are both absentfrom
an IIB meeting, or if both offices are vacant, a memberchosen by the members present must
preside.60OConduct of meetings(1)A question at an IIB meeting is
decided by a majority of thevotes of the
members present.(2)Eachmemberpresentatthemeetinghasavoteoneachquestion to be
decided and, if the votes are equal, the memberpresiding also
has a casting vote.(3)A member present at the meeting who
abstains from voting istaken to have voted for the
negative.(4)IIB may hold meetings, or allow
members to take part in itsmeetings,byusinganytechnologyallowingreasonablycontemporaneousandcontinuouscommunicationbetweenpersons taking part in the meeting.Exampleoftechnologyallowingreasonablycontemporaneousandcontinuous communication—teleconferencingCurrent as at 21
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Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60P](5)A person who takes part in an IIB
meeting under subsection(4) is taken to be present at the
meeting.(6)A resolution is validly made by IIB
even if it is not passed atan IIB meeting
if—(a)a majority of the IIB members gives
written agreementto the resolution; and(b)noticeoftheresolutionisgivenunderproceduresapproved by
must keep—(a)minutes of its meetings; and(b)valid resolutions passed other than at
an IIB meeting.(2)Subsection(3)appliesifaresolutionispassedatanIIBmeeting.(3)If asked by a member who voted against
the passing of theresolution, IIB must record in the minutes
of the meeting thatthe member voted against the
resolution.60QDisclosure of interests(1)This section applies to an IIB member
(theinterested person)if—(a)the interested
person has a direct or indirect interest inan issue being
considered, or about to be considered, byIIB; and(b)the interest could conflict with the
proper performanceoftheperson’sdutiesabouttheconsiderationoftheissue.(2)Assoonaspracticableaftertherelevantfactscometotheinterested person’s knowledge, the
person must disclose thenature of the interest to an IIB
meeting.(3)Unless IIB otherwise directs, the
interested person must not—Page 48Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60R](a)be present when IIB considers the
issue; or(b)take part in a decision of IIB about
the issue.(4)TheinterestedpersonmustnotbepresentwhenIIBisconsidering
whether to give a direction under subsection (3).(5)If there is another person who must,
under subsection (2), alsodisclose an interest in the issue, the
other person must not—(a)bepresentwhenIIBisconsideringwhethertogiveadirectionundersubsection(3)abouttheinterestedperson;
or(b)takepartinmakingthedecisionaboutgivingthedirection.(6)If—(a)because of this
section, an IIB member is not present atan IIB meeting
for considering or deciding an issue, orfor considering
or deciding whether to give a directionunder subsection
(3); and(b)there would be a quorum if the member
were present;the remaining persons present are a quorum
for considering ordeciding the issue, or for considering or
deciding whether togive the direction, at the meeting.(7)A disclosure under subsection (2) must
be recorded in IIB’sminutes.60ROfficers and employees(1)Subject to any direction given by the
Minister, IIB—(a)must appoint an individual as its
chief executive officer;and(b)mayappointtheadministrativeandtechnicalofficersand
clerks, and employ the employees and agents, as itconsidersnecessaryfortheproperperformanceofitsfunctions.(2)The
chief executive officer may—Current as at 21
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60S](a)execute documents on behalf of IIB;
and(b)fix IIB’s seal to any document;
and(c)perform the duties IIB gives the chief
executive officer.60SPowers of IIBIIB has the
powers of an individual and may, for example—(a)enter into contracts; and(b)acquire, hold, deal with and dispose
of property; and(c)appoint agents and attorneys;
and(d)charge for, and place conditions on,
the supply of goods,services or information it supplies;
and(e)engage consultants; and(f)establishfundstoensuretheproperconductofitsenterprises and
other activities; and(g)carry on any
sort of business that is consistent with theperformance of
its functions; and(h)do anything else necessary or
convenient to be done inperforming its functions.60TIIB is statutory body(1)UndertheStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangementsAct1982, IIB is a
statutory body.(2)TheStatutory Bodies
Financial Arrangements Act 1982, part2B
sets out the way in which IIB’s powers under this Act areaffected by theStatutory Bodies
Financial Arrangements Act1982.60UAudit of IIB’s accounts(1)IIB’saccountsmustbeauditedbytheauditor-generaloraperson authorised by the
auditor-general.Page 50Current as at 21
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60V](2)The person who conducts the audit has,
in relation to the auditand the accounts, all the powers of
the auditor-general undertheAuditor-General
Act 2009as if IIB were a department ofgovernment.(3)Fortheaudit,IIBmustpaythefeedecidedbytheauditor-general.(4)The
auditor-general—(a)must at least once a year, report to
the Minister the resultof each audit carried out under this
section; and(b)mayincludewiththereportrecommendationstotheMinister about IIB’s accounts.(5)The auditor-general must give IIB’s
chairperson a copy of thereport and any recommendations.(6)Thechairpersonmusttablethereportandanyrecommendations at IIB’s next meeting
after the chairpersonreceives them.(7)TheMinisterandIIB’schairpersonmustconsidertheauditor-general’s report and any
recommendations.60VAnnual report by IIBAs
soon as practicable after 31 January in each year, IIB mustgivetheMinisterafullreportofitsoperationsduringtheperiod of 1 year ending on that
day.60WAdministrator may replace IIB
of the Minister, dismiss the members of IIB.(2)If
the Governor in Council acts under subsection (1)—(a)the members go out of office;
and(b)the Governor in Council may appoint in
their place anadministrator to administer IIB.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 51
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administer IIB’s affairs for the term, of not more than 2years, decided by the Governor in
Council.(4)Subsection(3)doesnotstoptheGovernorinCouncilfromrevoking the appointment of an administrator
for any reasonbeforethetermofappointmentexpires,eithertoappointadifferent person as administrator or to
appoint new membersof IIB.(5)Whileanadministrator’sappointmentcontinues,theadministratoristakentoconstituteIIBinsteadofthemembers.60XApplying profits of IIB(1)This
section applies in relation to IIB’s function of applyingits
profits to promote, support and improve its services and thegeneralwelfare,includingtheknowledgeandskills,ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
residents.(2)IIB must apply its profits in the way
IIB directs, subject to theapproval of the
Governor in Council.60YApplying assets of IIB(1)This section applies in relation to
IIB’s function of applyingits assets to promote, support and
improve its services and thegeneralwelfare,includingtheknowledgeandskills,ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
residents.(2)IIB must apply its assets in the way
IIB directs, subject to theapproval of the
Governor in Council.(3)Subsections (4)
to (7) state additional requirements that applyfor the
application of an asset that is an operating business.(4)IIB may, on the written request of a
relevant person, enter intoarrangementswith1ormoreresidents,oranincorporatedentity
controlled by residents, to transfer to the residents orentity an operating business of IIB located
at the place wherethe residents reside or the entity is
located.Page 52Current as at 21
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Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 7A Island Industries Board[s
60Y](5)In deciding whether to enter into the
arrangements, IIB musthave regard to—(a)the
resources, business capability and experience of theresidents or incorporated entity; and(b)the impact the arrangements for
transfer is likely to haveon the services IIB provides generally
to residents of thelocalgovernmentareasofTSIRCandTSCandtherelevant Bamaga and Seisia areas.(6)IIBmustnotenterintoarrangementsundersubsection(4)unless the Minister has by written notice
given to IIB—(a)given approval generally to the
transfer of the businessto the residents or entity; and(b)approved the particular terms of the
arrangements.(7)In this section—arrangementsincludes
contracts and transactions.relevant
the operating business is located in a division of thethe
local government area of TSIRC—the councillor forthe
division; or(b)iftheoperatingbusinessislocatedintherelevantBamaga area—the
councillor for the division of NPARCthat is the
relevant Bamaga area; or(c)if the operating
business is located in the relevant Seisiaarea—the
councillor for the division of NPARC that isthe relevant
Seisia area.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 53
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
61]Part 8General
provisions61Right of Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders toparticular natural resources(1)Subject to theAnimalCareandProtectionAct2001and tosections 62 and 93 of theNature Conservation Act 1992,
butdespitetheprovisionsofanyotherAct,amemberofacommunity of Aborigines or Torres
Strait Islanders resident ina community
government or IRC area shall not be liable toprosecution as
for an offence for taking marine products orfauna by
traditional means for consumption by members ofthe
community.(2)Subsection (1) shall not be construed
to authorise the sale orother disposal for gain of any marine
product or fauna takenby traditional means.62Right of Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders toparticular forest products and quarrymaterial—Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander land(1)If there is no reservation to the
Crown of forest products orquarry material,
within the meaning of theForestry Act 1959,above, on or below the surface of Aboriginal
or Torres StraitIslanderland,thecommunitygovernmentorindigenousregional council
for the community government or IRC areain which the
land is situated may, subject to subsection (2),authorisethegatheringordigging,andremoval,offorestproductsorquarrymaterialforuseinthecommunitygovernment or
