Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 2005
Agricultural College Act 2005
QueenslandAgriculturalCollegeAct2005Current as at 29
June 2012
Information about this reprintThis
Act is reprinted as at 29 June 2012. The reprint shows the law as
amended by allamendments that commenced on or before that
day (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c)).The reprint
includes a reference to the law by which each amendment was
made—see listof legislation and list of annotations in
endnotes. Also see list of legislation for anyuncommenced
amendments.This page is specific to this reprint. See
previous reprints for information about earlierchanges made under
the Reprints Act 1992. A table of reprints is included in the
endnotes.Also see endnotes for information
about—•when provisions commenced•editorial changes made in earlier
reprints.SpellingThe spelling of
certain words or phrases may be inconsistent in this reprint or
with otherreprints because of changes made in various
editions of the Macquarie Dictionary (forexample, in the
dictionary, ‘lodgement’ has replaced ‘lodgment’). Variations of
spellingwill be updated in the next authorised
reprint.Dates shown on reprintsReprints dated at
last amendmentAllreprintsproducedonorafter1July2002,authorised (that is, hard copy) and
unauthorised (that is, electronic), are dated as at the lastdate
of amendment. Previously reprints were dated as at the date of
publication. If anauthorised reprint is dated earlier than an
unauthorised version published before 1 July2002,itmeansthelegislationwasnotfurtheramendedandthereprintdateisthecommencement of the last amendment.If the
date of an authorised reprint is the same as the date shown for an
unauthorisedversion previously published, it merely means
that the unauthorised version was publishedbeforetheauthorisedversion.Also,anyrevisededitionofthepreviouslypublishedunauthorised
version will have the same date as that version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of an
authorised reprint is the same as the dateshown on another
authorised reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Agricultural College Act 2005Agricultural College Act 2005Part
1 Preliminary[s 1][as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 29 June 2012]AnActtoestablishtheAustralianAgriculturalCollegeCorporation and provide for an agricultural
college, to establishtheAustralianAgriculturalCollegeEmploying Office, and forother
purposesPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThis Act may be cited as theAgricultural College Act 2005.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3DictionaryThe dictionary
in schedule 2 defines particular words used inthis Act.4Ministerial declaration ‘Stepping
forward: improvingpathways for all young people’(1)One of the objectives of this Act is
to implement initiativesthat are consistent with the
Ministerial declaration ‘Steppingforward:
improving pathways for all young people’.(2)The
Ministerial declaration is the declaration of commitmentto
the young people of Australia by Ministers for Education,Employment,Training,YouthAffairsandCommunityCurrent as at 29
June 2012Page 5
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 2
Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 5]Services endorsed in July 2002 by the
Ministerial Council onEducation, Employment, Training and
Youth Affairs.(3)A copy of the declaration is set out
in the attachment.(4)The attachment is not part of this
Act.Part 2Australian
Agricultural CollegeCorporationDivision 1Establishment and capacity ofcorporation5Establishment of Australian Agricultural
corporation as established under that name—(a)has
perpetual succession and a seal; and(b)may
sue and be sued in its corporate name.6Corporation represents the State(1)The corporation represents the
privileges and immunities.7Legal capacity of
corporation(1)The corporation has all the powers of
an individual and may,for example—(a)enter into contracts; andPage
6Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2 Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 8](b)acquire, hold, dispose of, and deal
with, property; and(c)appoint agents and attorneys;
and(d)engage consultants; and(e)fix charges, and other terms, for
services it supplies; and(f)do anything
necessary or convenient to be done in theperformance of
its functions under this or another Act.(2)The
corporation also has the powers conferred on it by this oranother Act.(3)ThecorporationmayexerciseitspowersinsideandoutsideQueensland.(4)Without limiting subsection (3), the
corporation may exerciseits powers outside Australia.8Corporation declared to be excluded
matterThe corporation is declared to be an
excluded matter for theCorporations Act, section 5F, in
relation to the whole of theCorporations
legislation.9Corporation’s seal(1)The
corporation’s seal is to be kept in the custody of the chiefexecutive.(2)The
seal may be used only by—(a)the chief
executive; or(b)anotherpersonauthorised,inwriting,bythecorporation.Division 2Functions10Corporation’s functions generallyThe
functions of the corporation are as follows—Current as at 29
June 2012Page 7
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 2
Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 10]Page
8(a)to promote the creation of employment
opportunities inthe State by facilitating the provision of
agricultural andruralvocationaleducationandtrainingrelevanttoemploymentandencouragethegenerationofemployment opportunities;(b)toestablishasystemfortheeffectiveandefficientprovisionofhighqualityvocationaleducationandtraining to meet the immediate and
future needs of theagricultural and rural industries and the
community;(c)toprovidemechanismsforemployees,employers,associationsofemployeesoremployersandthecommunitytoadvisegovernmentonagriculturaltraining needs
and priorities to meet those needs;(d)to
work in cooperation with other governmental bodies,industry,commerceandcommunitygroupsandotherpersons on
matters relating to the agricultural and ruralindustries;(e)to
exploit commercially any facility or resource of thecorporation,includinganystudy,researchorknowledge,developedbyorbelongingtothecorporation;(f)to
provide facilities or services for study, research andtrainingrelevanttotheagricultural,ruralandrelatedindustries,includingbyensuringtheavailabilityofappropriateresourcesandsupportfortheagriculturalcollege;(g)to comply with national and State
quality standards andaudit requirements for registered
training organisations;(h)tosupportthecontinueddevelopmentofhighqualitytraining by and within the agricultural
phase;(j)toimplementinitiativesthatareconsistentwiththeministerialdeclaration‘Steppingforward:improvingCurrent as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2 Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 11]pathways for all young people’ as mentioned
in section4;(k)toperformotherfunctionsgiventothecorporationunder this or
another Act.11Additional functions in relation to
agricultural collegeThecorporation’sfunctionsinrelationtotheagriculturalcollege are as
follows—(a)to control, operate and maintain the
agricultural college;(b)toestablishandreviewtheagriculturalcollege’sstrategic direction;(c)to
develop and implement strategic plans and businessplans for the agricultural college;(d)to decide policy for achieving the
agricultural college’sbusinesspurpose,andforotheragriculturalcollegepurposes;(e)to
develop and implement appropriate risk managementstrategies for the agricultural
