QueenslandAPIARIESACT1982Reprinted as in
force on 21 December 1995(includes amendments up to Act No. 58
of 1995)Reprint No. 1This reprint is
prepared bythe Office of the Queensland Parliamentary
CounselWarning—This reprint is not an authorised
Information about this reprintThis
Act is reprinted as at 21 December 1995.The
reprint—•showsthelawasamendedbyallamendmentsthatcommencedonorbeforethat day
(Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c))•incorporatesallnecessaryconsequentialamendments,whetherofpunctuation,numbering or
another kind (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(d)).Thereprintincludesareferencetothelawbywhicheachamendmentwasmade—see list of legislation and list of
annotations in endnotes.MinoreditorialchangesallowedundertheprovisionsoftheReprintsAct1992mentioned in the following list have
also been made to—•update citations and references (pt 4,
div 2)•update references (pt 4, div 3)•expressgenderspecificprovisionsinawayconsistentwithcurrentdraftingpractice (s 24)•correctspellingandusedifferentspellingconsistentwithcurrentdraftingpractice (s 26(1) and (2))•use standard punctuation consistent
with current drafting practice (s 27)•useconjunctivesanddisjunctivesconsistentwithcurrentdraftingpractice(s 28)•use expressions consistent with
current drafting practice (s 29)•reorder definitions consistent with current
drafting practice (s 30)•relocate marginal
or cite notes (s 34)•use aspects of format and printing
style consistent with current drafting practice(s 35)•omit provisions that are no longer
required (ss 36, 37, and 39)•omit
unnecessary referential words (s 41)•omit
the enacting words (s 42A)•number and
renumber provisions and references (s 43).Also see endnotes
for information about—•when provisions
commenced•editorial changes made in the reprint,
including—•table of changed names and
titles•table of obsolete and redundant
provisions•table of renumbered
s15s2Apiaries Act 1982APIARIES ACT
1982[as amended by all amendments that commenced
on or before 21 December 1995]AnActtoprovidefortheregulationandcontrolofthekeepingofbees,
the control, prevention and restriction of diseases and
pestsaffecting bees and for related
purposes†PART 1—PRELIMINARY˙Short
title1.This Act may be cited as theApiaries Act 1982.˙Definitions2.In
this Act—“apiary”means a hive
standing singly or any 2 or more hives standing in agroup.“apiary
site”means the site where any apiary is situated
in or upon anyplace or premises.“appliances”means any
fittings, utensils, apparatus, or implements thatare
or have been used or that in the opinion of an inspector are being
orhave been used in beekeeping or in handling,
housing, or storing beesor bee products.“approved
form”see section 43.1“bee”means a honey
bee Apis mellifera L. or any other genus or speciesdeclared under a regulation to be a
bee.1Section 43 (Approval of
s26s2Apiaries Act 1982“bee comb”means bee comb whether in frames or
not.“beekeeper”means any person
who keeps bees or the person in charge ofbees, or, where
reasonable inquiry fails to establish the beekeeper asaforesaid,thenthepersonwhoistheoccupierorownerofthepremises or place where the bees in
question are kept or who has in theperson’s
possession any hives or appliances which have been used inconnection with beekeeping or which are kept
in or upon any premisesor place owned or occupied by the
person.“beeproducts”meansbeeswax,honey,beecombs,beevenom,dronesemen, honeydew, bee collected pollen,
propolis and royal jelly, andany other
substance declared by order in council to be a bee product
forthe purposes of this Act.“beeswax”means raw
beeswax, produced by a beekeeper from bee combwithout heat
treatment or purification, or refined beeswax, produced bya
beekeeper from bee comb with heat treatment to melting point
andstraining out of extraneous matter, or
commercial beeswax, producedby a
manufacturer of beeswax products.“brand”means the marking or impression of letters
and numbers or lettersor numbers made upon a hive.“commercial queen bee producer”meansaregisteredbeekeeperwhoproduces queen bees or queen cells for
sale.“disease”means any
disease, parasite or pest affecting bees or bee productsdeclared under a regulation to be a disease
under and for the purposesofthisAct,andwithoutlimitingthegeneralityofthisdefinition,includesthepresenceofsuspicioussymptomswhich,althoughnotascertainable as a certain specific
disease, in the opinion of the chiefexecutive,
should be declared a disease for the purpose of this Act.“framehive”meansahivecontainingmoveableframesinwhichthecombs are built, and which may be separately
and readily removedfrom the hive for examination.“hive”means a
receptacle housing living bees or which in the opinion of aninspector, has housed living bees.“honey”means the
saccharine secretions from the nectaries of flowers thatare
gathered, modified and stored in the comb by honey bees and
s27s2Apiaries Act 1982“honeydew”means the saccharine exudations of living
parts of plants, andthe sweet liquid excreted by
hemipterous insects feeding on plants, thatare gathered,
modified, and stored in the comb by honey bees and aredextrorotatory.“honey-super”means upper
parts of a hive in which the bees store honey.“honorary
inspector”means a person appointed by the Minister to
carryout the functions of an honorary inspector
under this Act.“inspector”means a person
who is appointed as an inspector under thisAct, and
includes an honorary inspector.“nucleus”means a frame hive containing not more than
6 frames.“owner”, of land leased
from the State, does not include the State.“place”means—(a)land, whether improved or unimproved, and
whether enclosed orunenclosed; or(b)a
building or structure on or in any land, and whether
completelyor partly erected or constructed, or in the
course of being erectedor constructed; or(c)a
room in any building or structure.“premises”means any place, vehicle, ship, vessel or
aircraft.“registered beekeeper”means any person
registered under this Act as abeekeeper.“sale”meanssalebywholesaleorretailandincludesauction,barter,exchange or
supply for profit or cause, suffer or allow or attempt anyof
those acts, offer for sale or attempt to sell, supply or receive
for sale,have in possession for sale, expose for
sale, send, forward or deliverfor or on
s38s5Apiaries Act 1982†PART
2—ADMINISTRATION˙Inspectors3.Thechiefexecutivemayappointofficersofthepublicserviceasinspectors for this Act.˙Appointment of honorary inspector4.TheMinistermayfromtimetotimeappointsuchandsomanypersons as the
Minister deems necessary to be honorary inspectors and mayfromtimetotimecancelanysuchappointmentandanypersonsoappointed shall have and exercise only such
powers, and functions as statedin the letter of
appointment.˙Powers of inspector5.(1)An
inspector may enter and inspect any premises or place on or
inwhich bees, hives, bee products and
appliances are or are suspected by theinspector of
being kept, and may inspect any bees, hives, bee products
andappliances or any articles used in connection
therewith.(2)AninspectormayforthepurposesofthisActremoveforexamination or analysis any bees, hives, bee