IRC area.(2)Acommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilmust not give an
authority unless—(a)the authority is given under an
agreement between thecommunity government or indigenous
regional counciland the grantees of the land; or(b)failingagreement,thecommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilpaysthegranteesofthePage 54Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
63]landsuchcompensationasisdeterminedbytheLandCourt.63Right of Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders toparticular forest products and quarrymaterial—non-Aboriginal and non-Torres
Strait Islanderland(1)Subject to sections 62 and 93 of theNature Conservation Act1992,
but despite any other Act, a member of a community ofAborigines or Torres Strait Islanders that
lives in a communitygovernmentorIRCareaofacommunitygovernmentorindigenous regional council is not liable to
prosecution for anoffence for taking forest products or quarry
material, withinthemeaningoftheForestryAct1959,fromabove,onorbelowthesurfaceoftrustlandheldbythecommunitygovernment or
indigenous regional council, for use within thecommunitygovernmentorIRCareaofthecommunitygovernment or
indigenous regional council.(2)Subsection (1) does not authorise the sale
or other disposal forgainofforestproductsorquarrymaterialtakenunderthatsubsection.(3)Despite theForestryAct1959, a community
government orindigenousregionalcouncilmayauthorisethegatheringordigging,andremovalofforestproductsorquarrymaterialfrom
above, on or below the surface of trust land held by thecommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncil,forusewithinthecommunitygovernmentorIRCareaofthecommunity government or indigenous
regional council.(4)Theforestproductsorquarrymaterialmaybegatheredordug, and removed, under subsection (3)
without the paymentof royalty.(5)In
this section—trustlandmeanslandthatistrustlandforthebenefitofAboriginalorTorresStraitIslanderinhabitantsorforAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
purposes under theLandAct 1994.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 55
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section applies to a person who has gained, gains, or hasaccessto,protectedinformationthroughinvolvementintheadministration of this Act.(2)The person must not—(a)record or use the information, or
intentionally disclose itto anyone, other than under this
section; or(b)recklessly disclose the information to
person may record, use or disclose the information—(a)if expressly permitted or required
under an Act to do so;or(b)forstatisticalpurposes,withoutrevealing,orbeinglikelytoreveal,theidentityofapersontowhichitrelates; or(c)in
compliance with lawful process requiring productionofdocumentsorgivingofevidencebeforeacourtortribunal.(4)In
this section—protectedinformationmeansinformationobtainedbythechief executive
under section 21.64Obstruction, intimidation and
assaultA person shall not assault or wilfully
obstruct or intimidate, orattempt so to do, another in the
discharge or exercise by thatother of the
other’s functions, duties or powers under this Act.65General penalty for offenceApersonwhocontravenesorfailstocomplywithanyprovision of this Act commits an
offence against this Act and,exceptwhereanotherpenaltyisexpresslyprovidedbythisPage 56Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
66]Act for that offence is liable to a penalty
of 7 penalty units orto imprisonment for 6 months.66Making of local laws about particular
mattersWithoutlimitingthefunctionsandpowersofacommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncil,acommunitygovernmentorindigenousregionalcouncilmaymakelocallaws—(a)notinconsistentwithpart5,forthepurposeofregulatingandcontrollingthepossessionorconsumption of alcohol in its community
government orIRC area; or(b)conferring functions on the community
justice group forany community area within its community
governmentor IRC area.67Evidentiary aids(1)In
proceedings to enforce a penalty for an offence against thisAct—(a)anavermentinthecomplaintthatapersonnamedthereinispartofthecommunitythatresidesinacommunitygovernmentorIRCarea,orIRCdivisionarea,shallbeconclusiveevidencethereofuntilthecontrary is proved; and(b)itshallnotbenecessarytoprovetheappointmentorsignature of the chief executive or the
authority of thecomplainant to lay the complaint; and(c)itshallnotbenecessarytoprovethelimitsofacommunity government area.(2)Subsection (3) applies to a proceeding
for an offence againstsection 34.(3)A
statement in the complaint for the offence that fluid was in
acontainer of a type that usually holds
alcohol is evidence thatthe fluid was alcohol.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 57
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68](4)Subsection (5) applies to a proceeding
for an offence againstsection 34 or 38(2)(b), (c) or (d) or
(3)(b), (c), (d) or (e).(5)A certificate
purporting to be signed by an analyst stating theresults of an analysis of a fluid or other
substance is, on itsproduction,admissibleasevidenceoftheresultsoftheanalysis.(6)A
provision of this section does not limit another provision
ofthe section or of this Act about
evidence.(7)In this section—analystmeans a State analyst under theHealth Act 1937.homemade alcoholhas the same
meaning as in part 5.68Evidence of
home-brew concentrate by label(1)This
section applies if, in a proceeding for an offence againstsection38(2)(c)or(3)(c),itisrelevanttoprovethatasubstanceinthepossessionofapersonwashome-brewconcentrate.(2)In
the absence of proof to the contrary, the substance is
provedto be home-brew concentrate if—(a)thereisevidencethatthecontainercontainingthesubstancehadalabelindicatingthesubstancewashome-brew concentrate; and(b)apoliceofficergivesevidencethatthepoliceofficerbelievesthecontainercontainedhome-brewconcentrate;
and(c)thecourtconsidersthebeliefmentionedinparagraph(b) to be
reasonably held.(3)In this section—home-brew
concentratehas the same meaning as in part 5.label, in relation to
a container, includes any tag, statement inwriting,representationorotherdescriptivematteronorattachedtoorusedordisplayedinconnectionwiththecontainer.Page 58Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
69]69Evidence of homemade alcohol having
regard to belief ofpolice officer(1)This
section applies if, in a proceeding for an offence againstsection 38(2)(d) or (3)(d) or (e), it is
relevant to prove that asubstance possessed or supplied by a
person was homemadealcohol.(2)In
the absence of proof to the contrary, the substance is
provedto be homemade alcohol if—(a)thereisevidencebyapoliceofficerthatthepoliceofficer believed
the substance was homemade alcohol;and(b)the court considers the belief
mentioned in paragraph (a)to be reasonably held by the police
officer.(3)For subsection (2)(a) it is sufficient
for the police officer tobelieve—(a)that
the substance was alcohol by having regard to theconditions in which it was found or its
odour; and(b)thatthealcoholwashomemadebyhavingregardtoeither or both of the
following—(i)itsodour,orappearance,ascomparedtothatofalcoholusuallycommerciallyavailableinQueensland;(ii)ifthealcoholwasinacontainer,thatthepoliceofficerconsidersthatthecontainerwasnotofatypeinwhichalcoholwasusuallycommerciallyavailable to the
public in Queensland.(4)For subsection
(2)(b), a court may consider a belief formed asmentioned in
subsection (3) to be reasonably held.(5)Subsection (3) does not limit the matters
that may form thebasisforapoliceofficer’sbeliefmentionedinsubsection(2)(a) or the
basis for a court to consider the police officer’sbelief to be reasonably held.(6)In this section—homemade
alcoholhas the same meaning as in part 5.Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 59
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Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
69A]69AProtection of officials from civil
liability(1)An official is not civilly liable to
someone for an act done, oromissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceunderthisAct.(2)Ifsubsection(1)preventsacivilliabilityattachingtotheofficial, the liability attaches
instead to the State.(3)In this
section—officialmeans—(a)a member; or(b)the
clerk of the court for a community area.70Approved formsThe chief
executive may approve forms for use under this Act.71Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Withoutlimitingsubsection(1),aregulationmaybemadeabout the
following—(a)the functions, duties and powers of
the chief executiveandofficersofthedepartment,andthemannerofdischargingorexercisingthosefunctions,dutiesandpowers;(b)thecompositionofcommunitypoliceforcesandconditions of service of community police
conditions on which aid may be granted;(e)the
obligations of persons to whom aid is granted;(f)thebusinessandconductofmeetingsofcommunityjusticegroups,including,forexample,aboutthefollowing—Page 60Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 8 General provisions[s
71](i)the times and places of
meetings;(ii)the quorum for
meetings;(iii)the presiding
member at meetings;(iv)thedisclosureofamember’sinterestbeforemeetings;(g)the venue and regularity
thereof;(h)theaccesstheretoofmembersofthecommunityofAboriginesandTorresStraitIslandersresidentinthecommunitygovernmentareaofacommunitygovernment or in the IRC area of an
indigenous regionalcouncil;(i)theestablishment,maintenance,managementandcontrol of such trust funds and accounts as
are necessaryor desirable for the care of moneys of
Aborigines andTorres Strait Islanders deposited with the
chief executiveor for the administration of the estates of
Aborigines andTorres Strait Islanders or for the disposal
of unclaimedmoney;(j)theestablishment,maintenance,managementandcontroloffundstoindemnifyAboriginesandTorresStraitIslandersagainstlossofordamagestovessels,equipment or
machinery, and to compensate AboriginesandTorresStraitIslandersandtheirdependantsfordeathorpersonalinjurysustainedbyapersoninthecourse of the person’s employment if
compensation isnotpayableundertheWorkers’CompensationandRehabilitation Act 2003;(k)the basis on which such indemnity or
compensation ispayable;(l)theproceduretobeadoptedinrelationtoanyapplication to be made under this
