QueenslandAdultProofofAgeCardAct2008Current as at 14 April
Information about this reprintThis
Act is reprinted as at 14 April 2011. The reprint shows the law as
amended by allamendments that commenced on or before that
day (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c)).The reprint
includes a reference to the law by which each amendment was
made—see listof legislation and list of annotations in
endnotes. Also see list of legislation for anyuncommenced
amendments.This page is specific to this reprint. See
previous reprints for information about earlierchanges made under
the Reprints Act 1992. A table of reprints is included in the
endnotes.Also see endnotes for information
about—•when provisions commenced•editorial changes made in earlier
reprints.SpellingThe spelling of
certain words or phrases may be inconsistent in this reprint or
with otherreprints because of changes made in various
editions of the Macquarie Dictionary (forexample, in the
dictionary, ‘lodgement’ has replaced ‘lodgment’). Variations of
spellingwill be updated in the next authorised
reprint.Dates shown on reprintsReprints dated at
last amendmentAllreprintsproducedonorafter1July2002,authorised (that is, hard copy) and
unauthorised (that is, electronic), are dated as at the lastdate
of amendment. Previously reprints were dated as at the date of
publication. If anauthorised reprint is dated earlier than an
unauthorised version published before 1 July2002,itmeansthelegislationwasnotfurtheramendedandthereprintdateisthecommencement of the last amendment.If the
date of an authorised reprint is the same as the date shown for an
unauthorisedversion previously published, it merely means
that the unauthorised version was publishedbeforetheauthorisedversion.Also,anyrevisededitionofthepreviouslypublishedunauthorised
version will have the same date as that version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of an
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authorised reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]Adult
Proof of Age Card Act 2008[as amended by all amendments that
commenced on or before 14 April 2011]An Act to provide
for the issue to an adult of a card that may beused as proof of
the age of its holder, and matters relating tothe card, and to
amend the Liquor Act 1992 and the Tobaccoand Other Smoking
Products Act 1998 for related purposesPart 1Preliminary1Short
titleThisActmaybecitedastheAdultProofofAgeCardAct2008.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3Object of Act(1)The
object of this Act is to allow the chief executive to issue
which information may be stored electronically; and(b)thatmaybeusedbyapersonasidentificationoftheperson’s age.(2)To
ensure the integrity of adult proof of age cards, this Actprovides for the chief executive to
establish a person’s identitybefore issuing
the person with an adult proof of age card.Current as at 14
April 2011Page 5
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
4]4DefinitionsThe dictionary
in the schedule defines particular words usedin this
Act.Part 2Adult proof of
age cardDivision 1Preliminary5What
is anadultproofofagecardAnadult proof of age cardis a
proof of age card issued underthis Act—(a)that indicates that a person is at
least 18 years of age;and(b)on
which information may be stored electronically.6Card
is property of the State(1)An adult proof
of age card is and remains the property of theState.(2)Subsection(1)applieseventhoughapersonotherthantheState—(a)has
onthecardorstored electronically on it; or(b)has the right to have information
stored on the card.(3)The State is not legally liable for an
act or omission relating tothe keeping or
use of the adult proof of age card.Page 6Current as at 14 April 2011
Division 2Adult Proof of
Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
7]Applying for card7Eligibility for cardA person is
eligible to apply for an adult proof of age card (aneligible person) if the
person—(a)ordinarily resides in Queensland;
and(b)is at least 17 years and 11 months of
age.8Application for card(1)Aneligiblepersonmayapplytothechiefexecutiveforanadult proof of
age card.(2)The application must be—(a)made in the approved form; and(b)accompanied by—(i)documentary proof of the applicant’s
identity andeligibility as mentioned in section 7;
and(ii)the prescribed
fee.9Application for new card by electronic
communication(1)The holder of a valid adult proof of
age card may apply byelectronic communication for a new
adult proof of age cardif—(a)the
holder’s adult proof of age card is about to expire;and(b)there are at
least 5 years before the end of the shelf life,or the end of
the most recent extension of the shelf lifeundersection31A,oftheholder’smostrecentdigitalphoto and
digitised signature; and(c)the chief
executive has given the holder written noticethat the person
may apply by electronic communicationfor a new adult
proof of age card.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
10](2)The application must be—(a)made in the approved form; and(b)made before the holder’s adult proof
of age card expires;and(c)accompanied by the prescribed fee.10Request for further information or
documents(1)Thechiefexecutivemay,bywrittennotice,requestanapplicant to give to the chief executive any
further informationordocumentsthechiefexecutivereasonablyrequirestodecide the application.Example—a
document of a stated type, for example, a valid Australian
passport,identifying the applicant(2)Iftheapplicantdoesnotcomplywiththerequest,withoutreasonable excuse, the chief executive may
refuse to considerthe application.11Decision on application(1)Subject to sections 10(2) and 31(5), the
chief executive mustconsider an application made under