products and appliances, orportions or
samples of or from any bee products found by the inspector.(3)An inspector may—(a)make
with respect to any place such investigations and enquiriesas
are necessary to ascertain whether the provisions of this
Actare being complied with;(b)question a person found by the inspector in
any place to ascertainwhether this Act is being complied
with and require a person sofound to answer
the questions put;(c)stop,detainandsearchanyvehicleorvesselusedorthattheinspector believes on reasonable grounds is
being or is likely tobeusedforthecarriageofbees,hives,beeproductsandappliances;(d)by
order in writing, require a person who has failed to
s59s5Apiaries Act 1982with this Act to
take within such time as is specified such steps asarespecifiedandtoremedythosemattersinrespectofwhichnoncompliance
has occurred;(e)exercise such other powers and
functions as are prescribed.(4)Ananswermadebyanypersoninresponsetoaninspector’srequisition that
the person must answer the questions of the inspector, if ittends
to incriminate that person in an offence against this Act, shall
not beadmissible in evidence against that person in
any proceeding relating to thatcontravention or
failure to comply.(5)An order pursuant to subsection
(3)(d)—(a)shall be in the approved form;(b)shall not prejudice or affect in any
way proceedings or action thathas or have been
or may be taken for the failure to comply thatresulted in the
order, save that the person to whom the order isgivenisnotliableforacontinuanceofthefailuretocomplyduring the time
specified therein.(6)Beforeaninspectorentersapartofanyplacewhichpartisusedexclusively as a
dwelling house the inspector shall, save where the inspectorhas
the permission of the occupier of that part to the entry, obtain
from ajustice a warrant to enter.(7)A justice who is satisfied upon the
complaint of an inspector thatthere is
reasonable cause for suspecting that—(a)in
any place an offence against this Act has been, is being or
islikely to be committed; or(b)thereisinanyplaceanythinginrespectofwhichanoffenceagainst this Act
has been, is being or is likely to be committed;may
issue a warrant directed to the inspector to enter the place named
in thewarrant for the purpose of exercising therein
the powers conferred upon aninspector under
this Act.(8)A warrant shall be, for the period of
1 month from and including thedate of issue,
sufficient authority for the inspector and all persons acting
inaid of the inspector—(a)to
enter the place specified in the warrant; and
610s 7Apiaries Act
1982(b)to exercise therein the powers
conferred upon an inspector by orunder this
Act.(9)In subsections (6) to (8) premises
that are used as a dwelling housedo not include
the curtilage of those premises.†PART
BEES˙Exclusion of parts of the State from
part6.A regulation may declare that this
part, or a stated provision of thispart, does not
apply to a stated part of the State.˙Registration of beekeepers7.(1)A person shall
not keep bees or act as or carry on the business of abeekeeper except when the person is a
registered beekeeper or is the holderof a permit
pursuant to this Act.(2)Every registered
beekeeper shall on or before 31 March of every yearapply
for renewal of registration as a registered beekeeper.(3)Anapplicationforregistrationorrenewalofregistrationasaregistered beekeeper pursuant to the
provisions of this section shall—(a)be
made to the chief executive; and(b)be
in the approved form; and(c)be accompanied
by the prescribed fee (if any).(4)Registrationandrenewalofregistrationasaregisteredbeekeepershall, subject to this Act, remain in force
to and including 31 March of thecalendar year
next succeeding the calendar year during which it is
granted.(5)The chief executive shall consider
each application for registration andfor renewal of
registration and may grant or refuse it.(6)In
the case of a beekeeper who resides outside Queensland but
811s 9Apiaries Act
19824monthseachyearthen,atthediscretionofthechiefexecutive,thebeekeeper may be registered as a beekeeper
under this Act.(7)Where an application for registration,
or renewal of registration isgranted, the
chief executive shall issue a certificate which—(a)shall be in the approved form;
and(b)shall be subject to such terms,
conditions or restrictions as thechief executive
in a particular case thinks fit endorsed thereon orattached thereto; and(c)may
be renewed; and(d)may be amended, altered, varied or
otherwise modified by thechief executive during the currency
thereof.˙Permit pending determination of
application for registration etc.8.(1)Where an application for registration or
renewal of registration as aregistered
beekeeper is made to the chief executive, the chief executive
maypermit the applicant to do such of the acts
and things that the applicantwouldbeauthorisedtodoiftheregistrationinrespectofwhichtheapplication is made were granted as the chief
executive sees fit pending thedetermination of
that application.(2)A permit granted pursuant to this
section—(a)shall be in the approved form;(b)shall be in force for such period as
the chief executive determinesnot exceeding in
any case 3 months;(c)shallbesubjecttosuchtermsandconditionsasthechiefexecutive
determines, endorsed on the permit.˙Permit
required for bringing bees etc. into Queensland9.(1)Save
where the person has received a permit in the approved formpursuant to this section, a person who is not
a registered beekeeper shall notbring any bees or
hives into Queensland.(2)An application
for a permit pursuant to this section shall—(a)be
made to the chief executive;
1012s 11Apiaries Act
1982(b)be in the approved form;(c)be accompanied by the prescribed fee
(if any).(3)The chief executive shall consider
each application for a permit andmay grant or
refuse it.(4)Where an application for a permit is
granted, the chief executive shallissue a permit
which—(a)shall be in the approved form;(b)shall be subject to such terms,
conditions or restrictions as thechief executive
in a particular case thinks fit endorsed or attachedthereto;(c)shall be for a period not exceeding 4
months;(d)may not be renewed;(e)may be amended, altered, varied or
otherwise modified by thechief executive during the currency
thereof.˙Registration etc. may be
cancelled10.Upon contravention of the terms,
conditions or restrictions, to whicha registration or
renewal of registration of a permit pursuant to this Act issubject, the chief executive may cancel that
registration or permit.˙Classification of
apiaries11.(1)Apiaries shall
be classified by the chief executive as follows, thatis to
say—(a)apiary class A—an apiary comprising
less than 40 hives;(b)apiary class B—an apiary comprising
not less than 40 hives;(c)apiary class
C—an apiary in which queen bees are bred for sale;(d)apiary class D—an apiary comprising
nucleus and drone motherhives used exclusively for the mating
of queen bees;(e)such other classes as may be
prescribed under a regulation.(2)Forthepurposeofclassifyinganapiary,nucleushivesshallberegarded as a single hive.
