Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Queensland) Act 1994
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Queensland) Act
QueenslandAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Queensland)Act1994Current as at 1 December 2006—revised
versionReprint notePowers under
theReprintsAct1992have been used in this reprint to
bringthe legislation into line with current
drafting practice.
Information about this reprintThis
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised bythe Parliamentary Counsel.AnewreprintofthelegislationwillbepreparedbytheOfficeoftheQueenslandParliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change maybe because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences orbecause a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed.When a new reprint
is prepared, this reprint will become a historical reprint. Also,
if it isnecessary to replace this reprint before a
new reprint is prepared, for example, to includeamendments with a retrospective commencement,
an appropriate note would be
endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
legislation and reprint.For example—•The
table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, givesdetails of any discretionary editorial powers under theReprints Act 1992used by theOffice of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it.•Thelistoflegislationendnotegiveshistoricalinformationabouttheoriginallegislationandthelegislationwhichamendedit.Italsogivesdetailsofuncommencedamendmentstothislegislation.Forinformationaboutpossibleamendments to the
legislation by Bills introduced in Parliament, see the•The
list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
level.All Queensland reprints are dated and
authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. Theprevious numbering
system and distinctions between printed and electronic reprints
arenot continued.
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Agricultural and Veterinary
Chemicals(Queensland) Act 1994[as amended by
all amendments that commenced on or before 1 December 2006]An Act
to apply certain Commonwealth laws about agriculturaland
veterinary chemical products as Queensland laws, and forother
reasons for enacting this Act are that it recognises that—1Theprotectionofthehealthandsafetyofhumanbeings,animals and the environment is essential to
the wellbeing ofsociety and can be enhanced by putting in
place a system toregulateagriculturalchemicalproductsandveterinarychemical
products (chemical products).2Theprincipleofecologicallysustainabledevelopmentrequiresaregulatorysystemdesignedtoensuretheuseofchemicalproductstodaywillnotimpairtheprospectsoffuture generations.3The
furthering of trade and commerce between Australia andplaces outside Australia, and the present
and future economicviabilityandcompetitivenessofprimaryindustryandadomesticindustryformanufacturingandformulatingchemical
products—(a)are essential for the wellbeing of the
economy; and(b)require a system for regulating
chemical products that iscosteffective,efficient,predictable,adaptiveandresponsive.4It
is desirable to establish a regulatory system that is open
andaccountable and gives opportunity for public
input about theregulation of chemical products.Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 5
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 1 Preliminary[s 1]5Thesystemshould,asfaraspracticable,beuniformthroughout
Australia.6Uniformitycouldbestbeachievedbytheenactmentoflegislation by the Commonwealth Parliament
as a law for thegovernmentoftheAustralianCapitalTerritoryandtheadoption of the legislation by the
Parliaments and legislaturesof the States
and the Northern Territory.Part 1Preliminary1Short
(Queensland) Act 1994.2CommencementThis Act
commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.3DefinitionsThe dictionary
in the schedule defines particular words usedin this
Act.4Jervis Bay TerritoryForthepurposesofthisAct,andAgvetCodeandAgvetRegulationsofthisjurisdiction,theJervisBayTerritoryistaken to be part of the Australian Capital
Territory.Page 6Current as at 1
December 2006 revised version
2Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 2 The Agvet Code, and Agvet
Regulations, of this jurisdiction[s 5]The
Agvet Code, and AgvetRegulations, of this
jurisdiction5Application of Agvet Code in this
jurisdictionTheCodesetoutinthescheduletotheAgriculturalandVeterinary Chemicals Code Act—(a)applies as a law of Queensland;
and(b)may be cited as the Agvet Code of
Queensland.6Application of Agvet Regulations in
this jurisdictionThe regulations in force under the
Agricultural and VeterinaryChemicals Code
