QueenslandAlcan Queensland
Pty. LimitedAgreementAct1965Reprinted as in force on 30 January
2012Reprint No. 2BThis reprint is
prepared bythe Office of the Queensland Parliamentary
CounselWarning—This reprint is not an authorised
Information about this reprintThis
Act is reprinted as at 30 January 2012. The reprint shows the law
as amended by allamendments that commenced on or before that
day (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c)).The reprint
includes a reference to the law by which each amendment was
made—see listof legislation and list of annotations in
endnotes. Also see list of legislation for anyuncommenced
amendments.This page is specific to this reprint. See
previous reprints for information about earlierchanges made under
the Reprints Act 1992. A table of reprints is included in the
endnotes.Also see endnotes for information
about—•when provisions commenced•editorial changes made in earlier
reprints.SpellingThe spelling of
certain words or phrases may be inconsistent in this reprint or
with otherreprints because of changes made in various
editions of the Macquarie Dictionary (forexample, in the
dictionary, ‘lodgement’ has replaced ‘lodgment’). Variations of
spellingwill be updated in the next authorised
reprint.Dates shown on reprintsReprints dated at
last amendmentAllreprintsproducedonorafter1July2002,authorised (that is, hard copy) and
unauthorised (that is, electronic), are dated as at the lastdate
of amendment. Previously reprints were dated as at the date of
publication. If anauthorised reprint is dated earlier than an
unauthorised version published before 1 July2002,itmeansthelegislationwasnotfurtheramendedandthereprintdateisthecommencement of the last amendment.If the
date of an authorised reprint is the same as the date shown for an
unauthorisedversion previously published, it merely means
that the unauthorised version was publishedbeforetheauthorisedversion.Also,anyrevisededitionofthepreviouslypublishedunauthorised
version will have the same date as that version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of an
authorised reprint is the same as the dateshown on another
authorised reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965[s 1]Alcan
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act1965[as
amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 30 January
2012]AnActwithrespecttoanagreementbetweentheStateandAlcanQueenslandPty.Limited;andforpurposesincidentalthereto and consequent thereon1Short titleThis Act may be
cited as theAlcan Queensland Pty. LimitedAgreement Act 1965.2Execution of agreement
authorisedThePremierandMinisterforStateDevelopmentisherebyauthorised to
make, for and on behalf of the State, with AlcanQueensland Pty. Limited, a company duly
incorporated in thesaidStateandhavingitsregisteredofficeat163AdelaideStreet,Brisbane,inthesaidState,theagreementadraftofwhich is set out in schedule 1 (theagreement).Note—Since the making
of the agreement, Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited haschanged its name to Alcan South Pacific Pty
Ltd.3Executed agreement to have force of
lawUpon the making of the agreement the
provisions thereof shallhavetheforceoflawasthoughtheagreementwereanenactment of this Act.4Variation of agreement(1)The agreement may be varied
only—Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965[s 4A](a)byfurtheragreementbetweentheStateandthecompany; and(b)under the authority of an Act.(2)A variation of the agreement purported
to be made other thanunder subsection (1) is of no
agreement by gazette notice.(4)The
agreement as varied has the force of law as if it were anenactment of this Act.4AApplication of GST to rents after 30 June
Act; or(b)the agreement; or(c)a
lease granted under, or mentioned in, the agreement.(2)If the rent is for a supply for which
GST is payable, the rentpayable is the total of—(a)the rent that would have been payable
if the rent werenot for a supply for which GST is payable;
and(b)10% of the rent that would have been
payable if the rentwere not for a supply for which GST is
payable.(3)Subsection (2) applies despite—(a)sections 2 to 4; or(b)the agreement; or(c)theMineral Resources Act 1989.(4)Areferenceinthissectiontotheagreementincludesanyamendment of the agreement.Page
4Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965[s 4B]4BDeclaration for Commonwealth
ActA special bauxite mining lease is declared
not to be personalpropertyunderthePersonalPropertySecuritiesAct2009(Cwlth).4CAuthorisation of
variation by further agreementTheagreementmaybevariedbyfurtheragreementscorresponding to
the proposed further agreements set out inschedules 2 and
3.5Regulation making powerTheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Schedule 1The
Agreementsection 2Note—Consistent with the provisions of the
Act, this schedule only containsthe proposed
agreement authorised to be entered into by the Act asoriginallyenacted.Itdoesnotpurporttobeeithertheagreementactually entered
into or that agreement as amended from time to time.Page
6AN AGREEMENT made theday ofOne
thousand nine hundred and sixty–BETWEENTHESTATEOFQUEENSLANDoftheonepartANDALCANQUEENSLANDPTY.LIMITEDacompanydulyincorporatedintheStateofQueenslandandhavingitsregistered office at 163 Adelaide Street,
Brisbane, in that State(hereinafter with its successors and
permitted assigns called“the Company”) of the other
partWHEREASALUMINIUMLABORATORIESLIMITEDistheholderofAuthoritytoProspectNumber53Missuedpursuanttosection23AofTheMiningActswhichsaidAuthoritytoProspectbestowsthepriorrightstoacquireminingleasesforthepurposeofminingformineralsastherein set out in the areas therein defined
in the Cape YorkPeninsula andWHEREASALUMINIUMLABORATORIESLIMITEDisassociated withtheCompanyinitsbusinessandoperationsand has
concurred in the provisions of this Agreement whichconcurrenceisevidencedbyitsexecutionoftheconsentendorsed on this
Agreement andWHEREAS a deposit of bauxite has been found
to exist overa considerable part of the surface of the
areas held under theaforesaid Authority to Prospect and
the Company desires tobring the said deposit into production
and to produce bauxiteandaluminaandiflaterfoundpracticable,aluminiumtherefrom andReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1WHEREASforsuchpurposeitisnecessarytoconstructworksfortherecoveryandtreatmentofthemineralsdesignated
herein andWHEREAS the Company is prepared to provide
and expendthelargecapitalamountrequiredfortheseandassociatedpurposes
andWHEREAStheStateissatisfiedthataverylargecapitalexpenditureisnecessarytoensurethatthebauxitedepositsareefficientlyandeconomicallydevelopedforalengthyperiodandthatitisintheinterestsoftheStatethatsuchbauxitedepositsshouldbedevelopedbylargescaleoperations and that the Company is
technically and financiallycapable of so
developing these deposits andWHEREAS it is
therefore desirable that in consideration oftheCompanyenteringintotheobligationsonitsparthereinafter set
out the Company should be granted the titlesrights and
privileges hereinafter mentionedNOW,THEREFORE,ITISHEREBYAGREEDASFOLLOWS:—1.InthisAgreementunless the contextotherwise
requiresthegeneral terms following shall have the
meanings respectivelyassigned to them—“the Act” means
the Act of Parliament of the State referred toin clause 2 of
this Agreement;“AssociatedCompany”meansandincludesAluminiumLimitedacompanydulyincorporatedinCanadaanyofitssubsidiary
companies and any Company associated directly orindirectly with the Company in its business
or operations;“bauxite field” means all that land
particulars whereof are setout in the First
Schedule hereto;“Coal Mining Acts” means “The
Coal Mining Acts, 1925to1964”(andanyActamendingorinsubstitutionforthoseActs);“Comalco”meansCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationLimited a
company incorporated in the State of QueenslandReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 7
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
8whose registered office is at 231 George
Street, Brisbane, inthe said State;“designatedminerals”meansbauxiteandotheroresofaluminium,theoresofcalciumandoffluorineandcoal,togetherwithanyothermineralfoundincombinationorassociation with any of the aforementioned
minerals, and alsoanymineralwhichtheMinistermayatanytimebydeclaration published in theGovernment Gazettedeclare to
bea designated mineral for the purposes of
this Agreement or ofany lease licence or other right
granted hereunder;“initialexpirydate”meansthedateofexpiryoftheinitialterm of the
special bauxite mining lease of the bauxite fieldgranted pursuant to clause 8 hereof;“Land Acts” means “The Land
Acts, 1962to1964”;“LocalGovernmentActs”means“TheLocalGovernmentActs,
1936to1964” and any other Act or Acts
relating to localgovernment;“Mining Acts”
means “The Mining Acts, 1898to1955” andany other Act or
Acts relating to mining;“the Minister” means the Minister for
Mines and Main RoadsorotherMinisteroftheCrownforthetimebeingchargedwith the
administration of the Act;“person”meansandincludesanypersonfirmauthorityorbody
whether incorporated or not;“Special Bauxite
Mining Lease” means a lease of land grantedpursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement for the purposesset out in
clause 9 hereof;“Special Perpetual Mining Purposes Lease”
means a lease ofland granted pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement forthe purposes set out in clause 24
hereof;“the State” means the State of
Queensland;“the Town” means the land within the bauxite
field excludedby the Governor in Council by Order in
Council from the Areaof any existing Local Authority and
set aside by the Companyfor the purpose of a town pursuant to
clause 33 hereof;Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1“theTownCommission”meanstheTownCommissionconstituted
pursuant to clause 36 hereof;“theTribunal”meanstheTribunalconstitutedpursuanttoclause 50 hereof;The singular
includes the plural and the plural the singular.Any
reference to an Act or Acts shall include that Act or thoseActs
and any Act amending or in substitution for the same.2.The making of this Agreement is
authorised by the ParliamentoftheStateexpressedinanActentitled“TheAlcanQueensland Pty.
Limited Agreement Act of1965.”UponthemakingofthisAgreementtheprovisionsthereofshall have the force of law as though
enacted in the Act.This Agreement shall not be liable to stamp
duty under “TheStamp Acts, 1894to1964.”3.ThisAgreementmaybevariedpursuanttoagreementbetween the
Minister and the Company with the approval ofthe Governor in
Council by Order in Council and no provisionofthisAgreementshallbevariednorshallthepowersandrights of the Company hereunder be derogated
from except insuch manner.4.(1)Notwithstanding anything contained in
Authority to ProspectNo. 53 M, the Company shall make such
arrangements withAluminium Laboratories Limited as will
enable the Companyto furnish to the Minister and shall on or
before the thirtiethdayofJune,1964,furnishtotheMinistercomprehensivereports on all
the investigations carried out by the Companyand Aluminium
Laboratories Limited in respect of designatedminerals on
those portions of the said Authority to ProspectNo.53MthataretobeincludedintheSpecialBauxiteMining Lease in
accordance with clause 8 of this Agreement.Such reports
shall deal with all work done on those portionsuptoandincludingthethirty-firstdayofDecember,1963,andshallcomprisedetailsofinvestigationssurveysboringReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 9
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1pitting and other testing so conducted and
the results thereofincluding in particular plans showing the
locations and depthsofallboringswithavailabledetailsofreducedlevelsandavailable details of the chemical
composition of the bauxite ineach such boring
and a determination and description of theareasconsideredbytheCompanytocontainbauxiteofeconomic grade with estimated tonnages
thereof.(2)The Company shall either itself or by
its servants and agentsor by engaging the services of
consultants or contractors:—(a)conductsuchgeologicaland/orgeophysicalinvestigationssurveysand/orboringpittingandothertestingontheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseasitconsidersnecessarytodeterminethescaleofitsoperations for the mining of the
designated minerals andthe capacity of the plant and other
facilities to be erectedandinstalledwithintheStateforthepurposeoftreatmentofsuchdesignatedmineralsandtheproductionofaluminaandotherproductsandshallmakeavailabletotheMinisterdetailsofallinvestigations
surveys boring pitting and other testing soconducted and
the results thereof including in particularplansshowingthelocationanddepthsofallboringswithavailabledetailsofreducedlevelsandavailabledetailsofthechemicalcompositionofthebauxiteineach
such boring and a determination and description ofthe
areas considered by the Company to contain bauxiteofeconomicgradewithestimatedtonnagesthereof.SuchdetailsandplansshallbefurnishedbytheCompany to the Minister progressively
at intervals eachnot exceeding five years commencing from the
date ofthisAgreement.Suchdetailsandplansshallbesubmitted in the form of a report or
reports on specificcontiguous areas so that the information
relating to eacharea examined is submitted
such investigations and surveys as are necessarytolocatethesiteorsitesforportsairfieldstownshipsplant and other
facilities required for or in connectionwiththeminingofthedesignatedmineralsandtheproduction of
alumina and other products;Page 10Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(c)Within fifteen years of the date of this
Agreement makesuch investigations as may be necessary to
ascertain theeconomicpossibilityofconstructingandoperatingwithin the
Special Bauxite Mining Lease or elsewhere inthe State a
large-scale enterprise for the production ofaluminiumfrombauxiteminedfromthebauxitefieldand
shall furnish to the Minister the results of all suchinvestigations(includingallsupportingparticulars)toassist the Minister to determine whether
such large-scaleenterprise is or is not economically
possible.In making any such determination the
Minister shall notbelimitedtoalloranyinformationfurnishedbytheCompany.After the expiration of the said period of
fifteen yearsthe Company shall if required by the
Minister from timeto time at intervals of not less than ten
years from thepreceding investigation make further
investigations andfurnish to him results as aforesaid;
such investigations and surveys as it may considernecessary for determining the areas within
the SpecialBauxiteMiningLeaserequiredforresidentialagricultural and
pastoral purposes to service the mining,treatment and
other operations of the Company:ProvidedthattheobligationsoftheCompanyunderthissubclause 4(2)
shall not apply so long as the Company shallcomply with its
obligations under clause 14 hereof in the caseofsubparagraphs(a)and(b)ofthissubclauseandshallcommence the
construction of a plant as specified in clause15(c)(i)hereofinthecaseofsubparagraph(c)ofthissubclause.5.Saveasishereinotherwiseprovideduntilsuchtimeasitcommencesminingoperationsforanyofthedesignatedminerals the