section 8 or 9 and eithergrant it or refuse to grant it.(2)However, the chief executive may only
grant an applicationmade under section 8 if—(a)satisfied—(i)of
the applicant’s identity; and(ii)that
the applicant is an eligible person; and(b)the
prescribed fee has been paid.(3)Also, the chief executive may only grant an
application madeunder section 9 if—(a)satisfied—Page 8Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
12](i)the applicant is the holder of a valid
adult proof ofage card; and(ii)there are at least 5 years before the end of
the shelflife, or the end of the most recent
extension of theshelf life under section 31A, of the
holder’s mostrecent digital photo and digitised
signature; and(iii)the person
ordinarily resides in Queensland; and(b)the
prescribed fee has been paid.(4)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestorefusetogranttheapplication,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaninformation notice for the decision.12Issue of card(1)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestogranttheapplication,thechief executive must issue an adult proof of
age card to theapplicant.(2)However, if the applicant is under 18 years
of age, the chiefexecutivemustnotissueanadultproofofagecardtotheapplicant until
the applicant is at least 18 years of age.(3)Iftheapplicationwasmadeundersection9,thechiefexecutive must
issue the card to the person by sending it bypost to the
address stated in the application for the purpose.13Expiry of cardUnless it is
sooner cancelled under division 3, an adult proofof
age card expires on the day stated on the card, being a daythat
is not longer than 10 years after the day the card is
issued.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
14]Division 3Cancelling and
surrendering card14Grounds for cancelling cardThe
chief executive may cancel an adult proof of age card ifthe
card was issued because of a document or representationthat
was false or misleading.15Procedure for
cancelling card(1)If the chief executive considers a
ground exists under section14tocancelaperson’sadultproofofagecard,thechiefexecutive must
give the person a written notice stating—(a)the
chief executive is proposing to cancel the card; and(b)the ground for the proposed
cancellation; and(c)anoutlineofthefactsandcircumstancesformingthebasis for the ground; and(d)aninvitationtothepersontoshowcauseinwriting,within a stated
period of at least 28 days after the noticeis given to the
holder, why the chief executive should notcancel the
card.(2)If, after considering any written
representations made withinthe stated
period, the chief executive still considers the groundexists to cancel the card, the chief
executive may cancel thecardbygivingthepersonaninformationnoticeforthedecision to
cancel the card.(3)Thecancellationtakeseffectwhenthepersonreceivestheinformation notice under subsection
(2).(4)Ifthechiefexecutivedecidestocancelthecard,thechiefexecutive must
give the person a written direction to return thecard
to the chief executive by the day, at least 14 days after
thedirection is given to the person, stated in
the direction.(5)Apersonwhoisdirectedundersubsection(4)toreturnanadult proof of age card must comply with the
direction, unlessthe person has a reasonable excuse.Page
10Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 2 Adult proof of age card[s
16]Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(6)A person does not contravene a
direction under subsection (4)if—(a)the card has been destroyed, lost or
stolen; and(b)the person notifies the chief
executive in writing of thedetails of the
loss, theft or destruction within the periodstated in the
direction.16Surrendering cardThe holder of an
adult proof of age card may surrender thecard by
returning it, and giving written notice of its surrender,to
the chief executive.Division 4Replacing
card17Chief executive may require card to be
replaced(1)This section applies if—(a)informationstatedonanadultproofofagecardisincorrect; and(b)thechiefexecutivereasonablybelievestheerrorwascaused by the chief executive.(2)The chief executive may, by written
notice, require the holderof the card to return the card to the
chief executive.(3)Thenoticemustincludeastatementidentifyingtheinformation that is incorrect and the
correct information.(4)The holder must
comply with the notice, unless the holder hasa reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(5)On receipt of the card, the chief
executive must issue to theholderareplacementadultproofofagecardstatingthecorrect information.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 3 Offences[s 18]18Holder may apply for replacement
card(1)This section applies if—(a)informationstatedonanadultproofofagecardisincorrect; or(b)the
holder of a valid adult proof of age card becomesaware,orreasonablysuspects,thecardhasbeendamaged, lost or
stolen.(2)The holder of the card may apply to
the chief executive for theissue of a
replacement card.(3)The application must be—(a)made in the approved form; and(b)accompanied by—(i)thecard,unlessitwas,ortheholderreasonablysuspects it was,
destroyed, lost or stolen; and(ii)the
prescribed fee.(4)After receiving the application, the
chief executive must issuea replacement adult proof of age card
to the holder.(5)If the application was made because
information stated on theadultproofofagecardwasincorrect,thereplacementcardmust
state the correct information.Part 3OffencesDivision 1General19Damaged, lost or stolen card(1)This section applies if the holder of
a valid adult proof of agecard(theoriginalcard)becomesaware,orreasonablysuspects, the