Act, section 6—(a)applyasregulationsinforceforthepurposesoftheAgvet Code of Queensland; and(b)may be cited as the Agvet Regulations
of Queensland.7Interpretation of Agvet Code and Agvet
Regulations ofthis jurisdiction(1)IntheAgvetCode,andAgvetRegulations,ofthisjurisdiction—CommonwealthInterpretationActmeanstheActsInterpretation
Act 1901(Cwlth).the Minister for
this jurisdictionmeans the Minister.this
jurisdictionmeans Queensland.(2)Subject to part 1 of the Agvet Code of this
jurisdiction, theCommonwealthInterpretationActappliesasalawofthisjurisdiction
and(b)any instrument made, granted or issued
under the Codeor Regulations.Current as at 1
December 2006 revised versionPage
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 2 The Agvet Code, and Agvet
Regulations, of this jurisdiction[s 8](3)Forthepurposesofsubsection(2),theCommonwealthInterpretation
Act applies as if—(a)theAgvetCodeofthisjurisdictionwereaCommonwealth Act; and(b)the Agvet Regulations of this
jurisdiction or instrumentsmentionedinthesubsectionwereregulationsorinstruments made under a Commonwealth
Interpretation Act 1954does not apply to—(a)the
Agvet Code, or Agvet Regulations, of Queensland;or(b)any instrument
made, granted or issued under the Codeor
Regulations.8Ancillary offences (aiding, abetting,
accessories,attempts, incitement or conspiracy)(1)In this section—Commonwealth
ancillary criminal lawsmeans—(a)theCrimes Act 1914(Cwlth), section
5, 6, 7 or 7A; or(b)theCrimes Act
1914(Cwlth), section 86(1).(2)The
Commonwealth ancillary criminal laws apply as laws ofthisjurisdictiontoanoffenceagainsttheAgvetCode,orAgvet Regulations, of this
jurisdiction—(a)asifareferenceinthelawstoalawoftheCommonwealthwereareferencetotheCodeorRegulations; and(b)to
the exclusion of laws of this jurisdiction to the sameor a
similar effect.(3)In the Agvet Code, or Agvet
Regulations, of this jurisdiction,areferencetoanoffenceagainsttheCodeorRegulationsincludesareferencetoarelatedoffenceagainsttheCommonwealth ancillary criminal laws.Page
8Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 3 Citing the Agvet Codes, and
Agvet Regulations, of other jurisdictions[s 9]Part
3Citing the Agvet Codes, andAgvet Regulations, of otherjurisdictions9References to Agvet Codes and Agvet
Regulations ofother jurisdictions(1)This
section has effect for the purposes of an Act, a law of thisjurisdiction or an instrument made under an
Act or law of thisjurisdiction.(2)If a
law of a jurisdiction other than this jurisdiction providesthat
the Code set out in the schedule to the Agricultural andVeterinary Chemicals Code Act as in force
for the time beingappliesasalawofthejurisdiction,theAgvetCodeofthejurisdiction is
the Agvet Code so set out, applying as a law ofthe
jurisdiction.(3)If a law of a jurisdiction other than
this jurisdiction providesthattheregulationsinforceforthetimebeingundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicalsCodeAct,section6applyasregulationsinforceforthepurposesoftheAgvetCodeofthejurisdiction,theAgvetRegulationsofthejurisdiction are the regulations so
applying.10References to Agvet Codes and Agvet
Regulations(1)The object of this section is to help
ensure the Agvet Code ofthis jurisdiction can operate, in
appropriate circumstances, asiftheCode,togetherwiththeAgvetCodeofeachotherjurisdiction, made up a single national
Agvet Code applyingthroughout Australia.(2)Areferenceinaninstrumentto theAgvetCodes,orAgvetRegulations,istaken,forthepurposesofthelawsofthisjurisdiction—(a)tobeareferencetotheAgvetCode,orAgvetRegulations, of
this jurisdiction; andCurrent as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 9
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 4 Application of Agvet Codes to the
Commonwealth, States and Territories[s 11](b)toincludeaseparatereferencetotheAgvetCode,orAgvet Regulations, of each other
jurisdiction.(3)Subsection(2)haseffectexceptsofarasthecontraryintentionappearsintheinstrumentorthecontextofthereference otherwise requires.Part
4Application of Agvet Codes tothe
Commonwealth, States andTerritories11Agvet
Code of this jurisdictionThe Agvet Code of this jurisdiction
binds the State and, so farasthelegislativepoweroftheParliamentpermits,theCommonwealth, the other States and the
Territories.12Agvet Code of other
jurisdictionsTheAgvetCodeofeachjurisdictionotherthanthisjurisdiction binds the State.13No liability to prosecutionNothing in this part, or the Agvet Code of
this jurisdiction,makes the Commonwealth or a State or
Territory liable to beprosecuted for an offence.14Overriding the prerogativeIf,becauseofthispart,aprovisionofthelawofanotherjurisdictionbindstheState,theStateissubjecttotheprovision despite any prerogative