Company shall in respect of each period of sixcalendarmonthscommencingwiththeperiodbeginningonthefirstdayofJanuary,1964,providetheMinisterwithparticulars of any geological and
geophysical investigations itmakesinrelationtodesignatedmineralsontheSpecialReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1BauxiteMiningLeaseinaccordancewithexistingpracticeand
upon the surrender by the Company to the State of anyareacomprisedintheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseotherthan
an area on which the Company has completed its miningoperations for designated minerals the
Company shall providethe Minister with the results of any
such investigations madeon the said area and also with a print
of each aerial photographof the said area taken by or for the
Company in the course ofsuch investigations.6.SaveasisotherwisehereinafterinthisclauseprovidedinformationandreportsfurnishedbytheCompanytotheMinister in
pursuance of the provisions of clauses 4 and 5 ofthisAgreement,shall,unlessotherwiseagreedbytheCompany, be treated as confidential by
the Minister and hisofficers; information and reports
supplied in respect of areasthathavebeensurrenderedundertheprovisionsofthisAgreement may be
used as the Minister, in his sole discretion,sees fit.7.SubjecttotherightsconferreduponComalcoundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty. Limited
Agreement Act of1957” the Company shall havethe
exclusive right to win and use shell, shell-grit, coral andothercalciumbearingmaterials(insuchquantitiesasmayreasonably be required by the Company
for its purposes) fromsuch parts of the sea and estuaries in
or in the vicinity of thebauxitefieldasfromtimeto
timeshallbespecifiedbytheGovernor in Council.8.SubjecttoAluminiumLaboratoriesLimitedsurrenderingAuthoritytoProspectNo.53M,theStateshallforthwithgrant to the
Company a Special Bauxite Mining Lease for thebauxitefieldforaninitialtermofeighty-four(84)yearswhich shall be
deemed to have commenced on the First day ofJanuary,
1964.Page 12Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 19.The purposes for which Special Bauxite
Mining Leases shallbe granted shall be—(a)forminingforalloranyofthedesignatedminerals(subjecttotheprovisionsofclause22ofthisAgreement)andforallpurposesnecessarydirectlyorindirectly effectually to carry on
mining and treatmentoperations therein or thereon;(b)forerectingthereonanyhousesbuildingsplantandmachineryforusedirectlyorindirectlyinconnectionwith such mining
or treatment operations;(c)forcuttingandconstructingthereondams,weirs,reservoirs,wells,waterchannels,aqueductsandpipelines,forpumpingorraisingwaterandforallotherpurposes
relating to the obtaining storing or conveyingof water;(d)for
constructing or erecting any roads, harbour works,works for the recovery of salt from sea
water or otherworks whatsoever;(e)foranyotherpurposes(whethermanufacturingorotherwise) incidental to or necessary or
desirable for themoreeffectualcarryingoutofalloranyoftheprovisions or purposes of this Agreement
including butwithoutlimitingthegeneralityoftheforegoingtheproductionanddistributionofanyformoflightingheating or
power; and(f)forresidencethereoninconnectionwithanyofsuchpurposes.10.(a)(b)NotwithstandingtheprovisionsofanyotherActorRegulationtothecontrary,everySpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseshallbeintheformandcontaintheconditions set out in the Second Schedule
hereto withsuch modifications thereof as may be
necessary to meetthe circumstances of any particular
case.The initial term of every Special Bauxite
Mining Leaseshall (except as otherwise provided herein)
commenceReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1on
the date of the grant thereof and shall expire on theinitial expiry date.(c)Asfromthedateonwhichitbecomesentitledtothegrant of any
Special Bauxite Mining Lease and pendingthe issue of
that lease the Company shall be entitled tooccupy the area
to be comprised therein and to exerciseall the rights
and powers to be granted thereby.(d)The area
comprised in Authority to Prospect No. 53 MorinaSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseshallnotbeproclaimedtobenorincludedwithinaMineralFieldwithinthemeaningoftheMiningActs,andforthepurposesofsection24oftheLocalGovernmentActssuch
a lease shall be deemed to be one of the tenures setout
in subsection (3) thereof.(e)ASpecialBauxiteMiningLeasemaybetransferredmortgaged or
otherwise dealt with in the same mannerasaminingleaseofCrownLandgrantedundertheMining Acts.11.At
any time within the last two years of the term of a SpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetheCompanymayapplyforandsubjecttotherethenbeingnoexistingbreachornon-observanceofanyoftheprovisionsoftheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetheStateshallthereupongrantarenewalofthesaidLeaseforaperiodoftwenty-oneyearsfromthedateofexpiryofthesaidtermuponthesameconditions as
apply during the said term except that the rentand the rates of
royalty payable thereunder shall be such as theGovernorinCouncilthendeemsequitableandthetermofsuch lease shall continue after the
expiration of such extendedterm until
determined by either party giving to the other twoyears’ notice in writing in that behalf
which notice may if sodesiredbegivenatanytimewithintwoyearspriortotheexpiration of
the extended term.12.Should the Company at any time hold
more than one SpecialBauxite Mining Lease and desire to
hold only one such leasethen upon the surrender by the Company
of any such leases soPage 14Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1held
by it there shall forthwith be granted to the Company oneSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasecomprisingallthelandpreviously
comprised in the surrendered leases.13.The
Company shall pay a rent for all land held under a SpecialBauxite Mining Lease—(i)during the period of five years commencing
on the firstday of January, 1964, at the annual rate of
£2 0s. 0d. persquare mile;(ii)during the period of ten years commencing on
the firstday of January, 1969, at the annual rate of
£4 0s. 0d. persquare mile; and(iii)thereafter at such annual rate (hereafter
called the basicrentalrate)beingnotlessthan£150s.0d.persquaremile and not
more than £20 0s. 0d. per square mile asthe Governor in
Council on the recommendation of theMinister and
having regard to all the then circumstancesshallfromtimetotimedetermine,providedhoweverthatthebasicrentalrateforthetimebeingshallbesubject to adjustment as from the first day
of January,1985, and as from the commencement of each
period oftwenty-one years thereafter by adding
thereto or (as thecaserequires)subtractingtherefromtheamountcalculated in
accordance with clause 20 thereof but in nocase shall such
annual rate be less than £15 0s. 0d. persquare
mile.14.The Company shall, on or before the
date of execution by theCompanyofthesepresents,producetotheMinisteradulyexecuted
Agreement or other document, that the Minister inhisdiscretiondeemssatisfactoryforthepurposeofthisclause,
evidencing that the Company has entered into a legallybindingagreementwithQueenslandAluminaLimited(whetherinconjunctionwithanyotherCompanyorCompaniesornot)wherebyQueenslandAluminaLimitedshallconstructandoperateatornearGladstoneinthesaidState an alumina processing plant of a
planned initial capacityof not less than three hundred
thousand (300,000) short tonsReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 15
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1of
alumina per annum (hereafter in this Agreement referred toas
“the processing plant”). Such Agreement as aforesaid shallcontain provisions to the following force
and effect:—(a)TheCompany’sminimumcontributiontowardstheequity capital of Queensland Alumina
Limited shall benot less than such sum as will bear to the
total equitycapitalofthatCompanythesameproportionasonehundred thousand (100,000) short tons
of alumina bearstothetotalannualcapacityoftheprocessingplantmeasured in short tons of alumina;(b)TheCompanyshallaftertheprocessingplantcomesintoproductionasprovidedinparagraph(d)ofthispresent clause
be legally bound to have tolled for it byQueenslandAluminaLimitedbauxiteintoaluminatoprovideannuallynotlessthanonehundredthousand(100,000) short tons of alumina or to pay to
QueenslandAlumina Limited each year a sum to
compensate it forthe loss of production in the year of such
portion of theaforesaid one hundred thousand (100,000)
short tons ofalumina as is not tolled from bauxite for
the Company orforanyotherParticipantinQueenslandAluminaLimited in the place of the Company;(c)The
period during which the Company shall be requiredtohavebauxitetolledintoaluminabytheprocessingplantofQueenslandAluminaLimitedasdescribedinparagraph (b) of
this clause shall be not less than twenty(20)
years;(d)ThepartiestothesaidAgreementaretoberequiredthereby(consistentlywithasoundconstructionprogramme)totakeallstepsreasonablyavailabletohave the processing plant come into
production in theyear One thousand nine hundred and
sixty-seven.15.Subject to the provisions of clause 48
of this Agreement theCompanyoranyAssociatedCompanyshall,aftertheprocessingplantreferredtoinclause14ofthisAgreementcomes into production and during the
currency of the SpecialBauxite Mining Lease either—Page
16Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(a)BecomplyingwithallofitsobligationstowardsQueenslandAluminaLimitedreferredtoinparagraph(b) of clause 14
of this Agreement for the period of notless than twenty
(20) years referred to in paragraph (c)of the said clause; or(b)Aftertheexpirationofsuchperiodofnotlessthantwenty (20)
years be tolling with Queensland AluminaLimited bauxite
to provide the Company with not lessthanfiftythousand(50,000)shorttonsofaluminaannuallyorbepurchasingfromQueenslandAluminaLimited that quantity of alumina annually;
the event that the Company should sell or otherwisedispose of its share in the equity capital
of QueenslandAluminaLimitedasreferredtoinparagraph(a)ofclause14ofthisAgreementorifforanyreasonwhatsoever the
Agreement first mentioned in clause 14ofthisAgreementshallceasetobebindingontheCompany:—(i)BeconstructingintheStateaplantfortheproduction of not less than one
hundred thousand(100,000) short tons of alumina annually, or
of notlessthantwentythousand(20,000)shorttonsofaluminium annually, from bauxite mined from
thebauxite field provided that the construction
of suchplant shall be completed and the plant
producingaluminaoraluminiumasthecasemaybeattheratespecifiedinparagraph(ii)ofthispresentsubclause (c)
within a period of five (5) years fromthe date of the
Company ceasing to own its shareoftheequitycapitalofQueenslandAluminaLimitedasreferredtoinparagraph(a)ofclause14, and provided
that the Company shall spend asumofnotlessthanthreemillionpounds(£3,000,000) on the said plant within the
period oftwo years of the commencement of the said
periodof five (5) years; or(ii)Be
producing from bauxite mined from the bauxitefieldnotlessthanfiftythousand(50,000)shorttons
of alumina annually or ten thousand (10,000)Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 17
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1shorttonsofaluminiumannuallyinanyplantoperated by the Company in the State:Provided always that the alumina tolled for
or purchased bytheCompanybyorfromQueenslandAluminaLimitedinaccordance with the provisions of this
present clause shall bemadefrombauxiteminedfromthebauxitefieldorfromSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseNo.1grantedundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty. Limited
Agreement Act of1957.”16.During the currency of the Special Bauxite
Mining Lease andwhilst it is complying with the provisions
of clause 15 of thisAgreement the Company shall be at
liberty to export from theState in such quantities and at such
times as the Company mayfrom time to time determine bauxite
mined either from landsthesubjectofsuchSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseorbyarrangement with Comalco from lands
the subject of SpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseNo.1grantedtoComalcoundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty. Limited
Agreement Act of1957.”17.TheCompanyinanyoperationsfortheminingofthedesignatedmineralsundertakenbyit,whichinvolvetheremoval of the surface, shall operate
in accordance with goodmining practice and shall, subsequent
to such mining, take allsteps necessary to restore and leave
the surface of the minedareas (other than such parts as are
required for use in storageoftailings,sludgeandlikesubstances)inaconditionsatisfactory to
the Minister so that—(a)there shall be no abnormal batters or
contours;(b)thesurfacesoilexistingpriortosuchminingispreservedandsubsequentlyspreadtomaximumadvantage over
such mined areas;(c)thereshallbeaminimumofinterferencewiththenaturaldrainagesystemexceptandunlesswhereitisfound expedient
to use any mined area for the storage ofwater;Page
18Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(d)the
provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)
hereof arecarried out progressively and in respect of
mined partsnot exceeding one square mile in area within
two yearsof the cessation of mining on each mined
part in order toallow of regeneration of vegetation;(e)thereshallnotariseanypollutionofanydrainagesystem which is
dangerous or injurious to public health.The Company
shall take competent advice as to what steps arepossible to encourage and promote
regeneration of vegetationand shall proceed to progressively
promote such regenerationto the satisfaction of the
Minister.If the Company shall not be satisfied with
any decision of theMinister made in pursuance of the provisions
of this clausesuchmattershallbereferredtotheTribunalinmannerhereinafter
provided.“TheMinesRegulationActof1964,”oranyfutureamendments or
modifications thereof shall extend and applyto all mines (as
defined in that Act) for designated minerals orforanysolidfuelmineralotherthancoalontheSpecialBauxite Mining Leases and the Company shall
perform andobserveallandeverytheprovisionsofthesaidActoranyfuture
amendments or modifications thereof in and about allsuchmines.Anyplacewherealuminaisproducedfrombauxiteoraluminiumisproducedfromaluminashallbeamine.18.TheCompanyshallhavethesoleright,duringthefirsttenyearsoftheSpecialBauxiteMiningLease,grantedunderclause8hereof,toprospectforcoalandothersolidfuelminerals and to
be granted Coal Mining Leases under the CoalMiningActs,orotherappropriatetitlesprovidedbyanyStatute within the area of such
Special Bauxite Mining Lease.In the event of
any Coal Mining Lease or other appropriatetitle for any
other solid fuel mineral being granted, the termthereof may be up to 84 years but so that
the expiry date of theterm shall not extend beyond the
expiry date of the SpecialBauxiteMiningLease,andnotwithstandinganyprescribedlimitation of
area, the area may be such, in each case, as theReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
20Ministerapproves,butalltheotherprovisionsoftheCoalMining Acts, or
such other Statute, as the case may be, shallapply. When any
Coal Mining Lease or other appropriate titleis granted to
the Company pursuant hereto, the Company shallbeentitled,withoutanyauthority,permit,orderorconsentother than is