card has been damaged, lost or stolen.Page 12Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 3 Offences[s 20](2)As soon as practicable after becoming
aware or forming thesuspicion as mentioned in subsection
(1), the holder must givethe chief executive written notice of
the damage, loss or theft.Maximum penalty—20 penalty
units.(3)Iftheoriginalcardcomesinto,orreturnsto,theholder’spossession after
a replacement card is issued to the holder, theholder must
return the original card to the chief executive.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.Division 2Offences
relating to obtaining orusing card20Application of div 2This division
does not apply to any of the following personscarrying out a
function, or exercising a power, under this oranother
Act—(a)the chief executive;(b)the commissioner of the police
service;(c)a police officer.21Damaging cardA person must
not wilfully damage an adult proof of age card.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.22False or
misleading representation(1)Apersonmustnot,forthisAct,givethechiefexecutiveadocument containing information the
person knows is false ormisleading in a material
particular.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to
information contained in adocument if the person, when giving
the document—Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 3 Offences[s 23](a)informs the chief executive, to the
best of the person’sability, how the information is false
or misleading; and(b)if the person has, or can reasonably
obtain, the correctinformation—gives the correct
information.23Wrongful dealing with documents
relevant to obtainingcard(1)A
person must not give another person a document that is, orcontains, evidence of the age of the person
mentioned in thedocument (thestated
person), if the person knows, or oughtreasonably to know, that the document may be
used to obtainan adult proof of age card for someone other
than the statedperson.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)A person must
not give another person a document containinginformationthepersonknowsisfalseormisleadinginamaterial particular if the person
knows, or ought reasonably toknow, the other
person intends to use the document to obtainan adult proof
of age card.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.23AProof of giving documents(1)Thissectionappliestoaproceedingforanoffenceagainstsection 22(1) or 23(1) or (2).(2)Itissufficientproofthedocumentwasgiventothechiefexecutive or
another person to prove it was given to a personauthorised to receive it for the chief
executive or other person.(3)It does not
matter whether the person was the chief executiveoranotherpersonorwhethertheauthorisationwasadelegation,agencyoranyotherformofauthorisationbywhich someone acts through another.Page
14Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 3 Offences[s 24]24Possessing another person’s
card(1)A person must not possess another
person’s adult proof of agecard unless the
person has a reasonable excuse.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(2)A person must
not give the person’s adult proof of age card toanotherpersonifthepersonknows,oroughtreasonablytoknow,theotherpersonintendstousethecardtodeceivesomeone.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(3)For subsection (2), it is irrelevant
whether the person intendedtobedeceivedisknownorunknown,orexistsordoesnotexist.25Documents purporting to be adult proof of
age card(1)A person must not possess a document
that resembles an adultproof of age card and is calculated to
deceive someone.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(2)Apersonmustnotgiveanotherpersonadocumentthatresemblesanadultproofofagecardandiscalculatedtodeceive someone.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(3)For subsections
(1) and (2), it is irrelevant whether the personintendedtobedeceivedisknownorunknown,orexistsordoes
not exist.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 4 APA register[s 26]Part
4APA register26Chief
executive must maintain a register(1)The
chief executive must maintain a register (APA
register)containingthefollowingdetailsforeachholderofanadultproof of age card—(a)the
holder’s customer number;(b)the holder’s
full name;(c)the holder’s residential
address;(d)if the holder’s address for service of
notices differs fromtheholder’sresidentialaddress—theholder’saddressfor service of
notices;(e)the holder’s date of birth;(f)the holder’s sex;(g)all
of the following dates—(i)the date the
card was issued to the holder;(ii)the
date the card expires;(iii)if the card is
replaced under part 2, division 4—thedate the
replacement card was issued to the holder;(h)a
digital photo of the holder;(i)a
digitised signature of the holder.(2)The
chief executive may also record in the register any otherinformationthechiefexecutivereasonablyconsidersappropriate for this Act.(3)In this section—customer
number, for a person, means the number the
chiefexecutivegivestothepersonunderthisActtoidentifytheperson as the holder of an adult proof
of age card.Page 16Current as at 14
April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 4 APA register[s 27]27Form of APA register(1)TheAPAregistermaybeentirelyorpartlyinanyofthefollowing forms—(a)a
computer database;(b)a documentary form;(c)another form the chief executive
considers appropriate.(2)The APA register
may be a part of another register maintainedby the chief
executive under theTransport Operations (RoadUse
Management) Act 1995.28Amending APA registerThechiefexecutive,onhisorherowninitiative,oronapplication by the holder of an adult
proof of age card, mayamend the APA register—(a)to correct an error in it; or(b)to include information missing from
it; or(c)to update the information in