right or privilege.Page 10Current as at 1
December 2006 revised version
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 5 Application of Commonwealth
administrative laws to Agvet Code and AgvetRegulations of
this jurisdiction[s 15]Part 5Application of Commonwealthadministrative laws to AgvetCode
and Agvet Regulations ofthis jurisdiction15Object of pt 5The object of
this part is to help ensure the Agvet Code of thisjurisdiction and the Agvet Code of each
other jurisdiction areadministered on a uniform
basis.16Application of Commonwealth
administrative laws inrelation to applicable
provisions(1)The Commonwealth administrative laws
apply as laws of thisjurisdiction to any matter arising in
relation to the applicableprovisions of this jurisdiction as if
the provisions were laws ofthe Commonwealth
and were not laws of this jurisdiction.(2)TheprovisionsoftheAgvetCodeofthisjurisdictionthatrequiretheAPVMAtogivebriefparticularsofreasonsfordecisions do not affect the obligations of
the APVMA undertheAdministrativeAppealsTribunalAct1975(Cwlth),section 28, as that section applies as a law
of this jurisdictionunder subsection (1).(3)TheprovisionsoftheAgvetCodeofthisjurisdictionthatrelatetothedisclosureofconfidentialcommercialinformationdonotaffecttheoperationoftheFreedomofInformation Act 1982(Cwlth) as that
Act applies as a law ofthis jurisdiction under subsection
(1).(4)For a law of this jurisdiction, a
matter arising in relation to theapplicable
provisions of this jurisdiction is taken—(a)tobeamatterarisinginrelationtolawsoftheCommonwealthinthesamewayasiftheprovisionswere laws of the
Commonwealth; and(b)nottobeamatterarisinginrelationtolawsofthisjurisdiction.Current as at 1
December 2006 revised versionPage
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 5 Application of Commonwealth
administrative laws to Agvet Code and AgvetRegulations of
this jurisdiction[s 17](5)Subsection (4) has effect except as
prescribed by a regulationunder section 32.17Functions and powers conferred on
Commonwealthofficers and authorities(1)ACommonwealthadministrativelawapplyingbecauseofsection16thatconfersonaCommonwealthofficerorauthority a function or power also
confers on the officer orauthority the same function or power
in relation to a matterarisinginrelationtoanapplicableprovisionofthisjurisdiction.(2)Inperformingafunctionorexercisingapowerconferredunder subsection (1), the Commonwealth
officer or authoritymustactasnearlyaspracticableastheofficerorauthoritywouldactinperformingorexercisingthesamefunctionorpower under the Commonwealth
administrative law.18Reference in Commonwealth
administrative law to aprovision of another lawFor
section 16, a reference in a Commonwealth administrativelawtoaprovisionofthatoranotherCommonwealthadministrative
law is taken to be a reference to the provisionas applying
because of section 16.19Construction of
references to Part IVA of CommonwealthAAT ActFor
section 16, a reference in a provision of theAdministrativeAppeals Tribunal
Act 1975(Cwlth) (as the provision appliesas a
law of this jurisdiction) to the whole or any part of PartIVA
of that Act is taken to be a reference to the whole or anypart
of that part as it has effect as a law of the Commonwealth.Page
12Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
7Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 7 Australian Pesticides and
Veterinary Medicines Authority[s 21]Australian Pesticides andVeterinary Medicines Authority21Conferral of functions and powers on
APVMA(1)TheAPVMAhasthefunctionsandpowersconferredorexpressed to be conferred on it under
this Act or the AgvetCode of this jurisdiction.(2)Besides the powers mentioned in
subsection (1), the APVMAmaydoallthingsnecessaryorconvenienttobedoneinperforming its functions and, in particular,
may—(a)enter into contracts; and(b)acquire, hold and dispose of real and
personal property;and(c)occupy, use and
control any land or building owned orheldunderleasebytheCommonwealth,aStateoraTerritoryandmadeavailableforthepurposesoftheAPVMA;
and(d)appoint agents and attorneys, and act
as agent for otherpersons; and(e)do
anything incidental to any of its powers.22Agreements and arrangements(1)TheMinister,orapersonauthorisedinwritingbytheMinister,mayenterintoanagreementorarrangementwiththe
Commonwealth Minister for the performance of functionsor
the exercise of powers by the APVMA as an agent of theState.(2)The
APVMA has the functions and powers mentioned in theagreement or arrangement.Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 13
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 7 Australian Pesticides and