provided by the appropriate Statute under whichsuch Coal Mining
Lease or other title is granted, to open andoperate any mine
for coal or other solid fuel mineral for thepurposes only of
producing coal or other solid fuel mineral foruse in its own
undertaking.IfatanytimeduringtheaforesaidtenyearstheCompanydesires to
abandon its rights under this clause within the areaoftheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetheCompanymayformallyrenounceitsrightsinwritingaddressedtotheMinister and
therefrom such rights shall cease.UponthecompletionofanyprospectingundertakenbytheCompany in pursuance of this clause,
but in any case not morethan six months after the expiration
of the said ten years, theCompany shall furnish to the Minister,
for permanent record,a comprehensive report detailing the
nature and location of theworkundertaken,completeresultsandplansofallworkcarried out and
the conclusions reached.IntheeventoftheCompanybeinggrantedaCoalMiningLeaseorotherappropriatetitletoanypartofthelandprospectedforcoalorothersolidfuelminerals,thereportmentioned in the
preceding paragraph shall be in two sections,thefirstsectiontocovertheareasgranted,whichshallberetained by the Minister for his
confidential information onlyand not for
release, and the second section, which shall in theMinister’s discretion be available for
public information uponthe expiration of the said ten years
or upon renouncement bythe Company of its rights.The
Coal Mining Acts shall extend to and apply to all coalmines(asdefinedinthoseActs)ontheSpecialBauxiteMining Leases
and the Company shall perform and observeallandeverytheprovisionsofthesaidActsoranyfutureamendmentsormodificationsthereofinandaboutallsuchcoal
mines.Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 119.(1)TheCompanyshallpaytotheStateasandbywayofroyalty—(i)in
respect of designated minerals other than bauxite andother than coal mined from lands subject to
the SpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseandsold,disposedoftootherpersons, or used by the Company, a royalty
at the ratespertonandinthemannernowprescribedbyRegulations under the Mining Acts in force
at the dateofthisAgreementinrelationtomineralleasesgenerally;(ii)inrespectofbauxiteminedfromlandssubjecttotheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseandprocessedintoalumina or aluminium within the State, a
royalty of sixpence (6d.) per dry long ton;(iii)inrespectofbauxiteminedfromlandssubjecttotheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseandexportedfromtheState, pursuant to the authority in
that behalf containedin clause 16 of this Agreement, a
royalty of one shilling(1s.) per dry long ton;(iv)inrespectofcoalminedfromlandssubjecttotheSpecial Bauxite Mining Lease and sold,
disposed of toother persons, or used by the Company, a
royalty at therates per ton and in the manner now
prescribed by theCoalMiningActsandinforceatthedateofthisAgreement;(v)inrespectofshell,shellgrit,coralandothercalciumbearing materials sold or disposed of to
other persons orused by the Company, a royalty at the rate
of three pence(3d.) per ton:Providedhoweverthattheratesofroyaltysetoutinparagraphs(i)to(v)bothinclusiveofthissubclause(hereinafter in this Agreement called “the
basic royalty rates”)shall be subject to adjustment as from
the First day of January,1985,andasfromthecommencementofeachperiodoftwenty-one years thereafter, by adding
thereto or (as the caserequires)subtractingtherefromtheamountcalculatedinaccordance with clause 20 of this
Agreement:Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Provided further that in no case shall such
rates of royalty bereduced by such adjustment below those
obtaining at the dateof this Agreement.(2)Forthepurposeofascertainingtheroyaltiespayableunderthisclausenomaterialremovedfromdesignatedmineralsbauxite or coal whether by hand picking,
screening, washingor similar process shall be deemed to have
been used by theCompany.20.(a)(b)(c)Theamounttobeaddedor(asthecaserequires)subtracted from
each of the respective basic rental ratesand each of the
respective basic royalty rates as requiredby clauses 13
and 19 hereof shall be an amount which inthe case of each
of these respective rates bears the sameratiotothatrateasthedifferencebearsto£255Australian
currency.For the purposes of this clause—(i)the “difference” means the difference
between thethen world price of aluminium and £255
“then world price of aluminium” shall mean theaverageoftheworldpricesofaluminiumduringeach
of the twenty quarters immediately precedingthe date of the
relevant adjustment under clause 13or 19 as the
case may be; and(iii)the world price
of aluminium during a quarter shallunlessanduntilotherwiseagreedmeanthethenAustraliancurrencyequivalentofthepriceperlong
ton of Canadian primary aluminium of 99.5per centum
purity f.o.b. Toronto as first quoted bytheLondonMetalBulletinfollowingthecommencement of that quarter.Theamountascertainedunderparagraph(a)ofthisclauseshallbeaddedincaseswherethethenworldpriceofaluminiumperlongtonexceeds£255Australiancurrencyandshallbesubtractedincaseswhere it is less
than £255 Australian currency.Page 22Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 121.The Company shall be entitled without
payment of royalty—(a)towinfromthe
SpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetimberstoneclaysandgravelandotheraggregatematerials(whether or not
containing any designated mineral) andtousethesamefortheconstructionerectionandmaintenance of plant, buildings, roads
and other works;and(b)subjecttothepriorrightsofComalcoundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreementActof1957”todraw water from the sea and estuaries
in or adjacent tothe Special Bauxite Mining Lease and to win
and useany salt and other minerals contained
therein and also touse such water for cooling and other
purposes.22.The Minister reserves the right to
grant to any person otherthantheCompanyanyappropriatetitlewithinanySpecialBauxite Mining
Lease for any of the purposes of the MiningActs,inrespectofanymineralotherthananyofthedesignated
minerals, or for any purposes of “ThePetroleumActs,1923to1962,”butbeforedoingsowillconsulttheCompany.The Minister
also reserves the right, as from the expiration ofthe
first ten years of the term of the Special Bauxite MiningLease,orthetimeofrenouncementbytheCompanyofitsrights under clause 18, to grant to
any person other than theCompanyanyappropriatetitlewithinanySpecialBauxiteMining Lease for any of the purposes of the
Coal Mining Actsor “The Mining for
Coal and Mineral Oil Acts, 1912to1941,”but before doing
so shall consult the Company.Any such title
granted in pursuance of this clause will be uponcondition that operations carried out
thereunder shall not—(i)disturb or
interfere in any way with any deposits of thedesignated
minerals (other than coal) unless—(a)such disturbance
or interference is limited only todisplacementofanydesignatedminerals(otherReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 23
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1than
coal) and so that the displaced mineral shallbe available to
the Company; or(b)provisionismadetoreasonablycompensatetheCompanyforanydesignatedmineral(otherthancoal) which must necessarily become
unavailableto the Company;(ii)interferewithorprejudiceinanywaytheworksoroperations of the Company;(iii)prejudicially
affect full enjoyment by the Company ofany other right
or privilege conveyed to the Company bythis Agreement;
or(iv)impedeormakemoreonerousthedischargebytheCompanyofanydutyorobligationimposedontheCompany by this
Agreement.Subject as aforesaid all rights of ingress
and egress over anySpecial Bauxite Mining Lease for the
purposes of the MiningActs, “The Petroleum
Acts, 1923to1962,” “The Coal
MiningActs, 1925to1964” and “The Mining for
Coal and MineralOil Acts, 1912to1941,” are reserved.23.ItisexpresslyagreedanddeclaredthattherightsofAluminiumLaboratoriesLimitedunderitsaforementionedAuthority to
Prospect and any extension thereof shall continueinforcesubjectonlytoclauses8and22hereofandtotherightsoftheCompanyunderthisAgreementorunderanylease granted pursuant to the provisions
hereof.24.The State shall from time to time as
and when required by theCompany and upon surrender by the
Company of such landfrom any Special Bauxite Mining Lease
grant to the CompanySpecialPerpetualMiningPurposesLeasesinoneorbothforms set out in the Third Schedule hereto
in respect of anypartorpartsofthelandwithintheSpecialBauxiteMiningLease to be used
or reasonably required for the purposes ofthe Town, for
agricultural or pastoral purposes in connectionwith the Town,
or as a site for plant, machinery or harbour orother
works.Page 24Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1SuchSpecialPerpetualMiningPurposesLeasesmaybeofanyshapeorareaapprovedbytheMinisterbutshallbeotherwise deemed to be Miners’ Homestead
Perpetual Leasesunder “The Miners’
Homestead Leases Acts, 1913to1964,”or any Act
amending or modifying those Acts, and shall besubject in all
other respects to the provisions of those Acts andshallbedealtwithaccordinglyexceptthatinthecaseofSpecialPerpetualMiningPurposesLeasesissuedfortheerectionthereonofplant,machinery,orharbourorotherworks, the
rental shall be the rate per acre payable on mineralleases granted under the Mining Acts.25.The State shall, as and when requested
by the Company, andwherever such grant is possible, grant to
the Company mineralleasesorspecialmineralleasesundertheprovisionsoftheMiningActsoveranylandoutsideanySpecialBauxiteMiningLeaserequiredbytheCompanyforthepurposeofmining any of the designated minerals or for
the purpose ofconstructingand/ormaintainingdams,diversionweirs,spillways, pipe-lines, power-lines, pumping
or ancillary workswhetheronorinthevicinityoftheWenlockand/orDucieRiversorotherwiseinfurtheranceofitsoperationsonanySpecial Bauxite Mining Lease, or
otherwise for the purposesof this Agreement.NotwithstandinganyprovisionoftheMiningActstothecontrary, any
such mineral lease or special mineral lease shallbe
for an initial period expiring on the same date as the termof
the Special Bauxite Mining Lease granted to the Companypursuant to the provisions of clause 8 of
this Agreement, buteachsuchmineralleaseorspecialmineralleaseshallbesubject to all other provisions of the
Mining Acts.26.Should it be established that electric
power can be producedwithin any Special Bauxite Mining
Lease or elsewhere withintheStateofQueenslandatacostwhichwouldjustifythecreationofalarge-scaleenterprisefortheproductionofaluminium from bauxite mined from the
bauxite field and forother associated purposes, the State
shall, subject always tothe then existing rights of other
persons and to statutory powerReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 25
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1inthatdirection,granttotheCompanyallsuchleases,licenses,authorities,powersandrights(includingrightstonecessarymineralsandwater)asmaybenecessaryorexpedientfororconduciveorancillarytothecreation,developmentandoperationofsuchanenterprise,bytheCompany.27.(a)(b)Allsurveyworkandinformationnecessaryforthepurpose of
properly identifying any land included in anySpecial Bauxite
Mining Lease or included in any otherleasegrantedpursuanttothisAgreement,ortobesurrenderedatanytimefromanySpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseoranyotherlease,ortobesubdivisionallytransferredfrom any such
lease at anytime,shallbecarriedoutorprovidedbyorattheexpense of the Company.TheboundariesoftheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasesgranted in accordance with provisions of
clause 8 of thisAgreementandwhentheMinistersorequirestheboundariesofanySpecialBauxiteMiningLeasethatmaybegrantedinaccordancewithclause44ofthisAgreementandunlesstheMinisterotherwiserequiresorapprovestheboundariesofanyareasurrenderedundertheprovisionsofthisAgreementshallbedelineatedbyanauthorisedsurveyordeterminingasaccurately as practicable the geographical
co-ordinatesof permanent monuments fixed by the Company
at eachangle of such boundary or as near as
practicable thereto,fromwhichsuchboundariescanbedescribedfromaerial photographs or otherwise in such a
manner thatsuch actual boundaries can be accurately
located at anytimebyreferencetosuchpermanentmonumentsanddescription.Thepermanentmonumentsorpointsdescribed from
such permanent monuments which canbeaccuratelyreinstatedfromsuchpermanentmonumentsshallwhendelineatedasabovemarktheactualanglesofsuchboundary.Suchpermanentmonuments shall be maintained by the Company
so thatthey are always readily available for use
and in the eventPage 26Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1of
any disturbance of them they shall be reinstated bythe
Company.(c)Intheeventofanydisputearisingastotheactualboundary of any Special Bauxite Mining Lease
at anypoint,theCompanyshallatitsexpenseprovidethenecessary survey information to facilitate
the settlementof the dispute.28.SubjecttotherightsconferreduponComalcoundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty. Limited
Agreement Act of1957” and subject always to therightofpersonsresiding or
travelling in the vicinity of anynaturalsourcetotakewatertherefromfortheirreasonabledomestic and
stock requirements the Company shall have therightsashereinafterinthisclauseandthenextsucceedingclause
obtain water from the Wenlock River and the DucieRiver and their respective tributaries
(which rivers andtributariesarehereinaftertogetherreferredtoas“thenamedrivers”)andfromsourceswithinorinthevicinity of the
bauxite field and the right to use, sell orotherwise
dispose of water so obtained for any purposeofordirectlyorindirectlyinconnectionwithitsoperations under this Agreement or
under any lease orotherrightgrantedhereunderincludingthesupplyofwater to the Town.(b)WithinthreeyearsafterthepassingoftheActtheCompany shall notify the Minister the annual
quantityof water which it will require to obtain
from each of thenamed rivers the total of which in respect
of both riversshallnotexceed40,000acrefeet;andtheCompanyshall thereafter have the prior right to
obtain from eachofthenamedriverstheannualquantitysonotifiedinrespect of that river.(c)TheCompanymayatanytimenotifytheMinisteratotal annual quantity of water which it
desires to obtainfrom the named rivers which is in excess of
40,000 acrefeetandtheannualquantitywhichitwillaccordinglyReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 27
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
28desire to obtain from each of the named
rivers, and theCompany shall thereafter have the right to
obtain fromone or both of the named rivers such annual
quantity inadditiontotheannualquantitytowhichitisalreadyentitled as the
Minister may then approve having regardtothereasonablerequirementsoftheCompanyprovided however
that the Company shall not be grantedunder this
paragraph the right to obtain from either ofthenamedriversanadditionalannualquantitywhichwhen
added to the annual quantity which the Companyisalreadyentitledtoobtainfromthatriveranditstributariesshallexceedfour-tenthsoftheestimatedaverageannualflowofthatriveratthepointofdiversion.(d)TheCompanyshallnotwithouttheapprovaloftheMinister draw from the named rivers on