1213s 12Apiaries Act
1982(3)The chief executive shall not classify
an apiary as an apiary class Cunless an
inspector certifies in writing that the apiary consists of not
lessthan 100 hives of bees and that the apiary is
suitable both as regards site andsuch other
matters as are considered necessary or desirable for
breedingqueen bees for sale.(4)The
chief executive shall not classify an apiary as an apiary class
inspector certifies in writing—(i)that
the total number of hives, including the nucleus hives,maintained by the beekeeper concerned is not
less than 500;and(ii)thattheapiaryforwhichtheapplicationhasbeenmadecomprises not less than 100 hives;
and(iii)that the apiary
is suitable both as regards site and such othermatters as are
considered necessary or desirable for a queenbee mating
program; and(b)the beekeeper concerned, prior to
applying for classification of anapiaryasanapiaryclassD,declaresinwritingtothechiefexecutivethattheareadescribedintheapplicationdoesnotcontainhivesofbeeswhichwillinterferewiththeproposedqueen bee mating
program.(5)The chief executive may issue a
certificate in the approved form foran apiary class D
for a maximum period of use of 6 months from the dateof
issue.(6)Thechiefexecutivemayrevokeanycertificateissuedundersubsection (5) or
may cause an apiary classified under this section to bereclassifiedatanytimewhentheconditionsexistingdifferfromthosewhich existed at
the time when the certificate was issued or the apiary waspreviously classified.˙Distances between apiary sites12.(1)If an inspector
certifies in writing to the chief executive that theestablishment of an apiary class A, in or
upon any premises or place withinaradiusoflessthan0.8kmoftheapiarysiteofanestablishedapiary
1314s 13Apiaries Act
1982class A or apiary class B, would unduly
encroach upon the apiary site ofthat apiary class
A or apiary class B, then the chief executive may by anotice in writing prohibit the establishment
of that apiary class A in or uponthe premises or
place.(2)Subject to this Act, a person shall
not at any time establish an apiaryclass B in or
upon any premises or place within a radius of less than 0.8
kmfrom an apiary site of an established apiary
class B.(3)Subject to this Act, a person shall
not at any time establish an apiaryclass B in or
upon any premises or place within a radius of less than 1.6
kmfrom an apiary site of an established apiary
class C.(4)A person shall not at any time
establish an apiary in or upon anypremises or place
within a radius of less than 20 km from an apiary site ofan
established apiary class D.(5)A regulation may
prescribe conditions about isolation distances, andother
matters, for new apiary classes.(6)A
person shall not at any time maintain upon an apiary site an
apiaryestablished thereon in contravention of this
section.˙Powers of the chief executive13.(1)Ifaninspectorcertifiesinwritingthattheestablishmentofanapiary class A in or upon any premises
or place would unduly encroachupon another
apiary, the chief executive may by a notice in writing
prohibitthe establishment of that apiary class A in
or upon those premises or thatplace.(2)If—(a)a
registered beekeeper maintaining an established apiary class
Bor apiary class C notifies the chief
executive in writing that he orshe has no
objection to the establishment of another apiary classB or
class C upon a site at a distance from that established
apiarythatislessthanthedistanceprovidedbyorprescribedundersection 12; or(b)aninspectorcertifiesinwritingtothechiefexecutivethattheestablishment of another apiary class B or
class C upon a site at adistance from an established apiary
class B or class C that is less
1415s 14Apiaries Act
1982than the distance provided by or prescribed
under section 12 willnot prejudice the keeping of such
lastmentioned apiary;then the chief executive may in writing
permit the apiary referred to in thenotification or
certificate to be established upon a site at such distance
fromthe apiary site of the established apiary in
question, that is less than thedistance provided
by or prescribed under section 12 as the chief executiveshall
determine and specify in that permit.(3)Where the chief executive issues a permit
pursuant to subsection (2),the chief
executive may, in the permit, limit the period during which
thepermission is to remain in force, and if the
apiary thereby permitted is notremoved from the
apiary site forthwith upon the expiration of that period, itshall
be deemed to be established on that apiary site in contravention
ofsection 12.˙Notice
to be given of the establishment or removal of an apiary14.(1)A registered
beekeeper or a person who is the holder of a permitpursuant to the provisions of this Act
who—(a)establishes a new apiary; or(b)removesanapiaryorpartofanapiaryfromitsapiarysitetoanother site;shall, within 14
days after that establishment or removal, notify the chiefexecutive that he or she has established that
new apiary or, as the case maybe, removed that
apiary or part of an apiary to another apiary site.(2)A notification pursuant to subsection
(1) shall be in the approvedform or to the
like effect and shall contain the prescribed particulars.(3)A registered beekeeper or a person who
is the holder of a permitpursuant to the provisions of this Act
shall not, upon any apiary site—(a)establish a new apiary; or(b)maintain an apiary which has been
removed to that apiary sitefrom another
apiary site;exceptwhereheorshehasnotifiedthechiefexecutivepursuanttosubsection (1) of the establishment or
removal of that apiary.(4)A regulation may
exempt a person from the operation of this section.
1516s 15Apiaries Act
1982˙Prohibited apiary sites15.(1)If an inspector
certifies in writing to the chief executive that in theinspector’s opinion—(a)a
provision of this Act is being contravened or not complied
within respect of an apiary situated on an
apiary site; or(b)an apiary site is or has become
unsuitable for beekeeping; or(c)the
keeping of bees on an apiary site is detrimental to the
publicinterest;or for any other
reason whatsoever, the chief executive may prohibit thekeeping of bees upon that apiary site
(a“prohibited apiary site”).(2)That prohibition shall continue in
force until it is cancelled by thechief
executive.(3)A person shall not establish or
maintain an apiary on a prohibitedapiary
site.(4)Ifaninspectorcertifiesinwritingtothechiefexecutivethatanyperson has established or is maintaining an
apiary on a prohibited apiarysite, the chief
executive may (whether such person is or is not prosecutedfor
the offence) order that person to remove the apiary from the
prohibitedsite, within the time specified in the
order.(5)That person shall comply with the
directions contained in the order.(6)Ifaninspectorcertifiesinwritingtothechiefexecutivethatanyperson has failed to comply with an order by
the chief executive to removean apiary from a
prohibited apiary site, or that a person has removed theapiary concerned from the prohibited apiary
site to another prohibited apiarysite in purported
compliance with an order by the chief executive, the chiefexecutivemayauthorisetheinspectortoremovetheapiaryfromtheprohibited apiary site, on which it is
found by the inspector, to an apiary siteselected by the
inspector whereon it is lawful to establish and maintain theapiary, and thereupon the inspector shall
remove the apiary accordingly.(7)Theamountofanycosts,chargesandexpensesincurredbyaninspectorinsoremovinganapiarytogetherwithinterestattherateprescribed under a regulation shall be
recoverable from that person in asummary way under
theJustices Act 1886or by action as
for a debt due tothe Crown.