Act;(m)the fees to be paid for the purposes
of this Act and thepurposes for which they are to be
paid;(n)penalties for breaches of the
regulations not exceedingin any case $200;Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 9 Transitional provisions for Local
Government (Community Government Areas) Act[s 72](o)meetings of IIB and attendances at the
meetings;(p)theaccountsandrecordstobekeptbyIIB,eithergenerally or in relation to a particular
business of IIB;(q)thewayIIB’saccountsandrecordsaretobekept,including records of the performance of
IIB’s activities;(r)the functions, powers and duties of
IIB’s officers, clerksand employees;(s)the
security and protection of IIB’s property.Part 9Transitional provisions forLocal Government (CommunityGovernment Areas) Act 2004Division 1Preliminary72Definition for pt 9In this
commencement of this section.Division 2Transitional provision for processfor
making by-laws or subordinateby-laws73Making by-law or subordinate
by-law(1)This section applies if—(a)beforethecommencement,anAboriginalcouncilhadunderrepealedpart7startedtheprocessofmakingaby-law or subordinate by-law under that
part; andPage 62Current as at 21
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Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 9 Transitional provisions for Local
Government (Community Government Areas) Act2004[s
74](b)immediately before the commencement,
the process formakingtheby-laworsubordinateby-lawhadnotfinished.(2)Despite the repeal of repealed part 7,
that part and any otherprovisions necessary for the operation
of that part continue toapply to the making of the by-law or
subordinate by-law as ifthat part had not been
repealed.(3)In this section—AboriginalcouncilmeansanAboriginalcouncilunderthisAct
in existence immediately before the commencement.repealed part 7means part 7 of
this Act as in force before itsrepealbytheLocalGovernment(CommunityGovernmentAreas) Act
2004.Division 3Transitional
provisions forAboriginal Coordinating Council74Definitions for div 3In
this division—ACCmeans the Aboriginal Coordinating
Council establishedunder repealed part 8.repealed part
8means part 8 of this Act as in force before
itsrepealbytheLocalGovernment(CommunityGovernmentAreas) Act
dissolvedACC is dissolved and its members go out of
office.76References to ACCA reference in
an Act or document to ACC may, if the contextpermits, be
taken as a reference to the State.Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 10 Transitional provisions for
Local Government and Other Legislation (IndigenousRegional Councils) Amendment Act 2007[s
77]77Agreements and proceedings(1)Anagreement,inforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement, between ACC and another
entity is taken tobe an agreement between the State and the
entity.(2)A proceeding that could have been
started or continued by oragainstACCbeforethecommencementmaybestartedorcontinued by or against the State.78Assets and liabilitiesOnthecommencement,anassetorliabilityofACCimmediately before the commencement
becomes an asset orliability of the State.Part 10Transitional provisions forLocal Government and OtherLegislation (IndigenousRegional
Councils)Amendment Act 200779Definitions for pt 10In this
division—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.ICCmeans the Island Coordinating Council
established underrepealed part 8.repealed part
8means part 8 of the repealed Torres Strait
Actas in force before the repeal of that
Act.80ICC dissolvedICC is dissolved
and its members go out of office.Page 64Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
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Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 10 Transitional provisions for
Local Government and Other Legislation (IndigenousRegional Councils) Amendment Act 2007[s
81]81Regulation to provide for matters
relating to dissolutionof ICC(1)Aregulationmayprovideforallmattersnecessaryorconvenient to provide for the
dissolution of ICC.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
regulation under subsection(1) may provide
for—(a)how references to ICC in any Act or
document are toapply after the commencement; and(b)howagreementstowhichICCwasapartybeforethecommencementaretocontinueafterthecommencement; and(c)howproceedingsthatcouldhavebeenstartedorcontinued by or against ICC before the
commencementmaybestartedorcontinuedafterthecommencement;and(d)howassetsandliabilitiesofICCbeforethecommencementaretobedealtwithafterthecommencement.82Aboriginal and Island police officers(1)Thissectionappliestoapersonif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, the person held
appointment, in relation to anarea, as—(a)an Island police officer under the
repealed Torres StraitAct; or(b)an
Aboriginal police officer under this Act.(2)Fromthecommencement,theperson,withoutfurtherappointment,holdsappointmentasacommunitypoliceofficer under this Act in relation to the
same area, and for thatpurpose—(a)is
taken to have been appointed under this Act; and(b)subject to any action that may be
taken under section 14inrelationtothecommunitypoliceofficer’sCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 65
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 10 Transitional provisions for
Local Government and Other Legislation (IndigenousRegional Councils) Amendment Act 2007[s
before the commencement.(3)A reference in
any Act or document to an Aboriginal or Islandpoliceofficermay,ifthecontextpermits,betakentobeareference to a
community police officer.83Transitional
provision for IIB(1)A person who, immediately before the
commencement, was amemberoftheIslandIndustriesBoardundertherepealedTorres Strait
Act continues as a member of IIB until the end ofthe
term for which the member was appointed.(2)The
person who, immediately before the commencement, wasthe
member of the Island Industries Board under the repealedTorres Strait Act who held appointment as
chairperson of theIsland Industries Board continues as
chairperson of IIB untilthe end of the term for which the
member was appointed aschairperson.(3)The
person who, immediately before the commencement, wasthe
member of the Island Industries Board under the repealedTorres Strait Act who held appointment as
deputy chairpersonof the Island Industries Board continues as
deputy chairpersonof IIB until IIB otherwise decides.(4)Theprovisionsofpart7Aaboutdisqualificationfromorvacation of office as a member or
chairperson of IIB apply toa member or
chairperson mentioned in subsection (1) or (2),including in
relation to any period for which the person heldappointment before the commencement.(5)Subjecttopart7A,allothermattersrelatingtotheIslandIndustriesBoardundertherepealedTorresStraitAct,includingforexamplecontractsandemploymentarrangements
entered into before the commencement, are notaffected by the
repeal of that Act and the commencement ofpart 7A.Page
66Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 10 Transitional provisions for
Local Government and Other Legislation (IndigenousRegional Councils) Amendment Act 2007[s
84]84Community justice groups for Injinoo,
New Mapoon andUmagico community government areas(1)Acommunityjusticegroupforarelevantcommunitygovernmentarea,existingimmediatelybeforethecommencement, continues as the
community justice group forthe relevant
community area.(2)A person who, immediately before the
commencement, was amemberofacommunityjusticegroupforarelevantcommunitygovernmentareacontinuesasamemberofthecommunityjusticegroupfortherelevantcommunityareauntil—(a)theendofthetermforwhichthememberwasappointed; or(b)the
Minister decides the member is no longer eligible orsuitableforappointmenttothemembershipofthecommunity justice group and revokes
the appointment;or(c)the office of
the member is otherwise vacated under aregulation.(3)Thepersonwho,immediatelybeforethecommencement,heldappointmentasacoordinatorforacommunityjusticegroup for a relevant community government
area is, withoutfurtherappointment,takentoholdappointmentasacoordinator for the community justice
group for the relevantcommunity area.(4)Subject to part 4, all othermattersrelatingtoa communityjusticegroupforarelevantcommunitygovernmentarea,including,forexample,contractsenteredintobeforethecommencement, are not affected by the
amendment of part 4.(5)In this
(Community Government Areas) Act 2004—(a)Injinoo;Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 10 Transitional provisions for
Local Government and Other Legislation (IndigenousRegional Councils) Amendment Act 2007[s
85](b)New Mapoon;(c)Umagico.85Community justice groups for relevant Bamaga
andSeisia areas(1)A
community justice group for the relevant Bamaga or Seisiaarea,existingimmediatelybeforethecommencement,continuesasthecommunityjusticegroupfortherelevantcommunity area.(2)A
person who, immediately before the commencement, was amemberofacommunityjusticegroupfortherelevantBamagaorSeisiaareacontinuesasamemberofthecommunityjusticegroupfortherelevantcommunityareauntil—(a)theendofthetermforwhichthememberwasappointed; or(b)the
member resigns; or(c)the Minister decides the member is no
longer eligible orsuitableforappointmenttothemembershipofthecommunity justice group and revokes
the appointment.(3)Thepersonwho,immediatelybeforethecommencement,heldappointmentundertherepealedTorresStraitActasacoordinatorforacommunityjusticegroupfortherelevantBamaga or Seisia
area is, without further appointment, takentoholdappointmentasacoordinatorforthecommunityjustice group
for the relevant community area.(4)Subject to part 4, all othermattersrelatingtoa communityjustice group
for the relevant Bamaga or Seisia area under thethe
repealed Torres Strait Act, including for example contractsentered into before the commencement, are
not affected by therepeal of that Act.Page 68Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 11 Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities(Justice, Land and Other Matters) and Other
Acts Amendment Act 2008[s 86]Part 11Transitional provisions forAboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Communities (Justice,Land
and Other Matters) andOther Acts Amendment Act200886Definitions for
pt 11In this part—commencementmeans the
commencement of this section.post-amendedActmeansthisActasinforceimmediatelyafter the