any one day atotalquantitywhichexceeds60,000,000gallonsofwater.(e)The Minister may
after having given to the Company inwriting
twenty-four months’ notice of his intention so todo
direct that the Company shall not in any year drawfromthenamed riverornamedriversspecifiedinthenotice a quantity of water in excess
of the total of—(i)the quantity which it is estimated has
reached thepoint of diversion after having been
released froma storage dam constructed by the Company;
and(ii)eight-tenths of
all other water which has reachedthe point of
diversion.(f)Subjecttotherightofanyotherpersoncarryingonprospecting or mining operations on the
bauxite field totake water from sources which are not at the
date whentheyarefirstregularlyusedbythatpersonbeingregularly used
by it, the Company shall in addition to itsotherrightshereunderhavetherighttoobtainfromrivers (other than the named rivers), from
streams andfrom other sources within or adjacent to the
bauxite fieldquantities of water not exceeding a total of
40,000 acrefeet in any one year, provided however that
the MinisterReprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1may
at any time direct in relation to any such river orstreamthatwhenevertheactualrateofflowthereinexceeds20,000,000gallonsofwaterperdaytheCompany shall
not draw from that river or stream morethan
eight-tenths of the water flowing therein.(g)TheCompanyshallhavetherighttosinkboresandwells in the bed of any river or
stream within or in thevicinityofthebauxitefieldandtoobtainwatertherefrom
provided that it shall not without the approvalof the Minister
draw water from any one such river orstream at a rate
exceeding 10,000,000 gallons per day.(h)ForthepurposesofobtainingandconveyingtoandthroughoutthebauxitefieldthewatertowhichitisentitledunderthisclausetheCompanyshallhavetherights—(i)tobuilddams,weirsandprotectionandotherworksonthenamedriverstoregulatetheflowthereof:Provided that the Minister may examine the
designof all such works and impose such conditions
as hemay reasonably consider necessary to ensure
thatno permanent damage will be caused thereby
to thechannelofthatriverandthatnounnecessaryrestrictions
will be imposed thereby on the futureexploitation of
the water resources of that river:Provided also
the Company shall when so requiredbytheMinisterconstructsuchfishwaysastheMinister may in
any case deem necessary;(ii)to use the beds
of the named rivers to convey waterfrom any storage
to a point of diversion; and(iii)toconstructpipe-lines,aqueducts,channels,pumping stations and other works whether
withinor outside the bauxite field.(i)The
Company shall have the right to collect and store inany
dam constructed by it on a named river a quantity ofwater sufficient after allowing for losses
during storageandduringconveyancetothepointofdiversiontoReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
30ensuretheavailabilityataconstantdailyrateofdiversion of the annual quantity which the
Company isentitled under this Agreement to obtain from
that riverprovidedhoweverthatinordertoprovideforfuturerequirements of
other persons (including the State)—(i)in
relation to any storage which has an estimatedaverageannualrateofinflowwhichexceeds120,000acrefeetandhasanestimatedcapacitywhichexceeds2,000acrefeettheMinistermaydirect that at any time when the rate of
inflow ismorethantwentycubicfeetpersecondbutlessthan five
hundred cubic feet per second not morethaneightypercentumofthatinflowshallberetained by the Company in storage;
and(ii)in relation to
any storage other than those referredtoinsubparagraph(i)ofthisparagraphtheCompanyshallinstalloutletworkshavingacapacity when the storage is full of
not less thanforty cubic feet per second.(j)Forthepurposesofinvestigatingtheavailabilityofwater and of constructing operating and
maintaining anyworks authorised by this Agreement the
Company shallhave the right of access at all times with
all necessarymentransportmaterialsandequipmenttothenamedrivers and to
all other rivers streams and sources fromwhich it is
entitled to obtain water.(k)TheStateshallensurethatanyrightsgrantedtoanyother person and
any operations conducted by the Stateor by any other
person within or in the vicinity of thebauxite field or
on or in the vicinity of the named riversandtheircatchmentareashallbesolimitedorcontrolled that the quantity of water
otherwise availableto the Company is not thereby
diminished.(l)TheCompanyshallnotbeunderanyliabilitytoanyperson by reason of the fact that any
land lawfully heldby that person has been or is likely to be
inundated astheresultofworks,carriedoutbytheCompanyinpursuance of its rights hereunder, but the
State shall asReprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1necessary resume any such land and the
provisions of“ThePublicWorksLandResumptionActs,1906to1955,”shallapplyandextendaccordinglyandtheCompany shall reimburse to the State
the compensation(if any) payable by the State in consequence
of any suchresumption.29.(a)TheCompanyshallhavetherighttosinkboresandwellsandtoobtainwaterfromsub-artesiansourceswithin the bauxite field. Should any other
person sink orpropose to sink any sub-artesian bore or
well within orin the vicinity of the bauxite field which
the Companyconsidersmayreducethequantityofwaterotherwiseavailable to it from such sources
then—(i)theareashallattherequestoftheCompanybedeclared an area in which provisions of Part
VII of“TheWaterActs,1926to1964,”shalloperateinrelation to sub-artesian wells;(ii)licensesshallbeissuedtotheCompanyforthesub-artesian bores or wells already
established byitfortheannualquantitiesofwaterwhichitisestimatedwouldbeavailabletherefromwithoutinterference
from any other such bore or well; and(iii)the
issue of licenses to other persons and the sinking ofbores or wells by the State shall be so
controlled that thesupplyavailablefromtheaquiferstappedbytheCompany is not
reduced below the annual amount forwhich the
Company’s bores are licensed.(b)IftheCompanysinksaboreorwellandaflowingsupplyisobtained,theboreimmediatelybecomesanartesian bore, and as such requires a
license under “TheWater Acts, 1926to1964.”Licenses will be
issued to the Company for up to twelve (12)artesianboresandsuchlicenseswillcontainconditionsrequiring that
an outer string of casing of specified length beinserted and pressure cemented, and the flow
controlled by avalve.Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 31
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Conditionsofthelicensemayalsorequiretheflowbereticulated from the bore by a closed
pipe-line reticulation.Thenumberofartesianboresforwhichlicensesmaybeissued to the
Company may, at any time, be reviewed to allowan increase in
such number if, in the opinion of the Minister,suchincreaseiswarrantedbyreasonoftheCompany’srequirements of
water and the availability of supply from theartesian
sources.The issue of licenses for artesian bores to
other persons andthe sinking of artesian bores by the State
shall be so controlledthatthesupplyavailablefromtheaquiferstappedbytheCompanyisnotreducedbelowthequantitywhichtheCompany is obtaining from its licensed
bores.30.(a)(b)(c)TheCompanyshallinrespectofeachcalendaryearprovide the
Minister with the following particulars of itsuse of water and
of bores or wells sunk by it:—(i)thequantityofwaterobtainedeachmonthfromeach named river
and from other sources; and(ii)the
location depth and stratigraphic details of eachoftheboresandwellssunkwithinthebauxitefield, the
results of any test conducted by it of theyield of water
therefrom and the quantity of waterobtained
therefrom each half-year.IftheCompanyshallneglectorrefusetoperformorobserve all or any of the provisions of
clauses 28, 29 and30hereofandonthepartoftheCompanytobeperformed or
observed the Company shall be liable to apenalty not
exceeding £200 for each or any such breachasimposedbytheMinisteror,onreferencetotheTribunal in manner hereinafter
provided, the Tribunal.Forthepurposesofclauses28,29and30theterm“Minister”shallmeantheMinisterforLocalGovernment and
Conservation or other Minister of theCrownforthetimebeingadministering“TheWaterActs,
1926to1964.”Page 32Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 131.Any surplus or waste water discharged
by the Company intoany river stream or watercourse within or in
the vicinity of thebauxite field shall revert to the State
without payment to theCompany.32.The
Company shall have the right to discharge into the seariversstreamsandestuariesinoradjacenttothespecialBauxite Mining
Lease any drainage from the plant works andfacilities of
the Company and from any residential area andthe Company
shall ensure that any such discharge by it shallnotbedangerousorinjurioustopublichealth.Anysuchdischargeshallnot(unlessspecificallyauthorisedbytheMinister for a particular purpose) be
substantially injurious tomarinelifeshallnotcauseharmfulpollutionofwatersandshall not contain harmful solids. The
Minister may from timeto time direct the Company to make
known to such persons asshallbespecifiedbyhimandtheCompanyshallsomakeknownthenatureoftheeffluentdischargedortobedischarged.33.(a)(b)As
and when requested in writing by the Company theGovernor in Council shall by Order in
Council excludefrom the Area of any existing Local
Authority any areaor areas from within the Special Bauxite
Mining LeasesetasidebytheCompanyforanyofthefollowingpurposes
namely:—(i)for its plant machinery or harbour or
other works;(ii)for a town site;
and(iii)for agricultural
or pastoral purposes in connectionwith any
town.The Company with every such request shall
submit tothe Minister and to his satisfaction—(i)adequatesurveyinformationinaccordancewithparagraph (a) of
clause 27 hereof for the purposeof identifying
the area or areas in question; andReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 33
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(ii)ageneralschemeforanyproposedtownsiteincluding provision for roads drainage open
Governor in Council shall by the Order in Councilmade
in pursuance of the provisions of clause 33 hereofexcluding from the Area of any existing
Local AuthorityanyareaorareaswithintheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseorbyanotherOrderinCouncilconstituteaseparateLocalAuthorityAreacomprisingtheareaorareassoexcludedfromtheexistingLocalAuthorityArea. The
Governor in Council may from time to timethereafter in a
like manner include in the said separateLocal Authority
Area such other area or areas as may beexcluded from
the Area of any existing Local Authority.NoapportionmentoftheassetsorliabilitiesofanyLocalAuthorityshallbemadebyreasonoftheexclusionofanyareaorareasfromtheAreaofthatLocal Authority
pursuant to clause 33 hereof or its ortheirinclusioninthesaidseparateLocalAuthorityArea.35.(a)Upon
the constitution in manner aforesaid of a separateLocalAuthorityAreaandsubjecttoparagraph(c)ofthis
clause and to clause 36 hereof—(i)thecompanyshallhaveandmayexerciseinrespectoftheaforesaidseparateLocalAuthorityAreaalloranyofthepowersconferredbyandshallbesubjecttothedutiesandobligationsimposedbysections21,24,26,27andPartXI(sections30to52inclusive)oftheLocalGovernment Acts
as if it were the Local AuthorityforthatseparateLocalAuthorityAreaandinrespect of the exercise of the said
powers or any ofthem shall not be under any greater
liability thanwould a Local Authority;Page 34Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(ii)theCompanyshallhaveandmayexercisethepowers conferred and shall be subject to the
dutiesand obligations imposed on a Local Authority
bythelawsoftheState(otherthantheLocalGovernment Acts)
as if it were the Local Authorityfor that
separate Local Authority Area.(b)The provisions
of sections 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28 and 29oftheLocalGovernmentActsshallnotapplytooraffect the Company.(c)TheGovernorinCouncilmayfromtimetotimebyOrder in Council—(i)prohibit the Company from exercising any of
thepowers conferred by paragraph (a) of this clause;(ii)impose any limit or restriction on the
exercise bythe Company of such power;(iii)conferupontheCompanyanyotherpowerexercisable by a Local Authority under the
LocalGovernment Acts or under any other Act with
suchmodificationsthereofandamendmentsthereto(including the performance and observance of
thedutiesandobligationsinrespectofanysuchpower)asaredeemednecessarytomeettheparticular circumstances; or(iv)exempttheCompanyfromcompliancewithanyprovisionoftheLocalGovernmentActsoranyother
deemed advisable by the Governor in Council theGovernorinCouncilshallbyOrderinCouncilconstitute a
Town Commission under such name as shallbemutuallyagreedbetweentheMinisterandtheCompanyandfailingagreementasdeterminedbytheGovernor in Council for the area or
areas constitutingthe separate Local Authority Area.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
Town Commission shall consist of seven members.OnemembershallbeappointedandremovedbytheGovernor in Council from time to time
at his discretionandshallbetheChairman.Threemembersshallbenominated and removed by the Company
from time totimeatitsdiscretion.Threemembersshallbeelectedfrom the Area or
Areas comprising the separate LocalAuthority Area
as a whole in the manner provided bythe Local
Government Acts for the election of Aldermenandwhoshalllikewisevacateofficeinthemannerprovided for Aldermen.(c)The first
election of elected members shall be held on adate to be fixed
by the Order in Council constituting theTown Commission
which date shall be as soon as maybepracticableafterthemakingofthesaidOrderinCouncilandsubsequentelectionsofelectedmembersshallbeheldonthedateprescribedbytheLocalGovernmentActsfortheelectionofotherLocalAuthorities.(d)InallrespectsandforallpurposestheTownCommissionshallbeandbedeemedtobetheTownCounciloftheseparateLocalAuthorityArea;theChairman of the Town Commission shall
be deemed tobe the Mayor of the separate Local Authority
Area andthe members of the Town Commission shall be
deemedto be Aldermen.(e)TheAreaorAreasconstitutingtheseparateLocalAuthority Area shall not for any purpose be
divided intodivisions.(f)No person shall
be held incapable of being or continuingas a member of
the Town Commission by reason of thefact that he is
a member nominated by the Company orthatheisanemployeedirectororshareholderoftheCompanyorofanyAssociatedCompanyandnomember of the
Town Commission shall be disqualifiedby any of the
said reasons from voting on any contractor other matter
arising between the Town Commissionand the Company
or an Associated Company.Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(g)TheconstitutionoftheTownCommissionortheinclusionofanyareaorareasintheseparateLocalAuthority Area shall in no way affect the
ownership bytheCompanyofanyworksorundertakingsnotwithstanding
that such works are erected within thearea of any road
or public place and the Company shallbeentitledtocontinuetoownoperatemaintainandmanage such works and
undertakings.(h)SubjecttotheprovisionsofthisAgreementtheprovisionsoftheLocalGovernmentActsandofanyother Act affecting a Local Authority shall
following theconstitution of the Town Commission apply to
the AreaorAreascomprisedintheseparateLocalAuthorityArea