1617s 18Apiaries Act
1982˙Notice to be given of sale of
apiary16.(1)A person shall,
within 14 days after selling an apiary or part of anapiary owned by the person, give to the chief
executive notice in writing inthe approved form
or to the like effect of the sale.(2)Notice under this section shall be given
either where the apiary or partthereof is sold
for removal to another apiary site or where the apiary or
partthereof sold is to be retained by the
purchaser on its existing apiary site.˙Marking of hives17.(1)Subject to subsection (2), a person shall
not establish or maintainanapiaryunlessthepersonmarksorbrandsasprescribedunderaregulation not less than 1 hive in each
50 hives or part thereof comprisingsuch apiary with
the registered mark or number issued to the person by thechief
executive.(2)A person who has received a permit
pursuant to section 9, shall notestablish or
maintain an apiary unless the person marks or brands not
lessthan 1 hive in each 50 hives or part thereof
comprising such apiary with theregistered mark
or number issued to the person under this Act.(3)Whereabeekeepermaintainsanapiaryatasiteotherthanthebeekeeper’s usual place of residence the
beekeeper shall mark on a hive orerect in a
conspicuous position within the apiary a notice containing
theparticulars prescribed under a
regulation.˙Power to restrict entry of races or
strains of bees into any part of theState18.(1)A regulation may
declare—(a)that a race or strain of bees is not
suitable for introduction intoQueensland for
beekeeping; or(b)that only a stated race or strain of
bees may be kept in, or broughtinto,
Queensland.(2)A person who keeps, or brings into
Queensland, a strain or race ofbeesincontraventionofaregulationundersubsection(1)commitsanoffence against this Act.
1918s 19Apiaries Act
1982Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(3)If an inspector certifies in writing
to the chief executive that any beesorbeecombscontainingbroodofaraceorstrainofbeeareintheinspector’s opinion unsuitable for
beekeeping and ought to be destroyed, thechiefexecutivemaycauseanordertobemadedirectingthebeekeeperconcerned to
destroy within such time and in such a manner as may bespecified therein the bees and bee comb
containing brood.(4)A beekeeper to whom that order is
directed shall within the periodandinthemannerspecifiedtherein,destroythebeesandbeecombcontaining
brood.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.(5)If at the expiration of that period as
is so directed after the service oftheorderuponthebeekeeperthebeesandbeecombcontainingbroodconcerned are not destroyed in the manner
required, the chief executive maydirect an
inspector to destroy or cause to be so destroyed the bees and
beecomb containing brood.(6)Any
expense incurred by an inspector in pursuance of a directionunder
subsection (5) together with interest at the rate prescribed under
aregulation may be recovered from the owner of
the bees, hives and beeproducts in question in a summary way
under theJustices Act 1886or byaction as for a debt due to the Crown.˙Bees to be kept in frame hive19.(1)A person shall
not keep bees or allow bees to be kept in an apiaryor in
or on any premises or place except in a frame hive provided that
honeysupers containing fixed comb used exclusively
for the storage of nectar andhoney may be used
in hives where the queen bee is excluded from entry tothat
super of fixed combs.(2)Whenbeesarekeptbyapersoninoronanypremisesorplacecontrary to this
section, the occupier or owner of the premises or place
shallbe deemed to allow such bees to be so
kept.(3)This section shall not extend or apply
to feral bees in their naturalhabitat.
2019s 22Apiaries Act
1982˙Inspector may order replacement of
hive20.(1)In the event of
a hive being or becoming in such a condition that itcannot readily be handled for inspection, or
is otherwise unsuitable for thekeeping of bees,
an inspector may order the beekeeper to repair or replacethe
hive in the manner specified in that order and within the time
specifiedin the order.(2)Thepersontowhomtheorderisdirectedshallwithinthetimespecified therein
carry out the directions contained in that order.˙Power of inspector upon failure to
comply with order21.(1)If at the
expiration of the specified time an inspector finds that thedirections contained in an order made
pursuant to section 20(1) have notbeen complied
with to the inspector’s satisfaction, the inspector may
causethe bees to be transferred to another hive,
and, if the inspector thinks fit,may cause the
hive in question to be destroyed.(2)All
costs, charges and expenses associated with the transfer of
bees,the destruction of hives, or the supply of
alternate hives under this sectionshall be
recoverable by the chief executive from the person to whom
theorderundersection20wasdirectedandanysuchcosts,chargesandexpenses together with interest at the rate
prescribed under a regulation shallbe recoverable
from that person in a summary way under theJustices
Act1886or by action as for a debt due to the
Crown.˙Abandoned bees22.(1)Where an inspector is satisfied on
reasonable grounds that anybees, hives, bee
products and appliances on or in any place or premises areabandonedorareneglectedtheinspectormay,wheretheowneroftheapiary is able to be contacted, order
the beekeeper in question to take withinaspecifiedtimesuchmeasuresasintheopinionoftheinspectorarenecessary to put into order or to dispose of
those bees, hives, bee productsand
appliances.(2)Ifthebeekeeperfailstocomplywiththatorderwithinthetimespecified in that
order or if after reasonable investigation the inspector isunable to locate the owner of the bees the
inspector may, with the priorapprovalofthechiefexecutive,seizeorotherwisedisposeofthebees,
2320s 24Apiaries Act
1982hives, bee products and appliances in
accordance with any such approval.(3)Where any bees, hives, bee products and
appliances are seized underthis section the
property therein shall pass direct to the Minister who maydispose of them in any manner the Minister
BEES˙Beekeeper shall notify disease23.(1)Subjecttosubsection(2),whenabeekeeperisawareoforsuspectstheexistenceofadiseaseinbees,hivesorbeeproducts,thebeekeepershallwithin48hoursafterthetimewhenthebeekeeperfirstbecomesawareoforsuspectstheexistenceofthedisease,givenoticethereof to the
nearest inspector or honorary inspector.(2)A
regulation may declare that—(a)notification pursuant to subsection (1) is
not required in respect ofacertaindiseaseorofcertaindiseasesofbees,hivesorbeeproducts;
or(b)incertainspecifiedcircumstancesitislawfulforaparticulardisease or
diseases not to be notified.˙Provision as to disease24.A
beekeeper shall not—(a)keep, or allow
to be kept, in or upon any premises or place anybees, hives, bee products and appliances
which are affected by adisease without giving notice in
accordance with section 23; or(b)remove, sell, give away, or otherwise deal
with any bees, hives,bee products and appliances from an
apiary affected by or liabletospreadadiseaseexcepttodisposeofsuchbees,hives,beeproducts and appliances in a manner approved
by an inspector; or(c)fail to comply with an order issued by
an inspector.