commencement.pre-amendedActmeansthisActasinforcebeforethecommencement.87Existing declaration of a place as a dry
placeA declaration, under section 28 of the
pre-amended Act, of aplaceasadryplaceinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement stops having effect on
the commencement.88Existing application for the
declaration of a place as a dryplace(1)This section applies to an
application, under section 28 of thepre-amended Act,
for the declaration of a place as a dry placethat is not
decided at the commencement.(2)The
application lapses on the commencement.89Existing application for the amendment or
revocation of adeclaration of a place as a dry place(1)This section applies to an
application, under section 28 of thepre-amendedAct,fortheamendmentorrevocationofaCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 69
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 11 Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities(Justice, Land and Other Matters) and Other
Acts Amendment Act 2008[s 90]declaration of a
place as a dry place that is not decided at thecommencement.(2)The
application lapses on the commencement.90Existing application for the suspension of a
declarationof a public place as a dry place(1)This section applies to an
application, under section 32 of thepre-amendedAct,forthesuspensionofadeclarationofapublicplaceasadryplacethatisnotdecidedatthecommencement.(2)The
application lapses on the commencement.91Appeals(1)Subsection (2) applies if—(a)apersonhasappealedtoaMagistratesCourt,undersection38ofthepre-amendedAct,againstanappealable decision; and(b)theappealhasnotbeendecidedbeforethecommencement.(2)The
appeal lapses on the commencement.(3)Subsection (4) applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement a
person couldhave appealed to a Magistrates Court, under
section 38of the pre-amended Act, against an
appealable decision;and(b)the
person has not appealed before the commencement.(4)The person may not appeal against the
decision.92Offences(1)Proceedings for an offence against part 5 of
the pre-amendedActmaybestartedorcontinued,andtheprovisionsofthepre-amendedActnecessaryorconvenienttobeusedinPage
70Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Part 11 Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities(Justice, Land and Other Matters) and Other
Acts Amendment Act 2008[s 92]relationtotheproceedingscontinuetoapply,asifthepost-amended Act
had not commenced.(2)For subsection (1), theActs
Interpretation Act 1954, section20 applies, but
does not limit the subsection.Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesThe notes column
for this reprint gives details of any discretionary editorial
powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 30039601 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au.From29January2013,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B22A2B2C33A3B3C3D3EAmendments
to1994 Act No. 151996 Act No.
751996 Act No. 751996 Act No.
751999 Act No. 291999 Act No.
591999 Act No. 592000 Act No.
52000 Act No. 232000 Act No.
232001 Act No. 492001 Act No.
802001 Act No. 80Effective10
May 19941 February 19971 June
19971 June 19971 July
199929 November 199921 January
200023 March 20001 July
200028 September 200028 June
200126 April 20026 June
2002Reprint date23 May
199412 February 199717 November
199730 September 199829 September
19996 December 199930 January
20007 April 200021 July
200011 October 200012 July
200126 April 200214 June
rv4C rv4D rv4E rv5
rvAmendments included2002 Act No.
46—2003 Act No. 272004 Act No.
372004 Act No. 382004 Act No.
372005 Act No. 48—Effective24 September
200224 September 20021 July
200327 October 20048 December
20041 January 20051 December
20051 December 20055A rv5B5C66A6AA6B rv2000
Act No. 5 (amd2006 Act No. 26)2007 Act No.
592007 Act No. 592008 Act No.
302008 Act No. 662009 Act No.
342008 Act No. 732009 Act No.
921 July 200614 December
200715 March 20081 July
20081 January 200931 January
20091 July 2009NotesAct
renumberedAct renumberedRevision notice
issuedfor R5Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesReprintNo.6C6D6E6FAmendments
included2009 Act No. 342009 Act No.
172011 Act No. 262012 Act No.
23Effective29 March
20101 July 20109 September
201121 September 2012Current as
at21 September 2012 rvAmendments
included2012 Act No. 23NotesNotesRA ss 35,
44A4List of legislationAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunities(Justice,LandandOtherMatters) Act
1984 No. 51 (prev Aboriginal Communities (Justice and LandMatters) Act 1984; orig Community Services
(Aborigines) Act 1984)date of assent 15 May 1984ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 31 May 1984 (see s 2(2))amending
legislation—Liquor Act and Other Acts Amendment Act 1985
No. 81 s 39date of assent 20 November 1985commenced 1 July 1986 (proc pubd gaz 28 June
1986 p 1777)Community Services (Aborigines) Act Amendment
Act 1986 No. 43date of assent 25 September 1986commenced on date of assentPublic Service (Administrative Arrangements)
Act 1990 (No. 2) No. 80 s 3 sch 3 ptsA, Cdate
of assent 14 November 1990s 3 sch 3 pt A commenced 7 December
1989 (see s 2(4)(a))remaining provisions commenced 1 December
1990 (see 1991 Act No. 97 s 5 sch 5)Referendums
Legislation Amendment Act 1990 No. 101 pt 4date of assent 12
December 1990commenced on date of assentCommunity Services (Aborigines) Act Amendment
Act 1990 No. 104date of assent 18 December 1990commenced on date of assentJustices of the Peace and Commissioners for
Declarations Act 1991 No. 50 ss 1–2, pt 5date of assent 10
September 1991ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 November
1991 (1991 SL No. 113)Page 74Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesAboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Land (Consequential Amendments) Act
1991No. 76 pts 1, 4date of assent 21
November 1991ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 21 December
1991 (1991 SL No. 223)Nature Conservation Act 1992 No. 20 ss
1–2, 159 sch 2 (this Act is amended, seeamending
legislation below)date of assent 22 May 1992ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 19 December 1994 (1994 SL No. 472)amending legislation—Nature
Conservation Amendment Act 1994 No. 42 ss 1–2 sch (amends
1992No. 20 above)date of assent 14
September 1994commenced on date of assentLocal
Government Act 1993 No. 70 pt 1, s 804 schdate of assent 7
December 1993ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 26 March 1994
(see s 2(5))Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
(No. 2) 1993 No. 76 ss 1–3 sch 1date of assent 14
December 1993commenced on date of assentStatute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1994 No. 15 ss 1–3 sch 1date of assent 10 May 1994commenced on date of assentPublic Service Act 1996 No. 37 ss 1–2, 147
sch 2date of assent 22 October 1996ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 1996 (1996 SL No. 361)Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements
Amendment Act 1996 No. 54 ss 1–2, 9 schdate of assent 20
November 1996ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 June 1997
(1997 SL No. 128)WorkCover Queensland Act 1996 No. 75 ss 1–2,
535 sch 2date of assent 12 December 1996ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 February 1997 (1996 SL No. 442)Financial Administration Legislation
Amendment Act 1999 No. 29 ss 1–2, 50 schdate of assent 16
June 1999ss 1–2, 50 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 1999
(1999 SL No. 122 and see 1999 SLNo. 119, 1999 SL
No. 70 s 2(3))Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 75
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesCommunity
Services Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No. 53 pts 1–2, s 35
schdate of assent 18 November 1999ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 21 January 2000 (2000 SL No. 6)Local
Government and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1999 No. 59
ss 1,2(7), pt 5, s 60 schdate of assent 29
November 1999commenced on date of assentPolice Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000
No. 5 ss 1–2(1)–(2), 373 sch 2date of assent 23
March 2000commenced on date of assent (see s
2(1)–(2))GST and Related Matters Act 2000 No. 20 ss 1,
2(4), 29 sch 3date of assent 23 June 2000ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2000 (see s 2(4))Training and
Employment Act 2000 No. 23 ss 1, 2(3), 293 sch 2date
of assent 27 June 2000ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 28 September
2000 (2000 SL No. 248)Community Services Legislation
Amendment Act 2001 No. 49 pts 1–2date of assent 28
June 2001ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentss
6(1), 7–8 commenced 26 April 2002 (2002 SL No. 84)remaining provisions commenced on date of
assentConstitution of Queensland 2001 No. 80 ss
1–2, 94 sch 2date of assent 3 December 2001ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 6 June 2002 (see s 2)Community
Services Legislation Amendment Act 2002 No. 46 s 1, pt 2, s 3(2)
schdate of assent 24 September 2002commenced on date of assentWorkers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act
2003 No. 27 ss 1–2(2), 622 sch 5date of assent 23
May 2003ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2003
(see s 2(2))Local Government (Community Government Areas)
Act 2004 No. 37 ss 1–2, 85–86sch 1date
of assent 27 October 2004ss 1–2, 85 commenced on date of assent
(see s 2)remaining provisions commenced 1 January
2005 (2004 SL No. 266)Community Services and Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2004 No. 38 pts 1–2date of assent 27
October 2004ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentPage
76Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesremaining
provisions commenced 8 December 2004 (2004 SL No. 267)Public Health Act 2005 No. 48 ss 1–2, 492 sch
1date of assent 2 November 2005ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 2005 (2005 SL No. 280)Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000
No. 5 s 810 sch 4 (prev s 459A sch 3A)(this Act is
amended, see amending legislation below)amending
legislation—Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other
Acts Amendment Act 2006No. 26 ss 1–2, 84, 86 (amends 2000 No.