and to the Town Commission but in so far as thereshallbeanyconflictbetweentheprovisionsofthisAgreement and
the provisions of such Acts or Act theprovisions of
this Agreement shall be paramount.37.After the appointment of the Town Commission
the CompanymayfromtimetotimebynoticeinwritingtotheTownCommissioninrespectofanyworksorservicesownedoperatedorprovidedbytheCompanyoranypartorpartsthereofsurrenderanyorallofthepowersfunctionsandauthorities conferred on it by clause
35 hereof but except totheextentthatitshallhavesosurrenderedsuchpowersfunctionsandauthoritiestheCompanyinrespectofsuchworksandservicespartorpartsshallcontinuetohaveandexercisethemtotheexclusionoftheTownCommission.ParticularsofanysuchsurrenderasaforesaidshallbepublishedintheGovernmentGazetteanduponsuchpublication shall be judicially
noticed.Save as is by this clause otherwise
expressly provided on andfrom the constitution of the Town
Commission the Companyshallceasetohaveandexercisethepowersfunctionsandauthorities conferred on it by the
said clause 35 hereof.38.(a)TheTownCommissionmayreimburseoragreetoreimburse to the Company or to an Associated
CompanyReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
38anymoneysexpendedorcostsincurredbyitinconnection with the establishment of the
Town and ofany works or services or part or parts
thereof in respectofwhichtheCompanyhassurrenderedoragreedtosurrender to the Town Commission its powers
functionsandauthoritiespursuanttoclause37hereofandmaypayoragreetopayinterestonthosemoneysatthemaximum rate
approved by the Australian Loan Councilas applicable to
loan raisings by Local Bodies at the dateoftheacquisitionofthoseworksorservicesbytheTownCommissionorsuchotherrateasshallbemutuallyagreeduponbetweentheCompanyandtheTownCommissionandapprovedbytheTreasurerofQueensland.ThetermsofanysuchagreementorcontractshallbesuchasshallbeapprovedbytheTreasurer of Queensland.(b)The
Town Commission may enter into any contract ofanynatureorkindwiththeCompanyorwithanAssociatedCompany(includingacontractforthepurchaseacquisitionorperformanceofworksorservices of any description and a contract
for the supplyofwaterorelectricity)notwithstandingthatsuchcontract may be
of the nature of a loan agreement or acontractofsalewherebythepaymentbytheTownCommission for
any real or personal property is spreadover a period of
time or whereby such payment may bemadebywayofinstalmentsoracontractforthecarrying out of any works or
undertakings whereby thepayment by the Town Commission for the
carrying outof such works or undertakings is spread over
a period oftime or whereby such payment may be made by
way ofinstalments and the Town Commission may pay
or agreeto pay interest on any moneys payable under
any suchcontractatthemaximumrateapprovedbytheAustralian Loan Council as applicable
to loan raisingsby Local Bodies at the date of the contract
or such otherrateasshallbemutuallyagreeduponbetweentheCompany and the Town Commission and
approved bythe Treasurer of Queensland. The terms of
any contractspecificallyauthorisedbythisparagraph(b)shallbeReprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1suchasshallbeapprovedbytheTreasurerofQueensland.(c)The Town
Commission may enter into any contract withthe Company or
with an Associated Company withoutfirst making or
inviting tenders.(d)AcopyofeverycontractbetweentheTownCommissionandtheCompanyoranAssociatedCompanywhichinvolvesanamountinexcessof£20,000shallbesubmittedtotheMinisterforLocalGovernment and
Conservation or other the Minister oftheStateforthetimebeingadministeringtheLocalGovernmentActsforhisinformation,andanysuchcontract may be
set aside by the Governor in Council byOrderinCouncilwithinonecalendarmonthafterthecopyhasbeensosubmittedtotheMinisterandnocontractbetweentheTownCommissionandtheCompany or an Associated Company shall
otherwise beset aside or avoided provided always that
nothing in thisparagraph(d)containedshallvalidateanycontractwhich would
otherwise be illegal or void and which mayaccordinglybesetasidebyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction.(e)The provisions
of paragraphs (a), (b),
(c) and (d) of
thisclause38shallapplyandextendforsuchperiod(notbeing less than
forty-five years) as shall be fixed by theGovernorinCouncilbytheOrderinCouncilconstituting the
Town Commission or by a subsequentOrder in
Council: Provided that this provision shall notaffect any
contract or agreement entered into before theexpirationofsuchperiod.Providedalwaysthatuponpayment by the Town Commission to the
Company ofallmoneysexpendedandcostsincurredbytheCompany as
mentioned in paragraph (a) of this
clauseand interest thereon as aforesaid and upon
payment bytheTownCommissiontotheCompanyofallmoneys(including
interest) payable by the Town Commission totheCompanyunderanycontractenteredintobytheTown Commission with the Company in
pursuance ofparagraph(b)ofthisclausetheGovernorinCouncilReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 39
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
40maybyOrderinCouncilorderthattheprovisionsofparagraphs (a),(b),(c)and(d)ofthisclauseshallforthwith cease
to apply.(f)Any
moneys payable by the Town Commission to theCompanyoranyAssociatedCompanyforreimbursement of moneys expended or
costs incurred orfor the purchase or acquisition of any works
as aforesaidshallbeonthebasisofprovedcostunlessalesseramount shall be
mutually agreed less the deduction ofanappropriateallowancetocoverdepreciation,obsolescenceorotherdeteriorationandfailingsuchmutual agreement as shall be determined by
the tribunal.(g)SubjecttotheCompanysatisfyingtheGovernorinCouncil that on the first day of July in any
financial yearthe Company is carrying on the operations
authorised bythisAgreementtheTreasurerofQueenslandwillonbehalfoftheStateguaranteetotheCompanyoranyAssociatedCompanythepaymentbytheTownCommission to
the Company or Associated Company ofsuchamountofprincipaland/orinterestasshallbepayable in that financial year by the Town
Commissionunder or in respect of any contract or
agreement enteredinto by the Town Commission with the Company
or theAssociated Company in pursuance of the
provisions ofthis clause 38.The Governor in
Council without being under any obligationso to do may if
he shall think fit by Order in Council authorisetheTreasurerofQueenslandonbehalfoftheStatetoguarantee to the Company or to any
Associated Company thepayment by the Town Commission to the
Company or to theAssociated Company of the whole or any part
of the amount(andwhetherofprincipalorinterest)payablebytheTownCommission under or in respect of any
contract or agreemententered into by the Town Commission
with the Company ortheAssociatedCompanyinpursuanceoftheprovisionsofthis
clause 38.For the purpose of this clause 38 the Town
Commission shallbe deemed to be a “Local Body” within the
meaning of “TheLocal Bodies’ Loans Guarantee
Acts, 1923to1957,” and theReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1amount payable under any such contract or
agreement to bemoney authorised to be borrowed by the Town
Commissionfrom the Company or Associated Company and
the provisionsofthoseActssaveandexceptastheyareamendedormodifiedbytheprovisionshereofshallmutatismutandisapply and extend
accordingly.39.AllhousesandotherpropertyoftheCompanywithintheSpecial Bauxite Mining Lease shall at all
times be excludedfromalltheprovisionsof“TheLandlordandTenantActs,1948to1957.”40.TheStateshallprovideandmaintainmedicalhospitalandeducational facilities for the Town on the
same basis as that onwhich it normally provides such
facilities for towns of similarsize, provided
however that the Company shall if so requestedby the State and
on terms to be agreed between the Companyand the Minister
carry out such construction and provide suchequipment and
facilities as the State may reasonably requirein connection
therewith.41.Should it decide to purchase a ship or
ships for the purpose oftransportinginbulkanyofitsproductsormaterialstheCompanyshallgiveconsiderationtothepossibilityoftheconstructionthereofwithintheState,andshallgivetoanysuitableship-buildingyardsintheStatetheopportunityoftendering therefor.42.The
State shall not impose, nor permit nor authorise any of itsagencies or instrumentalities or any local
or other authority toimposediscriminatorytaxesratesorchargesofanynaturewhatsoeveronorinrespectofthetitles,propertyorotherassetsoftheCompany,theproducts,materialsorservicesusedorproducedbytheCompany,theoperationsoftheCompanyortheconductofbusinessincidentaltheretonorwillittakeorpermittobetakenanyotherdiscriminatoryaction which
would deprive the Company of full enjoyment ofReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 41
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1therightsgrantedandintendedtobegrantedunderthisAgreement.43.The
Company shall have the right at any time to arrange withthe
appropriate Local Authority for the dedication of any landwithintheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseasaroadorotherwisehowsoeverforpublicpurposes,andanylandsodedicated shall be deemed to be
excluded from any lease heldbytheCompanypursuanttothisAgreementprovidedhowever that on
the request of the Company at any time andwith the
approval of the Minister any such dedication may berevoked whereupon the State shall ensure
that the rights of theCompany in relation to that land are
effectually reinstated.44.The Company may
at any time make application for a SpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseofanyareaorareasoflandsituateoutside the boundaries of the bauxite field
for the purpose ofmining for any or all of the designated
minerals or otherwiseforthepurposesofthisAgreement,andtheGovernorinCouncil may if he thinks fit grant such a
lease.45.TheCompanymaywiththeconsentinwritingoftheGovernor in Council first had and
obtained—(a)assign its rights and obligations hereunder
in whole or inpart; and(b)appoint an
Associated Company to exercise all or any ofthepowersfunctionsandauthoritiesreferredtoinclauses 35 and
40 hereof and in that event all referencesto the Company
in clauses 35, 37 and 38 hereof as thecasemaybeshallbedeemedtobereferencestotheAssociated Company so
appointed.46.(a)If at any time any person is unable to
arrange with theCompany for access from or to the internal
boundary ofaSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetoorfromthecoastsuchpersonmaymakeapplicationtotheMinisterforPage
42Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1permission for such access and the Company
shall at alltimespermitanypersonthereuntoauthorisedbytheMinister to have access over a route
to be specified bytheMinisterfromortotheinternalboundaryoftheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeasetoorfromthecoastprovided
that—(i)such right of access shall not
interfere with any ofplant,installations,buildings,facilities,worksoroperations of the Company;(ii)theenjoymentbytheCompanyofanyrightorprivilegehereunderorarisingherefromshallnotbe
unfavourably affected thereby and the dischargebytheCompanyofanydutyorobligationhereunder or
arising herefrom shall not be impededthereby;
and(iii)no part of the
land comprised in a Special BauxiteMiningLeasewhichcontainsalloranyofthedesignated minerals shall be used for
the purposeofsuchrightofaccessunlessthepersontobeauthorised as aforesaid has
first—(A)entered into an agreement with the
minerals,(B)hasremovedorstackedthesameinapositionwheretheycanlaterbereadilyremoved by the
Company, or(C)hasenteredintowiththeCompanyotherarrangementstothesatisfactionoftheCompany whereby the Company’s rights
tominethedesignatedmineralswillbeeffectively preserved.(b)The Company
shall until the appointment of the TownCommission
ensure that at all times all persons residentinorvisitingtheTownhavefreeandfullrightandliberty to use all roads in the
Town.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 147.(a)(b)(c)(d)The Company shall have the right at
any time and fromtime to time to surrender to the Crown in
the right of theState any area of land or any part thereof
held by theCompanyinanymannerwhatsoeverunderorinpursuanceoftheprovisionsofthisAgreementorinpursuance of any
lease license or other right which is nolonger required
by the Company.The Governor in Council may from time to
time requirethe Company to surrender to the Crown in the
right oftheStatesuchlandsfromwithinanyleaselicenseorrightasmaybeheldbytheCompanyunderorinpursuance of the provisions of this
Agreement as mayreasonably be required by the State for
public purposeswithin the meaning of such term as defined
by the LandActs. The Governor in Council so far as is
practicablewill not require the Company to surrender to
the CrownanysuchlandwhichisreasonablyrequiredbytheCompanyfororinconnectionwiththeminingandtreatment of bauxite the proof of which
shall lie uponthe Company. The Company upon being required
to sosurrender any specified land may offer to
the State otherland from within any lease license or right
in lieu of thelandsorequiredtobesurrenderedbutunlesstheGovernor in Council accepts the proposed
surrender ofsuchotherlandtheCompanyshallwithoutanyunnecessarydelaysurrendertotheCrownthelandspecified by the
Governor in Council.UponanysuchsurrenderthereshallbepaidtotheCompany by the State such sum as shall
be agreed uponbetween the Governor in Council and the
Company andfailing such agreement as determined by the
Tribunal asthevalueatthetimeofsuchsurrenderofanyimprovements
upon the land surrendered. The Companyshall not be
entitled to compensation for or in respect ofthelandsosurrenderedoranydesignatedmineralsthereon or therein.SolongasthisAgreementshallremaininforcetheprovisions of “The Public Works
Land Resumption Acts,1906to1955”oranyActamendingthesameorinPage 44Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1substitutionthereforshallnotapplytoanylandcomprisedinanyleaselicenseorrightheldbytheCompany under or
in pursuance of the provisions of thisAgreement.48.(a)If
the Company—(i)withinsuchtimeasisspecifiedorifnotimeisspecified then within such time as the
Governor inCouncil (or on reference to the Tribunal in
mannerhereinafterprovidedtheTribunal)shallconsiderreasonable fails
neglects or refuses to arrange carryoutmakeorundertakeanyofthegeologicalgeophysical or
other investigations surveys boringpittingtestingand/orinvestigationsorsurveysorstudies specified in clause 4 of this
Agreement;(ii)failsneglectsorrefusestomakeavailabletotheMinister the
reports or results of the investigationssurveys boring
pitting testing or studies specifiedinclause4ofthisAgreementortoprovidetheMinisterwithparticularsandresultsofinvestigations in accordance with the
provisions ofclauses 5 and 18 of this Agreement;(iii)failsneglectsorrefusestocomplywithandobservethetermsprovisionsandconditionsofclauses 14 and 15 of this Agreement;(iv)fails neglects
or refuses to pay to the State at thetimeortimeswhenthesameshallrespectivelybecome payable
any sum of money payable by wayofrentroyaltyorotherwiseinpursuanceofthisAgreement;(v)failsneglectsorrefusestosurrenderanylandoranyareaorareasoflandinaccordancewiththeprovisions of clause 47 of this
Agreement,theCompanyshallbedeemedtobeindefaultundertheprovisionsofthisAgreementandinanysuchcasetheMinister may give to the Company