college;(f)toimprovetheparticipationofAboriginalpeopleandTorresStraitIslanders(indigenouspeople)intrainingbyattractingindigenouspeopleto,andsupportingindigenouspeoplein,trainingresultinginaqualification or
statement of attainment in numbers thatreflect the
composition of the community;(g)to
improve the participation of young people in trainingbyattractingyoungpeopleto,andsupportingyoungpeoplein,trainingresultinginaqualificationorstatement of attainment;(h)toensurepastoralcareisavailableforstudentsoftheagricultural college;(i)to develop and implement appropriate
strategies to helpstudentsmakethetransitionfromaneducationalenvironment to
the workplace;Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 2
Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 12](j)tomaintaintheindustrylinksnecessaryforachievingsupportfromindustryfortheagriculturalcollege’sactivities;(k)to
encourage opportunities for growth in the agriculturalcollege’strainingmarket,includingopportunitiesrelating to
persons and places outside Australia;(l)tomonitortheperformanceofthedirectorandtheagricultural college.Division 3Financial
matters12Corporation is statutory body(1)The corporation is a statutory body
Accountability Act 2009; and(b)theStatutory Bodies Financial
Arrangements Act 1982.(2)TheStatutory Bodies Financial
Arrangements Act 1982, part2B, sets out the
way in which the corporation’s powers underthisActareaffectedbytheStatutoryBodiesFinancialArrangements Act 1982, including, for
example, section 7(3)and (4) of this Act.Division 4Directions and
delegations13Minister’s power to give
directions(1)TheMinistermaygivethecorporationawrittendirectionabout a matter relevant to the performance
of the corporation’sfunctions under this Act.(2)The corporation must comply with the
direction.(3)IftheMinistergivesthecorporationadirectionundersubsection(1),thecorporation’sannualreportundertheFinancial Accountability Act
2009must include—Page 10Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2 Australian Agricultural College Corporation[s 14](a)particulars of the direction;
and(b)particulars of the corporation’s
response to the direction.14Delegation by
corporation(1)The corporation may delegate its
powers under this Act to—(a)anappropriatelyqualifiedemployeeoftheemployingofficeorofanothergovernmententitywhoperformsworkforthecorporationunderaworkperformancearrangement;
or(b)anappropriatelyqualifiedofficeroremployeeofthecorporation; or(c)anappropriatelyqualifiedofficeroremployeeofthedepartment.(2)In
this section—appropriatelyqualifiedincludeshavingthequalifications,experience or
standing appropriate to exercise the power.Example of
standing for an officer or employee of the department—the officer or employee’s
classification level in the departmentDivision 5Other provisions15Corporation may enter into work
performancearrangements(1)Thecorporationmayenterinto,andgiveeffectto,aworkperformance arrangement with—(a)the employing office; or(b)the appropriate authority of another
government entity.(2)A work performance arrangement may
make provision for allmattersnecessaryorconvenienttobeprovidedunderthearrangement.Current as at 29
June 2012Page 11
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2A Australian Agricultural College Employing Office[s
16](3)For example, a work performance
arrangement may providefor—(a)the
appointment of a person to an office, and the holdingof
the office by the person, for the arrangement; and(b)theauthorisingofapersontoexercisepowersforthearrangement;
and(c)whether payment is to be made for work
done under thearrangement and, if so, what payment is to
be made andwho is to make the payment.(4)A person performing work for the
corporation under a workperformance arrangement entered into
under subsection (1)—(a)is not employed
by the corporation; and(b)remainsanemployeeoftheemployingoffice,oranemployeeoftheothergovernmententitywhoseappropriate
authority is a party to the arrangement.(5)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that the corporation doesnot
have power to employ a person performing work for thecorporationunderaworkperformancearrangemententeredinto
under subsection (1).Part 2AAustralian
Agricultural CollegeEmploying OfficeDivision 1Establishment and functions ofemploying office16Establishment of employing office(1)TheAustralianAgriculturalCollegeEmployingOfficeisestablished.(2)The
employing office consists of—Page 12Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2A Australian Agricultural College Employing Office[s
17](a)the executive officer; and(b)the employees of the employing
office.(3)Theemployingofficeisaseparateentityfromthecorporation.17Employing office represents the State(1)The employing office represents the
State.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the
employing office has thestatus, privileges and immunities of
the State.18Functions of employing office(1)The main functions of the employing
office are—(a)enteringinto,fortheState,aworkperformancearrangementwiththecorporationunderwhichemployees of the
employing office perform work for thecorporation;
and(b)employing, for the State, staff to
perform work for thecorporationundertheworkperformancearrangement;and(c)doinganythingincidentaltothedischargeofthefunctions mentioned in paragraphs (a)
and (b).(2)Also, the employing office has any
other function conferredon the employing office under this or
another Act.(3)Thissectiondoesnotlimittheemployingoffice’spowertoenter into and give effect to a work
performance arrangementundersection20Dwithagovernmententityotherthanthecorporation.Division 2Executive officer19Appointment of executive officer(1)There is to be an executive officer of
the employing office.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2A Australian Agricultural College Employing Office[s
20](2)The executive officer is to be
appointed by the Governor inCouncil.(3)TheexecutiveofficerisappointedunderthisActandnotunder thePublic Service Act 2008.20Executive officer acting for employing
office(1)The employing office acts through the
executive officer.(2)Anything done by the executive officer
in the name of, or for,theemployingofficeistakentohavebeendonebytheemploying office.Division 3Staff of employing office20AEmploying office may employ
staff(1)The employing office may, for the
State, employ staff.(2)A person
employed under subsection (1) is anemployee of
theemploying office.(3)The employing office may decide the
terms of employment ofthe employees of the employing
office.(4)Subsection(3)appliessubjecttoanyrelevantindustrialinstrument.(5)Employees of the employing office are
employed under thisAct and not under thePublic Service
Act 2008.20BPreservation of
rights in relation to public serviceemployees(1)Subsection (2) applies to a person
who—(a)isappointedasanemployeeoftheemployingoffice;and(b)wasapublicserviceemployeeimmediatelybeforetaking up the appointment.Page
14Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2A Australian Agricultural College Employing Office[s
20C](2)The person is entitled to retain all
existing and accruing rightsas if service as
an employee of the employing office were acontinuation of
service as a public service employee.(3)If a
person is appointed as a public service employee and theperson was, immediately before taking up the
appointment, anemployee of the employing office, the
person’s service as anemployeeoftheemployingofficeunderthisActmustberegarded as service as a public service
employee.20CSecondment as employee of employing
office(1)A public service employee may be
seconded to the employingoffice.(2)While seconded under this section—(a)the person is taken to be an employee