Veterinary Medicines Authority[s 23]23Conferral of other functions and
powers for purposes oflaw in this jurisdictionTheAPVMAmaydoactsinthisjurisdictionintheperformance or exercise of any
function or power—(a)expressed to be conferred on it by a
law of a jurisdiction(other than this jurisdiction) that
corresponds to this Actor the Agvet Code of this
jurisdiction; or(b)mentioned in an agreement or
arrangement made underaprovisionofanActofajurisdictionotherthanthisjurisdiction corresponding to section
22.23AConsultation with gene technology
regulator(1)A function or power conferred on the
APVMA under section8AoftheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration) Act about any matter
arising in relation totheCodesetoutinthescheduletotheAgriculturalandVeterinary Chemicals Code Act extends to any
correspondingmatter arising in relation to the applicable
provisions of thisjurisdiction, and the section applies
accordingly.(2)If the APVMA gives the regulator
within the meaning of theGene Technology Act 2001a
notice under section 8A(3) of theAgricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act(asthatsectionappliesbyforceofsubsection(1)ofthissection), the
regulator may give written advice to the APVMAabout the
application, reconsideration or issue.(3)Theadvicemustbegivenwithintheperiodstatedinthenotice.(4)AreferenceintheAgvetCodeofthisjurisdictiontoaprovisionofsection8AoftheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration)Acthaseffectasifitwereareference to that provision as
applying by force of subsection(1) of this
section.Note—This section does
not appear in the Commonwealth Act but is consistentwithamendmentstoCommonwealthActsmadebytheGenePage 14Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 8 Miscellaneous[s
24]Technology (Consequential Amendments) Act
2000 (Cwlth), schedule 1,items 1 to
7.24Commonwealth Minister may give
directions inexceptional circumstancesThe
power of the Commonwealth Minister to give directionstotheAPVMAundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals
(Administration) Act, section 10 extends to givingdirectionsaboutfunctionsandpowersoftheAPVMAconferred under
the applicable provisions of this jurisdiction,and the section
applies accordingly.Part 8Miscellaneous25OrdersOrders in force
for the time being under the Agricultural andVeterinaryChemicalsCodeAct,section7havethesameeffect for the
purposes of the Agvet Code of this jurisdictionastheywouldhaveiftheywereprovisionsoftheAgvetRegulations of
this jurisdiction.26Manufacturing principlesSubjecttotheAgvetCode,andAgvetRegulations,ofthisjurisdiction,
the manufacturing principles in force for the timebeing under the Agricultural and Veterinary
Chemicals Act,section 23 also have effect for the purposes
of part 8 of theCode.27DelegationThepowerofdelegationoftheCommonwealthMinisterundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration)Act,section71extendstothepowersexpressedtobeconferredontheCommonwealthMinisterCurrent as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 15
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 8 Miscellaneous[s 28]under this Act or the Agvet Code of this
jurisdiction, and thesection applies accordingly.28Conferral of powers on State
officers(1)Thissectionappliesifanofficerofadepartment,administrativeunitorauthorityisauthorised,undertheAgricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Administration) Act,section 69F, by the chief executive
officer of the APVMA toexercise the powers or perform the
functions of an inspectorfor the purposes of a particular
relevant law.(2)The powers and functions are conferred
on the officer.(3)Thepowersandfunctionsaretobeexercisedorperformedundertheauthorisationbutaretakentohavebeenvalidlyexercised or
performed despite any failure to comply with acondition or
restriction of the authorisation.(4)WordsandexpressionsusedinthissectionhavethesamemeaningsastheyhaveintheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals
(Administration) Act, section 69F.28AInspectors and analysts(1)This
section applies for each person as follows (anofficer)—(a)aninspectorappointedundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration)Act,section69F(1);(b)ananalystapprovedundertheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration)Act,section69G.(2)An officer has, for a matter arising
in relation to an applicableprovisionofthisjurisdiction,thefunctionsandpowersconferred or
expressed to be conferred on him or her under theapplicable provisions of this
jurisdiction.Page 16Current as at 1
December 2006 revised version
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 8 Miscellaneous[s