2521s 26Apiaries Act
1982˙Power of inspector to order hives etc.
to be treated25.(1)Ifaninspectoruponinspectionfindsthatanybees,hives,beeproducts and appliances are in the
inspector’s opinion affected by a diseaseor liable to
spread disease, the inspector may order the beekeeper
concernedto cleanse, disinfect, isolate or otherwise
treat the bees, hives, bee productsandappliancesinsuchmannerandwithinsuchperiodastheinspectordirects in the
order, and the beekeeper shall cause such bees, hives, beeproducts and appliances to be treated
accordingly.(2)If at the expiration of the period
directed in the order issued pursuanttosubsection(1),thebees,hives,beeproductsandappliancesarenottreated in the manner directed, an
inspector may cause the same to be treatedattheexpenseofthebeekeeperconcerned,andanycosts,chargesandexpenses associated with that treatment
together with interest at the rateprescribedunderaregulationshallberecoverablefromthebeekeeperconcerned in a
summary way under theJustices Act 1886or by action
asfor a debt due to the Crown.˙Power of chief executive to order
destruction of bees26.(1)If at any time
an inspector certifies in writing to the chief executivethat
any bees, hives, bee products or appliances are affected by a
disease andin the inspector’s opinion are a source of
danger to other bees and ought tobe destroyed, the
chief executive may make or cause to be made an orderdirecting the beekeeper concerned to destroy
within such time and in such amannerasmaybespecifiedthereinthebees,hives,beeproductsorappliances.(2)A
beekeeper to whom an order pursuant to subsection (1) is
hives, bee products or appliances.(3)If
at the expiration of the period as is so directed after the service
ofthe order upon the beekeeper, the bees,
hives, bee products or appliancesconcerned are not
destroyed in the manner required, an inspector so directedby
the chief executive may so destroy or cause to be so destroyed the
bees,hives, bee products or appliances.(4)Anycosts,chargesandexpensesassociatedwithsuchdestructionshall be an
expense against the beekeeper to whom the order was directedand
any such costs, charges and expenses together with interest at the
2722s 27Apiaries Act
1982prescribedunderaregulationshallberecoverablefromthebeekeeperconcerned in a
summary way under theJustices Act 1886or by action
asfor a debt due to the Crown.˙Restriction of introduction into
Queensland of bees etc.27.(1)Exceptasotherwiseexpresslyprovided,apersonshallnotintroduce or cause to be introduced
into Queensland from any other State orfrom any other
place any bees, hives, bee products or appliances unless thesame
shall be accompanied by a certificate in the approved form from
anappropriate official of the State or other
place from which those bees, hives,bee products or
appliances were introduced.(2)Notwithstandingtheexistenceofanycertificatepursuanttosubsection (1), the chief executive may
prohibit the introduction into theState of any
bees, hives, bee products or appliances in respect of which
aninspector certifies in writing that the same
are affected by disease.(3)An inspector may
detain and open any package containing or whichis suspected of
containing bees, hives, bee products or appliances, or maydetain bees, hives, bee products or
appliances, being or suspected of beingintroduced into
the State in contravention of this section, and may inspect
orcausetohaveexaminedoranalysedanysuchpackage,bees,hives,beeproducts or appliances and may
otherwise take any action in connectiontherewith in
accordance with this Act.(4)Notwithstanding
the provisions of section 34, a person shall not beentitled to sue for or recover any
compensation, damages, or other moneyswhatsoever in
consequence of any expenses, loss, damage or destructionincurredinconsequenceofanymeasuressotakenwithrespecttotheintroduction or attempted introduction
of any bees, hives, bee products orappliances,whethersuchbees,hives,beeproductsorapplianceswereaccompanied by a certificate or not.(5)A regulation may declare that
subsection (1) does not apply to theintroductionintoQueenslandofstatedbees,hives,beeproductsorappliances, or does not apply if stated
conditions are complied with.(6)A
person who introduces or causes to be introduced queen bees
andescorts or queen-cells into the State from
another State or from any otherplace shall,
within 7 days after the end of each month, lodge with the
chiefexecutive a return containing the prescribed
particulars, which return shall
2723s 27Apiaries Act
1982be in lieu of a certificate pursuant to
subsection (1).(7)The chief executive may by writing,
request any beekeeper to furnishthe chief
executive, within a time to be specified in the request, with a
listshowingthenamesandaddressesinfullofallpersonstowhomthebeekeeperhassuppliedqueenbeesduringtheperiodspecifiedintherequest.(8)A beekeeper who fails to lodge a
return or furnish a list within therequired time, or
who lodges a return or furnishes a list which is false in amaterial particular, shall be guilty of an
offence.(9)Where the owner or person in charge of
any bees, hives, bee productsor appliances
introduced into the State from another State or from any
otherplace has contravened the provisions of this
Act, by failing to deliver to aninspector the
prescribed certificates, or in any other way, in relation to
theirintroduction into this State, that owner or
the person in charge shall, within7 days or such
further time as the chief executive in special circumstancesallows, after service upon the owner or the
person in charge of a notice inwriting under the
hand of an inspector requiring him or her so to do—(a)deliver to the inspector all such
certificates in relation to the bees,hives, bee
products or appliances as were required by this Act tobe
delivered upon their introduction into the State and were not
sodelivered, or such other certificates in
substitution therefor as thechiefexecutivemayrequire,andinadditiontoanysuchcertificates
such further certificates as the chief executive mayrequire; or(b)giveanundertakinginwritingtothesatisfactionofthechiefexecutivefortheremovalofthebees,hives,beeproductsorappliances out of the State or for their
disposal otherwise.(10)If the owner or
person in charge—(a)beingsorequiredfailstocomplywiththeprovisionsofsubsection (9) by failing either to deliver
the specified certificatesor to give an undertaking; or(b)havinggivenanundertakingasspecifiedinsubsection(9)(b),failstocomplyineveryrespectwiththetermsofthatundertaking;the chief
executive may by order in writing direct the seizure or
2724s 27Apiaries Act
1982of the bees, hives, bee products or
appliances in question.(11)Anordermadeorgivenundersubsection(10)directingthedestruction of any bees, hives, bee products
or appliances may state themannerinwhich,thetimewithinwhich,andthepersonbywhomtheyshallbedestroyed,andforthatpurposemaydirecteitherthattheybedestroyed by or under the supervision