notice in writing requiringReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 45
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
46the Company to remedy such default within
such reasonabletime as may be specified in such
notice.(b)IftheCompanyshallfailneglectorrefusetocomplywith the
provisions of any such notice within such timeas is so
specified or within such extended time as maybe granted by
the Minister or the Tribunal the GovernorinCouncilmaybynoticeinwritingtotheCompanydeterminethisAgreementandthereuponsubjectashereinafterprovidedtheCompanyshallforfeittotheCrownfreedfromallmortgagesencumbrancesandchargesalllandsvestedinorhowsoeverheldbytheCompany pursuant to this Agreement
(other than landheldbytheCompanyasaSpecialPerpetualMiningPurposes Lease)
and the same shall vest in the CrownaccordinglyandtherightsoftheCompanyunderthisAgreement shall
thereupon cease and determine.(c)Upon the
determination of this Agreement in pursuanceoftheprovisionsofthisclauseandsubjecttothepayment by the Company of all moneys
then owing bytheCompanybywayofrentroyaltyorotherwiseinpursuance of this Agreement—(i)the Company shall be granted, if the
Company soapplies, in respect of any lands immediately
priortheretoheldbytheCompanyunderanyleasegrantedtotheCompanyinpursuanceoftheprovisions of this Agreement such
lease or leases(andwhetherundertheMiningActs,theCoalMining Acts, the
Miners’ Homestead Leases ActsoranyotherActoftheStatetheninforce)asitwould then be competent for the
Company to applyforandholdsubjecttosuchmortgagesencumbrancesandchargesaswereimmediatelyprior thereto in
existence over the forfeited lands ofwhich the lands
comprised in such lastmentionedlease or leases
form part; and(ii)the Company
shall have the right within such timeastheGovernorinCouncilmayconsiderreasonable to
remove sell or dispose of any of itsworks.Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(d)The
Company shall not be held to be in default under theprovisions of this clause or to have failed
to carry outanyobligationsunderthisAgreementnorshalltherequirementtobecomplyingwiththeprovisionsofclause 15 mentioned in clause 16 be
operative if suchdefaultorfailureisoccasionedbyactofGod,forcemajeure,floods,storms,tempests,war,riots,civilcommotions,strikes,lockouts,shortageoflabourtransportpoweroressentialmaterials,breakdownofplantormachinery,inabilityoftheCompanyintheopinion of the
Governor in Council to sell or otherwisedispose of
bauxite alumina or aluminium in reasonablequantitiesoranyothercausewhatsoeverbeyondthecontrol of the Company.(e)WherebythisAgreementanyperiodoftimeisfixedduringwhichtheCompanyisrequiredtodoanyactmatter or thing (including the expenditure
of any sum ofmoney)theGovernorinCounciluponbeingsatisfiedthat
the Company has been prevented or delayed by anyoftheaforesaidcausesfromdoingthatactmatterorthing(ormakingthatexpenditure)theGovernorinCouncil shall grant to the Company such
extended timeto do that act matter or thing (or make that
expenditure)as he shall consider equal to the period of
the preventionordelayandtheCompanyshalldothatactmatterorthing (or make that expenditure) within such
extendedtimesograntedbytheGovernorinCouncil,ortheGovernorinCouncil,ifthecircumstancessowarrant,may cancel in
whole or in part the Company’s obligationto do that act
matter or thing (or make that expenditure)during such
period as he may see fit.49.In case any
question difference or dispute shall arise betweenthe
State and the Company concerning any clause or anythingcontained in this Agreement or the meaning
or construction ofany matter or thing in any way connected
with this AgreementortherightsdutiesorliabilitiesofeithertheStateortheCompanyunderorinpursuanceoftheprovisionsofthisAgreement or if
any matter whatsoever is by this AgreementReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 47
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1required to be referred to the Tribunal then
and in every suchcase such question difference or dispute
matter or thing shallbereferredtotheTribunaltheconstitutionofwhichishereinafter provided.50.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)TheGovernorinCouncilshallfromtimetotimeasrequired constitute a Tribunal to decide and
determineall matters which by this Agreement are
required to beor may be referred to the Tribunal for its
decision.The Tribunal shall consist of either—(i)AJudgeoftheSupremeCourtofQueenslandappointed by the
Governor in Council; or(ii)ABarristerofnotlessthantenyears’standingappointedbytheGovernorinCouncilupontherecommendationoftheChiefJusticeofQueensland.TheTribunalmaybeassistedbyassessorswhoshallmake such
recommendations to the Tribunal as they orany of them
shall think fit.Upon each reference to the Tribunal such
assessors shallbe appointed to assist the Tribunal as are
agreed uponbetweentheMinisterandtheCompany.TheTribunalmay appoint any
assessor or assessors.TheTribunalafterhearingtherepresentationsofallparties interested and considering the
recommendations(if any) of the assessors will make such
recommendationand report to the Minister as is proper or
such Order asis just.Every such Order
of the Tribunal shall subject to reviewas hereinafter
provided remain in force for such periodas is fixed by
the Order and every such Order shall bepublishedintheGovernmentGazetteandshallbebinding upon all persons and shall have the
force of law.TheMinistermayofhisownvolitionandshallwhenrequiredbytheCompanyrefertotheTribunalanymatterrequiringdecisionundertheprovisionsofthisPage 48Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1AgreementbutnodecisionoftheTribunalshallbereviewedatintervalsoflessthanoneyearunlesssoagreed between the Minister and the
Minister may at any time of his own volition or attherequestoftheCompanyrefertotheTribunalforconsiderationandreporttotheMinisteranymatterrelating to the
undertaking of the Company or otherwisearising under
the provisions of this Agreement and theTribunalshallmakesuchreporttotheMinisterasitthinks
Tribunal shall be deemed to be a commission withinthe
meaning of “The Commissions of Inquiry Acts,
1950to1954” and the provisions of such Acts
shall apply tothe Tribunal and all the proceedings
thereof.(j)EverypartytoproceedingsbeforetheTribunalshallunless the Tribunal otherwise directs pay
his or its owncosts.TheTribunalmayorderthatanypartytoanyproceedingspay(whetherbywayofalumpsumorotherwise) the whole or such part as
the Tribunal maythinkfitofthecostsofandincidentaltothoseproceedings
incurred by any other party thereto or anycostsincurredbytheTribunalincludingtheremunerationofanyassessororassessors.Incaseofdifference as to the amount (other than a
lump sum) ofanycostsdirectedtobepaidasaforesaidsuchcostsshall be taxed
by a taxing officer of the Supreme Courtof Queensland as
if the proceedings before the Tribunalhad been
proceedings in the Supreme Court. A directionor decision of
the Tribunal insofar as it relates to costsmay be enforced
in the same manner as a judgment ororder of the
Supreme Court.(k)TheStateortheCompanyshallnotbeentitledtocommence or maintain any action or
other proceedingwhatsoever in respect of any claim dispute
or questionwhich under the provisions of this Agreement
may bereferredtotheTribunaluntilsuchclaimdisputeorquestionhasbeensoreferredanddeterminedbytheTribunal and then only for the amount
of money or otherrelief awarded by the Tribunal.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(l)Any
Order of the Tribunal may upon the application oftheStateortheCompanybemadeanOrderoftheSupreme Court of Queensland and may be
enforceableas such.51.The
Company shall from time to time as necessity arises andalso
whenever required by the Governor in Council so to dofurnishtheMinisterwithalistofAssociatedCompanieswithin the meaning of this Agreement with
evidence showingtheinterestwhichtheCompanyholdsinanyAssociatedorSubsidiaryCompanyandtheinterestanyAssociatedCompanyholdsintheCompanyandtheStatemayforthepurposesofthisAgreementrelyandactuponthelistofAssociated Companies as last furnished by
the Company.52.SubjecttothedueobservancebytheCompanyofitsobligations under this Agreement and
subject also in the caseof any leases licenses or rights
granted or extended under or inpursuanceoftheprovisionsofthisAgreementtothedueobservanceandperformancebytheCompanyofthecovenantsandagreementsonitspartthereincontainedorthereby implied and of the respective Acts
under which theyare granted (except as modified by this
Agreement) the Stateshall ensure that during the currency
of this Agreement and asto any such leases licenses or rights
during the term thereofrespectively the rights of the Company
under this Agreementand under such leases licenses or
rights as the case may beshall not in any way through any act
of the State be impaireddisturbed or prejudicially
affected.53.This Agreement shall be interpreted
according to the laws forthe time being in force in the
State.54.AnynoticeconsentrequirementorwritingauthorisedorrequiredbythisAgreementtobegivenorsentshallbedeemed to have been duly given or sent
by the State or theGovernor in Council or the Minister (as the
case may be) ifPage 50Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1signed by the Minister and forwarded by
prepaid post to theCompanyatitsregisteredofficeintheStateandbytheCompanyifsignedonbehalfoftheCompanybythemanagingdirectoradirectorgeneralmanagersecretarysolicitororattorneyoftheCompanyandforwardedbyprepaid post to the Minister at his office
in Brisbane in thesaid State and any such notice consent
requirement or writingshall be deemed to have been duly
given or sent on the day onwhich it would
be delivered in the ordinary course of post.55.ThetermofthisAgreementshallsubjecttotheprovisionshereofbeeighty-fouryearswhichshallbedeemedtohavecommenced on the
first day of January, 1964, with the right ofthe Company
(subject to the provisions of this Agreement) atany
time not later than two years prior to the expiration of thesaidtermtogive tothe State
writtennotice ofitsdesire toextendthetermoftheAgreementforafurtherperiodoftwenty-one years whereupon if there
shall not at the time ofthe giving of notice be any existing
breach or non-observanceof any of the provisions of this
Agreement by the Company orbyanyassigneeoftheCompanyorbyanyAssociatedCompany
appointed to exercise any of the powers functions orauthoritieshereunderthetermofthisAgreementshallbeextendedaccordinglyuponthesametermsandconditionssaving this
present right of renewal and shall continue aftertheexpirationofsuchextendedtermuntildeterminedbyeither party giving to the other two years’
notice in writing inthat behalf which notice may if so
desired be given at any timewithin two years
prior to the expiration of the extended term.56.The
State will, to the extent of its power and authority so to
dounder or pursuant to the laws for the time
being in force, useits best endeavours to enable the Company to
obtain a suitablesite on Port Musgrave with all necessary
facilities includingaccess for the processing and shipping
of bauxite (includingproducts thereof) from the Special
Bauxite Mining Lease andwithoutaffectingthegeneralityoftheforegoinginparticular—Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 51
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1(a)If
the Company is unable to arrange for access from orto
the boundary of its Special Bauxite Mining Lease toorfromthecoastuponreasonabletermsandmakesapplicationtotheMinisterforpermissionforsuchaccess,theMinistershall,subjecttotheprovisionscontained in
that behalf in clause 56 of the Agreement acopyofwhichissetoutintheScheduleto“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreement Act
of1957,” authorise the Company to haveaccessoverasuitableroutetobespecifiedbytheMinister from or
to the boundary of the Special BauxiteMining Lease to
or from the coast.(b)If
the Company is unable to arrange for a suitable site onPort
Musgrave for all necessary facilities to ship bauxite(includingproductsthereof)fromtheSpecialBauxiteMiningLeaseuponreasonabletermsandmakesapplication to
the Minister for the provision of such site,the State shall
on terms as to finance and otherwise to beagreed between
the Company and the Minister exercisethe powers
conferred upon it by clause 57 of the saidAgreementreferredtointheimmediatelyprecedingparagraph of this present clause.Page
52Reprint 2B effective 30 January
ScheduleAlcan Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act
1965Schedule 1Parishes:Counties:Area:Agnew,Barlow,Batavia,Burdett,Dumfries,Dunblane,Eglinton, Egmont, Ely, Pennefather, Skardon,
Stormont.Dulhunty, Jardine, Weipa.About 536 sq. miles.ThatpartoftheStateofQueenslandwithinthefollowingboundaries;CommencingontheeasternboundaryoftheWesternBauxiteFieldasestablishedunder“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreement Act
of1957” at a monument marked ^SBML1-K2at
about longitude 142º 07' 45" E and about latitude 11º 48'10"
S and thence by direct lines having initial true bearingsand
lengths as follows; 20º 08' 00", 48 chains 80 links to amonumentmarked^AL1ataboutlongitude142º07'56"Eandaboutlatitude11º47'40"S;about90º01',about544chainstoamonumentmarked^AL2ataboutlongitude142º
13' 57" E and about latitude 11º 47' 40" S; about 180º,about2679
13' 57" Eandaboutlatitude12º16'54"S;about269º59',about1050
chainstoamonumentmarked^AL4 at about
longitude 142º 02' 18" E and about latitude 12º16' 54"S;about180º,about1201
chainstoamonumentmarked ^AL5 on the boundary of the Western
Bauxite Field,thence by that Field 269º 58' 51", 960
chains and 73 links to amonument marked ^SBML1-B2 at about
longitude 141º 51'38" E and about latitude 12º 30' south;
about 360º, about 1650chains to a monument marked ^SBML1-C2
at about longitude141º 51' 38" E and about latitude 12º 12' S;
about 83º, about1464chainstoamonumentmarked^SBML1-T2ataboutlongitude142º07'45"Eandaboutlatitude12º
10' 03"S;about 360º, about 2005 chains to the
point of commencement.Reprint 2B effective 30 January
2012Page 53
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Second
Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited AgreementAct of
1965”Special Bauxite Mining LeaseCountyParishDate
of Lease}ELIZABETHTHESECOND,bytheGraceofGod,
of the United Kingdom, Australia, and Herother Realms and
Territories, Queen, Head of theCommonwealth,
Defender of the FaithPage 54TO ALL TO WHOM
conformity with the provisions of “The AlcanQueenslandPty.LimitedAgreementActof1965” and of
anAgreement datedandmadebetweenOurStateofQueensland and Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited
a CompanydulyincorporatedandregisteredinOursaidStatewhichAgreement was
authorised by the said Act the said CompanyisnowentitledtoaLeaseofthelandinOursaidStatedescribed in the Schedule hereinafter
written for the purposeshereinaftersetforthattheYearlyRenthereinafterreservedunderandsubjecttothecovenantstermsandconditionshereinafter
mentioned. NOW KNOW YE that in considerationof the premises
and of the Yearly Rent covenants provisoesand agreements
hereinafter reserved and contained on the partof the said
Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited its successors andpermitted assigns to be paid observed and
performed WE DOHEREBY for Us Our Heirs and Successors