28B]28BValidation of actions of inspectors
and analysts(1)In this section—officermeans an officer as defined under section
(Queensland) Amendment Act 2001, section
5.relevant time, in relation to
a thing, means the time at whichthe thing was
done or omitted to be done or purported to havebeen done or
omitted to be done.(2)Anything done or omitted to be done by
an officer before thecommencement of the relevant section
that would have beenvalidlydoneoromittedhadtherelevantsectioncomeintooperation before the relevant time has, and
is taken always tohave had, the same force and effect as it
would have had if therelevant section had come into
operation before the relevanttime.Editor’s note—See
also theCo-operative Schemes (Administrative
Actions) Act 2001,part 2 (Validation of invalid
administrative actions).29Application of
fees and taxesAllfees,taxesandotheramounts(otherthanpenaltiesandfines) that, under the applicable provisions
of this jurisdiction,are authorised or directed to be
payable by or imposed on aperson must be paid to the
Commonwealth.30Documents or substances held by
previous registeringauthority may be given to APVMAAn
authority of this jurisdiction that, immediately before thecommencement of this section, performed
functions under aprovision of the law of this jurisdiction
that corresponded to aprovision of the Agvet Code of this
jurisdiction may give totheAPVMAdocumentsorsubstancesinitspossessionorcustodythatwerereceivedbyitintheperformanceofthefunctionsorotherwiserelatetotheperformanceofthefunctions.Current as at 1
December 2006 revised versionPage
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 9 Imposition of fees and
taxes[s 31]31Section 30 has effect despite any other
lawSection 30 has effect despite any other law
of this jurisdiction,including, for example, thePublic Records Act 2002.32Regulation-making powerTheGovernorinCouncilmaymakeregulationsunderthisAct.33Eligible lawsA regulation may
declare any law, or provision of a law, to beaneligiblelawforthepurposesofthedefinitionpermitinsection 109 of the Agvet Code of this
jurisdiction.Part 9Imposition of
fees and taxes34Fees (including taxes)This
section imposes the fees (including fees that are taxes)that
the Agvet Regulations of this jurisdiction prescribe.Part
10Conferral of functions onCommonwealth Director ofPublic
Prosecutions35Conferral of functions on Commonwealth
Director ofPublic ProsecutionsTheCommonwealthDirectorofPublicProsecutions(theCommonwealth Director) may—Page
18Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 11 Transitional provisions[s
36](a)start prosecutions on indictment for
indictable offencesagainsttheAgvetCode,orAgvetRegulations,ofthisjurisdiction;
and(b)carryonprosecutionsofthekindmentionedinparagraph(a)(otherthanprosecutionsstartedbytheAttorney-GeneralortheDirectorofProsecutions),whether or not
started by the Commonwealth Director;and(c)if the Attorney-General or Director of
Prosecutions askstheCommonwealthDirectorinwritingtocarryonaprosecution of the kind mentioned in
paragraph (a) thatwasstartedbytheAttorney-GeneralorDirectorofProsecutions—carry on the prosecution;
and(d)start proceedings for the commitment
of persons for trialfor indictable offences against the
Agvet Code, or AgvetRegulations, of this jurisdiction;
and(e)start proceedings for the summary
conviction of personsforoffencesagainsttheAgvetCode,orAgvetRegulations, of
this jurisdiction; and(f)carry on
proceedings of a kind mentioned in paragraph(d) or (e)
(whether or not started by the CommonwealthDirector);
and(g)do anything incidental or conducive to
the performanceof any of the functions mentioned in
paragraphs (a) to(f).Part 11Transitional provisions36Transitional provision for Agricultural and
VeterinaryChemicals (Queensland) Amendment Act
2001(1)Replacementpart5appliesinrelationtomattersarisinginrelation to the applicable provisions
of this jurisdiction, anddecisionsmadeorotherthingsdoneoromittedtobedoneCurrent as at 1
December 2006 revised versionPage
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Part 11 Transitional provisions[s
36]under the Commonwealth administrative laws
relating to thematters, before, on or after the
commencement of that part.(2)In this
section—replacementpart5meanspart5,asinsertedbytheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Queensland)Amendment Act
2001.Page 20Current as at 1
December 2006 revised version
ScheduleAgricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (Queensland) Act 1994ScheduleDictionarysection 3AgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicalsActmeanstheAgricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act