of the employingoffice; and(b)thePublicServiceAct2008doesnotapplytotheperson.(3)A
public service employee seconded under this section —(a)is entitled to the person’s existing
and accruing rights asif employment as an employee of the
employing officewere a continuation of employment as a
public serviceemployee; and(b)may
apply for positions, and be employed, in the publicservice as if the person were a public
service employee.(4)Onendingthesecondment,theperson’semploymentonsecondment as an employee of the employing
office is takento be employment of the same nature in the
public service forworking out the person’s rights as a public
service employee.(5)If the secondment ended for a reason
other than misconduct,thepersonisentitledtobeemployedasapublicserviceemployee.(6)This
section has effect despite section 20D.Current as at 29
June 2012Page 15
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
2A Australian Agricultural College Employing Office[s
20D]20DEmploying office may enter into work
employing office may, for the State, enter into and giveeffect to a work performance arrangement
with—(a)the corporation; or(b)the appropriate authority of another
government entity.(2)A work performance arrangement may
make provision for allmattersnecessaryorconvenienttobeprovidedunderthearrangement.(3)For
example, a work performance arrangement may providefor—(a)the
appointment of a person to an office, and the holdingof
the office by the person, for the arrangement; and(b)theauthorisingofapersontoexercisepowersforthearrangement;
and(c)whether payment is to be made for work
done under thearrangement and, if so, what payment is to
be made andwho is to make the payment.(4)Apersonperformingworkforthecorporationorothergovernmententityunderaworkperformancearrangemententered into
under subsection (1)—(a)is not employed
by the corporation or other governmententity;
and(b)remains an employee of the employing
office.(5)Toremoveanydoubt,itisdeclaredthatthecorporationoranother government entity does not have
power to employ apersonperformingworkforthecorporationorothergovernmententityunderaworkperformancearrangemententered into
under subsection (1).Page 16Current as at 29
June 2012
Division 4Agricultural
College Act 2005Part 3 Board of the corporation[s
20E]Other provisions20EEmploying office is statutory body(1)The employing office is a statutory
body under—(a)theFinancial
Accountability Act 2009; and(b)theStatutory Bodies Financial
Arrangements Act 1982.(2)ForapplyingtheFinancialAccountabilityAct2009totheemploying office as a statutory
body—(a)the executive officer is taken to be
the chairperson of theemploying office; and(b)theFinancial
Accountability Act 2009is taken to requiretheexecutiveofficertoconsidertheannualfinancialstatementsandtheauditor-general’sreportassoonaspracticableaftertheyarereceivedbytheemployingoffice;
Accountability Act 2009is taken to requiretheexecutiveofficertoconsideranyobservations,suggestions or
comments given to the executive officeras soon as
practicable after the executive officer receivesthem.Part 3Board
of the corporationDivision 1Establishment
and functions21Establishment of boardThe
board that was established under this Act under the nameAustralian Agricultural College Corporation
Advisory BoardiscontinuedunderthenameBoardoftheAustralianAgricultural
College Corporation.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 3
Board of the corporation[s 22]22Board’s functionsTheboardhasthefunctionofprovidingadvicetothecorporation
about the following—(a)the performance
of the corporation’s functions relatingtotheagriculturalcollege,including,forexample,thefunctions mentioned in section 11(a) to
(e);(b)training of, and delivery of services
to, students of theagricultural college;(c)theneedsofcommunitiesservicedbytheagriculturalcollege;(d)the needs of the agricultural and
rural industries.Division 2Board
membership23Composition of board(1)The board consists of at least 5 but
no more than 8 membersappointed by written notice by the
Minister.(2)The corporation may nominate only 1 of
the members.23AEligibility for membership(1)Apersoncannotbecomeamemberoftheboardiftheperson—(a)has
been convicted of an indictable offence; or(b)is
an insolvent under administration.(2)Apersonmusthavethequalifications,skills,experienceorstandingtheMinisterconsidersappropriateformembershipof the
board.(3)Inconsideringthequalifications,skills,experienceorstanding the Minister must consult with the
corporation.Page 18Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
3 Board of the corporation[s 24]24Board
chairperson and deputy chairperson(1)The
Minister must appoint a member to be the chairperson ofthe
board and may appoint another person to be the deputychairperson of the board.(2)Thechairpersonordeputychairpersonholdsofficeaschairperson or deputy chairperson—(a)for the term, of no more than 3 years,
decided by theMinister; or(b)if
the person’s term of office as member ends before theperson’stermofofficeaschairpersonordeputychairpersonends—untilthedaytheperson’stermofoffice as member ends; or(c)if the person’s term of office as
member and the person’sterm of office as chairperson or
deputy chairperson endon the same day—until the day the
person’s offices end.(3)Avacancyoccursintheofficeofchairpersonordeputychairperson if
the person holding office—(a)isremovedfromofficebysignednoticefromtheMinister; or(b)resigns from office by signed notice of
resignation givento the Minister.(4)However,apersonremovedfrom,orresigningfrom,theoffice of chairperson or deputy
chairperson may continue tobe a member of
the board.25Term of appointment to board(1)A board member is appointed for the
term, of no more than 3years, stated in the member’s notice
of appointment.(2)Subsection(1)doesnotpreventapersonfrombeingreappointed as a
member of the board.(3)A board member
may resign by signed notice of resignationgiven to the
Minister.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 3
Board of the corporation[s 26]26Conditions of appointment to board(1)Aboardmemberisentitledtobepaidtheremunerationdecided by the
Minister.(2)However, a board member who is a
public service employee isnotentitledtoremunerationasaboardmemberunlesstheremuneration—(a)relates to the employee’s attendance
at a meeting of theboard outside the employee’s normal work
hours; and(b)is approved in writing by the
Minister.(3)A board member holds office—(a)on the conditions stated in this Act;
and(b)on the other conditions decided by the
Minister.26ARemoval from office(1)The Minister may remove a board member
from office if themember—(a)becomesincapableofperformingthemember’sfunctions
because of physical or mental incapacity; or(b)isguiltyofmisconductofakindthatcouldwarrantdismissal from the public service if the
member were apublic service employee.(2)The
Minister must remove a board member from office if themember—(a)is
convicted of an indictable offence; or(b)becomes an insolvent under
administration.(3)This section does not limit section
24(3)(a) or 27(c).27Vacating officeTheofficeofaboardmemberbecomesvacantifthemember—Page
20Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
3 Board of the corporation[s 28](a)resigns from office by signed notice of
resignation givento the Minister; or(b)isabsentwithouttheboard’spermissionfrom3consecutive board meetings of which
proper notice hasbeen given and without reasonable excuse;
or(c)isremovedfromofficebysignednoticefromtheMinister.Division 3Board meetings28Conduct of board’s businessSubject to this Act, the board may conduct
its business in theway it considers appropriate.29Times and places of board