demise and leaseuntothesaidAlcanQueenslandPty.Limiteditssuccessorsand permitted
assigns the same being hereinafter designatedthe Lessee ALL
THAT Parcel of Land situated on the CapeReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1YorkPeninsulaandparticularlydescribedintheSchedulehereinafterwrittenandforalloranyofthefollowingpurposes:—(a)for mining for
all or any of the designated minerals (asdefinedinthesaidAgreement)andforallpurposesnecessarydirectlyorindirectlyeffectuallytocarryonmining and treatment operations therein or
thereon;(b)forerectingthereonanyhousesbuildingsplantandmachineryforusedirectlyorindirectlyinconnectionwith such mining
or treatment operations;(c)forcuttingandconstructingthereondams,weirs,reservoirs,wells,waterchannels,aqueductsandpipelines,forpumpingorraisingwaterandforallotherpurposes
relating to the obtaining storing or conveyingof water;(d)forconstructingorerectinganyroads,harbourworks(asdefinedinthesaidAgreement),worksfortherecoveryofsaltfromseawaterorotherworkswhatsoever;(e)foranyotherpurposes(whethermanufacturingorotherwise) incidental to or necessary or
desirable for themoreeffectualcarryingoutofalloranyoftheprovisions or purposes of the said Agreement
includingbut without limiting the generality of the
foregoing theproductionanddistributionofanyformoflightingheating or
power; and(f)forresidencethereoninconnectionwithanyofsuchpurposes:TO HAVE AND TO
HOLD the said lands and all and singularotherthepremiseshereinbeforementionedandherebydemised with the
appurtenances unto the Lessee for the fullterm of
Eighty-four years from the first day of January 1964whichsaidtermshallberenewableontheLessee’sapplication made
at any time during the last Two years of thethencurrenttermofthisLeaseforafurtherperiodofTwenty-one years upon the same terms and
conditions exceptthattherentshallbesuchastheGovernorinCouncilthenReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
56deems equitable and shall continue after the
expiration of suchextended term until determined by either
party giving to theother two years’ notice in writing in that
behalf which noticemay if so desired be given at any time
within two years priorto the expiration of the extended term
saving and exceptingunto Us Our Heirs and Successors all
gold and minerals otherthan designated minerals (the term “
minerals ” to have thesame meaning as in “The
Mining on Private Land Acts, 1909to1956”) and all petroleum (the term
“petroleum” to have thesame meaning as in “The
Petroleum Acts, 1923to1962”) andhelium found in
association with petroleum found in the landherein demised
and ALSO RESERVING unto Us Our Heirsand Successors
and to such persons as shall from time to timebe duly
authorised by Us in that behalf during the term of thisLeaseoranyrenewalthereof(butsubjectalwaystotheprovisions of clause 22 of the said
Agreement) the free rightand privilege of access including
ingress egress and regressintouponoverandoutofthesaidlandforthepurposeofsearchingforandfortheoperationsofobtaininganygoldminerals(otherthandesignatedminerals)orpetroleumandhelium found in association with petroleum
YIELDING ANDPAYINGuntoUsOurHeirsandSuccessorsduringthecontinuance of this Lease in advance
on or prior to the firstday of January in each year into the
hands of our Treasurer forthe time being at the Treasury in
Brisbane in Our said Statethe following Yearly Rentals or sums
that is to say:—(a)In
respect of each of the first five years of the said termthe
sum of £2 0s. 0d. per square mile or part thereof;(b)In
respect of each of the next ten years of the said termthe
sum of £4 0s. 0d. per square mile or part thereof;(c)In
respect of each year of the remainder of the said termsuch
sum as shall be determined in accordance with theprovisionsofparagraph(iii)ofclause13ofthesaidAgreement,PROVIDEDALWAYSandthesepresentsareupontheconditions following that is to say:—(1)That the Lessee shall well and truly
pay or cause to bepaid unto Us Our Heirs and Successors the
rent herebyReprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1reserved when and as the same shall become
payable inmanner hereinbefore appointed for that
purpose. Subjectto the provisions of clause 48 of the said
Agreement ifdefault is made by the Lessee in the payment
of rent thisLeaseshallatOuroptionbeforfeitedbuttheLesseemaydefeatforfeiturebypaymentoftherentwithinNinety days of the due date with the
addition of a sumby way of penalty equal to interest thereon
at the rate ofTen pounds per centum per annum or such
lesser penaltyas the Minister may fix; but unless the
whole of the renttogetherwiththepenaltyispaidwithinNinetydaysfrom
the due date the Lease shall at Our option withoutany
enquiry or other process be forfeited; PROVIDEDthat the
Minister may waive the forfeiture and reinstatetheLeaseonpaymentofthearrearsofrentduewithaccrued
penalty;(2)That subject to the provisions of
clause 48 of the saidAgreement the Lessee or any Associated
Company (asdefined in the said Agreement) of the Lessee
shall afterthe processing plant referred to in clause
14 of the saidAgreementcomesintoproductionandduringthecurrency hereof:—(a)becomplyingwithallofitsobligationstowardsQueenslandAluminaLimitedreferredtoinparagraph
(b) of clause 14 of the said
Agreementfortheperiodofnotless thanTwenty (20)yearsreferred to in paragraph (c) of the said clause; or(b)after the expiration of such period of not
less thanTwenty (20)yearsbetollingwithQueenslandAlumina Limited
bauxite to provide the CompanywithnotlessthanFiftythousand(50,000)shorttonsofaluminaannuallyorbepurchasingfromQueenslandAluminaLimitedthatquantityofalumina annually; or(c)in the event
that the Lessee should sell or otherwisedisposeofitsshareintheequitycapitalofQueenslandAluminaLimitedasreferredtoinparagraph (a) of
clause 14 of the said Agreementor if for any
reason whatsoever the Agreement firstReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 57
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
58mentioned in clause 14 of the said Agreement
shallcease to be binding on the Company:—(i)beconstructingintheStateaplantfortheproductionofnotlessthanOnehundredthousand(100,000)shorttonsofaluminaannually, or of
not less than Twenty thousand(20,000)shorttonsofaluminiumannually,frombauxiteminedfromthebauxitefield,provided that the construction of such
plantshall be completed and the plant
producingalumina or aluminium as the case may be
subclause (c) within a period of Five(5)
years from the date of the Lessee ceasingtoownitsshareoftheequitycapitalofQueensland Alumina Limited as referred
toin paragraph (a) of
clause 14, and providedthat the Lessee shall spend a sum of
not lessthanThreemillionpounds(£3,000,000)onthe
said plant within the period of Two yearsof the
commencement of the said period ofFive (5) years;
or(ii)beproducingfrombauxiteminedfromthebauxitefieldnotlessthanFiftythousand(50,000)shorttonsofaluminaannuallyorTenthousand(10,000)shorttonsofaluminium annually in any plant operated
bythe Lessee in the State;PROVIDED ALWAYS
that the alumina tolled fororpurchasedbytheCompanybyorfromQueenslandAluminaLimitedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthispresentclause(2)shallbemade
from bauxite mined from the bauxite field orfrom Special
Bauxite Mining Lease No. 1 grantedundertheprovisionsof“TheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreementAct
of1957”;(3)ThattheLesseeshallnotassignunderletorpartwithpossessionofthelandherebydemisedoranypartReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1thereof otherwise than in accordance with
the provisionsof paragraph (e) of
clause 10 of the said Agreement;(4)That
the Lessee shall permit and suffer all or any personor
persons appointed by the Minister for the time beingofOursaidStateinthatbehalfatallproperandreasonable times during the
continuance of this demiseand whether the mines are working or
not without anyinterruptionordisturbancefromtheLesseeitsagentsservants or
workmen or any of them to enter into anduponthesaidminesandallworksandbuildingsconnectedtherewithoranypartthereoftoviewandexamine the condition thereof and whether
the said mineorminesisorareworkedbonafideforthepurposesaforesaid and for that purpose to use all
and every thetramways railways or roads or ways and all
or any of themachinery and works in and upon the said
land;(5)Subjecttotheprovisionsofclause48ofthesaidAgreement if the Lessee commits any breach
of or failstoobserveanyoftheconditionssetoutaboveinthisLease other than
as to payment of rent the Minister maygive to the
Lessee notice in writing requiring the Lesseetomakegoodandrectifysuchdefaultwithinsuchreasonable time
as is specified in the Notice; and if theLessee shall
fail to comply with the provisions of suchNotice within
such time as is so specified or within suchextended time as
may be granted by the Minister, thisLease shall at
Our option be forfeited it being expresslyagreed and
declared however that if the Lessee disputesthat it is so in
default the question whether or not theLesseeissoindefaultshallbedeterminedbytheTribunal constituted by the said
Agreement and the timespecified in such Notice shall not run
until the questionis so determined; and upon the Lease being
so forfeitedthe lands comprised therein shall revert to
Us and therightsoftheLesseeunderthisLeaseshallthereuponceaseanddetermine:PROVIDEDALSOthattheMinistermaywaivetheforfeitureandreinstatetheLease upon such conditions as the Governor
in Councilmay determine;Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 59
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
60(6)The Lessee shall not be deemed to have
failed to carryout any of its obligations under this Lease
nor shall therequirementtobecomplyingwiththeprovisionsofclause 15 mentioned in clause 16 of the said
Agreementbe operative if such failure is occasioned
by act of God,force majeure, floods, storms, tempests,
war, riots, civilcommotions,strikes,lockouts,shortageoflabourtransportpoweroressentialmaterials,breakdownofplant or machinery, inability of the
Lessee in the opinionof the Governor in Council to sell or
otherwise disposeofbauxitealuminaoraluminiuminreasonablequantitiesoranyothercausewhatsoeverbeyondthecontrol of the Lessee, AND FURTHER the
Lessee shallnot be deemed to have failed to carry out an
upon any forfeiture or other determination of thisLease,theLesseeshallhavetheright,subjecttopayment of all money then owing by the
Lessee by wayof rent, royalty or otherwise—(a)to
apply for and have granted such lease or leases(whether under
“The Mining Acts, 1898to1955,”“TheCoalMiningActs,1925to1964,”“TheMiners’ Homestead Leases Acts,
1913to1964” orany other Act of
the State then in force) as it wouldthen be
competent for the Lessee to apply for andhold subject to
such mortgages encumbrances andchargesaswereimmediatelypriortheretoinexistence over the forfeited lands of which
the landcomprisedinsuchlastmentionedleaseorleasesforms
remove from the said lands and to sell or disposeofanyofitsworkswithinsuchtimeastheGovernor may
consider reasonablePROVIDED lastly and notwithstanding anything
hereinbeforecontained it is hereby agreed and declared
that the Lessee maysurrender this Lease in respect of the whole
or any part of theReprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1land
hereby demised at any time upon giving to the Ministerwrittennoticeofitsintentionsotodo.Inthecaseofasurrenderastopartonlyofthesaidlandtherentherebyreservedshallabatebyanamountwhichbearsthesameproportiontothesaidrentastheareaoflandsurrenderedbears to the
area of land hereby demised.In these
presents the expressions “Minister” and “designatedminerals”shallhavethesamerespectivemeaningsasinclause l of the
said Agreement.IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused this Our
Leaseto be sealed with the Seal of Our said
State.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Third
Schedule No. 1QueenslandNo.Vol.Fol.“The
Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited AgreementAct of
1965”and“The Miners’ Homestead Leases Acts,
1913 to1964”SPECIALPERPETUALMININGPURPOSESLEASEforthepurposesoferectionofminingplanttreatmentplantmachinery harbour or other works.CountyELIZABETH THE
SECOND, by the}ParishAreaAcresRoodsPerchesDate of
LeaseGraceofGod,oftheUnitedKingdom,Australia,andHerotherRealms and
Territories, Queen, HeadoftheCommonwealth,Defenderofthe Faith.TO ALL TO WHOM
conformity with “The Alcan Queensland Pty.Limited Agreement Act of1965” and
“The Miners’ HomesteadLeases
Acts, 1913to1964” hereinafter called “the said
Acts”ALCANQUEENSLANDPTY.LIMITEDacompanydulyregisteredinaccordancewiththelawsofOurStateofQueenslandisnowentitledtoaLeaseinPerpetuityoftheLand hereunder particularly described
as a Special PerpetualMining Purposes Lease at the rent and
under and subject toPage 62Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1thecovenants,terms,andconditionshereinaftermentioned:NOW KNOW YE,
that in consideration of the premises, WEDO HEREBY, for
Us, Our Heirs and Successors, demise andlease unto the
said ALCAN QUEENSLAND PTY. LIMITEDitssuccessorsandpermittedassigns(thesamebeinghereinafter
designated “the Lessee”) all that piece of Land inOur
said State, containing by admeasurementbe the same more
or less, situated in theCounty ofand
Parishofbeing Lease Numberon the Warden’s
Register:—TOHAVEANDTOHOLDuntotheLesseeitsSuccessorsandpermittedassigns,inperpetuity,asaSpecialPerpetualMiningPurposesLeaseasfromthedayofOnethousandninehundredand,with,under, and
subject to the reservations hereinafter particularlymentioned, and with, under, and subject to
the several rights,powers, privileges, terms, conditions,
provisions, exceptions,restrictions, reservations and
provisoes, contained or impliedinthesaidActs,andtoallotherrights,powers,privileges,terms,conditions,provisions,exceptions,restrictions,reservations and
provisoes referred to, contained or prescribedinandbythesaidActsand“TheMiningonPrivateLandActs, 1909to1956” and “The Petroleum
Acts, 1923to1962”oranyRegulationsmadeorwhichmayhereafterbemadeunder the said
Acts, or any of them save and except that thereshall be no
limitations as to area or shape; YIELDING ANDPAYINGUntoUs,OurHeirsandSuccessors,ineachandevery year, the annual rent at the rate of
ten shillings per acreorpartthereof or any greater amount as may be
prescribedfrom time to time by “The Mining
Acts, 1898to1955” or anyamendment
thereof in respect of Mineral Leases issued underthose Acts; such payments to be made in
advance and on orbefore the thirty-first day of December in
each and every year,into the hands of the Under Secretary,
Department of Mines,Brisbane.PROVIDEDALWAYS,andwedoherebyreserveuntoUs,OurHeirsandSuccessors,allgoldandminerals(theterm“Minerals” to
have the same meaning as in “The Mining
onReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
64Private Land Acts, 1909to1956”) and all petroleum (the
term“Petroleum” to have the same meaning as in
“The PetroleumActs,
1923to1962”) and all helium found in
association withpetroleumonorbelowthesurfaceofthesaidland,andallmines of gold
and minerals on or below the surface of the saidland, and We do hereby also reserve unto Us,
Our Heirs andSuccessors, and to such person as shall from