1994(Cwlth).Agricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) ActmeanstheAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicals(Administration) Act 1992(Cwlth).Agricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals Code Actmeans theAgriculturalandVeterinaryChemicalsCodeAct1994(Cwlth).AgvetCodeofQueenslandmeanstheprovisionsapplyingbecause of section 5.AgvetRegulationsofQueenslandmeanstheprovisionsapplying because
of section 6.applicable provisionof a
jurisdiction means a provision of—(a)the
Agvet Code of the jurisdiction; or(b)the
Agvet Regulations of the jurisdiction; or(c)a
Commonwealth law that applies in the jurisdiction to aprovisionof,oroffenceagainst,theAgvetCodeorAgvet Regulations of the
(Administration) Act.authorityof the
Commonwealth has the meaning given by theAgricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals Act.Commonwealth administrative
following Commonwealth Acts—(i)theAdministrativeAppealsTribunalAct1975,excluding part IVA;(ii)theFreedom of Information Act 1982;Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 21
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Schedule(iii)theOmbudsman Act 1976;(iv)thePrivacy Act 1988;and(b)the regulations in force under the
Acts.CommonwealthMinistermeans‘theMinister’withinthemeaning of the Agvet Code of the
participating Territories.conferincludes
impose.corresponding Actmeans an Act of
another jurisdiction thatcorresponds to this Act.corresponding lawmeans—(a)a corresponding Act; or(b)regulations made under a corresponding
Act; or(c)theAgvetCode,AgvetRegulations,oranotherapplicable
provision, of another jurisdiction; or(d)rules of court made under a corresponding
Act.instrumentmeans a
document, including, for example—(a)an
Act or instrument made under an Act; or(b)a
law of this jurisdiction or an instrument made under alaw
of this jurisdiction; or(c)an award or
other industrial determination or order, oran industrial
agreement; or(d)anyotherorder(whetherexecutive,judicialorotherwise); or(e)a
notice, certificate or licence; or(f)an
agreement; or(g)anapplicationmade,informationorcomplaintlaid,affidavit sworn, or warrant issued, for any
purpose; or(h)an indictment, presentment, summons or
writ; or(i)any other pleading in, or process
issued about, a legal orother proceeding.jurisdictionmeans a State or
the participating Territories.Page 22Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Schedulelawof a
participating Territory means a law of, or in force in,the
Territory.officerof the
Commonwealth has the meaning given by theAgricultural and
Veterinary Chemicals Act.participating Territorymeans—(a)the
Australian Capital Territory; or(b)another Territory declared by regulations in
force underthe Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
Act, section25 to be a participating Territory.Stateincludes the
Northern Territory.Territorydoes not include
the Northern Territory of Australia,NorfolkIsland,theTerritoryofChristmasIslandortheTerritory of
Cocos (Keeling) Islands.this jurisdictionmeans
Queensland.Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 23
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994EndnotesEndnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .243Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .262KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdnumo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=numbered=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No. [X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised version=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2012=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumbered3Table of reprintsA new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
ParliamentaryCounsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect.The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers undertheReprints Act 1992used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel inpreparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatoryPage 24Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994Endnotesrequirementsthatallamendmentsbeincludedandallnecessaryconsequentialamendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Furtherdetails of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained bycontacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 30039601 or email,allQueenslandreprintsaredatedandauthorisedbytheParliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printedand
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprintsincluded in this table.ReprintNo.11A1B1CAmendments
tonone2001 Act No. 272001 Act No.