5 above)date of assent 1 June 2006ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 21 July 2006 (2006 SL No. 185)Local
Government and Other Legislation (Indigenous Regional
Councils)Amendment Act 2007 No. 59 pts 1–2date
of assent 22 November 2007ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentpt 2 hdg, ss 3, 46 (to the extent it oms pt
10 and ins new pt 10 hdg, s 81) commenced14 December 2007
(2007 SL No. 336)remaining provisions commenced 15 March 2008
(2007 SL No. 336)AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderCommunities(Justice,LandandOtherMatters) and
Other Acts Amendment Act 2008 No. 30 ss 1–2(1), pt 2, s 3
schdate of assent 21 May 2008ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2008 (see s 2(1))Penalties and
Sentences and Other Acts Amendment Act 2008 No. 66 ss 1–2(1), 4
schpt 1date of assent 1 December 2008ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 January 2009 (see s 2(1))Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008 No. 73 ss 1–2, 554 sch1date
of assent 11 December 2008ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2009
(2009 SL No. 40)Financial Accountability Act 2009 No. 9 ss 1,
2(2), 136 sch 1date of assent 28 May 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (2009 SL No. 80)Local
Government Act 2009 No. 17 ss 1, 2(4), 331 sch 1date
of assent 12 June 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2010
(2010 SL No. 122)Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 77
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesJuvenile Justice
and Other Acts Amendment Act 2009 No. 34 ss 1–2, pt 2, s 45(1)
schpt 1 amdt 1date of assent 17
September 2009ss 1–2 commenced on date of assents
45(1) sch pt 1 amdt 1 commenced 29 March 2010 (2010 SL No.
37)remaining provisions commenced 31 January
2009 (see s 2(1))Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander
Land and Other Legislation AmendmentAct 2011 No. 26
pts 1–2date of assent 29 August 2011ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 9 September 2011 (2011 SL No. 173)Animal Care and Protection and Other
Legislation Amendment Act 2012 No. 23 pts1–2date
of assent 21 September 2012commenced on date of assent5List of annotationsThis
reprint has been renumbered—see tables of renumbered provisions in
endnote6.Long titleamd 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 4Short titles 1sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 5Savingss3prev
s 3 om R1 (see RA s 36)pres s 3 amd 1986 No. 43 s 2; 1990 No.
80 s 3 sch 3 pt C; R1 (see RA ss 37,39); 1999 No. 29
s 50 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2008 No. 30 s 4Definitionsprov hdgsub
1999 No. 53 s 4(1)s 4prev s 4 om R1 (see RA s 40)pres
s 4 amd 1986 No. 43 s 3(a), (d); 1999 No. 53 s 4(6)defAboriginal Council Accounting
Standardsins 2001 No. 49 s 4om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1defAboriginal landins 1991 No. 76 s
15(1)amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schsub 2007 No. 59 s
6(1)–(2)defAboriginal police officerins
2002 No. 46 s 4amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1om
2007 No. 59 s 6(1)defAboriginesub 1986 No. 43 s
3(b)–(c); 1990 No. 104 s 3(a)om R1 (see RA s
39)defACCins 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Page 78Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesdefadvertised proposed by-lawins
2002 No. 46 s 4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defalcoholins 2002 No. 46 s
4defamended proposed by-lawins
2002 No. 46 s 4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defappealable decisionins
2002 No. 46 s 4om 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)defappropriately qualifiedins 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defapproved formins 2002 No. 46 s
4defareaom 1999 No. 53 s
4(2)defby-lawsamd 1999 No. 53 s
4(4)–(5)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defcanteenins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)defcertified copyins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defclerk of the courtins 2008 No. 30 s
5(2)defclosing day for objections and
submissionsins 2002 No. 46 s 4om 2008 No. 30 s
5(1)defcommencementins 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1sub 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)–(2)defcommunity areains 2002 No. 46 s
4amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
6(3)sub 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)–(2)defcommunity councilins 2002 No. 46 s
4amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1om
2008 No. 30 s 5(1)defcommunity governmentins
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1sub 2010 No. 17 s 331 sch 1defcommunity government areains
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1sub 2010 No. 17 s 331 sch 1defcommunity justice groupins
2002 No. 46 s 4defcommunity police officerins
2007 No. 59 s 6(2)defconsultation periodins
2002 No. 46 s 4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defcoordinatorins 2002 No. 46 s
4defcorporationsub 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt Cdefcouncil areains 1999 No. 53 s
4(3)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defDepartmentsub 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt Aom R1 (see RA s 39)defDirector-Generalins 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt Aom R1 (see RA s 39)defdrafting certificateins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defdry placeins 2002 No. 46 s
4defentityins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesdeffermenterins 2004 No. 38 s
4defhome-brew concentrateins
2004 No. 38 s 4defhome-brew kitins 2004 No. 38 s
4defhomemade alcoholins 2004 No. 38 s
4defIIBins 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defindigenous local governmentins
2011 No. 26 s 4defindigenous regional councilins
2007 No. 59 s 6(2)defIRC areains 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defIRC division areains 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)amd 2010 No. 17 s 331 sch 1defIslanderins 1990 No. 104
s 3(b)om 2007 No. 59 s 6(1)defliquor provisionsins 2002 No. 46 s
4amd 2008 No. 30 s 5(3)deflocal lawins 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 6(4)sub 2010 No. 17 s
331 sch 1defmemberins 2002 No. 46 s
4amd 2008 No. 30 s 5(4)defMinisterom R1 (see RA s
39)defmodel by-lawins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defnative title holderins
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defnative title
rights and interestsins 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defnon-Aboriginal landins
1991 No. 76 s 15(1)om 2007 No. 59 s 6(1)defnotional GSTins 2000 No. 20 s
29 sch 3om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defNPARCins 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defpolice officer in chargeins
2002 No. 46 s 4amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
6(5)defpossessins 2002 No. 46 s
4defpost-amended Actins 2008 No. 30 s
5(2)defpre-amended Actins 2008 No. 30 s
5(2)defprescribed community areains
2004 No. 38 s 4defprivate placeins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)defproposed authorising lawins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defproposed by-lawins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defpublic placeins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2008 No. 30 s 5(1)defrelevant Bamaga areains 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defrelevant Seisia areains
2007 No. 59 s 6(2)defrepealed part 8ins 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1defrepealed Torres Strait Actins
2007 No. 59 s 6(2)Page 80Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesdefrequired numberins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defresidential premisesins
2008 No. 30 s 5(2)defState interestins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defsubordinate by-lawins 2002 No. 46 s
4om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1deftenantins 2008 No. 30 s
5(2)defTorres Strait Islander landins
2007 No. 59 s 6(2)deftrust areaamd 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt Asub 1991 No. 76 s 15(2)om 1999 No. 53 s
4(2)ins 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1defTSCins 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defTSIRCins 2007 No. 59 s
6(2)defUnder Secretaryom 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt ACorporations 5prev
s 5 ins 1999 No. 53 s 5om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 5 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Asub 1990 No. 80 s
3 sch 3 pt Camd 2008 No. 30 s 3 schCorporation of
chief executive is statutory bodys 6prev
s 6 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Aom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 6 ins 1996 No. 54 s 9 schConsequences of constitution of
corporations 7ins 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt CDelegation by Minister or chief
executives 8amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Asub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 7PART3—LAWANDORDERINCOMMUNITYGOVERNMENTANDIRCAREASpt hdgprev
pt 3 hdg ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres pt 3 hdg sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch
1amd 2007 No. 59 s 8Division 1—Law
and order in community government and IRC areasdiv hdgprev
div 1 hdg ins 1999 No. 53 s 6 (incl in orig pt 3)om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres div 1 hdg amd 2004 No. 37 s 86
sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 8Definitions for div 1s
8Ains 2007 No. 59 s 9Current as at 21
September 2012 revised versionPage
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotessub 2011 No. 26 s
5Jurisdiction and powers of polices
9amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2002 No. 46 s 3(2)
sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1;2007 No. 59 s 10;
2011 No. 26 s 6Entry upon indigenous local government areas
etc.prov hdgamd 1999 No. 53 s
35 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 11(1); 2011No.