it.29Inquiry into accuracy etc. of details
in APA register(1)This section applies if the chief
executive reasonably believesinformation
recorded in the APA register about the holder ofanadultproofofagecardisinaccurate,incompleteormisleading.(2)Thechiefexecutivemaygivetheholderawrittennoticerequiring the holder to give to the chief
executive, by the datestated in the notice, further
information or documents relatingto the
information considered to be inaccurate, incomplete ormisleading.(3)The
date stated in the notice must be at least 28 days after thenotice is given to the holder.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 4 APA register[s 30](4)The holder must comply with the
notice, unless the holder hasa reasonable
excuse.Maximum penalty for subsection (4)—20
penalty units.30Restricted written release of
information in APA register(1)The
chief executive may release, in writing, information keptin
the APA register about a person’s adult proof of age cardto—(a)on receiving an
application in the approved form—(i)the
person; or(ii)with the
person’s written consent—another entity;or(b)the commissioner of the police service
for the purposeof any function of the commissioner or any
function ofthe police service; or(c)a
person who issues proof of age cards under a law ofthe
Commonwealth or another State, and the release ofthe
information is for issuing a proof of age card underthat
law.(2)Also, the chief executive may release,
in writing, to an entityinformation kept in the APA register
about a person’s adultproof of age card if—(a)the person produces the card to the
entity as proof of theperson’s identity; and(b)theentityappliesintheapprovedformfortheinformation;
and(c)the information is necessary to verify
the validity of thecard.(3)Beforereleasinginformationtoapersonundersubsection(1)(c), the
chief executive must be satisfied any release of theinformationbythepersonwillbelimitedtocircumstancessimilar to those
mentioned in subsection (1).Page 18Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
30A](4)Information that may be released under
subsection (1) or (2)does not include a digital photo and
digitised signature.(5)An application
mentioned in subsection (1)(a) or (2)(b) maybe made by
electronic communication.30ARestricted oral
release of information in APA register(1)Thechiefexecutivemayorallyrelease,toaperson,information kept in the APA register about
the person’s adultproof of age card.(2)However, subsection (1) applies only if the
chief executive issatisfied that the person is the person to
whom the informationrelates.Example for
subsection (2)—The chief executive may be satisfied
as required under subsection (2) ifapersoncorrectlyanswersaseriesofquestions,orproducesadocument, for identifying the person.Part
5Biometric data and otherinformation
relating to adultproof of age card holders31Obtaining digital photo and digitised
signature(1)A person must allow the chief
executive to take and keep—(a)a
digital photo and digitised signature of the person, ifthepersonappliesfortheissueorreplacementofanadult proof of age card; or(b)a digital photo or digitised signature
of the person, if—(i)the person applies for anything else
in relation toan adult proof of age card; andCurrent as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
31](ii)thechiefexecutivehasgiventhepersonwrittennotice under subsection (3) or (4) in
relation to thephoto or signature.(2)Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to the
person if—(a)as allowed under this Act or a
prescribed smartcard Act,the chief executive is keeping the
person’s most recentdigital photo and digitised signature;
and(b)the chief executive is satisfied the
person’s most recentdigital photo is still a true likeness
of the person; and(c)the shelf life of the person’s most
recent digital photoand digitised signature, or the most
recent extension ofthe shelf life under section 31A, has not
ended and willnot end before the term of the adult proof
of age cardends.(3)If
the chief executive considers it reasonably necessary to usefacialrecognitiontechnologytoestablishaperson’sconnection to
the person’s most recent digital photo, the chiefexecutive may give the person a written
notice requiring theperson to allow the chief executive to
take and keep a digitalphoto of the person.(4)If the chief executive is satisfied
there is sufficient connectionbetween the
digital photo taken under subsection (1)(b) andthe person’s
most recent digital photo, the chief executive maygive
the person a written notice requiring the person to allowthe
chief executive to take and keep a digitised signature ofthe
person.(5)The chief executive must refuse to
consider any application bythe person
relating to an adult proof of age card if—(a)the
person does not comply with subsection (1); or(b)thechiefexecutiveisnotsatisfiedthereissufficientconnectionbetweenthedigitalphototakenundersubsection(1)(b)andtheperson’smostrecentdigitalphoto.Page
20Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
31A]31AExtending shelf life of digital photo
and digitisedsignature(1)The
chief executive may, for this Act, extend the shelf life ofthemostrecentdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignatureofaperson.(2)Theperiodforwhichtheshelflifemaybeextendedundersubsection (1)
must not result in the shelf life being extendedunder the subsection for periods totalling
more than 6 months.Example—If
the shelf life has been extended previously under subsection (1)
for 2months, the next extension under the
subsection must not be for morethan 4
months.32Using digital photo and digitised
signature(1)Thechiefexecutivemay,withaperson’sconsent,usetheperson’s most