of the person named in the order, onthe site upon
which they were found or that destruction occur at the timeandplacespecifiedintheorderbyapersonnamedintheorderfordestruction.(12)An
order made or given under subsection (10) directing the
seizureofanybees,hives,beeproductsorappliancesmaystatethemannerinwhich, the time within which, and the person
by whom the bees, hives, beeproducts or
appliances shall be seized and for that purpose may direct
theplace to which the seized bees, hives, bee
products or appliances are to bemoved.(13)A notice given
under subsection (9) and an order made or givenunder subsection
(10) shall be served on the owner of the bees, hives, beeproducts or appliances in question.(14)If the owner is
not present then the notice shall be served on theoccupier of the place or premises in or upon
which the bees, hives, beeproducts or appliances are
found.(15)Ifneithertheownernortheoccupierispresentattheplaceorpremises,thenoticeshallbeservedonthepersonapparentlyinchargethereof.(16)Service of the
notice or order pursuant to subsections (9) to (15)upon
the occupier or person apparently in charge of the place or
premisesshall be deemed to be sufficient service upon
the owner.(17)Anownerorpersonapparentlyinchargeofbees,hives,beeproducts or appliances or any occupier
or person apparently in charge ofany premises or
place, who contravenes or fails to comply in any respectwiththerequirementsofanorderofthechiefexecutiveundersubsection (10)
commits an offence.Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(18)Upon a failure
in any respect to comply with the requirements of anorder
made or given under subsection (10), and without prejudice to
2825s 28Apiaries Act
1982proceedings which may be taken upon that
failure, the chief executive may,after the
expiration of 7 days from the date of the failure, direct in
writing aninspector to enter upon the premises or place
to which the order relates anddestroy or cause
to be destroyed the bees, hives, bee products or appliancesspecified in the order, and for the purposes
of such destruction the inspectormay, if the
inspector thinks fit, remove or cause them to be removed to
anyother place.(19)Any
expenses incurred by the chief executive in pursuance of anorder
under subsection (10), or by an inspector in pursuance of a
directionunder subsection (18), shall be recoverable
together with interest at the rateprescribedunderaregulationfromtheownerofthebees,hives,beeproducts or appliances in question in a
summary way under theJusticesAct 1886or
by action as for a debt due to the Crown.(20)A
person introducing or attempting to introduce, or aiding or
beingconcernedintheintroductionofbees,hives,beeproductsorappliancescontrary to this
section commits an offence.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.˙Prohibition of the
importation of bees28.(1)Aregulationmayprohibittheimportation,introductionorbringing into the State or into any specified
part thereof, either generally orfrom any other
State, Territory or place, or the bringing into one part of
theState from any other part of the State, of
any bees, hives, bee products orappliancesorotherthingsofanykindwhatsoeverwhicharelikelytointroduceanydiseaseofbeesintotheStateorintoanyspecifiedpartthereof, as the case may be, or are likely to
spread such disease.(2)Theprohibitionpursuanttosubsection(1)maybeabsoluteorconditional.(3)A
person who contravenes a regulation under subsection (1)
commitsan offence.Maximum
penalty—40 penalty units.(4)An inspector may
seize and detain any bees, hives, bee products orappliancesinrespectofwhichacontraventionofaregulationundersubsection(1)occursandthosebees,hives,beeproductsorappliances,may be destroyed
or otherwise disposed of as the Minister may direct.
2926s 29Apiaries Act
1982˙Quarantine29.(1)Aninspector,onbeingsatisfiedonreasonablegroundsthatadisease of bees is or is suspected of being
present in an area of the State,may define the
boundaries of the area in question and declare the area aquarantine area by—(a)issuing a signed notification stating that
the area is a quarantinearea; and(b)either—(i)servingacopyofthenotificationontheownerofeachapiary that is,
within the knowledge of the inspector, withinthat area;
or(ii)publishing a
copy of the notification in the gazette; or(iii)publishingacopyofthenotificationinanewspapercirculating not
less than once a week in the quarantine area.(2)A
quarantine declared by an inspector pursuant to subsection (1)
a period not exceeding 28 days; or(b)until the quarantine has been released by
the chief executive bynotification published in the
gazette;whichever is the first to occur.(3)The chief executive, on being
satisfied on reasonable grounds that adisease of bees
is or is suspected of being present in an area, may define
theboundaries of the area in question and
declare the area a quarantine areaby—(a)issuing a signed notification stating
that area is a quarantine area;and(b)either—(i)servingacopyofthenotificationontheownerofeachapiary that is,
within the knowledge of the chief executive,within that
area; or(ii)publishing a
copy of the notification in the gazette; or(iii)publishingacopyofthenotificationinanewspaper
2927s 29Apiaries Act
1982circulating not less than once a week in the
quarantine area.(4)Aquarantinedeclaredbythechiefexecutivepursuanttosubsection (3) shall continue until it
has been released by the chief executiveby notification
published in the gazette.(5)The chief
executive or, in the case of a quarantine declared by aninspector, the inspector, at his or her
discretion—(a)may determine the nature of the
quarantine to be imposed in thequarantine area;
and(b)maybynotification,eitherinthenotificationdeclaringthequarantineorinasubsequentsignednotification,giventotheowner of each
apiary, within the knowledge of the chief executiveor
the inspector as the case may be, within the area, order—(i)thatnobees,hives,beeproductsandappliances,oranycombinationofthemorotherthingberemovedfromorintroduced into the quarantine area
during such period as heor she shall specify; and(ii)thatsuchothertermsandconditionsasheorsheshallspecify be
complied with to his or her satisfaction.(6)The
duties and obligations and any course of action to be taken by
abeekeeper in any such quarantine shall be as
is prescribed or, so far as notprescribed, as
may be directed by the chief executive, or in the case of aquarantineareadeclaredbyaninspector,asmaybedirectedbytheinspector.(7)A person who—(a)removesorcausestoberemovedorassistsorinanywayisconcerned in removing bees, hives, bee
products or appliancesinto or beyond a quarantine area
unless authorised by the chiefexecutive or by
an inspector; or(b)contravenesanorderissuedbythechiefexecutiveorbyaninspector
pursuant to subsection (5); or(c)fails to carry out, fulfil or comply with
any duty, obligation, ordirection pursuant to the provisions
of subsection (6);commits an offence.