meetings(1)Boardmeetingsaretobeheldatthetimesandplacesitdecides.(2)However,thechairpersonmaycallaboardmeetingatanytime.(3)The Minister may also call a board
meeting at any time.(4)The board must
meet at least 4 times a year.30Presiding at board meetings(1)The chairperson is to preside at all
board meetings at whichthe chairperson is present.(2)Ifthechairpersonisabsent,anydeputychairperson,ifpresent, is to preside.(3)If
the chairperson and any deputy chairperson are absent, themember chosen by the members present is to
preside.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 3
Board of the corporation[s 31]31Voting at board meetings(1)Atboardmeetings,allquestionsaretobedecidedbyamajority of the
votes of the members present.(2)If a
member abstains from voting, the member is taken to votefor
the negative.(3)The chairperson or a member presiding
at a meeting is to havea vote and, if the votes are equal, a
casting vote.32Quorum for board meetingA
quorum for a board meeting is the number equal to one halfof
the number of its appointed members or, if one half is not awhole number, the next highest whole
number.33Meetings held using communication
technology(1)The board may hold meetings, or permit
members to take partin meetings, by using any technology
that reasonably allowsmembers to hear and take part in
discussions as they happen.Example of use
of technology—teleconferencing(2)Amemberwhoparticipatesinaboardmeetingundersubsection (1)
is taken to be present at the meeting.(3)Aresolutionisvalidlymadebytheboard,evenifitisnotpassed at a board meeting, if—(a)notice of the resolution is given to
the board membersunder procedures approved by the board;
and(b)the number of members required for a
quorum agree inwriting to the resolution.33ADisclosure of interests(1)This section applies to a member of
the board if—Page 22Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
3 Board of the corporation[s 33A](a)the
member has a direct or indirect interest in an issuebeing considered or about to be considered
by the board;and(b)the interest
could conflict with the proper performanceofthemember’sdutiesabouttheconsiderationoftheissue.(2)Assoonaspracticableaftertherelevantfactscometothemember’s knowledge, the member must
disclose the nature ofthe interest to a board
meeting.(3)Unless the board otherwise directs,
the member must not—(a)be present when
the board considers the issue; or(b)take
part in a decision of the board about the issue.(4)Themembermustnotbepresentwhentheboardisconsidering whether to give a direction
under subsection (3).(5)If there is
another member who must under subsection (2) alsodisclose an interest in the issue, the other
member must not—(a)bepresentwhentheboardisconsideringwhethertogive a direction under subsection (3)
about the member;or(b)takepartinmakingthedecisionaboutgivingthedirection.(6)Subsection (7) applies if—(a)becauseofthissection,amemberisnotpresentataboardmeetingforconsideringordecidinganissueorfor
considering or deciding whether to give a directionunder subsection (3); and(b)there would be a quorum if the member
were present.(7)The remaining members present at the
meeting are taken to bea quorum of the board for considering
or deciding the issue, orfor considering or deciding whether to
give the direction, atthe meeting.(8)Adisclosureundersubsection(2)mustberecordedintheboard’s minutes.Current as at 29
June 2012Page 23
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 3
Board of the corporation[s 34]34Board
minutesThe board must keep a record of the minutes
of its meetingsand its decisions.Division 4Additional functions of boardchairperson34AChairperson’s reporting requirements(1)The chairperson of the board must
within 1 month after theend of each quarter give a report to
the corporation and theMinisterontheperformanceofthecorporation’sfunctionsrelating to the agricultural college
(therelevant functions).(2)If the
corporation or the Minister requires the chairperson togiveareport,adviceorstatedinformationaboutamatterrelatingtotherelevantfunctions,thechairpersonmustcomply with the requirement to the extent
the chairperson isable to comply.(3)Ifthechairpersonisunabletocomplyfullywiththerequirement,thechairpersonmustgivethecorporationandthe
Minister written reasons for the noncompliance.(4)If
the chairperson becomes aware of a matter the chairpersonissatisfiedmayadverselyaffectthecorporation’sabilitytoperformtherelevantfunctions,thechairpersonmustreportthemattertothecorporationandtheMinisterassoonaspracticablebutwithin1monthafterthechairpersonfirstbecomes aware of the matter.(5)In this section—quartermeans a 3 month period ending on 31 March,
30 June,30 September or 31 December.Page
24Current as at 29 June 2012
Division 5Agricultural
College Act 2005Part 4 Agricultural college, director and
student advisory council[s 35]Board
committees35Establishing committees(1)The board may, with the written
approval of the corporation,establish a
committee to help it perform its functions.(2)When
seeking the corporation’s approval, the board must givethe
corporation a statement of the proposed committee’s termsof
reference and functions.(3)Appointments to
the committee are to be made by the boardby written
notice.(4)The board may appoint a person to the
committee only if theperson has skills or experience
appropriate to the committee’sterms of
reference or functions.(5)Acommitteememberisnotentitledtoanyremuneration,otherthanthereimbursementofreasonableexpensesandtravel allowance, unless remuneration
is approved in writingby the corporation.(6)Subsection (1) does not apply to a
committee of the board’smembers.Part 4Agricultural college, directorand
student advisory councilDivision 1Agricultural
college36Agricultural college(1)An agricultural college is established
for the purposes of thisAct.(2)The
college has no legal existence apart from the corporation.(3)The corporation may—Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 4
Agricultural college, director and student advisory council[s
37](a)give the college a name; and(b)establish campuses of the agricultural
college.Division 2Director of
agricultural college37Director(1)Thecorporationmayappointadirectorfortheagriculturalcollege.(2)Subject to the corporation, the
director is responsible for theday to day
management of the agricultural college.(3)The
corporation may decide the terms of employment for thedirector.(4)However,subsection(3)haseffectsubjecttoanyrelevantindustrial instrument.(5)ThedirectorisappointedunderthisActandnotunderthePublic Service Act 2008.38Acting
directorThe corporation may appoint a person to act
as director—(a)during any vacancy, or all vacancies,
in the office; or(b)during any period, or all periods,
when the director isabsentfromtheStateor,foranotherreason,cannotperform the
functions of the office.Page 26Current as at 29
June 2012
Division 3Agricultural
College Act 2005Part 4 Agricultural college, director and
student advisory council[s 39]Student advisory
councilsSubdivision 1Agricultural
college studentadvisory council39Student advisory council(1)Astudentadvisorycouncilfortheagriculturalcollegeisestablished.(2)The
student advisory council consists of—(a)1
student from each campus of the agricultural college;and(b)2 members of the
staff of the agricultural college.(3)For
subsection (2)(a), the students of each campus are to electa
person who is a student of the campus as a member of thestudent advisory council.(4)For subsection (2)(b), the staff of
the agricultural college areto elect persons
who are members of the staff as members ofthe student