682001 Act No. 97Effective15
March 199525 May 20011 November
200119 December 2001Reprint
date24 March 19951 June
200123 November 20012 January
2002ReprintNo.1D1E2Amendments included2002 Act No.
112006 Act No. 48—Effective1 July
20021 December 20061 December
2006NotesR1E withdrawn,
see R2Current as at1 December 2006
rvAmendments included—NotesRA s 44A4List of legislationAgricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994 No. 78date of assent 1
December 1994ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 15 March 1995
(1995 SL No. 51)amending legislation—Federal Courts
(Consequential Amendments) Act 2001 No. 27 pts 1–2date
of assent 25 May 2001commenced on date of assentGene
Technology Act 2001 No. 68 ss 1–2, 195 sch 2date of assent 25
October 2001ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 November
2001 (2001 SL No. 198)Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Amendment Act 2001 No. 97date of assent 19
December 2001ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 19 December
2001 (see s 2)Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
versionPage 25
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994EndnotesPublic Records
Act 2002 No. 11 ss 1, 2(2), 62 sch 1date of assent 24
April 2002ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 1 July 2002
(2002 SL No. 115)Primary Industries Legislation Amendment Act
2006 No. 48 pt 1, s 48 schdate of assent 10 November 2006ss
1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining
provisions commenced 1 December 2006 (2006 SL No. 292)5List of annotationsDefinitionss 3amd
2001 No. 97 s 3 schAncillary offences (aiding, abetting,
accessories, attempts, incitement or conspiracy)s
8amd 2001 No. 27 s 4PART
2001 No. 97 s 5Object of pt 5s 15sub
2001 No. 97 s 5Application of Commonwealth administrative
laws in relation to applicableprovisionss 16amd
2001 No. 27 s 5sub 2001 No. 97 s 5amd 2006 No. 48 s
48 schFunctions and powers conferred on
Commonwealth officers and authoritiess 17sub
2001 No. 97 s 5Reference in Commonwealth administrative law
to a provision of another laws 18sub
hdgom 2001 No. 27 s 7Construction of
references to pt IVA of Commonwealth AAT Acts 19prev
s 19 om 2001 No. 27 s 7pres s 19 ins 2001 No. 27 s 6sub
2001 No. 97 s 5Exercise of jurisdiction under cross-vesting
provisionss 20om 2001 No. 27 s 7PART 7—AUSTRALIAN
hdgsub 2006 No. 48 s 48 schPage 26Current as at 1 December 2006 revised
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994EndnotesConferral of
functions and powers on APVMAprov hdgamd
2006 No. 48 s 48 schs 21amd 2006 No. 48 s
48 schAgreements and arrangementss
22amd 2006 No. 48 s 48 schConferral of
other functions and powers for purposes of law in this
jurisdictions 23amd 2006 No. 48 s 48 schConsultation with gene technology
regulators 23Ains 2001 No. 68 s 195 sch 2amd
2006 No. 48 s 48 schCommonwealth Minister may give
directions in exceptional circumstancess 24amd
2006 No. 48 s 48 schConferral of powers on State
officerss 28amd 2006 No. 48 s 48 schInspectors and analystss 28Ains
2001 No. 97 s 6Validation of actions of inspectors and
analystss 28Bins 2001 No. 97 s 6Documents or substances held by previous
registering authority may be given toAPVMAprov
hdgamd 2006 No. 48 s 48 schs 30amd
2006 No. 48 s 48 schSection 30 has effect despite any other
laws 31amd 2002 No. 11 s 62 sch 1Regulation-making powers 32prov
hdgsub 2001 No. 97 schPART
11—TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSpt 11 (s 36)prev pt 11 exp 15
March 1996 (see s 36(3))pres pt 11 ins 2001 No. 97 s 7PART
12—AMENDMENTSpt 12 (s 37) om R1 (see RA s 40)SCHEDULE—AMENDMENTSom R1 (see RA s
2001 No. 97 s 3 schdefAPVMAins 2006 No. 48 s
48 schdefCommonwealth administrative
lawsamd 2001 No. 27 s 3reloc 2001 No. 97
s 3 schdefconferins 2001 No. 97 s
4reloc 2001 No. 97 s 3 schCurrent as at 1 December 2006 revised
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