recent digital photo and digitised signature forany
of the following purposes—(a)to help identify
the person for deciding whether or not togrant an
application for an adult proof of age card;(b)toreproducetheperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignature on an
adult proof of age card;(c)foradigitalphototakenundersection31(1)(b),toestablishtheperson’sconnectiontotheperson’smostrecent digital photo for the purposes of an
adult proof ofage card.(2)Thechiefexecutivemayuseaperson’smostrecentdigitalphoto and digitised signature to help in an
investigation of, orproceeding for, an offence
that—(a)happens—(i)inmakingtheapplicationforwhichtheperson’sdigitalphotoanddigitisedsignaturearetakenunder section
31(1); or(ii)during the
retention period for the digital photo anddigitised
signature; andCurrent as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
33](b)involves a person obtaining or
attempting to obtain anyof the following by a false statement,
misrepresentationor any other dishonest way—(i)an adult proof of age card or its
replacement;(ii)aPINoranythingelseforanadultproofofagecard.33Restricted access to digital
photo(1)Thechiefexecutivemayallowapersontoaccessadigitalphoto kept by
the chief executive under this Act if each of thefollowing applies—(a)theperson’sfacialimageisencodedonthedigitalphoto;(b)the person applies to the chief
executive, in the approvedform, for the access;(c)thepersonestablishes,tothechiefexecutive’sreasonablesatisfaction,theperson’sconnectiontothedigital photo by other evidence of his
or her identity, orby facial recognition technology.Example of other evidence for paragraph
(c)—a valid Australian passport(2)An application mentioned in subsection
(1)(b) may be madeby electronic communication.(3)Thechiefexecutivemustallowapoliceofficertoaccessadigital photo kept by the chief executive
under this Act or aprescribed smartcard Act if—(a)the access is for exercising a power
in relation to thisAct; or(b)theaccessisauthorisedunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilities Act 2000.(4)In this
section—access,adigitalphoto,meansobtainacopyofthedigitalphoto, including
by electronic communication.Page 22Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
34]34Deleting digital photo and digitised
signature fromregisterWhentheretentionperiodforadigitalphotoanddigitisedsignature taken
under this Act ends, the chief executive mustdelete the photo
and signature from any register kept by thechief executive
under this Act.36Restricted access to information
electronically stored oncard(1)A
person must not access information stored electronically onan
adult proof of age card, unless the person is—(a)the
holder of the card; or(b)apersonwhohastheholder’sconsenttoaccesstheinformation; or(c)apoliceofficerwhoisauthorisedunderthePolicePowersandResponsibilitiesAct2000toaccesstheinformation; or(d)subjecttosubsection(2),anotherpersonwhoisauthorised under
another Act to access the information.Maximum
penalty—20 penalty units.(2)A person acting
under subsection (1)(d) must not access anyemergencycontactinformationstoredelectronicallyontheadult proof of age card.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.Note—See theTransport Planning and Coordination Act
1994, section 36H forthe storing of
emergency contact information.(3)In
this section—access, in relation to
information stored electronically on anadultproofofagecard,meansviewortakeacopyoftheinformation.emergency
contact information, of a holder of an adult proofof
age card, means any or all of the following information—Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 5 Biometric data and other
information relating to adult proof of age card holders[s
37](a)the name of a person to be contacted
if there is a risk tothe holder’s life or health;(b)the following information about the
person mentioned inparagraph (a)—(i)the
person’s phone number;(ii)the person’s
address.37Retention period for digital photo and
digitised signature(1)This section sets out the retention
period for a digital photoand digitised signature taken under
this Act.(2)Unless subsection (3) applies, the
retention period for a digitalphoto and
digitised signature taken under section 31(1) is—(a)ifanapplicationmentionedinsection31(1)(a)isgrantedoradigitalphotoordigitisedsignaturetakenundersection31(1)(b)istobeusedundersection32(1)(b)—30
years after the relevant day; or(b)ifanapplicationmentionedinsection31(1)(a)isnotgranted—(i)6 months after the relevant day;
or(ii)the period
decided by the chief executive;whichever is the
shorter period; or(c)if paragraph (a) or (b) does not
apply—24 hours afterthe relevant day.(3)Despite subsection (2), if—(a)an investigation as mentioned in
section 32(2) is startedbefore the end of the retention period
worked out undersubsection (2)(b) or (c) of this section for
a digital photoand digitised signature; and(b)the chief executive reasonably
requires the digital photoand digitised signature to be kept for
a longer period fortheinvestigationoraproceedingresultingfromtheinvestigation;Page 24Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 6 Review of decisions[s
38]theretentionperiodforthedigitalphotoanddigitisedsignature is the
longer period mentioned in paragraph (b) ofthis
subsection.(4)In this section—relevant
day, for a digital photo and digitised
signature, meansthe day on which the digital photo and
digitised signature aretaken.38Annual report about access to digital
photos(1)Not later than 4 months after the end
of each financial year,the chief executive must prepare and
give to the Minister anannual report stating the number of
occasions on which accesswithin the meaning of section 33 was