advisory council.(5)An election under subsection (3) or
(4) is to be held as andwhen required by the
corporation.(6)In this section—staff,oftheagriculturalcollege,meansemployeesoftheemployingofficeorofanothergovernmententitywhoperformworkforthecorporation,beingworkfortheagricultural college, under a work
performance arrangement.40Functions(1)The student advisory council has the
following functions—(a)to advise the
corporation or the director on matters thecorporation or
director refers to the advisory council;Current as at 29
June 2012Page 27
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 4
Agricultural college, director and student advisory council[s
considers should be referred to the corporationor
director;(c)any other functions conferred on it by
this Act.(2)Thestudentadvisorycouncilisnottheemployee,agentorrepresentative of the
corporation.41Term of membership(1)A
member of the student advisory council for a particular yearholds office until the end of that calendar
year and may resignthe office by written notice given to the
director.(2)However, a student advisory council
member who is electedas a student or a staff member stops
being a member of theadvisory council if the member stops
being a student or staffmember.42Conduct of meetings(1)The
advisory council must choose a student member to be thechairperson of the advisory council.(2)The advisory council may otherwise
regulate its proceedingsas it considers appropriate.Subdivision 2Campus student
advisory councils43Director may establish campus student
advisory councilsThedirectormayestablishastudentadvisorycouncilforacampus of the agricultural
student advisory council for a campus of the agriculturalcollege has the following functions—Page
28Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
5 General[s 45](a)to
advise the director on matters the director refers to theadvisory council;(b)toadvisethedirectoronmattersaboutthecampusorstudentstheadvisorycouncilconsidersshouldbereferred to the director.(2)Thestudentadvisorycouncilisnottheemployee,agentorrepresentative of the
corporation.Part 5General45Driver training(1)DespitetheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement)Act1995,astudentwhoisrequiredtodriveaspeciallyconstructed
vehicle in the grounds of the agricultural collegeas
part of the student’s training at the agricultural college
is,while driving the specially constructed
vehicle, taken to holda learner licence to drive the
specially constructed vehicle.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if the
student—(a)hasadriverlicencethat,atthetimeofdrivingthespecially constructed vehicle, is suspended
or cancelled;or(b)is,atthetimeofdrivingthespeciallyconstructedvehicle,disqualifiedbyorderofanAustraliancourtfrom
holding or obtaining a driver licence.(3)In
this section—driverlicencehasthemeaninggivenbytheTransportOperations (Road
Use Management) Act 1995, schedule 4.learnerlicencehasthemeaninggivenbytheTransportOperations (Road Use Management) Act
1995, schedule 4.Current as at 29
June 2012Page 29
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 6
Repeal and transitional provisions[s 46]speciallyconstructedvehiclehasthemeaninggivenbytheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement—DriverLicensing)
Regulation 1999, schedule 6.Editor’s
note—TransportOperations(RoadUseManagement—DriverLicensing)Regulation1999—seetheTransportOperations(RoadUseManagement—Driver Licensing)
Regulation 2010, section 165.studentmeans a student of the agricultural college
who is atleast 16 years and 6 months.46Delegation by MinisterThe
Minister may delegate the Minister’s powers under thisAct
to the corporation.47Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)A regulation may be made about the
following—(a)fees, including the refunding of fees,
for this Act;(b)imposing a penalty of not more than 20
penalty units fora contravention of a provision of a
regulation.Part 6Repeal and
transitionalprovisionsDivision 1Repeal48Repeal of Agricultural Colleges Act
1994The Agricultural Colleges Act 1994 No. 58 is
repealed.Page 30Current as at 29
June 2012
Division 2Agricultural
College Act 2005Part 6 Repeal and transitional
provisions[s 49]Transitional
provisions forAgricultural College Act 200549Definitions for div 2college boardmeans a college
board under the repealed Act.commencementmeans the day
this division commences.formeragriculturalcollegemeansanagriculturalcollegeunder the repealed Act.50References to repealed Act or college
board(1)In an Act or document, a reference to
the repealed Act may, ifthe context permits, be taken as a
reference to this Act.(2)A
referenceinanActordocument to a former
agriculturalcollege or a college board may, if the
context permits, be takento be a reference to the
corporation.51Dissolution of college boards(1)On the commencement—(a)each of the college boards is
dissolved; and(b)the members of each of the boards go
out of office.(2)No compensation is payable to a member
of a college boardbecause of subsection (1).52Assets and liabilities(1)On the commencement—(a)the assets and liabilities of the
college boards becomeassets and liabilities of the
corporation; and(b)anycontracts,agreements,arrangementsanddeedsentered into by
or on behalf of a college board, in forceimmediatelybeforethecommencement,aretakentoCurrent as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 6
Repeal and transitional provisions[s 53]have
been entered into by the corporation and may beenforced against
or by the corporation; and(c)allguarantees,mandates,instructions,notices,directions,undertakingsandsecuritiesgivenbyoronbehalf of, or to, a college board, in force
immediatelybefore the commencement, are taken to have
been givenby or to the corporation and may be enforced
against orby the corporation; and(d)anypropertythat,immediatelybeforethecommencement,washeldontrust,orsubjecttoacondition, by a college board
continues to be held on thesametrust,orsubjecttothesamecondition,bythecorporation; and(e)anyleasegrantedby,orto,acollegeboard,inforceimmediately
before the commencement, is taken to havebeen granted by,
or to, the corporation.(2)The registrar of
titles or other person responsible for keeping aregisterfordealingsinpropertymust,ifaskedbythecorporation,recordthevestingofthepropertyunderthissection in the
corporation.53ProceedingsA proceeding
that could have been started or continued by oragainstacollegeboardbeforethecommencementmaybestarted or continued by or against the
corporation.54Existing decisions of college
boards(1)This section applies to a decision of
a college board before thecommencement, if the decision had not
had full effect at thecommencement.(2)Thedecisioncontinuesinforce,subjecttothisAct,andistaken to be a
decision of the corporation.(3)Withoutlimitingsubsection(2),ifthedecisionisoneinrelation to which a person had a right to
appeal against thedecisionthathadnotendedimmediatelybeforethePage 32Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
6 Repeal and transitional provisions[s 55]commencement, the person may appeal against
the decisionas if it were a decision of the
corporation.55Dealing with disciplinary
matters(1)A matter that under a disciplinary
rule had started to be, orcould have been, dealt with by a
former agricultural collegebefore the
commencement may be continued to be dealt with,or started, by
the director.(2)In this section—disciplinary
rulemeans a college rule about the
discipliningof students made by a former agricultural
college and in forceimmediately before the
commencement.56Administrator(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement, a person held office as