26 s 7(1)s 10prev s 10 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt
Aom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 10 amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59
s11(2)–(3); 2011 No. 26 s 7(2)–(3)Application to indigenous local government
areas of laws relating to public placesprov hdgamd
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 12(1); 2011 No. 26 s
8(1)s 11sub 1990 No. 104 s 15amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 12(2);
2011No. 26 s 8(2)–(3)Community police
officersprov hdgsub 2007 No. 59 s
13(1)s 12prev s 12 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt
Asub 1990 No. 104 s 4amd 1999 No. 53 s
35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 12 amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2002 No. 46 s 3(2) sch; 2004 No. 37
s 86sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 13(2)–(4); 2011 No. 26
s 9Discharge of community police officers’
functions etc.prov hdgamd 2002 No. 46 s
3(2) sch; 2007 No. 59 s 14(1)s 13prev
s 13 om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 13 amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2002 No. 46 ss 9, 3(2) sch; 2004 No. 37
s86 sch 1; 2000 No. 5 s 810 sch 4 (amd 2006
No. 26 ss 84, 86); 2007 No. 59s 14(2)–(6); 2011
No. 26 s 10Other functions of community police
officersprov hdgamd 2002 No. 46 s
3(2) sch; 2007 No. 59 s 15(1)s 14prev
s 14 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Aom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 14 amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2002 No.
46 s 3(2) sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86sch 1; 2007 No.
59 s 15; 2011 No. 26 s 11Indemnification of community police
officer for liability for tortprov hdgamd
2007 No. 59 s 16(1)s 15prev s 15 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 15 ins 1994 No. 15 s 3 sch
1amd 2007 No. 59 s 16(2)Division
2—Authorised officersdiv hdgprev div 2 hdg
ins 1999 No. 53 s 6 (incl in orig pt 3)Page 82Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres div 2 hdg ins 1990 No. 104 s 17Authorised officerss 16prev
s 16 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 16 ins 1990 No. 104 s 17amd 1991 No. 76 s 17; 1999 No. 53 s 35
sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007No. 59 s
17General powers of authorised officerss
17prev s 17 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 17 ins 1990 No. 104 s 17amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2000 No. 5 s 373 sch 2; 2002 No. 46 s 3(2)
sch;2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 18;
2008 No. 30 s 3 schDivision 3—Financial controllerdiv
hdgins 1999 No. 53 s 6 (incl in orig pt
3)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1PART
4—COMMUNITY JUSTICE GROUPSpt hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
10Division 1—Establishment, functions and
powersdiv hdgprev div 1 hdg om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1 (incl in orig pt 4)pres div 1 hdg
ins 2002 No. 46 s 10Establishments 18prev
s 18 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6amd 2002 No. 46 s 5om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 18 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10Functions and powerss 19prev
s 19 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 19 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10amd 2007 No. 59 s 19sub
2008 No. 30 s 6amd 2009 No. 34 s 45(1) sch pt 1 amdt
1Division 2—Provisions about membership of
groups and group coordinatorsdiv hdgprev
div 2 hdg ins 1999 No. 53 s 8 (incl in orig pt 4)om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres div 2 hdg ins 2002 No. 46 s
10Memberships 20orig
s 20 om 1999 No. 53 s 35 schprev s 20 ins
1999 No. 53 s 6amd 2001 No. 80 s 94 sch 2om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 83
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotespres s 20 ins
2002 No. 46 s 10amd 2007 No. 59 s 20Investigations
about suitability of community justice group memberss
21orig s 21 om 1999 No. 53 s 35 schprev
s 21 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 21 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10sub 2007 No. 59 s 21Guidelines for dealing with suitability
informations 21Ains 2007 No. 59 s 21Coordinators 22orig
s 22 om 1999 No. 53 s 35 schprev s 22 ins
1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 22 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10amd 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No.
59 s 22; 2008 No. 30 ss 7, 3 schDivision
3—Miscellaneous provisionsdiv hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
10Authentication of documentss
23orig s 23 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt
Aom 1990 No. 104 s 6prev s 23 ins
1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 23 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10amd 2007 No. 59 s 23Protection of members from civil
liabilitys 24orig s 24 om 1990 No. 104 s 7prev
s 24 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1ins
2002 No. 46 s 10om 2008 No. 30 s 8Reporting
requirementss 25prev s 25 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 25 ins 2002 No. 46 s 10Division 4—Determination of matters of
complaint in areasdiv hdgom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1 (incl in orig pt 4)PART 5—CONTROL OF
AREASpt hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
11Division 1—Preliminarydiv hdgins
2002 No. 46 s 11Page 84Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesPurpose of pt
5s 26orig s 26 amd 1991 No. 76 s 16; 1999
No. 53 s 35 schom 2002 No. 46 s 7prev s 26 ins
1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 26 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11amd 2004 No. 38 s 5Definitions for pt 5s 27orig
s 27 amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2002 No. 46 s
7prev s 27 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 27 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11defappealable decisionom
2008 No. 30 s 9(1)defclosing day for objections and
submissionsom 2008 No. 30 s 9(1)defdry
placeamd 2008 No. 30 s 9(3)defentityom 2008 No. 30 s
9(1)deffermenterins 2004 No. 38 s
6defhome-brew concentrateins
2004 No. 38 s 6defhome-brew kitins 2004 No. 38 s
6defhomemade alcoholins 2004 No. 38 s
6defprescribed community areains
2004 No. 38 s 6amd 2008 No. 30 s 9(4)defprivate placeamd 2007 No. 59 s
24om 2008 No. 30 s 9(1)defpublic placeom 2008 No. 30 s
9(1)defresidential premisesins
2008 No. 30 s 9(2)amd 2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1deftenantins 2008 No. 30 s
9(2)amd 2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1Division 2—Dry placesdiv hdgins
2002 No. 46 s 11sub 2008 No. 30 s 10Declarations 28prev
s 28 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 28 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11amd 2007 No. 59 s 25sub
2008 No. 30 s 10amd 2008 No. 73 s 554 sch 1Notice about declaration at premisess
29prev s 29 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 29 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 85
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesSeparate budgets
for fundss 29Ains 1990 No. 104 s 10om
1999 No. 53 s 9Budget provisions apply to other fundss
29Eins 1990 No. 104 s 10om 1999 No. 53 s
12Notice about declaration at police station or
on community noticeboards 30orig s 30 om 1990
No. 104 s 11prev s 30 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 30 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11amd
2007 No. 59 s 26sub 2008 No. 30 s 10Suspension of
declarations 31orig s 31 om 1990 No. 104 s 11Aprev
s 30 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 31 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub 2008 No. 30 s 10Revocation of declarations 32prev
s 32 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 32 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11amd 2004 No. 38 s 7sub
2008 No. 30 s 10Effect of declaration of premises as a dry
places 33prev s 33 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 33 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10Possession or consumption of alcohol in or on
dry places 34prev s 34 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 34 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10amd 2008 No. 66 s 4 sch pt 1False
or misleading statementss 35prev s 35 ins
1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 35 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub 2008 No. 30 s 10amd
2008 No. 66 s 4 sch pt 1False or misleading documentss
36prev s 36 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6Page
86Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 36 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10amd 2008 No. 66 s 4 sch pt 1Fee
not payable for applications 37prev
s 37 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 37 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub 2008 No. 30 s 10Division 3—Provisions relating to homemade
alcoholdiv hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
11amd 2004 No. 38 s 8sub 2008 No. 30 s
10Offences relating to homemade alcohols
38prev s 38 ins 1999 No. 53 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 38 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10amd 2008 No. 66 s 4 sch pt 1Relationship with restricted areass
39prev s 39 amd 1986 No. 43 s 4; 1990 No. 104
s 5sub 1999 No. 53 s 7om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 39 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11sub
2008 No. 30 s 10Division 4—Appeals relating to dry
placesdiv hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
11amd 2004 No. 83 s 9om 2008 No. 30 s
10Stay of operation of decisionss