allowed under section33(3)duringthefinancialyeartodigitalphotoskeptunderthis
Act.(2)The Minister must cause a copy of the
report to be laid beforetheLegislativeAssemblywithin14daysaftertheMinisterreceives
it.Part 6Review of
decisions39Internal review of decisions(1)Apersonwhoseinterestsareaffectedbyeitherofthefollowingdecisions(theoriginaldecision)ofthechiefexecutivemayaskthechiefexecutivetoreviewthedecision—(a)a
decision to refuse to issue an adult proof of age card;(b)a decision to cancel an adult proof of
age card.(2)The person is entitled to receive a
statement of reasons for theoriginaldecisionwhetherornottheprovisionofthisActunder which the decision was made requires
that the person begiven a statement of reasons for the
decision.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 7 Legal proceedings[s
Planning and Coordination Act 1994, part 5,division 2—(a)applies to the review; and(b)provides—(i)for
the procedure for applying for the review andthe way it is to
be carried out; and(ii)thattheoriginaldecisionmaybestayedbytheperson by
applying to QCAT.40External review of decisions(1)Ifarevieweddecisionisnotthedecisionsoughtbytheapplicantforthereview,thechiefexecutivemustgivetheapplicantaQCATinformationnoticefortherevieweddecision.(2)The
applicant may apply, as provided under the QCAT Act, toQCAT
for a review of the reviewed decision.Note—TheQCATAct,section22(3)providesthatQCATmaystaytheoperation of the reviewed decision,
either on application by a person oron its own
initiative.(3)In this section—QCAT information
noticemeans a notice complying with theQCAT
Act, section 157(2).reviewed decisionmeans the chief
executive’s decision on areview under section 39.Part
7Legal proceedings41Application of pt 7This part
applies to a proceeding under this Act.Page 26Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 7 Legal proceedings[s
42]42Evidence from APA registerAcertificatepurportingtobesignedbythechiefexecutiveandstatinganyofthefollowingmattersisevidenceofthematter—(a)a
stated document is the APA register, a part of the APAregister, or an extract from the APA
register;(b)astateddocumentisacopyoftheregister,partorextract mentioned in paragraph
(a);(c)on a stated day, or for a stated
period, a stated personwas or was not the holder of a valid
adult proof of agecard;(d)on a
stated day, a stated person’s adult proof of age cardexpired, or was surrendered or
cancelled.43Proof of appointment and authority
unnecessary(1)ForaproceedingunderthisAct,thefollowingmustbepresumedunlessapartytotheproceeding,byprescribednotice, requires
proof of it—(a)the appointment of the chief
executive;(b)the authority of the chief executive
to do anything underthis Act.(2)In
this section—prescribednotice,foraproceedingunderthisAct,meansnotice given to
the chief executive at least 14 days before theday a court
starts to hear the proceeding.44Proof
of signature unnecessaryAsignaturepurportingtobethesignatureofthechiefexecutive is evidence of the signature it
purports to be.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 8 Miscellaneous[s 45]45Proceedings for offencesA
proceeding for an offence against this Act is to be taken in
asummary way under theJustices Act
1886.Part 8Miscellaneous46Confidentiality(1)A
person must not disclose, record or use information that theperson gained—(a)through involvement in the administration of
this Act; or(b)because of an opportunity provided by
the involvement.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.(2)However,apersonmaydisclose,recordorusetheinformation—(a)in
the discharge of a function under this Act; or(b)if
it is authorised—(i)under another Act or a regulation;
or(ii)by the person to
whom the information relates; or(c)in a
proceeding before a court or tribunal in which theinformation is relevant.(3)In
this section—discloseinformation
means—(a)intentionally or recklessly disclose
the information; or(b)allow access to the
information.informationincludes a
digital photo and digitised signature.Page 28Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 8 Miscellaneous[s
47]47Protection from liability(1)Thissectionappliestoeachofthefollowingpersons(arelevant person)—(a)the chief executive;(b)apersonauthorisedbythechiefexecutivetodosomething under
this Act.(2)Arelevantpersonisnotcivillyliableforanactdone,oromissionmade,honestlyandwithoutnegligenceunderthisAct.(3)If subsection (2) prevents civil
liability attaching to a relevantperson, the
liability attaches instead to the State.47AKeeping and using information obtained or
kept underthis Act or particular transport Acts(1)The chief executive may, for this Act,
keep or use informationobtainedorkeptunderaparticulartransportActiftheinformation—(a)relates to any matter under this Act;
or(b)concerns the administration of this
Act.(2)The chief executive may, for a
particular transport Act, keeporuseinformationobtainedorkeptunderthisActiftheinformation—(a)relates to any matter under the particular
transport Act;or(b)concernstheadministrationoftheparticulartransportAct.(3)The
general manager under theMaritime Safety QueenslandAct
2002may, for theTransport
Operations (Marine Safety)Act 1994, keep or use
information obtained or kept under thisAct if the
information—(a)relatestoanymatterundertheTransportOperations(Marine Safety)
Act 1994; orCurrent as at 14
April 2011Page 29
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 8 Miscellaneous[s 48](b)concerns the administration of
theTransport Operations(Marine Safety)
Act 1994.(4)Information that
may be kept or used under subsection (1), (2)or (3) does not
include a digital photo and digitised signature.(5)This section applies despite a
provision of this or another Act.(6)In