an administrator for aformer agricultural college.(2)On the commencement—(a)the administrator stops holding
office; and(b)anydecisionmadebytheadministratorbeforethecommencement that has not had full
effect continues inforce, subject to this Act, and is taken to
be a decision ofthe corporation.(3)Nocompensationispayabletoanadministratorbecauseofsubsection (2)(a).57Continuation of appointment of staff(1)This section applies to a person who,
immediately before thecommencement—(a)heldthepositionofdirectorofaformeragriculturalcollege;
or(b)was member of a former agricultural
college’s staff.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 6
Repeal and transitional provisions[s 58](2)On the commencement, the person is
taken to be an officer ofthe corporation.(3)Untilotherwisedecidedundersection15(2),thepersonistakentobeemployedbythecorporationonthesameconditions on
which the person was employed by the formeragricultural
and(b)theperson’sentitlementstoreceivelongservice,recreationandsickleaveandanysimilarentitlementsaccrued or
accruing to the person as an employee of theformer
agricultural college are unaffected; and(c)if
the person is a member of a superannuation scheme—(i)thepersonkeepsallentitlementsaccruedoraccruing to the person as a member of
the scheme;and(ii)theperson’smembershipoftheschemeisnotaffected.(5)Withoutlimitingsubsection(3),ifanindustrialinstrumentappliestothepersonimmediatelybeforetherepeal,theinstrument continues to apply to the
person.(6)Subsection (5) has effect subject to
1999.58Amalgamation of
former agricultural collegesOn the
commencement—(a)theformeragriculturalcollegesareamalgamatedandtaken to be the agricultural college under
section 36(1);and(b)each former
agricultural college is taken to be a campusof the
agricultural college as if it had been establishedby
the corporation as a campus under section 36(3)(b).Page
34Current as at 29 June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
6 Repeal and transitional provisions[s 59]59Registered providers under the
Education (OverseasStudents) Act 1996(1)Thissectionappliesif,immediatelybeforethecommencement,thechairpersonofaboardofaformeragriculturalcollegewasaregisteredproviderundertheEducation (Overseas Students) Act
provider for that Act.(3)As soon as
practicable after the commencement—(a)the
director must return any registration certificate givento
the former agriculture college; and(b)thechiefexecutiveofthedepartmentinwhichtheEducation (Overseas Students) Act
1996is administeredmust—(i)returntothedirectorthecertificatesuitablyamended; or(ii)givethedirectorasuitablenewregistrationcertificate.(4)Withoutlimitingtheconditionsthatmaybeincludedinanamendedornewcertificateofregistrationundersubsection(3)(b)(i) or
(ii), the certificate must include a condition statingthecampusesoftheagriculturalcollegewhereregisteredcoursesundertheEducation(OverseasStudents)Act1996may be
delivered.Division 3Transitional
provisions for StatutoryBodies Legislation Amendment
Act200760Rights and
entitlements of particular employees(1)This
section applies to a person who—(a)becomes an employee of the employing office;
and(b)was an employee of the
corporation—Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 6
Repeal and transitional provisions[s 60](i)immediatelybeforethecommencementofthissection;
before becoming an employee of theemploying
office.(2)On becoming an employee of the
employing office, the personis taken to be
employed under section 20A on the conditionsonwhichthepersonwouldhavebeenemployedbythecorporation,immediatelybeforethepersonbecameanemployeeoftheemployingoffice,ifthecorporationhadnever become an employer under theWorkplace Relations Act1996(Cwlth).(3)Also—(a)the
person keeps all rightsandentitlements,includingentitlements to receive long service,
recreation and sickleave and any similar entitlements,
that—(i)have accrued or were accruing to the
person as anemployee of the corporation; and(ii)would have
accrued to the person if the corporationhadneverbecomeanemployerundertheWorkplace Relations Act 1996(Cwlth); and(b)if
the person is a member of a superannuation scheme—(i)thepersonkeepsallentitlementsaccruedoraccruing to the person as a member of
the scheme;and(ii)theperson’smembershipoftheschemeisnotaffected.(4)Without limiting subsection (3), for working
out the person’srights and entitlements, including
entitlements to receive longservice,
recreation and sick leave and any similar entitlements,employmentofthepersonbytheemployingofficeisacontinuation of
employment of the person by the corporation.(5)Ifthepersonwasasecondedemployeeimmediatelybeforebecominganemployeeoftheemployingoffice,thearrangement under which the person was
performing work fora government entity other than the
corporation may continuePage 36Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Part
6 Repeal and transitional provisions[s 61]untilthearrangementends,and,ifthearrangementdoescontinue—(a)subsection (2) does not apply to the person;
and(b)on the ending of the arrangement, the
person is taken tobeemployedundersection20Aontheconditionsonwhichthepersonwouldhavebeenemployedbythecorporation, on the ending of the
arrangement, if—(i)the person had continued to be an
employee of thecorporation; and(ii)thecorporationhadneverbecomeanemployerunder theWorkplace Relations Act 1996(Cwlth).(6)Subsections (2) and (5)(b) do not limit
section 20A(3) and (4).(7)In this
section—employee of the corporationincludes a seconded employee.secondedemployeemeansanemployeeofthecorporationperformingworkforanothergovernmententityunderanarrangement entered into, before the
commencement of thissection, by the corporation with the
appropriate authority ofthe other government entity.61Application of industrial
instrumentsThe employing office is taken to be bound by
the industrialinstruments that bound the corporation
immediately before itbecame an employer under theWorkplace Relations Act 1996(Cwlth).62Amending Act does not affect particular
powers ofcorporationNothing in
theStatutoryBodiesLegislationAmendmentAct2007,part2,affectsthepowersofthecorporationundersection 7.Current as at 29
June 2012Page 37
Agricultural College Act 2005Part 6
Repeal and transitional provisions[s 63]63Continued application of repealed
commencement while that employment continues.(2)Also, section 19 of the repealed division
continues to apply tothosepersonsontheendingoftheiremploymentbythecorporation.(3)Section37,asinforceimmediatelybeforethecommencement of this section,
continues to apply in relationtopersonsemployedbythecorporationunderrepealedsection37(3)immediatelybeforethecommencementwhilethat
employment continues.(4)This section
does not limit section 62.Division 4Transitional
provision forAgricultural College and OtherLegislation Amendment Act 201064References to board by its former
name(1)In a document, a reference to the
board by its former namemay, if the context permits, be taken
to be a reference to theboard.(2)In
this section—formernamemeanstheAustralianAgriculturalCollegeCorporation Advisory Board.Page
38Current as at 29 June 2012
Schedule 2DictionaryAgricultural College Act 2005Schedule 2section 3agriculturalcollegemeanstheagriculturalcollegeestablished under section 36(1).boardmeans the Board
of the Australian Agricultural CollegeCorporation
continued under section 21.campus,oftheagriculturalcollege,meansacampusestablished
under section 36(3)(b).compulsory participation phasesee
theEducation (GeneralProvisions) Act
2006, section 231.corporationmeanstheAustralianAgriculturalCollegeCorporation established under section