40orig s 40 ins 1999 No. 53 s 7om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev s 40 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10Powers of Magistrates Courts
41orig s 41 ins 1999 No. 53 s 7om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev s 41 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10Constitution of Magistrates Courts
42orig s 42 amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev s 42 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 87
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesEffect of
Magistrates Court’s decisions 43orig
s 43 amd 1999 No. 59 s 60 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1prev s 43 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10Appeal to District Courts 44orig
s 44 amd 1986 No. 43 s 5; R1 (see RA s 37); 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch;
1999No. 59 s 60 sch; 2001 No. 49 s 5om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev s 44 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10Division 5—Provisions relating to homemade
alcohol in certain community areasdiv hdgins
2004 No. 38 s 11om 2008 No. 30 s 10Offences relating
to homemade alcoholprov hdgsub 1999 No. 53 s
35 schs 45orig s 45 amd 1990 No. 101 s 16; R1
(see RA s 37); 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch;1999 No. 59 s 60
schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev
s 45 ins 2004 No. 38 s 11om 2008 No. 30 s 10Relationship with restricted areasprov
hdgamd R1 (see RA s 23); 1999 No. 53 s 35
schs 46orig s 46 amd 1986 No. 43 s 6; 1999
No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev
s 46 ins 2004 No. 38 s 11om 2008 No. 30 s 10Division 6—Miscellaneous provisiondiv
hdg(prev pt 6, div 5 hdg) ins 2002 No. 46 s
11renum 2004 No. 38 s 10om 2008 No. 30 s
10Making applicationss 47orig
s 47 amd 1986 No. 43 s 7; 1990 No. 104 s 8; 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch;
2001No. 49 s 6; 2002 No. 46 s 6om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1prev s 47 ins 2002 No. 46 s 11om
2008 No. 30 s 10PART 6—ENTRY ON TRUST AREASpt
hdgins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Definitions for pt 6s 48prev
s 48 ins 2001 No. 49 s 7om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 48 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12Page 88Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotessub 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1deftrust areaamd 2007 No. 59 s
27Entry on trust area only in certain
circumstancess 49prev s 49 ins 1990 No. 104 s 9om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 49 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Entry on trust area etc. by
non-residentss 50prev s 50 ins 1999 No. 53 s 8amd
2000 No. 20 s 29 sch 3; 2001 No. 49 s 8om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 50 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 28Notice about resolutions 51prev
s 51 ins 1999 No. 53 s 8om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 51 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd
2007 No. 59 s 29Community government or indigenous regional
council may impose restrictions onentry
etc.prov hdgamd 2007 No. 59 s
30s 52prev s 52 amd 1999 No. 59 s 38(5)–(6) exp 21 January 2000 (see s 52(6) amd
1999 No. 59 s 38 and 2000 SLNo. 6)om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 52 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 30General authority to enter etc. trust
areas 53prev s 53 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt
Asub 1990 No. 104 s 10om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 53 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s 31Entry
on and temporary stay in trust areas 54prev
s 54 ins 1990 No. 104 s 10amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 54 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 89
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesRemoval from
trust areas 55prev s 55 ins 1990 No. 104 s 10amd
1999 No. 53 s 10om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 55 ins 2002 No. 46 s 12sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd
2007 No. 59 s 33Grant of aids 56prev
s 56 ins 1999 No. 53 s 11om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 56 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 2007 No. 59 s 34Deposit of savings with bankers
57prev s 57 ins 1990 No. 104 s 10om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 57 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt
A; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59s 35Continuation of management of moneys
58prev s 58 ins 1990 No. 104 s 10amd
1999 No. 53 s 13om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 58 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 2007 No. 59 s 36Banker is a statutory bodys
59prev s 59 ins 1990 No. 104 s 10amd
1999 No. 53 s 14om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 59 sub 1996 No. 54 s 9 schAdministration of
estates of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islandersprov
hdgamd 1990 No. 104 s 12(a); 2007 No. 59 s
37(1)s 60prev s 60 amd 1986 No. 43 s 8; 1990
No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1990 No. 104 s12(b)–(c); 1999
No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 60 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1990 No. 104 s 18; 1999 No. 53
s 35sch; 2007 No. 59 s 37(2)–(3)Division 1—Preliminarydiv hdgins
2002 No. 46 s 12 (incl in orig pt 7)om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Division 2—Publishing model by-laws and power
to make subordinate by-lawsdiv hdgins
2002 No. 46 s 12 (incl in orig pt 7)om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Page 90Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesDivision
3—Process for making by-lawsdiv hdgins
2002 No. 46 s 12 (incl in orig pt 7)om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Division 4—Process for making subordinate
by-lawsdiv hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
12 (incl in orig pt 7)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Division 5—Commencement and status of by-laws
and subordinate by-lawsdiv hdgins 2002 No. 46 s
12 (incl in orig pt 7)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1PART
7A—ISLAND INDUSTRIES BOARDpt hdgins 2007 No. 59 s
38The IIBs 60Ains
2007 No. 59 s 38Functions of IIBs 60Bins
2007 No. 59 s 38Membership of IIBs 60Cins
2007 No. 59 s 38Appointment to membership of IIBs
60Dins 2007 No. 59 s 38Chairperson of
IIBs 60Eins 2007 No. 59 s 38Deputy chairperson of IIBs 60Fins
2007 No. 59 s 38Term of appointments 60Gins
2007 No. 59 s 38Disqualification from memberships
60Hins 2007 No. 59 s 38Vacation of
offices 60Iins 2007 No. 59 s 38When
notice of resignation takes effects 60Jins
2007 No. 59 s 38Conduct of businesss 60Kins
2007 No. 59 s 38Times and places of meetingss
60Lins 2007 No. 59 s 38Quorums
60Mins 2007 No. 59 s 38Presiding at
meetingss 60Nins 2007 No. 59 s 38Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 91
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesConduct of
meetingss 60Oins 2007 No. 59 s 38Minutess 60Pins
2007 No. 59 s 38Disclosure of interestss 60Qins
2007 No. 59 s 38Officers and employeess 60Rins
2007 No. 59 s 38Powers of IIBs 60Sins
2007 No. 59 s 38IIB is statutory bodys 60Tins
2007 No. 59 s 38Audit of IIB’s accountss 60Uins
2007 No. 59 s 38amd 2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1Annual report by IIBs 60Vins
2007 No. 59 s 38sub 2009 No. 34 s 4 (retro)Administrator may replace IIB memberss
60Wins 2007 No. 59 s 38Applying profits
of IIBs 60Xins 2007 No. 59 s 38Applying assets of IIBs 60Yins
hdgprev pt 8 hdg om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch
1Right of Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders to particular natural resourcesprov hdgamd
2007 No. 59 s 39(1)s 61prev s 61 ins 2002 No. 46 s 8om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 61 sub 1986 No. 43 s 17amd
1991 No. 76 s 19; 1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2 (amd 1994 No. 42 s 2
sch);1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch
1; 2007 No. 59 s 39(2); 2012No. 23 s 3Right
of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders to particular forest
products andquarry material—Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander landprov hdgamd 2007 No. 59 s
40(1)–(2)s 62prev s 62 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 62 ins 1991 No. 76 s 20amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
40(3)–(6)Page 92Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesRight of
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders to particular forest
products andquarry material—non-Aboriginal and
non-Torres Strait Islander landprov hdgsub
2007 No. 59 s 41(1)s 63prev s 63 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 63 ins 1991 No. 76 s 20amd
1992 No. 20 s 159 sch 2 (amd 1994 No. 42 s 2 sch); 1999 No. 53 s
16;2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s
41(2)–(8)Confidentialitys 63Ains
2007 No. 59 s 42Auditor-general to audit accounts of
councils 64prev s 64 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1General penalty for offences
65prev s 65 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 65 amd R1 (see RA s 39); 1999
No. 53 s 35 schMaking of local laws about particular
matterss 66prev s 66 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 66 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Asub 1993 No. 76 s
3 sch 1; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1amd 2007 No. 59 s
43Evidentiary aidss 67prev
s 67 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 67 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2002 No.