3028s 31Apiaries Act
1982Maximum penalty—40 penalty units.(8)If the chief executive is of the
opinion that it is necessary for thepurpose of
providing bee forage for a quarantine area, the chief
executivemay alter the boundaries of the quarantine
area subject to such conditions asthe chief
executive sees fit.(9)A quarantine area may be so declared
in an area associated with orcontiguous to an
area affected by disease or suspected of being affected bydisease, notwithstanding that in such area
there is an absence of any disease.(10)The
chief executive may, by gazette notice, declare that stated
placesoccupied by the department are quarantine
areas.(11)Withinthosequarantineareasbees,hives,beeproductsandappliances affected by or liable to be
affected by a disease may be kept,stored, isolated,
treated, examined and investigated at the discretion of thechief
executive.(12)The chief
executive may, by gazette notice, also declare that statedother
places are quarantine areas.†PART
person shall not—(a)assault, threaten, intimidate,
obstruct or impede an inspector orhonorary
inspector or other person in the execution of any of thepowers conferred by this Act; or(b)disobeyorneglectorfailtocomplywithanorder,direction,declaration,
notification or prohibition made or given pursuant tothis
Act.˙Offence by owner or occupier of
premises etc.31.An owner or occupier of any premises
or place shall not permit orallow any bees,
hives, bee products or appliances to be kept in or upon
3229s 34Apiaries Act
1982premises or place at any time when he or she
knows that any provision ofthisActisbeingcontravenedornotcompliedwithinrespectofsuchkeeping.˙No inspector shall be liable for damage
in carrying out the provisionsof this Act32.An inspector, or a person acting under
the direction or order of aninspector or
honorary inspector, or of the Minister or chief executive
shallbedeemednottobeatrespasserbyreasonofanyentryorremovalordestructionpursuanttothisAct,andshallnotbeliableforanydamageoccasioned in
carrying out the provisions of this Act, unless the damagewas
occasioned wilfully and maliciously and without reasonable
cause.˙Protection of Crown, Minister and
officers33.LiabilityatlawshallnotattachtotheCrown,theMinister,chiefexecutive, an inspector, an honorary
inspector or any person acting in aid ofan inspector on
account of anything done for the purposes of this Act ordone
in good faith and purporting to be done for the purposes of this
Act.˙Limit of right to compensation34.(1)A person shall
not be entitled to sue for or recover any damages orcompensation whatsoever in consequence of any
measures taken—(a)for the removal of any bees, hives,
bee products or appliances, orportionsorsamplesofbeeproductsremovedororderedorcaused to be removed or seized under this
Act; or(b)for the purpose of eradicating any
disease or the destruction ofanybees,hives,beeproductsorappliancesorderedtobedestroyed under
this Act;inrespectofanydamagethatmayresulttothepersontherefromeitherdirectlyorindirectlyunlessthesamewasoccasionedwilfullyandmaliciously and without reasonable
cause.(2)Proof that any such damage was
occasioned wilfully and maliciouslyand without
reasonable cause by an inspector, an honorary inspector or apersonactingunderthedirectionororderofaninspectororhonorary
3530s 38Apiaries Act
1982inspector,oroftheMinisterorchiefexecutiveshalllieonthepersonmaking any claim in respect of any such
damage.˙Recovery of costs, charges and
expenses35.(1)Theamountofanycosts,chargesandexpenses,togetherwithinterest at the
rate prescribed under a regulation, incurred by an inspector
inthe course of taking such measures as are
provided by this Act in respect ofanybees,hives,beeproductsandappliancesshall,whetherornotproceedingshavebeeninstitutedfortherecoveryofapenalty,berecoverable from the beekeeper, owner, agent,
or person in charge thereof.(2)Any
such amount may be recovered in a summary way under theJustices Act 1886or by action as
for a debt due to the Crown.˙Offences36.(1)A
person who contravenes any provision of this Act or any
orderor requisition made pursuant to the Act shall
be guilty of an offence againstthis Act.(2)Any person guilty of an offence
against this Act shall be liable, if nospecificpenaltyisprovidedfortheoffence,toapenaltynotexceeding10 penalty
units.˙Service of notice37.Adocumentrequiredtobegiventoorservedontheowneroroccupierofanylandmay,ifthenameoftheowneroroccupierisnotknown, be addressed to him or her by
the description of the ‘owner’ or‘occupier’,togetherwiththenumber(ifany)andaddressorotherdescription of
the land in question, without further name or description.˙Court may proceed ex parte38.The justices or court of competent
jurisdiction may, if satisfied thatthere is no
occupier of any land and that the owner thereof is absent
fromQueenslandorisunknown,proceedtohearandadjudicateuponanycomplaint or proceedings for the
recovery of moneys pursuant to this Act in
3931s 41Apiaries Act
1982respect thereof ex parte, and in such case
the costs, charges and expenses ofany such
proceedings ordered to be paid by the defendant shall until paid
beand remain a charge on such land and payable
by the owner thereof for thetime
any proceedings for an alleged offence against this Act it shall
notbe necessary to prove the appointment of any
inspector or other authorisedperson, or the
authority of any inspector or other authorised person, to doany
act or to give any direction or issue or serve any notice or to
take anyproceedings in the absence of evidence to the
contrary.˙Proof of order40.(1)Theproductionofanyorder,certificate,declaration,direction,notification,authorityorpermissionpurportingtobesignedbytheMinister, chief executive or by an
inspector shall be evidence of the duemakingorgrantingofsuchorder,certificate,declaration,direction,notification,
authority, or permission, as the case may be, and that it
wasduly signed by the person by whom it purports
to be signed.(2)A writing certified by any such person
to be a true copy of or trueextract from any
such document shall be receivable in evidence to the sameextent as the original and shall for the
purposes be prima-facie evidence ofthe original of
which it purports to be a copy or extract.(3)The
production of a certificate purporting to be signed by an
inspectoror of any certified copy thereof that any
costs, charges, or expenses of anamountstatedhavebeenincurredbysuchinspectorunderorforthepurposes of this
Act shall be evidence, that those costs, charges or expensesweredulyincurredandthattheamountthereofsostatedisthecorrectamount.˙Certificates by chief executive41.(1)In any
proceedings under this Act a certificate signed by the chiefexecutive that any premises, place, apiary or
apiary site is situated within theState shall be
evidence that such premises or place, apiary or apiary site
issituated within the State.