5.directormeansthedirectoroftheagriculturalcollegeappointed under section 37.employee of the employing officesee
section 20A(2).employing officemeans the
Australian Agricultural CollegeEmploying Office
established under section 16.executive
officermeans the executive officer of the
employingoffice appointed under section 19.governmententityseethePublicServiceAct2008,section24.indictableoffenceincludesanindictableoffencedealtwithsummarily,whetherornottheCriminalCode,section659applies to the indictable offence.industrial instrumenthas the meaning
given by theIndustrialRelations Act
1999.insolvent under administrationmeans—(a)apersonwhoisanundischargedbankruptwithinthemeaningoftheBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth)orthecorresponding
provisions of the law of a foreign countryor external
territory; orCurrent as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Schedule 2(b)a
person who has executed a deed of arrangement undertheBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth),partXorthecorresponding
provisions of the law of a foreign countryor
externalterritory, if thetermsofthedeedhavenotbeen
fully complied with; or(c)a person whose
creditors have accepted a compositionunder theBankruptcyAct1966(Cwlth), part X
or thecorresponding provisions of the law of a
foreign countryorexternalterritory,ifafinalpaymenthasnotbeenmade
under that composition; or(d)apersonforwhomadebtagreementhasbeenmadeunder theBankruptcy Act
1966(Cwlth), part IX or thecorresponding
provisions of the law of a foreign countryor external
territory, if the debt agreement has not endedor has not been
terminated; or(e)apersonwhohasexecutedapersonalinsolvencyagreement under
theBankruptcy Act 1966(Cwlth),
partXorthecorrespondingprovisionsofthelawofaforeigncountryorexternalterritory,butnotiftheagreement has been set aside or terminated
or all of theobligationsthattheagreementcreatedhavebeendischarged.pastoral
and support provided for students in a safe livingand
working environment; and(b)care and support
provided—(i)with the help of people in the
agricultural collegeorcommunitywhohaveappropriatelifeexperienceorskills,ortheability,toworkwithyoung people who may be experiencing
personalor educational difficulties; and(ii)tohelpstudentsdevelopinterpersonalandlivingskills.qualificationseetheVocationalEducation,TrainingandEmployment Act 2000,
schedule 3.Page 40Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Schedule 2registered
training organisationmeans a registered trainingorganisationundertheVocationalEducation,TrainingandEmployment Act 2000.repealed Actmeans theAgricultural Colleges Act 1994.statementofattainmentseetheVocationalEducation,Training and
Employment Act 2000, schedule 3.student, of
the agricultural college, means a student enrolledin
the agricultural college.work performance arrangementmeans an arrangement underwhich an employee of a government entity
performs work foranother government entity.Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005AttachmentAttachmentMinisterial Declaration‘Stepping
Forward: ImprovingPathways for all Young People’section 4A COMMITMENT TO
a significant contribution to Australia today and willshape
what it will be tomorrow. The vitality, ideas, creativity and
visions ofall young people must be embraced.The
majority of young people are doing well, moving successfully
throughthe different stages of their lives and
responding to the challenges of thefuture. We can be
confident that they will achieve success, find fulfilmentin
their adult lives and make a positive contribution to this
country.Someyoungpeoplefindtheirjourneysmoredifficultandchallenging.Theymayfaceproblemsinacquiringtheknowledge,skillsandself–confidence that form the
foundations of their adult lives. We recognisethe emotional,
physical, cultural and learning barriers faced by these
youngpeople and the social, economic and
locational factors that may negativelyimpact on their
lives. There are opportunities for governments to addressthese
barriers so that young people can achieve their best.As
Ministers entrusted with the collective wellbeing and interests of
youngpeople, we must foster an environment in
which young people are nurturedandchallenged—asocietywhereallyoungpeoplecanrealisetheirfullpotential. We
must work together to support young Australians to achievesuccessasindividualsandasmembersofsociety.Weneedtoactcollectively and we need to act
now.Page 42Current as at 29
June 2012
College Act 2005AttachmentOur vision is of
an Australia where:•young people benefit and flourish
through sustaining networks offamily, friends
and community, and through their engagement ineducation,
training, employment, recreation and society•young people’s opinions and contributions
are sought and valued,and they are encouraged and supported
to take an active role intheir communities and the
nation•youngpeople’slivesareenrichedbypositivelearningexperiences and opportunities that assist
them to reach their fullpotential•we
recognise and celebrate young people’s achievements.CHALLENGEOur challenge is
to:•listen and respond to young
people•workcreativelyinpartnershipwithyoungpeopletobuildcomprehensivenetworksthatdrawtogetherjurisdictions,governmentdepartments,familiesandcommunitiessothatunitedwecanaddressthecomplexissuesconfrontingyoungpeople•recognise and address structural barriers
faced by young people•ensure that our
governmental systems recognise the diversity ofyoung people
through being inclusive, flexible and adaptive•createeffectiveopportunitiesforyoungpeoplethatareaccessible, integrated and meaningful•encourageyoungpeopletotakeincreasingresponsibilityfortheirownlives,supporttheirpeersandcontributetotheircommunityCurrent as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005Attachment•ensure that young people have the
information, skills and supportneededtonegotiatethetransitiontoadultlifeandtomakeinformed life decisions.OUR
DECLARATIONWith this declaration, we commit to
developing practical ways to increasethesocial,educationalandemploymentoutcomesofAustralia’syoungpeopleincludingthosewhoareatrisk,disconnectedorinvulnerablecircumstances. We
agree to establish a common direction to make a realandlastingdifferencetothelivesofyoungpeople.Weareunitedbyasharedcommitmentandajointresponsibility.Weunanimouslyagreetowork in partnership towards
implementing a shared vision for all youngpeople.Australia’s Ministers for Education,
Employment, Training, Youth Affairsand Community
ServicesPage 44Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005AttachmentCurrent as at 29
June 2012Page 45
Agricultural College Act 2005EndnotesEndnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.463Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .464Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .482Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c). Accordingly, thisreprint includes all amendments that
commenced operation on or before 29 June 2012.Future amendments
of the Agricultural College Act 2005 may be made in accordance
withthis reprint under the Reprints Act 1992,
section 49.3KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousPage 46Key(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedCurrent as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005Endnotes4Table of reprintsReprints are
issued for both future and past effective dates. For the most
up-to-date tableof reprints, see the reprint with the latest
effective date.Ifareprintnumberincludesaletterofthealphabet,thereprintwasreleasedinunauthorised, electronic form only.ReprintNo.1
includednone2006 Act No. 392007 Act No.