46s 13; 2004 No. 38 s 12; 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch
1; 2005 No. 48 s 492 sch 1;2007 No. 59 s 44; 2008 No. 30 s
11Evidence of home-brew concentrate by
labels 68prev s 68 ins 1990 No. 104 s 13om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres s 68 ins 2004 No. 38 s 13amd
2008 No. 30 s 12Evidence of homemade alcohol having regard to
belief of police officers 69prev s 69 ins
1990 No. 104 s 13om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 69 ins 2004 No. 38 s 13amd 2008 No. 30 s 13Protection of officials from civil
liabilitys 69Ains 2008 No. 30 s 14Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 93
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesApproved
formss 70prev s 70 sub 1986 No. 43 s 9amd
1990 No. 104 s 14om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 70 ins 2002 No. 46 s 14Regulation-making powerprov
hdgsub 2002 No. 46 s 15(1)s 71prev
s 71 sub 1993 No. 70 s 804 sch; 1996 No. 54 s 9 schamd
1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 71 amd 1985 No. 81 s 39(1)(b); 1986 No. 43 s 18; 1990 No. 80 s 3
sch 3pt A; 1990 No. 104 s 20; R1 (see RA s 39);
1996 No. 75 s 535 sch 2; 1999No. 53 s 35 sch;
2002 No. 46 ss 15(2), 3(2) sch; 2003 No. 27 s 622 sch 5;2004
No. 37 s 86 sch 1; 2007 No. 59 s 45; 2008 No. 30 ss 15, 3
GOVERNMENT AREAS) ACT 2004pt hdgprev pt 9 hdg om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres pt 9 hdg sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch
1—Preliminarydiv hdgins 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Definition for pt 9s 72orig
s 72 om 1996 No. 54 s 9 schprev s 72 ins 2000 No. 20 s 29 sch
3om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 72 amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Asub 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Division 2—Transitional provision for process
for making by-laws or subordinate by-lawsdiv
hdgins 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Making by-law or subordinate by-laws
73amd 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1999 No. 53
s 35 sch; 2001 No. 84 s 12sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Division 3—Transitional provisions for
Aboriginal Coordinating Councildiv hdgins
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Definitions for div 3s
74ins 1999 No. 53 s 17sub 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1ACC dissolveds 75ins
2002 No. 46 s 16sub 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1References to ACCs 76prev
s 76 om 1985 No. 81 s 39(1)(a)pres s 76 ins
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Page 94Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesAgreements and
proceedingss 77ins 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Assets and liabilitiess 78ins
2007pt hdgprev pt 10 hdg om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres pt 10 hdg ins 1999 No. 59 s
39sub 2007 No. 59 s 46Definitions for
pt 10s 79ins 2004 No. 37 s 85sub
2007 No. 59 s 46ICC dissolveds 80prev
s 80 amd 1986 No. 43 s 10; 1991 No. 50 s 5.01(2); 1999 No. 53 s 35
schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 80 ins 2007 No. 59 s 46Regulation to provide for matters
relating to dissolution of ICCs 81prev
s 81 amd 1986 No. 43 s 11; 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 81 ins 2007 No. 59 s 46Aboriginal and Island police officerss
82prev s 82 amd 1986 No. 43 s 12sub
1990 No. 104 s 16amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1pres s 82 ins 2007 No. 59 s 46Transitional provision for IIBs
83prev s 83 om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1pres
s 83 ins 2007 No. 59 s 46CommunityjusticegroupsforInjinoo,NewMapoonandUmagicocommunitygovernment areass 84ins
2007 No. 59 s 46Community justice groups for relevant Bamaga
and Seisia areass 85ins 2007 No. 59 s 46PART
2008 No. 30 s 16Definitions for pt 11s 86ins
2008 No. 30 s 16Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 95
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesExisting
declaration of a place as a dry places 87prev
s 87 ins 2002 No. 46 s 17om R4 (see RA s 37)pres
s 87 ins 2008 No. 30 s 16Existing application for the
declaration of a place as a dry places 88ins
2008 No. 30 s 16Existing application for the amendment or
revocation of a declaration of a place as adry places
89ins 2008 No. 30 s 16Existing
application for the suspension of a declaration of a public place
as a dryplaces 90ins
2008 No. 30 s 16Appealss 91ins
2008 No. 30 s 16Offencess 92ins
2008 No. 30 s 16Step 5—accept and consider all
submissionss 122ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step 6—decide whether to proceed with
making proposed by-laws 123ins 2002 No. 46 s
12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step
7—again ensure proposed by-law satisfactorily deals with any State
interests 124ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step 8—make proposed by-laws
125ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Step 9—give public notice of laws
126ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Subordinate by-law processs
127ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Step 1—propose a subordinate by-laws
128ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Step 2—consultation about proposed
subordinate by-laws 129ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Page 96Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesStep 3—give
access to proposed subordinate by-laws 130ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step
4—accept and consider all submissionss 131ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step
5—make proposed subordinate by-laws 132ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Step
6—give public notice of subordinate by-laws 133ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Early
start for subordinate by-law making processs 134ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Commencement of by-laws and subordinate
by-lawss 135ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Effect of by-lawss 136ins
2002 No. 46 s 12om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Extent to which subordinate by-law is
bindings 137ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1When subordinate by-laws cease to have
effects 138ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Proof of by-laws and subordinate
by-lawss 139ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1By-law and subordinate by-law presumed
to be within powers 140ins 2002 No. 46 s 12om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Continuation and incorporation of
Aboriginal Coordinating Councils 141om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Membership of councils
142sub 1986 No. 43 s 13amd 1999 No. 59 s
60 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Functions of councils 143amd
1986 No. 43 s 14; 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1999 No. 53 s 35
schCurrent as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 97
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984Endnotesom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Meetings of councils 144om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Divisions of Aboriginal
communitiess 145amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2001 No. 49
s 9om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Selection of board memberss
146amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2001 No. 49 s
10om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Casual vacancy in office of selected
members 147amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Particular functions of councils
148amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Budget of Aboriginal Coordinating
Councils 149ins 1986 No. 43 s 15amd
1993 No. 76 s 3 sch 1sub 1996 No. 54 s 9 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Declaration that Aboriginal
Coordinating Council is statutory bodys 150ins
1986 No. 43 s 15sub 1996 No. 54 s 9 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1The boards 151om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Membership of boards 152amd
1986 No. 43 s 16; 1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt Aom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Casual vacancy in appointed members of
boards 153om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Board
meetingss 154om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Officers and employees of boards
155amd 1996 No. 37 s 147 sch 2om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Powers of boards 156amd
1990 No. 80 s 3 sch 3 pt A; 1996 No. 54 s 9 sch; 2000 No. 23 s 293
sch 2om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Profits of boards 157om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Page 98Current as at 21
September 2012 revised version
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act1984EndnotesBoard is
statutory bodys 158ins 1996 No. 54 s 9 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Audits of board’s accountss
159om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Annual report by boards 160om
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Administrator may replace board
memberss 161om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Relinquishment of board’s assets to local
controls 162amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom
2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Entry upon public parts of areass
163amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1General authority to be in areas
164amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 sch; 2001 No. 49 s
11om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Entry
upon and temporary stay in areass 165amd
1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Power
of Aboriginal council to regulate presence in areas
166amd 1991 No. 76 s 18; 1999 No. 53 s
15om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Excluded person entitled to reasons
167amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
86 sch 1Power of Aboriginal council to ejects
168amd 1999 No. 53 s 35 schom 2004 No. 37 s
hdgins 2002 No. 46 s 17om R4 (see RA s
hdgins 1999 No. 53 s 17sub 2002 No. 46 s
3(2) schom 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Division 1—Transitional provision for
Community Services Legislation AmendmentAct 1999div
hdgins 2002 No. 46 s 3(2) sch (incl in orig pt
14)om 2004 No. 37 s 86 sch 1Current as at 21 September 2012 revised
versionPage 99