this section—particular transport Actmeans a
following Act—(a)theTow Truck Act
1973;(b)theTransport Infrastructure Act 1994;(c)theTransport Operations (Marine Safety) Act
Operations (Road Use Management) Act1995;(f)theTransport Security (Counter-Terrorism) Act
formsThe chief executive may approve forms for
use under this Act.49Regulation-making power(1)TheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a
regulation made under thisAct may do any or all of the
following—(a)impose a penalty of not more than 20
penalty units for acontravention of a provision of the
regulation;(b)subject to subsection (3), prescribe
fees payable underthis Act and the matters for which fees are
payable;(c)provideforthereviewofdecisionsmadeundertheregulation.Page 30Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Part 8 Miscellaneous[s
49](3)A regulation can not prescribe a fee
for the replacement of anadultproofofagecardifthereplacementistheresultofinformation on the card being incorrect
because ofan errormade by the
chief executive.(4)Also,withoutlimitingsubsection(1),aregulationmayprovide for a PIN to be used by the holder
of a valid adultproof of age card as a security measure to
protect informationstored electronically on the card.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008ScheduleScheduleDictionarysection 4Page
32adult proof of age cardsee section
5.APA registersee section
26(1).applicantmeans an
applicant for an adult proof of age card.cardmeans an adult proof of age card.damaged, in relation to
an adult proof of age card—(a)means—(i)the
card is damaged to an extent that—(A)any
information on the card is impossible ordifficulttoreadwithouttheuseoftechnology; or(B)a
digital photo or a digitised signature on thecardisimpossibleordifficulttorecognisewithout the use
of technology; or(ii)any information
stored electronically on the card isno longer
accessible by using the holder’s PIN; and(b)includes destroyed.digital
photomeans a facial image encoded in a digital
form.digitised signaturemeans a person’s
signature encoded in adigital image form.electroniccommunicationseetheElectronicTransactions(Queensland) Act
2001, schedule 2.eligible personsee section
the card is issued.information notice, for a
decision, means a notice stating thefollowing—(a)the
decision;Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Schedule(b)the
reasons for the decision;(c)that the person
to whom the notice is given may—(i)undersection39—askforthedecisiontobereviewed by the chief executive;
and(ii)undertheTransportPlanningandCoordinationAct1994, part 5,
division 2—apply to QCAT forthe decision to
be stayed; and(iii)undersection40—askforthechiefexecutive’sdecision on the
review (thereviewed decision) tobe
reviewed by QCAT; and(iv)undertheQCATAct—applyfortherevieweddecision to be stayed.most recent
digital photo, of a person—(a)means the most recent digital photo of the
person takenand kept by—(i)the
chief executive under section 31; or(ii)anychiefexecutiveunderaprescribedsmartcardAct;
and(b)includesthemostrecentdigitalphototakenandkeptundertheTransportOperations(MarineSafety)Act1994bythegeneralmanagerappointedundertheMaritime Safety Queensland Act
2002.most recent digitised signature, of
a person—(a)means the most recent digitised
signature of the persontaken and kept by—(i)the
chief executive under section 31; or(ii)anychiefexecutiveunderaprescribedsmartcardAct;
and(b)includesthemostrecentdigitisedsignaturetakenandkeptundertheTransportOperations(MarineSafety)Act1994bythegeneralmanagerappointedundertheMaritime Safety Queensland Act
2002.prescribed feemeans the fee
prescribed under a regulation.Current as at 14
April 2011Page 33
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Scheduleprescribed
smartcard Actmeans—(a)theTow Truck Act 1973; or(b)theTransport
Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994; or(c)theTransportOperations(PassengerTransport)Act1994; or(d)theTransport
Operations (Road Use Management) Act1995.proof of age cardmeans a document
that—(a)contains a photo of the person to whom
it is issued; and(b)indicatesbyreferencetotheperson’sdateofbirthorotherwise that the person has attained a
particular age.retention period, for a digital
photo and digitised signature,means the
retention period worked out under section 37.shelf
life, of a digital photo and digitised
signature, means 10years after the photo and signature are
obtain.valid adult proof of age cardmeans an adult proof of age cardthat
has not expired, or been surrendered or cancelled.Page
34Current as at 14 April 2011
EndnotesAdult Proof of
Age Card Act 2008Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.353Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .364Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .377List of forms notified or published in
the gazette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .392Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c). Accordingly, thisreprint includes all amendments that
commenced operation on or before 14 April 2011.Future amendments
of the Adult Proof of Age Card Act 2008 may be made in
accordancewith this reprint under the Reprints Act
1992, section 49.Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Endnotes3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in comorigpparaprecpresprevExplanation=Acts
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered4Table of reprintsReprints are
issued for both future and past effective dates. For the most
up-to-date tableof reprints, see the reprint with the latest
effective date.Ifareprintnumberincludesaletterofthealphabet,thereprintwasreleasedinunauthorised, electronic form only.ReprintNo.11A1BAmendments included2009 Act No.