22007 Act No. 20—2009
Act No. 92009 Act No. 252010 Act No.
102012 Act No. 11Effective1
July 200530 October 200623 March
200723 April 200723 April
20071 July 20092 November
200917 March 201029 June
2012NotesRevision notice
issuedfor R1R1C withdrawn,
see R25List of legislationAgricultural College Act 2005 No. 20date
of assent 19 May 2005ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2005
(2005 SL No. 116)amending legislation—Education (General
Provisions) Act 2006 No. 39 ss 1, 2(3), 512(1) sch 1date
of assent 11 August 2006ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 30 October
2006 (2006 SL No. 247)Vocational Education, Training and
Employment and Other Acts Amendment Act2007 No. 2 pts 1,
3date of assent 16 February 2007ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 23 March 2007 (2007 SL No. 34)Statutory Bodies Legislation Amendment Act
2007 No. 20 pts 1–2date of assent 23 April 2007commenced on date of assentFinancial Accountability Act 2009 No. 9 ss 1,
2(2), 136 sch 1date of assent 28 May 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 July 2009 (2009 SL No. 80)Current as at 29 June 2012Page
Agricultural College Act 2005EndnotesCriminalCodeandOtherLegislation(Misconduct,BreachesofDisciplineandPublic Sector Ethics) Amendment Act 2009 No.
25 pt 1, s 83 schdate of assent 11 August 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 2 November 2009 (2009 SL No. 241)Agricultural College and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2010 No. 10 pts 1–2date of assent 17
March 2010commenced on date of assentVocational Education and Training
(Commonwealth Powers) Act 2012 No. 11 pt 1, s43 sch pt
2date of assent 29 June 2012ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 29 June 2012 (see s 2)6List
of annotationsTitleamd 2007 No. 20 s 3Corporation’s functions generallys
10amd 2007 No. 2 s 18Corporation is
statutory bodys 12amd 2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1Minister’s power to give directionss
13amd 2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1Delegation by corporations 14amd
CORPORATIONDivision 5—Other provisionsdiv 5
(s 15)sub 2007 No. 20 s 5PART 2A—AUSTRALIAN
2007 No. 20 s 6Division 1—Establishment and functions of
employing officediv hdgins 2007 No. 20 s
6Establishment of employing offices
16prev s 16 om 2007 No. 20 s 5pres
s 16 ins 2007 No. 20 s 6Employing office represents the
States 17prev s 17 om 2007 No. 20 s 5pres
s 17 ins 2007 No. 20 s 6Page 48Current as at 29
June 2012
Agricultural College Act 2005EndnotesFunctions of
employing offices 18prev s 18 om 2007 No. 20 s 5pres
s 18 ins 2007 No. 20 s 6Division 2—Executive officerdiv
hdgins 2007 No. 20 s 6Appointment of
executive officers 19prev s 19 om 2007 No. 20 s 5pres
s 19 ins 2007 No. 20 s 6amd 2009 No. 25 s 83 schExecutive officer acting for employing
offices 20prev s 19 om 2007 No. 20 s 5pres
s 19 ins 2007 No. 20 s 6Division 3—Staff of employing
officediv hdgins 2007 No. 20 s
6Employing office may employ staffs
20Ains 2007 No. 20 s 6amd 2009 No. 25 s
83 schPreservation of rights in relation to public
service employeess 20Bins 2007 No. 20 s 6Secondment as employee of employing
offices 20Cins 2007 No. 20 s 6amd
2009 No. 25 s 83 schEmploying office may enter into work
performance arrangementss 20Dins 2007 No. 20 s
6Division 4—Other provisionsdiv
hdgins 2007 No. 20 s 6Employing office
is statutory bodys 20Eins 2007 No. 20 s 6amd
2009 No. 9 s 136 sch 1PART 3—BOARD OF THE CORPORATIONpt
hdgsub 2010 No. 10 s 3Establishment of
boards 21sub 2010 No. 10 s 4Board’s functionss 22amd
2010 No. 10 s 5Composition of boards 23sub
2010 No. 10 s 6Eligibility for memberships
23Ains 2010 No. 10 s 6Current as at 29
June 2012Page 49
Agricultural College Act 2005EndnotesBoard chairperson
and deputy chairpersons 24amd 2010 No. 10 s
7Term of appointment to boards
25amd 2010 No. 10 s 8Conditions of
appointment to boards 26amd 2010 No. 10 s 9Removal from offices 26Ains
2010 No. 10 s 10Times and places of board meetingss
29amd 2010 No. 10 s 11Disclosure of
interestss 33Ains 2010 No. 10 s 12Division 4—Additional functions of board
chairpersondiv hdgsub 2010 No. 10 s
13Chairperson’s reporting requirementss
34Ains 2010 No. 10 s 13Division 5—Board
committeesdiv hdgins 2010 No. 10 s
2—Director of agricultural collegediv hdgamd
2007 No. 20 s 7DIRECTORANDSTUDENTDirectorprov
hdgamd 2007 No. 20 s 8(1)s 37amd
2007 No. 20 s 8(2)–(5); 2009 No. 25 s 83 sch; 2010 No. 10 s
14Student advisory councils 39amd
PROVISIONSDivision 3—Transitional provisions for
Statutory Bodies Legislation Amendment Act2007div
hdgins 2007 No. 20 s 10Rights and
entitlements of particular employeess 60prev
s 60 om R1 (see RA s 40)pres s 60 ins 2007 No. 20 s 10Application of industrial instrumentss
61ins 2007 No. 20 s 10Amending Act does
not affect particular powers of corporations 62ins
2007 No. 20 s 10Page 50Current as at 29
June 2012