4232s 45Apiaries Act
1982(2)A certificate by the chief executive
that a particular notice has or hasnotbeenreceivedbythechiefexecutive,thatapersonisorisnotaregisteredbeekeeper,thatapersonisorisnottheholderofapermitpursuanttotheprovisionsofthisAct,thatthekeepingofbeesortheestablishment of an apiary upon an
apiary site has been prohibited, that anapiary is
situated on an apiary site specified in such certificate or that an
areahasbeendeclaredaquarantineareashallbeevidenceofthefactssocertified.˙Delegations by Minister and chief
executive42.(1)The Minister may
delegate the Minister’s powers under this Act toan
officer or employee of the public service.(2)The
chief executive may delegate the chief executive’s powers
underthis Act to an officer or employee of the
public service.˙Approval of forms43.The
chief executive may approve forms for use under this Act.˙Regulation making power44.(1)The Governor in
Council may make regulations under this Act.(2)A
regulation may be made about the following matters—(a)disease control;(b)fees, charges and other amounts payable
under this Act;(c)quarantine in a quarantine area under
this Act;(d)seizure, detention and disposal of
bees, hives, bee products andappliances dealt
with in contravention of this Act.˙Approved forms45.(1)This
section applies if—(a)immediately before the commencement of
this section, there wasa prescribed form for a matter;
4533s 45Apiaries Act
1982(b)on the commencement of this section,
there is to be an approvedform for the matter or a form may be
approved for the matter.(2)Until there is
an approved form for the matter, the form that was theprescribed form for the matter immediately
before the commencement ofthis section is taken to be the
approved form for the matter.(3)This
section expires 3 months after it commences.
35Apiaries Act 19823´AIAamdchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdomo in cpparaprecpresprev==================KeyKey to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotationsActs
Interpretation Act 1954amendedchapterdefinitiondivisionexpires/expiredgazetteheadinginsertedlapsednotifiedomittedorder in
No.[X]Reprints Act 1992relocatedrenumberedrepealedsectionschedulesubdivisionStatutory
Instruments Act 1992subordinate legislationsubstitutedunnumbered´4List of
legislationApiaries Act 1982 No. 29date of assent 5
May 1982ss 1–2 commenced on date of assentremaining provisions commenced 19 February
1983 (proc pubd gaz 19 February1983 p
640)as amended by—Statute Law
Revision Act 1995 No. 57 ss 1–2, 4 sch 1 (as amd by 1995 No.
58ss 1–2, 4 sch 1)date of assent 28
November 1995commenced on date of assentStatute Law Revision Act (No. 2) 1995 No. 58
ss 1–2, 4 sch 1date of assent 28 November 1995commenced on date of assent´5List of
annotationsCommencement of Acts 2om R1
(see RA s 37Arrangements 3om R1
(see RA s 36)
36Apiaries Act 1982Repeal and
savingss 4om 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Definitionsprov hdgsub
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1s 2def“approved form”ins 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“bee”amd 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“bee products”amd 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“Director, Division of Plant
Industry”om 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1def“Director-General”om 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“disease”amd 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“honorary inspector”amd
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1def“inspector”sub 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“land”om 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1def“Minister”om 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“owner”ins 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1def“person”om 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1def“State”ins 1995 No. 58 s
4 sch 1Administration of Acts 6om
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Inspectorss 3sub
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Appointment of honorary
inspectors 4amd 1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Powers
of inspectors 5amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1; 1995 No. 58
s 4 sch 1Exclusion of parts of the State from
parts 6sub 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Registration of beekeeperss
7amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Permit
pending determination of application for registration etc.s
8amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Permit
required for bringing bees etc. into Queenslands 9amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Registration etc. may be
cancelleds 10amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Classification of apiariess
11amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1; 1995 No. 58 s 4
sch 1Distances between apiary sitess
12amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Notice
to be given of the establishment or removal of an apiarys
14amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1
37Apiaries Act 1982Prohibited apiary
sitess 15amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Notice
to be given of sale of apiarys 16amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Marking of hivess 17amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Power to restrict entry of races or
strains of bees into any part of the Stateprov hdgamd
1995 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1s 18amd 1995 No. 57 s
4 sch 1Power of inspector upon failure to comply
with orders 21amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Beekeeper shall notify diseases
23amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Power
of inspector to order hives etc. to be treateds 25amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Power of chief executive to order
destruction of beess 26amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Restriction of introduction into Queensland
of bees etc.s 27amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1; 1995 No. 58
s 4 sch 1Prohibition of the importation of beess
28amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1; 1995 No. 58 s 4
sch 1Quarantines 29amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Protection of Crown, Minister and
officerss 33amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Recovery of costs, charges and
expensess 35amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Offencess 36amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Service of notices 37amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Proof of orders 40amd
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Certificates by chief executives
41amd 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Delegations by Minister and chief
executives 42sub 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Approval of formss 43sub
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1
38Apiaries Act 1982Regulation making
powers 44ins 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1Approved formss 45ins
1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1 (as amd by 1995 No. 58 ss 1–2, 4 sch
1);exp 28 February 1996 (see s 45(3))amd
1995 No. 58 s 4 sch 1Numbering and renumbering of Acts
50ins 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1om R1
REGULATIONSom 1995 No. 57 s 4 sch 1´6Table of changed names and
the Reprints Act 1992 ss 23, 23A and 29OldNewReference provisiondirector-general (or asimilar
title)chief executivesee Reprints Act
1992 s 29,example 27´7Table of obsolete and redundant
PROVISIONSunder the Reprints Act 1992 s 39Omitted provisionProvision making
omittedprovision obsolete/redundantdefinitions to be read in contextActs
Interpretation Act 1954s 32A´8Table of renumbered provisionsTABLE
OF RENUMBERED PROVISIONSunder the Reprints Act 1992 s 43 as
required by Apiaries Act 1982 No. 29 s 50PreviousRenumbered as5......................................27......................................38......................................4