242010 Act No. 132010 Act No.
192010 Act No. 512011 Act No.
12Effective24 July
20101 December 201014 April
of legislationAdult Proof of Age Card Act 2008 No.
72date of assent 11 December 2008ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 24 July 2010 (2010 SL No. 182)Page
36Current as at 14 April 2011
Proof of Age Card Act 2008Endnotesamending
legislation—Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
(Jurisdiction Provisions) AmendmentAct 2009 No. 24
ss 1–2, ch 13 pt 1date of assent 26 June 2009ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 2009 (2009 SL No. 252)Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2010 No. 13 ss 1, 2(2)(b), ch 3 pt 1date of assent 1
April 2010ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced on date of
assent (see s 2(2)(b))Transport and Other Legislation
Amendment Act (No. 2) 2010 No. 19 ss 1, 2(5)(a), ch4 pt
1date of assent 23 May 2010ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 23 July 2010 (2010 SL No. 184)Liquor
and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010 No. 51 s 1, pt 2date
of assent 1 December 2010commenced on date of assentTransport and Other Legislation Amendment Act
2011 No. 12 s 1, pt 2date of assent 14 April 2011commenced on date of assent6List of annotationsWhat
is an “adult proof of age card”s 5sub
2010 No. 13 s 44Card is property of the States
6amd 2010 No. 13 s 45Eligibility for
cards 7amd 2010 No. 51 s 4Application for cards 8amd
2010 No. 51 s 5Application for new card by electronic
communications 9amd 2010 No. 13 s 46Request for further information or
documentss 10amd 2010 No. 19 s 183Decision on applications 11amd
2010 No. 13 s 47Issue of cards 12amd
2010 No. 51 s 6Current as at 14 April 2011Page
Proof of Age Card Act 2008EndnotesExpiry of
cards 13amd 2010 No. 13 s 48Proof
of giving documentss 23Ains 2010 No. 13 s 49Restricted written release of information in
APA registerprov hdgamd 2011 No. 12 s
4(1)s 30amd 2010 No. 13 s 50; 2011 No. 12 s
4(2)Restricted oral release of information in APA
registers 30Ains 2011 No. 12 s 5Obtaining digital photo and digitised
signatures 31sub 2010 No. 13 s 51Extending shelf life of digital photo and
digitised signatures 31Ains 2010 No. 13 s 51Using
digital photo and digitised signatures 32amd
2010 No. 13 s 52Restricted access to digital photos
33amd 2010 No. 13 s 53Storing emergency
contact information electronically on an adult proof of age
cards 35om 2010 No. 19 s 184Restricted access to information
electronically stored on cards 36amd
2010 No. 19 ss 185, 186Retention period for digital photo and
digitised signatures 37sub 2010 No. 13 s 54PART
6—REVIEW OF DECISIONSpt hdgamd 2009 No. 24 s
1699Internal review of decisionsprov
hdgsub 2009 No. 24 s 1700(1)s
39amd 2009 No. 24 s 1700(2)External review of decisionss
40sub 2009 No. 24 s 1701KeepingandusinginformationobtainedorkeptunderthisActorparticulartransport
Actss 47Ains 2010 No. 13 s 55Regulation-making powers 49amd
2009 No. 24 s 1702; 2010 No. 13 s 56PART 9— AMENDMENT
OF OTHER ACTSpt hdgom R1 (see RA s
7(1)(k))Division 1—Amendment of Liquor Act
1992div 1 (ss 50–53)om R1 (see RA ss
7(1)(k) and 40)Page 38Current as at 14
April 2011