time to time beduly authorised by Us in that behalf at all
times, the free rightand privilege of access, including
ingress, egress, and regress,into, upon,
over, and out of the said Land, for the purpose ofsearching for or working gold and minerals,
or any of them,(otherthandesignatedminerals)orminesofgoldandminerals, or any of them, (other than
designated minerals) andofsearchingfor,andfortheoperationsofobtainingpetroleum, in
any part of the said land: AND We do furtherreserve the
right of any person duly authorised in that behalfby
the Governor of Our said State in Council at all times to gouponthesaidLand,oranypartthereof,foranypurposewhatsoever, or
to make any survey, inspection, or examinationofthesame:PROVIDEDFURTHERandnotwithstandinganythinghereinbeforecontaineditisherebyagreedanddeclared that the Lessee may surrender this
Lease at any timein respect of the whole or any part of the
land hereby demisedupongivingtotheMinisterforMinesandMainRoads(orother Minister of the Crown for the
time being administeringthe Mining Acts) written notice of its
intention so to do and inthe case of a surrender as to part
only of the said land the rentherebyreservedshallabatebyanamountwhichbearsthesameproportiontothesaidrentastheareaoflandsurrenderedbearstotheareaoflandherebydemised:PROVIDED LASTLY
that in the case of forfeiture or otherdetermination of
this Lease the Lessee shall have the right tobe exercised
within a reasonable time to remove from the saidland
all plant machinery equipment and other improvementswhatsoever which the Lessee may have
installed or caused tobe installed on such land.INTESTIMONYWHEREOF,WehavecausedthisOurLease to be Sealed with the Seal of Our said
State.Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Third
Schedule No. 2QueenslandNo.Vol.Fol.“The
Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited AgreementAct of
1965”and“The Miners’ Homestead Leases Acts,
1913 to1964”SPECIALPERPETUALMININGPURPOSESLEASEforresidential, business, agricultural or
pastoral purposes.CountyParishAreaAcresRoodsPerchesDate of
LeaseELIZABETHTHESECOND,by}theGraceofGod,oftheUnitedKingdom,AustraliaandherotherRealmsandTerritories,Queen,HeadoftheCommonwealth,Defender of the
conformity with “The Alcan Queensland Pty.Limited Agreement Act of1965” and
“The Miners’ HomesteadLeases
Acts, 1913to1964” hereinafter called “the said
Acts”Alcan Queensland Pty. Limited a company duly
registered inaccordance with the laws of Our State of
Queensland, is nowentitledtoaLeaseinPerpetuityoftheLandhereunderparticularly described as a Special
Perpetual Mining PurposesLeaseattherentandunderandsubjecttothecovenants,terms,andconditionshereinaftermentioned:NOWKNOWReprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012Page 65
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1Page
66YE that in consideration of the premises, WE
DO HEREBY,for Us, our Heirs and Successors, demise and
lease unto thesaidAlcanQueenslandPty.Limiteditssuccessorsandpermitted assigns (the same being
hereinafter designated “theLessee”), all
that piece of Land in Our said State containingby
admeasurementbe the same more or less, situated intheCounty ofandParishof being Lease
Numberon the Warden’s Register:—TO
HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the Lessee its successors andpermitted assigns, in perpetuity, as a
Special Perpetual MiningPurposesLeaseasfromthedayof,Onethousandninehundredand,with,under,andsubject to the reservations
hereinafter particularly mentioned,andwith,underandsubjecttotheseveralrights,powers,privileges,terms,conditions,provisions,exceptions,restrictions,
reservations and provisoes contained or impliedinthesaidActs,andtoallotherrights,powers,privileges,terms,conditions,provisions,exceptions,restrictions,reservations and
provisoes referred to, contained or prescribedinandbythesaidActsand“TheMiningonPrivateLandActs, 1909to1956” and “The Petroleum
Acts, 1923to1962”oranyRegulationsmadeorwhichmayhereafterbemadeunder the said
Acts, or any of them save and except that thereshall be no
limitation as to area or shape: YIELDING ANDPAYINGUntoUs,OurHeirsandSuccessors,ineachandeveryyearduringthefirstTenYearsoftheLeaseherebygranted, the annual rent ofpoundsshillingsandpence: AND in each and every year,
during eachsucceeding period of Ten Years, an annual
rent equal to thatpayable for the period then last expired, or
(if application shallhavebeenmadebythelesseetotheMinisteratleastsix months prior
to the expiration of the then current period inaccordance with
the provisions of the said Acts) such annualrent as shall
thereupon have been determined by the Warden;such payments to
be made in advance, and on or before thethirty-first day
of December in each and every year, into thehands of the
Under Secretary, Department of Mines, Brisbane.Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1PROVIDEDALWAYS,andwedoherebyreserveuntoUs,OurHeirsandSuccessors,allgoldandminerals(theterm“Minerals” to
have the same meaning as in “The Mining
onPrivate Land Acts, 1909to1956”) and all petroleum (the
term“Petroleum” to have the same meaning as in
“The PetroleumActs,
1923to1962”) and all helium found in
association withpetroleumonorbelowthesurfaceofthesaidland,andallmines of gold
and minerals on or below the surface of the saidland, and We do hereby also reserve unto Us,
Our Heirs andSuccessors, and to such persons as shall
from time to time beduly authorised by Us in that behalf
at all times, the free rightand privilege of
access, including ingress, egress, and regress,into, upon, over
and out of the said Land, for the purpose ofsearching for or
working gold and minerals, or any of them(otherthandesignatedminerals),orminesofgoldandminerals, or any of them (other than
designated minerals), andof searching for, and for the
operations of obtaining petroleumin any part of
the said Land: AND WE do further reserve therightofanypersondulyauthorisedinthatbehalfbytheGovernor of Our
said State in Council at all times to go uponthe said Land,
or any part thereof, for any purpose whatsoever,or
to make any survey, inspection or examination of the same:PROVIDEDFURTHERandnotwithstandinganythinghereinbefore contained it is hereby agreed
and declared thatthe Lessee may surrender this Lease at any
time in respect ofthe whole or any part of the land hereby
demised upon givingto the Minister for Mines and Main Roads (or
other MinisteroftheCrownforthetimebeingadministeringtheMiningActs) written
notice of its intention so to do and in the case ofasurrenderastopartonlyofthesaidlandtherentherebyreservedshallabatebyanamountwhichbearsthesameproportiontothesaidrentastheareaoflandsurrenderedbearstotheareaoflandherebydemised:PROVIDEDLASTLY that in the case of forfeiture or
other determinationof this Lease the Lessee shall have the
right to be exercisedwithin a reasonable time to remove
from the said land all plantmachineryequipmentandotherimprovementswhatsoeverwhich the Lessee
may have installed or caused to be installedon such
land.Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 1IN
TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused this Our Leaseto be Sealed
with the Seal of Our said State.INWITNESSWHEREOFthePartiesheretohaveexecutedthese presents on the day and year
aforesaid.SIGNEDbyTHE}HONOURABLEGEORGEFRANCISREUBENNICKLIN,PremierandMinisterforStateDevelopmentoftheStateofQueenslandforandonbehalfofthe said StateIn the presence
the presence ofALUMINIUMLABORATORIESLIMITEDdothherebyconsenttotheprovisions of the within
duly constitutedattorneyIn the presence
ofPage 68Reprint 2B
effective 30 January 2012
Schedule 2Alcan Queensland
Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 2Proposed further agreementsection 4CTHIS
AGREEMENTis made this ____ day of __________,
Brisbane in the State of Queensland (the Company).BACKGROUND:1.Under section 2 of theAlcan Queensland
PtyLimited AgreementAct1965(theAct),theStateandtheCompanyenteredintotheagreementsetoutinSchedule1oftheAct(thePrincipalAgreement).2.The
Principal Agreement may be varied by agreement between theMinister and the Company if authorised under
the Act.3.The State and the Company wish to vary
the Principal Agreement.IT IS AGREED THAT—1.The first paragraph of the Recitals of
the Principal Agreement isamendedbydeletingthewords“(hereinafterwithitssuccessorsand permitted
assigns called “the Company”);2.Clause 1 of the Principal Agreement is
amended by inserting thefollowing definition – “The Company”
means “Alcan South PacificPtyLtd(ACN009726078)(formerlyAlcanQueenslandPtyLimited) and its successors and
assigns”.3.Clause 1 of the Principal Agreement is
amended by—(a)replacingthedefinitionof“Comalco”withthefollowingdefinition–‘“Comalco”meansRioTintoAluminiumLimited (ACN 009 679 127), RTA Weipa Pty Ltd
(ACN 137266 285), and their successors and assigns;’
andReprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 2(b)replacing the definition of “the
Minister” with the followingdefinition – ‘
“the Minister” means the Minister of the State ofQueensland responsible for the
administration of the Act;’.4.Clause 3 of the Principal Agreement is
deleted and replaced withnew clause 3, which provides—‘The agreement may be varied
only—(a)byfurtherwrittenagreementbetweentheStateandthecompany; and(b)under the authority of the Act.5.This Agreement comes into effect on
and from the date notified bytheMinister(beingtheMinisteroftheStateofQueenslandresponsible for
the administration of the Act) in the GovernmentGazette or, if no date is specified, on the
date of the gazettal.INWITNESSWHEREOFthePartiesheretohaveexecutedthesepresents on the
day and year aforesaid.S I G N E D ON BEHALF OF THE STATE
OFQUEENSLANDBYTHEHONOURABLE_________________________________________,MINISTER FOR_________________________________________In
the presence ofIn the presence ofExecutedin
accordance with section 127of theCorporations Act 2001byAlcanSouth Pacific Pty
Ltd(ACN 009 726 078):Page 70Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 3Schedule 3Proposed further
agreementsection 4CTHIS
AGREEMENTis made this ____ day of __________,
Brisbane in the State of Queensland (theCompany)BACKGROUND:1.Under section 2 of theAlcan Queensland
PtyLimited AgreementAct1965(theAct),theStateandtheCompanyenteredintotheagreementsetoutinSchedule1oftheAct(thePrincipalAgreement).2.The
Principal Agreement may be varied by agreement between theMinister and the Company if authorised under
the Act.3.The State and the Company wish to vary
the Principal Agreement.IT IS AGREED THAT—4.ThePrincipalAgreementisamendedbytheinsertionofthefollowingnewclause29Aimmediatelyafterclause29ofthePrincipal
Agreement:29A."(1)Subclause (2) prevails to the extent
of any inconsistency withsubclauses 28(a) to (e), 28(g) and
clause 29 of the PrincipalAgreement.(2)The
Company's right to take or interfere with water, other thanartesianwaterorsubartesianwaterconnectedtoartesianwater, in the
‘Wenlock Basin wild river area’ (as defined in theWenlock Basin Wild River Declaration
2010) is subject to thefollowing
specified conditions:(a)the right to
take or interfere with water in the WenlockBasin wild river
area is subject to an annual volumetricPage 72Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Schedule 3limitof90,000ML(subjecttothesumoftheannualvolumetric
limits that may be taken under water licencesheldbytheCompanyandtheholderofminingtenementsforaprojectforwhichtheCommonwealthAluminiumCorporationPty.LimitedAgreementAct1957was enacted, not
exceeding 90,000 ML in total);(b)the
location from which the water may be taken or atwhich the water may be interfered with is
from sourceswithin or in the vicinity of the bauxite
field referred to inclause 28(a); and(c)theperiodoverwhichtheCompanymaytakeorinterferewithwatercontinuesforthetermofthisAgreement,
including any future extensions of term.(3)To
remove any doubt, it is declared that subclauses (1) and (2)do
not limit:(a)the rights of the Company under
subclauses 28(a) to (e),28(g) and clause 29 of the Principal
Agreement to takeor interfere with water outside the Wenlock
Basin wildriver area; or(b)theCompany'srighttotakeorinterferewithartesianwater or
subartesian water connected to artesian water inthe
Wenlock Basin wild river area.5.This
Agreement comes into effect on and from the date notified bytheMinister(beingtheMinisterfortheStateofQueenslandresponsible for
the administration of the Act) in the GovernmentGazette or, if no date is specified, on the
date of the gazettal.INWITNESSWHEREOFthePartiesheretohaveexecutedthesepresents on the
day and year aforesaid.S I G N E D ON BEHALF OF THE STATE
OFQUEENSLANDBYTHEHONOURABLE_________________________________________,MINISTER FOR_________________________________________Reprint 2B effective 30 January 2012Page
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Endnotes3KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in comorigpparaprecpresprevExplanation=Acts
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order
in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered4Table of reprintsReprints are
issued for both future and past effective dates. For the most
up-to-date tableof reprints, see the reprint with the latest
effective date.Ifareprintnumberincludesaletterofthealphabet,thereprintwasreleasedinunauthorised, electronic form only.ReprintNo.1Amendments to1995 Act No.
58Effective28 November
1995Reprint date13 December
1995ReprintNo.22A2BAmendments included2000 Act No.
202010 Act No. 522010 Act No.
44Effective1 July
200010 December 201030 January
2012Notes5Tables in earlier reprintsName
of tableObsolete and redundant provisionsReprint No.1Page
76Reprint 2B effective 30 January
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965Endnotes6List of legislationAlcan
Queensland Pty. Limited Agreement Act 1965 No. 2date
of assent 31 March 1965commenced on date of assentamending legislation—Statute Law
Revision Act (No. 2) 1995 No. 58 ss 1–2, 4 sch 1date
of assent 28 November 1995commenced on date of assentGST
and Related Matters Act 2000 No. 20 ss 1, 2(4), 29 sch 3date
of assent 23 June 2000ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2000
(see s 2(4))Personal Property Securities (Ancillary
Provisions) Act 2010 No. 44 ss 1–2, ch 4 pt 12date of assent 14
October 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 30 January
2012 (2011 SL No. 262)Natural Resources and Other Legislation
Amendment Act (No. 2) 2010 No. 52 pts1–2date
of assent 1 December 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of
assentremaining provisions commenced 10 December
2010 (2010 SL No. 351)7List of
annotationsExecution of agreement authoriseds
2amd 2010 No. 52 s 4Executed agreement
to have force of laws 3amd 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Variation of agreements 4sub
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1amd 2010 No. 52 s 5Application of GST to rents after 30 June
2005s 4Ains 2000 No. 20 s 29 sch 3Declaration for Commonwealth Acts
4Bins 2010 No. 44 s 88Authorisation of
variation by further agreements 4Cins
2010 No. 53 s 6Regulation making powers 5sub
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Reprint 2B effective 30 January
2012Page 77